
lifi_ok, thx guys00:00
DaemonFC*Radeon even00:00
crdlbhmw: R500 and up are 4096, I believe00:00
crdlbDaemonFC: you meant 'radeon still can't'?00:00
crdlbhmw: though I guess fglrx might not expose that00:04
hmwi can't remember if they were talking about hardware or driver restrictions...00:04
hmwmy card wouldnt work properly with more than a total x res of 2048+ (radeon 9600)00:05
DaemonFCno, X has had compositing support for my Radeon since last year00:05
DaemonFCFedora 9 was the first system it worked on out of the box00:05
crdlbhmw: that's a hardware limit00:06
DaemonFCor worked on at all for that matter00:06
crdlbhmw: well, I've heard it might be slightly higher than 2048 (maybe 1280x2)00:06
DaemonFCand I'm getting ready to recompile my kernel again00:06
crdlbbut it's definitely not 4096 like contemporary nvidia gpus were00:06
DaemonFCsomeone at Ubuntu thought it would be nice to force ipv6 on you by making it part of the kernel00:06
DaemonFCand I need to turn it off or my cable modem goes nuts00:07
crdlbhow terrible00:07
DaemonFCthere's nothing gained by making it part of the kernel other than not allowing users to turn it off00:07
DaemonFCeven if it breaks things for them00:07
hmwyou sure, that it can't be turned off?00:08
DaemonFCyou can't blacklist it cause it's not a module00:08
hmwPut this line: KDE_NO_IPV6=true00:08
hmwat the end of /etc/environment00:08
hmw(just googled)00:08
hmwi am not fully certain, that it cant be turned off... let me goole a little more00:09
hmwhas it been put into the kernel recently, or is that so for longer already?00:09
DaemonFCI'm redoing my kernel source00:09
DaemonFCI usually make clean after I'm done00:10
DaemonFCbad habit00:10
DaemonFCXFS does handle being assaulted by a kernel tarball quite well00:10
DaemonFCthat brings Ext3 to its knees00:11
hmwwhat does "alias net-pf-10 off" in /etc/modprobe.d/aliases? what is such an alias?00:11
DaemonFCthats if it's a module00:11
hmwthis answers a different question00:12
hmwi wonder, why there is no thing like echo "0" > /proc/something for turning it off00:13
hmwnah... all i find is about disabling the module, all from 200700:14
hmwoh... another blogger (2009) talks about blacklisting!00:14
hmwweird... if there was a module for ipv6, it would show up in lsmod, right? what ubuntu are those people talking about?00:17
hmw8.10 had it as a module?00:17
crdlbyes, that's what he's complaining about00:17
hmwoh... sorry...00:17
hmwproviding no method to turn it off is not so good00:18
DaemonFC`it threw me offline again00:18
DaemonFC`easier to just fix it myself than ask them00:18
DaemonFC`I think I'll just compile it with no ipv600:20
hmwi wonder, when the first systems come out without ipv400:20
mhjacksAnyone have any idea why VNC would have trouble starting an X session from rc.local?00:20
mhjacks(Needless to say,it worked in Jaunty)00:20
mhjacks(um, I mean Intrepid.  Sorry.)00:21
crdlbhmw: if consumer ISPs keep putting their customers behing NAT, never00:22
DaemonFC`if you build staging drivers, your kernel is flagged taint_crap00:26
DaemonFC`in kerneloops reports00:26
=== drostie is now known as PvtCaboose
DaemonFC`it supports a lot of radio tuner card00:32
DaemonFC`I wonder how much those are00:32
mhjacksDoes anyone in here do anything with starting VNC from boot scripts? (like rc.local?)00:43
DaemonFCand again00:49
DaemonFCI hope this build soon00:50
DaemonFCI have to flip my modem off and on about every 10 minutes00:50
DaemonFChe was such a nice ghost too!00:57
DaemonFCso young and beautiful00:57
Roeyhi all00:59
Roeydtchen:  hi!00:59
hmwwhat would generally be needed to improve network manager's ability to deal with wifi and wireless broadband?01:05
DasEidid anyone tried to convert to ext4 on a crypted fs ? any trouble ?01:05
alemaohello. i've tried to setup firefox32 in my amd64 9.04 as says this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMD64/FirefoxAndPlugins?action=show&redirect=FirefoxAMD64FlashJava. Firefox32 opens fine, complain about two libs from gvfs but it doesn't open any page (like a problem with dns). have anyone tried this with 9.04?01:05
bruce89 alemao: there is no need to use 32 bit Firefox any more01:06
alemaobruce89: i need to use the logmein plugin and it doesn't seem to work with amd64 :/01:06
alemaothe flash64 works fine :)01:07
alemaobruce89: yeah, from their website01:07
alemaobruce89: https://secure.logmein.com/connect_mozilla.asp?dothis=install01:07
hmware there any technical reasons not to install flashplugin-nonfree?01:08
sebsebsebhmw: sure  it's closed source01:08
hmwtechnical *g*01:08
bruce89alemao: I'd look at ssh if possible01:08
sebsebsebhmw: that is a technical reason, since only Adobe can change the code01:08
sebsebsebhmw: it restricts our freedoms01:09
ubottufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing01:09
alemaobruce89: yeah, i prefer it too :/ but i need to access a machine inside the network, and the router is f* modem that i don't have access :/01:09
DaemonFCthey also build all file systems into the kernel01:09
DaemonFCwhich is incorrect01:09
alemaobruce89: i'll try the java version, installing right now01:09
bruce89alemao: I thought as much01:09
hmwDaemonFC: they do it for improving performance, right?01:09
DaemonFCyou get the same performance either way01:09
hmwaha... so what reason would there be, then?01:10
DaemonFCjsut means that I have to have the drivers for 5-6 file systems in the kernel image01:10
alemaoopenjdk-jre is running fine as sun-jre?01:10
DaemonFCusing RAM01:10
=== PvtCaboose is now known as drostie|dreams
DaemonFCif you're unsure what the user will choose, you make them modules01:10
bruce89alemao: AFAIK, there's little difference these days01:10
DaemonFCI have no Ext2/3/4 partitions, so I don't even need them as modules, much less in the kernel01:11
sebsebsebwhat happended to Ext1????01:11
bruce89sebsebseb: it lasted a very short time01:11
bruce89sebsebseb: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_file_system01:12
sebsebsebapparantly ReiserFS is better than Ext3  and so  Ext4 as well I guess then.  not used Reister and  I would rather not use MurderFS, for that very reason01:12
|ns|nR8lol sebsebseb01:13
sebsebsebthat joke is getting a bit old now though, but still can be funny01:13
bruce89ext4 is better than ext3 (not that it could be worse)01:13
|ns|nR8first time ive heard it01:13
sebsebsebI guess01:13
bruce89it also borrows a lot of reiser stuff01:13
sebsebsebyou  didn't read any of the articles about him murdering his wife01:13
sebsebsebI mean the comments of01:13
* bruce89 heard of it01:14
|ns|nR8must of been out of it01:14
|ns|nR8i heard of it..just never seen the koes01:14
|ns|nR8aka murderfs etc01:14
|ns|nR8anyway to get 8.10 to read ext4 ?01:15
sebsebsebwhy is Ext the default for most distros anyway?01:15
bruce89|ns|nR8: mount as ext4dev I think01:15
bruce89sebsebseb: because it works01:15
sebsebsebmaybe, and I think you can  make Ext3 be like Ext401:15
sebsebsebExt4 is good now or not?01:16
sebsebsebthere was that data loss bug01:16
bruce89sebsebseb: I'm using it01:16
alemaobruce89: it's working with java01:16
alemaogonna use it :)01:16
bruce89you can mount ext3 as ext401:16
sebsebsebi'll wait untill 9.04 finall before  I get rid of this, which is Ext3, and do Ext401:16
alemaothanks, see yah01:16
bruce89alemao: good, the fun of non-free01:16
sebsebsebmount ext3 as 4????01:16
bruce89of course01:16
alemaosebsebseb: ext4 stills sucks01:16
sebsebsebso no need to make my  home ext4?01:16
|ns|nR8im hanging out for the beta in 3 days01:17
alemaoi was using it with 2.6.29-rc8-xxxx01:17
|ns|nR8these buggy alphas have been annoying as hell01:17
bruce89sebsebseb: it doesn't do any of the intresting stuff01:17
sebsebsebbeta is Thursday01:17
sebsebsebso not 3 days01:17
alemaoand still got some 0bytes files01:17
alemaostays with ext3 ;)01:17
|ns|nR84 days?01:17
alemaoand wait for 2.6.3001:17
|ns|nR8its the 23rd here'01:17
sebsebsebwell I wil  get rid of this, and put Ext4  partitions on if  Ext4 is good enough01:17
zorkerzanyone else not have any borders when special effects are enabled?01:17
sebsebsebwhen   9.04 final is out01:17
bruce89sebsebseb: you can upgrade01:17
sebsebsebExt3 cann't be upgraded to Ext4 with full functionality01:17
bruce89sebsebseb: it's what I did with /home01:18
bruce89depends what you mean01:18
sebsebsebExt3  can get limited Ext4 functionality I read though01:18
|ns|nR8keep in mind all your older live cd's wont read ext401:18
bruce89sebsebseb: new files are created using extents, but old ones remain the same01:18
sebsebsebI read something about that, but didn't understand01:19
sebsebseband  most of my data will be the old files01:19
bruce89it's not just extents that are nice though01:19
sebsebsebwhat are extents?01:19
bruce89I don't know, but they're nice for some reason01:19
sebsebsebwell I either buy a  external or move data into Vista or something01:20
sebsebsebthen do Ext4's01:20
sebsebseband move data back01:20
sebsebsebwell to even  since new partitiosn01:20
bruce89you'll lose metadata that way01:20
sebsebsebor do something with a seperate data partition, that I also get rid of to be replaced with Ext401:20
bruce89unless you tar it01:21
sebsebsebmetadata???? such as?01:21
bruce89permissions, owner, times01:21
sebsebsebI did what I just said last time I re did my computer01:21
sebsebseband I think the meta data was ok01:21
* bruce89 is paranoid about losing anything01:22
sebsebseb,but  those files would appear differnetlly in Vista.  in  the list01:22
sebsebsebmore black01:22
sebsebsebyeah  I am not  happy about using my hard disk as the major storage device, altough most data here is  not that important01:22
bruce89files don't have colours01:22
sebsebsebso yeah should get that external sorted out01:22
sebsebseband they are pretty cheap now01:22
* bruce89 sends my 500GB external drive through the tubes01:23
sebsebsebthere was something,  about Vista, and how it would  treat those Linux files differnet that I moved onto the partiotn01:23
sebsebsebyeah  500GB I am thinking buy two01:23
sebsebsebthen  I can  have stuff on both, that I realy don't want to download again01:24
bruce89yikes, that be a lot of stuff01:24
bruce89well, 1 TB01:24
sebsebsebI don't have 500GB worth of data01:24
sebsebseband 1TB is a lot yes01:24
sebsebsebI don't think I would get anywhere close to filling that up, but then again  I would download more with a external01:24
sebsebsebplus  all the vm's and everything that I want to do01:24
sebsebseb1TB can  be bought for about £72 now01:25
bruce89I find that Windows partitions fill their drive, were as Linux ones go nowhere near 50%01:25
sebsebsebLinux programs also hardly take up any space01:25
sebsebsebwhere as Windows :D01:25
bruce89'/ - 36% /home - 16%01:25
bruce89that's even with a fair bit of GNOME's source code in /home01:26
sebsebsebI got I  stuff on here that I will go through and delete01:26
sebsebsebdon't wan to keep that forever01:26
* bruce89 uses baobab01:26
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:26
sebsebsebwhat's baobab?01:26
sebsebsebyes we are offtopic, but no one else chatting here right now, and so, so what?01:27
sebsebsebDisk usage analyser01:27
sebsebsebyou didn't have to pm that01:27
sebsebseband I like kdiskfree01:28
sebsebsebbruce89: then of course there will be a command to find out that stuff, but what hum01:28
* bruce89 is trying to get my IRC police badge, ignore me01:28
sebsebsebbruce89: lol01:28
mhjackspydf is nice01:29
sebsebsebmhjacks: pydf?????01:29
mhjackspydf is good for seeing free space on mounted filesystems01:29
sebsebsebmhjacks: that's a command or?01:30
mhjacksIt's df in python, with color coding01:30
mhjacksYeah, apt-get install pydf01:30
bruce89!info pydf01:30
ubottupydf (source: pydf): colourised df(1)-clone. In component universe, is optional. Version 6 (jaunty), package size 12 kB, installed size 84 kB01:30
sebsebsebyeah I am sure I can spare 12kb for it :D01:30
* bruce89 really doesn't like programs having names which indicate the language it is written in01:30
mhjacksI tend to agree, but pydf is a bit shorter than "colordf" or somesuch01:31
mhjacksI need to reboot to test a theory on VNC...I may be back. :)01:31
sebsebsebI got stuff like that showing in pydf as well01:34
sebsebsebwhat does that mean?01:34
bruce89I don't know01:35
DaemonFCCompiling kernels on my PS3 is actually fairly quick01:37
DaemonFCthere's a lot of PS3 goodies going into 2.6.29 B-)01:38
zorkerzanyone else unable to use compiz?01:38
hmwcopmiz runs just fine here... what's your hardware configuration?01:38
zorkerzits a thinkpad x6101:41
zorkerzintel x3100 graphics card01:42
zorkerzif i enable normal or extra special effects I loose all the borders on windows01:42
zorkerzthen i can resize windows or move them any new windows default to the upper left01:43
zorkerzcan't* resize or move01:43
DaemonFCI took the excuse of fixing Ubuntu's ipv6 getting stuffed down my throat to go ahead and try git6 too01:44
hmwzorkerz: can you see any 3d or other transformation effects? I suspect your compiz has crashed, which would explain, why there is no decoration01:46
zorkerzhmw: not entirely sure what you mean i cannot alt + tab or go to another desktop01:48
DaemonFCcompiz --replace01:48
hmwi had that once, too... was due to a bad driver, so compiz wouldnt run really01:49
zorkerzya it started with an update to compiz a week or so ago01:49
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crashsystemsbug #34705301:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347053 in notify-osd "Notifications prevent drag-and-drop actions" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34705301:55
bruce89this is starting to be not funny01:57
DaemonFCEric Sandeen is still finding and fixing tons of Ext4 bugs02:26
DaemonFCI feel sorry for anyone that actually tries to use it in Jaunty02:26
DaemonFCbut it's possible in Jaunty to have an "Everything on /" setup on XFS now, so I'm happy for that02:27
sebsebsebDaemonFC: so Jaunty still has loads of bugs in Ext4?  yep I stuck with Ext3 for this juanty trying02:29
DasEiDaemonFC: lol, so let's see what happens to me02:29
sebsebsebDaemonFC: ,but if Ext4 is stable enough etc,  I  would re do my computer with it.  once Jaunty final is out some time02:29
DaemonFCmaybe nothing, maybe you lose your whole filesystem if the power goes out or an app crashes while committing to disk02:30
DaemonFCwho knows?02:30
DaemonFCexciting isn't it?02:30
sebsebsebDaemonFC: yeah I heard stuff like that.  and I like to just  turn my computer off with the button on  Ubuntu :d.  and I don't get data loss with Ext302:30
DasEifs checks without testing unallocated is nice in ext4, and also set barriers02:30
DaemonFCsebsebseb: XFS is still better anyway02:30
DaemonFCmost of the time02:30
sebsebsebDaemonFC: ,but your saying if I did that with Ext4, that I may get data loss?02:30
DaemonFCand you really should format to go to Ext4 anyway02:30
bruce89just as well I bought a new battery02:31
DaemonFCsebsebseb: Unless you plan on compiling a 2.6.29 kernel02:31
DaemonFCstick with Ext3 or use XFS02:31
sebsebsebDaemonFC: I don't know about XFS02:32
bruce89oh well, I'll just have to risk it now02:32
DaemonFCXFS is quite stable02:32
sebsebsebDaemonFC: loads of people have said that Ext4 is so much faster, but would I get such advantages?  32bit with 1GB RAM02:32
DaemonFCand the primary maintainer of XFS also wrote a lot of Ext402:32
DaemonFCso I think he is a fairly smart fellow02:32
sebsebsebDaemonFC: what about Reister any good?02:33
DaemonFCsebsebseb: Ext4 is faster, but if you don't format and start fresh, most of your files will still be in the old Ext3 blocks format02:33
DaemonFCXFS still has better performance and lower CPU usage02:33
sebsebsebDaemonFC: yeah exactly, if I am to use Ext4,  I am starting over02:33
crashsystemsbah, I'm using ext4 in Jaunty with no problems and no data loss02:33
DaemonFCIf you start over, I'd recommend XFS02:33
sebsebsebDaemonFC: well  Ubuntu's  unoffical version of Firefox, can do major crashing on my computer02:34
sebsebsebDaemonFC: and in 8.10 and I guess on this to, it could use a lot of CPU usage02:34
DaemonFCExt4 is a major improvement over Ext3 but hasn't done anything I haven't already had for years02:34
sebsebsebwith XFS you mean?02:34
DaemonFCXFS also has a file reorganizer, so if you want to defragment a volume, go for it02:35
DaemonFCbut it fragments less than Ext3/402:35
DaemonFCI set it as a cron job and forget about running it by hand02:35
crashsystemsI really like XFS, and am liking ext4, but as far as which is better, I've seen benchmarks to support both opinions.02:35
DaemonFCthe Phoronix benchmark is invalid02:36
crashsystemscan you give me a link to a better one then? also, why is it invalid?02:36
sebsebsebDeamonFC: 2.6.29  won't be the default kernel in Jaunty?  you made it sound like it was needed for Ext4?02:36
bruce89sebsebseb: nope, old 2.6.2802:36
DaemonFCEric Sandeen's reply to Phoronix02:37
DaemonFCbecause they interpreted the results wrong02:37
DaemonFCand claimed that Ext3 did things it's not even capable of doing B-)02:37
dtchensebsebseb: all the important patches are backported for ext4, so the base kernel version really isn't terribly relevant02:38
* sebsebseb is waiting for articles about Ext4 in Jaunty final, before he makes his mind up, if he goes to it or not02:38
DaemonFCsebsebseb: Ext4 went "stable" in 2.6.2802:38
* bruce89 is waiting for articles moaning about notify-osd, but it doesn't seem likely02:38
sebsebsebdtchen: you mean to Ext3?   I did hear that can get some limited Ext4 functionality in  Ext3,  but I don't really understand this file system stuff anyway02:38
DaemonFCbut you could use it as Ext4Dev before that02:38
DaemonFCway before that02:38
crashsystemsI'll be happy once btrfs comes out, and once I know how to pronounce btrfs.02:39
DaemonFCsebsebseb: If you mount Ext3 as Ext4 without Extents, you can revert to Ext3 later02:39
bruce89sebsebseb: not really02:39
DaemonFCbut Extents are the coolest thing about Ext402:39
sebsebsebwhat is Extents?02:39
DaemonFCbut XFS was designed around them to start with B-)02:39
DaemonFCan Extent is a group of blocks that can be allocated at once02:40
DaemonFCExt3 works by allocating blocks individually02:40
sebsebseballocated to what?02:40
DaemonFCwhich means poorer performance and more fragmentation02:40
sebsebsebheh yeah and there's a remour that  Linux file systems don't need to be defragmented like Windows02:41
DaemonFCIf you start fresh with XFS or Ext4, it will be near impossible to get any meaningful fragmentation02:41
bruce89sebsebseb: not a rumour02:41
DaemonFCplus file creation and deletion are faster02:41
bruce89especially deletion I notice02:41
DaemonFCwell, there is an e4defrag for Ext402:41
sebsebsebwell Ext3 is what I been using for  Linux  since 2004.   or  did  FC2 use  Ext2?02:41
sebsebsebExt3 seems to be ok02:41
DaemonFCbut it's not in the e2fstools group yet02:42
DaemonFCerr e2fsprogs rather02:42
sebsebsebI mean at the end of the day  they are just file systems, what's the big deal?   as long as programs work and data?02:42
dtchensebsebseb: no, i mean that jaunty's kernel has all the important and recommended ext4 patches backported02:42
DaemonFCxfs_fsr is in the xfsdump package02:42
dtchensebsebseb: just see the changelog in /usr/share/doc/linux-image-$(uname -r)/changelog.Debian.gz02:42
DaemonFCxfs_fsr can optimize a volume while it's mounted B-)02:42
crashsystemsLike like to see someone hack a kernel to get a system running on NTFS, just for laughs.02:43
DaemonFCNTFS doesn't have POSIX ACLs and XATTR02:43
sebsebsebcrashsystems:  Linux can run on NTFS02:43
DaemonFCand a few other things02:43
DaemonFCso Linux couldn't reside on NTFS,02:43
sebsebsebcrashsystems: well CoLinux and  something else now for the Windows to have a Linux desktop hummmmm  that article I never even read it properly eyt02:44
crashsystemsperhaps one could set up /boot to be on it's own ext3 partition, and / to be on NTFS02:44
DaemonFCWubi is just an Ext3 file system in a file that resides on NTFS02:44
DaemonFCit tricks Linux into working, basically02:44
DaemonFCCoLinux is just user mode Linux02:44
DaemonFCLinux is running as a program02:44
sebsebsebDeamonFC:  there's something else now as well,  let's find it02:45
DaemonFCanyway, brb, time to reboot and use my newer than new kernel02:45
sebsebsebdtchen: Banshee was working grat with my music for a long time02:46
sebsebsebdtchen: ,but as of a little while ago, I lost all sound,  and yes your kernel02:46
dtchensebsebseb: need more detail02:46
sebsebsebdtchen: such as? and how to get it?   seems  a re boot will probably make things work again for a while at least.   I hpe the beta is nothing like this alpha.02:47
hmwmy pidgin creates an icon in the notification area, that looks like a letter envelope. It is not the normal pidgin icon, which I can dis/enable additionally. Any ideas, how to get rid of it?02:47
bruce89hmw: it's been changed02:47
dtchensebsebseb: the beta won't have my kernel changes02:47
bruce89or more accurately, it's inidcator-applet02:48
hmwbruce89: what do you try to say by that?02:48
bruce89hmw: apparently notification icons are evil, so Ubuntu is trying to merge them02:48
dtchensebsebseb: you should try killall pulseaudio;pulseaudio -vv02:48
dtchensebsebseb: that will run the daemon in the foreground, and then you can send me the log when it dies02:48
bruce89hmw: so Pidgin's been patched to put itself in an applet instead of notification icon02:49
hmwbut merging is the opposite, of what is happening here... or is it evolution, that shows this icon?02:49
bruce89hmw: both of them for now02:49
hmwalright, thx02:49
bruce89of course, Ubuntu seem to have forgotten that Empathy is the GNOME IM client, but just as well02:49
dtchensebsebseb: in the meantime, you can look at the end of /var/log/syslog for pa-related messages02:50
hmwhow good/cool is empathy compared to pidgin?02:50
bruce89hmw: much less interesting, but that's because it is in GNOME02:50
crashsystemsthe only reason I do not use empathy instead of pidgin is because it does not have OTR support02:51
DaemonFCLinux ryan-desktop 2.6.29-rc8-git6-ryan1 #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Mar 22 21:44:07 EDT 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux02:52
hmwoh... that was some other thing, not the notification... it was some "indicator applet"02:53
DaemonFCI managed to get rid of that02:53
DaemonFCand get Pidgin to work right02:53
bruce89I tried to see what GNOME thought of it, but I think a Ubuntu person intercepted my questions02:53
DaemonFCwithout installing their "normal GNOME" package02:54
hmwnew record: load 702:54
DaemonFCI built my own kernels because the Ubuntu ones are pretty messed up02:54
dtchen"pretty muessed up"?02:54
DaemonFCthat's why I'm glad they have Debian's build tools02:54
crashsystemsthey work great for me02:54
DaemonFClook through the kernel config menu02:55
DaemonFCtell me what you like about their defaults02:55
dtchenDaemonFC: -generic or -server?02:55
dtchenand what for your uses doesn't fit?02:55
DaemonFCthere's at least a dozen things I could name if I wanted to start a war02:55
dtcheni'm not interested in a war. i want to know what you're finding lacking.02:56
DaemonFCI really don't :P02:56
DaemonFCgeneric x86-64 rather than optimizing for processor specific features02:56
DaemonFCthe 32-bit one optimizes for a Pentium Pro02:56
DaemonFCthey build in ipv6 when the correct thing to do is build as a module02:57
DaemonFCthey also do that for file systems you may not even use02:57
DaemonFCand they leave a metric buttload of debugging crap enabled02:58
DaemonFCdrivers for exotic hardware compiled in instead of compiled as modules02:58
bruce89DaemonFC: out of interest, how much of this started with Jaunty?02:58
DaemonFCWell, they used to build probler CPU-specific kernels til Dapper I think02:59
DaemonFCthen they said screw it and just built for the lowest common denominator02:59
DaemonFCso there's a lot of CPU specific nicities that their kernels do nto have02:59
bruce89sounds like everything else though02:59
DaemonFCGCC gives you a generic x86-64 option that only includes optimizations that both AMD and Intel support03:00
* bruce89 would like a distro which was Debian, but with newer packages than unstable03:00
DaemonFCthat's what Ubuntu uses03:00
dtchen(just let me know when you've run through the most irritating ones)03:01
DaemonFCand 2.6.29 has XFS and Intel HD Audio bugfixes/features that Ubuntu won't port back03:02
DaemonFCsome which fix pulseaudio nastyness03:02
bruce89apart from that, it's fine03:02
DaemonFCmeh, I wouldn't use their stock kernel03:02
DaemonFCit's almost surreal when you look at their config options03:03
DaemonFCI think they were smoking something illegal in 47 states03:03
DaemonFCif you get my drift03:03
bruce89I said something similar a few days ago03:03
bruce89but referring to notify-osd and indiciator-applet03:04
dtchenright, so that reads like the most common laundry list of complaints we discussed at last UDS03:04
DaemonFCnotify-osd is actually an improvement03:04
DaemonFCindicator crapplet is just stupid03:04
dtchenoptimising for generic is fairly obvious- not everyone has a shiny new computer, so the goal is not to cut off the low end but to support the greatest range with one binary package03:05
DaemonFCdtchen: If you ask me, you should also stuff the 64-bit kernel into the 32-bit Ubuntu03:05
DaemonFCif their CPU supports it03:05
dtchenbuilding in ipv6 is also a non-issue; that's not a kernel issue but a libc6 one, and it has already been addressed in jaunty03:05
DaemonFCthen why is it still giving me problems?03:06
DaemonFCWhy did I have to build a kernel then blacklist the module?03:06
dtchenfile systems, etc., as "seemingly extraneous" are built-in to minimise init and teardown for every single insmod03:06
macoDaemonFC: the libc6 issue was the one with long timeouts for broken DNS servers... are you having some other problem?03:07
DaemonFCI reversed that03:07
DaemonFCI built in XFS03:07
DaemonFCand modularized Ext2/3/403:07
dtchendebugging is in place for catching a variety of suspend- and resume-from- bugs03:07
dtchenalso, as we discussed and verified at last UDS, each insmod takes .5 seconds03:07
DaemonFCI don't have suspend/resume problems, except for one, and I have to add a PM quirk on any distro03:07
dtchenIntel HDA fixes are backported03:08
dtchenand the most important one ("for PulseAudio") is in my tree on kernel.ubuntu.com/~dtchen03:08
DaemonFCI just went whole hog03:08
DaemonFCmine work better for me, and that's a good thing for me B-)03:08
dtchenit's great that we can all build specific kernels - that's intentional03:09
dtchenhowever, building for an OEM base and for the most common hardware is somewhat difficult03:09
DaemonFCyes, there are dozens of CPU families03:09
DaemonFCand it would be hard to support all of them03:09
dtchen(keep in mind that i'm not employed by canonical. i just happen to have worked with the kernel team for many years.)03:09
DaemonFCthat's understandable03:09
dtchenif you're still experiencing ipv6 dns sluggishness, you should complain to your isp03:10
DaemonFCI usually report kernel issues to Fedora03:10
DaemonFCthey tend to fix them and get them upstream03:10
DaemonFCso they're in Ubuntu eventually, and others03:10
macothey have more people03:10
dtcheni just fix them upstream :-)03:11
DaemonFCComcast does not support ipv603:11
DaemonFCprobably going to whine and ask the govt for $10 billion to do it03:11
DaemonFCjust like for fiber that never got installed03:11
dtchenthat's such a non-issue; you can either take your approach, or you can use miredo or any number of workarounds03:12
dtchenregardless, it's not a kernel limitation/bug/feature03:12
DaemonFCit doesn't hurt anything to have a module for ipv603:12
DaemonFCand by making it a part of the kernel, you remove the ability to disable it when it does mess things up03:12
DaemonFCso I would thing module would be preferable03:13
dtchenthat's a pretty weak argument03:13
dtchenthe correct approach would be to fix what's messed up03:13
macoDaemonFC: every 2 modules = 1 more second for bootup03:13
DaemonFCwhat? That by users who need it have it and users that have problems can turn it off?03:13
DaemonFCsounds like everyone wins03:13
dtchenDaemonFC: except that approach doesn't actually encourage anyone to fix anything03:14
DaemonFCso if 10-20% of the users have a craptastic Ubuntu experience, then that means tough cookies03:14
DaemonFCcause it slows the boot by 0.5 seconds to have it as a module03:14
dtchenfor 128 modules, yes, that's significant.03:14
DaemonFCyou have IBM s390 stuff polluting a kernel meant for a PC03:15
DaemonFCand you're worried about 1 module?03:15
dtchenwell heck, you "pollute" your kernel with legacy tty support03:16
dtchenand how about the cracktastic netfilter support? why not use a hardware firewall appliance?03:16
DaemonFCI'd like to see Ubuntu do Flicker-Free X03:16
DaemonFCif they're going to change anything03:16
dtchenor shoot, who needs DRM or framebuffer support?03:16
macowoah, im on IPv4 right now?03:17
hmwi use framebuffer03:17
dtcheni'm not saying that your points don't have merit - and believe me, we debate them rigorously at UDS - but some lines have to be drawn for a decent user experience across common hardware03:17
dtcheni have a plate of issues that i'll be raising and fixing at uds03:18
DaemonFCdtchen: Bring up Mandriva speedboot03:18
DaemonFCif you would03:18
dtchenscott knows about it already03:18
macopreempt? is preempt one of them?03:19
hmwdtchen: replicate yourself a 1000 times... would improve your overal performance, hopefully.03:19
DaemonFCI think speedboot+moving X to tty103:19
macoif you dont raise it, i will :P03:19
dtchenhe's much better equipped to explain whether it's being considered for karmic03:19
DaemonFCcould solve a lot of speed problems03:19
dtchenhwno, read the mythical man-month03:19
macopregnant woman fallacy!03:19
dtchenmaco: of course03:19
macoif 1 woman takes 9 months to produce a baby, does that mean 9 women can produce a baby in 1 month?03:20
DaemonFCthat woman in California03:20
DaemonFCno doubt03:20
hmw9 women can procduce 9 babys in the same time one woman produces one. dtchen has certainly more than only one project to work on ;)03:21
hmwi would like to have the ability to sit with some copies of me in the same room, working on things03:21
macohe doesnt do much beyond sound, really....03:21
dtchenhmback when i was core-dev, yes03:21
dtchennow that my $dayjob occupies the majority of my time, i concentrate on audio03:21
maconot nowadays, at least03:21
hmwgnome monitor seems to use 100% cpu for 10 seconds every 40 seconds...!?03:24
dtchenDaemonFC: anyhow, the issues you raised are known, and there will be changes to address some of them03:24
hmwwb DaemonFC03:25
DaemonFCmy desktop03:26
rwwDaemonFC: this channel is for Jaunty questions and support. Could you kindly stay on-topic, please?03:26
DaemonFCsure, back to the kernel03:26
DaemonFC2.6.28 didn't live long enough for me to check my wifi with it03:27
DaemonFCis it using Minstrel?03:27
hmwshould network manager work better in jaunty?03:27
DaemonFCNetwork Manager is fine, but without Minstrel, you'll get crappy wifi connections in many situations03:28
DaemonFCthat's why I was asking03:28
rwwDaemonFC: not according to your blog entry from yesterday, it isn't.03:28
DaemonFCI know it was an option in 2.6.2803:28
DaemonFCit was marked as not in the config file03:28
DaemonFCso unless Ubuntu has some magical way of compiling kernels bypassing the standard configuration option, I guess it didn't03:30
DaemonFCbut the universe is infinitely perverse, isn't it?03:30
rwwDaemonFC: If you happen to have a way for me to check on a running Jaunty system whether it's enabled, I'd be happy to do so for you.03:30
DaemonFCwell, if you're on affected hardware you can't miss the old algorithm03:31
DaemonFCright click network manager and click connection information03:31
DaemonFCif you have a decent speed you're either lucky or the kernel has minstrel03:32
crdlb# CONFIG_MAC80211_RC_DEFAULT_MINSTREL is not set03:32
DaemonFCthe old rat e control dialed my connection to 1M03:32
DaemonFCMinstrel right now has chosen 54M03:33
DaemonFCI would say Minstrel works better03:33
rwwDaemonFC: I'm using the rtl8187 module, which had significant problems that were only fixed recently. I don't know whether that's because of some fixes I saw in the 2.6.28 changelogs, or because of this minstrel thing.03:33
rwwand iwconfig shows my bit rate as 54MB/s03:34
hmwwhen i connect my hsdpa modem, network manager seems to ignore it... i could only use it via terminal03:34
hmw8.10 at least showed it in the list... but wasnt able to connect03:34
DaemonFCrt61pci and b43 are both affected by the crappy speed settings of the old rate control03:34
DaemonFCand both fixed with Minstrel03:34
DaemonFCI compiled a new kernel on my Debian system because of that alone03:35
AmaranthDaemonFC: Because of what?03:35
rwwDaemonFC: Looking in /boot/config-2.6.28-11-genetic shows the lines that crdlb posted. I assume that means it's enabled.03:35
rwwDaemonFC: in which case, you might want to adjust that blog entry somewhat ;)03:36
DaemonFCwhen did that land>03:36
DaemonFCI know I never had that kernel03:36
Amaranthzorkerz had an easy problem, btw03:36
Amaranthwish I would have been here to help fix it03:36
Amaranthwould have taken about 30 seconds (times 5 because compiz is running 5 times too slow)03:37
Amaranthminstrel? what is that?03:37
rwwDaemonFC: 2.6.28-7.20 from the beginning of February has a changelog entry about a minstral fix, so I'd guess it's been enabled since before then.03:39
DaemonFCthe config I copied over to use as a template said it wasn't03:39
rwwcould be wrong about that, but I don't see anything else about minstrel in there.03:39
rwwDaemonFC: well, the kernel version I'm using came out on the 20th (day after your blog post) and it says minstrel is on, so heh.03:40
rwwday before **03:40
DaemonFCI believe my disc was from March 12th03:41
DaemonFCor round about03:41
DaemonFCwhy update something you're going to remove anyway?03:41
rwwDaemonFC: do you happen to remember the kernel version it had?03:41
DaemonFCwhatever was on the daily installer I grabbed03:42
* DaemonFC shrugs03:42
mhjacksAnyone here interested in VNC?03:42
gideoniteSo I just installed Jaunty A-6 in VirtualBox and it doesn't seem to like the virtual graphics adapter, anyone else have this problem?03:44
* Amaranth kills his kernel compile, looks up minstrel config03:44
* rww downloads the March 11th kernel release03:45
Amaranthminstrel kills battery life, bad03:46
Amaranthit wakes up 10 times a second to check the rate03:46
Amaranthat least the wifi itself shuts up if I'm not using it right now03:46
DaemonFCAmaranth: Set HZ=100 if you're on a laptop, dynamic ticks should be on anyway03:47
AmaranthDaemonFC: dynamic ticks means HZ=100 doesn't do anything03:47
DaemonFCthat should prevent a flood of interrupt requests03:47
Amaranthand that's still 100 times a second which means minstrel could do its thing 10 times a second03:47
Amaranthand with NO_HZ it can do it however often it wants with no time restrictions03:48
DaemonFChasn't affected my laptop any03:48
DaemonFCI still get a couple hours, give or take03:48
DaemonFCAmaranth: You can try to guess a point where the link doesn't become unstable and is not unacceptably slow03:49
DaemonFCbut that sucks03:50
rwwDaemonFC: The earliest kernel version I could find on the mirrors is 2.6.28-9. It came out the day before you said your disc did, and has minstrel enabled.03:51
AmaranthDaemonFC: amd64/config:1674:CONFIG_MAC80211_RC_MINSTREL=y03:53
Amaranththat's in the kernel03:54
Amaranththat too :P03:54
* DaemonFC hrrmms03:54
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AmaranthDaemonFC: it isn't the default though03:56
Amaranth# CONFIG_MAC80211_RC_DEFAULT_MINSTREL is not set03:56
m_tadeuhi all03:57
* crdlb already pasted both of those options03:57
DaemonFCthat's what I was about to say03:57
* Amaranth changed it to be the default03:57
AmaranthI'm not sure what we're talking about then03:57
m_tadeudragon player doesn't deactivate the screen saver...is it a bug or a missing feature?03:57
DaemonFCMinstrel should be the default, bar none, it does an astoundingly better job03:57
AmaranthI thought DaemonFC wanted it and was complaining we didn't have it03:57
Amaranthah, he wants it to be the default :P03:58
crdlbif minstrel is enabled but not default, how does it get selected?03:58
rwwAmaranth: that's correct. He wrote a blog post about how Jaunty sucks because of 1) notifications and 2) not having it, too.03:58
DaemonFCAmaranth: Isn't Ubuntu supposed to Just Work(TM) with Happy People(R)?03:58
DaemonFCThis should help to that end03:58
Amaranthminstrel is still new stuff03:58
DaemonFCI would say it should be high priority03:59
Amaranthit's based on the madwifi stuff but that doesn't mean it is old well tested code03:59
DaemonFCespecially since everything is wireless now03:59
Amaranthand we don't want to break wifi for people03:59
Amaranthwell, not for a stupid reason like that, anyway03:59
DaemonFC1M vs. 54M03:59
DaemonFCI know how to build a new kernel or select a rate04:00
DaemonFCdoes a new user? no04:00
Amaranththe current code will drop to 1M when 54M stops working04:00
Amaranththe thing minstrel improves upon is getting back up to 54M when it is possible to do so04:00
DaemonFCand that's braindead stupid04:00
DaemonFCand that's why Minstrel is now used04:00
rwwThose lines we pasted above mean that minstrel is enabled in Jaunty's kernel but not in upstream by default? or am I reading wrtong?04:00
Amaranthand figuring out when 11M is actually better than 1M04:00
DaemonFCrww: Optional in 2.6.2804:00
DaemonFCDefault in 2.6.2904:01
DaemonFCin vanilla kernels04:01
Amaranthand in 9.10 we'll probably have it be the default04:01
LordKowwas the question as to how to enable minstrel ever answered?04:01
AmaranthLordKow: No, because I couldn't find anything in /sys04:02
DaemonFCno it wasn't04:02
LordKow/lib/linux-restricted-modules/2.6.28-10-generic/ath_rate_minstrel maybe you just need to load the mod04:02
Amaranth"Note that this default can still be overriden through the ieee80211_default_rc_algo module parameter if different algorithms are available."04:02
LordKowoh thats not the base minstrel module though i think04:02
DaemonFCthat sounds easy..... (sarcasm)04:03
bruce89DaemonFC: you're taking my job away04:03
AmaranthNo, you need to do sudo modprobe mac80211 ieee80211_default_rc_algo=minstrel04:03
Amarantherr, ieee80211 maybe04:04
Amaranthalthough that seems to not be a module04:04
AmaranthI dunno, you need to modprobe something with that option04:04
LordKow[15955.026987] ieee80211: Unknown parameter `ieee80211_default_rc_algo'04:06
LordKowmust be mac because that did not give me any errors... now did it have any effect though? dunno04:06
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LordKowmaybe you just simply need to modprobe ath_rate_minstrel? [16149.241085] ath_rate_minstrel: Minstrel automatic rate control algorithm 1.2 (0.9.4)04:09
crdlbphy0: Selected rate control algorithm 'minstrel'04:10
crdlbLordKow: you're using madwifi?04:11
AmaranthDaemonFC: where is this blog post, anyway?04:12
Amaranthcrdlb: what did you do?04:13
crdlbexactly what you suggested04:13
crdlbwith mac8021104:13
LordKowno, crdlb04:13
crdlbLordKow: then, no, I don't think it's relevant :)04:14
crdlbath_* is madwifi04:14
LordKowah yea atheros, shows how much i know about madwifi04:14
* crdlb uses ath5k04:14
rwwAmaranth: PM?04:15
Amaranthrww: sure04:17
crdlbit's sad when your wifi is running slower than your Internet connection04:17
Amaranthoh god04:17
crdlbI think my awful actiontec router needs a reboot04:20
DaemonFCAmaranth: I threw out a Mepis disc, speaking of modules04:28
DaemonFCbecause they don't "allow" you to use anything but Ext2/304:29
DaemonFCso I hope that if the file systems are ever on the chopping block, that Ubuntu wouldn't go that route04:29
JCDGhello, I was using flashplugin nonfree with INtrepid, but after i updated my system to Jaunty, it does not anymore, every time i want to see anything in flash, ie Youtube it says that i don't have the plugin, but then whe I follow the steps on firefox, it says that i have it.04:30
AmaranthI could see a day when only the traditional desktop filesystems are allowed when installing using the LiveCD04:30
rwwJCDG: are you using 32bit or 64bit?04:30
DaemonFCthat flashplayer package is awful04:30
JCDG32, Jaunty 32, but my processor is a core2 duo04:31
DaemonFCit spews so many files and crap into so many folders where any browser could possibly look for plugins04:31
DaemonFCthen does not clean them up if you remove the package04:31
Amaranththose are all symlinks, of course04:31
rwwJCDG: do you see anything flash-related if you go to "about:plugins" (put that in your address bar) in Firefox?04:31
DaemonFCthey still cause problems if you go to get rid of it and use the one straight from Adobe04:32
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JCDGlet me check rww...04:32
rwwDaemonFC: You realize you can remove that package and the symlinks go away, right?04:32
DaemonFCrww: They didn't when I tried it04:32
AmaranthDaemonFC: How could they cause problems when uninstalling the package cleans them up?04:32
rwwDaemonFC: did you purge the package?04:32
DaemonFCI ended up using locate to find where it put all of them04:32
AmaranthDaemonFC: If dpkg -L lists them they will go away when you uninstall the package04:32
DaemonFCI always purge anything I don't want back :)04:32
JCDGThere's nothing related to flash in the about:config04:33
DaemonFCthe package seems to be a stub that downloads the files and makes the links04:33
DaemonFCbut removing the package seems to just remove this stub04:33
JCDGthis is what appears: accessibility.typeaheadfind.flashBar04:34
rwwJCDG: consider just getting the Adobe version from http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/04:34
JCDGonly those thing related to flash, but not to flash plugin04:34
rwwJCDG: I said about:plugins, not about:config :/04:35
JCDGrww, there's not any entry for flash in there..04:36
rwwJCDG: if you get the .tar.gz from that link, you can extract the libflashplayer.so in it to /home/yourusername/.mozilla/plugins (create the plugins folder if it isn't there already), or use the installer. Or, get the .deb and install it.04:36
DasEiJCDG: consider using opera, the flash does well there04:36
* rww did the .mozilla/plugins thing, works fine for me04:36
* DasEi huzzled few howtos, now already working, waiting for the alpha04:37
JCDGbut first i have to uninstall the nonfree, right?04:37
rwwJCDG: shouldn't make a difference if Firefox isn't picking up any Flash stuff right now, but yeah, it's probably a good idea04:38
DasEiJCDG: depends on which solution you want to follow04:38
JCDGrww which installer are u talking about??--04:38
rwwJCDG: in the .tar.gz? there's a flashplayer-installer file04:38
cwillumachine hung during fsck04:39
cwilluthis should be fun04:39
rwwI just ignored that and copied libflashplayer.so to ~/.mozilla/plugins/ *shrug*04:39
JCDGok...let me do that...and i'll let u know what happened...04:39
Amaranththe kernel package is doing ABI checks even though AUTOBUILD is supposed to make it skip ABI checks04:39
cwillurww, our version is the adobe version04:39
DasEithough sound is sometimes crippling / fading,  seldom though04:40
rwwJCDG: looking at launchpad, though, you could probably just reinstall our package04:40
ubottuUbuntu bug 326609 in flashplugin-nonfree "No flash in firefox after upgrade from intrepid to jaunty" [Undecided,Confirmed]04:40
rwwapparently it fails to download during the intrepid>jaunty upgrade sometimes because the network gets disabled04:40
JCDGI did that, but still didn't work...04:41
LordKowhm i think that happened to me. ended up removing nspluginwrapper and flashplugin-nonfree (using amd64) and reinstalled... everything fine since04:41
Amaranthah, skipabi=true04:41
Amaranthdang build system changes04:41
picklesworthWow, this is pretty bad...04:42
DasEiJCDG: as I said, easiest was to install ubuntu-restricted-extras (contains flash), then using opera04:42
picklesworthJust had an experience with 4 rogue processes going at the same time04:42
picklesworthkilling all my CPU resources04:42
rwwDasEi: ubuntu-restricted-extras recommends flashplugin-nonfree, which he said isn't working.04:43
DasEirww: .. for ff,  yes but does for opera04:43
AmaranthDasEi: Quit trying to push your browser, it's just a package problem04:43
AmaranthReinstall package, flash works04:43
picklesworth(Oops, typo: 3) I was going through the interesting looking native games and seeing how they'd improved. Turns out neither Wesnoth nor Wormux exited properly and were leaking memory like crazy, then Java turned out to be doing its CPU-sucking thing again as well. I really hope this all revolves around the same audio problem...04:44
LordKowthe problem is as commented in the bug report. NM gets killed during the upgrade and hence flash cannot download. flash is downloaded from adobe during installation not when the rest of the packages are downloaded.04:44
JCDGI reinstalled it, It was the first thing i did, but, i does not work anymore...04:44
LordKowso in theory if a package like... nvidia-cg-toolkit ever needs to get installed/updated during a dist-upgrade then that will likely fail for the exact same reason04:44
rwwhow come NM dies during the upgrade, anyway?04:45
dtchenprobably because hal gets restarted04:45
LordKowwhat dtchen said04:45
rwwmakes sense. So if I were using /etc/network/interfaces instead, wifi would stay up, I guess.04:46
JCDGyeah rww,04:46
DasEirww: isn't that what dkms is for ?04:46
rwwDasEi: DKMS has nothing to do with hal restarting :/04:47
Amaranthwow, that is so what dkms isn't for I'm surprised you managed to think up that idea04:47
JCDGrww, it is working now04:48
LordKowdkms = dynamic kernel module support04:48
rwwJCDG: yay :)04:48
LordKowman dkms is so much better than my explanation04:48
JCDGrww, I use the method of copying the .so file into the plugins folder04:48
JCDGthxssss a lot...04:49
rwwJCDG: No problem. Glad I could help :)04:49
JCDGrww, so now, why  does this occur??04:49
rwwJCDG: I'd have to look at some of your logs to be sure, but Ubuntu's flash package probably didn't upgrade properly for one of a few reasons.04:50
JCDGI want to help with ubuntu development, where should I start???...04:50
rww!contribute | JCDG04:50
ubottuJCDG: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate04:50
* Amaranth misses the days where all the conversation in here was details of Xorg wrt compositing and other various complicated things04:50
LordKownah now we moved on... im trying to guesstimate what all the hype is going to be about now04:51
LordKowlibnotify perhaps?04:51
DasEi.. and a plugin is no modul k, but nm ? sorry for still learning04:51
AmaranthLordKow: hype?04:51
LordKowthe center of conversation, my bad wrong word choice.04:51
picklesworthOn the up side, that was the quickest reboot ever :)04:52
AmaranthLordKow: This was more like developer talk, not users who know a bit about a subject talk04:52
Amaranthpicklesworth: I love how it uses kexec now04:52
LordKowwell i would think that developer talk would take place in #ubuntu-dev ;)04:52
picklesworthI'll just have to go and yell at someone for using ARGB for gnome-system-monitor04:52
Amaranthwhy? it's neat04:52
picklesworthand then it'll be perfect :)04:52
Amaranthand actually every window in your desktop is supposed to look like that with that theme04:53
picklesworthIt feels sluggish somehow, and I'm willing to blame that04:53
JCDGrww do u know those reasons?, or some of them?04:53
Amaranthbut gnome-system-monitor seems to be the only app willfully using ARGB04:53
picklesworthokay, it probably isn't that04:53
picklesworthbut it is botheringly strange. Try scrolling through items in the process list with the keyboard. Does it kind of stumble up and hang at some point, or is it just me?04:54
LordKowoh i bet plymouth will get a lot of buzz for 9.1004:54
AmaranthWith the theme you're using any app that supports ARGB colormaps will look translucent like that04:54
LordKowthere will be a strong tendency to want to stick with usplash because it's... well UBUNTU splash. :P04:54
Amaranthman, usplash04:55
Amaranthoriginal name: splashy04:55
picklesworthyar, ARGB is nice. I get the impression themes aren't really thinking it through with regards to what is transparent and what isn't, though04:55
Amaranthsomeone else thought they wrote splashy for us before we got to it but it was nothing like we needed so the name had to change04:55
Amaranthubiquity went through the same thing04:55
LordKowi think the longest standing non-version-changed package has to be grub04:56
picklesworthfor example, transparent scrollbars. I imagine some day down the line there'll be some design sense involved there.04:56
LordKownon-maintainer changed, that is.04:56
LordKowmaybe grub2 will take over one of these releases.04:56
Amaranthgrub2 is kind of like xmms204:58
Amaranthnothing like the original and never going to be ready04:58
DaemonFCmeh, I don't ever have to run fsck04:59
LordKowfstab does it for you :)04:59
DaemonFCXFS can heal most anything short of a complete disaster without user intervention04:59
DaemonFCin which case you offline the volume05:00
DaemonFCand run xfs_repair05:00
AmaranthXFS doesn't zero files on crash anymore?05:00
DaemonFCAmaranth That bug never really existed05:00
DaemonFCEric Sandeen explained it on his blog05:00
DaemonFCand the issue mistaken for it was fixed nearly 2 years ago05:01
LordKowheh and for the record, ext4 has no data loss trouble. at least, it's not ext4 working not as intended.05:01
DaemonFCwell, they have patches addressing Ext4 fs corruption bugs in Linux 2.6.2905:01
DaemonFCquite a few really05:01
LordKowa lot of it is nothing, really.05:02
AmaranthThose are "the app doesn't something wrong but we'll kill performance so people don't cry" fixes05:02
LordKowpeople's computers crash before the journal writes the info.05:02
DaemonFCAmaranth: If you have XFS questions, Eric Sandeen is in #xfs05:02
AmaranthNo, the journal writes just fine05:02
DaemonFCit's really a great file system05:02
AmaranthThe data doesn't05:02
DaemonFCI'd call it the best on Linux05:02
LordKowmost of the ext4 2.6.29 patches were  backported to 2.6.2805:02
DaemonFCbut Ext4 is close enough for most workloads05:02
LordKowi dunno xfs might be outdone by btrfs. we shall see.05:03
DaemonFCI've used btrfs05:03
DaemonFCIt was not a great experience, but it is still very new05:03
DaemonFCso I'm not going to trash talk it05:03
LordKowyea i think we'll know btrfs' potential after 2.6.30 comes out.05:03
DaemonFCFedora 11 Alpha supports it if you use the installer arguement "icantbelieveitsnotbtr"05:04
cwilluDaemonFC, reiserfs has exactly the same issues (I just got finished dealing with a bunch of zero'd files on somebody's eeepc fs due to reiser doing exactly the same thing :)05:04
DaemonFCReiserFS? You'd have to be crazy, stupid, or both, to format anything into ReiserFS05:05
cwillupro tip, dpkg status files going blank is loads of fun05:05
DaemonFCI used to use Reiser back when there was that or Ext205:05
cwilluDaemonFC, sure as hell not putting ext3 on it without a journal, and I'm not putting an ext3 journal on a flash-based system05:06
DaemonFCnot exactly great options, but Reiser was better05:06
Amaranthreiserfs kills your wife^Wdata05:06
picklesworthThe name is kind of tainted, too :P05:06
DaemonFCcwillu: Use Ext405:06
DaemonFCwith journalling off05:06
Amaranthcwillu: logfs?05:06
cwilluDaemonFC, you're dumb05:06
DaemonFCif you need a fs with no journal05:06
cwilluoh, sorry, I didn't realize I was supposed to put jaunty on production machines05:06
DaemonFCyou need Linux 2.6.29 for that though05:07
cwillunor did I realize jaunty was available a year and a half ago05:07
* cwillu smacks DaemonFC with the cluestick05:07
DaemonFCyou don't need Jaunty for that05:07
DaemonFCjust the kernel and disk tools05:07
DaemonFCa compiler helps05:08
cwilluDaemonFC, just stop talking to me :p05:08
crdlbbut you'd need a time machine ...05:08
DaemonFCcrdlb: Other than a kernel module and e2fsprogs that understand Ext405:08
cwilluI'm actually wishing I just used ext3 with the journal on the external ssd05:08
DaemonFCwhat else could you need?05:08
cwilluwhat's ten bucks a month spent replacing the journal flash? :)05:08
cwillu<cwillu> nor did I realize jaunty was available a year and a half ago05:09
cwillu(the implication being that this machine was set up a year and a half ago)05:09
DaemonFCyou could also use XFS, I believe it has a no journal mode05:09
cwilluyep, it was a toss up between xfs and reiser, although I got the impression that reiser was better tested in the flash-drive-as-root-fs case05:10
cwillumistakes were made, heads were detached, and DaemonFC's were smack in the head05:10
DaemonFCReiserFS could kill your fs and hide it under the dancing b* tree05:10
cwilluall's well that ends well :)05:10
DaemonFCbut it's your data B-)05:10
cwilluno, it's not my data05:10
cwillumy data is on ext3, and is backed up every night :p05:10
cwilluoooo, uxa is working on my laptop!05:11
DaemonFCI use Ext4 no journal on my flash stick05:11
cwilluthe obscene thing there being that I didn't change anything, and it didn't work 10 minutes ago05:11
cwilluDaemonFC, that's nice, but I'm not in the habit of mucking around with machines that won't be in my possession in the field05:12
DaemonFCthe ATI fairly came and left a working driver under your pillow05:12
cwilluyes, I _love_ troubleshooting mismatched kernel's and libc's over the telephone :)05:12
DaemonFCit happens......I believe05:12
AmaranthUXA is intel...05:12
cwillujust keep digging05:12
DaemonFCI don't really use anything but Nvidia05:13
* crdlb doesn't really use anything but !nvidia05:13
DaemonFCI have an Intel integrated chipset but I've never used it05:13
DaemonFCwe're synchronized05:13
cwilluI got an nvidia-based laptop to suspend once05:13
lymecaSo 9.04 will officially support i386, amd64, arm, and lpia?05:13
* cwillu thinks back to the summer of '0805:13
cwillulymeca, believe so05:14
cwilluooo, I should install it on my n800!05:14
DaemonFCunfortunately I'm torn between 3 distributions, and one of the reasons for that is that "Have you seen Ubuntu on PPC?"05:14
crdlbcwillu: I have one with an NV11 that suspends with nv05:16
crdlbit just doesn't resume :D05:16
* crdlb thankfully doesn't have to use that laptop05:16
crdlbnow that I think about it, isn't there some kernel module which hacks suspend onto nv?05:17
Fudgeis it possible to change 810 repositries to jaunty and update to it?05:25
dtchenyes, but the recommended method is to use `do-release-upgrade -d'05:26
DaemonFCAmaranth: Ext4 max volume size is 16 Terabytes, XFS max volume size is 16,777,216 Terabytes05:26
DaemonFCXFS was designed with limits that will never practically be reached05:26
|ns|nR8dahm, what are we going to do if we can only have 16TB in 1 partition05:27
DaemonFCthat was just one example of how XFS is ludicrously better B-)05:27
rwwDaemonFC: Wikipedia claims that ext4's max volume size is 1 exabyte05:27
Fudgewhat does the -d flag do?05:27
rww16 TB is the maximum *file* size05:28
DaemonFCahh, I was looking at max file size05:28
Amaranthaww, where am I going to put my Dirac Pro SHD files?05:28
DaemonFCSo it's 1,048,576 terabytes for ext4, and 16,777,216 terabytes for XFS05:29
DaemonFCrww: Darn it, now I just have to edit Wikipedia05:30
cwilluFudge, allows an upgrade to unreleased releases05:31
dtchenFudge: -d, --devel-release   Check if upgrading to the latest devel release is possible05:31
Fudgesweet as, does the upgrade also have the ability to then fetch new packages for the same release such as gnome 2.2605:32
cwilluFudge, generally for any command, <command> --help will give you useful information05:32
cwilluFudge, jaunty is 2.2605:32
Fudgeit didnt, neither was there a man page05:32
cwilluFudge, do-release-upgrade --help most definately does show it05:32
Fudgeoh sheesh,05:32
Fudgeim sorry it did i didnt read down further05:32
* Fudge :$05:32
Fudgei use a screen reader, thast my excuse though be it not a very good one05:32
cwilluuh, it's the second line of the --help :p05:32
Fudgethere was a blank line so i thought it had finished05:33
Fudgethink of it like reading on a single line display05:33
Fudgethanks guys, you're very helpful. im looking forward to all the new orca fixes05:33
* cwillu pokes Fudge with an audible stick05:34
AmaranthFudge: What does orca say for :p?05:34
Fudgecoon pee05:34
Fudgethough im on mirc at the moment05:34
AmaranthFudge: Also, I certainly hope orca is working better these days, orca and/or all of my applications used to lock up when using it in 2.2205:34
cwilluFudge, and →?05:35
cwillu(I'm looking for an excuse to poke magnetron for using it on all his messages)05:35
Fudgethere are soem packages that apparently use really old libraries that give a clearer more audible speech called eloquence but since im like a noob i 1. havnt bought it and 2. not sure if i could set it up. the orca speech is ok to use but no where as clear as it could be using a different voice05:35
Fudgecwillu a cercim flex05:36
cwilluFudge, no unicode support, eh?05:36
FudgeAmaranth i find often that i need to reload it and then play round alt tabbing and moving round to just get it to start reading the terminal again05:36
Fudgei work in screen alot so can logout of gnome without to much disruption05:36
Fudgeyou can create dictionary rules though for things like that05:37
AmaranthFudge: that's a shame, someone should pay more attention to such problems05:37
Fudgei only started using ubuntu as a desktop since 810, i didnt know about orca and that it was so easy to get going05:37
DaemonFC`cwillu: Ubuntu kernels can load Reiser4, what's stopping you? B-)05:37
Fudgepreviosuly ive ssh'd into ubuntu systems and my freebsd server05:37
Fudgeits quite a good screen reader out of the box, i woudl like the speech to go faster though, not sure how to do it. mine is set to 99 already05:38
Fudgeis xfce still a gnome desktop, i know thats not a very clear question. is it like an overlay or a completely different desktop as is kde to gnome05:39
cwilluFudge, it's a different desktop that happens to reuse alot of pieces05:39
DaemonFC`hmmmm, my modem keeps giving time out errors05:40
cwilluit uses gtk like gnome does, and a few of the config applets and so forth05:40
Fudgei just wondered if it would be better to use something slightly different since my needs for a pretty gui are minimal05:40
=== DaemonFC` is now known as DaemonFC
Fudgebe back soon05:41
LordKowi think xfce is a good choice for a minimal wm05:41
LordKowgnome minus what you would consider a lot of bloat05:42
DaemonFCmy modem requires a Windows PC or a Mac to be hooked up to it or else it won't allow you online05:42
DaemonFCthey have some software that sends the modem an authentication code05:43
DaemonFCI just happen to be handy B-)05:43
hmwwohoo! ultima online runs with wine in jaunty!! finally, i can play something again05:44
hmw(razor was the problem)05:44
DaemonFCuhhhm, it has for a while05:44
DaemonFCbut OK B-)05:44
FudgeLordKow does orca run in it though?05:46
Fudgeis it best to upgrade over the net or download an iso file and tell it somehow to use that so u can do other systems as well05:48
CarlFKwhy is xorg only using vesa and not nv?  01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Quadro FX 770M (rev a1) http://dpaste.com/17824/05:50
cwilluCarlFK, line 10405:51
LordKowwell Fudge, i can't answer for certain but orca uses at-spi which is gtk specific. xfce uses gtk. so in theory, it should work.05:51
Fudgewhat i need to do then is find someone using it and get them to try for me :)05:52
IntuitiveNippleFudge: I have a Xubuntu notebook here, just checking for you05:52
IntuitiveNippleFudge: Applications > Accessories > Orca Screen Reader and Magnifier05:53
CarlFKcwillu: nice catch. so... can I just smack it in?05:53
Fudgesweet IntuitiveNipple05:54
IntuitiveNippleFudge: How does one invoke Orca after starting it from the menu? It seems to have hidden in the background, or crashed silently05:54
Fudgeguess its an effort to install xfce from ubuntu, maybe i should download xubuntu then05:55
Fudgeit could crash mate, run orca, insert q will kill it from inside itself05:55
IntuitiveNippleFudge: As far as I know, although I've never tried it, all you should need is to install xubuntu-desktop05:55
Fudgeinsert space shoudl bring up the options05:55
Fudgei had a real hard tiem getting it to say anything when i put ubuntu 810 on my laptop accept for welcoem to orca05:56
ubottuUbuntu bug 810 in malone "Better way to handle enhancement bugs" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81005:56
Fudgewell thankyou IntuitiveNipple05:56
HalowYep. Installing xubuntu-desktop will give you the choice or Ubuntu or Xubuntu when you get to GDM.05:56
cwilluCarlFK, I'd say just use an xorg.conf file and set the driver to nv05:56
IntuitiveNippleFudge: Just trying to test Orca now... I feel like a Whale outta water :)05:57
cwilluCarlFK, and make sure you report a bug05:57
CarlFKcwillu: I was wondering if that was considered a bug.  agaisnt what package ?05:57
cwillu(preferably after making sure that nv will actually drive that card :p)05:57
Fudgemake it hard on yourself and turn your monitor off IntuitiveNipple05:57
crdlb_unless of course nv really doesn't support it :)05:57
cwilluCarlFK, xorg-driver-video-nv05:57
cwilluCarlFK, worst case, they reassign it to the responsible party05:57
cwillucrdlb_, ya ya ya :p05:57
IntuitiveNippleFudge: I'd have to use morse then05:57
CarlFKwhat's the dpk... command to create a simple xorg.conf?05:58
crdlb_sudo dexconf05:58
IntuitiveNippleFudge: morse code05:58
rwwCarlFK: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?05:58
LordKowdoes xorg have a list of supported cards? could see if the Quadro FX 770M is listed05:58
Fudgelaughing out loud05:59
Fudgethanks guys ill be back later :)05:59
IntuitiveNippleFudge: eeek... ran orca from the command-line, and it dies05:59
Fudgelookup the switches to configure its speech output and stuff, i cant recall what it is05:59
CarlFKrww: that is asking me questions.. there is one that probes the hardware and creates a sane .conf06:00
IntuitiveNippleFudge: Am I okay to just start orca at the command line using "orca"06:00
LordKowCarlFK, you can grab the default from the package source06:00
IntuitiveNippleDoes anyone know how to edit the xfce menu items, or examine their settings?06:01
LordKowor maybe there isnt one and it is in fact generated06:01
cwilluCarlFK, the dpkg questions you can just hit enter through, the defaults are selected automatically06:02
cwilluCarlFK, alternatively, Xorg -configure will generate an xorg file in the current directory, but it tends to dump a little too much into the file, you'll want to clean it up after06:03
DaemonFCmodem is dying06:04
LordKowCarlFK, you could also try dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical xserver-xorg i dont think there are any critical config priorities with regard to xserver-xorg06:04
crdlb_'sudo dexconf' gives you the default xorg.conf06:04
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LordKowthat will overwrite xorg.conf, btw06:05
crdlb_the sudo kind of implies that imho06:06
LordKowyes, but losing a custom xorg.conf would suck06:06
DaemonFChmmm, Amaranth: Proposal to change the theme to Dust by default?06:10
cwilluLordKow, no, dpkg saves a backup before it rewrites the file06:11
crdlb_cwillu: dexconf doesn't appear to :/06:11
LordKowartwork deadline already past :-/06:11
LordKower past... nevermind me06:11
cwillucrdlb_, was referring to dpkg-reconfigure06:11
LordKowi know dpkg-reconfigure saves backups but dexconf does not06:12
crdlb_but he wasn't :)06:12
* cwillu shakes transparent windows all over his desktop just to enjoy the proper acceleration again :)06:12
CarlFKswell: forcing the nv driver:  NV: Ignoring unsupported device 0x10de065c (Quadro FX 770M) at 01@00:00:006:15
cwilluwell okay then06:17
LordKowCarlFK, is that on a laptop?06:18
CarlFKLordKow: yes06:18
cwilluCarlFK, looks like you need nvidia 18006:20
cwillujust checked nouveau, doesn't look like they support it either06:20
CarlFKcwillu: heh - just installed that to see what would happen :)06:21
CarlFKand yeah, looks like it is not supported06:21
CarlFKsudo reboot does some neat kexec magic.  I know what kexec does, but what happens if I want the box to do a hardware restart?06:22
cwilluCarlFK, shutdown :p06:23
CarlFKcwillu: then trow things at the power button06:32
cwillurc helicopter for the remote locations06:32
CarlFKok, so nvidia works.  nv not supported.  should I report that?06:33
cwilluit's known06:33
cwilluso no06:33
CarlFKgood - i wanted to get to bed06:33
cwilluyou could make a wishlist :p06:33
CarlFKand somehow but reports seem to take me at least 20 min06:33
cwilluCarlFK, kexec -u will unload the target kernel, which should have the effect of turning a kexec reboot into a hardware reboot06:38
cwillualternatively, reboot -f will do a real reboot (although that doesn't go through the normal shutdown sequence, so you'll want to switch into single user mode first)06:39
o0Chris0oanyone here having sound problems in jaunty07:16
keisangihi there how can i disable the pc_speaker bell sound thingy in jaunty ?07:32
keisangibefore i used to do rmmod pc_spkr, but this doesn't seem to work anymore ?07:32
keisangii tryed with snd_pcsp but such module doesn't seem to exist at all07:32
o0Chris0ojust close out of the terminal window07:33
DaemonFCthey probably compiled it into the kernel07:34
DaemonFCwho knows07:34
o0Chris0othought your doing a speaker test in terminal07:34
DaemonFCthats what they did with ipv6 and I didn't catch it when using their config as a template for my vanilla kernel07:35
* o0Chris0o is glad he got his sound working thanks to dtchen07:35
DaemonFCso I had to compile it AGAIN to get rid of ipv607:35
DaemonFCon that pass I also noticed they compiled in Ext2/3/4 which I don't even use07:36
keisangio0Chris0o, i see07:36
keisangii'll wait until final release of jaunty then i don't want to bother recompiling my kernel07:36
DaemonFCI think it would be less painful to just start out with a blank config07:36
DaemonFCI probably left out the pc speaker driver07:37
DaemonFCI do that on every kernel I make anyway07:37
keisangibtw i have few "sounds" issues with current release (installed alpha6 last week) and kept it up to date, but for example when i want to watch a movie with maplayer, sometimes i have to try 4 or 5 times before sounds accept to start working normaly07:38
keisangior listen music with audacious or vlc .. i have to try few times before it accept to work normaly07:39
keisangiother than that it already work pretty well07:40
DaemonFCwell, for a while Ubuntu had Pulseaudio trying to output to the PC speaker07:40
DaemonFCI'd really like to know how they did that cause it could replace Chinese trickle torture07:40
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:41
DaemonFCanyway, just leaving it out altogether solves the problem07:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nazi07:41
DaemonFCoh wait, nm07:41
o0Chris0okeisangi: try this test kernal http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~dtchen/07:41
keisangiubottu, you mean this is not the correct channel to speak of such things?07:41
bazhang!ops | DaemonFC07:42
ubottuDaemonFC: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!07:42
keisangio0Chris0o, i look at the link07:42
keisangihum there's no readme files or anything, in what thoses kernel are different from the normal ones ?07:43
o0Chris0oits basicly a patch07:43
o0Chris0oit helps with the sound07:43
keisangioh really ?07:44
o0Chris0oit may be best to wait to talk to dtchen07:44
keisangijust that or there's some other patch applyed ?07:44
naliothDaemonFC: staying on topic is the easy road07:45
DaemonFCWhat about it? My point was to compile it out so it can't cause problems07:46
* DaemonFC loves self-appointed pretend mods such as bazhang07:47
naliothubottu: tell DaemonFC about guidelines07:47
ubottuDaemonFC, please see my private message07:47
elkynalioth, let me guess, you got a response in PM?07:58
naliothof course i did  :)07:58
naliothit was a 10 minute automated +q, if you were wondering about any coincidences07:59
elkyi hope he doesnt know your email address.07:59
=== crdlb_ is now known as crdlb
Roeyhey all09:02
Roeysandeep:  heya09:02
sandeephi o.o09:02
c_korncan someone confirm bug 346554 ?09:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 346554 in indicator-applet "indicator-applet fails to bring pidgin to foreground" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34655409:22
fliegenderfroschhow save is an upgrade to jaunty at the moment?09:26
scizzo-define safe09:26
fliegenderfroschsafe, so I can still boot the machine and won’t have tons of broken packages and if possible no major problems09:27
fliegenderfrosch(yes, I know about the dangers of beta software and I don’t want to use it on my primary machine)09:28
gnomefreaka fairly good chance that you will run into problems, but since its beta freeze i would wait until beta2 just to be on the safe side09:28
hmwflyingfrog: on my notebook it runs better than intrepid. I have seen people in this channel having trouble with gpu drivers. My impression: Jaunty is cool.09:28
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gnomefreakfliegenderfrosch: on a 2d pc where you dont need a broken system should be ok as long as you have one with win or <=intrpid09:30
gnomefreakbut it all depends on what you plan to use it for, testing is not a good answer to that question ;)09:30
hmwfliegenderfrosch: why not trying out the live cd?09:31
fliegenderfroschhmw: the latest alpha isn’t really up to date and the beta isn’t out yet09:32
fliegenderfroschothers: thanks for your impressions, I’ll probably do an upgrade in a few days09:33
gnomefreakfliegenderfrosch: we are running beta at this time however there maybe some updates that will get through just incase something is really really broken09:33
* scizzo- would instead say "try it in a virtualbox machine"09:36
gnomefreakscizzo-: not everyone can i cant due to memory so i have it installed and its the mainly used version of Ubuntu, i hate building packages in chroot, but i do need to get qmenu working soon09:40
scizzo-gnomefreak: hmmm true09:40
amortvigilis it a known bug that your computer doesnt react on starup anymore with jaunty??:S09:45
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god-mokhi, got a problem ;) after a fresh installation i loose my home partition. it happens after i try to install the restricted package (installing windows core fonts cannot be downloaded). after restart i got to the root shel, trying to tell me, that there is an error :/10:16
god-mokdpkg --configre -a doesn't work at all, and say, there are 2 errors because he can't find some data10:18
cwillugod-mok, try again, less typos, and more exact error messages :p10:20
god-moknot good at english :/10:21
cwillu!pastebin | god-mok10:21
ubottugod-mok: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)10:21
cwillugod-mok, dump the errors and commands you typed into a pastebin ^^^10:22
god-mokyeah, on my way10:22
cwilluwell, I'm sure glad I didn't stick around for 10 minutes waiting for that pastebin :p10:35
god-mokdamn, i have t type all down :/10:37
hmwgod-mok: do you know the pastebinit tool?10:38
god-mokuh, nope. does it work even if i have no connection to the net? ;) my notebook can't connect to the net from the root shell10:39
god-mokso i have to copy everything manualy10:40
mefisto__is there an update notifier for kubuntu jaunty? I've never actually seen a taskbar icon telling me there are updates available, when there are10:46
cwillugod-mok, /dev/sda8: UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY; RUN fsck MANUALLY.10:46
cwillu        (i.e., without -a or -p options)10:46
cwillugod-mok, so, run:  fsck /dev/sda810:46
god-mokcwillu: k10:47
hmw"please repair the file system manually"... invokes a picture of the user starting a hex editor10:47
cwilluhmw, usually not quite that bad :p10:48
cwillugod-mok, if there's nothing on the machine you care about, it's probably easier to just wipe and reinstall10:48
god-mokcwillu: ok, it shows for every folder something like this: Entry'lost+found' in / (2) hase an incorrect filetype (was 2, should be 1)... and so on10:49
cwilluyep, you'll just have to go through it :/10:49
god-mokcwillu: thats the problem. it is reinstalled10:49
cwillugod-mok, repartitioned as well?10:51
cwillugod-mok, i.e., wipe the drive and start completely fresh?10:51
cwillubuh bye, y'all come back, now, ya hear?10:56
god-mokyeah, good question ^^10:58
ikoniahmw: what do you mean check the hard disks ?10:58
ikoniahmw: on jaunty ?10:58
hmwthat was a general question... i will ask google, how one does a physical test10:58
ikoniahmw: most makes offer binary applications10:58
kristianholmwhat is the difference between the normal kernel and the recovery mode kernel?10:58
ikoniakristianholm: nothing - single user mode10:59
ikoniahmw: try to remember this channel is for jaunty disscussion please.10:59
hmwgod-mok: http://mypage.uniserve.ca/~thelinuxguy/doc/hdtest.html11:02
kristianholmseems like I have a problem with either the "quite" or "splash" option...11:02
mefisto__hmw: see man badblocks  for checking a disk physically11:02
god-mokhmw: gparted should do the same, doesn't it? i mean to check the drive11:03
hmwmefisto__: according to the page i just linked, it is not a good idea on partitions containing ext{2,3}, and e2fsck would do badblocks in the background, if called accordingly11:03
god-mokwow, after restart there seems even more damage even to the root files...11:05
mefisto__hmw: as I understand it, fsck does not do anything to bad blocks, it just marks them so they are no longer used11:05
hmwwhat else could it do?11:05
god-mokhmw: i try to reinstall everything... as mentioned, should be the best/fastest11:06
hmwgod-mok: i strongly recommend a surface scan before getting into troubles again. be certain, if your drive is ok11:07
god-mokhmw: right,i do so after i run the livecd. thx11:08
mefisto__is there an update notifier for kubuntu jaunty? I've never actually seen a taskbar icon telling me there are updates available, when there are11:10
god-mokmefisto__: there is a notification, and even an icon. well, that's what i saw as my installation worked ^^11:12
eMaXhi all11:13
eMaXanyone here using an epkowa scanner?11:13
eMaXor else, anyone here knows how to create a 32bit chroot in jaunty?11:14
tabgaleMaX, try debootstrap for the chroot w/ --arch11:15
ubottuchroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot)11:15
cwillutempted to suggest that !chroot should have a mention that it's not intended for security purposes11:18
cwillumefisto__, the intended behaviour is that the update manager (or kde equivilent) will open up in the background if there are updates available, at most once a week (or day, for security updates)11:19
mefisto__god-mok: you talking about kde?11:22
god-mokmefisto__: kde411:22
aLeSD_hi all11:23
god-mokwhat else? ;)11:23
aLeSD_is the Xserver faster in 9.04 ?11:23
scizzo-aLeSD_: what do you mean faster?11:25
WalterMundtI'm starting some dev work on top of libtheora, and it seems the libtheora-dev packages are missing some pieces11:39
WalterMundtnamely (a) theora/codec.h which is referenced by the provided theora/theora{enc,dec}.h files11:40
WalterMundtand -- though this might belong in the binary package (b) /usr/lib/libtheora{enc,dec}.so symlinks11:41
WalterMundtsymlinks with no version are not needed to run compiled applications, but you need them for building with -ltheoradec and -ltheoraenc to work11:41
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herrspockHello everyone. I have the following problem. I have a fresh install of Kubuntu Jaunty, and Kile does not work with dead keys properly. I can write â but not the symbol ^ alone. I can write both of them in all the other apps.11:48
WalterMundtjust checked bzr for the libtheora source package, looks like said files are indeed missing from libtheora-dev.install file11:50
denndaTwo jaunty machines + quicksynergy on both: The mouse on the client is caught in the upper left corner of the screen and won't move by a pixel. Clicking works. Ideas?12:02
c_korncan someone confirm bug 346554 ?12:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 346554 in indicator-applet "indicator-applet fails to bring pidgin to foreground" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34655412:06
gnomefreakanyone know what java package in repos works for 64bit? i cant remember name and searching for it is no help12:06
god-mokhmw: great, e2fsck doesn't found any bad blocks or anything... will format partitions and reinstall system. hope it works this time12:23
hmwi wish you luck12:23
hmwwould be interesting to find out, how your fs got corrupted12:24
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god-mokhmw: no luck. now even after fresh installation the systems got corrupted. i try ext3 as filesystem. hope it is only a ext4 problem12:43
vistakiller1i think suspend in jaunty has memory leak12:57
hmwi cant find an option to tell pidgin not to create notification area popups... i just got one due to a contact coming online... how can i influence this?13:00
tgpraveenhmw in pidgin go to plugins13:01
tgpraveenthere is one notifications there make changes13:02
vistakiller1anyone else notice memory leak with suspend?13:03
god-mokvistakiller1:  not until Alpha 513:04
vistakiller1god-mok after suspend you dont have any problems like frame drop with compiz, slow performance etc?13:05
hmwvistakiller: suspend crashes on my notebook... it did in 8.10, too, though13:05
adredHi, my system always reverts to 800x600 resolution each time i log in. Is this expected for alpha releases? will this be fixed on the next release?13:06
vistakiller1in alpha 6 is work fine but i think it have memory leak13:06
god-mokvistakiller1:  as i said: not until Alpha 5. alpha 6 makes othe troubles ^^13:06
vistakiller1adred what gpu card you have?13:06
denndaDo you need to forward ports for empathy voice&video?13:07
adredATI, it's a legacy. I am using kubuntu...13:07
hmwafter updating, i cant login anymore13:07
adredvistakiller1: ATI, it's a legacy. I am using kubuntu...13:07
vistakiller1adred have you try to fix xserver in recovery mode?13:08
vistakiller1and hmw13:08
vistakiller1my twin brother is gone :P13:08
god-mokgreat, reinstall wirth ext3 the same problem. can't activate hardware-driver, and freze after. i think it has someting to do with the dist-upgrade to kernel 2.6.28-11. under 2.6.28-9 there was no such problems...13:08
vistakiller1have you try to work with the older kernel or fix xserver?13:09
adredvistakiller1: ATI, X550 to be specific. nope.. I am a noob actually. This is my first testing. Would mind to tell me how to? Or at least show a how-to link?13:10
vistakiller1there is an option in grub13:10
vistakiller1that says recovery mode13:10
vistakiller1when you go there you will find a screen with some options13:10
vbgunzthe "show desktop" plasma widget is never coming back to Kubuntu 9.04?13:11
hmwmy ubuntu doesnt let me in anymore after upgrade... can i reset the password with a live cd?13:11
vistakiller1one of them is fix xserver13:11
vistakiller1try this and after choose the option "normal boot"13:11
vistakiller1hmw what happen13:11
vistakiller1you cant login?13:11
hmw"wrong password"13:12
god-mokhmw: boot into root and edit your user password13:12
hmwyea, i am trying right now13:12
adredvistakiller1:alright, I hope I can fix it. thank you!13:12
hmwthats a really bad bug13:12
vistakiller1if is number pass13:12
vistakiller1have you try to give it not from numpad but from keyboard?13:13
adredvistakiller1:one more thing.. will this issue be fixed in the coming beta release?13:13
vistakiller1i dont know :P13:13
adredvistakiller1, okay.. thank you!13:13
hmwi dont use the numpad for passwords13:13
hmwresetting the password didnt help13:14
ikonia hmw what's the issue ?13:14
hmwupgraded, rebooted and cant login anymore...13:14
ikoniahmw: who are you logging in as13:14
hmwthe only user existing13:15
god-mokhmw: was it a kernel update?13:16
hmwyes, but booting the old kernel didnt help, either13:16
hmwmight it be pamusb?13:16
god-moklookout if your user folder is available. got a similar problem after upgrade, but my home partition was no more mounted, so there was no user13:18
hmwis avail13:18
flips1Hi. On the UNR pages it claims that UNR Hardy will erase the contents of my HDD. Is that true for the UNR Jaunty Daily image as well, or will I be able to install to the partition of my choice, without deleting unwanted data? (Like in regular ubuntu installs) Or should I ask in a UNR-specific channel?13:22
god-mokhmw: lookt after /etc/shadow . there is something strange?13:24
god-mokflips1: link?13:25
hmwi see about 100 characters in the second column13:25
flips1god-mok: there is not such a warning on the Jaunty part of that page ...13:26
god-mokah, ok13:26
hmwnewly added user test cant log in, too13:26
ikoniahmw: sorry was away13:27
ikoniahmw: how are you adding new users if you can't login ?13:27
hmwjust typed adduser test13:27
hmwaah... repair mode...13:27
ikoniahmw: but how are you doing that if you can't login13:27
ikoniahmw: did you set a password after add user ?13:28
hmwadduser wanted one13:28
hmwi am about to create a tty showing the syslog... stand by13:28
thiebaudehi  hmw13:29
c_korncan someone confirm bug 346554 ?13:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 346554 in indicator-applet "indicator-applet fails to bring pidgin to foreground" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34655413:30
hmwwow... one message in the log: gdm WARNING coulndt authenticate user13:32
hmwwhen putting *.* /dev/tty6 to /etc/syslog.conf, i should see everything, right?13:33
hmwi want an undo option13:34
god-moki want a "autoreset to install date" function. something like a internal backup x)13:36
hmwgod-mok: we could use partimage13:36
god-mokgood idea :)13:37
hmwnah... that system is kind of dead... set a password for root, but doesnt work either13:38
god-mokbut my partitions got now always corrupted, and sometimes even the mbr... don't know if its the dist-upgrade problem13:38
eMaXanyone knows what's up with nautilus-open-terminal ? - seems not to add the menu entry13:39
eMaXoh skip that - had to kill all nautiluses13:40
scizzo-eMaX: :S13:42
god-mokhas anyone here made a fresh installation of a daily image with a newer kernel as 2.6.28-10?13:42
hmwdmesg shows "WARNING: synaptics was reset on resume" - did i restart the system too early??13:42
Amaranthso I'm got PREEMPT and minstrel by default in my kernel now13:43
AmaranthI have no idea how to tell if minstrel is being used or not though13:43
hmw(although a new kernel was installed, i didnt get asked for restarting)13:43
TuTUXGhmw, i got that touchpad message as well13:44
hmwwhat touchpad message?13:44
god-mokhmw: maybe. i got the "restart" message, but the installation was not complete at the time13:44
TuTUXGsynaptics was reset on resume13:45
hmwaha... thought it was about the software manager.13:45
TuTUXGno, it's the synaptics driver13:46
hmwstrange... when dropping to root shell, i get asked for the password, i just set, and can log in13:46
hmwany ideas, what could prevent me from logging in after i boot further?13:46
thopiekarhi.. i upgraded from intrepid to jaunty... is it normal that the fontsize is so small?13:47
thopiekarhow can i fix that?13:48
hmwalright... i am in again... turned off pamusb13:48
hmwhow do I remove the password for root?13:49
eMaXanyone having problems with /var/cache/apt/archives/ia32-libs_2.7ubuntu4_amd64.deb ?13:50
eMaXia32-libs comes with an update but doesn't install13:51
god-mokeMaX: yeah13:52
god-mokeMaX: after that (and other packages) my ubuntu was trash13:52
eMaXoh nice13:52
eMaXso I shouldn't reboot then :)13:52
god-mokhope you have more luck :)13:52
eMaXbrb (hopefully)13:53
god-mokwell look if your apt cache is not corrupted. if not: congratulation ^^13:53
eMaXhow to look at that?13:53
god-moki started synaptic, loaded new, and synaptic closed without warning13:54
jribwhat an interesting bug, I log in and hundreds of nautilus instances start spawning :)13:54
eMaXjrib that's for free13:54
god-mokapt-get update gave me a error, and there was a message that apt get closed13:54
eMaXapt-get update runs13:55
eMaXapt-get upgrade wants to upgrade ia32 and then does not13:55
god-mokoh, i hope now it wasnt the same freeze as my...13:56
eMaXgod-mok, at least I could restart13:59
eMaXwhat's weird my fonts have become very small13:59
god-mokeMaX: what happened?13:59
eMaXbut apart from that looks all god14:00
god-mokmy fonts where very large at the beginning of a fresh install :>14:00
eMaXI used to use gconftool-2 -t string -s /desktop/gnome/interface/font_name "Sans $1" to change the font size with $1 being like 7 for 7pt14:01
eMaXthat still works, but not for the font sizes of a gnome-terminal, or xchat, only for things like menus and buttons14:01
eMaXbut never mind14:02
eMaXsmall fonts look cool anyway14:02
god-mokisn't the options font size somewhere where the theme options are?14:03
eMaXyeah I did it that way now for the gnome terminal and xchat14:03
god-mokone problem less ;)14:04
peppothas anyone tried xorg-video-ati on jaunty with HD 3470 and seen if its performance is better than xorg-driver-fglrx?14:04
hmwpfew... that was waking me up14:05
hmwseems to have been a non-completed update somehow... tried updates again, and there were still 15MB out of initial 5014:06
hmw...to download and process14:06
hmwnow even pamusb works again.14:06
hmwor not14:06
hmwthats annoying14:07
god-mokbut well, alpha feeling is fine :)14:09
aLeSD_how to make the nvidia driver work with linux-rt ?14:10
aLeSD_I mean ... I can't compile them 'cause ... no source is provided14:10
adam7_peppot: I have a 3850 and 3d performance with xorg-video-ati is not as good as xorg-driver-fglrx14:10
Amaranthadam7_: This is expected14:11
peppotadam7_, but does it have composite support? fglrx performance is horrible14:11
adam7_Amaranth: I know, I'm telling peppot14:12
Amaranththe ati driver should be better for 2d but 3d performance will most likely be 50-70%14:12
peppot(with metacity or compiz composite, I meant to type)14:12
adam7_Amaranth: that's exactly my experience14:12
adam7_ati works *far* better on my laptop than fglrx, though.14:12
peppotare you all running jaunty, xorg 1.6, fglrx 8.6 and an xorg.conf clean from --force --initial?14:12
AmaranthThe ati driver should be better at 2d, video, and suspend14:13
adam7_peppot: 8.6?14:13
AmaranthBut the fglrx driver will always be better at 3d14:13
peppotadam7_, yes14:13
adam7_that's from last june...14:13
peppotlatest fglrx is marked as such in jaunty14:13
adam7_peppot: it should be 8.314:13
adam7_or 9.3, rather14:13
peppotVersion: 2:8.600-0ubuntu114:14
peppotis the name of it14:14
peppotlatest in jaunty14:14
peppotdunno about the version names14:14
adam7_peppot: ah, the version numbers don't correspond14:14
hmwhow can i disable the root account again after having set a password?14:14
adam7_that's the version I hvae14:14
peppotadam7_, maybe I should try "ati" -- desktop effects work OK for you with ati?14:14
adam7_hmw: sudo passwd root; enter a really long password of random characters and forget what you typed?14:15
hmwno, i want the original state back14:15
adam7_peppot: desktop effects do *not* work on my 3850 with ATI14:15
adam7_hmw: I'm not sure but I think that is the original state14:15
hmwdeleting the password with passwd -d just lets me log in with an empty pwd14:15
adam7_peppot: if you want acceleration on a r6xx you need fglrx iirc14:16
Amaranthhmw: passwd -l14:16
peppotI'm really hoping I've come across a bug in the fglrx drivers, or else all ATI mobile users are in for a horrible desktop experience if they're to use desktop effects/compositing14:16
adam7_peppot: what is it doing?14:16
peppotadam7_, it's very slow14:17
peppoteven just plain metacity without any compositing does simple redraws very slow, visibly...14:17
adam7_peppot: fglrx is not known for its speed14:17
peppotalt-tab and I see the redraw14:17
adam7_peppot: are you sure it is working correctly?14:17
peppotadam7_, no, not at all14:18
peppotadam7_, haven't ati been working on this driver for _qiute_14:18
Amaranthpeppot: sounds like you've got a decelerator14:18
adam7_peppot: type fglrxinfo in a terminal14:18
peppot_quite some time_?14:18
peppotadam7_, http://rafb.net/p/wkiEpt41.html14:18
peppotAmaranth, is what it feels like14:18
Amaranthvesa would be faster then that14:18
adam7_peppot: according to that, your driver is wokring correctly14:19
adam7_does glxgears work?14:19
=== adam7_ is now known as adam7
peppotadam7, average around 2200 fps14:19
peppotso yes14:19
peppotit would seem like it14:19
peppotbut honestly, the last thing I care about is opengl performance14:19
adam7sounds like everything is working, but 2d is probably just slow14:20
adam7use the ati driver then14:20
adam72d performance is better but you can't use 3d14:20
peppotdo you know if it supports Composite/desktop effects?14:20
adam7it does not on r6xx cards14:20
peppotI mean, the 2d with fglrx is usable14:20
berniv6I have a similar issue, open source ATI driver (-ati) on r600, performance is good at startup but gets slower after about an hour14:21
peppotand I hear uninstalling flgrx to use ati can be a mess14:21
berniv6no compositing (of course), kubuntu14:21
adam7peppot: there is a nice wiki page on uninstalling fglrx14:21
peppotwhat I'd really want is good performance overall14:21
berniv6did anyone else experience it? fglrx was actually worse14:21
peppotbut I guess that's not achievable right now. too bad.14:21
adam7berniv6: yeah, my 200M card was the same way in Intrepid14:21
adam7fortunately the -ati driver now supports it, and I think graphics performance (2D wise) is faster than my ATI 385014:22
peppotthe 3470 is based on r600 core?14:22
adam7with fglrx14:22
berniv6I really can't complain about -ati, works well enough, but it gets sluggish14:23
adam7berniv6: mine doesn't get sluggish at all...14:23
berniv6I do a lot of work in konsole (almost all of it), e.g. shifting between the konsole tabs is blazingly fast in the beginning but has noticable lag (~0.5s) after two hours of working14:23
adam7berniv6: swapping?14:23
hmwnooo... they put that "feature" in again: when i log out on the console, it switches back to the GUI14:24
berniv6nopes, no large memory hog either14:24
berniv6I first thought of a bug in konsole (memory leak), but killing/restarting konsole doesn't help either14:24
berniv6logging out/in does though14:24
peppotadam7, did you happen to know where that wiki page was detailing uninstall fglrx?14:24
god-mokupdate goes on, but there is the message to restart again... well, well14:25
adam7peppot: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/FglrxInteferesWithRadeonDriver14:25
peppotadam7, thanks man!14:25
adam7peppot: run through that and you can try out -ati, if you decide you want fglrx back, you can use the hardware driver thing14:26
adam7or reinstall the xorg-driver-fglrx package iirc14:27
vistakiller1i was thinking was suspend but is not that14:38
vistakiller1when i use my system with compiz14:38
vistakiller1after one hour i have frame drop and bad performance14:39
vistakiller1anyone else have this problem?14:39
Amaranthvistakiller1: UXA?14:39
vistakiller1what is this?14:39
AmaranthThat'd be a no then14:39
vistakiller1if i dont know what is this :P14:40
Unggnuhi all14:45
UnggnuDoes Jaunty come without Tracker per default?14:45
UnggnuI have installed today Jaunty LIve and there is no tracker installed14:46
eMaXanyone: libcanberra-gtk-module.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6414:49
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UnggnuDoes anybody have problems with VLC and the OpenGL output? It looks very grainy/bad deinterlaced with FGLRX and -intel14:52
cyberixIn Intrepid I was able to set my window manager by setting WINDOW_MANAGER environment variable, but in Jaunty this does not seem to work anymore.14:56
cyberixWhat am I supposed to do instead?14:57
LordKowcyberix, try using update-alternatives. ie "update-alternatives --list x-session-manager"15:00
tgpraveendoes jaunty have facility of converting a wubi partition to a real one15:00
cyberixactually I might be wrong15:00
hmwanyone else cannot kill x with ctrl-alt-backspace? was like this since i installed jaunty yesterday15:00
LordKowhmw, it was intentionally disabled. you can re-enable it15:01
hmwlord: where?15:01
LordKowinstall dontzap15:02
peppotadam7, hi again. to use ati, is a Driver "ati" required, or does dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg suffice?15:02
hmwdontzap? lol15:02
adam7peppot: what I did was rm my /etc/X11/xorg.conf and let X choose for me. Then you don't have to mess with all the configuring15:03
peppotadam7, aye15:04
LordKowi wouldn't recommend deleting xorg.conf entirely. the default one doesn't set anything to begin with15:04
LordKowalright time to test if dontzap is working.... brb15:05
peppotadam7, equally sluggish performance with "radeon"15:06
peppotin fact, I feel it's worse. SIGH.15:07
peppotit's using "radeon" now, I wonder if I'm supposed to use "ati"?15:08
LordKowoh yea it works15:08
adam7peppot: ati activates the appropriate driver iirc15:08
peppotwell, I'll go back to fglrx I think15:10
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tuxxy__hey I want to delete intrepid now but still one issue stopping me that is compiz doesnt auto start at boot, I have to enter compiz --replace everytime does anyone have a fix?15:22
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hmwtuxxy__ not a real solution to the issue you have, but putting the command to the autostart programs should load compiz.15:27
god-moktuxxy__: "sudo compiz --replace" don't do it?15:28
tuxxy__hmw: I have compiz in my sessions already but it doesnt load I have to manually ALT +F2 compiz --replace15:29
tuxxy__god-mok: compiz --replace works just that its a little tedious having to enter it at every boot15:29
hmwtuxxy__ try using fusion-icon once to switch to metacity and back to compiz. might repair the thing15:30
god-moktuxxy__: if you activate the desktop effects it should automaticaly start15:30
tuxxy__hmw: I tried switching to metacity and back but no luck15:31
hmwwith fusion-icon?15:31
tuxxy__god-mok: yes they should be they dont, I have to manually start the effects or run compiz --replace every time15:31
hmw(it seems to do more than --replace)15:31
hmwaptget it15:33
tuxxy__ok ill test it now15:34
hmwpamusb working again. pfew.15:37
tuxxy__no luck guys15:38
hmwtuxxy__ at least you could use that icon (autostart) to switch more conveniently.15:38
tuxxy__ye I guess, wish I knew the cause though15:39
hmwi have the impression, that compiz is started, but crashes. maybe it needs to run just a second time, or it is too early for it to succeed. Did you see anything in the logs?15:39
tuxxy__only this15:42
tuxxy__jaunty compiz.real: *** glibc detected *** /usr/bin/compiz.real: double free or corruption (!prev): 0x0000000000dcf7a0 ***15:42
hmwtuxxy__ what video card do you have, what driver is in use?15:47
tuxxy__another issue I ahve is that when I activate compiz it wont load my profile like normal either I have to renable say cube and rotate cube if I want the cube15:47
hmwbtw: double free means, it tried to free the same memory twice15:47
hmwtuxxy__ did it ever work normally before in jaunty?15:49
tuxxy__Card: nVidia Geforce 9500GT15:49
tuxxy__driver 1.8015:49
tuxxy__no it has never auto started like it should15:49
hmwdo the settings get lost, when you switch around with the icon?15:50
tuxxy__well yes if i enabled certain ones they would get lost15:51
tuxxy__only ones that stay are like bendy windows15:51
tuxxy__ye its unusual another issue I noticed is when I activate it bendy windows work but desktop wall doesnt even though its activated in the CCSM15:55
tuxxy__do you use compiz and nvidia?15:56
hmwi was about to ask... i suppose, the cube is also still "activated" in ccsm, while it isnt working?15:56
tuxxy__no the cube isnt activated by default I have to do it manually in CCSM but that works fine15:56
hmwso it gets really deselected, huh?15:56
hmwyou might be lucky with a reinstall of compiz and all related stuff.15:57
tuxxy__well not sure deselected as this isnt my personal profile its just the basic settings which I think come with desktop wall enabled by deafuklt not cube15:57
tuxxy__is your compiz working fine15:58
tuxxy__damn nvidia?15:58
hmwthis doesnt sound much like a driver issue to me15:58
tuxxy__I didnt either as all the effects run fine15:58
tuxxy__infact better tahn on intrepid with 177 driver15:59
hmwthe fact, that you loose the settings, when switching to metacity and back using the icon puzzles me15:59
hmwlike ccsm wouldnt be able to save its settings to the file or someething alike15:59
hmwlogged in as normal user?16:00
tuxxy__ok I just retried it and it seems to have saved the cube this time!16:00
tuxxy__but not very confident it will auto start16:01
hmwturning compiz off using system/preferences/appearance resets compiz, thats ok16:01
hmwdoes it make a difference, when you dont reboot fully, but just log out and in again?16:03
tuxxy__ok ill try16:06
tuxxy__so you I should fisable effects then renable and logout and in16:07
hmwi am curious, if compiz autostarts after a simple relogin.16:07
hmwso log out with compiz active16:08
tuxxy__ok brb16:11
tuxxy__hmw: ok I logged out and lost all effects, I tried adding fusion-icon to sessions and rebooted once more but again lost all effects and compiz doesnt load16:17
tuxxy__even though fusion-icon is set to compiz and emerald16:17
hmwautostarting fusion-icon wouldnt help, it would only show the icon automatically...16:18
hmwi fear, you have to wait for some updates. if you have nothing else to do, you can try reinstalling the whole compiz stuff. someone with a similar proplem posted, that he could repair it (suse)16:19
hmw...by removing and reinstalling16:19
tuxxy__ok removing now16:20
tuxxy__hmw: I reinstalled and now my effects are all being saved but unfortunately it still doesnt autoload16:28
tuxxy__I suppose I can live with doin an ALT +F2 every boot  and wait for updates, hey atleast my effects are saved :)16:29
hmwwhat, if you wrote a script, containing a sleep and then loading compiz, and putting the script into the autostart apps?16:30
hmwor going even further, letting the script unsuccesfully load it a first time, then sleep and trying a second time...16:31
tuxxy__heh ye good idea so the issue is definitely compiz not being able to activate at the stage its attempting to16:32
tuxxy__so I guess it could be a driver issue...for instance the driver not functioning correctly at first so compiz unable to load16:33
tuxxy__are you using nvidia?16:34
tuxxy__maybe its nvidia issue16:34
bromic94When I install 9.04 alpha through wubi after i uninstall 8.04lts, i get an error occured, incomplete format, for more information please see this log file. the contents of that log file are http://pastebin.com/m26150c7116:53
bromic94i dont think 8.04 got uninstall properly16:53
* maco is not surprised to hear about a wubi screwup16:54
bromic94maco: how can i fix it16:56
macono idea16:56
bromic94damn it16:56
macoall i know is i hear about wubi doing stuff like that too often for me to ever use it16:57
bromic94oh ok16:57
bromic94well i cant truely boot since ihave windows vista alraedy on my system16:57
bromic94can i?16:58
macoer what do you mean? vista should still boot16:59
EvilRoeyquestion about LTS releases:17:00
bromic94can i safely repartition my drive17:00
bromic94with vista running on it17:00
HalowYou should still be able to install it by booting the LiveCD.17:00
EvilRoeyso a Server and a Desktop release share the same repositories.  So what does it mean when the Deskop gets EOL'd?  Do security updates come out only for the Server components and not for the Desktop ones (say, GNOME)?17:00
HalowI used to dual boot Vista/Ubuntu for a while.17:00
bromic94Halow: so just boot into the live CD and choose install17:01
bromic94waht happens to my vista then17:01
Halowbromic94, Nothing. It will help you repartition the drive so you can have both, and install Grub, which will help you choose which you want when you start up.17:02
bromic94right now since of wuni messign up it asks me to boot into one or hte other17:02
bromic94bc i think it got uninstalled incompletely17:03
bromic94how do i got in the windows boot loader and edit it?17:03
god-mokbromic94: under vista: run msconfig, look for the boot section, and edit it17:04
bromic94nothing is there17:04
bromic94other than windows vista17:04
god-mokbromic94: you deinstalled ubuntu from the software section of windows?17:05
bromic94lets see if this wants to work17:06
bromic94i reinstalled the same version of ubuntu taht was uninstalled17:06
bromic94and it did not through any errors17:06
bromic94so ill be back here shorly17:06
tuxxy__any got the link to new wallpapers17:15
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billybigriggertuxxy__, check the wiki for incoming art17:40
billybigriggertuxxy__, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Jaunty17:41
thopiekaris there a way to change the size of the letters? mine are too small..17:44
billybigriggerletters in what?17:44
billybigriggerfor a certain program or the whole OS?17:44
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nemothopiekar: there was a dude on here earlier who said jaunty was transitioning to px based units17:45
nemohe was wanting me to change my 8pt default font to 10.6666px or something17:45
nemowhich I didn't feel like doing17:45
billybigriggerwell you can change the font or the dpi17:45
thopiekaraahh so is it normal?17:46
billybigriggersmaller dpi is what you want i think17:46
nemoapparently some apps are still buggy17:46
nemoor something17:46
thopiekarhmm but the close button is atm buggy..17:46
thopiekarit's not looking like to be one with the style..17:47
thopiekarand if you have choosen to make the panel black -colored the wallpaper has to be darker, too..17:48
thopiekarit would look better for sure..17:48
ribosomeone in here a few days ago was talking about a pretty new bootsplash replacement by fedora, anyone know the name?17:49
riboplymouth, that's it17:50
thopiekaraahh and before i foerget it.. the font-size of the terminal in synaptic should be definitly bigegr than ca. 5 px..17:51
thopiekarbut anyway nice work nemo :)17:52
thopiekarand a great libnotifiy replacement..17:52
thopiekaror even mook-up.. :P17:52
o0Chris0o!enter | thopiekar17:55
ubottuthopiekar: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:55
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aLeSDhi all17:59
aLeSDis there the people that maintain the linux-rt package ?17:59
aLeSDhi all18:11
gmiernickicould someone tell me about "general kernel packages in ubuntu" ...18:36
gmiernickiif 2.6.28 goes into jaunty18:36
gmiernickidoes that mean we must wait for 9.10 for the next version, ie. 2.6.29 or 2.6.30 ?18:36
gmiernickior will jaunty distribute an updated kernel before 9.10 comes out?18:37
HalowThere will likely be kernel updates along the way between 9.04 and 9.10.18:38
gmiernickiits been my experience so far "on my ubuntu train ride" that they are usually something like18:39
gmiernicki2.6.27-3 -> 2.6.26-918:39
gmiernickinot 2.6.27 to 2.6.2818:39
gmiernickiwhich leads me to believe we gotta wait for 9.10 for the new 2.6.29 kernel18:40
gmiernickiplz correct me if im wrong tho18:40
gmiernicki2.6.27-3 -> 2.6.27-918:41
void^.28, all the way.18:42
gmiernickii figured as much :\18:42
gmiernicki2.6.29 seems to be getting a lot more work on the linux-rt front18:43
gmiernickiwhy i was hoping to see a kernel based on that sooner18:43
daftykinswhat was it that patches are about for, that ubuntu are going to pu... that's it, ubuntu will apply EXT4 patches for some problems ahead of the official Linux kernel merge18:43
daftykins2.6.28/29 instead of .3018:43
gmiernickigood to know daftykins18:44
void^it's better to stick to a fixed .28 than throw in a fresh and buggy .2918:44
gmiernickii also noticed ubuntu devs were working hard on the linux-rt package for jaunty18:44
gmiernickihope they get some of that work in there on that methodology ;)18:45
SwedeMikegmiernicki: it has been decided that januty will get 2.6.28 yes. I also saw an announcement that they'll start to offer vanilla kernel.org kernels as well, so there you might see 2.6.29 and later18:51
gmiernickithats interesting18:51
gmiernickisounds like a good answer tho those who wanna bleed on the edge18:53
gmiernickiwhich im sure there are a lot of in this chan ;D18:53
SwedeMikebut I have historically had little problems getting vanilla kernel.org kernels to work in debian/ubuntu, you won't get apparmour and such, but generally they work18:53
HalowLOL A few. ;)18:53
gmiernickiSwedeMike: ive had pretty good success with vanilla kernels on gentoo18:54
gmiernickibuilding kernels from source18:54
gmiernickii wonder if ubuntu will come up with something to tweak/compile kernels for the average user18:54
SwedeMikethat's what the announced kernel.org packages will do18:55
void^the average user really doesn't need or even want that :/18:55
gmiernickiif gaming ever takes off under linux, i bet they will void ;)18:56
gmiernickithis is really impressive actually18:57
gmiernickimeans we can get the newest drivers ahead of a +1 release18:57
mindframe-when is this ship goin beta?19:39
c_korncan someone confirm bug 346554 ?19:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 346554 in indicator-applet "indicator-applet fails to bring pidgin to foreground" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34655419:39
crdlbc_korn: are you up to date? there should have been a pidgin update with a (horrible) workaround19:41
c_korncrdlb: yes, I am up to date19:42
crdlband you've restarted pidgin?19:42
Ampelbeinc_korn: i tried several times, can't replicate19:43
c_kornAmpelbein: also using opera as in the video?19:43
Ampelbeinc_korn: tried opera and firefox19:43
zniavrestill get >No Indicators> with pidgin running19:43
Ampelbeinc_korn: i use opera-static, do you use the dynamically linked version?19:47
c_kornAmpelbein: it is static I think. but I can also reproduce this with firefox19:48
Ampelbeinc_korn: just for verification: you have pidgin 2.5.5-1ubuntu2 installed?19:49
c_kornAmpelbein: exactly19:49
Ampelbeinc_korn: bug #341142 should have been fixed by the added patch.19:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 341142 in pidgin "Contact list doesn't always come on top" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34114219:51
c_kornAmpelbein: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-applet/+bug/346554/comments/219:54
ubottuUbuntu bug 346554 in indicator-applet "indicator-applet fails to bring pidgin to foreground" [Undecided,New]19:54
Ampelbeinc_korn: i assigned the bug to ted, the writer of the patch. Perhaps he can ask for more information.19:56
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torkianohello all20:00
torkianowow, how many people ;-)20:00
dan-ubuntuhey :)20:00
torkianojaunty will rock!20:00
c_kornAmpelbein: thanks, but this is odd. pidgin shows in the foreground when I open pidgin from terminal20:02
dan-ubuntuis anyone here having problems with distortion if not in 6ch channel mode?20:03
dan-ubuntui only have stereo, but it is distorted in 2ch20:03
TeiseiHi ! Why does Ubuntu play only the first few seconds of a DVD?20:12
TeiseiAnybody else having the same problem?20:12
TeiseiThe player is Kaffeine20:12
TeiseiOn other players (Totem, VLC, Realplayer) DVD's won't play at all20:13
dan-ubuntudo you have the ubuntu restricted package?20:13
torkianoTeisei, and DragonPlayer?20:13
Teiseitorkiano, haven't tried that one20:14
torkianoTeisei, is the kde default, maybe it works20:14
Teiseitorkiano, ok thanks I'll try that out20:15
god-mok_great, all day looking out why my files get corrupted after reinstall, and it seems it is the dist-upgrade from 2.6.28-9 to 2.6.28-11. i won't have the newest kernel :'(20:22
dan457Everything more or less works for me, but if I hold down a key for 2+ sec X restarts... lol.20:22
god-mok_dan457: lol, as long as your fast :D20:23
DaemonFCI'm greased lightning B-)20:23
charlie-tcamy video is corrupting :-)20:24
dan457Mind you I am using a duel head nvidia setup with Xinerama20:24
dan457my other nvidia box without xinerama is fine.20:24
DaemonFCfaster than a rabid penguin, more powerful than SysVInit, it's Kernel Man20:24
DaemonFCxinerama on Nvidia eats babies20:24
DaemonFCthat's the technical explanation20:24
dan457well, the ati driver is even worse atm, so the onboard video sucks.20:25
dan457prob doesn't do duel monitors anyway20:25
DaemonFCI seem to have made my kernel angry by not adding .conf to the end of the blacklist file name20:25
DaemonFCit says 2.6.30 will remove the ability of the kernel to use blacklists that don't end in .conf :P20:26
god-mok_without my nvidia driver i have 15 sec. network connection, and then i can cut it down and reconnect...20:26
dan457nforce board?20:27
DaemonFCanyone wanna send Comcast hate mail?20:27
dan457vbox + winxp install to get around that...20:28
DaemonFCnah, call and scream til they activate it20:28
dan-ubuntuBLAST THEM WITH NOISE20:28
DaemonFCthen leave a rant on their comments and suggestions that they just paid someone 10 minutes to argue with you20:28
god-mok_nope, normal graphic card20:28
dan-ubuntu*cough* what?20:28
DaemonFCwhen it should have worked20:28
DaemonFCthat's a serious incentive not to use Ubuntu or any free OS20:29
DaemonFCwhen they shove that in your face20:29
DaemonFCfrom the viewpoint of a new user20:29
nemoDaemonFC: I've used comcast for 8 years20:30
nemoincluding using linux20:30
nemoDaemonFC: the problem is tier 1 support is clueless20:30
DaemonFCthey suck, Linux could easily just work20:30
nemoa little persistence on the phone gets you to a tier that can figure out how to activate your modem20:30
DaemonFCthey want to make sure Windows and Mac users can't get by without installing their spyware20:30
nemoDaemonFC: linux *can* "just work"  -  they just need to provide a registration mechanism20:30
nemothe installation of software is not required. I've moved 4 times and never once used it20:30
nemoDaemonFC: the software is just to simplify things for their clueless support staff20:31
DaemonFCI never have either, but that screen is just offensive and not needed20:31
DaemonFCyou should plug it in and rock and roll20:31
nemowell. that is true.20:31
DaemonFCthat's how they used to be20:31
dan457at my sisters I had to log onto her modem and manualy put in her username/password.  then she was up and running... in her case she had windows but IE was bugged, and since no internet. no way to grab firefox.. lol20:31
nemoDaemonFC: well. the restricting modems that are on their network does help avoid "sharing"20:31
nemoDaemonFC: but. the procedure should include an online option.20:32
nemowhere you can deregister one modem, and add another.20:32
* dan457 agree's with nemo20:32
nemoDaemonFC: oh well. as sucky as comcast is, they are way ahead of verizon fios in my book20:32
DaemonFCexactly, AT&T lets you do it on the modem itself20:32
DaemonFCthat's OS independent20:32
DaemonFCand the right thing to do20:32
nemoI was on FiOS for one day before cancelling their bastardly product20:32
dan457I'm on fios now.  works ok here.20:33
nemoand then they spent the next 2 months screwing around with my cancellation20:33
nemodan457: they don't block ports in your area?20:33
dan457Depends on what router they give you.20:33
nemoI asked them, repeatedly, do you block ports20:33
DaemonFCI live in the styx, it's Comcast or Ma Bell20:33
nemooh no say the sales reps20:33
dan457they block ports 25 and 80 here. but I can work around that.20:33
DaemonFCso I have no options really20:33
nemodan457: I find that completely unacceptable20:33
crdlbof course they block ports ...20:33
nemoand it is incredibly inconvenient on vacation20:33
nemocrdlb: comcast does not.20:33
dan457I use https for my personal stuff anyway.20:33
dan457and I don't need a local mail server.20:34
nemodan457: I tested 443 - it was blocked too!!!20:34
dan457lame, not here.20:34
DaemonFCComcast blocks 21, 25, 80, 125, 129, and 808020:34
nemoI mean, I'd be fine with moving m8y.org to 443...20:34
nemoDaemonFC: nope. they block nothing. nada20:34
dan457if I needed 25, i'd get a business connection.20:34
nemoDaemonFC: at least in my area20:34
DaemonFCnemo: I tested that in Windows20:34
DaemonFCdropped my firewall and portscanned myself20:34
nemoDaemonFC: whatever. I have a bunch of ports open. lets see.20:34
nemoyou're probably doing it wrong :-p20:34
DaemonFCnope, it listed them as "Stealth" and I had nothing blocking anything20:35
DaemonFCso it was done by the ISP, definitely20:35
crdlbwell, I like my reliable 20/5, so ...20:35
nemoI use 22, 25, 53, 80, 443, 993 and a lot more20:36
nemohigher ones20:36
nemoand I find the idea of ISPs trying to control this (apart from the business thing, which I'm fine with) incredibly offensive20:36
nemobesides, I only pay $50/mo for Comcast20:36
nemoVerizon FiOS was a lot more expensive20:36
dan457only low ports I use are 21, 22, 14320:37
dan457those are all unblocked.20:37
nemoanyway, Verizon made me fight for 2 months of apologising reps before they finally closed down my account20:37
crdlbyes, verizon's CSRs are terrible20:37
dan457verizon billing is a pain.20:37
DaemonFCComcst hobbles service like this so you pay more to get them to uncripple it20:37
DaemonFCthey are not the only ones20:37
nemoand. after that. they'd put a black mark on my credit with all 3 ratings agencies that I then had to challenge with both verizon and them20:37
dan457fortunatly, it's my next door niebors connection... we just have the houses linked.. hehe.20:38
dan457I just drop him $20 a month an let him deal with verizon.20:38
nemoso. yeah. I despise Verizon. as annoying as Comcast is, they don't get in your face if you're just trying to run a few linux services20:38
nemoI hate this stratification of web into "consumers"20:38
dan457he gets the billing problems.20:38
dan457If it didn't cost 650 a month, i'd get my own T1.20:39
dan457Might have to start a hosting company to pay for that crap though.20:39
dan457now to figure out how to diable keyboard repeating.. maybe that will fix my X restarting issue.20:42
dan457oh, that was easy... now to see if it worked...20:42
dan457Yup, no restarting.20:43
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DaemonFCwell, there's an economy, and Ubuntu does not exist to not make money20:48
DaemonFCas long as they don't hit me up, I'm good20:48
DanaGOdd, my Charter doesn't block 22.20:49
DanaGI haven't tried 25 or such, though.20:49
crdlbI don't think blocking 22 is common20:50
DanaGOh hey, any of you know of a replacement for the (abandoned) gnump3d?20:51
DanaGOne way to bypass port blocking: use an ipv6 relay.20:51
DaemonFCCan anyone tell me if the XFS patches for 2.6.29 are being backported to Jaunty's kernel?20:55
DaemonFClooks like theres just a handful, some don't even apply to 2.6.28, but a couple would be nice, even if just for correctness20:55
DaemonFCAllow inode64 mount option on 32 bit system, Support the fiemap ioctl, Combine the XFS and Linux inodes are the (small) new features20:57
mindframe-DaemonFC, what were the XFS patches for?20:58
DaemonFCjust making XFS more consistent with standard Linux behavior20:59
DaemonFCit's not an on-disk change, just changes how it uses the facilities21:00
DaemonFCthere are still some interesting changes in the pipeline for XFS, nothing radical or ZFs/BtrFS killer21:02
DaemonFCbut nice stuff21:02
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DaemonFChmmm, there's a one click crap remover in Jaunty21:56
yeageris evolution borked or is it just me?21:57
DaemonFCjust you21:58
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DanaG /usr/bin/../lib32/wine/winealsa.drv.so: symbol snd_pcm_hw_params_get_tick_time_max, version ALSA_0.9.0rc4 not defined in file libasound.so.2 with link time reference22:34
DanaGARGH! Wine doesn't offer ALSA at ALL!22:34
orbisvicisim looking if there is a specific backport to a jaunty package ... in the changelog it says "merge from debian unstable" ... how do I find out what backports debian unstable applied ?22:52
maxborbisvicis: what do you mean, exactly?22:57
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DaemonFChmmm, if Epiphany would fix just one bug it'd be perfect23:26
crdlbwhich one?23:27
mase_workDaemonFC: have you tried having a go at it your self? often just supplying a patch, even if its not fantastic is enough to get someone to look at it23:28
DaemonFClinks that specify a new window get a new window23:28
DaemonFCwhereas the reason for tabs is to avoid new windows23:28
crdlbDaemonFC: gtkmozembed limitation23:29
DaemonFCI'm not a programmer, and even if I was, that's a prefs.js feature that Epiphany ignores23:29
crdlbmy ephy with webkit has that feature now (though it's a bit buggy and incomplete)23:29
crdlbthe vast majority of ephy problems are gecko's fault23:29
crdlbwhich is why they're abandoning it23:30
DaemonFCI would not doubt it23:30
DaemonFCwell, gimme the Webkit version with Adblock and yeah :)23:30
DaemonFCbut that's been forever in the making23:30
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
DaemonFC2.6.29 final is out23:45
Votanello guys, got a Question, Eevryitme I boot my Netbook with 9.04 A6 I get the message that it couldnt load the Package Source List and that I have to run it manually. Now it does work withotu a problem, but how the heck do I disable that message on boot ?23:47
mifritscherwill 9.04 include 2.6.29 and the intel xorg driver 2.7.x ?23:49
IntuitiveNipplemifritscher: no, 9.04 is 2.6.2823:50
mifritscherbtw, I've found an interesteing dependency23:51
mifritscherI've a x61 with a 965 and 4 GB Ram, running the 32 bit version of 9.0423:51
mhjacksWhat would cause a VNC session to not be able to access org.gnome.SessionManager?23:51
mifritscherthe UXA accleration works only with the -generic flavour of the kernel, the EXA only with the -server flavour^^23:52
crdlbmhjacks: an empty vnc session or one of an existing gnome desktop?23:52
mifritscherbtw, the uxa-driver needs much cpu-power if idle (+causing a lot of interrupt rescheduling)23:53
mase_workmifritscher: yeh i have noticed that too. i guess they will hammer out the bugs later.23:54
mase_worki am hoping it won't be so slow when its released. i have quite significant performance issues with it and 2d operations23:55
* mifritscher wonder about killing bugs with a hammer :-)23:55
mifritschersorry, I couldn't stop me ;-)23:55
IntuitiveNippleUXA uses GEM, -server uses PAE, the PC has 4GB... that might explain part of it :)23:56
mhjackscrdlb: One started from within an existing X session23:56
mifritscherbut the interesting thing is: why does exa require PAE?^^23:56
mifritscherI would expect that it would crash on PAE-kernels...23:57
crdlbmhjacks: using vino?23:57
mhjacksWhen I try to start from rc.local it hangs at that point...no, using tightvnc23:57
IntuitiveNipplesorry, typed my acronyms wrong way around :)23:57
mhjacksSame results with vnc4server23:57
crdlbmhjacks: then now is it an existing session?23:57
mhjacksDifferent messages, same symptom23:57
mhjacksIt would be a new session23:57
mhjacksWhat I'm trying to do is start a VNC session in addition to the GDM session23:58
crdlbif you create a "blank" vnc display, then there will be no session manager23:58
crdlbnor a dbus session bus if you don't start it, for that matter23:59
mhjacksI've got gnome-session in my xstartup that vnc calls23:59
IntuitiveNipple-generic will only be able to address 3GB of RAM. However, that will likely prevent the video adaptor's PCI IO/MEM range (256MB?) being mapped below 4GB due to the current IO/MEM strategy. With -server there's PAE so addressing can go above 4GB boundary (which is possibly where the video adaptor has mapped the BAR)23:59
mhjacksIt used to work in Intrepid23:59

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