
crashsystemsI think I may have found a bug in notify-osd, but would like some input. Normally in Firefox I can drag links from a page onto the tab bar to open them up in a new tab. Just a minute ago, I tried doing so, in an area of the tab bar that was obscured by a notification. As usual when my mouse moved up there the notification went mostly transparent, but dropping links to that spot would not work. When the notification went away01:27
bcurtiswxanyone here good with wordpress configs?01:31
greg-gcrashsystems: I think your message was cut off, I see at the end "When the notification went away"01:38
crashsystems"....normal behavior resumed."01:39
crashsystemsthe and01:39
crashsystemsthe end*01:39
crashsystemsI just searched in notify-osd on LP, and did not find a related bug report. I'm currently writing one up01:39
greg-gcrashsystems: it would be interesting to see if the notifications prevent other drag n drop actions, like of files to the desktop01:40
crashsystemsHmm, I'll test that out real quick01:40
greg-gwant me to send you a notice on identica? :)01:40
greg-gneverind then01:40
crashsystemsI downloaded the little python file that was used on the notify-osd testing day01:41
greg-gah, right on.01:41
greg-ganyone using epiphany in Jaunty? it won't start up for me, bug 34704801:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347048 in epiphany-browser "ERROR:/build/buildd/pygobject-2.16.1/gobject/pygobject.c:923:pygobject_new_full: assertion failed: (tp != NULL)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34704801:43
crashsystemsit starts up for me01:43
crashsystemsgreg-g any other sort of drag-and-drop events you can think of to test this?01:50
greg-gcrashsystems: not really, those two sound like enough01:52
crashsystemsbug #34705301:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347053 in notify-osd "Notifications prevent drag-and-drop actions" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34705301:52
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Ampelbeinbug #347052 - ???02:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347052 in ubuntu "i can not drag and drop a file over a big square session because of gnome-do" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34705202:00
crashsystemsdoes seem to be a little sparse on details...02:02
greg-gAmpelbein: did you report that bug?02:02
bcurtiswxhey anyone know wordpress well enough to know why http://weather.briandcurtis.com:443/ubuntu/wp-login.php is like that (its supposed to have a theme).. but thats a fresh installation02:02
Ampelbeingreg-g: no02:03
Ampelbeinjust stumbled over it.02:03
Ampelbeini think i'll convert it to a question02:03
greg-gAmpelbein: gotcha.02:03
greg-gor ask for more information02:03
greg-git may be a bug02:03
greg-gDon't convert to a question unless you know it isn't a bug.02:04
Ampelbeinwell, since the gnome-do he mentions is just a pidgin-irc-window it is clear he can't drag and drop files there.02:05
crashsystemsI thought gnome-do looked different...02:05
greg-gcrashsystems: it has a docky now02:06
crashsystemsso I've heard02:06
greg-gAmpelbein: I don't know if that is what he meant by gnome-do02:07
mrooneyAmpelbein: Do is on the bottom, and it is in fact a real issue02:07
greg-gAmpelbein: he was probably in the irc channel looking for help02:07
crashsystemsWhat is the difference between using #ubuntu-bugs and #ubuntu+1? The purpose of both channels seems to overlap in my mind.02:09
greg-g#ubuntu+1 is for support of the development version of ubuntu while #ubuntu-bugs is for triaging bugs in ubuntu (whatever version)02:10
crashsystemsah, ok02:11
bcurtiswxwordpress.. you worked 5 minutes ago02:15
bcurtiswxhmm.. why would something work on http://localhost but not my actual domain address02:17
bcurtiswxin this case its wordpress themes02:18
nullackPing asac : RE my email on Aus and NZ language setup for FF02:59
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dholbachgood morning06:35
YoBoYgood morning06:56
thekorngood morning YoBoY06:57
YoBoYhi thekorn :)07:04
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nullackping asac RE bug #312711:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 3127 in firefox "Firefox language settings incorrect for Aus & NZ users" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/312711:19
BUGabundocalc: ping11:21
BUGabundowhat's the OOo can't open file from samba/gvfs bug ?11:21
YoBoYbug 243489 << confirmed, importance medium or high11:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 243489 in bash "completion-ignore-case do not work with ~ (if there are no command)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24348911:37
BUGabundois bug 279820 confirmed?11:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 279820 in compiz "compiz.real crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27982011:43
=== ziroday` is now known as ziroday
YoBoYbug 346710 << wishlist12:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 346710 in bash "sudo should autocomplete all file paths if already authenticated" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34671012:23
BUGabundothat would be a nice feature12:25
BUGabundobut also a  security breach12:25
BUGabundo-1 from me12:25
BUGabundoany user on that terminal within Timeout could list files that only root should access12:25
BUGabundoYoBoY: ^^^^^^^^^^^12:27
YoBoYyes, but it's a wish, only the bash devs can say if they can or not :)12:27
YoBoYbut the sudo active time is also a security breach ;)12:27
BUGabundoyes it is12:28
BUGabundothat's why I set mine to 30 secs12:29
BUGabundoif I want something else, I would be running as root12:29
BUGabundobut that isn't as secure as possible (as low privileged as possible)12:29
BUGabundoand of course, running as root it is not the Ubuntu way12:30
BUGabundoLP now allows to mark bugs as dupes of other bugs, even when having dups bugs it self? eheh12:33
pedro_m? ala bugzilla?12:34
pedro_if so I'd love that12:34
* pedro_ tries12:34
BUGabundoone prob only (I think)12:34
BUGabundothe dupes don't get dup of the master12:34
BUGabundothey remain on the original bug12:35
pedro_same way bugzilla handle those12:35
BUGabundonever mind12:36
BUGabundo#LP says it's a bug12:36
BUGabundoit causes infitive loops12:36
BUGabundobut it would be nice to have a tree of bugs12:36
cph4ck3rhey can anyone tell me if ubuntu rpm support system or not12:37
BUGabundocph4ck3r: if we can use RPMs?12:38
BUGabundowell there's alien to convert to debs12:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 347246 in malone "ajax dups allow to set a bug (with dupes) to new master without moving duped bugs" [Undecided,New]12:41
BUGabundopedro_: ^^^12:42
pedro_BUGabundo: thanks ;-)12:42
BUGabundopedro_: didn't you touch bug 340222 ?12:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 340222 in nautilus "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in g_closure_invoke()" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34022212:47
pedro_BUGabundo: nope. may you open a new one with apport? would be good to have a complete stacktrace12:49
BUGabundoI did apport-collect12:49
BUGabundoand apport should have sent the data as attached12:50
BUGabundosince I filed it with it, after crash12:50
pedro_BUGabundo: there's nothing on the report, that's why i was telling you to open a new one12:51
BUGabundobad apport/lp12:51
pedro_BUGabundo: only the dependencies were attached12:51
pedro_heh yeah12:51
BUGabundonot even from apport-collect?12:51
BUGabundomaybe its just slow??12:51
pedro_let's wait a few minutes then, if it doesn't just open a new one, the stacktrace on that bug is broken as said12:52
BUGabundolunch in a few minute12:53
BUGabundoif it isn't when I came back, I'll just copy a new file and make it crash12:53
BUGabundohappens 90% of the time12:54
BUGabundowhy does reproduce tests always fail when we try them?12:58
YoBoYBUGabundo: should be a murphy's law :)13:06
BUGabundopedro_: there a collect log there13:07
BUGabundois that enough ?13:07
BUGabundoYoBoY: 4 reason of techonolgy testing13:07
pedro_BUGabundo: nope13:09
BUGabundowill dd a big file and move it to server13:09
BUGabundof... couch14:12
bddebianHrm... :)14:12
* BUGabundo damn bugs, got me a cold14:12
BUGabundopedro_: uploading new crash now14:21
pedro_BUGabundo: ok, nice14:21
BUGabundopedro_: nah14:22
BUGabundoits to slow...........14:22
BUGabundoLP must be timeing out14:22
* dholbach hugs asac :)14:24
* asac hugs dholbach14:25
maco^ random hugging?14:25
* BUGabundo better shut up. doesn't want to be kicked again14:25
BUGabundopedro_: upload failed14:25
BUGabundohow can I force to re-upload the local crash file?14:26
asacslow? .... try to open: http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=10047814:26
ubottuError: Could not parse XML returned by OpenOffice.org: timed out (http://openoffice.org/issues/xml.cgi?id=100478)14:26
BUGabundoasac: I know14:26
BUGabundonot the fastest site14:26
asaceven ubottu gave up ;)14:26
BUGabundoanyone wanna tell me how to re-upload an apport crash?14:28
asacBUGabundo: you need to double click on the .crash file14:29
asacif its removed you are probably out of luck14:29
BUGabundoahh that14:30
BUGabundokeep forgeting about it14:30
BUGabundoyou can't click from cli... duh14:30
BUGabundono idea what apport is doing14:34
BUGabundobut it just closes it self.... doesn't open an LP page14:34
BUGabundocan't add the trace pedro_and seb128 want14:34
seb128use sudo apport-retrace .crash14:36
seb128locally retracing14:36
BUGabundouploaded to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/34732314:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 347323 in nautilus "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in g_closure_invoke() (dup-of: 340222)" [Undecided,New]14:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 340222 in nautilus "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in g_closure_invoke()" [Medium,Incomplete]14:39
BUGabundoapport-cli -c did ut14:39
BUGabundopedro_: ^^^14:39
BUGabundoseb128: is it any good?14:41
* seb128 undups it so it get retraced14:41
seb128BUGabundo: it has not been retraced yet14:42
BUGabundoah ok14:42
BUGabundoping me back if you guys need anything else14:42
BUGabundosince its quite easy to reproduce14:42
seb128BUGabundo:    from /usr/lib/nautilus/extensions-2.0/libnautilus-dropbox.so14:42
BUGabundomaybe some debug libs14:42
seb128BUGabundo: that's not an ubuntu bug14:42
BUGabundoso that's it!14:42
BUGabundoupstreaming it14:43
seb128you installed some crap from the web apparently ;-)14:43
BUGabundoI wouldn't call it crap14:43
BUGabundobut sure, its semi opensource14:43
seb128well, it crashes nautilus reliably14:43
seb128and we get the bugs14:43
BUGabundofiling upstream14:43
BUGabundoseb128: can you comment that on the dupe bug, so that upstream know exaclty what happened?14:44
seb128BUGabundo: what do you mean?14:45
seb128BUGabundo: retracing will not work ubuntu has no dbgsym for those binaries14:45
seb128since they are not coming from ubuntu14:45
BUGabundosent upstream14:46
BUGabundoseb128: part of the DropBox is opensource14:47
BUGabundoand part is close14:47
BUGabundoI think the nautilus plugin is FOSS14:47
BUGabundolet me check the site14:47
seb128BUGabundo: I don't deny that but launchpad doesn't know about non ubuntu code14:47
seb128BUGabundo: so retracing can't work there14:48
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BUGabundoseb128: https://www.getdropbox.com/downloading?os=lnx14:49
BUGabundohere is source14:49
BUGabundoif I get it, can I retrace it locally ?14:50
seb128BUGabundo: you need to rebuild it in debug mode but yes14:51
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=== ampelbein is now known as Ampelbein
macoshould bug 331369 be considered a dup of bug 336848 ?15:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 331369 in notify-osd "regression vs. notification-daemon: positioning when multiple screens are available" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33136915:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336848 in notify-osd "Notifications show up on the wrong screen" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33684815:58
BUGabundohey maco 336848 isn't mine?16:25
macono buga, you didnt reot that one16:26
BUGabundothen I have a dupe with the same text16:26
BUGabundoah there am I on the dupe list16:27
dominikshello everyone... is it possible to reopen bug 344839 marked as invalid please? I was trying to forward new suggestions to Ubuntu Brainstorm, but looks like reporter don't like this idea very much.. thanks16:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 344839 in ubuntu "Cannot Mount External drive error message is unhelpful" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34483916:35
dominiks*it looks like reporter doesn't*16:37
YoBoYdominiks: this suggestion/bug could also be reported upstream (gnome?)16:43
dominiksYoBoY: yeah.. I just wasn't sure it's Gnome issue or more generic idea :)16:46
charlie-tcadominiks: all you have to do is click the invalid under status and change it16:47
dominikscharlie-tca: it's disabled for me.. could you please do it for me?16:48
YoBoYit's a generic idea, a improvment, but i don't tink it's a ubuntu spécific message, a good way to identify who have the project is to search the error message in rosetta :)16:48
charlie-tcasure, what status would you like?16:48
dominikscharlie-tca: new i think16:48
BUGabundohey charlie-tca...16:49
charlie-tcahey, BUGabundo16:49
dominiksthanks for help everyone16:49
charlie-tcaYou are welcome16:49
BUGabundohumm about the bug16:49
BUGabundognome-mount really needs more details16:49
BUGabundothe cli version is much more verbose and usefull16:49
bcurtiswx-minidtchen: bug #34562716:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 345627 in linux "Crackling / scratching noise using Pulseaudio" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34562716:53
bcurtiswx-minidtchen: alsot trying your kernel from your PPA. doesn't fix my crackling issue16:53
dominiksYoBoY: how can I search something in rosetta please? sorry, I'm not very familiar with stuff regarding translations yet :-/16:57
YoBoYdominiks: don't know ¬_¬" it's more complicated than i tink16:58
dominiksYoBoY: ah ok.. thanks anyway16:58
YoBoYdominiks: the package is "gnome-mount"17:09
dominiksYoBoY: thanks17:10
YoBoYdominiks: another thing, for the wishbugs, i "confirm" them not invalidate them, and ask here to set the importance as wishlist, it's more friendly for the repporter17:13
YoBoYdon't know if it's the right thing to do ... ;)17:13
charlie-tcaYou just have to look here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status17:16
dominiksi was using invalid status because it§s recommended in wiki for brainstorming bug, but i agree it's bit rude :)17:17
YoBoYdominiks: ho it's recommanded to invalid them? where ? i haven't read that one :]17:18
YoBoYdominiks: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Checklist << here, recommanded to mark confirmed17:20
dominiksYoBoY: oh.. my fault!17:20
YoBoYno problem :)17:20
dominiksYoBoY: i think somebody told me to mark it invalid here couple of days ago.. but im not sure.. i should read wiki..17:21
YoBoYi made bigger mistakes :p17:21
dominiksshame on me! :-[17:21
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yofelhi, I'm new here and not sure about this, but I think that should be marked as wishlist: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/claws-mail/+bug/34744017:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 347440 in claws-mail "Claws Mail for Default EMail client in Xubuntu" [Undecided,New]18:00
charlie-tcayofel, mark it wishlist please18:02
bromic94hey all. i have to downnload the updated drivers and patch for the broadcom wifi chip18:02
bromic94was wondering if someone could help me with all of this18:02
yofelcharlie-tca: how?18:02
bromic94https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/305907 that is the bug18:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 305907 in linux "Complete system freeze when trying to connect to WPA2 network" [Undecided,New]18:02
bromic94apparently downloading updated driver and patch fixes the issue18:02
davmor2charlie-tca: you need to be bug-control for that18:03
charlie-tcayofel: I did mark it wishlist, please mark it confirmed18:03
charlie-tcaYeah, too many things here.18:03
bromic94davmor2 or yofel could you help me out?18:04
davmor2bromic94: This channel is mostly for bug triage you might want to try #ubuntu or #ubuntu+1 which are more generic help channels18:07
davmor2+1 is for Jaunty chat18:08
bromic94aware of that18:08
bromic94for +118:08
bromic94trying to get a  possible fix for a bug that is why i asked in here18:08
sbeattiehrm, looks like there may be a fair number of dupes of bug 319918 hanging about, needing to be made public.18:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 319918 in network-manager "NetworkManager crashed with SIGSEGV in nm_device_get_udi()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31991818:20
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charlie-tcasbeattie: Is it worth filing a decent bug report on the difficulty of updating /boot/grub/menu.lst when using multiple drives?18:25
sbeattiecharlie-tca: I would think so, though it will likely be marked wishlist.18:27
sbeattiebut wishlist bugs are useful, too.18:27
charlie-tcaWishlist works, at least it keeps it in mind.18:27
dominiksenough of triaging bugs! time to fix some of them :p18:39
imachinea quick question, dunno if it's the right place, but since I updated to Jaunty's 4.5 QT, all my Qt4 apps look properly (same theme as gtk, they also pick the font settings correctly) the only issue is they don't seem to pick off dpi correctly.19:09
imachinethat's on my old account, if I create a new one, it works okay.19:10
imachineany hints where I might be cleaning config files or so to make it work right?19:10
dan-ubuntuevening all19:42
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jjardonhello, anyone using glade-3? the Shortcut to the devhelper documentation don't work19:44
jjardonglade points you to page:GtkDialog, but it don't show anything19:45
jjardonif a write manually GtkDialog, the manual page shows19:45
pedro_jjardon: me, that's help->developer reference?19:46
jjardonpedro_, when you rigth-click in a widget and click on read documentation19:47
jjardonis a glade-3 fault or a devhelper fault?19:47
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dan-ubuntuevening all19:49
BUGabundohi dan-ubuntu19:50
dan-ubuntuhey :)19:51
dan-ubuntui have a LOT of time on my hands atm19:51
dan-ubuntu17, not at school19:51
dan-ubuntuso, ive decided to try out jaunty, alpha 619:51
dan-ubuntuand do some bug reporting, see what i can do to help19:52
pedro_jjardon: right it doesn't work, may you open a new bug in glade3 in the meantime?19:54
BUGabundodan-ubuntu: nice19:54
BUGabundovisit #ubuntu+119:54
BUGabundothere is where most jaunty user are19:54
dan-ubuntucool, is that for bugs?19:54
jjardonpedro_, okis19:54
pedro_dan-ubuntu: a testing day is happening on #ubuntu-testing in case you want to join ;-)19:54
BUGabundoall but me... but that's another storie19:54
BUGabundodan-ubuntu: also read the documentation19:55
BUGabundoand always run update-manager (several times a day)19:55
dan-ubuntui do that :P19:56
BUGabundowelcome on aboard19:56
BUGabundoand remember to respect users and devs!19:56
dan-ubuntuthanks :)19:56
BUGabundoeveryone here is trying to help19:56
BUGabundoplus subscrive to a few mailinglists19:56
BUGabundomost details are there19:57
BUGabundoannounce, devel and devel-discuss19:57
BUGabundoare the ones you want!19:57
jjardonpedro_, bug 347520 added19:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347520 in glade-3 "links to devhelper documentation don't work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34752019:58
pedro_jjardon: awesome, thanks19:58
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torkianopedro_, i filled another bug: bug 34630920:03
ubottuBug 346309 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/346309 is private20:03
torkianoi don't know if it is a dupe of other glade-3 bug20:04
pedro_torkiano: it was already filed upstream at http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=575885 and fixed there today20:07
ubottuGnome bug 575885 in general "segfault in glade-editor-property.c:3570" [Critical,Resolved: fixed]20:07
pedro_torkiano: let's link that, thanks for reporting20:07
torkianooh, awesome :)20:07
dan-ubuntuis anyone here having problems with channel modes in jaunty? im getting distortion in 2ch, but not 6ch, even though i am only playing stereo20:09
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greg-gdid other people from the 5-a-day-participants get an email from a new user?21:31
charlie-tcaI did not get one21:33
davmor2took me a while to figure out where it had come from :)21:34
YoBoYgreg-g: yes i have my copy, and same question "why is writing to me?" ^^"21:39
dominiksi was bit confused by that mail too :)21:44
greg-gthat seems weird that any user can message entire groups on LP. oh well, who wants to reply to the user? someone should, but not everyone.21:46
YoBoY^^ flood response :D22:02
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dominiksgood night everyone22:53
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