
=== Ampelbein is now known as ampelbein
=== ampelbein is now known as Ampelbein
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pittiGood morning06:36
didrocksmorning pitti o/07:31
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asachi seb12808:59
didrockshey seb128 & asac09:07
seb128robert_ancell: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-games09:07
mvohey seb128, good morning09:07
mvogood morning didrocks and asac :)09:07
asachi mvo didrocks ;)09:07
didrockshi mvo ;)09:07
seb128lut didrocks09:10
seb128hey asac mvo09:10
seb128everybody welcomes robert_ancell he's joining Canonical today to work on GNOME09:11
seb128ie packaging, bugs fixing, etc ;-)09:11
didrockscongrats robert_ancell \o/09:12
robert_ancellHi all!09:12
mvohey robert_ancell, welcome!09:13
davidbarthwelcome robert_ancell!09:17
* asac hugs robert_ancell 09:17
asacrobert_ancell: where are you based?09:18
robert_ancellasac, sydney, australia09:21
asaccool! welcome09:21
asacany clue if behdad (pango) lurks on any IRC channels?09:22
seb128robert_ancell: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~gm-dev-launchpad/launchpad-gm-scripts/master/files09:23
seb128asac: #gnome-hackers on irc.gnome.org, #cairo here09:23
asacseb128: is behdad his nick?09:24
seb128asac: yes09:24
james_wwelcome robert_ancell09:25
asaccool thanks.09:25
seb128you're welcome09:25
asachi james_w09:25
james_whey asac09:25
james_wsorry for not helping you out, but you could check my /away or canonical admin to find out if I am working before complaining that I don't respond :-)09:26
james_wI haven't seen a bug report about your issue yet, is there one buried in my bug mail folder?09:26
seb128robert_ancell: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-bugsquad/2009-February/001305.html has some hint about using common stock replies09:26
* crevette just reach 5000 points \./09:29
crevettehello seb128 didrocks asac and everybody09:30
james_wsalut crevette09:30
crevettehi james_w09:30
crevetteam I known to be french ?09:31
seb128crevette: to what?09:31
asacjames_w: i complained? .... didnt mean it that way ;)09:34
crevetteseb128, hey, sorry I didn't get you.09:35
asacjames_w: really. i more felt a bit like "too much complaining" ;)09:35
james_wasac: sorry, complaining was a strong word09:35
james_wasac: I'm back now though, so feel free to complain some more ;-)09:35
asacjames_w: good :)09:36
asaci will come up with a clean list of the issues i am currently seeing09:37
didrocksplop crevette09:40
crevettehey didrocks09:40
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seb128hey chrisccoulson09:45
c_kornis someone here who works on FUSA?09:46
chrisccoulsonhi seb12809:47
seb128c_korn: hey, ted do, we have read your email on the list but that was during the weekend no need to be impatient about it ;-)09:48
c_kornI am not that impatient :P09:50
c_kornjust got an email that a guy called bruce69 might hang around here and works on FUSA09:50
seb128jaunty is frozen for beta this week09:50
seb128c_korn: you got a reply from ted on the list09:51
c_kornright, so do I have to open a FFe? because my patch adds the feature to disable those logout/restart/shutdown confirmation dialogs09:54
seb128that's an easy option and not in the UI09:54
seb128I'm not sure that's a good idea though09:55
c_kornit is in the UI. I added an option in the settings dialog09:55
c_kornit is annoying for me to be asked twice.09:55
c_kornbut I saw the feature was requested09:55
c_kornso it is enabled by default but can be disabled in settings09:56
seb128you are not asked twice09:56
seb128I doubt the UI option will be accepted, that should just be a gconf key09:56
seb128you select the item are asked once and it does the action09:56
seb128robert_ancell: bug #347089 is a nice one ;-)09:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347089 in gcalctool "no warning before attempting insane calculations" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34708909:57
c_kornwell, as the default is to show the confirmations maybe it will be accepted.09:59
c_kornbut won't hurt if it has to be a gconf key only, anyway10:00
c_kornthen maybe ubuntu-tweak author wants to add it or so. I just want any option to disable the confirmations.10:00
seb128as said I'm not sure that's a good idea, it's a disruptive action10:03
seb128and having most install showing a confirmation and some none can trick users to be less careful and destroy work because they use a tweaked config10:03
c_kornI get your point. I will just wait what ted says.10:05
seb128is there anything to do to get the stock replies greasemonkey working in firefox?10:27
pittirobert_ancell: hey! welcome to Ubuntu!10:30
* pitti gives robert_ancell a big hug10:30
robert_ancellpitti: Hi!10:30
pittirobert_ancell: how's London? survived the long flight?10:31
robert_ancellpitti: Yeah, I'm here physically - my mind might take another day or so to arrive though  :)10:31
pittirobert_ancell: enjoy the week (although it'll probably become pretty intense010:33
robert_ancellpitti: It's already intense enough meeting everyone - so many names to remember...10:33
pittirobert_ancell: don't worry; if it's any consolation, I have been working for C for 5 years now, and don't know half of the company :)10:35
pittirobert_ancell: mostly because new people come in faster than I can remember them, and we are too large and distributed now10:35
robert_ancellpitti: Yeah, I hadn't realised it had grown by quite so much over the last few years.  Good that it has though!10:36
crevetteseb128, I didn't look but I guess you have greasemonkey installed ?10:36
seb128crevette: firefox-greasemonkey yes10:37
crevetteIIRC you need to right click on the script that must be called *user.js and choose "install"10:37
crevettebut I didn't played with greasemonkey for a while10:37
* crevette installs greasemonkey to see 10:38
seb128I've installed it10:38
seb128the greasemonkey icon is showed in the corner10:39
seb128there is just no + button to add replies anywhere to be seen10:39
* crevette doesn't find neither how it works10:42
asacseb128: which gtkhtml3 source should i use to track the px regression?11:28
seb128asac: the current one11:28
asacok let me check11:28
asacdarn ... why didnt launchpad suggest that :(/11:28
asacseb128: aye ... it was at the top of course ;)11:29
davmor2seb128, pitti:  Just a quick query which you guys will almost certainly be able to answer.  Why do we have cd/dvd Creator in system?11:44
seb128upstream decision11:44
pittistuff keeps crawling into this11:44
seb128the change should maybe be reconsidered for jaunty11:45
seb128I'm not convinced it's right11:46
seb128we should get mpt's opinion on that ;-)11:46
mptWell, Brasero doesn't really belong in any of the categories, does it11:47
davmor2mpt: it's not brasero11:47
seb128mpt: they have 2 menu entries now, one opening the brasero gui and one opening burn: in nautilus11:48
mptI thought burn: had been deprecated?11:48
seb128brasero is in the video and sound category11:48
mptor replaced by Brasero, or something11:48
davmor2mpt: brasero is in sound and video and has been for a while this is the old nautilus cd/dvd /creator11:48
seb128mpt: no, nautilus-cd-burner has been11:48
seb128mpt: brasero implements burn: now11:48
asacseb128: http://paste.ubuntu.com/135972/ -> thats what i mean by "unclean" ;) ... clean: doesnt remove all cruft11:48
mptI see11:48
seb128asac: ah, yeah, clean target are often buggy11:49
asaci know ...11:49
seb128in this case the pot is a cdbs bug in some way11:49
seb128we automatically update templates but don't clean those11:50
seb128the thing is that it's not easy to know if the template was there in the source or not after build11:50
asacseb128: ok. and .eplug?11:50
seb128that seems to be a make clean upstream bug11:50
asacseb128: yeah. actually my solution to this is: dont use tarballs from upstream, but bzr/svn checkouts11:50
asacthose have no generated files and then run autotools in rules11:50
asacand you can remove everything on clean11:51
mptdavmor2, perhaps we should reintroduce System Tools, because it would be a better home for things like Terminal, Passwords and Encryption Keys, Disk Usage Analyzer, etc. That doesn't mean CD burning should go there, though.11:51
asacseb128: but well ... i dont even know if my packages are up to that level ;)11:51
asacfor mozilla we went back to embedded-tarball layout which is always clean ;)11:51
davmor2mpt: I don't mind one way or the other it just seems strange to have a whole menu item for one item11:52
mptAccessories would make more sense11:52
seb128would be confusing to have brasero in video and sound and accessories11:52
seb128one opening the gui and one opening the burn location11:52
seb128I think the old way was better11:53
seb128the applications entry opening the gui11:53
seb128and the places item opening the location11:53
mptWell, the problem with the old way was that a CD that might not even have been made at the factory yet isn't really a "place"11:55
mptIt makes sense for a real inserted blank CD to go there, but not so much for a hypothetical CD11:56
didrocksseb128: do you still have the gnome-screensaver issue? I really can't reproduce it in my virtualbox :/11:59
seb128didrocks: yes12:00
seb128didrocks: how did you try?12:00
seb128I can get it easily with my test user in Xephyr too12:01
seb128just start Xephyr with the current jaunty version12:01
seb128dpkg -i new-deb12:01
seb128lock screen12:01
seb128and you can't unlock, you have a flicking screen12:01
seb128and no password prompt displayed12:01
didrocksseb128: simly activate "lock the screen when screensaver is on" and wait for it to appears. Then, moving the mouse and unlocking it with my password12:01
didrocksseb128: I will try with Xephyr12:01
seb128I don't wait for it I just lock manually12:02
davmor2mpt: http://library.gnome.org/misc/release-notes/2.26/#rnusers.brasero talks about gnome decision12:02
didrocksseb128: maybe different behavior? I don't lock it manually because of bad behavior in my virtualbox with [Super] key12:02
didrocksseb128: I'll test tonight and tell you.12:03
seb128there is a menu item to lock it or you can run gnome-screensaver-command --lock12:03
mpt"Although previous versions of GNOME already had an easy way to burn CDs and DVDs, as of GNOME 2.26 we have successfully brought an end to this."12:03
mpt(kidding, kidding)12:03
didrocksseb128: ok, will check that12:03
didrocksmpt: ;)12:04
asaccalc: can you please clarify on ooo bug 100478 that we will provide more info later?12:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 100478 in silva "Images in tables lose their title and the url" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10047812:05
asacseb128: pedro_: for the pixel bugs please dont forward them just now ;). i will take care of that in a batch tomorrow or later tonight.12:07
seb128asac: ok12:07
asacwell. you can forward them. just wanted to say that i will forward them anyway ;)12:07
seb128pedro_: hey12:07
pedro_asac: roger that12:07
seb128pedro_: do you use firefox or epiphany?12:07
asacyou should use chromium-daily ;)12:07
seb128pedro_: do you know what is required to get the greasemonkey thing working in firefox12:07
asachttps://edge.launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa ;)12:08
pedro_seb128: bonjour, I'm using firefox, my extensions are broken on epiphany and there's no debugging for those there :-/12:08
seb128pedro_: how broken?12:08
pedro_seb128: mm nothing else than firefox-greasemonkey IIRC12:08
asacis there any problem with ffox grease?12:09
pedro_seb128: doesn't load at all, talked to one of the epiphany folks and told me "well... that's going to be solve in webkit, wait for that."12:09
seb128asac: we were trying to get the stock reply thing working for robet but it just doesn't display anything12:09
pedro_i mean the scripts i have doesn't work, like the stock replies for example12:10
seb128pedro_: weird that's working for me in jaunty12:10
seb128ah right that one doesn't work for me either12:10
seb128I'm using a simplified version where you can't edit things in the browser12:10
seb128the "official" version just doesn't work there12:10
seb128it doesn't display anything12:10
pedro_it used to work fine until some months, but something changed on lp and now they doesn't work12:10
seb128no [+] button12:10
asacseb128: it doesnt work in ffox or ephy?12:11
asaci used stock reply a while back with ffox greasem12:11
seb128asac: firefox12:11
seb128asac: I installed firefox-greasemonkey and the lp script12:12
seb128restarted firefox12:12
seb128go to a bug page12:12
seb128the greasemonkey icon is displayed in the corner12:12
seb128but there is nothing to be seen on the launchpad page12:12
asacseb128: how did you install the lp script?12:12
seb128I clicked on it, there was a firefox dialog asking if I wanted to install it12:12
asacseb128: ok i guessits because you are on edge?12:13
seb128what do you mean?12:13
asacseb128: greasemonkey scripts are registered for certain URLs/domains12:13
asaccould be that its not done for edge (though i doubt it)12:13
seb1285 36 // @include        https://launchpad.net/*12:13
seb1286 1 // @include        https://*.launchpad.net/*12:13
seb1287 36 // @include        https://*.edge.launchpad.net/*12:13
asaclet me install it ;)12:13
seb128asac: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~gm-dev-launchpad/launchpad-gm-scripts/master/annotate/head%3A/lp_stockreplies.user.js12:14
seb128asac: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~gm-dev-launchpad/launchpad-gm-scripts/master/files rather12:14
seb128asac: edge is listed, and the icon is displayed in the corner when I'm on a bug page as said12:14
asacseb128: if you right click on the monkey you can manage scripts12:15
asacthere you should see if its properly registered for your site12:15
seb128"*" for authorized pages12:15
seb128that's all which is written there12:15
seb128there is a "missing ; before statement" in the error console12:17
seb128I've the feeling it's getting the wrong sourcecode12:17
asacthe encoding looks kind of busted12:17
seb128ie getting some special launchpad formatted page rather than the .js12:17
asacrather check out the branch12:17
asacand see if that works better i guess12:17
seb128clicking on the download columns work differently12:18
seb128and seems better12:18
seb128it lists launchpad urls etc12:18
asacyeah ;)12:18
asacseb128: so yeah. with download link i get stock replies now12:19
asacwow ooo bugzilla is even slower than bgo and launchpad together ;)12:46
pedro_slower than bgo? that can't be true12:47
asacgive it a try ;) ... requesting a new account took about 1 minute to load the page12:47
asacsubmitting comment seems to take almost 2 minutes ;)12:47
asaceven loading a bug takes a minute ;)12:49
asaci guess i could faster run to the OOO office and print the bug ;)12:49
asacoops ... the bug system now shows asac@openoffice.org as my email12:52
asacit really works ;)12:54
seb128hey rickspencer3 robert_ancell13:15
robert_ancellrickspencer3: good morning13:16
rickspencer3robert_ancell: welcome!13:16
kenvandine_wkwelcome robert_ancell!13:17
pedro_welcome robert_ancell ;-)13:17
asaccalc: do we have OOO310m5?13:32
dobeypitti: ping13:37
cassidyseb128: Did lot of audio/video Empathy tests. Got a problem with Theora encoding which apparently has been fixed with latest version of farsight2 and telepathy-farsight. Could make sense to upgrade them if it's not to late13:37
pittihey dobey, good morning13:38
dobeypitti: what do you mean by "use ' vs. ' consistently"?13:39
pittidobey: your strings use mostly " (double quotes), but often also '13:40
pittithat looks a bit weird13:40
asaccalc: ok seems we have m15 ... which is higher i guess13:40
pittidobey: it's just cosmetical, don't worry too much13:40
dobeyi thought you meant vs. versus versus or something :)13:40
seb128cassidy: yes sure13:47
dobeypitti: fixed the issues in your review. thanks!14:05
asaccalc: oh ... seems not its 300m15 we have and they referred to 310m514:23
thewrathi have a file i got from broadcom and i need help with it14:41
thewrathit coems with a makefile file14:41
thewrathand i have no idea how to use it14:41
asacthewrath: this is a developer channel. try #ubuntu14:44
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calcasac: looking at the bug14:52
calcasac: 310 will be in Karmic14:54
asaccalc: so either its fixed or if its not completely fixed its probably the change i proposed in the bug14:59
asaccalc: oh sorry. i already commented on the bug now ;)14:59
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=== ampelbein is now known as Ampelbein
calcwow OOo bug tracker is really slow today15:33
asaccalc: heh. i thought it was normal and felt really really sorry for you ;)15:37
calcwell its never fast, but its exceptionally slow today, heh15:38
calcat first i thought it was my internet connection but i can go everywhere else quickly15:38
asac13:46 < asac> wow ooo bugzilla is even slower than bgo and launchpad together ;)15:39
asac16:33 < calc> wow OOo bug tracker is really slow today15:39
rickspencer3robert_ancell: what's your launchpad id?15:42
robert_ancellrickspencer3: robert-ancell15:44
rickspencer3that's intuitive :)15:44
robert_ancellrickspencer3: so what happened to rickspencer1 and rickspencer2?15:45
rickspencer3that's my grandpa and my dad15:45
rickspencer3(my son is rickspencer4)15:45
robert_ancellrickspencer3: Also intuitive!15:46
rickspencer3robert_ancell: I assume that seb128 has given you 50 or so GNOME packages to update today?15:46
rickspencer3(and then left)15:46
robert_ancellrickspencer3: I think the exact number was 54, and he's in the pub right now...15:47
* seb128 is away drinking cocktails while robert_ancell does the weekly updates15:47
pittiI remember that nice bar 200 meters from the Milbank; try to find him there15:47
seb128you can left a message after the biiiiip though15:47
seb128left -> leave15:47
rickspencer3seb128: and robert_ancell: are you guys going to get a drink on the boat after work?15:47
pittior another theater show?15:48
seb128not sure about the boat but we will find the pub this week without any doubt ;-)15:48
* pitti enjoyed both Spamalot and Chicago a lot15:48
robert_ancellnot tonight...  I've got so many people to meet in London this week15:48
robert_ancell(used to live in Cambridge)15:48
pittirobert_ancell: oh, so you keep changing hemispheres?15:48
robert_ancellpitti: Yeah, I have no hemispheric loyalty :)15:49
seb128hey tedg16:16
tedgHello seb12816:16
pittidobey: is there some magic in 'output = "".join(notices.readlines())' which I fail to see, or do you just want to say 'output = p.stdout.read()'?16:20
pittidobey: oh, of course, removing \n, sorry16:21
dobeypitti: it makes it be a str instead of a list :)16:22
pittidobey: it just looks weird why you remove line breaks16:23
tedgIsn't there a function in glib to get approximate times?  I thought there was, but I can't find it now.16:23
dobeytedg: 'approximate'? relative to what? :)16:23
tedgdobey: 190 sec -> "about 3 minutes"16:24
seb128tedg: let me know when you review those fusa changes having the translation fixes in beta would be nice16:24
dobeytedg: i don't think there is. i think there is only stuff for sizes...16:24
dobeypitti: maybe i don't need to do that. i don't know. i'm not a python hacker, and the behavior it has with reading from stdout seems odd to me16:25
pittidobey: ah, ok; do you have a snippet how to use it?16:26
pittiI find it weird that adding "'check': check.check" to cmdclass just produces a "name 'check' is not defined"16:26
dobeypitti: the check command?16:26
dobeythat is weird...16:27
pitti>>> from DistUtilsExtra.command import *16:27
pitti>>> build_i18n16:27
pitti<module 'DistUtilsExtra.command.build_i18n' from 'DistUtilsExtra/command/build_i18n.pyc'>16:27
pitti>>> check16:27
pittiTraceback (most recent call last):16:27
pitti  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>16:27
pittiNameError: name 'check' is not defined16:27
* pitti eyes at python-central16:27
dobeypitti: weird16:27
dobeypitti: you installed it?16:28
dobeyit works for me :)16:28
dobeyi haven't tried on jaunty16:28
pittipython 2.6 transition issue then, I figure16:28
dobeyhmm, maybe16:28
calcpitti: i'll try looking at the nautilus bug some more later today, it seemed to happen every time for me though when i tested it inside vmware16:31
didrocksseb128: I cacn update libpangomm, if you wish, but I have to update libpango too as a b-d16:31
seb128didrocks: new pango is in debian we will sync after beta16:32
seb128didrocks: don't bother they will probably have pangomm updated by then too, they did glibmm and gtkmm already16:32
didrocksseb128: great, ok! I don't investigate further so :)16:32
seb128didrocks: want to work on splitting gnome-games documentation?16:33
didrocksseb128: I first read gnome-games package (related to the discussion on devel ML) :)16:33
didrocksok, no problem. I'll try to split the documentation :)16:34
pittidobey: if you do this, does it work? python -c 'from DistUtilsExtra.command import *; print check'16:34
dobeypitti: hrmm, no16:35
dobeypitti: if i 'import check' instead of '*' it works16:36
dobeypitti: i guess having the egg from the package breaks glob imports?16:37
dobeyie /usr/share/pyshared/python_distutils_extra-0.90.egg-info16:38
pittidobey: I already added it to entry_points16:38
dobeyoh, hrmm16:45
pittidobey: hmm.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/136132/16:49
dobeypitti: just pushed a change that should fix that :)16:51
pittidobey: if you are at it, can you please also drop the "import re"?16:52
pittidobey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/136135/ as well, please?16:54
seb128the new duplicate marking on edge rocks ;-)16:54
pittiseb128: oh, using ajax now?16:54
dobeyah right16:54
seb128pitti: yes, no extra page loading \o/16:55
seb128it's fast and nice looking16:55
dobeypitti: pushed16:55
pittidobey: thanks16:55
pittidobey: next iteration: http://paste.ubuntu.com/136139/16:59
dobeypitti: fix pushed17:08
pittidobey: you rock17:08
dobeythanks :)17:09
pittiseb128: ah, just tried it; looks a bit weird, though17:15
pittiseb128: I'd expect something like changing the title17:15
pittidobey: works now on jockey \o/17:15
seb128pitti: bug #347227 can you look to the current comment and tell me what is the right component for such bugs?17:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347227 in nautilus "USB flash drive won't mount." [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34722717:16
seb128pitti: hum don't bother17:16
seb128sda1 is the wrong drive there17:17
pittidobey: merged17:19
pittidobey: I'll upload it to Debian and sync to jaunty after the beta freeze17:19
pittidobey: so we have a few more days to pull fixes from your branch17:19
pittiseb128: will look after dinner17:20
pittiseb128: oh, ok17:20
dobeypitti: awesome!17:20
seb128pitti: enjoy your dinner!17:20
pittiseb128: now they need the same non-page load for "subscribe"17:21
didrocksseb128: I really can't reproduce the gnome-screensaver bug in my jaunty box. Even in locking manually the screen17:40
seb128didrocks: lucky you17:40
didrocksseb128: that's really strange, and so, hard to fix :/17:41
seb128let me try on my laptop17:41
seb128what versions did you try?17:41
didrocksseb128: the one I packaged, ie 2.26.017:41
seb128and the version you were running before upgrade?17:42
didrocksseb128: my jaunty was up-to-date, so, I think 2.24.0-0ubuntu517:43
seb128didrocks: same issue on my laptop17:52
seb128dunno how you tested17:52
seb128I did test on real harware and xephyr on 2 different boxes now with different video cards ati and intel and same issue17:53
didrocksseb128: I just tested with the vesa driver on my virtualbox…17:54
seb128ok, that how I do it17:54
seb128add a test user to your install17:54
seb128Xephyr :1 with your normal user17:54
seb128su testuser17:54
seb128DISPLAY=:1 dbus-launch gnome-session17:55
seb128go to the xephyr, lock the screen17:55
seb128verify you can unlock17:55
seb128sudo dpkg -i gnome-screensaver-update17:55
didrocksok, let me test that17:55
seb128lock again17:55
seb128try to unlock17:55
waltersseb128: why not just use fast user switching?17:58
seb128walters: because it's faster this way than doing VT switches18:01
seb128walters: and xorg tends to crash after some VT switches there18:01
waltersah, "X bugs"18:02
seb128yeah ...18:02
waltersor could be kernel i guess18:03
seb128in any case xephyr is faster and doesn't crash my box ;-)18:05
waltershm, too bad that gdmflexiserver --xnest stopped working18:05
waltersthat used to be the one-liner for what you're doing with Xephyr18:05
seb128in fact it's still working in ubuntu if you don't run the new gdm for testing ;-)18:06
seb128we still have the old gdm by default18:06
seb128I didn't found how to start a non GNOME session using the new gdm the other day18:06
waltersthe sessions chooser should be in the bottom middle18:08
waltersafter selecting a user18:08
seb128I had only keyboard and language there18:08
seb128maybe I don't have .desktop for other session installed or something18:09
waltersyeah, possible18:09
didrocksseb128: you're right, it's flickering just after the upgrade. If you relaunch a new X session just after, there is no more issue…18:22
seb128didrocks: what did you change since before?18:22
didrocksseb128: I had to restart my session because of VB additions18:23
didrocksseb128: so, I was not testing the upgrade, but just a stable version (gnome-screensaver 2.26 with 2.26, not 2.24 with 2.26 commands)18:24
seb128that obviously works ;-)18:24
didrocks… we never know ^^18:24
didrocksso, what can we do? enforce reloading?18:24
seb128"enforce reloading"?18:26
didrocksseb128: try in postinsts to shutdown gnome-screensaver daemon (it's a daemon, right?) and load 2.26 one18:27
seb128didrocks: what if user locked their screen before going for coffee which the machine upgrades?18:27
seb128which -> while18:27
didrocksnever take a coffee during dist-ugprading your machine, you should look at your logs :)18:28
didrockskidding, more seriously, that's a bad issue :/18:28
seb128didrocks: I opened http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=576463 about the issue18:35
ubottuGnome bug 576463 in dialog "can't unlock screen after upgrade until restarting gnome-screensaver" [Normal,Unconfirmed]18:35
didrocksseb128: ok. I will subscribe to it to follow what happens18:40
seb128didrocks: cool, you are welcome to debug the issue too if you want ;-)18:40
didrocksseb128: I will try to give a look tomorrow (and to do the gnome-games doc split tomorrow as well)18:41
didrockshaving my dinner now, bbl :)18:41
seb128didrocks: enjoy!18:41
didrocksseb128: thanks ;)18:41
salty-horsehi chrisccoulson18:54
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
salty-horseany main sponsor around?19:26
seb128yes but main is frozen for beta this week19:27
salty-horsegrr.. anyhoo:19:27
salty-horsethis bug is really annoying: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/metacity/+bug/33262419:28
ubottuUbuntu bug 332624 in metacity "Inconsistencies when windows change their icon" [Low,Confirmed]19:28
salty-horseI already fixed it in trunk19:28
seb128use compiz?19:28
salty-horseand I'd really like it to get pushed19:28
salty-horseno. it's not a compiz bug19:28
seb128right, that's why I said "use compiz" ;-)19:28
salty-horseI also commented on its other bug manifestation19:28
salty-horse(which you commented in)19:28
seb128that doesn't seem worth a beta freeze break19:28
salty-horsethat one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/metacity/+bug/34288819:28
ubottuUbuntu bug 342888 in metacity "Panel no longer changes window struts when resized" [Low,Triaged]19:28
salty-horseI think it causes many usability problems, if it's worth anything19:29
seb128right, and usability issues will be fixed for jaunty19:29
seb128that's not a beta blocker19:30
seb128it's only an annoyance and for some users19:30
salty-horsewhat does that mean? when can it next be applied?19:30
seb128next week after the beta freeze I expect19:30
salty-horseI think it causes many other icon-related problems as well.. for example when opening open office documents19:30
seb128there is still several weeks before jaunty stable19:30
salty-horseshould I remind anyone about it?19:30
seb128jaunty will get GNOME 2.26.1 anyway19:31
seb128so it will get the fixes from svn when new tarballs are rolled19:31
salty-horsebut it was only fixed in metacity 2.2719:31
salty-horse(not backported, sadly)19:31
seb128why didn't they backport it?19:31
seb128they might have a reason and that would be good to know before rushing in jaunty19:31
salty-horsegood question. I'll prod the person in charge19:31
salty-horseI'll also ask the developer to chime in on the safety of applying it19:32
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dobeypitti: did you write build_icons.py?20:15
seb128dobey: he's away for the evening20:16
seb128dobey: he will probably reply tomorrow morning though ;-)20:17
dobeythat's fine20:17
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dobeyhrmm, i might just write a better build_icons and stick it icontool instead20:19
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didrocksseb128: I had little time just to split in a doc package. (bug #347526). You will be able to sponsor it once beta freeze ended. I added a replace tag, IIRC, it is mandatory if gnome-games-data is unpacked after new gnome-games-doc (files in 2 packages), right?20:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347526 in gnome-games "Please, split documentation in a -doc package" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34752620:22
seb128didrocks: hum, we didn't understand each other, I was suggesting splitting by locale as it's done for some other things20:23
seb128didrocks: so the language-pack can depends on the -locale binary20:23
didrocksseb128: oh. right, we didn't understand each other :)20:24
didrocksseb128: do you have some example to show?20:24
seb128didrocks: evolution20:26
seb128didrocks: gimp20:26
didrocksseb128: ok, I will give them a look to see how this is done20:26
didrocksI invalidate the bug, though20:26
seb128didrocks: it's basically listing a binary-documentation-locale for each locale in the control20:26
seb128didrocks: and having corresponding .installs20:26
didrocksseb128: are there tools for building that automatically (taken into account the number of locales…)20:28
seb128didrocks: I don't think so20:28
seb128didrocks: you can try asking asomething maybe when he's around he did the evolution one20:28
didrocksseb128: I will be interessed when he will be around yes. I'm currently downloading the gimp20:29
didrocksseb128: is it tdeb related?20:29
seb128I've no clue about tdeb but I don't think so20:32
seb128it's just about having shipping extra translations on the CD right now ;-)20:32
didrocksseb128: ok. I understand better the goal (I see nothing for the gimp in debian/control, look at evolution right now)20:33
seb128didrocks: they might use scripting in the rules or something20:34
didrocksok, there is something in debian/control in evolution20:34
didrocksseb128: that's additionnal .install file in evolution, as you suggested20:34
seb128yeah, I know how the evolution split has been made I did sponsor the upload20:35
seb128that's boring work but should allow to get french translations back on the amd64 desktop cd20:35
seb128so that's worth some efforts ;-)20:35
didrocksseb128: exactly, with that, hopefully, one day, no more need for building an ubuntu-fr CD \o/20:35
seb128didrocks: we have french back on the jaunty i386 iso right now20:36
didrockspeople are really afraid for having some apps in English in the live-cd20:36
seb128didrocks: you still have some extra customization for example etc I think no?20:36
didrocksseb128: all softwares?20:36
seb128didrocks: yes, language packs are on the CD20:36
didrocksseb128: not right now, it's planned20:36
didrocksgreat :)20:36
seb128didrocks: but not the documentation and spell checkers, etc20:36
didrockshum, we just have extra subtitles and documentations in ~/examples/20:37
didrockswell, will see if this extra work for ubuntu-fr is still needed :)20:37
seb128I guess the most important part was to get the language packs on the CD20:38
seb128otherwise everything is in english20:38
didrocksthat's very good20:38
seb128for a demo CD and installer having translations in UIs is enough20:38
seb128you don't need spellchecking etc there20:38
didrocksyeah, seems the good way :) but which applications were dropped off the CD?20:38
seb128ok anyway it's time to go out and get some diner for me20:38
didrocksyes, you should ;) enjoy!20:39
seb128didrocks: not real dropping of the CD why?20:39
didrocksseb128: for the extra space that was needed on the CD to get langagepack back on it20:39
seb128didrocks: the documentation split for evolution won enough to get some language packs back on the CD20:39
seb128and we did some cleaning too20:40
seb128I might get libgnomeprint* dropped from the CD too for jaunyt20:40
didrocksgreat, I will do gnome-games tomorrow20:40
didrockslibgnomeprint is deprecated?20:40
seb128they are just there because of gnome-python-desktop and gnome-games20:40
seb128gnome-games is fixed in svn20:40
seb128and we can split the python binding20:40
seb128yes for some years by gtkprint in GTK20:40
didrocksok, if I can give an hand for the split…20:41
seb128I will let you know but it should be easy20:42
seb128I grepped through the rdepends of python-gnome2-desktop today20:42
seb128and there is only gnome-games to fix (and the change is in svn) apparently20:42
seb128so it's just a matter of adding a gnome-python2-gnomeprint binary20:43
seb128and that will drop out of the CD with libgnomeprint*20:43
seb128but for now let's get dinner, bbl!20:43
didrocksyeah, grab your dinner first :)20:43
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* dobey needs some distutils help21:16
Ampelbeindobey: just ask21:29
dobeyAmpelbein: i figured it out :)21:32
dobeyme being stupid21:32
Ampelbeindobey: that's ok then. (that you figured it out, not you being stupid ;-)21:32
dobeyi was calling cmd.cmd() instead of cmd.cmd.run()21:37
Ampelbeinsilly me. note to self: closing the terminal where you started metacity from is a bad idea.22:39
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