
=== Ampelbein is now known as ampelbein
=== ampelbein is now known as Ampelbein
=== Ampelbein is now known as ampelbein
=== foxbuntu` is now known as foxbuntu
Kanohi rtg , when do you add my aufs compile fix to git12:12
Kanoi dont want to update my patch everytime, just add it12:12
rtgKano: I'm not sure I'm going to. We are considering either upgrading to current aufs or using a different in-kernel solution.12:13
Kanortg: you can update it later if needed, why not have something working before?12:13
Kanowhat solution is in kernel?12:13
rtga device mapper snapshot. I'm stioll not sure of the details, but then I don't have to worry about it for awhile. I'm still busy with Jaunty.12:15
Kanothats a tiny patch, i think you can do it12:15
Kanoyou just removed squashfs, that will require a tiny change12:16
Kanoin the makefile after the patch12:16
Kanoit was correct 5 days ago when i posted the patch in the mailing list12:18
rtgamitk: do you have anything that absolutely has to make into the Beta release?13:41
rtgs/make /make it /13:41
amitkrtg: naah. Most of my stuff can now wait.13:45
rtgamitk: k, thanks13:45
dandel0o' yuck... gotta figure out how to get 2.6.25 to boot.14:16
=== ampelbein is now known as Ampelbein
bradFcooloney: ping14:59
cooloneybradF, pong15:12
amitkcooloney: bradF: check latest commit to git tree. No need to work on mv78xx0 and orion5x anymore15:13
cooloneyamitk, got it, 15:14
=== Ampelbein is now known as ampelbein
=== ampelbein is now known as Ampelbein
bradFamitk: got it, thanks15:26
=== apw is now known as cafetiere
* cafetiere looks grumpy17:46
* smb_tp waves to cafetiere 17:47
cafetieresmb_tp: me and jaunty are not getting on at all17:48
smb_tpYeah, I guessed that much but the timing was reasonably well :)17:49
=== cafetiere is now known as apw
nanomadHi all, can anyone please have a look at bug #21367 . It has been un-fixed for 3 years with a solution ready since the first report. :(18:19
ubot3Malone bug 21367 in linux-source-2.6.22 "Wifi-enabled led is not lit on ipw2200 cards" [Low,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2136718:19
IntuitiveNipplenanomad: lol... I was looking at that bug quite independently of your request :)19:25
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dandelhmm... fun... now i need to figure out how to get 2.6.25 to boot... apw, mind helping?23:21

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