
Imahiluscould anybody help me with a ubuntu network issue? (v8.10)00:00
node357please help, I've had this problem for over a month now... can't mute my microphone, but can't get it to work with TeamSpeak... please help00:00
ActionParsnip1John_OAS: what errors do you get when you try log on?00:00
oCean_the-newby: when you spell my nick correctly, you message gets highlighted. That makes a conversation easier to follow00:00
ActionParsnip1!ask | Imahilus00:00
ubottuImahilus: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:00
ActionParsnip1melik: sudo apt-get install ntfstools00:00
rwwmelik: the best we have is "ntfsresize -fi /dev/sdXY" (replacing XY with your partition info), which is the check that happens before resizing (that command doesn't actually resize with those options). For a full check, you should boot Windows (thems the breaks when you use a Microsoft propreitary filesystem).00:00
the-newbyuupps,, sorry, typing error,00:00
John_OASNo error, I'm just directed staight back to the login screen.00:00
ActionParsnip1John_OAS: check you are the owner and that your home dir is chmodded 750 throughout00:01
Imahilus@ ActionParsnip1: my network connection 'drops' for 4~5 seconds every now and again, depending on network traffic (more traffic -> more often)00:01
John_OASSame for Ctrl-Alt-N logins.  INcorrect password does result in an incorrect password message.00:01
oCean_the-newby: :) Just type oC and hit <tab> key...00:01
jesperHello, is the command and package kerneltop ever meant to be a working package?00:01
ActionParsnip1Imahilus: try a different driver, or some options on the driver to make it better00:02
John_OASI can't login do do that, will a boot CD give me appropriate permissions to check and correct that.00:02
node357please help, I've had this problem for over a month now... can't mute my microphone, but can't get it to work with TeamSpeak... please help00:02
Imahilusdriver? o.o00:02
Imahilusit worked out of the box, and it has no drivers listen in the hardware manager anymore00:02
oCean_the-newby: to answer the question: sorry, don't know of 2.12 version. Intrepid gives 2.7-1, and there are only updates regarding security vulnerabilities etc.00:02
Imahilus(new to ubuntu)00:02
ActionParsnip1John_OAS: you can certainly chmod -R 750 /home/folder00:02
the-newbyoCean_: yes, i will in future, may i be forgiven for this time ? :)00:03
ActionParsnip1Imahilus: then run: sudo lshw -C network00:03
oCean_the-newby: most certainly :)00:03
sebsebsebImahilus: ok,   microphones and  other sound issues, tend to just need configuring in Ubuntu,  no drivers needed00:03
ActionParsnip1Imahilus: that wil show you the driver you are using, you can then use that to websearch, are you fully updated?00:03
trindoes anyone know how i can force windows to view my linux partition i am using vista business00:03
sebsebsebtrin: yes00:03
sebsebsebtrin: however  if you let it view your  / partition it would be like running admin/root on it,  and that means if you delete the wrong file, you could  get Ubuntu issues00:04
the-newbyso for now , i thnx for the help so far, i will try  to install the new version, after checking the libs00:04
ImahilusActionParsnip1: fully updated, looking for the driver bits now00:04
the-newbybye ,for now.O:-)00:04
sebsebsebtrin: also with the viruses for Windows, you could get one that would wipe Windows out as well as your Linux partition, if you do that00:04
Dreamglidertrin: http://www.fs-driver.org/00:05
sebsebsebDreamglider: you should warn people like I did  first :) not just give them that link00:05
sebsebsebtrin: Ubuntu can read and write to your Vista NTFS partition by the way00:05
trini tried that one and windows tells me i have to reformat the drive00:05
Dreamglidersebsebseb: true00:06
sebsebsebtrin: and you could have a data parttion that you share between both of  them00:06
sebsebsebtrin: ok well it's very stable now. and that's been over 2 years00:06
sebsebsebtrin: the read and write NTFS driver00:06
ActionParsnip1trin: http://www.fs-driver.org/download/Ext2IFS_1_11a.exe    you could run the installer with compatibility so it runs under XP compatibility00:06
sebsebsebtrin: better to make a partition that you share between both OS's00:06
ImahilusActionParsnip1: driver=ipw2200 driverversion=1.2.2kmprq firmware=ABG: (Mar 22 2005) ip= latency=64 link=yes maxlatency=24 mingnt=3 module=ipw2200 multicast=yes wireless=IEEE 802.11g00:06
ascI have 6 GB of memory. I am running Ubuntu 8.10 (32-bit). It is showing 2 GB of memory. I need it to use as much as 32-bit can access (3 or 3.5 GB). Can anybody help me?00:06
node357please help, I've had this problem for over a month now... can't mute my microphone, but can't get it to work with TeamSpeak... please help00:06
sebsebsebtrin: or make a seperate home, and let Vista have access to that one as well,  instead of  /00:06
Dreamglidertho i dont like the fs-driver, it's  like you have to "download" the files on the ext partition.00:07
Dreamglideron-of *00:07
ActionParsnip1asc: you need the server edition or 64bit ubuntu00:07
gartralhow do i update my dvdrom's bios?00:07
ImahilusActionParsnip1: actually have no clue as to search wether its up to date00:07
trintrird that actionparsnip100:08
ActionParsnip1Imahilus: according to the ipw2200 site you have the latest veriosn00:08
mcfeebi need to recreate an mdadm config for a soft-raid(1) on 8.04.  the raid is intact, but the system drive crapped out and i lost the original raid config.  is there a quick way to reconstruct it without losing the data on the raid disks?00:08
sebsebsebtrin: yes you have to give it a letter   on  Windows, and  re boot, before the driver takes effect, once you got it installed00:08
ImahilusActionParsnip1: incompatibility with the linksys router perhaps?00:09
trini assigned it "z"00:09
sebsebsebtrin:   hang on00:09
ActionParsnip1Imahilus: ahhhh, if you sudo ifdown your other network devices its better00:09
Dreamglidergartral: go to the manufacturers website and download the update (If there is one) chances are youll have to do the update in Windows.00:09
ActionParsnip1Imahilus: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5872100:09
sebsebsebtrin: why not run Vista instead Ubuntu, if you got enough RAM?00:09
sebsebsebtrin: inside Ubuntu00:09
sebsebsebtrin: Vista business so I am assuming your not playing games00:09
sebsebsebtrin: how much RAM do you have?00:10
ImahilusActionParsnip1: thanks! =)00:10
sebsebsebtrin: perfect00:10
node357please help, I've had this problem for over a month now... can't mute my microphone, but can't get it to work with TeamSpeak... please help00:10
matrix__hey is there any program for ubuntu so you can see tv satelites programs on pc, there are som programs that works on windows just wondering if ubuntu have something similiar00:10
ImahilusActionParsnip1: afraid its getting late here, so I'm saving the link to try 'tomorrow'00:10
Greencoat421ok Gnea, that didn't work00:10
sebsebsebtrin: this is a very good idea, use Ubuntu as your  host OS, and  if your going to have Vista, do it in a virtual machine.   that way you can just copy it like a normal operating system file as well.  and do a clean from malicious programs backup like that00:10
sebsebsebtrin: and everything will work fine except 3D programs, but your not doing that anyway00:11
ActionParsnip1matrix__: mythtv will use a tv card nicely00:11
HammerHead66sorry if I haven't been able to help I had a person that had a lot to do00:11
sebsebsebtrin: well I assume your not?00:11
matrix__not to watch from pc to tv i mean to watch live tv programs on ubuntu00:11
eseven3sebsebseb: "you're" :)00:11
salahHi. I have a Option 3G network card, which works properly. The only problem is that I have to start the computer with this USB modem plugged in, else Ubuntu won't discover it. Any ideas to fix this?00:11
aoristare there any known issues with ubuntu 8.04 with a previously working microsoft pptp vpn setup suddenly refusing to connect?00:11
ActionParsnip1eseven3: ;)00:12
shay1Hi, how come when I install nvidia-180 and login, I get a black screen?00:12
HammerHead66matrix__: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0844653/ any TV show on TV is on this site00:12
sebsebsebtrin: also being able to run both OS's on the same computer at the asme time,  is better than dual booting surely?   of  course depending on what apps you want to run from Windows,  Wine  may be good enough00:12
Greencoat421is there a networking channel?00:12
ActionParsnip1salah: when you plug it in run: sudo /etc/init.d/hal restart00:12
node357please help, I've had this problem for over a month now... can't mute my microphone, but can't get it to work with TeamSpeak... please help00:12
matrix__what the heck are you talking about00:12
sebsebsebGreencoat421: that's where I was going to tell you to  go earlier00:12
matrix__i want to watch satelite programs on ubuntu00:13
matrix__are you stupid or what00:13
trinthe only reason that i have it installed in a separte partition os because of my drafting software and my wife who also uses this00:13
_VIM_!attitude | matrix__00:13
ubottumatrix__: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines00:13
trinthe virtual machine would confuse her to no end00:13
B4RR13N705does anybody know starterbar00:13
sebsebsebtrin: what is drafing software?00:13
B4RR13N705from gdesklets?00:13
shay1nvidia 180.29 won't work correctly00:13
salahActionParsnip1, is there no possibility to make Ubuntu do this automaticly?00:13
HammerHead66matrix__: u were talking about TV I gave you a one shop stop for all programs on TV00:13
sebsebsebtrin: convert your wife to Ubuntu :)   even non technical people can use Ubuntu, with enough help from someone00:13
node357yeah when it WORKS00:14
node357all I wanna do is mute my microphone!00:14
Greencoat421sebsebseb so what's the channel name?00:14
shay1wait does  NVIDIA-Linux-x86-180.29-pkg1.run even work on intrepid?00:14
ActionParsnip1salah: you could write a script that polls the usb and runs the command if it changes00:14
sebsebsebtrin: and you could put  desktoip apps for all programs she uses, and then  probably be ok?00:14
B4RR13N705go to sound setting00:14
matrix__iam talking about software like you can download for windows and then you can install the software and watch tv satelites programs that brodcasts live00:14
sebsebsebGreencoat421: #networking00:14
ActionParsnip1shay1: i used the pkg0.run file00:14
_VIM_so get a mic with a mute/volume switch :P00:14
trini design houses on the side00:14
node357please help, I've had this problem for over a month now... can't mute my microphone, but can't get it to work with TeamSpeak... please help00:14
maddwestyhow to i get wine up and running?00:15
sebsebsebmatrix__: yeah there's a website uhmmmmmm00:15
trinso it have to have my windows but when i am not i am in ubuntu00:15
HammerHead66node357: i would if I had a mic00:15
John_OASActionParsnip1 - Permissions / ownership seem OK.  Any ideas, or particular logs I could check that would be informative.00:15
ActionParsnip1salah: you could have a script to run the command and a link on your desktop to run it with a simple click00:15
sebsebsebtrin: ok well why do you or she have to access UBuntu's partition from Windows?00:15
John_OAS(one day I'll remember to use a ?)00:15
ActionParsnip1John_OAS: could create an extra user and add it to the admin group, log in as that and troubleshoot00:15
salahActionParsnip1, sorry, one more thing: when I plug it out, the computer completely freezes00:16
sebsebsebmaddwesty: you  add wines own  server/repo to Ubuntu00:16
sebsebsebmaddwesty: then you always get latest version00:16
ActionParsnip1salah: sounds like your usb management is a bit screwy, are you fully updated?00:16
sebsebsebmaddwesty: http://www.winehq.org00:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rep00:16
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories00:16
FloodBot1sebsebseb: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:16
salahActionParsnip1, yes last update two days ago00:16
HammerHead66ActionParsnip1: see all kinds of goodies00:16
trinmy main job that i do is design websites i do most of the work in dreamweaver for now as i am still trying to figure out the editors in ubuntu00:17
John_OASActionParsnip1 - How to create a new user for the OS on disk, while booted from Live CD?00:17
node357turns out it's a long standing bug, thanks for nothing00:17
sebsebsebtrin: Dreamweaver works rather nicely under Wine00:17
sebsebsebtrin: see above  about getting wine00:17
ActionParsnip1John_OAS: you'll need to chroot the terminal so it works on the internal disk and not the ramdrive of the live cd00:17
MarGarinatrin: vim is amazing when you get used to it. :)00:17
DrknezzWhy some entries in my repo list are commented out? "Line commented out by installer because it failed to verify:", even when they are ubuntu-security00:17
AnonHello all.00:18
trineven cs 4?00:18
FlannelDrknezz: Because when you installed, you didn't have internet access to verify that they were up.  You should uncomment them.00:18
sebsebsebtrin: to be honest I think all website editors suck, that's why I hand code, but if I was to be making a much better site,  then  Dreamweaver  sure00:18
* MarGarina doesn't trust wine00:18
ActionParsnip1Drknezz: when its done it thing, go back in and uncomment00:18
DrknezzFlannel, ok, thx00:18
* ActionParsnip1 loves wine00:18
sebsebsebtrin: not sure about  CS 4, but  http://www.appdb.winehq.org00:18
AnonAre we debating about coding sites?00:18
LogicFannw pinot noir is my favorite ;P00:18
ActionParsnip1Anon: no, ubuntu support00:18
sebsebsebtrin: remember you can run Windows also inside Ubuntu for   2D apps instead of dual booting :d00:19
LogicFansorry, mandatory wine joke was necessary00:19
trinlast i checked it was not on the list00:19
matrix__www.freeware.de/download/readon-tv-movie-radio-player_36967.html   something like this just for ubuntu00:19
AnonSo what usually happens here? (first time on)00:19
meoblast001i have Gnash and it won't work, how do i get flash back?00:19
eseven3!welcome | Anon00:19
Greencoat421 00:19
ubottuAnon: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.00:19
meoblast001i reinstalled it00:19
sebsebsebAnon: you ask a question, and people answer,  or  you help others00:19
salahI found that HAL probably don't unmount the device. Is there any possibilities to make HAL mount and unmount automaticly? All other USB devices works perfectly00:19
ActionParsnip1Anon: people ask support questions and they get answers, this is the official support channel for ubuntu00:19
AnonAh, OK.00:19
LogicFanmeoblast001, remove the gnash firefox plugin00:20
AnonSo it's like the forums, only faster?00:20
matrix__Readon TV Movie Radio Player00:20
sebsebsebAnon: yeah instnat00:20
ActionParsnip1Anon: well real time so yeah00:20
trinwill i still have the 3d support that i have when i have the seperate partition00:20
sebsebsebAnon: instant00:20
trinas my drafting prog needs the 3d00:20
sebsebsebtrin: 3D suppourt is experimental in  virtual machine software00:20
sebsebsebtrin: for now you will need Windows for a 3D program00:21
eseven3blender for 3d :)00:21
sebsebsebtrin: that is a Windows program, but  for 2D stuff a vm will be fine00:21
trinmy cheif architect needs the 3d00:21
trinfor the rendering00:21
sebsebsebtrin: and Blender is a 3D moddlling app ,  that is  complacted to learn,  so not helpful for  what your after00:21
AnonWell, it does take a while.00:21
sebsebsebtrin: Blender for making movies yeah00:21
_VIM_Blender pwns00:22
=== SecretBnC is now known as Myidentityisasec
AnonBut there are some good tutorial sites for blender.00:22
_VIM_just takes a bit to learn the interface00:22
sebsebsebtrin: yes that's why you dual boot00:22
sebsebsebtrin: however for 2D programs you can run them inside  Ubuntu as I was saying00:22
sebsebsebtrin: why dual boot into Vista, unless you really have to?00:22
Anontrin: http://www.totallyblended.com/ - atrocious web design, good blender tutorials.00:22
sebsebsebtrin: I mean you want to be on Ubuntu most of the time don't you?  even if that means  your running a few Windows apps that are 2D, in Wine, comercial versions of Wine,  or a Windows virtual machine?00:23
=== Myidentityisasec is now known as Can
trinif it was not for my cheif arch. prog i would run windows in a vm00:23
trini am 95% of the time00:23
sebsebsebtrin: well Dreamweaver CS 4 in a VM :D00:24
sebsebsebtrin: or with Wine if it's got good enough suppourt00:24
meoblast001LogicFan: it fell back to swfdec00:24
lagann_doesn't dreamweaver cs4 work fine in a VM?00:24
HammerHead66later guys I'll be back after I eat something00:24
nickolasWhat is a VM00:24
sebsebseblagann_: that's exactly what I was saying00:24
lagann_virtual machine00:24
sebsebsebvirtual machine00:24
nickolasoh thx00:24
sebsebseblet's you run an OS inside an OS00:24
FloodBot1sebsebseb: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:24
sebsebsebflood hummmmmmm00:25
nickolasyeah but you have to buy the os00:25
salahIs there any way to check if noacpi is running?00:25
trinthat one does but not my chief architect program as it needs the 3d support00:25
nickolas 00:25
LogicFanmeoblast001, remove that one too00:25
eseven73Anon:  you make that site?00:25
nickolas  00:25
nickolas 00:25
FloodBot1nickolas: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:25
LogicFanthen re-install flashplugin-nonfree00:25
nickolashe put a ban on me00:25
Anoneseven73: Nope.00:25
sebsebsebnickolas: yes you were being stupid flooding the channel for real00:25
AnonFound it on the internet somewhere.00:25
nickolaswell he works00:25
=== Can is now known as tanmaynarang
=== tanmaynarang is now known as Myidentityisasec
gartralspeaking of wine... has anyone else figured out how to get compiz to behave while wine apps are runnin, so far, im doing ok, i just cant alttab a windowed game, that doesnt workout so well comeing back00:26
nickolasyeah i nkow i just wanted to see if he works :) sorry if i bothered any100:26
eseven73anon ah ok, ill check it out ty :D00:26
Imahilusbye people00:26
sebsebsebnickolas: and no you don't have to buy an OS  if the OS is free00:26
sebsebsebnickolas: by the way Linux distributions are not just free as in price most of them,  because they are all free as in freedom00:26
ubottufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing00:26
lagann_nickolas, if you have a slow internet connection, you may want to order the CD or DVD instead00:27
nickolasyes iam talking about vista and microcra(p) products00:28
lagann_nickolas, most of the linux distros are free, ubuntu is always free to all00:28
sebsebsebgartral: speaking of Wine, all these people that want Linux distributions to be a free as in price version of Windows, when really they are meant to be a free  as in freedom version of Unix :).   one day though ReactOS  which will be like a opensource version of Widows, will be developed enough for proper usage :D  ,but by then Wine will also be amazing.  they share some code.  http://www.reactos.org    If people are00:29
nickolasand openSUSE and fedora and devian and linux mint00:29
sebsebsebgoing to use Ubuntu ideally they should know  a bit about, what this software is about.00:29
nickolasI know00:29
FloodBot1sebsebseb: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:29
ubottuUNIX is an operating system created in the '70s, which has many direct derivates and inspired systems like Minix and !Linux. Most "UNIX-style" systems try to somewhat adhere to the POSIX standard.00:29
ubottuLinux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux00:29
FloodBot1nickolas: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about linus00:29
lagann_nickolas, about the microsoft windows operating systems aren't supported here...00:30
AnonInteresting mechanism.00:30
Flannel!fishing | nickolas00:30
ubottunickolas: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".00:30
gartralsebsebseb: ive been l;ooking at reactose for 4 or 5 years now, it looks promising, but for now, wine is the best we have, and its pretty functional00:30
Anonnickolas: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linus_Torvalds00:30
sebsebsebgartral: indeed, but ideally also we want more native stuff :)00:30
Anonsebsebseb: That would be ideal00:31
=== drostie is now known as PvtCaboose
slimjim Hey I am having issue with a WD 1TB ext HDD when i open it it lets me view my files one time then makes everything nowrite any idea, i think i am going to have to format it it was a M$ window$ use before but i am thinking i may need to reformat and partion it diff cause it may have a virus on it. any sugestion00:31
sebsebsebyep,  and  that's why to help with market share,  new users  need to be happy enough with Ubuntu, so that they will get away from Windows :D  or  use Windows less at least.   anyway this stuff is going off topic now00:32
nickolasi think i broke floodbot100:32
=== _RaNdY is now known as RaNdY
lagann_nickolas, Oh no! Ubuntu is going to put you on trial!00:33
Anonslimjim: 1TB? Lucky :P00:34
nickolasI am a good ubuntu user! i completely got rid of vista i swear! and on both cps!!!00:34
* _VIM_ volunteers to be the judge00:34
* nickolas swears he is innocent00:34
* Anon volunteers to be the judge, jury, and executioner00:34
* nickolas thinks there is no need for an executioner that is a windows executable file .exe! traitor00:35
buttons1can someone tell me where the default desktop backgrounds are stored?00:35
oCean_lagann_ Anon nickolas, Please stay on topic.00:35
AnonI'm a .bin file00:35
* nickolas hypocrite00:35
salahCan somebody please help me with this? When I plug in the USB modem, the device is getting mounted as /dev/ttyHS2 which is correct, but NetworkManager don't recognize it until restart. Any ideas why?00:35
slimjimAnon, i dont know if it is lucky cause It is haveing some serous issues00:35
lagann_oCean_, sorry about that...00:35
oCean_salah: /usr/share/backgrounds00:35
salahoCean_, what?00:36
Anonslimjim, could you explain your problem again? I didn't understand it.00:36
oCean_salah: yeah, sorry - was not for you00:36
=== nickolas is now known as nephilus
oCean_buttons1: /usr/share/backgrounds00:36
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots00:37
slimjimsure, when i plug in my ext USB 1tb hard drive it loads but then once i open it one time to view folders and go back to the main folder it makes everything nowrite i can not pull the data off of it, keep in mind this used to be used on vista and it is a wester digital element 1tb00:37
watJohn_OAS can i get that command to mount my hard drive again?00:37
AnonWhat do you mean by nowrite?00:37
slimjimi am thinking it has a virus that screwed itup, so i am going to ahve to clean it and format it, what should i make the files system tho00:37
lagann_no write permission?00:38
slimjimall the folders and files have nowrite writen over them. or the lock00:38
watoCean_ do you have that command? can you scroll up to get me it :/00:38
AnonWell, if you do that, ntfs would be good.00:38
slimjimyea no write but under prop it say i have permision00:38
slimjimok i was hoping to atleast get my photos of it00:38
slimjimbut can not figure how to get them cause it keeps crashing the drive00:38
xmath_04Hello !!00:39
oCean_wat: one more time and one more time only00:39
oCean_wat: "sudo mkdir /mydisk" == to create a mountpoint00:39
Anonslimjim, try opening a terminal (ALT+F2 and type in terminal)00:39
slimjimactually i think what has it all screwed up is the stupud  wd automount crap00:39
oCean_wat: "sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdg1 /mydisk" = to mount00:39
watyes thanks00:39
slimjimok let me hook it back in00:39
Anonslimjim: and then type 'cd /media/drive_name'00:39
xmath_04I've a little problem. When I start up Ubuntu, my computer goes to sleep mode so my keyboard and my mouse doesn't work. Thanks for helping me !00:39
GothicSpectrumi like ice cream with pizza00:40
GothicSpectrumoh sorry haha00:40
slimjimok i am there00:40
slimjimto that dir00:40
watoCean_ do you have that one that that other guy told me to use?00:40
wati apparently clicked cancel instead of save when saving that command00:40
oCean_wat: no00:40
oCean_wat: mine are fine00:40
watoCean_ can't you scroll up?00:40
Drknezzxmath_04, woah...00:41
Anonslimjim, now type 'chmod 777 filenamehere'00:41
Drknezzxmath_04, nice issue, do you have any clue what is causing it?00:41
Closeyetfardoes anyone here use logmein.com to remote connect to ubuntu?00:42
xmath_04I dont know but I cannot install any other operating system than Vista00:42
Drknezzxmath_04, O.o00:42
Anonslimjim, alternatively try 'chmod -R 777 *'00:42
Drknezzxmath_04, check out BIOS settings00:42
HammerHead66xmath_04: yes you can you just have to go into BIOS and set the cd-rom to boot first00:42
watoCean_ it wont mount :/00:43
HammerHead66xmath_04: do you know how to get into BIOS?00:44
xmath_04HammerHead66: Ok just wait a second i'll try it now.00:44
xmath_04HammerHead66 > Yes, yes!00:44
slimjimAnon give me a few min have to deal with the kids00:44
millertime_018how to i get to the file "$PREFIX/share/xsessions/enlightenment.desktop"00:44
ianwCan someone help me please00:44
AnonNo prob.00:44
millertime_018how do i get to that file?00:44
ianwjust installing new pc.00:44
ianwone disk00:44
GothicSpectrumjoin #ubuntu-chat00:45
fearful!enter | ianw00:45
ubottuianw: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:45
ianwcreated a 60gb partition with windows in it00:45
gartralhow do i make the pidgin irc name colors draw from a different pool00:45
__mikemCloseyetfar: please don't spam in here00:45
Closeyetfari was trying to join it00:45
xmath_04Ok so now I just started on Debian and it works but... I dont see my principal hard drive wich is a S-ATA00:45
GothicSpectrumho sbagliato ir coso00:45
gartralCloseyetfar: its #ubuntu-offtopic00:45
FlannelCloseyetfar: /join #ubuntu-offtopic00:45
__mikem!es | GothicSpectrum00:45
ubottuGothicSpectrum: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:45
xmath_04Maybe because I use raid is the problem00:45
ikanobori!it | gartral00:45
ubottugartral: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)00:45
millertime_018can someone just tell me how to get to a certain file?00:45
HammerHead66gartral: command lines like "/list"  without " "00:46
millertime_018where is that?00:46
ikanoborieither one __mikem ;)00:46
ianwnew install - 1 disk partitioned  60gb windows 40gb ubuntu - how do I install into the 40gb..guided seems to want to re-size windows not use the 2nd partition00:46
__mikemikanobori: ?00:46
fearfulianw, put manual then set the partition to ext3 and mount as / you also need a swap partition.00:46
m1dlgI have an 80gb drive I need to mirror to a 1TB drive for a NAS, Gparted doesn't copy or move xfs partitions, is there an alternative I can use?00:46
xmath_04HammerHead66 > It is already the first boot device.00:46
gartralwhy are you all jumping me? i was telling Closeyetfar the name of the channel he was looking for, the absence of "/join" was an anti bot measure00:47
HammerHead66make cd-rom the first booting thing00:47
Closeyetfarim not00:47
xmath_04Yes it's already this...00:47
ianw@fearful so don't worry about /var /log / /usr etc, just / and /swap? with 1.25gb of ram, how much swap as a suggestion please?00:47
xmath_04It just doesnt see the S-ATA hard drive00:47
gartralikanobori: i dont speak italian, reaim your tab key00:47
HammerHead66then save and put in the live cd00:47
xmath_04And when I try to install XP I get a 0x00...7B BlueScreen00:48
m1dlgI have an 80gb drive I need to mirror to a 1TB drive for a NAS, Gparted doesn't copy or move xfs partitions, is there an alternative I can use? I also need to inflate the main partition to the remaining 900gb00:48
jribmillertime_018: that's like asking "where is 12 main st. {city where you live}"00:48
fearfulianw, yes just use the one whre you goin to install ubuntu as ext3 mounted / and make a 1gb swap partition, you don't have to mount it just set the disk as swap-partition I believe.00:48
millertime_018jrib: i'm following directions from this site: http://wiki.enlightenment.org/index.php/E17_User_Guide/Starting_from_a_graphical_login_manager00:48
jribmillertime_018: k?00:48
jimisrvroxhey guys ive got probs reinstalling the network manager for gnome after wicd did not work for me. 1. How should I reinstall the applet and such and 2. how can I resolve this DHCP crap. here is my pastebin http://paste.ubuntu.com/135715/00:48
ikanoborigartral: sorry, you could learn italian ;)00:48
jribmillertime_018: I'm guessing $PREFIX means the place you installed it to...00:49
ianwyou'd think that guided would work out you'd left a whole chunk of space for it..00:49
Closeyetfaranyone here know how to set up logmein on ubuntu?00:49
fearfulianw, well guided won't care if you have Windows or not. It'll re-partition the way ubuntu feels best00:49
martinhi all00:49
HammerHead66makes sure the sata drive is set to master00:49
gartralikanobori: english and japanese are hard enough to keep from flowing into each other00:49
HammerHead66with jumper00:49
millertime_018jrib: well i installed in to home...00:50
xmath_04HammerHead66 > I already started with a Live CD but... it just doesnt work... it goes to sleep mode and my keyboard + mouse still doesnt work00:50
sivikhi all00:50
solexious|netbkHello, where is the best place to look for a list of linux supported gigabit network cards that support jumbo frames?00:50
slimjimok Anon i did chmod and got a bunch of output to end with input output error00:50
jribmillertime_018: then prefix is home...00:50
Anonslimjim: try doing that as root.00:50
HammerHead66u have to tape ur key board when you first start so it see them00:50
m1dlgSATA doesn't have master or slave, the cables can only carry data for one device, unless someone knows different00:50
Anonslimjim: and paste it to paste.ubuntu.com00:51
AghastHi there. Is anyone can help me with a local repository creation problem?00:51
slimjimok i did the second option you gave me tho the (chmod -R 777 &)00:51
HammerHead66jumper on the hd itself00:51
sivikxorg and nvidia working anyone?00:51
xmath_04HammerHead66 > Ok and what about the mouse...00:51
murilosomeone can help me with this problem http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/4387/problemsv.png with fonts00:51
HammerHead66is it usb or anolog?00:52
gartralsivik: whats your problem?00:52
xmath_04HammerHead66 > USB00:52
Anonslimjim: it doesn't have the &, it's a *00:52
sivikgartral, no matter which nvidia-glx i install, it never works00:52
bruce89!usb > HammerHead6600:52
slimjimthat is what i ment00:52
ubottuHammerHead66, please see my private message00:52
HammerHead66it will see it once u get in to install the program00:52
AnonAh, ok.00:52
sivikI have an 8600 and it worked fine in xorg.conf in 8.04 but a fresh install of 8.10 isn't working00:52
slimjimi was not looking at this screen when i typed i was looking at the other monitor00:52
xmath_04HammerHead66 > Wich program ?00:53
slimjimok did it as root the light on the drive is flashing nothing yet tho00:53
Anonslimjim: OK, tell me what happens.00:53
gartralsivik: wich set of drivers do you have installed?00:53
bruce89HammerHead66: sorry, misunderstood the situation00:53
sivikcurrenty 17300:53
siviktried with 17700:54
slimjimi will as soon as anything does all i am getting is a flash on the drive the indicator light like it is searching or something. I think it might be messed up stupid WD software, it was setup for windows vista and i suspect a virus may be in it00:54
gartralsivik:  173... your downloading these from nvidias site arnt you?00:54
HammerHead66xmath_04: please go to  other chat i have setup ok00:54
sivikinstalled via aptitude00:54
bullgard4How can I test if the microphone of a headset functions in Ubuntu? In Alsamixer I set  View=Capture and Capture=100%.00:55
gartralsivik: ahh, there not active, ok i assume you only have terminal atm?00:55
salahAny ideas how to make Network Manager recognize a USB HDSPA modem please?00:55
Anonslimjim: what are the directories on the drive? (It is external, correct?)00:55
siviki have vesa working with it00:55
slimjimyes EXT usb00:55
gartralsivik: well, that makes life easy00:55
sivikyes gartral00:55
slimjimand it is powered by separte power sorce not the usb drive00:55
Anonslimjim: could you post the directories here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ ?00:56
slimjimit aint no big deal it will just be photos i loose i have all my music and movies backed up already00:56
slimjimyea as soon as i can access it again00:56
slimjimit is froze right now, the terminal mode is not doing anything and in GUI i can not get anything out of it either00:56
josh-lhey all, how can I make my regular ubuntu bootsplash a higher resolution?00:57
gartralsivik: System>Administration>Hardware Drivers00:57
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siviki'm in kde00:57
slimjimat this point i am just ready to black it with format and change the partion type00:57
thechefWhy can I right click a folder in ubuntu and share it via NFS or SMB, but not SFTP?00:57
watI have mounted a drive and it does not appear in ubuntu00:57
slimjimclean all the Western Digital crap00:57
josh-li'm looking in my menu.lst00:58
m1dlgI have an 80gb drive I need to mirror to a 1TB drive for a NAS, Gparted doesn't copy or move xfs partitions, is there an alternative I can use? I also need to inflate the main partition to the remaining 900gb.00:59
irc1if i plugin a freebsd hdd to dump its filesystem intact on ubuntu, is it possible?00:59
Anonm1dlg: cp00:59
m1dlgis this a tool with a gui or text?01:00
josh-lhelp pls01:00
Anonm1dlg: it's a command line tool that copies things.01:00
John_OASActionParsnip1 - I created a new user, which now exhibits the same behaviour.  I tried booting an older kernel, in both normal and recovery mode.  Same deal.  Anything else spring to mind?01:00
m1dlgi'll read up on it, many thanks for the pointer01:00
Anonm1dlg: then use gparted or something to modify the partition.01:01
bruce89josh-l: you can't01:01
josh-lBruce: why not01:01
josh-lbruce89: why not01:01
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bruce89josh-l: it should be automatically the highest possible01:02
=== wat is now known as wat|windows
murilosomeone can help me with this problem http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/4387/problemsv.png with fonts??????????01:02
wat|windowsmurilo i cant see that01:02
josh-lbruce89:  ok, can I try setting it higher to make sure?01:02
wat|windowsand murilo this isnt #macosx01:02
bruce89josh-l: I don't think so01:03
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murilowat|windows: that is ubuntu01:03
alemaohello. i've tried to setup firefox 32bits in my 9.04 amd64 as this page says: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMD64/FirefoxAndPlugins?action=show&redirect=FirefoxAMD64FlashJava. Firefox 32 opens fine, complain about some gvfs libs and doesn't open any page, anyone have tried this with 9.04?01:03
lagann_josh-l, open a terminal and type: sudo apt-get install startup-manager ... then go to system > administrations > startup manager01:03
gartralalemao: ask in #ubuntu+101:04
josh-llagann_: oh yeah thanks01:04
bruce89alemao: there is no need to use 32 bit Firefox any more01:04
m1dlgthanks anon, really apreciated. I dont have much time to play with command line right now, I was hoping for a GUI based tool, I could set up and run, go to bed with it all done for me by morning, I'll read up on cp while at work tomorrow, and will play in the after noon. I'm still quite new with many aspects of linux, so playing is the best answer for me. If this was windows I'd know how to do this but wouldn't be happy trusting it to an una01:04
m1dlgttended operation......01:04
josh-llagann_: it's startupmanager btw :)01:04
alemaogartral: thanks01:04
lagann_josh-l, my bad01:04
* gartral loves it when jaunty testers pester #ubuntu01:05
* bruce89 doesn't mind01:05
sebsebsebgartral: I know what your doing now01:05
sebsebsebgartral: trying to get people into your dead channel01:06
gartralsebsebseb: only dead cause conoical people are aleep01:06
josh-llagann_:  unfortunately it requires a ton of gnome libs... i'm running kubuntu :(01:06
sebsebsebgartral: Canoical people go there really?01:07
Stepan1I have to cdroms and only one is recognized, how can i mount the second?01:07
gartralsebsebseb: ive seen it happen01:07
upgrdmanin grub's menu.lst file, can i comment with */ /*, or only #?01:07
sebsebsebgartral: well  the name seems offical, but the channel isn't by the looks of it01:07
zenlunaticStepan1, do you know the device name in /dev ?01:07
Anonm1dlg: cp is easy, just do cp -r place1 place201:08
Stepan1zenlunatic: no01:08
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:08
zenlunaticStepan1, curious, what is the device name in /dev for the drive that is auto mounted?01:09
gartralohh.. grrr01:10
* bruce89 is trying to make amends01:10
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zenlunaticStepan1, run 'mount' without arguements01:10
Stepan1zenlunatic: by /dev do you mean the directory /dev because i see a lot of files there.  in computer i see CD-ROM/DVD-ROM Drive01:10
zenlunaticStepan1, run 'mount' without arguements01:11
CerveraHey people.... i need some advice, maybe someone here has a good idea01:11
Cerverathere's a website, that i need to use, and it just doesn't render properly on firefox. when in windows it renders on IE and chrome.01:11
Cerverabut neither of them exist on linux....01:11
MerulaCervera, run chrome or IE on wine?01:11
Cerverathought about it, but it;s a heaavy site, with big pdfs and stuff, and it keeps craashing01:12
Stepan1zenlunatic: http://paste.ubuntu.com/135720/ im assuming sde101:12
Cerveranot an elegant situation01:12
gartralCervera: of the two, ide use chrome, also, try galeon, i seen to remember it has slightly different version of the moz engine01:13
MerulaI am having an issue getting my Acer Aspire One (hard disk version) to use either the wired or wireless connection.  Am I in the right place?01:13
fearfulIs there anyway to shade windows in gnome?01:13
Merulafearful, try CompizFusion01:13
fearfulMerula, yes you are just give a little more detail01:13
murilosomeone can help me with this problem http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/4387/problemsv.png with fonts???01:13
bruce89gartral: nope, it's just the same one01:14
Cerveraironically that's the materials site of my university, darn those external contracters01:14
Merulafearful, Alright, brand new aspire one, fresh install of Ibex.  DHCP won't work for some reason. Every time I try, it says "Disconnected."01:14
Cerveragartial: have you tried to install the chrome alpha build by chance?01:15
fearfulMerula, do you have the correct drivers installed, lspci to look at your network card01:15
Stepan1zenlunatic: http://paste.ubuntu.com/135720/ ; i'm assuming sde101:16
Cervera?? help ??01:16
Merulafearful, I get a "Realtek RTL8101E" listing01:16
zenlunaticStepan1, hold on01:17
CerveraWOW 1356 users on chan!01:17
Merulafearful, I'm pretty sure that means it's found.01:17
gartralCervera: no i have not01:18
zenlunaticStepan1, can you paste your /etc/fstab?01:18
fearfulMerula, whats the output for ifconfig01:18
gartralamsn fails under compiz01:18
Stepan1zenlunatic: http://paste.ubuntu.com/135724/01:19
Merulafearful, eth0 shows up, no inet addr.01:20
fearfulMerula, try iwconfig01:20
Merulafearful, there's also this "Interrupt: 219" line under eth0. Is that normal?01:21
fearfulMerula, no01:21
Cerveragartral: thanks for the help! i'll try galeon01:21
bruce89Cervera: it won't be any different01:21
fearfulMerula, actually I've never seen this problem01:21
gartralCervera: no, someone pointed out i was wrong, but you ca ntry01:22
Merulafearful, Yeah... it's a mess. Fresh install from a torrented 8.10 disc... I would've thought it worked out of the box.01:22
zenlunaticStepan1, have you tried to cd to /media/cdrom0 and /media/cdrom101:22
Cerveraactually i doubt it'll work01:22
fearfulMerula, give me one second01:23
Cerverabest thing is to try make the alpha chromium work01:23
divXjunkyhi ppl. My folder with music is on a NTFS hd. I installed 'nfs-kernel-server' and I put a line '/media/HD2/MUSIC*(rw,no_subtree_check,async) '  in the '/etc/exports' file. when I restarted the deamon, I got an error: 'Warning: /media/HD2/MUSIC does not support NFS export.' How can I share my files on a NTFS hd using NFS??01:23
Cerveraand THAT i have no idea how to do01:23
Stepan1zenlunatic: in /media there are 3 folders, cdrom cdrom0 and cdrom1, cdrom and cdrom0 have the same files in it, cdrom1 has nothing in it01:24
Merulafearful, Aha! I have the ZG5 model of the Acer Aspire One.01:25
Merulafearful, does that help in the slightest?01:25
fearfulMerula, just your network card to be honest can you paste the output of sudo lshw -C network on pastebin01:25
=== adful123 is now known as dsdeiz
zenlunaticStepan1, try 'mount /dev/scd1'01:26
Merulafearful, I'll do what I can01:26
zenlunaticStepan1, then try to cd to /media/cdrom101:26
fearful!paste | Merula01:26
ubottuMerula: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:26
fearfulMerula, type sudo lshw -C network and copy all of the output and paste in that site.01:26
Stepan1zenlunatic: 'mount: special device /dev/scd1 does not exist'01:26
Merulafearful, you forget, I have -no- network connection to this notebook.01:27
dsdeizhow do i mount USB drive as read/write01:27
zenlunaticStepan1, try 'mount /dev/scd1 /media/cdrom1'01:27
fearfulMerula, oh thats right one sec01:27
Stepan1zenlunatic: same message01:28
Dreamgliderhow do i edit pastebinit to use diffrent paste sites ?01:29
josh-lhow do I get the output of "hwinfo --framebuffer" ?01:29
josh-lwhen I try "hwinfo --framebuffer" in a terminal the output is too fast to read01:30
fearfulMerula, what kernel version you running?01:31
divXjunkyjosh-l: try: hwinfo --framebuffer | less   --> with that u can use the arrow keys to scroll and you can quit with 'q'01:31
Merulafearful, 2.6.27-7-generic01:31
josh-ldivXjunky: I tried that but there was nothing but "~" above it...01:32
josh-ldivXjunky: oh i've got to run it as root01:32
fearfulMerula, hmm the bug repors on this say it should work on 2.6.27-1101:33
Merulafearful, ... I need the new kernel though. Don't have it.01:33
dsdeizwhere do i find the file that contains all the groups again?01:34
josh-ldivXjunky: so I want to set my grub bootsplash to this res:   Mode 0x0361: 1280x800 (+2560), 16 bits how can I tell it to do so?01:34
fearfulMerula, yea, you have to download 2.6.27-1 somehow on that laptop01:34
fearfulMerula, you can build it, but you don't have build-essential I'm guessing01:34
zenlunaticStepan1, anything in /mnt ?01:34
divXjunkyjosh-l: sorry don't know about that..01:34
zenlunaticStepan1, I'm on my redhat install01:35
Merulafearful, I do on this machine, just not on the netbook.01:35
telemachusI want to find a file and its path from the command line. I can do ls -l |grep 'whatever', it finds the file but it doesn't tell me the path to the file. I don't think there's a ls switch that can help, but if I get the inode of the file, can I get the path from the inode?01:35
Stepan1zenlunatic: nothing01:35
Closeyetfardoes anyone here use evolution mail to access yahoomail through?01:35
Merulafearful, I'm tempted to switch to something... anything... so long as I can get this online. Any suggestions? The UMPC version of Ubuntu looks like it might work.01:36
fearfulMerula, umm... I don't know how you can do this, is there away of passing your kernel on this computer your on now?01:36
Merulafearful, Not really.01:36
fearfulMerula, what netbook is it? EEE pc?01:36
stephansdoes anyone know of a simple to set up vpn? All I want is to connect to my home net, and pipe all the traffic through it. There are not multiple networks, only one, and I would like to make a bridging vpn so that it will seem like i am local on my home net.01:37
sloopyif i ssh into a machine is it possible to make the machine (remote not local) to beep the console speaker?01:37
Merulafearful, the Acer Aspire One (ZG5 model) -- has a hard disk and a 1.8Ghz atom processor.01:37
sixofourbad news everyone01:37
* sixofour has to go back to windows01:37
sixofourbut i did try!01:38
sixofouri swear i tried01:38
A-KOstephans: openvpn01:38
sloopysixofour, my condolences01:38
bruce89sixofour: are you trying to get attention?01:38
sixofourlol no01:38
sixofouri'm being dramatic for the fun of it01:38
bruce89seems to have worked anyway01:38
sixofourand becasue ive tried linux for a week each year for the passed 8 years01:39
sixofourand am still compilled towards windows for stuff01:39
fearfulMerula, have a look at this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne#Install%20Ubuntu%20Intrepid%20Ibex%208.10%20on%20the%20Acer%20Aspire%20One01:39
sloopysixofour, try windows for a week for the last 8 years... i did... i keep coming back to linux01:39
telemachushow do people search file files from the command line?01:39
carpiiso youre not trying very hard01:39
sixofouryeah but you don't have programs that don't work in linux/wine01:39
sloopywell actually windows 95 made me use linux01:39
tripitakittelemachus, man find01:39
carpiisixofour, you cant expect a transition to linux to be totally painless01:40
Merulafearful, that's what I used to install on this netbook in the first place. Followed the directions to the letter. Still nothing.01:40
bruce89sixofour: have you actually got a question?01:40
jaredanyone here able to help me use a 32bit driver with ndiswrapper for a usb wireless card for a 64bit system? i have all installed, but it says bad magic 010B01:40
fearfulMerula, hmm awkward, we have to find someway of getting the new kernel on this netbook01:40
stephansA-KO, openvpn? thats easy?01:40
A-KOopenvpn is one of the easier VPN solutions01:40
Merulafearful, I'm tempted to just re-install and see if it fixes anything01:40
A-KOif not the only one I've seen01:41
sloopysixofour, i use virtual box OSE for those times01:41
A-KOTo do what you want you'll want a combination of iptables and openvpn01:41
fearfulMerula, well there are many bug reports on that specific problem, and most said fixed on kernel upgrade01:41
telemachustripitakit, thanks, that works01:41
GothicSpectrumtripitakit, ciao01:41
=== sinchan is now known as Guest54813
tripitakitGothicSpectrum, ciao01:42
GothicSpectrumche ci fai qui?01:42
jaredanyone able to help >..< forums are no use01:42
Scunizi!it | GothicSpectrum01:42
ubottuGothicSpectrum: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)01:42
fearfulMerula, give me one sec I need to take care of something away from the computer01:43
Merulafearful, well I'll be damned.01:43
Merulafearful, I reboot with the network cable in and it works.01:43
Akkanbokac gledas kolku luge ima tuka :D01:43
yui_mfree image hosting site if anyone needs to take screenshots of their problems http://www.imagecubby.com01:44
zenlunaticStepan1, did you manually edit your /etc/fstab at some point?01:44
=== jackal_ is now known as jackal
buttons1can someone tell me where the backgrounds are stored on the live cd?01:46
Stepan1zenlunatic: i can't recall, unfortunately, there is a chance01:47
fearfulMerula, heh, wireless?01:47
=== marty is now known as Guest42309
sebsebsebbuttons1: Google it01:47
=== pitbull is now known as Guest78031
sebsebsebbuttons1: in fact I might look to see where my default backgrounds are installed on 8.1001:47
Merulafearful, nope, got the wired connection to work... on a second reboot. Left it plugged in while booting and it runs fine now. DHCP and all.01:48
sebsebsebbuttons1: which should be the same place for hardy live cd as well01:48
=== Guest42309 is now known as martyfuhry
zenlunaticStepan1, do some ls -l /dev/scd0 and seperate ls -l /dev/scd101:48
=== Howard is now known as Hfreiu
fearfulMerula, great now get all the updates, it should update kernel and wireless should work.01:48
HfreiuHey does anyone know how to get beeping working in xchat?01:48
cellofellowis there a way to import an image file as a new version of an existing photo in F-Spot?01:49
sebsebsebbuttons1: 8.10????  oh yeah I am on  9.04 alpha6 :D  ,but yes  I think the same place for them all01:49
Merulafearful, yup, exactly -- sorry to give you so much grief!01:49
Stepan1zenlunatic: sorry, i dont follow01:49
fearfulMerula, its alright it happens :)01:49
bruce89cellofellow: I don't think so01:49
sebsebsebbuttons1: /usr/share/backgrounds01:49
buttons1how do I find it when the cd isn't booted01:50
MerulaWell, I'm gonna bug-out now. Have to go hammer away at the netbook...01:50
cellofellow:( F-Spot isn't picking up the .tif file that UFraw made.01:50
sebsebsebbuttons1: just boot it, and put the background in  a partition.  or get someone that uses hardy to send you it01:50
picklesworthHm... anyone know if I can have both my built in speakers and my analog headphones (both on the same sound card) available to PulseAudio as separate devices? (ALSA has that nifty headphone switch, which makes me hope this is completely software controlled)01:50
zenlunaticStepan1, wait, do this... 'ls -l /media/cdrom  && ls -l /media/cdrom && ls -l /media/cdrom1' and paste01:51
zenlunaticStepan1, wait, do this... 'ls -l /media/cdrom  && ls -l /media/cdrom0 && ls -l /media/cdrom1' and paste01:51
zenlunaticStepan1, sorry my laptop keyboard is a PITA01:51
bruce89buttons1: you can download the package - http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/ubuntu-wallpapers01:51
=== jsj0nes_ is now known as jsj0nes
Mr_Cheese* Received a CTCP VERSION from freenode-connect ???01:51
cellofellowzenlunatic: why all the ls commands? why not just ls -l /media/cdrom*?01:52
CaptainMorganis it wise to use ubuntu as both a mail server AND a web server?01:52
rwwMr_Cheese: That's part of freenode's connection process. Ask in #freenode if you want further details.01:52
zenlunaticcellofellow, glad someone elses brain is working tonight :D01:52
NineTeen67Comethay all. Does anyone know if there is a specific channel for the Aspire One and Ubuntu? I'm not new to Linux, but the mic on this notebook isn't playing nice (just makes a bunch of noise -squeeking'ish-).01:52
LogicFanCaptainMorgan, thats not a specific question for ubuntu01:52
LogicFanit depends on the load01:52
LogicFangenerally, its wise to keep them separate01:52
Stepan1zenlunatic: http://paste.ubuntu.com/135732/, fyi:all those songs are on the drive that works, the drive that doesnt work has a nero cd in it01:52
LogicFanbut if its just for a small office or whatever, its fine to keep them on one server01:53
CaptainMorganLogicFan, but Ubuntu can handle the load... ?01:53
Hfreiulogicfan, is beeping in xchat broken on ubuntu?01:53
LjLMr_Cheese: routine checks, that's normal01:53
tripitakitHfreiu, not in my case01:53
bruce89CaptainMorgan: no different to any other distro in that case01:53
LogicFanCaptainMorgan, of course.  ubuntu can handle all server tasks.  but really its the server software that is more important01:53
Hfreiutripitakit, which version of ubuntu and how did you do it01:53
murilosomeone can help me with this problem http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/4387/problemsv.png with fonts???01:53
tripitakitHfreiu, intrepid and i guess it's out of the box01:54
CaptainMorganLogicFan, what do you think I'm talking about... ? it's the software I'm referring to...01:54
LogicFanCaptainMorgan, a buggy mail server isn't going to help you much if you run it on the most stable OS ever written01:54
bruce89and Ubuntu is not that OS01:54
Hfreiu@tripitakit, it's not working for me. i chcked it in settings|preferences|chatting|alert01:54
tripitakitHfreiu, i mean i dont remember if i had to swith it on in the preferences01:54
Hfreiui'm 8.1001:55
zenlunaticStepan1, no wonder they're the same... cdrom is linking to cdrom001:55
CaptainMorganbruce89, is any? i've found ubuntu to be very stable, using it for more than five years now01:55
LogicFanHfreiu, i have no idea.  check settings>preferences>sound01:55
tripitakitHfreiu, it is set as auto01:55
zenlunaticStepan1, so screw them now all we have to care about is cdrom101:55
Hfreiuwhat am i checking for, logicfan?01:55
bruce89CaptainMorgan: it's probably not the *most* stable01:55
HfreiuI like ubuntu over fedora =P01:56
CaptainMorganagreed Hfreiu01:56
Stepan1zenlunatic: okay, hopefully its easy from here01:56
LogicFanCaptainMorgan, no offense, but if you're asking these kinds of questions seriously, you might not be the best person to run a mail/web server.  unless its just a hobby.  no mission critical kind of stuff01:56
fearfulI love the package manager out of all I've tried :p01:56
grinsysI have mixed feelings. I love fedora for my mythtv boxes than using ubuntu. (using mythdora)01:56
Hfreiumeh i'll figure it out i gtg bye01:57
CaptainMorganLogicFan, unnecessary comment maybe? I've run web servers for many years, and I run networks of all kinds- I've just never successfully setup a mail server before- that's it.01:57
Clone1Hello all01:57
CaptainMorganhard to not take offense01:57
Clone1Anyone able to assist me?01:58
Mr_CheeseLogicFan, yeah no offense to you, but that was harsh and not something you should have said01:58
=== marty is now known as Guest92403
LogicFanCaptainMorgan, sorry, i meant none, really.01:58
fearful!justask | Clone101:59
ubottuClone1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:59
Clone1Thats fear... lol01:59
Mr_CheeseLogicFan, regardless, everyone has to start somewhere, doesnt matter what lvl of expertise CaptainMorgan is on... he came in here for a solution, not someone to tell him that his abilities wont allow him to01:59
grinsyswe wont tell you to shove off. ask away01:59
Clone1Im having an issue when i installed ubuntu, it installed onto my laptop and it didnt make me register a login, or password.. and when i load it up it asks for it.. :\01:59
fearfulClone1, I'm sure it did when it asked you for your name etc.02:00
LogicFanMr_Cheese, i didn't say it wouldn't allow him to, just that it might not be the best.  again, my apologies if i offended any one02:00
Mr_CheeseClone1, it would have asked you for your name and a password to use, chance are your user name is your name02:00
fearfulClone1, if not press alt + f2 and loging root shell and create a user adduser command02:00
grinsysor did it as you to pull your user accounts from a windows02:00
Mr_CheeseLogicFan, yeah thats ok02:00
fearfulClone1, ctrl + alt + f202:01
grinsyser from windows02:01
zenlunaticStepan1, did you try putting the cd in the other drive?02:01
Clone1I tried my window's login / password and that was a no go.02:01
Clone1and whats the add user cmd?02:01
Clone1by chance?02:01
LjLfearful: err, if he doesn't know his user password, he's even less likely to know the root password - especially given ubuntu doesn't have one by default... no?02:01
Clone1useradd Clone1 <pass>?02:01
grinsysI thought it was adduser02:02
LjLClone1: use adduser (if you can access a shell at all)02:02
LjLClone1: just type "adduser username"02:02
fearfulLjL, yea that's ture :\ but Clone1 are you sure ubuntu didn't ask you for details on the install it should have.02:02
Clone1Im definantly sure,02:02
LjLClone1: well i have no idea why it hasn't02:02
LjLClone1: i can try to fix it, though02:03
grinsysdid it ask you for the name and then the name of the computer?02:03
Stepan1zenlunatic: yes, here is the result for the same cd but switched to the other drive02:03
LjLClone1: do you get a brief boot menu screen when you start your computer, just before the ubuntu logo shows up?02:03
Vacca_foedahaving some problems with my sound: my laptop speakers aren't working but my headphone jack sort of is. if i connect external speakers to my headphone jack and turn the volume on the external speakers up all the way i can hear it but its still pretty quiet...and before anyone asks, i already made sure that the volume on my computer is turned all the way up. any thoughts?02:03
Clone1It gives me an option, Longhorn Loader : Vista, and then Ubuntu02:03
fearfulVacca_foeda, make sure the PCM is all the way up02:03
LjLClone1: ok, then in that menu, hit "e". it'll let you edit the Ubuntu booting options. select the longest line that you see, and hit "e" again. then add " init=/bin/bash" to the end of that line02:03
LjLClone1: then finally hit "b" to boot. you should be dropped to a root terminal, where you can type "adduser username". then you can reboot (ctrl+alt+del or "exit"), and user that account02:04
CaptainMorganI've never had to the serious need to setup an office mail server before, always outsourced that need to hosting providers- not even where I work professionally do we deal with mail servers. running through the docs, I'm getting the feeling that the mail server should be separate from production/dev server- yet the docs also imply that ubuntu can handle them both at the same time- maybe it's an issue with the docs02:04
Dreamglidercan i tie the volume buttons on my laptop to the PCM instead of the Master audio ?02:04
Clone1ok, im getting spammed with all the info, can we take it to a PM to clear it up a lil LjL?02:05
LjLClone1: oh actually, type also "adduser username admin" to make your new user an administrator, you'll need that02:05
fearfulDreamglider, yes go to System > Preferences > Sound02:05
LjLClone1: ok, you might want to write it down too02:05
jimisrvroxI need to reinstall nm-applet because I tried out wicd and wasnt too successful with it and I treid to look for it on the ubuntu cd and couldnt get it back on my wifes system02:05
tripitakitLjL, then he should give that new user sudoer permissions that i find a bit hard02:05
Clone1yeah im grabbing paper / pen02:05
Vacca_foedafearful: already checked the pcm02:05
fearfulDreamglider, theres the options at the bottom, you can choose one by ctrl + click and delesect one the same way02:05
Vacca_foedais there a way to turn up the base volume?02:06
fearfulVacca_foeda, PCM + Master should be up02:06
Vacca_foedafearful: both are up but its still really really soft02:06
zenlunaticStepan1, do this and report 'ls -a /dev/scd*02:06
LjLtripitakit: it's not hard, "adduser username admin" will do that02:07
bruce89tripitakit: which is done by adding to the admin group02:07
Vacca_foedaand nothing from the laptop speakers only the headphone jack02:07
Stepan1zenlunatic: /dev/scd002:07
=== lib is now known as lagann_
tripitakitLjL thats tha point, creating the user in the admin group02:08
Dreamgliderfearful: the only listed slider is Master02:08
LjLtripitakit: why would it be hard?02:08
tripitakitbruce89, to add to admin he needs superuser permissions02:08
LjLtripitakit: you need superuser permissions to create *any* user to begin with02:09
fearfulDreamglider, what is the option on the dropdown menu you are using above it02:09
tripitakitLjL, just  if he had created ad normal user02:09
LjLtripitakit: and in fact, i've given him instructions to boot into single-user root mode02:09
Dreamgliderfearful: Capture alsa pcm02:09
fearfulVacca_foeda, on a terminal type alsamixer -Dhw02:09
tripitakitLjL i see, and i agree.. i was arguing just about the new user permission02:10
fearfulDreamglider, try using the 'alsamixer'02:10
Dreamgliderfearful: ahh i figured it out02:10
Dreamgliderfearful: thanks02:10
fearfulDreamglider, ok  your welcome.02:10
Guest79618hey all02:10
fearful!hi | Guest7961802:10
ubottuGuest79618: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:10
LjLtripitakit, i meant for him to do the whole adding-to-admin thing in the same single-user session02:10
Vacca_foedafearful: all max... master, PCM and Internal all at 10002:11
Guest79618i think i broke some parts of ubuntu02:11
fearfulVacca_foeda, hmm then its a problem with your audio driver, have you had this problem before or did it work before?02:11
=== Guest79618 is now known as help
=== help is now known as largeprime
Vacca_foedai just installed like a week ago from a live cd but i think the sound worked fine on the cd02:12
fearfulVacca_foeda, have you installed all updates?02:12
largeprimesynaptic package manager is broke02:12
murilosomeone can help me with this problem http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/4387/problemsv.png with fonts???02:12
fearfullargeprime, what error?02:12
tripitakitLjL :) i got your point, mine was more a question than criticizing02:13
fearfulVacca_foeda, check the driver run lspci there should be a line called "Audio Device..."02:13
[MindVirus]Hi. I want to permanently disable tap to click.02:13
[MindVirus]On my laptop.02:13
tripitakitLjL (and sorry for english isnt my mothe tongue)02:13
[MindVirus]How do I do this?02:13
bruce89how would you set LANG?02:13
fearful[MindVirus], System > Preferences > Mouse and the touchpad tab.02:13
shanehey guys my computer just randomly wont connect to the internet. It wont connect through wifi, ethernet, or through tethering my cell phone, it will connect to wireless networks and my cell phone fine but when i open the web browser it just says address not found02:13
sebsebsebbruce89: which language?02:14
Vacca_foedafearful: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)02:14
bruce89sebsebseb: someone on #gnome on irc.gimp.net wants to know02:14
bruce89sebsebseb: just in general02:14
sebsebsebbruce89: that might vary a bit per distro02:14
[MindVirus]fearful, I'm a moron.02:14
[MindVirus]I love you.02:14
[MindVirus]Thank you.02:14
fearfulVacca_foeda, same one I'm using, worked out of the box02:14
solexious|netbkhow can i tell wget to download all links separated with return carages from a text file on a website?02:14
sebsebsebbruce89: you can Google to find out how it's done with Ubuntu though02:14
fearful[MindVirus], heh your welcome.02:14
[MindVirus]fearful, is this for every account?02:15
fearfulVacca_foeda, did it work when you just installed?02:15
largeprimeE: Type '--2009-03-22' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list  E: The list of sources could not be read.02:15
fearful[MindVirus], I'm not sure try it02:15
Vacca_foedafearful: no, since the install the sounds been gone02:15
largeprimeGo to the repository dialog to correct the problem.  E: _cache->open() failed, please report.02:15
fearfulVacca_foeda, System > Administration > Hardware Testing02:16
dubsteppzwell hello to whoever cares02:16
Vacca_foedafearful: working on it...ill get back to you in a sec02:16
zypcui would like to ask something.....02:16
fearfulzypcu, shoot02:17
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:17
bruce89!hi | dubsteppz02:17
ubottudubsteppz: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:17
zypcuist it possible to install the im messenger which comes with linpus lite on acer aspire one 110 on ubuntu???02:17
dubsteppzno problems here just to say hello and learn a few things, maybe teach others02:17
fearfullargeprime, please don't PM me without asking, did what make sense?02:17
fearfulzypcu, whats the exact name?02:18
nameless|quick question, can I install ubuntu server via ssh? I'm looking at making an old box a server but I have no video card for it02:18
largeprimethe error message02:18
zypcui think acer one im02:18
zypcuthat's the name02:18
Clone1I hit E and it didnt boot nuffin02:18
zypcui think that is an im from acer :-s02:18
Clone1Hey can i burn Ubuntu to a DVD rom?02:19
zenlunaticStepan1, i'm pretty stumped.  i just learned cli mounting stuff02:19
sebsebsebClone1: yes, but it would be a bit of a waste of one, because the ISO  is for a CD02:19
fearfulzypcu, um I don't think there is, but there are other very neat IM clients you can try; pidgin, kopete02:20
zypcufearful: do you know if there is any im for linux which supports both video and voice calls?( amsn don't)02:20
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Clone1These cd's arnt reading properly..02:20
zypcui tried everything02:20
fearfulAFK I got dinner sorry zpycu02:20
Clone1for some reason lol02:20
fearfulzypcu, skype.02:20
sebsebsebClone1: get the ISO, md5sum it and burn to a CD or DVD02:20
zypcuok thank you02:20
sebsebsebClone1: using a program such as Imgburn assuming your on Windows02:20
bruce89zypcu: none as such, but Empathy does on some protocols02:20
picklesworthzypcu: Empathy does, but only if you can convince the folks on the other end to use an open standard like XMPP (Jabber)02:20
Clone1I have ISO02:20
sebsebsebClone1: that's for the burning  and md5summer.exe does the  ISO checking02:20
slackd00dzypcu: does skype?02:21
Clone1but for some reason, it worked one time and installed it02:21
sebsebsebClone1: there's a check to make sure your ISO is not currupted02:21
uhsfplease someone help me enable 1920x1200 resolution in virtualbox02:21
zypcuok i will give it a try02:21
zypcuthank you02:21
sebsebsebClone1: what?02:22
largeprimemy synaptic package manager is broke.  it gives an error and crashes02:22
Clone1location to see if the ISO is corrupted02:22
largeprimeE: Type '--2009-03-22' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list  E: The list of sources could not be read.02:22
largeprimeGo to the repository dialog to correct the problem.  E: _cache->open() failed, please report.02:22
sebsebseb!md5sum | Clone102:22
ubottuClone1: To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more02:22
LjLlargeprime: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file02:22
Stepan1zenlunatic: thats fine, thanks for trying02:23
Clone1Im not on ubuntu because when it was installed it didnt prompt for login / password. I tried going into the shell to do a adduser <name>02:23
Clone1I hit E on ubuntu and it didnt open.02:23
sebsebsebClone1: ok you probably got it on auto boot02:23
sebsebsebClone1: and yes you can check the ISO in Windows02:23
LjLClone1: wait, you shouldn't have done that *from the CD*, but from your installation02:24
largeprimeLjL how do i pastebin?02:24
LjL!pastebin > largeprime    (largeprime, see the private message from ubottu)02:24
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:24
LjLlargeprime: open it with "gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list", then select all, copy, and paste into the pastebin02:24
sebsebsebLjL: ok  I don't have your name :D, but anyway at me doing it02:25
bruce89don't bother with the gksudo but02:25
Clone1Well when it was installing Ubuntu it didnt ask for login / password --- it just installed it :P02:25
sebsebsebClone1: how did you install it?02:25
Vacca_foedafearful: so i didn't have a launchpad account so i signed up and then did the hardware test but im not seeing the results anywhere...im probably just an idiot but yeah02:25
Clone1Restarted laptop, and it booted from cd and installed it02:25
sebsebsebClone1: so you ddin't even try a Ubuntu session from the CD?02:26
Clone1Like in vista?02:26
Clone1like when it booted from pc?02:26
sebsebsebClone1: you can boot up a Ubuntu Live session from the CD02:26
LjLlargeprime: ok the problem's not there, then it must really be in the medibuntu specific list. do "mv /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list ~/medibuntu.list.backup" to get it out of the way02:27
LjLlargeprime: then try running "sudo apt-get update", and then see if synaptic works again02:27
sebsebsebClone1: by default it would boot that up02:27
Closeyetfarcan you access an Ubuntu pc from a windows xp pc through remote access?02:27
LjLCloseyetfar: yes, using VNC for instance (although there are probably other ways)02:28
sebsebsebClone1: Ubuntu can also be installed from inside Windows with Wubi, which I woudn't normalley recommend02:28
tripitakitCloseyetfar, use vino server and a vnc client02:28
Closeyetfarhow would that work tripitakit02:28
largeprimeLjL: mv: cannot remove `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list': Permission denied02:28
Clone1alright let me try something02:28
Clone1brb a sec02:28
LjLlargeprime: oh, i forgot a "sudo" before that whole command02:29
largeprimeLjL: mv: cannot remove `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list': Permission denied/02:29
LjLCloseyetfar: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC02:29
Closeyetfarok thanks ill read up on it02:29
LjLlargeprime: even with the sudo?02:29
tripitakitCloseyetfar, in System>Preference>Remote Desktop for the ubuntu vino server side02:29
Closeyetfarok would i just type in the ip address where it says host?02:29
Poiesiscan someone tell me the apt-get command to upgrade ubuntu to the latest version?02:30
PoiesisI used apt-get upgrade and it didn't wor02:30
tripitakitCloseyetfar, on the xp vnc client side... some vnc viewer...02:30
LjL!upgrade > Poiesis    (Poiesis, see the private message from ubottu)02:30
Closeyetfarok i will read up on the link i just got from LjL first02:30
DasEiPoiesis: from what to where you want to upgrade ?02:31
jackass1anyone wanna help me on something02:32
PoiesisDasEi: I was told there was a terminal command to take care of it all automatically, but I found what I needed on the ubuntu site02:32
PoiesisI'm upgrading from 7.10 to 8.0402:32
PoiesisI got it through upgrade manager. thanks, all. out for installation... peace.02:32
largeprimeALL HAIL LjL:02:32
LjLPoiesis: yes but that command is do-release-upgrade, not apt-get02:32
DasEiPoiesis: that might work, though a fresh install is always the safer bet02:32
bruce89largeprime: good timing02:32
PoiesisLjL: okay, thanks for clarifying02:33
jackass1can anyone help me turn my external hard drive from ntfs to ext3?02:33
tripitakitjackass1, gparted should help you02:33
DasEi! gparted | jackass102:33
ubottujackass1: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php02:33
largeprimebruce89: what?  thats a first02:34
bruce89jackass1: not without backing up and reformatting02:34
bruce89largeprime: I was commenting on your timing with respect to predicting LjL's answering02:34
=== richard is now known as Guest53063
jackass1ok ima give that a try on sec02:34
Guest53063hi people02:35
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:35
Guest53063i need to know how to install java02:35
etzerdHello all02:35
Guest53063on xububtu02:35
etzerdis anyone here knows a program that name kill bill for linux?02:35
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository02:36
Guest53063u see i just bearly started using lynux02:36
bruce89Guest53063: install default-jre02:36
=== marty is now known as Guest77298
Guest53063it is like to play games, and youtube videos02:36
largeprimeok problem 2?  updates fail with http://paste.ubuntu.com/135751/02:36
jackass1ok im confused02:36
Guest53063who can help me in privit02:37
jackass1i ran it in console and it showed up then dissapeard02:37
nate[oz]hey, anyone know of a good markdown previewer/viewer for ubuntu?\02:37
Guest53063come on02:37
Guest53063I am begging02:37
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:37
DasEiGuest53063: go ahead02:37
DasEijackass1: you installed gparted ?02:38
=== slimjim_ is now known as slimjim
largeprime!patience > guest5306302:38
ubottuguest53063, please see my private message02:38
slimjimhey everyone got a qustion what would be the best filesystem to format a 1tb ext usb HDD that is SATA02:38
bruce89Guest53063: install default-jre02:38
largeprimehey it works02:39
uhsfhow to be sure virtualbox guest additions are installed correctly?02:39
slimjimfor some reason it wont give me NTFS as an option02:39
DasEi slimjim: ubuntu only ?02:39
=== l is now known as Guest69288
dubsteppzslimjim: if you want to make it windows compatible, ntfs..if not ext302:39
slimjimmainly linux only02:39
DasEi slimjim:ext302:39
slimjimwell i really am not worred about windows right now trying to manage away from it02:39
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.02:39
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions02:40
slimjimso ext3 will work02:40
Wickedcan i just aptitude remove pulseaudio?02:40
slimjimthanks guys02:40
Guest53063it is a flash player02:40
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash02:40
DasEi slimjim:yes, and if in trouble, win can be taught to handle ext3, too02:40
slimjimok should i break it into two diff partion so it is not so big or keep it all the whole tb02:40
Vacca_foedaso any thoughts on why my sound wouldn't be working on my laptop speakers and only barely on my headphones? ive checked the volume in alsamixer, ive checked the driver...i don't know what else to try....02:41
tripitakituhsf, is mouse autocapture working?02:41
largeprimeupdates fail with http://paste.ubuntu.com/135751/02:41
DasEislimjim: as you need it, but keep in mind only 4 primary partit. are allowed02:41
Guest53063this is  the website that it takes me02:41
Guest53063it is because i need it for a project02:41
bruce89!flash  > Guest5306302:42
ubottuGuest53063, please see my private message02:42
Guest53063and well this is the only program I got02:42
maxagazhow to lock Alt+F2 in Gnome ?02:42
jaredanyone know how i can share my wireless connection to another networked computer on ubuntu that doesnt have wireless?02:42
DasEiGuest53063: read the given link(s)02:42
slimjimyea i remember that. just trying to think how to do it cause gparted keeps crashing on that drive. I am having issues with it02:42
jaredim playing with networking settings but it says link local only02:42
jaredanyone able to help me?02:42
uhsftripitakit: mouse autocapture works02:42
bruce89maxagaz: gconf - /desktop/gnome/lockdown/disable_command_line02:43
DasEislimjim: that's strange without further info, there's also mkfs02:43
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:43
shanecant access intenet need help02:43
jaredanyone able to help?02:43
tripitakituhfs, this is done by the guest adds02:43
Guest53063does anybody know02:43
uhsftripitakit: but i disabled mouse autocapture02:43
Guest53063ok ubottu02:44
dubsteppzslimjim: what version of gparted are you running? did a ntfs format on a 1tb ext hdd yesterday02:44
dubsteppzall went sweet02:44
jaredanyone know how to network one comp to another to get internet....02:44
tripitakituhsf, as the clipboard between host and client box02:44
Guest53063but i need to somebody to go in privit with me02:44
uhsftripitakit: if guest adds are installed correctly, then, why vbox can't go higher than 1600x1200?02:44
maxagazbruce89, bash: gconf: command not found02:44
Vacca_foedasound is super quiet from headphone jack and nonexistent from laptop speakers...any thoughts on why?02:44
slimjimit is the one that i just apt-get bout 10 min ago02:45
slimjimthur ubuntu02:45
tripitakituhsf, dont know, video driver?02:45
DasEiGuest53063:do you read the replies you get ?02:45
bruce89maxagaz: sorry, open gconf-editor and go to that key02:45
slimjimok i am having castrophic issues, my partions on my reg drives are all on the fritz i was doing dreamlinux and ubuntu, but i think i am going to keep dream for the lappy and move ubuntu soley for the tower, and still ahve a test drive, i need to redo some stuff here,02:45
slimjimbe back in a bit02:45
uhsftripitakit: i have latest nvidia how could it not go 1920x1200?02:46
jaredanyone able to help me w/ networking??02:46
maxagazbruce89, thanks02:46
largeprimemy "updates" fail with E: /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic_2.6.27-7.16_i386.deb: unable to make backup link of `./boot/config-2.6.27-7-generic' before installing new version02:46
bruce89maxagaz: np02:46
Ndshackerhello, my internet is messed up-, i will reboot it will run strong, then after a bit the downloads slow to 2000 b/s, but my browsing is still fast02:46
bruce89maxagaz: also see pessulus and sabayon02:46
DasEi!details | jared:02:47
ubottujared:: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."02:47
jaredi have a problem with using one computer to network to another for internet.02:47
BlackAeronautHowdy all.  I have a Toshiba Satellite A355D series laptop (AMD Turion X2 Ultra 64 with ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3470 X2 Hybrid) with a fresh install of Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex (8.10) 64-Bit Desktop version.  The issue is that Ubuntu is booting straight into Terminal.  Gnome doesn't startup and I can get an X session going.  I need help getting the right GPU drivers installed.  Can someone help me?02:47
DasEi!ics | jared02:47
ubottujared: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php02:47
jaredmy laptop gets wifi, but my desktop wireless card is unsupported. i have 9.04a on main comp, 8.10 on the laptop02:47
jaredthanks :)02:47
cybertaur1hello, i'm pretty new to ubuntu, and the video seems very choppy; more so than i feel it should. can someone help me see if i have the right drivers?02:48
Ndshackerhello, my internet is messed up-, i will reboot it will run strong, then after a bit the downloads slow to 2000 b/s, but my browsing is still fast any reason this could be?02:48
BlackAeronautWhoops.  Amendment to the above: I CANNOT get an X session going.02:48
Ndshackeroh look, now my internet downloading is done02:49
fearfulVacca_foeda, have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto02:49
largeprimemy "updates" fail with E: /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic_2.6.27-7.16_i386.deb: unable to make backup link of `./boot/config-2.6.27-7-generic' before installing new version02:49
Vacca_foedafearful: ill check it out...thanks for the input02:50
fearfulVacca_foeda, your welcome there are many symptoms explained there hope it covers your problem fine.02:50
=== richard is now known as Guest86971
BlackAeronautHowdy all.  I have a Toshiba Satellite A355D series laptop (AMD Turion X2 Ultra 64 with ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3470 X2 Hybrid) with a fresh install of Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex (8.10) 64-Bit Desktop version.  The issue is that Ubuntu is booting straight into Terminal.  Gnome doesn't startup and I cannot get an X session going.  I need help getting the right GPU drivers installed.  Can someone help me?02:50
Guest86971can anybody help me install a flashplayer02:50
Ndshackerguys >.< i really need to know02:51
fearfulGuest86971, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree02:51
Guest86971for xubuntu 8.1002:51
bruce89!flash > Guest8697102:51
ubottuGuest86971, please see my private message02:51
cybertaur1can someone help me find out if i'm using the right video driver?02:52
cybertaur1lspci | grep VGA gives me "00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82G965 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)"02:52
dubsteppzNdshacker: weird issue02:52
fearfulcybertaur1, lspci will show your video card02:52
Ndshackerdubsteppz: i know lol02:52
fearfulcybertaur1, then check if you have the right driver for it.02:52
cybertaur1fearful: how do i do that? if you don't mind my asking02:53
Ndshackerits only in apt-get as far as I can tell02:53
Ndshackerits going at 4 kb/s right now02:53
fearfulcybertaur1, open a terminal and type lspci, then look for video02:53
DrBanzaiHey all, I had to make a bash script that is called by another program, but the calling program says it can't find my script in the $PATH...what do I do?02:53
dubsteppzmine's working fine02:53
cybertaur1fearful: it's an Intel Corporation 82G965 Integrated Graphics Controller02:53
largeprimemy "update" fails02:54
dubsteppzit's been like this for....?02:54
DasEiDrBanzai: copy it to /usr/bin ?02:54
cybertaur1as far as i can tell i have the right driver and it's up to date, but things (video, boxee, the whole system in general) are really choppy02:54
Ndshackerdub: its been liek this today02:54
fearfulcybertaur1, are you experiencing any problems run the hardware testing to check your video card is working02:55
dubsteppzmaybe it's a temporary thing, mirror experiencing difficulties02:55
dubsteppzif everything else is fine02:55
Ndshackerdoes anyone else find this?02:56
BlackAeronautHowdy all.  I have a Toshiba Satellite A355D series laptop (AMD Turion X2 Ultra 64 with ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3470 X2 Hybrid) with a fresh install of Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex (8.10) 64-Bit Desktop version.  The issue is that Ubuntu is booting straight into Terminal.  Gnome doesn't startup and I cannot get an X session going.  I just ran lspci | grep VGA and it looks like I got the right drivers installed.  Can somebody help me please?02:56
cybertaur1fearful: the problem is that video does play, but very slowly and freezes occasionally.  Also, many apps do as well. and how can i run the hardware testing?02:56
dubsteppzsorry i'm not of any more help02:56
fearfulcybertaur1, System > Administration > Hardware Testing02:56
cybertaur1fearful: thank you02:57
Ndshackerdub: this is upsetting, as i have 240 mb of downloads to do02:57
largeprimemy "updates" fail with E: /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic_2.6.27-7.16_i386.deb: unable to make backup link of `./boot/config-2.6.27-7-generic' before installing new version02:57
dubsteppzNdshacker: have you tried opening software sources, click on other, click on select best server?02:58
uhsfif the guest clipboard is not shared between guest and host in virtualbox, does it mean guest adds are not installed correctly?02:58
dubsteppzmaybe with another server it uses more of your connection02:58
Ndshackerdub: how?02:58
dubsteppzit's on system preferences i think?02:59
DrBanzaiDasEi: I haven't done that, I'll try it, thanks.02:59
nate[oz]hey, anyone know of a good markdown previewer/viewer for ubuntu/linux?03:00
BlackAeronautI really could use a bit of help here...  I have a Toshiba Satellite A355D series laptop (AMD Turion X2 Ultra 64 with ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3470 X2 Hybrid) with a fresh install of Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex (8.10) 64-Bit Desktop version.  The issue is that Ubuntu is booting straight into Terminal.  Gnome doesn't startup and I cannot get an X session going.  I just ran lspci | grep VGA and it looks like I got the right drivers installed.  Can somebody h03:01
DrBanzaiDasEi: Thanks!  That seems to have done it.03:01
cybertaur1fearful: the tests ran fine. and video does display, however it's just really choppy (choppier than I think it should be; video displays fine on the same machine under windows, and actually fine with my previous ubuntu install)03:01
KhisanthBlackAeronaut: tried logging in and starting gdm?03:02
Ndshackereveryone, my downloads have slowed since installing firestartyer03:02
maxagazwhen shuting down my computer, it begins the process, and stands up at the end of it not shutting down the machine03:02
DasEiDrBanzai:see /etc/profiles for your actual settings03:02
Ndshackerhw can I let apt-get through quicker03:02
bruce89Ndshacker: remove firestarter?03:03
fearfulTry updating the driver, I don't know the actual driver tho you may have to gogole it03:03
NachosTacoshi guys03:03
Ndshackerbut firestarter is a firewall >.<03:03
Ndshackermmk fine >.<03:03
Ndshackerbut it runs fast on startup, and nothing else is affected03:04
maxagazhow can i do to make it shut down completely ?03:04
cybertaur1fearful: i've updated what drivers i have, but i'm not sure if they're the right ones (specifically since the video doesn't work all that well). i tried googling, but i didn't find much. i was hoping someone here could help me pin down the correct driver for sure03:04
bruce89Ndshacker: technically, it's not a firewall, it's only a frontend to one03:05
BlackAeronautKhisanth: sorry I didn see you earlier.  What is GDM?  Iḿ a bit of a nube.03:05
Ndshackerit still doesnt go faster03:05
Ndshackerit might have been something else03:05
Ndshackerbut, how can i trouble shoot this?03:05
mannyhi im running Ibex and Im trying to install my new graphics card... im using the old one but the new one is in the PCi slot03:05
Ndshackerit runs fast on restart, but gradually gets weaker, and only apt-get seems to be affected, and downloads03:06
Guest86971does anybody know how to install flash player03:06
DasEi manny: model ?03:07
Ndshackeromg, it took ten seconds to render google03:07
rww!flash | Guest8697103:07
ubottuGuest86971: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash03:07
Guest86971i need to install it as quick as I can03:07
mannynvidia geforce 8400GS03:07
Ndshackercan anyone think of why my internet would gradually die03:07
DasEi manny:if you go system > hardwaredrivers , is it listed there ?03:08
Ndshackerlargeprime, be helpfu;03:08
DasEimanny : or do you want to run the propitary driver of nvidia03:08
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:08
DrBanzaiBlackAeronaut: What happens if you type startx at the command prompt?03:08
Guest86971does anybody know03:09
largeprimei'd rather be funny, as i have no help to give03:09
mannywhich ever works03:09
cybertaur1can anyone help me find the right driver for an "Intel Corporation 82G965 Integrated Graphics Controller"?03:09
BlackAeronautDrBanzai: I get a No Devices Detected error followed up by errno 111 and errno 3.03:09
ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.03:09
shane_network manager showing connection on ethernet, wifi, and modem but can't use any apps. Pidgin, mozilla firefox, synaptic. Nothing can connect but network manger show connection when i try any device03:10
largeprimemy "updates" fail with E: /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic_2.6.27-7.16_i386.deb: unable to make backup link of `./boot/config-2.6.27-7-generic' before installing new version03:10
DrBanzaiBlackAeronaut: And when you ran the setup, everything went fine?  Did it have you setup your resolutions and all that?03:10
Guest86971I need it for a homework project03:10
FlannelGuest86971: Did you read the link ubottu gave you?03:11
BlackAeronautDrBanzai: Setup went fine, but it never had me do anything for the video.  Though when I did lspci | grep VGA it showed that my drivers were present.  (Both of them)03:11
etzerdwhen is the next ubuntu version will be out?03:11
Flanneletzerd: End of April03:11
cybertaur1sorry to keep asking, but can anyone help me find the right driver for an "Intel Corporation 82G965 Integrated Graphics Controller"?03:11
DasEi!who > manni03:11
DasEi!who > manny03:12
ubottumanny, please see my private message03:12
etzerdFlannel: what version will that be?03:12
Flanneletzerd: 9.0403:12
narothepharohis there any good new games out?03:12
nickgarveycybertaur1: you probably have it already, an integrated graphics card usually won't have a bunch of drivers03:12
etzerdok, thanks03:12
Ndshackerguys my internet speed seems to get throtled03:12
fearfulcybertaur1, give me one second03:12
shane_thanks for nothing everyone posted problem 4 times no response03:12
KhisanthBlackAeronaut: you can check /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see why but it sounds like you don't have the drivers loaded / installed03:13
mannyDasEi: can you help me?03:13
fearfulcybertaur1, what was the driver number again?03:13
cybertaur1nickgarvey: i have a driver that works ok, but i'm wondering if a better one exists, since i can't play video very well, and a lot of the system looks choppy03:13
Flannel!patience | shane_03:13
ubottushane_: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:13
cybertaur1fearful: 82G96503:13
DrBanzaiBlackAeronaut: Ok, and if you look at /etc/X11/xorg.conf what does it have under Section "Device"?03:13
cybertaur1fearful: that was the graphics card number you wanted, right?03:13
narothepharohwhat channel should i go to to find games?03:13
DasEimanny: yes, checking out nvidia right now, which ubuntu was it ?03:14
Ndshackerguys my internet problem is really bugging me, this happens everytime i reinstall03:14
mannyDasEi: Im running Ibex03:14
DrBanzaiBlackAeronaut: Oh, and before we get too far, I should say, that I'm not all that good at X windows configs...03:14
Ndshackerblazing speeds for a few days, then it slows to a crawl03:14
DrBanzaiBlackAeronaut: But I'll do what I can03:14
fearfulcybertaur1, correct here's the link on Intel's site with Linux already chosen for you http://downloadcenter.intel.com/filter_results.aspx?strTypes=all&ProductID=2576&OSFullName=Linux*&lang=eng&strOSs=39&submit=Go!03:14
BlackAeronautDrBanzai: I got: Identifier  "COnfigured Video Device"03:14
cybertaur1fearful: thank you!03:14
BlackAeronautDrBanzai: Any help is welcome.03:14
fearfulcybertaur1, your welcome hope it helps!03:14
DasEimanny: 32 or 64 ?03:15
mannyDasEi: 3203:15
Ndshackerguys any help would eb appreciated03:15
DrBanzaiBlackAeronaut: Does it list the BusID and the driver?03:15
nickgarveycybertaur1: hey if that driver does solve your problem could you come back in here and tell me?  I'm curious about the intel driver03:15
=== Atreus is now known as Atry
BlackAeronautKhisanth: I don think the drivers not being installed is the case.  lspci shows that they're installed, but nothing in xorg.conf.  DrBanzai:  No it does not.03:16
Khisanthlspci just shows you what devices are connected03:16
DasEimanny: I#m not sure if ibex/nvidia already work better , but check http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_180.29.html03:16
jackass1whats the best file system for a 1tb external hdd03:16
Khisantha bit strange, generic vga driver should still work ...03:16
mannyDasEi: i have that file but idk how to install03:17
DasEimanny: end of that link ^03:17
BlackAeronautKhisanth: Okay.  Just checked the log - it's empty.03:17
KhisanthBlackAeronaut: do the graphical interface come up on the livecd/installer?03:17
Ndshackerguys :|03:17
BlackAeronautKhisanth: That was an issue for me before so I had to use the Alternate installer.03:18
jackass1does anyone know what would be the best file system for a 1tb external harddrive?03:18
DasEimanny: copy that file to /usr , f.e. /usr/src03:18
KhisanthBlackAeronaut: heh that is proably related03:18
mannyDasEi: ok03:18
jackass1what about ext4?03:18
DasEimanny: cd there03:18
nickgarveyjackass1: ntfs probably, assuming you will want to use the hard drive with a windows computer or an osx computer03:18
jackass1is there a difference between ext2 ext3 and ext403:18
DrBanzaiBlackAeronaut: This might be helpful: http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/books/handbook/x-config.html03:19
Ndshackerno they just gave them dif numbers for kicks ><]03:19
bruce89jackass1: of course03:19
AtryWho, out of the 1300 people (good freaking god) wants to help me?03:19
Ndshackerguys, I need help03:19
DasEimanny: to be sure file is there : ls03:19
BlackAeronautKhisanth: Probably.  It's been nothing but trouble with the drivers for this laptop.  What bugs me the most is that others have sucessfully installed ubuntu on their A355D lappies.03:19
nickgarveyjackass1: the difference between ext2/3 is that fact that 3 has journaling which will help you when recovering from errors that may occur03:19
arvind_khadri!ask | Atry03:19
ubottuAtry: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:19
mannydasEi: ok03:19
DasEimanny: type: sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-180.29-pkg1.run03:19
jackass1so whats ext 4 all about03:19
Atryproblem is, it's more than one multiline errors03:20
nickgarveyjackass1: no idea, it's pretty new so I'm not using it yet03:20
NdshackerI need help, and any at all would be appreciated03:20
arvind_khadri!paste | Atry03:20
ubottuAtry: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:20
DrBanzaijackass1: I used xfs on my 750gb drive03:20
nickgarveyjackass1: you should probably stick with ext3 before ext4 matures a bit03:20
Atryah, pastie. duh03:20
NdshackerFFS :|03:20
jackass1so ext3 would work good then?03:20
bruce89jackass1: yes03:20
jackass1cool thanks guys03:21
bruce89jackass1: mind, I'm using ext4 right now03:21
DasEimanny: getting errors ?03:21
=== Deevz_ is now known as Deevz
BlackAeronautKhisanth:  Well, that was interesting.  I typed in Xorg -configure then my screen faded to white, then to black, now nothing.03:21
DrBanzaijackass1: What do you plan to store on your 1tb drive?03:21
jackass1hows ext working for you?03:21
jackass1multimedia like movies and music03:21
mannyDasEi: i cant copy the file to my usr/scr03:21
NdshackerGuys, I need some help, apt-get runs at a snails pace, but the rest of my pc seems less affected, i know fo a fact that when I wake up, my pc will be 100% offline03:21
KhisanthBlackAeronaut: hmm got xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd installed?03:21
BlackAeronautKhisanth: How can I tell for certain?03:22
arvind_khadriNdshacker, the repos you are using maybe slow03:22
jase1how come "put display to sleep when inactive" doesnt work like it states it does. unless the desktop itself has focus it counts it as inactive. meaning any games i play wether they are in the repo or not end up making my monitor turn off03:22
DasEimanny : sudo cp /file/whereverItIs  /urs/src03:22
husonghello,every body.03:22
Ndshackerarvind: it is all downloads on this thing03:22
KhisanthBlackAeronaut: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd :)03:22
Ndshackerand 3 kb/s ? give me a break03:22
DasEimanny : sudo cp /file/whereverItIs  /usr/src              ,sry03:22
DrBanzaijackass1: Ok, I chose XFS because I planned on storing movies.  XFS handles large files well, check it out here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XFS03:22
BlackAeronautKhisanth: Ahh. I am enlightened.  ^ _^;;03:22
Ndshackerthis has happened before too03:23
arvind_khadriBlackAeronaut, apt-cache policy xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd will tell you whether its installed or not03:23
nickgarveyNdshacker: if it's just apt-get change the server you pull files from03:23
BlackAeronautThanks arvind_khadri.03:23
arvind_khadriBlackAeronaut, np :)03:23
cybertaur1fearful: what exactly do i download on the site? i can't find anything actually on the intel site, and there was a link to http://www.intellinuxgraphics.org/ but i'm not sure what to do from there03:23
Ndshackernickgarvey: i only have two choices, and both have done this03:23
Khisanthinstall if it isn't or tell you it's already installed :)03:23
Ndshackerand my internet is slower too, just not as badas this03:23
arvind_khadriNdshacker, try another repo and see03:23
AtryHokay, so.  I just installed a fresh copy of 8.10.  did memory and drive checks, everything's fine.  installed, logged in, and.... waiting.  I waited for like 5-10 minutes, and I get these error messages: http://atreus.pastebin.com/03:23
Ndshackeri did03:23
narothepharohwhat channel should i go to to find games?03:24
Hasanibrahimhello, i want to change doc to txt format. How can i do it , is teher any package ?03:24
jase1i would appreciate some help on this issue of mine. this is the third time i have tried coming here for this very issue.03:24
fearfulcybertaur1, download the first one under news; xf86-video-intel 2.6.0 released03:24
Ndshackerffs gais03:25
NdshackerI cant keep reinstalling every few days03:25
arvind_khadriAtry, issue with Dbus, try re-installing the GUI03:25
Brent2does anyone know of a program that can split or trim H.264 video without having to decode / recode?03:25
twolaneNdshacker: what goes wrong?03:25
Atryarvind_khadri: how? >.> I'm new to this03:25
arvind_khadriHasanibrahim, while saving use the extension as .txt :)03:26
DasEimanny : does it extract with no errors ?03:26
KhisanthBlackAeronaut: once you have that you can try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:26
Ndshackertwolane: My internet runs blazing fast for a few days, then slowly but surely craps out03:26
mannyDasEi; it doest extract at all03:26
twolaneNdshacker: wifi?03:26
* jase1 sighs and begins the hourly wait and reask every hour until bed time in hopes of getting his issue resolved tonight03:26
Ndshackertwolane: yes03:26
Ndshackershould that matter?03:26
mannyDasEi: i cant get it to extract03:26
DasEimanny : are you in /usr/src now ?03:26
Ndshackerit runs fine for a few days03:26
twolaneNdshacker: why do a reinstall for that?03:27
Ndshackerbecause i need internet03:27
H4ck3rHow to change my shadow file encryption mode from default SHA2 to MD5?03:27
BlackAeronautKhisanth:  Right.  Doing that now.03:27
arvind_khadriAtry, hit ctrl+alt+f1 and login giving your username and password, then sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop , and then for coming back ctrl+alt+f703:27
H4ck3rdoes anyone have any idea03:27
Ndshackerno point to a pc nowadays without internet03:27
twolaneNdshacker: no reason to reinstall the OS though.03:27
alex__Quick question.. I've been trying to apply a skin, but when I go into the pidgin folder, it says I don't have the permissions to change anything, even though I'm the administrator. Help?03:27
Ndshackerwell what should i do then?03:27
alex__Apply a skin to pidgin, btw.*03:27
Atryarvind_khadri: thankies, doing so now03:27
DrBanzaiNight all, and thanks for the help.03:28
Ndshackerits the only fix ive found as of yet03:28
arvind_khadrialex__, how are you doing it?03:28
WhattaBrent2: use mkvtoolnix03:28
DasEimanny : sudo apt-get install build essential linux-restricted-modules-generic03:28
=== macele is now known as macele_
alex__I've tried both extracting to the usr/share/pixmaps/pidgin folder, and copying and pasting.03:28
dubsteppzif changing the server doesn't work, try connecting with eth, pickin uo where twolane  left it03:28
twolaneNdshacker: offhand if you've exhausted configuration issues, purchase a fully supported card/chipset.03:28
BlackAeronautKhisanth: Okay, configured xorg.03:28
Atryarvind_khadri: i... can't even log in.  i get repeated errors03:28
Brent2Whatta: thanks03:28
Ndshackerum it is fully supported03:29
AtryI/o Eroro, it keeps saying03:29
Ndshackerits a zydas03:29
Atry*I/O error03:29
mannyDasEi: says coul not fint package build03:29
arvind_khadriAtry, then try login through recovery mode03:29
KhisanthBlackAeronaut: got GUI? :)03:29
jase1how come "put display to sleep when inactive" doesnt work like it states it does. unless the desktop itself has focus it counts it as inactive. meaning any games i play wether they are in the repo or not end up making my monitor turn off03:29
bruce89alex__: of course, you need to copy the files as root03:29
jase1how to fix03:29
alex__Okay, how do I do that?03:29
BlackAeronautKhisanth: Lemme run startx...03:29
DasEimanny : build-essential , sorry03:29
DasEimanny : sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-restricted-modules-generic03:29
arvind_khadrialex__, sudo cp -pR /source /destination03:30
twolaneNdshacker: well, do your logs show any anomalies?03:30
BlackAeronautKhisanth: Same errors as before.03:30
bruce89alex__: gksudo nautilus, but I don't know what you mean by skin03:30
Atryarvind_khadri: if it'll let me... hold on03:30
Ndshackerum.. i dont know how to check those03:30
H4ck3rHow to change my  /etc/shadow file encryption mode from default SHA2 to MD5?03:30
arvind_khadriAtry, sure :)03:30
jase1this power management problem is crashing my games :S03:30
* Atry pulls the battery03:30
mannyDasEi: E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?03:30
alex__Thanks guys, I'll give that a try.03:30
narothepharohwhat channel should i go to to find games?03:31
narothepharohis there any good new games out?03:31
DasEimanny: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade03:31
Flannelnarothepharoh: Try #ubuntu-offtopic03:31
jase1naro goto happypenguin.net03:31
BlackAeronautKhisanth: Possible bus address issue?  It's a known one in my laptop.03:31
twolaneNdshacker: the system's logs are in /var/log/  use tail -f /var/log/syslog and wait for an error to showup. tail -f reads files as they are written to.03:32
DasEimanny: did you activate the partner's repos in synaptic ?03:32
nickgarveyH4ck3r: doesn't it just use crypt()03:32
mannyDasEi: ok i did that03:32
=== felix_da_catz is now known as felix-da-catz_zz
Atryarvind_khadri: kay, in recovery mode... logging in....  I get a menu.03:32
NdshackerMar 22 21:25:21 brandon dhclient: No working leases in persistent database - sleeping.03:32
NdshackerMar 22 21:28:20 brandon dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 503:32
NdshackerMar 22 21:28:25 brandon dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 1203:32
NdshackerMar 22 21:28:37 brandon dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 1403:32
NdshackerMar 22 21:28:51 brandon dhclient: No DHCPOFFERS received.03:32
NdshackerMar 22 21:28:51 brandon dhclient: No working leases in persistent database - sleeping.03:32
NdshackerMar 22 21:30:47 brandon modprobe: WARNING: Not loading blacklisted module ipv603:32
twolaneNdshacker: i'm not sure if syslog is the best one for your problem, perhaps auth.log03:32
NdshackerMar 22 21:31:21 brandon last message repeated 4 times03:32
NdshackerMar 22 21:31:22 brandon last message repeated 4 times03:32
mannyDasEi; i dont think so03:32
jase1i thought ubuntu was suppose to be stable? when default settings make games from the official repo crash?03:33
Ndshackerlots about my internet in there03:33
Atryarvind_khadri: root shell promt?03:33
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:33
DasEimanny : system > softwaresources ...03:33
Ndshackerlots about m internet in there03:33
Guest86971so nobody knows how to install flashplayer on xububtu03:33
Guest86971in the terminal03:33
H4ck3rnickgarvey: I know but i dont know what to do next03:33
arvind_khadriAtry, ok, so select the one which lets you login :)03:33
nickgarveyH4ck3r: let me read the docs on crypt and I'll get back to you in a sec03:33
mannyDasEi: ok03:33
KhisanthBlackAeronaut: well I am out of ideas03:33
bruce89!flash > Guest86971:03:33
H4ck3rthank you03:33
bruce89!flash > Guest8697103:33
ubottuGuest86971, please see my private message03:33
DasEimanny : sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-restricted-modules-generic03:34
William7 In Ubuntu  (8.10 Hardy Heron LTS)      when I connect an external hard drive that is NTFS  .........    do I have to explicitly allow "writing"  or  does the ntfs-3g  thing automatically give me write abilities...  I'm worried about corrupting my drive.03:34
twolaneNdshacker: you behind a router? could be a dhcp lease/server issue03:34
alex__That worked great, thanks guys. Knew I'd done it somehow before.03:34
jase1guest: sudo apt-get remove flash-nonfree; sudo apt-get install adobe-flasplugin03:34
Ndshackeryes i am03:34
DasEimanny : now check again system > hardwaredrivers  for your nvidia03:34
cybertaur1fearful: thanks again for all your help, and sorry to be such a noob, but how do you install it? i've downloaded it to my desktop03:34
axisyshow do I watch this http://playboy.covertocover.com/? I am running ubuntu03:34
WatchBotaxisys: Please keep your links on topic and work safe.03:34
nickgarveyH4ck3r: do you know some general programming?03:34
BlackAeronautKhisanth: Thanks anyways for trying.  I'm gonna investigate the possibility of X being confused by there being two different video drivers.03:35
H4ck3rI mean I want to change the system like this:03:35
twolaneNdshacker: networkmanager is a prime suspect too imho.03:35
fearfulcybertaur1, do you have build-essential?03:35
Atryarvind_khadri: okay, did the sudo command, now what?03:35
nickgarveyH4ck3r: alright so the crypt function takes two arguments, the key and a salt, if the salt starts with $1$ it will use md503:35
axisysmy point is it requires microsoft silverlight .. so what is the workaround?03:35
cybertaur1fearful: i think so03:35
KhisanthBlackAeronaut: both are loaded?03:35
KhisanthBlackAeronaut: check with lsmod03:35
Ndshackerits says its not installed :s03:35
bruce89axisys: there isn't one03:35
fearfulcybertaur1, apt-cache policy build-essential03:36
bruce89axisys: unless you install moon in Jaunty03:36
fearfulcybertaur1, check first ;P03:36
H4ck3rnickgarvey: I can generate a new user passwordwith md503:36
mannyDasEi: its takin a while with the "sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-restricted-modules-generic"03:36
twolaneNdshacker: installed doesn't mean it works correctly :)03:36
jase1how come "put display to sleep when inactive" doesnt work like it states it does. unless the desktop itself has focus it counts it as inactive. meaning any games i play wether they are in the repo or not end up making my monitor turn off03:36
BlackAeronautKhisanth:  Okay.  What exactly am I looking for here?03:36
DasEimanny : np03:36
axisysbruce89: moon?03:36
Ndshackeri sais "isnt"03:36
cybertaur1fearful: it says it's installed, 11.4 or something like that03:36
Khisanthwell I don't know the names of your drives so it's a bit hard to say03:36
arvind_khadriAtry, ah just a sec, it should have been sudo apt-get reinstall ubuntu-desktop03:36
bruce89axisys: short for moonlight03:36
Atryalso arvind_khadri: doesn't seem like the command did much.  it --- that's what i was wondering :)03:36
twolaneNdshacker: ah. try it03:37
fearfulcybertaur1, ok, did you unextract it already?03:37
Ndshackerhow do i install it?03:37
nickgarveyH4ck3r: what are you trying to do exactly?  be specific03:37
H4ck3rnickgarvey: but what i'm asking now is how to change ubuntu to use only md5 instead of sha2: for example: I typed $passwd and I changed  my password. The new password will be $1$ in /ec/shadow instead of $6$03:37
axisysbruce89: only available in jaunty?03:37
cybertaur1fearful: not yet but i can03:37
Atryarvind_khadri: invalid operation reinstall03:37
fearfulcybertaur1, do so :p03:37
bruce89!info moon03:37
ubottuPackage moon does not exist in intrepid03:37
bruce89axisys: yes03:37
twolaneNdshacker: running a desktop or server? use synaptic GUI would be easiest.03:37
cybertaur1fearful: done03:38
fearfulcybertaur1, once extracted on the terminal cd to the directory and type ./configure03:38
Ndshackeri think i may have fixed it03:38
Ndshackeri told it to try dhcp03:38
KhisanthBlackAeronaut: did you make sure x is using the radeonhd driver or tried using the svga driver?03:38
Ndshackerbut it was set to manual before03:38
cybertaur1fearful: and then make && make install?03:38
twolaneNdshacker: definetly try dhcp03:38
cybertaur1fearful: also done03:38
cybertaur1wait, errors03:38
fearfulcybertaur1, yea03:38
NdshackerThats what its set to03:38
NdshackerI got errors03:38
maxagazI have a Dell computer, when i reboot, the system hangs up with the message "Restarting system.", what can i do ?03:39
fearfulcybertaur1, make and make install should be superuser03:39
twolaneNdshacker: where did you set it03:39
cybertaur1fearful: "No package 'xorg-server' found". and apt-get install xorg-server "E: Couldn't find package xorg-server"03:39
Ndshackerin the conf file03:39
sprinkmeier_maxagaz, sounds like ACPI. does shutdown work?03:39
nickgarveyH4ck3r: do you have a page that says what the difference algorithms are identified as in the shadow file, e.g. $1$ is md5 $6$ is sha203:40
mannyDasEi: ok its done but along the line it said Fail03:40
twolaneNdshacker: what/which .conf?03:40
fearfulcybertaur1, hmm..03:40
Khisanthcybertaur1: xserver-xorg :)03:40
cybertaur1fearful: also ./configure had another error, "No package 'fontsproto' found", and i can't install that with apt-get either03:40
BlackAeronautKhisanth: I wouldn't know how to do that.  Sorry.03:40
gartralim getting permission denied by bash when trying to run a simple script out of my home dir03:40
maxagazsprinkmeier_, yes, probably, how can I change this behaviour ?03:40
DasEimanny: the driver package ?03:40
H4ck3rmy system is using $6$ which is SHA203:40
cybertaur1fearful: "xserver-xorg is already the newest version"03:40
sprinkmeier_maxagaz, shotwoen probably works? confused...03:40
Atryyarr, arvind_khadri?03:40
DasEimanny: the apt-get ?03:40
mannyDasEi: Kernel source for 2.6.27-14-generic not installed.  Cannot install this module03:41
arvind_khadriAtry, just a min03:41
KhisanthBlackAeronaut: /etc/X11/xorg.conf should have a Section "Device" with Driver "radeonhd" under it03:41
nickgarveyH4ck3r: I mean how do you know that is sha2?03:41
sprinkmeier_maxagaz, s/shotwoen/shutdown/03:41
Ndshackerima restart03:41
nickgarveyH4ck3r: I'm not doubting you I'm just looking for a source03:41
Ndshackersee if that helps >.<03:41
BlackAeronautKhisanth:  Oh.  Duh.  Wait one.03:41
fearfulcybertaur1, yea I don't know why its asking you for these things, google it? I've never had to build this video driver to be honest :S03:41
H4ck3rI searched on google03:41
DasEimanny : huh,  check again system > hardwaredrivers  for your nvidia03:41
cybertaur1fearful: here's the full error message, perhaps it'll help? http://pastebin.com/m16b819b803:41
arvind_khadriAtry,  sudo apt-get --reinstall install <package name>03:41
twolaneNdshacker: my eth0 isn't even listed in that file but still gets dhcp03:42
mannyits the same as the old ones i had03:42
Nordsternhi everybody03:42
fearfulcybertaur1, thanks03:42
axisysbruce89: i just opened my guest jaunty .. i see libmoon, moonlight core plugin and moonlight mozilla plugin .. which one do I install?03:42
maxagazsprinkmeier_, what do you mean ?03:42
bruce89axisys: moonlight mozilla blah03:42
arvind_khadri!jaunty | axisys03:42
ubottuaxisys: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009, Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.03:42
Atryarvind_khadri: Reinstallation on ubuntu-desktop is not possible, it cannot be downloaded.03:42
gartralim getting a permission denied error from bash when i try to run a script ive just made03:43
Nordsterni have a wireless connection problem anyone can help ?03:43
gideoniteJust installed Jaunty A6 in Virtualbox and it doesn't like the graphics adapter, anyone else have this problem?03:43
BlackAeronautKhisanth: xorg.conf has these lines under Section "Device":  Identifier   "Configured Video Device"  Option   "UseFBDev"03:43
=== kevin__ is now known as uvacav
fearful!jaunty | gideonite03:43
ubottugideonite: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009, Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.03:43
KhisanthBlackAeronaut: no Driver line? O_o03:43
axisysbruce89: thnx03:43
sprinkmeier_maxagaz, i asked if shutdown works and you replied "yes, probably". If shutdown works then ACPI is at least limping along (in which case you could always shut down and re-start instead of reboot).03:43
BlackAeronautKhisanth:  Screwy, ain't it?03:43
fearfulcybertaur1, hmm... ask around here maybe someone else can help because I don't know I don't have any of those installed either.03:44
KhisanthBlackAeronaut: heh try adding one :P03:44
mannyDasEi : im goin to restart and see what i get.03:44
mannyis that ok03:44
fearfulcybertaur1, and we have the same video card :\03:44
cybertaur1fearful: yay and video works no problem for you?03:44
BlackAeronautOkay...  Just not sure how itś supposed to look like.  Been trying to find an example online.03:44
maxagazsprinkmeier_, i misunderstood... shutdown doesn't work (unless shuting down manually)03:44
arvind_khadriAtry, hold on03:44
BlackAeronautKhisanth: Okay...  Just not sure how itś supposed to look like.  Been trying to find an example online.03:44
DasEimanny : I don't get what you've done, gotta be more specific03:44
KhisanthBlackAeronaut: Driver "radeonhd" should do it03:44
fearfulcybertaur1, yea no problem at all not even back with 7.10 (when I first started using)03:44
gartralim getting permission denied by bash when trying to run a simple script out of my home dir, yet i own it03:44
KhisanthBlackAeronaut: if you don't get anything from that try Driver "vga"03:45
bruce89gartral: chmod +x blah.sh03:45
mannyDasEi:i did the a  sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-restricted-modules-generic03:45
BlackAeronautOkay, I'll try that now and see what happens.03:45
gartralbruce89: so it has to have execute permissions, ok03:45
mannyDasEi: after activating the third party03:46
sprinkmeier_maxagaz, darn, gotta run. sorry I can't hang around, but I don't know much ACPI so I probably wouldn't be a lot of use anyway.03:46
bruce89cybertaur1: actually, you'll need the X headers03:46
DasEimanny : now check again system > hardwaredrivers  for your nvidia, is it there now ?03:46
nickgarveyH4ck3r: when passwd.c is compiled, there are a bunch of macros that determine what algorithm it uses03:46
gartralthank you03:46
cybertaur1bruce89: can you help me get them?03:46
elvishi guys03:46
bruce89cybertaur1: perhaps libx11-dev03:47
mannyit says aleady newest version but the version i see is 17303:47
H4ck3rnickgarvey: nvm,  I just figured out we can use chpasswd with -c option to determine which kind of algorithm to be used03:47
mannyDasEi: but i downloaded 18003:47
H4ck3rnickgarvey: however , passwd doesnt support this03:47
DasEimanny : 180 ??03:47
cybertaur1bruce89: sudo apt-get install libx11-dev is already there03:47
H4ck3rnickgarvey: :)03:47
BlackAeronautKhisanth: no dice.03:47
KhisanthBlackAeronaut: for either?03:47
Khisanthanything in the X11 log?03:48
mannyDasEi: on the file03:48
DasEimanny : which file ??03:48
nickgarveyH4ck3r: passwd doesn't support chpasswd or doesn't support the algorithm you want to use?03:48
Ndshackerok guys, i got a big problem :|, who was helping me pre-reboot?03:48
BlackAeronautKhisanth: Haven found the appropriate line to put in for the radeon driver yet.03:48
martinhi im from the gnu staff03:48
bruce89cybertaur1: what are you compiling?03:48
martingood nigth boys03:48
martintake care about03:48
H4ck3rnickgarvey: passwd doesnot support option for user to specify which encryption method to be used to encrypt the password03:49
cybertaur1bruce89: i don't really know at this point. i think i'm trying to compile xf86-video-intel-2.6.0 from http://intellinuxgraphics.org/03:49
cybertaur1bruce89: but i have an error "No package 'xorg-server' found" (i seem to have fixed the other error it was giving me)03:49
KhisanthBlackAeronaut: right under Section "Device" would be fine :)03:49
Ndshackercan anyone help me 1 on 1 ?03:49
mannyDasEi: the one from Nvidia Linux-x86-180.29-pkg103:49
bruce89cybertaur1: look at the build dependencies at http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/jaunty/xserver-xorg-video-intel03:50
arvind_khadriAtry, seems like a bug, re-install again, but use a different cd03:50
AtryYarr :(03:50
DasEimanny : check again system > hardwaredrivers  for your nvidia, is it there now ?03:50
bruce89cybertaur1: ignore quilt and debhelper03:50
Jaredalright guys a few more problems03:50
Jaredcould use some help03:50
Atryarvind_khadri: well thanks anyways :)03:50
BlackAeronautKhisanth: I know where it goes.  Just not exactly what to put in there.03:50
bruce89cybertaur1: xserver-xorg-dev03:50
KhisanthBlackAeronaut: well as I said before Driver "radeonhd" or Driver "vga" ...03:51
Jaredim using the wiki to set up internet connection sharing, but in the config it doesnt mention how to use wifi. is there a set ethX that applies to wifi?03:51
Khisanthsince you said there wasn't any Driver line in there currently03:51
Jaredim networking my laptop to the net over wifi, and i plugged an ethernet cable into it to connect to the desktop so the desktop can get internet but i cannot find documentation for that03:51
Jaredcan anyone help?03:51
BlackAeronautKhisanth: Oh.  Duh.  ^_^;;;03:52
brous!ics | Jared try this first03:52
Ndshackerhello? i need some one on one help with a wireless problem03:52
ubottuJared try this first: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php03:52
Jaredi read that ubottu03:52
cybertaur1bruce89: thanks, that got rid of some of the problems, but now i have another error: http://pastebin.com/m49a0c26 ("Requested 'libdrm >= 2.4.3' but version of libdrm is 2.3.1" if you don't want to click through)03:52
brous!ask | Ndshacker03:52
ubottuNdshacker: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:52
maxagazhow to lock Alt+F4 ?03:52
BlackAeronautKhisanth: That one doesn work either.03:52
DasEimanny : is your nvidia listet under hardwaredrivers now ?03:53
brousmaxagaz-> try to remove tty4 entry in /etc/event.d03:53
bruce89cybertaur1: it's asking for a newer libdrm than Intrepid has, you'd have to download and compile that also03:53
BlackAeronautKhisanth: Damn, my break is up.  I gotta go.  Thanks for helping.03:53
brousmaxagaz-> i read that wrongly...03:53
BlackAeronautGotta motor.  Laters, all.03:53
Ndshackerok, I have a problem, my internet starts out fine, but slowly grows slower until after 6 hours, it is unbearble, i have a log of my startup, but i see very little wrong, when I boot up, two red erros flash by, but i cant manage to read them/03:53
Jaredi said i read the wiki but it didnt reference my situation :( thats why i came back here.03:54
cybertaur1bruce89: sudo apt-get install libdrm says i'm on the latest one, and i just ran apt-get update & upgrade03:54
bobbie4I like Ubuntu and Placebo03:54
twolaneNdshacker: read dmesg03:54
bruce89cybertaur1: I know, but this package needs 2.4.3, Intrepid has 2.3.103:54
bobbie4hi zlogger03:54
ElijahWhat is teh command to copy from a directory to the current directory " cp /directory/* / "03:54
twolaneNdshacker: in a terminal type  dmesg |less03:55
wiselessElijah:  cp /directory/* ./03:55
wiselessElijah:  cp /directory ./03:55
boscoanyone know of a good website to install WICD in ubuntu 8.10 x64?????03:55
bosco!info wicd03:55
ubottuPackage wicd does not exist in intrepid03:55
rwwbosco: the WICD website has a repository you can use.03:56
boscook thanks03:56
Elijahwiseless: ./ brilliant!!!03:56
brousJared I did not ask you to pm me, kindly stay here in the main, so people can assist you if i cant03:56
bruce89cybertaur1: in other words, it ain't going to happen unless you want to compile a new libdrm at least03:57
Ndshacker[   27.016302] iTCO_vendor_support: vendor-support=003:57
Ndshacker[   27.052236] iTCO_wdt: Intel TCO WatchDog Timer Driver v1.02 (26-Jul-2007)03:57
Ndshacker[   27.052482] iTCO_wdt: failed to reset NO_REBOOT flag, reboot disabled by hardware03:57
Ndshacker[   27.052555] iTCO_wdt: No card detected03:57
Jaredseems somewhat problematic since the channel moves so fast :(03:57
cybertaur1bruce89: thank you, i think i just compiled the new libdrm from launchpad.net, and i'm trying to compile the drivers now03:57
mneptok!paste > Ndshacker03:57
ubottuNdshacker, please see my private message03:57
amikropHello. How long will it take to compress 9GB of .avi files?03:57
maxagazbrous, yes, i've got a better solution for the VTs => Option "DontVTSwitch" in xorg.conf03:57
cybertaur1bruce89: success! should i restart something?03:57
mneptokamikrop: don;t bother03:57
amikropmneptok: why not?03:58
wiselessDoes anyone know if it's possible to reduce icon size on Gedit's File Browser? Sorry asking here, but tried google, irc.gnome.org but no answer03:58
bruce89cybertaur1: perhaps03:58
cybertaur1bruce89: thanks a ton, by the way03:58
cybertaur1fearful: you too03:58
mneptokamikrop: they are already compressed03:58
brousmaxagaz-> cool, you found the solution03:58
amikropmneptok: You mean, they'll end up 8.5GB?03:58
mneptokamikrop: i mean that naything that uses the .avi container uses a compression algorithm for the media. there is no need to compress it twice.03:59
Jared== WiFi --> Laptop -> ethernet cable -> Desktop(to get internet) == can anyone help me with this? the wiki on ics does not help.03:59
amikropmneptok: But I will win space.03:59
cybertaur1bruce89: sorry to keep asking questions, but is there a way to enable certain drivers over others? or does installing the driver automatically make it the one in use?03:59
mneptokamikrop: maybe a few megabytes for hours of CPU usage.03:59
bruce89cybertaur1: don't know03:59
mneptokamikrop: but hey, it's not my time or equipment. go for it.04:00
Atryarvind_khadri: is it possible for it to be a HDD error?  looking at there errors....04:00
brousJared-> what have you done so far?04:01
amikropmneptok: ok04:01
Jaredcybercentaur1: depends on the driver. some you can enable as default like with video drivers, but for others just installing overrides default drivers04:01
SherrifStuSo... You like subway?04:01
Jaredbrous:ive tried doing ifconfig and such, but when i get to the second step i cant define eth104:01
bruce89!ot | SherrifStu04:01
ubottuSherrifStu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:01
brousJared-> can you explain in details your network layout again?  try to be clear04:02
SherrifStuok, sorry to disturb04:02
Jaredin my situation eth0 would be wifi, eth1 would be my ethernet going to my desktop04:02
DashTrapHello , am interested in installing Durango http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/durango/ at ubunut !04:02
bruce89!ot | useruser04:02
ubottuuseruser: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:02
brous!who | Jared04:02
ubottuJared: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)04:02
DashTrapi tried Wine but there always an error !04:02
SherrifStu!who | jared04:03
ubottujared: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)04:03
SherrifStuor, you can private chat04:03
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.04:03
Jaredbrous: im basically trying to use my laptop as a wifi port because my wireless card isn't supported04:03
Jaredon my desktop04:03
SherrifStuubottu: I always found that strange.04:03
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:03
brousJared-> your explanation of your network layout is not clear, which one is acting as router? the one that connects to the isp ?04:04
SherrifStuno, TURING TEST!!!!!04:04
mneptok!offtopic > SherrifStu04:04
ubottuSherrifStu, please see my private message04:04
mneptokSherrifStu: you may consider that your last warning.04:04
Jaredbrous: the laptop connects to the internet, the desktop is attempting to connect to the laptop to get internet via ICS04:04
brousJared-> is your laptop doing the dhcp or dolling out ip address to the desktop?04:05
SherrifStulol wat a prude.04:05
SherrifStu later04:05
Jaredbrous -> im assuming it will be dolling out the ip address to the desktop, i need internet on the desktop and don't care much about the laptop having it.04:06
BotLobstaso when i press the button on my cd drive it doesnt eject it and instead i get an error saying that its not a volume or drive04:06
brousJared-> and tell me again, which laptop is interfaced to your ISP? towards your local subnet?04:06
densonehi all. apt-get question. Is there a way to list the packages in a specific repository?04:06
BotLobstai can still run eject /dev/cdrom though and it will work04:06
brousJared-> dont assume anything, nothing is automatic04:06
Jaredbrous: the laptop is interfaced with the isp and able to get on the net via WIFI. im not really sure how to describe a subnet?04:07
brousJared-> rather tell me again, which laptop interface is connected to your ISP? towards your local subnet?04:07
boscorww, http://wicd.sourceforge.net/ only support for hardy in ubuntu04:08
Jaredbrous: wireless04:08
brousJared-> then post this in pastebin,  ifconfig; iwconfig;  sudo lshw -C network;  cat /etc/resolv.conf; route -n04:08
jacquesdupontdanyone's here ?04:08
jacquesdupontdfirst hello04:08
Jaredbrous: pastebin?04:08
brous!pastebin | Jared04:08
ubottuJared: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)04:09
wiseless does anyone know how to reduce icon size in Gedit's File Browser? Could not find it on Google04:09
jacquesdupontdsorry cause im asking myself a question04:09
Jaredbrous: one moment04:09
=== Milosz is now known as HeadBaltar
rwwbosco: It has repository instructions on the download page. It says on that page to replace "hardy" in the example repo line with your distribution name "intrepid", in your case.04:09
DasEi!hi | jacquesdupontd04:09
ubottujacquesdupontd: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:09
jacquesdupontdanybody knows who is jon smirl ?04:09
tritium!enter | jacquesdupontd04:09
ubottujacquesdupontd: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:09
_VIM_jacquesdupontd: this isnt MSN, one line please :)04:10
jacquesdupontd(bot are cools now)04:10
DasEi!ot > jacquesdupontd04:10
ubottujacquesdupontd, please see my private message04:10
arvind_khadriAtry, can be04:10
jacquesdupontdit makes a long time i didn't come, that's why, but that's it i would like to know if anybody knows jon smirl04:10
Jaredbrous: http://paste.ubuntu.com/135797/04:10
twolanewiseless: right click the icon, choose properties, browse to /usr/share/icons/ choose a sub-dir, then apps probably, then choose the size icon dir and pick one.04:11
brousJared-> this was for your laptop correct?04:11
rwwjacquesdupontd: This is an Ubuntu support channel. Do you have an Ubuntu support question?04:11
Jaredbrous: yes04:11
jacquesdupontdthank you ubuntu bot but i dont think my answer is in the fac and i don't need to read it for now04:11
tritiumjacquesdupontd: stay on topic04:12
jacquesdupontdoh there's no humans understand question like i asked ? i tought ubuntu was linux and this guy worked for linux i just wanted to know if someone knew him04:12
bruce89didn't stop SherrifStu04:12
YomicI have made a mistake.  I deleted my ubuntu partition (from windows), but grub was installed on it.  How can I recover my mbr?  And I don't mind using grub. (I'm just going to use ubuntu in a VM instead of dual-booting)04:12
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:13
YomicThank you bruce :04:13
brousJared-> now you need to set up a dhcpd server towards your desktop, so it can dole out ip address in the range of 192.168.0.X04:13
bruce89actually, using GRUB without Linux is silly04:13
boscorww, says that Type 'http://wicd.sourceforge.net/' is not known on line 51 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list04:13
bruce89Yomic: there's a way of reinstalling the Windows bootloader in the recovery console, but that's for ##windows04:13
Yomicbruce, doesn't matter.  Either way, I'd like to not have to use my Super grub bootdisk as an MBR.04:14
rwwbosco: your sources.list line should be: deb http://apt.wicd.net intrepid extras04:14
rwwis it?04:14
JohnTeddyWhat is a good simple calendar program for Ubuntu, to remind of things I need to do on certain days of the month?04:14
brousJared-> then you also have to do the forwarding and masquerading per the wiki instructions04:14
twolaneYomic: boot a windows cd recovery mode and use /fixmbr then re-install ubuntu04:14
Yomicrww, I know how to do that.  My windoze cds aren't working04:14
brousJohnTeddy-> cron ?04:14
Cpudan80Yomic: XP or vista04:14
Cpudan80Yomic: floppy drive?04:14
Jaredbrous: what would i define the wireless as though? i have no problem with the later instructions on masq and forwarding, but what exactly is dhcpd?04:14
jacquesdupontdtell me it now if nobody want's to answer my question i'll try to ask somewhere else04:14
boscorww, yes it is lol checked it like 2 times04:14
Yomic*spit, vista*04:14
JohnTeddybrous: something gui04:14
tritiumjacquesdupontd: we've told you it's offtopic.04:15
Yomiccpudan, no floppys.  Just CDs.04:15
brousJared -> no guis,  wireless is your wlan0, dhcpd is the dhcp server04:15
YomicUSB might work too.04:15
Cpudan80Yomic: you need to boot off some kind of windows CD to do fixboot then fixmbr04:15
brousJared-> i have to step out for a few, google for that dhcpd if you dont have it installed04:15
jacquesdupontdsorry tritium maybe my english is bad, waht's does it means, it's off topic ?04:15
Cpudan80Yomic: ##windows for more info as it is off topic here04:15
tritiumjacquesdupontd: not appropriate for this channel04:16
jacquesdupontdit means it's only, faq or support on ubuntu thats it ?04:16
Jaredbrous: ah, so instead of sudo ifconfig eth1, i should do sudo ifconfig wlan0
Yomiccpudan, I understand.  Thanks for the help04:16
bruce89jacquesdupontd: yes04:16
Jaredbrous: alright thanks so far04:16
jacquesdupontdok so no way ot have an answer for that, could at least ask if you could know where to ask ?04:16
DasEi jacquesdupontd : j #ubuntu-offtopic04:16
brousJared-> nope, your wlan is connected to the ISP, so its your eth0 you need to activate for your dhcp server04:16
jacquesdupontdoh ok04:16
jacquesdupontdthx guys and sorry for disturrbing04:16
toby_i just installed ubuntu on my macbook, now i can't get into OS X04:17
toby_anyone know how to fix this?04:17
Jaredbrous: ah ok. would there be any setup besides automatic(DHCP) done on the desktop or is it automatic after i setup the laptop?04:17
wiselesstwolane: Not the Gedit icon, I mean the icons displayed by Gedit's File Browser function.04:17
brousJared just follow that ics wiki link04:17
toby_i tried editing menu.lst and using hda1 and hda2 but it doesn't work, i don't think OSX uses vmlinuz.init04:18
bruce89wiseless: not without changing the code I think04:18
Jaredbrous: alright thanks man. my main prob was w/ the wifi def. so that helped a bunch :)04:18
toby_it says can't mount on boot04:18
unop!dual boot > toby_ , maybe there's something in this howto to help you.04:18
ubottutoby_, please see my private message04:18
useruser!ot > useruser04:20
ubottuuseruser, please see my private message04:20
=== arnas is now known as co_belah_ANU_cwe
cybertaur1!ot > cybertaur104:20
ubottucybertaur1, please see my private message04:20
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".04:20
wiselessbruce88: You mean the source and recompiling? Hmmm...I was hoping for a tweak of some kind...04:20
bruce89wiseless: indeed04:21
saywatmang`anyone figuerd out chrome 2.0 on wine yet ?04:23
JCDGHello, is someone using Jaunty and having or had problems with flahsplugin nonfree???04:24
wiselessbruce88: well, at least it's a plugin, not the whole program. If it gets messy all a have to do is install from the packages again :)04:24
bruce89wiseless: I don't think even changing the code would work, it'd likely require a change in GTK+ itself04:25
_VIM_!jaunty | JCDG04:26
ubottuJCDG: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009, Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.04:26
bruce89JCDG: flashplugin-nonfree has never worked, it's not a Jaunty thing04:26
wiselessbruce88: I don't know...the default size looks like the 50% size in Nautilus. A size equivalent to the 33% size would be great.04:26
Atryarvind_khadri: i even went so far as to redownload 8.10.  burning it now... i don't think it's a HDD problem, though, since i've done the two checks that you can do before you install ubuntu04:27
arvind_khadriAtry, ok :) the dbus error seems like a error04:27
JCDGbruce89, but i had it installed on my pc and it was working, after I update to Alpha 6 it doesn't anymore...04:27
arvind_khadriAtry, sorry i mean bug04:27
Atryit was just, all the I/O errors were troubling me04:28
* Clone1 pounds head on keyboard04:29
mobiGeekmorning folks!04:30
Clone1ubuntu definantly hates me :(04:30
=== Guest86971 is now known as richard
lakeofteawhat's y'alls favorite scripting language in ubuntu.  mine's python b.c. it's only thing i really know lol04:30
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.04:30
=== richard is now known as Guest44443
myrhow can i use the terminal to show a file's permissions?04:31
Shinuls -l file04:31
=== tUtuxg is now known as TuTUXG
myrShinu, thank you!04:32
Shinunp :)04:32
mobiGeekJust installed Ubuntu 8.10 onto a 64-bit PC.  When X is coming up, my monitor shows "Sync out of range".  How do I go about getting X to use the right horiz/vert sync values?04:32
mobiGeeklakeoftea: each lang has its pros and cons.  Right tool for the job and all that. Perl is my most chosen tool.04:33
supertankerHi. Where is makedev located? Apt claims it's installed but I can't find it, and my server didn't create a floppy device.04:33
bobbie4_I luv the ubuntu computer thing04:33
supertankerIt has /dev/fd/0-1-2-3... but they don't seem to work04:33
twolanesupertanker: sudo modprobe floppy04:34
supertankertwolane, ...oh04:35
supertankertwolane, worked, thanks much! :D04:35
mobiGeekdoes Xorg in 8.10 still use xorg.conf ?  Changes to that don't seem to be used...04:35
PsuedoDoes Ubuntu 64-bit support installation to GPT partitions?04:36
twolanesupertanker: add floppy to /etc/modules  also04:36
myrmobiGeek, nope it doesn't (although you still can edit it), but I hear that 9.04 will use it again04:36
Wickedwhy does the network manager never remember my settings? i set a static ip and when i restart the computer all the settings are forgotten04:36
mobiGeekmyr so how does one configure X ?04:37
supertankertwolane, ooh, thanks04:37
quaggothcan someone help me get my webcam working (CS630 - Intel Pocket PC) trying to get it working in kopete, running Ubuntu 8.10 got the jasper packages from synaptic but Kopete still doesn't see my camera, it is mounted and I can get pictures off it just no streaming04:37
twolanesupertanker: welcome04:38
YomicDoes ubuntu have any good music managers/internet radio(shoutcast) programs?04:38
supertankerGotta go. Thanks again, that was bugging me awhile04:38
myrmobiGeek, sorry i haven't figured that one out yet04:38
twolaneYomic: Amarok is pretty good.04:39
myr+1 for amarok04:39
YomicI'll check it out, thanks04:39
mobiGeekmyr, it might be that xorg.conf is still used for video.  The 8.10 readme states that InputDevice config has moved to /etc/default/console-setup.04:40
DasEiYomic:I use amarok for shoutcast04:40
myrmobiGeek, that file doesn't look anything like the old xorg.conf04:41
mobiGeekmyr, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/81004:41
mobiGeeksearch for "xorg"04:41
JohnTeddyWhat is a good simple calendar program for Ubuntu, to remind of things I need to do on certain days of the month?04:42
myrJohnTeddy, evolution ?04:42
mobiGeekJohnTeddy: emacs?  :D04:43
myrmobiGeek, no, 8.10 has a much more complex (imo) way of configuring x,  I just don't remember what it's called or how to do it ;]04:44
cellofellowJohnTeddy: RememberTheMilk plugin in GNOME Do. :P04:44
mobiGeekmyr:  yeah, just can't seem to find the info easily...04:44
felixsullaWhat FTP program do you guys like to use?04:44
Guest44443does anybody know how to install wine windows emulator04:44
=== j is now known as Guest67817
_VIM_felixsulla: you shouldnt poll in here, but filezilla is pretty nice04:45
Guest44443anydoy know04:45
felixsulla_VIM_: People don't like getting asked about programs they use/like?04:46
_VIM_Guest44443: wine is NOT an emulator04:46
quaggothwine is not an emulator... also try synaptic04:46
dug_Hi, anyone recommend a gui frontend to gpg?04:46
mobiGeekGuest44443: did you try #winehq ?04:46
_VIM_felixsulla: it's the channels policy04:46
Guest44443can I put it through a terminal code04:46
_VIM_!poll > felixsulla04:46
ubottufelixsulla, please see my private message04:46
felixsulla_VIM_: Thanks for the info.04:48
felixsullaOn both things :)04:48
quaggothhas anyone gotten Intel Pocket PC Camera (CS630) to work on 8.10? specifically as a webcam in Kopete?04:48
dug_oh i see, seahorse for gpg04:48
Guest44443I need help installing some windows games on xubuntu04:48
Guest44443does anybody know04:49
tonsofpcsyes, I know.04:49
=== ajamison5579 is now known as ajamison5579|AFK
felixsullaGuest44443: Why are you putting Windows games on an Ubuntu box?04:49
JohnTeddycellofellow: thanks, I appreciate the help.04:49
myrwindows games are better04:50
=== huntxu is now known as iHuntxu
Deevzdamn, linux is a lot of fun04:50
Deevzmuch better than windows04:51
Deevzdunno why I didnt make the jump earlier04:51
bobbie4_Deevz: ubuntu is fun, I like it better than linus04:51
AtryThe "Test Memory" option when you first install ubuntu, is that the HDD emeory?04:51
Guest44443my i bought some learning games for my daughter04:51
Guest44443and I want her to play felixsulla04:51
Deevzubuntu is a linux distro04:51
myrAtry, no, it tests RAM for error04:51
Guest44443does anybody know how to install a windows game on a lynux04:52
felixsullaGuest44443: Why not run a virtual machien?04:52
Guest44443it is only a simple word play hame04:52
felixsullaGuest44443: So? Virtual machines are awesome :)04:52
Deevzguest, if they are unpopular proprietary games then cedega and wine wont work for you04:52
mobiGeekGuest44443: did you start here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine04:53
Deevzas felixsulla said, VMs are your best option04:53
mobiGeekGuest44443: that was the first hit on a search for "install wine on ubuntu".  Google knows all.04:54
myri have 3 windows games installed with win & they work almost perfectly04:54
felixsullaI wrote a cool VM backup script in Python today. Well, finished it today, anyway :)04:54
hari_ada yang bisa buat indah Gnome ubuntu gak ???04:54
=== iHuntxu is now known as huntux
Guest44443do u know a terminal code04:54
=== huntux is now known as huntxu
mobiGeekGuest44443: terminal code?04:54
mobiGeekGuest44443: i need more context.  those words mean lots of things.04:54
myrGuest44443, sudo aptitude install wine04:55
AnarquestWhats wine?04:55
myra delicious beverage04:55
halfiehi, i am working on console in normal VGA mode04:56
usser it aint a beverage04:56
mobiGeekAnarquest: http://winehq.org04:56
ussermore like hard liquor04:56
halfieeverthing appears fine except for "m"04:56
AnarquestI thought that was liqour04:56
Guest44443that is all i put04:56
Guest44443bebecause it is running04:56
halfiecharacter .. "m" appears broken !!!04:56
halfieevery character except for "m" appears fine ... this happened after i exited a X session .. any ideas on how to fix it?04:57
twolanehalfie: try typing reset, then check it again04:58
halfietwolaner: tried that multiple times :(04:58
spamjamcan anybody help me please? my trash is empty, but the icon shows i have something in there and says 1 item in trash. but when i open it up, nothing is in there. any ideas why it's doing that?04:58
mobiGeekmyr, how can i restart X in ubuntu without a reboot?  "sudo init 3; sleep 5; sudo init 5" doesn't seem to do it.04:59
AjitHow to manually install codec to play MP3 songs on Ubuntu 7.04 feisty fawn (I don't have internet on that PC)04:59
halfietwolane: tried that multiple times :(. anything else i should try04:59
_DELdoes anyone know where I can get the source code to wicd so I can compile and install on another computer?04:59
binarymutant_DEL, apt-get source maybe05:00
_DELthe other computer has no internet access05:00
binarymutantAjit, you need net access05:00
Guest44443does anybody know any other programs to run windows games on xububtu05:01
twolanemobiGeek: startx might work05:01
myrmobiGeek, you can log out or hit ctrl+alt+backspace05:01
twolanehalfie: i don't know other than changing console fonts.05:02
Atryarvind_khadri: if your curious, i did a HDD self-test in the bios, both long and short tests.  both failed within 5 seconds ._-05:02
arvind_khadriAtry, then time to buy a new one :)05:03
Atryplanning to tomorrow :<05:03
StarcraftmazterWhen double clicking on shell files, how can I get them to execute straight away, instead of haivng the dialogue pop up, which asks whether to run or display them05:03
AjitIs there any Ubuntu flavour which install restricted format codecs by default (just like LinuxMint) to play MP3 and VCD *.DAT files?05:03
binarymutantAjit, I thought mp3 support was enabled by default on Ubuntu, but try Ubuntu Studio05:04
cellofellowbinarymutant: nope, you must later install MAD or Fluendo plugins for Gstreamer, which aren't on the CD.05:05
Kimii have a 128 kBps net speed so that i cant update my ubuntu..... updates are 200 mb pending still..... whereas my friend has 2 mb ps net speed ..... if he downloads and installs the updates , how do i copy them from his computer and update mine ??05:06
{bosco}how would i go about making my own usplash startup graphic ?????05:07
{bosco}or theme05:08
binarymutant!usplash | {bosco}05:08
ubottu{bosco}: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork05:08
A-KODoes anyone have any information on how to create your own custom init script? Something basic, I've looked at ones that are there for other services and they're quite a bit complex. So if anyone has any good reading on the subject that would be great.05:08
{bosco}binarymutant, thanks will take a look05:09
{bosco}binarymutant, same concept for 8,10 x6405:10
jlevyI have have a mythbuntu box, and every few days it crashes.  No display, keyboard and mouse don't work, lights on the keyboard flash.  I have to power off and restart.  What log can I check to see what is happening?05:11
radsyjlevy, memory test?05:11
* bobbie4__ wonders how many lines of code make up Ubuntu05:11
jlevyradsy: haven't tried it yet.  Is there one built in?05:11
radsynot sure05:11
bobbie4__only 8 lines? Kewl05:11
bobbie4__mus be some very long lines05:12
gonewestcoastbobbie4__: Depends entirely on what you count as "Ubuntu."05:12
jlevyradsy: is this what you would suggest? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MemoryTest05:12
JKoltnerbobbie4__ : First you'd have to try to define what makes up Ubuntu.  All the packages it knows?  Just the ones installed by default?  The desktop version?  Server version?  I don't know the answers, but it's surely in the millions.05:12
gonewestcoastJust the kernel and minimum install?  ALL the optiona packages?  Something between 'em?05:12
gonewestcoastHah yeah, JKoltner beat me to it.05:13
radsyyep that looks good jlevy05:13
jlevyradsy: ok I'll try it.  thanks :)05:13
bobbie4__okay, impossible question. sorry05:13
radsymemory is one of the first things to check when it's locking up05:13
=== thelordmortis is now known as thelordmortis|aw
mobiGeekbobbie4__: A 2001 study of Red Hat Linux 7.1 found that this distribution contained 30 million source lines of code. 05:14
mobiGeekbobbie4__: The Linux kernel itself was 2.4 million lines of code, or 8% of the total.05:14
mobiGeekbobbie4__:  from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux05:14
bobbie4__thanks mobiGeek05:15
mobiGeekbobbie4__: as of Dec 2008, the kernel is now over 10M lines of code: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_kernel05:16
bobbie4__hmmm, pretty big05:16
Fudgehow can i upgrade to 904 from 810 even though it is alpha6, if its alpha6 still. Can I change repositries and update upgrade dist-upgrade?05:17
bobbie4__when I was a kid programming basic I though anything over 1000 lines was too complicated05:17
Fudgeyay for basic05:17
_DELanyone know how if i can have a 16G SD card to install programs to coz my 4G hd is running out of room QUICK05:17
Kevdog4Gb HD -- What a joke!05:19
prymal_DEL: is this on a netbook with solid state drive?05:19
=== prymal is now known as PryMaL
JKoltnerbobbie4__ : These days there's a lot of extra code taken up by GUI generators, language translation tables, resource files, etc.  Still, 1,000 lines of code is a pretty small program, even for one person.05:19
_DELyeah, EeePC prymal05:19
narothepharohI downloaded a couple new themes how do i get those to work?05:19
PryMaL_DEL: it can be done... let me check if I can find the instructions I followed to get it to work for you...05:20
bobbie4__None of my programs written by myself ever went more than 100 lines05:20
JKoltnernarothepharoh: System->Preferences->Apperance?    "Install..."05:20
_DELPryMal, aight, ty05:20
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009, Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.05:20
bobbie4__but the magazines would often have programs to enter in that would contain up to 1000 lines and would take weeks to enter05:20
bhendanyone interested in tackling a .screenrc problem? if I put shell -bash in my rc file, it effectively sets chdir $HOME05:20
ladyfantasyoh i wish they'd stop using those codenames... i can never remember which one is which05:20
JKoltnerFudge: Baiting the bots?05:20
eper3zhey guys im trying to install ubuntu on an old laptop, and i have it installed..everything seems to work fine when im connecting to the internet via ethernet..but when i turn up the wireless + bluetooth button on the laptop and attempt to connect wirelessly it freezes my computer? do i have to install ndiswrapper? im using a 2y/o sony vaio laptop..any suggestions as to what drivers i need to install to not have the computer freeze!?05:21
KevdogI love bots!05:21
narothepharohJKoltner i have no preferances on system05:21
JKoltnerbobbie4__: Yeah, I remember entering some of those.  It was awful until they started having little checksum programs so that you could ensure you entered each line correctly!05:21
_DELi like to test them05:21
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.05:21
JKoltnernarothepharoh: Which desktop are you running?  (Gnome, KDE, Xfce, etc...?)05:21
PryMaL_DEL: found it... http://www.nerdlogger.com/2008/05/asus-eeepc-installing-ubuntu-804.html05:22
PryMaL_DEL: worked first time for me, I knew I bookmarked it!05:22
* useruser sings i feel like chicken tonight~05:22
bobbie4__JKoltner: tell me about that, 10 years old and frustrated out of my mind because of one little syntax error05:23
JKoltnernarothepharoah: Mm, one set, I'll take a look, but there's a good chance I'll be coming up blank here05:23
_DELis that to install to the sd?05:23
_DELPryMal i am looking to keep what I have, but try to make the sd part of it too05:24
DasEi_DEL: does the sd show up in gparted ?05:25
PryMaL_DEL: you may need to back up your current installs and use the 16gb as a /usr mount to free space05:26
DasEi_DEL: yes ? I also think reinstalling on the 16 is best way , but also see :05:27
ubottuYour home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome05:27
DasEisame for /usr05:27
_DELaight, thank ya DasEi, PryMal05:28
JKoltnernarothepharoah: This is a bit of a guess, but extract them as detailed here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=227416&highlight=xfce+theme... and then find them in Applications->Settings->Settings Manager->User Interface05:28
JKoltnerAh, shoot, he left05:28
_DELDasEi, I tried to install to the SD, but it slowed things down too much for my liking05:30
=== thelordmortis|aw is now known as thelordmortis
DasEi_DEL: an internal solid state is slower ? interesting05:31
=== bruenig is now known as theuserbase
ladyfantasyanyone know how to unencrypt the hashed entries in .ssh/known_hosts? (and to turn that off altogether?)05:32
_DELDasEi, the solid state is faster than the SD card05:33
JKoltnerladyfantasy: They're one-way hashes -- you need to run a dictionary attack and cross your fingers (a brute force attack realistically won't ever be fast enough)05:33
DasEi_DEL: so the 16 is an external sd, roger that, got you wrong in the beginning05:34
ladyfantasyJKoltner: hmm.. ok - is there a way to disable the hashing?05:34
JKoltnerladyfantasy: That I don't know, sorry to say.05:34
ladyfantasywhenever the host key changes on a system (reinstall, etc...), ssh login bombs out, so i just end up deleting my ~/.ssh/known_hosts file altogether since i don't know which entry applies to that host05:34
ladyfantasyJKoltner: thanks anyway05:35
_DELdo i treat a .deb the same as a tarball?05:35
ladyfantasyno, _DEL05:35
ladyfantasy_DEL: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-how-do-i-install-deb-packages/05:35
examancerhelp! I just accidently overwrote /etc/acpi/battery in ubuntu 8.10. I have no idea what was in there and how useful it is. can anyone tell me whats in that file normally?05:36
examancerneed to pay more attention when i'm using sudo :-P05:36
examanceranyone? i am so affraid everything is going to crash any moment :-P05:37
DasEiexamancer: using a laptop ? currently on my jaunty-desk it's non existent05:37
_DELty ladyfantasy05:37
examancerDasEi: yes, a laptop05:37
examanceracer aspireone to be precise05:37
=== error404notfoun1 is now known as error404notfound
DasEiexamancer: ask a lappi-user then05:38
examanceri'm trying :-)05:38
examancerany laptop users around?05:38
PryMaLexamancer: yah05:38
brendonI'm a laptop user, sorry, what happened?05:38
examancerdo any of you guys have the contents of the file /etc/acpi/battery?05:39
examanceri overwrote it05:39
examanceri don't even know whats in there05:39
ladyfantasyi don't have a file by that name05:39
brendondo you want a copy of my acpi files?05:39
examancerif its a short text file maybe someone could put it on pastebin.com for me?05:39
=== Noah0504|away is now known as Noah0504
examancerbrendon: do you have that file?05:39
examanceri just need the one05:39
brendonI'm sorry, room keeps scrolling, can you paste the path again05:39
PryMaLexamancer: what gui u use?05:39
examancerPryMaL: Gnome05:40
PryMaLexamancer: I can't help you then sorry! I use kde, different power managemnet05:40
brendonI have a "directory" called /etc/acpi/battery.d05:40
brendonI'm in Hardy05:41
brendonis that the same?05:41
examanceryes. i have that too :-) i meant to copy a file to that directory (for a Load_Cycle_Count fix) and copied it overtop the battery file instead05:41
examancerbrendon: i don't know if its different in 8.10 or not05:41
brendonlet me check05:41
bobbie4__my battery.d has two execute able files in it05:42
mrsteveman1couldn't you just reinstall the package that provided these files05:42
bobbie4__one is for HDPARM05:42
=== alanhaggai is now known as Guest83380
examancermrsteveman1: i was installing a script. has nothing to do with a package05:42
MrSunshinesinc ei removed pulseaudio i need to remove ~/.smplayer/smplayer.ini each time i start a file to play, if i restart smplayer theres no audio, why? :/05:42
bobbie4__and the other is for something called Anacron05:42
bobbie4__#! /bin/sh05:43
bobbie4__# This script makes anacron jobs stop to run when the machine is05:43
bobbie4__# unplugged from AC power, or suspended.05:43
bobbie4__/usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d anacron stop >/dev/null05:43
examanceri copied the script overtop of the /etc/acpi/battery file05:43
MrSunshinethis also includes when i change settings in smplayer05:43
MrSunshinelike software volume stuff etc05:43
mrsteveman1yes, but i presume that if /etc/acpi/battery is supposed to be there, it came from a package05:43
examanceroh. i see. i wonder how i could figure out what package uses that file05:43
* bobbie4__ cries tears of anguish for examancer05:43
mrsteveman1i think aptitude or apt-cache can be used to show you what package provides a file05:44
mrsteveman1but i can't recall the switch to do that05:44
mrsteveman1try this05:45
mrsteveman1dpkg --search /etc/acpi/battery05:45
bobbie4__now I'm curious, what is anacron?05:45
mrsteveman1anacron is a cron daemon05:46
mrsteveman1probably the one ubuntu uses by default05:46
Grantbowbobbie4__: dpkg -l anacron05:46
mrsteveman1there are a few of them05:46
bobbie4__mrsteveman1:  meaning?05:46
mrsteveman1cron runs things at specific time intervals05:46
MrSunshineanyone? :/05:46
examancermrsteveman1: thanks :-) looking now05:47
mrsteveman1for instance if you want a script to run every 15 minutes, cron can do that05:47
MrSunshinewith pulse audio sound works but it goubles up 20% cpu, without it sound works if i each time i start smplayer remove smplayer.ini .. works perfectly in all other applications but i cannot set softvolume in them so i can get a volume boost05:48
deepzAnyone knows how to setup smtp server05:48
Grantbowbobbie4__: better info than dpkg: apt-cache show anacron05:49
nickgarvey!smtp > deepz05:49
ubottudeepz, please see my private message05:49
DiehardyHow do you do action text?05:49
useruser!ot > deepz05:49
mrsteveman1^ smtp server05:49
A-KODoes anyone have any information on how to create your own custom init script? Something basic, I've looked at ones that are there for other services and they're quite a bit complex. So if anyone has any good reading on the subject that would be great.05:49
lamhiumanI would like to ask if anyone had experience on vpnclient05:50
deepzI installed sendmail.. but i am getting smtp protocol error05:50
ubottuUbuntu supports the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and provides mail server software of many kinds. You can install a basic email handling configuration with the "Mail server" task during installation, or with the "tasksel" command. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer and https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/email-services.html05:51
mrsteveman1deepz: to setup an SMTP server you usually need a domain name, and your IP needs to resolve back to that domain name, or some mail servers will reject anything you send05:52
rwwDiehardy: /me actionhere05:52
* Diehardy hates you05:52
zenlunaticDiehardy, /quit05:52
lamhiumananyone know about vpn?05:52
deepzmrsteveman1: where will i set domain name?05:53
BigMoopiesIs there a download manager with the ability to download from DIRs ?05:53
BigMoopies(besides wget)05:53
mrsteveman1deepz: do you have a domain name?05:53
lamhiumanI wanna set set the vpn to start on logon, any one know how to do that??05:54
deepzmrsteveman1: yes05:54
mrsteveman1deepz: is it set in the hosts file?05:54
examanceromg. all that worrying for nothing... auto-completion stopped at /etc/acpi/battery not because there was a file named that, but because there is both battery.d/ and batterybtn.sh ... battery never existed so i overwrote nothing05:55
examanceri was worried05:55
* Diehardy hates goombas, guidos and guinies.05:55
GrantbowA-KO: try looking at the small init scripts using ls -lS /etc/init.d05:55
deepzmrsteveman1: yes it is set in host file05:56
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mrsteveman1deepz: does your ISP have RDNS pointing your domain back at this IP?05:56
mrsteveman1what is the SMTP error btw05:56
MeXTuXI haved installed RAR on Ubuntu (apt-get install rar). Is it free? Does it have a kind of limitation? The program says it is a Shareware version but don't know if it has all the features available. Does anybody know??  :)05:56
DkDnTalguien habla español ?05:57
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.05:57
rww!es | DkDnT05:57
ubottuDkDnT: please see above05:57
DkDnTdon't worry05:57
DkDnTbye bye :)05:57
mrsteveman1deepz: follow that community documentation i posted here https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/postfix.html05:58
SuperFireLord42MeXTuX, i seem to think it works fine, no restrictions i know of05:59
SuperFireLord42MeXTuX, although i will admit, i only used it for one file that was for some reason a rar as apposed to a tar variant05:59
deepzmrsteveman1: Its about postfix.. But i have installed sendmail06:00
rww!rar | MeXTuX: there are a couple of different versions06:00
ubottuMeXTuX: there are a couple of different versions: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free06:00
mrsteveman1deepz: ok, but what is the SMTP error?06:00
rwwMeXTuX: i.e., if you use unrar-free (rather than unrar), its free-libre06:01
deepzmrsteveman1: No socket found06:02
deepzmrsteveman1: And if i try with other server name it shows SMTP protocol ERROR06:03
keepguessingHi I am using perl in ubuntu. I use perldb for debugging. When i started the perldb was very difficult to use. To access the old debugging command/statements i had to specifically hit h and access history. Typping the upper arrow would not work .. however after sometime it started working. Now my perldb also has auto complete feature.06:04
keepguessingI wish to know is there any automatic update for perl .. because i did not perform any updates06:04
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mrsteveman1deepz: not sure, make a thread on the forum06:05
trancefatHi All, how do i find if i am using java5 or java6... also is it the same as java 1.406:06
brendonthere are no auto updates just for one package, they should all go through the update manager06:06
MeXTuXWell, I have another question: I speak spanish but have an US keyboard. I need to change keyboard layout constantly from US to ES layout. My PC is a little old so I have installed Fluxbox and it is running very well but got this problem, when I was using GNOME I changed keybboard layout with ALT + SHIFT but on Fluxbox nothing happens06:06
deepzmrsteveman1: Can you tell me how to find smtp server address?In which path we set it?(etc/....)06:06
lgcMy boot process takes forever because starting the ntp server (or something like that) seems to almost grind to a halt. Is there a way to tweak this? Thanks.06:07
mrsteveman1deepz: it should be in /etc/sendmail06:07
trancefatWhat is a tar and tar ball06:08
LordKowtrancefat, a different kind of zip file basically06:09
mrsteveman1deepz: might also be in /etc/mail06:09
ladyfantasyonly it isn't compressed06:09
lgctrancefat, 'tar' is an acronym for 'tape archiver', which comes from Unix times. Tar, however, is a useful command to package whole directories into single files, the tarballs, actually.06:09
LordKowor it's just a ball of tar ;)06:10
macman .. hey all im trying to boot a live cd on a windows 95 machine 12mb f ram .. i want to save data that is in there .. should i give up on it or just try it ?06:10
trancefatlgc: so tarball is like a zipped folder?06:10
lgctrancefat, yep. Pretty much.06:10
trancefatlgc: and tar is th command to make tarball?06:10
lgctrancefat, indeed.06:11
trancefatlgc: thanks06:11
ladyfantasytrancefat: tar cvf filename.tar foldername06:11
ladyfantasytrancefat: and if you want to compress it, you can use "tar czvf" or just gzip the .tar file afterwards06:12
lgctrancefat, no problem. But tar can get quite sophisticated too. I don't know if zip can do so much.06:12
LordKowi would recommend using file-roller (the gnome archiver). it utilizes tar.06:12
ladyfantasybetter yet, learn to use the commandline06:13
lgcmacman, 12MB?06:13
pablo--hello, somebody can help me to configure my CRT?06:13
macmanlgc, 128mb ram06:14
arvind_khadripablo--, ask06:14
pablo--i cant get the proper resolutions, and worse, i go out of frequency06:14
pablo--and my screen gets black06:14
mrsteveman1deepz: sudo sendmailconfig06:14
lgcmacman, much better so. So, can you repeat your problem please?06:14
pablo--i tried to edit xorg.conf06:14
trancefatlgc: and deb is like an .exe?06:14
lgctrancefat, no way!06:15
trancefatlgc: oh06:15
pablo--my problem starts when i install ati privative drivers06:15
lgctrancefat, in general, linux executables don't come with a suffix.06:15
arvind_khadripablo--, install the restricted ones06:15
ladyfantasytrancefat: deb is  just a package format that includes a database so you can see what packages are installed.06:15
pablo--but libre driver doest works for me06:15
macmanlgc, i want to get some stuff off a windows 95 machine using a linux cd .. ubuntu seems to slow for it .. any other live cd i can use ?06:15
ladyfantasysimilar to rpm on redhat06:15
pablo--my machine won't start with fgrlx06:16
arvind_khadripablo--, which card?06:16
pablo--yes, it will start, but my CRT dont support the freqs06:16
trancefatladyfantasy: ok, thanks... so i have to untar it and use it directly?06:16
pablo--asus ati hd06:16
arvind_khadripablo--, you googled about it??06:16
ladyfantasytrancefat: no, you install .deb files with the dpkg command06:16
lgctrancefat, a .deb file is some sort of package that you feed to the 'dpkg' instruction in order to have in installed on your machine, nice and clean. As in 'dpkg --install chessman' (I just made up the name, though.)06:16
pablo--yes, a lot06:16
upgrdmanwhen i reboot the permissions i set for /dev/sda reset. how do i change the default permissions?06:16
arvind_khadritrancefat, which package?06:16
pablo--my CRT is AOC Spectrum 7vrl06:16
arvind_khadri!fstab | upgrdman06:17
ubottuupgrdman: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions06:17
pablo--xchat is always my last ditch06:17
upgrdmanarvind_khadri: thanks06:17
trancefatarvind_khadri: red506:17
arvind_khadri!find red506:17
ubottuFile red5 found in hannah-data, libtemplate-perl, mixxx-data, tuxmath06:17
pablo--i used gtr to add some lines to xorg.conf but it doesnt solve the problem06:17
arvind_khadritrancefat, ^^^06:17
lgcmacman, the problem isn't much in the distro itself but in the disk version of it. CDs are lousy with respect to access speed.06:17
trancefatwould i need to learn java to use this javabased server called Red5 (flash media server equivalent) to create a mic input recorder?06:17
macmanwhat live cd should i use for a windows 95 machine with 128mb ram06:18
lgcmacman, if you want the full monty, then go to distrowatch.org.06:19
trancefatmacman: maybe Xubuntu06:19
macmani just want to mount it and rsync the info06:19
lgcmacman, this is a stupid question, but is your windows still usable?06:20
pablo--so nobody knows about configuring failing screen?06:21
lgcpablo--, I don't. Sorry.06:21
pablo--thank you a lot06:21
edyhello im new can someone help me with http://pastebin.com/d21bc2bba please06:22
macmanlgc, yea .. lgc its my grandmas .. she wants to get a new computer but wants some stuff off it06:23
rwwmacman: try Damn Small Linux or Knoppix06:23
lgcmacman, Does it have an USB port? (Another stupid question.)06:24
josh-lhey folks I need to find libqtcore4 package... can anyone help me pls06:24
lgcmacman, wouldn't it be easy to copy the stuff into the USB stick?06:25
LordKowjosh-l, libqt4-core06:25
lgcmacman, you don't need linux for that.06:25
macmani want to use it06:25
macmanlgc, the windows box is to slow to do anything06:26
josh-loh thanks LordKow how did you find it?06:26
LordKowjosh-l, i searched in synaptic06:26
lgcmacman, that's another story.06:26
josh-lLordKow: with what parametrs?06:26
LordKowjosh-l, i simply searched for qt4 and started looking at the results until i found the package you were looking for06:27
LordKowjosh-l, and i must say libqt4core should exist... libqt4-core is a "dummy" package but it should still get you what you are looking for. "sudo apt-get install libqt4core" will install the same thing06:27
lgcmacman, if you want a really small linux you might want to try Puppy Linux or DSL (Damn-Small Linux). You might get some gain in speed there. But I suspect the machine is the culprit.06:28
josh-lLordKow: weird, maybe i already had it installed then thx06:28
josh-lLordKow: trying to build firefox-qt06:28
LordKowjosh-l, sorry its libqtcore406:29
lgcLet me repost this: My boot process takes forever because starting the ntp server (or something like that) seems to almost grind to a halt. Is there a way to tweak this? Thanks.06:29
LordKowjosh-l, if you're trying to compile it you will likely need libqt4-dev06:29
bonez46anyone know a way to update BIOS sans windows?06:30
josh-lyeah got that one LordKow thx06:30
lgcbonez46, on a Dell?06:31
bonez46no, it's a self made system..06:31
josh-lLordKow: maybe you can help me here I keep getting stuck on this error when trying to compile: configure: error: --enable-application=APP was not specified and is required.06:31
bonez46whitebox? beigebox? what's the term?06:31
bonez46lgc  my BIOS is phoenix/award.. I guess. phoenix, but I understand they own award too, or something?06:32
lgcbonez46, oh... sorry. Dell has upgraded BIOS that can be loaded with apt-get, if I recall correctly. But I'm sure you can.06:32
eper3zhey guys06:33
bonez46I look on phoenix' site and it just wants me to buy their biosagent software.. for winders..06:33
maximoany 1 know if logitec video camara works with ubuntu ?06:33
eper3zhow do i add the resolultion 1920x1200, i have intel graphics 96506:33
LordKowjosh-l, when you run ./configure you need to specify --enable-application=something . I believe the something you are looking for is "browser"06:34
LordKowi have not built firefox for a long time but browser sounds right06:34
pablo--spanish ubuntu page is a sh1t06:34
aaaanybody installed x-wrt on ubuntu?06:34
lgcbonez46, try an open source version: http://www.openfirmware.info/Welcome_to_OpenBIOS.06:34
josh-lokay I'll try that thank06:35
aaaanybody installed x-wrt on ubuntu?06:35
bobbie4__what is x-wrt?06:36
bonez46lgc: thanks..I'll read up06:36
aaax-wrt is web interface for router06:37
lgcbonez46, welcome.06:37
aaainstead installing it on firmware, i planned to install it on web server on ubuntu06:37
aaaany idea guys06:37
bonez46lgc: have YOU upgraded any BIOS on machines you depend on.. with OpenBIOS stuff?06:38
lgcbonez46, Nope.06:39
roccity_whats going on06:39
CaptainMorganusing a terminal, since I'm remote, what's a good command to review the list of packages I've installed in the past 2-3 days... I'm looking for a couple to get rid of but I'm not sure of their names06:39
lgcbonez46, I probably wouldn't unless I had some sort of backup machine.06:39
roccity_CaptainMorgan: I would use aptitude06:40
gartrali cannot play videos, with any player/cedec/driver combination i can think of...06:40
lgc!dvd >gartral06:40
ubottugartral, please see my private message06:40
gartrallgc: lets start with videos on my drive first, i have all nessicary packages to *play* a dvd, if i could get usable video output06:41
josh-lLordKow: did firefox take foorever to build when you did last?06:42
CaptainMorganthanks roccity_06:43
LordKowjosh-l, yep.06:43
roccity_CaptainMorgan: yeah it good it uses ncurses06:43
josh-lLordKow: remember how long abouts?06:44
josh-li mean should i go to bed :)06:44
gartrallgc, i cant even get videos on the web to play, i might see 1 or 2 minutes of video, then the output goes bad and i get garbage displayed06:44
lgcgartral, if you can't watch a video from your DVD reader then its codec stuff, most likely. The DVD page on the Ubuntu manual will tell you what you need to install in order to play DVDs. There's another !codecs page you might want to peruse.06:44
gartrallgc: would you stop it with the dvd crap already, ogg theora videos dont play06:44
lgcgartral, I'll stop it with you alltogether.06:45
LordKowjosh-l, depends on how fast your computer is.06:45
gartral.flv videos dont play, neither do mpeg avi wmv, or anything else ive tryed06:45
josh-lso whats new in gnome 2.26?06:45
gartralto lgc if he reads the logs, im sorry,m i didnt mean to be disrespectfull, im just frustrated06:47
suigenerisat GRUB screen06:47
suigenerisat GRUB screen, how can I go to another runlevel?06:48
kantorI added local: to X0.hosts but as I see it has no effect, is there other xhost config file ?06:49
gartrali cannot play videos, with any player/cedec/driver combination i can think of... im not even trying dvds, these are videos off of my camera and off of wikipedia that i know work fine elsewhere, after a moment or two (depending in driver) i get unusable output06:49
bobbie4__I have to leave!06:49
suigenerisat GRUB screen, how can I go to another runlevel?06:51
josh-lsweet chrome google browser is out for linux!06:52
josh-land ubuntu06:52
Daemon_Whats up?///06:52
josh-lthis is06:52
josh-lsweet chrome google browser is out for linux!06:53
Lou_What linux email client comes closest to The Bat! in power?06:53
bazhangjosh-l, dont paste that here06:54
bazhangjosh-l, discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here06:54
gartraljosh-l: that goes to #ubuntu-offtopic06:54
josh-lwow ok06:54
josh-lyour tough one to get by bazhang06:55
Daemon_Why is it that when i give my computer a command it ignores me?06:55
ubuntu_it doesn't like the way you talk to it??06:55
Daemon_Click should make sense to a computer06:56
Daemon_At least it used too06:56
Daemon_sometimes it was click clikc06:56
ubuntu_mouse failure??06:56
gartralDaemon_: are you compileing your own software?06:56
Daemon_What do you mean am i compiling my own software? am i picking my own programs?06:57
gartralno, nvm, youed know what i was talking about if you were06:57
ubuntu_gotta go.  goodnight everyone.06:57
gartrali cannot play videos, with any player/cedec/driver combination i can think of... im not even trying dvds, these are videos off of my camera and off of wikipedia that i know work fine elsewhere, after a moment or two (depending in driver) i get unusable output06:58
Daemon_But no my mouse is not failing it just simply ignores my commands06:58
Daemon_I tell it to install software..... nothing. I tell it to change a setting it takes foud reboots before the change is saved.06:58
Daemon_**four not foud06:58
gartralDaemon_: you cant double click an icon on your desktop and have it open?06:59
jack_Anyone can help me please?,just need to install VMWare tool under ubuntu06:59
jack_I install Ubuntu 8.10 ,but when open console window,just simple non root user$07:00
Daemon_I don't have any programs on my desktop only in my menu bar and it only opens porgrams half the time. games seem to work but themes and colors and all the personalizing doesn't07:00
gartral!sudo | jack07:00
ubottujack: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)07:00
jack_what default root password for default 8.10 ubuntu?07:00
Daemon_Internet is choppy, this chat server won't change rooms.07:00
jack_thank :)07:00
gartraljack, that would be your peimaray account's password07:00
Daemon_No suggestions huh?07:01
skylbiouser@ubuntu:/mp3$ sudo find /mp3 -type f -name "*.mp3" > /mp3/playlist.txt bash: /mp3/playlist.txt: Permission denied07:01
jack_jack@jack-desktop:~/Desktop/vmware-tools-distrib$ sudo | ./vmware-install.pl07:02
jack_Please re-run this program as the super user.07:02
skylhow is it that I get permission denied even as super user?07:02
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gartraljack_: try it without the pipe07:02
CaptainMorganI guess what I don't understand fully is why if I use sudo apt-get purge <package-A>, package A's folder still exists in /etc ... is this normal? granted the daemon has stopped running, but isn't purge supposed to remove stuff like a lingering folder in /etc ?07:03
jack_Thank gartral,but how to change to root permanently?i need to get # promt:)07:04
sloopyjack_, sudo -i07:04
gartral!root | jack_07:04
ubottujack_: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo07:04
jack_Thank everyone :) really friendly and helpfull07:05
gartraljack_: keep in mind that while running as a superuser is fun, it isn't recommended, and really should be avoided unless you absolutly have to...07:05
joshhh-ldid i miss a reply LordKow?07:06
kantorxauth is enabled by default in ubuntu ?07:06
jack_because i'm comming from Windows :),no user privillage limit07:06
sloopyjack_, and windows has no limit to how far you can hang yourself... ;')07:07
suigenerisi accidentally deleted the menu panel. how can i restore it?07:07
Linthow can I hotkey keyboard switcher in Xfce desktop?07:08
LordKowjoshhh-l, i dont know07:08
suigenerisalso all menu, Places and System are in the same menu. i need to restore that too07:09
LordKowjoshhh-l, i didnt say anything important since you last responded.07:09
gartraljack_: to answer your question specifically, you can use sudo -i, su, or sudo bash to get a "root prompt"07:09
joshhh-lok thanks LordKow07:09
jack_thank gartral,07:10
jack_i'm still installing VMware tools,and seem insmod fail07:10
Linthow can I hotkey keyboard switcher in Xfce desktop?07:12
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
jack_bye all07:12
gartrali cannot play videos, with any player/cedec/driver combination i can think of... im not even trying dvds, these are videos off of my camera and off of wikipedia that i know work fine elsewhere, after a moment or two (depending in driver) i get unusable output07:13
sloopygartral, do they start fine or just nothing?07:14
gartralsloopy: yea, they start just fine07:15
gartralsloopy: after a bit (between a second too 15 minutes depending on wich player/codec set i use) it goes bad07:16
sloopygartral, do you have the same problems with pressed media (i.e. DVD's etc)?07:16
gartralsloopy: yes07:16
gartralsloopy: also, the stream never stops, audio is never affected, just video07:17
sloopywhen you start playing and while video if ok and scan to a middle section of a video does the playback show fine and then degrade?07:18
sloopygartral, and while video is still displaying ok, and scan further down...07:19
gartralsloopy: if i seem rude, please excuse me, im quite frustrated, as this is the only thing wrong with my system, and its the one thing i want right... and yes, that is as close as i can describe the behavior07:20
bazhang!id | CE_xMp07:20
ubottuCE_xMp: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia07:20
gartralsloopy: have you ever seen it before?07:22
sloopygartral, what i mean is you start playing a clip of video, and then you move the control to a different place in the video while playback is still clear does it display ok and then degrade or is it just degraded?07:22
SteWieHHi I was wondering if anyone in here had any experience with getting logitech programs to work under linux?07:23
sloopygartral, i have seen issues with playback where the eventual culprit was the video card (drivers all used the card for playback and it degrade after 2-3mins)07:23
bazhangSteWieH, windows apps?07:23
gartralsloopy: it'll play a few moments then degrade, and the degredation isnt like artifacts or ill rendered frames, its total unusable output07:23
gartralsloopy: my card is a GeForce 2 MX 400...07:24
gartralno, agp 4x (board sucks)07:24
sloopywhat kind of machine?07:24
SteWieHNot really. I just installed ubuntu and Well After it finished installing my logitech mouse nor keyboard worked :/07:24
adantehi, when i click system -> administration -> software sources nothing happens07:24
gartralsloopy: hand built, circa 200307:25
sloopygartral, i have a pci one of those, it works but is nothing great07:25
adantehow can i configure my distribution release?07:25
bazhangSteWieH, wireless? bluetooth mouse?07:25
gartralsloopy: nah, but she does what little i really need her for, except play video07:25
SteWieHBluetooth mouse and keyboard. it the MX5000 set07:26
sloopygartral, yeah that video card isnt using hardware drivers probly, i would suggest getting a newer video card, it would be a noticable improvment...07:26
gartralsloopy: if i had the money, i would, im broke >.>07:27
sloopygartral, and when doing stuff with video, hardware video is best07:27
bazhangSteWieH, this is intrepid correct? there have been a number of issues related to bluetooth on intrepid07:27
sprockets2000ste is dbus running and do you have bluez-utils07:27
gartralslopy, for now, how would i get *any* video stability?07:27
sloopygartral, cant spare $25-$30?07:27
SteWieHspr no? I just got it installed and like havn't even pat the login menu yet07:27
gartralsloopy: *07:28
jack_Help me07:28
jack_ error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory07:28
gartralsloopy: i have $5 for the month07:28
Devilfor what07:28
Devilhi sleepy cat07:28
sprockets2000Well do you have a ps/2 or usb kb/mouse avail07:28
sleepy_catHi Devil07:29
SteWieHand how do I know if I have an interipd release?07:29
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=767206 SteWieH this is for hardy, dont know if it will help with intrepid07:29
sloopygartral, you live in USA i assume?07:29
gartralsloopy: yes, but this is getting ot07:29
simplexiosloopy: lsb_release -r07:30
SteWieHwtf is hardy?07:30
aprilhareaw innit charming: the pirate bay a guru meditation message :D "Error 503 Service Unavailable  Service Unavailable  Guru Meditation:  XID: 913117043"07:30
gartral!hardy | SteWieH07:31
ubottuSteWieH: Ubuntu 8.04-LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04 - See !lts for more details.07:31
SteWieHoh ok07:31
sloopygartral, you want a way to get a video card for free?07:31
SteWieHso im guessing interipid is 8.10?07:31
darrenany one know why wine internet exlorer comes up blank?//07:31
aprilharedarren: its got something to do with microsoft and therefore bad?07:32
gartralsloopy: how would i do that?07:32
sloopygartral, pm me and i will tell you07:32
SteWieHspr i need to grab dbus and what blue tools?07:32
arvind__darren, use ie4linux07:32
* gartral spies around looking for an AdSense bug in the room07:32
darrenaprilhare; so does the wine iexplorer work or not07:32
bazhangSteWieH, check the link I sent you07:32
arvind__!appdb | darren07:32
ubottudarren: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help07:32
=== arvind__ is now known as arvind_khadri
darrenarvind__: trying to use a sight hat needs silverlight 2 do you know if it can use that addon?07:33
itai_michaelsonhi, i have a bunch of mp3 i want i want to edit , nothing fancy , just cutting off a few seconds- which programme can do itt?07:33
DevilHi arvind07:34
arvind_khadridarren, i have heard about silver light :) there was some open source alternative to it07:34
arvind_khadriDevil, hi07:34
arvind_khadriitai_michaelson, ffmpeg07:34
DevilAre you from India.07:34
arvind_khadriDevil, yes07:35
DevilFrom where07:35
itai_michaelsonarvind_khadri, gui?07:35
arvind_khadriitai_michaelson, no, cli07:35
arvind_khadriDevil, bangalore07:35
itai_michaelsonarvind_khadri, ok, thanks07:35
arvind_khadriitai_michaelson, np07:36
DevilHi my name is Nrupen I i stay in Amravati Maharastra07:36
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:36
darrenarvind_khadri:  yes but its v1.0 and the site is detecting tht and spitting chip07:36
b1n42yif i am to host a web site, do i need a DDNS service ( i have dynamic ip) or can i run DDNS on my server instead ????07:36
darrenwhy cant  th interent be a unified experience hahaha07:36
arvind_khadridarren, the alternative in moonlight07:36
darrenarvind_khadri: yeah thats the v1.0 equivilent07:37
arvind_khadridarren, ok, so doesnt that work well?07:37
darrenno coz it not v2.0 yet you now what its ike they alwys  make the linux version the old one haha07:38
arvind_khadridarren, look if they have some beta version, and try it07:39
arvind_khadri!hi | suma07:39
ubottusuma: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!07:39
darrencheers guys07:40
sumaI use sudo command the following message come sudo: must be setuid root , i can't use sudo.07:40
Devilhi suma07:40
arvind_khadrisuma, for what are you using that?07:40
edyhello how can i watch mov files ?07:41
sumai want to install some packages07:41
arvind_khadrisuma, sudo apt-get install <package name>07:41
infiter789_I need help to configure Geany to compile in C/C++07:42
sumai give that also but the same message come.....07:42
edyhello how can i watch mov files ?07:42
infiter789_edy: download from debian packages the .mov extensions07:43
arvind_khadriedy, install the codecs needed, click on the file and it will prompt you to download07:43
edysuma enter www.pastebin.com paste the message and paste the url here07:43
infiter789_Anyone knows how to configure geany?07:43
arvind_khadrisuma, are you the only user of the machine?07:44
{bosco}i have a problem i have selected gdm to connect to a remoted desktop when i boot up didnt meant to but now i cant get rid of it like that setting. restarted in recovery mode and now here is the error message i get when trying to configure  ( login window ) GDM manager is not running????????????07:44
SteWieHyea awesome07:45
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SteWieHstill not sure what install packages I need for the mx100007:46
sumaarvind_khadri: what i do? i paste the problem in pastebin and send the url, then07:47
gte351shi - anyone familiar with xrandr? I'm trying to add a screen to my desktop and I cant get the resolution right07:48
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arvind_khadrisuma, hang on am looking for the solution07:48
Devilhi monu07:49
quibblersuma: look here: http://mihirknows.blogspot.com/2008/06/sudo-must-be-setuid-root-solved-in.html07:49
arvind_khadrisuma, chmod 4755 /bin/su do this on the terminal07:49
cplab2-56can anyone tell me which packages are required to get java applets running07:49
cplab2-56arvind_khadri; can you help me....we know each other...i have spon to you as DarkKnight07:50
edysuma im sorry i cant help with ur problem cause im new in ubuntu i tried my best telling you www.pastebin.com is very useful to solve problems07:50
arvind_khadricplab2-56, sun-java6-jre07:51
quibblercplab2-56: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin07:51
monu_how is solaris different from other os07:51
voice5sur5hi all, does anyone know presto?07:51
voice5sur5presto instant-on07:51
arvind_khadriedy, pastebim doesnt solve them , its a place where you can paste huge lines07:51
arvind_khadrisuma, done??07:51
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suma    ya, i put the results here    http://www.pastebin.com/m2a23b33507:52
cplab2-56quibbler; will that install the sun-java-sdk also07:52
arvind_khadrimonu_, try #solaris07:52
arvind_khadrisuma, i had given you a command to execute07:53
voice5sur5how to add preso instant-on to grub?07:53
quibblercplab2-56: the plugin is for firefox07:53
edyarvind_khadri sorry buy you understand07:53
arvind_khadrisuma, now install the package07:54
cplab2-56quibbler, arvind_khadri; thank you for the info07:54
arvind_khadricplab2-56, np07:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about presto07:54
sumayes i execute the command the message comes like this :   chmod: cannot access '/bin/su' : operation not permitted07:55
arvind_khadrisuma, execute that command by logging into recovery mode, you can log into that mode by rebooting the machine, and selecting from the menu recovery mode07:56
Devilgoogle..............?Not got any other name07:56
quibblersuma: look here: http://mihirknows.blogspot.com/2008/06/sudo-must-be-setuid-root-solved-in.html07:56
monu_which is the best linux distro07:56
nithin1ubuntu monu07:56
sloopymonu_, the one that makes you happy07:56
arvind_khadrimonu_, ask bestbot in #ubuntu-bots07:56
Devili think ubantu07:56
nithin1monu_:or fedora07:57
Lintwhat are correct options to mount FAT volume?07:57
monu_ubuntu or fedora07:57
DevilYa fedora is also a good choice07:57
sloopyi like YDL07:57
nithin1ubuntu is better07:58
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:58
BePhantomOpensuse :)07:58
nithin1any  ways to speed ubuntu up07:59
monu_look for increasing the swap memory08:00
Devili think every one have a different choice about which is best08:00
arvind_khadrinithin1, remove the programs that are there on the startup08:00
Devilhow to do that08:00
arvind_khadri!startup | Devil , nithin108:01
ubottuDevil , nithin1: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot08:01
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BePhantomDevil the best distro is the one that suits your needs :)08:02
nithin1arvind_khadri:  devil?08:02
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YodaHi some in here there knows how to enable wifi ?08:02
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nithin1anything else guys08:03
Schmickguess not. :S08:04
SteWieHhrm wowez08:04
o0Chris0oubuntu is pretty fast already nithin108:04
Schmickyep.. lightning fast.08:05
BePhantomslow here :D08:05
sumaarvind_khadri: Thank You:) I got.....08:05
BePhantomtakes ages to boot :)08:05
Schmickcheck if you got many services loaded.08:05
Devilwhat a joke ubuntu and fast08:05
krishnanmy network connection is modem - netgear router - hytech switch - laptop. this setup is however is not working. can anyone help. iam using hardy08:05
sumaquibbler:Thank You:) i got...08:06
gartrali cannot play videos, with any player/cedec/driver combination i can think of... im not even trying dvds, these are videos off of my camera and off of wikipedia that i know work fine elsewhere, after a moment or two (depending in driver) i get unusable output, some think this is a drivers issue, my card is a GeForce 2 MX 400, and im running recomended restricted drivers08:06
BePhantomdefault install here, kinda slow booting08:06
edywhy recommend firewalls and antivirus if u say linux is 100 percent secure08:06
quibblersuma: excellent!08:06
nithin1o0Chris0o:anything else08:06
SchmickBePhantom: on the terminal, type dmesg|less  and check what delayed the boot. There are time stamps at the begening of each line.08:06
=== SPFhome is now known as SPF
gartraledy: just because its secure, doesnt meant viri cant spread, also, wine negaits this native security too a point08:07
o0Chris0onithin1: google is your friend08:07
nithin1o0Chris0o:and a good one too08:07
DevilMan you will be surprised to know the very first virus programe was built for linux08:07
Devilso you need security08:07
Schmickedy: it's as secure as the user is. so, if you intentionaly dowload a bad piece of code and sudo run it.. it will destroy your box.08:07
edywhat antivirus and what firewall u recommend08:08
Devili know linux is safe but preacaution is always better than cure08:08
Schmicksecure is in the sense of "no unauthorized soft will run without you allowing it".08:08
o0Chris0oyeah secure, its totally up to the user08:08
Schmickdepends Devil .. if you want to loose 80% of your speed in searching for nasty code.. well.. that what AV are for.08:09
quibbleredy: ubuntu has the iptables intalled by default ...as for anti virus program it is not needed ..if you want you can install firestarter ( gui frontend for iptables)08:09
Deviledy:Go for avg many of my friends use avg08:09
Lintmost users just type 'sudo make install', what secutity can be there?08:09
Devilhi glov08:09
Schmickcheck the Make file first then. It's in plain text.08:10
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quibbler!sudo | Lint08:10
ubottuLint: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)08:10
=== crdlb_ is now known as crdlb
BlackAeronautHowdy folks!  I need some help manually setting up my xorg.conf file.  I'm running Ubuntu 8.10 on a Toshiba Satellite A355D-S69301 (AMD ZM-80 Processor - Turion X2 Ultra 64, with ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3470 X2 Hybrid).  I've got my Xorg.0.log file ready at the asking.  That said, can somebody help me out here?  Please note: I'm a nube and I've only gotten this far because of other people on this chat channel.  :)08:14
Schmickbtw.. has anyone tried out compiz freewin plugin?.. I'm trying to make a window click-throgh.. as for placing a transparent video on the top window, but not allowing it to receive input or mouse clicks.08:14
nithin1anybody knows how to setup an nxddomain08:14
BlackAeronautHowdy folks!  I need some help manually setting up my xorg.conf file.  I'm running Ubuntu 8.10 on a Toshiba Satellite A355D-S69301 (AMD ZM-80 Processor - Turion X2 Ultra 64, with ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3470 X2 Hybrid).  I've got my Xorg.0.log file ready at the asking.  That said, can somebody help me out here?  Please note: I'm a nube and I've only gotten this far because of other people on this chat channel.  :)08:16
gartrali cannot play videos, with any player/cedec/driver combination i can think of... im not even trying dvds, these are videos off of my camera and off of wikipedia that i know work fine elsewhere, after a moment or two (depending in driver) i get unusable output, some think this is a drivers issue, my card is a GeForce 2 MX 400, and im running recomended restricted drivers08:16
quibbler!repeat | BlackAeronaut08:16
ubottuBlackAeronaut: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience08:16
Devilhey man people are joining and quitting without having any chat.Are they only enjoying conversation08:16
sleepy_catuhh Devil.. u r in the wrong place.. u should try rediff chat yahoo chat msn chat etc08:17
BlackAeronautMy apologies, quibbler.  Just a little excited here - I'm seeing the light at the end of an severe driver issue that's been plaguing me for the better part of a month.08:18
sleepy_catthis is a strictly developer chat08:18
sleepy_cathere we dont go like hi hello asl etc08:18
Flannelsleepy_cat: No, it's not.  This is a support channel.08:18
sleepy_catyes Flannel08:18
FlannelDevil: but sleepy_cat is correct in that there's no chatting going on here.  We do that in #ubuntu-offtopic08:18
sleepy_catbut its not a chat client.. we r not here to talk talk .. :-) thts all08:19
arvind_khadrisuma, welcome08:19
VoxiclesEvening folks.  Anyone around that knows the ins and outs of nviia settings?08:19
sleepy_catchit chat to be more precise08:19
ScixIs there an NOR <-> ENG dictionary in Ubuntu? Something like Clue for Windows08:19
Devilso all of you are only pc geeks08:19
hateball!ot | Devil08:20
ubottuDevil: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:20
useruser!ot > Devil08:20
ubottuDevil, please see my private message08:20
Lintscix, there should be some in Inet in .dict format08:20
VoxiclesAnyone have an idea why X server settings wont let me save config file/08:21
hateballVoxicles: you need to sudo nvidia-settings08:21
VoxiclesYeah, it wont let me save the configuration files through that08:21
BlackAeronautI need some help manually setting up my xorg.conf file.  I'm running Ubuntu 8.10 on a Toshiba Satellite A355D-S69301 (AMD ZM-80 Processor - Turion X2 Ultra 64, with ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3470 X2 Hybrid).  I've got my Xorg.0.log file ready at the asking.  That said, can somebody help me out here?  Please note: I'm a nube and I've only gotten this far because of other people on this chat channel.  :)08:22
gartrali cannot play videos, with any player/cedec/driver combination i can think of... im not even trying dvds, these are videos off of my camera and off of wikipedia that i know work fine elsewhere, after a moment or two (depending in driver) i get unusable output, some think this is a drivers issue, my card is a GeForce 2 MX 400, and im running recomended restricted drivers08:22
VoxiclesI get Unable to create new X config backup file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup'.08:22
starenkahi, how can i make changes in /etc/hosts work? i've restarted networking deamon, but no luck08:22
Flannel!hostname | starenka08:22
ubottustarenka: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab08:22
hateballVoxicles: did you launch it using sudo ?08:22
starenkaFlannel: please read my question first08:22
Flannelstarenka: Yes.  You need to make sure /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname match.  *or* you can just use the tool.08:23
VoxiclesDOH, you were right :-P08:23
Flannelstarenka: Or are you just referring to general addition of hosts?08:23
Voxicleswas running it from the drop down menu prior.  Thanks!08:24
starenkaFlannel: yes, :))08:24
ScixLint, googled, but could not find anything. Could you be a bit more specific. Like a package or something :)08:24
Flannelstarenka: You shouldn't need to restart anything (assuming your application doesn't cache)08:25
starenkaFlannel: well i tried host "thenewhost" and gives an error08:25
starenkaHost kokot not found: 2(SERVFAIL)08:25
BlackAeronautI need some help manually setting up my xorg.conf file.  I'm running Ubuntu 8.10 on a Toshiba Satellite A355D-S69301 (AMD ZM-80 Processor - Turion X2 Ultra 64, with ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3470 X2 Hybrid).  I've got my Xorg.0.log file ready at the asking.  That said, can somebody help me out here?  Please note: I'm a nube and I've only gotten this far because of other people on this chat channel.  :)08:28
ttt-linHow to mount share folder from Win95 (with password) to UBUNTU Desktop?08:29
=== ttt-lin is now known as ttt-ubuntu-thai
DevilSo guys time to go.Thanks for the support.08:30
quibblerBlackAeronaut: i can not help you with ati cards....however maybe ask exactly what you want to achieve and possibly someone will respond08:30
LintScix, try this page http://xdxf.revdanica.com/down/index.php08:33
BlackAeronautquibbler:  Okay then.  I already got fglrx working in a rudimentary manner.  The driver is installed and raring to go.  Trouble is that for whatever reason, it seems that I have to configure my entire xorg.conf file manually in nano.  I had a look at my xorg.0.log and it seems that the driver is working, I just need to throw in some other things like monitor configuration and such.  I could be wrong, though, so I need someone to have a look at my 08:33
ScixLint, thanks :)08:37
Stefanohi all, I would configure my notebook as a mail server to let my studentes learn how to configure a POP client. Is Postfix right for this purpose?08:38
seightyour're a "teacher" and you don't know?08:40
_rubenand furthermore, postfix doesnt do pop08:40
Schmickwrong answer. That's not a helpful answer.08:40
=== client03 is now known as glovan
flughyou need a pop3 server. do an "apt-cache search pop3 daemon" to see a few available08:41
SchmickStefano: try with sendmail.. it's the basis of mail transport.08:41
StefanoSchmick, thank u! But isn't a little older than Postfix or QMail?08:42
Schmickyes, but if you need to teach how to configure pop3, it will do the job.08:43
Schmickbeside, in linux, old != bad08:43
Schmickirc is still arround isn't it? :P08:43
StefanoSchmick, ok, thank u.08:46
_rubenin order to play with pop(3), you dont need a smtp server at ll08:46
PremiHi! how's this working. Just installed my first linux and I'm NOT an expert on IT. Can I get practical help from here?08:47
flughqpopper comes to mind. do a google for 'qmail toaster' to find a pretty good guide to setting the whole mail package08:47
kematzyhi there.  ubuntu 8.10 and missing background image. I've set the desktop background to an image, it's there & selected in the Background pane of Apperence. It shows up when you restart the computer, but disappears after a few seconds.  How to get it back ?08:48
GibbaTheHuttPremi, just ask specific questions, and if anyone can help, they will08:48
SchmickPremi: this channel if more aimed to find answers to specific questions. Maybe you should check out the forums, tips-tricks and so on in ubuntu's forum site.08:48
eugenwinterhi there. Does anyone know if Ubuntu 8.10 AMD64 default kernel is aware of ccNUMA AMD machines?08:49
SchmickPremi: if you get clogged in some problem, you might find the answer here.08:49
flughyeah, ubuntuforums.org has a ton of good stuff08:49
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OcolAnybody familiar with the ubuntu-iphone syncing, im getting pissed off and need some help. :l08:51
OcolPlease? :)08:51
PremiI have problem to connect a new hard drive so that the filesystem recognises it. I can see the new drive in device manager but can't mount it08:51
thesuareis there a firefox torrent program that will show me download progess in the 'Downloads' tab in firefox? right now i have cotorrent handling torrent files for firefox but it does't show progress in that tab08:51
OcolI don't know how to set the firewire guid to my iphone as this tutorial states: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone08:52
SchmickPremi: have you tried to manualy mount it with "sudo mount ......." ?08:52
Premiwhat is sudo mount? what I need to write (exactly) and to where?08:53
OcolI tried to do the steps as told and issue an iphone-mount, but it says that the folder isn't empty and if i'm sure I can do nonempty mount08:54
SchmickPremi: OK, Mounting a HDD is only for the administrator (root), that's why any command that need administrator rights have a sudo (superuser do) in front.08:54
Schmicknow, mount is the program the puts your new hdd in the Filesystem.08:55
Schmickfor instance, you might want your new drive in /mnt/newdrive08:55
Schmickor in /home/myuser/newdrive08:56
gartrali cannot play videos, with any player/cedec/driver combination i can think of... im not even trying dvds, these are videos off of my camera and off of wikipedia that i know work fine elsewhere, after a moment or two (depending in driver) i get unusable output, some think this is a drivers issue, my card is a GeForce 2 MX 400, and im running recomended restricted drivers08:56
Schmickfor that you need to know what the hdd physical location is, and where to mount it, and issue the command.08:57
gartralis there a way to make my computers built in system beep speaker generate a tone?08:57
balrog__are there any packages that use projectM08:58
Schmickfor instance "sudo mount /dev/sda1 /home/myuser/newdrive"08:58
Schmick--> sudo mount <what> <where>08:58
Schmickto unmount, the command is "sudo umount <where>"08:59
Schmickhomework, search in google and read "howto fstab", it will contain info on how to do all this at boot time, so you won't need to issue this commands yourself.09:00
Schmickextra bonus: every part of the filesystem has an owner, so, even after mounting the new hdd, you might not have right to it. So check also "chown" (change owner).09:01
PremiOk thanks Schmick. Gave me some idea. I'll try. I'm off now09:02
Schmickok, have a good one!09:02
Alex_21What user does the LAMP version of APACHE run as?09:05
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kematzyHELP!!! how the F@$K do you recover from an wrongly set Screen Resolution????  I set it wrong and now all I get is a black screen with "Out of Range" from the monitor.  please help. Absolute noob that is reverting to XP soon. :(09:07
Frogzookematzy: run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"09:09
Alex_21Thankls for your help09:09
Alex_21Good night09:09
kematzyFrogzoo: pardon the french, but how the HELL do you do that when you cant even see ANYTHING on the screen ??09:10
Frogzookematzy: oh, 'ctrl + alt + f1' should bring you a text terminal09:10
Schmickohh.. kematzy press ctrl-ALT-F1 to get a console screen. It'll get you to text mode, with no resolution problem.09:11
Schmicklol beat me.09:11
flughanyone playing Runes of Magic using wine? or have any works/dont work info?09:12
kematzyFrogzoo: Schmick  Thanks, got me into a login, now what do I do ?09:12
tukimin_free hi May I ask about Xchat??09:12
Schmicknope.. but in wineHQ there is a database with working apps, and howto09:13
Frogzookematzy: run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"09:13
Schmickkematzy: at the login, type your username (the one you used during the setup), press enter, then type your password.09:13
nMaddyCan anyone help me with a bash script?09:13
chilli0Hello all.09:14
Schmicknotice that the password shows no characters.09:14
gte351suh, my system just died during boot fsck, giving me "fsck.ext3: bad magic number in super-block while trying to re-open /dev/sd5"... any advice? :/09:14
Schmickthen, you can type Frogzoo command09:14
chilli0When i try to send webcam on Amsn it shows them a white screen anyone got a fix?09:14
chilli0im using lenovo easy cam if that helps09:14
FrogzoonMaddy: syntax yes, script not09:14
scoderaHi @all What is the newest Kernel for Jaunty? 2.6.28-11? 2.6.28-3rt?09:15
kematzySchmick:  OK, I'm in a "package config" screen and it's asking me Y/N on use kernel framebuffer ?  what to do ?09:18
Schmickit usualy has a default answer (in CAPS [YES/no]), go with the standard.09:19
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kematzySchmick: both formatted like this Yes/No, but the No was selected09:19
rakeshhello frnds09:20
Schmickgo with it then. Use the default until you get to the resolution. Then check your monitor's manual to see up to what res it can handle.09:20
rakeshtell me how to configure wifi in ubuntu09:20
tukimin_freehello rakesh09:20
rakeshya tukimin09:21
rakeshhelp me plz09:21
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tukimin_freeI have kick in Dalnet in chanel ternate09:22
ozzloyhttp://pastie.org/424059 can i get some python dbus help?09:22
tukimin_freehow make it?09:22
kematzySchmick: Sorry, but it got really stuck in the bloody keyboard prefs and then dumped me out into the CLI again. Nothing about resolution.09:23
rakeshhello tukimin......09:24
Schmickok, try rebooting to see if it made any effect.09:24
tukimin_freehello rakesh...09:24
tukimin_freehow are you??09:24
rakeshtell me how to config wi fi in ubuntu09:24
chairon6x3does it recognize your wireless network card?09:25
anasharakesh: what h/w u have09:25
chairon6x3Oh, and I could use a little help with something09:26
chairon6x3I'm having problems with my update manager09:26
rakeshanasha i hav wi fi in my laptop09:26
HammerHead66chairon6x3: ok what is it doing?09:27
rakeshand i want to connet with another laptop09:27
chairon6x3it's giving me an error message saying that there is not Public  Key available09:27
chairon6x3never ran into this problem before so I'm a little confused as to why it would start now09:28
HammerHead66that may mean you need to pay for the driver09:28
anasharakesh: please help us with you laptap make and other setails09:28
flughChair: did you just add launchpad repositories? that was a little more involved getting the auth info into apt for me too09:29
OcolPlease, can somebody help me? I've done everything I can following this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone#Syncing%20iPhones%20and%20iPods%20Touch%20w/%20Firmware%202.x But I can't get my iphone to sync with ubuntu :lll09:29
binarymutanthow does patch.ubuntu.com work? it has a reversed patch in it from me09:29
chairon6x3I added a couple of codecs available for use with mp3's and other music formats... that's the last thing I added09:29
OcolIt works fine on amarok and gtkpod, but it just doesn't reveal the files in the phone09:30
HammerHead66chairon6x3: try to uninstall the last thing you did09:30
chairon6x3k gimme a sec09:30
OcolI can't get it how it's so hard to sync a phone.. :/09:30
lhogieHi guys, I have two HDs. Transfer rate between the two is only 5MB/s... Slow, isn't it?09:31
lhogieWhat can I do?09:31
rakeshanasha: i hav in build wi fi h/w in my laptop09:32
binarymutantOcol, a lot of hardware manufacturers use proprietary protocols/formats so if they do it becomes almost impossible to sync09:33
chairon6x3ok it's saying it's launchpad...09:34
chairon6x3one sec I'll copy and paste text09:34
ortsvorsteher!paste | chairon6x309:34
ubottuchairon6x3: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)09:34
administrator_ is there any options to chat in intranet?09:35
administrator_can any buddy help me?09:36
binarymutantadministrator_, yes, you can set up your own ircd server, or you can use the chat program I think09:36
administrator_can u tell me ?09:37
ortsvorsteher!u | administrator_09:37
ubottuadministrator_: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.09:37
binarymutantadministrator_, take a look here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Dancer-IRCD and here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IrcServer09:37
chairon6x3any idea what my problem is?09:38
binarymutantchairon6x3, no problem09:39
binarymutantchairon6x3, just can't very the keys because you haven't imported them, but it will be okay if you trust the source09:40
binarymutantchairon6x3, s/very/verify09:40
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chairon6x3guesing in the terminal than?09:41
unanxbtmy dsl company is claiming that it upgraded all of its 512KB/sec connection to 1MB/sec, how can i confirm that my 512KB is upgraded to 1MB?09:41
chairon6x3been drinking... mind is kind of off kilter.  Kind of surprised me a bit09:42
simplexionocturn: some speed test09:42
binarymutantchairon6x3, you should still be able to install from that ppa it's just a warning09:42
chairon6x3yeah but will it cause me not to be able to receive my updates?09:42
simplexiounanxbt: or call them, if they claim that they have upgraded and you see no difference in performance.call back09:42
binarymutantchairon6x3, no09:42
amortvigilhello, since i did an mini network install yesterday my acer aspireone wont start up! what can i do?09:43
HammerHead66chairon6x3: try to uncheck it before you install updates se if it works then09:43
binarymutantchairon6x3, if you want the warning to go away look here http://blog.launchpad.net/ppa/adding-a-ppas-key-to-ubuntu09:43
amortvigilany suggestions about how to start it back up?09:43
GinbuntuI finally found a nice theme for gnome :-)09:44
santiagoexcuse me for my poor english management, i need to compile the binary of the new Battle of Wesnoth 1.609:45
binarymutantamortvigil, what do you mean "not start up" you'll have to be more specific. Does it turn on?09:45
binarymutantsantiago, is that the brand new update?09:45
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unanxbtsimplexio, i am feeling no difference09:45
santiagolook the official webpage http://www.wesnoth.org/09:46
amortvigilbinarymutant: well when i push the poweron button, the only thing that happens is 2 burning leds, 1 of the  power and one of the machines state09:46
simplexiounanxbt: try some speed test then09:46
unanxbtsimahawk, lemme tell you the result of speed test09:46
binarymutantsantiago, I'm not sure since I haven't seen the new release but it should just be `./configure` `make` `sudo make install`09:47
binarymutantamortvigil, sounds like a hardware problem if you cant get past POST09:47
Ginbuntucan some one recommend me a gui usenet client to download bin files ?09:47
amortvigilbinarymutant: nope... only the sound of a fan09:48
unanxbtsimahawk, http://www.speedtest.net/result/435158929.png09:48
santiagothanks! I'll try it09:48
jimcooncatapache2, name-based virtual hosts: I set up /etc/apache2/sites-available/mysite.com, and can't find the next step in the docs? how do I make the symlink or whatever it does to get site online?09:48
amortvigilbinarymutant: yesterday it did still well just after i insalled the mini iso netboot file09:48
binarymutantamortvigil, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power-on_self-test if it cant get this far it's a hardware problem09:49
unanxbtsimplexio, http://www.speedtest.net/result/435158929.png09:49
landswipei tried upgrading from 8.10 to 9.04 vis "update-manager -d" but I didn't see the distribution upgrade09:50
binarymutantlandswipe, 9.04 isn't out yet09:50
Ginbuntuwould be nice if I can paste using the keyboard in gnome-terminal09:50
landswipei'm not on a production machine09:50
MenZabinarymutant: You can upgrade to a development release.09:51
landswipejust a testing on my laptop.09:51
binarymutantGinbuntu, ctrl+shift+v or shift+insert09:51
MenZalandswipe: Did you press 'check'?09:51
Ginbuntubinarymutant, why can't I just sue ctrl+v?09:51
MenZalandswipe: that's... interesting - and you're sure you're on 8.10?09:51
chairon6x3ok can someone plz list the docore site cause I was having a hard time reading it in the vid09:51
binarymutantGinbuntu, , ctrl+v makes thing suspend in a terminal09:52
chairon6x3gah sorry for the internet lingo09:52
binarymutantlandswipe, you have to edit your source.list and then you can do a `sudo apt-get dist-upgrade`09:52
unanxbthttp://www.speedtest.net/result/435158929.png           is it 512kb or 1mb?09:52
landswipeah that makes sense09:53
landswipethats what I did when I went from hardy to intrepid09:53
EXP__ I got this error when updating chroot:  http://pastebin.com/m5fce66e409:54
EXP__anyone can help me?09:54
kematzy Schmick  Thanks for your assistance. No luck at all, and is giving up for now. Grabbing a bloody XP dvd and converting a Linux box into a Windoze. Can't make a simple change to the screen resolution with these kind of consequences. Ubuntu is so great in so many areas, but some areas are really just not there yet. SAD :(09:54
jimcooncatnever mind, got it09:55
Schmicksad.. well.. check it out on the next release.09:55
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binarymutantEXP__, did you try `sudo apt-get install` ? that *might* help09:56
DreamgliderEXP__: use SUDO with that command09:56
Dreamglider*what binarymutant said ^^^09:57
PsuedoI am looking for an Internet Printing solution for my Intranet (need a 'website'). I need one that will be able to distribute drivers to Windows XP, and List documents and printers. What is the best Internet printing solution, other than CUPS & IIS?09:58
kematzySchmick: is nvidia a load of junk on the Linux side ? because that's the graphics inside the eMachines el1200.  Had no problems with Ubuntu through VMWare and other PC's.09:58
simplexiounanxbt: 1Mb ... its hard to get 913kb on 512kb like09:59
Schmicknvidia and ati have restricted drivers. That is, the source code of them are closed for the public. For that, fixing problems regarding them is very difficult.09:59
Schmickmost should work with no problems, but in "thoes" cases.. little can be done.09:59
landswipedo I just rename all intrepid to jaunty in sources.list?10:00
binarymutantlandswipe, pretty much ya10:00
chairon6x3ok so looking at my software sources I do have lauchpad listed but only have fta and no do-core is there a seperate key that I need to get for fta?10:00
strangewhere can i read failed ssh attempts with wrong pass or whatever?10:00
landswipeand cross my fingers?10:00
unanxbtsimplexio, does it mean that i can get 913kb download speed?10:00
EXP__i get same error when i try to install that console-setup package10:00
binarymutantlandswipe, back it up first10:01
binarymutantEXP__, no clue then, maybe* try `sudo apt-get dist-upgrade` ?10:01
landswipeif I go 9.04 will it upgrade from the beta to final release fine?10:02
binarymutantlandswipe, ya10:02
simplexiounanxbt: yes.. therotical max is 1Mb, and well usually upload speed are allways smaller that download speed10:02
Frogzoolandswipe: possibly not, possibly yes10:02
theGeekPirateAny experiences running ubuntu with a recent (800x series) graphics card, or an i7 system?10:02
ActionParsniplandswipe: yes10:02
landswipesounds ok10:02
Frogzoolandswipe: apt completely breaking is possible for one thing10:02
landswipei used the software sources in system/admin and checked 'prerelease'...10:03
ActionParsniplandswipe: whenever the jaunty repos get updated you will be offered the update10:03
landswipethat offered the upgrade button in the update-manager10:03
ActionParsnipto upgrade use; gksudo update-manager -d10:04
ActionParsnipbut i dont recommend it as its alpha and really unstable10:04
landswipeit's ok...10:05
landswipei'm willing to bare the pain10:05
ActionParsnipi'm waiting for beta10:06
binarymutanthow does patches.ubuntu.com work? it has a reversed patch in it from me10:06
The_ManU_212what are reasons for I/O errors?10:07
ActionParsnip!hi | The_ManU_21210:07
ubottuThe_ManU_212: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!10:07
The_ManU_212perhaps a disconnectet cable or also some others?10:07
ActionParsnipThe_ManU_212: usually bad disks, is it relating to HDD errors?10:07
The_ManU_212ActionParsnip: yep external disk10:07
simplexioThe_ManU_212: dmesg may tell you more about errors10:08
ActionParsnipthen check the disk is healthy and make sure the cable is ok10:08
graydothow do i know which tools is managing the network settings in ubuntu? i need to change the gateway10:08
The_ManU_212I#m not sure if a friend disconnectet while i was doing something10:08
HammerHead66The_ManU_212: run a scan disk to check for data cruption10:08
progHello everybody10:08
progwhat u talking about?10:08
binarymutantgraydot, there's a lower level involved with most if not all the networking tools called ifconfig10:08
binarymutantgraydot, but I would use nm-applet to change all that stuff10:09
The_ManU_212i created a big tar backup of my linux 7,2gb bzip2 i opened it witha rk, but i cant read it, how to read and proof the file?10:09
ActionParsnipprog: ubuntu, this is the ubuntu support channel10:09
voice5sur5anyone can help me with linux presto?10:09
ActionParsnipvoice5sur5: what is it?10:10
chairon6x3ok ran into another problem10:10
ActionParsnip!find presto10:10
progok thamks10:10
ubottuFile presto found in db4.4-doc, db4.5-doc, db4.6-doc, db4.7-doc, libgo-perl (and 4 others)10:10
HammerHead66The_ManU_212: that is an unknown for me sorry10:10
graydotbinarymutant, network manager was reverting back to dhcp even after setting static ip10:10
chairon6x3if someone could give me some assistance once more?10:10
gte351scan anyone recommed a good way to create an offline repository for 8.10 and keep it up to date?10:11
binarymutantgraydot, sudo ifconfig <device> <ip>10:11
graydotso then i installed wicd, but after a restart, the gateway wasnt being set, while other details were.10:11
ActionParsnip!aptoncd | gte351s10:12
ubottugte351s: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline10:12
ActionParsnip!ask | chairon6x310:12
ubottuchairon6x3: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:12
thefishanyone know how to populate/create the /dev/bus/usb/devices file? i have a hanging symlink there, even when usbfs is mounted10:13
chairon6x3is there a key I need to get for lauchpad fta?10:13
gte351sActionParsnip: cool, I'll look into it. I've used keryx for individual package (w/ dep) download, but I sort of want to build a repository so I wont have to download stuff10:14
ActionParsnipthefish: i have folders named 001 and 002 in /dev/bus/usb/10:14
ActionParsnipthefish: but no devices file10:14
HammerHead66chairon6x3:  http://search.ubuntu.com/results2.html?cx=009650792990864903260%3A-lsdjshi1tu&cof=FORID%3A11&ie=UTF-8&q=lauchpad+fta&sa=Search#1186 go through this search and see if it helps out10:15
HammerHead66chairon6x3: make sure to bookmark the site so you can look things up on your own ok10:16
binarymutantchairon6x3, http://blog.launchpad.net/ppa/adding-a-ppas-key-to-ubuntu10:16
KoolDhey all...just wanted to know something.....are the settings in /proc/acpi/themal_zone/THM/ the same in all ubuntu systems or are they specific to the computer being used?10:17
binarymutantKoolD, I think its specific to the system10:19
HammerHead66KoolD: you might want to ask this question in the Kernel IRC chat room10:19
binarymutantKoolD, mine's empty on my desktop but I remember something being there on my laptop10:19
ActionParsnipKoolD: looks fairly standard, the data in the files will be different though, i guess10:19
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ActionParsnipKoolD: http://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2007/01/msg01758.html10:20
cristikleinI have the following question10:20
cristikleinmyspell-fr installs for example French for France, Belgium and Luxenbourg dictionaries10:20
KoolDActionPArsnip:Thaks a lot.. i see its different10:21
cristikleinis it somehow possible to hide those other two from gedit, firefox and thunderbird?10:21
ActionParsnipKoolD: i think its hooking into lm_sensors, i have files in the THRM folder10:21
thefishActionParsnip: cheers mate, same here - kvm/qemu seems to want this file10:21
staar2any emacs users here ?10:22
thefishActionParsnip: i can pass devices to it by bus/device, but this changes on each plug so its a pain10:22
HammerHead66staar2: are you trying to install Linux?10:22
chairon6x3ok apparently no key has been made for lauchpad/fta for Hardy and it was trying to retrieve a key for that10:22
ActionParsnipthefish: you could use UUID in fstab to always mount them to the same point each time10:23
PsuedoIf anyone here is willing to convert ASP to PHP for me, I can offer you 60-days with a Blade Server. The ASP page(s) are the default print-server website created in IIS. Thanks in advance!10:23
bullgard4How can I test if the microphone of a headset functions in Ubuntu? In Alsamixer I set  View=Capture and Capture=100%.10:23
thefishActionParsnip: its not mounted, i have a rom programmer here, with windows only driver - was going to run it in a kvm guest, with usb passed through10:23
ActionParsnipbullgard4: if its enabled and not muted you should hear something if you blow on it10:23
staar2no i am not installing linux I don't know how to us emacs text editor10:23
HammerHead66this room is for Ubuntu support only10:24
bullgard4ActionParsnip: I do not hear anything then.10:24
thefishActionParsnip: seems kvm wants /proc/bus/usb/devices (which is mount -rbind /dev/bus/usb...)10:24
chairon6x3Bullgard4 is it a USB headset?10:24
thefishstaar2: what do you need help with?10:25
ActionParsnipbullgard4: check you can see ALL sound levels in your volume mixer app and make sure the mic is unmuted and capture is ticked for it10:25
binarymutantstaar2, i dont use it but it's all about key combinations like ctrl+shift+r and blah10:25
quibblerstaar2: try #emacs10:26
staar2oh i dont know actually which would be easier emacs or vim ?10:26
binarymutantstaar2, vim10:26
staar2bot have same function10:26
ActionParsnipstaar2: easier is a personal perception10:26
thefishstaar2: nanoo is really easy, but people will think you are a blouse wearer10:26
binarymutantit's flamebait10:26
ActionParsnipi use nano, it works just fine10:26
drmrhorselol blouse wearer10:27
bullgard4chairon6x3: It has got an USB plug. I understand that this USB plug is for power supply to bass boost. The headset has got two coaxial audio plugs as well.10:27
drmrhorsevim sounds like a motor revving up10:28
Ginbuntuhow do you use maxima in Emacs?10:28
=== CaTeYe is now known as cateye
ActionParsnipvim == VI iMproved10:28
ActionParsnipi hate google10:28
bullgard4ActionParsnip: What do you mean by my "volume mixer"? I said that I adjusted ALSAmixer. Alsamixer just shows one volume control only.10:29
drmrhorsewhat happened to mobloquer? is it off the repos?10:29
ActionParsnipbullgard4: whatever you use, just make sure its all cranked high, not muted and that capture is selected for the mic10:29
=== ubuntu_ is now known as vito590
ActionParsnip!find moblo10:29
ubottuFile moblo found in kde-icons-crystalproject10:29
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chairon6x3ActionParsnip: doesn't always seem to work with USB capture devices10:30
drmrhorse!find mobloquer10:30
ubottuPackage/file mobloquer does not exist in intrepid10:30
drmrhorsecame off today or yesterday10:30
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quibblerdrmrhorse: try here: http://moblock-deb.sourceforge.net/10:31
afancyHi, could anybody recommend me a webster dictionary software under Ubuntu?10:31
drmrhorsequibbler: i looked there, no news. im already hooked into their repos10:32
bullgard4ActionParsnip: Your recipe is pretty general. I cranked the one and only control high. I selcted capture. What controls are muted?10:32
ActionParsnip!info stardict10:32
ubottustardict (source: stardict): International dictionary. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.1-4ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 13 kB, installed size 60 kB10:32
quibblerdrmrhorse: ok10:32
drmrhorsebut ty10:32
ActionParsnipafancy: like that do you mean?10:32
ActionParsnipbullgard4: if there is a tick in muted, its muted10:33
ActionParsnipbullgard4: you could try some recording apps to test10:33
tehbauttrying to boot up the live cd, but I'm stalled at: ---[ end trace 4eaa2a2...2da22 ]---10:33
tehbautanyone got any clues as to why10:33
ActionParsnipbullgard4: try sound-recorder10:33
tehbautpressing enter doesn't help10:33
afancyActionParsnip: a english dictionary10:34
ActionParsniptehbaut: did you md5 check the iso you downloaded as well as verify the cd was consistant once burned?10:34
tehbautActionParsnip, the cd was verified yes10:34
ActionParsnip!info dict10:34
ubottudict (source: dictd): Dictionary Client. In component main, is optional. Version 1.10.11.dfsg-2ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 87 kB, installed size 252 kB10:34
tehbautnot sure what you mean my md510:35
ActionParsniptehbaut: did the iso check out ok too?10:35
ActionParsniptehbaut: you calculate the hash of the image then compare it with the hashfile on the server, they must match10:35
ActionParsnip!md5 | tehbaut10:36
ubottutehbaut: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows10:36
tehbautok, how do I calculate the hash of the image?10:36
tehbautah :P10:36
ActionParsniptehbaut: if the iso is ok, then read10:36
ActionParsnip!bootoptions | tehbaut10:36
ubottutehbaut: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions10:36
chairon6x3bullgard4: you said that your headset also has regular jack inputs correct?10:36
sybuxhi all10:37
HammerHead66tehbaut:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=687173 here you go10:37
sybuxI need to run vmWare server on my Ubu 8.04 LTS. I've activated in the BIOS the VM support for the proc, but shall I need to install a special kernel ?10:38
ubottuVMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware10:38
ramavadakattuiam getting  following error (http://dpaste.com/hold/17882/)   when doing  "apt-get install build-essential"   on ubuntu (Hardy).10:39
HammerHead66tehbaut: goto  "How Digital Hashes Work within GnuPG" ok10:39
bullgard4ActionParsnip: Please explain why it is necessary to install the DEB program package 'sound-recorder' in order to be able to test in Ubuntu a microphone in a headset.10:39
ramavadakattuAny hint on how to resolve that?10:40
bullgard4chairon6x3: Yes, this is correct.10:40
ActionParsnipramavadakattu: sudo apt-get --reinstall install python-roman10:40
ramavadakattuActionParsnip : thanks will try  it10:40
ActionParsnipbullgard4: so you can hit record to see if sound is coming in as it will be recorded10:40
bullgard4ActionParsnip: I cannot find any button named 'muted'.10:41
ActionParsnipbullgard4: if the app shows a reading and the file has a sond then the mic is working10:41
ActionParsnipbullgard4: im unsure what it is in gnome. I cant give you the exact wording, please apply some fuzzy logic10:42
ramavadakattuActionParsnip : iam getting the error (http://dpaste.com/hold/17883/) when  i did ( apt-get --reinstall install python-roman)10:42
tehbautActionParsnip / HammerHead66: looks like they match10:42
ActionParsniptehbaut: cool, ok then look into bootoptions, you may have to disable acpi to get it installed10:43
sybuxRegarding virtualization, is there a special kernel to run with or the standard  2.6.24-16-server is enough ?10:43
ActionParsnipramavadakattu: cd /var/cache/apt10:43
chairon6x3ActionParsnip: USB connectivity for headsets doesn't work with the capture method in the alsa mixer, I've tried several different devices with no avail.  Alsa mixer only reads audio jacks as viable capture sources.10:43
tehbautActionParsnip, where do I find bootoptions?10:43
ramavadakattuActionParsnip: ok10:44
ActionParsnip!bootoptions | tehbaut10:44
ubottutehbaut: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions10:44
ActionParsnipramavadakattu: in that folder someplace is the .deb for python-roman which you can reinstall with: sudo dpkg --force-all -i <deb file>10:44
archmanActionParsnip: hey, sorry, but you said you use lxde?10:45
ActionParsnipchairon6x3: i never understood headsets using usb, its none sensical to me10:45
ActionParsniparchman: aye10:45
archmanActionParsnip: I'm doing "chemistry" here :D:D How can I put a launcher to the panel for Pidgin if I don't have *.desktop for it? (and I tried on #lxde, but noone answers...)10:46
ActionParsniparchman: do you mean the app list in the bottom left?10:47
archmanActionParsnip: like, quicklaunch on xp, you know.10:47
archmanActionParsnip: those shortcuts10:47
archmanActionParsnip: how do you put 'em?10:48
ActionParsniparchman: you need a .desktop for it, i thought it was a standard file10:48
dman-so with the 2.6.24 xen kernel, whenever i nc a dd over network to a lvm partition and it hits 100% and i ctrl c out of dd it seems to panic the kernel10:48
archmanActionParsnip: so I need to create one?10:48
dman-with BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual10:48
dman-address 0027c27910:48
ActionParsniparchman: http://pastebin.com/f2d7ec3f410:49
ActionParsniparchman: put that in a textfile in /usr/share/applications10:49
eternaljoyhello fellow Ubunters10:49
kristianholmis there anywhere I can ask questions about Jaunty?10:49
MenZakristianholm: Try #ubuntu+1 :)10:50
MenZa!jaunty | kristianholm10:50
eternaljoycan i create a bootable 1GB USB ubuntu ?10:50
ubottukristianholm: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009, Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.10:50
kristianholmthnx MenZa10:50
MenZaeternaljoy: Yes; use the "Create USB Startup Disk" option in System → Administration10:50
archmanActionParsnip: sure, just a sec!10:50
eternaljoyMenZa: cool, easy as that?10:50
simplexiodman-: try upgrade kernel. that ficed my kernel bugs wiht dmcrypt10:50
eternaljoyMenZa: available in LiveCD 8.10?10:50
Ginbuntuany one here uses maxima in texmacs? I can't type the "*" character in the maxima session within texmacs10:51
tehbautwhat's the diff between acpi=off and noapic?10:51
ActionParsniptehbaut: i think they are identical10:51
ActionParsniparchman: you will need sudo to write to that location10:52
MenZaeternaljoy: I'm not sure if it's on the LiveCD.10:53
MenZaeternaljoy: It is in 8.10, though.10:53
ccchatzillaQuestion: if a process holds a file open (as seen in the output of fuser), how do you unlock the file without killing the process?10:56
tehbautanyone that's left ever booted ubuntu live cd in virtual pc?10:58
ikoniatehbaut: as in windows virtual PC ?10:58
ikoniatehbaut: or a virtual platform in general10:58
tehbautikonia, the windows vpc10:59
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ikoniatehbaut: I'm aware of a few people having problems with it10:59
ikonia!away > Draglor|off10:59
ubottuDraglor|off, please see my private message10:59
Ginbuntuhow do you zoom out ?10:59
ikoniatehbaut: as I recall something to do with the way it virtualises the video card10:59
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Ginbuntusome how I triggered the zoom in function11:00
ikoniaGinbuntu: windows key + l ?11:00
faeryanHeya! I was wondering if someone would have too much time in their hands to help me with borked X after upgrading from Hardy to Ibex.11:00
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archmanActionParsnip: lol http://pastebin.com/m3676125311:00
ikoniafaeryan: if you ask we can try11:00
ActionParsnipeternaljoy: its got a smaller ram footprint so will be faster on low end rigs11:00
Ginbuntuit doesn't work11:00
archmanActionParsnip: works! not sure about that last two lines?...11:00
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archmanActionParsnip: and got me an icon too O_o11:01
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faeryanWell, I've tried nearly everything for the past few days and the best result I've gotten is login screen with my normal resolution but black and white screen blinking on top of it and not accepting any input.11:01
ActionParsniparchman: no idea, if it works i wouldnt question it, you may want to change theName[en_GB] to amarok too ;)11:01
MrNazWhen aptitude asks me to press [y/n] to confirm installing packages, only the first char of what you type in is looked at. So, to make myself feel cool, I always type in "Yo!" as a response.11:01
eternaljoywoow what happened then?11:01
archmanActionParsnip: LOL, me idiot :D:D:D11:02
eternaljoyActionParsnip: ubuntu 8.10 connects me on my wireless broadband.. will xbuntu do that too?11:02
tehbautikonia, I tried safe graphics mode, but still without any luck... getting stuck at the end of the trace that immediately follows the "Try Ubuntu..." link11:02
ccchatzillaQuestion: if a process holds a file open (as seen in the output of fuser), how do you unlock the file without killing the process?11:02
ActionParsnipeternaljoy: sure, its the same ubuntu under the hood, just a different DE AND wm11:02
ikoniatrace ?11:02
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eternaljoyActionParsnip: cool thanks ;)11:03
ActionParsnipccchatzilla: close the file in the app (e.g open office can have multiple files open, you can close the file without killing the app), if its a hung app, kill it off then re-execute11:03
faeryanAlso at times I get to my desktop (without it asking for logins which is strange) and get to see my wallpaper and the endless loading icon with some gnome-panels that are trying to load.11:03
eternaljoyActionParsnip: is this the file I get?  xubuntu-8.10-alternate-i386.iso       28-Oct-2008 21:45  581M  ?11:04
ActionParsnipfaeryan: does it happen wit all users?11:04
ActionParsnipeternaljoy: sure, that and the md5sum for it11:04
faeryanActionParsnip: Only have one user on this.11:05
eternaljoyActionParsnip: i need the md5sum?11:05
faeryanI'll try creating another.11:05
ActionParsnipeternaljoy: yes, so you can check your download is correct11:06
ActionParsnipfaeryan: make a new one11:06
ActionParsnip!adduser | faeryan11:06
ubottufaeryan: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo11:06
eternaljoyActionParsnip: what if I dont?11:06
justinnfxCan anyone help I just got done Installing Kubuntu and grub did not install I still have the xp/vista boot mean11:06
eternaljoyActionParsnip: hows the md5sum work?11:07
ramavadakattuActionParsnip : i tried  doing "dpkg --force-all -i python-roman_0.4-5ubuntu1_all.deb"  but i got this error (http://dpaste.com/hold/17894/)11:07
tehbautikonia: this screen is where it gets stuck: http://img163.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=06752_ubuntu.8.10.vpc_122_354lo.jpg11:07
amgarchingI was again locked out from firefox after a crash. Some of the sqlite databases were left locked (/home is an NFS filesystem). After making a copy of those and renaming back to original locks should have gone. And indded browser history and back button work again. However the google toolbar doesnt: no history neither any search result, just ignoring me. What elese could it be?11:08
ikoniatehbaut: thats a kernel panic11:08
faeryanActionParsnip: I created a user but after some previous fiddling I got myself stuck in another situation so I'm trying to change my X settings like they were before. Will take a while.11:08
ikoniatehbaut: it will never progress beyond that11:08
eternaljoyActionParsnip: I want the xubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso11:08
Ginbuntusome times texmacs does not respond o my input11:08
archmaneternaljoy: http://www.xubuntu.org/get#intrepid  ?11:09
HammerHead66justinnfx: are you saying that when you booted your pc that there was no menu for linux to boot up?11:09
lagann_archman, he's already left :-/11:09
archmaneternaljoy: http://hex1a4.net/xubuntu/mirror/releases/8.10/release/11:09
archmanlagann_ shame then ;)11:10
justinnfxHammerHead: Exactly11:10
ActionParsniphe's gone11:10
faeryanActionParsnip: Thanks a heaps for that advice. I managed to log in a new user so it has to be something with my user settings.11:10
ActionParsnipfaeryan: indeed11:10
faeryanMost likely the leftovers from compiz which I removed and ppurged11:11
HammerHead66are you sure you were looking when the screen was black and only showing text11:11
justinnfxI installed it to a its on drive, I have xp and vista on a a seperate drive also, and it shows up but don't boot11:11
justinnfxlol yeah11:11
archmanActionParsnip: still here? I can't sort out how to edit this ugly "minimize" button on the bar. Where or with what app to edit these?11:11
tehbautikonia, so any idea how to get ubuntu to boot without panicking?11:11
ActionParsnipfaeryan: i'd recommend renaming the .g...    based folder in the other home directory then loggin in as te old user, you will then get stock settings for your gnome apps, or you could use the new user and copy all your user data over and chown / chmod so you have access11:11
ActionParsniparchman: there is a theme changer in the menu some place11:12
HammerHead66on the screen it should say press like F8 or something at the bottom of the screen somewhere to boot up linux11:12
justinnfxI have 3 hard drives, each with there own os assigned to them11:13
faeryanActionParsnip: Will do, but I just noticed that whenever I try to open the start menu or right click for menu the gnome panels fade away only to be loaded again after a second.11:13
justinnfxso I know I didnt overwrite one11:13
justinnfxnope goes staright to vista boot menu11:14
ActionParsnipfaeryan: are you running compiz?11:14
ActionParsnip!grub | justinnfx11:14
ubottujustinnfx: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:14
faeryanActionParsnip: Not on the new user. On the old one yes, but I removed everything with compiz* through apt11:15
fommilI've installed OpenLDAP and phpLDAPadmin... I entered a password when installing slapd, but now I don't know what the username is... anyone know what the default username is? (i've tried the usual suspects root, admin etc)11:15
HammerHead66justinnfx: check Private message11:15
faeryanThough I read there might be a bug where it tries to load compiz still not enabling metacity as supposed to.11:15
archmanActionParsnip: http://img242.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotd.jpg , and how to edit this menu entries but not to mess up "gnome menu"?11:16
orchaninна сервере uebuntu по руски говорят11:16
ActionParsnipfaeryan: ok cool, all those settings will reside in .gconf  .gnome  gnome2 etc, rename all that stuff then log in, you will get stock settings for gnome apps and you can reset up the apps, stuff like opera/mozilla/thunderbir/pidgin will have  different folder for config so they will stand the same11:16
faeryanActionParsnip: Managed to open firefox with a new user and it's now blinking the screen black and white, just like in my login screen earlier.11:16
ActionParsniparchman: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=89635511:18
ActionParsnipfaeryan: then you have a wider issue, are you fully updated?11:18
faeryanActionParsnip: Yep11:18
archmanActionParsnip: thanks :)11:18
ActionParsnipfaeryan: ok can you give the output of: lsb_release -c; uname -a11:19
tehbautok, got ubuntu to load on the laptop :)11:19
tomcylhello all11:19
faeryanDear god! I need to copy them by hand. lsb_release: Codename: Intrepid11:20
ActionParsnipfaeryan: dont sweat it then11:20
ActionParsnipfaeryan: just making sure you weent on jaunty11:20
ActionParsnipfaeryan: all i can suggest then is reconfigure graphics11:21
ActionParsnipfaeryan: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:21
temotoHello. How to install haskell cabal from apt?11:21
faeryanuname: Linux mystery 2.6.27-14-generic #1 SMP Fri Mar 13 blabla i686 Gnu/linux11:21
=== jelle is now known as jelly12gen
ActionParsnipfaeryan: will wipe your xorg.conf back to failsafe which will give you an ok display11:22
ActionParsnip!find haskell11:22
ubottuFound: ghc6, ghc6-doc, ghc6-prof, haskell-devscripts, haskell-doc (and 40 others)11:22
faeryanActionParsnip: I've done it many times. Doesn't help. I get varying errors depending on whatr I did before it.11:22
tomcylcan someone tell me how can i fix my firefox?11:22
ActionParsnipfaeryan: have you read   dmesg | less11:22
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ActionParsniptomcyl: sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get --reinstall install firefox11:23
knoppixkuz.,m  j11:24
faeryanActionParsnip: Doing it now. Getting many lines with "ACPI PCI interrupt link [blab] (irq 20, 21, 22, 23) *1011:25
faeryanActionParsnip: Lots of other stuff as well but others seem normal11:25
ActionParsnipfaeryan: if anything looks weird, give it a websearch11:25
ActionParsniptomcyl: better now?11:25
faeryanWill do11:26
ActionParsniptomcyl: if its no good after that we can try other stuff11:26
ikoniatehbaut: sorry for the slow response, I'd contact microsoft and ask about the virtualisation problem11:27
tehbautikonia, no problem... I just wanted to check it out11:28
tehbautgot it running on the laptop now though11:28
ikoniatehbaut: on virtual PC on the laptop ?11:28
tehbautno, regular11:28
guvilhey can any of you tell me why I can't chat on fireforx using ubuntu?11:29
faeryanActionParsnip: According to some sites I should try "Acpi=off" on bootup, but do you think it has any effect now after latest update since it never needed that earlier on other Ubuntu version11:29
ikoniaguvil: what where ?11:29
tehbautseems like it's picking up all USB drives as a single disk though (sdd) ... any idea why that might be?11:29
tehbauter, /dev/sdd11:29
guvilI'm @ A.A11:29
ikoniaguvil: what ?11:29
guvil I can't chat on fireforx using ubuntu, can any body tell me why?11:30
ikoniaguvil: chat where ?11:30
tehbautwhat I want to do is clone one USB drive to another11:30
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yanzHow do I view how much free space i have on ubuntu?11:30
tehbautfigured I'd just use dd, but this is throwing me off11:30
ikoniatehbaut: you can do a block by block copy with DD - or just use a solid copy command11:30
guvilsay on tagged, I just cannot chat using fire fox11:31
zirodayyanz: df -h or using the Disk Usage Analyzer (baobab)11:31
faeryanyanz: try "df" on terminal11:31
ikoniaguvil: tagged ?11:31
ikoniaguvil: where are you trying to chat, can you post me a URL11:31
tehbautikonia, right but both usb drives are being picked up and grouped as /dev/sdd11:31
ikoniatehbaut: they both can't be sdd11:31
tehbautikonia, I'm looking at them from GParted11:31
guvillook the browser doesnot support chatting, why?11:32
ikoniaguvil: show me the URL you want to accesss to chat11:32
guvilURL : http://www.tagged.com11:32
tehbautikonia, does it make a difference that one drive is a mac drive (hfs+) and the other is unpartitioned?11:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lista11:33
faeryanWill boot and see what acpi does.11:33
ikoniaguvil: it looks like flash based chat ?11:33
ikoniaguvil: do you have the flash plugin installed11:33
ziroday!help > riccardo11:33
ubotturiccardo, please see my private message11:33
tehbautpreviously was, and is being picked up as, fat3211:33
ikoniatehbaut: no11:33
ikoniatehbaut: oh thats odd11:33
ikoniaguvil: how did you install it ?11:34
GinbuntuI have over clocked my cpu from 3 ghz to 3.6 but yet Ubuntu says it is a 3 ghz cpu. why?11:34
guvilfrom adobe11:34
ikoniaguvil: sorry, I should be clear, how did you install the flash pluging11:34
ikoniaGinbuntu: it's probably reading the model number11:34
gaminggeekhello Chinese characters in ubuntu are very hard to read does anyone know how to make them more readable?11:35
Ginbuntuikonia, any way to be sure that my cpu is actually running at 3.6 ghz?11:35
zirodaygaminggeek: changing font help?11:35
ikoniaGinbuntu: doesn't the bios tell you ?11:35
gaminggeekziroday: I don't know11:35
Ginbuntuit does11:35
guvildirectly from the website. It says install,on button I just clicked it it is installed11:35
ikoniaGinbuntu: then it is11:35
zirodaygaminggeek: can you try?11:35
dr_willisoverclocking is often not a good idea... :)11:35
gaminggeekziroday: yes11:35
tomcylmy firefox still not well, all button not working (in grey)11:35
ikoniaguvil: ahh ok, that could be a problem11:35
ikoniaguvil: try installing from the package manager the package "flashplugin-nonfree"11:36
apelgatehello. How do I get packages for ubuntu 7.04?11:36
ikoniaguvil: open the package manager, search for the package "flashplugin-nonfree" and click install11:36
Ginbuntuhow do I know the flash version I am using is a 64bit version or not?11:36
zirodayapelgate: you need to upgrade11:36
ikoniaGinbuntu: you're using the 32bit version11:36
guvilok let me try11:36
Ginbuntuikonia, I believe there is a 64bit version11:37
ikoniaGinbuntu: there is11:37
tehbautso anyone got a clue how to get around the usb-drive grouping issue?11:37
nadoGinbuntu, a 64bit version is available on the adobe website11:37
SlimeyPeteapelgate: does the 7.04 box have a network connection? If so, use synaptic.11:37
apelgateziroday: It's not possible on this production environment. Do I need to download them somewhere?11:37
SlimeyPeteif not, use packages.ubuntu.com11:37
ikoniatehbaut: not sure what you mean by grouping issue11:37
apelgatecool. I will try that11:37
zirodaySlimeyPete: 7.04 is EOL11:37
ziroday!eol | apelgate11:37
ubottuapelgate: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases11:37
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.11:37
WalterMundtrandom question: I'm trying to do some Theora dev work on Jaunty alpha, and it seems some files are missing from the package; where should I ask about this?11:37
zirodayapelgate: seriously, you need to upgrade :)11:38
nado64bit flash plugin beta : http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html11:38
ikoniaWalterMundt: mail the package maintainer or #ubuntu+111:38
ActionParsnip!jaunty | WalterMundt11:38
tehbautwell what is sdd anyway? anything special? why would it skip from sda to sdd?11:38
ubottuWalterMundt: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009, Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.11:38
ziroday!ru | andrey_11:38
ubottuandrey_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke11:38
ikoniatehbaut: it's a device file11:38
faeryanBack. Definitely no "acpi=off".11:38
zirodayWalterMundt: or #ubuntu-motu11:38
WalterMundtziroday: I'll ask in both11:38
ViperMaxHi, When I installed ubuntu a question popped up that if I want automatic login. Where after installation I can change this option??11:39
tehbautikonia, so what's that mean in the bigger picture?11:39
faeryanWonder if this might be an issue with my graphics card. Already ordered a new one that's supposed to be here tomorrow.11:39
zirodayViperMax: System > Administration > Login Window11:39
ikoniatehbaut: nothing, it's just a device file11:39
ikoniatehbaut: can you explain what you mean by "grouping" issue a little better/clearer please.11:40
nadoViperMax, you need to edit /etc/gdm/gdm.conf11:40
Pica 11:40
ViperMaxthanks ziroday. Do you know which config file, if I want to do in mannually in the future?11:40
zirodayViperMax: nado just told you :)11:40
nadoViperMax, sudo /etc/gdm/gdm.conf11:40
ikonianado: that's not a command11:40
ViperMaxthank nado11:40
ikonianado: you need an editor11:40
tehbautikonia, grouping both USB drives into one as: /dev/sdd11:40
zirodayViperMax: you need to do sudo nano /etc/gdm/gdm.conf11:40
nadoViperMax, sorry sudo nano /etc/gdm/gdm.conf11:40
ikoniatehbaut: how do you know it's grouping both as /dev/sdd11:40
nadoViperMax, or whatever editor you like11:40
ikoniatehbaut: can you take a screen shot ?11:40
ViperMaxI use nano-- thanks guys11:41
ikoniatehbaut: 2 devices can't share the same device file11:41
tehbautikonia, I'm looking at it in GParted, there's only two drives in the dropdown: sda and sdd11:41
nadoViperMax, at the top of the file after the comments there are 2 lines to do that11:41
ikoniatehbaut: ok - sda will be your internal drive, sdd will be one of the externals11:41
faeryanI could install a clean intrepid system using my current /home directory to save the files, but wouldn't that cause a lot of troubles/worries/conflicts when trying to install stuff on a new system and not everything is available anymore. Been using this system since 5.04 version11:41
tehbautand both USB drives are listed as a partition with the other drive11:41
SlimeyPeteziroday: I know it's EOL, but you can still get packages for it11:41
ikoniatehbaut: can you take a screen shot as that's not making any sense11:42
tehbautok... how do I do that? just printScrn?11:42
zirodaySlimeyPete: sure, but not through synaptic unless you add the old-releases archive. And downloading each pacakge individually from packages.u.c is impractical11:42
ikoniatehbaut: applications -> accessories -> screenshot11:42
ViperMaxI found it AutomaticLoginEnable=true/false11:42
nadoViperMax, yes that's right. And set the default login on AutomaticLogin=11:42
ViperMaxthnx nado11:43
tomcylActionParsnip,  my firefox still not work, all button not working (in grey)11:44
ActionParsniptomcyl: ok try this: killall firefox; mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla_old; firefox &11:45
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ActionParsniptomcyl: you will get a stock firefox profile but we have the old one backed up11:45
tomcyli trying11:46
ActionParsniptomcyl: if the new profile works you have 2 options, rebuild a fresh profile or rename back and troubleshoot the faulty profile11:46
tehbautikonia: http://www.picturepush.com/host.php?image=151650511:47
faeryanWhat if I were to copy my root dir from a fresh Ibex install over my current non-working install and see if it works. What do you guys think; a doomed attempt or no?11:47
tomcylit  look new, but work11:47
ikoniatehbaut: that's two partitions on the same disk11:47
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tehbautikonia, I promise you it is not11:47
gaminggeekziroday: hmm not really a change11:47
gaminggeekmain problem is they are a bit small11:47
zirodaygaminggeek: can you take a screenshot?11:47
ikoniatehbaut: look at the sizings it is11:47
tehbautmy first USB drive is 200GB, the other is only 76GB11:47
ikoniatehbaut: yes, and this is showing the 76GB disk11:48
Guest9929ima li makedonci?11:48
tehbautI dont even know where the unallocated 125GB is coming from11:48
ikoniatehbaut: it's MEG11:48
gaminggeekziroday: they are just a little small11:48
ikoniatehbaut: not GIG11:48
baboi have write access to a directory and rwx to a file in the directory. i can't delete that file though. why not ?11:48
tehbautahhh, I'm blind11:48
gaminggeekcan I make it so only chinese is a bit bigger?11:48
ikoniatehbaut: it's your EFI boot table thats got 200meg11:48
tehbautok, so I need to find that unpartitioned disk then and partition it?11:48
ActionParsniptomcyl: your stored passwords / faves are in the old profile, you could rename it back in and export them somehow. i'm unsure of how as i dont use firefox that much11:49
zirodaygaminggeek: I think that could be what they're meant to be (but not sure). AFAIK nope, you can't make only the chinese character bigger. The nice folks in #ubuntu-cn might know though.11:49
gaminggeekalright thank you11:49
tehbautor is there a way to pick up its id (the /dev/sdb)?11:49
zirodayAct1: Hi!, is there a problem we can help you with?11:49
ActionParsniptehbaut: sudo fdisk -l11:49
ikoniatehbaut: correct11:49
Ginbuntuhow do you enable colors in gnome-terminal just like in putty?11:49
tehbautActionParsnip, is that L or 1?11:49
tehbautor i11:49
faeryanIt's L11:50
tehbauthehe, thanks11:50
Act1ziroday mb11:50
zirodayAct1: mb?11:50
ActionParsniptehbaut: ell for List11:50
Act1may be11:50
tehbautso do I still need to partition, or will dd do the clone verbatim?11:50
tehbautActionParsnip, gotcha11:50
zirodaybabo: can you change owners?11:51
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate11:51
ActionParsniphmm, not quite11:51
tomcylthanks a lot , i got it11:51
tehbautubottu, that's confusing11:51
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:51
ActionParsniptomcyl: awesome11:51
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ActionParsniptehbaut: it doesnt apply either11:51
baboziroday, i own the file and the directory11:51
faeryanNow if I understood anything about what ubottu said it might work for me.11:51
tehbautdd would work though, right?11:51
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ActionParsnipfaeryan: its how to get your package list and use it to install the same packages on a different system11:52
zirodaybabo: and when doing rm <file> it says Permission Denied?11:52
Act1i cat found GUI ftp server... can help?)11:52
ActionParsniptehbaut: sure would, you may have to install grub to the boot sector11:52
tehbauthmmm, well my unpartitioned disk isn't being listed by sudo fdisk -l11:52
Jaikkuliwhat is a hotkey to safely shutdown or reboot ubuntu, with no further prompts, just shut down11:52
faeryanActionParsnip: Yeah. I was wondering whether I should just install a fresh system. I got my /home on another partition. Just not sure how much I would lose in the installed programs and such.11:53
ActionParsnipAct1: why do you need a gui, just use your local users as authentication11:53
tehbautActionParsnip, grub to the boot sector of the unpartitioned disk?11:53
ActionParsnipAct1: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/settingup-an-ftp-server-on-ubuntu-with-proftpd.html11:53
Jaikkulisomeone, a shutdown or reboot key combination in ubuntu?11:53
ActionParsniptehbaut: after the dd it may be needed on the new disk11:53
Act1ActionParsnip mm, mb not gui... i need see who, that download at this time11:53
ActionParsnipAct1: you can enable loggin and read the logs11:54
Act1reading logs not good...11:54
simplexio Jaikkuli  ctr+alt+del if you havent rmeoved it. or if X is slow ctrl+backpace11:54
zirodayJaikkuli: you can do SysRQ+Alt+REISUB but thats not really what you want. You could alias a hotkey to the "sudo shutdown now" command but that might not close everything nicely11:54
tomcylW: GPG error: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 58403026387EE26311:54
tehbautActionParsnip, I'm trying to clone a mac bootable drive... does that make a difference?11:54
Jaikkulithanks all11:55
zirodaytomcyl: you can safely ignore that warning.11:55
ActionParsniptehbaut: dd doesnt care, its a bit by bit copy11:55
ActionParsniptomcyl: the wine repo guide has a command to import the key11:55
tehbautActionParsnip, I meant in regards to the grub requirement11:55
ActionParsniptomcyl: http://www.winehq.org/download/deb11:56
Lintis there a way to mount file as filesystem?11:56
Act1so, no ideas?11:56
ActionParsniptomcyl: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/Scott%20Ritchie.gpg11:56
simplexioLint: yes.. mount -o loop file.iso target11:56
baboziroday: when doing a rm myfolder/myfile.sh it says permission denied11:56
zirodaybabo: how odd, what about doing it with sudo prepended?11:57
quibblerbabo, use sudo11:57
ActionParsnipAct1: why is reading the logs not good, it will tell you when folks log in, what folders they traverse and what files they downloaded and at what average speed11:57
tehbautActionParsnip, I'm going to assume grub will not be needed, as I'm just running off a live cd11:58
tehbautdon't intend to dual boot11:58
tehbautthat's what it's for, right?11:58
ActionParsniptehbaut: the drive will need a boot sector11:58
tehbautActionParsnip, won't that get cloned from the existing disc?11:58
ActionParsnipthebinz: the OS needs a bootloader, thats what grub is for11:58
ActionParsnipthebinz: even if you only have ubuntu installed you still must have a boot loader11:59
ActionParsniptehbaut: thats why i said "may need to"11:59
tehbautActionParsnip, so you're saying there's a chance that hte boot sector could not get cloned?12:00
faeryanActionParsnip: The problem I described earlier doesn't stem from Ibex not working with my hardware since a fresh install on different partition seems to work ok. Updating the files and installing restricted display drivers to see where the problem occurs.12:00
ActionParsniptehbaut: possibly, but grub can easily be installed and configured12:00
ActionParsnipfaeryan: you will have to investigate a little to see whats going on12:00
faeryanThat's what I've been doing for 2 days now. :) One more doesn't hurt.12:01
freddy__newbee: how do I install danish translation and keyboard on newly installed ubuntu studio ?12:01
tehbautActionParsnip, and grub works regardless of the fact that only one OS is installed?12:01
guvilNot working12:02
tehbautso if fdisk isn't listing my disk, how do I get to it to clone or partition it?12:03
ActionParsniptehbaut: i single boot all my systems and use grub12:03
bonez46I am d/ling ultimate ubuntu.. using torrent.. from estimates.. it looks like it will be late tomorrow before it's finished.. here's my question. what's the advantage to using torrent to d/l a large .iso, over just straight downloading, without the torrent?12:03
ActionParsnip1ultimate | bonez4612:03
ActionParsnip!ultimate | bonez4612:03
ubottubonez46: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes; please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ultimate Edition12:03
guvilany one12:03
tomcylother thing, if i activate my nvidia graphic driver, my openoffice manuel can not see12:03
ActionParsnipbonez46: torrents allow multiple sources of data rather than a single server12:03
ActionParsnipbonez46: ultimate ubuntu is not an official release so is not supported here12:04
Lintbonez46, torrent can be stopped and resumed anytime12:04
whitehathi guys im new to ubuntu and i'd like to choose the 64bit is now the right time to choose? i want to install audacity, kdenlive, elisa media center, mixx and many more....s this apps supported by the 64bit?12:05
guvilI cannot chat using any of the browsers on ubuntu. Can any of U help me out? PLZ12:05
Lintbonez46, not all ftp servers supports resuming12:05
ActionParsnipbonez46: torrent clients can be configured to use less bandwidth using settings or bandwidth scheduler12:05
ActionParsnipwhitehat: depends on your CP, ram amount and main system use12:05
zirodaybonez46: the reason torrents are "better" is because it utilizes P2P technology so that you don't download the file from the server, but instead from hundreds of people across the globe. And unlike normal servers where the more people that download the slower it goes with bittorrent the more people who download the faster the download goes12:05
ActionParsniptomcyl: cannot see what?12:06
whitehatActionParsnip: usualy i'll use it for audio and video encoding12:06
bonez46thanks...for the enlightenment12:06
ActionParsnipwhitehat: 64bit will benefit you greatly12:06
whitehatya but is this available on the repo?12:06
ActionParsnipwhitehat: there are 64bit apps on the repo12:07
faeryanAny reasons for not choosing 64bit? Programs that won't work and such?12:07
faeryanBeen pondering that myself too12:07
ActionParsnipfaeryan: they are all fine, java can be a pain in 64bit12:08
tomcylmenus & button12:08
whitehatActionParsnip: how about the cheese, skype, flash is all available in the repo?12:08
DIFH-icerootfaeryan: sometimes there are provlems with drivers (chipset, wifi)12:08
whitehatActionParsnip: ya the java12:09
arvind_khadriwhitehat, every app thats there for 32 bit would be there for the 64bit12:09
ActionParsnipif you are shooting for skype i'd use 32bit, skype is garbage at best so i' pander to the fact that the client is 32bit only12:09
faeryanOw.. Cause I'm fine with having 32 bit system. No actual reason for me to switch12:09
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga12:09
ActionParsnipfaeryan: if it aint broke, dont fix it12:09
tehbautso is there no way to get to my unpartitioned disk?12:09
ActionParsniptehbaut: how do you mean?12:10
faeryanActionParsnip: That I should really learn. Hardy worked nicely for me but I wanted Ibex and I'm swcrewed now.12:10
whitehatActionParsnip: wel my reason for switch is bcoz of my 4gig ram only reads as 3.5gig in 32bit12:10
tehbautit's not formatted at all, but the disk isn't showing up in GParted either12:10
ActionParsnipwhitehat: then 64bit for you12:10
tehbautnor via fdisk12:10
arvind_khadriwhitehat, its the same everywhere :P12:10
ActionParsniptehbaut: does it show up in bios, is it referenced in the output of   dmesg | tail12:10
whitehatActionParsnip: well gona try how abut adobe flash is available too?12:11
arvind_khadriwhitehat, it also depends that how much ram your motherboard can support12:11
tehbautdmesg | tail via the bios?12:11
arvind_khadriwhitehat, yes12:11
ActionParsnipwhitehat: there 64bit flash now :)12:11
faeryanCan I install a fresh ubuntu system over my current system in hopes of making it work and still preserve some old config .bak files.12:11
ActionParsniptehbaut: no, check bios first to make sure it shows the drive, if it does, boot to linux then read through   dmesg | less12:12
whitehatActionParsnip: wew thats nice, ya thats hwat the dmidecode says12:12
tomcylActionParsnip: if i deactivate the driver, open office looks ok12:12
stdinfaeryan: if you use the manual partitioning option you can choose not to format12:12
tehbautI'm just going to take the drive back into windows and partition it12:12
ActionParsnipfaeryan: just backup your setting files and user data12:12
tehbautwill the filesystem be replaced with that of the cloned source?12:12
faeryanstdin, Right, and there's a chance the system will work still? :)12:12
whitehatActionParsnip: if i install 32bit apps on 64bit will it run fairly?12:13
ActionParsniptehbaut: partition it but dont format it12:13
ActionParsnipwhitehat: sure, there is ia32libs that can handle 32bit apps in 64bit'12:13
faeryanActionParsnip: The ones on /home dir or are there much more? Cause I was thinking like old source.list backups and such that I have loads in my root dir.12:13
stdinfaeryan: all the system files/applications/settings will be reset, but your personal setting will still be there12:13
babowhat's a linux second extended file system ?12:13
whitehatActionParsnip: where can i find that ia32libs?12:14
Lintpretty old unsafe file system12:14
whitehatActionParsnip: will i install it?12:14
ActionParsnipfaeryan: you can copy those too, if you use samba then backup /etc/smb/samba.conf12:14
ActionParsnipwhitehat: its on the repo and is optional12:14
ActionParsnipwhitehat: so you will need to manually install it12:14
whitehatActionParsnip: yes gonna try it now....60% downloading ty bro12:15
stdinfaeryan: you can probably backup all of /etc, it's mostly just plain text files12:15
stdinuse tar so it preserves permissions etc12:15
faeryanI'm going to have a shot at that. Making that synaptic package list before and first seeing if I get everything working on this clean install.,12:16
deiapcruzboma dia12:16
deiapcruzgostaria de um ajuda12:16
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.12:17
ActionParsnipwhitehat: instead of skype, try ekiga12:17
wookienzhi, im trying to boot an ubuntu system but it hangs after the "Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local)                            [ OK ]" - what is run after rc.local so i can tell what is casuing it to hang?12:17
dayoi'm looking for an app that automatically logs out any user who is idle beyond a given time period.12:17
deiapcruzestou tentando baixar na  minha maquina o ubuntu 8.10 para fazer um cd de instalação, entretanto não sei qual escolher no download, já fui em ajuda, mas não responde minha pergunta12:17
whitehatActionParsnip: ya but my cntacts are skypes12:18
dayo!pt | deiapcruz12:18
ubottudeiapcruz: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.12:18
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ActionParsnipwhitehat: tell them the suck12:19
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Dreamgliderhow/where do i see how fast my ram block's are ?12:20
whitehatActionParsnip: hhahahaa12:20
whitehatActionParsnip: well i'll use wine then12:20
faeryanDreamglider: You mean your megahurtz? Try BIOS12:20
faeryanOff for a boot12:21
ActionParsnipwhitehat: seems to be a mixed bag of success and fail12:21
ActionParsnipwhitehat: its worth a try12:21
ActionParsnip!skype | whitehat12:22
ubottuwhitehat: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga12:22
Dreamgliderno other way to see the speed of the RAM other than bios ??12:22
ActionParsnipDreamglider: if you know your motherboard model and make you can websearch12:22
babowhere does the umask value get stored ?12:22
dayoi'm looking for an app that automatically logs out any user who is idle beyond a given time period.12:22
sparky_I'm trying to mount my back-up disk to upload on to my server but it can't mount it using "sudo mount -t hfsplus /dev/sdf1" it kicks back saying "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on dev/sdf1.  Any help?12:23
whitehatya thats what i always heard about sucking skypes12:23
ikoniawhitehat: what's the problem ?12:23
ActionParsnipDreamglider: try: sudo dmidecode12:23
whitehatikonia: the skype in 64bit ubuntu12:24
ikoniawhitehat: what is the problem with it ?12:24
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tehbautActionParsnip, well I created a simple volume on the disk, but didn't format it... it's still not being picked up though. Should I restart ubuntu?12:24
whitehatikonia: i'm hesitant to install bcoz of reported problems12:24
ikoniawhitehat: I know of people using it fine, if you don't like it, uninstall it12:25
Ginbuntuwould be nice if I can minimize Evolution to the notification area12:25
ActionParsnipDreamglider: sudo dmidecode | grep -i speed12:25
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whitehatikonia: haven't installed yet yup 32bi fine for my 32bit U12:26
ikoniawhitehat: if it's 32bit - you can't use 64bit12:26
maximomy problem is all these commands.....don't know them much12:26
faeryanmaximo, they're not hard. I know almost half of them after 5 years. :P12:27
tehbautActionParsnip, dmesg | less has a bunch of "no additional sense information" type-messages12:27
tehbautwhat's that all about?12:27
whitehatikonia: skype now has 64bit?12:27
maximofaeryan: ....what is your tip for me as new guy...12:27
faeryanmaximo: I dunno.. Keep the enthusiasm to learn. :)12:28
ikoniawhitehat: read the link ubottu sent you12:28
maximofaeryan: yes I know ...right now I have to deal with another program....but first have to learn the *commands*....12:29
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faeryanTo be honest I feel like a newb compared to most other guys here.12:29
ikoniafaeryan: everyone is new at some point, don't sweat it12:29
edmondscommerceyo - quick question - how do I display teh path to my JAVA_HOME or even check if a JRE is installed?12:30
faeryanNow this was the second time people tell me not to sweat. :O Do I look that sweatty?12:30
* Ginbuntu is born with linux knowledge 12:30
whitehatikonia: ya i saw it!....gonna try it12:30
maximofaeryan: just 2 montsh in Ubuntu....is not that hard .....but I am reading alot....12:30
wookienzhi, im trying to boot an ubuntu system but it hangs after the "Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local)                            [ OK ]" - what is run after rc.local so i can tell what is casuing it to hang?12:31
whitehatikonia: will this run on 8.10? its 8.0412:31
ikoniawhitehat: yes12:31
whitehatikonia: thnks bro that clears everything12:31
maximofaeryan: how safe is to use 11xvnc?12:32
ikoniamaximo: as safe as you make it12:32
faeryanmaximo: Aaah.. don't ask me that. :D I dunno.12:32
maximoikonia: | faeryan: a friend want to vnc me all the time to show how to work with Ubuntu and commands....12:33
DreamgliderBack to school.12:33
faeryanSoo.. Imagine I were to do a clean install and attach my separate /home partition on the new install. Will I have to fiddle around with the ownership things or is it done just by hooking it on a new system?12:34
ikoniamaximo: I wouldn't do that12:34
faeryanmaximo: I did that with my little bro back in the days.12:34
maximoikonia: why is that?12:34
falcon2600need help with ubuntu12:34
faeryanSo do we all.. Fire away falcon260012:34
drocdhi im trying to make the switch from windows to ubuntu...when i try running the intall i get these errors: "buffer i/o error on device sr1"12:34
maximoikonia: I have nothing to hide or I am not doing anything bad at all....12:35
tehbautit's ok to remove a drive that's not being written to, right?12:35
tehbautUSB drive*12:35
jribtehbaut: unmount it first12:35
tehbautjrib, too late12:36
faeryanNow why on earth am I reading this stuff on my windows laptop still after I managed to get my X working. :D12:36
ikoniamaximo: then why are you asking if it's secure12:36
jribtehbaut: heh, why ask the question if you don't wait for the answer...? :)12:36
tehbautjust wanna make sure that nothing bad happened12:36
maximoikonia: it's nice program just need it to know advantage/disavantagees all risks to take.....12:37
ikoniamaximo: I've just said there are risks and that I personally wouldn't do it, but you're still doing it so why bother asking12:37
falcon2600I'm using ubuntu 8.10 with two graphic cards (and two monitors, of course), my problem is: I would like to use the two monitors seperately and use a desktop switcher in order to see the content of each monitor12:37
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maximoikonia: just wanted to know your insight about it....because I am already letting this guy coming in to help me out.....12:38
PsuedoIf anyone here is willing to convert ASP to PHP for me, I can offer you 60-days with a Blade Server. Here are the ASP pages that need to be converted: http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=18d90abdf864ff6d0f83d91f6dff7c38e04e75f6e8ebb871 Thanks in advance!12:39
tehbautActionParsnip, you still around?12:39
ikoniamaximo: if he needs to use vnc to show you commands, there is something wrong12:39
Imahilushmmmm, still have the issue of my network 'dropping out' every now and again12:39
faeryanmaximo: Hope that guy is your very good real life friend and not someone you just caught while chatting in messenger12:39
tehbautdoes anyone know if a drive's partition needs to be set as active for ubuntu to pick it up when it's plugged in?12:40
pm2Hi - I have a whole bunch of identical computers.  I've installed kubuntu the way I like it on one of them.  Is there an easy way to "clone" this image to all of the other computers?  These computers are all SPARCs, if that makes a difference at all12:40
falcon2600any suggestions... thanks12:41
maximoikonia: well....is a chance am taking ....what he could do if it was like that and besides he showing me everything in general seems to be a nice perrson.....oh well...12:41
santiagoHELLO EVERYBODY12:41
Imahiluspm2: perhaps with the USB startup disk? =X12:41
pm2Imahilus: can a sparc boot off usb I wonder...?12:42
Imahiluspm2: just a geuss, no actual knowledge in the field... just a small snippet I've read...12:42
Imahiluspm2: no idea =)12:42
pm2I'll look in to that - thanks for the pointer12:42
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paradroidHi. I am trying to generate an image of an audio-cd using a simple "dd if=/dev/scd1 of=/media/audio/image.iso" and get an "Input/output error". Doing the same on a data-cd works fine. Any ideas?12:43
faeryanI'll just go play with Wii while reinstalling the system. Bye for now.12:44
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starfruithow to ls or tree a file, so that it prints out the original full path from ~user/..../...file.txt12:44
tehbautok, ubuntu still isn't detecting my USB drive... could it be an issue with my HDD enclosure?12:45
Imahilusanybody here with some 'expertise' regarding the networkmanager in ubuntu 8.10?12:45
bmananyone know how to connect up a iphone to copy files?12:45
falcon2600anybody knows how to manage two monitors?12:45
overriderhi, when i use sudo ufw allow 22, where is this rule stored? i cant find it. thanks12:46
falcon2600anybody knows how to manage two monitors in ubuntu 8.10?12:46
justinnfxI am installing kubuntu for the first time, I deleted the partion under manual because I want to make it a certian size, but now it asking me for a moint point, what should I use?12:46
remoteCTRL2anyone got an idea how to teach openVPN client not to attempt to connect on cable as non is attached but via WLAN?12:47
falcon2600anybody knows how to manage two monitors in ubuntu 8.10?12:47
tehbautubuntu still isn't detecting my USB drive... could it be an issue with my HDD enclosure?12:47
* Imahilus feels overwhelmed12:48
Imahilusno idea about dual-screen, haven't tried it yet12:48
justinnfxknow one knows where to put the mount point when installing ubuntu12:49
falcon2600anybody knows how to manage two monitors in ubuntu 8.10?12:49
Imahilusisn't there someone here who isn't new to ubuntu? =P12:49
brousjustinnfx-> /  for root /home for home12:49
justinnfxit give me a bunch of option12:49
justinnfxImhahilus there is usually a lot but i am now one of them12:50
nashjI'm behind a restrictive proxy that allows me to only make connections to destination ports 80/443. I got a free shell account that already has a ssh server listening on port 443 outside the LAN I'm in. What is the ssh command to connect to that server through the proxy?12:50
nashjI added Port 443 to /etc/ssh/ssh_config but when I connect like "ssh -p443 user@remotehost" it says "connection refused"12:50
paradroidtehbaut:  What output does "sudo fdisk -l" give you?12:50
nashjI believe ssh doesn't understand that it has to send that request to the local proxy. How do I tell it that?12:50
tehbautparadroid, only sda12:51
bmanhow do you copy files to/from a iphone on ubuntu?12:51
falcon2600anybody knows how to manage two monitors in ubuntu 8.10?12:51
jribbman: jailbreak it and use ssh12:51
hmwhow can i turn off the notification when a contact goes online in pidgin?12:51
bmanno way without jailbreaking? jrib12:52
paradroidtehbaut:  So the system is not only not mounting your external device (the USB-stick) but it is absolutely not aware of the device itself.12:52
dr_willisfalcon2600:  depends on your video card to some extent.. nvidia-settings tool makes nvidia's easy12:52
Imahilushmw: in the preferences12:52
bmancant bluetooth i see12:52
jribbman: in progress, don't know the current status12:52
hmwdidnt find it there12:52
bmandoesnt mount when plugged into usb12:52
hmwcan only turn off the sound Imahilus12:52
jrib!ipod | bman12:52
ubottubman: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod12:52
justinnfxAnybody know where to put my mount point at when partioning a for new installation12:52
brousjustinnfx-> /  for root /home for home12:52
dr_willisjustinnfx:  huh? clarify that a bit perhaps?   unless brous  guessed correctly12:53
Imahilushmw: you want to disable the smiley in the pidgin icon aswell when a contact messages you?12:53
brousdr_willis-> my que was new install12:53
hmwImahilus: no, i am talking about the extra popup (system tray notification)12:54
paradroidHi. I am trying to generate an image of an audio-CD using a simple "dd if=/dev/scd1 of=/media/audio/image.iso" and get an "Input/output error". Doing the same on data-CDs works fine. Any ideas?12:54
hmwImahilus: might be jaunty?12:54
=== peter_ is now known as Guest4409
justinnfxdr willis:  I deleted a partion and now im creating a new one, it asks if I want it logical or primary, then it asks for a mount point and give me: / - /boot /home /tmp /usr /var /srv /opt /usr/local12:55
Guest4409Hi, how do I configure ircd-hybrid? I have it running, but I can't connect.12:55
Imahilususing ubuntu 8.10: having the issue with my wireless dropping every now and again for 3~5 seconds, wired connection isn't connected, linksys WRT54GL router, have the wireless configured on a static IP... anybody have ideas on how to combat this lag? as it will cache the outgoing packets in the connection drop and send them out when it re-establishes the connection12:56
RegressLessHas anyone here put ubuntu on an Eee PC?12:56
Imahilushmw: sorry, beats me12:56
faeryanAgh.. can't seem to make that package selections list working. What's wrong here: "sudo dpkg -get-selections > /home/user/package.selections"12:56
Imahilushmw: new myself, figured you meant the sound12:56
magnetronRegressLess→ thousands of people have!12:56
dr_willisRegressLess:  I got an AcerAspireOne. :)12:57
apelgatehow do I install packages downloaded to the harddisk?12:57
brousfaeryan-> perhaps use two dashes instead of one before the option12:57
magnetronapelgate→ did you try doubleclicking them?12:57
apelgateif I want to install all packages in one directory12:57
justinnfxdr willis: did you understand that12:57
faeryanAhh.. I'll try. Thanks brous12:57
hmwhow can i turn off notification popups completely? is there a way to configure/filter what is allowed to create such a popup?12:57
apelgatemagnetron: no. text mode12:57
RegressLessmagnetron: I'm having trouble.  I have one of the XP ones and I can't get it to boot up. It hands at the blinking curser, left it running all night last night, hoping it was just a hickup that would pass.12:58
faeryanapelgate: dpkg12:58
Imahilushmw: actually, I don't even get notification popups?12:58
Guest4409Hi, how do I configure ircd-hybrid? I have it running, but I can't connect.12:58
brousapelgate-> dpkg -i *.deb12:58
aprilharei'm not sure why, however when I play enemy territory here I can't hear anything12:58
Imahilushmw: I run basic pidgin that comes with ubuntu12:58
apelgatefaeryan: can I install all those packages with a single command?12:58
hmwImahilus: you should, eg. if you connect to a network12:58
apelgateor do I need to do one by one?12:58
emmanueluxhello, how to save my ubuntu after a freeze on a updgrade12:58
faeryanapelgate: Not sure but you could try dpkg -i name.deb name2.deb etc.deb12:58
hmwImahilus: ah, thought you were talking about notifications in general12:59
Imahilushmw: those popups last a second or so, and aren't top-level, so I rarely see em12:59
dr_willisdpkg -i *.deb   (but that may not be a good idea)12:59
faeryanapelgate: or maybe dpkg -i *.deb12:59
justinnfxdr willis: did you understand that?  about the mount point12:59
dr_willisYou better hope they are the right packages. :0 and hope they meet all the dependenceis also12:59
dr_willisjustinnfx:  dident notice the question.12:59
justinnfxdr willis:  I deleted a partion and now im creating a new one, it asks if I want it logical or primary, then it asks for a mount point and give me: / - /boot /home /tmp /usr /var /srv /opt /usr/local12:59
dr_willisjustinnfx:  i always make primaries.. and you MUST have at least a / parittion.13:00
dr_willisjustinnfx:  otehrs are optional.13:00
Imahilususing ubuntu 8.10: having the issue with my wireless dropping every now and again for 3~5 seconds, wired connection isn't connected, linksys WRT54GL router, have the wireless configured on a static IP... anybody have ideas on how to combat this lag? as it will cache the outgoing packets in the connection drop and send them out when it re-establishes the connection13:00
aprilharei get the following when running enemy territory: /dev/dsp: Input/output error13:00
aprilharewhats going on?13:00
faeryanDoubledash worked. :)13:00
zykes-crappy keyboard13:00
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justinnfxdr willis: ok what about where to point the mount point13:00
hmwImahilus: thx13:01
Imahilushmw: I helped? =D13:01
hmwImahilus: no, but you tried. *g*13:01
paradroidjustinnfx:  That depends on what that partition is supposed to be for. Data-storage, as home-directory, etc.13:01
dr_willisjustinnfx:  huh? / is the mountpoint name.. and where its at..  /home could be a mountpoint for a 2nd parittion13:01
Imahilushmw: sorry it was of no help then ;)13:01
RegressLessI have a Eee PC 10000H running XP Home. Can someone help me set up Ubuntu or a related version?13:01
justinnfxhme directory13:01
justinnfxIt is at the beginning of the firsts disk13:02
justinnfxthat where im trying to install it13:02
dr_willisRegressLess:  theres several dozen eee-buntu sites and guides out..  it should install just fine. there are eeebuntu ubuntu variants also13:02
RegressLessya, been trying13:02
RegressLessbreakfast time13:02
hmwImahilus: ubuntu+1 told me the solution: in the plugins, you can turn off libnotify popups13:02
justinnfxIm just making one partion13:02
Imahilushmw: I'll keep it in mind =)13:03
justinnfxso should it be installed at /boot13:03
zirodayRegressLess: #ubuntu-eeepc and #eeepc will be be able to help you out13:03
paradroidjustinnfx:  Are you sure you know what partitions and mountpoints ARE?13:04
justinnfxPartions yes.  Linux mount point NO.13:04
ubuntistaswhat does that mean? Supports transcoded video format13:04
Guest4409Hi, how do I configure ircd-hybrid? I have it running, but I can't connect.13:04
justinnfxI had too delete my last install that i did guided because it not booting into grub, and now it wont let me resize it..so im installing it manual.13:05
dr_willisGuest4409:  for somthing like that - you may want to check the programs homepage and docs13:05
Imahilusk, final try at getting help with my network issue:13:06
Imahilususing ubuntu 8.10: having the issue with my wireless dropping every now and again for 3~5 seconds, wired connection isn't connected, linksys WRT54GL router, have the wireless configured on a static IP... anybody have ideas on how to combat this lag? as it will cache the outgoing packets in the connection drop and send them out when it re-establishes the connection13:06
Guest4409dr_willis: can't find anything on their site, and what docs do you mean?13:06
falcon2600ubuntu 8.10, two graphic cards connected to two monitors: how to display in workspace "Desk 1" the monitor1 output and in workspace "Desk 2" the output of the monitor 2?13:06
dr_willisGuest4409:  if the program is lacking in docs.. i dont suggest using it then13:06
justinnfxnoone can answer my simple question i said what i wanted to do (install linux at the begineening of the drive) and I gave the options of different  mount points you cna use13:07
dr_willisjustinnfx:  put / at the aprtition at the starty of the drive then.  /dev/sda1 or whatever one its called13:07
dr_willisjustinnfx:  you aparently dont understand mountpoints and how drives are named.13:07
ubuntistaswhat does that mean? Supports transcoded video format13:07
dr_willisjustinnfx:  or use the aprtition manager tool. and delete the ones you dont want.. then tell the installer to auto parittion. and it should do it all.13:08
justinnfxIM On the screen NEW PARTION in manul.  NOW Which DO I choose from13:08
fukswhere can i edit program list what should be run on startup13:08
faeryanfuks: Sessions I believe. In administrator.13:09
justinnfx* / * /boot * /home * /tmp * /usr * /var * /srv * /opt * /usr/local13:09
falcon2600ubuntu 8.10, two graphic cards connected to two monitors: how to display in workspace "Desk 1" the output of monitor 1 and in workspace "Desk 2" the output of the monitor 2?13:09
Imahilusjustinnfx: no need to shout, you're getting help, aren't you?13:09
fuksfaeryan: thx13:10
justinnfxIt give me all those options to choose from13:10
faeryanTime for me to go and see if install on top of broken install will work.13:10
justinnfxnot really..lol13:10
dr_willisjustinnfx:   for sda1  you select /13:10
Imahilusjustinnfx: at the least you're getting replies13:10
justinnfxif im so dumb why cant anyone answer13:10
dr_willisits just giveing you common 'places'  to mount parittions to justinnfx13:10
Imahilusjustinnfx: don't know enough about the situation to help you, and I'm clueless about what mountpoints are aswell13:11
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap13:11
justinnfxI am just installing and I creating a new partion in manual13:11
Imahilusjustinnfx: though I'm sure there is plenty of documentation out there to tell you what it is13:11
dr_willisjustinnfx:  then  you use that parittions 'name' as the location for / - if you made a sda1, tell it to mount / to sda113:11
justinnfxcould it be that im using kubuntu that you dont know what im talking about13:11
Imahilusdr_willis: makes sense13:12
paradroidjustinnfx: Imahilus: Mountpoints are (simplified!) what under Windows is C: or D: etc. - they are the "places" where "devices" point to, e. g. the first partition of a harddisk /dev/sda1 is mounted at /media/stuff13:12
ubuntistaswhat does that mean? Supports transcoded video format13:12
Imahilusparadroid: much appreciated13:12
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paradroidImahilus:  You can mount any device at any "directory".13:12
Imahilusparadroid: figured as much, you see that you can learn a lot more in here than the class I missed this morning =P13:13
tehbautparadroid, good thing I've got a few trillion HDD enclosures laying around13:13
paradroidImahilus:  So you could mount a USB-stick at /home/username/my_stick and have the stick's contents displayed in that directory13:13
tehbautfound one that works, hehe13:13
justinnfxim just going to see if i can to a guided partion again this stuff is for the birds13:13
tehbautso... now I've got my drive loaded up, and it consists of one allocated but unformated partition... am I ready to clone my mac drive to it? :P13:14
Imahilusjustinnfx: doing it manually is for the people that know exactly what they're messing with, yes13:14
justinnfxThe only reason im doing it manually is its giving me an error the other way13:15
flips1Hi. On the UNR pages it claims that UNR Hardy will erase the contents of my HDD. Is that true for the UNR Jaunty Daily image as well, or will I be able to install to the partition of my choice, without deleting unwanted data? (Like in regular ubuntu installs)13:16
cristi_can some one tell me what are ubuntu 9.8 hardware requirements?13:16
ActionParsnip!jaunty | cristi_13:16
ubottucristi_: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009, Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.13:16
justinnfxim going to go read a ubunto book our something13:17
dr_willisjustinnfx:  use the partition manager tool delete the partitions so you have a large section unallocated.. and let the installer do it  is one way.13:17
ubottudocumentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com13:17
cristi_I want to what are ubuntu jaunty hardware requirements?13:17
bazhangcristi_, wrong channel13:17
Imahilusubottu? lol, how do people ocme up with such names =)13:17
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:17
fabiois it safe to update to gnome 2.26 right now ? (i'm using gnome 2.25)13:18
cristi_I want to know what are ubuntu jaunty hardware requirements?13:18
ActionParsnipcristi_: ubuntu 9.8 doesnt exist yet, 9.08 doesnt eist either, 9.04 discussion in #ubuntu+1, intrepid and earlier are supported here13:18
ActionParsnipcristi_: if its ANYTING jaunty related, /j #ubuntu+113:18
fabio6.10 stands for (6 2006, 10 october)13:19
riker23423Hi there. How much can I trust someone who has a ppa archive at lauchpad. I need glusterfs 2 for hardy and I have found one ppa archive having it https://launchpad.net/~onestone/+archive/ppa for user onestone but how much can I trust this source?13:19
fabio9.04 stands for (9 2009, 04 april)13:19
riker23423I need to use this package in a production environment13:20
ActionParsnipriker23423: as much as you trust any other repo, there could be anything in the package, it could be fine, or not, its the risk of ppa13:20
dr_willisriker23423:  if you want to be truely 'safe' use source i guess.13:20
ravenhi - i am trying to encrypt my system. therefor i shall make new partitions - one of them /boot. is this the place Grub is in??13:20
ActionParsnipriker23423: usually they are completly fine, but the internet is weird and wonderful and you are right to be wary13:20
dr_williscan one encrypt /boot/ ?13:21
fabioraven: gparted for new partitions13:21
Myrttidr_willis: no13:21
riker23423but is there a mechanism for taking people into such ppa in lauchpad is is it just a simple signup procedure13:21
ravenfabio yes but i do not want to do this and i think this is not necessary because grub still is on my windows partition and this is the boot part13:22
tehbautdd supports 48-bit LBAs now, right?13:22
durtriker23423, I'd consider ppas to be mostly alpha. Doubt if anyone is doing anything nefarious, but I wouldn't bet my job on it.13:22
ravencould this be right?13:22
riker23423I don't want to use the sourcecode and/or don't want to build my own packages13:22
riker23423because I don't want to mess my production systems13:22
ravendr_willis that is the question  - do you have experience with encryption?13:23
durtriker23423, If your going to use new software wouldn't you test it before hand?13:24
KimiIn ms excel , type all the cells and press  alt + = will give the sum ..... whats the similar to this open office ?13:24
KimiiMatter Are you there ?13:25
riker23423durt, you are right but this software is already very mature13:25
riker23423i just need to get way to cleanly install and use it13:26
ubuntistaswhat does that mean? Supports transcoded video format13:26
riker23423it's glusterfs2.0rc413:26
dr_willisraven:  aparently one does not want to encrypt /boot partition. :)13:26
Imahilusencrypting the boot partition... could be fun13:27
durtriker23423, meh, If I was in your shoes and I had not used it before I'd test first no matter how mature.13:27
wookienzwhen starting in run level two, does it go through run level one firt/13:27
ravendr_willis not sure - truecrypt for example made some kind of bootloader for itself and only after entering the pw the system loader appeared - so perhaps that's similar13:28
ravenbut you're right i do not want to do some experiments ;)13:29
riker23423durt, yes indeed you are right but the systems don't have to be up 24/7 . the version is good for my need even if I get some downtime but I can't afford to use software from untrusted sources13:29
ubuntistaswhat does that mean? Supports transcoded video format13:30
tehbauthow long might it take dd to clone a 76GB drive?13:30
ikoniatehbaut: depends on a lot of things13:30
tehbautikonia, do tell  :)13:30
ikoniatehbaut: do tell what ?13:30
tehbautwhat's it depend on13:31
raventehbaut ~80 minutes13:31
kitchetehbaut: depends if your cloning the whole drive or just the data13:31
ikoniait depends on your hardware, the load on your system, the through put, the disks13:31
Imahilusoohh, people here =)13:31
ikoniatons of things13:31
Imahilussorry, want to try again..13:31
tehbautideally the whole drive... that's what dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb does, right?13:31
ikoniatehbaut: correct13:32
ravenit clones sectorwise??13:32
Kimi In ms excel , type all the cells and press  alt + = will give the sum ..... whats the similar to this open office ?13:32
ikoniait's a block by block copy13:32
Imahilusmy wireless connection drops every now and again for 3~5 seconds; it actually disconnects and caches the outgoing packets. I have no wired connection connected, using ubuntu 8.10 and have a WRT54GL linksys router, using static-IP settings in my network manager, anybody have a clue whats causing this?13:32
ravenor block - right13:32
tehbautso is the speed generally about 1GB/min?13:32
ikoniatehbaut: no13:32
ikoniatehbaut: it depends on YOUR setup13:32
tehbautwhat's the longest it could take?13:33
ikoniatehbaut: it depends on YOUR setup13:33
ikoniatehbaut: what part is not clear ?13:33
HammerHead66day even weeks lol13:33
tehbautikonia, the part where I figure out how long it'll take :P13:33
ikoniatehbaut: YOU figure it out13:33
ikoniatehbaut: we don't know your systems software or hardware performance13:34
ravenworst case it will copy 200 mb/min i think13:34
tehbautgladly, could you tell me how? ;)13:34
ikoniatehbaut: just run it13:34
ikoniatehbaut: and wait13:34
ikoniait will get there13:34
tehbauthaha, ok then... I'll be patient13:34
* tehbaut hits enter13:34
Ubuntu4u2Hello all. Is this a good place to find Ubuntu 8.04 help or is there some place better?13:34
raveni do not think it would be copy in kb/min ;)13:34
tehbautdang, permission denied :D13:35
ikoniaUbuntu4u2: go for it13:35
ikoniatehbaut: yes and add BS=512K13:35
ikoniatehbaut: yes and add BS=512k13:35
sudoersorry guys , i am connected to a server that is across the world , where is the standard place to restart apache on ubunut 8 from the command line?13:35
sudoerthe machine is too slow13:35
sudoerand there is no locate command on it13:35
ikoniasudoer: /usr/bin13:35
tehbautikonia, in caps just like that?13:35
jribsudoer: sudo service apache2 restart13:35
=== mchelen is now known as mikechelen
ikonia /usr/sbin sorry13:36
sudoerisnt it in etc.d or something liek that?13:36
luckyonedoes anyone know what package I could find ssl.h, err.h, and sha.h for openssl in?13:36
jribsudoer: you are thinking of /etc/init.d/.  My command will work fine...13:36
scizzo-sudoer: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart13:36
sudoerjrib: thanks, life saver13:36
HammerHead66sudoer: "s" i think stop it  or starts it and "k" eather starts or stops it13:36
Ubuntu4u2I have a tv turner which I installed into my PC. After this I installed Skype.13:36
Ubuntu4u2Then I open skype and right click on it from tool bar I get:13:36
Ubuntu4u2Options--:Video Devices AND THEN "test window" to test video feed from webcam.13:36
Ubuntu4u2When I click on "TEST" nothing happens!13:36
Ubuntu4u2If I close Skype and open TVTIME and then open Skype again and go to:13:36
Ubuntu4u2Options--:Video Devices AND THEN "test window" NOW I CAN SEE my video.13:36
Ubuntu4u2I think what is happening is tv turner is over riding something inside? Or maybe I need to tell skype to use this web cam only? But I don't know how it is do or what I really must do.13:37
Ubuntu4u2Any help on this most welcome.13:37
Ubuntu4u2Thank you.13:37
sudoeryes, i was thinking og init.d13:37
jribUbuntu4u2: please don't flood the channel like that13:37
tehbautikonia, only works with lowercase13:37
sudoermy server is all meseed up from some code we deployed today, not sure why13:37
kitchesudoer: hence why a test server is always good to have around13:37
ImahilusUbuntu4u2: update your sound drivers, incompatible drivers will default in ubuntu only having a single audio stream, the 2nd (your video) is being cached13:38
Ubuntu4u2jrib, How to you suggest I ask precisely that question? What is the style/format?13:38
ikoniatehbaut: yup13:38
ikoniatehbaut: thats why I corrected the command13:38
jribUbuntu4u2: one line.  If you need to provide more information (like steps you have already taken including commands and output link to paste.ubuntu.com)13:38
tehbautI should have asked if there's a way to show progress :D13:39
* jrib pummels his parentheses13:39
luckyoneto answer my own question, it is libssl-dev13:39
trini have a question.....13:39
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trinhow is the support for running windows vista in ubuntu under a vm13:40
Imahilusnot good, vista alone doesn't even run properly13:40
trindo you get the 3d support for the graphics13:40
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Ubuntu4u2what means  link to paste.ubuntu.com)?13:41
ImahilusI doubt it'd run better under a VM than an actual install13:41
durt!paste Ubuntu4u213:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about paste Ubuntu4u213:41
durt!pastebin Ubuntu4u213:41
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:41
durt!pastebin | Ubuntu4u213:41
ubottuUbuntu4u2: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:41
CostaRicanQuakerI don't know much about downloading scripts at all but I see on this page http://arun.wordpress.com/2007/01/29/download-youtube-videos-the-linux-way/ that option three is the safest way to do this, so I was hoping someone would be able to help me do this13:42
trinthe reason why i ask is I have to run a program for my work that requires windows nad hte 3d graphics, but i hate logging out of linux and back in to windows everytime i have to switch13:42
mefisto__trin: I think 3d graphics should work in virtualbox, if you install guestadditions. maybe ask in #vbox13:42
trinis virtualbox free?13:43
Ubuntu4u2mahilus: MAybe I mis understood you but my problem/issue relates to video.13:43
JuJuBeeIs there a decent wifi switcher for gnome? I have several wifi networks that I join at different locations.13:43
names03how can i acces an openbsd filesystem from ubuntu?13:43
Maevashould I upgrade to gnome 2.26 ? i use ubuntu 8.1013:43
ImahilusUbuntu4u2: You're trying to play a video and it lacks audio, right?13:43
jribJuJuBee: the default one? network manager13:44
notplus_MI'm trying to install Ubuntu 8.04 on an old Dell Latitude C800 and when X comes up I get stuff like this: http://starchan.org/lolwut.jpg13:44
notplus_MAnyone know what the problem could be?13:44
mefisto__trin: doesn't cost anything, if that's what you mean. I think the version in ubuntu repos is an open source version13:44
jribMaeva: no, 2.26 will be in 9.04 but it is not yet released13:44
I1i have installed the 2.6.28 kernel...everythings gone ok but after reboot i haven't the new kernel in the grub menu....how can i fix it????13:44
trinthanks i will give that a try13:44
Maevathx j13:44
HammerHead66notplus_M: never seen that before...are you installing 32bit or 64bit?13:45
Ubuntu4u2Imahilus, No13:45
ImahilusUbuntu4u2: my bad13:46
Ubuntu4u2Imahilus, what means" my bad" Did I do something?13:47
ImahilusUbuntu4u2: means I didn't fully understand your issue13:47
HammerHead66notplus_M: u there man?13:47
Ubuntu4u2Do you now????13:47
notplus_MHammerHead66: indeed13:47
ImahilusUbuntu4u2: nop =)13:47
notplus_MHammerHead66: 32 bit13:48
notplus_Mit's a PIII13:48
HammerHead66notplus_M: are you installing 32bit or 64bit?13:48
notplus_MHammerHead66: 32 bit... it's a PIII13:48
ImahilusUbuntu4u2: new to ubuntu myself, but I try to help where I can13:48
Ubuntu4u2I posted quite detail description above. Even got slapped for doing it.... Hum... What is it you don't understand exactly????? Sorry for my poor English. I only study for it 5 years.13:48
HammerHead66notplus_M:  on bottom right can you switch between screens?13:49
ImahilusUbuntu4u2: missed the entire paste, and you're english is far better than the average web peep13:49
Ubuntu4u2Thanks. It's nice to hear!13:49
Imahilusyour* english even13:50
chinovnikoxaaa ya13:50
notplus_MHammerHead66: yeah13:51
notplus_MHammerHead66: well13:51
notplus_MHammerHead66: I can switch to a VT and those work fine, so the problem is just with X13:51
HammerHead66notplus_M: does it still show the cut screen?13:51
ImahilusI'm off, later all13:51
notplus_Mnot in a VT13:51
notplus_Mthis is in the installer though so I haven't gotten GNOME running yet13:51
kamp2tuxI at my webserver, and it has been setup to be accessible by external clients, but how can i test the accessibility if I still at local network ?13:52
HammerHead66notplus_M: doe sit affect the install at all?13:53
notplus_MHammerHead66: nah, I'm just waiting for it to finish installing so I can mess with xorg.conf13:53
JuJuBeejrib: Where is network-manager?13:53
HammerHead66notplus_M: ok13:54
KoolDhow  do i enable shutdown to non-root users (through gui and not using the terminal)13:54
jribJuJuBee: should be in your notification area13:54
ottertoastcan someone tell me the easiest way to throttle exteral, outbound traffic on a specific port? 8.10 server.13:54
carpiiiptables will let you throttle thruput i believe13:54
HammerHead66ottertoast: use firestarter13:55
erUSULottertoast: if its generated by one app esiest is use trickle13:55
erUSUL!info trickle | ottertoast13:55
ubottutrickle (source: trickle): user-space bandwidth shaper. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.07-5 (intrepid), package size 36 kB, installed size 172 kB13:55
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Privatefree shell pls13:55
Privatefree shell pls13:55
ottertoasterUSUL, tried it. trickle won't work on the proftpd deamon because it uses some other protocol13:55
Privatefree shell pls13:55
rommei need to rebuild a large Debian package (apache2) from source and modify the source in process. the problem is, it already has a patch affecting my file. what should i do in this case?13:55
Privatefree shell pls13:56
bazhangPrivate, stop13:56
carpiigo away moron13:56
evilxPrivate, shut up, and stop spamming13:56
Privateno stop13:56
JuJuBeejrib: that only seems to allow me to select wlan0 or eth0.  Not the specific wifi network for wlan0.13:56
Privatefree shell pls13:56
Privatefree shell pls13:56
evilxPrivate, if you want a free shell then install a nix type operating system13:56
carpiiwhy is the net full of dipshits :(13:56
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rommePrivate, please choke on a bucket of roosters13:56
bazhangcarpii, please watch the language13:57
ikoniaromme: ebough13:57
jribJuJuBee: what version of ubuntu?13:57
erUSULottertoast: then check the « iptables tc ip » route but it wont be as easier afaics13:57
carpiiok im sorry13:57
ottertoasterUSUL, i've read some stuff on that and it looks hideously difficult13:58
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Budahi someone there knows a bit about Wifi rada ?13:58
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archmanAnyone knows is there any clock + weather on LXDE?13:58
JuJuBeeFor kde, I used kwifi manager.  That showed any wifi networks available and I ccould select between them.  Using 8.10  (kde 4.2 and/or Gnome)  both installed13:59
jedimindhow come i cant add a VPN connection through network manager? i can click on the VPN tab but "add" button is grayed out; do i have to install some vpn protocols first?13:59
erUSULottertoast: https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-networking-3/traffic-shaping-with-iptables-353672/13:59
ottertoasterUSUL, thanks for the tip. i'll check it out.14:00
erUSULottertoast: also i rememmber...14:01
erUSUL!info wondershaper | ottertoast14:01
ubottuwondershaper (source: wondershaper): Easy to use traffic shaping script. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.1a-4.1 (intrepid), package size 13 kB, installed size 76 kB14:01
Budahi someone there knows a bit about Wifi radar ?14:01
rommei have retrieved the sources of a package with apt-get source14:01
rommehow do i apply all the patches to it now, but without doing anything else?14:02
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jedimindbazhang: you alive?14:03
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marko-_--hello... sound isn't working and i get this audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Failed to connect: Connection refused14:03
marko-_--what should i do ?14:03
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ubuntistaswhat does that mean? Supports transcoded video format14:04
ubuntistaswhat does that mean? Supports transcoded video format14:04
FloodBot2ubuntistas: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:04
oliver_where can I edit $PATH? I accidentally added a path with ';' instead of ':' and it is not recognized14:04
BlueAidan_workok, I need some help trying to resurrect some data from a possibly corrupted partition.14:05
Ranakahmarko-_-- u use alsa?14:05
marko-_--Ranakah, what means 'u' ?14:06
BlueAidan_workI have 3 partitions setup, /boot and encrypted / and /home. I somehow got into a situation where I could not mount /home successfully, so I popped in an install cd and tried to recover.14:06
marko-_--it doesn't matter what i'm using, the sound isn't working of i use OSS or alsa or pulseaudio14:06
CostaRicanQuakeranyone here knows how to use gnome subtitles? i downloaded it but i can't seem to figure out how to use it and i can't find a wiki14:06
BlueAidan_workI think I accidentally overwrote the encryption info or something for /home, because now it's not being recognized as a valid ext3 filesystem.14:07
HammerHead66marko-_--:  try to kill pulseaudio14:07
BlueAidan_workI've tried using fsck.ext3 with all of the superblocks shown by mkfs.ext3 -n, but none of them work.14:07
erUSULoliver_: how did you added the bogus path?14:07
ubuntistaswhat does that mean? Supports transcoded video format14:07
marko-_--HammerHead66, W: ltdl-bind-now.c: Failed to find original dlopen loader.14:08
marko-_--E: main.c: Failed to kill daemon.14:08
marko-_-- i get this14:08
HammerHead66trans mean in transit14:08
BlueAidan_workI'm reading https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery . I'm mostly concerned with recovering some pictures I hadn't gotten around to uploading to the web yet.14:08
erUSULBlueAidan_work: well the fact that the partitions are encryted does not help at all14:08
BlueAidan_workwhich method is the most robust: foremost, scalpel, magic rescue, photorec or recoverjpeg?14:08
JuJuBeejrib: any ideas?14:08
BlueAidan_workerUSUL: I realize that...14:08
oliver_erUSUL, $ export PATH="~/dsss/bin;$PATH"14:09
jribJuJuBee: nm-applet in the notification area should give you a list of wifi networks in 8.10, if it doesn't I don't know14:09
PerryArmstrongcan anyone tell me how to increase screen contrast14:09
erUSULoliver_: path is set on /etc/environment but the esiest way to recover is jst to close the current shell and start another one14:10
jriboliver_: should be a ':', not a ';'14:10
erUSULoliver_: the change you did is not permanent14:10
brousJuJuBee-> or try  sudo iwconfig wlan0  to see AP's14:10
BlueAidan_workhmm, I just realized that if I changed the encryption key or whatever for that partition by accident it'll just be reading garbage from the drive. Sigh...14:10
CostaRicanQuakerHelp I can't kill a process from the system monitor14:10
brousJuJuBee-> rather try  sudo iwconfig wlan0 scan  to see AP's14:11
oliver_erUSUL, yes, I know it should be ':' but how to make it permanent? edit /etc/environment ?14:11
brousCostaRicanQuaker-> which process?14:11
erUSULbrous: is iwlist who can scan no iwconfig14:11
brouserUSUL-> mea culpa,14:12
oliver_erUSUL, thx, it's clear now14:12
erUSULoliver_: no; add $PATH=$PATH:whatever to ~/.profile14:12
CostaRicanQuakerbrous, avidemux2_qt414:12
erUSULoliver_: make the change to only your user...14:13
JuJuBeebrous: didn't want to have to use cli to switch newtorks when I change loations.  Kwifimanager worked well.14:13
erUSULJuJuBee: network manager does not work for you?14:13
brousCostaRicanQuaker-> using like  sudo kill -9 pidof-avidemux2_qt4    will not kill it still?14:13
CostaRicanQuakershould i type that into a konsole brous?14:14
brousCostaRicanQuaker-> yes14:14
JuJuBeeDoesn't seem to be.  It showd me my network connecitons (wlan0 eth0 vmnet0 etc... but not specific wifi connections.14:14
brousCostaRicanQuaker-> i mean you have to find the pid of that process first though okay?14:14
CostaRicanQuakerbrous, i got onsudo command not found14:15
SookeIs the web tool used for the launchpad free? I would like to have something similar for my projects14:15
rotkeppchenaaa ... the devil is amoung us ;014:15
brousJuJuBee-> you sound like you have to nics connected to same subnet, not a good idea unless you know how to manage your route table14:15
jribSooke: well it's free to create your own project on it, but the source hasn't been released afaik14:15
CostaRicanQuakerbrous, how do i find the pid14:15
brousCostaRicanQuaker-> you know the pid of the process?  ps aux    and look in the long list14:16
Sookejrib, but it is a web tool like a CMS or Webblog, right?14:16
CostaRicanQuakerps aux?14:16
brousCostaRicanQuaker-> yes14:16
jribSooke: sure...14:16
CostaRicanQuakerdo i type ps aux into a konsole?14:16
CostaRicanQuakerand hten what?14:16
mashman!seen kimi14:16
ubottuI have no seen command14:16
brousCostaRicanQuaker->   and look in the long list for the pid of that process you wanted to kill14:17
Sookejrib, and is there anything similar to install in a local server or in my own hosting server?14:17
JuJuBeeI do not have 2 nics connected to same subnet and I do know how to manage routing table.  When I click on nm icon in notifications, I see the different interfaces.  If I select wlan0, and click configure, I get error telling me the interface does not exist.14:17
jedimindanyone wanna help out for 2 seconds if you can? i setup my vpn but when i try to enable it it just says "connection to {vpn} failed" ; where would i find a log related to that14:17
infiter789Anyone knows how to compile in geany?14:17
CostaRicanQuakerbrous, 2367814:18
PerryArmstrongcan anyone tell me how to increase screen contrast and brightness14:18
CostaRicanQuakernow what?14:18
brousCostaRicanQuaker-> sudo kill -9 2367814:18
jribSooke: "similar"?  I guess bugzilla or trac14:18
Sookejrib, , , in my company we are developping a big intranet, and we are sick and tired of sending emails back and forth about bugs detected, things to be changed, so I just though about having something global14:19
brousPerryArmstrong-> isnt there like a knob or buttons to press on your monitor?14:19
CostaRicanQuakerbrous, thanks14:19
PerryArmstrongbrous; apart from that....14:19
jribSooke: trac is pretty nice14:19
CostaRicanQuakeranyone can help me find a wiki on how to use gnome subtitles i can't find one14:19
Sookejrib, ok, thanks mate14:19
brousCostaRicanQuaker-> next time, can you kindly man kill   so you'd understand the concept of killing a process?14:19
jrib!info trac | Sooke14:20
ubottutrac (source: trac): Enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11-2 (intrepid), package size 530 kB, installed size 2928 kB14:20
Sookejrib, I think that is what I am looking for14:20
CostaRicanQuakerbrous, how do you mean man kill? i usually go to the system monitor when i get stuff like this but thistime it didnt work14:20
CostaRicanQuakeri'm saving the command14:20
divXjunkyhi ppl. My folder with music is on a NTFS hd. I installed 'nfs-kernel-server' and I put a line '/media/HD2/MUSIC*(rw,no_subtree_check,async) '  in the '/etc/exports' file. when I restarted the deamon, I got an error: 'Warning: /media/HD2/MUSIC does not support NFS export.' How can I share my files on a NTFS hd using NFS??14:21
brousCostaRicanQuaker-> try it please, on a terminal,   man  kill14:21
jribSooke: mantis and roundup are two other ones I just found in the repositories.  I know nothing about them tohugh14:21
oliver_erUSUL, I added PATH="$HOME/dev/dsss/bin:$PATH" at the end of ~/.profile but when I start a new shell and echo $PATH it is not included14:21
Sookejrib, I am now installing trac and bugzilla, to check them,14:22
brousoliver_-> try adding export  in front of PATH  so it gets exported14:22
CostaRicanQuakeranyone here know how to use gnome subtitles?14:22
Sookejrib, mantils looks very simple to manage14:23
erUSULoliver_: the "" are not needed and in fact are hurting14:23
MrSunshine_gah why am i not getting a parport0 ? :/ i have a parallel port...14:23
erUSULoliver_: sorry got confused tghe "" are ok14:24
oliver_erUSUL, the other lines use "", too. I omitted them but it still doesn't work14:24
erUSULoliver_: what do you get when you do echo $PATH  ??14:24
oliver_erUSUL, I get /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games14:25
erUSULoliver_: and if you do "source ~/.profile" does it get set?14:26
hmwhow can i make my ubuntu boot without X in a fashion, that i can type init 3 to get into the GUI, when needed?14:27
oliver_erUSUL, yes, thanks so mmuch14:27
kitchehmw: make sure gdm does not start on boot14:27
oliver_erUSUL, is this now permanent?14:27
erUSULoliver_: ok; know what happened profile only get read in login shells14:28
erUSULoliver_: yes14:28
Imahilushaving some network issues under ubuntu 8.10, is there another network manager I could try?14:28
ugliefroganyone here use gimp?14:28
erUSULMrSunshine: dmesg | grep parport14:29
finehi all14:29
ugliefroggimp user anyone14:29
finewhere do i control wifi within ubuntu?14:29
Imahilusnetwork manager14:29
finewithin admin tools?14:29
CostaRicanQuakerhow can i change a video from .flv to avi14:30
finenetwork tools?14:30
erUSULfine: it is an icon on the right up corner on the screen14:30
hmwkitche: thx... that was too easy *g*14:30
erUSULCostaRicanQuaker: ffmpeg -i file.flv file.avi14:30
finei dont see it14:30
Imahilusnetwork tools is something else14:30
PerryArmstrongcan anyone tell me how to increase screen contrast and brightness14:30
fineso im look specifically for network manager14:31
erUSULfine: System>Preferences>Network connections14:31
Imahiluswhat erusul said14:31
infiter789Anyone knows how to configure the compiler and libraries in Geany14:31
fineall i have there is network proxy14:31
CostaRicanQuakererUSUL, for example if the name of the file is pedo.flv i go  ffmpeg -i pedo.flv pedo.avi ?14:31
fineim running ubuntu studio14:31
erUSULCostaRicanQuaker: yep14:31
erUSULfine: based on hardy ?14:32
CostaRicanQuakererUSUL, what if i want to make a copy in a different dir as in i want to keep the original video14:32
Imahilusis there another network manager I could try under 8.10?14:32
CostaRicanQuakerhow do i do it then14:32
Ginbuntuwhat is the utility called for advance compiz configuration?14:32
hmwImahilus: wicd14:32
ImahilusGinbuntu: compiz fusion14:32
erUSULCostaRicanQuaker: iirc ffmpeg does not modify the original video14:32
CostaRicanQuakeroh cool14:32
erUSUL!ccsm | Ginbuntu14:32
ubottuGinbuntu: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion14:32
fineis there a terminal command that will open network manager?14:33
tp_Is it possible to create a usb bootable flash disk with the alternate iso image?14:33
Imahilushmw: can't find 'wicd' with the package manager?14:33
MrSunshine_anyone know why i do not get a /dev/parport0 when i have a parallell port ?14:33
MrSunshine_emc is stupid14:34
thewrath|worki know of that bug bc i have it14:34
CostaRicanQuakererUSUL, can i do the same to mpeg?14:34
thewrath|workdid anyone try to the wpa2 enterprise hang fix from broadcom14:34
hmwImahilus: might be... google it... wicd worked great for me and i have seen others talking similar about it14:34
thewrath|workthat was release march 20,2009?14:34
erUSULCostaRicanQuaker: sure14:34
CostaRicanQuakerjust replace to .mpeg ?14:35
erUSULMrSunshine: you get a /dev/lp014:35
erUSULCostaRicanQuaker: yes14:35
erUSULfine: nm-applet14:35
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DevilNutI have some problems to play online streaming audio...anyone has idea? It just start cacheing then stopped, but occationally it can be played14:42
Imahilusstupid question time!.. if I install another network manager, it has to remove the current one.... is the new package going to be downloaded first, or will the current one be removed first? (causing an obvious problem)14:43
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bmanold one is downloaded first if you use apt Imahilus14:43
bmannew one even14:44
ImahilusI'm using the package manager?14:44
ugliefrogon my laptop the netwotk manager icon is missing i cant find it anywhere i need it to try and fix wifi14:44
bmanthen your cool Imahilus14:45
thewrathi have a file i got from broadcom and i need help with it14:45
Imahiluswas hoping the linux builders had brains14:45
fukshow make package from debian on ubuntu?14:45
thewrathit comes with a makefile and have no idea how to use it14:45
bmanugliefrog, type ifconfig at the command prompt14:45
Imahilushopefully back soon14:45
fuksi need just make same packeg with same method on ubuntu?14:45
Lintfuks, by using alien14:46
bmanthewrath, is there a helpfile, howto, readme, or any doc?14:46
ugliefrogbman:it doesnt show my wifi14:47
Lintthewrath, does ./configure works?14:47
bmandoesnt show wlan0 at all?14:48
ugliefrogbman:not at all14:48
bmanif not then its a issue with your kernel module for your wifi card14:48
ugliefrogbman:my desktop has the icon right above the network tools icon but some how my laptop does not have it14:49
thewrathno it does nto Lint14:49
ugliefrogbman:im using a  external usb wifi14:49
bmanthewrath, your going to need to have build-essentials, kernel source, and some sort of directions14:49
bmantry googling for it14:49
bmanugliefrog, your wifi card supported by linux?14:50
CostaRicanQuakerhow can i get libmono-i18n2.0-cil package installed?14:50
ugliefrogbman: ya. I just dont get it it worked fine and then one day my icon went missing and it didnt work anymore14:51
bmanCostaRicanQuaker, apt-get install libmono-i18n2.0-cil14:51
bmanugliefrog, i would guess you had updated the kernel at that time14:51
bmantry booting from a older kernel14:51
ugliefrogbman: dohh, i think so14:52
bmantry it14:52
ray__Could someone direct me to the #wine forum?14:52
=== Guest82686 is now known as pvtpete
quibblerray__: #winehq14:53
ray__Thanks quibbler14:53
quibblerray__:  no problem14:53
Paddy_EIREhmm.. quiet.. how odd14:55
bmaneveryone is smoking poth14:56
binarymutantbman, not yet, everyone's still at work14:57
pvtpetehey :)14:57
quibblerbman: poth??   i think we know who.14:57
flockofworms[mpd] Playing: We Don't - Lil Wayne14:57
pvtpeteI'm trying to setup my fstab for auto mount but I've got some discrepencies14:58
ugliefrogbman: will recoverymode fix the network? cuz the older kernel shoots me straight to terminal with x errors14:58
mneptokflockofworms: please don't use such scripts in this channel14:58
pvtpeteperhaps someone would be able to give me a  bitty bit of guidance14:58
flockofwormspvtpete: what are you trying to auto mount ?14:58
flockofwormsmneptok: ok14:58
mneptokflockofworms: thankee14:59
pvtpetemy extra internal drives that don't have mount points14:59
pvtpete(as far as I can see)14:59
pvtpetesome partitions aren't showing up under fdisk -l14:59
flockofwormsdo you see them in /dev ?14:59
bmanugliefrog, no i doubt recovery will fix it14:59
ugliefrogbman: will recoverymode fix the network? cuz the older kernel shoots me straight to terminal with x errors14:59
pvtpetebut their showing up under bl15:00
flockofwormsare they external usb ?15:00
bmanthere isnt more than one older kernel?15:00
ugliefrogbman: ok then...thank you15:00
pvtpeteinternal drives15:00
flockofwormsdo ls /dev and see if you see them15:00
mneptokls /dev/sd*15:00
quibbler!hi | maxagaz15:01
ubottumaxagaz: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!15:01
flockofwormsif you see them try mounting them somewhere on your pc before messing with fstab15:01
pvtpetewell I can mount them manually (the drives)15:01
pvtpeteit just seems like theres a partition sda2 that's not showing up under blkid15:02
pvtpetebut it does show up under fdisk -l15:02
maxagazi'm installing ubuntu on my laptop, but it stuck at 0% at resizing windows vista, is that normal ?15:02
pvtpeteI just see a load of files under ls /dev/15:03
flockofwormspvtpete: maybe it has the same label as your ubu disk15:03
pvtpeteI'll pastebin the results just to be clear15:03
flockofwormspvtpete: what do you see in /dev under sda*15:03
pvtpeteah ok - /dev/sda  /dev/sda1  /dev/sda2  /dev/sda515:04
pvtpeteit's appearing there15:04
pvtpetebut it doesn't have a UUID in blkid15:04
flockofwormssda1 is probably boot15:04
pvtpeteor other entry15:04
flockofwormssda2 and 5 see what them are15:05
pvtpeteyep sda is boot15:05
flockofwormsdo cat /etc/fstab and see what your root drive is15:05
quibblermaxagaz: try resizing vista in vista look here: http://www.vistarewired.com/2007/02/16/how-to-resize-a-partition-in-windows-vista      then try installing ubuntu15:05
nETspideRsomeone can tell me how can i mount an openbsd filesystem to an ubuntu15:05
flockofwormsnETspideR: do you know what the drive is ?15:06
pvtpeteok done :)15:06
nETspideRyes i know ?15:07
nETspideRi have 3 drives15:07
pvtpetenot sure which one is boot - possible sda515:07
flockofwormsmount /dev/sda* /mnt/floppy15:07
shahostis there a tool for fixsing bad sectors/clusters on a usb disk (fat32)15:07
nETspideR1 is windows xp , 2nd is ubunt, 3rd is openbsd filesystem!15:07
flockofwormspvtpete: boot is probably sda115:08
nETspideRi can mount winxp but i can not openbsd filesystem15:08
pvtpetesda5 is the only sda entry appearing15:08
flockofwormspvtpete: do nano /etc/fstab15:08
flockofwormsand see what it says for boot and root15:08
nETspideRwhen i give the dmesg command system tell me : [  676.056698] ufs was compiled with read-only support, can't be mounted as read-write15:08
pvtpetedone :)15:08
flockofwormsthere is probably a swap too15:08
pvtpetecant see any mention of a swap drive / partition15:10
pvtpetesda5 is the only drive with / as the root15:10
flockofwormstry mounting sda3 or 515:10
flockofwormstry 3 then15:11
flockofwormsmount /dev/sda3 /mnt/floppy15:11
flockofwormsas root15:11
pvtpeteno floppy on the pc15:11
flockofwormsshould still have the floppy dir in your /mnt15:12
=== tiagofalcao[AWAY is now known as tiagofalcao
flockofwormsdo ls /mnt15:12
flockofwormsdo you see floppy15:12
nETspideRcan someone help me15:12
pvtpete1 sec15:12
pvtpetenothings appearing with ls /mnt15:12
bmannETspideR, a psychologist?15:12
maxagazquibbler, thanks15:12
flockofwormsdo mkdir drive15:13
pvtpetejust another line15:13
flockofwormsas root15:13
quibblermaxagaz: you are welcome15:13
flockofwormsthen mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/drive15:13
nETspideRwhat is the right command15:13
bmanpvtpete, cat /proc/partitions15:13
nETspideR sudo mount -t 44bsd /dev/sda6 /mnt/sda415:13
WeazelONwhy oh why does flash have to suck in ubuntu :(15:14
bmanthats like asking why does flash suck15:14
bmanit just does15:14
flockofwormsWeazelON: ?15:14
HammerHead66it doesn't works just fine15:14
jpdsWeazelON: Install adobe-flashplugin from the partner repo.15:14
flockofwormsWeazelON: depends on how you install it15:14
WeazelONfullscreen breaks for me, and firefox almost suiciding when flash is on the background15:15
pvtpetedone cat/proc parititons15:15
WeazelONi'm on 8.0415:15
pvtpetenow I've got a list of blocks, minor major and name15:15
WeazelONits the nonfree plugin something package15:15
flockofwormsWeazelON: there is a adobeflash plugin in synaptic15:15
pvtpetebut it doesn't explain the original problem. I.e. I'm trying to setup auto mounting and my fstab but sda2 isnt shwoing up15:16
WeazelONi'll have a look again, but i think i tried it once already15:16
pvtpetebman or flockofworms ok if I go to pm ?15:16
quibblerWeazelON: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree15:16
=== slimj is now known as slimjim
WeazelONyea thats what i got installed flashplugin-nonfree15:17
flockofwormsWeazelON: open synaptic15:17
flockofwormssearch for adobe flash15:17
makarioWhat's a good webcam for Linux? Good resolution, good FPS, and works completely out of the box.15:17
flockofwormsit is the first on the list of results15:17
WeazelONgot 2 resaults15:17
flockofwormsthe one with the star15:17
WeazelONflashblock and flashplugin-nonfree15:17
WeazelONi dont see no star15:18
flockofwormsyou must not have universe and multiverse repos15:18
WeazelONhow do i get them and add them ?15:18
flockofwormsthere is options in synaptic15:18
flockofwormsunder repos15:18
Enzo60954to makario -> most webcams work out of the box, have you tried one and it doesn't work?15:19
makarioWeazelON Go to System > Aministration > Software Sources and make sure all of the boxes are checked.15:19
ScottG#hardware told me to come here. I'm having problems with my HP Officejet Pro L7950 All-In-One. The printer works fine but the scanner says it doesn't have a computer connected (It is connected to my PC downstairs via USB)15:19
=== error404notfoun2 is now known as error404notfound
flockofwormsand reload15:19
makarioEnzo60954: No, I'm going to purchase one today, and I need a good recommendation.15:19
flockofwormsmakario: just buy one15:19
flockofwormsand what ever you use it with make sure it is pointing to it15:19
WeazelONeverything IS checked15:19
flockofwormsit is usually /dev/video115:20
mashmanwho know how to set pppconfig ?15:20
makarioWeazelON in Add/Remove, then, make sure you're showing All Available Applications and not just Ubuntu ones.15:20
flockofwormsWeazelON: go to the other tabs and check the other things15:20
WeazelONk sec15:20
Enzo60954makario -> what store are you going to?15:21
llacroixhow did I got there15:21
makarioEnzo60954 Probably Wal-Mart since it's close.15:21
llacroixubuntu made me do it15:21
brousmakario-> if i were you, check what camorama is compatible with15:22
WeazelONwhat to choose under " Show new distribution releases ? "15:22
ccchatzillaquestion: where can I find the relationships between PIDs and window titles in a graphical environment?15:22
Enzo60954makario -> HP has a good webcam - cost is $40 though15:24
Enzo60954makario -> either that or a M$ one ;p15:24
makarioEnzo60954, brous Okay, thanks guys. I'll see what I can do.15:24
Enzo60954GL ;p15:24
kandinsk1running Intrepid here, my disk does not stop making noises. The activity monitor shows between 11 and 33 % activity (whatever that means) all the time15:25
kandinsk1what does that mean? the computer is idle as it can be!15:25
noakiHi! I don't know whether this is the right place to ask, but maybe s.o. can help me. I use a Widescreen 22'' monitor and play Warcraft III with wine. How can i play in 4:3 mode, so the game doesn't look shitty?15:25
noakiwith black borders15:25
slimjimis there a reason i have two menu.lst in my grub file one has a ~ at the end of it, can i delete that one or are they both needed for boot loader15:25
ScottGkandinsk1: apt-get iotop15:25
magnetronnoaki→ the only way would be if your screen has a setting for it15:26
ScottGkandinsk1: It shows you what programs are reading/writing to your disk15:26
magnetronnoaki→ either that, or if warcraft iii has a widescreen mode15:26
DevilNutHey, anyone can help me with online streaming music? not sure it is plugin problem or not...15:26
noakimegnetron how can i configure my nvidea card in ubuntu?15:26
quibblerslimjim -> the one with the ~ is the backup when you last edited the file ...yes you can delete it if you wish15:27
kandinsk1ScottG: nice, thanks! it-s the mythtv backend daemon!15:27
slimjimok thanks15:27
{bosco}can anyone help messed up gdm to the pioint where i can only login via remote connection15:27
magnetronnoaki→ is there a 4:3 setting in your screen? or is there a 16:9 mode for warcraft?15:27
ScottGkandinsk1: Yea iotop is a great program :)15:27
kandinsk1noaki, or even windowed mode!15:28
brous{bosco}-> you should be able to login via  ctrl+alt+f1 to f615:28
kandinsk1Scottg: so is "aptitude remove mythtv"!15:28
slimjimwhat is the del cmd in terminal15:28
noakimagnetron-> there is no 16:9 mode in wc3 neither the screen has a hardware option, but in windows i could change the behaviour of my nvidea card in a menu..15:28
ScottGkandinsk1: Well if your sure you wont use it then yes15:28
kandinsk1wow, this is peaceful15:29
magnetronnoaki→ you could run wc3 in windowed mode15:29
quibblerslimjim -> rm  read man rm to learn more15:29
ScottGkandinsk1: Personally I use "sudo apt-get --purge remove <program>" if I know im not going to use something again15:29
noakimagnetron-> ah yea thx, but i'm not sure wheter the mouse will 'pop out' of the window.. but thanks, I'll try it15:29
ScottGkandinsk1: Purging removes config files and such I think. I just do that to keep my system cleaner15:29
slimjimthanks it has been a while i have read it before just could not remember15:30
kandinsk1noaki, are you using the nvidia binary drivers?15:30
{bosco}brous, i understand that loged in right now but i am booting via recovery kernal and i and when i try in GNOME to change it back it says gdm is not running but i installed deleted it and reinstalled it thinking that might help?????????????15:30
quibblerslimjim -> getting back in the thick of it?15:30
brous{bosco}-> on recovery of single user mode, no gui is active anyways15:31
noakikandinskl, i just found the nvideo x server settings :) thanks ^15:31
kandinsk1on my sistem, I fix your problem by going to system -> administration -> nvidia X Server Settings -> GPU-0 -> DFP-0 (or whatever screen you use), GPU Scaling Method15:31
slimjimhave finally got tired of windo$ i am running ubuntu 8.10 on my older amd box with only 256ram right now but have plenty of stoarage space15:32
neuratixherro, is gcc 4.0.2 in apt somehow?15:32
kandinsk1then I pick "centered" woops that was for noaki15:32
{bosco}brous, went down to a root shell loged in and then did {startx} started x to get things going15:32
slimjim1.5tb hdd space15:32
kandinsk1noaki, did you get that?15:32
bullgard4[Ubuntu 8.04.2] dmesg produces 9 messages prepended with "swsusp:" but I cannot find a driver 'swsusp'. What program does produce these messages? Is it /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.24/kernel/power/swsusp.c?15:32
slimjimand on my newer lappy i have dreamlinux with xfce gui with about 200g hdd space15:32
slimjimi have to upgrade the ram in my box but that will be soon enough15:32
quibblerslimjim -> that's one huge drive!15:32
brous{bosco}-> i dont believe there is really such thing as recovery kernel, its your regular launched and put to single user mode,  and again no gui or X server running in single user mode, all cli15:32
noakikandinskl, yes i set this.. one moment, i'll test my warcraft15:32
kandinsk1noaki: on my sistem, I fix your problem by going to system -> administration -> nvidia X Server Settings -> GPU-0 -> DFP-0 (or whatever screen you use), GPU Scaling Method "centered"15:32
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{bosco}brous, all you have to do for that is click go down to root term login and then use the command startx15:33
kandinsk1noaki: you can also try "aspect ration scaled"15:33
{bosco}to startx15:33
noakikandisnkl, thanks a lot, it worked :)15:33
slimjimgot to have lots of space. =) you never know how many MP3 and movies you can have =)15:34
quibblerslimjim -> if you filled that you would be set for years15:34
babowhat config file does xset work with ?15:35
sam_Hello Everyone, I'm working on a little script to help me to launch chroot environment. I have a trouble with those lines:15:37
sam_chroot "/var/chroot/sam" /bin/bash -c "su - $SAM_USERNAME"15:37
sam_Bash answers:15:37
sam_su: Authentication failure15:37
FloodBot1sam_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:37
slimjimfunny enough it is got 500gig on it already =)~15:38
slimjimlets just say i have lots of music15:38
strangeis that code for porn?15:38
wh4vnI got this problem when trying to update my ubuntu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/136078/ , I cannot find solution to fix, someone can help? thank you!15:38
staar2how to i get the clock right ?15:38
slimjimnah just really alot of music15:39
AJC_Z0staar2: What is wrong with your clock? Have you configured your NTP client and time zone?15:39
slimjimi work overseas alot and dont get american music i get alot of music and always add more15:39
HammerHead66staar2: right click the time on desktop15:39
Jeruvywh4vn: your trying to download from a local proxy.15:39
quibblerslimjim -> i got 9000+ and i have not listened to everything... how many do you need?15:39
staar2yeah i wanted to ask what's NTP ?15:39
Jeruvystaar2: network time protocal15:40
wh4vnJeruvy: yes, you're right. But I didn't set up that proxy15:40
wh4vncannot find it in any configuration file15:40
achadwickstaar2: it's a way of keeping your computer's time in sync with clocks on the Internet.15:40
slimjima little bit of everything. i work contract work for DoD and we all share are music15:41
FloodBot1sam_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:41
AJC_Z0staar2: Network Time Protocol. See http://www.ntp.org/15:41
mashmanhow can i set my dial connection using pppconfig ?15:41
kneekiHow do I go about viewing the SSH remote login failures from the terminal?15:41
wh4vnJeruvy:when I use sudo gedit /etc/apt/apt.conf, i got it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/136082/15:42
AJC_Z0kneeki: Look in the relevant log(s)15:42
sam_Sory for the flood again, I 'd not understood the past page.15:43
kneekiAJC_Z0: Which are where?15:43
oCean_kneeki: I think it is in /var/log/auth.log15:43
kneekiThanks =)15:43
AJC_Z0kneeki: You configured them in /etc/syslog.conf. By default you'll probably want /var/log/auth.log15:43
kandinsk1noaki: glad to be of help15:43
staar2ok i have set the clock setting automatic, but it not upgrades the menus clock gadget time15:43
mashmanhow can i set my dial connection using pppconfig ? ? ?15:44
vallhalla81hey there all i seem to be having trouble getting my usb speakers to work can anyone help please15:44
arvind_khadri!dialup | mashman15:45
ubottumashman: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up15:45
ScottG#hardware told me to come here. I'm having problems with my HP Officejet Pro L7950 All-In-One. The printer works fine but the scanner says it doesn't have a computer connected (It is connected to my PC downstairs via USB)15:45
HammerHead66staar2: right click on clock and go to prefs'15:45
HammerHead66staar2: set it there15:45
arvind_khadriScottG, use xsane to scan15:46
staar2yes i have set there but it does not set the desktop clock15:46
ScottGarvind_khadri: Well when I can print to the printer/scanner fine but when i press the scan button or some other things it says no computerwas detected15:48
=== carmen is now known as Guest28959
fasoHello...I got a problem with my hardy box15:48
DevilNutI am using FF/mplayer plugin to access the web which playing streaming music. But it just start, then stopped. Anyone can help?15:48
bulliumwhere do I set the middle mouse button click to shade windows?15:48
fasoSomehow I am unable to install anything15:48
HammerHead66staar2:right click clock on desktop left click Adjust time and date15:48
Guest28959kien ers15:48
fasoit says so and so package has an unmet dependency15:48
HammerHead66staar2: left click unlock icon, put in password and change15:49
Guest28959ke ya lo se15:49
Guest28959hola faso15:49
staar2HammerHead66: i have changed the time there but it's not updating the desktop one15:49
oCean_!es | Guest2895915:49
ubottuGuest28959: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:49
staar2i have made restart but not working15:49
ganeshnot able to play high quality WMV movie..it plays like a slideshow in totem or vlc15:49
Darkbright93ma sono entrato nel server Inglese/Americano??15:50
arvind_khadriScottG, ya thats there, those interfaces need Win drivers :) afaik15:50
oCean_!it | Darkbright9315:50
ubottuDarkbright93: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)15:50
Guest28959my name is maica15:50
staar2ok i got it by removing clock and then adding it back15:50
Darkbright93ok thank15:50
HammerHead66staar2: it should have changged it15:50
ScottGarvind_khadri: What do you mean?15:50
faeryanFiiiiinally! installed fresh ibex over my old root dir and attached the /home directory.15:50
HammerHead66staar2: try restart and see if it goes right15:51
oCean_Guest28959: welcome Maica, this is Ubuntu technical support channel.15:51
babohow come ubuntu doesn't have a /etc/inittab file ?15:51
arvind_khadriScottG, the buttons on the scanner use API's present in the Windows drives so if you dont have those drives, they wont work15:51
oCean_!runlevels | babo15:51
ubottubabo: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.15:51
arvind_khadriScottG, and Win drivers dont work in linux :P15:51
Guest28959hola ke os pasa a tos15:51
ScottGarvind_khadri: So what do I need to do?15:51
oCean_Guest28959: English ONLY15:52
arvind_khadriScottG, use xsane to scan, dont use the button15:52
irssiHi, I've tried creating a customized Ubuntu install cd from an official image (copying over everything, but making modifications to the boot menu to be specific), but now when attempting to install, the installer red screens with the error "This is not an Ubuntu CD!" does anyone know what check that is running, and how to make it pass?15:52
=== error404notfoun1 is now known as error404notfound
babooCean_, thanks15:52
Guest28959kien habla en español15:52
bullgard4!es Guest2895915:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about es Guest2895915:52
ScottGarvind_khadri: Ok let me get that and mess around with it and ill be back WHEN i run into more problems :P brb15:52
I-Shot-KennedyI thought security was tops under Linux? How do I block outgoing traffic? I just ran LeakTest 1.2 via Wine and it connected to internet without problems like I had no firewall.15:52
bullgard4!es | Guest2895915:52
ubottuGuest28959: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:52
arvind_khadriScottG, sure :)15:53
ottertoast2 nics, one for internal traffic and one for external traffic: possible?15:53
arvind_khadri!iptables | I-Shot-Kennedy15:53
ubottuI-Shot-Kennedy: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).15:53
Guest28959hello may name is rebeca15:53
bayern0906so many...15:53
flockofwormsI'm worms15:53
Guest28959ok mis chiken15:53
I-Shot-KennedyHow can I block traffic on an app-to-app basis?15:54
oCean_!hi | Drknezz15:54
ubottuDrknezz: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!15:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ufw15:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rq15:54
bayern0906it's disorder15:54
DrknezzI-Shot-Kennedy: dude, try with "ufw"15:54
kitcheI-Shot-Kennedy: you can't unless you use ufw maybe or something but iptables is not meant for app-to-app blocking15:54
AJC_Z0I-Shot-Kennedy: By creating iptables rules for those applications15:54
ottertoast2 nics, one for internal traffic and one for external traffic: possible?15:54
AJC_Z0I-Shot-Kennedy: What exactly are you trying to achieve?15:55
Drknezzottertoast, not possible afaik, NAt wont allow that15:55
moshpIf I ssh-ed into a remote host how do I run a command on the local host from the remote host prompt?15:55
I-Shot-KennedyI want to control which apps have this right like with dozen firewall apps under windows.15:55
Guest28959surprise cake15:55
irssiottertoast: what exactly are you trying to do15:55
I-Shot-KennedyRight now it seems any outgoing traffic is not blocked.15:55
DrknezzI-Shot-Kennedy, try reading ufw's manual "man ufw"15:55
ScottGarvind_khadri: Whats the diff between sane and xsane?15:55
Drknezz!xsane ScottG15:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xsane ScottG15:56
ottertoastDrknezz, irssi, throttle bandwidth on proftpd15:56
HammerHead66I-Shot-Kennedy: are you in GUI?15:56
ubottuScanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR15:56
fuksconfigure: error: curl-config executable is missing15:56
fukshow fix it?15:56
irssiI-Shot-Kennedy: outgoing traffic is not blocked by default, you have to block it with iptables or ufw15:56
fuksi have curl..15:56
MyrttiGuest28959: please use English15:56
Drknezzottertoast, what?15:56
patryckfuks: ./configure --help15:56
I-Shot-KennedyThere is no way to configure it via GUI. Even shitty Vista blocked LeakTest 1.2 out of the box.15:56
irssiottertoast: that sounds different than having one NIC for internal traffic and one for external?15:56
arvind_khadriScottG, no idea, :S15:56
HammerHead66I-Shot-Kennedy: lol15:56
Guest28959y love milk15:57
moshpIf I ssh-ed into a remote host how do I run a command on the local host from the remote host prompt? Anyone?15:57
Drknezzlol irssi, thought he was talking about the irssi client15:57
ottertoastirssi, its a long story...15:57
ottertoastDrknezz, lol15:57
irssiI-Shot-Kennedy: yes, because it has a firewall turned on by default. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo15:57
MyrttiGuest28959: final warning, this is not a social channel, please use English and state your problem with Ubuntu, or leave.15:57
HammerHead66I-Shot-Kennedy: in GUI I use firestarter it works fine for me15:57
Ramessesif i set the 'always on top' attribute on a conversation window of pidgin _all_ the windows [with always on top set] will ignore the always on top attribute and go in the background if i select a window [without always on top set]; i just noticed this strange behaviour [intrepid ibex, up-to-date without backports! and gnome with compiz]; can someone confirm this? should i file a bug?15:57
irssiottertoast: you can probably do what you're talking about by manually setting routing tables, but thats kind of a pain15:57
fukspatryck: i wanna compile with it15:58
ScottGarvind_khadri: lol ok. ubuntu seems to come with xsane15:58
fukswhat package i need?15:58
Drknezzottertoast, anyways, some apps allow you to bind them to a certain NIC, but idk how to help you15:58
I-Shot-KennedyWell, I have a really nice third-party firewall app with windows which tells me when a local app tries to create outgoing connection and asks me if I want to let it. Nothing like this under Linux?15:58
patryckfuks: try 'which <executablename>'15:58
MyrttiI-Shot-Kennedy: in general you don't need a firewall in Ubuntu15:58
patryckissit in your $PATH?15:58
irssiottertoast: if you just want to throttle ftp traffic, look into QoS: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-7990.html15:58
arvind_khadriScottG, ya, :)15:58
MyrttiI-Shot-Kennedy: that is, if you haven't installed anything that would spuriously open ports15:58
irssiI-Shot-Kennedy: yes, there are plenty of things that do this in linux, but they take a little bit of time to find15:59
Drknezzirrsi, QoS sucks, but i agrre with you15:59
I-Shot-KennedyThere is an app that can do this?15:59
JeruvyI-Shot-Kennedy: actually there are numerous applications, but ufw and firestarter are probably best for windows users.15:59
irssiDrknezz: agreed, but it sounds like thats what he wants15:59
Drknezzirssi, lol15:59
Pe3khello, my favourite window manager is fluxbox; what is the best way to use it in ubuntu? Now I have installed kubuntu and as default wm. fluxbox, BUT if I rarely log in to KDE I find out that there are some updates which I do not see in fluxbox, so how to deal with that ? what is the right way?15:59
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maxwas sit das15:59
=== irssi is now known as celebroan
Myrtti!de | max16:00
ubottumax: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.16:00
Jeruvy!de > max16:00
ubottumax, please see my private message16:00
flockofwormsPe3k: apt-get install fluxbox16:00
=== max is now known as Guest25169
arvind_khadriPe3k, which updates?16:00
HammerHead66 max: bitte spreaken sie English16:00
Drknezz!spanish > carmen16:00
ottertoastirssi, Drknezz, if you want i will explain it to you guys. maybe you will have a better idea.16:00
Drknezzottertoast, irssi, maybe we can go into a private conversation/room16:00
celebroanDrknezz: let me know (/nick changed)16:01
ScottGarvind_khadri: ooooh, i see. That program has been hiding there this whole time lol16:01
Pe3karvind_khadri: it appears in KDE in left down corner and I think they are some kind of security updates??16:01
Pe3karvind_khadri: sorry right down16:01
celebroanPe3k: try running "sudo aptitude full-upgrade"16:01
ottertoastDrknezz, celebroan, just meet me in #tmplol16:01
celebroanPe3k: in a terminal. that should get all your updates16:02
arvind_khadriPe3k, aah , its just an applet :P flubox might not have that as its lightweight :)16:02
celebroanPe3k: fluxbox is nice, but it doesn't have a lot of the applets that are in gnome and kubuntu, including the update notifications16:03
BlueAidan_workxfce is cool. It lets you use gnome applets in its panel.16:03
Drknezz!español > carmen16:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about español16:03
ganeshnot able to play high quality WMV movie..it plays like a slideshow in totem or vlc how can i fix it?16:03
celebroananyone here have experience with building custom install CDs?16:03
Pe3karvind_khadri,celebroan: yes, I use it instead of KDE because of my old computer16:04
celebroanPe3k: right. but it means you have to do certain things on your own manually16:04
arvind_khadriPe3k, :) nice , even xfce is cool16:04
BlackBeasta question16:06
ganeshhow can i play high quality MWV movie?16:06
BlackBeastif i have ubuntu 7.10 it can be installed on a laptop?16:06
fabioganesh: mplayer or totem i suppose16:06
DrknezzBlackBeast, yes16:06
celebroanganesh: mpalyer or vlc16:06
Ramessesif i set the 'always on top' attribute on a pidgin conversation window _all_ the windows with 'always on top' set [including pidgin's] will ignore the 'always on top' attribute and go in the background when i select another window without 'always on top' set; i just noticed this strange behaviour [intrepid ibex, up-to-date without backports! and gnome with compiz]; can someone confirm this? should i file a bug?16:06
fabioget w32codecs too16:06
Drknezz!compiz > Ramesses16:07
ubottuRamesses, please see my private message16:07
ScottGarvind_khadri: EFFING AWESOME IT WORKED!16:07
ScottGarvind_khadri: Does it support sheet feeders and such?16:07
jedimindhow would i go about setting Sun Java Runtimes as the default, rather than the OpenJDK Runtimes?16:07
arvind_khadriScottG, i guess yes... havent tried :)16:07
ScottGok ill mess around with ir some more16:07
kavurthow can I mount an ext4 partition on an ext3 system?16:08
RamessesDrknezz, hmm.. i know how to set compiz [and it was set by default]; i just noticed that strange behaviour now and i didn't have that problem before16:08
oCean_jedimind: use the "alternatives" method16:08
arvind_khadrikavurt, sudo mount -t <type> /dev/disk /mount/point16:08
oCean_!alternatives | jedimind16:08
ubottujedimind: To change the default applications system-wide, use 'sudo update-alternatives --all' in a terminal.16:08
jedimindoCean_: thanks i'll give it a shot16:09
kristian_HammerHead66: hey! around?16:09
oCean_jedimind: if you prefer gui - install "galternatives"16:09
BlackBeastthank Drknezz16:09
HammerHead66kristian_: yeah16:09
Drknezznp BlackBeast16:09
kavurtsudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sdb10 bagla16:10
kavurtmount: unknown filesystem type 'ext4'16:10
jedimindoCean_: okay, i went through it, and i changed the java default to sun (i saw it in the list) but when i do java -version ; i still get openSDK16:10
jediminderr OpenJDK16:10
JonathanEllisHi. How do I tell which kernel is running?16:11
Drknezzkavurt, ext4 must be compiled into the kernel b4 doing that16:11
Drknezzkavurt, ubuntu doesnt ship with ext4 enabled because it is unstable16:11
Drknezzkavurt, you need a custom kernel16:11
DrknezzJonathanEllis, uname -r16:11
arturowho can help me ? i want to config samba in xubuntu 8.1016:12
kristian_HammerHead66 : just got back from work. will try to get k3b/brasero to work now. so i have selected the setting, skip eject tray after burn in k3b, and the first time i burn a data dvd, it burns it, verifies it and completes. then when i decided to burn another data cd with some other data on, the verifying fails. :-/ any thoughts?16:12
JonathanEllisDrknezz: Thanks16:12
oCean_jedimind: "which java" should return /usr/bin/java, which in turn is actually a link to /etc/alternatives/java16:12
Drknezz!samba > arturo16:12
ubottuarturo, please see my private message16:12
kavurtdrknezz thanks16:12
HammerHead66kristian_: see pm16:12
DrknezzJonathanEllis, np16:12
oCean_jedimind: The "java" in /etc/alternatives is set by the update-alternatives command to the java of your choice16:12
Drknezzkavurt, np16:12
Drknezz!kernel > Drknezz16:12
ubottuDrknezz, please see my private message16:12
Kingsy101can someone help me fix some errors that I am getting when I boot my ubuntu PC up?16:13
oCean_jedimind: at least, it should be. So you could check "which java" and "ls -al /etc/alternatives/java"16:13
Drknezz!kernel > kavurt16:13
ubottukavurt, please see my private message16:13
arvind_khadrikavurt, ext4 is there in 9.0416:13
RamessesDrknezz, any ideea why 'always on top' gets ignored by compiz? [i mentioned that i haven't had this problem before]16:13
jedimindoCean_: well it does return /usr/bin/java but it doesnt seem to be using it when im running ... ANT in this case16:13
doxer_tjena hejsan16:13
jedimindshould i restart my gnome session?16:13
DrknezzRamesses, idk, you should talk about that in #compiz, not here16:13
kavurtubottu can you send it again?16:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:14
Drknezz!kernel > kavurt16:14
ubottukavurt, please see my private message16:14
oCean_jedimind: ok, I'm not sure if ANT has a config, where (fr example) JAVA_HOME is set... I guess that'll override system defaults16:14
RamessesDrknezz, compiz didn't packaged _my compiz from ubuntu_; in other distros i don't have this problem16:14
jedimindoCean_:  doing ls /etc/alternatives/java returns  /etc/alternatives/java -> /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/bin/java16:14
jedimindbut which java returns /usr/bin/java16:14
arturocan i use samba for ps3 ?16:14
DrknezzRamesses, ubuntu team is known for modding compiz a bit16:14
Seveasjedimind, readlink -f /usr/bin/java16:15
Drknezzarturo, ps3? i'd recommend using nfs if you installed linux on it16:15
RamessesDrknezz, that's why i asked if anyone noticed this problem and if i should file a bug on this16:15
Drknezzarturo, instead of samba16:15
oCean_jedimind: /usr/bin/java is link to /etc/alternatives/java, so it seems, that you update-alternatives have not changed the actual java version?16:15
Seveasjedimind, there you go :)16:15
jedimindyeah it doesnt seem like it actually changed it even though i specifically selected it...16:15
Seveasjedimind, use update-java-alternatives16:16
oliver_max`, moin16:16
oCean_jedimind: also check if the update worked "update-alternatives --list java"16:16
arturoDrknezz ok thank you16:16
Drknezzarturo, np16:17
Drknezz!nfs > arturo16:17
ubottuarturo, please see my private message16:17
jedimindoCean_: can i msg you for a min?16:17
oCean_jedimind: sure16:17
arturowhere can i find information for nfs?16:17
ganesh fabio: celebroan:  in totem or vlc o mplayer its not playing smoothly..it plays like a slideshow..WMV file is of high quality16:17
Drknezzarturo, read the pm from ubottu16:17
jelly12genarturo: on the ubuntu wiki16:18
Drknezzganesh, slow comp?16:18
Drknezznp arturo16:18
arvind_khadriganesh, using compiz?16:18
goncalopphey people, I'm having some trouble with /dev/input on ubuntu 8.10. There's no output in any of the files, on both my pcs. Anyone knows anything about this?16:18
fabioganesh: maybe it's a hd movie and your card is very slow16:18
Drknezzgoncalopp, why are you messing up with that?16:19
goncaloppI'm trying to make a remote work in ubuntu, but it is recognized as an HID keyboard. i wanted to configure it with lirc, maybe16:19
ganesh Drknezz:arvind_khadri:fabio:  ya i am using compiz..mine is not a slow comp..16:19
Drknezzgoncalopp, maybe reading the lirc wiki should help16:20
arvind_khadriganesh, turn off compiz and then run the movie16:20
Drknezzganesh, really?, mine can play 4 full-screen vids on each cube face no problem16:20
Drknezzganesh, even when i rotate the cube16:20
fabioganesh: mplayer can tell you why is't so slow16:21
goncaloppi've been doing that, the problem is, you're supposed to write the name of the device file in the conf, and my device files give no output whatsoever, so it doesn't work16:21
ganesh arvind_khadri: how to turn off compiz?16:21
goncaloppI guess /dev/mice at least should output something when you move your mouse?16:21
ScottGarvind_khadri: Man this works freakin great!16:22
Drknezzgoncalopp, really?, weird, try doing lshw and look for your IR receiver, if it says "UNCLAIMED", then you got search for a driver16:22
Drknezzganesh, metacity --replace16:22
arvind_khadriganesh, right click on the desktop , go to the last tab and then set the effects to nill16:22
arvind_khadriScottG, :) nice16:22
Drknezzganesh, to reactivate: compiz --replace16:22
Drknezzganesh, if you want a graphical way to do that, install fusion-icon16:22
JonathanEllisMy scanner was working yesterday morning but in the afternoon it suddenly stopped and xsane reports "No devices available". Any idea why this should suddenly stop working when it was fine before? I have asked this question in #sane but there is no reply. Has anyone here experienced the same problem?16:23
fabiosystem -> preferences -> effect -> disable enable16:23
ScottGarvind_khadri: Do you have that much experience with it? I have a few questions like being able to have it not pause after every scan or recognising text and exporting it as some sort of text file or preferably PDF.16:24
babohostname:displaynumber.screennumber ... what's the difference between displaynumber and screennumber ?16:24
HammerHead66anyone know the flush cashe command for the terminal?16:24
sipiorJonathanEllis: loose cable?16:24
JonathanEllissipior: If only!16:24
arvind_khadriScottG, aah you can do that when saving the file ,, by specifying the format16:25
sipiorJonathanEllis: i assume you haven't changed anything else on the machine. does dmesg report any strangeness? or anything in /var/log/messages?16:25
arvind_khadriScottG, no idea about the pause, i guess its not so advanced as you want it to be :) about the pause part i mean16:26
mustuhello! i googled but still windering how let my intel Pro wireless 2200 work in my ubutu 8.1016:26
=== Devastatt is now known as Devastator
Drknezzmustu, O.o16:26
Drknezzmustu, an intel card not working, thats new16:26
Drknezzmustu, pastebin the output of "lshw"16:26
mustuyep! i read that broadcom don't work but intel do...16:27
ScottGarvind_khadri: I tried to save it as a text file and it gave me an error, so i dunno. What did you mean about the pause not being advanced?16:27
ganesharvind_khadri: not playing  with compiz off ...i can play in windows..so it must not be a problem with graphics card16:27
Drknezzganesh, you installed the nvidia/ati driver?16:27
mustuDrknezz: http://fpaste.org/paste/678516:28
=== Devastator is now known as Devastatorius
goncaloppDrknezz: I can't seem to find it anywhere in lshw, in lsusb I get "Bus 001 Device 005: ID 06b4:1c70"16:29
Drknezzmustu, you have a disabled ethernet Nic16:30
ganeshDrknezz: yes ati driver16:30
Drknezzganesh, ati is know to suck A LOT with compiz, so disable it16:31
mustuDrknezz: I've a single NIC n that's what I am using now! BTW m on dell latitude D61016:31
JonathanEllissipior: I havent changed anything else. I dont know what I am looking for in dmesg or /var/log/messages16:32
Drknezzmustu, srsly? lshw reports it's disabled16:32
oliver_when I press Ctrl+S in gedit, it shows the dielog to go to a specific line instead of saving the current file16:32
Drknezzmustu, try ifup -all16:32
JC_Denton_Can I use f-spot to delete images off my camera?16:32
sipiorJonathanEllis: how is the scanner connected to your machine?16:32
ravn1hi guys, I wonder if anyone know of any "official" calendars can one can subscribe to to Evolution e.g. with national holidays and such things?16:32
JonathanEllissipior: USB16:32
ravn1I see that the Mac people has this nice iCal share service, but what I can see Evolution can not subscribe to iCal files, or?16:33
sipiorJonathanEllis: does "lsusb" report anything?16:33
Drknezzmustu, you're done?16:34
mustuDrknezz: no effect!!16:34
JonathanEllissipior: lsusb doesnt change when I plug in or disconnect the scanner16:34
mustuDrknezz: Device Manager also detects the model but doesn't show it as installed ...16:34
DrknezzJonathanEllis, then that port must be damaged16:34
Drknezzmustu, did you try what i sid?16:35
mustuDrknezz: nor i can see it in network devcies ...only NIC is showed there16:35
mustuDrknezz: yes i did sudo ifup -all16:35
jared_How do I get Sd Card Reader to work ?16:35
Drknezzmustu, sorry it was ifup -a16:35
mustuDrknezz: actuqally --all16:35
sipiorJonathanEllis: when you plug in the scanner, do any new messages appear through dmesg?16:35
Drknezzmustu, try dmesg | less16:36
Drknezzand look for any message related to your diabled nic16:36
DrknezzCan any op activate conference mode? leave/join messages are annoying16:37
eqisow2whitehat: you can have up to 64GB in 32bit with the right kernel16:37
sipiorDrknezz: your client can probably filter them out for you16:37
=== Agent is now known as Guest28975
EroDoes anyone have experience with fdisk not properly reading the c/h/s of ooooooold drives? I know what the values should be, but I don't know whether it's better to use a utility that has better luck recognizing those values automagically or using expert mode to manually set what the values should be.16:38
Drknezzsipior, i really dont remmber how to use mIRC a lot16:38
mustuDrknezz: ok what to searchc for in this log file16:38
JonathanEllissipior: http://pastebin.com/f37a63663 Here is the output from dmesg after plugging the scanner into a different usb socket at the front of the machine instead of the back. I dont know if they are on the same hub16:38
Drknezzmustu, try searching for errors regarding intel card16:38
avalibuona sera16:38
=== Guest28975 is now known as michigan
avaliqualcuno italiano?16:39
=== michigan is now known as michiganALIEN
oCean_!it | avali16:39
ubottuavali: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)16:39
teimuhi #ubuntu. I'm trying to do some hard drive cleaning, and I feel I could do the most work if I knew what folders were really large. Is there an utility that can list the total size of the contents of folders, kinda like df?16:39
mustuDrknezz: I have something for ipw2200 ... is it concerning16:39
hdyhave some friends16:40
Drknezzmustu, maybe, pastebin it16:40
hdygive me some help for ubuntu16:40
hdywho can help me??16:40
Drknezzteimu, there is a GNU utility for windows16:40
Drknezzteimu, it may work on wine16:40
Drknezzteimu, gimme 516:40
teimunothing native? ok16:40
goncaloppteimu: tried du?16:41
=== trinidad is now known as michiganALIEN
Drknezzteimu, WinDirStat16:41
sipiorJonathanEllis: i don't see any mention of the scanner there. can you try plugging the scanner into another machine, to verify that it is not a problem with the device itself?16:41
JonathanEllishdy: Just ask your question16:41
teimuahh, yes goncalopp, thats what it is! kept trying looking for dg. thanks!16:42
mustuDrknezz: http://fpaste.org/paste/678616:42
teimuand Drknezz, yea, thats a great program. I have that on my other box16:42
goncaloppteimu: np. you have also xdiskusage if you have X16:42
Drknezzmustu, tthat kill switch stuff is supicious16:43
SookeIf UBUNTU WAS A WOMAN....16:43
Drknezz!spam | Sooke16:43
ubottuSooke: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...16:43
JonathanEllissipior: I will try connecting it to a windows machine16:43
SookeDrknezz, sorry, I was just trying to share my happyness16:44
crashsystemsAnyone know how to remove a program installed via python distutils?16:44
DrknezzSooke, np, thought you were one of those dirty noob spammers16:44
pseubodotI've been asked to upgrade a server running Ubuntu 7.04 to current (8.04 LTS minimum) and am running into a lot of problems upgrading even after reading through https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades and friends. Anyone run into something similar?16:44
Drknezzmustu, y you use fpaste?16:44
SookeDrknezz, no, I am not,16:44
DrknezzSooke, sorry then16:45
mustuhmm... well.. I use Fedora too.. that's y i get used to with it16:45
Huufartedpseubodot: you need to tell us the errors or problems you're having16:45
pseubodotSince I've run debian boxes before, how likely am I to mess stuff up by pointing my sources to more current stuff and dist-upgrading?16:45
sonjahey guys I wnat to install the Canon i250 drivers but the shell script wants me to install glib which package has that?16:45
SookeDrknezz, I just realized that I have been using Ubuntu since 1 year ago, when I decided to leave other OSes and try to live only with UBuntu, and Now I can not use anything else!!16:45
Drknezzsonja, DONT touch glib16:45
=== crankhar1er is now known as crankharder
michiganALIENcan anyone give me some help getting vbox to work16:46
Drknezzsonja, it is critical for the system16:46
sonjaDrkness why that?16:46
Drknezz!vbox > michiganALIEN16:46
ubottumichiganALIEN, please see my private message16:46
wrektjethey all.. im trying to install a package to update my deluge client but i get this error:: "dependency is not satisfiable: deluge-common"16:46
mustuDrknezz: in he first paste in the end .. in wireless in last wireless=radio off ... ccan we do it radio on16:46
Drknezzwrektjet, your repos are messed up16:46
wrektjeti am thinking i need to create a folder called "common" in the directory but it doesnt allow me16:46
sipiorDrknezz: you're thinking of glibc, i believe16:47
Drknezzmustu, idk16:47
goncaloppmichiganALIEN: Virtual box? what problem are you having?16:47
sonjaDrkness yes but i guess i will only need the development files which package has that?16:47
pseubodotHuufarted: 'gutsy' upgrade script fails, can't find 'debian-installer16:47
The_GuyHey there, im tyring to setup my printer and ubuntu recognises it as a printing device (lexmark 510 series) and when i print it says processing in the printing jobs dialogue but then just cancels it with no reason. Any ideas?16:47
Drknezzsonja, try installing build-essential16:47
bromic94i have a question about installing ubuntu wubi16:47
michiganALIENi cannot get vista to install in vbox16:47
mustuDrknezz: where the cfg files r located for network adapters..16:47
bromic94i dont think when i uninstalled it it did it correct16:47
goncaloppmichiganALIEN: did you enable VT?16:47
Drknezzmustu, i think /etc...16:48
michiganALIENi am new to vbox i know nothing about it16:48
mustuDrknezz: hmm. i couldn't find it by locate...16:48
sipiorsonja: have a look at libglib2.0-dev16:48
goncaloppmichiganALIEN: ok. have you created a new VM to install vista on?16:48
bromic94michiganALIEN: be careful16:48
bromic94vists can not be isntalled in a vm it goes against EULA16:49
wrektjetDrknezz: are u saying just try downloading from somewhere else?16:49
michiganALIENi have that window open16:49
Drknezzwrektjet, your repos are sooo screwed up16:49
sonjaanybody elsehaving trouble with the canon i25016:49
bromic94Drknezz: is that a printer16:49
JC_Denton_is there any other way to import photo's than f-spot. ubuntu used to just mount the mem card in my camera16:49
goncaloppbromic94: you actually read the EULA :O ;)16:49
bromic94i have printed it out and read it16:50
bromic94over like a month time16:50
wrektjetMY repos? i dont follow.16:50
goncaloppbromic: damn... I guess I should delete my vista VM then :O16:50
Drknezzmustu, you have a switch truned off somewhere in your lappy16:50
Drknezzmustu: You around?16:51
michiganALIENbut then again who cares about that16:51
bromic94When I install 9.04 alpha through wubi after i uninstall 8.04lts, i get an error occured, incomplete format, for more information please see this log file. the contents of that log file are http://pastebin.com/m26150c7116:52
bromic94i dont think 8.04 got uninstall properly16:52
goncaloppmichiganALIEN: well, theoretically speaking, installing vista is the same as XP, you need to enable intel-VT on the VM preferences16:52
oliver_when I press Ctrl+S in gedit, it shows the dialog to go to a specific line instead of saving the current file16:53
oCean_bromic94: for jaunty discussion/issues, join #ubuntu+116:53
wrektjetdrknezz: are you just messing with me or are you serious. and what should i do? keep trying diff downlaods?16:53
goncaloppVM settings->general->advanced-> enable VT-x/AMD-V16:53
jimmy_birerhi guys16:54
mashmanwhat is "dip"16:54
mashmanwhat is "dip" ?16:54
jimmy_birerdip is a modem group16:54
jimmy_birerby Ubuntu16:54
Drknezzwrektjet, im serious dude, try checking out "software sources"16:54
mashmanuhmmm ic16:54
oliver_how can I stop the WLAN popups showing on startup?16:54
michiganALIENgoncalopp<> i dont have a general menu16:55
mashmani already set up my internet connection using modem but when i try pon they said i'm not included in "dip"16:55
ninzyaо круто есть русские!16:55
jimmy_bireri can read russian16:55
oCean_!ru | ninzya16:55
ubottuninzya: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:55
jimmy_bireryou must try with sudo16:55
jimmy_bireror su dip16:55
jimmy_birersu dip pon16:56
goncaloppmichiganALIEN: on the vista vm settings? are you using the latest vbox from repository?16:56
mashmanuhmmm ic16:56
laegi downloaded the lateest source code of pidgin which is a few versions ahead of the repo, can i just replace my current pidgin dir with this new one and .configure it? if so where is my existing pidgin dir?16:56
jimmy_birerwho liks ms fanboys?16:56
jimmy_birerthey suck16:56
oCean_jimmy_birer: this is ubuntu support, please stay on topic16:56
connari have an issue about postgres16:56
mashmanjimmy_birer is all modem for laptop is supported by ubuntu ???16:57
shabgardHi Dear Ubuntu team..16:57
connarif i purge postgres frm my system will all the databases and the users created for postgres b removed?16:57
goncaloppmichiganALIEN: and are you sure you're checking in the right settings? you should have 'general, hard disks, cd/dvd-rom/floppy, audio', etc16:57
fearful!hi | shabgard16:57
shabgardI have a problem at nagios..16:57
ubottushabgard: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!16:57
shabgardcan you help me.?16:58
connari m running ubuntu 8.0416:58
fearfulconnar, purge doesn't remove anyhting in /home16:58
connarfearful: i dont get u16:58
fearfulconnar, I don't know where the DB is stored but if its in /home directory it won't16:58
mashmanIs all modem for laptop is supported by ubuntu ???16:58
michiganALIENthis is whats listed os type: windows vista and the box is checked16:59
connarfearful: then if i want to remove the databases as well then what shud i do16:59
fearfulconnar, remove the ones from the /home directory manually rm command or nautilus.16:59
laegi downloaded the lateest source code of pidgin which is a few versions ahead of the repo, can i just replace my current pidgin dir with this new one and .configure it? if so where is my existing pidgin dir?16:59
goncaloppmichiganALIEN: are you in the process of creating the vm?16:59
dimebarconnar: as far as i know it will delete your data; i don't think postgresql will install anything in /home by default16:59
shabgardI  strated nagios  but in firefox see this message:The requested URL /nagios was not found on this server.17:00
bredotodd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/head seek=infinity17:00
swiperhow can i get torrents to show progress download in the downloads tab in firefox?17:00
shabgardcan you help me at this action?17:00
connardimebar: actually i want to do a fresh installation of postgres on my machine17:00
arvind_khadriScottG, the xsane's lib not so advanced to use pause i meant17:00
fearfulswiper, try downloading the torrents from Transmission firefox will only download the torrent file17:00
goncaloppmichiganALIEN: you need to finish that first. create a new virtual disk, etc17:00
connardimebar: i dont want any previously created databases or users17:01
EvilRoeyHello.. So a Server and a Desktop release share the same repositories.  So what does it mean when the Deskop gets EOL'd?  Do security updates come out only for the Server components and not for the Desktop ones (say, GNOME)?17:01
shabgardI 'm waiting...17:01
_DELi am havng a prob with  using package manager, i can open in a terminal, but when i use the menu, it wont accept the password, but my root account is off17:01
CaMasonwhen using `less` I can page left and right, but when I'm at the left-most `page`, it does line wrapping. Any way to disable this?17:01
fearfulconnar, thats why you have to look for the folders in your home directory containing the databases and remove them.17:01
swiperfearful: no, that's not what i want - i want it to download from firefox i know its possible17:01
fearfulswiper, you need some sort of add-on then it won't do it automatically17:01
shabgardubuntu team....saw my problem?17:03
dimebarconnar: purge is what you're after.  if you look in /var/lib/postgresql/ and make sure everything's gone afterwards17:03
_DELand all the other apps that reuqire passy are the same17:03
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swiperfearful: sure17:04
swiperfearful: do you know of one that works17:04
fearfulswiper, um to be honest no, look in the moizilla site17:04
swiperfearful: i found two that don't work17:04
ScottGarvind_khadri: Oh,  no i meant that it does pause after each scan when im using the feeder. It stops to show me what it scanned and then wants me to save it. I want it to scan everything and then let me do stuff with each17:04
shabgardI started nagios but saw this message:The requested URL /nagios was not found on this server.17:05
arvind_khadriScottG, no idea about it17:05
shabgardplease help me....17:05
fearfulswiper, sorry I use transmission17:05
shabgardI 'm waiting....17:05
rreyesHi all... any good mysql frontend for Ubuntu?17:06
connardimebar: what i have in /var/lib/postgres is a main folder and two file - .bash_history and .psql_history17:06
shabgardI'm waiting for your response17:06
arvind_khadrirreyes, mysql is best with CLI17:06
HammerHead66shabgard:what up man ?17:06
goncaloppshabgard: I don't know about nagios, is it some kind of php script? are you checking your apache conf for the right directory?17:06
kduboisi have a bunch of python modules that exit poorly from their install scripts, and its really crippled my python install. is there an "apt-get remove-no-matter-what" command?17:07
connardimebar: so i need to ensure that there is no folder by the name postgres? are the databases also stored at the same location?17:07
shabgardI don't know exactly..17:07
rreyesarvind_khadri: Sure. Still, I prefer a good GUI for the common things I do in my work. I like sqlYog but seems like it doesn't have a linux version17:07
peturHi! I need help installing this application: http://networkedmediatank.com/showthread.php?tid=13161&page=1 it says in the description that i can  use Linux, with Mono. But how do i do it? Help appricated. Hope someone can check it out.17:08
tj83can someone make a recommendation for a photo editor that compares to Jasc paint shop pro?17:08
shabgardBut  I know That is start17:08
kduboisi need pysupport, but pysupport won't install because other things are failing because they dont have pysupport :(17:08
goncaloppshabgard: what url are you using to access it?17:09
shabgard192.205.200.80 is my nagios server..17:10
shabgardBut is local17:10
goncaloppshabgard: you're sure the server is properly configured, and that you can reach it?17:10
shabgardI used this link:http://nagios.sourceforge.net/docs/3_0/quickstart-ubuntu.html17:11
tj83can someone make a recommendation for a photo editor that compares to Jasc paint shop pro?17:12
shabgardI dont Know exactli but Know this is started...17:12
Myrttitj83: free/open source or anything that runs in Linux?17:13
rreyesAny good mysql gui frontend for Ubuntu?17:13
A-KOrreyes: mysql -u -p ?17:13
tj83Myrtti, preferably free/open17:13
shabgardwhat do i do?17:13
goncaloppshabgard: I am by no means an apache expert, but make sure you completed step 5, that would seem what is missing17:13
goncaloppshabgard: otherwise, I really don't know17:14
rreyesA-KO: I know, I know... but I am looking for a GUI frontend17:14
Myrttitj83: a) get to know gimp b) try Paintshop Pro with wine c) pixel3217:14
oCean_shabgard: you followed that link? But nagios is in the repositories!17:14
oCean_!info nagios17:14
ubottuPackage nagios does not exist in intrepid17:14
arvind_khadritj83, gimp17:14
oCean_!info nagios317:14
ubottunagios3 (source: nagios3): A host/service/network monitoring and management system. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.2-1ubuntu1.1 (intrepid), package size 1354 kB, installed size 3876 kB17:14
shabgard:(( thanks ...17:14
wrektjetnewbie question: how do i do this:Once you have the needed libraries installed, build and install by running: $ python setup.py build $ sudo python setup.py install17:14
oCean_shabgard: So to prevent any further issues, you might want to install from repos17:15
tj83ya.... i have been using gimp... but it doesnt have some of the nice auto adjust macro's arvind_khadri Myrtti17:15
wrektjethow do i run those scrips17:15
Myrttiwrektjet: what are you trying to install?17:15
A-KOrreyes: You could always wine + sqlyog17:15
wrektjetnew deluge client17:15
oCean_shabgard: however, themessage ".." not found on this server usually means that the directory can not be found from the defined DocumentRoot17:15
goncaloppwrektjet: in the console, just go to the directory you're building and run it with ./17:15
rreyesA-KO: Wine seems not to work as expected when virtualizing, like I am right now17:16
A-KOrreyes: alternatively many might recommend using apache + phpmyadmin though that's not the preferable solution.....17:16
oCean_shabgard: which, by default in apache2, is /var/www. So, in your case, it tries to find the /var/www/nagios subdir, and it says "cannot find"17:16
shabgardOh...i checked17:17
porter1How do we add textboxes to openoffice presenter?17:17
rreyesA-KO: phpMyAdmin might do the job, that's right. Why do you say it isn't the preferable solution? because it is not a traditional GUI?17:17
arvind_khadriporter1, by choosing a layout, onto your right hand side17:17
shabgardi don't found /var/www/nagis....what?17:18
goncaloppDrknezz: Tough i can't find the remote anywhere in the lshw, it is listed in lsusb, and I can get keystrokes with xev17:19
A-KOrreyes: because it involves setting up apache, php, and then myadmin, and preferably setup at the very least a self-signed certificate set for SSL to run (or of course over another encryption solution such as VPN)17:19
porter1arvind, I guess there's not much of a way except copying another textbox.17:19
A-KObut if that's the road you wanna take :D17:19
A-KOit's not that hard17:19
A-KOjust more work than a single gui client, that's all17:19
oCean_shabgard: well, since you followd instructions from internet, I don't know were nagios is actually installed. But you need a link from /var/www DocumentRoot to the directory where the files are.17:19
goncaloppDrknezz, you're there?17:20
rreyesA-KO: Then any good GUI?17:21
shabgardyes..exactly...this link /var/www/  exsit17:21
wrektjetgoncalopp: i dont really undersatnd what you are saying.  would u mind spelling it out for me. im a lil on the new/slow side17:21
pulgokiis there a way to limit sudo to the local keyboard?17:21
oCean_shabgard: yes, I understand, but you need a link from /var/www to the actual nagios install (maybe in /usr/local/nagios)17:22
goncaloppwrektjet: ok, get to the console first. in the menu, applicaitions->acessories->terminal17:22
wrektjetthat im in17:22
zagabar1Yo guys.17:22
goncaloppwrektjet: ok, did you navigate to the correct directory?17:22
wrektjetdo u mean in the terminal17:23
_DELcn someone help me with an issue dealing with sudo privilages?17:23
arvind_khadri_DEL, ask17:23
shabgardI don't think.17:23
oCean_shabgard: If the nagios tutuorial does not work, you should ask there. Ubuntu has it in it's repositories. So, If you're up for it, I suggest you re-install from repositories17:23
goncaloppwrektjet: ok. where is your directory, pathwise?17:23
goncaloppwrektjet: desktop?17:23
wrektjetim workin on it17:23
zagabar1I have some problems. Trying to write a disc, but the burner that comes with ubuntu don't want to. When it is about to start burning it ejects the CD telling me that 654 MiB is needed to burn. The CD has 700 mb.17:24
A-KOrreyes: I haven't ever used this, but you can try http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/gui-tools/5.0.html17:24
shabgardOk....Thank for Help....best regards17:24
_DELsynaptic for example, i ca run it thru terminal fine, but if i go thru the menu, it wnt accept my passy, root account is turned off17:24
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HammerHead66zagabar1: are you using a laptop?17:24
zagabar1HammerHead66: yeah17:24
HammerHead66use K3b to burn17:25
A-KOrreyes: also http://www.navicat.com/download.html17:25
armenceHey all, when ubuntu loads before I get the progress bar, I get a bunch of error messages. However, they are too fast for me to read, are they logged somewhere?17:25
zagabar1HammerHead66: But this program worked before. :S17:25
goncaloppAnyone there has experience with a remote recognized as an USB keyboard?17:25
HammerHead66zagabar1: use K3b to burn it will allow you to not have to eject to verify cd17:25
zagabar1Okay, I can try it.17:26
rreyesA-KO: Tried navicat but it never got off the ground. It uses wine17:26
armencegoncalopp: Well, think about it, a remote is a small flatish thing of sort (perhaps a board) with a whole bunch of keys on top. One could call it a keyboard... I'm not sure I'm helping though...17:26
wrektjetohhh i figured out how to find the path :) you click that notepad in the file browser!17:27
goncaloppwrektjet: yea17:27
wrektjetgoncalopp: i have the directory path17:27
wrektjeti was trying to use whereis command and not gettin it17:27
HammerHead66zagabar1:https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/k3b/+bug/72609 if you need instructions go to this link scroll down til you see my post and follow the info there ok17:27
pseubodotHuufarted: do-release-upgrade fails at the 'Updating repository information' prompt17:27
zagabar1HammerHead66: Ok, thanks.17:28
pseubodotHuufarted: can't find 'gutsy' packages on old-releases.ubuntu.com17:28
sky_hi i need tool wit gui where i can edit grub, splash etc17:28
HammerHead66zagabar1: np17:28
goncalopparmence: yes, trouble is, it should be recognized as an IR device, but it seems the usb presents itself as a keyboard. that's not a problem in itself, but i need to somehow modify the keys, and preferably use it in LIRC17:29
wrektjetgoncalopp: so now by run it with ./ what exactly does that mean? b/c this didnt work: sudo /home/marc/deluge-1.1.5+dfsg python setup.py build17:29
goncaloppwrektjet: hoa. ok, you should navigate there first. just do 'cd /home/marc/deluge-1.1.5+dfsg'17:30
sky_i know on ubuntu is some tool with gui where i can edit grub and splash...but i dont remember name....anyone know ?17:30
the_eraserhi anyone know a conky like app easier to configure?17:31
o0Chris0o!crosspost |the_eraser17:31
ubottuthe_eraser: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.17:31
wrektjetok awesome17:31
laegsky_: can't you do that through nano?17:32
|PaperTiger|Anyone here dual boot with Windows?17:32
wrektjetgoncalopp, thanks17:32
goncaloppwrektjet: then, run it just like a shell script. i.e:    './setup.py'17:32
ZairSorry, could I bother you guys with a quick simple question about ordering the Ubuntu CDs?17:32
laeg|PaperTiger|: yes17:32
_DEL|PaperTiger| i once did17:32
goncaloppwrektjet: you managed to make it work?17:32
sky_laeg: i have fear that i can anything destroy17:32
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ZairOn Desktop they don't give an option for 64-bit, do the CDs come with both 32 and 64 bit versions of the OS?17:33
HammerHead66Zair: yes17:33
wrektjetyep i didnt know about navigating to the directory. that will prob help many times in the future :)17:33
|PaperTiger|laeg: After using Super Grub Disk to reinstall GRUB launcher, Windows now won't launch. Any suggestions?17:33
arvind_khadri!anyone | |PaperTiger|17:33
ubottu|PaperTiger|: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?17:33
ZairHammerHead66, Just to clearify, you said yes to that if I order the CD they give both 32 and 64 bit edition?17:33
HuufartedQuestion about themes.  In Gnome, to install a new theme, you just untar a file into your home directory and BOOM it's done.  Anybody know what the script is or which files have to be backed up to save a current theme's state?17:33
sky_|PaperTiger|: you can use fixmbr then try to fix grub with live cd :X17:33
sjokkisis pulseaudio in intrepid broken? i can't start it with /etc/init.d/pulseaudio start, and running mplayer with the pulse driver fails17:33
|PaperTiger|sky_: How do I do that?17:34
HammerHead66Zair: what I ment was you havea choice of one or the other17:34
HammerHead66Zair: sorry about the confusion17:34
sky_|PaperTiger|: which windows ?17:34
ZairHammerHead66, I get the choice when I choose server edition, but when I choose Desktop edition I can only pick how many CDs17:34
|PaperTiger|XP x64...17:34
tarelerulzI have been trying to user my mic on my laptop . It has one mic input , 2 headphone out puts and a mic on top of the screen . I have no idea which is the headset mic or the screen mics.  I had it working . I used the volume to chose the mic don't seem to work . How might I fix this17:35
sky_|PaperTiger|: boot from cd and then there will be some for repairing....you will see console and then type there fixmbr17:35
|PaperTiger|sky_: From the Windows CD?17:35
zagabar1Hmm, Now I tried K3b and it said "Cdrecord has no permission to open the device"17:36
sky_|PaperTiger|: yes17:36
zagabar1What does that mean?17:36
HammerHead66Zair: ok if you are going for desktop what kind of cpu do you have?17:36
goncaloppis /dev/input/mice supposed to input something when you move the mouse?17:36
computer_Hey im using ubuntu and i have a lexmark 510 series. ubuntu recognises the printer and has selected it as default etc etc, now when i attempt to print a file i can view the job in the job que and it says processing but i get no output from the printer. any ideas?17:36
|PaperTiger|sky_: Just to double check, that does NOT do anything to files at all?17:36
goncaloppI meant, output something17:36
ZairHammerHead66, AMD64 bit Athalon, and AMD64-Quad Phenom (or however it's spelt)17:37
sky_|PaperTiger|: no it just repair mbr table...or you can all date save via linuxe -> live cd17:37
HammerHead66Zair: you can use 32bit or 64bit witch ever you would like17:37
feliphehello have one account psybnc free¿17:37
|PaperTiger|sky_: Linux boots, but not Windows. So I'm trying to get into Windows to A) Reformat the backup drive and B) copy the data to the backup drive17:38
|PaperTiger|sky_: So there is no need to use the LiveCD17:38
ZairHammerHead66, You're missing my question, I'm at the page https://shipit.ubuntu.com/  I choose 'request a CD of Ubuntu Desktop Edition' it does not offer me the option to pick 64-bit. If I choose server I can pick, but not Desktop for some reason17:38
zagabar1HammerHead66: K3b said "Cdrecord has no permission to open the device"17:38
sky_|PaperTiger|: fixmbr fix the windows boot problem but only windows will boot now...but i think its easier repair then linux booting as windows17:39
|PaperTiger|sky_: Also, what would that do to the GRUB launcher? Would that overwrite that?17:39
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HammerHead66Zair: ok I see what up17:39
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patriciocan soome one help me with iphone support un intrepid?17:40
kushal_12_27_200write something ...17:40
eqisow1zagabar1:  There should be a configure option for k3b where you can fix the permissions. It will ask you for your password to do it17:40
eqisow1zagabar1: It usually does it on first run17:40
HammerHead66Zair: can you burn cd's?17:40
_DELwhat deskop environent has the fewest extras included with it, like gnome comes with several small games and all? I would like to install the smallest one. I have been using flux for quite some time but all I know of are gnome, kde, and the flux17:41
ZairHammerHead66, yes, I actually alrady have done that too. I'm a computer technician and it'd be a lot better if I had actual pressed discs rather than burned ones. Also it'd look a lot more professional if I did. I only need one copy of each 64 and 32 bit versions17:41
zagabar1eqisow1: I could see the device in settings in k3b, but where do I set the permission?17:41
=== error404notfoun2 is now known as error404notfound
audifahrerI like to backport gtk+-2.14.4 to hardy. It needs libcups2-dev (>= 1.2). Is this a drop in replacement for libcups? Or do I run into bigger problems?17:42
eqisow1_DEL: Flux isn't technically a DE, it's a window manager. Try XFCE, but you can remove the games and such for any of them17:42
EvilRoeyHello.. So a Server and a Desktop release share the same repositories.  So what does it mean when the Deskop gets EOL'd?  Do security updates come out only for the Server components and not for the Desktop ones (say, GNOME)?17:42
FloodBot1EvilRoey: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:42
LjLaudifahrer: it's probably just "libcupsys2-dev" renamed17:42
o0Chris0o!enter EvilRoey17:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about enter EvilRoey17:42
o0Chris0o!enter | EvilRoey17:42
ubottuEvilRoey: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:42
|PaperTiger|sky_: Would Fixmbr delete the grub launcher?17:42
LjLaudifahrer: i'd try just making it depend on libcupsys2-dev instead of libcup2-dev17:43
ZairHammerHead66, I use Ubuntu (both versions) as part of my toolkit to fix computers everywhere I go. I just want to have some proper discs in my set rather than burned ones that are no garentee are burned right. Also CD-R discs are prone to corrupt in simple sunlight within minutes17:43
laegi've done make, make check but when i try make install i get http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/136158/ what am i doing wrong?17:43
Criphey guys im after a ftp client that supports PRET17:43
shabgardyohoooooooo..!! I can activate start nagios ...:))))17:43
audifahrerLjL: I'll try it. Where in the "debian" directory could I change this?17:43
_DELeqisow1, oh ok. are there any other window mangers similar?17:43
laegjust needed a sudo i think.17:43
HammerHead66well I would burn Ubuntu 8.04 32bit and 8.04 64bit they are the most stable17:44
sky_|PaperTiger|: yes17:44
shabgardI used as package nagios3.deb17:44
HammerHead66Zair: well I would burn Ubuntu 8.04 32bit and 8.04 64bit they are the most stable17:44
babohow do i find which driver a device is using ?17:44
Criphey guys im after a ftp client that supports PRET , can anyone help ?17:44
eqisow1_DEL: to flux? IceWM, blackbox, openbox, and others17:44
|PaperTiger|sky_: What is the easiest way to get the GRUB launcher back after that?17:44
LjLaudifahrer: debian/control i think17:44
sky_|PaperTiger|: some small live distro ?17:44
shabgardThis link helped :http://beginlinux.com/blog/2008/11/install-nagios-3-on-ubuntu-810/17:44
ZairHammerHead66, burned discs corrpt far too easily. That's why I'm after pressed discs17:44
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LjLaudifahrer: change both the build dependency (libcups2-dev) and the runtime one (libcups2)17:45
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:45
cristi_witch one is best fedora or ubuntu i don`t know what to chose17:45
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:45
shabgardbye..ubuntu team..best regards17:45
HammerHead66Zair: the 8.10 might be free but it is a test version17:45
_DELeqisow1, ok, just googled it, do you know how well enlightenment is?17:45
ZairHammerHead66, it's a huge waste of time having to make Ubuntu do a disc consistancy check every time I work on a computer. I never know if the disc got corrupt, or if there's something wrong with the computer I'm working on17:45
sky_cristi_: ubuntu is .deb distro and fedora is .rpm17:45
=== rodserling is now known as loveball
Scunizicristi_: you've been in here before asking the same question.. you know that is for #ubuntu-offtopic..17:45
eqisow1_DEL: never tried it, but it's designed to be simple, so if that's your thing...17:46
|PaperTiger|sky_: Because I want to back up files from both a Linux and Windows installation. So, unless someone could help me reformat a HDD within Ubuntu, I'll need to boot to Linux AFTER getting access to Windows, formatting the HDD and backing up them files.17:46
HammerHead66Zair: you burning on a laptop?17:46
user___Crip: apt-cache show kftpgrabber17:46
ZairHammerHead66, it never helps if you don't know if a burned disc went corrupt or if the computer you're repairing has bad RAM/CPU/Optical Drive/etc.17:46
sky_|PaperTiger|: then is easy https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub17:46
|PaperTiger|sky_: Thanks17:46
_DELeqisow1, aight.17:46
ZairHammerHead66, I have both desktop and laptop multi-drivers (CD/DVD combo)17:47
HammerHead66Zair: burn it on desktop and verify it17:47
|PaperTiger|sky_: Would it be easier to format the HDD now, copy the files from Linux across now, then get it to boot to Windows and boot then17:47
_DELanyone, if i was to delete gnome, would all the programs i added go with it, or just those that come with gnome?17:47
cristi_Zair: if you are using a laptot, laptot cd drives work the worst when burning17:47
|PaperTiger|sky_: Because after that, I want to do a complete reinstallation.17:47
pulgokiis there a way to limit sudo to the local keyboard? "no remote usage"17:48
ZairHammerHead66, as I said, even if I burn it successfully, mere sunlight can corrupt the disc. Pressed discs don't have that flaw17:48
sky_|PaperTiger|: reinstalllation is not good way to solve problems...but ok17:48
HammerHead66try and keep it out of the sun17:48
_DELie gparted, unetbootin, and few others17:48
ZairHammerHead66, CD-R uses photosensitive ink. Pressed discs are shaped metal/plastic wafers17:48
HammerHead66Zair: try and keep it out of the sun17:48
audifahrerLjL: oh no, it needs  libglib2.0-dev :-(17:48
|PaperTiger|sky_: This is complete reinstallation to make the system more stable and install a different version of Windows17:49
cristi_Hammerhead66: sunlight damages the disk by melting them very slowly17:49
dan457Standard CD case works fine.  I rarely have a burned disk go bad.17:49
ZairHammerHead66, 'keep it out of the sun' is what I already try to do. But when you're testing computers every single day, I need to know my disc works. If the disc is corrupt I could spend days checking RAM/CPU/Drives/etc. trying to figure out why there's a boot failer17:49
sky_|PaperTiger|: delete windows :D17:49
HammerHead66put is on a flash drive17:50
|PaperTiger|sky_: Plus, my windows system is REALLY messy through bad practice.17:50
eqisow1zagabar1: I'm not in front of my computer atm and I can't remember k3b well enough to help you, but you should be able to add yourself to the cdrom group manually like this: usermod -a -G cdrom yourname17:50
cristi_!failure > cristi17:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about failure17:50
LjLpulgoki: there is the "requiretty" option of sudoers, but i can't think of much else17:50
|PaperTiger|sky_: Why do you think I'm using Linux now, I would if it wasn't for games!17:50
HammerHead66Zair: put it on a flash drive17:50
LjL!msgthebot | cristi_17:50
ubottucristi_: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".17:50
ZairHammerHead66, that option only works on computers with USB 2.0!17:50
pulgokiLjL: a remote shell login is a tty yes?17:50
_DELwine, |PaperTiger|17:50
LjLpulgoki: i'm afraid so. that will only stop things like rsh17:51
|PaperTiger|sky_: And Windows even fails at playing games at the moment, because I have the 64-bit edition and it's shit17:51
|PaperTiger|_DEL: Wine doesn't always work great for me.17:51
sky_|PaperTiger|: i play under linux a lot of games17:51
sinHello everyone, What command can I use to see which sata controller I have or chipset?17:51
pulgokiLjL: well at least that is a form of security17:51
ZairHammerHead66, I work on ALL TYPES of computers. I'm a techncian. I keep trying to explain that. I work on ones with no USB, DVD-only, CD-only, only USB, etc. I have Ubuntu burned/copied in every form possible. CD is the most used by far with all computers to date17:51
|PaperTiger|sky_: What type of games?17:51
pulgokiLjL: maybe at that point just limit ssh to trusted ip's17:51
eqisow1|PaperTiger| I run XP 64 myself, and it works very well. perhaps there is something wrong with your particular install/setup17:51
rashed2020anyone know an ubuntu based NAS distro?17:51
sky_|PaperTiger|: WoW, CS, Warhammer online, medieval total war.....17:51
|PaperTiger|eqisow1: Possibly...17:52
|PaperTiger|sky_: Using Wine?17:52
sky_eqisow1: he mean windows 6417:52
ZairHammerHead66, Unlike DVD that uses crystal that resists corruption from light sources, CD-R is VERY easy to corrupt. Pressed disc is the only safe way to have CDs when doing sensitive work17:52
sky_|PaperTiger|: yes17:52
Criphey guys im after a ftp client that supports PRET , can anyone help ?17:52
dan457Zair:  My favorite method to install.. use remastersys on my main box to make a custom install DVD, then use the USB startup disk creator to make a bootable flash disk17:52
eqisow1sky_: So do I. Windows XP 64bit ed.17:52
HammerHead66Zair: sorry man I don't know what to tell you then...but keep extra copies around to check it if you have to17:52
|PaperTiger|sky_: Lucky. What's the graphics support like though? 'cos I'm not great with Linux just yet.17:53
Zairdan457, That's a useful tip for the flash and DVD methods at least, thanks17:53
Criphey guys im after a ftp client that supports PRET , can anyone help ?17:53
|PaperTiger|eqisow1: It must just be my setup that sucks...17:53
eqisow1PaperTiger: As long as your running nvidia, it's great. ATI is hit and miss17:53
AkkernightWhy is my panel which shows my opened applications not working? The opened applications don't show down there...17:53
sky_eqisow1: yea ati fail17:53
sky_|PaperTiger|: nvidia 8600 GT17:54
|PaperTiger|sky_: ATi Radeon X1600 PRO... Mine's not great for Linux support I don't think17:54
CyberwormI got a problem with my keyboard and first-person shooter (Laptop keyboard-only works)17:54
regtechhi all17:54
sky_|PaperTiger|: yea ati really fail under linux17:54
ZairHammerHead66, I'll have at least one disc ordered so I at least have the 32-bit edition then. I don't know why only server offers 64-bit discs. I'm also confused why you can only order the less stable 8.10 rather than 8.04LTS17:54
|PaperTiger|sky_: I can't have full screen graphics, like films etc.17:55
regtechi need to determine which ip is connected to my vnc server, its tunnelled through SSH17:55
glen_hello, can someone help me mount a nvidia raid17:55
|PaperTiger|sky_: Hence, one of the FEW reasons I still use Windows. Also, I like my G15 keyboard too :)17:55
HammerHead66Zair: because they want people to test 8.10 lol17:55
eqisow1|PaperTiger| You will probably be OK since that's a slightly older card17:55
ZairHammerHead66, really?.. odd.. anyways thanks for the help then17:55
|PaperTiger|eqisow1: I can't have full screen graphics, like films etc.17:56
ZairHammerHead66, I have some work to do now17:56
HammerHead66Zair: no problem17:56
eqisow1Paper: with fglrx?17:56
HammerHead66Zair: take care17:56
sky_|PaperTiger|: i like environment without viruses, trojans and spyware :P17:56
|PaperTiger|eqisow1: Tried17:56
|PaperTiger|sky_: me too, another reason why I use Ubuntu as my main OS17:56
zenwrylyMy firefox "search google for" context menu broke recently.  Anyone else seen this?17:56
ZairHammerHead66, thanks for the help17:56
|PaperTiger|sky_: and Windows if I HAVE to... lol17:57
zenwrylyit just goes to the home page17:57
cristi_why braesero always says that fixation failed each time i burn a disk17:57
zenwrylyno search17:57
HammerHead66Zair: anytime17:57
glen_hello, can someone help me auto-mount a nvidia raid partition? I have dmraid installed and i can manually mount it via the console, thanks.17:57
Cyberwormmy problem results in game controls messing up, until I disconnect my Logitech keyboard17:57
|PaperTiger|eqisow1: Doesn't help I'm not really experienced with Linux too tbh.17:57
eqisow1|Papertiger| It might be worth it to try radeonhd with your card17:57
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|PaperTiger|eqisow1: Which is what?17:57
sky_|PaperTiger|: but funny is that you can gain viruses to your windows partition if you use linux only :D17:57
evilGUIAkkernight: Right click the bar and click add to pannel.17:57
_DELwhats wrong with viruses, trojans spyware, and all the other pesky crap, sky_?17:57
eqisow1|PaperTiger| The new open source driver novell is working on with the AMD released specs17:58
|PaperTiger|sky_: LOL@Windows failure!17:58
cristi_why braesero always says that fixation failed each time i burn a disk17:58
regtechi need to determine which ip is connected to my vnc server, its tunnelled through SSH17:58
regtechany ideas?17:58
evilGUIAkkernight: Add window list, and you should be good to go.17:58
|PaperTiger|eqisow1: Ah, okay. Where can I get it?17:58
sky_|PaperTiger|: :D17:58
|PaperTiger|sky_: Windows BS'd on my playing CS:S17:58
eqisow1PaperTiger: install xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd and change your driver in xorg.conf to radeonhd17:59
|PaperTiger|sky_: Was not happy... XD17:59
sky_|PaperTiger|: i play CSS under ubuntu :)17:59
|PaperTiger|eqisow1: How do I get to xorg.conf?17:59
[flx]redtach:netstat doesn't work?17:59
|PaperTiger|sky_: I can't even watch a film in Ubuntu at the moment :( Bad graphics, flickers on full screen17:59
Cyberwormsomeone who could help me with my problem?17:59
eqisow1papertiger: Alt+F2 then run gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf. Replace "fglrx" with "radeonhd"18:00
__mikemI am having trouble with Naive Bayes classifiers in gnome18:00
HammerHead66Cyberworm: just ask18:00
CyberwormI already did18:00
evilGUIzenwryly: Mines working fine, you could remove your firefox profile and see if it fixes it.18:00
|PaperTiger|eqisow1: So download xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd first, then do what you just said?18:00
CyberwormI got a problem with my keyboard and first-person shooters18:00
HammerHead66Cyberworm: just tell what the problem is18:00
eqisow1|PaperTiger|: yes18:01
glen__did anyone reply to my question? Sorry i got disconnected18:01
Cyberwormthat problem always occurs when my external keyboard is plugged-in18:01
HammerHead66Cyberworm: if anyone knows they will talk to you18:01
zenwrylyevilGUI: good suggestion18:01
|PaperTiger|eqisow1: Shall do, thank you18:01
Cyberwormthe controls get messed up, until I disconnect the keyboard and use the laptop's one18:01
bromic94hey all. i have to downnload the updated drivers and patch for the broadcom wifi chip18:01
bromic94was wondering if someone could help me with all of this18:02
sky_|PaperTiger|: i go off bye :)18:02
eqisow1|PaperTiger|: If you get it working, see here for some performance tips: http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/ATI#Performance_tuning18:02
s0101I have flash problems can i get some help please?18:02
sky_s0101: which problem ?18:02
s0101its correctly installed but it dosent work with youtube18:03
sky_s0101: you see grey window ?18:03
s0101i have also reinstalled it from adobes website18:03
|PaperTiger|eqisow1: Where is fglrx in the xorg.conf?18:03
HammerHead66Cyberworm: on desktop go to /System/Prefs'/keyboard click on layouts tab and change "keyboard model"18:03
|PaperTiger|sky_: Thanks for all the help, take care!18:03
=== glen__ is now known as Snypa
s0101it only says my flash is old or not activated18:03
s0101i have checked all that18:04
sky_restart ?18:04
eqisow1|PaperTiger| Under device, assuming your using the proprietary drivers right now. You can ctrl+f and find it18:04
s0101yes i had this problem for a week now18:04
=== Snypa is now known as Dougal
=== Dougal is now known as Sy
s0101before it happend i did nothing particulair18:04
sky_firefox ?18:04
=== Sy is now known as Breeze
bromic94coudl someone help me apparently applying a patch and an updated driver?18:05
CyberwormHammerHead66, okay, did that18:05
HammerHead66does it work now?18:05
|PaperTiger|eqisow1: Done that, what now? Save?18:05
CyberwormI'll test it18:05
HammerHead66Cyberworm: ok18:05
_DELanyone know if enlightenment comes with a web browser or f i should install firefox?18:06
s0101i checked the settings in firefox18:06
eqisow1PaperTiger: Yes, log out and back in for it to take effect18:06
|PaperTiger|eqisow1: Okay. Shall do.18:06
|PaperTiger|eqisow1: Thanks!18:06
s0101before i installed it again i removed it completly18:06
CyberwormHammerHead66, nope, that doesn't fix it :-/18:06
tiagofalcao_DEL: no yet18:06
HammerHead66Cyberworm: what did you change it to?18:07
tiagofalcao_DEL: working in this18:07
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cristi_why braesero always says that fixation failed each time i burn a disk18:07
_DELaight, ty tiagofalcao18:07
CyberwormHammerHead66, Logitech Internet Navigator Keyboard18:07
|PaperTiger|eqisow1: I'll be back in a bit :)18:07
AnCoHi, does anyone know any way to read out all apt-get installed packages to be used in case of server crash?18:08
LjL!cloning > anco    (anco, see the private message from ubottu)18:08
HammerHead66Cyberworm: change it to "Generic 105-key (Intl)PC  and see if it works18:08
ottertoastAnCo, you want to get a list of all your installed packages?18:08
gartralhello, how do i test that my server is availible from teh internet from inside the network the server is on? (or preferably, from the server)18:08
CyberwormHammerHead66, it was that before I changed it18:08
arvind_khadriAnCo, sudo aptitude18:08
ottertoastgartral, which funciton are you trying to test?18:09
bromic94could someone help me in here to get a driver updated with a patch18:09
=== Breeze is now known as Slipmatt
gartralport check18:09
bromic94i am not sure how to do thsi18:09
bromic94gartral: coul dyou help?18:09
gartral@ ottertoast18:09
cristi_how i update my video driver?18:09
=== Slipmatt is now known as register
HammerHead66Cyberworm:   what kind of keyboard are you hook up to PC?18:09
=== register is now known as Slipmatt
ottertoastgardar, there are online port scanners, try google. i don't ahve much luck with them though18:09
cristi_how i update my video driver?18:09
[flx]anco: try "aptoncd"18:09
bromic94ottertoast: how do i get to update my driver for my wifi18:10
|PaperTiger|I think it worked18:10
ubuntistaswhat's pow and what's temp?18:10
bromic94could you please help me18:10
ottertoastbromic94, not sure buddy. i'm no good with drivers18:10
|PaperTiger|Now, how do I get it to recognise my second monitor?18:10
ottertoastbromic94, if you are patient they will help you18:10
AnCo[flx] the wonderful bot gave me the answer... using apitude... :-)18:10
gardarcristi_, what video card do you have?18:10
bromic94doing like 50 things at once18:10
ottertoastbromic94, no biggie. just take it easy, i know how it is.18:10
cristi_nvidia geforce 5200 fx18:10
CyberwormHammerHead66, a Logitech Internet Navigator Keyboard18:10
gardarcristi_, check this out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=99097818:11
cristi_gardar: nvidia geforce 5200 fx18:11
[flx]anco:sudo apt-get install aptoncd18:11
|PaperTiger|eqisow1: It seemed to work18:11
SoyoDoes anyone remember how to see which processes are running?18:11
gardaryou can also try envy-ng cristi_18:11
LjLcristi_: what's wrong with the driver installed by Ubuntu?18:11
Tryfonhi guys am having trouble with an ofstream... when the program writes on the file the following error occurs in the file(text file) : Could not open the file /home/tryfonas/generations.txt using the Unicode (UTF-8) character coding.18:12
ottertoastSoyo, 'top u user'18:12
HammerHead66Cyberworm: are u using USB port for keyboard?18:12
AnCo[flx] will this create an CD image of my packages?18:12
Tryfonanyone had this problem before?18:12
Cyberwormoh joy, I solved my problem18:12
ottertoastSoyo, or psaux18:12
Cyberwormseems like the USB Hub was messing with me18:12
SoyoI'll try that thanx18:12
|PaperTiger|eqisow1: WOO!!!18:12
cristi_i want to upgarde it18:12
gartrali need to check throughput on a port to the internets, from my server18:12
GinbuntuEarl is a very nice gnome theme, I recommend it to every one.18:12
[flx]anco:yes,and it has a gui18:12
LjLcristi_: why?18:12
eqisow1PaperTiger: 3D acceleration?18:12
CyberwormHammerHead66, thanks for help18:12
AnCo[flx] Thanks, but i don't have a gui... I'll look into it anyway.. Thanks18:13
|PaperTiger|eqisow1: I have working graphics! No flickering!18:13
cristi_because i want higher resolutin18:13
ubuntistaswhat's pow and what's temp?18:13
LjLcristi_: why do you think new drivers will give you higher resolution?18:13
HammerHead66Cyberworm: it works?18:13
ottertoastcristi_, are you sure your monitor will support the higher resolution?18:13
cristi_it supports 1600x120018:13
gartralcristi_: are you already running restricted drivers, or is this a fresh ubuntu install?18:13
Cyberwormafter disconnecting it from the USB Hub and plugging it in directly to the laptop, it worked18:13
[flx]anco: i have done that without X``let me find it out :)18:13
s0101my flash isnt working, i have removed and re installed it18:13
|PaperTiger|eqisow1: But, I suppose there is no point me doing that just yet, as I'll be reinstalling Linux soon...18:14
cristi_i am running restricted drivers18:14
eqisow1PaperTiger: very nice. You can see if you have 3D accel with: glxinfo | grep render18:14
HammerHead66Cyberworm: good, good18:14
LjLcristi_: then why do you think new drivers will give you higher resolution?18:14
ottertoasts0101, a flash drive?18:14
s0101adobe flash18:14
AnCo[flx] : Thanks alot... I wait18:14
|PaperTiger|eqisow1: But I shall remember what you said too. about the ATi Radeonhd driver instead of fglrx.18:15
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s0101does it help to reinstall firefox18:15
|PaperTiger|eqisow1: Now, it's a matter of formatting a HDD now18:15
|PaperTiger|eqisow1: Any idea on how to do that within Linux?18:15
GlencoreCan anyone help me auto-mount a DMRAID partition? I can mount it manually18:15
[flx]anco: are you 9.04 or 8.04?or 8.10?18:15
eqisow1|PaperTiger| Install gparted and use that18:16
AnCoflx: 8.1018:16
wrektjethey guys: is there a way to have the op[tion of choosing where to save a file each time u download something?18:16
|PaperTiger|eqisow1: Thanks18:16
[flx]anco : my ubuntu is 8.04, and it also work on 7.04, so i think it work for you18:16
tiagofalcaowrektjet: In firefox?18:16
tiagofalcaowerdan7: yes18:16
[flx]anco: it need a package:dpkg-dev18:16
wrektjetoh ok18:17
gartralhello, how do i test that my server is availible from teh internet from inside the network the server is on? (or preferably, from the server), i cant tell without a client connection i guess18:17
|PaperTiger|eqisow1: Doing now18:17
wrektjetits not an OS thing forget it18:17
[flx]anco: sudo apt-get install dpkg-dev18:17
bromic94hello, tryign to get my wifi driver updated. i do not know how to dot hat18:17
tiagofalcaowrektjet: Edit>Preferences>Always...18:17
AnCoflx : have it18:17
wrektjetyea thnx. mental error. i confused myself... i knew that :) thanks anyways18:17
[flx]anco: and then make a dir in your home folder ,i name it ~/debs/18:18
PacktSardineanyone ever have two finger touchpad scrolling randomly stop working in ubuntu?18:18
Acedipguys when did ubuntu come in exixtance..when was the first one released18:19
matamouWhat does "mv patchname/* " do exactly, and why do I get this message when i try to do so: mv: cannot stat `patchname/': No such file or directory ?18:19
eqisow1Acedip: 5.0418:19
[flx]anco: and then cp the cached packages in /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb to that folder,mine is ~/debs,use cp -a18:19
|PaperTiger|eqisow1: It's installed, but I don't know where it is on the menu... :S18:19
Acedipeqisow1, wat year18:20
eqisow1acedip: so march 2005 was the first release18:20
psychicis there any relativly simple approach at downloading youtube videos to my desktop with xubuntu?18:20
josh-lhi, can anyone recommend a good easy guide to creating a deb package?18:20
eqisow1psychic: http://keepvid.com/18:20
|PaperTiger|eqisow1: Used Alt+F2, and it said root priv. needed... :S18:20
LjL!info youtube-dl | psychic18:20
ubottuyoutube-dl (source: youtube-dl): download videos from youtube.com. In component universe, is extra. Version 2008.03.22-1 (intrepid), package size 8 kB, installed size 64 kB18:20
eqisow1psychic: there's also a FF extension18:20
AnCoflx : Iv'e cleaned the cache many times... got 6 packages....18:21
eqisow1|PaperTiger| Yes, gparted needs root. run with gksu. It's also in your admin menu18:21
psychicthank you18:21
[flx]anco: you mean you want to find the packages you have delete?18:21
AnCoflx : the bot game me the command "aptitude --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > my-packages" to make packages list18:21
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|PaperTiger|eqisow1: So Alt+F2 and run "gkus gparted"?18:22
LjLAnCo: you can also just do "dpkg --get-selections"18:22
AnCoflx : No, create list of packages for easy restore from net... But I'll look into "aptoncd" ... sounded neat18:22
eqisow1PaperTiger: gksu gparted18:22
bromic94ah gparted is fun18:22
[flx]anco: sudo dpkg-scanpackages debs /dev/null |gzip >debs/Packages.gz i did this,it's used to make a local source :)18:23
evilGUIPacktSardine: run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and follow the on screen directions.18:23
bromic94okay. i have to get giong here shortly but before i go i would liek to get my wifi working18:23
|PaperTiger|eqisow1: Doesn't seem to be working18:23
Anarhisthello, i have uninstalled totem and now i have lost the information about the video in the properties of the file, what do i actually need to reinstall to get it back18:23
=== bromic94 is now known as thewrath
eqisow1papertiger: what are you actually trying to do? If the drive is mounted you have to unmount it first, which means you can't do anything to the drive you're running from18:24
ottertoastanyone know which packages to remove to get rid of x/gnome/gui, etc18:24
eqisow1PaperTiger, but you should be able to right click unmount18:24
josh-lhey folks, i ripped a dvd into a .avi file i can watch it here on ubuntu, but what will my friend need in order to watch it on her windows machine?18:24
_DELcan anyone tell me how to install firefox, i just downloaded the tarball, and i have always did the make/make install with apps. this one cant18:25
eqisow1josh-l: VLC is the easiest way18:25
thewrathi have the same issue with the wifi driver update18:25
eqisow1josh-l: http://www.videolan.org/vlc/18:25
thewrathit has a makefile but when i try to make the install it wont work18:25
evilGUI_DEL: Run sudo apt-get install firefox in a terminal window.18:25
josh-lokay thanks eqisow118:25
evilGUI_DEL: No need to compile it.18:25
eqisow1_DEL: Is there a reason you don't want to use the precompiled binary?18:26
[flx]evilGUI: i just want to compile firefox :)18:26
_DELeqisow1, i just trying to instll the easiest way possible18:26
AnCoflx : thanks, Iv'e think iv'e got it. :-)18:27
=== acidx__ is now known as acidx
Drknezz[flx], why compiling FF?18:27
eqisow1_DEL: sudo apt-get install firefox18:27
Tryfonam having this error problem in a txt file:Could not open the file /home/tryfonas/generations.txt using the Western (ISO-8859-1) character coding.  anyone can tell  me why?18:27
josh-lcan anyone help me make a package out of this please: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=94258&forumpage=0&PHPSESSID=e5af18:27
[flx]anco: :)18:27
JMFTheVCICan someone help. I installed a theme from gnome-look.org and it overwrote, and messed up, the Human theme. How can I restore the original theme18:27
tiagofalcaoJMFTheVCI: you can try reinstall theme package18:28
evilGUIJMFTheVCI: run sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop, it will correct this.18:28
JMFTheVCIAlso Human-Clearlooks gives me a warning triangle about WM theme Human is not installed!18:28
evilGUIJMFTheVCI: If you are using Ubuntu.18:28
JMFTheVCIUbuntu 8.1018:28
evilGUIJMFTheVCI: Yeah, it should work.18:28
Tryfonam having this error problem in a txt file : Could not open the file /home/tryfonas/generations.txt using the Unicode (UTF-8) character coding.  anyone can tell  me why?18:28
thewrathtiagofalcao: can i aska you for help18:29
thewrathtiagofalcao: i have to leave soon and need to get my wifi working18:29
_DELGot FF, thank ya, yall18:29
[flx]is anyone using amd780G chipest?18:29
JMFTheVCIit is already installed. What is the apt-get command to re-install?18:29
macmanTryfon, type this .. file /home/tryfonas/generations.txt18:29
macmanwhat do you get .. type that in terminal18:30
Tryfonmacman: i get: /home/tryfonas/generations.txt: data18:30
Tryfonmacman: whats that for?18:31
JMFTheVCIevilGUI: I re-installed ubuntu-desktop from package manager and this did not fix it.18:31
evilGUIJMFTheVCI: Did you restart x?18:31
thewrathi am trying to update my wifi driver can someone please help. i have never done this beforae nd i am a noob18:32
macmanmacman@macman:~$ file Desktop/lamer.txt18:32
macmanDesktop/lamer.txt: ASCII text18:32
kristian_Hey! I've been trying to solve this problem for 2 days now, but still no luck! I'm having problems with burning cd/dvd in Ubuntu on a laptop (non-motorized tray). I have written the full explaination here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/136182/ Please have a look, and see if you guys can help me out with this one! Thanks! :-)18:32
macmanTryfon, it dosen't say ascii ?18:32
evilGUIJMFTheVCI: Save your work and hit ctrl+alt+backspace18:32
Tryfonno data18:32
Tryfonmacman: no just that18:33
macmanTryfon, go to your terminal and type cat /home/tryfonas/generations.txt18:33
thewrathhow do you update drivers?18:33
macmanif nothing shows up like ascii text it means your format or something is wrong with that text file18:33
|PaperTiger|eqisow1: The drive isn't mounted18:33
arvind_khadrithewrath, they come through backports18:33
thewratharvind_khadri: what18:34
thewrathi had to download mine through broadcom for my wifi18:34
Tryfonmacman here is what it says: cat: /: Is a directory18:34
Tryfoncat: home/tryfonas/generations.txt: Not a directory18:34
arvind_khadri!backports | thewrath18:34
ubottuthewrath: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging18:34
|PaperTiger|eqisow1: I'm trying to back up my data to another hard drive so I can reinstall my system18:34
LjLTryfon: no space between / and home18:34
twolaneTryfon: /home/blah/blah18:34
josh-lwhats the best way to install a bunch of stuff you will later want to remove...18:34
josh-lim guessing aptitude18:34
josh-lbut any particular way better than another?18:35
evilGUIjosh-l: Correct.18:35
ottertoastjosh-l, , i'd use apt yeah18:35
LjLjosh-l: aptitude or apt-get will both do18:35
HovefirseHiya folks. An odd problem: I use Intrepid + Firefox. When I go to a homepage with a Java applet on it with account A, everything is fine and dandy. When I visit the same site using account B, the system freezes! Pulling the plug is the only thing that works. I have no idea where to start troubleshooting or repairing...any suggestions?18:35
evilGUIjosh-l: Use aptitude, it does a better job of cleaning up.18:35
LjLjosh-l: just keep in mind that /var/log/dpkg.log logs the recently installed packages18:35
JMFTheVCIevilGUI: Just gave my box the three fingered salute and nope, the themes are still broken.18:35
josh-lawesome thanks all18:36
evilGUIJMFTheVCI: Odd, I'll do some research.18:36
josh-lon another note: can anyone help me make a package out of this please: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=94258&forumpage=0&PHPSESSID=e5af18:36
LjL!packaging > josh-l    (josh-l, see the private message from ubottu)18:36
thewratharvind_khadri: that does nto work18:36
macmanTryfon, type ls -l  /home/tryfonas/generations.txt18:36
Tryfonmacman: i got some characters...18:36
LjL!checkinstall > josh-l    (josh-l, see the private message from ubottu)18:36
BlackBeasti have ubuntu 7.10. but i need the actualization.. how can i get it?18:36
thewratharvind_khadri: it comes with a makefile and it is raelly confusing18:36
JMFTheVCIevliGUI: thanks. I did some google but there were old (2007) posts that did not help18:36
LjL!upgrade > BlackBeast    (BlackBeast, see the private message from ubottu)18:36
kratoshas any one fixed the 4 separate wallpaper issue for 8.10 using compiz18:36
Tryfonmacman: i got some characters18:36
arvind_khadrithewrath, are you trying to build?18:37
evilGUIJMFTheVCI: Try sudo aptitude install human-theme human-icon-theme18:37
Tryfonmacman: is that what am i suppose to get with cat?18:37
thewrathhttp://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php i have downloaded that arvind_khadri18:37
macmanno Tryfon unless you put it there18:37
thewrathafter that i am raelly confused18:37
BlackBeastLjL: thanks, but i have a problem. i can't use internet18:37
thewrathi ahve got the x64 and the patch18:37
macmanTryfon, something happend and the format got messed up18:37
thewrathso i have the updated driver and the patch18:38
thewrathi need to deal with the updated driver first18:38
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading18:38
LjLBlackBeast: then upgrading won't be very easy at all.18:38
Tryfonmacman : how do i fix this?18:38
josh-lokay another question, can i set a different browser (no konqueror) as default for all other programs ? or do i need to set it per program kind of thing?18:38
macmanTryfon, anything happen to that file since it has been on your home directory ?18:38
BlackBeastLjL it's for a laptop18:38
macmanTryfon, whats is suppose to be in the txt file ?18:38
LjLBlackBeast: alright, but i really don't know how to properly upgrade without an Internet connection18:38
thewrathhold on let me try seomthing arvind_khadri18:38
heath|workwhat's the easiest way to get all the apps reinstalled onto a new laptop?  Can I dump the list and apt-get all of them?18:38
arvind_khadrithewrath, sure :)18:39
BlackBeastthaks LjL18:39
Tryfonmacman: i am programming in c++ and that file is connected with an ofstream so....... i am just basically openning it and writing some stuff in:)18:39
Tryfonwith  the program i designed18:39
Tryfonhence the program is accessing it  and writing in it not me18:39
LjL!cloning > heath|work    (heath|work, see the private message from ubottu)18:39
JMFTheVCIevilGUI: I did a re-install of those packages with package manager and they are still broken.18:40
evilGUIJMFTheVCI: Also could I get the output of sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop? post it here http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and give me the link.18:40
macmanTryfon, i don't know if you can fix it .. you probably have to ask some else in here .. but when a txt file opens in jibberish it means something got messed up when you saved it .. or you saved it and saved it in another format18:40
JMFTheVCI term18:40
macmanTryfon, can you do a screenshot ?18:40
Tryfonyes but where to put the screenshot?18:41
heath|workLjL, thanks18:41
JMFTheVCIevilGUI: http://paste.ubuntu.com/136189/18:41
Tryfonsend it to u through here?18:41
=== Guest28610 is now known as pvtpete
evilGUIJMFTheVCI: You should go ahead and run sudo apt-get autoclean && sudo apt-get autoremove18:42
thewratharvind_khadri: i am following these instructions http://www.broadcom.com/docs/linux_sta/README.txt18:43
thewrathi am to this part: On the target machine, and cd'ed to the directory that contains the Makefile (fragment)18:43
evilGUIJMFTheVCI: I'm not seeing any broken packages, did you install any theme engines?18:43
thewrathit gives me errors when i run these two commands18:43
arvind_khadrithewrath, use pastebin to paste :)18:43
macmanTryfon, tinypic18:43
josh-lokay another question, can i set a different browser (no konqueror) as default for all other programs ? or do i need to set it per program kind of thing?18:44
JMFTheVCINo. not that I know of. I just downloaded some themes from dnome-look.org and then used appearance, install etc.18:44
Tryfonerm macman whats that?:P18:44
JMFTheVCIRight, I have run the two cleanups18:44
macmanTryfon, http://tinypic.com/ it ask you to located the picture and what name .. click upload18:44
macmanyour uploading your pic so we can see it18:44
Tryfonmacman u want the output in the terminal or the error f the file?18:45
Iron-Bishophi all, i am desperate and i have this problem with ubuntu and keyboard: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=694282118:45
Iron-Bishopplease help18:45
evilGUIJMFTheVCI: So you can't see the human themes in System > Preferences > Appearance correct?18:45
Iron-Bishopok thxbai18:45
=== armedking_ is now known as armedking
macmanTryfon, the only thing you can do is try to rename the file to whatever extension will work18:46
JMFTheVCIevilGUI. I can see the Human theme and the Human-clearlooks theme. When I select Human-Clearlooks I get a warning triangle pop-up telling me that it will nto work correctly as the Human theme is installed. If I use the Human theme then I get a really dark and horrible messy theme. Definitely not the original human theme.18:47
Tryfonyeah but i want it in txt18:47
=== error404notfound is now known as sleepingdragon
kristian_Hey! I've been trying to solve this problem for 2 days now, but still no luck! I'm having problems with burning cd/dvd in Ubuntu on a laptop (non-motorized tray). I have written the full explaination here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/136191/ - with log + screenshot.  Please have a look, and see if you guys can help me out with this one! Thanks! :-)18:48
thewratharvind_khadri: http://pastebin.com/m18706e9c my comments are like this: //CONFUSED AT THIS POINT18:48
macmanTryfon, thats me like reanaming a word document to a .txt file .. it will give me jibbersih when i try to open it18:48
=== sleepingdragon is now known as sleeping`dragon
arvind_khadrithewrath, looking into it18:48
Tryfonbut i have another document macman which am copying from through my program it works just fine18:49
evilGUIJMFTheVCI: Run sudo apt-get purge ubuntu-gdm-themes && sudo apt-get install buntu-gdm-themes18:49
heath|workLjL, anyway to tx the key-rings of added sources?18:49
macmanso that file is probably corrupt Tryfon18:49
evilGUIJMFTheVCI: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-gdm-themes* sorry typo.18:49
LjL!gpgerr | heath|work18:50
ubottuheath|work: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys <key> ; gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »18:50
thewratharvind_khadri: if i am correct i have to run the rmmod commands18:50
evilGUIJMFTheVCI: After that restart x again.18:50
wrektjethi. im trying to install a temp monitor screenlet but when i try extracting i get "You don't have the right permissions to extract archives in the folder "file:///usr/share/screenlets""18:50
clancyis closed source software ONLY in the restricted repo?18:50
rar_i am seeing errors from my external usb drive 'Add. Sense .. no Sense [current]' etc.. how to fix it? is there a update?18:50
thewraththen modprobe ieee80211_crypt_tkip18:50
thewraththen modprobe ieee80211_crypt_tkip then insmod <path>/wl.ko18:50
arvind_khadrithewrath, what does this return??18:50
thewrathwhen i run insmod wl.ko i get an error like permission denied18:51
arvind_khadrithewrath, btw why these drivers the one in repo dont work?18:51
Tryfonmacman i tried doing it with another .txt file (created another one ) and still the same problem18:51
arvind_khadrithewrath, run it with sudo :)18:51
thewrathjust updating18:51
shausam27hi /i just put a different hard drive in my laptop when boot up the name of the computer comes up for a sec then it ask for a hdd password  how do i get around the password18:51
thewrathinsmod: error inserting 'wl.ko': -1 File exists18:51
JMFTheVCIevilGUI: This also uninstalled ubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-artwork. I am re-installing those. then I will restart x18:52
|PaperTiger|Question - using the Windows disk to do a repair on the OS will not lose any data, will it?18:52
jean_hello i'm french could I have some help please ?18:52
heath|workLjL, one last question, can I just tar my entire home dir and put it over top the fresh install?  Will that keep all my settings?18:52
macmandon't know what to do Tryfon18:52
arvind_khadri|PaperTiger|, no18:52
evilGUIJMFTheVCI: Alright, if this doesn't work I would guess it would be a GNOME setting misconfiguration.18:53
arvind_khadrijean_, ask in english :)18:53
rashed2020How do I specify which IP a client is allowed to SSH from?18:53
LjLheath|work: all the user-specific settings, yes. system-global settings might be lost.18:53
jean_I've got a problem with my screen resolution..18:53
heath|workLjL, thanks for the help18:53
|PaperTiger|arvind_khadri: Thanks18:53
thewratharvind_khadri: did you see the error i get?18:53
arvind_khadrijean_, expalin your problem in one line18:53
jean_I want to be in 1440x900 but i'm in 640*32018:53
heath|workWhat about just clonzilla'ing the entire thing?18:54
arvind_khadrithewrath, use sudo when you get permission denied, are the makes working fine?18:54
JMFTheVCIevilGUI: I have done the reinstall. back in a mo.18:54
thewrathmakes are workign fine18:54
thewrathi am to the last step18:54
rbdanyone know if it's possible to pass in environment variables to a daemon launched by start-stop-daemon ?? I've tried a bunch of things but nothing seems to work18:54
thewrathand i get this error insmod: error inserting 'wl.ko': -1 File exists18:54
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arvind_khadrithewrath, install the driver18:55
thewrathi am following the instructions of how to do that18:56
JMFTheVCIevil:GUI. No. no success. Human theme is all dark and nasty and human-clearlooks complains about human.18:56
sebsebsebGuest90643: hi18:57
Guest90643can i help?18:57
evilGUIJMFTheVCI: Let me do a bit more research.18:57
kristian_Awesome! Check this out: http://paste.ubuntu.com/136191/ ... Thanks! ;-)18:57
FoolsRunI have a question I think about DNS:  is it possible to set something up so that when I visit mysite.com from inside my network, the request goes over the local network, and over the internet if I'm outside my network?18:57
arvind_khadrithewrath, do rmmods and then do the insmod18:58
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:58
Guest90643sorry that is abit above my head18:59
evilGUIJMFTheVCI: Where did you install the themes you downloaded?18:59
faeryankristian_: Earlier today I burned a dvd with Dvd+rw-tools. It didn't eject the drive before it was done.18:59
sebsebsebGuest90643: ha ha,  yeah I  woudn't except a helper to have a Guest name, as a result your either here to troll, or you want help with something yourself19:00
Guest90643i don't think that it is surpposed to eject the drive before it has finish burning19:00
JMFTheVCI I downloaded the tar.gz files and then used the Install option on System > Preferences > Appearance > Theme19:00
thewratharvind_khadri: i get the same error: insmod: error inserting 'wl.ko': -1 File exists19:00
thewrathafter doing that19:00
sebsebsebGuest90643: depends on your CD burner, some will  eject after burning and then do a check of the CD.19:01
dan457if verify is on yes19:01
josh-lokay another question, can i set a different browser (no konqueror) as default for all other programs ? or do i need to set it per program kind of thing?19:01
sebsebsebGuest90643: also it's  good idea to md5sum the ISO before burning19:01
ubottuTo verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more19:01
arvind_khadri modprobe ieee80211_crypt_tkip wht does it return ?? thewrath19:01
LjLjosh-l: isn't that in the "Default applications" control panel?19:02
thewrathwhen i ran that nothing19:02
sebsebsebjosh-l: Konqueror is the default in Kubuntu sure, but in Ubuntu it would be FIrefox19:02
arvind_khadrithewrath, are you sure you have the correct tar ball?19:03
thewrath yes19:03
josh-lLjL I thought so but its not working just entering "firefox" in the available location19:03
thewrathlet me restart quick19:03
thewrathits yelling at me ansywas to do that19:03
josh-lsebsebseb: right but I want to change it from konqueror to firefox... kubuntu19:03
betoHello all. I want to build a Ubuntu based VNC thin client network. I would like the clients to boot via PXE to a environment where a VNC client can be executed. Also each client should have its own desktop (session) in the server. Can anyone give me some hints? Thanks19:03
saxsHi all. I need some help I have some problems with unresolved package dependencies using synaptic. I intalled WINE time ago and unistalled it. When I wanted to install the last version again through Add remove programs or using synaptic it gives me an error of unresolved package dependencies. I investigated in the Net and nothing. I only found a dependency with the package binfmt-support and I have a lower version installed in my h19:04
sebsebsebjosh-l: ok so in the Firefox settings,  set it as the default browser19:04
evilGUIJMFTheVCI: run cd /usr/share/themes && ls and give me the output.19:04
thewrathi got the 64 bit tarbell that is what i am running arvind_khadri19:04
evilGUIJMFTheVCI: http://paste.ubuntu.com/19:04
arvind_khadrithewrath, ok , after modprobe, do the insmod with the correct path, sudo insmod <path>/<filename>19:05
sebsebsebsaxs: ok first of all  to make sure you always got the latest wine add the  Ubuntu repo from winehq.  http://www.winehq.org19:05
saxsIf anyone can help pvt me pls19:05
kristian_faeryan : hmm, thanks, will check it out.19:05
saxsyes I downloaded the debian from wiinehq too19:05
JMFTheVCIevilGUI: http://paste.ubuntu.com/136195/19:05
sebsebsebsaxs: I don't see the need to private about your issue,  this channel is not that busy at the moment19:05
sebsebsebsaxs: Debian hummmmmm you want the Ubuntu version19:05
sebsebsebsaxs: you are on Ubuntu, not Debian right?19:06
sebsebsebsaxs: yes  add the winehq repo for  Wine, and then sudo apt-get install it.  make sure your other wine is gone. sudo apt-get purge wine  will do that19:06
sebsebsebsaxs: and it would leave the .wine folder probably as a hidden folder in home.19:06
sebsebsebsaxs:  by the sounds of it also your package manager is broken?19:06
saxsok trying it... tnx sebsebseb19:07
sebsebsebsaxs: also what kind of stuff do you want to run in Wine?  you should use  native Linux programs most/all of the time :)19:07
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.19:08
saxsthis is the terminal output: "E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?"19:08
sebsebsebsaxs: you can't have Synaptic or the cut down version add/remove open at the same time, that your trying to install stuff from the terminal19:09
sebsebsebsaxs: the GUI stuff is just a GUI for apt-get19:09
saxshumm tnx for that... geez I'm really new to this :)19:09
BellinXFeloncan someone help me i am trying to install xubuntu 8.10 on a laptop and the installation screen and everything works fine then it loads this thing called busy box and has a variety of different commands to enter, im not sure where to go from here?19:10
sebsebsebsaxs: yeah thought so, as a result you probably don't reolize  that Desktop Linux wasn't meant to be like  Windows in the first place,  because they are an alternative to Unix.   also this kind of software is about freedom,  source code being availalbe to the general public, so that programmers from all over the world can make the programs better.   know about this stuff no?19:11
sebsebsebsaxs: also ideally you should run programs that were made for  Linux, but sometimes there  may not be something good enough, and so yeah Wine19:11
saxsdone... but it keeps the problems with the conflicting packages... I can't install Wine again19:11
arvind_khadriBellinXFelon, try using safe graphics mode19:12
sebsebsebsaxs: ok  try installing anything from the terminal.  and pastebin the output19:12
BellinXFelonarvind_khadri, thank you19:12
sebsebseb!pastebin |  saxs19:12
ubottusaxs: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:12
evilGUIJMFTheVCI: This is the last thing I would try besides scraping your GNOME config files, sudo mv /usr/share/themes/themes themes.old && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop19:12
kaistahi anyone know why my keyboard and mouse fail on login (ubuntu latest ver) sony vaio laptop i can pull up a terminal with alt f1 and work from there but no mouse or keyboard in x/login screen19:12
arvind_khadriBellinXFelon, np19:12
saxstnx ubottu I'll use it19:13
o0Chriskaista: #ubuntu+119:13
HammerHead66kaista: tap on the keyboard when it boots up and it will see it ok19:13
sebsebsebsaxs: and  you didn't ask for it, but if you see above,  I started trying to educate you a tiny bit in what  Desktop Linux is about,  so you don't  start trying to run loads of Windows programs in Wine :D.   and nah I triggered the bot to put that19:13
kaistaHammerHead66 tried it :/19:13
JMFTheVCIevilGUI: In the human directory under /usr/share/themes I notice that after an install not all the files are updated. there is a cursor.theme file and an index.theme file which are not being changed. Is this significant?19:14
HammerHead66kaista: is the Num Lock light on?19:14
evilGUIJMFTheVCI: If you wish to try reseting GNOME it will remove all of your custom settings, *DOT NOT RUN UNLESS YOU WANT YOUR GNOME SETTINGS WIPED*     rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity19:14
sebsebsebsaxs: if people  are going to use this kind of software, then ideally they should have a general idea, about what this kind of software is about,19:14
ubottufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing19:15
ubottuUNIX is an operating system created in the '70s, which has many direct derivates and inspired systems like Minix and !Linux. Most "UNIX-style" systems try to somewhat adhere to the POSIX standard.19:15
evilGUIJMFTheVCI: After that I'm out of ideas, sorry =(19:15
=== Pete_ is now known as pvtpete
ZoOl007hello all - I'm looking for information on corporate gnome/ubuntu deployments. I need info on prestaging user environments, automated installations. Does anyone over here has users on linux on an ad domain? Can someone point me to a correct channel? thx19:15
sebsebsebZoOl007: oh Active Direcotry domain?19:16
evilGUIJMFTheVCI: No, everything should be removed, if you want run sudo rm -r on the folders.19:16
HammerHead66kaista: u there?19:16
sebsebsebZoOl007: sure Windows server and Linux servers could work together.  ,but Windows server hum I woudn't use that :)19:16
kaistaHammerHead66 , tried it19:16
HammerHead66kaista: is the Num Lock light on when you boot up?19:17
kaistaHammerHead66, not sure when i boot, i have tried swapping tho19:17
sebsebsebZoOl007: what you want to know is not distro specific,  so going to this channel would make sense #linux19:17
ZoOl007:) thank you, I'll give it a go...19:17
HammerHead66keep tapping til the light stays on if it goes off turn it on again19:17
sebsebsebsaxs: you still haven't pastebinned the output of the terminal19:18
kaistaHammerHead66, nice ill try in a little while.. if your still on ill let you know what happened19:18
JMFTheVCIevilGUI: That's weird. I did the mv to backup the old themes and then re-installed the human themes. I now see both sets of themes in System> Preferences > Appearance.19:18
databridgeis there a tool for finding double files?19:18
hill_who should i ask for help around here? ;p19:18
arvind_khadri!ask | hill_19:19
ubottuhill_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:19
fukshow add key19:19
HammerHead66kaista:  ok19:19
Mr_Cheesearvind_khadri, beat me to it19:19
fuksadam@eee:~ $ lsof -i -P | sort -k3gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 7D2C7A23BF810CD5;gpg --armor --export 7D2C7A23BF810CD5 | apt-key add -19:19
fuksfail :s19:19
fukssort: nieprawid³owy znak w specyfikacji pola: b³êdna specyfikacja pola `3gpg'19:19
fukshow add it?19:19
FloodBot1fuks: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:19
fuksmethod from debian dont work19:19
arvind_khadrifuks, you missed sudo after ;19:19
evilGUIJMFTheVCI: Odd, run sudo rm -r /usr/share/themes.old19:19
fuksgod damn it, yeah19:19
arvind_khadrifuks, sudo apt-key add -19:19
fuksi hate ubuntu&sudo :P19:20
arvind_khadriMr_Cheese, to what?19:20
fuksi always dont remember about it19:20
glisignolican someone give me a hand with crontab?19:20
kaistaHammerHead66, this a common thing?19:20
Mr_Cheesewhat program can i use on ubuntu, to repartition my hdd without disrupting my current install? I have full disk used for linux, then the last 1gb used for swap, i want to repartition free space into a new partition19:20
Mr_Cheesearvind_khadri, to the !justask command19:20
hill_!ask how do i connect to a windows vista pc on the network with samba, it says failed to retrieve share list from server?19:20
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:20
kaistaHammerHead66, i checked my xf86config had no mention of keyboard?!?19:20
codazodaHi.  I have two monitors.  For a while, somehow, I accidentally got my icons on only my "center" (or right) monitor.  After a reboot, they are back to both sides, but I preferred it that way.  Can anyone tell me how to set the area where icons appear on the desktop?19:20
kaistais it auto?19:20
fukssort: stray character in field spec: invalid field specification `3gpg'19:20
fuksarvind_khadri: sort: stray character in field spec: invalid field specification `3gpg'19:20
VoxiclesIs there a way to set this to run at startup http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m231b7e1  ?19:21
arvind_khadriMr_Cheese, gparted19:21
fearfulVoxicles, make it a script and put it in /etc/init.d it will load on startup19:21
arvind_khadrigpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys (KEYS)" to get the keys, then "gpg --export -a (KEYS) | sudo apt-key add -  fuks19:22
fuksarvind_khadri: sort: stray character in field spec: invalid field specification `3gpg'19:22
Mr_Cheesearvind_khadri, i tried that but it wont let me resize my ext3 partition19:22
fukshow add it?:<19:22
evilGUIJMFTheVCI: After running that and reapplying the themes what happens?19:22
arvind_khadriMr_Cheese, to resize a partition it should not be mounted use a gparted live cd19:22
invisibleninjaany good domain registrar/host? I was hosted with Dreamhost, but since some days my server is constantly 500ing, and just now they made me pay $20 for a domain name that they didn't even register. Really pissed!19:22
JMFTheVCIevilGUI: Did the remove and the .old go.19:22
JMFTheVCII will try another re-install.19:22
=== evalles__ is now known as effie_jayx
fearfulMr_Cheese, it can't be mounted meaning if its a partition you have to do it through the livecd19:23
Voxiclesnot quite sure how to make it a script lol19:23
Mr_Cheesearvind_khadri, oh ok, yeah thats why i was asking since this is my only OS on it right now... so do i use ubuntu live cd and run gparted then?19:23
psychiccan any one tell mea program to convert videos to mp3 on xubuntu19:23
evilGUIJMFTheVCI: This is truly a very odd problem.19:23
fearfulVoxicles, you should learn the basics of bash scripting, its useful19:23
arvind_khadriMr_Cheese, you can find the gparted live cd only :)19:23
Mr_Cheesefearful, yeah i was just asking because in windows you can do the changes you want and it will just partition on next reboot19:23
Mr_Cheesearvind_khadri, ok thx19:23
fearfulMr_Cheese, yea on linux it has to be unmounted :\19:23
JMFTheVCIevilGUI: I will restart x again19:24
Voxiclesindeed, I should.  Just trying to get everything running smoothly19:24
codazodaHow do you change the area where icons appear on the gnome desktop?19:24
fearfularvind_khadri, thats not true, sudo apt-get install gparted will get you gparted19:24
Mr_Cheesefearful, he was talking about the gparted live cd to boot to19:24
arvind_khadriMr_Cheese, as on the boot the partitions arent mounted19:24
Mr_Cheesearvind_khadri, right i was thinking linux would have a similar program to make it easier to do re-partitions19:24
arvind_khadrifearful, he wants to edit the root partition, you cant edit it while its mounted19:25
evilGUIJMFTheVCI: Any luck?19:25
fearfularvind_khadri, I know I told him this I thought you just said that gparted was only avaliable on LiveCD19:25
fearfularvind_khadri, my mistake.19:25
arvind_khadrifearful, no :)19:25
metalfan_im currently running archlinux and would like to take a look at ubuntu, i found this with google:   https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/linux-upgrade.html       the guide lists dpkg as "standard linux tool" which is of course not the case...do i need something else besides dpkg on a non debian system to install ubuntu this way?19:26
arvind_khadrifearful, its okkkkkk19:26
JMFTheVCIevilGUI: no. I am reluctant to hose all the .xxx files in my home dir. Is there a particular file that records desktop settings?19:26
Tryfonhi guys am having trouble with an ofstream... when the program writes on the file the following error occurs in the file(text file) : Could not open the file /home/tryfonas/generations.txt using the Unicode (UTF-8) character coding.19:26
arvind_khadriMr_Cheese, aah , need to be thought upon19:26
Mr_Cheesearvind_khadri, maybe in jaunty :)19:26
clancyis it "better" for the hardware to always use the lastest kernels?19:26
evilGUIJMFTheVCI: Yes, run this rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity, it will reset everything to defaults.19:26
arvind_khadriMr_Cheese, no, gprated should implement it :)19:26
Mr_Cheesearvind_khadri, well lets talk to those guys then :p19:27
arvind_khadriclancy, if your hardware is working with the present one, then no need19:27
psychicsorry if everyones busy dont mean to seem impatient  just wondering if there is an xubuntu friendly program to convert  mp4to mp319:27
arvind_khadriMr_Cheese, :) sure19:27
codazodaDoes anyone know what you might call the area on your desktop where icons are allowed to be positioned?  Where they snap back to?19:28
Mr_Cheesepsychic, mp4 is a video file, mp3 is an audio file, so you want to convert video to audio?19:28
psychici had one for windows maybe a means of seperating the two?19:28
JEEBczMr_Cheese, don't forget that the .mp4 files are just marked by their container19:28
arvind_khadri!hi | NeoDragon19:28
ubottuNeoDragon: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!19:28
clancywhen my hardware won't be compatible with the next ubuntu jaunty kernel, can i always use the intrepid kernel in the future?19:28
evilGUIJMFTheVCI: You might also try removing everything in ~/.themes/19:28
JEEBczSo basically they're probably AAC in MPEG-4 Part 14 >_>19:28
Mr_CheeseJEEBcz, ok well if he wants to convert mp4 audio to mp3 audio, lots of programs can do that19:29
sarmisakhi all19:29
JEEBczMr_Cheese, yup19:29
metalfan_codazoda, desktop19:29
psychicfor xubuntu?19:29
NeoDragonI installed hardy on my father-in-law's PC yesterday and set it up to dual boot windows xp, and now when it boots all you see on the screen is an message that says "ERROR 21" can any one tell me what that means?19:29
JEEBczor ffmpeg etc. etc.19:29
safruhanihi sarmisak :)19:29
lesshastehi.. I am trying to get sound to work for the first19:29
JEEBczhe could even use mplayer to play and then pipe into neroaacenc19:29
JMFTheVCIevilGUI: FIXED!!! I went into the customise option for the theme and removed the "Controlls" Human entry. I then re-installed the Human theme and all is back to norm.19:29
lesshastehow can I test it?19:29
Mr_Cheesepsychic, yes for xubuntu, try audacity19:29
dan457transcode is command line, there are a varity of front end programs that will use it.19:29
evilGUIJMFTheVCI: Sweet =)19:30
arvind_khadriclancy, how do you know its not compatible? kernels are made sure to have reverse comptability19:30
psychicok thanks19:30
JEEBczAnd again I forgot what was first and what was second >_> Btw, was audacity ok with aac source?19:30
clancyarvind_khadri, so a piece of hardware will always be supported by the kernel?19:30
dan457Audacity supports most formats out there.19:31
arvind_khadriclancy, afaik yes19:31
NeoDragon<NeoDragon> I installed hardy on my father-in-law's PC yesterday and set it up to dual boot windows xp, and now when it boots all you see on the screen is an message that says "ERROR 21" can any one tell me what that means?19:31
JMFTheVCIevilGUI: Clearly whatever the Contolls item for a theme does it is separate for the actual theme installed. It does have a big impact when something goes wrong.19:31
clancyok i see, i thought they end the support one day that the kernel won't be bigger and bigger19:31
clancybut...the hard disks also are bigger and bigger19:31
Mr_Cheesei saw 1tb external drive, for $100 :O19:32
JMFTheVCIevilGUI: Thanks for all the suggestions.19:32
arvind_khadriclancy, it does :) but thats not a issue, they even try to make the code smaller :P19:32
evilGUIJMFTheVCI: no problem.19:32
NeoDragonI installed hardy on my father-in-law's PC yesterday and set it up to dual boot windows xp, and now when it boots all you see on the screen is an message that says "ERROR 21" can any one tell me what that means?19:32
Mr_Cheesehard drive failure?19:32
HammerHead66NeoDragon:     http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2567919 this tells you about error 2119:32
JEEBczdan457, yeah - I know it does, I just never really tried it with aac - although if it's based on libavcodec I can understand if it can decode a lot of stuff ;)19:32
arvind_khadri!grub | NeoDragon19:32
ubottuNeoDragon: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:32
clancyarvind_khadri, ok thank you :)19:32
arvind_khadriclancy, np19:33
dan457NeoDragon, Error 21 means "Can not find disk"19:33
dan457Grub error.19:33
Mr_Cheesegrubs are disgusting little creatures19:33
Mr_CheeseOT sorry19:33
dan457error 21 is usualy caused by bad drive settings in your bios.19:33
NeoDragonok thanks guys I think I can handle it now that I know what the problem might be19:34
NeoDragonthanks again19:35
Winolhey guys ! i cant connect my external USB Drive ... dmesg tells me [ 1596.848055] usb 4-1: device not accepting address 6, error -11019:35
Winol[ 1596.960052] usb 4-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 719:35
Winol[ 1607.368071] usb 4-1: device not accepting address 7, error -11019:35
_DELgparted is not recognizing my sd card, is there a way i can fix it?19:36
sarmisakWinol: probably its dead19:37
arvind_khadri_DEL, has it mounted19:37
=== k is now known as Guest82971
FireHopperanyone alive?19:38
bullgard4FireHopper: me.19:39
arvind_khadriFireHopper, he just died now :D19:40
lakituhey, getting “buffer i/o error on device sda1 (block 2304937820892 etc)”  on my laptop - won’t boot into windows...  what does this mean, & how do i find the best harddrive diagnoser?19:40
Time`s_Witnesshey. im at linux (for real now, not emulated xD) And im trying for now, to hmm talk to someone in teamspeak. i can hear him after doing i dont even know what, but i cant speak. dont know if it's teamspeak's bad config or micro, drivers, whatever, how can i know if microphone should be working pls ? :X19:40
FireHopperya good with ubuntu? I'm a rather newb.. and I'm tryin to get wifi working on this laptop.19:40
HammerHead66http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/index.html check this out19:40
arvind_khadri!wifi | FireHopper19:40
ubottuFireHopper: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:40
FireHopperits a atheros 5-00719:40
FireHoppergoing to look.. even the ethernet didnt want to start.19:41
lakitui actually get several “buffer i/o error on device” logical block ######## (number number number number etc) errors19:41
_DELarvind_khadri, it wont recognize it to mount it19:41
lakitu(at start up)19:41
=== spider is now known as Guest29774
PuNgEnTsTeNcHfRehey guys i gotta quick question maybe someone in here can help me out19:42
arvind_khadri_DEL, after you attach the card look at the output of dmesg | tail and paste it19:42
billybigrigger_anyone having audio problems since todays updates?19:42
arvind_khadri!ask | PuNgEnTsTeNcHfRe19:42
ubottuPuNgEnTsTeNcHfRe: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:42
billybigrigger_all audio is cracked, and crackly19:42
FireHopperI'm running the newest ubuntu. whats the easiest way?19:42
PuNgEnTsTeNcHfRek got it19:42
_DEL[12242.808343]  [<c01656fe>] do_sync_read+0xbe/0xfd19:43
_DEL[12242.808371]  [<c0155c05>] handle_mm_fault+0x218/0x5d219:43
_DEL[12242.808384]  [<c012990b>] autoremove_wake_function+0x0/0x2d19:43
_DEL[12242.808411]  [<c0183355>] block_llseek+0x85/0x9519:43
_DEL[12242.808422]  [<c01a7106>] security_file_permission+0xc/0xd19:43
_DEL[12242.808438]  [<c0165640>] do_sync_read+0x0/0xfd19:43
FloodBot1_DEL: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:43
PuNgEnTsTeNcHfRei try to enter another chat server and its wanting me to enter something before i can chat and i dont know what to type in19:43
=== prince_j1mmys is now known as prince_jammys
arvind_khadri!paste | _DEL19:43
ubottu_DEL: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:43
QuazarHi all, im getting a Dell Vostro with a Core 2 DUO 2.80GHz - My question is would it be wise to install the 64bit version over the 32bit version?19:44
arvind_khadriQuazar, yes19:44
rebel_I have a problem with screen resolution, keeps changing to 800x600 every time I log in...19:45
pasteeaterQuazar: depends on what you're doing. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76542819:45
rebel_I'm using nvidia driver19:45
pasteeaterQuazar: personally i would since I do a lot of video encoding19:45
pseubodotcan I upgrade 7.04 to 8.04 via CD?19:45
oCean_Quazar: probably not19:45
arvind_khadrirebel_, run nvidia-xconfig as root19:45
QuazaroCean_, what do you mean?19:45
Winolsarmisak, it works under WinXP :/ not on ubuntu ..; it's supposed to be the opposite :)19:46
FireHopperugh, too much work atm.  maybe I can get the ethernet working19:46
_DELarvind_khadri, sry abt that. http://paste.ubuntu.com/136214/19:46
rebel_arvind_khadri: I tried that.. same thing19:46
oCean_Quazar: well, the link that pasteeater send you contains lots of info (pros/cons for 64bit) But in general - one would not really notice discernable differences (in speed, that is), Since 64bits binaries are not twice as fast as 'normal' 32bits19:47
arvind_khadrirebel_, make an entry in xorg.conf19:47
QuazarSo there wouldnt really be a difference19:47
Quazarpasteeater said he uses 64bit for a lot of video stuff19:48
MeXTuXI switched from GNOME to Fluxbox and when I was using GNOME my keyboard layout was "es". But now the layout is "us" and don't know how to change it to "es" on Fluxbox. Does somebody know how to fix this?? :(19:48
oCean_Quazar: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=765428 contains pre/con info. See that19:48
rebel_arvind_khadri: how to ?19:48
dan457run the nvidia control pannel as super user.19:48
arvind_khadri_DEL, was this after you inserted the card?19:49
arvind_khadri!xres | rebel_19:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xres19:49
arvind_khadri!x | rebel_19:49
ubotturebel_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution19:49
_DELarvind_khadri, yes19:49
BlackBeasthow can  i get an archive on blacklist?19:49
oCean_BlackBeast: what?19:49
arvind_khadriBlackBeast, you cant, you can # a archive19:49
BlackBeastarvind_khadri: how?19:50
BlackBeastlet me explain better19:50
arvind_khadri_DEL, paste the output of dmesg19:50
BlackBeasti install  ubuntu 7.10 on a laptop..19:50
BlackBeastbut i have problem with the ethernet19:50
BlackBeasti don't have internet..19:51
oCean_BlackBeast: try to keep the description in one line please19:51
BlackBeastso.. i try to installed mannually.. but.. it says that i have to do this19:51
Mutuhi, anyone knows how to make the new ipod shuffle work in ubuntu?19:51
Time`s_Witnesswhere can i test my micro pls ?19:51
Time`s_Witnessim new in linux, not sure if drivers are installed.. i think so but... heh19:52
BlackBeastsorry it's spanish19:52
arvind_khadri!ipod | Mutu19:52
ubottuMutu: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod19:52
ubottuGuides for smartphones and portable devices can be found here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/19:52
bunjeeanybody explain why download speed for package installer is so slow in 8.10?19:53
maxbBlackBeast: Why did you install 7.10 ? That's nearly a year and a half old?19:53
maxband about to pass its end-of-life19:53
tiagofalcaobunjee: Try change the main server19:53
dorian#connect  ubuntu-fr19:53
bunjeedo not understand19:53
maxbbunjee: Package downloads are not special, they're just downloads - so to speed them up, try using a mirror server closer to you19:54
CameronShorter_Hi, I'm despot of https://launchpad.net/~ubuntugis and am attempting to move UbuntuGIS from an Open to a Closed project, and in the process, I want to remove members who are not actively involved (and suggest they move to our external email list). But I can't work out how to remove inactive members.19:55
tiagofalcaobunjee: System>Adm>Soft Sources19:55
tiagofalcaobunjee: change "Download from:"19:55
bunjeethen change software source?19:55
BlackBeastmaxb: i have only that..19:55
sebsebsebCameronShorter_: sure you are and I am Donald Duck :D   I think most people that are luanchpad memebers woudn't use this channel19:56
sebsebsebCameronShorter_: I mean that want to do your kind of thing19:56
Time`s_Witnesshow can i check if my micro is working please? :x19:56
bunjeei just figured it out I think - i'll give it  whirl19:56
saxsHi all. Sebsebseb has been trying to help me but I have found some broken packages which WINE depends of... here's the pastebin url: http://paste.ubuntu.com/136225/19:56
maxbCameronShorter_: Launchpad help is best obtained on #launchpad19:57
saxsCan anyone help to fix'em?19:57
CameronShorter_Thanks maxb.19:57
_DELarvind_khadri, http://paste.ubuntu.com/136222/ is dmesg, http://paste.ubuntu.com/136226/ is dmesg | tail19:57
fearfulsaxs, you can't remove them automatically by fixing them on the synaptic manager or apt-get?19:57
sebsebsebfearful: I think he tried that, and what makes things worse for us, his install and so terminal output goes in Spannish19:57
sebsebsebfearful: and he said no one in ubuntu-es could help19:58
saxsI tried but I can't on synaptic19:58
saxsdon't know why19:58
fearfulsaxs, I can speak spanish perfectely, matter fact its my native language19:58
maxbsaxs: At a guess, based on those errors, I'd suggest you might be trying to install the wrong version of WINE for your distribution19:58
josh-lhey folks, just installed a package, trying to start app, getting: rekonq: symbol lookup error: rekonq: undefined symbol: _ZN10QBoxLayout10setStretchEii19:58
saxspos chachipiruli fearful19:58
sebsebsebfearful: ok no problem then :d  you can help him19:58
metalfan_josh-l, how did you install the app?19:59
saxsgracias al cielo q te he encontrado maxo19:59
_DELarvind_khadri, last night, it was reading it as a 16G fat16 format, but couldnt do anything with it, now it cant even see it19:59
sebsebsebsaxs: your not meant to talk Spannish in here though19:59
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat19:59
saxssorry about that19:59
SjordI have made a gataxx deb for Ubuntu.19:59
SjordHowever, I am not sure that I did it right.19:59
fearfulsaxs, give me one second I need to restart my X server19:59
sebsebsebsaxs: ok go pm with that guy and he can probably help you,  I think he probably knows Ubuntu resoanblly well, since I seen him  do stuff with other people before19:59
marek__hi i have two coputers, one is on my desk at work - and it has access to ftp server, and i also have one in my home, it has a different IP and has no access for that specific server. How can i "tunnel" the connection between them? i already installed ssh server on my work PC19:59
SjordIt contains these files: http://rafb.net/p/GROEQG78.html20:00
saxsok fearful open me a pvt when you're done... and tnx a lot!20:00
josh-lmetalfan_: dpkg20:00
metalfan_josh-l, ok...just checking the obvious...cant help...sry20:00
maxb<maxb> saxs: At a guess, based on those errors, I'd suggest you might be trying to install the wrong version of WINE for your distribution20:00
maxbsaxs: ^^ Does that guess sound possible?20:00
tj83marek__, can you be more specific as to what you want to accomplish? i use FTP, VNC, SSH, and PPTPD-VPN from work to home... might be able to help20:01
voice5sur5how to quite by force a fullscreen mode?20:01
pinkpotatoHow would I mount an AFP share?20:01
maxbjosh-l: That sounds like a dependency version problem. How (with exact commands) did you install the problem app?20:01
artemisdoes any1 use tvtime ??20:01
SjordNormally, GNOME packages have the GNOME-team under "Uploaders" in the debian/control file. Should I keep that?20:02
marek__tj83 any type of tunneling that is easy :)20:02
marek__i thought about vpn but i remember that one i used simple CLI for that20:02
voice5sur5how to quite by force a fullscreen mode?20:02
artemiswhy do i have blue screen when i start my tvtime ?20:02
josh-lmaxb: exact command: "sudo dpkg -i rekonq.deb"20:02
slops17hey all20:02
fearfulsaxs, pm me20:02
bunjeetiagofalcao - thanx for the info - it's faster than..............20:02
tj83marek__ tunnel for what? tunnel would to me be described as a carrier for another service.. for example to tunnel VNC over SSH... your trying to access file shares? desktop?20:03
vito_ciao a tutti20:03
josh-lmaxb: it was built on a jaunty system, i'm running intrepid20:03
slops17i am trying to install ubuntu server20:03
maxbSjord: #ubuntu-motu is a quieter channel where you can get help on producing packages for contributing to Ubuntu20:03
maxbjosh-l: Then that is the problem.20:03
josh-lah bummer20:03
slops17after the install has completed i get to a grub menu20:03
tj83marek__ is it the FTP you want to tunnel over ssh?20:04
slops17but cant do any thing20:04
artemiswhy do i have blue screen when i start my tvtime ?20:04
marek__tj83 i mean this: i need to upload soe files, and edit some scripts on a server, that is only accesible from y work, i would like to do it from my home with my other PC20:04
* taec wishes he remembers how he got his sound working on this Vostro laptop before. argh.20:04
vito_i'm using jaunty. good distro. only a problem  i can't resolve. can i ask here?20:04
marek__i have ssh access from work20:04
maxbjosh-l: Also, whoever built it, didn't get the packaging quite right, or dpkg would have indicated the unmet dependencies20:04
tj83marek__, then that needs to be configured in the work router to forward specific ports to your work machine. making access from home possible.20:05
slops17is there a better channel for support on my issue20:05
josh-lmaxb: is some how maybe if i extract the package i can find out what the unmet dep is?20:05
marek__tj83 i addedd 22 port fowarding to that work PC before20:05
marek__i can access to it via ssh20:05
vito_i can't install serpentine20:06
fearfulsebsebseb, CTPC?20:06
marcel1607vito_, why not20:06
tj83marek__, ok, so if you can ssh into your work PC from home, then you need to set up the same kind of forward for your server that you need to access... only cant use 22, will have to use another port... which is safer anyways20:06
sebsebsebfearful: yeah  whatever that is,  and it tells me what client your running20:06
caimlasdoes anyone know what this avahi is, and how I'm supposed to use/utilize it on a network? is it possible to centralize it (ie give a specific system authority) and have it replace, say, dns + dhcp services on the network?20:06
vito_it depends on python4-suite-xml20:06
marek__tj83 yup, i addedd 2000 port fowarding20:07
fearfulsebsebseb, oh20:07
vito_wixh depends on python <2.620:07
Tryfonhi guys . now here is my problem i did this humble  program called the game of life. it gets input from the input file and outputs the generations in the generation file(all files are .txt) but i get a problem in outputting .20:07
josh-lmaxb: is some how maybe if i extract the package i can find out what the unmet dep is?20:07
SteWieHis tanyone know where I can find linux drivers for my linksys wireless card?20:07
marcel1607vito_, what do you do to install it? apt-get install?20:07
Tryfonand a screeshot of the error in the output file is here: http://i43.tinypic.com/16is9dc.png20:07
marcel1607vito_, you can try apt-get update first to see if the problem is already fixed20:08
dan457marek__, sounds like it might be simpler to just install openvpn server on your work computer and use that to join your home computer to that network.20:08
marcel1607vito_, also try sudo aptitude install serpentine20:08
vito_i tried but it is not fixed20:08
tj83marek__, you forwarded it in the router in addition to the sshd : /etc/ssh/ssh_config ?20:08
voice5sur5HOW to quite fullscreen mode?20:08
maxbjosh-l: The problem is almost certainly that Intrepid's libraries are too old to run something built on Jaunty. So you're not going to be able to fix this by installing something extra. You need to rebuild the package on Intrepid.20:08
marek__tj83 i dont know20:09
vito_in lanchpad they say there is a bug in python4-suite-xml20:09
josh-lmaxb: ah ok, i'm no good at building packages20:09
slops17are there any server specailists in here20:09
tj83marek__, you will need to make the server "listen" for port 2000 in /etc/ssh/ssh_config file by uncommenting the line that has #port 22  to port 2000 (without #)20:09
* taec kicks alsa and it's stupid muted devices20:09
erUSULslops17: #ubuntu-server ?20:09
marcel1607vito_, so wait for the fix or use a different application20:10
erikhgreetings; how do I configure a static route (additional to my gateway) with the network configuration in debian/ubuntu?20:10
marek__tj83 but i also would have to connect from my home to port 2000?20:10
vito_i tried to build this package from the source with no success.20:10
ubottugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts20:11
erikhI'd prefer not to write an init.d script for this20:11
tj83marek__, yes of course... you would instead of "ssh user@ip" it will be "ssh user@ip::2000"20:11
Nasrasebsebseb: hello...20:11
sebsebsebNasra: hi20:11
marek__ok what next tj83?20:11
Nasrahi where you  been?20:11
vito_it is possible to do so?20:11
marcel1607vito_, no20:11
Nasraeverything ok20:11
daftykinserikh, "route -n" to view on command line, then "route add gw x.x.x.x y.y.y.y" where x= network address IP and y = subnet20:11
marcel1607vito_, the problem is python, so wait for the fix there20:11
sebsebsebNasra: oh my Pidgin is closed20:11
marcel1607vito_, the bug has to be fixed, its not a packaging problem20:11
vito_thank  you20:12
tj83marek__, thats it... you should be able to ssh to either your desktop box with port 22 or the server with port 200020:12
Nasrano problem...20:12
erikhdaftykins: a) it's not my gateway, and b) I'd like to do it in /etc/network so it establishes it on start20:12
Nasrathat is okay....20:12
Joker_-_I have added a line in rc.local (2 lines if you count the "pause 20") but it's not executing at boot. If I run the command myself it runs fine... why?20:12
erikhI know how to use `route`20:12
daftykinsah ok erikh20:12
ubuntunoobhi. can anyone confirm that usb wifi adapters do not work with any current linux kernel?20:12
sebsebsebNasra:  this is all off topic,  pm is better :D well I am about to be on Pidgin again20:12
_DELcan someone help me with gparted?20:12
Nasrasebsebseb: what is the name of that website for linux?20:12
erUSUL!ask | _DEL20:12
ubottu_DEL: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:12
sebsebsebNasra: which website?20:12
marcel1607ubuntunoob, no cant confirm that20:12
Nasracamping one20:12
sebsebsebNasra: camping???????20:13
Nasraoh no rember..no problem20:13
Nasrawe talk later20:13
ubuntunoobmarcel1607, i see. that's what i was told on another channel.20:13
tj83marek__, i have to run for a moment /join #seaphor if you dont have success brb20:13
Joker_-_ubuntunoob: my wifi connector does WORK with all the kernels I tryed20:13
riwaI'm having trouble with my console. It's like the whole screen is "bouncing" constantly, which makes it almost impossible to do anything but trivial work on it. What bugs me is that it actually jumps the very boot (when the bios checks memory etc). What could cause this?20:13
marcel1607ubuntunoob, linux kernel has support for usb wifi, its maybe not in the default kernel config20:13
NasraI willl be here20:13
ubuntunoobmarcel1607, i'm trying to get a belkin wireless g+ mimo adapter to work with intrepid20:13
marek__ssh: Could not resolve hostname 195.254.*.*::2000: Name or service not known tj8320:13
sebsebsebNasra: maybe someone here knows about asterisk  on Ubuntu20:13
marcel1607ubuntunoob, let me check, hold non20:13
vito_this is the only thing that went wrong with this distro. everything else works perectly for a alpha release!!"20:14
NasraI think so20:14
ubuntunoobmarcel1607, thanks20:14
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Joker_-_I have added a line in rc.local (2 lines if you count the "pause 20") but it's not executing at boot. If I run the command myself it runs fine... Any hint?20:14
erUSULubuntunoob: find out which chip the usb wifi uses. "lsusb" may help20:14
sebsebsebNasra: there was some guy I could email stuff to, but I didn't round to that20:14
_DELgparted will not recognize my 16G SDCard anymore, last night it saw it as fat16 partition, but it couldnt delete or reformat it. dmesg | tail result is at http://paste.ubuntu.com/136226/20:14
erUSULJoker_-_: which lines? are the rc.local executable?20:14
ubuntunooberUSUL, it's meant to use rt7320:14
voyagiIs there anybody who knows any console based programs to transfer videos to an iPod?20:14
marcel1607ubuntunoob, usb wireless is supported, are you able to build your own kernel?20:15
Nasrasebsebseb: okay....I have decided gonna learn more linux before jumping into that application20:15
erUSULubuntunoob: do you get a wlan0 device ?20:15
Nasrasebsebseb: have to learn alot of commands20:15
Drknezz!kernel > ubuntunoob20:15
ubottuubuntunoob, please see my private message20:15
Joker_-_erUSUL: well, good point, I always "supposed" rc.local was executable. The line is a screened virtual machine.20:15
ubuntunooberUSUL, I've tried using ndiswrapper with the rt73.inf file on my belkin CD, that didn't work, also tried the serialmonkey drivers, again didn't work.20:15
space_cadetwhaddup mike20:15
boscophow do I find out which graphics card I have?20:15
sebsebsebNasra: oh right20:15
Joker_-_erUSUL: yes, it is executable...20:15
vito_in the meantime i can use brasero. does it support  gapless audio cd?20:15
erikhboscop: lspci is generally the easiest way20:16
Drknezzboscop, lspci20:16
erUSULubuntunoob: the driver comes with the default ubuntu install no need to play games with third party drivers20:16
Nasrasebsebseb: by a way of pastebin....if need be to ask questions....20:16
erikhboscop: lspci | grep -i video20:16
Nasrait's better20:16
marcel1607ubuntunoob, you can build your own kernel and select usb wireless support, maybe that will work20:16
erUSULmarcel1607: the support is already there in default ubuntu kernels.20:17
Joker_-_erUSUL: http://pastebin.com/fd57aaf220:17
erUSULmarcel1607: no need to compile anything20:17
vito_(i love serpentine mainly for this reason)20:17
sebsebsebNasra: no you pastebin stuff that,  like terminal output, so you don't flood the channel with it20:17
ubuntunoobmarcel1607, ah... that sounds great, i think it maybe what ubottu pm'd me... now that is all very difficult for me! ;)20:17
space_cadetwhaddup chubs20:17
marcel1607erUSUL, there are experimental new drivers20:17
boscoperikh, this doesn't show anything20:17
erUSULubuntunoob: can you do « sudo modprobe rt73usb »20:17
dan-ubuntuanyone here using jaunty? im having problems of distortion in 2ch mode, so i need to use 6ch, even though i use stereo20:17
ubuntunooberUSUL, that sounds better, :)20:17
sebsebsebdan-ubuntu: yes I am, but this is the wrong channel  you want #ubuntu+120:17
fearful!jaunty | dan-ubuntu20:18
ubottudan-ubuntu: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009, Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.20:18
vito_or there is another app too make gapless audio cd?20:18
daftykinshave to admit erikh i have no idea how to specify a second gateway in the interfaces file20:18
erikhdaftykins: no worries20:18
erikhI think our sysadmin found it20:18
daftykinsi tried the man page and googling, nothing!20:18
Nasrasebsebseb: pm me when you available:     gonna to eat now20:18
erikhdaftykins: thanks for trying though20:18
ubuntunooberUSUL, i can, it shows the rt73 driver is present but wlan0 doesn't show doing a iwconfig (i think that's what i did)20:18
erikhdaftykins: yeah, I checked all the manpages I could find20:18
Joker_-_erUSUL: rc.local is ran as "root" right?20:18
sebsebsebNasra: ok well  I will be around later, but TV evening :)20:18
erikhI might just write an /etc/init.d/ script20:18
daftykinsah, no problem erikh  :)20:18
erUSULJoker_-_: right20:19
daftykinsgood luck20:19
boscophow do I know if my gfx card supports compiz fusion?20:19
ubuntunooberUSUL, only things that show are lo and something else... eth0 i think not sure20:19
Joker_-_erUSUL: then I dont see what th eproblem is20:19
erikhthanks :) I'll come back and mention it20:19
erikhonce I find a solution that works.20:19
Nasrasebsebseb: okay :-20:19
beawesomeinsteaddoes anyone know how adduser without Full Name, Office Phone and personal info prompts?20:19
Drknezzboscop, what card you have?20:19
daftykinssounds good! may come in handy for me in the future20:19
erUSULubuntunoob: iwconfig should tell if any interface has wirelless extensions20:19
daftykinsboscop once your drivers are installed you can go to system -> preferences -> appearance -> "effects" tab and enable it20:19
marcel1607beawesomeinstead, why not supply that on the commandline20:19
daftykins"visual effects" tab sorry20:19
erUSULJoker_-_: well scrreen is a interactive program... i mean it needs a tty ...20:19
ubuntunooberUSUL, sorry, yes i'm not near the machine tonight unfortunately. i can't remember all the different commands to be fair! ;)20:20
marcel1607beawesomeinstead, like adduser dummy dummy or something20:20
ubuntunoobi sued a tutorial i found here i believe , let me try and find it...20:20
beawesomeinsteadmarcel1607: i still need password to be asked20:20
frooschLasivian: Joker_-_20:20
erUSULubuntunoob: you should check the dmesg output when you load the module20:20
boscopdaftykins, is this already compiz fusion?20:20
Joker_-_erUSUL: ah, what should I do then?20:20
BiosElementWhat's the variable for the currently logged in user for bash?20:20
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frooschLasivian: Joker_-_ uh sorry... feel like cat on the keyboard20:20
DrknezzBiosElement, whoami ?20:21
daftykinsif you are running 8.10 or near to that version then yes, boscop - if you have turned it on20:21
marcel1607beawesomeinstead, what are you trying to do? adduser frank is fine20:21
Drknezz!spanish > AntonioRS20:21
ubottuAntonioRS, please see my private message20:21
BiosElementDrknezz: I've seen it used in tutorials before for easy copy/paste. Something like $username I thought. Can't seem to remember it.20:21
boscopyes, i'm running 8.10, and turned it on20:21
DrknezzBiosElement, bash script?20:21
erUSULJoker_-_: from screen man page  -d -m   Start  screen  in "detached" mode. This creates a new session but doesn’t attach to it. This is useful for system startup scripts.20:22
Joker_-_erUSUL: wich is what I do...20:22
Joker_-_erUSUL: http://pastebin.com/fd57aaf220:22
erUSULJoker_-_: so use "screen -d -m restofoptions"20:22
boscopi though I had to install it20:22
BiosElementdrknezz: Well it worked just by pasting it into the console.20:22
HuufartedAnybody able to tell me where I place custom mouse cursors?20:22
Joker_-_erUSUL: thats what Im doing... screen -dmS vbox VBoxHeadless -startvm winxp -vrdp=off20:22
DrknezzBiosElement, why not just taking whoami's output to your own var?20:22
BiosElementDrknezz: Aight, Thanks.20:23
Time`s_Witnessany idea why do sound tests fail (trigger an error) as i try to start them at system->preferences->sound ?20:23
DrknezzBiosElement, np20:23
erUSULJoker_-_: then i dunno; maybe it needs to be -d -m -S and it chokes at -dmS ?? some programs are weird at parsing options20:24
Joker_-_erUSUL: would be strange as it works if I copy/paste the command in the terminal...20:24
boscopdaftykins, some of the keys don't work20:24
erUSULJoker_-_: well then i'm out of ideas...20:24
Joker_-_erUSUL: so am I20:25
billbeauHello all20:25
daftykinskeys boscop? you need to enable features. use system -> preferences -> compizconfig settings manager20:25
billbeaudoes anyone have any good ideas on how to get Jack to work in 8.1020:25
marcel1607jack who?20:25
daftykinsboscop: or if that's too complex, "sudo apt-get install simple-ccsm" for most basic features20:25
Drknezzbillbeau. hacking is not the topic of this channel20:25
Joker_-_is there a debug output of rc.local, or how could I add one?20:26
erUSUL!studio | billbeau20:26
ubottubillbeau: UbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org20:26
Guest79817Help!!!  Saturday my 8.10 started randomly capitalizing the first character of things I typed, including in command lines (OUCH) and search boxes (Annoying)  Has anyone heard why?20:26
boscopdaftykins, under system -> prefs  there is no compizconfig settings manager. So I have to install it yet?20:26
erUSULbillbeau: in #ubuntustudio would be people more knowledgeable about jack20:27
daftykinsinstall the other package i mention and see how you get on boscop20:27
Joker_-_Guest79817: wow, strange20:27
erikhdaftykins: here you go (2 lines)20:27
erikhiface eth0 inet dhcp20:27
erikhpost-up route add -net gw eth020:27
daftykinsah magic, thanks erikh!20:28
Joker_-_Guest79817: Just giving wild guesses: any new corrector application? Any "filter" that might change/format what you type?20:28
boscopdaftykins, thanks, it's working20:28
FernHey guys! I need a volenteer who can read Arabic20:28
Guest79817No new corrector applications or filters that I chose to install, it's quite a mystery to me.20:29
Mr_CheeseFern, do you need help with ubuntu? that's what this channel is for...20:29
Joker_-_Guest79817: it does that in console aswell, out of X? or in terminal inside X only??20:30
Time`s_Witnessi also can't send any sound in amsn, i get "20:28:54] An error occured when trying to record the sound : Could not gain access to /dev/dsp for writing." lol.    can i get any help on that please? :P20:30
FernMr_Cheese: I'm aware of that, but this is the largest channel that is likely to have people who can speak both English and Arabic.20:31
Mr_CheeseFern, it's on your skin if you want to get in trouble, for asking OT questions...20:31
FernI've found a strange sight on Google Earth in the desert and it looks like Arabic writing inscribed into the ground and I'm trying to find someone who might be able to read what it says...20:32
spader3dwhere do i get kernels for kubuntu?20:32
Joker_-_Fern: it says: "if you ask OT questions, ull get kicked".20:32
erUSULspader3d: all the ones you need are in the repositories and probably already installed20:33
FernOkay thanks guys. -_-20:33
erUSULspader3d: what are you trying to "fix"20:33
spader3di am trying to install something and get compile error20:33
spader3dwhat can i do?20:33
Mutuguys can anyone help with getting a new ipod shuffle to work with ubuntu?20:34
Joker_-_spader3d: either be more specific or get help from thoses who make that application20:34
erUSULspader3d: what is "something"? a device driver? what is the exact error msg you get? (use pastebin)20:34
erUSUL!details | spader3d20:34
ubottuspader3d: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:34
erUSUL!paste > spader3d20:34
ubottuspader3d, please see my private message20:34
emilienCan't mount usb get FAT: bogus number of reserved sectors20:35
emilien[17181242.524000] VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev sda1.20:35
spader3di am not at the computer at the moment but i will get with the error messages as soon as get there20:36
Joker_-_spader3d: you should try "ssh"20:36
emilienThere anyway to fix it with out windows ?20:36
saxsbye all and thanks for your help and charming support... especially to sebsebseb and fearful... you've been great guys.20:38
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Mutuguys can anyone help with getting a new ipod shuffle to work with ubuntu?20:39
Mr_CheeseMutu, try songbird20:40
emilienCan't mount usb get FAT: bogus number of reserved sectors20:40
nadocan somebody tell me how to move the display output of xorg? if i set the right solution for my 720p LCD, the picture is quite a bit too much to the left and upper side20:40
haukeor try gtkpod20:40
Mr_Cheeseor audacious20:40
Mutuyea but the new ipod shuffle was launched only 10 days ago..isn't there a program which is KNOWN to support it? i have tried about 5 media players till now20:41
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AntonioRSya habilite el NTFS-3G20:42
AntonioRSpero no me reconoce los disco20:42
erUSULAntonioRS: in #ubuntu-es please20:43
mgolischMutu: itunes..? :)20:43
facefacefacehow do I send an email to my gmail account from the command line?20:43
facefacefacehi soussou20:43
aristoiso I'm building an LFS system w/ 8.04 as the host20:43
soussoui need20:43
aristoiand I check all the host requirements...all ok it seem20:43
aristoiGCC and everything20:43
soussouto know how to use IRC20:43
Mutuyea but does itunes work with wine?20:43
facefacefacesoussou: type /quit20:43
Mutucan't get it working20:43
soussouit is my first time20:43
aristoithen I get to a point where I need G++20:43
meteoriteit should20:43
AntonioRSjoin #kubuntu-es20:43
aristoiand it isn't THERE!!!20:44
AntonioRSjoin kubuntu-es20:44
aristoiwhat kind of F'd up distro includes GCC but not G++  !!!???!!!20:44
bigjockerAntonioRS, /join20:44
* facefaceface hides20:44
Cobra_Girlgood afternoon20:46
keckHello I am new to linux and I know how to change my workgroup in samba however it says to hit shift then ":" to save and exit and this does not work can anyone help me20:46
zashkeck: sounds like vim20:46
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ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code20:46
|REM|is it possible to write a script so that i never have to run fsck manually in case of a bad shutdown?20:46
Voxiclesafternoon folks.  Anyone around that knows virtual box well enough to tell me why when I go to install xp pro, I get this error http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m238490a220:47
zashkeck: :wq is save-and-quit in vi and vim20:47
adamw9678I'm still having probs finding my usb devices on my XP VBOX VM?20:47
zashkeck: what did you do20:47
keckI was in the terminal20:47
Cobra_GirlI just upgraded my monitor to a 20" widescreen 1600X900 60hz, but I can't get ubuntu to make the change20:48
zashkeck: sudo vi (or vim) /etc/samba/smb.conf ?20:48
imachineshouldn't it just work?20:48
adamw9678None of the net articals seem to work20:48
Cobra_Girlany way a complete beginner can do this?20:48
keckthat was it20:48
maximumbobbizzare. my xchat right-side user bar disappeared20:48
VoxiclesCobra_Girl: are you running ati or nvidia20:48
Cobra_Girleverything is stretched and squished20:48
imachineCobra_Girl, plug it in, it's sorted.20:48
zashkeck: i recomend you replace vi/vim with nano, it is much simpler20:49
keckbut then I couldn't save and exit20:49
Voxiclesdid you install the nvidia settings?20:49
imachineI guess you should remove the /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:49
imachineor so20:49
zashkeck: type <ESC> :q!20:49
imachinebut I don't want to wreck havoc20:49
balachmarHi, I'm using simple backup, sbackup to keep backups of my system. However, my backup disk is getting full. Does anybody *know* what sbackup does when the destination is full? Just stop, or remove oldest backup?20:49
HammerHead66Voxicles:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=464199 here is the fix20:49
imachineso if you're a beginner, listen to the rest of them lads here20:49
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Voxiclesthx hammerhead20:49
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jared_come on guys.. help me to get Smartcard-Reader to work again20:50
Droopsta915Does k9copy copy any DVD?20:50
zimbresIs there any way I can convert a static *.a library to shared object *.so?20:50
VoxiclesThat's right, was trying to get ethernet working, guess I'm stuck without it :-(20:51
maximumbobAnyone know how to get x-chat's right-side user bar back?20:51
MrSunshine gaaah, why doesnt sound work in smplayer after ive removed pulse audio ?20:51
MrSunshineit works if i remove smplayer.init20:51
MrSunshineand start it again20:51
MrSunshinebut when i change settings etc it stops working again20:52
lauro_alguem tem sabe onde coloco as configurações de uma intarnet para ipfixo20:52
lauro_alguem tem sabe onde coloco as configurações de uma intarnet para ipfixo?20:52
idebughey, having a problem with fusesmb... i won't find anything at all. using plain configuration. here's what i get when i run fusesmb with debug toggled on. http://pastebin.com/d4427ed0020:52
idebugits verys trange. the only reason it complains that fusesmb.cache is running is that it sees a pid file that fusesmb.cache created (before it died). deleting the pid file has no effect20:52
fearful!portuguese | lauro_20:52
ubottulauro_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.20:52
heath|workrelease date for 9.04 ?20:53
fearful!jaunty heath|work20:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about jaunty heath20:53
maximumbobhealth|work: next month some time :p20:53
fearful!jaunty | heath|work20:53
ubottuheath|work: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009, Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.20:53
HammerHead66idebug: try to flush the cashe http://www.linuxinsight.com/proc_sys_vm_drop_caches.html this should help20:53
devansHey guys I am running Ubuntu 8.10 trying to connect to my work VPN.  Using NetworkManager, I click configure vpn, but then the add box is grayed out (because i am a normal user).  How do I get it to run under gksudo - i tried running gksudo NetworkManager from the command line but it just didn't do anything ?20:54
idebugHammerHead66: it did nothing, unfortunately20:55
HammerHead66idebug: hhhmm20:55
creator-cdschey guys, i am new to the world of linux and today i installed ubuntu, how do i enable the desktop cube?20:56
CrueltyYou know the usual directory for imagemagick?20:56
idebugHammerHead66: This is a completely fresh install of fusesmb, same settings and kernel (and ubuntu version) as another desktop, but for some reason, doesn't like my machine20:56
ogrewas wondering if anyone had any suggestions for free webcam chat apps. i just got my webcam up and running as was wondering what people had to say about it.20:57
adamw9678Hello can anyone help me with a VBOX problem??20:57
ANTRat!hi | soussou_20:57
ubottusoussou_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!20:57
kc8pxyadamw9678:  ubuntu host or guest?20:57
soussou_thank you20:57
creator-cdschow do i enable the desktop cube?20:57
fearfulcreator-cdsc, compiz20:58
fearful!info compiz20:58
ubottucompiz (source: compiz): OpenGL window and compositing manager. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.7.8-0ubuntu4.1 (intrepid), package size 35 kB, installed size 68 kB20:58
fearful!info ccsm20:58
ubottuPackage ccsm does not exist in intrepid20:58
adamw9678kc8pxy: host20:58
kc8pxyadamw9678:  what's yoru issue?20:58
HammerHead66idebug: I don't know how to fix it...sorry man20:58
creator-cdscwhat is irssi?20:58
zleapirc client20:59
idebugHammerHead66: sok20:59
kristian_Hey! I'm trying to burn a data dvd with brasero & k3b and having problems! More info here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/136191/ - Thanks to anyone who can help! :-)20:59
Ginbuntuany one knows a good task management software?20:59
kc8pxycreator-cdsc: !irssi20:59
ubottuIrssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help.20:59
adamw9678kc8pxy: I can't get my USB devices to work on a XP guest20:59
ANTRat!info comizconfig-settings-manager20:59
ubottuPackage comizconfig-settings-manager does not exist in intrepid20:59
ANTRati cant spell20:59
kc8pxyadamw9678: OSE or closed-source?20:59
fearfulcreator-cdsc, look at compizconfig-settings-manager too20:59
creator-cdscfearfu: thanks a lot, i enabled it21:00
adamw9678kc8pxy: sorry you lost me21:00
creator-cdscfearful: thanks a lot, it's working now21:00
fearfulcreator-cdsc, great have fun!21:00
kc8pxyadamw9678:  is your vbox the Open-Source Edition, or their closed source version?21:00
creator-cdsci am behind a proxy, will i be able to use irssi?21:00
creator-cdsccurrently i am using mibbit21:01
adamw9678kc8pxy: I downloded it from the web site21:01
kc8pxydo you have USB enabled for the guest?21:01
magciuscreator-cdsc, if you are using Mibbit now you wont' be able to figure out irssi.21:01
kc8pxyin vbox?21:01
magciuscreator-cdsc, you're better off with X-Chat.21:01
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adamw9678kc8pxy: yes in the setting I can see the usb devices but can find them on the guest ( in my computer)21:02
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Gnuskoolis 09 the year of linux on the desktop?21:04
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Guest79817Starting Saturday, on 8.10 initial characters of lines I type in various application are uppercased.  This is quite annoying at the commandline of a terminal.  I haven't installed any filters or processors and have not idea where to look.  Can anyone help?21:07
irbdavidhow do I find what driver my system is using for its graphics card?21:07
adamw9678kc8pxy: are you still there?21:07
fearfulirbdavid, lspci21:07
floatboatwhich panels have cpu monitor AND network monitor graphs?21:07
fearfulirbdavid, sorry that will tell you what video card you ahve21:07
fearfulirbdavid, but should be easy to find with that21:08
fabio_very well done21:08
irbdavidfearful: know that already - GMA 950.  I want to know if there are better options available21:08
HammerHead66floatboat: are you using GUI?21:08
fearfulirbdavid, look on google which is best for that card.21:09
fabio_wwwhhhaaatt  t aaappppppeeenneeneddd  tt tooo   mmmyy  y kkkeeeyyybbboooaaarrrddd   ???21:09
floatboatHammerHead66: openbox21:09
adamw9678anybody else know how to get usb devises in vbox xp guest on 8.10 64bit?21:09
fabio_iI  i wWwrRriItTieEte   tTthHhrRreEeeEe   tTiItimMeEmesSs  aA sSas   mMmuUusShHs  h tTtaAhHah   iIi   sSshHhoOuUoulLdDld21:09
floatboatfabio_: seems to be functioning21:09
fabio_twWwhHhaAatTt   ???21:10
fabio_tTthHiIhsSis   iIisS  s bBbrRrkKkeEenNn   tToOt  o tToOt  o jJjaAuUaunNntTyYty21:10
egchi all21:10
happyi'm getting crazy crackle sound when playing music in rhythmbox anyone know what might be causing this? thx21:10
fabio_iIitTt'?'sSs   nNoOnotTt  aA a   tTrRtriIicCkKck21:10
irbdavidgoogle seems to suggest there is no better option than the default one.  Shame - video performance is not what it could be :(21:10
HammerHead66floatboat: GUI stands for Graphic User Interface.21:10
egcdo i have to define a bash function before i use it in my bashrc?21:10
fabio_iIinNntTeEtelLl   gGgrRraAapPphHiIhcCisScs  iI sSi  s lLaAlamMmeEe   !!!21:10
irbdavidhad a macbook with one of these chips in and it did much better21:10
oCean_fabio_: STOP21:11
fabio_iI  i gGgoOtTot  aA a   pPprRroOobBblLleEemM  m dDduUeEue   tToOt  o hHaAhalLl::.   NNNoOotTt   kKkiIidDddDdiIinNngGg21:11
egcor can i put my functions all at the bottom21:11
HammerHead66floatboat: ur not in command line right21:11
floatboatHammerHead66: are you high?21:11
klyncegc: afaik, they have to come before21:11
kaistaHammerHead66, i tried that thing with the num lock and no go :(21:11
Ginbuntupressing on up+left takes a screenshot of my desktop. does any one has that shortcut key? how do I remove it?21:11
egcok, thanks21:11
oCean_fabio_: several lines back you could type "very well done" without problems.21:11
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klyncegc: if you want to keep it clean, you could always put them in a separate file and then "source ~/my-bash-functions"21:12
HammerHead66floatboat: if you are on the desktop go /system/Admin/System monitor21:12
fabio_that is because i have to tune it in the keyboard panel21:12
egcklync: yeah im actually trying to merge them right now21:12
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floatboatHammerHead66: i think we're both confused21:12
fabio_now i have to slow down the keyboard21:12
HammerHead66floatboat: click tab "Resources"21:12
floatboatHammerHead66: i'm using openbox and i have terminal access21:13
floatboatHammerHead66: i just need the name of the panel21:13
HammerHead66ok then forget what I just said21:13
mathieuifloatboat: which panel ?21:13
floatboatone that has cpu and network graphs, tray, dock, desktops21:13
mathieuignome-panel ?21:13
floatboatlike fbpanel, except with some damn network graphs21:13
floatboatmathieui: something more lightweight21:14
mathieuipypanel ?21:14
fabio_hall sicks21:14
mathieuixfce4-panel ?21:14
fabio_hall sucks*21:14
fabio_is there anything i can do to fi my keyboard ?21:15
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fabio_everytime i press a key i get 3 chars21:16
adamw9678Can anybody help me with a VBOX problem?21:16
HammerHead66fabio_: at desktop go /system/prefs'/keyboard21:17
HammerHead66fabio_: on delay bar turn it to longer a bit21:17
fabio_HammerHead66: now i have to set accessibility to write properly21:17
HammerHead66fabio_: it is in the "General" tab21:19
adamw9678Can anybody help me with a VBOX problem?21:19
Pollywogin my sources.list, I have "hardy-updates" and I also have "security".  I know what is in "security" but what is in "hardy-updatess"?21:19
tea_ovedosehi, why am I geting this ? error filesystem: Trying to open file with empty name21:19
fabio_HammerHead66: no use, i have to set the accessibility tab21:19
PollywogI am wondering if it is possible that I am getting unstable updates from hardy-updates and that is why I ask21:20
HammerHead66fabio_: on bounce keys check that box21:20
fabio_this is a mess21:23
HammerHead66fabio_: did it help?21:23
fabio_the only way is to set the accessibility option,21:23
HammerHead66fabio_: to what?21:24
fabio_system .> prefrences -> keyboard21:24
bromic94hello all i need someone to help me do something step by step21:24
bromic94any body like to help?21:24
adamw9678bromic94: what do you need to do?21:25
jcohi, I can't connect via ssh to/from an up-to-date Ubuntu 8.10 to/from debian and suse systems. The connection hangs and can't exit even with the escape sequence. All others work with each other. Could someone give me some hints for troubleshooting?21:25
bromic94adamw9678: help with this: http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php21:25
bromic94i have someo f it21:26
bromic94but the other thing is to the bug report for it21:26
bromic94hold on let me get you that as well21:26
FloodBot1bromic94: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:26
caeroeany decent software for an atsc pci tuner card?  that's not mythtv21:26
bromic94the next to last post21:26
HammerHead66fabio_: u still there?21:26
fabio_this is due to hal in jaunty21:27
buttons1can someone tell me how to figure out where a package installed to?21:27
lyhana8hi, does ubuntu have an equivalent of gentoo `revdep-rebuild` to remove unused packages ?21:27
bromic94let me know if you understand adamw967821:27
HammerHead66fabio_: please tell me what all the settings are and what tab you are under, so I know whats going on. I'll get you throw it ok21:27
lyhana8buttons1: for the bin, try `which <apps-name>`21:28
sobczykanyone got serial mouse working with jaunty?21:28
Cobra_Girlthanks so much for the help21:28
crdlbfabio_: this channel is not for jaunty21:28
Cobra_Girleverything looks so much better now  :)21:28
buttons1If I installed a theme from the repositories shouldn't it already appear in the list or is there something else I have to do?21:28
fabio_i'm going to downgrade, thank u so much21:28
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crdlblyhana8: that's not what revdep-rebuild does, but there is apt-get autoremove for removing unused dependencies21:29
lyhana8crdlb: what does revdep-rebuild ? check broken deps ?21:29
lyhana8buttons1: a theme for what ?21:29
kandinsk1why do people still use apt-get instead of aptitude?21:29
kandinsk1not being snarky: someone told me aptitude was much newer and better, so I started using it21:30
irvingh30hello i need help21:30
lyhana8kandinsk1: some told that aptitude can introduce some problems...21:30
kandinsk1irvingh30: don't ask to ask, just state your problem21:30
crdlblyhana8: it rebuilds packages broken by ABI bumps in shared libraries; as a binary distro, ubuntu does not make you deal with that21:30
lyhana8crdlb: what is ABI bumps ?21:31
buttons1I installed a theme from the repo and it did not appear in the theme list what should I do?21:31
bromic94adamw9678: did you loose u?21:31
irvingh30i?m new with this so i just need to know, i?m trying kubuntu from a live DVD but is asking me for username and password, i don?t really know what to do21:31
deserverwhat's the best GUI chat client in linux, I tried Kopete and Pidgin and something I want missing21:32
irvingh30this is the first time i try it21:32
bromic94does nayone hav a broadcom21:32
irvingh30so please be patient with me lol21:32
bromic94wifi card21:32
kandinsk1irvingh30: it's asking you for username and password for what?21:32
Blasehello is here anybody?21:32
deserverspecifically I don't want to see who enters the room and who left the room, I just want the chats displayed.21:32
irvingh30i dont know aparently is to log in21:32
crdlblyhana8: the binary interface by which applications use shared libraries, but as I said, ubuntu handles it21:32
HammerHead66buttons1: browse for it.21:32
buttons1HammerHead66: can you tell me how to find out where the package is installed to?21:33
kandinsk1irvingh30: I don't know kubuntu live, but ubuntu live just lands you in a working desktop21:33
lyhana8crdlb: yep, that just to know.21:33
lyhana8Does aptitue have an equivalent of apt-get autoremove ?21:33
Blasei have a problem. Updated my Ubuntu 8.10 and after reboot is displayed only consol (sry of my english)21:33
GillaGalDoes Ubuntu utilize a Quad core processoe?21:34
HammerHead66buttons1:   look on your desktop it's probably there21:34
irvingh30well kubuntu live does not, and in fact, asks you for a password and username21:34
crdlblyhana8: I believe aptitude just removes the dependencies at the same time that it removes the explicitly-installed package21:34
koltreHey guys how would one go about configuring a PPTP VPN connection to a workplace ? I have tried with NetworkManager to no avail, I am using UBuntu 8.10 ?21:34
lyhana8crdlb: ok, thanks21:35
POVaddctirvingh30: the official kubuntu live is a cd, not a dvd. maybe you have something different, where did you download it?21:35
HammerHead66buttons1: was it there?21:35
bromic94can someone help me get my wifi driver updated and patched?21:36
buttons1where are themes installed to?21:36
lyhana8koltre: if you have the config file for the vpn, try :21:36
lyhana8sudo vpnc <config-file>21:36
POVaddctirvingh30: hmm. last time i tried kubuntu live (8.04) it didn't ask for password21:36
HammerHead66buttons1: did you look on your desktop?21:37
lyhana8buttons1: did you try to find it with `locate` or `find` ?21:37
bromic94HammerHead66: i am not sure if adamw9678 is still with us can you please hel pme21:37
happyslackerHi all! I am having trouble getting write access to a Windows XP share on Ubuntu 8.10. When I mount the share, every directory in the share has permissions of 555. What am I doing wrong?21:37
irvingh30this is 8.1021:37
happyslackerI'll post my fstab line in the pastebin21:37
HammerHead66bromic94: what do you need help with21:37
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kandinsk1irvingh30: try "demo", "demo"21:37
bromic94it saying that a file exists and i dont knwo what to do21:38
irvingh30on command line?21:38
jcoI can't connect via ssh to/from an up-to-date Ubuntu 8.10 to/from debian and suse systems. The connection hangs and can't exit even with the escape sequence. All others work with each other. Could someone give me some hints for troubleshooting?21:38
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bromic94here are the links in quesiotn: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/305907 nand http://www.broadcom.com/docs/linux_sta/README.txt21:38
buttons1No it is not on the desktop. How do I find out where a package installed to?21:38
kandinsk1oh, you dont get a GUI?21:38
bromic94i anm folloiwg the instrucitons but having issues with it21:38
bromic94i can get to the modprobe without issue21:38
andy123how cani get my zune to be compatible with my ubuntu 8.1?21:38
bromic94the insmod gives me issue21:38
HammerHead66buttons1: are you using firefox?21:38
Time`s_Witnessim still trying to set my micro working guys... <.< hmm i noticed at volume control, at recording tab, the micro mute cannot be unchecked21:39
Time`s_Witnessi uncheck it, close, reopen, and there it is, checked21:39
HammerHead66bromic94: sorry man I have no clue21:39
happyslackermy fstab for mounting a windows share: http://paste.ubuntu.com/136278/21:39
Time`s_Witnessalso the test at sound test fails to "open pipeline"21:39
Time`s_Witnesscan anyone help me with that please? :\21:39
buttons1I installed the theme from the repos.21:39
bromic94nayone else that might know21:39
=== AntonioRS is now known as ar-tech
bromic94wats the command to know what your video card is21:39
lyhana8buttons1: theme for waht ?21:39
ottertoastwhats the easiest way to set up non-raid drive redundancy in ubuntu 8.10 server CLI?21:40
buttons1a desktop theme21:40
koltrelyhana8: I do not have a config file.  I have a username and password and the server name..21:40
boscoi just upgraded my kernal and it said to autoremove them so i did a apt-get autoremove it did that but when i boot i can still load the old kernel how do i get rid of the old one without sacrificing any of my drivers and things like wireless sound etc;;;;?????????21:40
BlaseI have a problem. after Update my Ubuntu 8.10 after reboot only black console screen plz help me what i have to do to go back to graphical ode21:40
zero_24bromic94: lspci21:40
ottertoastblase, log in with your username and password and type 'sudo startx'21:40
andy123any one know how to make my zune software compatible with ubuntu 8.1?21:40
ottertoastblase, i THINK21:40
HammerHead66bromic94: search for it here ok http://www.ubuntu.com/ just put in search bar and hit search21:41
lyhana8koltre: so i don't know, just struggle a week to understand a GUI and finally manage with the command21:41
nate[oz]does anyone know if ubuntu supports exfat out of the box?21:41
Blasei tryed it but it wrote error message21:41
buttons1Is there a command that I can use to find out where a package installed to?21:41
ottertoastblase, what error message21:41
koltrelyhana8: what ?21:41
HammerHead66 buttons1: the only someone can help you is for you to answer the questions we give you21:42
andy123any one know how to make my zune software compatible with ubuntu 8.1?21:42
lyhana8IPSec ID <vpn-id>21:42
lyhana8IPSec gateway <vpn-ip>21:42
lyhana8IPSec secret <vpn-group-I-think>21:42
HammerHead66the only way*21:42
FloodBot1lyhana8: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:42
koltrelyhana8: I told you its PPTP not IPSEC.21:42
lyhana8FloodBot1: 4 lines is not flood little bot -.-21:42
buttons1I installed the dekstop theme from the repositiry and it is not appearing in the theme list. Can you just tell me what command I use to find out where a package installed to?21:43
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lyhana8koltre: oh indeed, but I just try to help with what I know about vpn (= few)21:43
HammerHead66 buttons1: sorry man. I can't help you21:43
kantlivelong hey all, anyone know which effect tiles the windows when moving the mouse to the top right of the screen. its really annoying21:44
lyhana8buttons1: try `locate <theme-name>`21:44
PredominantHey, I am using a MacBook pro sshing into a ubuntu server, and the delete key is doing the same as a PC delete, when it should operate like a backspace. How can I change that?21:44
buttons1I did that and it did not work21:44
andy123any one know how to make my zune software compatible with ubuntu 8.1?21:45
frogoke, one more question... is there any way to force dd_resuce to ommit the bad blocks? it waits ages. it took 1.5 day to backup 80 gb hdd21:45
ottertoastwhats the easiest way to set up non-raid drive redundancy in ubuntu 8.10 server CLI?21:45
gluxonHow do I use fcsk?21:45
froghi, i have dd_resued(backuped) 80 gb hdd. but there were only +/- 40 gb partitioned. now i have dd_rescued(recovered) the image to 40 gb hdd. it stoped with the message no space on the device. the first partition is ok, but the second is wrong. is there any way to fix it?21:45
lyhana8buttons1: did you try different part of the name. Or simply try a search on google21:45
gluxonI've tried "exec fcsk" in the terminal and it doesn't work.21:46
zenlunaticfrog, don't its dangerous21:46
lyhana8gluxon: man fsck21:46
oCean_buttons1: "dpkg -L packagename" will show you the files in that package.21:46
zenlunaticgluxon, probably not in your PATH.  try /sbin/fsck21:46
lyhana8oCean_: that's a good one, thanks :)21:47
cache2000hello! is there a spanish channel for ubuntu?21:47
oCean_gluxon: it is "File System ChecK" hence, fsck, not fcsk21:47
froghmm, so is there any way to recover only one partition backuped with dd_rescue?21:47
lyhana8cache2000: #ubuntu-es ?21:47
frog(i have the whole image together and duno offsets)21:47
cache2000thank you lyhana821:47
Ginbuntuhat app to use to download binary files from usenet?21:47
gluxonoCean_: Well, how do I start it then?21:48
gluxonI need my NTFS drive fixed.21:48
lyhana8cache2000: #Ubuntu-es21:48
zenlunaticgluxon, sigh i just told you21:48
wrektjetmay i ask: what would the best method of transferring files from an xp machine to ubuntu desktop?21:48
administrator__wrektjet usb stick21:48
oCean_gluxon: I meant, "man fcsk" will not result in anything, because there is no fcsk. "man fsck" will show various uses and syntax21:48
oCean_! fsck | gluxon21:48
ubottugluxon: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot21:48
wrektjetvery large files i should say21:49
gluxonSorry, I missed that.21:49
adamw9678how would I add a line to the bottom of /etc/fstab ??21:49
zenlunaticadamb, sudo gedit /etc/fstab21:49
administrator__wrektjet you can mount the windows hdd in ubuntu or try samba21:49
zenlunaticadamb, or 'echo sometext >> /etc/fstab'21:49
lyhana8wrektjet: samba ?21:49
andy123any one know how to make my zune software compatible with ubuntu 8.1?21:49
wrektjetok ill look into it thnx21:50
adamw9678zenlunatic: Thanks21:50
zenlunaticadamw9678, probably only root has write permissions on that21:50
lyhana8wrektjet: windows and linux are on the same machine ?21:50
happyslackerI have read the mount and mount.cifs man pages, and tried several combinations of options. No dice. Any suggestions? (btw, my initial question scrolled on by; will re-enter if needed) ;-)21:50
wrektjetno an old laptop and my new ubuntu machine21:51
Droopsta915What's a good dvd backup program other than k9copy? I've been waiting an hour for k9 to finish and it takes for ever.21:52
lyhana8happyslacker: do you know about ntfs-3g ?21:53
Daemon_auto-identify... what is that?21:53
lyhana8wrektjet: using a switch and 2 RJ45 cable could help you21:54
ravengreetings... i am now trying to edit the WIZARDPEN.fdi config file but i do not understand what theese numbers are about - not pix, not mm - what is it???21:54
raven    <merge key="input.x11_options.MaxX" type="string">29405</merge>21:54
andy123any one know how to make my zune software compatible with ubuntu 8.1?21:54
zenlunatichappyslacker, wild guess... could be your umask21:55
happyslackerlyhana8: yes, I have heard of it, but can it be used to mount remote windows shares? I wasn't clear on that in my question...21:55
zenlunatichappyslacker, on that device21:55
lyhana8happyslacker: don't know, sorry.21:55
wrektjetlyhan: thnx. i was wondering if i could do it over my home network. looks like samba would do that?21:55
happyslackerzenlunatic: I've tried setting a umask in fstab, but it seems to have no effect. I've tried umask=000.21:56
whitehathello group.  is there a net install CD  of 8.10?  and if so are their docs on doing a net install from remotely mount DVD from the NET CD?  thank you.21:56
GinbuntuLottaNZB is the best usenet client I ever used to download bin files :-)21:56
mengucan i install ubuntu on a pc which has xp without losing anything on my xp?21:56
toni81does anyone know if it is possible to use the intel wireless adapter in promisc mode to snif ethernet data?21:56
frostburntoni81, ethernet data, no that's over the wire, wireless data probably21:57
lyhana8mengu: you need to make a partition for you linux21:57
toni81i am connected to a wired and wireless acces point and want to sniff the ethernet data from my wireless conection21:57
zenlunaticlyhana8, he could use wubi right?21:58
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.21:58
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lyhana8zenlunatic: yep, but wubi make ugly install IMHO21:58
frostburnwhitehat, I'm not aware of any net install cds, you might be able to hack something together by following the gentoo guides net install guide and substituting ubuntu21:58
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=== Xavierg2003 is now known as daemon
=== daemon is now known as Daemon
whitehatfrostburn: thank you for the response.  I just found some info in the ubuntu site regarding a net install22:00
frostburntoni81, if you want to snoop ethernet data you'll need to install tcpdump or wireshark or something of the sort22:00
guntberttoni81: as far as I know: not possible, the ethernet packets are not transmitted over the air - but better ask in ##networking22:00
lyhana8toni81: or aircrack-ng22:00
toni81ok thanks to both22:01
frostburnguntbert, they can be if they're encapsulated using a different protocol, like a vpn22:01
MadRSIwhen you're running a program in the terminal, how can you run another program in the same terminal window without shutting down (crtl z) your current program?22:01
toni81wireshark is what i have installed now22:01
flacohi all.. I'm trying to modifiy the xorg adding this http://dpaste.com/18174/ but I get an graphic safe mode...any ideas why?22:01
lyhana8guntbert: ethernet network use cable !!? Great :D22:01
DaemonHow do i register?22:02
frostburnMadRSI, either start the program with an & at the end to background it, or hit CTRL Z  and then type bg to background22:02
guntbertfrostburn: yeah..., but thats ot here22:02
zero_24Daemon: register for what?22:02
lyhana8Daemon: to what ?22:02
guntbertlyhana8: I beg your pardon?22:02
wrektjethmm where would samba be ion my system...22:02
DaemonIRC Chat22:03
happyslackerMadRSI: you can ctrl-z then type bg to background the process... or run the command initially with an ampersand at the end: $ command &22:03
DaemonAnd why are your names yello?22:03
happyslackeroops, didn't see your post frostburn22:03
lyhana8guntbert: « ethernet packets are not transmitted over the air » that was irony, wasn't it ?22:04
DaemonThis whole forum confuses me.22:04
frostburnwrektjet, there's two parts to the samba package, the samba server (which allows you to host stuff on your linux box) and the samba client which allows you to access other samba servers or windows (non vista) shares22:04
guntbertDaemon: do you have a support question?22:04
lyhana8Daemon: because we are aliens XD22:04
DaemonYes how do i interact with this damn Forum!22:04
HammerHead66"/list"   without    "    "  ok22:05
Dante123hi all, installed xubuntu on a sony vaio rx550.  Under windows there is a special driver that controls the fans so they dont run so high.  In xubuntu they are running at full speed all the time.  I have googled various pages that talk about setting up lm-sensors etc. to control fan.  If/when I get this working- how do I make it permanent or does lm-sensor remember the settings???22:05
lyhana8Daemon: that's not a forum but a channel, and you are already interacting with it as we can read you22:05
Daemon>.< and my questions was how do i register to a channel22:05
frostburnwrektjet, normally you can connect to a windows share by going to places > connect to server > service type > windows share22:05
HammerHead66Daemon: no need to22:05
frostburnDaemon, this is a chat, not a forum, just ask away22:06
lyhana8Daemon: if you have a (x)(k)ubuntu problem describe it and wait for help22:06
andy123any one know how to make my zune software compatible with ubuntu 8.1?22:06
jghkhi zmamel22:06
linuxguymarshallI am having trouble with my Lenovo S10 and getting the sound and microphone to work. Any ideas?22:06
guntbertlyhana8: not exactly as wireless protocol is not the same as ethernet proto, but anyway: an AP should not send everything it sees on the wire over the air too - but we're a bit off topic here :-)22:06
magog756hello everyone, I need some help im new in ubuntu 8.10 was running windows before well my problem is that ubuntu does not detect my dvd drive when I insert a cd o dvd i hear it run for a few second but nothing happens please help....22:07
DaemonWHY ARE YOUR NAMES YELLOW????????22:07
sprockets2000where is the x11 installation stored on a ubuntu box22:07
oCean_Daemon: that's probably related to your client.22:07
xunHi, just want to get some opinion for a new Ubuntu desktop I want to build. Should I go for the Intel Core 2 Quad or Core i7?22:07
HammerHead66Daemon: when you see this color <---------- we are talking to you22:07
lyhana8Daemon: you don't need to register on #ubuntu, if it's for another channel they have probably some documentation about it.22:08
lyhana8look for `/nick register` or somthing like that22:08
josh-ltheres a couple of packages i want to install that are made for i386, i'm running x86-64 can I somehow convert these packages for my architecture?22:08
wrektjethmm i need to read thru the help file i guess cuz i dont see what youre refferring to frostburn22:08
Daemonyour names are yellow when you talk to me22:08
guntbert!ot | xun22:08
ubottuxun: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:08
sprockets2000what is a good package that shows badnwidth up and down22:08
HammerHead66Daemon: so you see it22:08
sprockets2000anything int he repos?22:08
lyhana8Daemon: if yellow disturb you, you could change it in your IRC client22:08
xyberpixanyone else experiencing performance issues with samba on 8.10 server?22:08
dylanmcdNewb here, if I wanted to install a kde program (basKet in this case), will it mess with my gnome install if I apt-get it? Also, are there any performance considerations to be taken into account running KDE in Gnome?22:08
Jmzxun, All depends on what you want the desktop to be used for :P22:08
fearful!info sysmonitor22:09
ubottuPackage sysmonitor does not exist in intrepid22:09
linuxguymarshallsprockets:Like a bandwith monitor for a month?22:09
sprockets2000linux like a real time bandwidth monitor22:09
dylanmcdKDE apps in Gnome, that is22:09
fearfulsprockets2000, why don't you use the gnome-system-manager on the Resources tab22:09
frostburnwrektjet, google smbclient or type man smbclient to learn how to mount foreign samba shares22:09
zero_24xyberpix: i feel you need to be more concrete :-)22:09
sprockets2000my file server runs ubuntu22:09
sprockets2000okay ill check that out22:09
FireHopperI have a question, I dont know enough to remember how to set the path on linux, I need to add ~/bin/ to my path22:09
xunguntbert, thought about it, might not be off topic to me 'cause it'll depend on whether ubuntu can take advantage of the the new or not....22:09
xyberpix@zero_24: when I try to copy files, it takes forever22:09
Daemonyes indeed..... hmmm22:10
lyhana8sprockets2000: you can try superkaramba or gkrelm22:10
xyberpixsame for browsing shares as well22:10
myersnsodaCan any one offer ubuntu installation help to a newbie?22:10
zero_24xyberpix: install dstat, it can be quite helpful to diagnose bottlenecks22:10
linuxguymarshallCan anyone help out with my netbook. Having audio issues.22:10
guntbertxun: *this* is for ubuntu support only, everything else ....22:10
=== NeoBlaster is now known as neoblaster
dylanmcdFireHopper: I think it's export PATH=$PATH:/home/username/bin22:10
sprockets2000ehh system monitor works but ill try though toerhs superkaramba22:11
sprockets2000and gkrelm22:11
frostburnFireHopper, your path is an environmental variable and can be set using the .bashrc or .bash  by doing a export... how dylanmcd said, hi dylan22:11
lyhana8myersnsoda: if you have question/problem just ask22:11
andy123how can i install XP via VMware?22:11
xunJmz, mainly for web development, i'll need it to run windows & Mac OS X in virtual machine though. and might dual boot for my photography need(PS  & lightroom editing 16bit image)22:11
magog756can anyone help ubuntu does not read dvd or cd it doest even show that i have a dvd drive please help.!!!22:11
xunguntbert, got it, I'm heading over there now22:11
guntbertxun :-))22:11
Time`s_Witnessis there any problem for microphone drivers with asus p5kc motherboards? <.<22:12
xyberpixzero_24: so no confirmed issues then?22:12
HammerHead66magog756: your using a laptop right?22:12
zero_24andy123: ubuntu offers virtualbox, not vmware, in the end they are the same22:12
FireHopperhow can I set it so when I open a terminal I dont have to enter it every time? I'm on 8.1022:12
Time`s_Witnesshello? :\22:12
frostburnFireHopper, add the export to your .bashrc22:12
=== Daemon is now known as Ezekiel
andy123how can i install XP through virtual box?22:12
zero_24xyberpix: not really, try also #ubuntu-server and launchpad bug database22:13
FireHopperis that the shell that ubuntu uses?22:13
josh-ltheres a couple of packages i want to install that are made for i386, i'm running x86-64 can I somehow convert these packages for my architecture?22:13
xyberpixzero_24: tnx, will do22:13
HammerHead66magog756: your using a laptop right22:13
lyhana8andy123 install virtualbox, launch it a try a bit (you will need an windows ISO)22:14
zero_24!vbox > andy12322:14
ubottuandy123, please see my private message22:14
linuxguymarshallCan I get help with my netbook's audio???22:14
frostburnjosh-l, it depends on the package, which are you trying to run?22:14
Time`s_Witnesscan anyone help me out setting the microphone please?22:14
marginoferror!vbox > marginoferror22:14
ubottumarginoferror, please see my private message22:14
josh-lfrostburn: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Stasks+for+intrepid+KDE+4.2.1?content=10075322:14
wrektjetyikes: frostbite i will ahve to do some serious studying up here.22:15
Time`s_Witnessthanks for all the help :)22:15
magog756help ubuntu does not detect a dvd drive!!22:15
caeroewhen i extract an archive in my home folder, why does root take ownership?22:15
josh-lfrostburn: any chance with that one?22:15
lyhana8magog756: try `dmesg` and look for a DVD related error22:16
Time`s_Witnessis there any other ubuntu irc channel help?22:16
lyhana8caeroe: if you do it with sudo or as root it's normal22:16
linuxguymarshallTime's_Witness:Not an official one. We are kinda stuck here until someone pays attention to us22:16
jelly-beani'm trying to install JavaHL connector. i did sudo apt-get install libsvn-java; how can i tell what ver that installed? (e.g. 1.5 or 1.6)22:16
magog756hyhana8: i will22:16
fearfuljava -version jelly-bean22:16
lyhana8Time`s_Witness: other other language or topic yep22:16
HammerHead66Time`s_Witness: type "/list"    without    "    "22:16
frostburnjosh-l, doesn't look like it, unless you want to recompile kde as 32bit.  Your best best is to download the source for that package and compile on your own22:17
kijutsu_My secure log is massively huge.. is there a way to break this file up per day?22:17
frostburnit is gpl'd22:17
frostburnkijutsu_, logrotate22:17
josh-lfrostburn: yeah i tried, not able to22:17
Time`s_Witnessi know irc Hammer, i just dont know ubuntu.  and other languages have like 10 users probably idling. was asking about other networks or so22:17
caeroehmm i know, i was wondering why it behaves as such.    i've been working on getting an atsc tuner card to work for a couple hours now.   it's supported but still a complete pain22:17
kijutsu_frostburn, got a howto or something floating around I can use?22:17
frostburnjosh-l, what are the compile errors?22:17
fearfulTime`s_Witness, try forums22:17
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frostburnkijutsu_, not really, man logrotate22:18
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GillaGalDoes Ubuntu utilize a Quad core processor?22:18
josh-lfrostburn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/136298/22:18
oCean_!away > Album|Awy22:18
ubottuAlbum|Awy, please see my private message22:18
frostburnGillaGal, yes22:18
Time`s_Witnesstried. googling, changing everything i could find, search for everything. no micro, no linux. that's what i most use :) Thanks for hall the help though.  windows ftw : microphones work22:18
GillaGalDoes Ubuntu do I need to install 64bit version though?22:18
frostburnjosh-l, did you do an apt-get install build-essential22:19
eqisow1GillaGal: no, but you might as well22:19
zenlunaticwtf who puts a grave accent in their nick?22:19
HammerHead66 Time`s_Witness:    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat   don't forget to bookmark it22:19
josh-lno i forgot thanks22:19
GillaGaleqisow1 Why's that?22:20
josh-lfrostburn: check this out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qY_0xSdyy6s22:20
eqisow1GillaGal: It has performance benefits in certain applications, and pretty much no drawbacks nowadays22:20
bun-bunset auto_save22:20
zenlunaticjosh-l, that is neat22:21
Dante123hi all, installed xubuntu on a sony vaio rx550.  Under windows there is a special driver that controls the fans so they dont run so high.  In xubuntu they are running at full speed all the time.  I have googled various pages that talk about setting up lm-sensors etc. to control fan.  If/when I get this working- how do I make it permanent or does lm-sensor remember the settings???22:21
GillaGaleqisow1 will all the same software as the 32bit version be available?22:21
frostburnjosh-l, that's kind of nifty, i use awn22:21
happyslackerI find it odd that with file_mode=0777 and dir_mode=0777 in fstab (for cifs mount), and a umask of 0022, my mount point perms get changed to 555 when I mount... makes no sense to me :/22:21
GillaGaleqisow1 or will I be limited to only using 64bit software?22:21
josh-lfrostburn: new error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/136301/22:22
frostburnGillaGal, you will be able to run most software available for 32bit in 64bit22:22
eqisow1GillaGal: most software is available as 64bit now, exceptions include zsnes and a few others22:22
signorinimatteoi have installed new kernel in ubuntu but grub doesn't update.....what can i do?????22:22
zenlunaticyeah assembly code22:22
caeroeanyone else mess with the Kworld 120 card?   i think i'm getting somewhere now22:23
zenlunaticsignorinimatteo, define "installed"22:23
dumdumzcan someone help me with phpeclipse? I cant open any php files22:23
kemrDoes anyone here know JavaScript? (Please no one try to steer me back to the JavaScript room)22:23
GillaGalfrostburn This is going to be used for my media center. Think I'll go with ubuntu + XBMC, I won't run into packages not avaiable for 64bit?22:24
josh-lfrostburn: any idea on that last error?22:24
signorinimatteofor me installed= make menuconfig ... make and dpkg of linux-image.... and linux-header .... all went fine but at the reboot there is only the old kernel22:24
GillaGaleqisow1  What determines if a PC should be 32 or 64 bit, just the processor, or is it processor and motherboard?22:24
eqisow1GillaGal: processir22:24
wrektjetadvice sought: a good program to mount a virtual cd? i have a.cue file i want to view22:25
frostburnjosh-l, i haven't compiled kde in several years, you'll want to get apt-get install source kde4     not sure on the actual package name though22:25
Trashihi. is there someone who can tell me how to update pidgin 2.5.4 to 2.5.5 ... im a ubuntu/linux newbie and i can not find tutorials and howtos... thanks22:25
GillaGaleqisow1 and 64bit = more than one core?22:25
frostburnGillaGal, everything you need should be available.  64bit means that there's 64bits in the register of the cpu in question22:25
eqisow1GillaGal: no, there are single core 64bit processors. 64vs32 has to do with the available address space22:25
ubottuPeer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information22:26
=== sale_ is now known as sale
hajarHi .. Can anyone tell me how to repartition my root drive22:26
GillaGaleqisow1  ok... so really it has nothing to do with the hardware, more so a choice you make in technology/software?22:26
signorinimatteono one can help me22:26
zenlunaticsignorinimatteo, you need to tell grub where the new kernel is so it knows what to do22:27
signorinimatteoand how can i do that??? can u help me?22:27
Trashihi. is there someone who can tell me how to update pidgin 2.5.4 to 2.5.5 ... im a ubuntu/linux newbie and i can not find tutorials and howtos... thanks22:27
eqisow1GillaGal: No, 64vs32 is a physical difference in the CPU, but today's 64bit CPU's are able to run in 32bit mode, so can run either22:27
zenlunaticsignorinimatteo, can you paste your /boot/grub/menu.lst22:27
frostburnsignorinimatteo, you need to enable the new kernel in the /boot/grub/menu.lst22:27
MeXTuXI'm using Fluxbox and have added the network manager applet (nm-applet) but I can't get the volume control applet. Where is it? Is there a command?22:27
wrektjetany suggestions for a program for opening a bin/cue file?22:28
lyhana8zenlunatic: isn'it suppose to update grub automatically ?22:28
andy123i downloaded the Virtual box program, and installed it. how do i open it up and install windows xp to it?22:28
zenlunaticMeXTuX, I think try alsamixer in console22:28
GillaGaleqisow1  I still don't get how I'd identify whather or not a CPU is 32 or 64.  :)22:28
signorinimatteozenlunatic: now i'm not in front of my ubuntu machine but in my grub i have only the deafult entry22:28
Talkradiogoogle the chip22:28
zenlunaticlyhana8, no he compiled his kernel manually22:28
lyhana8oh~ yeah22:29
eqisow1anything AMD64 or newer and anything Core2 or newer is 64bit, unless it's a netbook Atom CPU22:29
zenlunaticsignorinimatteo, based on readng that can you create a new entry?22:29
frostburnMeXTuX, i believe it's /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfs-hal-volume-monitor22:29
zenlunaticsignorinimatteo, it's kinda like fill in the blanks22:29
lyhana8andy123 double click on the icons in the menu -__-22:29
Aggrav8dhi, ubuntu!  I upgraded 8.04 to 8.10 this morning and now mysql query browser can't connect over the LAN.  anyone know what setting i have to poke?22:29
GillaGalOK. Thanks for all the answers.  :)22:29
Kasnarandy123: run VirtualBox22:29
andy123thats the problem. its not there...im not that stupid...-_-22:29
GillaGalOh..  one more.22:30
Trashihi. is there someone who can tell me how to update pidgin 2.5.4 to 2.5.5 ... im a ubuntu/linux newbie and i can not find tutorials and howtos... thanks22:30
frostburnAggrav8d, what's the error22:30
GillaGaleqisow1  How's Ubuntu for supporting videocards that use HDMI output?22:30
frostburnGillaGal, depends on the card, usually good22:30
signorinimatteozenlunatic: yes i can add a new entry but i don't know what i have to write...i have tried to add new entry but at the reboot i recieved a kernel panic22:30
eqisow1GillaGal: works great, at least for nvidia. never tried ATI22:30
HammerHead66GillaGal: works just fine22:30
Aggrav8dfrostburn - mysql error 2003.  i googled it but didn't get anything too helpful.  sql is running and i can ping the server just fine.22:31
HammerHead66GillaGal: I have ATI22:31
lyhana8Trae: `sudo apt-get install pidgin` will install the lastest ubuntu version22:31
zenlunaticsignorinimatteo, let me paste mine... i have 4 OS on mine22:31
kemrDoes anyone here know JavaScript? (Please don't point me back to the JavaScript Room)22:31
HammerHead66GillaGal: but 3D don't work yet22:31
frostburnTrashi, I usually install from source, apt-get build-dep pidgin            then get the source and run a ./configure       make   make install22:31
GillaGalIf I choose a card with HDMI output, both my video and sound will go over that single cable from the videocard, correct?22:31
GillaGalHammerHead66 Which card?22:31
eqisow1GillaGal: yes, it will22:31
frostburnAggrav8d, can you connect using the mysql cli?22:31
HammerHead66ATI radeon22:31
deanygetdeb.net < always has latest pidgin debs22:32
eqisow1GillaGal: although it may not default to it, but it can22:32
HammerHead66GillaGal:ATI radeon22:32
GillaGalHammerHead66 no 3D, is that specific to ATI cards?22:32
Aggrav8dfrostburn - from the command line on the server, yes.  remotely within our lan?  no.22:32
frostburnGillaGal, i haven't seen sound go over the video card, at least i haven't been able to22:32
HammerHead66GillaGal: I'm pretty sure it is22:32
josh-ldoes anyone know what the kde4 development packages are please? I am trying to compile something22:32
lyhana8signorinimatteo: did you manage to do it ?22:32
frostburnAggrav8d, check the firewall rules on your mysql,  do an nmap -p 3306 mysqlhostname22:32
HammerHead66GillaGal: ATI needs to update drivers for Linux22:32
signorinimatteolyhana8: sorry i haven't understand u...22:33
lyhana8signorinimatteo: on gentoo i do this :22:33
lyhana8make menuconfig22:33
lyhana8make && make modules_install22:33
lyhana8cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/kernel-2.6###################22:33
FloodBot1lyhana8: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:33
glen_whats the location of the file used for mounting file systems?22:33
lyhana8and then edit the grub conf22:33
judgetI just did a fresh Ubuntu Intrepid Install and it seems that it lists part of my ATI video card incorrectly as an audio device22:33
judgetis this a known issue?22:34
GillaGalI'd really like 3D along with both sound and video over HDMI.  Can anyone suggest a good Nvidia card then?22:34
HammerHead66judget: it is listed right audio does go through it22:34
signorinimatteolyhana8: i have done the same things but it doesn't work form e22:34
signorinimatteofor me22:34
shausam27is there a way to remove the password on a hd that was once someone else owned22:35
judgetHammerhead> why is that?22:35
wrektjetdoes anyone know a program that will help me open a bin file22:35
lyhana8signorinimatteo: you should add new entry into your /boot/grub/menu.lst22:35
HammerHead66judget: I'm not really sure that just the way it is22:35
signorinimatteolyhana8: i know but i don't know what i have to write to it22:35
twolanewrektjet: chmod +x name.bin   ./name.bin22:35
lyhana8signorinimatteo: you at the previous entry22:36
judgetOK because on this system I had been messing with installing the ATI proprietary video drivers and i noticed that the audio stopped working22:36
zenlunaticshausam27, what kind of passwd?22:36
judgetthats why i just did a fresh install to try to figure this out22:36
lyhana8title           Ubuntu 8.04.2, kernel 2.6.24-23-generic22:36
lyhana8root            (hd0,1)22:36
lyhana8kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-23-generic root=UUID=3fc3d468-70e6-4644-9b7a-5636c4a9245d ro splash22:36
lyhana8initrd          /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-23-generic22:36
FloodBot1lyhana8: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:36
lyhana8something like that : signorinimatteo22:36
LSD200judget: some ATI cards do have their own audio chip for the hdmi out22:37
lyhana8what the matter with the bot ? how many line i've the right to paste ?22:37
fearfullyhana8, 322:37
chupywhat distro do u recommend for an too old pc a compaq presario 460 16mb ram 512mb in HD22:37
eqisow1chupy: You'll probably need something like damn small22:38
lyhana8fearful: I paste 2×2 and got an alert22:38
judgetTHis card has a VGA port a DVI port and an S-video port no HDMI22:38
wrektjettwolane: ive been trying that22:38
fearfulprolly still too fast lyhana822:38
oCean_lyhana8: you should try to avoid to paste here anyway. You can use pastebin service. Also you can install program "pastebinit" which sends output to pastebin automatically22:38
orbisvicishow do i find my version from the terminal ?22:38
lyhana8eqisow1: chupy ins't xubuntu aimed to this kind of pc ?22:38
chupyeqisowl... yes... it has 60mhz procesor22:38
lyhana8fearful: oki22:38
eqisow1lyhana8: not 16mb of ram, no. xubuntu is way too big for that machine22:39
LSD200judget: you can get a special dvi -> hdmi adapter22:39
lyhana8oCean_: for 3-4 lines it's uselees IMO22:39
kemrDoes anyone in here know JavaScript? (Please Don't Point me back to ##JavaScript)22:39
=== nomike is now known as Guest4023
chupylyhana8 thats to hard XD22:39
lyhana8oh~ indeed eqisow122:40
judgetOK thanks LSD200 ---Anyone have a good link with instructions on installing the ATI drivers for Cinerama22:40
wrektjetwhat is the directory path that i should follow? b/c22:40
HammerHead66judget: DVI needs an adapter to become HDMI22:40
brouskemr ->  i point you back to #javascript  :P22:40
kijutsu_isn't /var/log/secure supposed to be auto rotated?22:40
shausam27s there a way to remove the password on a hdd that was once someone else owned can not format the hdd22:40
wrektjetchmod /home/marc/Documents/Completed Torrents/VTC.Ubuntu.Linux.Tutorials-NSiD/nsid-vtcu22:40
chupyonly 16mb 456mb HD like 60 MHZ.. compaq presario 46022:40
oCean_lyhana8: you have to abide by the rules of the channel, other make that effort, so should you.22:40
brousshausam27-> no need to recover data correct?22:40
wrektjetTwolane: whats the mistake there22:40
HammerHead66judget: it should have come with the video card22:40
kemrbrous Thanks. I'm in that room too. The thing about ##JavaScript is that it's filled only with people with questions about JavaScript. No one in there actually has any answers.22:41
Aggrav8dfrostburn: nmap -p 3306 localhost says the port is open.22:41
lyhana8oCean_: i just take it from a usability point of view, i totally agree taht a 15 lines paste is awful, but 3-4 line isn't so annoying22:42
mib_kolm4fldhi im trying to copy a file to my ubuntu server with winscp but im getting permission denied any ideas?22:42
lyhana8kemr: waht your problem ?22:42
twolanewrektjet: no chmod parameter for one.22:42
judgetNo it did not it is a Radeon 2400 it came with a dvi-VGA, a SVideoCable and a RGB S video looking adaptor22:42
lyhana8mib_kolm4fld: via ssh ?22:43
mib_kolm4fldi try to change permission in winspc22:43
mib_kolm4fldvia winspc22:43
chupyno one?22:43
HammerHead66judget: you can buy it if need be22:43
mib_kolm4fldi tried sftp and scp both give me permission problem22:43
lyhana8mib_kolm4fld: but which protocol/server answer on the ubuntu machine ?22:43
mib_kolm4fldlyhana8 not sure what u mean22:44
SeanTaterMy suspend isn't working (my computer stays on), but the monitor is already off. How do I keep the monitor on so I can see any error messages?22:44
twolanewrektjet: are you attempting to chmod nsid-vtcu ?22:44
Xintruderhow can i bback up my system files and configurations?22:44
Xintruderwill i lose the folder hierarchy if i back up?>22:44
judgetis there a dependable post on HOW TO installing the ATI drivers or the GUI ati Catalyst config for Linux?22:44
lyhana8mib_kolm4fld: do you use a SSH server, an FTP server ?22:44
mib_kolm4fldi had to use mkdir to make folder because of permission problem22:44
kemrlyhana8 I'd like someone to take a look at the script in the paste bin ( http://erxz.com/pb/16486 ) and help me figure out how to have it list related posts without first reposting the post labels, and without the strange line to the left of the entries. For an example of the script in action take a look at my page (http://www.bloggingguy.com/2009/03/five-steps-to-happier-life.html)22:44
RickXcan anyone tell me how to get rid of metacity and use a different window manager in gnome?22:44
mib_kolm4fldbut now i cant copy any file to folder22:44
mib_kolm4fldohh uhhm22:45
twolanewrektjet: chmod +x /full/path/to/nsid-vtc.ubuntu.bin22:45
lyhana8mib_kolm4fld: do you add your user to the authorized users ?22:45
SeanTaterXintruder: You don't need to back up the entire system usually. /home/yourusername holds almost everything you need except program files (which can be reinstalled)22:45
mib_kolm4fldmy username is the main user22:46
mib_kolm4fldtheres no other users22:46
shausam27dose any one no how to remove pass on hdd22:46
twolanewrektjet: better to cd to it's directory first.22:46
XintruderSeanTater: You did not answer my question mate. is there a back software at all that comes with ubuntu :) ?22:46
jmcneillHey folks; I just upgraded my laptop from 1 to 4GB of RAM, and the wireless card stopped working with the 2.6.27-11 kernel; wpa_supplicant log shows 'Disconnect event - remove keys' every second or so.22:46
buttons1I am getting an error with a java application I am trying to install. I keep getting this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/136319/ can someone help me22:46
HammerHead66judget:    http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1002243.html   here is forum if it doesn't help you just let me know and I can help you22:46
lyhana8mib_kolm4fld: did the user/acount you use to connect to the ubuntu machine have the correct right to mange the files ?22:46
jmcneillWireless card is an iwl3945, and dropping back to 2.6.27-7 makes it work again; anybody else seen this?22:47
mib_kolm4fldi mean maybe i can do chmod or something22:47
kemrlyhana8 I missed anything you said after I posted my problem. Sorry, Pidgin crashed. Could you send it again?22:47
mib_kolm4fldwell i never changed it its basically what user profile you use when you're installing ubuntu server22:47
mib_kolm4fldit creats one username right22:47
mib_kolm4fldits thgat default one22:47
PredominantHey, I am using a MacBook pro sshing into a ubuntu server, and the delete key is doing the same as a PC delete, when it should operate like a backspace. How can I change that?22:47
wrektjetdarn it. i keep getting "no such file or directory"22:47
wrektjetare u not allowed to have a space in ther path?22:47
lyhana8kemr: don't said anything, that's to long problem to help you.22:47
SeanTaterXintruder: I think there is, but I don't use any.22:47
kemrlyhana8 Okay, thanks22:48
judgetThankyou HammerHead66 I will try that link for instructions22:48
chupyno one knows a distro who runs in a really old pc is a compaq presario 460 with 456mb hd 16mb ram and 60mhz22:48
mib_kolm4fldlyhana8: im not too proficient in linux22:48
twolanewrektjet: use tab completion, it's safer and easier22:48
ChousukePredominant: hm. there was a way to fix that.22:48
mib_kolm4fldchupy: u can run puppy linux22:48
ChousukePredominant: in the mean time, you can use ctrl-h to delete things.22:48
=== r00t_ is now known as DaemonLee
PredominantChousuke: yuck!22:48
mib_kolm4fldpupy: or u can run dsl22:48
DaemonLeeHey. I got a question. Is there any Media Players that I can control that have a Web-frontend?22:49
PredominantChousuke: Fn+delete works, its just slow, and sometimes I forget, and delete the wrong stuff22:49
wrektjetits pretty ironic im having such trouble opening a linux tutoiral22:49
TridoI hope someone can help me.  When trying to install Ubuntu Server 8.10 I boot from the CD and get to the menu.  When I select the option to install I get a box with Grub Loader in the title bar, then text saying Install (If I selected install, but it does this for every option with different text) and then an ok button. When I hit enter again on that, it just returns me to the menu and does nothing. What the ... ? :)22:49
lyhana8mib_kolm4fld: who own (on the ubuntu machine) the file you try to manage with winscp ?22:49
twolanewrektjet: cd  /home/marc/Documents/Completed Torrents/VTC.Ubuntu.Linux.Tutorials-NSiD/22:49
Chousukectrl-h is not that bad if you have a control key in the right place, but anyway22:49
buttons1I am getting an error with a java application I am trying to install. I keep getting this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/136319/ can someone help me?22:49
HammerHead66judget: ok22:49
ChousukePredominant: you could also try another terminal, like iTerm22:49
josh-lif anyone feels like it I would adore to have a 64bit package of these: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Stasks+for+intrepid+KDE+4.2.1?content=100753   and   http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Fancytasks+for+intrepid+KDE+4.2.1?content=10075422:49
Stepan1One of my cd roms is not being recognized, can anyone assist?22:49
mib_kolm4fldi should be the owner idk what i just did was install adobe flash media server using a patch22:50
ChousukePredominant: I think iTerm defaults to the Linuxy behaviour.22:50
wrektjetidk y but it keeps saying no such file22:50
PredominantChousuke: I'm sshing using OSX's terminal to ubuntu server.22:50
mib_kolm4fldand i created a folder for a file i need to place in it22:50
wrektjetim gonna copy iot and try it sdomeowhere else22:50
PredominantChousuke: Its the server thats doign weirdness, and its configurable, somehow.22:50
judgetHammerhead so they are saying to use the System...Administration...Hardware Drivers as the best way to do this, do you agree?22:50
ChousukePredominant: it's not the server.22:50
chupy<mib_kolm4fld> tahnks22:50
mib_kolm4fldi had to mkdir to make teh folder because it wouldnt let me in winscp now i cant copy file over22:50
PredominantChousuke: As I connect to a lot of other servers, and dont have an issue22:50
ChousukePredominant: it's OS X, it uses a different delete character than linux.22:50
StargazerWhere can i get some laptop HDD screws (i know this isn't the place to ask, but it's a very large channel, someone has to know).22:50
mib_kolm4fldchupy: no problem which are u gonna choose?22:50
slimjimcan someone tell me how i can make a secondary hard drive part of my file system it is already been formated to ext3 but for some reason i dont se eit22:50
HammerHead66judget: see me in pm ok22:50
PredominantChousuke: I connect to a lot of gentoo, debian and freebsd servers, and have not had this issue, though22:50
grkblood13any1 here use pan22:51
ChousukePredominant: hm :/22:51
ChousukePredominant: do you have an .inputrc on the ubuntu server?22:51
Stepan1One of my CD-ROMs is not being recognized, any ideas?22:51
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buttons1I am getting an error with a java application I am trying to install. I keep getting this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/136319/ can someone help me22:51
lyhana8mib_kolm4fld: make `ls -l` on a folder where you can manage files, and same on one where you can't22:51
chupy<mib_kolm4fld> would it run wine?22:51
Aggrav8danyone know the location of rc.mysqld?22:52
kemrlyhana8 Really, the only important part is that I'd like to change that line to the left either to be gone, or to be bullets or something.22:52
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TridoStepan1: Is the BIOS seeing the drive?22:52
DIFH-icerootAggrav8d: locate your-file22:52
lyhana8 buttons1 do you have java install ?22:52
Aggrav8dDIFH-iceroot - thanks22:52
mib_kolm4fldchupy: sorry i dont know the technicalities of it ull need to ask someone else about that i just know theyre very leightweight and shoudlnt have problem running ont hat laptop22:52
kemrlyhana8 I'd also like to remove the tags being displayed, but that's secondary.22:52
Stepan1Trido: yes, i installed ubuntu on it a while back22:52
lyhana8kemr: if you want to remove bullet or line it's CSS not js22:52
buttons1lyhana8:yes I have java installed22:52
ChousukePredominant: there was some inputrc setting that can be used to fix this I think but I can't remember what it is.22:52
wrektjetomg finally22:53
TridoStepan1: Is the drive light still coming on at bootup?22:53
Predominantkeycode 14 / 11, I think22:53
PredominantI will mess with that22:53
mib_kolm4flddrwxr-sr-x 2 root fms 4096 2009-03-23 18:35 multiavm22:53
PredominantThanks Chousuke22:53
chupy<mib_kolm4fld> its not a laptop is a desktop pc XD22:53
kemrIs there CSS in the Javascript?22:53
lyhana8buttons1: paste your error on google and do a search22:53
mib_kolm4fldthats what i get for the folder i want to copy files to mutiavm22:53
summatusmentisis there a well known lightroom replacement that works on ubuntu?22:53
lyhana8kemr: doesn't seem22:53
mib_kolm4fldchupy: woops yeah sorry its a compaq i know they're horrible comps lol22:53
ChousukePredominant: or try this: http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=2004093000232487022:54
Stepan1Trido: I believe so, i cant remember, it lights up after i put in a cd as if its loading, but then nothing22:54
lyhana8kerm install firebug extension in firefox that will help you to debug22:54
mib_kolm4fldchupy: either way itll run22:54
wrektjettwolane: thnx. idk y it didnt work in the other directory but i moved the file and it worked22:54
kemrlyhana8 Thanks22:54
mib_kolm4fldchupy: XD22:54
twolanewrektjet: rock on22:54
mib_kolm4fldlyhana8: the owner is fms w hos fms?22:55
mib_kolm4fldlyhana8: sorry i meant the owner is root22:55
mib_kolm4fldlyhana8: how can i change it so im the owner not root22:55
lyhana8mib_kolm4fld: XD how could I know, that probably a user on the ubuntu machine22:55
grkblood13pan users, where r u22:55
mib_kolm4fldlyhana8: i meant root sorry22:56
audiofreqhome made irc client woo hoo22:56
lyhana8mib_kolm4fld: sudo chown <user-name> <path-to-file>22:56
mib_kolm4fldlyhana8: ohh yeah chown damnit thats the command i forgot :P22:56
lyhana8mib_kolm4fld: but if it config file for the system you should edit them as root or sudo22:57
mib_kolm4fldthanks man lol22:57
twolanegrkblood13: whats the problem22:57
lyhana8mib_kolm4fld: you're welcome :)22:57
mib_kolm4fldlyhana8: yep now its fine thanks man22:57
grkblood13whenever i try to d/l soemthing it gets all the files and they go away very quickly in a cascading order22:57
chupy<mib_kolm4fld> thanks for all taesting22:57
grkblood13never done this before22:57
ChousukePredominant: the comments in the hint article might prove useful as well22:58
grkblood13twolane, and my giganews account is fine22:58
Stepan1One of my CD-ROM drives is not being recognized, any ideas?22:58
twolanegrkblood13: I don't know, I use slrn, but pan years ago.22:58
lyhana8need to do some home work, see you soon everyone n_n22:58
twolanegrkblood13: trying the config/help file22:59
grkblood13is slrn the new of it22:59
DaemonLeeHey. I got a question. Is there any Media Players that I can control that have a Web-frontend, and will play the music on the machine that has it?22:59
wrektjetoh i spoke too soon23:01
mib_kolm4fldchupy: taesting?23:01
Ace2017_-Hi all23:01
wrektjeti thought after chmod +x i would run "sudo directory-and-name-of-file23:02
twolanegrkblood13: slrn has been around for ages, its also cli23:02
Ace2017_-anyone know which icon in the iconset this is from: http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/1070/windowborder25.png23:02
wrektjeti keep getting a: syntax error "&" unexpected (expecting ")")23:02
stealth-what was the command i can use to find a list of user logins and hopefully times?23:02
chupy<mib_kolm4fld> sorry testing....23:03
twolanestealth-: who -a is a goodie23:03
stealth-twolane: im looking to find a history of who was logged in and when23:05
erUSULDaemonLee: ampache ?23:05
carpiitry looking in /var/log/secure maybe23:05
erUSUL!info ampache23:05
ubottuampache (source: ampache): web-based audio file management system. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4.3-0ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 1347 kB, installed size 7024 kB23:05
twolanestealth-: hmm, i forget, try last23:06
DaemonLeeWhatcha mean?23:06
twolanestealth-: last23:06
wrektjettwolane: can u help me finish this up? i thought i would sudo trhe file name and it would run but i am getting a syntax error   "&" unexpected (expecting ")")23:06
stealth-twolane: perfect, thanks23:06
twolanewrektjet: fubar'd executable or incompatible with your system, maybe?23:07
wrektjetthat would be ironic considering its an ubuntu tutorial and im running said OS23:07
wrektjetby fubar'd executable u mean the file itself is corrupt?23:08
twolanewrektjet: yes it would be ironic, how are you executing it23:08
wrektjetin the terminal23:08
wrektjeti mean im trying23:08
twolanewrektjet: by ./filename.bin  ?23:08
=== ltsmooth42 is now known as punkrockg
Time`s_Witnesswill 9.04 support microphones btw? Or i can wait for 9.10..maybe?23:08
audiofreqyou got the permission to execute?23:09
bromic94i need help setting up my install to do ual boot23:09
bromic94can anyone help me23:09
twolanewrektjet: sounds like bad code23:09
ashley_Anyone know how I can access my Canon HF100 on Ubuntu?23:09
wrektjetare u saying the file is no good or im doin something wrong23:10
erUSULashley_: does not show up as an storage device when you plugin??23:10
twolanewrektjet: file must be bad, considering the error..23:10
wrektjetaha. ok thnx anyways23:10
erUSUL!dualboot | bromic9423:10
ubottubromic94: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot23:10
twolanewrektjet: where did you get it?23:10
mrweshey qcjn :)23:12
wrektjetprivate tracker23:12
twolanewrektjet: I wouldn't trust it, plenty of authentic stuff out there.23:13
mikebeechamhi guys....has anyone seen either Pyro or Propane for Mac and, if so, are there any linux alternatives?23:13
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ23:13
wrektjetwell i just want any video tutorial tog et started23:13
twolanewrektjet: a video 'eh, the code is not right, why I don't know.23:14
bromic94erUSUL: that really does not help bc i am in wubi23:14
DaemonLeeerUSUL,  How do I start Ampache?23:15
erUSUL!wubi | bromic94 most people here do not use wubi23:15
ubottubromic94 most people here do not use wubi: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.23:15
twolaneDaemonLee: apache?23:15
erUSULDaemonLee: i do not use it myself23:15
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bromic94erUSUL: i meant dual screens not dual bootin23:15
DaemonLeeOkay. Thanks erUSUL23:16
DaemonLeeTwolane, no Ampache.23:16
erUSUL!xinerama | bromic9423:16
ubottubromic94: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead23:16
rFalki can not change the paritions of my system anymore. when i start gparted via live cd, the options "resize,move" are grayed out.23:16
onionmanI am trying to install ubuntu but my CD is broken23:16
fosco_rFalk: select umount partition first23:16
twolaneDaemonLee: sorry, no idea, type which Ampache or whereis ampache in a terminal, case-sensitive23:17
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rFalkfosco_, i tried. no effect. wierd example, when i unmount my ntfs partition, gparted says "could not read content, maybe some options are not available"23:17
onionmannewb here23:17
rFalkfosco_, is my drive inconsistent now?23:17
XPS_M1330where can we find the public keys for the ppa23:18
hexanolrFalk: you shouldn't resize an ntfs partition from gparted23:18
VotanAnyone in here got a min to help me with a postfix problem ?23:18
hexanolI heard it's best to do it in Windows23:18
fosco_rFalk: maybe, try to check any ntfs partition from win23:18
psychichow do i get wine for xubuntu using terminal23:18
XPS_M1330W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 8B9FBE5158B3AFA923:18
flughthere's a write up on the ppa site. it's kind of convoluted, got to go to their +archive page i think, copy a key, paste into something. was a pain23:18
fosco_psychic: sudo apt-get install wine23:18
XPS_M1330psychic: sudo apt-get install wine23:18
fosco_as ever23:18
toxicki parle francai ici ??23:19
hexanolmoi... hehe23:19
XPS_M1330all they say on the forums is "you have to install the key", I know that, I just don't know where to find it23:19
XPS_M1330moi aussi23:19
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr23:19
hexanolah! on est envahi de francais23:19
allquixoticHello, does anyone know about eSATA Hotplug, and whether it's supported in Ubuntu 8.10? I have a new Intel ICH10 based motherboard, the X58 chipset, with an eSATA port built in. It seems to detect fine from boot, but not from suspend/resume or hotplugged. Bug, or simply not implemented in this release?23:19
rFalkfosco_, hexanol , so what options do i have now? i need to resize my partitions. and they are all mixed.23:20
XPS_M1330hexanol: chu pas francais chu québécois23:20
hexanolmoi aussi, on est pas dans le bon forum la la23:20
bombshelter13Is there a developer channel somewhere?23:20
onionmananyone cool enough to help a kid out with an install problem23:20
XPS_M1330j'sais pas, y vont peut-être plus me répondre sul chan francais :P23:20
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fungiheadi would of thought a chatroom with 1400 people in it would be more talky23:21
onionmanme too23:22
=== Howard is now known as Hfreiu
Hfreiuhow do you get GDM to install correctly?23:22
XPS_M1330then how could you follow a conversation?23:22
HfreiuI take it off gnome-look.org23:22
Hfreiubut when i try to get it to install23:22
Hfreiunothing happens really23:22
wrektjetthis is getting ridiculous. i was just using deluge client and then all of a sudden i get an error that  failed to execute no such file or directory23:22
Hfreiuit doesn't look how i want to23:22
flugh<-- XPS_M171023:22
wrektjetits still in applications under internet but it doesnt work. what is the deal23:23
Hfreiutrying to install this http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/SystemAccess?content=5214523:23
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=== pica is now known as Pica21
zenlunaticwrektjet, try to start it on command line with 2> /tmp/error.out23:24
eduardoshello, i cannot see my memory card from mi digital camera, can some body help me please¡23:24
XPS_M1330buy another camera23:24
zenlunaticeduardos, are you hooking the camera up directly or using a reader of some sort?23:24
LjLmrwes: sorry?23:25
onionmanis it possible to install using netboot already booted from the live CD23:25
DashkalDoes ubuntu have any network limits by default?  I'm getting really slow transfers from this ubuntu machine to a windows vista machine and I'd like to eliminate this end as the cause.23:25
wrektjetzenlunatic: could u bear with me a second: what would the command line look like exaclty? i dont know the directory path at all b/c all of a sudden its nowhere to be found23:26
mrwesDashkal, via samba?23:26
eduardoszenlunatic i put my card using the adapter of sony but i cannot mount it23:26
Dashkalmrwes: via anything.  ssh, http, whatever.  the rate is about 45KiB/s23:26
DashkalI'd blame the wireless except both machines can download from the internet at large at > 10023:26
zenlunaticwrektjet, try 'which file'23:27
HowardHow do you install GDM correctly23:27
mrwesDashkal, well all I know is samba is slow...period.23:27
zenlunaticHoward, it comes installed23:27
fungiheadsudo apt-get install gdm? its default on ubuntu23:28
DashkalWell right now I'm using ssh (git+ssh) and getting 50, which is about right for a basic scp transfer.  I don't use samba much.  But as I said, the protocol seems not to matter.23:28
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zenlunaticwrektjet, i don't even know what that is though, deluge client23:29
wrektjetim so frustrated. nothing is working here today. y would the program just stop working like that?23:29
wrektjeta torrent cclient23:29
wrektjetbah. and i spent an hr getting it installed23:29
zenlunaticwrektjet, people get advanced degrees to figure that out... i'm just trying to help23:29
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wrektjetno no im not blaming anyone23:30
Howard@ zenlunatic, no i'm trying to install systemaccess gdm theme but it doesn't load pictures or anything23:30
twolane!p2p | wrektjet23:30
ubottuwrektjet: Peer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information23:30
fungiheadwrektjet: maybe a port problem or something, are u the network admin or can someone else mess with settings23:30
zewb_just use rtorrent or something23:30
benc1what does: ./configure --prefix=/usr does compared to just ./configure ?23:31
zenlunaticHoward, gnome comes with a gui to install those.  probably not the best person to help since i keep default astetics23:31
Howardeh okay23:31
twolanebenc1: installation destination in your case, i believe23:32
wrektjetno the client just stopped working. i dont think its a port issue. its still an icon in my internet apllication menu, but i get this error: Failed to execute child process "deluge" (No such file or directory)23:32
twolanewrektjet: get a better p2p program.23:32
benc1 twolane:  thanks23:32
fungiheadwrektjet: try a reinstall23:32
wrektjeti guess so. if i can rem how i did it in the first place oh boy thnx anyways23:33
VotanAny postfix pro available ?23:33
mrwesHe's using Deluge23:33
zewb_try rtorrent23:33
zewb_deluge sucks23:33
Howardthe preview is weird23:33
fungiheadsudo apt-get remove deluge then sudo apt-get install deluge23:33
Howardand the gdm isn't to my resolution XD23:33
psychichow do i configure wine to a particular program23:33
Howardoff by a few pixels23:34
zewb_or just sudo apt-get remove deluge23:34
Howardsudo dpkg --purge deluge23:34
Howardsudo apt-get update23:34
Howardsudo apt-get install deluge23:34
zenlunaticHoward, try hitting the auto button on your monitor23:34
fearfulI can't find ImageMagick-devel in intrepid :\ I need it23:34
Howard..auto button?23:35
Howard*points at laptop*23:35
aelinGuys, my ubuntu went insane, the nvidia graphics started messing up, then I was unable to reinstall nvidia driver23:35
DaemonLeeAight. I give.23:36
wrektjetisnt rtorrent all textual commands? i think thats y i dint get it23:36
DaemonLeeWhy is Firefox offering to save a PHP file instead of displaying it?23:36
fungiheadaelin: nvidia-xconfig             ctrl+alt+backspace23:36
oCean_DaemonLee: then the apacheserver serving that site has no php module loaded23:36
hexanolfungihead: it might has something to do with the web server...23:37
aelink brb23:37
blip-I have a usb webcam,  "Bus 004 Device 006: ID 05a9:a518 OmniVision Technologies, Inc."... is it true that I have to download ov511-source from the Hardy repos on my system and compile my own kernel module ?   or is that old information that applied only to older kernels that didn't have video4Linux2 ?23:37
nottrehi @all gives a way to find a file in a archives like tar or tgz ?23:37
fearful!info imagemagick23:37
ubottuimagemagick (source: imagemagick): image manipulation programs. In component main, is optional. Version 7: (intrepid), package size 1387 kB, installed size 4464 kB23:37
MeXTuxI'm using the volume applet with GNOME (Hardy Heron) and set the volume to 50% for example and it sets to 100% alone23:38
webbiis there some place where ubuntu block some ports?23:38
fearfulI need imagemagick-devel can't find on ubuntu any help23:38
zenlunaticnottre, hold on23:38
Slartwebbi: nope.. not by default23:38
webbii just did iptables -L and it says all policies are ACCEPT, so... where it could be blocking a port?23:38
lstarneswebbi: incoming or outgoing?23:38
Slartwebbi: user applications can't bind to ports lower than 1024 I think... but the firewall doesn't do anything by default23:39
webbiSlart: im using port 311823:39
lstarneswebbi: if it's not blocked in the firewall, you also need to run something that listens on a port to open it23:39
Slartwebbi: what makes you think ubuntu is blocking it?23:39
webbilstarnes: i know, i have something running23:39
twolanewebbi: lstarnes bingo23:39
wrektjetsweet thnx for those few command line instructions HOWARD and FUNGIHEAD23:39
wrektjetactually worked. i hope i dont have to do this daily23:39
webbiSlart: well... it works in other pc, but not in this one... connection refused23:39
blip-is this guide prehistoric or still worthy of applying the commands in it   http://www.lecan.net/webcamHowto.html23:40
webbiSlart: also, it works if i use localhost... but when i go to other pc in the same network, it says connection refused23:40
nottrezenlunatic what do u mean23:40
Slartwebbi: what kind of software do you have listening on your end?23:40
webbiSlart: i did a pretty easy app23:40
Slartwebbi: are you sure it's setup to listen on the external interface? most stuff doesn't do that23:41
oCean_!cam | blip-23:41
ubottublip-: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras23:41
Slartwebbi: or rather.. most stuff doesn't do that by default23:41
MeXTuxI can only set volume to 0% or 100%23:41
webbiSlart: ok... i will check this a bit more...23:41
webbithanks for all help23:41
Slartwebbi: hope you find out why it's not working..23:41
MeXTuxthe volume applet is screwed23:41
webbiSlart: i will keep you updated23:42
aelinhmm, that didn't fix my graphics driver23:42
SlartMeXTux: that happens to me when I use my usb soundcard.. I just managed to setit up once and never touched it since then23:42
Dashkalok, just confirmed it with apache.  I get the same download rate from the machine (50k/s).  Worse is it seems to kill the ubuntu box's connection when I do it (suggesting strongly it isn't the vista laptop).  Where would I look for network limits?23:42
twolaneDashkal: the MTU value for inet interface ifconfig cmd23:43
danfgwhat is the name of the application that installs ubuntu?23:43
Dashkaltwolane: mtu is 1500 (the default I thought?)23:44
fungiheadaelin: and u cant reinstall?23:44
SlartDashkal: iptables is the obvious place, I guess23:44
twolaneDashkal: it is.23:44
danfgi installed easypeasy (ubuntu for eeepc) but the damn thing runs the install app after it's installed already, every time i log in23:44
aelinaelin: Nope, it says remove the conflict23:44
DashkalSlart: checked.  no rules23:44
aelinWhen I restart X, i get a cannot load module, or whatever23:44
bromic94where is the xorg.conf file?23:44
SlartDashkal: you get the same result if you boot from a live cd?23:45
danfgwhat is the name of ubuntu's install app, the one that runs on the live cd?23:45
twolanebromic94: /etc/X11/23:45
aelinbromic94: /etc/X1123:45
Slartbromic94: it's in /etc/X11/ I think.. but it's mostly empty these days23:45
DashkalI don't have a live cd to test with on hand, no idea.23:45
fungiheadbromic /etc/X11/23:45
nottrei need help. i have so much archives. and i need one file. can somebody tell how i can search a file in all my archives . i use tar.like  foobar.tar23:45
fungiheadX in X11 is uppercase23:45
bromic94Slart: not for dual monitoring23:46
Slartnottre: find out how to make tar print out the filenames of all the files in the archive.. man tar is a good start there.. then combine that with some kind of "for f in $(ls); do <insert your tar magic here> | grep <search for something here>; done"23:46
fungiheadaelin: which module23:46
aelinI have no idea, really.23:47
aelinit doesn't say23:47
fungiheadit just says module?23:47
Slartbromic94: true.. just thought I've give you a heads up.. most people get confused by the blank state of xorg.conf =)23:47
aelinShould I just reinstall ubuntu? e.e23:47
=== darren is now known as Guest34588
fungiheadtry removing it without X running23:48
Slartnottre: you're not searching through ubuntu packages, right?23:48
buttons1Can someone help me with a java error? I installed the sun java and I keep getting this error when I try to run an installer that needs java. Neither the JAVA_HOME nor the JRE_HOME environment variable is defined at least one of these environment variable is needed to run this program23:48
fungiheadi think its alt ctrl f123:48
aelinI've looked all over google23:48
buttons1Does anyone know how I can fix this23:48
aelinand closed X23:48
aelinand tried to remove all nvidia packages23:48
aelinand reinstall23:48
aelinno luck23:48
fungiheadthen sudo apt-get remove nvidia or whatever its called23:48
FloodBot1aelin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:48
aelinI did that.23:48
aelinI'm still stuck in 800x600 with no nvidia x server23:49
webbiSlart: problem in my app :) i was using the lo device23:49
DougalAny advice on media-players and codecs? a .avi file refuses to play in gxine and totem. I just get a few seconds of silence with no video. I understand the idea that i need to download the right codec, but no idea how to find out which one(s)23:49
fungiheadim unsure then, sorry, there will be someone else on here that can probably help tho23:49
Slartwebbi: ah..good to see you found the problem =)23:49
Dwade09anyone have any idea how to download a embeded video off cnbc?23:49
FoolsRunHi, I'm having a problem with sshfs: when I mount a remote file system from the command line with the sshfs command it works fine, but when I add a line to fstab and mount it that way, my user can't read or write to the mount point.23:49
webbiSlart: :)23:49
Howardcomputer crahsed and i started screwing around haha23:50
SlartDwade09: tried the download helper plugin for firefox?23:50
Peteinwhat should i do to be able to connect to my pc using ssh -X user@host ?23:50
nottreno slart. ok know i know. i think..maybe it gives a command or program. ok i write a bash script. the script must search rekursiv,too. in lot of directorys.. thanks23:50
Dwade09Slart,  ive been trying to find it .23:50
SlartDwade09: hang on..let me see if I can find it..23:51
fearfulanyway to make the icons align to the right on the desktop?23:51
SlartDwade09: this would be the one, https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/300623:51
Howardhow do i change the little ubuntu icon23:52
Howardyou know23:52
Howardthe one that's coupled with applications menu23:52
Dwade09Slart, oh yes i have that, but it wont work23:52
bromic94still having issues with dual screening23:52
fungiheadicons in the apperance menu i think23:52
bromic94can someone help me i can show you screen shots of what is happening23:52
Howard@ fungihead where?23:52
SlartDwade09: oh.. then I don't know what to try..that one usually catches most of the stuff I've used it on23:53
FireFreekDoes the ubuntu server come with transmission?23:53
bromic94Slart: you good with dual screening23:53
Dwade09Slart,  http://www.cnbc.com/id/15840232/?video=959958233&play=1  is the vid i am trying to get.23:53
Peteinwhere is the sshd in synaptic?23:53
Slartbromic94: nope.. never tried it..23:53
eqisow1etein: openssh23:53
SlartPetein: think it's called openssh23:53
Slart!info openssh23:53
ubottuPackage openssh does not exist in intrepid23:53
FoolsRunnobody knows anthing about my sshfs question?23:54
Slart!info openssh-server23:54
ubottuopenssh-server (source: openssh): secure shell server, an rshd replacement. In component main, is optional. Version 1:5.1p1-3ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 278 kB, installed size 764 kB23:54
aelinHow can I completely remove the nvidia drivers?23:54
SlartDwade09: hang on, let me check23:54
PeteinSlart: openssh-server?23:54
DaemonLeeOkay, so PHP5 is on the server....and my machine is STILL trying to download the php file.23:54
Bam_BamHi peoples23:54
blip99aelin: as opposed to partially remove the drivers ?23:54
aelinblip99: I don't know, I'm confused, I followed stuff I found on google, but not work23:55
blip99aelin: how did you install, through synaptic ? apt-get ?23:55
FireFreekDoes the ubuntu server come with Transmission?23:55
SlartPetein: I think that's the one, yes23:55
blip99FireFreek: it's in the repos23:55
blip99aelin: ok just find it, right click and uninstall23:55
blip99aelin: use the search button to search for "nvidia" then find the driver, the box will be green23:56
aelindid that, it's still conflicting somewhere, and when I go to hardware, there are no proprietry drivers available for my system, apprently23:56
SlartDwade09: I can't even get that video to play..23:56
blip99aelin: maybe you have to restart the system, or at least restart X23:56
aelinblip99, did that several times23:56
aelinIf someone would check it out23:57
Dwade09Slart, i am sorry but that is the direct link to the vid23:57
aelinI'll give access to VNC23:57
SlartDwade09: mm.. it opens the page alright... with the flash player.. but I can't get the video to play23:58
=== Dashkal_ is now known as Dashkal
Dashkalalrighty, problem seems to be KDE's network manager, moving to #kubuntu23:59
dronixSlart: are you trying to play flash vids?23:59

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