
=== alkisg_work is now known as alkisg
embrikI want my ubuntu hardy server to be a domain controller and that my pupils can log on to every workstations at school with a roaming profile - I haven't found any howto on this - does anyone know?11:31
bdoinogra: do you know the status of GCompris on Jaunty ?11:47
Yagisanembrik, I'd start with investigating the samba package.11:50
embrikYagisan, I don't think samba is useful with roaming profiles12:09
embrikYagisan, every workstations will bee Ubuntu12:10
Yagisanhe did mention a domain controller ...12:20
* Yagisan goes to bed.12:20
ograbdoin, i'm not doing edu stuff anymore ... LaserJock might know more about the gcompris status12:20
YagisanO-o ogra - you don't do edu anymore ? I have been away for far too long.12:21
ograsince about a year now12:21
ograi'm in the mobile team, caring mostly for ARM enablement this release12:22
* Yagisan acquired an eeepc to use as his main. I'll be looking forward to seeing anything that makes the battery last longer, and fitting on the screen ok12:23
Yagisananyway - off to bed.12:24
bdoinogra: thanks for the information12:46
=== calimer-- is now known as calimer
davidgroosHi All!16:31
davidgroosI'm currently in my classroom--on prep--and am trying to troubleshoot why only some of my LTSP 5 thin clients are booting16:33
davidgroosThey get to the screen where they attempt to PXE boot, looking for a DHCP and don't succeed and after 30 seconds or so exit.16:33
davidgroosWould someone tell me where to start troubleshooting this?  I think it may be iTALC related.16:34
davidgroosIs this helpful?  I see warnings like this all the time and google hasn't been my friend for this one, yet:16:48
davidgroos(in client_log)...16:48
davidgroos[critical] isdServer::isdServer(...): could not start ISD server: The boutnd address is already in use16:49
davidgroostypo: boutnd-->bound16:49
Ahmuckdavid, i know nothing17:25
Ahmuckwith that out of the way, your ltsp clients are booting thin ?17:25
davidgroos_Hi Ahmuck!17:41
davidgroos_Thanks again for responding!17:41
davidgroos_Yes-- some are booting thin, others aren't booting.17:42
davidgroos_I've removed the HD and CD drives...17:42
davidgroos_Gotta get back to teaching!17:42
davidgroos_But I'll be back later...17:42
davidgroos_Maybe I'll check out the LTSP room...  Later...18:14
=== alkisg is now known as alkisg_away\
=== alkisg_away\ is now known as alkisg
faustino3331stgraber: i've deleted everything in opt/ltsp and in /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp and now the thin clients boot21:56
faustino3331stgraber : i have an ioctl error in the thin clients but it boots and works so maybe it's not serious21:57
stgraberyeah, it's the nbd reconnection process21:57
stgraberhaven't found a few to make it quiet21:57
faustino3331so is not serious?21:58
faustino3331it's just some little problem?21:58
faustino3331i've tried thin-client-manager but it doesn't see any of my thin clients21:59
faustino3331do i need to make something special?21:59
faustino3331stgraber: and i've tried italc but it is to slow in control mode22:00
stgraberdid you try running italc on the thin client instead, I believe we have some doc on the wiki for that22:04
stgraberbasically installing italc-client in the chroot, syncronize the keys with the host, set START_ITALC=True in lts.conf and rebuild the image22:04
stgraberbut as I said, I think we have some doc22:05
Lnsfaustino3331: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/iTalc23:06
faustino3331thanks Lns and stgraber one more thing to read tomorow at school23:40
Lns=) np23:40

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