
freeflyingRiddell: yes, kneww it for a while, its a universe fronted for input method00:46
Riddellfreeflying: should we get a package of it for jaunty?01:14
freeflyingRiddell: its too early01:30
daskreechnixternal: yo01:47
daskreechWhats up?01:51
nixternallooking for a job :)01:56
daskreechI heard01:56
daskreechAt least you are shouting loud enough ;)01:56
daskreechApplied to Kanonikal ?01:57
nixternalya...today I applied for 2 jobs per request, just did an impromptu interview for a company relocating to Chicago into the Willis Tower, or for those of you who have no idea what the hell that is, the Sears Tower, and I think the company just might be Willis01:57
nixternalyes, applied for one at Canonical...I should find out something in the next month or so probably :p01:58
nixternalat least that's what the email auto reply said :p01:58
daskreechThank you for applying your interest is of great importance to our robot01:59
daskreechNice job you got there nixternal ;-)01:59
nixternalI feel the need for more ice cream02:00
nixternalb.d.o is slow as all heck tonight02:02
daskreechbugs.dogpile.com ?02:17
daskreechnixternal: How's Konqui ?02:18
nixternalgood for file management02:24
daskreechnixternal: making a new intro page for it?02:32
nixternalsudo apt-get --purge would be my intro for it ;p02:34
torkianohello all, i get a lot of interrups from my graphic card (intel 965) in powertop. 3D effects are disabled. Anyone with this problem?02:53
torkianothis only happens in kubuntu, in ubuntu the number of interrups are normal02:53
torkianoi filled a bug here: bug 34770002:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347700 in kdebase-workspace "[kubuntu] powertop reports a lot of interrupts in my graphic card" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34770002:55
daskreechnixternal: so I'm more or less in your loser position03:40
daskreechUsing Gnome for a month03:43
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a|wenhi agateau! gwenview memory-leaking (kde 4.2.1) after rotating and saving pictures... is that anything you've heard about before?09:22
agateaua|wen: i am a bit lagging on gwenview bugzilla entries :/ do you have a bug report for this?09:23
a|wenagateau: haven't got to look for it yet ... just had gwenview use 3 GB of memory yesterday, which kind of indicated that something was wrong09:25
agateaugwenview maintains a cache of images, how large are your pictures?09:26
a|wenthey are roughly 5 mb each (compressed size)09:27
agateauand what are their resolution?09:27
a|wen10 mpixel IIRC09:29
agateauquite big then09:29
agateaugwenview keeps uncompressed images in its cache :/09:30
* agateau looks at the cache code09:30
a|weni know ... but shouldn't it clear the cache, when you save the images?09:30
a|wenit seems to just grow and grow when rotating pictures ... even though i save many times along the way09:31
agateauyes it should09:31
agateautime to valgrind it a bit09:31
ArmedGeekso ... who codes for kubuntu here anyhow ?10:03
Riddellhi ArmedGeek, what can we do for you?10:06
ArmedGeekRiddell: nothing.  i've just seen a lot more questions than answers here the last few days.10:11
ArmedGeeki'm a big fan of kde, especially the 4.* series10:12
ArmedGeekvery comparable to win7, if you're a kde4 coder, kudos!10:12
ArmedGeekwas actually just curious if kde4 coders were present here10:13
NightroseArmedGeek: they are - just not very active here over the weekend10:14
Riddellhere we are!10:14
ArmedGeeki understand the 'busy'.  getting into crunch-time with april approaching10:14
ArmedGeekRiddell: nice to know.  good-damned-job.10:14
RiddellArmedGeek: we're looking for beta testing volunteers if you want to help out :)10:15
davmor2Riddell: I'll get round to it ;)10:18
ArmedGeekRiddell: i'm more of a coder than user.  I tend to be Mac(hackintosh)->linux->winders user.  mostof the 'user' problems i hear don't relate to me so i'm not sure how much help i could be10:18
ArmedGeek<-- currently drunk so not entirely coherent10:18
ArmedGeeki've honestly been away from 'system' stuff long enough that i'm not even familiar with the init system curently in use10:19
hirolaui use alpha 6 kubuntu 64bit. I must say i love it. One small problem, i cant shut it down, i need to remove the power cable. What files should i get to report the bug?10:35
Riddellhirolau: how far does it get?10:35
hirolauscreen goes black with a small marker flickering in the top left corner, forever...10:36
Riddelldown to linux then, file a bug on linux I guess10:36
freinhardRiddell: did you fix that systemsettings>printer configuration bug? if no, need a patch?11:19
Riddellfreinhard: which bug?  it probably has lots11:51
Riddellfreinhard: I havn't touched it recently anyway11:52
freinhardRiddell: i'm trying to get used to launchpad but i'm not sure how codereviews work there. i first need to create a branch of system-config-printers in my lp profile?11:53
freinhardor are there other ways to propose patches for review?11:55
Riddellfreinhard: pastebin :)11:55
RiddellI'm busy testing today so may not be responsive on IRC but I'll get it evenutally11:56
seaLneNightrose: have you tried installing jaunty on your eee 701?11:58
Nightrosewifi didn't work and hotkeys11:59
Nightroseso i went back to intrepid11:59
Nightroseas the repo i use (array.org) doesn't have jaunty packages yet12:00
seaLnei don't have a usable system on mine atm and was wondering what to put on it12:00
Nightrosei'd go with intrepid and array.org12:01
Nightroseworks reasonable well12:01
freinhardRiddell: not really exciting ;) : http://pastebin.com/m5396392f12:03
Riddellfreinhard: committed thanks, remind me to update the package after beta12:11
freinhardRiddell: got another one, but that'll take a while ;)12:20
davmor2Riddell: new alt's are up :)12:22
=== JontheEchidna changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Two days to beta! Please test http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all | Feature Freeze, UI Freeze and Beta Freeze in effect - Fix bugs! | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Congratulations to rgreening and a|wen - Kubuntu's newest MOTUs!!!
freinhardRiddell: http://dpaste.com/18432/12:54
Riddellhmm, auto login doesn't really make sense with oem install12:58
jjessenixternal: i uploaded some changes to kubuntu-jaunty docs working on more13:18
seeledid the notification question on the mailing list get resolved? i saw a bunch of "ok"s13:20
Riddellrevert back to the old ugly ones?13:27
Riddelldisable auto-hide would be acceptable if a patch was available13:29
Riddelldavmor2: where do wubi bugs go?13:35
agateauRiddell: seele: i'm going to have a look at such a patch this afternoon13:37
Tonio_hi ! does presentation mode work for you in okular ?13:49
freinhardTonio_: doesn't work for me. i get that presentation canvas and that's it.13:51
Riddellyes it does, once I'd ran the kconf_update script for kwin13:52
Tonio_Riddell: testing...13:52
Tonio_Riddell: isn't that done within startkde ?13:53
JontheEchidnaApparently there's a fix for WPA-Enterprise in bug 33405214:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 334052 in plasma-widget-network-manager "Network Manager Plasmoid won't connect to "WPA Enterprise" AP's in Jaunty" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33405214:01
davmor2Riddell: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/wubi/+bugs14:02
Riddelldavmor2: ta, thought so14:02
jjesseRiddell: the packages for the beta are the current daily live correct?14:05
Riddelljjesse: parse error14:05
Riddellwhat do you mean?14:06
jjessein regards to your blog post, the iso images for testing the beta build are the current cd correct?14:06
Riddellthey are expected to be final as much as these things can be expected14:06
jjessedid that parse better?14:06
Riddellit did14:06
jjessesorry i have taken some cold drugs today14:07
linuksamikohello! I just read on jriddell blog that you are looking for some kubuntu beta tester. I'm still not sure if I gone reinstall my computer in the next few days but in case I do I want to know what I can do to find bugs or how to repor a bug if I find one14:11
ainson_hi all14:12
agateauRiddell: seele: patch posted on the ml14:14
jjessewow fast download as always from cdimages :(  2.6kb/sec :(14:16
ainson_i want to try akonadi mapi connect...but kubuntu doesn't provide any packages14:17
BUGabundocan some one share some love with bug 311521 ?14:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 311521 in kdepim "Kmail Crash while deleting thread with custom keyboard shortcut" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31152114:19
BUGabundothe fix is available14:19
BUGabundoan attemp to port it before, failed some how!14:20
Riddellagateau: that was easy :)14:25
BUGabundoRiddell: hi14:25
agateauRiddell: hehe, longest part was to download the deb sources :)14:25
BUGabundoJontheEchidna: ping14:25
freinhardRiddell: you don't get a "apply" button if you change just a checkbox in system-config-printer, fix: http://dpaste.com/18432/14:33
cbrhas anyone succeeded in running kernel mode setting and plymouth in ubuntu?14:41
JontheEchidnaBUGabundo: pong14:43
BUGabundohi JontheEchidna14:43
BUGabundocan you look over14:43
BUGabundobug 311521 ?14:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 311521 in kdepim "Kmail Crash while deleting thread with custom keyboard shortcut" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31152114:43
JontheEchidnaI just did14:43
BUGabundoyou once touched it14:43
BUGabundoahh ok14:43
JontheEchidnaIt looks like the "real" fix will be in KDE 4.2.214:43
BUGabundoare the fix now in jaunty?14:43
vorianoh, speaking of which14:44
BUGabundo ok nice to know!14:44
BUGabundoJontheEchidna: will it be build today ?14:44
BUGabundoor will be seating in queue for review?14:44
JontheEchidnaKDE 4.2.2 won't be tagged for a few more days yet14:44
vorianwe are in beta freeze anyways14:45
JontheEchidnathat too14:45
BUGabundobut it's a bug fix only14:45
BUGabundono new features14:45
vorianBUGabundo: it will be fixed within the next 7 days14:45
JontheEchidnabut it's beta freeze, so we can't upload anything unless it's super important14:45
BUGabundoeven thought the bug is set to LOW14:45
JontheEchidnaafter beta is released14:45
BUGabundook ok14:46
BUGabundowe can wait a few more days with kmail crashing on every thread delete14:46
JontheEchidnawe will package KDE 4.2.2 once the tarballs become available14:46
jjessedoes anyone else have speed issues trying to download cdimages?14:46
BUGabundowill be waiting14:46
BUGabundoso jaunty will come with 4.2.2 ?14:46
vorianjjesse: fro iso.*.com?14:46
JontheEchidnaThat's what it's looking like14:46
BUGabundojjesse: I'm rsyinc two DVDs images at 2MiB/s14:46
JontheEchidnaI don't see a KDE 4.2.3 on the release schedule anyway...14:46
jjessefrom cdimages.ubuntu.com14:47
BUGabundojjesse: yes14:47
JontheEchidnaThey probably just haven't scheduled it that far in advance14:47
jjesse3 kb/sec14:47
ainson_öhmm....why does libmapi doesn't compile libmapi++ ?14:47
BUGabundoI'm eating it all14:47
jjesseon my DS3 connection from work14:47
BUGabundosent 126 bytes  received 4.23G bytes  1.04M bytes/sec14:47
* vorian is anxious for 4.2.75ish14:47
BUGabundosent 127 bytes  received 4.29G bytes  1.33M bytes/sec14:48
BUGabundojjesse: try a mtr to it14:48
BUGabundosee if you have packet loss somewhere14:48
jjessehrmm will14:49
jjessetheres a wiki page that describes rsync'ing the images right?14:49
BUGabundoI made one a while ago14:50
BUGabundomust be old now14:50
BUGabundobut the concpet didn't change14:50
* BUGabundo looks14:50
BUGabundoif you need I can pastebin ALL my rsyncs14:51
jjessenope i don't :)14:51
BUGabundofor every image you can think of14:51
BUGabundo     146.33M  20%    1.08MB/s    0:08:4214:52
BUGabundoits going strong here14:52
BUGabundo 7.                                                                46.7%    30   46.5  28.3  15.5  65.5  14.614:53
BUGabundohumm you are not the only one with packet loss!!! ~50% ?14:53
jjessewow rsync is so much faster, wonder why15:02
BUGabundo'cause you only get what you really need from the change15:05
BUGabundoif you already have the image15:05
jjessei don't have the image at all15:06
BUGabundonice then15:07
BUGabundosent 137 bytes  received 697.26M bytes  840.49K bytes/sec15:07
BUGabundoso you are the one responsible for my slow down15:07
jjesseBUGabundo: yes i am :)15:09
jjesse1.03 mb/second15:09
BUGabundolt me get kubuntu daily15:13
BUGabundojjesse: bah it won't even start!15:15
BUGabundofree me a slot! ehe15:15
BUGabundoI want to have a jaunty image to show off to my students15:16
BUGabundoof kubuntu that is15:16
peabodyhello kubuntu developers)15:21
maco_what's the CTCP for?15:22
BUGabundoto check the version15:22
maco_and why is quassel lying to me about my nick?15:22
maco_BUGabundo: no, i mean why is peabody CTCPing people15:22
BUGabundoeheh ah that15:22
=== maco_ is now known as maco
peabodykubuntu 9.04 kde 4.2.1 Qt 4.5.0 system Settings 4.2.1 - bug in kdelibs - (in kcatalog.cpp) - problem with cyrillic symbols in okular, gwenview è systemsettings (looks like BZD/???µ?????????????°)15:26
JontheEchidnapeabody: that bug will be fixed in KDE 4.2.215:26
jjessefinished rsyncing BUGabundo15:27
vorianScottK-desktop: ScottK2 ping15:27
vorianRiddell: pingaloo15:28
Riddellhi vorian15:28
vorianRiddell: mdz asked for me to have my sponsors ready at TB meeting15:29
vorian(which is now)15:29
jjesseRiddell: in the boot of the beta test cd, kubuntu is really small in my vm15:29
Riddellvorian: got a url for your application again?15:29
peabodyJontheEchidna: kde 4.2.2 will be in  9.04 ?)15:30
vorianRiddell: they havent gotten to me yet, but i'll be up next15:30
JontheEchidnapeabody: yes15:30
vorianRiddell: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StephenStalcup/CoreDeveloperApplication15:30
Riddelljjesse: it's ment to be, julian will have a rationale :)15:30
BUGabundobye guys! ping me if you need anything else! [[]]15:30
jjesseok, cool, i just wondered cause it was so small, i'll wait to hear from julian15:30
voriannixternal: yo, stop working15:30
jjessei thought nixternal didn't have a job?  did he get hired?15:31
vorianoh, i didn't know he didn't have one15:31
Riddellmy feedback on vorian's application looks pittiful compared to the essays by others15:41
vorianRiddell: heh, it's ok :)15:41
vorianRiddell: it can be your time to shine, live :)15:41
JontheEchidnaAll I was trying to do was to nott seem like I was copying nathan's advocation, lol15:42
vorianneversfelde's new choqok is awesome15:42
vorianhere we go!15:44
neversfeldeit is, any chance to backport it to intrepid? 0.3 is pretty old and misses features for direct messages15:44
neversfeldeah, forgot that it has to be in jaunty for backporting :/15:50
voriannixternal: my TB interview (now)15:54
nixternalwatching the feeding frenzy now15:54
* jjesse feels sorry for vorian16:18
jjessedid he leave?  what happened?16:19
jjesseRiddell: installing the beta candidate and it is hangning at scanning the mirror 82%16:22
Riddelljjesse: wait, it will probably timeout16:22
Riddellalthough I've done installs with no network today and not noticed a long hang16:22
jjesseRiddell: will do16:22
jjesseRiddell:  allso sent an email to the person requesting an article on 9.04 waitig to hear back from him16:23
jjessemy VM has network access, don't know why it is hanging then?16:23
nixternaljjesse: ya, he left....hopefully he chills out a bit and comes back16:26
jjessenixternal: hopefully, didn't understand what hpapned16:26
nixternalhrmm, it was just brought to my attention that he has left the MOTU team on LP16:26
jjesseoh wow16:28
jjessethat really sucks i thought vorian was a good dude16:28
nixternalI am trying to poke him anyway I know how...IM, Phone16:29
Nightrosewhat happened?16:29
jjesseNightrose: bad tech board meeting i guess16:32
davmor2nixternal: So when he that's me then he meant it :(16:32
jjessewb vorian16:34
nixternalwhew, there he is16:34
voriani had to reset my irssi16:34
jjesseah it moved on to configuring hardware finally16:34
vorianna, i had to get rid of a few channels16:34
=== maco_ is now known as maco
agateaua|wen: ping17:02
a|wenhi agateau17:02
agateauI fixed a memory leak which happened when you modified images17:02
agateau(in gwenview)17:02
agateauit's in kde trunk and 4.2 branch17:02
a|wenagateau: okay, cool; thx a lot! ... i'll just check up on if we're planning on packaging 4.2.2 or if i should cherry-pick the fix17:02
agateautell me if you want to cherry-pick, there are 5 commits I think17:03
agateau(or you can cherry-pick what I committed to the branch today)17:03
JontheEchidnawe'll be packaging 4.2.217:03
a|wenJontheEchidna: okay, perfect :) ... problem almost solved then; thx again agateau17:04
agateaua|wen: thanks for reporting the bug :)17:05
* a|wen really hopes that 4.2.2 will fix some of the kontact/kmail crashes17:05
* freinhard really hopes that akonadi integration and the imap rewrite hit 4.3 ;)17:08
peabodydo you know about copy/past problem in qt 4.5?17:11
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=== OMGkittensdie is now known as rickspencer3
jjesseNOOOO don't tell me kittens die, i thought they went to heaven17:13
nixternalvorian: hey, did anyone ever find that Ubuntu banner and what not that went missing at OLF?17:14
nixternalI just thought of that sucker17:14
voriannixternal: not that I know of17:14
vorianstupid fedora17:14
nixternalI can't believe someone stole it17:14
vorianI think so, it is a sweet banner17:14
nixternalhaha, I think it was them as well17:14
nixternalmaybe they will be at Flourish new week, if so paybacks are a beeeeeaaaaatccch17:15
nixternalthough Red Hat and Fedora haven't been back to Flourish in 2 years after the "Battle of the Distros" loss Ubuntu Chicago served them17:15
jjesseubuntu chciago sucks17:16
nixternalshoot, we won all the while having troubles with our laptops and the projectors...they didn't have any17:16
nixternaljjesse: horse head or dead fish? your choice17:16
nixternaldamn, the fish is the easy one to get, the horse head...don't know where I will get that one from17:17
nixternaldon't think the mounted pigs are out yet17:17
nixternalthough they were out for Obamapalooza, but you couldn't do anything that night17:17
tom451log out of my kde session doesn't work for me, is this an known issue?17:25
homyHi! Is it known, that opening "About Kubuntu" (contained in the default fileview widget on the default desktop)  triggers an error?17:29
nixternalhomy: yes17:30
nixternaltom451: no17:30
nixternalhomy: will be fixed in the next upload of kubuntu-docs17:31
tom451ok, when I use "log out" the screen just went black, but kdm does not appear. shut-down, restart and suspend are working without a problem.17:32
homyTheres another problem with kickoff: after selecting a category in applications, the "back" button on the left doesn't touch the screen edge, i.e. you can't move the mouse to the screen edge (soft spot) and click to get back.17:32
tom451this is on a hp nx7400 notebook with an intel graphic card. is there something i could try to solve this problem or should I file a bug report straight?17:34
nixternalI would say go with a bug report and see if you can find anyone else with that issue17:34
nixternali need to get my laptop back up on running, because I believe I have teh Compaq version of your laptop17:35
nixternalor something close, but my desktops are all Intel based and work like a champ...now I wouldn't put it past the Intel drivers either17:35
nixternalhas this always been happening in jaunty or did it just start?17:35
tom451no, it did start a few weeks ago. but i can not tell you with which update, because i use "log out" very rare.17:36
lubyoukpackagekit uses a gnome dialog when trying to gain root rights and kopete still has problems with msn accounts (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kopete/+bug/323198). upgraded from 8.10 to 9.04 beta17:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 323198 in kopete "Kopete can't connect to MSN account, complains about symbol not found" [Undecided,Fix released]17:37
nixternallubyou: I just connected to MSN via Kopete without any issues17:39
lubyounixternal hmm im getting this when i try to connect to msn: kopete: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/kde4/kopete_wlm.so: undefined symbol: _ZN3MSN28NotificationServerConnection15setFriendlyNameESsb17:40
lubyounixternal i believe you, just wondering how i could fix it on my machine :)17:41
lubyouother than making a clean install17:41
a|wenlubyou: try checking your version of libmsn?17:51
lubyoua|wen 4.0~beta4-0ubuntu217:53
a|wenthen it can't be that ... was a guess17:55
a|wenlooks a lot like a problem where it was build against a different version ... don't know if a reinstall of libmsn can help anything17:57
lubyoujust tried that, same problem, though17:58
a|wenand kopete is upgraded? it doesn't "hang" at an old version due to something17:59
lubyouFilename: pool/main/k/kdenetwork/kopete_4.2.1-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb18:00
a|wenand kopete has been restarted since the upgrade, i guess18:01
lubyouit has, yes :)18:02
lubyoui dont understand it, i removed both kopete + libmsn + looked for the shared objects and they were definitly gone, so it should work, right?18:02
a|wenit should, yes ... haven't heard about anybody else having the problem (unless they were having a strange version of libmsn)18:03
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lubyoua|wen sorted my msn problem. /usr/lib/kde4/kopete_wlm.so seemed to be linked to /usr/local/lib/libmsn.so.0.1, but only /usr/lib/libmsn.so.0.1 has the required  _ZN3MSN28NotificationServerConnection15setFriendlyNameESsb symbol19:04
a|wenokay, good... looks like you did have some other version of libmsn then19:05
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
voriandude, nothing is safe from attack on planet ubuntu19:23
Pconfighey, i tried to install jaunty today from a cd (fresh install) but the installer hanged at getting the time from the timeserver. I didn't have a network connection and couldn't click skip anymore19:27
Pconfigit worked the second time19:27
Pconfigintegrity test of the cd passed19:27
RiddellPconfig: if you can recreate the problem file a bug and attach the files in /var/log/installer20:19
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
davmor2Riddell: your still getting that screen-configuration.xml file on Kubuntu20:52
Riddelldavmor2: ?  what's that again?22:38
ufuk_khello, how can I contribute to kubuntu artwork?22:39
davmor2I can't remember I think you said it was an X thing but it seems strange that it's dumped in the home directory22:39
Riddellhi ufuk_k22:47
Riddellufuk_k: we use the upstream KDE artwork for pretty much everything, since it's veyr high quality in KDE 422:48
Riddellufuk_k: the artwork specific to kubuntu is quite limited, the CD covers (never great because done by outsiders), the website and the boot splash are about all22:48
ufuk_kcan I get some information about KDE 4 colour palette, templates, or any guidelines?22:48
Riddellufuk_k: best to ask on #oxygen for that22:49
Riddellufuk_k: I do have one request, the korganizer reminder icon in the system tray is still in a KDE 3 style, would be good to have a KDE 4 version, I'm not sure if the artwork hasn't been done or if it's a technical issue though22:50
Riddellufuk_k: you can ask kwwii for more about kubuntu artwork, but as I say the real action is in KDE itself on #oxygen22:51
ufuk_kRiddell: Thank you.22:53
davmor2Riddell: If you want tomorrow I can open up a bug and drop a copy of the xml file in it22:55
Riddelldavmor2: aye do22:58
davmor2Riddell: np's22:59
davmor2Now Ubuntu and netboot are out of the way I can concentrate my efforts else where tomorrow :)22:59
Riddelldavmor2: Kubuntu wubi and DVDs needing done, and everything else needing double checked23:01
Riddelldavmor2: did you check Kubuntu netboot?23:01
mase_workHi guys, i am currently testing jaunty and saw a post from jriddell saying the beta was coming out in 2 days. I have only found a handful of bugs which I have reported however for me the current alpha 6 is very slow in comparison to intrepid. I am not sure if I should report this as an issue or if its just because the debugging is presumably turned on23:01
davmor2Riddell: yeap that's what reminded me about the xml file :)23:02
Riddellmase_work: there's no special debugging turned on.  hard to say what would make it slow, it may be a problem in the graphics driver or indeed anywhere else23:02
Riddellmase_work: try turning off compositing for one thing23:02
Riddellmase_work: have you reported your test on the iso testing site?23:02
mase_workyeh its not on. i'm running an intel 4500MD23:02
mase_workits using dri2 and UXA23:03
Riddellmm, intel graphics seem to be variable quality in jaunty23:03
mase_workhave not reported my test yet. i shall do though23:04
mase_workjust lookign at the site now23:04
mase_workRiddell: so should i bother reporting this then ? I mean..its not unusable but its slow enough that i would probably use either intrepid or another distro until the next release. My only issue with reporting 'slowness' is that its very subjective and i am not really sure how to quantify it into something someone could fix23:07
mase_workhaving said that, XFCE works fine23:08
mase_workbut i understand even without compositing in kwin it is alot more intensive on the GPU that 3.5 was23:09
Riddellmase_work: may as well, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel23:09
mase_workRiddell: any ideas how i can narrow it down for the bug report. Because they will obviously ask if its also slow with gnome / xfce and I don't want them just to dismiss it as a kde issue23:14
* nixternal notes that "Quick Tweet" is nice in choqoK23:16
mpegcan i ask a quic question, i am just a regular user, i am going to try a beta kubuntu (currently running kubuntu 8.10 before i just messed it up), do you guys just want feedback from a developer? or do u want feedback from regular users?23:31
mpegi saw the message about wanting feedback jriddel blog23:32
Riddellmpeg: feedback from everyone please23:35
Riddellmase_work: I don't know I'm afraid23:36
mpegso the dude is actually here23:37
=== siekaczx is now known as siekacz
nixternalmpeg: ya, feedback from a user is typically better than a developer...developer's tend to be biased :)  you will probably find stuff devs won't23:38
nixternalie. I might not know it is broken because I use it a bit differently than you, and because of that, it isn't broken :D23:39
mpeglast comment, hop someday installing themes is unified, no more taking fedora rpms converting to debs, then going to older kde themes and hoping they install23:40
mpegi lied, second last comment: could you people make the download page for betas more ominous? install entire disk, install manual partitioning, etc23:46

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