
=== matsubara-dinner is now known as matsubara
duffydjamesh: ping00:39
jameshduffyd: hi00:39
duffydjamesh: hi did you get my email?00:44
jameshduffyd: just looking at it now.00:46
duffydjamesh: sweet00:46
jameshso, is there any difference to the set of private keys available locally and on your production system?00:47
jameshand do the gpg.conf files differ?00:48
duffydboth of those tests are run on the same system00:48
duffydand same data00:49
jameshbut with one of them it looks like you're failing to decrypt00:49
duffydyeah, that's what's confusing00:50
duffydI copied exactly the same data into the test suite00:50
jameshare you installing the private keys as part of your test suite?00:50
duffydI am if they aren't there00:50
duffydbut the same code is being run in both cases00:50
duffydI've deleted the keys and rerun it too with no joy00:51
jameshdo you have GPG_AGENT_INFO set in one case but not the other?00:51
duffydnot that I know of - what's that?00:51
jameshgpg-agent is a daemon used to unlock private keys00:52
jameshso you don't need to enter your passphrase over and over00:52
jameshthe gpgme library automatically passes --use-agent to gpg if that environment variable is set00:53
duffydoh ic00:53
duffydthe server and all tests are run with sudo so that would be in the root env?00:53
jameshthat would lose your env, yes.00:54
jameshsudo will not inherit the environment of the calling process00:55
duffydoh ic00:55
duffydjamesh: so iow the GPG_AGENT_INFO wouldn't be the cause of the problem?00:56
jameshduffyd: I guess it might be worth trying to run "gpg --decrypt" in an environment as close as you can to your testing and production environments and observe any differences.01:00
duffydjamesh: so perhaps with 'sudo' then I guess?01:02
jameshduffyd: "sudo -s" will give you a shell, which might make it easier to see what is going on01:02
duffydok cool01:02
duffydI'm thinking the user it's running under must be the issue01:03
duffydI think I may've run the tests under 'root' and the zope server under 'sudo'01:03
duffydwith my limited indepth knowledge of linux I thought this was the same thing01:03
duffydjamesh: they are different right?01:05
jameshduffyd: depends on what arguments you pass to sudo.01:05
duffydjust: sudo process01:06
duffydwe have something called 'supervisor' that runs them up in production01:06
duffydand I think it is just started via sudo process too01:06
jameshduffyd: without extra arguments, sudo leaves $HOME as is, but will set it to the target user if passed -H01:06
jameshand $HOME will affect what configuration gpg will see01:07
duffydjamesh: k01:07
jamesh(assuming you aren't explicitly setting a different config directory)01:07
duffydI wouldn't think so01:07
duffydI might try that01:07
duffydand see if it fixes things01:07
seiflotfy1hi guys01:10
seiflotfy1is launchpad freaking out01:10
seiflotfy1i cant push my latest commits01:11
spmseiflotfy1: wfm, and no server issues I can see. what's the error you're getting?01:20
fuksmaxb: I dont have root on any hosting, so I cant make debian repo01:20
wgrantfuks: One doesn't need root for that.01:49
fukswgrant: how do that?02:00
fukshow make debian and ubuntu repo on www?02:00
spmfuks: http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&q=howto+make+ubuntu+repo&sourceid=navclient-ff&rlz=1B3GGGL_enAU279AU279&ie=UTF-802:04
fuksand everywhere is about install sth02:05
fuksbut i dont have access to install on www02:05
fuksthere is not sth like launchpad for debian ?X_x02:06
fuksis impossible..02:06
spmfuks: I'm not sure I follow your problem here? Do you have access to a/any www host to put files on for others to download?02:09
fuksbut on google is info about install packages for make index etc02:10
fuksand i cant install any packages02:10
fukswhatever www server stay on slackware..02:10
spmso do those steps on a local machine and copy the results up. I'd be highly surprised if any of those indexing tools are host specific.02:11
duffydjamesh: running sudo with -H didn't fix the issue :(02:12
squidlyI have a myopenid that I would like to use to be able to login. Is that possible with launchpad?02:50
Ampelbeinsquidly: currently not, i think. lp only serves as a openID-provider02:51
Ampelbeinsquidly: see https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/OpenID?action=show&redirect=OpenID02:52
squidlyAmpelbein: thanks02:52
squidlylooking that over02:52
squidlyany thoughs on letting people login with openid?02:52
Ampelbeini'm not a canonical/launchpad-official so i can't say anything about that02:52
squidlyI use openid on most of my other sites that would be awesome02:53
spivsquidly: there's a bug open about that, I believe it's being worked on03:01
spivsquidly: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+bug/21094303:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 210943 in launchpad-foundations "be an openid consumer (not provider)" [High,Triaged]03:01
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calcany admins around that can check something for me03:03
calchttps://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+upstreamreport <- that says OOo has 36 non-triaged bugs, but it only shows 35 to me03:03
calcwhat is the extra bug... a bug itself?03:03
calckees with security access couldn't see it either03:04
squidlyspiv: thanks03:07
squidlythey say its on the like for 3.003:09
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spmcalc: '36 non-triaged bugs' - is that the column under the delta symbol between triaged|%|delta|Upstream ?03:24
spmcalc: I ask, as when I click on that particular link off, I see 38 bugs. 3 locked. They apepar to be appport crash reports at title glance.03:25
wgrantPossibly only the apport bot and reporter can see them.03:25
wgrantIs thar page's data cached?03:26
spmthe upstreamreport? possibly, but unknown to me. not by squid - per-se tho.03:26
calcspm: ah ok, yea it shows 36 as the delta to me03:29
calcspm: but when i click on it only shows me 3503:29
spmcalc: hmm. that would work. I get 38, but 3 are locked - all are appport crashes.03:29
calcspm: so it seems that if you see 38 then one is probably still missing or it showing one of those 303:29
spmno idea why 35 tho.03:29
spmerr 36.03:29
calcspm: well if you don't see it doesn't exist, right? so nothing for me to worry about, might be a display bug of some sort though03:30
spmcalc: I suspect that the upstream report is cached - as per wgrant's suggestion. is generated maybe a few times a day. 2 of those reports are very recent. 23-3 as in.03:30
calcspm: are the 3 old bugs or just ones that haven't had a chance to be retraced yet03:30
spm1 old, 2 new.03:31
wgrantspm: That's what I thought.03:31
calcspm: ah ok i see03:31
wgrantIt looks *very* expensive to calculate.03:31
* spm refrains from asking what on LP isn't expensive to calculate ;-)03:31
wgrantspm: Are two of those crashes newish?03:31
calcwhen i make changes to bugs it seems to update fairly quickly so maybe its a combination of cached data and updated data of some sort03:31
spmwgrant: yes. 23/3 - UTC as in03:31
wgrantspm: Oh, I thought you meant reports of runnings of the update script. But I misread.03:32
calcmaybe the old bug then makes it 3603:32
spm 22 Mar 09 19:30 - hmm maybe not that newish.03:32
spmcalc: that would be my assumption, yes.03:32
* wgrant would check the source, but...03:32
wgrantOnly 4 months!03:33
jmlthat reminds me03:37
* wgrant wonders what about.03:37
ajmitchprobably 'cleaning' his code03:37
jmlajmitch: my code is perfect!03:38
ajmitchand your comments never exhibit any frustration or distaste :)03:38
jmlactually it reminds me about documenting some of the work I've been doing.03:38
jmlajmitch: I don't know what you're talking about. I'm the very soul of patience.03:40
spmjml: fair warning. I have copied that line; and will retain it for playback at a time/place of my choosing. :-P03:45
jmldrats. this is going to make it much harder to ask mwhudson about that review :)03:51
mwhudsonit's coming on03:53
* jml gets supplies and starts the first of a series of UI branches.04:02
wgrantWhich UI is being attacked now?04:03
wgrantSource package branches, or merge proposals?04:04
jmlpackage branches.04:18
macoAmpelbein just pointed out that on https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/seahorse-plugins my email address is linking to ~maco-m when if you look at the email address it should be ~maco.m is misparsing punctuation in email addresses a known thing?04:50
wgrantmaco: You have multiple accounts.04:51
wgrantmaco: Merge maco-m into your maco.m.04:51
macoheh thats what he said04:51
macoi dont know how i got >1 account though04:51
wgrantBecause you uploaded the package as maco.m@ubuntu.com, and didn't have that address associated with ~maco.m.04:51
wgrantSo it created ~maco-m by mangling the user part of the email address, as it needed a user to link to.04:52
macoAmpelbein: ok you win04:53
wgrantWhy does LP not tell me that a scan of a branch is scheduled?05:09
wgrantIt knows, because it is able to tell me there are no revisions once I push, whereas before the push finishes it tells me that it hasn't been pushed to.05:09
wgrantIt will then show the real revisions a couple of minutes later.05:10
mwhudsonwgrant: because we're slack and haven't fixed that bug yet05:12
mwhudson(it's reported already i think)05:12
* spm has dibs on codebrowse getting fixed first, btw. ;-)05:12
mwhudsonanyway, most of the proper fix is to remove the delay as much as we can05:13
wgrantmwhudson: Is the delay because it's slow, or just because it's infrequent?05:13
mwhudsonwgrant: these days, mostly infrequent05:13
mwhudsoni mean, it shouldn't be that long05:13
mwhudsonup to a minute for the puller, then another minute for the scanner to run05:13
spmreally needs some sort of db trigger like device/MQ etc vs cronjobs.05:14
mwhudsonbut double handling is stupid and we shouldn't do it05:14
spmthat too05:14
wgrantSoyuz dispatches builds within seconds.05:14
mwhudsonspm: i don't think we need anything that exciting, really05:14
spmmwhudson: "everest syndrome" not withstanding?05:15
mwhudsonspm: what's that?05:15
spmbecause it's there, and you can.05:15
spmie why climb everest. because it's there, and I can05:15
jmlwe shouldn't bother with any delay at all for hosting or imported branches though.05:16
jmlbut codebrowse & package branches first!05:17
wgrantPoor codebrowse.05:17
mwhudsonspm: i try not to fall for that one :)05:23
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wgrantnoodles775: The false dupe marking was bug #347258.07:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347258 in malone "Retrying failed AJAX dupe marking appears to work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34725807:12
noodles775Thanks wgrant... will look into it now...07:13
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dominikshello, is there any way to turn off locations (on map) on team pages please? it's real pain to wait for 800 flags sometimes :)08:00
wgrantdominiks: It looks like the next version of Launchpad (to be released in a week) only shows a subset of large teams unless you ask for the whole lot.08:05
dominikswgrant: thanks for info.. that'll be fine08:06
wgrantnoodles775: That was a nice quick fix!09:48
noodles775wgrant: :), yep, but one of many little display issues :/09:49
wgrantnoodles775: JS has that effect on things :(09:49
bigjoolsJS is evil10:23
Spadssudo apt-get install mozilla-noscript10:27
bigjoolsit's amazing how many sites completely fail with JS disabled10:28
SpadsI'm more impressed with how many fail gracefully10:29
bigjoolsthere are some? :)10:29
wgrantJS makes everything painful :(10:35
bigjoolsstill, we could be writing Flash10:35
wgrantbigjools: I somehow suspect that Launchpad's market share would cease to exist.10:36
wgrantFairly rapidly.10:36
wgrantAt least Flash works fairly similarly throughout the browsers it supports, however.10:37
intellectronicawgrant: it makes the development process painful, but ideally the end result should be a lot nicer to use. if not then the whole exercise if pointless10:37
wgrantintellectronica: But it rarely works out well.10:37
wgrantAlthough Launchpad's is a good application - it just needs the bugs ironed out.10:37
tumbleweedmy debian boxs' bzr just upgraded to 1.13 - it now appears to use a https transport by default when talking to launchpad10:38
tumbleweedcan I persuade it not to?10:38
bigjoolswhat's in your ~/.bazaar/locations.conf ?10:42
bigjoolsthe public_branch should be bzr+ssh:// ...10:42
tumbleweedbigjools: lp:10:44
bigjoolstumbleweed: I use bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/10:44
tumbleweedbigjools: ok, yes I can do bzr+ssh10:45
tumbleweedbigjools: but then I can never use the lp:foo shortcut10:45
bigjoolsI use that and it works fine10:46
bigjoolslp: maps to bzr+ssh10:46
tumbleweedbigjools: I don't think it does any more10:46
tumbleweedit apporas to be talking to
tumbleweedand unfortuantly I'm sitting behind a traffic shaper that doesn't like https very much10:47
bigjoolsno idea then, sorry10:47
bigjoolsabentley or rockstar can help later when they are around10:47
tumbleweedin most cases, https is likely to work than ssh10:48
tumbleweedhowever this university's IT department sucks10:48
tumbleweeds/is/is more/10:48
wgrantThat's it talking to the XML-RPC lp: resolver, I suspect.10:48
wgrantYour traffic shaper is broken.10:48
tumbleweedwgrant: damn straight10:48
wgrant(bzr's Launchpad plugin will talk to Launchpad's web servers to work out which URL an lp: URL maps to, and Launchpad redirects HTTP to HTTPS)10:49
tumbleweedwgrant: ah, so that's what's going on10:50
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* mpt gets all excited about bug 34775613:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347756 in launchpad-bazaar "Enable Code tab for distro source package page" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34775613:42
Ursinhaerr sorry13:42
mptand bug 34776213:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347762 in launchpad-bazaar "Enable Code tab for distribution page" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34776213:43
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=== matsubara changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: matsubara | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
fab2gmb: are you here?15:43
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vadi3small funny of the day: "Bug,  I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.  - Tim"19:15
vadi3(explanation: "Clicked the wrong button on linkedin, and it blasted my entire contact list with an invite. Whoops.")19:15
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mrooneySo, I can change the series that a milestone is for on staging, but not on edge? How might I actually make that change?20:04
mwhudsonmrooney: i guess you'll have to wait for the rollout in a week and a bit20:08
mrooneymwhudson: okay, can asking a question on launchpad get someone to manually change it? It has tons of things assigned to it but is in the wrong series unfortunately20:09
mwhudsonmrooney: um, probably20:10
wgrantHmmm, one day's notice of downtime? That's not too good.20:11
RAOFIs it possible to link a bug in an Ubuntu package to an already existing upstream bug where upstream uses launchpad?20:53
kikoRAOF, funny you should mention that -- not really. you need to duplicate and then add a task to the dupe.20:53
kikoit's annoying, isn't it?20:53
RAOFDo you have the bug # for that handy, or should I be less lazy :)20:55
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mrooneykiko, RAOF: yeah I have thought about that too, but if you didn't dupe and then add the task, you would have two tasks with different bug reports in the same report, it would be potentially confusing21:10
mrooneythough it would be nice to treat it as upstream instead of just a different task21:10
RAOFThat's what I hoped to do.21:10
* wgrant looks for a Merge button.21:11
wgrantOr the dupe marking should ask if you want to copy any of the tasks over.21:11
mrooneywgrant: yes that would be nice!21:12
mrooneycheckboxes for each?21:12
wgrantOr maybe it could copy all valid ones over to make things easier.21:14
wgrantBut cloning invalid ones doesn't seem like a good idea.21:14
mrooneywell sometimes you want them, so people can at least search and find the bug if they know what they are diong21:14
mrooneyperhaps ask, checking all the valid ones by default, so you can blindly click and get decent results21:15
kikoRAOF, I think that bug is actually filed. the right thing to do is to have a "merge bugs" command for that sort of situation I think.21:16
kikomaybe merging is duping done right21:17
kikoI'm not 100% sure yet21:17
wgrantDebian's implementation of merging confuses me.21:20
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mrooneyI would pretty happily settle for something that auto-duped and copied over the tasks. It seems like you still want to capture that +1 duplicate in your counts21:25
ftagasp, this is becoming crazy... "PPA exceeded its size limit (11234.00 of 10240.00 MiB)"21:25
LarstiQfta: weren't you on 5G yesterday?21:26
EtienneG_homehey guys21:26
ftaLarstiQ, well... 1->3->7->3->5->1021:26
EtienneG_homeknowing a Debian bug number, is it possible to find out if there is an Ubuntu bug linked to it ...?21:27
kikoEtienneG_home, yes, there is, but it's weird.21:27
EtienneG_homekiko, I don't mind weird.  I am weird.21:27
EtienneG_homekiko, cool21:28
kikoit's a hidden feature21:29
EtienneG_homeand a very useful one indeed21:29
ftaLarstiQ, there are huge -dbg packages in this ppa but apparently, i'm over quota because of the previous versions piling up.. http://ppa.launchpad.net/chromium-daily/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/c/chromium-browser/21:30
rickspencer3how would I search for a list of bug targets using launchpad lib?21:41
rickspencer3such that I could then allow a user to choose a target and search for bugs on that target?21:41
kikorickspencer3, it's basically a /projects search21:42
wgrantrickspencer3: You'd need to manually list all of the Projects, then their ProjectSeries, then all of the Distributions, then all of their DistroSeries, then the Distribution's DistributionSourcePackages, then all of the DistroSeries' DistributionSeriesSourcePackages.21:42
kikorickspencer3, unfortunately I don't think there's a way to query for all 3 at once21:42
wgrantOh dear.21:42
kikooh, by bug target do you also mean packages?21:42
rickspencer3well, if I know the distro?21:42
rickspencer3kiko: yes, I mean packages21:43
kikowgrant, one day I'm gonna revoke your license to our source code <wink>21:43
kikorickspencer3, oh. is there an API to query for packages in Ubuntu, wgrant, cprov?21:43
wgrantThere isn't.21:43
wgrantUnless you get the publishing records and work from there.21:43
kikosounds like a pretty glaring omission -- it is very easy to figure that out21:43
kikois there a bug filed?21:43
wgrantkiko: Heh.21:43
wgrant4 months!21:44
wgrantI haven't seen one.21:44
kikorickspencer3, if you file a bug and take it to julian he may have some favors to swap it for ;)21:44
rickspencer3I'm all for that21:44
rickspencer3so I'm totally SOL on this one?21:44
wgrantYou could getPublishedSources on the Ubuntu PRIMARY archive.21:44
wgrantBut that would be terribly, terribly slow and inefficient.21:45
cprovwgrant: is it ?21:45
wgrantcprov: What? Inefficient?21:45
rickspencer3that would generate a list of all packages, more or less?21:45
wgrantA list of all versions of all packages in all distroseries.21:45
wgrantWhich is likely to be an awful lot.21:46
cprovwgrant: yes, you can pass status and series21:46
rickspencer3can I do launchpad.distributions["ubuntu"].getPublishedSources?21:46
wgrantcprov: If you don't want all of the source packages in the distro, sure.21:46
wgrantI guess that could work for rickspencer3.21:46
wgrantrickspencer3: launchpad.distributions['ubuntu'].archives[0].getPublishedSources21:47
rickspencer3I just want the packages in ubuntu21:47
rickspencer3if it takes too long, I21:47
wgrantIs there a proper way to get the right archive, cprov?21:47
rickspencer3'll save the results :)21:47
wgrantcprov: I was looking for primary_archive :(21:47
wgrantcprov suggested getPublishedSources(distroseries=launchpad.distributions['ubuntu'].getDevelopmentSeries(), status='Published')21:49
rickspencer3I'll try that21:51
cprovrickspencer3: pass "source_name='foo' " and it will return any source published matching 'foo*', since 'exact_match' defaults to False.21:52
rickspencer3where source_name is a substring of the package name?21:53
cprovrickspencer3:  try http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/137040/21:55
cprovrickspencer3: yes, the source_name is treated as substring (LIKE '%$substr%') when exact_match is omitted (or False)21:56
rickspencer3so in this way, I can allow a user to search for packages, right?21:57
cprovrickspencer3: yes21:57
rickspencer3like, if you wanted to find all bug tasks associated with notify-osd, and the user search for "osd"21:57
rickspencer3I pass that as the source_name, then allow them to pick the package from a list of results21:58
rickspencer3this is exactly what I needed!21:58
cprovrickspencer3: cool!21:58
* rickspencer3 trying it now21:59
rickspencer3cprov: wgrant: worked perfectly!22:00
rickspencer3thanks a million22:01
cprovrickspencer3: you are welcome!22:01
rickspencer3kiko: it looks like my scenario is supported, just hard to grock from the docs22:01
wgrantIt also breaks if you want to know about packages that don't exist any more.22:02
cprovwgrant: for this case he could play with the status argument.22:04
rickspencer3wgrant: cprov: thanks22:23
rickspencer3I am now getting back the source_package_publishing_history that I want22:23
rickspencer3but can't figure out how to get the bug_tasks for the package associated with it22:24
kikorickspencer3, I think you need a distribution_source_packaging object22:31
kikobugtasks are linked to DSPs22:31
rickspencer3I want to go: distribution -> package -> bugs for that package22:33
cprovrickspencer3: ubuntu.getSourcePackage($name)22:36
cprovrickspencer3: that's annoying, you can't jump directly from a source_pub to a distribution_source22:36
* rickspencer3 tries22:36
cprovrickspencer3: ubuntu.getSourcePackage(source_pub.source_package_name)22:38
cprovrickspencer3: please file a bug requesting the implementation of source_package_publishing_history.getSourcePackage() (or similar)22:39
* cprov goes out for food.22:39
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rickspencer3will do22:39
rickspencer3thanks again!22:39
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rickspencer3kiko: cprov-afk: wgrant: thanks guys! I'm getting back the data I wanted now23:11
rickspencer3I'll log that bug asking for a direct route tomorrow23:11
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wgrantcprov-afk: What chance do I have of getting an argument added to IArchive.getPublishedSources() to give me all records updated since some time, rather than just those published since that time?23:37
wgrantThat should let me watch all changes to the series, shouldn't it?23:38
wgrant(I need to keep track of what's superseded and what's not for reporting useful status on archive rebuilds)23:38
kikowgrant, doesn't sound very hard23:47
wgrantkiko: I guess just take the max of all of the status dates.23:52
wgrantSince AFAICT the only fields that change are the status and the dates, and a status change triggers one of the dates to be changed.23:53
cprov-afkwgrant: overrides are new records, do you know that, right ?23:56
cprov-afkwgrant: pubshing records are only updated when they are superseded (a new one will be created), deleted or removed from the repo.23:58
wgrantcprov-afk: I know. That was my point.23:59

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