
mhjacksIt's being started from rc.local so that stuff should be up, shouldn't it?00:00
crdlbmhjacks: can I ask why?00:00
IntuitiveNipplemifritscher: You can check where the video BAR is using "sudo lspic -vvnn"00:00
mhjacksSometimes I log in to the console, sometimes I want to access a semi-permanent X session from elsewhere00:00
mhjacksSometimes I do both. :)00:00
crdlbmhjacks: if you're using rc.local, wouldn't it be running as root?00:00
mhjacksI su - <my userid> -c "/usr/bin/vncserver :1 -geometry 1280x800"00:01
crdlbor are you dropping to a user account?00:01
mhjacksIt drops the logs in ~user/.vnc/ so that part seems tobe working00:02
DaemonFC`it is STILL deleting my kernel source00:02
crdlbmhjacks: is DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS set?00:02
mhjacksI don't know.00:02
mhjacksI can check for that....how would I get it set if it's not?00:03
DaemonFC`I hate building kernels00:04
DaemonFC`I *just* built git6 last night00:04
DaemonFC`then they go and release 2.6.29 final00:04
crdlbmhjacks: dbus-launch --exit-with-session gnome-session00:04
mifritscherIntuitiveNipple: hmm, E0000000 -> is in the "reversed" zone, yes (on 32 bit)00:04
mhjacksDo I do that in lieu of executing gnome-session directly?00:05
IntuitiveNipplemifritscher: Yes, that's 3.75GB00:05
crdlbmhjacks: if the aforementioned environment var is not set00:05
mhjacksI'll bet it's not. :)00:05
mhjacksJaunty seems more particular about that than Intrepid used to be00:05
crdlbideally, gnome-session should run dbus-launch itself00:05
crdlband set the DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS in its own environment00:06
crdlbotherwise, apps started by dbus don't get GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID ...00:07
mhjacksWould it be consistent to get "starter X Screen" (i.e. checks with -style X cursor) if it failed?00:07
crdlbif gnome-session is totally screwing up, maybe00:08
mhjacksThat seems plausible00:08
mhjacksxrdp starts by doing . /etc/X11/Xsession00:09
mhjacksThat calls the dbus launcher00:09
mhjacksI've got some extra syslogging in rc.local, I'll try that...00:10
mhjacksThanks, crdlb, you've been most helpful. :)00:10
DaemonFC`ignoring my own rule of don't build kernels while you're tired00:10
mhjackscrdlb: I tried it, and I found I'd accidentally removed myself from some important groups (audio, video etc)00:39
mhjacksI also saw a group whose purpose I didn't recognize: messagebus00:39
mhjacksI'm still not getting the session started from rc.local like I want (the DBUS env is not defined before or after I start the session)00:39
mhjacksbut I'm wondering if putting myself in the messagebus group might help00:40
crdlbdid you use dbus-launch this time?00:41
crdlbyou probably want to be in that group though :)00:42
mhjacksYes, I did use dbus-launch thouigh the man page seems to suggest that "dbus-launch gnome-session" is the way to go for session scripts00:43
mhjacksNo one is currently in that group though it can't hurt to add myself. :)00:43
mhjacksOK, on to reboot. Thank god for quad-cores and fast reboot times!00:44
DaemonFC`still compiling00:46
DaemonFC`it only has maybe two dozen bugfixes that were not in git600:46
DaemonFC`I don't know that I should care except that this is the Linus approved release B-)00:47
=== DaemonFC` is now known as DaemonFC
mhjacksThis is really starting to piss me off...00:52
mhjacksI still get the "frozen" x screen from rc.local, whether I'm calling dbus or not00:52
mhjacksOnce I start it from a login session, I'm fine00:53
mhjacksAdding myself to messagebus didn't make a diference00:54
JanCstorrgie: no problem, just upgrade  ;)01:15
storrgiei know, i was going to install it on my raid box tonight... but being alpha still i will wait a month01:15
JanCwell, considering that Isaw some devs debugging a RAID issue some hours ago, maybe that's not a bad idea01:16
JanCOTOH, I have /home on software RAID and no problems...01:16
storrgieill give it 1 month01:20
storrgiebesides it will give me something to be excited for01:20
storrgiei remember doing 8.10 a month early01:20
storrgieit was bad newsss01:20
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xanguahey anyone there taht can tell me your personal opinion of the alpha of Jaunty ¿01:37
macoon my hardware: more stable than hardy01:37
xanguado ypu think is perfect usable or there are things that still nedd to polish for the final user ¿01:37
macohardy kernel panicked nearly every day. i just had my first one in a week01:37
DanaGwow, stupid notify-osd eats 100% cpu on an older Savage video card on a laptop I have around here/01:40
DanaG100% CPU just to show a volume OSD... that actually makes the VOLUME CHANGING ITSELF lag!01:41
DanaGHaving the OSD delay the actual volume changes... is stupid.01:41
bruce89ah, 601:41
DanaGTry playing something, then holding down the volume-up key until it starts blinking and twitching and glitching at you.... and then try to reduce the volume -- YOU CAN'T!01:41
xanguawhat is OSD¿, the new default notification  system¿?01:42
xanguaif i don't like it can i install the old one¿?01:42
crdlbyes and yes01:43
xanguaooh, that is great!!01:43
DaemonFChmmm, they busted Pulseaudio on Jaunty01:51
DaemonFCI was going through my logs and stumbled on that01:51
macoglitch-free is disabled. that was the thing causing crackling01:52
macoand there's a patch about to go into the kernel to make pulseaudio not crash01:52
dtchenwhich means i need to rebuild, since tim just uploaded -11.3701:52
macowithout your patch?01:53
DaemonFCMar 23 21:34:23 ryan-desktop kernel: [    0.000000] AMI BIOS detected: BIOS may corrupt low RAM, working around it.01:53
dtcheni haven't asked for my patch to be pulled yet01:53
* DaemonFC goes to the Fedora docs to see what he can dig up01:53
macowaiting on more feedback?01:53
Roeydtchen:  hey man01:53
mhjackscrdlb:  I'm bugging out and going with the x11vnc+gdm solution01:53
Roeyand DaemonFC and mhjacks and maco, always maco.01:54
crdlbmhjacks: how were you using dbus-launch exactly?01:54
mhjacksIt does pretty much what I want it to and seem to work decently.01:54
mhjacksI was running dbus-launch gnome-session, which is what the manpage suggested01:54
Roeyquesiton... is there a way to revert to intrepid's do-release-upgrade package?01:54
RoeyI errantly changed all my deb source lines to jaunty01:55
Roeyand upgraded the  do-release-upgrade package.01:55
Roeyproblem is, it has a ton of dependencies for Jaunty leading all the way up to libc.01:55
macodpkg --force-downgrade01:55
macodependencies? that could be bad...01:55
* DaemonFC turns on glitch free pa01:55
crdlbso you already upgraded part of the system?01:55
DaemonFCthanks to the fedora docs01:55
macothat dpkg line will just overrde the "but something newer's installed" errors01:56
macoDaemonFC: you want glitch-free? its really glitchy on a lot of hardware...01:56
Roeycrdlb:  just do-release-upgrade01:56
Roeycrdlb:  I stopped the madness when I realized it wanted to upgrade libc as wel.01:56
macoDaemonFC: well its only not-glitchy when you have a very low latency kernel. so...when you use fedora. and that's it.01:56
DaemonFCmaco: It works fine for me in Fedora 1001:57
DaemonFCso why would it not here? B-)01:57
macobecause ubuntu's kernel doesnt have PREEMPT enabled01:57
crdlbRoey: eh, if it only upgraded one package, then you can fix your sources, update, and use apt-get install with the exact version01:57
DaemonFCmaco: Linux ryan-desktop 2.6.29-ryan1 #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Mar 23 20:31:31 EDT 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux01:57
macoDaemonFC: oh special kernel. ok.01:57
Roeycrdlb:  so I issued sudo apt-get install --reinstall update-manager-core and got:  Reinstallation of update-manager-core is not possible, it cannot be downloaded01:58
crdlbI didn't say reinstall01:59
Roeythen what then?01:59
crdlbuse apt-cache policy PKG to get the version01:59
Roeyone moment01:59
crdlband sudo apt-get install package=version01:59
Roey  Installed: 1:0.110.001:59
Roeythe versiontable info gives:02:00
Roey *** 1:0.110.0 002:00
Roey        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status02:00
crdlbyou want to look at the candidates02:00
Roeycrdlb:  instead of a server location and distribution name02:00
DaemonFCmaco: It seems to work better02:00
* DaemonFC checks logs02:00
Roeycrdlb:  see that02:01
crdlbRoey: looks fine02:01
DaemonFCmaco: Mar 23 21:59:22 ryan-desktop pulseaudio[3541]: module-alsa-source.c: Your kernel driver is broken: it reports a volume range from 18.00 dB to 18.00 dB which makes no sense.02:01
DaemonFCI see the same error for Ubuntu kernel users02:01
DaemonFCso it has to be Pulseaudio that's broke02:01
Roeycrdlb:  I have never seen this status message before02:01
Roey"not possible"02:01
DaemonFCor an Ubuntu kernel setting that is broke and made it past me02:01
crdlbRoey: exactly what you'd expect; there's the package in /var/lib/dpkg/status (ie already installed), then there's the older versions in the intrepid repos02:02
Roeycrdlb:  does this .110 package come from intrepid??02:02
Roeydoesn't look like it does, to me at least.02:02
Roeyah ok02:02
Roeyso if I remove it02:02
Roeyand re-install it...02:02
Roeymaybe it'll install intrepid's version?02:02
crdlbit's the jaunty package that apt doesn't know about anymore02:02
crdlbI told you want to do02:02
Roeyok this is what I igured02:02
RoeyRoey: eh, if it only upgraded one package, then you can fix your sources, update, and use apt-get install with the exact version02:03
DanaGHmm, my usb sound card reports from 0db to 0dp in alsamixer.02:03
crdlb21:59 < crdlb> and sudo apt-get install package=version02:03
DaemonFCDanaG: Check your kernel log02:04
DaemonFCprobably a variant of what I'm experiencing02:04
Roeycrdlb:  thanks02:05
Roeycrdlb:  I also accidentally upgraded python2.602:05
Roeybut for the candidates I see in apt-cache policy, I only see the jaunty one.02:05
crdlbyou didn't upgrade it, you installed it02:05
DanaGhmm, PA doesn't complain about mine, though; it just doesn't use that slider.02:05
crdlbintrepid didn't have 2.602:05
DanaGThe sound card also has both a "Speaker" and a "Speaker 1" slider; only the latter takes any effect.02:06
Roeycrdlb:  ahhhhhh02:06
Roeyok then.02:06
macoDanaG: when did you last update?02:09
DanaGI'm using the PA 0.9.15 PPA, though.02:10
macodtchen says doesnt matter, still the driver02:10
DaemonFCDanaG: Where is that at?02:11
DaemonFCheh, I installed PA 0.9.15 and most of the kernel errors went away02:25
DaemonFCit went back to 44100 HZ and stereo02:26
DaemonFCthat's good enough for me02:26
DaemonFCand no crackling either02:27
dan457I get some on certain video files.  nothing I cannot live with for now.02:27
DaemonFCJaunty isn't even out yet and I have to build my own kernel and use a test version of PA02:27
dan457I'm sure they will have that fixed by release.02:28
dan457not so sure about my keyboard repeat issue resetting X though.02:28
dan457might have to just leave that off.02:28
DaemonFCdoes PA 0.9.15 default to Glitch Free? Or did it jsut carry over my setting?02:30
dan457prob using your old settings.02:30
DaemonFCI use a real time kernel02:31
DaemonFCthere's no reason not to use glitch free02:31
DaemonFCseeing as how it works fine on my system02:31
dan457hmm... I wonder if that would speed up handbrake any.....02:32
dan457I do archive dvd's on this box mostly.02:32
DaemonFCthere's really no reason not to have realtime if you have reasonable hardware02:33
DaemonFCit solves so much laggy behavior that it's worth sparing soem raw throughput potential02:33
dan457amd quad 9950.02:33
DaemonFCyeah, you should definitely use it02:33
DaemonFCbut Jaunty's realtime kernel was broken last time I tried it02:34
DaemonFCfroze up a lot02:34
dan457kinda been waiting for 9.04 to be released before messing with kernel...02:34
DaemonFCI compiled my own 2.6.29 realtime kernel02:34
DaemonFCthey changed the Linux mascot with 2.6.2902:34
mindframewhat the hell is a realtime kernel02:34
mindframeis that the mortenson fork?02:35
DaemonFCHis name is Tuz and he's a Tazmanian Devil, but only til 2.6.30, then it's Tux again02:35
mindframe-mm ?02:35
DaemonFCIngo Molnar and others02:35
DaemonFCno, it's not -mm02:35
macomindframe: -rt02:35
DaemonFCit's an option in the standard kernel config02:35
macomindframe: its low latency02:35
DaemonFCno, low latency is Voluntary Preempt02:36
DaemonFCrealtime is everything can be preempted except critical kernel code02:36
lymecaWill GNOME 2.26.0 be in jaunty?02:36
DaemonFCGNOME 2.26 is already in Jaunty02:36
bruce89and most likely 2.26.102:37
DaemonFCmaco: Generally, you're advised to use no preemption for servers, voluntary for standard desktops, and realtime for ultra low-latency desktops B-)02:37
DaemonFCyou're essentially trading theoretical raw throughput for better responsiveness and guaranteed process deadlines02:38
macobut responsive is usually what you want on a desktop02:38
dan457but would that make my video encodes faster or slower.. hmmm.02:38
DaemonFCand it can result in better actual throughput in many workloads anyway02:39
DanaGDoesn't no-preemption allow greater possibility of deadlocks, or something/02:39
DaemonFCyeah it does02:39
DaemonFCstay away from that if you are using a lot of interactive programs02:39
dtchenno, 0.9.15 only masks the issue, and it only works that way on certain hardware02:40
dtchenthe real issue is in the kernel; the fix is queued for 2.6.3002:40
DaemonFCgreat, I get to ride another branch of the kernel02:40
DaemonFCthis one still has that new kernel smell02:40
DaemonFCthey always take all my fun :(02:40
DanaGtuz:  http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=NzE1MA02:41
DaemonFCoh well, I'd be dealing with all this crap and more on .2802:41
eternal_phey all...anyone else having a problem with aMSN and webcams?02:43
dan457no webcam here, sorry.02:43
DaemonFCeternal_p: YOu mean it doesn't see it?02:44
dan457but overall binary driver and new xorg 1.6 yes.02:44
DaemonFCor that it only occupies 1/4th the window with your cam02:44
eternal_pDaemonFC: neither, amsn just doesn't see it, but I can see it everywhere else02:44
DaemonFCaMSN doesn't support VFL1 devices02:44
DaemonFCFedora patches it so it can02:44
DaemonFCbut other than that, expect to buy a new webcam B-)02:45
eternal_pDaemonFC: worked fine in 8.10 :)02:45
DanaGrandom: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Specs/ARMImageSelection02:45
DaemonFChmmm, that's odd02:45
eternal_pamsn says a driver isn't loaded, but it is there02:45
DaemonFCif it was the GSPCA transition it would have stopped working in Intrepid02:46
DaemonFCHardy would be the last release it worked in02:46
IntuitiveNippleDepends on the camera chip-set02:46
DaemonFCmeh, they did heavy development work on Intel HD Audio so I guess I should have expected some minor setbacks02:47
eternal_pDaemonFC: found a launchpad about it02:47
DaemonFCI had a Creative Webcam Instant, Fedora is the only distro that supports it02:47
DaemonFCthey patches everything to work with VFL1 devices02:47
DaemonFCbut that thing is crap and so it's a cat toy B-)02:48
jscinozi thought that compiz black window bug was fixed long ago02:52
jscinozWhenever i open more than 3-4 maximised windows, any subsequent windows are just the titlebar, then entirely black02:53
Amaranthjscinoz: nvidia?02:54
AmaranthIf so, it was 'fixed' in the sense that by the time you hit it your system will probably lock up and/or OOM due to stupid nvidia bugs02:54
Amaranthjscinoz: nvidia?02:54
AmaranthLatest driver?02:54
DaemonFCis what you should use02:57
AmaranthPretty sure that one still leaks memory at a rate of several MB a window but hey, at least you don't get black windows02:57
DaemonFCthere's a leaked 185 driver floating around, I'm not that crazy though02:57
DaemonFCI've never had trouble with Nvidia02:58
crdlb"leaked"? it's a beta02:58
DaemonFCwhatever, I think they did it by accident and jsut don't care it's on the server02:58
DaemonFCthere was no announcement02:58
AmaranthDaemonFC: When you run out of texture memory and it starts using system RAM for textures it allocates them in compiz (so it looks like compiz is chewing RAM) and...never free them02:59
DaemonFCthat's never happened to me02:59
macohello jaunty users02:59
DaemonFCif we want to play the crappy linus video drivers03:00
DaemonFCthey all do some really bad stuff03:00
macocan someone open seahorse and edit your pgp key. click add a name. in the name slot (not the email slot) put "name@example.com" and hit ok. does seahorse spin the cpu?03:00
DaemonFCunder the right circumstance any program will fall over and die though03:00
AmaranthDaemonFC: This is not "for a small group of people this happens" this is _everyone_03:01
AmaranthDaemonFC: You probably have enough texture memory to not need to worry about it03:02
AmaranthAnd for games they exit once you're done with them so you never notice it leaked03:02
DaemonFC512 MB03:03
Amaranthright, not a problem03:03
macoa lot of nvidia cards were blacklisted by compiz03:03
AmaranthNow, an older laptop with 128MB...03:03
macothat was their workaround to the black window bug03:03
Amaranthmaco: No, older cards were03:03
* Amaranth wrote that check to block those cards03:03
DaemonFCwell, my Geforce 7 and 6 series cards work03:03
macoi didnt say all03:03
DaemonFCso it must be some ancient crap03:03
macoi said a lot03:03
Amaranththe idea being if you have 128MB of texture memory you have to be a power user to see the bug03:04
macowas going to say "the ones that didnt have much mem"03:04
macomy card has 8mb shared video memory. and it works fine. yay intel!03:04
DaemonFCI only use Nvidia, it's not because I have the hots for them03:04
DaemonFCit's cause everythign else sucks worse03:04
dan457my gforce 8800 and 9800 work ok.  well, except a minor issue with 2 x server on this box.  but I worked around it.03:04
Amaranthmaco: 8mb aperture, system memory - memory used actual memory available to it03:05
dan457ati didn't work worth crap playing video here.03:05
Amaranthit can just only look at the memory in 8MB chunks03:05
DaemonFCMy Radeon 200m in my laptop is bizarre, Compiz works in Fedora but not Ubuntu, Mandriva but not Suse or Debian03:06
AmaranthDaemonFC: Yeah, the 200m is such crap03:06
DaemonFCand even that is just dependent on the release you use03:06
AmaranthIt probably breaks every other combination of kernel, X, and driver03:06
Splexwhich package is /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base included in?03:07
dan457Well, with the open source driver improving finaly, maybe ati will be ok.... in a year or so.03:07
Splexhow do i restore it to default?03:07
AmaranthSplex: I don't have that file, are you using intrepid?03:07
Splexyes, im wondering if it is no longer included in alsa...03:07
Splexthe file is there03:07
Splexand the sound suddenly stopped working03:08
DaemonFCNvidia bypasses most of the X Server, X's interface is so bad I really can't blame them03:08
DaemonFCwell, not most, but a lot03:08
Splexand i have reinstalled the packages03:08
* crdlb hopes the X1250 continues to be reliably supported ...03:08
crdlbDaemonFC: I can :)03:08
Splexmust be that they don't use that file anymore.03:08
DaemonFCthat's why a lot of X changes don't apply to Nvidia users03:08
DaemonFCyou either already had it in Nvidia or can't use it cause it's not in Nvidia03:08
AmaranthDaemonFC: The interface being the way it is is what allows them to bypass half of it03:09
dan457prob the only reason why things are running resonalby well here.03:09
DaemonFCX Server can be patch replaces03:09
DaemonFCin memory03:09
AmaranthDaemonFC: And how do you expect anyone but nvidia to support that crap when half the server is closed-source nvidia stuff _and_ the kernel is tainted?03:09
DaemonFCthats why it flags the kernel tainted, obviously03:10
AmaranthDaemonFC: They simply define their own functions to call and plug them into a vtable, X specifically allows such things03:10
DaemonFCAmaranth: So theoretically, they could optimize their drivers that way03:10
DaemonFCnot having to use the standard facilities03:10
AmaranthDaemonFC: The point is nvidia doesn't support it and we can't because a bug in some part is probably a bug in nvidia's private copy/reimplementation03:11
DaemonFCand I'm sure they do03:11
DaemonFCI can file a bug with Nvidia03:11
DaemonFCthey do support it03:11
Amaranthdamnubuntu: Nice nick03:11
AmaranthDaemonFC: They've never responded to my bug reports03:11
AmaranthExcept once to say "that'll be fixed in the next release" with no timeline or guess as to the next release03:12
Amaranth(it was 2 months later)03:12
damnubuntuhaha sometimes you gotta say it man it will make you pull your hair out03:12
AmaranthWith an open source driver if they fixed the bug I could have grabbed it from git and been happy03:12
dtchenSplex: module-init-tools in jaunty strongly recommends the .conf suffix03:12
DaemonFCit's taking the open source drivers years to even work, sometimes, for 2d03:13
DaemonFCso I think a month or two is easy B-)03:13
=== hggdh is now known as hggdh|away
AmaranthDaemonFC: What open source drivers haven't gotten 2d for years that have had a spec provided for them?03:13
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DaemonFCmeh, the open source radeon driver doesn't support a lot of chipsets properly03:14
DaemonFCand even if it does work, Compiz comes in and blacklists it, so you have to override it03:14
* crdlb wonders if radeon will have DRI2 in time for gnome-games 2.28 ...03:14
AmaranthDaemonFC: Give a developer hardware and watch it get fixed03:14
AmaranthDaemonFC: We blacklist things that don't work :P03:15
bruce89sounds like Oxfam03:15
DaemonFCAmaranth: Then how did my Geforce 9500 GT get blacklisted in Debian?03:15
Amaranthcrdlb: Fedora 12 plans on having DRI2 for intel, radeon, and nouveau so...03:15
DaemonFCI override it and it works03:15
AmaranthDaemonFC: I dunno, Debian doing something stupid?03:16
crdlbAmaranth: so no :)03:16
* Amaranth looks at the channel name03:16
AmaranthThat's probably because they don't want to ever get a bug report for a closed source driver03:16
crdlbno nvidia cards have ever been blacklisted upstream03:17
Amaranthcrdlb: Hrm, I thought we got the memory size check upstream03:17
DaemonFCI wondered about that, that's all03:17
crdlbAmaranth: I meant by PCI ID03:18
DaemonFCI can't stand projects that go to insane extremes to try and protect the user from themselves03:18
DaemonFCbeing easy is wone thing, only being easy is bad03:18
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DanaGIs there any way to prevent the kernel from loading something that's compiled-in?04:48
DanaGI want to use the phc-intel driver... but the damned ubuntu kernel has acpi-cpufreq BUILT IN.04:49
DanaGIt's not a module, so I can't blacklist it!04:53
RAOFI seem to remember the discussion for this change.  What does phc-intel provide that acpi-cpufreq doesn't?04:54
DanaGMore CPU frequency states.04:54
DanaGWith rmclock for Windows, I can get like 8 states.  acpi-cpufreq has 3.04:55
DanaGWhy is it built-in, anyway?04:55
RAOFI forget, actually.04:55
DanaGSame thing was true on my previous laptop: 6 with windows, 3 with Linux.04:56
DanaGHOwever, speedstep-centrino had never supported Yonah at that time.04:56
DanaGIsn't there some acpi=something parameter I can pass?04:57
DanaGphc-intel can also do undervolting, by the way -- not that that matters too much when my radeon is eating power so badly.  =þ04:58
DanaGCompiling that in means that, to use phc-intel, I'm going to have to compile a whole new kernel.  :(05:05
DanaGOh wait, but it doesn't do Montevina, anyway.  =þ05:06
DanaGWaitaminute... phc is no longer based on speedstep-centrino... now it's based on acpi-cpufreq.  So, it won't give me the full 6 or 8 (or however many states) anyway.05:10
RAOFIs there much of a reason to do anything more than 100% and minimal?05:12
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DanaGHmm, maybe not.05:15
DanaGGood point there.05:15
avuton(in other words, much more information is required to help.)05:48
eMaXhi all05:55
eMaXanyone knows what's missing - for some reason, suspend etc. just disappeared these days05:56
cwilluyour gnome-power-manager probably isn't running for whatever reason05:56
eMaXwell it seems to be running05:57
eMaXI am not using gdm as it doesnt manage to come up with X - I log into a text console and then use startx. Yet then I don't apparently have an option to tell gnome to invoke standby05:59
eMaXif not using gdm, is it normal not to haven an option to "suspend"?06:06
wgranteMaX: That's normal, yes.06:10
eMaXwgrant, thanks06:10
eMaXwell in fact I saw that the "battery" icon allows me to standby. but then it goes back to the screen saver and when I unlock, it tells me that standby had failed06:11
DanaGHere's one thing that might be fun to benchmark: gtkperf performance for nvidia versus nv versus nouveau versus fglrx versus radeon versus radeonhd, for all same-generation hardware, all else the same.06:28
RAOFDanaG: I know nouveau will beat nvidia and should trounce nv, at least on my hardware.06:33
DanaGOn the nv17, it might be the other way around: nv trounce nvidia, and nvidia... just crashes Xorg.  =þ06:33
MikeLDanaG: ... do I just rename the file from tty6 to tty6_disabled ??06:59
DanaGPerhaps better would be to comment out the contents.06:59
MikeLI know in debian there was a line in /etc/inittab there was just one line that controlled it all07:00
=== eMaX is now known as eMaX_
eMaX_hi all07:03
eMaX_wgrant, ok was an interesting issue with standby07:03
eMaX_see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hal-info/+bug/23528407:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 235284 in hal-info "Suspend-to-ram broken on IBM/Lenovo Thinkpad T61p [FIXED] (dup-of: 253223)" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 253223 in hal "ignoring s3-bios and s3-mode suspend quirks with nvidia cards does not work" [High,Fix released]07:03
eMaX_is 2.6.29 going to make it into jaunty?07:07
MikeLmy guess is no, but it's possible07:08
MikeLkernel freeze is the 9th07:09
MikeLnot much time between now and then07:09
eMaX_2.6.29 is out, at least07:09
MikeLthe problem is that it might be out too late to do enough testing on it07:10
eMaX_if jaunty was just more stable anyway... sometimes like when starting highly questionable programs like firefox, the machine freezes, then hard resets. with no log entries whatsoever.07:11
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MikeLeMaX_: wow - I've had nearly no issues at all07:20
MikeLI'm running it on my production system07:20
MikeLanyway - extremely tired07:20
adredkopete can't connect to my gmail account. any idea?07:30
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scizzo-adred: does it give any error?07:38
adredscizzo, nope. it just tries connecting and it always fails..07:40
scizzo-adred: not much to go on really07:48
scizzo-adred: try to start the kopete software in a terminal to see if it gives any error07:49
adredscizzo, alright07:49
adredscizzo, don't see any error message in the terminal...  it's weird, i don't have this problem with pidgin in ubuntu.07:59
scizzo-adred: check if there is a bug reported about it on launchpad08:18
scizzo-adred: might be others that has had the same problem08:18
=== adam7_ is now known as adam7
adredscizzo, alright. one more thing..my screen resolution always reverts back to 800x600 each time I log out. will this be fixed in the next release?08:22
scizzo-adred: actually I don't know why you are getting that once being logged out....08:39
scizzo-adred: you have set it inside ubuntu right?08:39
adredscizzo i don't think I follow you. I am using kubuntu and I didn't set anything. With Ubuntu, I never encountered the same problem.08:42
adredscizzo, could it be because I am not using proprietary driver for my card? It's ATI X550.08:43
jscinozi got irssi working with notify-osd09:18
RAOFThat's moderately cool.  Does it proxy over ssh/screen? :)09:21
fyl0nanyone experience with wpasupplicant and eeepc1000H (jaunty alpha6)09:26
mcp_Hi. Can someone tell me how to disable ipv6 in Ubuntu-Jaunty? I think ipv6 is compiled into the kernel, so module-blacklisting does not work. Is there a kernel parameter to disable ipv6?09:26
DanaGeeepc? eeepk?  isn't it "eee pc"?  =þ09:26
DanaGTwo words.  =þ09:26
fyl0nyeah and WPA and supplicant tooo09:27
GibbaTheHutthas anyone experienced a problem in thunderbird where every option is greyed out (all of top menu and also right click menu) ?09:36
scizzo-jscinoz: wow...nice09:38
scizzo-jscinoz: like RAOF asked "does it proxy over ssh/screen?"09:38
jscinozscizzo-: not the notifications, but i can still use it in screen+ssh as normal09:42
jscinozit just has the nice notifications when im at my desktop09:43
jscinozmcp_: why would you want to do that09:43
* crdlb wrote an irssi notifier in vala that does work with ssh :)09:44
crdlbjscinoz: apparently some cable modems break unless you disable ipv609:45
jscinozcrdlb: is your linux box doing the actual management of the connection, or is it just getting an ip over an ethernet connection to the modem?09:46
jscinozcrdlb: oh wait it was mcp_ that had the problem not you :P09:46
jscinozcrdlb: your irssi notifer, what does it use as its method of displaying notification09:46
crdlbI'm using notification-daemon though09:47
mcp_jscinoz, i have no v6 connection and i will not have for a long time. I currently to to debug some socket-app i write. And all the ipv6 entries in wireshark are confusing me.09:48
jscinozsurely wireshark can filter them though09:48
mcp_jscinoz, sure it can. But i dont think i want my box to send useles requests all the time. So, do you know how to disable it? Is it possible at all?09:49
jscinozmcp_: as you havn't configured anything its liekly you're just seeing the ipv6 link-local addresses and their associated traffic (do the addresses start with fe80?), its not really sending a notable amount of data09:50
mcp_no, they actually are ::1. Thats the loopback addr i think. But i dont want ipv6 on any of my interfaces09:52
mcp_So let me restate my question. Dose someone know for sure ipv6 cannot be disabled? I will compile a new kernel without then.09:54
crdlbthat appears to be the case09:54
hmwhmm... should I click that update button or stay safe?10:04
hmwheheh... alright... i shall be brave...10:05
ikoniaI'm shocked if ipv6 is not a module10:05
mcp_hmw, they are in some kind of beta freeze currently, so clicking is fairly safe anyway id guess10:05
IntuitiveNippleIPV6 is bultin10:06
mcp_ikonia, at least i guess its not a module (from what i've read in the internets) and by the fact lsmod does not list anything with ipv6 in its name. I dont know enough about modules to be entirely sure though.10:06
hmwis it beta already?10:06
mcp_hmw, no its not10:06
mcp_but only few days away10:07
ikoniamcp_: you should still be able to disable it (in theory) just not using blacklisting, although I'd be dissapointed if it's now built in10:08
hmw2.6.28.11 ... again? hmm...10:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 313218 in glibc "IPV6 causes slow internet access" [High,Fix released]10:08
hmwas there is no ipv6 module, it has to be built in10:08
peppothas anyone else had trouble with metacity making a non-maximized window only be maximized? i.e. I have a small window, and use the "toggle maximized state" keyboard shortcut, and when I try to go back to the non-maximized state, it only switches between a fullscreen like mode, and 99.9% maximized...10:11
peppotah, seems "toggle maximization state" does something else... binding "Maximize" also includes the function to 'toggle' back to non-maximized state, and it works properly...10:13
hmwipv6: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1026105.html10:19
hmwi'd like to hear, if the 4th last entry's suggestion works10:19
scizzo-anyone using jaunty on a server yet?10:21
ikoniaI've got one running - but's its certainly not production ready10:21
mcp_hmw, i already tried that. It works exactly as described. The ipv6-interfaces are still available. And applications accessing them just hang forever. So its pretty useless.10:24
hmwic, thx. how sad!10:25
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scizzo-ikonia: new install or upgraded?10:28
ikoniascizzo-: it was a new install, sorry for the slow response11:05
landswipei'm running 9.04, but want to upgrade my wifi drivers to compat-wireless.. I tried sudo make install and get 'Disabling ath_pci ...mv: canont stat 'volatile/ath_pci.ko': No such file or directory'11:17
landswipefunny thing is the drivers shipped with ubuntu 8.10 and 9.04 can only delivery like 60kb/s via my wireless card.11:22
landswipein 8.10 when i upgraded to compat-wireless to get aircrack working... i found the wireless sped up dramatically11:22
void^landswipe: does the link go down to 1mb/s?11:36
scizzo-ikonia: no worries11:40
scizzo-ikonia: hmmm ok...since I will run a do-release-upgrade later I was just wondering11:40
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eMaXand then again, sound is gone LOL11:46
ikoniascizzo-: I'd wait until it's released11:51
ikoniascizzo-: and then even a few days later to make sure any obvious bug alerts are called out11:51
scizzo-ikonia: yeah11:53
aurel42Howdy. Do I tell someone when I find problems with Jaunty? Or is this the time to remain silent and be patient?11:54
scizzo-ikonia: was thinking about that so was pretty much wondering if anyone was trying ti11:54
scizzo-ikonia: it even11:54
ikoniaaurel42: ask in here or log an official bug11:54
ikoniascizzo-: got it on a test box, nothing more11:54
scizzo-ikonia: sounds good11:54
aurel42Accessing an IMAP mailbox using ssh is much slower than before, it seems Evolution stopped syncronizing the remote mailbox locally.11:55
ikoniaaurel42: it's that a check box?11:56
ikoniaaurel42: have you tried it with a different client say thunderbird for a test11:57
aurel42ikonia: "Automatically synchronize remote mail locally" is checked11:57
aurel42ikonia: I can test with Evolution on 8.10, if that helps.11:58
ikoniaaurel42: I'd test with also a non-evolution package11:58
* aurel42 installs Thunderbird.11:58
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aurel42ikonia: I don't think I can test with Thunderbird, it doesn't seem to offer collecting mail with a custom command.12:06
ikoniaahhh you're doing it with a custom command12:07
aurel42that's what I meant when I said "Accessing an IMAP mailbox using ssh"12:07
ikoniaI thought you just meant tunneling12:07
aurel42BTW, while we were talking, Evolution claimed to be extremely busy, by now it's unusable, reacts to clicks very sluggish and doesn't display folder contents anymore.12:09
aurel42according to bugs.launchpad.net, "tracker" could be the culprit. I'll try disabling it.12:13
aurel42Removing tracker solved the problem.12:18
eMaXcome on guys12:24
eMaXsomeone could please sing a song for me?12:24
eMaXI just lost my sound (again)...12:24
scizzo-ikonia: do you know the name of the package or so for the information about updates and so on when you login with ssh?12:36
scizzo-ikonia: I am wondering if I can get that going on the server I have12:36
ikoniascizzo-: sorry, expain that again ?12:36
scizzo-ikonia: when you ssh to a server or the like using jaunty.....you get a message about packages that can be upgraded and so on12:41
scizzo-ikonia: what is generating that?12:41
ikoniascizzo-: I thought that was just update manager in the .profile ?12:41
cwillueMaX, oooooh, I wish I were an oscar meyer weiner!12:48
eMaXcwillu I wouldn't wish that if I were you, actually.12:49
cwillujust singing you a song as requested...12:49
eMaXah ok that's acceptable12:49
cwillueMaX, having said that, in a terminal, "killall pulseaudio; pulseaudio", and then see if anything interesting shows up there the next time your sound dies12:50
eMaXwhat's irritating: I have solved that same problem a week ago.12:52
eMaXBut I forgot how.12:52
eMaXAlzheimer sucks.12:52
eMaXError opening PCM device hw:0: No such file or directory12:52
aurel42Hmmm. Flash is gone.12:53
aurel42Do I need to use adobe-flash instead of flash-plugin-nonfree now?12:53
eMaXaurel42, I didn't see him12:53
Blues-Manhi all12:57
Blues-Mani'm using kubuntu jaunty and I have problem with bluetooth file sending with kbluetooth12:57
aurel42adobe-flashplugin works, flash-plugin-nonfree doesn't work anymore.12:57
Blues-Manreceiving is ok but when I try to send a file via bluetooth connection starts but nothing arrive12:58
aurel42correction: adobe-flashplugin works... unless you need audio.12:58
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Blues-Manand my fn+brightness button doesn't work unless i used jaunty kernel, i wonder why if I use kernel.org kernel doesn't work and with ubuntu one yes13:00
bazhangBlues-Man, in intrepid or jaunty?13:04
Blues-Mani'm using jaunty, i always update it13:05
gaelfxI am using unr flavor and I am having troubles mounting an NTFS partition on the same drive that Ubuntu is running from. The error says: cannot get volume.fstype.alternative. Has anyone seen this or do you have any ideas what I can do to rectify the issue?13:05
IntuitiveNippleBlues-Man: probably we're got some SAUCE patches to enable the inputs13:06
eMaXBlues-Man, good that you said that I didn't update jaunty for like one hour.13:06
eMaXwas getting lazy13:06
Blues-ManeMaX, ahah13:06
flips01Hi, I am just trying to install jaunty UNR, daily image from yesterday, I'm getting i/o error [Errno 5] ...13:06
bazhangBlues-Man, generally folks who are using jaunty will see your question and respond if they know here; I am on intrepid at the moment so dont know definitively13:06
IntuitiveNippleBlues-Man: what hardware is it?13:06
Blues-Manis a celeron 1.8ghz 2gb ram intel video13:06
Blues-Manthe bluetooth doongle is a usb one13:07
flips01should I make a Launchpad case, or just try a newer build (today's image, if it's updated)? :)13:07
Blues-Manwow usb mouse doesn't work anymore13:07
IntuitiveNippleBlues-Man: What make/model is what I was wondering - usually the function keys for brightness are supported using additonal input drivers or ACPI13:08
gaelfxflips01: well, I installed from the initial alpha 6 release, and that seemed to work fine. Is there any special reason you are using the daily build?13:08
Blues-ManIntuitiveNipple, HP Compaq 6720s13:08
Blues-ManIntuitiveNipple, i would use my own kernel, not the ubuntu one but i quite need brightness button13:09
flips01gaelfx: I only found daily builds of the UNR13:09
flips01and Hardy13:09
gaelfxflips01: could you send the URL my way? maybe I downloaded the daily build without realizing it.13:09
flips01I guess I could install regular Jaunty, but since it's an Eee, I assumed UNR was cool ... URL coming soon, gotta start Firefox (in the Live Jaunty system now)13:10
gaelfxflips01: I tried the regular flavor, but I found that UNR is generally better considering the resolution issues with many of the windows in Ubuntu, however, even on UNR, there are several windows whose bottom borders are below the bottom of my screen so... I'd say it doesn't make a huge difference either way13:12
gaelfxflips01: although, in UNR, you will rarely see the desktop background and I haven't figured out how to get multiple workspaces going on it :S13:12
flips01gaelfx: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR  and then to http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook-remix/daily-live/current/  (which seems to be unavailable right now, or at least very slow)13:14
gaelfxflips01: ah, ok, hang on a second, I'll send you a link to the one I dled13:15
flips01gaelfx: I installed EasyPeasy, but the first thing I did was to turn off the netbook interface thing ... is that all there is to it? (I thought there was some kernel optimization and nice default chosen for X or whatever)13:15
flips01if UNR is just the regular with extra packages, I guess I could just install the regular ... :)13:16
gaelfxflips01: you can install the regular, however, when I tried to 'update' it to the UNR version, some really strange things happened with most of my windows13:18
user___how do you install a dummy printer (printing to file) in the printer config gui?13:18
gaelfxflips01: so if you want to try out the UNR version, you really ought to install it directly13:18
gaelfxflips01: for the inital alpha 6 release, go here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/jaunty/alpha-6/13:19
flips01is alpha 6 very different from the daily build? Isn't it very close to beta now?13:20
gaelfxflips01: well, the daily build has a bunch of updates included that aren't in the 'official' release yet, so there's a chance it might be less stable13:20
gaelfxflips01: but once you run update, the installation should be essentially the same as the daily build13:21
gaelfxflips01: the one thing I really like about Jaunty is that it seems to have a newer ath9k driver, so if you are using a newer atheros wireless card, it should run a lot better than in Ibex13:22
flips01the eee1000 has a ralink chipset I think13:23
gaelfxflips01: is that b/g/n?13:24
flips01I think it's n, actually, but might be just g.  I got intrepid working pretty good, but there is some stuff that still looks smoother in Jaunty ... I would go for Crunchbang Eee if it weren't for all the small things I couldn't get working (like Ekiga, some xrandr stuff that usually works) ...13:25
flips01image downloading ... :)13:26
EvilRoeyhey what's intended for 9.10 besides cloud computing?13:26
gaelfxflips01: grats, is it going pretty fast?13:26
ikoniaEvilRoey: doesn't exist yet13:26
EvilRoeybut it's been announced13:26
ikoniaEvilRoey: this is for 9.04 disscussion13:26
gaelfxEvilRoey: Karmic Koala? I heard they are going to concentrate a lot on boot speed13:26
EvilRoeyis there an #ubuntu+2 then?13:27
gaelfxonly one way to find out ;)13:27
EvilRoeygaelfx:  they want to incorporate moblin updates13:27
EvilRoeygaelfx:  :)13:27
flips01it takes 7 minutes to download, not too bad, but this work internet connection could handle 10x the speed, at least ... :)13:27
EvilRoeygaelfx, ikonia:  I get forwarded to here :P13:27
gaelfxflips01: oh, excellent, then I may still be around when you can tell me if it works or not :D13:28
ikoniaEvilRoey: as I said, it doesn't exist13:28
scizzo-EvilRoey: well why not wait until the announcement of 9.10 later since jaunty is the first thing they are working on right now?13:28
EvilRoeyI was just wondering about what new features 9.10 is rumored to get13:28
EvilRoeythat's all.13:28
Pici!9.10 | EvilRoey13:29
ubottuEvilRoey: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - For more info see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2009-February/000536.html13:29
EvilRoeythank you13:29
EvilRoeysee, at least one person responds usefully13:29
* EvilRoey ducks13:29
flips01gaelfx:  sure  :) I'll have to disconnect in the meantime, as I am now booted from the jaunty UNR daily image, using pidgin ... (which is weird when you're used to irssi)13:29
gaelfxflips01: thanks man, i like to see if other people have the same problems as I do13:29
flips01gaelfx: what hw do you have/use?13:30
flips01gaelfx: the image is to be dd'd to the /dev/sdc, not to a partition on sdc, right?13:31
gaelfxflips01: currently, I've got MSI Wind U12013:31
flips01I also considered the Wind when I bought my netbook13:31
gaelfxflips01: it seems to be working well enough, but my biggest issue is that I'm living in China, so some connection issues from time to time13:31
gaelfxflips01: yeah, there is a program called imagewriter you can find in package manager that will put it on the USB for you13:32
gaelfxflips01: you can't just put the .img on the USB, that won't boot13:33
flips01I know, dd I wrote ... :)13:33
flips01imagewriter just does dd I think13:34
gaelfxflips01: haha, k, sorry, I thought maybe you mistyped dl13:34
flips01dd'ing right now :)13:34
gaelfxflips01: gotta restart, updates just finished, be back soon13:35
flips01but I would usually make an image to dd into a partition, instead of nuking the entire drive13:35
flips01se ya, soon to reboot and test install here13:35
gaelfxflips01: I think you can do that, but I always think it's better to just use the whole drive13:36
gaelfxwell, all updated and I still can't mount NTFS drives :S13:39
Blues-Manare you using ntfs-3g or fuse?13:40
Blues-Mantry with both ntfs-3g and ntfs-fuse in fstab13:40
Blues-Manalthough ntfs-fuse is better i still use ntfs-3g because I had troubles with file permissions in the ntfs partition13:41
gaelfxBlues-Man: ok, allow me to reveal my newbness, how do I check which driver my system is using?13:42
Blues-Mancat /etc/fstab :D13:42
VotanHello, Where do I have to put my powersavings scripts in Jaunty ? /etc/pm/sleep.d and power.d seem not to work ?13:42
rohdefany serious bugs a the moment I should be aware of, or can I "safely" upgrade?13:44
gaelfxBlues-Man: actually, neither of the partitions that are NTFS show up in that, though they show up on my "desktop" or whatever you call the main UNR window13:45
eMaXnote to myself: Sound again fixed, was just some messed up permissions, a required reboot, 5 required restarts of gnome, and 2 cans of red bull. Am going to put that into my autostart.13:45
Blues-Mangaelfx, ah yes ubuntu mounts it in its way sorry i forgot13:47
Blues-Mangaelfx, try to mount it with mount13:47
gaelfxBlues-Man: hey man, that's ok13:47
Blues-Manor try to add a line in fstab as13:47
Blues-Man/dev/sda1 /media/win ntfs-3g user,auto 0 013:48
Blues-Manwhere sda1 is mine windows partition (first one in my hard disk) and win is a dir that I made13:48
gaelfxBlues-Man: oof, man, mount keeps telling me it can't find the drive in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab13:50
rohdefanything I should be aware of before upgrading to jaunty?13:51
user___rohdef: its alpha, its for having fun and checking bugs Only13:51
rohdefuser___, apart from that, I was thinking more like, bugs and stuff like that13:52
rohdefoh, how do I know witch video-chipset I got?13:52
Blues-Mangaelfx,  sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/win ,if sda1 is your windows partition ntfs13:52
user___rohdef: its like a preproduction car. you are allowed to drive it. but you cant sue anybody13:53
gaelfxwhich command lists all the partitions on my drive?13:53
rohdefuser___, the apart from that comment was another way to say I know the risks of running alpha13:53
macosudo fdisk -l13:53
user___your question about the graphic chip makes me think you shouldnt use alpha ;-)13:54
macouser___: its in beta freeze13:54
ikoniaI'm inclined to agrere13:54
ikoniaagree even13:54
macorohdef: "lspci" to find graphics13:54
macoand pshh it works fine13:54
Votanguys, is the script folder for battery / AC power still /etc/pm/power.d and sleep.d ?13:55
user___maco, ikonia thanks for the hint13:55
rohdefduh! Should have thought of that13:55
macoand um...ive been using jaunty on the only system i actually use since alpha 213:56
macoi had a hardy system too...until about alpha 4...then that went jaunty too13:56
rohdefuser___, but well I know I'm an Intel chip and just saw the note on the page, so I just wanted to be sure ;)13:56
Blues-Mangaelfx, fdisk13:57
gaelfxBlues-Man: doesn't seem to work, it gives me the "you did this all wrong help page"13:57
Blues-Mantype dmesg13:58
Blues-Manand see error13:58
gaelfxBlues-Man: yeah, I figured out which partition it was already, but thanks for the reply :D13:58
gaelfxBlues-Man: wait, I think I know the problem with the mounting, for some reason, it won't accept a non-existant directory as the mount directory14:00
th_vdburgtHi all, can anybody tell me what happened to the terminal-plugin in gedit-plugins? I isn't in the package anymore? (It is still in the description)14:00
carl_can i use inrepid to install ibm java  in medibuntu since it is not in jaunty  for medibuntu14:01
carl_ppc user is why i am asking14:01
Blues-Mangaelfx, you have to create the dir in media/14:01
DaemonFCLinux 2.6.29 doe not seem to like "SUSPEND_MODULES="whatever"14:02
peppotis anyone else having problems with fontconfig in jaunty? IO14:02
scizzo-peppot: define fontconfig problem....14:03
gaelfxBlues-Man: you are gonna hate me. ntfs-3g is apparently not installed on my system...yeah, I'm an idiot14:03
peppotI'm seeing errors like here: http://rafb.net/p/jfpfKw85.html14:03
Blues-Manapt-cache search ntfs-3g14:03
DaemonFClooks like some things that Ubuntu does have been deprecated14:03
peppotscizzo-, see url'14:03
DaemonFCthat's probably why we aren't seeing 2.6.29 in Jaunty14:04
scizzo-peppot: getting this error on every application?14:04
macowe dont have 2.6.29 because it was JUST released14:04
macoand there wouldnt be time for proper testing14:05
DaemonFCwell, a lot of Ubuntu's default stuff generates kernel warnings because it is deprecated14:05
DaemonFCusually it's as simple as just adding a .conf to the end of a file :P14:05
gaelfxBlues-Man: ntfs-3g isn't even listed anywhere in package manager... :?14:05
DaemonFCit still works, but probably a good idea to fix it before 2.6.3014:06
Blues-Manapt-get install ntfs-3g ntfsprogs14:06
Blues-Manhave fun14:06
gaelfxok, nevermind, the stupid search command in synaptic doesn't seem to think that 'ntfs-3g' should be included in the search for 'ntfs'14:07
Blues-Manuse adept14:07
Blues-Manoh if you are on kde14:07
gaelfxno, I'm using the UNR variant of Jaunty, so it's all gnome14:08
gaelfxit's just synaptic's search mechanism is rather...disappointing14:08
Votanguys: powerTOP tells me uhci_hcd sucks, so why does modprobe -r uhci_hcd tells me that there is no such module ?14:09
gaelfxFINALLY got it working. I wonder why ntfs-3g isn't included by default...14:11
Blues-Mangaelfx, cause ntfs-fuse is better14:16
macoBlues-Man: i thought that WAS the fuse driver14:17
peppotscizzo-, not sure, I only ever saw it on ardour14:18
gaelfxwell, that one doesn't seem to be on my system either14:19
gaelfxok, one last question, how can I diagnose what goes wrong when I try to connect to skype? is there a particular log file i should be looking at?14:21
Blues-Manyes it is is in ntfsprogs if you have apt-"got" it :)14:21
Blues-Manuse the Force gaelfx14:21
gaelfxhaha, if only I were that awesome14:22
flips01gaelfx: installation worked this time ... I have some issue with this X not detecting my external screen ok14:34
flips01and I do have some funny window behaviour ...14:35
gaelfxflips01: well, hey, at least you got it installed!14:35
gaelfxflips01: did you try to preserve your /home?14:36
flips01yep, wireless worked without problem, and the X server on the live system worked better ...14:36
flips01gaelfx: yes, I am now using my homedir from easypeasy 1.0 ... It's causing some weird sideeffects ... I'll have to look more into it later ...14:37
gaelfxflips01: if you go to preferences and select switch desktop mode14:37
flips01gaelfx: just did ... h14:38
flips01but it seems I need to do some manual filtering of stuff from my .gconf and .gnome2* ...14:39
DaemonFCheh, 2.6.29 has the same suspend bug that I've had since 2.6.2214:39
DaemonFCbut an all new workaround14:39
flips01but now I gotta go ... see you later :)14:39
gaelfxflips01: ok, have a good one man14:39
scizzo-DaemonFC: you compiled 2.6.29 into your ubuntu setup?14:40
DaemonFCLinux ryan-desktop 2.6.29-ryan1 #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Mar 23 20:31:31 EDT 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux14:40
DaemonFCand got the new pulseaudio and configured it to be the same as Fedora's GlitchFreeAudio spec14:41
aciculais there a way to make a nice deb package of source compiled stuff, like kernels, instead of using make install etc14:41
DaemonFCbut some of Ubuntu's pre-installed stuff can get in the way14:42
DaemonFCso remove stuff like nvidia-common first14:42
adam7acicula: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31115814:42
DaemonFCor else it tries to molest your new kernel and could hang the install process14:42
DaemonFCnot necessarily always, but 2.6.29 final didn't like it14:43
aciculaah nice, but how to do it for the regular ./configure && make &&make install packages?14:43
DaemonFCother than removing stuff that was intended to make working with Ubuntu kernels, the process is exactly the same as on Debian14:43
DaemonFCyou usually want to copy the current kernel's config as a template14:44
DaemonFCbut you can fix anything you find stupid/wrong with make menuconfig14:44
DaemonFCJaunty's config has a lot of debug crap enabled for example, and maybe you want it more optimized for you14:44
aciculahavent compiled a kernel in 5 years i think heh14:45
DaemonFCand also, compiling your own kernel, it won't have an apparmor module, if you consider that a loss14:45
DaemonFCI just use SELinux14:45
DaemonFCI copied Fedora's SELinux Targeted policy and applied it14:46
aciculawell it's a bit simplistic, but it's not to bad considering it's pretty easy to use14:46
DaemonFCApparmor is easily hacked around, they even give some basic ways of doing that on Ubuntu14:46
DaemonFC*Ubuntu's AppArmor documentation page14:47
aciculatrue, but that doesnt make it completely worthless14:47
DaemonFCI've never seen a distro enable something and immediately pont out on it's own site that it's worthless14:47
DaemonFCthat's pretty bipolar/funny14:47
aciculaapparmor has it's limitations sure, but it does help, and is vastly easier to configure/understand then say selinux14:48
DaemonFC"Well it doesn't work, but it *is* easy to write profiles that don't work"14:48
DaemonFCsounds like a Dilbert comic14:48
DaemonFCit may stop some random script kiddie just banging on people's doors, but probably not anyone that knows what they're doing14:50
DaemonFCthat's how I'd put it14:50
DaemonFCApparmor is The Club, to SELinux's "Taking the steering wheel with you" is how I'd put it14:51
DaemonFCmaco: I suggested that the Guest Session depending on Apparmor should be changed to a recommends14:56
DaemonFCdoubt they'll do it, but it would be nice to clean up the rest of this apparmor crap without losing Guest Session totally14:57
gaelfxhow does one create a guest account?14:58
macochoose "guest session" from the fast user switch applet14:58
DaemonFCyou don't, you dask kliken on das button14:58
DaemonFCand der komputer makes you one14:58
DaemonFCor how I like to explain advanced features15:00
DaemonFC Das Machine is nicht fur gefingerpoken und mittengrabben. Ist easy schnappen der springenwerk, blowenfusen und poppencorken mit spitzensparken. Ist nicht fur gewerken by das dummkopfen. Das rubbernecken sightseeren musten keepen das cotten-pickenen hands in das pockets - relaxen und watchen das blinkenlights15:00
ikoniaDaemonFC: english please.15:00
DaemonFCmeh, it's more of a joke15:01
ikoniathen please don't say it15:01
ikoniathis channel is for Jaunty discussion only15:01
DaemonFCright, put it this way, if you have no idea what you are doing, it may be best to delay the task until you are sufficiently competent to carry it out15:02
aciculanice attitude15:02
aciculagaelfx: as maco said it's generated when you switch to a guest session using the applet15:02
aciculasortof anyway15:03
DaemonFCit's nothing new really, it's the same thing that Userful does15:03
DaemonFCit just creates an account that's deleted when you leave, right?15:03
gaelfxacicula: ah, ok. Kinda weird, but I guess I oughta take what I can get15:03
DaemonFCand runs a new X session on another tty I guess?15:04
DaemonFCI haven't really poked at it much15:04
DaemonFCreally if Ubuntu wants to be useful in libraries and such, they'd emulate what Userful does, the terminal multiplexing and the guest session15:06
DaemonFCthey could market Ubuntu as 10 workstations with one tower15:06
fr500-workhow long does it take from a bug being reported to a status change (confirmed or something)15:16
fr500-worki've reported some but no avail15:17
ikoniafreeman__: depends on the team involved15:19
=== maco_ is now known as maco
swirvboxI am looking for a solution for evolution to exchange 2007 on 9.04.15:23
swirvboxNeed to get to my email/tasks or go back to windows..15:23
swirvboxPlease spare me the agony :)15:24
ni|any reason trackpads are having problems in jaunty?15:24
ni|using ubuntu for work development15:24
swirvboxMy trackpad works fine15:24
ni|swirvbox: weird!15:25
ni|i've been using linux for years -- just was hoping to get this up relatively quickly15:25
ni|and ideas?15:25
ni|i have latest xserver-xorg-drivers-mouse and synaptics15:25
Picini|: I just saw a changelog while doing a round of updates that mentioned synaptics... I don't remember what it said though.15:26
ni|Pici: ah, shitty15:26
ni|or good :P15:26
ni|just really busy making these installers15:26
maconi|:  my trackpad's dandy too15:27
macoon both laptops15:27
macooh right i should install updates15:27
ni|i mean don't break your systems :)15:28
ni|i have a usb mouse lol15:28
ni|note: this was a daily build installer15:29
swirvboxAnyone get evolution to hook to exchange 2007?  or is there an evolution specific room I should ask this question in?15:31
swirvboxI have to get it working or go back to windows 7 .. (weeps a little)15:32
tabgalswirvbox, did you try it via POP or IMAP?15:34
fr500-workanyone having problems with network on an r8169 network adapter?15:34
fr500-workon a atom 330 board network dies when under load...15:34
swirvboxI might as well be using the web interface..I really need calendar/tasks/contacts integrated.15:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about shedule15:35
tabgalswirvbox, maybe ldap works15:35
swirvboxThat is weird.. but I think I have also had strange network issues on an Atom based Acer One.. not sure if it is related15:35
swirvboxI have read a little about OpenChange.. not sure if there is a package for 9.0415:36
beardbaranyone running eve online on 9.04?15:36
swirvboxboo.. openchange is alpha..15:37
swirvboxguess I am heading back to Windows.  I love Ubuntu.. but for work I live and die by my email/tasks.15:38
swirvboxWish my notebook was powerful enough to have a vm of xp up all the time..15:38
swirvboxOh while I am here.. any word on the Intel GMA9x driver issues?15:39
erle-is it a known issue that bootable usb disks made with jaunty-images dont boot?16:00
hixinstalled from bootable usb-stick yesterday. worked fine.16:05
bluefoxicyalpha 6, not beta cycle yet?16:05
s0u][ightbeta = 26/0316:05
bluefoxicysince when are there 26 months16:06
hixsince there not only us/en ppl on this planet16:06
hixlot off dd/mm  here outside your world16:07
bluefoxicythat's not sortable naively :P16:08
hixthis way also possible16:08
bluefoxicySynaptic lets me auto-upgrade to LTR or normal, but not beta.16:08
DaemonFCbluefoxicy go to the terminal and use sudo update-manager -d16:09
DaemonFCbut don't close the terminal til it's done with the upgrade16:10
bluefoxicyDaemonFC:  yes I know, I just have to check when it becomes beta instead of alpha16:10
DaemonFCin 3 days16:11
DaemonFCso you basically are only 3 days behind the beta16:11
DaemonFCif you do it now16:11
DaemonFCbig deal, right?16:11
bluefoxicyi.e. if i want to use the arbitrary (or not so) distinction that we're in feature freeze release candidate, I have to track it manually16:11
bluefoxicyyeah I know16:11
bluefoxicybut next time it rolls around I'll be in the dark again :P16:11
hixpsychologically not acceptable ;)16:11
DaemonFCwhat do you mean?16:11
DaemonFCthe development branch rolls up to the current snapshot every time you update16:11
bluefoxicyI mean in october if I want to try the beta, but don't want to touch alpha, I have to figure out when it's going into beta16:11
* bluefoxicy has one machine ;)16:11
DaemonFCif you keep on the Jaunty branch you'll eventually get the final release16:11
bluefoxicyjust current stable is horribly buggy16:12
eMaXanyone here experiencing regular hard resets from time to time when opening some of the more questionable applications - like firefox?16:12
sammyonce upon a time, someone in here pointed out a gconf setting to restore the old update-notifier behavior... though I'm realizing as I type this that having the icon appear in the notification area doesn't do much good if it isn't checking for updates more regularly than once a day.16:12
DaemonFCit works somewhat like Debian, only there I could use "Testing" or "Squeeze", Squeeze would stop at the final release, Testing would move on to the next16:12
sammyeMaX: I was a few weeks ago, totem hard reset my machine once, and both java and totem killed my X session, but those issues seemed to have passed.16:13
DaemonFCbut since Ubuntu is merely just a new fork of Debian every 6 months with "stuff" added, there is only one testing branch, and it always becomes stable16:13
eMaXprobably related to nvidia and compiz, but weird. The cursor freezes, I have to wait like 1 minute, and then I get a hard reset.16:14
sammyDaemonFC: which is fine for me, I don't like to test alphas when they're brand brand new. I need at least a semi-functional desktop :)16:14
eMaXHappens about twice a day16:14
eMaXother than that, pretty functional everything (until the next apt-get upgrade, of course)16:14
sammyeMaX: I know there are lots of compiz and Xserver updates in jaunty. I'd try and reproduce it and then go bug hunting/file a bug.16:14
DaemonFCsammy: Alpha 5 was functional enough for me, it had the only new feature I care about in Jaunty16:15
bluefoxicythe new version of evolution can talk to exchange16:15
DaemonFCGRUB can boto an XFS volume16:15
eMaXwell you know it is not particularly easy to trace a bug that happens randomly, leaves you with a locked laptop and then reboots without leaving any trace of an error :)16:15
sammyit's true! and those are always the hardest to find existing bugs for.16:15
eMaXI'll ask #compiz for that matter16:16
* sammy revels in his forced micro-break and is glad workrave works in jaunty again16:16
DaemonFCI always half to replace half of Ubuntu anyway cause they decided on a compromise that "works for most people"16:16
DaemonFCand it always breaks something of mine16:16
sammyspeaking of apt-get upgrade, brb, reboot!16:16
=== sammy is now known as sammy-afk
sammy-afkoh I didn't screen this. hrm.16:16
DaemonFCyou should not use apt-get upgrade on the testing branch as it may bring in things with broken dependencies16:17
DaemonFCuse aptitude safe-upgrade16:17
* Blues-Man poweroff16:17
bluefoxicyDaemonFC:  i hate using multiple apt front-ends16:17
DaemonFCyou should never ever use apt-get to upgrade a testing branch16:18
DaemonFConly bad things can happen16:18
bluefoxicythere was another one besides aptitude I forget what16:18
DaemonFCyou may get lucky or it may decide to uninstall important things to make other things installable16:18
bluefoxicywhat's the other curses-based apt frontend?16:18
DaemonFCyou can use Smart16:19
bluefoxicyno it started with a d or something16:19
DaemonFCSmart can also understand RPMs but you should probably not use it for RPM repos16:19
bluefoxicylisted things by section16:19
DaemonFCunless you know what you're doing16:19
bluefoxicyI used it when Debian Potato was out16:20
DaemonFCthat *is* the package manager16:20
bluefoxicyit listed things16:20
bluefoxicylike it would be like16:20
bluefoxicyIt'd have like an I or an X or U next to a package, and the package name16:20
bluefoxicyor stars next to them16:20
DaemonFCcool :P16:21
bluefoxicyanyway every time I ran either dselect or aptitude they picked out a bunch of packages I didn't have installed and marked them for installation16:22
bluefoxicyso I stopped running either16:23
DaemonFCif they update packages and the new version depends on something you don't have yet16:23
DaemonFCof course they are going to install new packages16:23
bluefoxicyuh, they installed new admin applications and shit16:23
bluefoxicythat shouldn't  happen.16:23
Picibluefoxicy: Please watch the language here.16:24
DaemonFCif a new version of a meta package depends on new packages, it will also bring new things in16:24
DaemonFCthats why you switch off "Treat Recommends as Dependencies"16:24
DaemonFCthat way I can clobber a bunch of crap that comes with Ubuntu without whackung ubuntu-desktop16:25
DaemonFCand the next ubuntu-desktop won't want it back16:25
DaemonFCit's still a good idea to read and verify anything Aptitude wants to install16:26
zniavrewich soft is suposed to replace gnome-screenshot  please?.16:26
DaemonFCand some pacakges in Ubuntu that should be recommended by ubuntu-desktop are a dependency16:27
DaemonFCwithout reason or purpose B-)16:27
bluefoxicyI think16:27
bluefoxicyI think Jaunty just compiled something during boot16:28
IntuitiveNipplebluefoxicy: That'll be DKMS in action16:28
DaemonFCyeah, I removed DKMS16:28
bluefoxicyIntuitiveNipple:  no more shipping binaries?16:28
aciculaDynamic Kernel Module Support (DKMS) is a framework used to generate Linux kernel modules whose sources do not generally reside in the Linux kernel source tree.16:29
DaemonFCthat's not a recommendation btw16:29
IntuitiveNipplebluefoxicy: For out-of-tree or restricted drivers, it makes more sense16:29
DaemonFCif you use Ubuntu kernels, keep it16:29
DaemonFCkernel-firmware is really the only kernel related package you likely want if you use your own, things like DKMS post-installing nvidia-common can fail utterly16:30
DaemonFCand are a general nuisance16:30
DaemonFCbut great if you have an Ubuntu kernel16:30
DaemonFCI may put DKMS back in if I grab VirtualBox, the kernel source for that from Ubuntu still builds for vanilla 2.6.2916:31
DaemonFCI like the political answer for !dkms though, cause if it's not in the tree it usually violates the GPL and makes your kernel illegal to redistribute16:33
DaemonFCor low quality out of tree drivers that really do comply with GPL16:34
DaemonFCbut that's what -staging is for16:34
DaemonFCthey mark your kernel Taint_Crap16:35
bh1is there something like an updated list of ati graphics card with full support?16:44
bh1for Linux generally would be fine i assume.16:45
bh1I'm specifically thinking of an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 345016:46
ikoniabh1: the drivers on the ati website list the supported modles16:46
bh1can one trust that list to be the same for Jaunty?16:48
=== maco_ is now known as maco
rconananyone using jaunty with a multiscreen setup?16:50
rconanI can't seem to put panels on my secondary screens16:51
IntuitiveNipplerconan: Yes and yes we know :)16:51
IntuitiveNipplerconan: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/33672116:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 336721 in xorg-server "Multiple X screens launch apps on screen 0" [Undecided,Incomplete]16:52
ikoniabh1: it's the driver version - not the OS16:52
bh1ikonia: i should have said: whether the driver as shipped by ubuntu is identical (featurewise) to the official ati driver when the versions are the same.16:55
bh1ikonia: i guess they are?16:55
ikoniabh1: it's the official drivers16:55
ikoniabh1: its "the" drivers from ati - just packaged in an ubuntu package to make it easy to maintain16:55
bh1ikonia: ok, thanks. I'll have a look at the ati webpage.16:55
DaemonFCikonia: For the open source or FGLRX?16:57
DaemonFCI'm sure he'd rather get a card that doesn't require FGLRX B-)16:58
ikoniaDaemonFC: he didn't ask what card to get, - he asked what the drivers supported16:58
DaemonFCthen it will just work on any Linux/FreeBSD with a current-ish version of X16:58
bh1right, I'm looking at getting a laptop (so I can't really choose card)16:59
DaemonFCbh1: Some laptop radeons are supported by the open source drivers16:59
DaemonFCI'm saying lean that way if at all possible because fglrx is crap16:59
DaemonFCand no I am not exaggerating16:59
bh1yes, but I'm specifically looking at a laptop which comes with a Mobility Radeon HD 345017:00
DaemonFCIntel video is fully supported too B-)17:00
DaemonFCthat would perform probably as well or better17:00
DaemonFChmmmm, that might work with RadeonHD17:00
ikoniawhat make work with RadeonHD ?17:02
ikoniaDaemonFC: I know what it is you just said "that might work with radeonHD" what is "that"17:02
DaemonFC<bh1> yes, but I'm specifically looking at a laptop which comes with a Mobility Radeon HD 345017:02
DaemonFCbh1: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/driver/xf86-video-radeonhd/plain/README17:03
DaemonFCdon't use the driver Ubuntu offers you if it just works out of box or you'll end up with binary blobs that don't work right17:03
ikoniaUse the driver ubuntu offers you - a lot of time and effort goes into testing it and providing the best possible option17:04
DaemonFCnope, fglrx does not work right on a lot of cards17:04
DaemonFCbut Ubuntu offers it regardless17:05
DaemonFCmy laptop has one such device, it even supports Compiz with the open source driver17:05
bh1DaemonFC: very useful. It seems the HD 3450 is supported (to some extent).17:05
aurel42Can I get rid of Pulseaudio? Killing it doesn't help, it magically restarts when I try.17:05
DaemonFCwith the fglrx blob it goes back to slow acceleration and no compositing17:05
bh1DaemonFC: your laptop has an HD 3450?17:06
user____aurel42: how about aptitude purge17:06
DaemonFCno, the 200m, it's an older model and fglrx does not support it17:06
DaemonFCbut Ubuntu detects that I have a radeon and offers it17:06
DaemonFCit's utter crap, I am not joking17:06
ikoniaI disagree17:06
ikoniait is not perfect, but it is aimed at the mass user17:06
aurel42user____: well, I only wanted to kill it for this session for test purposes, but removing it will certainly help.17:07
DaemonFCFGLRX drops support of older cards, it performs badly, and they're way behind new X and kernel releases17:07
DaemonFCso I would just never buy a Radeon again17:07
dan457the ati driver doesn't support xorg 1.6 properly yet.  I'd wait for a new version.  pro released around the time 9.04 goes stable.17:07
user____aurel42: ok, i misinterpreted "get rid"17:07
ikoniaI think we all know the ATI card support is poor - so ranting about it, isn't going to change it17:07
ikoniait's up to the user if they want to risk ATI support or not17:08
dan457I have a newer onboard ati on this computer I disabled and installed an invidia card for the time being.17:08
DaemonFCikonia: Thats why I said use the X driver, if it works better17:08
DaemonFCit often does17:08
ikoniaI didn't say it didn't but blindly refusing the ubuntu options is not the way to go17:08
dan457the binary driver does work with his card, but has issues still.17:08
DaemonFCso you are of the mindset of chunk any kernel tainting crap in just cause it's there?17:09
dan457poor video playback for one.17:09
ikoniaDaemonFC: again - I didn't say that17:09
DaemonFCif it works better (Nvidia vs NV) I can see  the point17:09
bh1yes my current laptop has a radeon 9600 which works with both fglrx and ati.17:09
bh1ati works much better though..17:09
bh1suspend and such....17:09
DaemonFCyes, much more careful/considerate work by dedicated people goes into the open source ati driver17:10
bh1I'm just not sure about the newer ati models.17:10
DaemonFCAMD just barely supports Linux cause Nvidia does17:10
bh1but the comments here indicates that its not a perfect solution currently17:11
aurel42user____: it was good advice, now I got audio again (without even restarting the session).17:11
goshawkis there any common adv to use for jaunty release parties?17:11
bh1also, its for a work laptop, so it better work.17:11
DaemonFCbh1: Neither is perfect, I just mean that if the open source driver braks 1 out of 10 things, and FGLRX is more like 9 out of 1017:11
DaemonFCit's not a hard choice, heh17:11
bh1DaemonFC: hence if i want no stuff breaking. Find something else than ati?17:12
DaemonFCwell, Intel chipsets pretty much all work17:13
DaemonFCand support Kernel Modesetting already17:13
DaemonFCwhich no other chipset does17:13
DaemonFCNvidia works well with their proprietary driver, you get 2d only and broken multi-monitor support with the open source NV driver17:14
DaemonFCif it's just a laptop and you won't be doing real hardcore gaming, I'd seek out an Intel GMA video chipset17:14
aciculabh1: if you want something stable for your ati card then stick with the open source one, i had many problems with fglrx and an ati9600, though that wasnt the mobile variant17:14
dan457Using nvidia binary driver here.  Multi-monitor with Xinerama on.  Xin is a bit buggy with nvidia still, but works well except for 1 issue.17:15
aciculai heard good things about the driver for the new cards though17:15
aciculathe open source driver that is17:15
rconanas far as i can tell multimonitor is unusable in jaunty at the moment17:15
rconanI do have a few updates to get though17:16
dan457I had to disable key repeating or my X would reset any time I held down a key too long... everything else is perfect... full 3D desktop17:16
rconandan457: ah... that's what that was17:16
dan457I'm sure that will be fixed by the time 9.04 is released.17:16
rconandan457: I assume you don't use separate panels on separate screens17:16
dan457running 2 X servers17:17
dan457The X restarting was sooo irritating... but so simple to work around.17:18
bh1i gotta take of, but thanks for your comments so far!17:18
rconandan457: how exactly do you do that?17:18
dan457When I turned it on xinerama and set each screen with nvidia-settings (as root) thats how it came out.17:19
dan457Worked well, so left it.17:19
rconandan457: I meant disabling the key repetition17:20
dan457oh, super easy system-preferences-keyboard17:20
dan457Just uncheck it.17:21
rconanI'll do that once I boot back in. I'm in the livecd gchrooted etting updates at the moment.17:21
dan457no more resets... of corse, no more cheating on backspace, but whatever.17:21
rconanresets are much more annoying that having to tap backspace17:21
dan457Can always highlight large blocks to delete instead of just holding down button anyway.17:22
rconanalthough I imagine I can't hold down left to highlight either17:22
dan457I put up with that for 3 days before I even tried to fix it, took me 5 sec once I looked..... total facepalm moment.17:22
rconandan457: is this bug on the tracker? I can't find it17:23
dan457No, I it is not last I checked.17:23
rconandan457: didn't think to add it?17:23
dan457Feel free to add it though... it's any repeating key, not just backspace.  alt-ctrl-shift are not effected though.17:23
dan457I'm bouncing in and out.... no time to make a proper report.17:24
rconanahah... https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/32446517:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 324465 in xorg-server "X crashes when holding down key on non-primary screen (Xinerama)" [High,In progress]17:24
dan457speaking of.... on my way out again... lol17:24
dan457Good, someone did it already...17:25
dan457My case didn't matter what screen... but that might be Xinerama's fault.17:25
dan457doesn't do it with Xin off.17:25
eMaXanyone here has problems with hard resets from time to time? is probably related to jaunty+compiz+nvidia+opening certain apps like firefox17:27
rconaneMaX: are you using multiple screens?17:30
eMaX_rconan, no, just multiple desktops17:53
eressolaranyone know of an amarok 1.4 ppa? amarok 2 makes me rage18:01
sammyI should set up a site with a feature comparison between amarok and banshee and rhythmbox and quod libet and... that other popular gtk one. it seems they all do about 75% the same things, and then it all falls apart; each of them is lacking in an area one of the other excels in.18:05
macomy computer claims the battery has been removed. it has not.18:05
aciculawhat does acpi -V say(in a terminal)18:08
Turlcan you help me with https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/348043 ?18:11
ubottuUbuntu bug 348043 in ubuntu "[jaunty] Screen brightness is minimal until login" [Undecided,New]18:11
TurlI don't know which package it affects, or which information would be helpful18:12
aciculawhat graphics card?18:13
Turlacicula: intel one18:13
aciculaand what laptop might be usefull18:13
Turlnope, Acer Aspire 693018:13
Turlacicula: added that info to the bug report18:15
TurlDaemonFC: seems fine for me :P18:17
tomsdalehm, minor but anyone else tried the weather plasmanoid in kubuntu jaunty? Sais it's raining cats and dogs outside but the sun shines. Rest of the information is correcct18:17
DaemonFCTurl: I built Ext2/3/4 as modules and blacklisted them in modprobe.d18:18
DaemonFCremoved JFS and Reiser18:18
DaemonFCand built in XFS18:18
Turlext4 ftw DaemonFC :p XFS is not bad either18:18
=== keffie_jayx is now known as effie_jayx
DaemonFCthe only reason I didn't remove Ext file systems is cause I may need to plug something in that's formatted that way18:19
DaemonFCbut I still don't see any reason to build Ext file systems into the kernel, all it means is that you bloat the kernel image for people who don't use those file systems18:20
o0Chris0oalright, just had a crash and and apport popped up autmaticly to file a new bug, had to collect the information and said that it would automaticly input it to the field, it didn't seem to work exactly...18:20
o0Chris0oany ideas18:21
aciculaDaemonFC: it's what ubuntu by default uses , and probably most people will therefor use?18:21
DaemonFCmeh, if you click n drool, you get Ext318:22
DaemonFCif you bother to set up the system right, you'll get Ext4 or XFS18:22
DaemonFCdistros tend to fall back to whatever they feel is "safest" or "most compatible"18:22
DaemonFCnot what performs better18:22
DaemonFCthis is not new18:22
Turlo0Chris0o: it attaches files automatically18:23
Turlbut doesnt input text18:23
o0Chris0oI didn't see no files attached18:23
Turlyou get a notification on the file bug page o0Chris0o18:24
Turlthat says that files will be attached blah blah18:24
o0Chris0oI have no idea what the right in the text box, because all the information is in that attachment then I suppose18:24
o0Chris0owrite even18:25
Turlwrite what you were doing when the app crashed18:25
DaemonFCbut there are better ways to go about booting up that Ubuntu is ignoring that could vut a third or more of the boot time18:25
DaemonFCto worry about a 0.5 second difference which is totally within the margin of error18:25
o0Chris0oTurl: alright thanks18:26
Turlnp o0Chris0o18:26
DaemonFCI would still argue that cloning Mandriva Speedboot might be a good way forward for 9.1018:27
DaemonFCthere's some cases where it can go from power up to the login screen in 8 seconds or less18:27
DaemonFCjust by watching what things they start and when18:28
thopiekaris it a know issue that bluetooth devices are not shown in the pairing wizard on gnome?18:31
thopiekarhi first of all :P18:31
DecryptedChaosis there a public "Beta" of Jaunty18:33
DecryptedChaosi want it for KDE18:33
rconanDecryptedChaos: not until thursday18:34
TurlDecryptedChaos: you can get the alphas18:34
DecryptedChaosis the alpha 6 decent?18:34
DaemonFCI probably will need to release a "Making Jaunty behave" HowTo18:34
DaemonFCwhen it's finalized18:34
calcDaemonFC: speedboot slows down boot according to phoronix18:34
DaemonFCPhoronix is a bunch of idiots18:35
DaemonFCthey totally botched that file system test18:35
DaemonFCI don't trust them or their benchmark suite18:35
calcDaemonFC: so you get a system that "looks like its booted" like eg Vista but is not usable until later18:35
DaemonFCit's obvious even to someone who knows little about file systems that Ext3 can't take that kind of beating18:35
DaemonFCEric Sandeen wrote in them with a detailed correction18:36
DecryptedChaosanyone know of a fast server hosting the Kubnutu alpha 6 iso on a 45 mb line i'd like to putt above 400KB/s18:36
calcDaemonFC: ubuntu is planning on speeding up boot more in karmic, but depending on how speedboot actually work they might implement some of it18:36
DaemonFCmost hard disks can't take the kind of workload they claimed to run18:37
DaemonFCbut Ext3 can't even handle it on equipment that could18:37
calcDaemonFC: which workload is that?18:37
DaemonFCdeleting 200 4 GB files a second18:37
DaemonFCXFS and Ext4 could both handle it provided the hardware could18:37
DaemonFCExt3 would fall over and die18:38
crdlbDecryptedChaos: torrent?18:38
* calc doesn't see anything about that in this article, heh18:38
thopiekarhmm.. how is it possible to remove all bluez settings? I think my old settings from intrepid are corrupt for jaunty..18:38
rconanthopiekar: you could try purging it with apt and reinstalling18:38
rconannot sure which packages you need to do that for though18:39
DaemonFCcalc: http://phoronix-test-suite.com/pipermail/trondheim-pts_phoronix-test-suite.com/2008-December/000077.html18:39
DaemonFCthey can't even understand Bonnie++ output18:39
thopiekararn't there settings in gconf of the bluetooth applet?18:39
DaemonFCso why do you trust anything they say?18:39
thopiekarrconan: ?18:39
rconanthopiekar: I don't know anything about bluez but you can make apt remove a package including its configuration files18:40
thopiekarwould a purge of the applet package clean-up my user-settings too?18:40
rconanthopiekar: no18:40
rconanthopiekar: you'd have to delete them. they'll be in the dot files in the home dir though18:40
calcDaemonFC: heh yea they do seem to not understand :\18:40
DaemonFCThere are some 10,000 RPM hard disks out there that might be fast enough to provide that kind of performance, which would be easy for XFS and Ext4 since they only have to free an Extent18:40
* thopiekar is trying it out..18:40
DaemonFCExt3 has to go block by block making it tens of times slower18:41
* rconan hopes that jaunty will be usable on his multiscreen setup once these updates finish18:41
DaemonFCthe first thing I noticed about XFS was when I deleted a 4.4 GB DVD ISO image and BAM, gone!18:41
DaemonFCExt3 takes about 5-6 seconds18:41
TurlDaemonFC: ext4 does it incredibly fast too18:42
rconanis that through optimisation of the block by block approach or a shift to the other approach?18:43
DaemonFCyes, that is due to Extents, Ext4 has many of XFS's features18:43
DaemonFCbut not all18:43
thopiekardoes libbluetooth3 contain configs?18:43
rconanno idea18:43
thopiekarhmm I don't think so..18:43
rconanI've never been able to find a good way of working out which package provides configuration files18:43
crdlbthe configuration is probably in your home dir18:43
DaemonFCXFS can still eeek out performance over Ext4 in many ways, but it's an inch, not the mile between it and Ext318:43
crdlband therefore would not be affected by purging18:43
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thopiekarcrdlb: yes i will remove them after I have reinstalled bluez...18:44
rconanthopiekar: thinking about it further you probably just need to run through your home dir and delete all relevant dot files18:44
DaemonFCif you're wanting every drop of performance and/or you run into fragmentation problems with Ext3/4, go with XFS18:44
crdlbthat's the _only_ thing you need to do18:44
crdlbreinstalling packages is almost always useless18:44
DaemonFCxfs_fsr can scan for fragmented files and move them to newer more contiguous space, Ext4 will have e4defrag which does the same thing18:45
DaemonFCbut it's nowhere near ready18:45
DaemonFCyou may see that in 10.04 LTS18:46
DaemonFCas part of e2fsprogs18:46
TurlDaemonFC: for that time, PCs will use SSD disks which don't suffer from fragmentation18:46
calcheh i would stay away from ext4 defrag for a year or so after its available, xfs defrag ate my hard drive a few years ago18:46
rconanout of interest can you upgrade an ext3 to ext4 like you could with ext2 to ext318:47
calcTurl: ssd is no where near ready yet, even the nice Intel ones are limited to 20GB/day18:47
crdlbrconan: yes, but you probably shouldn't, imho18:47
Turlrconan: you can, but it won't be as speedy as a new one18:47
rconanwas wondering because I have some 500GB ext3 drives which I'm unlikely to be able to backup and change18:47
rconanguess I should wait until I can get a bigger one and copy to a new ext4 part18:48
DaemonFCI have xfs_fsr wake up every hour and make one pass18:48
DaemonFCthat way the file system can never really be fragmented18:49
rconanI thought ext at least was unlikely to ever produce fragmentation due to the reserved space18:49
Cycomrconan: I don't trust ext4 yet. it ate my /home18:49
DaemonFCit takes maybe a few seconds in the background, doesn't interrupt me, keeps my disks fast18:49
rconanI'm certainly not going to change them for a long time18:50
calcrconan: everything fragments A LOT with real world usage18:50
rconanat least until it's default in a couple of distros so it gets some proper testing18:50
crdlbCycom: but I bet it did it quickly!18:50
calcrconan: especially if you ever use bittorrent18:50
DaemonFCrconan: Ext3 can fragment and does, run e2fck in READ ONLY mode18:50
Cycomcrdlb: VERY quickly :)18:50
DaemonFCand on exit it will tell you how much18:50
rconanDaemonFC: why in read only?18:50
DaemonFCnever run e2fsck in repair mode on a mounted file system, it will destroy everything18:51
rconanthey aren't mounted18:51
Cycomcrdlb: before it ate it, I did notice it was BLINDINGLY fast, but it still is a bit unsettling that it's just like "whoops! Lost the journal! Whoops! All your files are now near-randomly named in Lost and Found"18:51
DaemonFCwell have at it then18:51
rconanand afaik it just exits saying the fs is mounted18:51
DaemonFCit will give you a printout on how many blocks are non contiguous18:51
DaemonFCand the overall percentage18:51
rconando you need a flag?18:52
DaemonFCnot that I know of18:52
rconanit just says /dev/sdf1: clean, 35677/30531584 files, 110441925/122096000 blocks18:52
* rconan consults the manpage18:52
DaemonFCtry e2fsck -v18:52
rconanah... -f to make it actually check18:53
DaemonFCI don't have any Ext file systems18:54
DaemonFCor I'd investigate18:54
DaemonFCjust SWAP and / on XFS18:54
rconanI wasn't sure about using ext3 on these18:55
rconanbut I decided reliability and support were the most critical things18:55
rconanfar more important than speed18:55
DaemonFCyou really should not use Ext3 if Ext4 or XFS are options18:55
DaemonFCyou should choose one of those18:55
rconanext4 was still in development18:55
DaemonFCJaunty can have /boot on XFS as of Alpha 518:55
DaemonFCso all you need is /18:56
rconanno need to complicate it18:56
rconanboot I always have on ext2 if it is separate18:56
DaemonFCI filed a bug on that cause it was angering me since forever18:56
DaemonFCand one of the Ubuntu developers got back to me later saying the GRUB he just uploaded enabled that18:57
DaemonFCso good deal18:57
rconanhmm... fsck is slow18:57
DaemonFCyou never have to run fsck on XFS18:57
DaemonFCit does it every boot automagically18:57
* thopiekar can't find the config files of bluez-gnome in his home-folder..18:57
DaemonFCit can repair most corruption itself18:57
rconani never normally run fsck on ext318:58
rconanwell... not with -f18:58
DaemonFCthere's an xfs_repair that you can use for serious fs damage18:58
DaemonFCbut the volume should be offline18:58
DaemonFCthere's also xfs_dump for making backups, and xfs_restore for restoring them18:58
DaemonFCthink of it as snapshots just not as pretty and a lot more labor intensive18:59
rconannever thought much of filesystem level backup18:59
DaemonFCbut Ext4 still has nothing like it18:59
rconannever thought it was worth it18:59
DaemonFCwith Ext3/4 you still have to tar18:59
rconanjust rsync all the files to somewhere18:59
rconanmuch better19:00
rconanotherwise you waste so much time on the second backup19:00
DaemonFCI like what Torvalds said "I never make backups, hundreds of people do that for me19:00
rconanthat was about git right?19:00
rconanstill not used git all that much19:01
DaemonFCI pull from Linus' tree and cherry pick some extra patches sometimes from -mm or whatever19:01
rconanstuck with darcs on the main project I work on19:01
DaemonFCbut having all -mm patches cause you can is stupid19:01
rconani used to use igno molnar's tree but had to stop19:01
DaemonFCbasically if you get anything from Andrew Morton's tree you should know what you need, why, and that it could break anything19:02
DaemonFCwith 2.6.29 I didn't see anything else that was terribly important, so I just built from the Linus tree19:03
rconani just use the ubuntu kernel now19:04
rconanI'm not changing anything so I just want it to work19:04
DaemonFCyour mileage may vary, some parts may represent a choking hazard for people with the mentality of small children19:04
DaemonFCbatteries not included19:04
DaemonFCthere's some nice new XFS features in the pipeline19:06
DaemonFCbut they're too experimental for me19:06
DaemonFCI tend not to try anything too high risk wrt my fs19:06
DaemonFCI may have to sanitize Jaunty and do an unofficial LiveCD19:09
rconanwell... that took some time19:09
rconan(7.9% non-contiguous)19:09
DaemonFCif they don't fix some things19:09
DaemonFChmmmm, that's pretty havy19:09
rconanDaemonFC: bear in mind beta is out on thursday so there will be a push for that19:10
dan457Custom CD's are nice.19:10
dan457I use mostly to save time on new installs..... my favorite apps and updates already done....19:10
dan457Well, live DVD that is.. hehe19:11
rconanability to paste a list of packagenames into the installer would be good19:11
DaemonFCthey need to use PulseAudio 0.9.1519:11
DaemonFCor else it will be full of bugs19:11
rconanthey need to not use PulseAudio19:11
dan457pulse will be good... one day.....19:11
rconani don't really see waht it adds other than a pointless layer of complexity19:12
DaemonFC0.9.15 addresses so much crap19:12
DaemonFCthey will use that if they have any sense19:12
rconanwhat version is in now?19:12
DaemonFCif they don't, you'll need to hunt down a PPA19:12
rconanif it's 0.9 series it might get in19:13
DaemonFCthey have 0.9.14, the Snap Crackle Pop version19:13
DaemonFCI switched to 0.9.15 and did timer-based (glitch free)19:13
DaemonFCtheirs also causes severe problems on Intel HD Audio19:13
dan457Well, if they don't i'll break down and make a 0.9.15 from source.... for now i'll wait so see if they do that by release date... only some things sound crapy atm... most play ok.19:14
* DaemonFC goes to get the log19:15
DaemonFCMar 22 18:38:56 ryan-desktop pulseaudio[3386]: alsa-util.c: Device hw:1 doesn't support 44100 Hz, changed to 16000 Hz.19:15
DaemonFCMar 22 18:38:56 ryan-desktop pulseaudio[3386]: alsa-util.c: Device hw:1 doesn't support 2 channels, changed to 1.19:15
DaemonFCMar 22 18:38:56 ryan-desktop pulseaudio[3386]: module-alsa-source.c: Your kernel driver is broken: it reports a volume range from 18.00 dB to 18.00 dB which makes no sense.19:15
DaemonFCso it switches from stereo to mono, from 44,100 HZ to 16,000 and can't make sense of the new-ish Intel driver19:16
rconansounds like an alsa bug to me19:16
DaemonFCwhen I go to 0.9.15, all that's left is the third entry19:16
DaemonFCand that seems harmless19:17
dan457Well, you are running your own kernel.19:17
DaemonFCthat was from an Ubuntu kernel19:17
DaemonFCI installed their 2.6.28 to see if I had done something wrong19:18
dan457The generic one you complied still does it?19:18
DaemonFCand this is also a listed bug in Launchpad19:18
DaemonFCby other Jaunty users19:18
DaemonFCyeah, it's definitely a Pulseaudio bug19:18
DaemonFCand 0.9.15 fixes enough stuff that it works reasonably well again19:19
dan457Well, pulseauto 0.9.15 hasn't been released yet... you download a csv?19:20
DaemonFCI got it out of a PPA19:20
DaemonFCthe one Jaunty uses is so badly broken I had no choice really19:20
rconanpersonal package archive19:22
dan457I know you can git the development sources from the author, is that what you mean?19:22
rconansounds like you need to isolate the patches which fix your problem and backport them to the ubuntu version19:22
rconanthat is unless 0.9.15 is gonna come out and get in ubuntu before thursday19:22
DaemonFCthen you can apt-get upgrade to them19:23
dan457I will wait and hope, since I don't realy *need* the bugfix.  if not by release date next month i'll have to do that.19:24
rconanyour waiting on these: http://www.pulseaudio.org/query?status=assigned&status=new&status=reopened&group=status&milestone=0.9.1519:25
rconanit wont get released without those fixed and ubuntu wont include it unreleased19:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 348099 in pulseaudio "RFE: Please update Jaunty to Pulseaudio 0.9.15" [Undecided,New]19:29
DaemonFCthe worst they can do is say no19:31
LordKowif you look at the number of ubuntu updates to 0.9.14 i dont think they will19:33
LordKowi've updated to 0.9.15 and had quite a few issues arise (whether they were ubuntu fixes in 0.9.14 or not i do not know)19:33
DaemonFCI may try the Ubuntu version of Pulseaudio again when it's released19:33
DaemonFCall I need to do is uninstall these, remove the PPA, refresh, and install19:33
LordKowit's not that easy to downgrade either without at least temporarily breaking your deb package mgmt19:34
rconanyou can select version in synaptic can't you?19:34
DaemonFCit's easy as long as they don't depend on something critical in the system19:34
LordKowkind of but not really when it comes to downgrading19:34
DaemonFCPulseaudio still doesn't have lots of external dependencies19:34
LordKowDaemonFC, i remember doing that and a few packages simply wouldnt downgrade therefore none of the other pulse packages would downgrade19:35
LordKowi finally had to use dpkg to remove all the pulse packages, force-depends... --purge, then reinstall the ubuntu packages19:35
slytherinany users interested in providing some feedback on dvd playback. I have already got at least one report that it is broken in totem-gstreamer, I would like some feedback on the package I have prepared.20:06
Halowslytherin:  Totem-gstreamer has been working fine for me.20:07
slytherinHalow: it is broken for some type of DVDs (I am not sure which type).20:07
DaemonFCuse VLC20:08
slytherinHalow: do you also have menus working?20:08
slytherinDaemonFC: it is broken in totem, vlc, mplayer20:08
Halowslytherin: I do. I haven't come across any that gave me a problem.20:08
slytherinHalow: that is what makes this bug hard to analyse.20:09
DaemonFCeven with libdvdcss2?20:09
slytherinDaemonFC: yes20:09
joshua24hi all20:15
joshua24just to strike up some conversation........ how is notify-osd working for everyone?20:16
slytherinjoshua24: works fine for me except some flickering sometimes.20:17
joshua24i havent seen the flickering... yet20:18
DaemonFCI removed the indicator crapplet20:18
DaemonFCnotify-osd is working20:18
DaemonFCmeet the new notifications, same as the old notifications20:18
DaemonFCthe DVD playback is broken20:18
joshua24that sucks...20:18
joshua24i havent gotten around to testing that either20:18
gsuvegi want install netbook remix on my acer one20:18
joshua24just installed jaunty yesterfay20:18
gsuvegand i cant install te remix :(20:18
DanaGoh yeah, try having two notification bubbles up at the same time... and you'll see that there's no way to get both out of the way at the same time.20:18
DanaGEasy way to get this: change volume, and skip tracks in a supported app, at the same time.20:19
joshua24i cant even click outta them20:19
joshua24just hover hide20:19
rwwjoshua24: that's by design.20:20
DanaGYeah, buty how do you hover over wo at once?20:21
DanaGbut how do you hover over two at once?20:21
DanaGAnd another thing: try hitting and holding the volume-up key... and then try decreasing volume again.20:21
DanaGYou'lll find it laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaags.20:21
slytherinDaemonFC: refer to bug 342890 please20:22
nemoDanaG: you mean the lil' notify popups in the lower right?20:22
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/342890/+text)20:22
nemolike, those notify-send would generate?20:22
DanaGLower-right?  You mean upper-right?20:22
DaemonFCslytherin: Hold on a sec20:22
joshua24back now20:23
joshua24had to put some dishes away =P20:23
nemoDanaG: that's why I mentioned notify-send :)20:23
DaemonFCI got it working B-)20:23
nemoI guess not20:23
joshua24nice pic daemon.... yahell messenger??? lol i wish it WAS called that20:25
DanaGIt sits there BLINKING "omg, I'm at maximum volume!" at you.20:25
DanaGNO shit, sherlock!20:25
DanaGNow how about stopping blinking and twitching at me, and let me turn down the volume?20:25
slytherinDaemonFC: how?20:25
gsuvegi see BusyBox... and (initramfs)20:26
DanaGOr, if I skip 5 tracks in quodlibet... it'll take over a minute for it to show the latest track name,20:26
gsuvegand dont come out X :(20:26
gsuvegin netbook remix20:26
gsuvegwhat can i do ?20:26
DanaGand it makes it damn hard to figure out what track I'm on.20:26
DaemonFCslytherin VLC plays it20:26
DanaGwhile (true); do notify-send yo 1 && notify-send yo 2; done;20:26
DaemonFCTotem kind of does20:26
DanaGTry that... and you'll see the horrid lag and cpu-rapeage.20:26
slytheringsuveg: if you are seeing busybox then you are not inside X20:26
joshua24i hate the volume thing, in the specs it said {We will show the old volume for 500MS then new volume so we get graphics to show that volume changed}, no DIP it changed I hit the dang button to change it on a MULTIMEDIA KEYBOARD for crying in a bucket20:27
DanaGoh wait.. that's tracker eating my cpu.20:27
gsuvegslytherin, yes i know :(20:27
slytherinDaemonFC: so, it means it was not broken, right20:27
DanaGVery, very, very bad design:20:27
LordKowdoes everyone else seem to have buffering issues with x264 streams?20:27
DanaGNotifications should NEVER EVER EVER slow down the volume changes!20:27
slytheringsuveg: then what is your question exactly?20:27
gsuvegslytherin, but why ;(20:27
DaemonFCguess not20:27
DaemonFCjust Totem is a crappy DVD player still B-)20:27
DanaGImagine seeing it at max volume... and being TOTALLY UNABLE to reduce volume.. because it's sitting there BLINKING at you!20:27
gsuvegi cant it install netbook remix20:28
gsuvegon my acer one, alpha-620:28
DaemonFCnotifications make the screen flash20:28
DaemonFCif you watch a video full screen during one20:28
slytheringsuveg: when you see busybox it means some problem with initramfs. Try booting form some old kernel still available in your grub menu.20:28
joshua24hmm, cant see IRC messages in notify-osd now. i closed buddy list, minimized this window yet STILL i see no notifications20:29
joshua24in pidgin20:29
gsuvegi try boot from ubs20:29
gsuvegso my old ubuntu works ;)20:29
slytherinDaemonFC: totem does not handle all the playback, it is the backend (gstreamer or xine) that handles it.20:29
slytheringsuveg: what is ubs?20:29
DaemonFCTotem is at fault20:30
DanaGOh, and try installing and using service-discovery-applet with notifications.20:30
joshua24any hope here? or am i screwed. sly: he meant USB20:30
DaemonFCit can't handle DVD menus well20:30
slytherinjoshua24: do you have notification plugin enabled in pidgin?20:30
DanaGOn the old notification daemon, you'd get it spamming a bunch of notifications all at once for all the services it found (that is, if you enabled notifications)....20:30
joshua24it worked earlier, bout ten mins ago20:30
gsuvegslytherin, sry. usb drive20:30
slytherinDaemonFC: it handles them well enough now.20:30
DanaG... but in the new one, it'll sit there for 15 MINUTES, blocking all other notifications!20:30
dtchenwhy the heck has gconfd-2 been writing at 15.5 K/s to my disk since login?20:30
DanaGI'm fine with the not being clickable.... but this hardcoded lag really sucks.20:30
DanaGAnd this hardcoded glossy black... clashes quite vividly with my theme.20:31
DanaGOh, and gnome-power-manager doesn't even USE the new notifications for me.20:31
slytheringsuveg: what I am saying is try booting from hard disk itself with old kernel entry and then update the packages.20:31
LordKowgrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr avcodec needs to buffer the entire stream for x264 before it actually plays it20:31
* DanaG switches to gnome-stracciatella-session20:31
slytherinDanaG: file a bug and make sure you have all the updates installed before that.20:32
DanaGWhich bug?  =þ20:32
* joshua24 will be back in a sec, gotta restart pidgin20:32
DanaGEasy test case:20:32
DanaG while (true); do notify-send yo 1 && notify-send yo 2; done;20:32
DanaGlet it run for, oh, 5 seconds.20:32
DanaGThen watch it spam you for 15 minutes.20:32
slytherinDanaG: about notification bot working in gnome-power-manager20:32
gsuvegslytherin, maybe i wait with upgrade ;)20:32
DaemonFCNvidia's newer drivers have great DVD playback features20:33
joshua24back now20:33
ikoniaDaemonFC: if you could check your PM's please.20:33
DanaGSTill spamming me.20:33
RAOFDaemonFC: Such as?  mpeg2 decoding acceleration is pretty boring.20:34
DaemonFCmeh, only if you don't use mpeg220:35
joshua24of course it didnt work20:35
joshua24notify told me NOTHING that happened when i was workin just now20:35
DanaGspam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam20:35
DanaGWith the old notification-daemon, it would show them all for however long you let it send them... and then it'd be DONE.20:36
DanaGOn the new one, it's like the damned energizer bunny....20:36
DanaG... yeah.20:36
RAOFDaemonFC: I mean, it's boring because my CPU can decode it faster than parsing the stream & setting up the mpeg2 acceleration engine.  You need to have an _ancient_ CPU before performance at mpeg2 decoding is a problem.20:36
RAOFmpeg4 & VC-1, on the other hand, _are_ usefully accelerated.20:36
DanaGHow about I just tell you when it STOPS spamming me with the damned notifications.20:37
DanaGWow, and xorg is eating 60% CPU.  Thanks, notify-osd.20:38
RAOFDanaG: There's meant to be a limit to the size of the notification queue; I think it was... 20?  Or maybe 200 :).  You might want to suggest a shortening of the queue.20:38
DanaGAnd while it's at it, no other apps can use the osd.20:38
DanaGFor example, pidgin notifications aren't appearing.20:38
RAOFNot quite true.  Anything that sends an urgent notification will get through.20:38
DanaGoh, and while it's doing that loop... now add some volume changes to the mix... and watch as you can't hover-hide both notifications at once.20:40
joshua24still no notification in pidgin. maybe its cuz it thiinks IRC would bog up the notify?20:40
DanaGThat notification delaying the volume changes... is royally stupid.20:41
joshua24ok dana... we get it now.20:41
DanaGPicture this: you try to increase volume, but accidentally hold it down too long... now your music is blasting... and you can't do a damn thing about it, because it's still blinking "omg, I'm at max volume!" at you.20:41
joshua24its a pain in the arse, we get it20:41
DanaGwait, notify-osd shows device-detection?20:45
DanaGOr rather, is supposed to... ?20:46
DanaGMight be nice to make it hide all bubbles when you hover over any bubble.20:46
HalowI've never seen it detect any devices.20:47
rwwme either20:48
HalowOr say anything about power management, for that matter. We have random brown/blackouts, and my UPS has kicked up a few times during my testing.20:48
dtchenah, it's similar to bug 293535. nuking ~/.gconf did the trick.20:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 293535 in gconf "CPU always 100% CPU " [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29353520:49
dtchenthanks, iotop.20:50
aciculahey i can remove someone from my ignore list i see20:50
sgodsellhey does the alpha version of ubuntu have xorg 1.6?20:55
sgodselland xrandr 1.3?20:56
aciculathink itsays so on the jaunty/alpha page20:56
aciculathat too iirc20:56
aciculaand 2820:56
* acicula comes with preempt compiled in20:56
sgodsell2.6.28 kernel you mean?20:56
RAOFAlthough you'll also need drivers that support xrandr 1.3.  I know nouveau does, not sure about anything else.20:56
aciculayep :)20:56
thiebaudeim waiting for the 2.6.29 kernal20:57
sgodsellits already out20:57
thiebaudehow can i get it20:57
sgodsellreleased last night20:57
aciculathought i saw a relase post about that20:57
aciculathiebaude: git ?20:57
slytherinthiebaude: you will have to wait till someone from kernel team makes a package.20:57
thiebaudeslytherin: ok20:57
DanaGJust be aware things like fglrx need patches.20:58
thiebaudei'll keep checking my updates20:58
DanaGAnd it won't have the fix for the audio glitches.20:58
rwwDanaG: fglrx needs patches for *everything*. It takes less time for me to reboot into Windows to play games than it does for me to figure out what's broken fglrx on any given day so I can get WINE working >.>20:59
* DanaG just uses radeon.20:59
berniv6DanaG: do you know whether it has the updated radeon drm for r600?20:59
DanaGfglrx has never (except for 8.543) done anything but panic for me.20:59
DanaGI'm not sure about the drm modules in that one.20:59
rwwberniv6: in what, .29 or Jaunty?21:00
DanaGI'm also not sure if Jaunty default kernel has r6xx-r7xx-support branch.21:00
berniv6rww: .29, I know it's in jaunty's default 2.6.2821:00
DanaGrww: i'd actually like to know about both.  =þ21:00
hmwfglrx has been sent from big capitalists to irritate us freedom loving linux users.21:00
rwwDanaG: It's either in Jaunty or going to be in Jaunty soon. Dunno about .29.21:00
DanaGBut hey, look at the alternative: you could be stuck with nouveau.21:00
DanaGOn an nv17 laptop I have around here, nouveau just plain hammers both cpu and hard drive -- yes, somehow it makes everything such as gnome-panel and nautilus hammer the hard drive.21:01
aciculai used flgrx for 5 minutes, and then decided i could live without 3d acceleration21:03
hmwi tried to make it work for a certain configuration, took me 20hrs to get it fully up the first time. then i wanted to play a game and needed to switch to single head. another 10 hours. it just does *something* but nothing predictable. especially if you mix a radeon dualehead card with a pci voodoo banshee... i will not try that again.21:04
DanaGThat's no surprise... fglrx breaks *, and nvidia breaks *.21:05
DanaGYou can't use one image for both {nvidia or ATI} hardware and intel hardware, for example.21:05
DanaG... unless you use the open-source drivers.21:05
nemoTracker here has decided to freeze up for around a day now on attempt to idnex a tiny little evolution folder21:05
DanaG... in which case, ati > nvidia.21:05
nemoat least, that is what lsof says it is doing21:05
hmwwhen i can afford to actually *buy* hardware (i use srcap material), i will certainly buy one for linux.21:06
nemois there something I can do to smack tracker upside the head besides blowing away .cache/tracker ?21:06
DanaGhah, notify-osd is still spamming me.21:06
RAOFnemo: It shouldn't be indexing that at all; it won't work :)21:06
nemowell. it has it open...21:06
nemo /home/nemo/.evolution/mail/imap/nemo@m8y.org/folders.db21:07
nemoalso has open mail/local/Templates and mail/local/Inbox21:07
nemocomplete reboots of system haven't helped at all21:07
nemonew process spins its heels at 100% of free CPU in same place21:07
hmwany new bug since yesterday? interesting stuff solved?21:12
kopeteWine. With 8.04 Wine was changed. From official repository and from winehq.org. I can't execute "wine program" from home directory, only "wine program.exe". In other directories All works fine.21:13
gavisconcan anyone please advise, why my eyes hurt when on ubuntu. current res is 1164x864 75.21:15
aciculaseems an odd resolution?21:15
kopeteIt is a bug now. Second. In kkrieger font is like in Windows with 7.04 and 7.10. With 8.04 and 8.10 it is other font. I tried Wine 0.9.53, 1.0.0 and 1.1.16 with clear 7.10 and 8.04 from livecd21:15
hmwmaybe antialiased fonts?21:15
dupondjeupdate to Jaunty breaks dmraid, aptitude reinstall dmraid is needed, maby that would be cool if it would happen automaticly :)21:15
gaviscon1152x864 7521:15
kopeteThank you for iso mounting in 8.0421:15
DanaG75hz?  On CRT?21:16
DanaGWell, that'd be why... try 85Hz.21:16
DanaGIf not, then I don't know... I've never heard of an 1152x864 LCD.21:16
gavisconDanaG: lemme try21:16
nemobah. guess I'll just blow away tracker21:17
nemostupid lil' thing21:17
hmwtracker is for indexing files to speed up certain apps, right?21:17
kopeteNow Wine thinks that this is CD-ROM, not a hard disk. In 7.10 it was not. 3. In WMP9.0 with 7.10 and any Wine i see visualization. It changes when I play music. In 8.04-8.10 it doesn't change with mp3...21:17
RAOFNo; tracker is desktop search.21:18
hmwaah... sounds like locate21:18
aciculait indexes file content21:19
hmwic, thx.21:19
kopete4. Offician Wine's binary has a trouble with pixel shaders in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and Morrowind. Only compilation with Mesa 3D has this bug. If nvidia-glx-dev installed and if do fakeroot apt-get -b source wine, pixel shaders works in this games too. Maybe, we need binaries specially for nvidia? Without bug?21:20
hmwlol only update since yesterday is update manager21:22
dupondjebug ? :)21:22
hmwout of curiosity: how do you trigger this, dupondje?21:25
dupondjejust boot :P21:25
hmwah... that end trace got me confused... sure its boot... hmm.21:26
dupondjeelse Jaunty seems working nice :)21:29
berniv6rww/DanaG: r6xx drm is not in the 2.6.29 package21:29
wolfganghey guys.. how to disable ipv6 on jaunty? can't find a /etc/modprobe.d/aliases or equivalent21:32
hmwwolfgang: its not built into the kernel :(21:32
wolfgangthat is.. rahter not good.21:33
wolfgangso.. i simply can't disable it?21:33
hmwyou could compile your own kernel21:33
rwwI swear there was another way of doing that...21:33
wolfgangguess i couldn't ^^21:33
wolfgangwell.. i would also use some kind of workaround..21:34
berniv6wolfgang: you should fix your problem with IPv6 :-)21:34
wolfgangi don't really need it disabled.. i just don't want it to be used by e.g. opera21:34
hmwwolfgang: look at tht 4th last entry of http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1026105.html - maybe this helps you21:34
wolfgang(it is pretty much pissing me off to wait 20 seconds until a page starts loading)21:35
wolfgangwill do, thanks21:35
hmwi am luckily not expiriencing problems with this ipv6 issue. What is needed, to get running into the bug?21:37
wolfganghm, doesn't really.21:37
wolfganghmw: opera ;)21:37
hmwwolfgang: i fear you gotta look out for some kernel building tutorial. shouldnt be too hard after all.21:37
wolfgangi had this issue on my other computer with 8.10 on it.. and on this one with 9.0421:38
wolfganghmw: hm, okay..21:38
wolfgangif i can get the same kernel somewhere and just am able to disable this one feature.. it shouldn't be too difficult21:39
hmwmy impression is, that you need a "bad" isp for that bug. Anyone can direct me into the right direction? I'd like to understand the problem21:39
wolfgangyou might be right.. or a 'bad' router21:39
berniv6hmw: usually its a bad soho router21:39
wolfgangwhich doesn't understand that it gets ipv6 signals.. or something like that21:40
berniv6hmw: which does not answer to AAAA queries to the integrated DNS proxy21:40
berniv6so instead of getting an immediate "there's no v6 for this website" the client gets no answer (-> timeout)21:40
wolfgangactually i'd prefer just having an isp which provides ipv6 instead of disabling it in my kernel :)21:40
hmwwolfgang: disabling is a bad solution in the long run. We should fix the problem instead of hiding below a v4 rock...21:41
wolfgangi agree..21:41
hmwbut if it is bad routers, i wonder, if it can be solved at all?21:41
berniv6hmw: there are two solutions (well, three to be exact)21:42
wolfgangbut i think, my interface should no, that it has no ipv6-connection.21:42
berniv6a) upgrade router firmware21:42
wolfgangis up to date.21:42
berniv6b) don't use the router as resolver, but use the ISP ones21:42
wolfgangi don't know whether this really is a possible solution, you're sure it is?21:43
hmwwolfgang: b) sounds quite reasonable to me21:43
berniv6c) all previous ubuntu releases for the last two+ years patched glibc not to send AAAA queries at all when no global v6 address was configured, but a lot has changed in glibc 2.921:43
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berniv6wolfgang: works just fine21:43
abarbacciais there no sound in flash currently?21:43
gavisconhow can i upgrade X-server to 1.6 ?21:44
wolfganghm.. so i would need to edit my resolv.conf to something with some other dns-server in it?21:44
DanaGberniv6: ah.21:44
wolfgangthat's it?21:44
scizzo-gaviscon: what do you mean really?21:44
berniv6wolfgang: yes, try wether that helps21:44
wolfgang@ c) i'm not so into those libs.. i don't really understand that21:44
wolfgangokay, will do.21:44
hmwabarbaccia: i hear sound on youtube21:44
wolfgangbtw. does your nick imply that you're using ipv6? :D21:45
abarbacciahmw: which flashplayer are you using?21:45
berniv6wolfgang: yes :-)21:45
abarbacciahmw: odd. im not getting any audio output from flash - let me run ff in a terminal and see if theres output. doubtful thought21:46
berniv6DanaG: and I fail to build a new drm.ko/radeon.ko for this kernel (it builds but complains about missing symbol init_mm on loading), so I'm downgrading :-(21:46
abarbacciahmw: pulseaudio and firefox are spiking my CPU21:46
hmwabarbaccia: i have similar problems with skype... but had worse problems in 8.1021:47
sgodsellgaviscon, but there is no guarentee that it will work.21:47
dtchenabarbaccia: you should at least use my test kernel (http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~dtchen/)21:47
dtchenabarbaccia: also, make sure that the Flash stream hasn't been migrated/redirected to a null source. you can use pavucontrol to check.21:48
sgodsellgaviscon, or you can just install 9.04 alpha if you want to be man enough  ;-)21:48
abarbacciadtchen: whats the differences in your kernel and current jaunty?21:49
abarbacciadoubtful its a kernel level setting though considering audio works through gstreamer and other apps21:50
wolfgangguess i'll have to restart networking21:50
wolfgangi hope.. ;)21:50
dtchenabarbaccia: see my git tree, specifically the pcm branch21:51
rwwHrm. When I run pavucontrol I get a "Connection failed: Connection refused" error and it quits =/21:52
dtchenabarbaccia: (the kernel is a separate stability issue)21:52
rwwoh. pulseaudio isn't running. but my sound still works. weird.21:53
god-mokyay, kde freezed, had to hard restart, and now my home is gone again :>21:53
dtchenrww: because alsa is being used.21:53
god-mokfsck can't correkt anything... damn21:54
rwwdtchen: I figured. I don't remember telling it to do that, though =/21:54
dtchenrww: if you're using GNOME, autoaudiosink falls back to alsasink if pulsesink is unavailable21:59
wolfgangworked perfectly.. i chose to use some opendns servers :)22:04
berniv6wolfgang: great ... what vendor/model/firmware version is your router?22:04
wolfgangd-link dir-85522:04
wolfgangdislike dlink? :)22:05
berniv6that's a recent box :-(22:05
wolfgangah, yes.. it very much is22:05
berniv6do you have "dig" on your system?22:05
wolfgangit arrived today.. but my fritzbox also didn't always handle it correctly.22:05
berniv6try "dig -t aaaa www.heise.de @<routerip>"22:05
rwwthat reminds me, I need to go set up opendns on my router22:05
berniv6does that give an answer immediately?22:05
DanaGMmm, opendns... got bogus-nxdomain?22:05
wolfgangyes, it does22:05
berniv6wolfgang: NOERROR or SERVFAIL? (status, in the first few lines)22:06
DanaGOddest DNS error I've ever seen: REFUSED.22:06
DanaGLike the DNS server REFUSES to give me an answer, or something.22:06
berniv6DanaG: exactly22:06
wolfgang;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 2579622:06
berniv6wolfgang: okay, weird, then you should not be affected by this problem :-(22:06
wolfganghm, it might be software-related?22:07
wolfganglike opera messes up..22:07
wolfgangi mean.. if i do a simple "host bla" in console, it works immediately22:07
berniv6wolfgang: if you have some time, could you please reconfigure your router in /etc/resolv.conf and run "tcpdump -n -s 0 -i eth0 port domain" while you try it?22:07
berniv6iirc there has been another change in Jaunty glibc that sometimes confuses the hell out of those SOHO routers22:08
wolfgangberniv6: you mean putting back to my resolv.conf and then run that command?22:09
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berniv6yes, yes, then do whatever you usually do with opera and then paste the output of that tcpdump to a pastebin22:09
wolfganguhm.. should i replace domain with something?22:11
wolfgangand port?22:11
wolfgangkk, brb then22:11
wolfganghttp://pastebin.com/d3a1865ae berniv6  :)22:14
MiloszHey how can I fix the position of the new notification bubbles/popups?22:15
berniv6wolfgang: there must be a "search search.b.superkabel.de" line in your resolv.conf, remove that please22:15
MiloszI set it to bottom right but they still appear at the top right22:15
HalowThey don't move.22:15
berniv6I think it's superkabel who f*cks it up, at least your trace pretty much looks like22:16
Miloszso notification-properties is useless or what?22:16
MiloszKabel Deutschland is one twisted ISP22:16
wolfganghumm, kay22:16
Miloszjust delete resolv.conf if you use KD, and put a in there22:16
berniv6wolfgang: restart opera, did it help?22:17
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wolfgangberniv6: yes :)22:20
berniv6wolfgang: okay, please shoot someone at KD, thanks22:20
* wolfgang reloads.22:20
wolfgangi hope this change is permanent.. otherwise i'll be back.22:21
wolfganghm.. i think i might still be back.. whatever :D22:21
wolfgangfor now, i'll have to let my father sleep.. thanks very much berniv6 :)22:21
berniv6wolfgang: you probably need to configure your router not to get those settings from KD, probably by DHCP22:22
wolfganguhmm.. will check the settings.. and change PC now.22:22
wolfgangi'll be back with my other nick in a bit.22:22
Machtinwell, that's me then.22:24
berniv6Machtin = wolfgang?22:24
Machtinberniv6: exactly.22:24
berniv6Machtin: please complain to KD about that problem22:25
Machtinwhat to tell them?22:25
Machtini mean.. how can i describe that issue?22:25
berniv6that their resolvers break when queried for AAAA records on *.search.b.superkabel.de22:25
berniv6if they have someone with half a brain he should be able to figure this out, but well, it's KD we're talking about22:26
Machtinagreed.. after all it's a company selling inet-connections.22:26
Machtinactually.. i could reactive ipv6 here then.22:27
DanaGI couldn't tell from that trace... what exactly "breaks" -- returns no error, but no result?22:29
Miloszthat Thrace22:29
Machtin*sigh* I prefered the interface of my fritz!box.. that dlink-interface is strange.22:30
berniv6DanaG: the AAAA something.search.b.superkabel.de queries are not answered22:30
Machtintherefore it can do 5ghz and 2.4ghz parallel.22:30
DanaGah, so it timeouts instead?22:31
Machtinthe AAAAs timeout..22:31
berniv6DanaG: yep ...22:31
Machtinwhich takes about 15 seconds until all are timed out - per website.22:31
Machtinberniv6: any idea what "unicasting" means?22:32
berniv6DanaG: only different thing, usually when you hit this problem no AAAA records are resolvable, because the dns proxy in the router fucks up22:32
berniv6DanaG: but in this case, AAAA opera.com is answered correctly22:32
ActionParsniphey guys,is kdebluetooth better in  jaunty than in itrepid?22:32
Seeker`berniv6: watch your language please22:32
berniv6just that his client then tries AAAA opera.com.search.b.superkabel.de, which gets forwarded to superkabel DNS servers (I guess) and times out there22:32
DanaGI'm actually using an ipv6 relay thingy for my computer.22:33
berniv6Seeker`: sorry, because the dns proxy in the router is broken :-)22:33
DanaGRouter does the tunneling.22:33
ActionParsnipberniv6: could run a local dns to speed up the connectio as wl as resolve itto the right ip22:33
tuxxy__hey is hotway not included with jaunty anymore?22:33
DanaGyay, dd-wrt.22:33
ActionParsnip!info hotway jaunty22:34
ubottuPackage hotway does not exist in jaunty22:34
berniv6ActionParsnip: doesn't help, if the queries upstream aren't answered they will time out regardless22:34
marceloHey guys I'm a new user of linux systems22:34
hmwmarcelo: so you are trying an alpha version lol... how can we help you?22:35
marceloI'd like to know how to solve this message22:35
nemohmw: well, I'm planning to do a brand new install of linux later this week for someone, and I may well put them on Jaunty just I know they won't update in 4 weeks :-p22:36
marcelocould not find khelpcenter service22:36
nemokubuntu ?22:37
hmwi dont know about that error. seems like youre using KDE. does it happen only with one application or with all helps?22:37
Machtini think opendns is a cool thing :)22:37
berniv6hum, not sure22:37
hmwMachtin: did you solve the thing?22:37
berniv6I don't like the nxdomain redirection22:37
marceloit happens with kile, k3b22:37
Machtinhmw: berniv6 did ;)22:38
hmwMachtin berniv6: i'd like to create a little tutorial, because so many people are asking about the ipv6 issue22:38
hmwwould you like to help me with doing so?22:39
DanaGMy ISP, Charter, resolves all nxdomain to this:22:39
DanaGTake a look at it, and laugh.22:39
hmwmarcelo: hmm. Did it work, before?22:39
berniv6jesus christ22:39
DanaGI use my dd-wrt router (yay dnsmasq!) to bogus-nxdomain the IP.22:39
marcelowhen i was using ubuntu 8.0422:40
berniv6hmw: hum, sure, although that particular case was really special, not sure one can make a decent tutorial out of it22:40
marcelonever more after that22:40
DanaG!info hotway22:40
ubottuPackage hotway does not exist in jaunty22:40
hmwmarcelo: any idea, what changed? update, new software installed, messed around with the sys?22:40
DanaG!info hotway intrepid22:40
ubottuhotway (source: hotway): POP3 to Hotmail (HTTPmail) gateway. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.8.4-2.3 (intrepid), package size 49 kB, installed size 188 kB22:40
tuxxy__DanaG: its ok I got a .deb22:40
marceloi updated my system22:40
DanaGI was just curious what "hotway" even was.22:40
Machtinhmw: wouldn't mind, just not today :)22:41
hmwaah... i meant in 9.0422:41
marceloand now kubuntu22:41
tuxxy__well its a program my friend uses allows you to use evolution with hotmail account22:41
hmwi take it, it never worked in 9.04? marcelo22:41
marceloI'm using kubuntu 8.1022:41
hmwmarcelo: then you are in the wrong channel. this channel is for the alpha version of the coming release.22:42
marceloops! sorry22:42
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marcelothanks anyway22:43
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hmwyou will have better chances in getting help in #ubuntu, as there are more people. good luck!22:43
marcelogood bye22:43
hmwberniv6: i was talking about a tut for the basic thing. It's simply about getting rid of the router's ip in resolv.conf?22:44
Machtinwell not actually hmw - at least not in my case22:44
Machtini have placed the router-ip back in my resolv.conf.22:44
Machtinhowever, i now configured my router with two other dns-servers22:45
hmwMachtin: the open dns ones. did that speed up your resolving? (sorry, i was distracted)22:45
berniv6hmw: replacing your router ip with something like opendns is a good first test22:45
hmwokay... simple enough. thx berniv622:45
Machtinhmw: yes.22:46
Machtini thought that "domain search.." line had nothing really to do with looking up a hostname..22:46
hmwgah... one year of intensively playing around with linux and i still feel like a total noob sometimes...22:47
Machtinhmw: more than one year here, and actually BEING a total noob :)22:48
Machtinwell.. "intensively playing" wouldn't be correct.. i was just using it as primary os.. and din't change a lot, except alway updating.22:48
Machtini love updates.. even if everything works fine :)22:49
hmwMachtin: if you want to learn, linux from scratch will boost your knowledge22:49
Machtinno need to atm.. i'm enough busy with studying.. *sigh*22:50
Machtinwhich leads me to the point where i wish you guys a good night, since I'll leave now :)22:50
Machtinthanks again!22:50
blizzkidhmmz, I was reading http://www.sharms.org/blog/2009/03/24/gwibber-on-ubuntu-jaunty/ but gwibber segfaults constantly with me22:56
DanaGhah, gotta' love Asus's DMI strings.22:57
DanaGTo Be Filled By O.E.M. To Be Filled By O.E.M.22:57
blizzkidand constantly spawns errors like console message: file:///usr/share/gwibber/ui/themes/default/theme.html @141: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: $22:57
rconanhmm... I have no sound and System->Preferences->Sound wont run22:57
blizzkidor console message:  @22: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: setGtkConfig22:58
tux_how do I change the playback 'look' from the default one22:59
tux_if peeps know what i mean22:59
tux_in VLC22:59
Othortux_: so it is one window? i would like to know that too23:02
HammerHead66anyone have there Ekiga set up and want to test it out?23:02
tux_Othor, its very annoying isn't it?23:02
aciculaHammerHead66: gizmodo has a sip test contact23:03
Othortux_: yes it is23:03
HammerHead66acicula: gizmodo?  how do I contact?23:04
HammerHead66acicula: were do i look?23:05
aciculagoogle gizmodo test contact, or look on the gizmodo site for the test call contact23:05
quentusrexWhat kernel is Jaunty going to use?23:05
aciculadont have it handy23:05
quentusrexAny chance it can use .29?23:05
aciculaquentusrex: .28 i think23:05
HammerHead66ok thanks man23:05
SwedeMikequentusrex: 2.6.28 it has been decided.23:05
quentusrexBecause if it doesn't, or a patch isn't applied it'll still have the sqlite bug23:06
quentusrexlike intrepid.23:06
SwedeMikequentusrex: well, as stated there, you can download 2.6.29 as ppa23:06
quentusrexHardy was 2.6.24, which didn't have the sqlite bug, but intrepid does.23:06
quentusrexis there an official ppa? for the kernel?23:06
rconanPPAs are never "official"23:07
quentusrexI mean an 'official' unofficial one?23:07
quentusrexfor kernels...23:07
rconanthere isn't that I'm aware of23:07
quentusrexok, thanks.23:07
SwedeMikequentusrex: as mentioned in the second paragraph on page 1: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.24.7/23:07
SwedeMikefor instance23:08
quentusrexawesome, I missed that somehow23:09
rconannot sure I'd want to run daily builds on a production system23:10
mindframesounds likea bad idea :)23:12
DanaGwtf... why does ekiga have a "low wireless signal" icon in the lower-left?23:12
quentusrexyeah, it does.23:12
DasEiEerm , where did /boot/grub/menu.lst went to ?23:12
thewrathi see that jaunty will not connec to wpa2 enterprise networks like in 8.10 am i correct?23:13
DanaGIt also offers "Online" and "Custom me..." statuses.23:13
DanaGCustom Me?  Huh?23:13
DanaGLooks pretty silly.23:13
DanaG"Do Not Dist..."23:13
thewrathcan anyone confirm this?23:13
rconanI connect to PEAP WPA2 networks with intrepid23:14
rconanis that what you mean by WPA2 entreprise23:14
thewrathu using PEAP and MSCHAPV2?23:14
thewrathhow the heck are you doing that23:14
rconanit just works23:15
rconannever had an issue23:15
o0Chris0ohey guys if my city isn't listed under the weather applet to add to the panel, how do I go abouts doing it myself or asking someone?23:15
DanaGEnter a numeric postal code, perhaps.23:16
thewrathhold on there was a bug for it how did you fix it23:16
hmwDasEi: huh??23:16
rconanthewrath: I don't know23:16
thewrathlet me find it23:16
hmwo0Chris0o: your city might be listed in the wrong time zone. but that might be repaired already.23:17
rwwSo if I want to use mainline 2.6.29 in Jaunty, I should be using http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.29/ ?23:17
rconanthewrath: don't tell me :p, if I know about it it'll stop working23:17
* rww feels like breaking his Jaunty install today23:17
thewrathi see23:17
SwedeMikethere has been reports of network breakage with 2.6.29 on lkml, wait for
DanaGtoo bad that PPA isn't actually a PPA REPO.23:18
hmwDasEi: what about your menu.lst?23:18
rwwDanaG: i know rite23:18
* DanaG goes off to buy a To Be Filled By O.E.M. To Be Filled By O.E.M.23:19
DanaGAsus seems to forget to set their DMI strings.23:19
DanaGYou'll end up with a motherboard where product name and serial number and such are exactly that:23:19
DanaGTo Be Filled By O.E.M.23:19
dtchenDanaG: that it's not a repo is intentional.23:19
DasEihmw: well , I put jaunty on an extra hd, it boots fine, but when  I cd to /boot,  there is no /grub (so no menu.lst ) anymore23:22
hmwDasEi: hmm... maybe it just saw your old grub stuff and used that menu.lst? do you have a partition for /boot?23:23
=== asac_ is now known as asac
hmwDasEi: investigate your paths in interactive grub menu23:24
DasEihttp://paste.ubuntu.com/137093/  , hmw23:24
DasEi.. with sudo updatedb before23:25
hmwi never understood fully, how multiple linuxes work exactly with grub. there can only be one partition holding the (active) stage files, of course. my locate doesnt show content of other partitions (by default, maybe it could)23:26
hmwyou could try using find over the other partitions23:26
hmwi installed ubuntu 8.10 additionally to fedora, then installed jaunty to a third partition. (all use one big / partition) my current menu.lst resides in jaunty's root file sys.23:28
nemohmw: well, grub can read other partitions.23:28
nemoit doesn't need a linux kernel to do that23:28
hmwnemo: yes, but how does it decide, which /boot directory to use, when there are three of them?23:29
nemohmw: the one based on the partition you set to active23:29
nemoheck. my /boot is in a completely different partition23:29
DasEihmw, nemo : one (another) truth is that the older grub (hardy..) caN#t read ext4, but I'm on jaunty now, so where has that gone ? I'm acting as root, so hidden files shouldn't be it or ?23:30
nemoin my case, the first partition of the first hard disc23:30
nemoDasEi: yeah. someone here claimed that ubuntu had patched in ext4 support23:30
nemobut I got crashiness (on my laptop which *doesn't* have an ext2/ext3 /boot :( :(23:30
nemoDasEi: so. I installed grub2 on that laptop23:30
DasEinemo: solution is to use jaunty grub and put hardy in menu.lst,  but w.. has menu.lst gone ??23:31
ikoniause ext3 boot partition23:31
nemoah. I just went with using grub2 :)23:31
nemoworks well enough for me :)23:31
nemoikonia: yeah. that's the best approach. heck. my /boot is still ext223:32
nemoback from when ext3 wasn't that great in grub ;)23:32
=== Pricey is now known as PriceChild
rwwnemo: mine too :)23:32
hmwDasEi: look on the partitions of your other systems... you might find that there... but in my case, i have to assume, jaunty set the new partition to "active" since the current menu.lst is on jaunty's partition23:32
=== PriceChild is now known as Pricey
ikonianemo: 100 meg partition, no benifit to ext4 - more effort23:32
DasEihmw: yeah, looked it up already, there is a boot, but no subfolder grub >:o23:33
hmwif your system boots using grub, there must be some menu.lst somewhere...!?23:33
DasEialso sudo grub > find menu.lst / find stage1 results none ... it's a ghostboot, lol23:34
DanaGgrub2 sucks in that there's NO savedefault!23:34
hmwDasEi: perhaps you forgot to mount the according partition??23:34
DasEijoining # grub now23:34
HalowIt seems to only really look at the last menu.lst created (not generated, though). While I had Jaunty on one partition, Intrepid on another, Grub refused to look at Intrepid's, even when I ran "update-grub" in it.23:34
hmwDasEi: let us know, what you find out.23:35
DasEihmw: hardly, I can choose recoverymode from boot-menu (...lst)23:35
hmwi am thinking about your menu.lst has not been moved to jaunty's partition23:35
DasEihmw : no way, as its a beta, I disconnected all other drives before installing23:36
hmwDasEi: as grub doesnt use the kernel, that wouldnt matter, right?23:37
hmwdisconnected? physically?23:38
hmwremove that boot floppy lol23:38
DasEiphysically, yes, to avoid any trouble (multiple-boot)23:40
thewrathhey all23:41
thewrathdoes Jaunty Alpha 6 still not connect to WPA2 Enterprise networks?23:41
DanaGAnyone here know how to use a 32-bit machine to add "horsepower" for a 64-bit host with distcc?23:46
RAOFDanaG: You'd need to set up a 64bit cross-compiler environment.  That's likely to be more effort to set up than it's worth.23:50
DanaGHost is 2.4GHz Montevina.23:51
DanaGer, by "host", I mean the job-giver.23:51
DanaGWhatever you call it.23:51
DanaG32-bit one is a 1.83GHz Yonah.23:51
DanaGPerhaps considering that difference in 'horsepower', the overhead would make it not worth the effort -- good point.23:52
* DanaG is going to try nouveau on a G73 (not sure what the "NV" name is).23:53
RAOFIt'll be nv4x.23:53
DanaGThat dual naming is REALLY annoying.23:53
DanaGAt least ATI has R and RV, and that's it.23:53
DanaGNo "RVxxx" == "atiYYYY"23:53

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