
=== chris_ is now known as o0Chris0o
Vantraxanyone know if submissions are still active for artwork?05:33
o0Chris0oVantrax:I think they are working on the wallpaper and some icons05:38
o0Chris0obut other than that I'm not entirely sure05:38
VantraxYeah i have a wallpaper to add into the mix, just need to finish it up tonight05:38
BHSPitMonkeythe artwork freeze already happened, didn't it05:47
o0Chris0oI'm not sure05:48
BHSPitMonkeyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule -- Indeed05:48
thorwilgood morning!09:08
* thorwil wonders if he should try http://www.explosm.net/comics/1601/ now and then10:56
* _MMA_ waves11:36
=== ziroday` is now known as ziroday
kwwiiwere is Cimi when you need him12:12
zirodaysomewhere other then where you need him?12:12
kwwiino doubt12:15
kwwiibug #345410 seems like his problem :)12:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 345410 in gtk2-engines-murrine "Human Theme needs some changes for murrine 0.9x" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34541012:16
kwwiiI added the change he suggests and it doesn't do anything, it seems12:16
* _MMA_ is also following that bug.12:17
zirodaykwwii: oh I noticed that too, thought it was a new design decision12:17
* _MMA_ did as well.12:18
zniavreit is not a feature ?12:18
_MMA_Cimi /did/ push out a .91 release. Maybe it's fixed.12:18
zirodaymind you the clearlooks one does look alot better then the murrine one12:19
zniavrethat's true12:19
_MMA_If kwwii or someone doesn't like the look if it's part of murrine one can always have it use Clearlooks there.12:21
kwwiiit was cimi's design12:22
kwwiibut I don't want it :p12:22
_MMA_Just like getting rid of the stripe on the tabs! I loved that. Now I use Clearlooks for that part. If this isn't a bug, maybe I'll use Clearlooks for the button highlight as well.12:24
kwwiiit kinda ticks me off, I asked cimi what he changed and he said it wouldn't look any different12:29
_MMA_So *maybe* this is just a bug.12:30
_MMA_Because really, this looks like a step back.12:31
kwwiiyeah well, wait and see what he says12:34
_MMA_kwwii: You know what he'll say. (if this is a design choice)12:36
lucazadeCimi asked for a focus mockup for ages, nobody provided a good one.. this one is imho a good one13:28
dashualucazade: http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/11469/screenshot_023_35CHzk.png13:32
lucazadesame stuff for me, is it a real change?13:32
dashuaHe patched focus, I've been testing it with no issues.13:32
dashuaI don't think he committed it yet or if it was ready.13:33
lucazadeok tnx for info13:33
dashuaSee the focus ring is like clearlooks13:35
dashuaThis is where the mix hacks will mess up scale as the focus with be extremely light13:35
lucazadeyep.. is not a great change .. i've never thought it was a bug the present focus13:36
dashuaBetter using the shade option, like Cimi suggested.13:36
dashuaThe dotted line was gone, the version reported in this bug, and now this one in testing.13:37
lucazadearg me don't like this one.. btw not a problem neither a bug13:38
lucazadejust tastes13:39
_MMA_I don't see how *anyone* would think that that line we have now looks better than: http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/11469/screenshot_023_35CHzk.png13:40
_MMA_The line looks totally awkward.13:40
lucazademma for you13:40
lucazadenot for *me*13:40
_MMA_The pic above communicates focus *much* better.13:41
lucazadei don't think so13:41
lucazadeand also stripes on tabs were wrong btw13:42
_MMA_Give me a technical reason.13:43
lucazadebecause worked ok only with blue13:43
_MMA_An educated design opinion.13:43
* _MMA_ waits.13:44
_MMA_In the end, what urks me, is that coders that *think* they have a eye for art don't listen to real designers. It's an issue across free software.13:44
* thorwil spots a sign of troy13:45
lucazadei told you stripes are too depending on selected bg color13:45
lucazadeif you make a theme with clearlooks palette is ok, otherwise is a pain13:46
_MMA_thorwil: Somewhat guilty. Though, it's something I already knew.13:46
kwwiiwe used the line on the tabs with orange and people loved it13:46
kwwiithe current keyboard selection looks funky though13:46
kwwiijust a line at the bottom effects the design very strongly13:47
_MMA_lucazade: You never said to me "too depending on selected bg color". It really doesn't matter anyway.13:47
lucazadei told you, *maybe* my english is pour13:47
lucazadecimi told you as well some months ago13:48
_MMA_Looking back through logs, I don't see him mentioning it to me.13:49
_MMA_In the end, this change looks terrible because it's obscure and looks out of place.13:50
kwwiiI specificaly asked if this would change the look of the theme and cimi said no13:50
kwwiithe problems occur when his opinion of a change is not my opinion of a change13:50
lucazade:D lol13:51
_MMA_And, I could get 100 other people to say the same thing and Cimi wouldn't change. *Everyone* could tell him it looks bad and he wouldn't. Thats the problem around here.13:51
lucazadetoday is Cimi dbay, maybe he will listen to all of us13:51
_MMA_Cimi has the attitude "It's my show and I'll do what I want".13:51
lucazadei thought the same for a period, after known him i changed my opinion13:52
_MMA_I've worked with him long enough as well. I haven't seen what you have.13:53
_MMA_And mind you, I've told him as much.13:53
_MMA_I wish he were here now.13:53
lucazadei wish too, i don't want to speak for him13:54
_MMA_This says focus: http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/11469/screenshot_023_35CHzk.png when compared to what's there now. When given the choice, I'd bet my house the majority of people would choose the pic above.13:54
lucazadei don't care about people thinks is correct13:55
lucazade... makin a coffee..13:56
_MMA_There's a difference between sticking to a design direction/choice and just being an ass.13:56
_MMA_"*Everyone* tells me I'm wrong but I don't care." is a common attitude around freesoftware "art" (and I use that loosly) and it's going to kill us.13:58
lucazadeif i follow what people say, i would lose my house if bet14:00
thorwilpointless discussion is pointless14:01
_MMA_thorwil: Unfortunately.14:01
thorwilfunny enough, i just changed the countdown banners again. because i have been told to ;p14:02
_MMA_thorwil: But this is also the problem. People that know, just give up. I'm tired of that.14:02
thorwil_MMA_: either very few people can be champions of a change, or it wont happen, i think14:04
lucazademma you 'll never reach what people wants, 100%, also listening only to their opinions, because after some days they will change opinions and they will not care about your work14:04
thorwillucazade: you are missing _MMA_ point entirely14:05
_MMA_lucazade: There's a difference that you're *totally* missing..14:05
_MMA_Ha. Beat me to it. :P14:05
lucazadetell me which14:05
_MMA_lucazade: There's a difference between trying to please everyone and listening to people who have solid design knowledge.14:06
thorwillucazade: there's a huge difference between asking people about everything and trying to let them drive the design and just checking design decisons now and then, asking people if what you want to express is what they see in the design14:06
thorwilalso that14:06
thorwilask gourmets, not fast-food fans ;)14:07
lucazademurrine is a project of a guy, not of a community14:08
_MMA_lucazade: *Really*? :) That's the stance you're going to take?14:08
_MMA_Really, just stop trying to defend Cimi. ;)14:09
_MMA_I'm speaking generally anyway.14:09
lucazadei think he asked help lots of time14:09
_MMA_Murrine is just 1 example.14:09
lucazadebut at the end he did the whole alone14:09
_MMA_lucazade: And he got examples.14:10
_MMA_Really. Just stop. ;)14:10
_MMA_Point is, if people who code and people who design don't work together the GNOME desktop will continue to look stuck in the 90's.14:12
_MMA_And the "I code it so I don't have to listen to you." attitude keeps people with a clue (design knowledge) away.14:13
lucazadei agree with you.. but we cannot says Cimi do whatever he wants14:13
_MMA_lucazade: Like I said, this is a general opinion about the thinking of most free software "designers" I've observed over the years.14:14
_MMA_*Not* at all specific to Cimi.14:15
lucazadeok mma, now it's clear for me14:15
lucazadei'd speak my nativa language here14:15
_MMA_It's the 3rd time I've said it. Maybe it just took that many times for you to get it. ;)14:16
lucazademma says Cimi has the attitude "It's my show and I'll do what I want".14:17
kwwiihe does tend to talk like that14:17
kwwiiI assumed he had really learned how to speak english in chat14:17
_MMA_lucazade: Sure. But we moved on from talking specifically about Cimi. :)14:17
thorwilkwwii: there is another way? 8-D14:18
kwwiiq: "hey what do you think about this idea?" a: "are you totally fucking stupid?"14:18
lucazadefor me the discussion is closed.. no prb at all14:18
kwwiiyeah, I really just need to talk to cimi directly14:18
thorwilkwwii: a: "it's ugly"14:19
_MMA_Ok. He responded to the bug. "Oh LOL! That's the focus hint, it will change in the future, maybe a 0.90.3 release"14:19
lucazadekwwii: yep14:19
_MMA_thorwil: hahahahhahahaha :)14:19
* _MMA_ wonders how many more bugs will pop up about this...14:20
kwwiioh boy14:20
_MMA_Once the release is public, I'm sure people will think it's some graphical glitch/error. I know I did at 1st.14:22
kwwiiit simply looks messed up14:24
kwwiithe QA team poked me about this because so many people have complained14:24
_MMA_kwwii: And I think it will be because of things like the Totem slider example. Though, it's still awkward on the buttons.14:26
kwwiiit is awkward everywhere14:26
dashua_MMA_: Totem slider with patched murrine, much better IMO14:29
_MMA_kwwii: To answer your question, use Clearlooks in the gtkrc for the focus items.14:33
* thorwil hopes for a jaunty with a no memory eating compiz14:34
kwwii_MMA_: yeah, that might be the only way around it14:37
_MMA_kwwii: Im gonna do it for Studio.14:38
dashuaYou can patch the engine ;), which will most likely be 0.90.314:38
dashualucazade: I am fond of the focus hint currently testing.  That is better than the old dotted line, but not nearly as good as the patched version.14:39
dashuaMatter of opinion, I guess?14:39
kwwiiI kinda liked the idea of actually shipping a released murrine for once14:41
dashuaHopefully, he'll commit it.  I see no regressions so far and have been using it for a few days.14:41
dashuaOr at least make it configurable, if possible.14:41
kwwiiyeah, at least that14:42
ryancrfrom a random guy who just reads the artwork irc logs I have to say that the focus with just the single underline its a bit 'odd', it doesn't really grab my attention enough to say that it is the focused element14:44
lucazaderyancr, let me joke: or a single is so 'odd' (as said before) that will grab your attention?! on sliders i can agree looks strange, on the buttons and the other widgets is cool14:56
ryancrlucazade, maybe, I was just looking at the last link that you posted that showed the focus on the slider14:58
_MMA_lucazade: /Sometimes/ "cool" just isn't a good enough reason. I only tend to use it when things come down to personal pref. All things being equal.15:00
lucazadeyou'll always have to find a balance in things15:01
lucazadethis focus seems balanced to me15:01
lucazadenothing more15:01
ryancrI have to say, I just don't think I am a fan of the single underline focus. But I guess that is just the problem with developing artwork, everyone has a different opinion.15:04
_MMA_lucazade: *By itself* I can see how you would be happy with this. But, I'd bet hard cash that users who upgrade will find this change confusing and think of it as a visual glitch. It's that comparison that will be the issue.15:04
lucazadefrom dotted line to this focus is a radical change.. i agree with you if this happens on clearlooks15:06
_MMA_In the end, I think it's bad having the same person developing 2 major engines. It, IMO, leads to less diversity between the styles.15:19
lucazadedevelopers, developers, developers like Balmer would say15:20
_MMA_Oh you should be kicked for that one. :P15:21
* kwwii wanders off to the airport15:58
_MMA_Later Ken.15:59
Cimikwwii, got any mockup for the focus ring?18:51
thorwilbonjour nand: http://www.jonobacon.org/2009/03/24/ubuntu-904-free-culture-showcase-winners/18:56
_MMA_Cimi: kwwii went to the airport. Here is one pic though: http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/11469/screenshot_023_35CHzk.png18:56
Cimi_MMA_, just like clearlooks18:56
Cimithere's already a patch I did to make it look similar18:57
Cimithe issue I'm trying to fix is the compaticility with dark colorschemes18:57
Cimiclearlooks focus ring sucks with them (and I did it :P )18:57
Cimithe second issue is the focus on the selected listview item18:57
_MMA_Sure. I've tested on my Studio theme and thought it was fine.18:57
CimiI don't know how to focus it18:57
Nece228is there any fix for new wave theme in firefox19:11
Nece228toolbar is almost invisible, i mean black on black19:14
ufuk_khello, is there a design guidelines about designing artwork for kubuntu?21:51
o0Chris0oI'm sure there is check here http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork21:53
ufuk_kI checked it but I couşnd't find specific to kubuntu or KDE desktop.21:53
_MMA_ufuk_k: Kubuntu follows upstream KDE for the most part.22:15
ufuk_kSo all I need to post artwork to KDE-look.org?22:18
ufuk_kor the mailing list?22:18
_MMA_ufuk_k: Um, up to now, Kubuntu hasn't really been a part of this community. Since, like I said, they just follow upstream. So, it you have work for that crowd, KDE-Look might be best.22:34
_MMA_ufuk_k: But, if you're looking to get involved in what Kubuntu does, #kubuntu-devel might be the place to inquire.22:36
ufuk_kOk I understand. Do you mean the part of artwork community or ubuntu community?22:36
_MMA_"This" community would mean Ubuntu simply because we're in a #Ubuntu channel and that gives it context. :)22:38
_MMA_This channel sees traffic mostly for Ubuntu. With a little work for Studio and Xubuntu.22:39
kwwiiufuk_k: you can comunicate any kubuntu changes directly through me23:26
kwwiiufuk_k: I kinda try to lead this team, and work on kubuntu as well23:26
kwwiikubuntu artwork used to be my job23:27
kwwiiufuk_k: feel free to email me directly or keep sending to the ubuntu-art list (even if there aren't a lot of kubuntu people around now, they could be)23:28
ufuk_kok, kwwii, Thank you.23:30
kwwiianyone know why that Cimi guy b0rked my theme? :D23:30
kwwiiufuk_k: look forward to talking more to you23:30
_MMA_kwwii: Because he thought the old one was "ugly".23:42
kwwiioh well, time for sleep23:46
_MMA_Night man.23:46
Cimiyou are ugly!23:47

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