
calc1 bug to 100% watched on OOo :)00:56
Ampelbeinmaco: ping about bug #29126802:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 291268 in seahorse ""Add name" that is email-adress to key results in freeze." [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29126802:36
macoare you andreas moog?02:36
Ampelbeinmaco: yupp02:36
macoah ok02:36
macoi was thinking if its fixed in jaunty, then fx released would make more sense02:36
Ampelbeinmaco: generally i don't like fix released when i do not find a matching changelog entry02:37
maco(the letter that comes after h and before j = broken)02:37
macooh ok02:37
macowas guessing "new upstream release" probably caught it02:37
Ampelbeinperhaps it's just a coincidence and it worked here even before jaunty so i was asking the reporter to test again.02:37
Ampelbeinor it just happens with special email addresses... there are a couple of reasons i could think of why it works for me but not for him02:38
torkianohello, powertop reports a lot of interrups of my graphic card02:42
torkianoI disabled 3d effects02:43
torkianothis only happens in kubuntu, in ubuntu the number of interrups are normal02:44
macoAmpelbein: i can reproduce t02:56
Ampelbeinmaco: how?02:57
macodid you put the email address in the email slot or the name slot?02:57
Ampelbeinthe name-slot02:57
macoif i put name@example.com inot the name slot, gpg goes to 98% cpu02:57
macoi just chose to edit my key and added it02:58
maco.. :-/ i use gpg-agent, not seahorse agent, but that *shouldn't* affect the non-agent stuff...02:58
macowell lets check+102:59
Ampelbeinstrange thing. if i try with my primary-key (andreas.moog@warperbbs.de) it just works.03:00
Ampelbeinif i try a newly created key (andreas@golem.warperbbs.de) it does not03:00
Ampelbeinwill provide a backtrace and reopen.03:01
tw1tchhey can anyone help with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-meta/+bug/292355 do we have enough information to set to confirmed if not what else do we need thanks = )03:06
ubottuUbuntu bug 292355 in kubuntu-meta "[GeForce 7600 GS] (Dell 2007FP) no display when using kubuntu [live] cd" [Undecided,Incomplete]03:06
dtchenbcurtiswx: actually, 347588 is _not_ a dupe of 34562703:08
dtchenbcurtiswx: your hardware issues is very specific; the other reporter's symptoms are precisely the issue addressed by the test kernel03:09
macotw1tch: confirmed = there's a reproducible test case. so if you can say the specific hardware and show it works on multiple of that hardware, that's confirmed03:09
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tw1tchmaco: since its a bug do you mean, doesn't work on multiple of that hardware? also, correct me if im wrong but cant you confirm a bug if there is enough information that a dev can see it? without having multiples report same behavior? obviously conflicting behavior from multiples would not be enough, thanks03:19
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dholbachgood morning06:41
dholbachhi YoBoY06:46
YoBoYyo dholbach :)06:46
YoBoYdholbach: you plan to put back your five-a-day-stats one day? :p06:47
dholbachYoBoY: yes, definitely, yes :)06:50
dominiksgood morning07:25
dominiksI'd like to ask one question regarding bug 344073 - problem was resolved by reporter by manual installing printer driver from manufacturer website. Is it common practice to package such drivers too? Should I suggest that driver for packaging? Or is it fine to manual install drivers? Sorry, I'm not very familiar with printer drivers. Thanks.07:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 344073 in cups "HP printer does not work" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34407307:32
YoBoYhi dominiks07:35
YoBoYit's fine, but this driver could be installed automaticaly with the jockey-gtk perhaps. The problem here is a mix of a support request and a regression bug ("my printer don't work, but worked in 8.10"), ask if it had installed the proprietary driver in 8.10 or not and the model of his printer07:41
YoBoY^^^ dominiks: ^^^07:43
YoBoYoups the model is in th begining sorry :p07:43
thekornand the target for this bug should not be cups but hplip07:44
dominiksok.. thanks for advices07:45
dominikscould I add info about assigning HP printer related problems to hplip to wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/FindRightPackage? ... as future reference for bugsquad newbies like me? :)07:49
YoBoYdominiks: the section "printing System" don't help?07:52
dominiksI was not able to find anything about hplip.. but maybe I just need some coffee first :)07:54
YoBoYhave you search the doc?07:54
YoBoYdominiks: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HpAllInOne << like this one07:55
dominiksoh thanks07:56
YoBoYthe wiki and the community doc are not the same (don't ask why...), don't forget to look everywhere :)07:57
dominiksyeah i see.. my fault I was too lazy07:58
dominiksI'm not good BugSquader at all.. I should better stop :)07:58
YoBoYdominiks: you are better than me, the begining is not simple :)08:06
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BUGabundogood morning11:12
BUGabundocan some one take a look and triage this bug11:12
ubottuUbuntu bug 347571 in lxnm "lxnm doesn't work, and deletes nm-applet" [Undecided,New]11:12
BUGabundothanks in advance11:12
thekornBUGabundo, hi, do you know this user who reported this bug in personal?11:22
BUGabundothekorn: yes11:24
BUGabundoneed further feed back?11:24
BUGabundothekorn: why do you ask?11:25
thekornBUGabundo, can you please ask him why he filed so many needs packaging bugs like bug 23031011:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 230310 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] evaristo" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23031011:26
BUGabundothekorn: will do11:26
thekornwhich does only contain the url of the software without further information11:26
BUGabundoROFL : evaristo?? eheh11:26
BUGabundosomeone actuall confirmed it?11:27
MewcenaryI've applied for BugControl via Launchpad.  Is there anything else that I need to do at this stage?11:27
MewcenaryHello everyone, by the way :-)11:28
thekornhi Mewcenary11:31
thekornhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugControl has more information on the application process11:31
MewcenaryMany thanks, thekorn.11:37
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BUGabundohew ping11:46
BUGabundowhat debug packages do I need for bug 27982011:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 279820 in compiz "compiz.real crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27982011:46
HewBUGabundo: pong11:46
HewBUGabundo: I generally work it out by looking at the ?? lines in a stacktrace11:47
BUGabundogreat... you have better skills then me11:47
* BUGabundo opens logs11:47
BUGabundoI would guess xorg?11:48
HewBUGabundo: Feel free to pastebin and I'll have a look11:48
BUGabundoits on the bug hew11:48
HewBUGabundo: There is an incomplete stacktrace attached? Where?11:49
BUGabundohumm damn apport11:50
BUGabundoit didn't attach it11:50
Hewapport-collect didn't seem to do much other than spam my inbox :P11:50
BUGabundowhy would anyone mark as dupe, if the trace doesn't get uploaded.... bah11:50
BUGabundook. will try to get a crash from compiz11:50
HewBUGabundo: That's an apport thing, it removes all attachments when it marks as a dupe, unfortunately11:50
BUGabundomost of the times it just dies... doesn't crash11:51
BUGabundomaking it very difficult to get a .crash11:51
HewBUGabundo: Thanks! I know it's hard getting a gdb trace in startup situations like this, which is why I just prefer getting the right symbols and letting apport take care of it.11:51
seb128you can use sudo apport-retrace11:51
BUGabundoI don't have a trace now11:52
seb128it installs what is require and retrace locally11:52
BUGabundobut 15 mins ago compiz died on my, while closing Nautilus11:52
BUGabundoseb128: can I just do sudo apport-retrace 279820 ?11:53
Hewseb128: If the retrace fails on launchpad, will it work with apport-retrace locally? I'm still not clued up on apport / traces, but I was under the impression that it would still be incomplete.11:53
BUGabundogot one .crash still on var/crash11:53
seb128depends, it can fail for several reasons11:53
BUGabundo-rw------- 1 bugabundo bugabundo 7.6M 2009-03-23 11:35 _usr_bin_compiz.real.1000.crash11:53
seb128BUGabundo: you can try11:53
jerrymcfartswhen you guys do bug reporting do you run your programs in a Virtual machine?11:54
BUGabundolet 1st try to apport it11:54
BUGabundoto a new bug11:54
seb128it can fail because the dbgsym are not available11:54
seb128or don't match the available version11:54
seb128or because the upload didn't work correctly11:54
BUGabundothen I'll manually mark as dupe of original bug11:54
Hewjerrymcfarts: I'm running Jaunty as my main OS, and I just report / triage everything as is.11:54
BUGabundoif the LP retrace fails, I'll try locally11:54
BUGabundoI removed MANY gdb packages during the weekend11:55
BUGabundoI was low on disk space11:55
BUGabundonow I have 2.2GiBs11:55
Hewseb128: Ah ok, I didn't know that, thanks.11:55
BUGabundook this must be a bug!!!11:56
HewBUGabundo: Feel free to pull the stacktrace from the .crash file and put it in a pastebin if you need help finding the right debug symbols11:56
BUGabundodouble clicking on the .crash doesn't do anything11:56
BUGabundoafter upload11:56
BUGabundobut running on the cli works!!!11:56
BUGabundowill file that bug next!11:57
BUGabundo33% uploaded11:57
BUGabundoon LP now11:58
ubottuError: This bug is private11:59
BUGabundoLP retracing now11:59
BUGabundoseb128: so how do I retrace locally?12:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 347869 in compiz "compiz.real crashed with SIGSEGV (dup-of: 279820)" [Undecided,New]12:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 279820 in compiz "compiz.real crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Incomplete]12:00
seb128BUGabundo: sudo apport-retrace .crash12:02
seb128BUGabundo: or apport-unpack .crash dir; cd dir; gdb $(which binary) CoreDump there12:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 347874 in apport "double click on .crash doesnt work" [Undecided,New]12:03
BUGabundo$ sudo apport-retrace _usr_bin_compiz.real.1000.crash12:04
BUGabundoapport-retrace: error: you either need to do a local operation (-s, -g, -o) or supply an authentication file (--auth); see --help for a short online help12:04
BUGabundoseb128: it failed12:04
seb128BUGabundo: use -s then12:05
seb128or -g12:05
BUGabundotrying second method12:05
BUGabundoseb128: on gdb do I do bt full ?12:05
seb128"t a a b f" or "bt" to start12:06
BUGabundono symbols12:07
BUGabundoinstalling compiz-core-dbgsym12:07
seb128"/usr/bin/compiz": not in executable format: File format not recognized12:07
seb128BUGabundo: you want to gdb /usr/bin/compiz.real12:07
BUGabundogot a nice trace12:08
BUGabundobut check the bug retrace too12:09
seb128BUGabundo: you need compliz-plugins-dbgsym12:12
seb128that's why it doesn't work on the retracers, plugins are not a depends and don't get installed by apport-retrace I guess12:12
BUGabundoisntalling now12:12
BUGabundoE: Couldn't find package compliz-plugins-dbgsym12:12
HewBUGabundo: Better, but still a few missing (see the ?? lines)12:14
BUGabundo#15 0x00007f743de907ec in ?? () from /usr/lib/compiz/lib3d.so12:15
HewBUGabundo: compiz-fusion-plugins-main12:15
HewBUGabundo: To find the right package, I use dpkg -S /path/to/needed.so12:16
BUGabundothanks hew12:16
BUGabundogood to know12:16
HewBUGabundo: compiz-fusion-plugins-extra12:17
HewBUGabundo: Haha, yea pretty much12:17
HewBUGabundo: That should be the last one though, and then we have a full stacktrace! Thanks a lot!12:18
BUGabundoone more12:18
BUGabundoMurphys law! the bug is always on the last package12:19
HewBUGabundo: Excellent! If you could attach that to bug 279820, we can get this bug triaged. I'm not much help when it comes to reading these things I'm afraid, but hopefully someone else can see where the problem lies.12:22
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/279820/+text)12:22
BUGabundophone brb12:23
BUGabundohew attaching now12:26
BUGabundohew apport retrace could do this all...12:27
BUGabundosuggest packages to install12:27
BUGabundoand pass them along to apt12:27
HewBUGabundo: you mean it currently does this, or it should?12:27
BUGabundoit should12:28
HewBUGabundo: Yes, I strongly agree!12:28
BUGabundothen I wouldn't have to manually find and install then12:28
HewBUGabundo: Apport is hard enough to use for us, it's no surprise new reporters just switch off when they hear the word "backtrace"12:29
BUGabundoI do most times12:29
BUGabundoif it can be run on gdb fine12:29
BUGabundoif not... I tend to let it go12:29
BUGabundobut since this bug is highly critical for me12:29
BUGabundoI want to get it fixed ASAP12:30
HewBUGabundo: Yes, now that it has a good trace, hopefully some progress can be made!12:30
BUGabundohew can bug 279820 be set to NEW or Confirmed?12:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 279820 in compiz "compiz.real crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27982012:31
HewBUGabundo: Once the attachment is there, it's confirmed at the very least due to the large number of dupes / comments / subscribers.12:32
BUGabundoI've posted the trace to my own bug12:33
BUGabundothat's duped to it12:33
BUGabundoshould I copy it there too?12:33
seb128yes do copy it on the non duplicate bug12:33
BUGabundomaster now has it all12:35
HewBUGabundo: It's normally best to put it in a single attachment, rather than a large comment.12:41
BUGabundoI got it.... when I saw th ....12:42
mvoBUGabundo: re bug #279820> is this crash reproducable? if so, how?12:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 279820 in compiz "compiz.real crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27982012:45
mvoBUGabundo: thanks for the backtrace btw, that looks pretty good12:45
MewcenaryCan someone please comment if I'm doing the right thing here please?12:47
ubottuUbuntu bug 347872 in siege "repeatable SEGV in siege" [Undecided,In progress]12:47
HewMewcenary: Sounds like you have more of an idea what the problem is than I do. In Progress is probably fine, as long as your intention is to fix the bug in Ubuntu. If you are getting it fixed in Debian, it would be a good idea to add an affects line for the Debian bug report as well. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status if you're wondering about status.12:56
mvoBUGabundo: also, is this crash happening with compiz 0.8.2  ?12:58
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MewcenaryHew: Yes, I'll sort it in Ubuntu also.  I've just raised a bug report in Debian so pending the # so I can link the two up.13:00
HewMewcenary: Excellent, thanks for your help!13:01
MewcenaryNo problem :) To be honest, the software seems very buggy and has reported segfaults in multiple areas of its code...13:02
HewMewcenary: I'm not familiar with siege, but that definitely doesn't sound good, especially for software in main. The more bugs fixed, the better! :-)13:04
mvoBUGabundo: furthermore, did you do any changes in the svg plugin with ccsm13:05
Hewmvo: In case BUGabundo doesn't respond, he is a Jaunty tester, so I would expect he reproduced the problem with
seb128mvo: he sent https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bugs/34786913:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 347869 in compiz "compiz.real crashed with SIGSEGV (dup-of: 279820)" [Undecided,New]13:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 279820 in compiz "compiz.real crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Incomplete]13:08
seb128mvo: using 0.8.2-0ubuntu513:08
seb128mvo: the bug has the gconfcompiz info etc13:09
HewMewcenary: Are you familiar with linking external reports with the "Also affects project/distribution" feature?13:11
HewMewcenary: I have linked the Debian bug report to the Launchpad one. Note that you can do this with the "Also affects distribution" option in future.13:28
BUGabundomvo is here yet?14:04
BUGabundohew back from launch!14:05
seb128BUGabundo: he's coming back in a minute or so14:17
BUGabundoany KDE devs here?14:18
BUGabundobug 311521 needs some love! fixed upstream!14:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 311521 in kdepim "Kmail Crash while deleting thread with custom keyboard shortcut" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31152114:19
BUGabundohey mvo14:19
mvohey BUGabundo14:19
BUGabundoI'm here now! back from lunch14:19
BUGabundowhat do you need?14:19
BUGabundosorry for leaving you hanging14:19
mvoBUGabundo I'm curious if you changed any settings in the svg plugin14:19
mvoand if you can reproduce the problem or if its happening at random14:20
BUGabundoI don't think I did14:20
BUGabundobut this in an old install14:20
BUGabundofrom back ibex beta14:20
BUGabundoits pretty random14:20
BUGabundoI always get a fail decolorations on login14:20
BUGabundoreload and that gets fixed14:21
BUGabundothen using it , I get loss of colorarions several times a day14:21
BUGabundoespecially if some app (like nautilus) hangs for a few secs14:21
BUGabundoone of todays crashes happen by just closing nautilus14:22
mvocould you attach a gconf dump of the settings to the bugreport please?14:22
seb128mvo: did you read my comment before? the bug BUGabundo opened which is a duplicate has the gconf configuration dump from apport14:22
BUGabundohow can I do that?14:22
mvoseb128, oh, great14:22
seb128mvo: bug #34786914:22
mvoBUGabundo, sorry, it seems to be already there14:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347869 in compiz "compiz.real crashed with SIGSEGV (dup-of: 279820)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34786914:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 279820 in compiz "compiz.real crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27982014:22
BUGabundoyeah inicially I just sub to the master14:23
BUGabundobut then since I needed the trace, I opened a new one14:23
BUGabundobddebian: too late14:23
BUGabundoalready did my Foo today14:23
BUGabundosee the log14:23
mvoBUGabundo, I have everything I need I think, sorry for the noise14:24
BUGabundohere to help, find, file, triage all the bugs I can14:25
mvoBUGabundo, hm, maybe one more thing, could you check with ccsm and go to "preferences"  and tell me what "backend" is selected?14:26
mvo(open ccsm)14:27
BUGabundomvo none14:28
BUGabundonot one of the 314:28
BUGabundoI think I used iconfusion to enable it14:28
BUGabundobackend: gconf14:29
BUGabundoconfused with Apperances14:29
BUGabundomvo: ^^^^^^14:29
mvoBUGabundo, ok, thanks14:31
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BUGabundo 3076   0.08s   0.92s     0K     0K     0K     0K  --   - R  48% Xorg15:45
BUGabundois this common?15:45
BUGabundoX taking 50% CPU?15:45
seb128BUGabundo: if you do play a video using x11 and not xv for example yes15:56
seb128or use flash15:56
BUGabundoseb128: no video app open15:56
BUGabundoor flash15:56
seb128ok so no15:56
BUGabundoI think it was Update Manager15:57
seb128could be something else doing lot of xorg calls15:57
BUGabundoonce it stop fetching updates, X calmed down15:57
seb128could be the download bar animation or something16:03
seb128that would be weird though16:03
BUGabundoit was on the backgound16:04
BUGabundo1st I noticed this16:04
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pregierI've asked this before, but is there anyone here who can verify whether or not http://java.sun.com/applets/jdk/1.4/demo/applets/JumpingBox/example1.html can be REloaded in Firefox using sun-java6-plugin without having to clear the classloader cache between reloads?16:59
pregierunder hardy, sorry16:59
pregiervery important -- works fine in intrepid even for me16:59
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dominiksYoBoY: hey19:22
alanbellhi all, I am interested in this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-tweak/+bug/31938020:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 319380 in ubuntu-tweak "not working:Murrine configuration option "highlight_ratio" will be deprecated.." [Undecided,Fix released]20:39
alanbellthe status is Fix released, but it isn't in todays Jaunty build20:39
alanbelland I am not sure where to look to see the fix to test it20:39
alanbellcan anyone point me in the right direction?20:40
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YoBoYbug 247838 , bug 243489 , bug 347946 they surely have the same origin, i don't know if we can mark 2 of them as duplicates. For me the importance is Medium or High21:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 247838 in bash "bash completion double escapes" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24783821:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 243489 in bash "completion-ignore-case do not work with ~ (if there are no command)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24348921:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347946 in bash "Tab completion adds extra backslashes when executing a program under home directory." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34794621:17
bcurtiswxdtchen: are you there?21:46
bcurtiswxdtchen: lol, may i PM you?21:46
dtchensure, but note that i'm in the middle of a call currently21:46
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keesbdmurray: do you remember which group should be added to a crash report for it to get retracing?  I have bug with only the security team, but it has "apport-crash need-amd64-retrace amd64" tags23:24
bdmurraykees: the retracer itself - apport23:25
keesthere's a user for it?23:27
bdmurrayyeah, that's the service that does the retracing23:27
keesoh, so there is.23:27
keesbdmurray: it seems to me like https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash should contain information about how to enable apport.  that's by far the simplest way to get crash details out of a bug reporter.23:48
keesi.e. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Apport#How%20to%20enable%20apport23:49
seb128kees: usually crash bugs not sent using apport are closed using23:52
seb128the stock reply #8 there23:53
keesseb128: cool.  that reply might want to use the URL above for additional help: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Apport#How%20to%20enable%20apport23:53
seb128but right the other page could hint about using apport too23:53
seb128right, good idea too23:54

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