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mathiazkirkland: do you remember what's the state of acpi in jaunty? Is acpid supposed to be running?00:01
mathiazkirkland: it seems that the jaunty installer doesn't install acpid by default anymore00:02
mathiazkirkland: which explains why virsh shutdown vm-id doesn't work00:02
kirklandmathiaz: i have it installed on my desktop00:02
kirklandmathiaz: perhaps it got dropped as a recommends somwhere?00:02
kirklandmathiaz: and we need to re-add it to the server seed?00:02
mathiazkirkland: IIRC there is some code in the installer that checks if /proc/acpi/ is available and if so installs acpid.00:03
cjwatsonyes, in hw-detect. It only works if it's on the CD.00:03
cjwatsonthere was substantial conversation recently about acpid being obsoleted by other packages00:03
cjwatsonslangasek might remember more00:03
mathiazcjwatson: oh. And acpi is not the -server isos.00:04
cr3strictly speaking, what's the difference between a "package archive" and a "repository"?00:04
cjwatsoncr3: do you believe that there is a difference?00:06
thiebaudei thought older packages are kept in the archive00:06
cjwatsonmathiaz: acpi != acpid00:06
cr3cjwatson: not to my knowledge, but I was wondering if these were strictly synonyms or whether there might be a slight difference00:06
cjwatsonthiebaude: that would be a pretty confusing term to use for Ubuntu given that it's archive.ubuntu.com00:07
cjwatsoncr3: they're both somewhat fuzzy terms but I would regard them as essentially synonyms, unless perhaps there's some clarifying context00:07
cr3cjwatson: for example, maybe archive.ubuntu.com/ is the repository and maybe ubuntu/ is the archive. just thinking out loud00:07
mathiazcjwatson: well - neither acpi, nor acpid is on the -server iso.00:07
thiebaudethen current packages are not kept in a archive :)00:07
cjwatsonthiebaude: current packages are, as it happens, kept in an archive.00:08
cjwatson"archive" and "repository" are two more-or-less synonymous terms for something you point apt at.00:08
mathiazkirkland: I think acpid should be put back on the -server iso.00:08
mathiazkirkland: IIUC it's an important component of the suspend/resume for server spec.00:09
cjwatsonexcept that isn't quite accurate because you actually point apt at a single distribution and a set of components within an archive, in each sources.list line00:09
cr3cjwatson: might it make a difference when you point apt to a series (.../ubuntu jaunty main) and when you point apt to a directory (.../ubuntu ./)?00:09
cjwatsoncr3: man sources.list00:09
kirklandmathiaz: yeah, i concur00:09
thiebaudecjwatson: i think i'am starting to understand00:09
kirklandmathiaz: you wanna do that?  or did you want me to?00:10
mathiazkirkland: you can do it - I was wondering why acpi stopped working in my freshly installed jaunty kvm guests.00:11
mathiazkirkland: you may wanna wait afte beta though.00:11
cjwatsoncr3: which uses "archive" consistently for both meanings, but AFAIK you could replace "archive" with "repository" throughout and get the same meaning00:11
mathiazkirkland: I don't think it's a beta blocker.00:11
kirklandslangasek: when would it be safe for us to add acpid back to the server-ship seed?00:11
cr3cjwatson: ok, thanks for the clarification00:12
cjwatsonthiebaude: Debian has archive.debian.org, which holds archived versions of no-longer-current Debian releases. The name clash with archive.ubuntu.com is perhaps slightly unfortunate, but we were aware of it at the time and decided that it was not terribly important00:13
cjwatsonthiebaude: the equivalent for Ubuntu is old-releases.ubuntu.com00:14
cjwatsonand old versions of packages that weren't necessarily final versions in a given release are kept on Launchpad00:14
kirklandmathiaz: it only needs to be in server-ship, right?00:14
cjwatsonSigh. Bugs should not have a user-visible importance.00:14
mathiazkirkland: yes00:14
cjwatsonIt just leads to people making irrelevant complaints about their bug having the "wrong" importance.00:15
cjwatson(I'm trolling slightly ...)00:15
slangasekkirkland: "back"?00:27
slangasekkirkland: ah, so it's available for apt-install.  Mmm, do it now and I can get it included for beta.00:28
slangasekmathiaz: ^^00:29
slangasekit's not a beta blocker, but I've just now rerolled ubuntu-server and can do so again if you want this in00:29
kirklandslangasek: committing ...00:35
kirklandmathiaz: slangasek: committed and pushed00:36
kirklandCommitted revision 1449.00:36
slangasekstarting the CD rerun00:37
Laneyis notify-reboot-required still the right way to request a reboot?00:37
Laneyseems so00:41
TwoToneSpiritSo, if one wants to get their feet wet in Ubuntu-devel, what's the language of choice to learn?01:09
TwoToneSpiritebroder:   Was that meant for me?01:12
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ebroderTwoToneSpirit: Yes, but somewhat jokingly01:14
ebroderTwoToneSpirit: Makefiles are the core of Debian/Ubuntu packages, although there are usualy several layers abstracting that away01:15
ebroderUbuntu uses Python fairly extensively for a lot of the custom development that's done01:15
TwoToneSpiritI currently regard PHP as my primary language01:16
ebroderThat being said, there are packages that use just about every language imaginable - I doubt there are many languages that wouldn't be useful01:16
cjwatsonTwoToneSpirit: I find Ubuntu development is a heck of a lot easier if you're prepared to work in several different languages01:16
TwoToneSpiritI hear that Python is a natural next step from PHP for many people01:16
cjwatsonpeople do ask this question a lot here, but there is no good answer to it01:16
TwoToneSpiritcjwatson:  Well that's why I asked about getting my feet wet :-)01:16
cjwatsonPython is used a lot for many things in Ubuntu, but in order to work with packaging you'll also need the rudiments of GNU Make and the Unix shell01:17
calci finally have all my upstream bugs linked :)01:17
cjwatsonand familiarity with C, Perl, and maybe C++ is unlikely to hurt either01:17
cjwatsonit's much more important to have the skill of picking up languages than it is to know any particular language, I find :)01:17
cjwatsonas ebroder says, distributions are made up of a wide variety of software written in nearly every language under the sun01:18
calcaiui some languages are more evil (lisp) than others, heh01:18
IntuitiveNippleThe best language to learn for packaging, is Telepathy :)01:18
ebroderAww! I <3 lisp. Well, Scheme01:18
cjwatsonthere are mini-languages in Ubuntu that exist for a single purpose01:19
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calcyippee, 0 new, 1 confirmed (can't test yet), and only 10 targeted bugs for 9.04 :)02:50
calcfor OOo02:50
TheMusocalc: Cool.02:52
calcTheMuso: i can't believe i managed to completely catch up on triaging :)02:55
Amaranthcalc: That's unpossible02:56
* Amaranth files 40 more bugs targeted to 9.0402:56
calcAmaranth: :-P02:56
* Amaranth thinks calc is just closing bugs02:57
calcAmaranth: nope, been working around the clock :\02:58
calcAmaranth: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+upstreamreport <- also shows the amount of bugs ;-)02:59
Amaranthonly 426? that's not bad03:00
Amaranthand most of them are upstream, nice03:00
calcfor some reason the number of bugs not triaged shows as 36 but when you click on it you can only see 3503:00
calci wonder if one of the bugs is hidden from me for 'security' reasons03:00
Amaranthyou aren't in the ubuntu-bugs team?03:01
calcyea, but even then you can't see security bugs until subscribed03:01
calcthere is a higher level elite launchpad bugs access level03:01
keescalc: need me to find something?03:01
calckees: yea look at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/+bugs?search=Search&field.status=CONFIRMED&field.status=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.status=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status=NEW do you see 36 bugs or 35?03:02
calckees: upstream bug report claims there are 36 but it only shows me 3503:02
Amaranthcalc: I used to be in some team that had access to security bugs03:02
calckees: if there is something that is marked special i probably need to be subscribed to it03:02
keescalc: I see 35.  Perhaps upstream report is out of date?03:02
Amaranththought it was ubuntu-bugs03:02
calckees: maybe so, i thought it was always up to date03:02
keeshm, dunno03:03
calci can see if i can find someone on the launchpad team to check it out for me03:03
calckees: thanks for checking for me :)03:04
keescalc: sure, no problem.03:05
macoAmaranth: bug-control can see private-not-CVE bugs03:05
macodunno about CVEs though03:05
Amaranththat was it03:05
AmaranthI stupidly let it expire03:05
calcmaco: aiui bug-control can't see private bugs marked as security, not just cve bugs03:05
Amaranthalong with motu03:05
cjwatsonby definition private bugs are only visible to their subscribers03:06
macooh ok03:06
macoive never seen a security one that didnt say cve03:06
calccjwatson: ah so it could be a bug on OOo is private that does not have bug-control or security team on it?03:06
cjwatsonthis is not to say that ubuntu-bugcontrol or some related team is not subscribed to some private bugs03:06
macocjwatson: bug control can see them too to check the crash reports03:06
cjwatsoncalc: entirely possible03:06
calccjwatson: you don't happen to have master access or something like that do you? :)03:07
keesprivate bugs are private -- only subscribers can see them.  most private bugs start their life as private security bugs, and as such, security is subscribed to them, even after they're unmarked security and only the security team can unsubscribe the security team, so we tend to be able to see any private bug.03:07
cjwatsonmaco: only because apport explicitly subscribes "crash bug triagers for main packages" or whatever it is to those bugs03:07
cjwatsoncalc: no03:07
calccjwatson: ok03:07
macocjwatson: ooo ok03:07
cjwatsoncalc: launchpad.net/~admins03:07
calccjwatson: ok03:07
cjwatsoncalc: but actually if you want to know, answers.launchpad.net/malone is probably a better way to ask03:08
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dholbachgood morning06:41
highvoltagegood morning dholbach06:46
dholbachhiya highvoltage06:46
dholbachhiya lool06:46
loolHi dholbach, how is it going?06:46
dholbachI'm waking up - how 'bout you? :)06:46
loolIt's about the opposite: I was up so I came to the computer  :-)06:46
highvoltagedholbach sometimes sounds like a lyrics generator :)06:46
dholbachhighvoltage: really? I didn't know that was one of my strengths :)06:47
dholbachlearn something new every day :)06:47
dholbachhow are you doing highvoltage?06:47
highvoltageoh it is. I might ask you if I can use some of it one day :)06:47
highvoltagedholbach: I'm just about to finish a second big deadline that's been a denial-of-service on me for the last 2 months or so06:50
highvoltagethen I can return back to a state where I can actually relax and do normal things again :)06:50
highvoltagedholbach: but it's going well thanks06:50
highvoltagedholbach: I guess I'm slightly jealous that summer is leaving us and going over to your hemisphere now :)06:50
dholbachhighvoltage: slowly, very slowly - it's 2°C here06:50
pittiGood morning07:04
pittimdz: hal-info> indeed; I commit them upstream right away, and every now and then I package a git snapshot07:04
pittimdz: right now we are frozen anyway07:04
sbeattiedoes the apport-retracer process a bug if it's already been marked as a duplicate of another bug?07:09
pittisbeattie: no, those are ignored07:16
sbeattiepitti: okay, thanks.07:18
sbeattiepitti: BTW, it'd be useful to extend apport-collect to take a crash file as an argument.07:19
pittisbeattie: that would attach the info in the .crash file to a bug report?07:20
pittisbeattie: I'd rather have apport-{gtk,qt,cli} do that, or a separate script07:20
pittisbeattie: there's an existing bug report for that, too07:21
sbeattiepitti: have apport-{gtk,qt,cli} attach to an existing report rather than always create a new one?07:21
pittisomething like that07:21
pittiwell, I don't particularly mind which does which07:22
sbeattiepitti: sure, I'm not picky about the solution; I just dislike currently creating a duplicate bug so I can do the apport collection when I've recreated a bug on something that didn't get one to begin with for whatever reason (in this case, failure of mdadm while booting)07:23
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Keybukcjwatson: why do we now use LABEL by default?08:18
slangaseksetting labels, or referencing them?08:19
KeybukI assume he means in /etc/fstab08:20
Keybukmounting-by-LABEL instead of mounting-by-UUID08:20
slangasekI'm entirely unaware of this design decision having been revisited08:22
sbeattieKeybuk|slangasek: that reminds me, is bug 347370 actually a bug or just an expected change in hal behavior?08:22
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/347370/+text)08:22
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slangaseklast I knew, Debian was transitioning to also mount by UUID in squeeze08:22
Keybukslangasek: my reference is bug #34768508:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347685 in initramfs-tools "breaks with labels containing slashes" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34768508:22
KeybukColin Watson said "Since we now use LABEL= by default if filesystem labels are set"08:23
slangasekah, "if filesystem labels are set"08:23
sbeattieSorry, try that again; https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hal/+bug/34737008:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 347370 in hal "REGRESSION: volume labels have underscores instead of spaces" [Low,Confirmed]08:23
slangasekso they're not set by default, but referenced if someone sets them, hmm08:23
Keybukright, but the reason we never did that originally is because filesystem labels are trivial to clash08:24
Keybukif you have two disks with LABEL=root08:24
Keybukit's not just that the wrong one might be mounted08:24
slangasekI don't know why we're doing that, then08:24
Keybukbut that the one that is mounted is picked AT RANDOM08:24
slangasekbut it worries me a bit less than the idea that we were doing this on all new installs08:24
Keybukit's fine if the user uses LABEL= themselves, and puts that in fstab themselves (which is why we've always supported it)08:24
Keybukbut any automatically generated file imo should never use it08:25
slangaseksbeattie: no clue if it's expected, that's pitti's department :)08:25
Keybukeven if the filesystem has one08:25
slangasekanyway, you'll probably have to wait a few hours to get an answer from cjwatson, he was up late last night handholding a beta-critical debconf fix08:27
loolTheMuso: around still?08:41
loolTheMuso: I have an issue with pulseaudio, and I'm trying to find out who's the culprit08:41
loolTheMuso: It regularly exits with "E: cpulimit.c: Received request to terminate due to CPU overload." particularly on sites with flash; there's a wiki page on the pulseaudio wiki to debug such issues which suggest it might be driver related; http://pulseaudio.org/wiki/BrokenSoundDrivers however doesn't work for me as the proposed test case spawns pulseaudio for me08:42
Nafalloslangasek: X didn't start with the valgrind madness, so had to revert.08:43
loolIn fact even "aplay" spawns pulseaudio by default when sending to hw:0; this seems to be a bug in /usr/share/alsa/pulse.conf08:43
slangasekNafallo: do you have an error message?  I should fix up the recipe if it's wrong08:43
slangasek(well, otherwise I'll find out here next time my X crashes, since I've already done the same)08:43
Nafallo==3295== Warning: Can't execute setuid/setgid executable: /usr/bin/X.valgrind-madness08:44
Hobbseekirkland: oh, btw, was /home encryption with the alpha5 alternate cd supposed to work?08:44
Nafallo==3295== Possible workaround: remove --trace-children=yes, if in effect08:44
Nafallovalgrind: /usr/bin/X.valgrind-madness: Permission denied08:45
Nafallo3023 283208:45
Nafallogiving up.08:45
Nafallo^ slangasek08:45
Nafalloslangasek: thank god for /var/log/gdm/ :-)08:45
slangasekNafallo: ah - should be fixable, I'll dig into that some more, thanks08:46
sorenHow does grub figure out on which partition to look for its configuration file? Does it have the partition ID hardwired into the stage 1.5 loader?09:18
liwsoren, I believe it does09:20
seb128liw: hey, do you still work on computer-janitor?09:23
liwseb128, sure09:24
seb128liw: you seem to not be subscribed to its bugs on launchpad, could you consider the patch on bug #344704 or at least comment? the application is one of the few poorly translated in jaunty right now due to that09:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 344704 in computer-janitor "[I18N] Wrong translation domain in ui_gtk.py, some translations not shown" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34470409:25
cjwatsonKeybuk: the installer now uses them if they're explicitly set (but otherwise uses UUIDs, as obviously labels aren't suitable for automatic assignment); furthermore, it will not allow you to proceed past the partitioner if you have any duplicate labels09:25
liwseb128, I am getting all its bug mail, certainly; I'll apply the patch as soon as I get around to it09:25
seb128liw: ok, launchpad is still weird to me your name is not on the list on the side of this page for example, anyway thanks for considering that one09:27
seb128liw: would be nice to get it fixed just after beta so translators have time to test it and make sure it works good and update their translations if required09:27
Keybukcjwatson: why does it do that though?09:29
Keybukwhen we originally discussed this back on Montréal, we explicitly ruled out ever writing LABEL= by default09:29
cjwatsonKeybuk: because labels are a lot more readable, and if the user explicitly set some, then it's probably because they wanted to use it09:29
Keybuksince labels are most likely to be the filesystem's purpose09:30
Keybukie. "/" or "root" or "home" or "/home"09:30
Keybukthey are much more likely to clash if you put an extra disk in your machine09:30
Keybukor even just a usb key09:30
Keybukand then you end up with random mount behaviour09:30
Keybukwe agreed that if a user wanted to use a label in /etc/fstab, they could put it their themselves09:30
Keybukbut that we would never put them there automatically09:30
cjwatsonok, I'll revert it post-beta.09:30
cjwatsonand try to explain to debian-boot@ what's going on09:31
cjwatsonbecause this was explicitly requested there upon trying to get the UUID changes into Debian09:31
KeybukI really just think seeding mount-by-label automatically is dangerous09:31
Keybukif I plug a usb key in, it's generally slightly more likely to win than the sata disk controller09:31
Keybukbut not always09:31
Keybukso the random behaviour is just too much of a risk09:31
cjwatsonI'd only remembered the duplicate label issue09:34
seb128TheMuso: do we really need this orca menu item? it adds a menu category for something which opens a command line tool ...09:34
cjwatsonKeybuk: I think I'll add a partman/mount_by_label preseed or similar09:34
cjwatsondefaulting to false09:34
Keybukthat'd be ok09:35
KeybukI don't mind if a user takes an action to use them, then it's their fault09:35
Keybukand when they file a bug, we can go "aha! but you did foo, so don't do that then"09:35
cjwatsondo we need to unwind this for beta to avoid having to support upgraded systems?09:35
KeybukI'd just release note it09:35
cjwatsonTHE RIGHT ANSWER09:35
Keybukwhen did the installer start using labels?09:36
cjwatson24 Feb09:36
Keybukyeah, I'd just release note that - say that systems installed may use label in /etc/fstab - and that this could cause unexpected behaviour if another disk with the same label is added later09:37
Keybukwith instruction on how to find the uuid of the device09:37
cjwatsoncan you file a bug on partman-target and ubuntu-release-notes?09:37
cjwatsonI got five hours sleep last night due to this debconf bug, and need to go and get a bit more ...09:38
mdzpitti: excellent, thank you09:40
TheMusolool: dtchen is working on this, give me a sec and I'll get you a bug numbetr.09:43
TheMusoseb128: I can address this post beta, its probably not needed there anyway. It opens a terminal because orca tries to set itself up if orca and accessibility is not set up.09:43
loolTheMuso: Ok; concerning the autostarting of pulse is it a bug or it's just me reading the description wrong?09:44
TheMusolool: description of what?09:45
loolTheMuso: the pulse.conf machinery09:45
seb128TheMuso: ok thanks09:45
lool# PulseAudio alsa plugin configuration file to set the pulseaudio plugin as09:45
lool# default output for applications using alsa when pulseaudio is running.09:45
loolTheMuso: But what this plugin really does is to start pulseaudio if it isn't running09:45
TheMusolool: dtchen decided to re-enable auto spawning of pulse if it wasn't running09:45
TheMusolool: no the plugin doesn't do that, see my comment re auto spawn09:45
loolTheMuso: Well however you turn it, it's hard to avoid using pulseaudio in this case09:46
TheMusolool: bug 34325409:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 343254 in linux "pulseaudio: alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_avail_update() returned a value that is exceptionally large" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34325409:46
loolTheMuso: I wanted to debug pulseaudio per the upstream instructions and couldn't until I disabled this snippet09:46
TheMusolool: I suggest you talk to dtchen about his reasoning.09:46
loolTheMuso: Ok09:46
loolTheMuso: The bug you point at is fixed in jaunty; it's certainly not fixed for me09:47
loolAh I guess I need new kernels09:48
TheMusolool: hang on it may be the wrong one09:48
TheMusoah ok09:48
TheMusolool: I think dtchen points to test kernels in that bug09:48
loolYes, I found these kernels in multiple ways already, ok thanks09:48
mdzlool: where are the installation instructions  for UNR?09:59
loolmdz: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook-remix/daily-live/current/ > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Mobile/HowTo/ImageWriting10:01
mdzlool: thanks10:01
loolmdz: For the installation media creation; or were you looking for instructions on running ubiquity etc.?10:01
mdzlool: imagewriter looks nice; how come it isn't in universe?10:04
loolmdz: I think at some point we wanted to merge usb-creator and imagewriter rather than having two tools10:05
mdzlool: I was looking  for the analogue of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation10:05
mdzlool: that sounds like a good idea, but if it won't happen for 9.04, I think having both in the archive would be useful10:05
loolI'll raise it with ogra then10:05
\shsomething is strange regarding keyboard focus with unr cursor keys always focuses on the menu sidebar but not inside the selection...10:13
apwcjwatson, if i have a bug with a number of tasks on the wrong packages10:18
apwshould i mark them invalid and make new ones, or does it make more sense to convert them to the right ones10:18
Ampelbeinapw: i would just change the package assigned, not invalidating. the reason is that even if a task is invalid, the subscribers of that task still get bugmail.10:18
apwcool thanks was leaning that way too as they added no information10:18
mvoRiddell: new update-manager is uploaded10:23
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Keybukdpkg-gensymbols: warning: debian/libblkid1/DEBIAN/symbols doesn't match completely debian/libblkid1.symbols10:28
Keybukwhat does _that_ mean?!10:28
cjwatsonapw: yeah, what he said10:32
cjwatsonpitti: any idea why bug 347452 hasn't been retraced yet?10:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347452 in network-manager-applet "nm-applet crashed with SIGSEGV in g_main_context_dispatch()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34745210:32
cjwatsonreported 16 hours ago10:32
ogrameh, no iso re-roll over night ?10:33
pitticjwatson: the retracers got stuck, they got restarted now10:33
pittis/now/an hour ago/ roughly10:33
cjwatsonah, thanks10:33
mdzI am officially worried about bug 32803510:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328035 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid next size (fast) for xf86Wakeup() call" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32803510:33
* ogra wanted to see if the kernels end up on the armel CDs ... indeed i did forget that the automatic builders are off during freeze10:33
seb128cjwatson: do you know in which package is the "Restart Now" or "Continue Testing" dialog after ubiquity install?10:34
mdzif any of you have seen an unexplained X server crash, please check the gdm logs to see if it is this bug10:34
cjwatsonogra: I can do a manual one10:34
cjwatsonseb128: that's in ubiquity itself10:34
ogracjwatson, i would really appreciate that10:34
cjwatsonogra: running10:34
seb128cjwatson: there is lot of strings not displayed in french there but ubiquity on launchpad seems to not have changed for ages and to be translated in french correctly10:34
seb128-> not listed10:35
ogracjwatson, i see you and steve are both diung a full run every time, just armel would be fine ...10:35
seb128no "Restart Now" in the template apparently10:35
cjwatsonogra: *shrug*10:35
cjwatsonogra: I just copied and pasted it out of the crontab10:35
* seb128 apt-get source ubiquity10:35
cjwatsonseb128: well, ubiquity's translations do have to be updated by hand, but let me check10:36
cjwatsonI did that on 18 March10:36
ograoh, you only do ports, i see, steve did all desktops yesterday10:36
seb128cjwatson: ubiquity has been translated 100% in french for ages, did all those strings changed recently?10:36
cjwatsonjust checking10:36
seb128https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+sources/ubiquity/+translate indicates it didn't change since 2008-04-2310:37
cjwatsonah, yes, they did, 2009-03-0210:37
cjwatsonseb128: that's the wrong place to look though10:37
cjwatson  Current French:   (*) Redémarrer maintenant10:38
cjwatson                        Translated by FredBezies on 2009-03-1010:38
cjwatson                        Reviewed by Bruno Patri on 2009-03-2110:38
cjwatsonso just waiting for us to suck the updated translations into the package10:38
seb128ok thanks10:38
cjwatsonI'll do that again afterbeta10:38
cjwatsonwith extra spaces10:38
seb128I was just making sure it's only pending translations and not a bug in ubiquity or an outdated template in rosetta10:39
cjwatsonseb128: the ubiquity .pot file is just the .desktop files10:39
cjwatsonseb128: I'd probably better check that the current installer .pot matches the one I generate10:39
IntuitiveNippleWho would be responsible for gnome-screensaver translations? I reported to the launchpad team a couple weeks ago that over 100 translations were attributed as uploaded by me but I have nothing to do with it10:41
seb128TheMuso: there is no audio theme selected by default in the sound capplet do you know if that's a known issue with ubuntu-sounds or something?10:45
TheMusoseb128: Its the first I've heard of it actually.10:46
TheMusoI'll have a look tomorrow and get it sorted post beta.10:46
liwwhee, out of the blue, someone e-mails me and asks if they may help develop computer-janitor10:51
liwthis must be what it feels like to author successful free software10:51
directhexliw, i thought that involved making legal threats against anyone making patches for your software... or was that only a specific free software dev...10:55
liwdirecthex, a developer of formerly free software, even :)10:57
seb128TheMuso: bug #347537 if you need a bug number10:58
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/347537/+text)10:58
directhexliw, it's perfectly free if someone at a conference winks at you when telling you the licenses are incompatible! that's like a CONTRACT!10:58
TheMusoseb128: thanks10:58
cjwatsonseb128: there were a few strings not in the template, so I'm uploading new versions now10:59
seb128cjwatson: thanks10:59
mdzcjwatson: can you offer any advice regarding bug 346589?11:03
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/346589/+text)11:03
cjwatsonmdz: well, I agree with Evan. There's no point in offering a disk for partitioning when partman is going to fall over when it tries to do anything non-trivial with it.11:13
cjwatsonmdz: or am I missing your point? you don't give context of your specific situation11:14
cjwatsonmdz: I think it is a bit tenuous for you to say "both of the issues identified here", since the original reporter actually said that he was pleased to see a warning displayed11:16
cjwatsonmdz: so if you think that part is a problem, it should definitely be a fresh bug11:16
dokomvo: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glibc/+bug/339589 there are a lot of upgrade logs like this one. apparently /usr/share/debconf/confmodule is missing when the glibc.preinst is run11:31
ubottuUbuntu bug 339589 in glibc "package libc6 2.9-4ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New]11:31
cjwatsondoko: I don't think that can be the case. In this case the terminal log shows debconf output11:36
cjwatsonwhich doesn't point to /usr/share/debconf/confmodule being missing, quite the opposite ...11:36
cjwatsonlooks more like the dialog frontend getting used when the terminal is not really usable (i.e. will fail when you try to read from it)11:38
dokocjwatson: yes, seen now as well. the log has all the escape sequences, so it's looks rather like an upgrade with RELEASE_UPGRADE_MODE != desktop, or the debconf priority changed on the system11:38
cjwatsonright, though ideally debconf ought to notice that dialog isn't usable and try something else ...11:39
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mvodoko: I have no good solution for this, there is no easy way to detect if the upgrade was aborted by hand manually or if its a real error11:55
mvodoko: the user will end up with a system that has jaunty in the sources.list and no packages update, it will require manual intervention11:56
lamontKeybuk: wtf do I have to do to make a package that wants debhelper 7 survive with hardy's debhelper (6) ??12:26
Laneylamont: hardy-backports has dh712:28
lamontnot an option12:28
* lamont ponders dh_prep and how to stab _that_ in the face, too12:39
Keybuklamont: no idea12:46
cjwatsondh_prep used to be spelled dh_clean -k12:46
lamontcjwatson: yeah - man pages for the face-stabbing win12:47
lamontsed -i 's/\(debhelper *\)( *>. *7[^)]*/\1(>= 6/' ${CTL}12:47
lamontsed -i 's/dh_prep/dh_clean -k/' ${RULES}12:47
lamontsomedays, I feel _dirty_12:47
TomaszDhello, if there are any Ubuntu devs around, I would like to report that the "New Broadband Connection" wizard thing is not available for translation, it's in main, but I have no idea what package provides this wizard12:56
TomaszDthus I'm asking here if anyone knows what should I report this against12:56
TomaszDI'll be on and off around here, so if anyone knows just contact me12:56
TomaszDI suspected libmbca, but I'm not sure12:56
Riddellevand: auto login doesn't seem to make sense with oem install, should it be removed from the UI for oem install?12:59
evandWhy doesn't it make sense?12:59
evandyou mean auto login in ubiquity when in oem mode, not in oem-config, right?13:00
davmor2Riddell: it makes sense for netbooks13:00
Riddellevand: well it logs in automatically as oem but once the user is set up it still tries to log in as oem (which doesn't exist any more) and gives an error13:00
Riddellevand: right, it could be added to oem-config13:01
evandRiddell: can you file a bug for this?13:01
davmor2Riddell: is this in oem on Kubuntu because it has just worked twice on ubuntu :(13:02
Riddelldavmor2: yes13:02
Riddelldavmor2: what happens in ubuntu?13:02
davmor2Riddell: it logs into oem fist time round but once you hit setup for enduser then reboot.  It goes to end user setup and then you get gdm login for enduser13:04
Riddellbug 34790013:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347900 in ubiquity "auto logon in oem mode fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34790013:05
Riddelldavmor2: maybe gdm just doesn't give an error when set to autologin as a user which doesn't exist13:05
cjwatsonRiddell: I think the bug is that oem-config fails to undo the autologin13:05
cjwatsonnot that ubiquity permits autologin13:05
Riddellcjwatson: but does that happen in gnome and kde or just in kde?13:06
cjwatsonwell, the way it's supposed to work is that ubiquity leaves /etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc.oem behind and then oem-config simply puts that back13:08
cjwatsonRiddell: can I have /var/log/installer/syslog and /var/log/oem-config.log please in case there's any sign there?13:09
cjwatsonRiddell: (see the disable_autologin function in /usr/sbin/oem-config if you're curious)13:10
Riddellcjwatson: http://www.kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/syslog13:13
cjwatsonRiddell: could you attach them to the bug, please?13:14
Riddelldone, bug 34790013:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347900 in ubiquity "auto logon in oem mode fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34790013:16
cjwatsonRiddell: does /etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc exist?13:16
cjwatsonRiddell: or indeed /etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc.oem?13:17
Riddellcjwatson: /etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc does, no /etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc.oem13:17
cjwatsonRiddell: and the former contains "AutoLoginUser=oem"?13:17
Riddellcjwatson: yes13:17
cjwatsonso the question is what on earth happened to /etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc.oem?13:18
cjwatsonwe edit /etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc using sed -i.oem13:18
Riddellcjwatson: I'll do another oem install to check it ever exists13:23
absabswhy ubuntu exit gsoc2009?13:39
Riddellevand: bug 347912  why does wubi have a 8.04 version?13:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347912 in wubi "Kubuntu wubi "learn more" broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34791213:42
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mdzcjwatson: here's the scenario:13:48
cjwatsonmdz: I posted a more extensive comment to the bug13:48
mdzcjwatson: I put UNR on a USB key, put it into a netbook,  boot it up, select "Install", and when I get to the partitioning step, I see a random dialog pop up with a warning telling me something about /dev/sdb (whatever that is)13:48
mdzwhat it's telling me is that it won't be able to let me repartition the installation media during installation13:49
mdzI don't need to do that, and I don't need a dialog telling me so13:49
cjwatsonmdz: ok. My bug comment covers that. Yes, this should be a fresh bug report.13:49
cjwatsonthere are other important situations that we need to handle too13:51
AquinaI searched the whole net (incl. launchpad), etc for the "/var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/control"-(file not found)-problem during apt-get install, but couldn't find something useful. Has anyone an idea what this could be or ever experienced the same? I already filed a bug report.13:53
mdzcjwatson: filed bug 34791613:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347916 in ubiquity "Warns user about the fact that the installation medium is mounted" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34791613:53
cjwatsonmdz: thanks13:56
cjwatsonmdz: (we've flip-flopped on this for a while, and each time we get urgent complaints from a different set of people, so I feel pretty strongly that we need to solve the whole problem now)13:59
evandRiddell: looking into it14:01
mdzah, the mystery of 328035 is solved14:05
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sorenmdz: \m/14:11
mdzbryce: back over to you14:12
seb128does anybody else has computer crashes (ie blank screen no way to switch to VT or anything) happening often after user switching on intel in jaunty?14:14
seb128I can't really use the guest session or user switching due to that on jaunty and I'm not sure how to debug it14:14
macoi dont do that often, but I hit that last week14:14
Riddellcjwatson: kdmrc.oem also has AutoLogin set14:16
cjwatsonRiddell: now that's odd, that suggests that it's broken in the livefs14:18
cjwatsonRiddell: or ... I don't suppose you installed to an existing partition?14:18
cjwatsonas in, without formatting it?14:18
Riddellcjwatson: I don't think so14:18
cjwatsonthe log suggests that you may have done14:19
cjwatsonmind you, /etc should be cleared anyway14:19
cjwatsonit's going to be ages before I can check this out myself :(14:19
* cjwatson glares at rsync14:19
* davmor2 pass cjwatson his make rsync work hammer14:23
macoKeybuk: that HFS detection for util-linux...you said it's in current upstream for 2.15rc. Does that mean it can go in jaunty?14:24
Keybukmaco: that kind of decision is up to slangasek or cjwatson or someone like that ;)14:25
Keybukit's a trivial enough patch, that is already upstream, so I think there's a strong argument for a freeze exception for it14:25
Keybukbut then I'm also vaguely hoping that I might make an argument for the new upstream version itself <g>14:25
cjwatsonHFS detection sounds like a bug fix to me ;-)14:25
calctkamppeter: bug 320391, i just posted a question to you about it14:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 320391 in openoffice.org "impossible to print multple copies under ubuntu 8.10 and the current test release" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32039114:43
calctkamppeter: basically should i be seeing full pages for each copy sent or just some code in the postscript telling the printer to print multiple times?14:44
cbrhas anyone succeeded in running kernel mode setting and plymouth in ubuntu?14:48
mvodoko, could you please have a look at #347939 - pycentral says its a locally installed file, but that was a automatic install, I never touched any files manually in it14:52
Keybukcbr: you need a later kernel than is shipped by Ubuntu14:54
Keybukand most likely a later X server as well14:54
cbrKeybuk: i am aware of the kernel stuff, that's why i asked15:07
cbrwhether it could be done at all15:09
cbri know that you have to possibly recompile the kernel to enable KMS, since the ubuntu dev kernels don't have it15:09
cbrbut dunno if it will all work after that15:10
Keybukmight do ;)15:10
Keybukthere are upstream kernel builds available from apw15:10
Keybuktry one of those15:10
amitkcbr: you can find the 2.6.29 kernel deb here -> http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/15:11
Keybuk(you might need to change the config to get kms enabled of course)15:11
amitkcbr: you're on your own for the X.org bits though15:11
cbramitk: i read in the forums that it has kms disabled15:11
cbrKeybuk: apw?15:11
apwapw is a person15:12
ogras/is/pretends to be/ *g*15:12
apwthe binaries are where amitk pointed: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelMainlineBuilds15:12
apwi am very good at pretending15:13
jameswfanyone know a X driver for use in a jaunty virtualbox install.. 600X800 makes for some crappy looking screen caps15:13
amitkapw: can we enable kms in those configs?15:13
apwhrm.  we are using the kernel config from the nearest release as a rule15:15
apwso i guess when karmic comes those will come with kms15:15
apwie. 2.6.27 are made with intrepid configs, .28 with jaunty and later with karmic when it appears15:15
apwwe might be able to force it on, if its switchable at boot time15:16
amitkapw: it is probably not default in 2.6.2915:16
cbrEnable modesetting on intel by default (DRM_I915_KMS) [N/y/?] (NEW)15:18
apwso my stuff will not be turning that on15:18
apwi think its on in karmic though15:18
ni|any reason trackpads are having problems in jaunty?15:20
apwyeah its on there.  so we will start building them with it on when that gets into place15:20
ni|using ubuntu for work development15:20
cbrcan i use the linux-source package to change an option and then still compile my own kernel based on that source and make a .deb out of it?15:21
apwin theory yes, not ever tried to do that for a mainline build .deb tho15:22
cbrwhat's a mainline build?15:22
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cbrno ubuntu specific patches?15:23
apwliterally a mainline tag checked out and built using the ubuntu configs15:23
ni|is this the wrong channel for jaunty discussion?15:23
apwthen packaged into .deb15:23
Picini|: #ubuntu+115:23
apwni|, #ubuntu+1 is probabally your first stop15:23
cbrapw: so what will i be missing? what do ubuntu specific patches do anyway?15:24
macocbr: often hardware bug workarounds15:24
macosome cherry-picked patches from newer kernels to fix bugs15:24
apwwhat maco said15:25
macoso it might be 2.6.28 and include some bug fixes from 2.6.2915:25
cbrso nothing important15:25
macounless you've got that hardware ;)15:25
apwimportant to some people, not others15:25
apwfor instance you won't have aufs, so you can't make a live cd out of the kernel15:25
pittihey kirkland15:26
kirklandpitti: yo!15:26
pittikirkland: I did an install on my USB stick today, and then used adduser --encrypt-home15:26
pittikirkland: very cool stuff!15:26
kirklandpitti: :-)15:26
kirklandpitti: woohoo!15:27
pittikirkland: I have two bugs, which I'll file on LP now, and one question15:27
kirklandpitti: k15:27
pittikirkland: I noticed that there's some stuff in /var/lib/ecryptfs/username/15:27
pittikirkland: is it possible in any way to move them to /home/username/.ecryptfs/?15:27
pittikirkland: to make /home self-sustained?15:27
pittikirkland: so far I have had /home on a separate partition, and just threw away / for a reinstall15:27
pittilikewise, I could boot several OSes with sharing /home15:28
pittihaving the metadata separated will break those use cases15:28
kirklandpitti: so that's a complex question15:28
kirklandpitti: basically, it comes down to this....15:28
pittikirkland: if that's not possible for some reasons, never mind15:28
pittijust wishful thinking :)15:28
kirklandpitti: your .ecryptfs directory needs to be readable when $HOME is mounted, and when it's not15:28
pittiand I wondered whether it makes sense to write a bug report for this15:28
pittikirkland: right, understand15:28
kirklandpitti: ecryptfs has a "passthrough" option15:28
pittikirkland: it would need to be '"transparently" passed through the encryption15:29
kirklandpitti: but i found it buggy, unreliable, and confusing to users15:29
kirklandpitti: right15:29
pittimuch like for files I add to ~/.Private on my workstation15:29
kirklandpitti: and that's what passthrough is15:29
pittiI see15:29
kirklandpitti: but there's no policy governance support for passthrough15:29
pittikirkland: so it's possible in principle, but a matter of bugs/15:29
kirklandpitti: so ecryptfs doesn't know what to do if you want to write a new file in a directory that was passedthrough15:30
kirklandpitti: is that new file encrypted, or not15:30
kirklandpitti: same with if you append to an existing file15:30
kirklandpitti: or delete a file, and create a new one15:30
kirklandpitti: anyway, that needs to be solved in the kernel, and it's not yet15:30
pittikirkland: I guess it'd be too evil to special-case ".ecryptfs/"?15:30
apwkirkland, how about instead of that15:30
kirklandpitti: we actually considered that15:30
apwyou loopback mount ~/.ecryptfs to /var/foo15:31
kirklandpitti: i think "evil" was sort of the conclusion....15:31
pittiapw: bind mount, you mean?15:31
apwand then loopback mounted an empty dir over it15:31
jordiTheMuso: ping?15:31
apwandthen mounted home over the top15:31
apwpitti, yes15:31
apwso its in there, but not15:31
apwin fact15:31
jordiTheMuso, pitti: there's a discussion in the Debian ALSA team regarding what to do about asoundconf.15:31
kirklandapw: pitti: yeah, i think persia suggested that15:32
apwwhat if you bind mounted out of there, then moutned your encrypted mount15:32
pittijordi: ugh, *blows the dust away*, that still exists..15:32
kirklandapw: pitti: cjwatson challenged me to keep this to one-mount-per-user using ecryptfs15:32
apwand bind mountd the original again over the top15:32
apwoh that a shame15:32
kirklandpitti: the option I very much preferred was /home/.pitti mounted on /home/pitti15:32
pittikirkland: one just needs to be aware that /var/lib/ecryptfs/ is part of /home now15:32
jordiTheMuso, pitti: we're getting bugs, I've noticed we don't have some fixes/additions that are present in Ubuntu packages and if we're going to keep it in Debian we really need someone from Ubuntu taking care of that part15:33
kirklandpitti: you could do this ....15:33
kirklandpitti: i agree15:33
jordiTheMuso, pitti: elimar removed it entirely from SVN, I'm holding the upload while I try to make a decision which maybe is less drastic...15:33
pittijordi, TheMuso: do you actually think that we still need it? at least in GNOME and KDE we have much better ways to configure audio now..15:33
jordipitti: but your reaction was funny. :)15:33
pittijordi: I'm all for that15:34
kirklandpitti: you can move /var/lib/ecryptfs/$USER wherever you want ... just put a symlink back to that location15:34
kirklandpitti: and actually, it's just $HOME/.ecryptfs that needs to be correct15:34
jordipitti: honestly I'd be happy to drop the python dep and get rid of it entirely15:34
pittijordi: it might have been a good hack 5 years ago, but right now I feel that it's hopelessly outdated by all the pulseaudio stuff15:34
kirklandpitti: break the symlinks which are in *both* your mounted and unmounted $HOME/.ecryptfs15:34
kirklandpitti: and put them wherever you want15:34
kirklandpitti: such as /home/.$USER/.ecryptfs15:34
pittikirkland: ah, so I could put it into /home/.martin?15:34
jordipitti: nod, Debian doesn't do pulseaudio by default though. Maybe this is a good time to push it15:35
pittikirkland: nice15:35
kirklandpitti: aboslutely15:35
kirklandpitti: in fact ....15:35
pittijordi: eventually Debian will have to as well15:35
pittijordi: it's more and more becoming a required GNOME component15:35
brycemdz, whoa it was the timestamping patch?  How ironic.  Well, we had planned to disable that around beta time all along.  Cool, I'll post it today15:35
jordipitti: how does pulse replace asoundconf15:35
kirklandpitti: mine is in /dev/sdb1, which is a pcmcia card15:35
kirklandpitti: which means that i *must* have that pcmcia card in my computer to login15:35
pittijordi: for jaunty we jumped through some hoops to keep it halfway optional, but we can't sustain that15:35
kirklandpitti: voila!  2-factor authenttication ;-)15:35
mdzbryce: I'm not sure I agree that we should disable it; I find it extremely useful when debugging and don't see any harm in it15:36
kirklandpitti: i can step away from laptop, take my sd-card with me, and my encrypted data is not accessible ;-)15:36
pittibryce: that relieved me a lot; nice to see it being tracked down15:36
pittijordi: well, in the new world you don't configure alsa any more, you tell your app to which pulse sink to route its audio, etc.15:36
mdzjordi: JORDI!15:37
pittijordi: from my POV it can be ripped out for good15:37
pittijordi: TheMuso might have a broader opinion wrt. ubuntu studio, though15:37
jordipitti: that's enough for me then. Thanks for the valuable input. May I mention you also are in favour of getting rid of it in the changelog's rationaler?15:37
kirklandpitti: just make sure you update both symlinks in mounted and unmounted $HOME/.ecryptfs15:37
kirklandpitti: or, just change /var/lib/ecryptfs/$USER to be a symlink too15:37
pittijordi: absolutely15:37
kirklandpitti: actually, the latter is the easiest ;-)15:37
pittikirkland: thanks a lot for the heads-up15:37
jordipitti: *nod*. as ubuntu already carries a good deal of asoundconf delta, if studio needed it it can be added entirely to the buuntu diff15:38
kirklandpitti: sure... what else do you have?15:38
jordipitti: thanks mate15:38
pittikirkland: I don't have this setup on my workstation, just on the usb stick test install I just did15:38
jordimdz: dude15:38
jordimdz: I'm going to tell you something.15:38
pittikirkland: now I have a complete workstation for carrying around on my keyring :)15:38
mdzjordi: you still don't have a title15:38
pitti16 GB sticks rock15:38
kirklandpitti: whoa15:38
pittikirkland: the other are just bugs, I'll file them now15:38
jordiSince July, 2005, ALL my mobile phones have been configured to show "POP THE TRUNK" on the wallpaper screen15:39
kirklandpitti: cool, thanks15:39
kirklandpitti: any chance you can help me get something into update-notifier that says "you haven't written down your passphrase yet..." on first boot?15:39
jordimdz: not yet. I'm sense I might be getting nearer15:39
pittikirkland: sure; can you please file a bug report with your requirements, and subscribe me? I'll handle that from there then, to keep a record of the discussion15:41
kirklandpitti: will do, thanks15:41
kirklandpitti: file against ecryptfs-utils?15:41
pittikirkland: against ecryptfs-utils, I think (since that should ship the notification)15:41
kirklandpitti: perfect, thanks.15:41
pittiit makes most sense there, AFAICS15:41
brycemdz, I agree it can be useful for debugging, but I'm thinking that we do more debugging during development than after release so that is when it is maximally useful.  Post-release, there is value in having it in that it makes the log less cluttery and more similar to what upstream is accustomed to.  As well, as this bug has shown, even a debug patch can have bugs in it...15:48
brycemdz, but we can discuss retaining it if you feel strongly that we should.15:49
mdzbryce: I think we should send it upstream15:49
mdzthere is at least one further bug:15:49
mdzMarkers: [    0.022270] (--) probed, [    0.022288] (**) from config file, [    0.022301] (==) default setting,15:49
mdz[    0.022314] (++) from command line, [    0.022326] (!!) notice, [    0.022338] (II) informational,15:49
mdz[    0.022351] (WW) warning, [    0.022363] (EE) error, [    0.022375] (NI) not implemented, [    0.022387] (??) unknown.15:49
mdzwhich should be easy to fix15:49
calctkamppeter: ping, it seems you forgot to reassign 320391 to ghostscript?15:50
calctkamppeter: or were you doing something else first before doing that?15:50
brycemdz, my guess is that they'll reject it15:50
mdzbryce: why?15:50
mdzmost other useful log files have timestamps15:50
pittikirkland: bug 347969 and bug 347970 FYI; I took the liberty to assing them to you, but feel free to unassign/delegate15:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347969 in adduser "adduser --encrypt-home fails in German locale" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34796915:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347970 in adduser "deluser --remove-home leaves /var/lib/ecryptfs/<username> behind" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34797015:53
brycemdz, I think they won't like changing the format.  Best case they might add a server flag (defaulted off) to enable it.15:54
mdzbryce: because change is bad?15:55
mdzsurely X isn't quite that stodgy ;-)15:55
brycemdz: they have their stodgy moments for sure ;-)15:55
kirklandpitti: cool, thanks15:56
brycemdz: of course, it hurts little to try and I can do that, but just be prepared when I get flamed by daniels for it ;-)15:56
bluefoxicyapt needs to work more like emerge does on gentoo16:01
bluefoxicyit installs everything and oops, config file update16:02
bluefoxicysticks it in .config_0000.filename or something16:02
bluefoxicythen when everything's done you run etc-update or something and it does all the "diff/replace/keep" stuff16:02
bluefoxicyapt you set to update 200 packages, leave for 8 hours, and when you come home it has 4 hours of work to do because it stopped on the third package to ask you if you want to update a confidg file or not16:03
dholbachcjwatson: were you going to merge the examples_desktop_file branch of casper?16:28
cjwatsondholbach: yes, intending to review it shortly16:30
dholbachcjwatson: super, gracias!16:30
mdzbryce: looking at the patch, I'm not surprised it had this type of bug in it16:32
mdz++    tmpBuf = malloc(strlen(format) + strlen(s) + 1 + 1 + 25);16:32
pittidon't waste a single byte! :-)16:33
mdzbryce: even with tormod's latest changes, I don't think it's very robust16:33
brycemdz: I agree16:33
mdzas cjwatson says16:34
cjwatson(just a shame that the x* family aren't in glibc)16:34
bryceX may already have an equivalent in there somewhere16:35
tkamppetercalc, this I wanted to do. I have done it now.16:37
calctkamppeter: ok16:37
cbrin the mainline kernel repo.. is there anyway to do "apt-get source linux-source.." on it?16:42
cbror is it even possible to somehow get the debian/ dir required to build the debs for it?16:42
cjwatsondholbach: looks fine, just fixing up bug statuses and such before committing16:44
liwmvo, I added a comment to #108568 -- if you have time, could you see if you agree and that we can close the bug?16:46
dholbachcjwatson: thanks a bunch - still testing example-content, but about to upload in the nxt 30m16:46
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cjwatsondholbach: surely examples-content is post-beta16:49
dholbachcjwatson: alright - I'll leave that to you guys to decide16:50
cjwatsonwell, it would mean a CD respin now16:51
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davmor2pitti: Just to let you know you fix worked for jockey on freesoftware only :)17:05
pittidavmor2: nice, thanks for testing it!17:08
calcasac: we use system cairo for building OOo17:11
calcasac: the patch that sets this up is in ooo-build not in upstream OOo17:11
calcasac: i can find the patch that is involved so you can see it via svn.gnome.org17:12
asaccalc: how far is our cairo out of sync with OOO in-source one?17:12
calcasac: hmm actually i think cairo support is now in 3.0.117:14
calcasac: looking now17:14
calcasac: the internal cairo (which we don't actually use) is cairo 1.6.417:15
calcasac: http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=8547017:15
ubottuOpenOffice.org bug 85470 in gsl "render text with cairo" [Enhancement,Verified: fixed]17:16
calcasac: i believe that was the patch that was added that seems to be slightly buggy in this case17:16
keesNafallo: er, I had something to do with /var/log/gdm?17:23
calcseb128: so we went back to not using native dpi for jaunty? (or did i misunderstand what you said in the meeting)17:27
TwoToneSpiritSo, one passion of mine is adding features to the desktop environment within compiz.  For example, I'd really like to be able to have different wallpapers and icons sets on different viewports.  Where might I begin to investigate this?17:28
seb128calc: right we switched back to 96 dpi, too many applications to change to support px fonts values correctly17:28
seb128that's for next cycle17:28
kirklandpitti: do you think bug #347970 is jaunty, or karmic material?17:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347970 in ecryptfs-utils "deluser --remove-home leaves /var/lib/ecryptfs/<username> behind" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34797017:31
macoTwoToneSpirit: different wallpaper is already implemented in compiz, isnt it?17:31
TwoToneSpiritmaco:  Sort of.  The problem is that one needs to completely disable nautilus, and thus operate with no icons.  Perhaps my quest needs to start with nautilus.17:33
TwoToneSpiritmaco, et. al.:  One way or another, I want to get into devel, and I just don't know where to begin.17:33
seb128is there any reason ubuntu-devel-list gets merge requests emails?17:34
cjwatsonseb128: we decided we wanted to move ubuntu-core-dev's contact address to a mailing list so that individual developers stopped being spammed by that sort of thing17:34
cjwatsonseb128: we (TB) debated back and forth a bit, and ultimately ubuntu-devel seemed reasonable since it's useful for contributors to see the patch review process17:34
cjwatsonseb128: if it gets too noisy we might split off a separate list or something17:35
seb128isn't that a way to say to launchpad to not email about such things nowadays or to use a virtual launchpad where you can subscribe?17:35
seb128virtual launchpad list17:35
cjwatsonthere's no way to tell it not to mail except by setting a contact address17:35
sbeattiepitti: is bug 347370 actually a bug, or just an expected change in behavior?17:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347370 in hal "REGRESSION: volume labels have underscores instead of spaces" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34737017:35
calcseb128: ok, cool, i hoped we weren't reverting back permanently fixing applications is good :)17:35
cjwatsonand we do want mail to be sent about merge requests, IMO, not for them to be blackholed!17:35
cjwatsonwe could move to lists.launchpad.net, yes. I'm not sure it's necessary yet; merge requests are pretty on-topic as ubuntu-devel goes17:36
james_wyou could change the subscription settings for core-dev for each branch17:36
calcseb128: also you may already know this but for verifying things work 100% its good to test at ~ 150dpi, OOo didn't really start showing noticable problems for me until someone with a screen like that used it17:36
james_wbut that is a lot of work, in addition to hiding the requests17:36
calc~ 150 dpi can be seen on 15.4" 1920x1200 screen17:37
calceg the ThinkPad W50017:37
* calc bbl, lunch17:37
seb128cjwatson: right, fair points, we do want to now about sponsoring requests too it doesn't mean that the mailing list is the right media to collect those17:38
cjwatsonseb128: is the volume really prohibitive right now?17:38
seb128cjwatson: I'm not clear what would be better but I perceive those emails on the list as noise right now17:39
cjwatsonit's a lot less than sponsorship requests would be right now, I believe17:39
cjwatsonand I do think it's a lot better than mailing individual developers17:39
seb128cjwatson: no, we just got 7 in a day which made me start about them17:39
cjwatsonso the only alternative IMO is another list17:39
seb128it's not an issue right now but if we start using this launchpad feature often it will get noisy17:40
seb128the other alternative I see is to filter those out in the list configuration17:40
seb128and use an another way to go through the pending requests as we do for sponsoring17:40
seb128anyway it's not really a real issue for now since we don't get a lot of those17:42
pittikirkland: 347970> it's just a bug, thus it's appropriate for jaunty; thus I'd say it depends on workload, not freeze17:45
keesKeybuk: wow, that'll be a rough feature-freeze exception.  :P17:45
pittisbeattie: unsure; looking17:45
kirklandpitti: i'm testing the fix now17:45
kirklandpitti: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/136893/  <--- i think that's all that's needed, i'm testing it now17:46
Keybukkees: ? :)17:46
pittikirkland: indeed, I expected something like that17:47
keesKeybuk: your update of libblkid and all other tools17:47
kirklandpitti: that's not quite it, but i'm close17:47
kirklandpitti: ;-)17:47
Keybukkees: I may need you to distract slangasek ;)17:47
Keybukthere's a volcano near Portland, right? :p17:47
* kees adds "can cause volcano erruptions" to list of powers people think I have17:48
keesKeybuk: there is, but I'm closer to it than he is.  :)17:48
keesI suspect the river he's on the other side of may stop lava flows.17:48
elmolava >> river17:49
elmojust sayin17:49
keesKeybuk: so, if you tested LVM-on-RAID booting, I'll try your PPA crack17:49
keeselmo: probably true, but honestly if the lava makes it all the way to portland, it's gonna be a bad time for the northern hemisphere17:49
Keybukof *course* I tested it :D17:50
macocalling software "crack"....is this common? dtchen does it all the time and i usually roll my eyes at him17:50
keesmaco: I'd never heard it before joining the Ubuntu community, but it sure seems appropriate from time to time.17:50
robbiewcjwatson: do we need to be concerned with bug 34737017:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347370 in hal "REGRESSION: volume labels have underscores instead of spaces" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34737017:50
keesI suspect it's a Gnome-ism17:50
Keybukrobbiew: given that HAL doesn't use them for any reason I'm aware of, I don't think so17:51
keesKeybuk: btw, did you see the "RAID10 segvs mdadm" bug?17:51
kirklandmaco: and we're all crack pushers, by way of "bzr push crack"17:51
Keybukkees: no, iz not udev bug17:51
punkrockguyHey, I'm not really sure if this is the right channel for this, but I'm a coder on the fceux project and our program, fceux, works fine on ubuntu 8.10, but does not work properly on ubuntu 9.04... Is there anyone that could help try to fix our application for 9.04?17:51
keesKeybuk: only raid10 kittens seem to have died from the incremental build changes17:51
cjwatsonrobbiew: it looked essentially cosmetic to me17:52
Keybukwhat the hell is RAID *10* ?17:52
robbiewcjwatson: that's what I thought17:52
kirklandKeybuk: raid1 + raid017:52
Keybukcjwatson: I think that's actually a udev change17:52
punkrockguyThe strange thing is that it works perfect on 8.04 and it does not recognize input on 9.04 even with the exact same code.. It's based on SDL however the sdl libraries are the same in 8.10 and 9.04, I really have no idea what could make it work on one and not the other17:52
keesKeybuk: it's madness.  basically, the precursor to sane LVM17:52
keesKeybuk: it's RAID1 but with RAID0 concat17:53
Keybukcjwatson: well, libvolume-id change17:53
KeybukSummary of changes from v129 to v13017:53
Keybuk      vol_id: always use the safe string versions for unencoded label and uuid17:53
keespunkrockguy: if it's an X-input issue, I would ask in #ubuntu-x17:53
Keybukthough that suggests its the vol_id too, not the library17:54
keesso, I now how to "hold" a package version.  how do I *block* a package?  i.e. it's in Recommends so it keeps trying to get installed, but I want to stop it from getting installed.17:55
kirklandkees: Conflicts ?17:56
Keybukcjwatson, robbiew: Hmm, I can't see anything here that's changed in HAL or udev17:56
kirklandkees: 7.4 of http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html ?17:57
keeskirkland: well, I mean at the apt level.  I don't actually want to block it in packaging details.  I just want to set a local preference on this machien to never install nspluginwrapper.17:57
kirklandkees: is your flash madly broken too?  ie, won't install?17:57
kirklandkees: that's on my list of shit to fix after i swallow mdadm for the day17:57
keeskirkland: while I adore asac's diligence, flash is insanely unstable for me.  I use adobe's native 64bit flash, and it is 100% stable.17:58
keesso, I have a held version of flashplugin-nonfree, and I want nspluginwrapper to never be installed.17:59
kirklandkees: is that flashplugin-nonfree?17:59
asackees: this means that 64bit is more stable than 32bit ;)17:59
asacfor me its similar unstable on 32bit as its on 64bit with wrapper17:59
keesasac: their native 64bit with a wrapper is stable?18:00
asackees: sorry 32 bit with wrapper on amd64 ;)18:00
keesasac: right, hugely unstable: 32bit with wrapper on 64bit.  for me, hugely stable: 64bit without wrapper.18:00
=== fader|lunch is now known as fader
keeskirkland: I guess I could add a Conflicts to my flashplugin-nonfree fork: https://edge.launchpad.net/~kees/+archive/ppa18:01
kirklandkees: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/jaunty/en/man5/apt_preferences.5.html18:02
kirklandkees: priorities, maybe?18:02
keeskirkland: I think I'll just add a conflict to my crazy fork.  :)18:02
* calc back18:03
asackees: just ensure in your postinst that all nspluginwrapper leftovers are removed18:03
keesasac: yeah, I did.18:03
Keybukrobbiew: jaunty udev and intrepid HAL produces Test_Disk label18:03
Keybukso iz not udev bug, -> desktop ;)18:03
asackees: if you removed the wrapped .so's from all the plugins dirs then it should work well and nspluginwrapper shouldnt get in your way ... even if installed18:03
Keybukrobbiew: I'll reassign to pitti18:05
robbiewKeybuk: okay, thnx18:05
asackees: we are fixing nspluginwrapper to not create that kind of pollution anymore18:05
keesasac: yeah, it's not in my way, it just keeps getting reinstalled.  I do a dist-upgrade, it gets installed.  I do an autoremove, it goes away.  really odd, but I realize it's due to my crackful fork.  :)18:05
asackees: you mean nspluginwrapper comes back?18:05
asacthe package it self?18:05
asacor is it that you accidentially upgrade to the archive flashplugin-nonfree ?18:05
calcis the proper tag for regression "regression"?18:05
slangasekelmo: nah, I'm in the safe part of town where the volcano only takes out our water supply18:05
pittikirkland: oh, did I file the bug against ecryptfs-utils? It should have gone to adduser in the first place18:06
* asac wouldnt feel safe nor comfortable without water18:06
kirklandpitti: nope, you did it right18:06
keesasac: right, nspluginwrapper keeps getting reinstalled. not really sure why.18:06
pittiKeybuk: the "_" in device labels issue you mean?18:06
kirklandpitti: i didn't read closely enough :-)18:06
pittiKeybuk: ah, seems so18:07
asackees: i would think its really that archive version gets bumped and that pulls in nspluginwrapper. otherwise its probably a bug in apt :/18:07
keesmostly I was just curious if there was an apt way to block a package.18:08
asackees: you can install an empty package with version 9999 ;)18:08
lucawhere could I find the source of the ubuntu installer?18:08
asacstupid idea, i know18:08
slangasekasac: the city limit is a 20 minute walk west, and on the other side, their water is sourced from the hills in the other direction :)18:15
cjwatsonluca: well, if you hadn't left, I could have told you18:17
=== keffie_jayx is now known as effie_jayx
kirklandpitti: just a thought, but would deluser --remove-all-files be more appropriate?18:23
kirklandpitti: that option is already supported and does prune18:23
cjwatson--remove-all-files can be *really* slow18:23
keessbeattie: erf, apparmor 2.3+1289-0ubuntu10 did not make it into the bzr tree.  fixing...18:25
sbeattiekees: thanks18:26
=== mkrufky is now known as StupidAmerican
ni|what is the default runlevel? 3??18:30
siretartcjwatson: I've seen you've hilighted me in #ubuntu-meeting, and the topic was ffmpeg. are there some open questions left I can answer?18:30
cjwatsonsiretart: I think it was addressed at the time18:32
cjwatsonni|: 218:32
ni|a lots :)18:32
ni|cjwatson: what is the proper room to ask how to ensure Xorg is up before an init script runs -- its for an app18:35
ni|(i know this is the wrong room sry :/)18:36
cjwatsonni|: I don't know what the correct IRC channel would be, sorry18:37
=== ryu2 is now known as ryu
\shgrmpf...why can't d-i tell me, "Dude, you try to partition 2.5TB while you have less then that on your storage device, pls fix your partman recipe, thx" but invane, it starts to partition the last available space with something i don't want....*grr*18:44
pittikirkland: well, --remove-all-files should imply --remove-home, and --remove-home actually purges all the encrypted files, right? so is there anything left why the /var/lib files should be kept?18:50
pitticjwatson: ah, FYI, I think I found out why an installation of today's image on USB caused uname to be 2.6.28-9 -- if I do usb-creator again after completely purging the stick, it doesn't boot at all18:50
pittithus I suppose on this morning's attempt there really was the old kernel still18:51
pittievand: have you tried/heard about successful usb-creator installations recently?18:51
pittievand: the stick looks complete to me, but it doesn't boot at all; it worked just fine some two weeks ago18:51
kirklandpitti: and the problem with your other bug is easy too19:02
kirklandpitti: count=`ls -Al "$MOUNTPOINT" 2>/dev/null | grep -v "^total" | grep -v "^l" -c`19:02
kirklandpitti: insgesamt 819:02
pittikirkland: hah :)19:02
pittikirkland: so, just set LC_MESSAGES=C ?19:03
kirklandpitti: :-)  me and my english-centered world :-P19:03
pittikirkland: or perhaps use a more stat-like approach?19:03
kirklandpitti: i was just looking at the latter19:03
pittior wc -l?19:03
slytheringnome-netstatus-applet was recently demoted from recommends to suggests of gnome-applets. Should it also be removed from depends of ubuntu-desktop?19:09
pittiseb128: I guess it should, do you agree? ^19:12
seb128pitti: that's what I suggested the other day yes19:14
mvosiretart: hi! do you happen to know if faumachine can simulate bad cd burns? I would like to test various scenarios with that19:14
pittiseb128, slytherin: dropped from the seeds, next -meta rebuild will have it19:17
kirklandpitti: okay, patch attached to https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ecryptfs-utils/+bug/34797019:17
ubottuUbuntu bug 347970 in adduser "deluser --remove-home leaves /var/lib/ecryptfs/<username> behind" [Low,In progress]19:17
kirklandpitti: i've tested it and it works as designed for me19:17
slytherinpitti: Ok. Thanks.19:17
kirklandpitti: you, or someone with adduser/deluser expertise might take a look over it at this point, to make sure it's kosher19:18
pittikirkland: cool, thanks! maybe we can fix it together with the locale one, since we can't upload right now anyway19:18
pittikirkland: if you don't want to upload yourself, please sub ubuntu-main-sponsors, or assing to me19:18
kirklandpitti: agreed19:19
kirklandpitti: i'm taking a look at the locale one too19:19
kirklandpitti: well, those are uploads to two different packages19:19
pittikirkland: ah, ok; the locale one indeed is in ecryptfs itself then?19:19
kirklandpitti: yeah, definitely19:20
kirklandpitti: okay, assigned 347970 to you19:20
kirklandpitti: review the debdiff, test, and upload at your discretion19:20
kirklandpitti: how do i turn my term into german?19:21
kirklandpitti: export LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 isn't quite doing it19:21
pittikirkland: sudo locale-gen de_DE.UTF-819:22
kirklandoh, i bet i need the language pack or something19:22
pittikirkland: or install the langpack, yes (which will do that)19:22
pittikirkland: then LANG= will work19:22
kirklandpitti: hmm, that's not quite it19:22
kirklandpitti: does it take a logout?19:22
siretartmvo: yes, there was a master thesis that implemented a cdburner. but you would need to ask sistpoty about its status19:22
siretartmvo: is faumachine already in the archive?19:23
pittikirkland: no, it just works19:23
siretart(I believe sistpoty was the supervisor of that thesis)19:23
pittikirkland: sudo LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 adduser ... will work19:23
pittikirkland: that sets it just for one command19:23
kirklandpitti: k19:23
pittikirkland: you need to have the locale generated, though19:23
kirklandpitti: did that19:23
pittiah, hang on19:23
pittikirkland: indeed you need language-pack-de19:24
pittikirkland: since otherwise you can't get any actual translation :)19:24
* kirkland foobars his system with german nonsense19:24
kirklandpitti: cool, now I have insgesamt 76819:26
mvosiretart: I think it was added some days ago, but I might be wrong19:26
siretartmvo: cool!19:27
mvoogra: who should I bug aobut moddle? it appears to be hanging with DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive in my upgrade test19:27
siretartmvo: it will be a great asset for the qa team, e.g. for simulating live cd installs19:27
pittikirkland: sehr gut!19:27
ogra mvo hmm LaserJock did some work on it19:28
mvosiretart: yeah, I would like to simulate a upgrade with a bad CD19:28
ograi didnt touch it since about a year19:28
mvoogra: ok, thanks19:28
kirklandpitti: i think this will get me what I need: ls -Al | egrep "^[drwx-]{10}"19:29
siretartmvo: oh, that means that you don't actually need the burner, but just the regular faumachine cd drive. I think fault injection should work just fine there, but as said, better ask sistpoty to check that19:29
kirklandpitti: thank goodness file perm chars aren't translated :-P19:29
siretartmvo: if not, I'm sure he can implement that easily. after all, his phd work is about the faumachine vhdl compiler :-)19:30
pittikirkland: OMGno :)19:30
kirklandpitti: seriously?  or joking?19:30
pittikirkland: if they were translated, madness would start19:31
kirklandpitti: heh, okay :-)19:31
kirklandpitti: i thought you were hating on my egrep19:31
lamontstgraber: around?19:32
lamontstgraber: --> /pm19:32
mvosiretart: heh :) ok - thanks, I will try to catch him when he is online19:36
kirklandpitti: woohoo!  fixed.19:36
kirklandpitti: i'll commit to upstream bzr, and upload ecryptfs-utils 73-0ubuntu2 when the freeze ends ;-)19:36
slytherinseb128: did you get any time to do the DVD playback testing?19:36
pittikirkland: yay you19:37
kirklandpitti: i needed some 'success' today, after many, many hours/days fighting with mdadm19:38
seb128slytherin: it works now on my desktop and laptop using severals DVDs with the jaunty versions19:38
slytherinseb128: Ok. It fails for me with 5-6 DVDs I tried.19:39
slytherinseb128: do the DVDs you tried have menus?19:39
seb128menus worked19:40
seb128to select chapters or audio tracks19:40
cbrdamn.. enabling KMS just blanks the screen on boot19:40
seb128or episodes19:40
cbrit boots, when i presume that X starts, the backlight lights up, but nothing is on the screen19:40
slytherinseb128: so what do you suggest? I have got one response on the bug that the repository package does not work and my fixed package works.19:41
seb128slytherin: I don't suggest anything so far out of doing a call for testing on jaunty beta19:41
seb128ie send an email on -discuss list for example19:41
seb128and ask if dvd playing works for people after installing what is required19:41
keesKeybuk: fail.19:42
slytherinseb128: Ok. I will send a mail.19:42
seb128as said it was broken for me19:42
keesKeybuk: blkid ran away at 100% cpus, for like 12 instances.  udev did not start my RAID (but did start LVM once I brought the RAID up)19:42
seb128and now it works on 2 boxes19:42
seb128so I'm not sure what fixed it there but I can't debug if I don't get the bug19:42
keesKeybuk: hardward loading stalled (I assume because of all the stuck blkids, udevsettle never returned)19:43
slytherinseb128: last really silly question. I am assuming that you gave gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad installed and resindvd plugin is getting used, correct?19:49
seb128yes and I think so19:49
slangasekTheMuso: ubuntustudio apparently has some uninstallable packages on the latest ISO, which weren't uninstallable before (http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/daily/20090324/report.html), do you know what that's about?19:58
ebrodermvo: Question about your fix for bug #147080. Will the AllowThirdParty option work for the Intrepid->Jaunty upgrade? Or just Jaunty->Karmic, etc?19:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 147080 in update-manager-core "do-release-upgrade should make disabling third party repositories optional" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14708020:00
mvoebroder: that should work with intrepid->jaunty20:00
ebroderAwesome. Thanks again for putting that together20:00
mvoebroder: have you tested it, is there a problem?20:00
ebrodermvo: No, I haven't had a change to test it yet. I don't understand the upgrade process very well, so I couldn't tell from inspection if it would work for this upgrade or not20:01
mvoebroder: cheers, no problem. just keep me updated if it works as expected (it should, did fine in my tests :)20:01
mvoRiddell: I'm doing a kubuntu hardy->jaunty upgrade now, what version of adept do I need for this to work?20:01
cbr-rw-r----- 1 syslog adm  232M 2009-03-24 21:49 messages20:09
cbrwhy is my /var/log/messages file 2.3 million lines long?20:09
slytherincbr: where does it say 2.3 million lines long?20:10
cbrwhen i open it in kwrite or nano20:10
cbr$ cat messages | wc -l20:11
cbrshouldn't it be split and compressed or smth?20:11
slytherincbr: wc -l works with filename directly. looks like some problem with log rotation.20:11
cbralso user.log is 213 MB20:11
cbrand syslog is 256MB20:14
Nafallokees: glibc backtraces to that log. the changelog blames you :-)20:15
keesNafallo: ah! yes, very muchly.  I was getting sick of losing backtraces to vt7.  :)20:16
Riddellmvo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.0420:18
Riddellmvo: the prompt in adept will only work for meta-release not meta-release-devel so cludgy script for beta I'm afraid20:19
mvoRiddell: ok, thanks20:20
kirklandpitti: okay, i give up ... how do i anglicize my system again?  :-)20:27
jameswfjaunty video working in virtualbox soooo happy20:28
slangasekkirkland: just how un-English did you make it? :)20:30
brycejameswf: first you must kick the vikings out....20:30
kirklandslangasek: German :-)20:30
bryceer, s/jameswf/kirkland/20:31
kirklandbryce: hehe20:31
slangasekkirkland: what did you change to get it into German?20:32
kirklandbryce: i'm still working on the visigoths20:32
kirklandsladen: LOCALE and LANG20:32
kirklandslangasek: ^20:32
kirklandslangasek: and i ran some locale-gen20:33
kirklandapt-get remove language-pack-de20:34
slangasekthat'll do it implicitly, yes :)20:37
cjwatsonkirkland: just putting LANG back the way it was is sufficient20:38
* slangasek nods20:38
cjwatsonassuming you didn't change LC_thingy20:38
cjwatsonor LANGUAGE20:38
=== Snova_ is now known as Snova
evandpitti: hrm, I'll look into it tonight if I can find some time, otherwise definitely tomorrow.  Thanks for the heads up.20:58
TheMusoslangasek: on my agenda for this morning. They were installable a day or so ago...21:12
slangasekTheMuso: it's the fact that lmms recommends: wine but wine isn't on the ISO; Recommends are expected to be pulled in by default21:22
TheMusoslangasek: ah!21:24
slangasekat least, that's the problem I see from here21:24
TheMusoI'll check that locally21:25
BlackLukesis there anyone who is an active developer of ubiquity (or at least knows it quite well)?21:27
sladenBlackLukes: yes, but they probably finished work a few hours ago.  Perhaps if you asked what your question/query was you might get somebody else who can help21:32
BlackLukesmy question is about the code used for the partition bar21:33
BlackLukesanyone who would help me please email at luca.91 at hotmail.it, I'm leaving21:35
slangasekthat's still a metaquestion, not a question. :)21:35
BlackLukesmaybe I can explain tomorrow, sorry21:35
=== Snova_ is now known as Snova
bredotoNeed help. How can i make  proper configure file for my sources?21:46
bredotohm anyone21:50
SnovaWhat is this for? A personal project, something you're packaging, something else?21:50
SnovaAlso, this isn't really the proper channel, join #ubuntu-programming21:50
bredotopersonal project. And what is the structure of configure file?21:51
SnovaThey're shell scripts.21:51
sladenit's a shell script, generated by autotools21:52
SnovaWorse yet, they're auto-generated shell scripts, produced from macros (M4, to be precise).21:52
sladenSnova: TBH, you probably don't need one21:52
sladenSnova: just make a normal Makefile by hand21:52
SnovaA configure script? Not while I can help it. :) Quick! While you still can! Learn CMake. ;)21:53
bredotodoes anybody know some tutorials or other source21:54
SnovaThis might be good (for Autotools): http://sources.redhat.com/autobook/21:55
SnovaMaybe. Just the first thing I found.21:55
bredotoLets image that i have source file of my progrm: myp.c What is the next step for preparing configure file? Just create  configure file  with "gcc -c myp.c and cp a.out /usr/bin/myp "commands?22:01
SnovaNo, configure doesn't build anything.22:02
SnovaYou need a configure.ac file, which doesn't have to be long, just initialize Autotools and test for a compiler, then generate a Makefile. (Not sure *exactly* how)22:02
SnovaThen you need a Makefile.am that specifies what to compile, and to what.22:04
SnovaThen there are various programs that generate more files from those two (there might even be another file or so you have to write, don't think so though).22:04
bredotoSnova, thank this is my first step =) iam just a beginner (dummy=)22:05
SnovaDang. Sorry about that (again).22:05
slangasekkees: full nvclock MIR available now, bug #34781322:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347813 in nvclock "Main inclusion request for nvclock" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34781322:06
SnovaHonestly, I find Autotools to be a gigantic mess. You'd probably be a lot better suited learning something like CMake (I'm partial to SCons, but it might not be quite as good for you).22:06
slangasekkees: (if you want it :)22:06
Snovabredoto: http://www.cmake.org/22:07
slangasekSnova, bredoto: could you please take that discussion elsewhere?  As you noted, it's not really on-topic for #ubuntu-devel22:07
Snovabredoto: Only *one* file you have to write, and it's a *lot* simpler.22:07
Snovabredoto: Yes, please join #ubuntu-programming22:07
cjwatsonSnova: cmake: thorough nightmare the last time I had to modify anything written using it (admittedly that was Qt)22:11
keesslangasek: I'll likely get to it tomorrow unless you need it rushed?22:13
slangasekno rush22:13
slangasekit's not going in pre-beta, smartdimmer is on the CDs22:13
TheMusoslangasek: ok weird. Dispite what the report says, lmms and ubuntustudio-audio install fine with a fresh amd64 disk as of the latest daily. The wine package is kept from the disks by blacklisting, but things install as expected on the disk.22:23
slangasekTheMuso: eh, why are you using blacklists for this?  that's a Very Large Hammer22:24
slangasekTheMuso: also, we don't want installing from the archive and installing from ISO to give a different experience...22:24
TheMusoslangasek: Right, I guess the best approach then is to demote wine to suggests for lmms and fix the seeds22:25
slangasekTheMuso: that would be my recommendation22:25
TheMusook I'll take care of that now.22:25
TheMusoslangasek: ok lmms uploaded, pushing the change to the seeds now as well.22:32
cjwatsonRiddell: I'll look at your oem-config autologin bug tomorrow - fetching the CD now22:37
Riddellcjwatson: thanks22:38
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mdz_bryce: just in case I wasn't clear...I don't want to block fixing 328035 on getting the patch fixed up; please feel free to rip it out and stop the pain while we discuss what to do after that23:01
keescan we deprecate python's "commands" module, please?23:02
slangasekmdz_: the fixed xorg-server is already in the beta freeze queue; I'm taking it as an opportunistic fix for beta if something else goes wrong in testing23:03
mdz_slangasek: great, thanks23:03
mdz_I didn't see the bug updated and so didn't realize23:04
slangasekI'm still kicking myself for not having checked debian/patches when I looked at that logging code23:04
slangaseksticks out like a sore thumb, *if* you're looking at the right code :)23:04
mdz_slangasek: yeah, likewise23:07
mdz_I squinted at LogVMessageVerb a bit but it was the unpatched version23:07
* mdz_ goes to bed23:08
maxbI sent email to rt@ubuntu.com complaining about paste.ubuntu.com rejecting pastes containing xml declarations back on 30th January, but nothing's happened. Where can I nag?23:08
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slangasekScottK-desktop: what should we say about Kubuntu in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope/BetaAnnouncement ?23:27
slangasekTheMuso: ^^ same question for UbuntuStudio23:28
slangasekcody-somerville: ^^ same question for xubuntu23:28
slangaseksuperm1: ^^ same question for mythbuntu23:28
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cody-somervilleslangasek, is it suppose to be line breaked like that?23:32
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slangasekit's a mail draft, so yes23:32
brycemdz: yep, 328035 already has the patch ripped out; just didn't make it for -beta unfortunately23:35
TheMusoslangasek: sorry made a typo with the lmms control changes, did a copy and paste, and thought I copied a bracket, but didn't. Uploading a fix now.23:41
mthaddonwgrant: can you take a look at bug 335492 - you seemed to be the last to touch the package and just wanted to run my changes by you as I'm kind of new to this23:46
ubottuBug 335492 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/335492 is private23:46
mthaddonhmm, I assume that means you can't see the bug...23:47
wgrantmthaddon: I might be able to.23:49
wgrantLet's see.23:49
wgrantI can.23:49
wgrantBecause I'm in ~ubuntu-dev.23:49
wgrantmthaddon: That debdiff looks fine.23:50
mthaddonwgrant: so what's the process for getting the package updated?23:50
wgrantmthaddon: Subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors to the bug.23:50
* wgrant finds the wiki page.23:50

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