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sabdflhi folks09:49
sabdfljust installed the UNR on an Acer Aspire, looks good!09:49
loolsabdfl: Good to hear09:52
loolThere are major issues with the intel driver on some netbooks at the moment though09:52
sabdfli'll send an installation report to the list09:52
sabdflyes, wifi is busted here :-/09:52
sabdflbut i know that's a documented issue09:52
loolHmm was actually thinking of one of the other intel drivers, the video one; I had issues with not merged realtek drivers up to alpha 6, but it's ok now09:54
sabdflis it a known issue that indicator-messages is not installed?10:04
davmor2sabdfl: if you rmmod acer-mwi wifi should spring into life10:07
loolsabdfl: You mean the new notification system in general?10:07
sabdfldavmor2: *rmmod* ?10:08
mdzsabdfl: yes10:08
davmor2sabdfl: you can blacklist it if it works but yes 10:08
mdzsee bug 31982510:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 319825 in linux "acer_wmi in Jaunty on Aspire One exposes non-functional (always disabled) rfkill device" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31982510:09
sabdflinteresting hardware approach by acer10:09
sabdfllool: part of the notification system is a set of persistent indicators on the panel10:10
sabdflto handle things like "joe just IM'd me, I want to reply"10:10
sabdflwe take away "buttons on notifications" but we add "persistent indicators"10:10
sabdflthe indicator applet is a gnome-panel host for those persistent indicators10:10
loolsabdfl: If there's no dependency between this and the alsdorf, we could include it10:10
sabdflthat's installed in my image10:10
sabdfllool: there's no dependency10:11
sabdflbut they should both be installed10:11
sabdflthe applet is installed and on the panel (yay!)10:11
loolYeah I wondered why I couldn't do anything with it yesterday10:11
loolsabdfl: So I'm adding indicator-messages, evolution-indicator, and pidgin-libnotify to the seed; thanks10:15
sabdflthanks lool, you rock10:15
sabdflis the seed also published as a task?10:15
loolTask-Description: Ubuntu Netbook Remix10:15
loolStevenK: ^^^ seed update10:18
sabdfllooks great, i just found it as mobile-netbook-remix10:18
davmor2lool: is that going to require a re-spin or will this be for after beta?10:18
looldavmor2: It's for post beta10:18
davmor2lool: phew10:18
looldavmor2: It needs an upload of mobile-meta and a respin10:18
davmor2lool: no, no after beta is fine with me :)10:18
loolStevenK: I wonder whether we should be tracking changes to the desktop seeds more effectively, perhaps either by matter of bzr merges or by having a common seed just like desktop-common, but for GNOME-ish seeds10:19
loologra: around?10:21
loologra: mdz said your imagewriter was great and we should consider having it in universe if usb-creator support is too late; do you know how we stand with usb-creator?10:22
loologra: (this started on #ubuntu-devel)10:22
ogralool, yes, saw that, i havent done anything with -creator10:31
ogralool, -imagewriter has a plasma frontend though (NCommander wrote it during UDS) while -creator is gnome only10:31
loologra: I would still recommend we work on merging these relatively close tools, but for jaunty could you pick up packaging of imagewriter?  or perhaps NCommander?10:31
lool(in universe is fine)10:31
ograits packaged since intrepid (the gnome part) 10:31
ograjust didnt make it into the archive because pitti didnt like my dd hack 10:32
ograi *do* like it though10:32
loolWell could you work on fixing that or convincing him then?10:32
ograand didnt like to change it10:32
ograi'll try10:32
davmor2lool: AAO the linpus lite works in the same manner you need to press the button to wake it11:30
davmor2I replied to the list but mail is in queque to be approved I must not of changed mailing address :(11:31
looldavmor2: it doesn't really confirm whether it's a BIOS or userspace issue; the reverse would have proven the contrary though :)11:35
looldavmor2: It could be a BIOS bug or a BIOS know or an userspace bug11:36
loolIt's certainly not hardware as it detects lid closure and doesn't respond to the power button as long as the lid is clsoed (for me)11:36
davmor2lool: iirc you had to do the same with xp too11:36
looldavmor2: That's interesting11:36
loolI guess this points strongly at a BIOS bug; I wish we had tools to point these out11:37
davmor2in fact if memory serves you had the flashy button on any acer you shut the lid on.  I'll double check the next time I'm in a computer shop :)11:38
davmor2lool has something happened to the install icon when I installed end of last week it was in favourites12:13
loolpersia: ^ is this related to your recent changes?12:16
davmor2lool just reading sabdfl's mail12:16
persialool, No.  The only change to casper I have pending is related to showing Install on MID, and I attempted an alternate development workflow, which ended up not being the right model.12:19
persiaI've not otherwise changed it for some time, and the favourites change for UNR should have been there for quite a while.12:19
davmor2persia: wasn't in alpha 6 but was afterwards12:21
looldavmor2: No idea then12:22
persiadavmor2, Right.  Ought still be there.12:22
loolfavorites are handled in the launcher package12:22
davmor2lool:  I'll take a look after12:23
persiaThe install icon only appears in favourites because of casper hacks.12:23
davmor2lool, persia: downloading now about 5mins left12:25
loolI think favorites handling has changed; but there's no changelog12:25
davmor2make that 4minutes12:26
persiadavmor2, Great.  Let me know if it isn't there, and stick casper.log in a bug.12:26
davmor2persia: np's12:26
davmor2transfering to usb now12:31
ograsabdfl, the new notification system has probs with the clutter based launcher (the same probs you run into if you try to run compiz with the launcher, the composite handling of clutter clashes with other systems, njpatel can surely elaborate)12:35
ograi think thats the reason why notifications are not there by default12:36
ogralool, ^^^12:36
ogra(i'm only talking about notify-osd here btw ... we could probably add a gconf switch that anforces it to not run in composite mode (i.e. like it does in metacity), that should solve the probs)12:39
davmor2sabdfl, lool, persia: The installer is it favourites next to pidgin12:40
davmor2It might benefit from being to right of the pidgin rather than the left12:41
persiaThat's where it belongs :)  Thanks for the confirmation.12:41
persiaThe order isn't preset: it comes from the sort order of the menu entry string values.  Since "Install" is before "Pidgin", it comes to the left.12:41
davmor2but I'm guessing it's cause it is in alphabetical that it is to the left12:42
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loologra: this is not about the notification bubbles14:23
loologra: I've had this discussion with sabdfl already14:23
loologra: It's about the message indicator in the panel14:23
ogralool, but we could make them work if notify-osd had a gconf key to switch to non-composite mode14:23
loologra: This is not about notify-osd14:24
ograwouldnt look as pretty as composite ones, but we wouldnt lose the functionallity14:24
ograi understand that14:24
ogra(thats why i added the line in brackets below :) )14:25
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ian_brasilis there a how to on touch screens anywhere?18:02
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