
mbanadoes my .fonts.conf override this?00:00
ftaasac, "found serial port (udev:  hal:GSM)"00:00
asacmbana: yes00:01
asacmbana: .fonts.conf is level 5000:01
asacthe one i posted is 3000:01
ftafollowed by "ignoring due to lack of probed mobile broadband capabilties" (incl the typo)00:01
asacfta: yes. thats what i say00:01
asacnow its not detected at all  iguess00:02
asacplease bump --delay really high00:02
asacand reboot00:02
asacwe know the proper works for you00:02
asacits just that some modems take loner than others to wake up00:02
asaci can use --delay 200000:02
asacbut not 170000:02
asacbut we already had modems with far higher values00:02
fta3000->30000, same :(00:05
mbanaasac: how long does it take to support 3.1?00:06
mbanawhat about the language packs?00:06
asacfta: reboot?00:06
ftaasac, yes, i did00:06
asacfta: the probe doesnt happen anymore00:06
asacfta: and manually running the probe command works00:06
asacor is that broken now too?00:06
asace.g. /lib/udev/nm-modem-probe /dev/ttyUSB000:07
asacnot sure what devices you have00:07
asacmbana: we dont maintain lang packs for our "next" package atm00:07
asacmbana: you can try to install the ones from upstream00:08
asacyou need to change the version though i am sure00:08
asacmaxVersion in the install.rdf in there00:08
asacour daily is ahead of b300:09
asacfta: thats not the probe command ;)00:09
asacrun /lib/udev/nm-modem-probe --verbose --export /dev/ttyUSB000:09
ftalol, no, i just took me time to paste that url ;)00:09
ftayou wanted the full logs00:09
asacthats after the boot with high udev delay?00:10
asacfta: given the commit you need at least to replug after probing USB100:11
asacfta: SIM pin required00:13
asacthats the "i need to boot windows" once effect?00:14
fta_no idea. i tried this sim in xp yesterday, it was fine00:14
asacfta: well. the prober doesnt use pins00:15
asacit doesnt expect to get asked for a pin at that stage00:15
fta_so, am i doomed?00:16
asaclooking in code00:18
asacfta: how long does it take until you get that timed out thing?00:19
asac: modem_probe_caps(): timed out waiting for GCAP reply (idx -2, term_idx -1)00:19
asacand do you see +CME ERROR: SIM PIN required00:19
asacright before00:19
asacor does that get out a while before?00:19
fta_2, maybe 3 secs00:20
ftaasac, ^^00:22
asacfta: yeah00:24
asaccan you see whether you get a \n00:24
asacor a \n\r ?00:25
asac modem_wait_reply(): Got: 'AT+GCAP00:25
asac+CME ERROR: SIM PIN required00:25
asacfor that line feed00:25
asacnot really sure how to best capture that00:25
asacor if its converted on printf00:25
asaci dont hope so00:25
asacNM excepts \n\r00:25
asacwhich i hope is wrong for you ;)00:25
fta_L: modem_wait_reply(): Got: '^M$00:25
fta_+CME ERROR: SIM PIN required^M$00:25
fta_L: modem_probe_caps(): timed out waiting for GCAP reply (idx -2, term_idx -1)$00:25
fta_^M$ means \r\n00:26
asacshouldnt matter anyway00:26
asacits a g_strsplit_set ( ... , "\n\r") ... so each is a delimiter00:27
asacfta: oh yeah00:28
asacfta: seems you really have a problem00:28
asacfta: i mean its fixed in latest 0.700:28
fta_is it somewhere? i mean, ppa?00:29
asacfta: i can cherry pick all patches and upload that to ppa00:32
asacfta: or give you the patches that have been commit after the snapshot00:32
asacthats 700:32
fta_would be nice to have a ppa, so others could try it too00:33
asaci mean00:33
asacbut archive opens before most others will notice ;)00:33
fta_can't you do a nm-daily ? or something similar00:35
asacyes i think that could be done. problem is that there are two branches to provide00:39
asactrunk and 0.700:39
asacso yeah00:39
asacits uploaded00:39
asacnetwork-manager - 0.7.1~rc3.1.git4cf2da146-0ubuntu1.nm100:41
asacfta: ^^00:41
asacalso i dont think its smart to start yet another team right now00:42
fta_asac, could I use this ppa on top of everything? i should i just gzet this deb?00:42
asacfta_: its safe00:42
asacfta_: i dont put anything experimental there00:43
asacfta_: except intentional00:43
asaccurrently there shouldnt be anything newer thatn NM00:43
asacits mostly for backports00:43
asacand getting bug triage feedback for jaunty maybe00:43
asacok i guess the build will finish soon ;)00:47
asacbuilders grabbed them instantly00:47
asacnight seems to be calm time00:47
fta_yep, 19h-22h (our time) is the busy slot00:48
asaclpia was fasted00:48
asacfollowed by amd6400:48
asacnow waiting for i386 ;)00:48
asacand then for cronjob ;)(00:49
asacbut i think one run is in 3 minutes ;)00:49
asacfta_: so how about building nightlies at end of CA day?00:50
asacshould be about now or maybe in 2 hours00:50
asachurry i38600:50
asacyou will miss the run00:50
fta_did that before, ~4am, but the thing is, noone fixed the errors, so i ended up fixing that after work, pushing fixes near the end of the cycle00:51
fta_now, it's at 7pm, so i see errors on the flow00:52
asacyeah. i should feel more reponsible for build errors ;)00:54
asacbut you are always really quick ;)00:54
fta_still waiting for you for prism ;)00:55
asacat least the builders are ready ;)00:58
asacso yeah. now the prober will fall back to ATI for you00:58
asacbecause you get the sim error early00:59
asacthat will make the prober succeed00:59
asacthats the theory00:59
asacverbose ("GCAP failed, trying ATI...");00:59
asacthats a AT command00:59
asacGCAP is for asking for capabilities01:00
asacATI is something else that also includes the important bits01:00
asacon some modems01:00
asacalso it doesnt probe your serial port 1  anymore01:01
asacwhich should remove a lot of damage01:01
asacfta_: ok packages are there01:01
asachmm ... suddenly my net to ppa got stuck01:04
asacseems archive.ubuntu is bogus01:06
* asac switched to good old ubuntu.intergenia.de :)01:06
asacyeah ... ppa works ... just archive is down01:07
asacfta_nano: so prober works?01:08
fta_nanoi mean, same as before http://paste.ubuntu.com/136377/01:08
asacfta_nano: hmm ... manually it really should be different01:08
asacfta_nano: yeah thats good01:10
asacfta_nano: so now bump the delay and reboot01:10
ftaasac, done that, nada01:15
fta_nanoasac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/136382/01:18
asacthats bad01:19
asacso this probably means its a udev bug01:19
asacdo you see anything in the udev log?01:19
asac /var/log/udev01:19
asachmm ... maybe its too unverbose01:19
fta_nanothe format is strange, i see huawei entries in there01:22
asacfta_nano: look for MODEM_PROBED01:24
fta_nanoasac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/136385/01:26
asacdevadm info --query=env --path=/sys/class/net/ttyUSB001:26
fta_nanono tty* in net/01:27
asacfta_nano: s/net/tty/01:29
asaci think01:29
asaci dont have my modem plugged in now01:29
asacfta_nano: did you change the right line for delay?01:31
asacthere are two ;)01:31
fta_nanoi changed both01:31
asacfta_nano: s/env/all/01:31
asacin the query=..01:31
fta_nanoasac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/136391/01:33
asacfta_nano: looks a bit like your rule isnt run at all01:34
asacnot sure how that can happen01:34
mbanaasac: so, what font was being used on your machine for that site i gave01:35
asacmbana: droid sans now ;)01:35
asacbefore it was the ttf-...?01:35
mbanayou're not selecting 'let sites chose fonts' are you?01:35
asacyes. if i dont allow that it uses bitstream/dejavu01:36
asacbut i allwed them to do it01:36
mbanafor that site i gave?01:36
mbanacan you verify that please01:36
asaci allowed it for it01:36
mbanaso what is mine using?01:37
asacyes that looks like droid sans now01:37
asacmbana: you used arial from MS01:37
asaci donthave that because i dont have windows01:37
asacand i didnt import fonts01:37
asacat leaset i think you used arial.ttf01:37
asacthats what fc-match Arial gave you in the beginning01:37
mbanabut even if i remove Arial it needs up using Nimbus01:38
ftaasac, http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=917101:38
asacmbana: because you have uninstalled ttf-liberation01:38
asacfta: could you ask for a quick explanation why chromium needs it?01:39
asaci think i need to create an account at some point01:39
mbanaok i'll remove arial and use liberation and see what happens01:40
asacyeah ... check with fc-match Arial01:40
asacthat you use it01:40
mbanafc-cache refrehses cache right?01:41
asacfta: i have to go now. if nothing helps i can make you a script you can use to spoof the modem probing ... so you can at lesat see if the rest works ;)01:41
asacmbana: i think so01:41
asacok i have to sleep now .. cu tomorrow01:41
mbanawhen do you come back online01:41
mbanaok i see01:42
mbanathanks alot01:42
asacnot sure ... 6.5 h01:42
mbanaa lot01:42
asacor 701:42
ftanight, thanks for your help01:50
asacok so its confirmed. motu folks will just upload stuff even if you are maintainer10:26
gnomefreakcan someone please add gpg --recv 4E5E17B5 && gpg --export -a 4E5E17B5 | sudo apt-key add -  to https://edge.launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa I'm guessing but looks like it has to be fta11:00
BUGabundogood morning11:11
BUGabundoasac: can you take a look please11:11
ubottuUbuntu bug 347571 in lxnm "lxnm doesn't work, and deletes nm-applet" [Undecided,New]11:11
=== fta3 is now known as fta2
asacfta: http://paste.ubuntu.com/136657/11:25
asacBUGabundo: yes. whats the problem with lxnm?11:25
BUGabundoit seem that user ended up with nm-applet11:26
BUGabundoafter upgrading the lxnm from universe11:26
asac"without" ?11:27
fta2asac, i have 2 SIMs, yesterday, i just tried with 1, but this w-e, i tried the two11:27
asacor "with"11:27
asacfta2: this weekend the prober was broken as we found11:28
asace.g. didnt honour +CME: ERROR11:28
asacfta2: so ... we need the probe log as described in paste11:28
fta2then why did he asked how many sims i have?11:28
asacfta2: he didnt ask how many sims you have. he asked how many sim contacts you have11:28
fta2oh, none then11:28
asace.g. if you save a name + phone number in a phone on it11:29
asacfta2: yeah. thats what i answered. he wanted that info anyway11:29
asacfta2: so now do the udev control thing11:29
asacfta2: as well as the probe logging11:29
BUGabundoasac: without11:29
asacin the .rules files11:29
asacBUGabundo: thats normal then11:29
asacif folks install lxnm11:29
asacit removes nm11:29
asacbecause its something different11:29
fta2asac, i don't have my netbook here, this evening :P11:29
asacfta2: also delay greater than 5 isnt good ;) as he said11:30
asacso use 4 ;)(11:30
fta2i used 30 ;)11:30
BUGabundoasac: the user says he lost the ability to control network11:30
asacyeah. but he says that would confuse hal11:30
asacfta2: which didnt look like your problem ;)11:30
asacfta2: so add --log /tmp/probe.log --verbose --quiet ... to the .rules command11:31
asacand  udevadm control --log_priority=debug11:31
fta2no, nothing waited for 30 sec anyway11:31
asacfta2: thats happening under the hood11:31
asacudev runs that command when the device gets plugged11:31
asacor on boot11:31
asacand it doesnt block11:31
fta2i mean, nothing showed up in the logs past the line i gave you, even after 30 sec, or 15 min11:32
asacfta2: udev doesnt say anything in the log11:33
gnomefreak!info sunbird hardy-backports11:37
ubottusunbird (source: lightning-sunbird): Sunbird stand-alone Calendar. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~hardy1 (hardy-backports), package size 7941 kB, installed size 23956 kB11:37
gnomefreak!info sunbird intrepid11:38
ubottusunbird (source: lightning-sunbird): Sunbird stand-alone Calendar. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 7917 kB, installed size 23908 kB11:38
gnomefreakko reboot12:26
asacBUGabundo: yes. thats the users faul then12:27
asaci mean in this case that is really true ;)12:28
BUGabundoI told him to NOT let remove any packages12:28
BUGabundostill it's a bad precedence in the packages12:29
Jazzvaasac: the list_plugin patch should be done sone. I haven't worked with pointers in a while, so I'm getting some errors with that :). I'll figure it out tonight, have to go to school now.13:01
Jazzvaasac: that's the patch for nspluginwrapper13:02
asachmmmm ... gone13:46
gnomefreakBUGabundo: dod you talk to ikonia YET?14:09
gnomefreakdanm caps14:09
BUGabundobeen busy14:09
BUGabundoand way most morning14:09
BUGabundowaiting for tomorrow as requested14:09
BUGabundognomefreak: did he accept 24h?14:09
BUGabundodon't want to be feeding from his hand, for the "favour"!14:10
gnomefreakBUGabundo: yep i think so i will ping him now and see what he says14:10
BUGabundono no14:11
BUGabundolet it be14:11
BUGabundoI can hold 24h14:11
* BUGabundo grrrr misses +1 daily fix...14:11
gnomefreakasac: thunderbird is pissing me off again. It seems that the filters are not working on single emails. if using digest for ML filters work i think (wouldnt know) changing them to digest i than dont get any emails from the 2 lists. but using "to" or "cc" or "to cc" still they dont apply14:14
asacgnomefreak: hmm14:14
gnomefreakusing cc or to or both for ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com fails to work14:14
asacgnomefreak: what do you get for find ~/.*thunderbir*/ | grep -i filter14:15
gnomefreaksame with devel list. those are the only 2 that i cant set to digest14:15
gnomefreakasac: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/63635114:16
BUGabundognomefreak: that's why I love kmail.... its only serious bug: crash on delete (large) threads!14:16
gnomefreakand the damn fonts got really damn small from last update this morning but i can fix that14:16
asacgnomefreak: so which account is the account that has problems?14:16
BUGabundobug 31152114:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 311521 in kdepim "Kmail Crash while deleting thread with custom keyboard shortcut" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31152114:16
asacpost the .dat from that account please14:16
gnomefreakBUGabundo: thats an awfull bad bug14:16
BUGabundobeen here for 6 months14:17
BUGabundosince kde4.114:17
BUGabundofixed on trunk14:17
BUGabundobut hasn't been ported!14:17
asackmail was always crashy and fiddle-ware for me14:17
BUGabundojanathan said he did, but he failed it some how14:17
gnomefreakasac: my gnomefreak@gmail account thats the one they get sent to. using new profile no extensions and it doesnt work still14:17
gnomefreakk will do14:17
BUGabundoguess I should poke him to it14:18
asacgnomefreak: look at the paste you gave me14:18
asacgnomefreak: each account has a Filter.dat14:18
asacor something14:18
asacspot the one for the account that has issues14:18
asacand poaste that .dat14:18
gnomefreakare you kidding?14:22
gnomefreak2 frigging lines for .mozilla-thunderbird/q1vfnf2t.default/Mail/pop.gmail.co14:22
gnomefreakasac: here is that output http://pastebin.mozilla.org/636352 im looking for more14:24
gnomefreakasac: hree is 2 i found that might help http://pastebin.mozilla.org/636353 http://pastebin.mozilla.org/63635514:25
gnomefreakthat is wrong email i think14:26
gnomefreakyep it is14:26
gnomefreaki cant find my email account :(14:30
gnomefreakasac: coming right up14:31
gnomefreakasac: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/63635614:31
gnomefreaki hope you can tell what each one is14:31
gnomefreakasac: one more that might help more than last14:35
gnomefreakthis is in plain english http://pastebin.mozilla.org/63635714:35
gnomefreakthats odd i got rid of one of those14:37
gnomefreakbug 9935214:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 99352 in firefox-3.0 "feisty+firefox+amd64+java=segfault" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9935214:48
BUGabundothat's not a firefox bug14:48
BUGabundoits a java applet one14:48
gnomefreaki know im waiting for a reply to my question first adn i marked it invalid before anyway14:49
gnomefreakBUGabundo: it depends on what version package he installed14:49
gnomefreakexample if firefox ubufox tells him to install something and he has it already it would be a ubufox bug most likley14:51
gnomefreakthat PPA older .debs idea has some set backs read my email to the list :)14:59
BUGabundoactually POPing14:59
BUGabundonet is slow14:59
BUGabundoI'm rsyning a bunch of daily images14:59
BUGabundoDVD & CDs 32 & 64 bits14:59
BUGabundoto prepare for beta14:59
BUGabundoand my next class!!15:00
BUGabundoeheh... gona use Beta...15:00
BUGabundohope it goes ok, or my students will have a crash course on Filing Bugs15:00
BUGabundohumm gnomefreak got nothing!15:02
gnomefreakBUGabundo: it may take a while. I also commented on bug 31685815:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 316858 in soyuz "Configurable number of versions in PPAs" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31685815:02
BUGabundolet me get there15:02
BUGabundo20 bugmails in the last 5 min15:03
BUGabundohey asac so first Koala fix ?15:03
BUGabundoOOo font size?15:03
BUGabundocan you guys reproduce https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/34694315:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 346943 in openoffice.org "opening an OOo existing file (with Compiz ON) OOo with appear on another Desktop window" [Undecided,Incomplete]15:05
asacBUGabundo: metacity or compiz?15:07
asacah blind me15:07
asaci think it remembers where it was opened last time15:07
asacor where it was closed last time15:07
asacmaybe a session manager issue15:07
asaci get that for rhythmbox at least15:08
asacit always opens here on workspace 415:08
asaci never found time to look15:08
BUGabundoasac: can you comment that on the bug?15:11
gnomefreakasac: to run autoconf2.13 i dont need to run pop -a or anything else right, just run autoconf2.13 and copy patches dir to our debian dir right?15:20
gnomefreaki havng issues remembering :(15:20
* gnomefreak doesnt use compiz here since i run builds i dont normally have enough resoures to use it15:21
gnomefreakit seems i do have to go through all that since mozilla dir doesnt contain patches dir15:43
asacgnomefreak: you need to push -a15:49
asacand if the last patch is a autoconf patch15:49
asacrun autoconf2.1315:49
asacand then refresh the patch15:49
asacquilt refresh --diffstat -U8 --no-timestamps15:49
gnomefreakok see the fsh patch is failing and from what i can tell sutoconf should update that at least it better15:50
gnomefreakthat should be fairly easy enough15:50
asacgnomefreak: no. fsh patch is something else15:54
asacif it fails you need to push -f it15:54
gnomefreakits config/Make.in (dont remember the first part15:55
asacand the look at the .rej files15:55
asacand manually readd the rejected bits15:55
asacthen run quilte refresh ...15:55
gnomefreakif that is not an autoconf than why did it work on Jaunty and fail on both hardy and intrepid (same sources adn branch)15:56
gnomefreaksame source and im sure files didnt change all that much15:57
asacsame sources and same branch should fail nowhere15:58
* BUGabundo #ubuntu-kernel15:58
gnomefreakasac: i know thats what i thought too. but all i did was cp the tarball over to each dir and grabbed branch and built failed on fsh patch in intrepid and hardy if you give me a minute i might beable to find out the exact issue on that one16:00
fta2asac, what is that code for search plugins? an id for canonical?16:55
asacfta: an attempt17:12
asaci doubt it works17:12
asacespecially because i used my own code :-P17:13
BUGabundoif you guys feel curios http://www.ustream.tv/channel/bugabundo17:14
BUGabundoasac: face 2 face!17:14
BUGabundoFF 3.6 uses ALSA to record Sound?17:18
BUGabundodtchen: no wonder it doesn't work with Pulse audio17:19
BUGabundodtchen: ping!17:52
asacBUGabundo: ffox doesnt use any sound on its own17:53
asacjust flash or other extensions17:53
Mook_sbthere _is_ nsISound for the find-not-found fart, but that's esd or something and it's a crappy interface nobody wants to use17:54
gnomefreakbug 33033717:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 330337 in firefox-3.0 "Firefox About window still cuts off text" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33033717:54
asacMook_sb: you sure its used by ffox?17:54
asacin xulrunner its kindof supported17:54
gnomefreakbug 32830717:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328307 in firefox-3.0 "Can not move folders in the Bookmarks menu by drag n drop" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32830717:54
asacthought it wasnt used by browser17:54
asacgnomefreak: thats a wishlist bug and probably has an upstream bug already somewhere17:55
Mook_sbasac: hmm, I guess it's just system beep now, maybe it's not actually used by browser anymore17:55
gnomefreakasac: i saw a dup i have 40 tabs give or take open atm17:55
gnomefreakasac: if you happen to run across it let me know17:56
BUGabundoasac: so its flash using alsa?17:56
BUGabundowasn't that fixed?17:56
asacBUGabundo: yes.17:56
asacBUGabundo: it never changed17:56
asacBUGabundo:  only thing tht ws changed was to use parts of alsa that work with the pulse plugin for als17:56
asacso indirectly it also can speak pulse through alsa now17:56
BUGabundobut it seems the that site17:57
asacobviously hackish ;) ... but thats how things go17:57
BUGabundoor it flash can't capture my mic17:57
BUGabundofrom pavcontrol17:57
BUGabundoI see it using alsa17:57
asaci dont know about mic in flash17:57
asaci would hope its not supported17:57
BUGabundothat's why I pinged dtchen17:57
asacnobody should use that stuff ;)17:57
BUGabundoit used to be17:58
BUGabundoI already used it17:58
Mook_sbthere we go, if you set accessibility.typeaheadfind.soundURL in about:config to a wave file url, it might play something other than a beep :p17:59
gnomefreakasac: ubufox bug that tells you you need to restart and keeps telling you. do you have that bug handy18:02
asacgnomefreak: i dont have it handy but you can find it easily in firefox awesome bar18:09
asacgnomefreak: bug 28936518:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 289365 in ubufox "∞Your browser has been updated and needs to be restarted. (dup-of: 270303)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28936518:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 270303 in ubufox "MASTER - firefox (intrepid): "your browser has been updated and needs to be restarted"" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27030318:09
gnomefreakasac: thanks18:09
asacso its 27030318:10
gnomefreakasac: yep i saved it in my important bugs folder :)18:14
gnomefreakbug 31759618:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 317596 in firefox-3.0 "firefox does not display webpage, Intrepid" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31759618:16
gnomefreakasac: does ubufox link to the release notes page in help in FF menus? or is that firefox? they should show mozilla release nots not ours18:33
asacgnomefreak: i think ubufox ships its own link18:40
asacwe don replace the upstream menu entry18:40
gnomefreakoh so its intended?18:40
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:57
mbanaasac: hi, do you know if OO on interpid follows .fonts.conf, i get the worst hinting from taht19:26
asacmbana: i am looking into the bug ... yes.19:31
asacbug 27128319:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 271283 in openoffice "[ooo-build] OpenOffice.org subpixel font rendering broken with new cairo" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27128319:32
asaci found that it uses freetype backend for cairo19:32
asacnot yet sure why it ends up using something like that19:32
asactry pango-view with --backend=ft219:33
asacmbana: ^^19:33
asacthats what ooo does19:33
mbanapango-view: Available --backend options are: cairo/xft/ft2/x19:33
mbanapango-view: When running ImageMagick 'display' command: Failed to execute child process "display" (No such file or directory)19:34
mbananever mind19:34
mbanait's not important19:34
mbanai just wanted to point iit out19:34
mbanai didn't much such an issue with fedora, thought the firefox issue seems to persist across distros19:34
gnomefreakupstream mozilla bugtracker and Mozilla Foundation are not the same?n19:35
ftaasac, 12:21 < dcbw1> asac: you may also want to add "--log /tmp/probe.log --verbose --quiet" to the udev rule for now19:42
ftaasac, --verbose --quiet ???19:43
[reed]gnomefreak: what do you mean?19:47
gnomefreak[reed]: i had filed a bug on using official icon and they sent me to Gervase Markham19:48
[reed]what bug #?19:48
gnomefreakhes from Mozilla Foundation19:48
[reed]what bug and what logo?19:48
gnomefreakmozilla 484956 im already building with the --enable....19:49
ubottuMozilla bug 484956 in Sunbird Only "Use official Sunbird branding and artwork for Ubuntu builds" [Normal,Resolved: invalid] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=48495619:49
gnomefreakwwas hoping they would do it ;)19:49
gnomefreakhow the hell did cpp-4.2 g++-4.2 gcc-4.2 get removed?19:50
gnomefreakthats not a good thing19:50
[reed]yeah, so, that would be gerv's job19:51
gnomefreak[reed]: im assuming they wanted me to ask if it is ok? im assuming its ok since we use all other official logos but im testing it now to see if any files need to be changed outside of what i did19:52
asacfta: yeah. dont ask my why both ;)19:52
[reed]yes, they want you to ask19:52
[reed]and I recommend you do ask19:52
asacfta: you can try on the command line and see if something gets logged ;)19:52
gnomefreakok ill email him if this works than build it right when i hear back19:53
asacgnomefreak: dont know what your bug was about19:53
gnomefreakhold that thought something bad happened in bugtracker19:54
gnomefreak[reed]: it was you :)19:55
gnomefreakor not19:55
gnomefreakSomeone else has made changes to bug 484956  at the same time you were trying to. The changes made were:  it said you were. I guess you just added gerv?19:55
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 484956 could not be found19:55
asacgnomefreak: can you plesae not discuss the sunbird branding upstream ;)19:56
[reed]yes, I cc'd gerv and myself19:56
asacif you want to clarify branding please go through me19:56
asacthat will just cause confusion on mozilla side ;)19:56
gnomefreaki see that19:56
asacits really a sensible topic ;)19:56
asacgnomefreak: so can you explain to me what the problem was?19:57
gnomefreakasac: ill let you iknow as soon as i find out. should have been easy config flag in rules but i think its not that19:58
asacgnomefreak: well. so whats the problem now?19:58
asacwhat symptoms? why did you file the bug?19:58
gnomefreakrules doesnt like it19:58
gnomefreaki think19:58
asacgnomefreak: there must be a reason you filed the bug ;)19:59
gnomefreakyep that would be it i think its just in wrong place19:59
asacgnomefreak: i dont know what you are talking about.19:59
gnomefreakasac: dont worry ill keep you up to date, you werent able to do it not sure why so i have time or had20:00
asacgnomefreak: i didnt even know there was an issue ;)20:01
gnomefreakasac: yeah i asked you a while back and i thought you tried it.20:01
asacgnomefreak: tried what ;)?20:01
asacto use official branding?20:02
gnomefreakasac: yes20:02
gnomefreakthere has been a bug on it since 0.7 IIRC20:02
asacgnomefreak: yeah its just a configure flag20:02
asacalso you need to ensure that all the icons are properly installed20:02
asacits definitly not a mozilla issue. at least based on the current data we have20:03
gnomefreakthey build it with official logo for MAC and windows why the should we have to do it?20:03
asacgnomefreak: its a build flag20:05
asacthey set it on their builders20:05
asacwe have to set it on ours20:05
asacif we want to use it20:05
gnomefreakah ok20:05
asacthats done in debian/rules for us20:05
asacthey do it in some other build script20:05
gnomefreakyeah i think i know why rules errored at me i left off a \20:07
gnomefreakoh your gonna love that bug :(20:10
ftaasac, do you know if https://wiki.ubuntu.com/apt-sync has ever been considered?20:10
asacfta: so xul hangs the retracers ;)20:12
asacfta: the retracers dont work and xul is causing it ;)20:12
asacxulrunner-1.9.1 --gre-version ;)20:13
ftawhy? jemalloc?20:13
ftawasn't that fixed?20:13
asacnasty hacks always come back ;)20:13
asaci think fakeroot was fixed20:14
asacso it seems its fakechroot now :(20:14
ftaDEBIAN_XUL_VER          := $(shell MALLOC_OPTIONS=O xulrunner-1.9.1 --gre-version)20:14
asacdoes that work?20:15
ftathat was the workaround for chroot20:15
ftait's still in the branch btw20:15
asaclet me check20:15
asacdarn this chroot kills me :)20:16
asacnow it hangs20:16
gnomefreakok its building going for dinner20:29
ftaasac, --log /tmp/probe.log --verbose --quiet did nothing, /tmp/probe.log was not even created20:49
ftaasac, --delay 4000 => invalid delay: 400021:02
ftathat's manually21:03
ftaasac, bingo21:24
ftaMar 24 22:15:38 nano udevd-event[3597]: IMPORT 'nm-modem-probe --vid 0x --pid 0x --usb-interface 00 --driver option --delay 3000 --log /tmp/probe-other.log --verbose --quiet --export /dev/.tmp-char-188:0' /lib/udev/rules.d/77-nm-probe-modem-capabilities.rules:821:24
ftaMar 24 22:15:38 nano udevd-event[3597]: 'nm-modem-probe --vid 0x --pid 0x --usb-interface 00 --driver option --delay 3000 --log /tmp/probe-other.log --verbose --quiet --export /dev/.tmp-char-188:0'21:24
ftaMar 24 22:15:38 nano udevd-event[3597]: '/lib/udev/nm-modem-probe' (stderr) 'Could not parse USB Vendor ID '0x''21:24
ftaMar 24 22:15:38 nano udevd-event[3597]: '/lib/udev/nm-modem-probe' returned with status 121:24
fta[reed], are you moz guys cleaning up your test suite daily or what?21:32
[reed]fta: what do you mean? we have people working on the test suite all the time21:37
ftain the last few days, my -daily builds failed because files are disappearing from my -testsuite pacakge, one at a time21:38
ftadh_install: xulrunner-1.9.2-testsuite missing files (debian/tmp/usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9*/nsIFileTest), aborting21:38
ftathis is today21:38
fta[reed], btw, what are those huge merges? http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/pushloghtml21:40
ftaeach time i encounter one of those, i get a date in the past, breaking my dailies21:42
ftafirefox-3.5_3.5~b4~hg20090215r23894+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1.dsc: Version older than that in the archive. 3.5~b4~hg20090215r23894+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1 <= 3.5~b4~hg20090322r23870+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd121:42
ftai'm pulling the date + revid from http://hg.mozilla.org/index.cgi/mozilla-central/log21:43
ftabut http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/pushloghtml doesn't have revids :(21:43
ftai'm screwed21:43
asacfta: can you paste that and the probe log?22:12
asac 22:16
ftaasac, ^^22:21
asacfta: the probe log is not the log written by udev rules?22:23
fta<fta> Mar 24 22:15:38 nano udevd-event[3597]: '/lib/udev/nm-modem-probe' (stderr) 'Could not parse USB Vendor ID '0x''22:23
ftai guess it's completely ignored because of that22:24
fta<fta> Mar 24 22:15:38 nano udevd-event[3597]: IMPORT 'nm-modem-probe --vid 0x --pid 0x --usb-interface 00 --driver option --delay 3000 --log /tmp/probe-other.log --verbose --quiet --export /dev/.tmp-char-188:0' /lib/udev/rules.d/77-nm-probe-modem-capabilities.rules:822:24
fta--vid 0x --pid 0x --usb-interface 00 --driver option looks weird22:24
asacfta: yeah22:27
ftathe 1st paste comes from udev itself, i put it in debug mode22:28
asaci know22:29
asacprobably a udev bug22:29
ftaare you sure the syntax of 77-nm-probe-modem-capabilities.rules is right?22:30
asacpretty much22:30
asaclet me put it in debug22:30
ftashould it pass the variable through $env{} or something?22:33
asacfta: unfortuantely not22:37
ftasomething like this:22:37
ftaKERNEL=="st*[0-9]|nst*[0-9]", ENV{ID_SERIAL}!="?*", SUBSYSTEMS=="scsi", KERNELS=="[0-9]*:*[0-9]", ENV{BSG_DEV}="$root/bsg/$id"22:37
ftaKERNEL=="st*[0-9]|nst*[0-9]", ENV{ID_SERIAL}!="?*", WAIT_FOR="$env{BSG_DEV}", IMPORT="scsi_id --whitelisted --export --device=$env{BSG_DEV}", ENV{ID_BUS}="scsi"22:37
asaci thought we couldnt access it in env... but dan said we could access it differently and he came up with this22:37
ftaBSG_DEV is passed from env22:38
asacfta: yes ... yesterday i gave you a udevadm info --query=env ...22:38
asacthat is what you can see there22:38
asacbut stff like vendorID and so on are done differently22:38
ftai don't really know, but the current syntax is obviously wrong22:39
asacWell, this confirms the vendor and product id (see ATTR{idVendor} and ATTR{idProduct}). It also shows us the product serial number (ATTR{serial}=="CN89P3G0TC05BR"). Useful things for manipulating udev with.22:40
asacthtsa one place where its referencesd like it22:40
asacfta: use_interface number works for me22:43
=== fta is now known as fta_nano
=== fta_nano is now known as fta
ftaasac, what do you expect me to do then?22:51
fta36295 firefox-3.5                       48     1     0    47     0 (Unknown)22:55
fta40059 firefox-3.6                       27     2     0    25     0 (Unknown)22:55
=== asac_ is now known as asac

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