
=== tritium_ is now known as tritium
=== tritium_ is now known as tritium
=== Mez_ is now known as Mez
=== bluesmoke_ is now known as Amaranth
MyrttiFujisan at -women08:34
jussi01oh he really is taking the piss... no?08:34
* jussi01 wonders if its even acceptable for him to join -women08:35
elkyoh goodie, i'm still opped08:35
elkyi was trying to find th words08:36
Myrtti*I* know what he's doing there?08:36
Myrttiand tonight, on Radio One, top 10 of years gone past08:38
Myrtti"I don't troll anymore"08:38
Myrtti"it wasn't me, it was my brutha"08:38
Myrttiorder now, and you'll receive also this top 10 hit record with hits of this year:08:39
Myrtti"I was a bit drunk, ya know"08:39
elkyare you talking to nightrose?08:39
Tm_TMyrtti: ooh, a new one08:40
jussi01thankfully he left of his own accord. 08:43
jussi01However, I thought he was klined?08:43
elkyhe does. he'll now try disguise himself08:43
ikonia@mark #ubuntu sebsebseb making nonsense statments to users09:19
ubottuThe operation succeeded.09:19
Myrttioh wow, my screencleaner pig works09:20
elkyjussi01, klines are very very rarely permanant09:34
jussi01elky: yeah, but it wasnt that long ago...11:01
elkyjussi01, most klines are only a few days11:01
alteregoai want ext4 in the kernel now11:26
bazhangalteregoa, this is not a support channel you realize11:26
alteregoatake on me11:26
alteregoahmm strange, it redirectsme to ops lol11:27
* Myrtti raises the alert level to yellow11:27
ikoniahow delightful11:52
ikoniamorning 11:52
PiciI suppose11:59
ikonianot delightful ?12:00
PiciDays have felt very long lately..12:00
ikoniaI hear/feel that too12:00
bazhangcristi still trolling? 13:07
bazhangcristi_!n=cristi@host-static-92-115-23-101.moldtelecom.md cristi!n=cristi@host-static-92-115-23-16.moldtelecom.md she looks to be ban evading as well13:13
mneptokhrm. Moldovan.13:16
bazhanghah thought that was maryland13:16
bazhangshe was repeating 'how can I ruin my system' about 50 times the other day13:18
ikonia@bansearch cristi13:20
ubottuNo matches found for cristi!n=cristi@host-static-92-115-23-16.moldtelecom.md in any channel13:20
ikoniait's in BT - active ban, she's gone13:22
ikoniathat simple13:22
mneptokMold Telecom. Because we're too busy to clean.13:23
ikoniabazhang: what was daemonXP's orginal nick - the one he's ban doding on ?14:02
ikoniabazhang: you seemed quite up on the whole story 14:02
bazhangikonia, daemonfc? the one in +1 now?14:03
bazhanghang on a second14:03
ikoniaAlmightyCthulu 14:05
ikonianothing in +1 so he's fine there14:05
bazhangikonia, he is not banned in +1 as far as I can see; just -ot (the btracker has all the info: daemondeb, almightycthulhu, and several others)14:05
ikoniayup, just found it14:06
LjLoh you managed to ban cristi. good14:07
ikoniaban dodging 14:07
ikoniaso she went14:07
LjLikonia: ban dodging? who was she?14:07
bazhangsaw her quit and leave #kubuntu a bit ago14:08
ikoniaLjL: same person14:08
bazhangerr join and14:08
ikoniaLjL: there was a ban on *!*@host-static-92-115-23-101.moldtelecom.md  and cristi_!n=cristi@host-static-92-115-23-101.moldtelecom.md 14:09
ikoniaLjL: it was here again 14:09
LjLah yes i see now14:09
Myrttiubot3: info pastebinit14:21
ubot3Package pastebinit does not exist in intrepid14:21
gnomefreakyes it does or was that just from PPA14:32
gnomefreak!info pastebinit14:32
ubottupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10-1 (intrepid), package size 9 kB, installed size 88 kB14:32
Myrttignomefreak: the bot is broken14:32
gnomefreakMyrtti: there you go :)14:32
gnomefreaki see that14:32
Myrttiubot3: info apt-get14:32
ubot3Package apt-get does not exist in intrepid14:32
* Myrtti wipes popeys screen clean with the screen wipe pig15:13
popey\o/ bacon15:13
Myrtti*SQUEAAK* *SQUEAAK* squeaky clean screens15:14
ikoniapopey: out of interest how did you get on with that web radio guy the other day ?15:14
popeycant remember actually15:15
ikoniano biggy, just curious15:15
ikonialeft after he started speaking other languages, so was curious to if he came back around15:15
ikoniaI think that may have been my fault, I had to resetart the machine one of the floodbots runs on 15:18
ikoniarestart even15:18
ikoniasorry meant to say that in -irc my client borked again15:19
ikoniathe screen didn't change from #ubuntu-irc so I thought I was still there15:19
ikoniaLjL: +o #ubuntu15:38
Myrttiubot3: info aptitude15:42
ubot3Package aptitude does not exist in intrepid15:42
naliothMyrtti: how about a PM?  i am answering in two channels :p15:46
Myrttia) ubot3 is not at #ubuntu-irc15:46
Myrttib) I don't know how to make it pipe that into pm15:46
naliothwell, ljl 'splained it pretty well15:47
naliothgive me a second to look into the guts15:47
* Myrtti grunts and sods off back to work15:47
PiciMyrtti: info will not be piped or redirected, not even ubottu supports that.15:47
LjLubotu did, though15:47
LjL!info kde > ljl15:48
ubottukde (source: meta-kde): the K Desktop Environment official modules. In component universe, is optional. Version 5:48ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 7 kB, installed size 40 kB15:48
MyrttiPici: which is why I didn't even try15:48
LjLnone of the current ones do15:48
LjLubotwo might, but then ubotwo doesn't have !info at all15:48
PiciWell.. it doesn't now, nor has it for a while. I'm not sure when or why or how it changed.15:48
MyrttiI'm clearly not compatible with IRC today15:48
MyrttiI'm just getting bad tempered and grouchy15:48
naliothubot3: info aptitude15:55
ubot3aptitude: terminal-based package manager. In component main, is standard. Version (intrepid), package size 1460 kB, installed size 8772 kB15:55
naliothMyrtti: the li'l varmint was playing hooky15:55
ikoniabruenig in #ubuntu now16:00
PiciYes. hes not banned.16:01
LjLhe's always in #ubuntu16:01
ikoniaPici: nope - didn't say he was, but he's been acting like a jerk in other ubuntu channel latley 16:01
Piciikonia: Which one?16:01
ikonia#ubuntu-woment 16:01
LjLthat's because he is a jerk16:01
ikoniaand he was in #archlinux-offtopic with his buddies telling them to troll #ubuntu 16:01
LjLhowever, he's usually careful not to say bannable stuff in #ubuntu16:02
Piciikonia: He always does that16:02
ikoniayes, concur 16:02
ikoniaI guess the obvious question is why is someone who instigates trouble for the #ubuntu channel allowed to lurk 16:03
LjLikonia: what exactly do we have as proof that he instigates trouble?16:05
ikoniasitting in #archlinux-offtopic telling people to go and troll ?16:05
ikonialogs from #ubuntu-women making sexual references 16:05
LjLikonia: i meant as in logs16:05
ikoniaooh right16:05
LjLlogs from #ubuntu-women aren't applicable to #ubuntu16:05
ikoniaI did have logs until I had to bounce my server the other day 16:06
LjLikonia: also, ask yourself - will banning him stop him from *instigating* other people?16:06
ikoniajrib is in there 16:06
LjLor will he do it more?16:06
ikoniaLjL: probably not16:06
LjLikonia: jrib's not the only one in there, for that matter16:06
ikoniaLjL: I understand what you're saying16:06
ikoniaLjL: no, I just saw jrib16:06
LjL!no list is <reply> This is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »16:29
ubottuI'll remember that LjL16:29
PiciLjL: Are you sure you don't want to have it reply in Italian?16:33
* Myrtti slaps Pici 16:33
LjLPici: no i'm not, but i think that would be a racist thing to do.16:33
naliothMyrtti: the ubot3 is back on track16:34
Myrttinalioth: noted16:34
ikonia. !lista is  "theese is nota wareza channel."16:34
PiciLjL: Er. I didn't mean it to be.... 16:34
MyrttiCIAO A TUTTI!16:34
ikoniabella bella 16:34
Myrttiooh, colours!16:34
LjLPici: it's ok, it's just a fact that 95% of those calls are from italians.16:34
Myrtti helloooooo16:34
LjLPici: but some problems you can't really work around like this anyway16:35
LjLyou have to go to the root16:35
LjLask yourself some questions16:35
LjLlike, "why hasn't an H-bomb been dropped on italy yet?"16:37
MyrttiLjL: cut the italian backbone to the Interhwebs?16:37
LjLMyrtti: that might work, but then they might use phone modems to dial up abroad16:37
* Myrtti huggles LjL16:37
MyrttiLjL: I lieks u16:37
LjLMyrtti: then i must be a weird exception, like afterdeath16:37
LjL(whois afterdeath)16:37
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, Seveas said: !snuxoll =~ s/^/<reply> /16:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about snuxoll16:39
ubottusnuxoll is will slay you!  http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/9678/snuxolldragonslayer.png16:39
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, dmsuperman said: !snuxoll is <reply> snuxoll shall slay you! http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/9678/snuxolldragonslayer.png16:40
LjL!no snuxoll-#ubuntu-offtopic is <reply> snuxoll will slay you using seveas!   http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/9678/snuxolldragonslayer.png16:40
ubottuI'll remember that LjL16:40
Myrtti"using Seveas, the unholy sword of +5/-1"16:40
LjLi was thinking the dragon16:41
Myrttiohmgh can't stop giggling16:41
PiciI thought he was the mushroom butterfly face16:41
LjLMyrtti: try slapping your face, if that doesn't work, a hammer16:41
PiciSlapping a hammer?16:42
LjLPici: well, no. not what i meant.16:42
* Myrtti rolls her eyes16:56
sebsebsebhummmm  thought I might end up in here.  well not my fault that ikonia wanted an argument this morning, about me saying that the version of Firefox in Ubuntu  is not offical,  because it's not the Linux version that is directly from Mozilla.  maybe it is offical, but it's still not the version directly from Mozilla.  maybe that's what I should say instead of saying that it's unofficial17:40
ikoniasebsebseb: thats not why you where banned17:40
ikoniasebsebseb: you where on thin ice, you have been on thin ice then you started calling people morons and ranting17:40
sebsebsebikonia: yeah I reolize it's since  I called people morons that I got kicked,  sorry about that, but people get angry.17:41
ikoniano - you get angry 17:41
ikoniaand you miss-informed people17:41
ikoniano-one was at fault other than yourself17:41
ikoniaand this is not the first time you've done it - as I said you where skating on thin ince17:41
ikoniathe fact that you've come in here with a smart mouth attitude saying people wanted arguments futher backs this up17:42
ikoniasebsebseb: I'd suggest if you want to rejoin the ubuntu channel you have a read through the code of conduct and the guidelines for how to behave in ubuntu and think more about what you say 17:43
sebsebsebikonia: ok well that's not really true, but you did want to  point it out that  it's  offical?17:43
ikoniasebsebseb: because it is17:43
ikoniasebsebseb: telling people ubuntus firefox build is not official is miss-leading17:43
ikoniasebsebseb: telling them the official version is on mozilla.com guides them to download something they don't need17:43
ikoniathats why I tried to find out what you meant by different - then made it clear it was "official"17:44
ikonianothing to do with wanting an agrument - more to do with you talking nonsense and guiding users to potentially problematic solutions17:44
sebsebsebwell  not really to do with it, but I get problems with the Ubuntu version, so I wonder if the version from Mozilla itself would work better17:45
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/17:45
ikoniasebsebseb: ok - so you wondering if the mozilla build is better is different than telling people "the ubuntu release is not official, the official release is on mozllia.org"17:46
ikoniasebsebseb: and when someone queries you about it - saying "it's different" as though it's fact is not the same as "I don't know, I just wonder"17:46
LjLsebsebseb, you may want to rethink your general attitude about #ubuntu anyway. i've observed several instances of at least dubious behavior from your part17:46
ikoniasebsebseb: I'm sorry to be as direct with you as I am being, but I'm trying to make it crystal clear to you what the problem is, as you don't seem to be able to respond with out a weak argument for why you're right or think you're right17:47
sebsebsebikonia: actsualley  I can see from the chat log what happended, and why I got kicked,  and defintly after I got angry and called people morons,  well if I was the op I would have kicked me as well17:48
ikoniasebsebseb: the reason you got angry though was because people where confused/questioning what you where saying17:48
ikoniathey where confused / questioning it because you where making it up17:49
sebsebsebikonia: yep and coudn't really back it up with proper facts hummmmm17:49
ikoniayou backed it up with no facts17:49
ikoniaas you've just said in here "you wondered"17:49
sebsebsebI think should have been more clear.  it may be "offical", but it's not the actsaul Linux version from Mozilla17:49
ikoniayes it is17:50
ikoniasebsebseb: you're still not listening17:50
ikoniait's the same source as mozilla's17:50
ikoniait's just packaged by the distribution17:50
ikoniamozilla.org's is just packaged in a binary format17:50
sebsebsebwith some very minor changes in that case.  for example  the user agent string mentions the Ubuntu version it runs on.17:50
ikoniasebsebseb: you're still going on 17:50
ikoniathe user agent is not a change 17:50
PiciDoes it matter? 17:51
LjLit would be according to mozilla.org17:51
sebsebsebPici: no17:51
ikoniaPici: no it doesn't17:51
LjLanyway, #ubuntu is #ubuntu, and something is official in #ubuntu if it's official in Ubuntu17:51
sebsebsebLjL: yeah that makes sense17:51
ikoniasebsebseb: did it not occur to you to clarify when 3 - 4 people where saying "it's the same product" ?17:52
sebsebseb,but indeed saying what I was saying, is confussing to  users17:52
sebsebseband  I woudn't normalley recommend people to get the Linux version directly from Mozilla, because Ubuntu's version tends to work.17:53
ikoniathen why do it ?17:53
ikoniasebsebseb: I've got to go now, I'll remove the ban for you from ubuntu - but please think about what you say to people and how you respond to people when they question a comment - especially if you don't really know if you're comment is true or false17:56
sebsebsebikonia: ok thank you17:56
ikoniasebsebseb: the bans removed, but as I and the others have said - this is not the first time, and you've not heeded the warnings before, I'd request and advise you to take this as a serious warning 17:58
sebsebsebikonia: warnings hummmmm17:58
ikoniasebsebseb: yes, warnings, what part is not clear ?17:58
sebsebsebikonia: I think maybe I   miss certain warnings or something17:59
ikoniasebsebseb: people have spoke to you - myself included17:59
ikoniasebsebseb: and you've been removed from the channel before - I'd take that as a warning17:59
sebsebsebikonia: once or twice  some time last year yeah17:59
ikoniaa few times in the past month17:59
ikoniayes 18:00
sebsebsebactasully yeah now I remember at least once.  and I came back, and said did I get kicked18:00
sebsebsebpretty sure only once from the channel.  so either someone is faking my name.   or  well  I could get this name identifyed again, but people can still use it if they really want to hummmmm18:01
ikoniaI'd request and strongly suggest you take on board the advice given to you today 18:01
ikoniasebsebseb: no-one is faking it 18:01
ikoniasebsebseb: I have spoken to you before18:01
ubottuUnsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...18:01
LjLin case you haven't reviewed all these before18:01
sebsebseb,but the host names will  show  to the ops and everyone else anyway#18:01
LjLespecially the guidelines and CoC of course18:01
ikoniasebsebseb: no-one is faking it, I asssure you18:01
ikoniasebsebseb: rather than arguing it, I'd apprieciate you following the advice given 18:01
LjLsebsebseb: people can't use your nickname if it's registered and set to enforce18:02
LjLnot for any longer than 30 seconds anyway18:02
sebsebsebLjL: how to set to enforce, when I get a new password?18:02
LjLsebsebseb: /ns help set enforce18:02
sebsebsebprobably no one wants to fake my name, but  there could be18:03
sebsebseboff topic, but a few people have complained to me at how  #ubuntu  IRC is so strict, and about the rules that have to be followed and so on.   well  I guess it's a good thing, since such a popular channel.  and  we don't want trolls and so on 18:05
ikoniathanks for showing us another weak argument and how right you are to break the rules 18:06
LjLpeople always complain about channel rules one way or the other. they're too strict, they're too loose, they're too specific, they're too generic18:06
ikoniasebsebseb: did you listen to everything that was said above ?18:06
sebsebsebikonia: I didn't mean like that18:06
sebsebsebikonia: hence why I also put off topic, and maybe it was a bad time to say that18:06
sebsebsebLjL: agreed18:06
ikoniaI must leave18:07
ikoniasebsebseb: please please please, take care in the channel in future 18:07
sebsebsebikonia: ok18:07
LjL(meh, if someone says "qualcuno parla ITALIANO", how can you seriously give them !es)18:07
sebsebseblast time I was here, I was told to part so soon after  being done with the issue, but now I notice a few people are lurking in here18:09
LjLsebsebseb: not really18:09
sebsebsebLjL: well they seem to be away and they are not ops18:10
LjLsebsebseb: they are ops, or bots.18:10
sebsebsebSportChick is a bot????18:10
LjLSportChick is freenode staff.18:10
sebsebseboh you get some actsaul freenode staff in here to18:10
sebsebsebfor some reason18:10
sebsebsebwhich is?18:10
LjL... none of your business?18:10
sebsebsebright well leaving18:11
sebsebsebthis channel18:11
LjLsebsebseb: anyway, all freenode staff are ops in #ubuntu18:12
naliothfreenode staff are ops in lots of channels18:13
sebsebsebnot all  of them though18:13
PiciThey're people too... or at least they say they are.18:13
LjLPici: i do find that part dubious18:13
sebsebsebmakes sense to have some freenode ops in  #Ubuntu as well, since so popualr18:13
naliothsebsebseb: don't let us keep you18:17
sebsebsebnalioth: uh ok18:17
LjL@mark #ubuntu-ops sebsebseb18:19
ubottuThe operation succeeded.18:19
Seeker`how long until people start complaining google is down I wonder19:27
Piciworks for me.19:29
Seeker`not for everyone19:30
Seeker`Page load error here19:30
Seeker`and for a few other people19:30
ubottuIn ubottu, soussou_ said: it is my first time to use this channel19:30
* Pici tries to resist spamming !patience in #ubuntu19:40
LjLwha, PFA20:13
rwwIn #ubuntu+1's banlist, c-68-57-223-4.hsd1.in.comcast.net = AlmightyCthulhu per http://www.google.com/search?q=c-68-57-223-4.hsd1.in.comcast.net , = DaemonFC per conversation here the other day, who is currently sitting in #ubuntu+1.20:27
ikoniarww: one moment please. 20:27
ikoniarww: I was looking into this this morning, so if you could give me a few minutes to just pickup where I left off20:30
rwwikonia: sure, no problem20:30
ikoniabazhang: are you awake also 20:32
ikoniarww: got it, I'll follow it up from here, thank you for providing the missing link20:36
rwwikonia: Alright, thanks :)20:36
jussi01ikonia: hi!20:37
ikoniahello there20:37
ikoniaFYI: I tried to contact daemondeb - trying to get him to be straight as I had a solid interaction with him in +1 today 20:46
ikoniahe admits to being AlmightyCthulhu which we knew, but I wanted him to admit it to try to clear the slate clean20:46
ikoniahe wouldn't admit it until I banned him20:46
ikoniatherefor still lies/timewasting20:47
LjLikonia: make that a @mark?20:47
ikoniajust FYI for the record20:47
ikoniaabout to do so20:47
ikonia@mark #ubuntu+1 daemondeb AlmightyCthulhu using another nick - gave a chance to try to wipe slate clean, lied about it, then owned up when caught. Still a liar/timewaster as before20:48
ubottuThe operation succeeded.20:48
LjLikonia: see #ubuntu-offtopic20:53
ikoniabetter ban mask20:54
ikoniaLjL: I'll update20:54
DaemonFCikonia LjL I'd like to know precisely what I've done20:54
LjLban evaded.20:54
ikoniaDaemonFC: you're ban doding as I explained in the PM20:54
LjLmy kick message said so.20:54
ikoniaDaemonFC: lets not waste any more time20:54
DaemonFCif the ban expires and I come back20:54
DaemonFCI did not evade anything20:54
LjLthe ban has not expired.20:54
LjLand you changed your ident.20:55
LjLthat is called, "ban evasion".20:55
DaemonFChow is that?20:55
ubotturww called the ops in #ubuntu (Hansum: trolling)20:55
DaemonFCsometimes my IP changes, my ISP has a pool that it uses as a transparent proxy20:55
DaemonFCyou'll ban a lot of this region20:55
LjLmeh, you changed your ident, you aren't fooling anyone20:55
LjLyes, that's a risk i'm willing to take20:56
LjLthanks for pointing it out, though20:56
DaemonFCwell, enjoy your horrible political documents20:56
DaemonFCand your butt kissing20:56
LjL@mark #ubuntu-ops daemonfc +1 to a permban from me20:57
ubottuThe operation succeeded.20:57
ikoniaI can't be bothered with him, I tried to be straight with him and he just messed me around20:59
ikoniaspeak to freenode about multi-ban evading20:59
LjLikonia: well, they can k-line comcast as much as i can ban it21:00
LjLi.e. they can't21:00
ikoniano of course not, but they may have a better way to deal with it for example21:00
ikoniaonly a suggestion21:00
LjL[22:43:23] *** irc.freenode.net sets mode: +b sebsebseb!*@*!#ubuntu-ops <- desync21:43
LjLGrant-A: hi21:43
Grant-AI believe that about 2 weeks ago yesterday, you guys started evaluating my behavior in #ubuntu-offtopic to see if I was good enough to return to #ubuntuforums21:43
Grant-AWas I good enough to return?21:44
LjLhm, most of us here have very little to do with #ubuntuforums21:44
Seeker`hi Azag how can we help you21:57
LjLAzag: we don't manage the spanish channels21:58
AzagI was a Ubuntu user more that 1 year, and now when I want to do back the help that Ubuntu give me I can't21:59
LjLAzag: take it up with the #ubuntu-es ops. you can find who they are by doing /msg chanserv access #ubuntu-es list22:00
LjLor just wait patiently in #ubuntu-irc22:00
AzagLjL: you are a OP lol22:00
Grant-APuedo que #ubuntu-irc tiene la ayuda quiere, usted22:00
LjLAzag: yes, i am, but i'm not authorized to remove or review any bans.22:00
Azag(18:00:25) ChanServ: (notice) 5     LjL                    +votriRA [modified ? ago]22:01
Azag(a toy op?)22:01
Azagmejor hablemos español no?22:01
naliothAzag: freenode-staff is listed on many ACLs as well, but i doubt they have anything to do with the channels where they're listed22:01
LjLthis channel is english speaking22:01
AzagLjL: I don't care very much, but I was with the intension to give back the help that Ubuntu-Es give me22:02
LjLAzag: and we can't do anything about that here.22:02
Azagwhen the ban finish anyone say me22:04
LjL(besides, i lied, i *am* technically a fully privileged op in -es... but, meh)22:05
jussi01!idle | Grant-A22:05
ubottuGrant-A: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.22:05
LjLGrant-A: as to your enquiry would you kindly wait for an answer in #ubuntu-irc? this channel isn't really related to #ubuntuforums22:06
Grant-AI was just waiting for an op there to come here22:06
LjLjdong, pricey, above22:06
LjLthe grant-a part, not the azag part22:06
LjLah, pricey's still split22:07
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhnag
=== bazhnag is now known as bazhang
LjLbazhang can't type his own nickname22:18
LjLbazhang can't type his own nickname22:18
LjL♫ bazhang can't type his own nickname ♬22:19
LjLPriceChild: grant-a wanted #ubuntuforums ops, i've sent him to -irc22:23
PriceChildJust sorting out a few things. any chance of a backlog in pastebin if at all interesting?22:26
LjLPriceChild, it was basically just this22:26
LjL[22:43:01] <Grant-A> hello22:26
LjL[22:43:42] <LjL> Grant-A: hi22:26
LjL[22:43:48] <Grant-A> I believe that about 2 weeks ago yesterday, you guys started evaluating my behavior in #ubuntu-offtopic to see if I was good enough to return to #ubuntuforums22:26
LjL[22:44:22] <Grant-A> Was I good enough to return?22:27
PriceChildErm :/22:27
LjLbesides, i have no idea who told him that stuff about -offtopic22:27
PriceChildwhat stuff about -offtopic?22:27
LjLPriceChild: who told him that we were evaluating his behavior there22:28
PriceChildWas that discussed in here/22:28
LjLi dunno22:28
PriceChildi'm out of hte loop with it22:28
LjLno recent BT comments about him22:29
=== PriceChild is now known as pricey
=== pricey is now known as Pricey
* Myrtti yawns22:44
bazhangits early here LjL gimme a break :)22:44
bazhangbleh off to work.22:45
* Myrtti loooooves her screenwipe piggie22:49
ikoniaLjL: grant-a makes things up23:25
ikoniaLjL: that's one of the reasons he got banned he reads into conversations what HE wants then states it as fact23:25
LjLikonia: is he a friend of emma's?23:26
ikoniasame sort of thing23:26
ikoniahe's referencing offtopic as it was mentioned to him that one of the reasons he would not be unbanned from #ubuntuforums on his last request was his behaviour in #ubuntu-offtopic (he was kicked/warned a few times as I recall) showed he could still not grasp the rules23:27
ikoniahe's now taken that to mean "we are monitoring you as of day $X"23:27
ikoniaand is stating it as fact23:27
ikoniahe normally quotes logs - with miss-leading context/lines missing to backup his fantasy stories23:27
ikoniaeg: jdong you are an arse23:28
ikoniaeg: <jdong> your attitude is not needed23:28
LjLikonia: what's factually inaccurate in that statement?23:29
ikonia<grant-a> jdong is hassleing me about my attitude23:29
ikoniahe forgets to mention that he caused the situation 23:29
ikoniafamous for it he's been in this channel asking for jdong and others to be hauled over the coals for picking on him23:29
ikoniathen quotes half baked logs23:29
ikoniaLjL: I'll let that comment slide over my head23:30
LjLmhm, ok23:30
LjL@mark #ubuntu-ops Grant-A May want to look at this log for some comments about his general behavior23:31
ubottuThe operation succeeded.23:31
=== Pricey is now known as PriceChild
=== PriceChild is now known as Pricey

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