
cjwatsonstgraber: you aren't low on disk space in the virtual machine or something are you?00:00
stgraber2.4G free00:00
cjwatsonstgraber: 'sudo debconf-loadtemplate oem-config /var/lib/dpkg/info/oem-config.templates' should allow you to proceed, but this is very weird00:00
stgrabercjwatson: want the installer syslog ?00:00
cjwatsonwhatever it may be, this is unlikely to be an oem-config bug00:01
cjwatsonthis may not absolve it from being my problem ...00:02
stgrabercjwatson: http://www.stgraber.org/download/oem-syslog00:02
stgraberoops, 40300:02
cjwatsoncan you attach it to the bug please?00:02
cjwatsonlikewise the templates.dat00:02
stgraberdone, both are attached00:03
cjwatsonno indication of problems in that log00:05
stgraberanything else that could help debugging it ?00:11
cjwatsona time machine :)00:12
cjwatsonI'm doing a test install now to see if it's reproducible for me00:12
slangasekupdated alternates posted00:33
cjwatsonstgraber: hmm. reproduced.00:36
cjwatsonthis is a bit scary00:36
* cjwatson tries with debconf debugging cranked up00:37
cjwatsonslangasek: I'm very worried about debconf's correctness at this point00:38
cjwatsonbut debconf hasn't changed relevantly since 19 Feb00:39
slangasekthe passthrough joy wouldn't be involved here?00:39
cjwatsonoh, that change didn't get into Ubuntu until more like 4 Mar00:39
cjwatsonwell, passthrough is certainly involved00:39
cjwatsonbut it ought to have its own database in /target and save that separately00:39
slangasekMar 4 still puts it before alpha6; I'm sure we had OEM tests at that time00:40
cjwatsonI wonder if my change of 21 Mar is broken :-(00:40
cjwatsonit seems like the most likely candidate00:40
cjwatsonI don't understand how though; in-target unsets DEBIAN_HAS_FRONTEND00:42
slangasekfeasible to do a local revert and test?00:46
* slangasek runs out for a bit00:46
cjwatsonslangasek: yes, but I'd like to get to the bottom of this00:49
cjwatsonI appreciate the urgency, not going to bed until I've made progress00:49
cjwatsonhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/136374/ I think that's the fix00:56
cjwatsonor something like that, going to get coffee00:56
cjwatsonhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/136384/ probably better01:23
cjwatsonslangasek: fix is in lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/debconf/ubuntu, but I want to do a few test passes before uploading if that's OK01:56
slangasekI'll be up later than you regardless, can see it through once it's uploaded :)02:04
slangasekI assume we want to reroll all images for this02:05
slangasek(even if it only affects oem-config)02:06
cjwatsonit definitely affects all alternate and server CDs; everything installed by tasksel has all of its debconf state entirely forgotten02:07
slangasekthat makes the choice easy, anyway :)02:07
cjwatsonI haven't yet thought of a way in which desktop CDs could be affected directly02:07
slangasekother than via oem-config?02:08
cjwatsonoem-config is just a victim here02:08
cjwatsonit only breaks because its templates aren't installed02:08
cjwatsonI say everything installed by tasksel; I actually mean everything installed after base-installer02:09
cjwatsonoem-config as installed from ubiquity should be fine02:09
cjwatsonthe bug is specifically in debconf-apt-progress, which isn't used by ubiquity02:09
cjwatsonof course, if you installed a system with ubiquity, and then ran tasksel by hand before upgrading, you would find that the packages you installed were installed without proper debconf state02:10
cjwatsonso not a direct installation breakage, but not out of the realm of possibility02:11
cjwatsonsorry for this, it's entirely my fault02:11
slangasekit happens02:14
slangasekonce every six months, in one form or another. ;)02:14
cjwatsondoesn't mean I have to be happy about contributing to it :)02:17
slangasekok, we're gonna run out to dinner now; back in an hour or so02:17
slangasekhmm, wonder what bug #347452 is about, cking linked it from his ISO test but it's private02:18
ubot4slangasek: Bug 347452 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/347452 is private02:18
slangasek(this is me making a mental note :)02:18
cjwatsonI've asked pgraner02:20
cjwatsonin case he's up02:20
cjwatsonok, alternate install looks ok with that, although I accidentally ran it in normal mode rather than OEM mode - but the debconf db looks sane02:35
cjwatsontrying a server OEM install now02:35
* cjwatson screws up his test and restarts :(03:09
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slangasekcjwatson: how's it look now?03:50
slangasekis there anything you want me to help test?03:51
cjwatsonjust uploading the fix now04:05
cjwatsonalternate seemed to DTRT and server OEM performed as before04:05
cjwatson(i.e. still slightly buggy because of reshow handling but the actual debconf passthrough is working fine)04:06
cjwatsonand it's usable04:06
cjwatsonslangasek: I'm going to bed now - please SMS me on my mobile number in the directory if there's a problem with that debconf upload, and if you're quick you'll probably catch me before I get to sleep ;)04:15
cjwatsonI May Be Some Time04:15
aragood morning all :)07:11
slangasekfull set of beta candidate images should be up now, with the exception of ubuntu server and ubuntustudio which are rebuilding now07:21
slangasek(the debconf package will be out-of-date on the liveCD/DVD images, but the bug is believed not to affect those and we don't have jigdo to worry about, so I'm ignoring that)07:22
slangasekara: morning07:22
araslangasek: good morning :-)07:22
sbeattieslangasek: what issue is fixed by debconf?07:25
slangaseksbeattie: the debconf database on the installed system was pooched if you used any d-i based install method07:25
slangasekhmm, actually, I suppose that means we want the DVDs rerolled (ISO only, not livefs)07:26
slangaseksince you can do an alternate install from there07:26
sbeattieahh, I'm guessing that is why I got debconf questions repeated when installing from the server image?07:28
* ara starts syncing the ISOs07:30
slangasekubuntustudio, ubuntu-server posted07:55
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aramorning davmor208:23
davmor2Morning ara08:24
mvohey! we used instructions in the wiki what post-install test to perform - did that page moved, I seem to be unable to find it08:28
mvoI have a intern right now that I would like to assign some testing tasks :)08:29
aramvo, yes it was moved to the new wiki08:30
aramvo: this is a good test plan to start with http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Plans/PRTP08:31
mvoara: nice, thaks08:32
mvothanks even08:32
aramvo: :)08:33
arahas anyone experienced with the latest updates some widgets not correctly rendered?08:40
davmor2ara which ones?08:47
aradavmor2: specially scale widgets08:48
arai.e. volume up and down, or totem progress widgets08:48
davmor2ara: no but I am having issues with sound again,  goes off to look at the updates08:49
davmor2Meh now I have no sound :(08:56
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davmor2Hi heno :)11:48
henohey davmor2 :)11:48
stgraberhey heno, davmor212:11
davmor2stgraber: Dude morning12:11
* ara is installling alternate-i386 in Spanish 12:33
* ara goes for lunch while alternate is installing12:34
faderdavmor2: So you said it's okay to report the same bug on multiple spins of an image, just not on two test plans on the same spin of the image, right?12:41
fader(Also, good morning/afternoon :) )12:42
pedro_hey hey ;-)12:43
* pedro_ doing kubuntu i38612:44
davmor2fader: Right it's okay on different spins.  as only the current spin will be looked at.  It's also fine on i386 and amd64 or across desktops so kubuntu and ubuntu or across install methods so alternate and desktop does that help12:44
faderdavmor2: Cool, thanks.12:45
davmor2just not multiples on the same image so no to live session and desktop install or alternate manual and alternate whole drive (if that makes sense) afternoon12:45
faderYep, makes sense. :)12:53
davmor2fader: also if your doing the same test as someone else and they have reported the same bug as you want to then just add a note to say you were affect by bug 123456 too12:53
ubot4Launchpad bug 123456 in xine-lib "podcast crashes amarok" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12345612:53
davmor2fader: 123456 was meant as an example not a real bug :(12:56
faderdavmor2: Yeah, that's what I figured... ubot4 isn't that bright.12:56
faderThough now I'm tempted to try to get the bugs I report to have cool numbers.12:56
davmor2you might wait a while :)12:56
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davmor2cgregan: morning14:07
cgreganmorning davmor214:07
cgreganfinish beta tests before dawn?14:08
davmor2no I knocked off at 10:34 I think around then anyway :)14:08
davmor2cgregan: I then restarted again this morning after the re-spin :)14:09
cgreganyou're a machine! :-)14:09
davmor2cgregan: You might think that but in reality no I just enjoy what I do :)14:13
cgregan:-)  hey....me too!14:14
cgreganseems to be alot of that going around here14:15
davmor2\o/ Yay14:15
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henostgraber: were you planning to request DB updates with the new test case links (on the old server install)?14:57
henoif now we can put in wiki redirects14:57
mvois it expected that the iso tracker has only kubuntu upgrades in the testing category?15:41
arahey nags15:52
nagshi ara15:54
davmor2mvo: sorry missed your post no it isn't16:12
davmor2slangasek: is there any reason that the other upgrade tests aren't up?16:13
=== fader is now known as fader|lunch
plarsstgraber: Are you the person to talk to if I'd like to add some tests to the UNR section on iso testing tracker?17:31
stgraberyes although we don't have UNR on the website yet :)17:31
stgraberplars: just sent another mail to Henirk to know about the status of our migration to the QA server, at the moment I don't have an up to date DB dump and don't have any idea on what server we're on so can't prepare an update at this point.17:36
stgraberIt'll be a lot easier when I get a new DB dump and know that we aren't in the middle of a migration to another server.17:37
plarsstgraber: UNR is on the list of builds, there just aren't any tests linked under it17:38
plarsstgraber: I was actually thinking about something similar to ubuntu-desktop, minus a few bits and plus some aditional sniff tests for the things in the favoites menu17:38
stgraberhmm, then somebody other than I played with the DB17:39
stgrabermaking things even worse :)17:40
stgraberI don't have access to that DB and without an up to date dump can't prepare an update for IS. (And don't know who's manually playing with it without asking me first ...)17:40
plarsstgraber: ok, meanwhile, for some of the tests I need to actually get posted, are you the person to do that also?17:50
davmor2stgraber: blame slangasek but for now I was told to use mid I think17:52
stgraberexcept IS I don't know of anybody who can add record to that DB17:52
stgraberwe can't add tests from the web, it requires access to the server and for now almost nobody does ...17:52
davmor2stgraber: slangasek had something to do with it but I don't know how much17:55
stgraberhi heno, got my mail ?17:56
henostgraber: yes, do you need me to ping IS about a DB dump?17:57
stgraberheno: would be good, a UNR build also appeared of nowhere maybe done by slangasek ... I'll have to drop that and rename MID instead (IIRC it's the one to rename)17:58
henostgraber: ok, will do17:58
stgraberheno: also ping IS about fixing python-launchpad-bugs, bug bubble are currently broken ...17:58
stgraber(well, they're for a while now)17:59
henoas in update to latest version, right?17:59
stgraberI don't use any fancy stuff, so just updating it should work18:00
=== fader|lunch is now known as fader
plarsstgraber: rename MID to UNR?18:01
stgraberhmm, UMPC sorry18:02
stgraberUpdate URLs to testcases.qa.ubuntu.com18:02
stgraber• Rename UMPC to Netbook18:02
stgraber• Dropping Kubuntu KDE418:02
stgraberthat's my current list18:02
stgraber(Netbook being UNR)18:02
plarsstgraber: ah, ok18:03
plarsstgraber: what do you need from me then?18:03
stgraberplars: would be great if you could provide me the diff between UMPC and UNR. So I'll do these changes after I rename UMPC to UNR.18:05
plarsstgraber: what I'm currently thinking to add is: install (entire disk),  install (oem setup), live (with the addition of sniff testing of favorites menu items)18:05
plarsstgraber: there are currently no tests listed under umpc or unr18:05
stgraberhmm, not having any UMPC on the site doesn't help to get the list of testcases :)18:05
stgraberyeah, just noticed :)18:05
* lool waves18:07
plarsstgraber: most of them can link to the same testcases used by desktop I think, with the exception of the tests I mentioned to do a quick check of things in the favorites menu on UNR from live boot18:07
plarsstgraber: I need to know how to add those in though18:07
loolstgraber: Yes, slangasek added UNR recently18:07
loolstgraber: Why do we care renaming UMPC instead of dropping it?18:08
stgraberwe can drop it too, it's just more SQL :)18:08
loolplars: I think slangasek can do that (add links), he was asking which links to actually use18:09
stgraberand I was initially asked to rename it (by slangasek IIRC)18:09
loolstgraber: Ok; perhaps slangasek and you should work it out18:09
stgraberlool: yes, would be great, usually everytime IS does an update I get a new DB dump so I can prepare next updates, if people start doing that by hand I'll likely break something in the near future.18:09
stgraberslangasek: ^18:09
loolplars: Could you just feed stgraber/slangasek with the final list of test case names + links?  use different URLs for test cases which you need to specialize for UNR; perhaps you should also use different URLs for testcases which are identical, and use redirects in these test cases18:10
stgraberplars: I'd prefer different testcases with redirects to existing ones, will make it easier if they have to differ at some point18:10
plarssure, no problem18:11
loolOk, I don't think I'm needed; happy to help if I can, but it seems it's about sorting out DB changes from various people at this point :)18:11
stgraberyeah, changes to the ISO tracker have been sort of frozen since before last UDS so there are a lot of changes to do ... it just should have been done a lot earlier (things got a lot longer than expected)18:12
slangasekdavmor2: other upgrade tests> well, I didn't add the ones that are up, and I got done at 3am last night so didn't add them :)18:17
slangasekdavmor2: up now18:17
davmor2slangasek: cool ta18:17
davmor2slangasek: was it you who got unr on the tracker18:18
slangasekstgraber: the DB changes were made by IS on my request18:18
slangasekdavmor2: no, MID != UNR18:18
slangasekstgraber: MID != UNR, do not rename it18:18
stgraberslangasek: was talking about UMPC not MID (too much abreviations)18:19
slangasekI was opting not to rename UMPC in case we wanted to be able to go back and look at historical tests under the other name; but by this point half of what's recorded as UMPC was actually rolled under the name UNR <shrug>18:20
stgraberI'm fine with both18:20
stgraberheno: can it be made clear with IS that when they do a change they send me a new DB dump ? it's the only way I have to prepare updates not having access to the server or the DB.18:21
henostgraber: I'll let them know18:30
plarsheno: I'm looking at some of the UNR related that were previously out there (i.e. http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Testing/Cases/UNRinstall).  That one would work to point to for an install testcase, but it doesn't seem to follow the same format with the xxx-### test names and goes into a lot more detail.18:34
plarsshould that one be redone to follow the other format, or as I write others, should they follow the same format as UNRinstall?  Which is the current way we are doing things?18:34
henoplars: they should be redone in the new format18:45
henoplars: if you have cycles for it that would be appreciated :)18:46
plarsheno: and the new format is the one like the link I posted? or the others?18:46
henoplars: the one described here: http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/CaseAndPlanGuidelines18:47
plarsheno: ok, thanks18:47
plarsheno: ah, one more thing, how do we ensure that we don't stomp on someone elses testcase number?  Is there a master list somewhere?  The naming convention seems to be some freedom in the naming other than the format itself18:49
slangasekstgraber: do you have enough information at this point to get UNR test cases added to the DB, if that's what we're doing?18:51
slangasekor, if you want to rename UMPC, can you go ahead with doing that?18:52
stgraberslangasek: I'll keep it and add the testcases, but I need a DB dump first as I need the IDs for each of the products and testcases18:52
stgraberslangasek: heno asked for one18:53
slangasekI can see that having a db dump would make things easier; I wouldn't have stopped halfway if I'd had that information :)18:54
stgraberwhen I get one, I'll load it in my local postgresql server, do the changes, make sure everything works and that we've all needed testcases, then get a .sql output and ask IS to do it18:54
stgraberslangasek: well, it was discussed that I'd get access to the DB directly but it's not the case at the moment so still have to do it the longer way.18:54
slangasekstgraber: so if you're keeping it and adding the test cases, I think that still leaves the earlier question - do you have the list of test cases?18:57
stgraberslangasek: no, haven't had anyone asking directly for new testcases other than plars18:58
slangasekthose are the ones I mean18:58
stgraberI just have URL update, dropping KDE4 and adding UNR so far18:58
slangasekdropping KDE4 is already done18:58
stgraberfor UNR that's entire-disk, oem and live18:58
slangasekgreat, that's what I was looking to know :)18:59
stgraberslangasek: UNR is i386 only or both i386 and amd64 ?18:59
stgraberslangasek: any other arch to add (arm ?) ?19:00
slangasekUNR is i386-only19:00
slangasekARM needs to be added under netboot19:00
slangasekAFAIK that's the only ARM test case we have yet19:00
stgraberoh, we don't have any ARM image ?19:01
slangasekonly netboot19:01
slangasekwe don't have any target ARM hardware that can take CDs :)19:01
stgraberok, added to my note19:01
stgrabermathiaz: anything from your side ?19:01
davmor2stgraber: why is the splash different is it deliberate?19:10
davmor2on ltsp19:10
davmor2stgraber: not splash gdm19:28
davmor2login screen19:28
davmor2fader: can you pick on someone to do the dvd install while I carry on with neboot19:32
faderdavmor2: Sure, I'll see who I can find19:32
stgraberdavmor2: yes it's, it's not gdm but ldm19:34
davmor2Looks cool though :)19:34
davmor2and your right it's a doodle to test with 2 cards19:35
stgrabermain issue with ldm is that we can't change the text colour so the black background wouldn't have worked19:36
stgraberso I just asked on ubuntu-art for another one :)19:36
kenvandine_wkare there images available to test for UNR?19:43
slangasekyes, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook-remix/daily-live/20090324/19:49
* heno installs a bunch of intrepid VMs to do upgrade testing19:49
davmor2nice heno :)19:49
henoI'm finally done with all my calls for today so I can cozy up with some test boxes :)19:50
davmor2heno: :) wounder19:51
kenvandine_wkslangasek: thx!19:51
faderdavmor2: So as you see kenvandine was on his way over already :)  I'm trying to round up some folks for the kubuntu DVDs.  I can take a stab myself at the i386 ones but will still need to find someone to help with the amd64s.19:52
davmor2I can pick those up tomorrow19:53
faderdavmor2: I haven't given up on finding someone yet ;)19:54
kenvandine_wkslangasek: is the UNR not available with rsync?19:54
slangasekit should be19:58
davmor2stgraber: out of interest is shutdown and restart etc deliberately removed from fusa?20:28
stgraberdavmor2: yeah, thay don't work with LTSp20:29
stgraberdavmor2: instead you can have them as localapp (not documented yet and could be better integrated)20:29
davmor2I had a feeling it would be something like that :)20:30
stgraberdavmor2: it's shutdown/reboot the server so ... (if you have the rights to)20:30
kenvandine_wkslangasek: no... i got an invalid module error20:33
stgraberslangasek, heno: Got the dump, working on it now. (Well, I'm also supposed to work so won't be super-fast :))20:33
slangasekkenvandine_wk: you have to prepend the same path (ubuntu-cdimage?) that you do for all the other images20:35
kenvandine_wkslangasek: ah... that worked20:36
kenvandine_wkslangasek: thx!20:37
davmor2stgraber: if your knock tests off can you knock off netboot edubuntu please20:58
stgraberdavmor2: indeed21:05
stgraberwill do21:05
faderWow, who decided to make the DVD images so large? :)21:10
slangasekyou mean making them the size of DVDs?21:23
faderYeah, can't they be CD sized?  They'd download faster.21:24
slangasekyeah, blame the MPAA21:25
stgraberyeah, we'll get a performance boost at the same time as the testcase change :)21:42
stgraberjust cleared 3600000 php sessions :)21:42
stgraberslangasek: So netboot for ARM. All of them (ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu) or only ubuntu or something else ?21:55
slangasekonly ubuntu21:55
slangasekcleared PHP sessions?  does that mean I get to re-login again? :(21:55
stgraberno, only anonymous sessions (yeah Drupal is stupid keeping anonymous sessions in a DB)21:56
mathiazstgraber: hi - could you add the Raid1 test case to amd64 and i386 images? http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/ServerRAID121:57
stgrabermathiaz: sure21:57
davmor2stgraber: can you add freesoftware only to desktop too22:02
davmor2and a partridge in a pear tree22:03
faderDon't forget the pony!22:03
stgraberdavmor2: so dropping freesoftware from alternate ?22:05
stgraberor adding it to desktop ?22:05
davmor2stgraber: no just add it too desktop too22:05
stgraberok, will do22:05
stgraberall desktops or only Ubuntu ?22:06
davmor2let me check22:09
davmor2stgraber: I'd go for just Ubuntu22:11
davmor2its the only one listing it a an alternate install22:11
davmor2mathiaz: do you want the server stuff testing from netboot too?22:17
mathiazdavmor2: not needed for now.22:17
stgraberslangasek: So UMPC should be disabled right ? (as in hidden)22:20
slangasekif UNR is now available with test cases, yes22:20
stgraberit'll be with the same update22:20
davmor2slangasek: I'm on the home straight with the netboot installs.  So tomorrow I'll just hit what ever is left :)22:24
faderdavmor2: I'm working on i386 DVDs so you shouldn't have to hit that by tomorrow, at least for Ubuntu22:24
faderWe'll see if Kubuntu gets downloaded before I give up and go to bed or something.22:24
slangasekdavmor2: so I should respin everything after you've gone to bed, right? :-)22:25
davmor2slangasek: yeah, yeah give me something to do tomorrow right ;)22:25
tester_muhahahahahahahaha your channel is mine22:34
stgraberdavmor2: ? :)22:35
davmor2well you got to test these things and you get bored of this is just a test :)22:36
stgrabernot so bad, the DB optimization only needs 3m20 on my quadcore, that's to remove 3600000 records, vacuum and reindex22:39
stgraberDB going from 856MB to 197MB22:40
davmor2feels all poor and lowly with his dual cores22:45
stgraberwell, it's pretty rare I actually use all that power :)22:49
davmor2stgraber:  :)22:51
davmor2stgraber: by the way are you able to test amd64 bit edubuntu at all?22:58
davmor2Right slangasek I'm calling it a night I'll start killing off the stragglers tomorrow23:00
slangasekok, g'night23:00
faderdavmor2: goodnight!23:05
davmor2Right that's it see you all tomorrow :)23:06
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calebHhello all23:57
calebHI'm having a problem with evolution and connecting to an exchange server in Jaunty - is this the right place?23:58

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