
overriderhi, id like it so that when i boot up with my vga external 23inch monitor connected to my laptop, it will only use that screen. not dualhead or twinview. this laptop has an intel graphics card. right now, both laptop and external screen are on, with both the correct resolutions, but they mirror each other, even though in the display properties mirroring is unchecked. is there a guide to follow, or a better utility that will nicely setup my xor01:27
overrider /quit01:30
Dante123hi all, I installed xubuntu on a sony vaio rx550.  It works except for problem with fan running at full speed and resolution max is 800 x 600.  This same card (older nvidia agp) is capable of 1024 x768 and 1280x1024.  I think I have a fix for fan problem, but how do I set the resolution higher than 800 x 600?  (Must say I prefer 8.04 on this issue than 8.10).  Any ideas?02:38
Dante123also when I run hardware drivers it says there is no proprietary drivers02:39
moose86hi guys05:07
moose86i need some help if anyone has 2 minutes please thx05:07
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:10
forces!anyone @ moose8605:11
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:11
forces!anyone | moose8605:11
ubottumoose86: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:11
moose86ok i use xubuntu on my laptop and i have no clue how to get a usb wifi stick working withit (this is my second day on xubuntu) just installed ubuntu on my desktop05:11
moose86so new to this world but like it :)05:11
forceslook for the hardware list in comunity documentation05:13
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection05:14
moose86same list applies to xubuntu?05:14
moose86and also it is a USB wifi stick, does this count as a Wireless Network Cards05:16
forcesmoose86, ubuntu, kubuntu and xubuntu is the S.O.05:17
forcesthe diference is the DE05:17
forcesxfce, gnome and kde05:18
moose86ah ok i see thx05:18
moose86here is what i found05:18
moose86my laptop cd player is nto working05:19
moose86hwo else can i get the drivers for it ontot he lappy?05:20
=== Puppet_Maurice is now known as Puppet_Master
rockoWhen you hear someone yelling at his computer YOU KNOW it's "WINBLOWS" "WINBLOWS"06:17
=== Yuna is now known as hatake_kakashi
knomehello somebody07:45
xenocit1 question???07:46
knome!ask | xenocit07:46
ubottuxenocit: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:46
xenocitthis ubottu is a bot07:47
knomeyes, it is.07:47
xenocitquestion for you! :)07:47
xenocitno i'm kitten07:48
xenocitfor me is a toshiba satellite 1800-204 1.1Ghz 192MB RAM 10GB HDD and .. xubuntu not work fine? Why?07:49
knome192 is the minimum required ram.07:50
knomeso... it should work07:50
knomebut not as fast as you could think07:50
xenocithow i cleaning my hdd?07:50
xenocitand up my performance?07:51
xenocitu now windoze HDD Cleaner07:51
knomeram is cheap now.07:51
xenocitno money.. :)07:51
knomethere is no reason to "clean" your hdd if you are running xubuntu07:52
xenocitworl finansial cryze.. :)07:52
knomehave you installed xubuntu already or not?07:52
xenociti install xubuntu 2 day ago07:53
knomeright. so is there anything speicif you feel is slow?07:53
xenocitfirefox running slow...07:54
xenocitvcl not work.. in movie files07:54
knomethere is alternatives for firefox, for example epiphany or midori. you might try them if you don't need those fancy extensions07:54
xenocithow i uninstall firefoix and install midori07:55
knomeare you sure you have all the codes to play the videos? if they video files are relatively small, they should play in vlc.07:55
knomeare you familiar with synaptic?07:55
knomexenocit, are you familiar with synaptic?07:59
xenociti not understand07:59
knomexenocit, applications -> system -> synaptic package manager07:59
knomesearch for midori and mark for installatio08:00
xenocitno midori08:00
knomexenocit, in synaptic: settings -> repositories -> check "Community maintained ... (universe)"08:02
knomethen close and click the reload button and search for midori again08:02
xenocitok.. running08:03
xenocitnot again08:14
xenocitis here08:16
xenocitmidori and midori-mbg08:16
knomejust midori, right click and select mark for installation08:16
knomeand click the apply button08:17
xenocithow to uninstall firefox?08:17
knomeyou don't need to uninstall it08:18
knomebut if you want to, you can search for it and right click and select mark for uninstallation08:19
knomeor what ever the text is08:19
xenocit:) ok08:19
xenocitcool running fast08:24
xenocittnx man08:27
knomexenocit, np.08:30
shledHello, all!09:03
shledanybody running xubuntu on a macbook?09:04
TheSheepshled: yes09:13
shledi can't get the keyboard settings right, especially the level 3 chooser09:14
shledTheSheep: can you tell me where to put the keyboard settings, hal or xorg.conf?09:16
shledTheSheep: thank you, can you also tell me the correct XKBMODEL value?09:17
TheSheepno idea, works for me without changing anything09:18
TheSheepyou can run a menu-based setup09:18
shledTheSheep: how?09:18
TheSheepsudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup09:18
shledTheSheep: sweet, thanks09:19
TheSheepbtw, you might want pommed for supporting the backlight keys09:19
TheSheepand if it's nvidia, you will need nvidia-bl module09:19
TheSheepit's described on the ubuntu wiki09:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about apple09:20
shledTheSheep: Thank you very much!09:20
xenocit1 more question09:22
* shled will be back after a reboot09:22
xenociti like the best video audio player09:22
xenocitfor slow pc09:23
rockogxine xenocit09:24
xenocithow to install09:24
* shled is back again09:26
shledTheSheep: thanks again, works like a charm09:26
rockoalt+f2 then type xfce4-terminal xenocit09:27
rockothen do09:27
rockosudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install gxine09:27
rockolet me know if it works or not okay xenocit09:29
xenocitopen in synaptic09:29
rockoyou don't need to use synaptic09:29
rockothe other way I just showed you is fine09:29
xenocitall right09:29
rockosynaptic is just a gui for managing software packages on your computer xenocit09:30
rockoapt is the command line way09:30
xenocitsudo apt-get install gxine09:30
xenocitE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)09:30
xenocitE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?09:30
ablomenxenocit, you have synaptics still open?09:31
rockothat is because you have another program using the package manager xenocit09:31
ablomenor the update manager, or add and remove software09:31
xenocitin terminal09:31
rockoquit synaptic or any other software manager or updater like add and remove09:32
rockothen do it again09:32
xenocit1 more question09:34
xenocitvideo audio codec like it ffdshow09:34
xenociti like a audio video codec09:35
knome!info xubuntu-restricted-extras | xenocit09:36
ubottuxubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 25 (intrepid), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB09:36
rockoI was just going to do that knome09:36
rockoxenocit do : sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras09:37
knomerocko, xubuntu-09:37
rockowhy would the x matter ?09:37
knomebecause their contents might not (always) be the same09:38
knomeread: there would not be xubuntu- if it wouldn't matter.09:39
knomexenocit, sudo apt-get install xubuntu-restricted-extras09:40
rockoxenocit do , sudo apt-get install xubuntu-restricted-extras09:40
rockoxenocit also install libdvdcss209:40
xenociti do it09:41
knomelibdvdcss2 is not in the repos afaik09:42
rockoxenocit do , wget -c http://download.videolan.org/pub/libdvdcss/1.2.10/deb/libdvdcss2_1.2.10-1_i386.deb09:42
rockothen after it is finished downloading install it09:43
knomeor sudo ./usr/share/doc/libdvdread*/install-css.sh09:43
knome(replace * with version number)09:43
knome!info libdvdread09:43
ubottuPackage libdvdread does not exist in intrepid09:43
knome!info libdvdread409:43
ubottuPackage libdvdread4 does not exist in intrepid09:43
knome!info libdvdread309:43
ubottulibdvdread3 (source: libdvdread): library for reading DVDs. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.7-11ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 61 kB, installed size 208 kB09:43
knome== 309:43
rockoinstall with sudo dpkg -i libdvdcss2_1.2.10-1_i386.deb09:44
* knome leaves ->09:44
rockodoes it work xenocit ?09:45
xenocitboys, make me crazy..09:45
rockowhy did you say that xenocit ?09:45
xenocitsudo ./usr/share/doc/libdvdread*/install-css.sh09:46
xenocitsudo ./usr/share/doc/libdvdread*/install-css.sh09:46
rockowget -c http://download.videolan.org/pub/libdvdcss/1.2.10/deb/libdvdcss2_1.2.10-1_i386.deb ; sudo dpkg -i libdvdcss2_1.2.10-1_i386.deb09:46
rockoit installs libdvdcss2 ?09:47
xenocitldconfig deferred processing now taking place09:47
xenociti'ts ok?09:47
rockonow you should be able to watch encrypted dvds09:47
xenocitrocko, i like a watch normal avi wmv asf .. etc..09:48
xenocitwith subtitles09:48
rockoI see09:48
rockowell if you ever have to watch a dvd movie09:48
rockothen you are good09:48
xenocitthis libdvdcss09:49
rockoif it completed without error then it worked09:49
xenocit:) no errors09:49
xenocitxmms work in xubuntu?09:50
rockoare you able to use gxine ?09:50
rockogxine is a nice video player09:50
xenocitno .. this is question..09:50
rockoyes xmms works09:51
rockoI use mp3blaster though09:51
xenocitlike it winamp?09:51
rockoI it my most favorite command line audio player09:51
rockono it is not gui09:51
rockoit is a command based audio player09:51
xenocitnot for me..09:52
rockoI see09:53
xenociti'm lame..09:53
rockothe audio player that comes with xubuntu is fine to use09:53
rockolisten is what it is called09:54
TheSheepaudacious is like windamp09:54
rockoTheSheep how ar eyou buddy?09:54
TheSheeprocko: can't complain09:55
rockodon't you work some tmes two days at your job for IT?09:55
TheSheeprocko: ---> #xubuntu-offtopic09:57
Fudgedoes orca screen reader work as well on xfce as it does on gnome?09:59
Fudgewhoops laughing out loud11:39
xubuntu090985could someone help me with a stupid question? how do i find out what color depth my system is currently running at?12:07
TheSheepxrandr should tell you12:17
xubuntu090985xrandr only seems to be giving me resolution and clock rate, even with --verbose12:20
xubuntu090985thx anyway :)12:22
gorgutxubuntu090985, I think it should be 24 by default?12:28
xubuntu090985gorgut, yeah i might just try some different settings in xorg.conf and see if i can tell the difference!12:30
lukinforemaybe 'xset q'?12:39
lukinforesomeone on jaunty with radeon r300 here?12:40
lukinforeneed bug approving12:40
xubuntu090985aha, xset tells me WhitePixel = 65535 which i guess means 16-bit color12:46
xubuntu090985thx lukinfore12:47
Benjamin_cnis anyone there that could help me? I'm havint trouble installing Xubuntu :/13:44
dr-jacksonhej leute13:44
dr-jacksonhi people13:44
Benjamin_cnhi dr-jackson13:45
dr-jacksonwell yeah I'm having some troubles too, wifi is not detected on my eeepc :/13:45
dr-jacksoncould anyone help me?13:45
xenocitwhat is this eeepc?13:46
dr-jacksonasus' netbooks...13:47
xenocitwifi chipset??13:47
dr-jacksoni dunno the rest13:49
xenocittype on terminal lspci13:49
xenocit06:00.0 Network controller: RaLink RT2500 802.11g Cardbus/mini-PCI (rev 01)13:50
xenocitthis is my wifi13:50
xenocitwhat is ur wifi?13:51
AquinaI searched the whole net (incl. launchpad), etc for the "/var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/control"-(file not found)-problem during apt-get install, but couldn't find something useful. Has anyone an idea what this could be or ever experienced the same? I already filed a bug report.14:04
charlie-tcaWhat is the bug number?14:05
AquinaSorry not a bug it's listed as a ubscribed question (Question #30085).14:15
AquinaAehm.. I also noticed that /bin/tar has 0 (ZERO) bytes.14:19
AquinaWell I tested soe things with tar and gz yesterday (a anacron script to store some stuff...). Then the tar operations were not performed anymore and I restarted the system.14:20
charlie-tcaI can't find it14:20
SlonkieI need the package "VPN Connection Manager (PPP generic)" from ubuntu, is there any way to get this?14:23
charlie-tcaLooks like a bug to me. Why is it filed as a question? also, mikew said he resolved it and closed the question!14:24
AquinaWell but the thing isn't really resolved for me. :-) Well indeed the command "/bin/tar --help" does output nothing. Cann I install updates via apt-get without tar?14:25
charlie-tcaI see that. I don't know if it can be done without tar, but there is "create bug report" on the right.14:26
charlie-tcaHe seems to have resolved it by reloading, which isn't really a fix14:26
Aquinayes :-)14:27
basajaunhi all14:38
charlie-tcamy time :-)14:44
xenocit1 question?14:44
charlie-tcago ahead14:44
xenocitmy wifi work very slow14:44
xenocit06:00.0 Network controller: RaLink RT2500 802.11g Cardbus/mini-PCI (rev 01)14:45
charlie-tcaI don't know but someone might?14:45
xenocitin normal with VPN internet speed is 3000k14:45
xenocitwith wifi is a 25-5014:46
xenocitwork with 1Mb/s14:46
LegateDoes somebody know how to set my default editor to something other than Mousepad? Thanks in advance.14:57
TheSheepLegate: right-click on a file, select properties, select what you want to open it with15:00
_Pete_export EDITOR=emacs15:00
LegateTheSheep: That's how I'm doing it right now. I want to open it with SciTE all the time.15:00
Legate_Pete_: Weird thing is, echo $EDITOR gives nothing as its output. (Well, a newline.)15:01
_Pete_it's not set initially15:01
TheSheepLegate: you can also run update-alternatives ...15:01
Legate_Pete_: Ok, so how does my system determine that is has to open everything with Mousepad?15:01
LegateTheSheep: With which parameters?15:02
_Pete_dont really know15:02
_Pete_I guess the $EDITOR only effects when you work in terminal15:02
TheSheepit all depends on the aplication taht uses it15:03
TheSheepif the authors of the application bothered to check $EDITOR, it will work15:03
LegateWhen I'm in terminal I just type nano ./<filename>, no problem. But I want to change the behavior for my desktop, thunar, nautilus, etc.15:03
TheSheepthey use the .desktop files from .local/share/applications15:06
TheSheepbut how they choose which one to use -- I have no idea15:06
TheSheepLegate: aah, see ~/.local/share/defaults.list15:07
xenocithow to manage my wifi speed15:08
LegateI don't have that file, TheSheep.15:08
LegateAh, it's in ~/.local/share/applications/15:09
TheSheepLegate: chnge the default app for some file in thunar, it will be created then15:09
LegateBut Mousepad is not specified there.15:09
TheSheepLegate: see also /usr/share/applications/defaults.list15:10
LegateIt already has an entry, but that one is for .py files.15:10
TheSheepLegate: but make any changes in your local file15:10
TheSheepLegate: because the global one will be overwritten on update15:10
LegateMousepad is not specified anywhere in my /usr/share/applications/defaults.list15:12
TheSheepLegate: so?15:13
TheSheepLegate: just specify whatever you want t ouse there15:13
LegateWell, I want to use SciTE for everything that is now done with Mousepad. For that (and out of interest) I want to know where (e.g. which configuration file) Mouspad is specified as the default application.15:15
TheSheepLegate: I suppose that when the app specified in defaults.list is not available, it just picks the first .desktop file from that directory that supports given mimetype15:18
TheSheepLegate: why not just uninstall mousepad? :)15:18
LegateTheSheep: What would it do then, I wonder?15:18
LegateI like your first suggestion better. :P Is there a way to determine the type of a given file? Some terminal app?15:19
_Pete_Legate: file <file>15:19
_Pete_tells you about file type15:19
mpriceit just removes mousepad, well if you use apt-get it does15:19
TheSheepLegate: file15:19
LegateThanks _Pete_, TheSheep. Interestingly, /usr/share/applications/defaults.list is a symlink to /etc/gnome/defaults.list . Now I checked that one and file tells me it's ASCII text. How do I get the corresponding mime type? I suppose it is something like text/ascii, but it does not seem to exist.15:23
LegatePerhaps it's text/plain?15:25
LegateAh, I got it. Setting the -i parameter does the trick. Glorious man pages. :P15:26
LegateThank you very much for your help, _Pete_ and TheSheep.15:27
* _Pete_ just build own 2.6.29 kernel and wonders how will it work15:29
Shooreehow do I check which version of xfce am I running?15:46
jarnosShooree: About Xce dialog in the Xfce menu tells it15:47
charlie-tcaIn Xubuntu, Applications -> About Xfce -> Info15:47
Shooreeoh. I thought it would be a terminal command15:48
Shooreeheh. didn't even try to check the menus15:48
Shooreethanks, jarnos15:49
SlonkieI need the package "VPN Connection Manager (PPP generic)" from ubuntu, is there any way to get this?15:50
xenocitanybody help for me15:52
SlonkiePlease just ask your question.15:52
xenocitSlonkie, how i made speedup my wireless connection15:53
mpricehow fast of a connection are you connecting to on your wireless?15:55
Moodwhat's the java runtime module called (for firefox). there's a million java entries that come up when i sudo-apt search java16:08
Moodand i don't believe it's default-jre because it's 102 MB (java on sun's site is only 18MB (i'm concerned about bloatware)16:08
vinnlMood, I think you'll want sun-java6-plugin16:09
Moodvinnl: it's still 100 MB... is there an alternate minimal download?16:11
vinnlMood, what was that 18MB file?16:11
Moodvinnl: on java.com's site, it's the .bin file, self-extracting... i wonder if they don't have all the dependencies though...16:12
Slonkiehmm my firefox freezes when trying to load a java plugin, anyone experienced this problem ?16:12
Moodfyi: http://www.java.com/en/download/linux_manual.jsp?locale=en&host=www.java.com:8016:13
vinnlMood, that seems to me to be the equivalent of the sun-java6-jre package, as it's just the Runtime Environment16:13
Moodvinnl: then i wonder what accounts for the large 18 MB vs 100 MB difference16:14
vinnl"contains the Java virtual machine, runtime class libraries, and16:14
vinnlJava application launcher that are necessary to run programs written16:14
vinnlin the Java progamming language."16:14
mpriceit says "self-extracting file" so most likely its been compressed hence the difference in size16:15
Moodby a factor of 10x?16:16
Moodwell, closer to 5x16:16
Moodi would've thought a binary would be fairly compact to begin with... *shrug*16:16
Moodok- here goes nothin... 100 MB install! thanks vinnl/mprice16:17
vinnlnp :)16:17
SlonkieMood let me know if default-jre works when your done please16:18
MoodSlonkie: i'm installing sun-java6-plugin, not default-jre... not sure how they're related16:21
Slonkieoh okay16:21
Moodsun-java6-plugin has 3 things: the bin, jre, and plugin16:22
Slonkiei did try the sun-java6-plugin, that diden't work for me. :/16:23
Slonkieanyone know a way of updating the now being installed java version?16:30
SlonkieJava.com says i've only got 6.10 and 6.12 is the latest, but if i run the .bin file from their site nothing is updated.16:31
vinnlThat's because that's not a package made for Ubuntu16:31
SlonkieWhen i try to load a java module firefox just freezes, chould that be an bug in 6.10 ?16:32
vinnlMight be, might be a bug that still exists in 6.12, might be a bug in Firefox, might be in a lot of places16:33
Slonkieso theres no way to get java working for me16:33
vinnlThere probably is but I don't know it :P16:34
vinnlYeah I understand16:35
cr4z3dhow can i change the scroll bar color of a theme? i've got xfce-dusk and i really like it but i need to change the scroll bar color because it's almost impossible to see17:16
vinnlcr4z3d, you'll need to edit the theme itself... Look for the gtkrc file in the theme folder which is probably in /usr/share/themes17:20
cr4z3das a second question i've enabled compositor in window manager tweaks but how do i get true transparency on my terminal windows? i've got it working for all inactive windows17:21
cr4z3dbut thank you i'll look there now17:21
vinnlcr4z3d, in the Terminal preferences, click Appearance and select "Transparent background" in the Background drop-down menu :)17:22
cr4z3di have transparent background enabled but it just shows the background17:25
cr4z3dlike my wallpaper not the windows behind it17:26
cr4z3dit may be important to note i'm using gnome-terminal17:26
vinnlThat shouldn't matter if it's enabled... Have you logged in again after enabling the compositor? (i.e. do you notice t he compositor being enabled in other features?)17:26
cr4z3dno i didn't log in /out but yes it works on all the other windows17:27
cr4z3dwhen they're inactive they go pretty transparent17:27
vinnlOdd :S17:28
cr4z3dprobably just need to login/out ill try it out a bit later17:31
basajaunhi all17:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hi'17:49
ubottuHi! Welcome to #xubuntu!17:49
* charlie-tca kicks the 'bot for vinnl 17:50
vinnlThanks charlie-tca  :P17:50
cr4z3dah figured it out. just had to close the window and reopen a new one17:59
kawwhy do you prefer xubuntu to ubuntu18:05
charlie-tcait works18:05
charlie-tcaI run older computers. Ubuntu is much slower on them than Xubuntu18:05
charlie-tcaMy PII 400MHz and PIII 866MHz both work better with Xubuntu than with Ubuntu18:06
kawhave you tried other varieties of linux?18:07
charlie-tcaI tried several a number of years back.18:07
kawwhat are main diffs between xfce and gnome?18:10
charlie-tcaXfce uses less resources, it uses xfwm window manager, thunar file manager,18:11
gorgutand the mouse is cuter than the foot :p18:12
charlie-tcathank you18:12
=== bac is now known as bac_afk
charlie-tcaAnd I like the colors better than Ubuntu18:12
kawcan't colors be changed?18:13
charlie-tcaXubuntu has the colors I want already18:13
kawtrying to decide what to try for professional environment18:15
kawcurrently use RHEL18:15
charlie-tcaNew or old hardware?18:15
charlie-tcagnome makes configuring easy for the beginners. Xfce doesn't18:16
kawnothing as old as yours18:16
charlie-tcaI also run a P4, 1.5GHz with Xubuntu18:17
mpriceI run a dual-core laptop with Xubuntu if it makes anybody feel better about running it newer hardware18:17
kawdoes it actually utilize the dual core?18:18
charlie-tcaWe are using the same kernel as Ubuntu. The difference is the desktop environment18:18
=== keffie_jayx is now known as effie_jayx
kawthanks a lot folks appreciate the input and feedback18:20
mpricesometimes but for the most part know18:20
HishamHEllo Everyone18:29
charlie-tca!hi | Hisham18:30
ubottuHisham: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!18:30
HishamWell i got a problem! My GCC package is broken and i dont have a internet connection to do the repair .18:32
HishamI have the GCC deb packages to do with GCC but the problem due to broken GCC i cannot install it18:33
HishamHow to resolve the broken packages?????18:33
frenzy42i'm all of a sudden getting really weird errors18:34
frenzy42for example, when using thunderbird, it won't allow me to download mail, and in firefox, it's like it's not keeping records (i can hit the back button)18:35
frenzy42it seems as if the disk is full, how can i check?18:36
frenzy42i get this error when trying to delete files Failed to copy "/home/frenzy/Desktop/Employement application.pdf" to "trash:///Employement%20application.pdf": Failed to open "/home/frenzy/.local/share/Trash/info/Employement application.pdf.trashinfo" for writing.18:37
frenzy42Do you want to skip it?18:37
HishamDear xubuntuers18:37
charlie-tcafrenzy42: open a terminal and type "df"18:38
Hishamfrenzy42: well i seems like permission problem18:38
charlie-tcaSee if anything is at 100% or close to it18:38
frenzy42that doesn't make since, it was working yesterday18:38
frenzy42                      74089720  70450576         0 100% /18:38
charlie-tcaHave you tried empty the trash18:39
frenzy42i did18:39
* charlie-tca thinks sometimes I really stupid sounding questions18:39
frenzy42and now it won't let me put anything in the trash18:39
frenzy42i'm in the terminal18:40
frenzy42how do you remove a full directory18:40
xenocitrm -rf /hone/frenzy/?/path18:40
charlie-tcaI think you have to do it from recovery mode or live cd. You should be able to safely remove things in /var/logs not from today18:41
charlie-tcaalso /.trash files or /.Trash files18:41
charlie-tcaThen when you get into the normal mode again, run apt-get clean to remove packages, if you want18:42
HishamDears how to resolve broken packages without connection to internet???18:43
charlie-tcaI don't know that one, Hisham18:43
HishamOk i will post the question on the other Ubuntu channel18:44
HishamSo please dont catch me re posting :P18:44
frenzy42so it seems that the problem is that my disk is full, where should i start deleting stuff first?18:45
charlie-tcaCheck your /var/log files. Keep todays files and delete the rest that are not folders18:45
frenzy42how do i know which ones are today's?18:46
charlie-tcaterminal, "ls -l"18:47
charlie-tcaIf permissions on the left start drwx or drw- , it is a directory18:48
charlie-tcaIf they don't start with d, it is a file18:48
frenzy42is there a quicker way than doing it one by one?18:48
charlie-tcaNot that I know18:48
charlie-tcaI am sure there is, I just don't know how18:49
xenocitscuze moa18:55
xenocit1 question18:55
charlie-tcajust ask, please18:56
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:56
xenocithow i made this path autostartup sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 54M18:57
=== bac_afk is now known as bac
xenocit!question how i made this path autostartup sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 54M18:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:58
charlie-tcaHave patience now. If someone knows, they will answer, but most are doing this while working on other things.18:59
charlie-tcaWe are all volunteers here. Several people are working their regular jobs and still trying to help others out.19:00
charlie-tcaI don't know the answer, so I didn't answer you19:01
xenociti now... :) no answer for this..19:01
charlie-tcaI have two installation running, plus one upgrade, while I do this19:02
xenociti like the easy way19:02
jarnosxenocit: I suppose the sudo imposes a problem for the autostart.19:04
jarnosxenocit: Sorry. I don't understand morse code.19:05
xenocitme too19:05
xenocithow i made autostart19:06
jarnosxenocit: Are you using intrepid?19:06
xenociti no understand..19:06
xenocitxubuntu new user19:06
jarnosxenocit: I suppose you are using the latest release.19:07
jarnosxenocit: In settings you can find autostarted applications. There you can add the command.19:07
xenocitwith sudo or no?19:08
jarnosxenocit: do you really need the sudo there?19:09
xenocitcommand is sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 54M19:09
xenociti donth no19:09
jarnosxenocit: I suppose you need it then.19:10
xenociti add with sudo19:10
jarnosxenocit: but it won't probably work, if you don't change sudoers file by sudo visudo to run iwconfig a root. An advanced task.19:11
jarnos^ as a root19:12
xenocitok ok19:13
jarnosxenocit: sudo visudo launches vi editor by default. Most people don't even know how to exit it.19:13
jarnosxenocit: you are welcome19:14
jarnosxenocit: try google visudo19:14
mpriceI tried sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 54M and it didn't get me any errors so it should work fine with just sudo19:15
jarnosmprice: that was because you had given your password a little earlier.19:16
jarnosmprice: Ubuntu remembers you for 15 minutes by default (if I remember right).19:17
frenzy42so i'm at 93% now and everything seems to be working much better19:20
frenzy42but flash movies still don't want to play, do i need more disk space?19:20
jarnosmprice: Otherwise it would have asked password. I think it will for autostarted, too.19:20
mpriceso is anybody using midori?19:36
jarnosmprice: occasio19:37
mpricestill needs some work buts really not that bad19:38
mpriceI just hope they don't push it too fast as the default browser on xubuntu19:39
jarnosmprice: flash crashes with it more than with firefox.19:39
mpricewhich version are you using?19:40
jarnosmprice: 0.1.419:40
mpricethe one from here seems to not crash: https://launchpad.net/~webkit-team/+archive/ppa19:42
jarnosmprice: They have made it better then. I am using the repository.'19:46
frenzy42no video will play in xubuntu20:08
frenzy42this problem happened after i cleared the disk from it being at 100%20:08
mpricein what application?20:08
MoodSlonkie: java on ff works for me btw20:08
frenzy42with youtube or vlc or xfmedia20:09
mpricewhat happens with youtube?20:09
frenzy42it starts to load, starts to play and then freezes up20:10
frenzy42same thing happens with vlc20:10
mpriceand what about xfmedia?20:10
mpriceby the way what all did you remove?20:12
frenzy42i removed mostly media files and a few log files from days that were not today20:13
frenzy42and temp files20:13
frenzy42yea, i'm thinking about just formatting and getting a 1TB drive, they are only 100 bucks right now20:16
frenzy42i'v been using an 80gb for too long20:16
Moodmidori > dillo?20:17
mpriceI can't really say I never used dillo, Mood20:18
Mooddillo's packaged with dsl i believe20:18
mpricemidori is kind of like kazehakase20:19
=== bac is now known as bac_afk
SlonkieHello, im looking for a package which is included with ubuntu; VPN Connection Manager (PPP generic) - Is it possible to get this in xubuntu?21:08
Slonkiei need that for the network at my school :(21:08
mpricedo you mean something like openvpn?21:12
SlonkieI'd like that exact package if possible21:12
ubottuFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD21:12
Slonkiebut i guess it has to be "PPP Generic"21:12
ubottuOpenVPN is a vpn technology in Ubuntu, sudo apt-get install openvpn and then see http://openvpn.net/ and see the documentation "HOWTO" noting you have already installed it. ;-) It rocks!21:12
SlonkieI don't think that openvpn has the right features21:13
SlonkieBut would it be possible to add the repository to get that package?21:15
mpriceyou need to install network-manager-pptp and you can use network-manager to handle the vpn connection21:20
SlonkieNope it doesnt work at my school with just that mprice21:22
Slonkieoh he left.21:22
charlie-tcaSlonkie: what is the server you are trying to connect to? Is is Microsoft VPN server?21:38
charlie-tcaThat exact name is not available for Ubuntu/Xubuntu, but it may be available as a different name.21:39
charlie-tcaHave you tried to google VPN Connection Manager (PPP generic) + ubuntu ?21:41
basajaunhi all21:53
brandonban6hi basajaun22:01
basajaunhi brandonban622:11
mindless_hi everybody..22:31
charlie-tca!hi | mindless_22:32
ubottumindless_: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!22:32
mindless_can i ask =)22:32
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:32
mindless_i have some problem with vuze22:32
mindless_i thought it was about java but i can use openoffice normally22:33
mindless_vuze just doesnt open at all22:33
mindless_and same as my sensors-plugin for panel22:34
mindless_these problems came after i upgraded to 9.0422:34
mindless_development branch..22:34
mindless_does anybody have the same and how to get rid of ?22:34
charlie-tcathat isn't really all on one line, mindless_22:34
charlie-tcaI don't know "vuze"22:35
mindless_formerly azureus22:35
teknoprepanyone have a howto on dual monitor ?22:35
ubottuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead22:36
mindless_wow cool..22:36
mindless_that was an answer for me too =)22:36
panushello guys22:37
charlie-tca!hi | panus22:37
ubottupanus: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!22:37
teknoprephey charlie-tca ... is xinerama included with xubuntu 8.10 ?22:37
panusi really need some help with my system22:37
panusis broken22:37
charlie-tcaAs far as I know, it should be.22:37
charlie-tca!question | panus22:37
ubottupanus: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:37
teknoprepcharlie-tca, i am using the USB installed version for a thin client with dual head22:38
charlie-tcaI know nothing about two monitors. Mine are on two computers22:38
ubottuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama22:38
charlie-tcaTry the link?22:38
panusSo, I am using xubuntu the latest version on my 3yold Toshiba  satellite laptop. I use dual boot, but for the past 4 months i was using only linux. I finally thought that I had a stable system22:39
panusbut I tried to boot up with a projector attached and when I selected the linux from grub it showed me the ubuntu install screen22:40
panusthen it froze22:40
panusI shutdown from the power button and now I when I try to boot it will not boot22:41
panust linux22:41
charlie-tcaYou have a cd in the drive? or was it the GRUB menu?22:41
mindless_umm i just plug in the projector and ctrl+alt+backspace when i log on again it was working :S22:41
panus<charlie> no CD in the drive22:41
panuspleae help me dudes powermasters of linux22:42
panusi am forced to use windows and i hate every minute22:42
charlie-tcaWhen you turn it on now, you get nothing?22:42
charlie-tcaIs this a wubi installation?22:42
panusi get the grub menu, i select the kernel i used to and it starts then freezes at some point22:42
panus<charlie> no wubi22:43
panusdueal boot with grub22:43
mindless_did u try recovery option for your kernel22:43
charlie-tcaTry selecting recovery mode, then fix the installation from the next menu22:43
panuspartitioned  hard drive22:43
* charlie-tca beat by mindless_ 22:43
panusi tried the recovery mode, and it will get me to the command promt. which command starts xubuntu22:44
panusif I tpe exit it will load normally?22:45
charlie-tcaworth a try22:45
charlie-tcaYou never got a second menu?22:45
panusyou mean a bluish screen menu you get when u install also?22:46
panusi think i selected continue with normal boot or something22:46
panusI should select "fix the installation"?22:47
charlie-tcaif you arrow down, you get more choices22:47
panusok i will try it, and i will be back to let you know22:47
charlie-tcashould be one like fix broken system, or fix installation, or something.22:48
charlie-tcaSee if it comes up now.22:48
panusbut does anyone know why  I cannot connect a projector and boot normally?22:48
charlie-tcaIf it does, next time, pick "fix GRUB"22:48
panusit sucks, I want to do some presentations and I already have most of my files on my ubuntu partition22:48
panusanyway i will be back22:49
mindless_is xfce 4.6 stable ?22:59
marshalHow can I find my network shares on Xubuntu?22:59
mindless_try samba23:00
charlie-tcamindless_: yes, it should be stable. If it is in jaunty, it may not be, and if it is in Intrepid it is not.23:00
marshalshould I add a Samba client?23:00
mindless_and you can also try pyNeighborhood to make mounting easier ;)23:01
mindless_must i ask about xubuntu here ?23:05
mindless_or can i ask about wmv problems :?23:06
charlie-tcaWell, you can ask, but you may not get any answers23:07
charlie-tcaAnd, you might get an answer about where to get help with it.23:07
mindless_hmm i got it.. ;)23:08
mindless_how i can watch dmr protected files on xubuntu.. or wich player can i use..23:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about drm23:10
mindless_see you guyz thanks for all.. ;)23:11
nmiller_ok, I'm clearly being clueless here, so I appreciate a clue bat23:33
nmiller_i'm trying to update my application menu; the one for my account is including the system file, which I cannot seem to find23:34
teknomegawhere are all the settings that are supposed to be inside of /etc/X11/xorg.conf23:39
teknomegai need to manually configure X for a few settings but i see nothing there really23:39
nmiller_what version, teknomega?23:41
teknomegaxubuntu 8.1023:42
nmiller_with 8.10, xorg is now using hal for device discovery23:42
nmiller_so no keyboard/mouse definitions23:42
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teknomegahow about custom screen rez ?23:44
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=== teknopre is now known as teknoprep
nmiller_don't know about those23:44
nmiller_there's some info in the xubuntu wiki, dunno if it covers that23:46
lukinforeit is still possible to use custom screen, device and monitor section23:49
lukinforeor just disable hal23:50
nmiller_yes, it is, but that might have other ramifications from what I was reading23:50
panushej guys I need help. I want my system back23:54
panushello room23:54
panusi was here 15 minutes ago23:54
panusI used to run xubuntu on my Toshiba laptop23:55
panusI have a dual boot setting with grub23:55
panusI connected a projector to my laptop and tried to boot ubuntu and it would not load23:56
panusthen when I removed the projector it  does not load either23:57
panusa guy here told me to run repair mode and select to fix the packages and it didnt work23:57
panuscan someone help please?23:58

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