
jjessehello vorian00:44
nhandlerHey jjesse00:44
jjessehey nhandler00:45
ScottK2claydoh: What should we say about Kubuntu in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope/BetaAnnouncement01:01
=== ScottK2 is now known as ScottK
claydohI am thinking about that right  now actually01:01
claydohbut my brain is on overload and lack of sleep01:01
claydohany significant changes?01:02
claydohdo we recommend testing upgrades from hardy and intrepid?01:02
* claydoh actually reads the page , ahem01:03
ScottKclaydoh: Please get back to slanagesek with some recommendations tomorrow.01:05
claydohScottK: can we say we are a kde4-only release yet?01:12
claydohor something along those lines'01:13
claydohoo.o notwithstanding01:13
claydohScottK: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/137136/ <--how is this ?01:24
vorians/building on/built upon (my humble opinion)01:26
claydohvorian: I agree01:28
claydohand perhaps s/new applications/updated applications maybe?01:30
vorianfor the first time user, there will be new apps - i think the rest of what you wrote is great :)01:31
claydohthanks, vorian it looks better as well01:31
vorianbut then again, my opion aint worth a whole lot01:31
vorianno problemo01:31
claydohwhy not?01:32
* vorian jests01:32
* claydoh is tired, been up since 3 AM, got home from work at 830 pm01:32
* claydoh is a little punch-drunk right now :)01:33
claydohhaven't done that kind of day since I was a young man01:33
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shtylmanso I have pacakged a plasmoid from kde-look.org ... how would I go about seeing if anyone wants in in the official repos?02:33
nhandlershtylman: You can package it and put it up in your PPA for people to try it out02:36
shtylmanyea..its in my ppa02:37
shtylmanI got all that fun stuff done :)02:37
nhandlershtylman: If you want to get it into the official repositories: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages02:37
nhandlerHowever, it won't get added until the karmic repositories open up02:37
shtylmannhandler: thanks02:41
nhandlerYou're welcome shtylman02:42
pinbackeranyone have the link where one can give feedback on kubuntu beta?07:53
pinbackernamely bugs07:53
pinbackersomeplace on launchpad?07:53
bothorsenpinbacker: If you have specific issues, you really should take them to the bug tracker in launchpad. That way they won't be forgotten07:57
pinbackeri was looking around and google seemed to lead me to post on forums07:58
bothorsenThe forums are good if you have questions you need help with07:59
davmor2Riddell: I'm starting the Kubuntu dvd 64bit10:01
cvandonderenhey hello10:40
cvandonderenI'm trying to compile my Qt Phonon application on Ubuntu 8.04, I made it on OpenSuSE and I have to adapt a load of stuff10:41
cvandonderenbut now it refuses to link against Phonon10:41
cvandonderenI have include(${QT_USE_FILE} ${QT_USE_PHONON}) and target_link_libraries(commentvideoplayer ${QT_LIBRARIES} ${QT_PHONON_LIBRARY}) set10:42
cvandonderenbut it still does not link against Phonon10:42
cvandonderenwhat should I do?10:42
agateaucvandonderen: did you check QT_PHONON_LIBRARY is not empty?10:42
agateauon my machine, QT_PHONO_LIBRARY is empty, but PHONON_LIBRARY is not10:44
cvandonderennow it says -lphonon not found10:46
cvandonderenbut I have libphonon-dev installed10:46
agateauvery strange10:47
agateaudid you copy your src+build tree from the SuSE machine?10:47
cvandonderensubversion ;-)10:47
cvandonderenso did a check-in on the suse machine10:48
cvandonderenand check out on the ubuntu machine10:48
agateauok so the CMakeCache.txt does not come from SuSE10:48
cvandonderendeleted that all10:48
agateauand you have /usr/lib/libphonon.so10:48
cvandonderenno, it is normal ubuntu, so it is installed to /usr/lib/kde4/libphonon/libphonon.so, I did make a symlink for the headers though10:49
cvandonderenso did ln -s /usr/lib/kde4/include/phonon /usr/include/10:50
agateaucvandonderen: not a good idea i think10:50
cvandonderenso now I have the /usr/include/phonon/videoplayer.h in the smae position as on SuSE10:50
agateaubetter get CMake to figure it out10:50
cvandonderenhmm, yes10:50
cvandonderenbut how?10:50
cvandonderenthere is nop cmake-phonon package10:51
cvandonderenand I have libqt4-dev installed10:51
cvandonderenso all cmakefiles should be there10:51
agateaulet me check the package contents10:51
* agateau runs 9.04, not 8.0410:51
cvandonderenand if I remove the symlink for the phonon files, it does not even find the file :P10:53
cvandonderensince I link against <phonon/videoplayer.h>10:53
agateauyes, but with the symlink it may be fooled into believing phonon is installed in /usr10:53
cvandonderenthat's true10:54
agateaurather than /usr/lib/kde410:54
agateauso you need to either symlink headers and libs10:54
cvandonderenbut why did kubuntu make the choice to insatll it to /usr/lib/kde4?10:54
cvandonderenthen they have to change every file10:54
cvandonderenthat links against that10:54
agateaubecause it is where all kde4 stuff went for 8.0410:54
agateauin 9.04 it's in /usr10:54
cvandonderenso it's just because of 8.04 :P10:55
agateaui think so10:55
agateauyou may want to try cmake vars like CMAKE_EXTRA_INCLUDE and CMAKE_EXTRA_LIBS (from memory)10:55
cvandonderenand where do I need to point those?10:55
cvandonderenbecause -lphonon is not found10:56
agateausomething like this: cmake -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/kde4/libphonon10:57
agateau(found the real name with cmake --help-command find_library)10:58
a|wencvandonderen: for 8.04 we still had kde3; so all kde4 was 'redirected' to some non-standard directories ... if you use 8.10 or 9.04 instead, everything should become much easier10:58
cvandonderenI just heard there is a broken partition on that PC10:58
cvandonderenso I'll just do a kubuntu 9.04 install :P10:58
cvandonderenthanks anyways :-D11:01
agateauok, good luck11:01
cvandonderen(and then to think I'm a Ubuntu NL support person ;-) )11:01
Riddellgo go CD testing!11:41
davmor2Riddell: am am cd/dvd testing :)11:45
* a|wen is trying to test upgrading ... 1,9 of 2,2 GB downloaded; still some hours to go12:07
Riddella|wen: from intrepid?12:08
Riddella|wen: check if python-qt4-dbus works once the upgrade is done, it didn't for me12:08
a|wenRiddell: you mean before or after the restart?12:09
a|weni'll check that ... if the download could just hurry up a bit...12:11
seeleblaaaah.. so tired it hurts12:16
* seele wonders how she got through uni on so little sleep12:16
Riddellworking too hard?12:16
seeleRiddell: something like that.. never getting enough work done, that's for sure12:18
blizzzi experience strange behaviour with desktop 386 in virtual box. after kde startet, some icons are missing. a haover over one of them later the screen turns black. krunner does not work. ctrl+alt+del does not work (ctrl+alt+backspace either, but that function is disabled by x, isn't it?)12:24
blizzzwhen shutting down there are squashfs errors, i guess the iso is not correctly downloaded12:27
blizzzmh, md5 is correct12:29
Riddellblizzz: report them as bugs and note the result on iso.qa.ubuntu.com12:33
blizzzRiddell: now, after restart, it looks fine so far12:35
blizzzRiddell: should i report this anyway?12:36
Riddellblizzz: what icons are missing?12:37
blizzzRiddell: that were some plasma-widgets, but since the screen became black i could not detect which ones they were. however now, after reboot, everything is there. weird, isn't?12:39
Riddellblizzz: well, report it anyway12:40
blizzzRiddell: will do. bugs go over launchpad directly? special tags or something to use?12:50
Riddellyes launchpad, note the number and report it on iso.qa.ubuntu.com12:52
blizzzRiddell: done13:04
jjesseRiddell: i've done several successful vm builds with the beta iso image with no problems so far13:22
agateauRiddell: I will be holding a KDE booth at a french exhibition at the end of the month. Any chance you could send me kubuntu goodies?13:27
jjesseRiddell: also the gentleman for the article wrote back and we are working togetehr to get the article done13:28
Riddellagateau: Rachel is the person for asking for CDs, details in company directory13:33
agateauRiddell: ok13:34
Riddelljjesse: great.  reported your results on iso.qa.ubuntu.com ?13:34
* agateau is a Canonical noob13:34
agateauRiddell: I will be at millbank building tomorrow, do you think i can grab some goodies directly from there?13:34
Riddellagateau: not sure, ask katkin if there's anything in13:36
agateauRiddell: ok13:36
jjesseRiddell: i will report my results13:46
rickspencer3Riddell: sebas: call in 4 minutes?13:56
kwwiiRiddell: is kmail using up to 10% mem and 20% cpu a known bug?13:58
Riddellrickspencer3: can do13:59
Riddellkwwii: not that I know of13:59
kwwiiRiddell: ie, did some recent change create the bug or is it something else13:59
kwwiiRiddell: hrm, I updated this morning and since then it is pretty b0rked, but it might just be my local system13:59
Riddellrickspencer3: I got him14:06
rickspencer3Riddell: great14:06
rickspencer3I'll set up the call again, if you still wants to join14:06
Riddellrickspencer3: ok14:06
rickspencer3Riddell: sebas: the call is set up14:08
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
a|wenthe default size of the dialog box saying "Do you want to start the upgrade?" is to small and cuts the text... is this something we already know?15:11
seaLnehas anyone else seen intermitant failure of middle button paste in jaunty?15:12
Riddella|wen: this one?  http://www.kubuntu.org/~jriddell/9.04-upgrade/intrepid-upgrade-5.png15:16
RiddellseaLne: I've not seen that except sometimes konsole's selection doesn't seem to end up in the clipboard15:16
a|wenRiddell: exactly15:16
JontheEchidnaseaLne: do you experience this failure only in konqueror?15:16
seaLnekonsole konq choqok15:17
JontheEchidnaif mouse gestures are turned on middle click won't paste in konqueror15:17
Riddella|wen: looks fine in that screenshot, is that  what you see?15:17
seaLneno its not that15:17
a|wenRiddell: doesn't the text end a bit abrupt in the image? but i see exactly what is on that picture15:19
Riddella|wen: mm it does a bit15:19
Riddella|wen: report a bug on update-manager15:20
a|wendone, bug 348493 reported15:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 348493 in update-manager "[kde] text cut in "package changes" dialog" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34849315:25
agateauRiddell: about bug 30806016:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 308060 in libmsn "Include libmsn in main" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30806016:14
nixternalmaco: great post about Val, talk about inspiring and touching...damn near made me cry16:14
agateauI explained why I believe the code is ok, and tried to make it crash without success16:15
agateaudon't know what i can do to make things move16:15
maconixternal: cry?16:15
seelemaco: you were that inspiring16:16
Tm_TI usually make nixternal cry by singing out of tune16:16
Riddellagateau: I think I'll just upload with you patch after beta16:17
macoVal's awesome though16:17
agateauRiddell: please don't, the patch is wrong, as Kees explained16:18
macoseele: she was at the first DC LinuxChix meetup i went to.  you were there, right? you guys were the first women i met IRL that use linux16:18
seelemaco: yes i was there16:19
nixternalmaco: did you read any stories val has on her website? that part about her biological father16:19
maconixternal: yes16:19
nixternalthat's what i was talking about, the touching part...my god that was horrible and to see the insane amount of strength16:20
macoi think val was the first to introduce herself, and i went O_O when she said what she did, then the rest of you all said what you did and i was like "umm *hide* i just use it..."16:20
nixternalmaco: that was then, now look at ya16:20
maconixternal: like i said, she's tough16:21
maconixternal: blame wanting to fit in with the rest of the geniuses in linuxchix16:21
seelemost linuxchix i know are just users16:22
nixternaloh, I have others to blame for you as well ;)16:22
seelemaybe you just have the smart ones as friends16:22
macoseele: well you, val, um...that lady that came with val, and katie all do cool stuff...and then there's the #linuxchix channel...if i have a problem #ubuntu-offtopic can't answer (it's often used as #ubuntu-advanced since #ubuntu focuses rather heavily on beginner stuff), i ask there16:23
nixternali wonder why chicago doesn't have a linuxchix16:24
nixternalthen again, when I think about it, we only have a few women who show up to lug meetings16:24
maconixternal: only 2 of us go to lug meetings16:24
nixternalheh, this one lady, when she came to our lug meeting introduced herself as "the one who is here to break up the "He Man Woman Haters Club"16:25
macoit took me until 2 months ago to realize that soft-spoken long-hair-lady at LUG and soft-spoken long-hair lady at LinuxChix are the same person16:25
nixternalthe funny part, only 3 of us knew what she was talking about16:26
macothey never saw Little Rascals? :-O16:26
nixternalpeople never watched the little rascals growing up16:26
nixternalso I did "I love you Darla"16:26
maconote that ive known her in both contexts for over TWO YEARS16:26
nixternali have done that myself16:27
macoseele: oh yeah. so i think itd be nice to have a tech day for linuxchix to go along with all our social days. i was thinking a "how to contribute, even if you dont code" day would be neat. dan suggested "have linuxchix host it, then invite the lugs to learn from the chix" which sounded like a swell idea. would you be interested in teaching a usability workshop?16:29
nixternalactually for me...there are 3 ladies that really got me into contributing again to open source after a hiatus. in Ubuntu it was hobbsee, in KDE it was annma, and in Debian it was ana...all 3 were team leaders who got me up and running big time just a few years back again16:29
seeleyeah i dunno.. i'm not really into the whole chick thing16:30
nixternalthat was sexist :p16:30
seelei participate in dc linux chix because katie and laura have been my friends for a long time and i work with barbara16:30
seeleso it's more of a social gathering. justin and brian and sometimes other brian go to those things, so it's just an extension of our normal social geekery16:31
seelenixternal: yeah well.. go out there and shoot me a deer or you get nothing for dinner!16:32
seelenixternal: take the garbage on the way out too16:32
macoseele: which one's barbara? curly hair?16:33
seelemaco: yes16:33
macojjesse: hey, why remove the part explaining universe & restricted?16:33
seeleand GODAMNIT when i can't click on the bubble to bring up the window16:33
macoer, multiverse....er...2 of the 416:33
jjessemaco:  don't remember16:33
* seele head > desks16:33
jjessemake a note i'll put it back in16:33
macoseele: notify-osd?16:33
seelemaco: no, i'm using regular notifications but it doesnt support clicking to bring up quassel16:34
macooh ok16:34
macoso "not really into the whole chick thing" = why you're not in ubuntu-women?16:34
macoor are you holding out for kubuntu women?16:34
seeleuhm.. pretty much why i dont do any women outreach stuff16:35
seeleheh no16:35
seaLneis it a bug that d-i complains about a mounted filesystem (that i'm booted off) when i install from usb pendrive?16:35
seaLneits suggestion of unmounting it woldn't have been a good idea :)16:36
macoseaLne: its being discussed on ubuntu-devel, i think16:36
nixternalseele: when does it happen?16:37
seelenixternal: when does what happen?16:37
seaLneah, didn't think i'd have been the first to encounter it16:37
nixternalerr, sorry seele, i meant seaLne :)16:37
seaLnejust before the partitioning16:37
nixternalya, I have noticed that as well in the past, but not only with kubuntu...i have noticed it with anaconda based installers as well16:38
nixternalwondering if it is parted16:38
macothis is like the eventual day when me, mako, his gf mika, and her friend micha will be in the same room. its bound to happen eventually, just for the name-pronunciation tongue-twisting effects16:38
macojjesse: deb says when that day does happen, she's getting the heck out of the room :P16:38
macojjesse: look one line up16:39
nixternalgo to penguicon16:39
macooh yeah...OLF people want me to go there and promote OLF16:41
nixternalthere was mako, mika, and moko16:41
seaLnenixternal: don't suppose you'll make it to akademy this year?16:41
nixternalseaLne: unless a miracle happens, probably not16:41
nixternalthat miracle being, a job of course and getting my parking ticket issue fixed so I can renew my passport :D16:41
nixternalillinois is goofy....i can't even get a fishing license because of my parking ticket problem :)16:41
seaLneno passport if you owe the government any money?16:41
nixternalhere in illinois it is like that16:42
nixternalstupid chicago and their meter readers16:42
seelenixternal: do you have traffic cameras?16:43
nixternaloh ya, big time16:43
seeleyeah, DC is going to double the number they have in order to fill an 800 mil operating deficit16:43
nixternalit doesn't fill that deficit....chicago is proof16:43
seelenixternal: a pilot test "accidentally" earned 1 mil in 1 month because the ticket threshold was too low16:44
nixternalthe #1 rule breaker with the traffic cams, public busses16:44
nixternaland those tickets get paid by the tax payers16:44
seelethat seems silly for them to ticket public busses because then they will have to give them a travel subsidy at the end of the year for them to operate16:45
nixternalin new york, don't mess with the cabbies, in chicago, don't mess with the busses...they do not stop for anything16:45
nixternalnothing like getting clipped by a CTA bus while riding your bike16:46
* ScottK recalls being in Philly and having a cabbie change lanes to force him to run back to the sidewalk when crossing.16:46
nixternalya, philly is insane too16:47
maconixternal: a bus splattered a bicyclist all over the road in front of a kubuntu-using restaurant here in dc (see? we're on topic)16:48
macolast year16:48
macolike 3 days after the same thing happened a half mile from there16:48
seaLneNightrose: just installed alternate 20090324.2 on my eee701 and network seems fine16:58
NightroseseaLne: ohhh great17:01
Nightroseyou didn't need to change anything?17:01
seaLneunrelated got a dbus error will see if i get it after a second boot, but got to go out just now17:02
Nightrosecya :)17:02
needhelpHELLO SOMEONE CAN HELP ME  =?18:09
ercanAnyone know when digikam 0.10.0 for kde4 will be packaged for kubuntu?18:10
ScottKneedhelp: #kubuntu is a better channel for help.18:13
needhelpthey say the same of here ^^18:14
ScottKThis isn't a help channel, it's a development channel.18:14
ScottKercan: March 18th.18:16
needhelpcan u please give me some helper channel18:16
ScottKneedhelp: What's your actual problem?18:18
needhelpi have the original disk of ubuntu   v 8.10  !! and when i try to boot dont appers on  the system for chooise windows or ubuntu..18:18
needhelpim over windows718:19
needhelpi can boot an d all but really i dont know what happend18:20
valgaavyou can boot into win7 or into ubuntu ?18:23
Quintasannixternal: ping18:25
needhelpthis is my problem18:25
needhelpwhen my lap need restar for ubuntu only appers windows18:26
ScottKneedhelp: I don't think 8.10 works with Windows 7.  It'll be in next month's release (I'm pretty sure).18:26
QuintasanHe is installing using Wubi?18:26
ScottKRead the scrollback and you'll know exactly as much as I do.18:27
needhelpyes wubi18:28
needhelpso maybe i need back to windows vista = ;/18:28
Quintasanhmm, anyone noticed that the binary clock plasmoid is set to 00:00 (no date) after a X restart?18:30
=== milian_ is now known as milian
ercanScottK: thanks, I presume March 18th was for Jaunty. will it be backported to Intrepid?18:38
ScottKercan: It was.  There was some discussion about that, but I don't recall the details.  Lure (when he's around) would be the one to ask.18:40
ercanthanks. not in a major hurry, just looking forward to 0.10.018:40
blizzza|wen: ping18:51
cbryay, i got kernel mode setting to work on kubuntu18:58
cbronly thing that xorg startup isn't flicker-free18:59
cbrit still switches off the display18:59
needhelpthnaks for all :D19:40
ruphyRiddell: ping19:47
Riddellhi ruphy19:48
* JontheEchidna decided to start hacking a little on plasma19:55
JontheEchidnaNot bad for 10 mins, eh? The API is easy19:56
JontheEchidnaNow I just have to figure out how to get the app name... Currently QuickLaunch just grabs the URL and Icon out of the desktop file19:56
ruphyRiddell: --> private19:58
a|wenblizzz: pong20:06
blizzza|wen: hi!  you told me to report you problems with kile if they appear20:07
blizzzsince i have your ppa package installed20:07
a|wenblizzz: yes20:08
blizzzactually, kile likes to forget shortcuts by chance.20:08
blizzze.g. it forgets the settings for alt+1, quick build, as well as self-defined ones20:08
a|wenokay, that sounds kind of strange20:09
blizzzyes, i was kinda puzzled the first time i saw it20:10
a|wenmight it have happened after upgrading kile? or does it happen randomly20:10
blizzza|wen: randomly. same behaviour before and after the upgrade20:11
a|wenblizzz: i've pushed some updates through the ppa, so wondered if it was after one of them?20:12
blizzza|wen: it occured with the first version i got from you and the current one. (originally i installed the deb, included your ppa today)20:13
a|wenblizzz: okay ... i know that a lot of changes has happened to the upstream code since20:15
a|wenblizzz: try with the newest one from the ppa (if you are running 8.10) ... if it still happens, please report a bug against kile in LP (the ppa-version is currently equivalent to the version in jaunty)20:16
blizzza|wen: it happens with the current version, too, (yes 8.10).20:18
blizzzwill do the bug report20:18
a|wenblizzz: thx!20:18
blizzzi thank you for the backports :) besides this, kile works very good, did a smaller thesis, a letter and a cv so far without any problems20:19
QuintasanAt last! The Kopete notifications are going to stack. No more 135 notifications :D20:20
a|wenblizzz: good, sounds very encouraging :) ... it should hopefully be good enough, as it is included in jaunty20:21
blizzzi consider to upgrade on monday20:23
* a|wen is at the last steps of his upgrade20:23
a|wenand now i need that restart...20:29
blizzzeither a|wens machine is kinda slow or he has some problems with the upgrade..20:51
a|wenhmm... X wants to use ~100% cpu all the time in jaunty for me; slows everything down quite a lot20:55
blizzzwb a|wen20:56
ScottKa|wen: What video chipset?20:56
Quintasanthe String Freeze is already in effect?20:56
a|wenScottK: ATI Technologies Inc M22 [Mobility Radeon X300] ... using the open source ati driver20:57
ScottKOK.  No idea about that one.20:58
blizzza|wen: did you try closed drivers?20:59
Quintasanblizzz: they dont work with new xserver20:59
a|wenmy chipset never really worked with closed drivers in any case ... not well at least21:02
a|wenand loads of garbage on screen most of the time21:05
QuintasanToo bad my comp is so old, I'm not able to work with desktop effects enabled :<21:06
* kb9vqf sympathizes with a|wen21:07
* kb9vqf has the same chipset21:07
a|wenkb9vqf: same problem on jaunty21:08
kb9vqfa|wen With the closed drivers, I can't get the video to work at all21:08
kb9vqfI have to use VESA, and KDE4.2 won't load at all21:09
a|wenkb9vqf: what about open source drivers?21:09
kb9vqfa|wen: No good, they don't work either21:09
kb9vqfa|wen: Same garbled screen21:09
kb9vqfI can give more details on the system if you want...21:10
* a|wen can live with the garbled screen ... if just X would stop taking all his cpu cycles21:11
kb9vqfa|wen: Which driver are you using?  VESA or the open ati driver?21:11
a|wenthe open ati one21:14
* Quintasan goes to bed, he really needs some sleep21:16
coucouf__just dropping a note, the "About Kubuntu" icon on the live CD desktop is broken21:18
coucouf__The file or folder help:/kubuntu/about-kubuntu does not exist.21:19
JontheEchidnaThat could be a result of the docs being installed to the wrong dir, as they are with the current kubuntu-docs package21:20
JontheEchidnaI think that is to be fixed next upload21:20
JontheEchidnaThanks for reporting it anyways :)21:22
coucouf__and the boot menu isn't completely localized21:22
coucouf__for example "Check the CD for defects" stays in english21:22
coucouf__something more anoying, the ubiquity window doesn't fit in my 800x480 screen height21:25
coucouf__if i didn't know the alt+click shortcut, I wouldn't be able to go past the first step21:26
a|wendecreasing virtual screen size helped a lot ... now it still eats a lot of cpu, but my comp is usable (still with loads of glitches)21:41
a|wenRiddell: exactly what did you want me to test regarding python-qt4-dbus ?21:42
* kb9vqf wonders why Juanty's KDE4.2 always loads into a black screen with only a mouse cursor21:43
freinhardkb9vqf: got that once with the liveCD, no idea why. toasted another one and it was gone.21:44
kb9vqffreinhard: This was with a direct upgrade from Intrepid21:45
kb9vqfMaybe I'll try a livecd in this system and see if it works21:45
blizzzkb9vqf: i had this once too, today21:45
ubottuUbuntu bug 348434 in ubuntu "Kubuntu Jaunty live cd lacks/does not display plasma-widgets, screen turns black" [Undecided,New]21:46
kb9vqfHas anyone had this problem with an upgrade rather than the LiveCD?21:47
kb9vqfI may need to reinstall Intrepid and try the upgrade again to see if something's broken21:47
rickspencer3that doesn't sound too good :)21:49
claydohScottK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope/BetaAnnouncement has been updated :)21:51
slangasekhi, is bug #339902 on anyone's radar for jaunty?21:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 339902 in notify-osd "notifications visible through the screensaver" [High,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33990221:52
Riddella|wen: you did an upgrade?21:55
a|wenchanging to XAA fixes both the cpu-drain and the screen garbage, yay!21:55
a|wenRiddell: i did21:55
Riddella|wen: at a python shell type `import dbus.mainloop.qt`21:56
Riddelldoes it work?21:56
a|wennope, i get "import dbus.mainloop.qt"21:56
a|wen"ImportError: No module named qt"21:56
Riddellmm, that's the bug21:56
Riddella|wen: do you have /var/lib/python-support/python2.6/dbus/mainloop/qt.so  ?21:57
a|wenRiddell: nope, that one is missing21:57
claydohScottK: Riddell: JontheEchidna:et al, what are the significant changes between alpha6 and beta?21:58
claydohdo we recommend testing upgrades nyet?21:58
JontheEchidnajust bugfixes mainly21:58
Riddellclaydoh: do you have /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/PyQt4/_dbus/mainloop/qt.so ?21:59
Riddellnot claydoh21:59
Riddella|wen: do you have /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/PyQt4/_dbus/mainloop/qt.so ?21:59
a|wenRiddell: that one is there, yes22:00
Riddellclaydoh: we recommend it to people who like to help with testing22:00
gabrielgomezdoes anyone know if opensync synce  works in Jaunty ?22:00
Riddellclaydoh: are you doing the beta wiki page by any chance?22:00
claydohRiddell: yes I am22:00
a|wenRiddell: do we know what goes wrong here?22:01
freinhardcan i upgrade from 8.04 to 9.04 directly?22:01
Riddellclaydoh: I think it's best to do a whole introduction to jaunty, so don't worry about the alpha6 to beta differences, just do a first draft of what we'll want on the final release22:01
Riddellfreinhard: yes22:01
claydohRiddell: Ok22:01
Riddellgabrielgomez: no idea I'm afraid22:01
Riddellfreinhard: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.0422:02
gabrielgomezthanks. I have tested it and I have not been able to get it working22:03
a|wenyay (ironical), seems we got ktorrent kde3 version back, bug 34805022:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 348050 in ktorrent2.2 "[source+binary removal] ktorrent2.2 from jaunty/universe" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34805022:03
gabrielgomezBut I dont know if it is a bug or I am the bug22:03
freinhardgot two spare laptops (same hardware) one with 8.04 and one with 8.10 (but i guess that one is messed up with kubuntu-experimental packages)22:03
Riddellfreinhard: even better, we need to check that upgrades work from people who have installed a load of stuff22:05
a|wenRiddell: do you want me to test anything more regarding python-qt4-dbus?22:05
freinhardRiddell: that'll take some time, need to mirror the harddrives first...22:05
freinhardRiddell: btw. did you manage to get that checkbox-patch into system-config-printer?22:06
Riddella|wen: file a bug I guess, I'm not really sure where to look next22:07
Riddellfreinhard: waiting for beta to be out22:07
claydohRiddell: do we by any chance have a cool jaunty logo yet?22:07
slangasekRiddell: do you know what's up with bug #339902?22:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 339902 in notify-osd "notifications visible through the screensaver" [High,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33990222:07
Riddellslangasek: oh fooey, I asked agateux to look at that but I don't think he did22:09
Riddellslangasek: let me ask upstream about it22:09
slangasekshould we assign to the bug to agateux for extra nagging value? :-)22:09
josh-lwill kubuntu release its jaunty beta as soon as ubuntu does?22:16
ScottKThat's the plan.22:17
Riddellslangasek: worth a shot :)22:17
slangasekRiddell: what's agateux's LP account?22:19
Riddellslangasek: agateau22:22
slangasekthanks, assigned22:23
a|wenRiddell: bug 348704 ... could very well be pycentral that is getting in the way; it has some strange ways sometimes22:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 348704 in python-qt4 "/var/lib/python-support/python2.6/dbus/mainloop/qt.so missing after upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34870422:25
a|wenkb9vqf: if you want to try with the radeon driver again, using XAA and a not to big virtual screen size fixes everything! for me22:27
kb9vqfa|wen: OK, I'll give it a shot when I reinstall...thanks for the tip!22:28
a|wenif it works for you as well, it might be worth mentioning somewhere22:30
a|wenso close that i can even enable opengl desktop effects on this old lappy now, cool ... but i'll have to do with the xrender ones22:46
* a|wen loves jaunty ... hugs everyone23:08
* vorian high-fives a|wen 23:12
neversfeldebah, Jaunty is old :D23:13
* a|wen high-fives vorian back ... let's get jaunty rocking even more with kde 4.2.2 soon :D23:13
neversfeldeI should really wait till release day and stop upgrading at alpha 2 or 3^^23:13
a|wenneversfelde: what's the fun then :)23:14
neversfeldeok, you are right. Karmic is comming..23:14
a|wenyou're right ... and karmic+1 with LTS is the next big thing i look forward to23:16
neversfeldea|wen: is it sure that Karmic +1 is the next LTS release?23:58
* vorian would bet on it23:58
neversfeldehow much :D23:59
vorianas much as you like23:59
neversfeldehehe, not my bet...23:59

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