demon | cinex: can you open this page | 00:00 |
demon | | 00:00 |
demon | i cant :( | 00:00 |
demon | i am missing some plugins | 00:00 |
cinex | yep | 00:00 |
cinex | u want that as your bootsplash> | 00:01 |
=== koksy89 is now known as [KOKSYboss] | ||
demon | cinex: dunno | 00:02 |
demon | :D | 00:02 |
demon | i found it whe i type LCARS for kde | 00:02 |
demon | :D | 00:02 |
cinex | meh my splash is broke lol | 00:07 |
demon | lol | 00:08 |
demon | how come | 00:08 |
demon | try this cinex | 00:08 |
demon | it works | 00:09 |
demon | :D | 00:09 |
demon | yeahhhhhhhhhh | 00:09 |
cinex | demon: how did u do it ? | 00:16 |
demon | cinex: take it | 00:16 |
demon | its the program i was searching for | 00:16 |
demon | :D | 00:16 |
cinex | startupmanager? | 00:17 |
demon | yes | 00:17 |
demon | :D | 00:17 |
demon | but i cant find .so themes | 00:17 |
demon | cinex: like this | 00:20 |
demon | i want this | 00:20 |
cinex | demon: startupmanager wants a tar.gz file not a .so | 00:21 |
demon | nope | 00:22 |
cinex | beats the crap out of me. i gotta meet the wife... I'm going to figure it out tommorow | 00:22 |
demon | lol | 00:23 |
demon | cheers mate | 00:23 |
cinex | demon: nice lol | 00:30 |
rafo | holas | 00:33 |
rafo | alguien de argentina? | 00:33 |
rafo | jujuy? | 00:33 |
rafo | holas | 00:34 |
rafo | holas | 00:34 |
rafo | hay alguien? | 00:34 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as walrusLT | ||
walrusLT | Ello :) | 00:46 |
lego | Good evening everyone. | 00:47 |
lego | Is anyone around at this time? | 00:47 |
walrusLT | Can i get help with screen resolution? Friend gave me Kubuntu8.10 CD, and i have just installed it | 00:47 |
walrusLT | But my screen resolutin is 800/600 :/ And i dont like it. How can i change it to 1280x1024? | 00:47 |
lego | Is there any way to restore my Linux without re-installing it? | 00:48 |
walrusLT | restore? | 00:48 |
lego | I had Linux dual-boot with XP. I had to fix XP boot and now no way to get into Linux. | 00:49 |
walrusLT | Try to re-install it | 00:49 |
walrusLT | lawl :D | 00:49 |
lego | I was hoping to get it back without going through the hassles of a re-install. | 00:49 |
walrusLT | Why you dont like to re-install it? :? | 00:50 |
walrusLT | It's just few minutes | 00:50 |
lego | Linux takes a while to install, just like XP. | 00:50 |
vraja | HI | 00:50 |
walrusLT | Hi | 00:50 |
walrusLT | Can you help me with resolution?/ | 00:50 |
vraja | im new in linux | 00:50 |
walrusLT | Ohhh | 00:50 |
vraja | i need help | 00:51 |
lego | I might be able to help with resolution. | 00:51 |
lego | Are you running off CD or PC? | 00:51 |
vraja | who to make sign arroba ? | 00:51 |
walrusLT | I have just installed kubuntu because i fu**'ed up date and time settings in XP so i needed to activate it :D | 00:51 |
vraja | wath? | 00:52 |
walrusLT | CD/PC? Hmmm, i have installed it, and the apperiantly it shows me desktop, but i hear that CD is working | 00:52 |
lego | Go into setting in Kubuntu and use root access to tell Linux what monitor you are using. | 00:52 |
vraja | ok | 00:52 |
lego | Control Center | 00:52 |
vraja | yea | 00:52 |
lego | I could reboot to Kubuntu here and tell you exactly what to do, if you like. | 00:53 |
lego | Right now running PCLOS | 00:53 |
vraja | how to make arroba ? | 00:53 |
vraja | i need make arroba please help | 00:54 |
lego | I know nothing of that. | 00:54 |
vraja | arroba in ubuntu | 00:54 |
lego | I was talking to the person about the resolution problem. | 00:55 |
walrusLT | Where to go? | 00:55 |
lego | I always have a problem when I install any Linux. I have to find a way to fix it by telling hat monitor I have. | 00:55 |
lego | Easy in Kubuntu. | 00:55 |
walrusLT | System Settings? Where now? | 00:56 |
walrusLT | : | 00:56 |
lego | Did you fix it walrusLT? | 00:56 |
walrusLT | No | 00:56 |
walrusLT | I dunno what to do :/ | 00:56 |
lego | Let me reboot so I can give you direct directions, okay? | 00:56 |
lego | Be right back. | 00:56 |
walrusLT | k | 00:56 |
walrusLT | Hey | 00:57 |
walrusLT | Is there any remote-controll? | 00:57 |
walrusLT | lawl? | 00:57 |
walrusLT | shit | 00:57 |
dragonmaster | walrusLT? | 00:59 |
walrusLT | Yes | 00:59 |
dragonmaster | Click on System Settings. | 01:00 |
walrusLT | yed | 01:00 |
walrusLT | yes | 01:00 |
dragonmaster | Do you see Monitor and Display? | 01:00 |
walrusLT | Yeah | 01:00 |
dragonmaster | Click on that. | 01:00 |
dragonmaster | You will need administrator rights. | 01:00 |
walrusLT | There is no 1280x1024 or something like that | 01:00 |
walrusLT | maximum is 800x600 | 01:01 |
dragonmaster | I understand. | 01:01 |
walrusLT | okey | 01:01 |
dragonmaster | Do you see below "administrator mode"? | 01:01 |
walrusLT | no | 01:02 |
walrusLT | :D | 01:02 |
dragonmaster | Press alt+M | 01:02 |
dragonmaster | it should ask for the root password. | 01:02 |
walrusLT | Does not work | 01:03 |
dragonmaster | Hold the alt key down and press M. That doesn't do anything? | 01:04 |
dragonmaster | Can you log out and get in as root? | 01:05 |
stdin | root account is disabled by default, use kdesudo to elevate permissions: kdesudo systemsettings | 01:06 |
=== brenda is now known as BRENDA | ||
walrusLT | Somthing tells me that i have not finished installation : | 01:08 |
walrusLT | :/ | 01:08 |
dragonmaster | walrusLT, what you need to do is get root access and then once in "Monitor & Display" you need to click on hardware at the top and tell it what monitor you have. | 01:08 |
dragonmaster | Might be able to get in by using terminal and logging in as root. | 01:09 |
walrusLT | Yep | 01:09 |
walrusLT | I am in live session | 01:09 |
stdin | or just read what I said... | 01:09 |
dragonmaster | Does anyone know how to restore grub menu without re-installing Linux? | 01:09 |
stdin | !grub | 01:10 |
ubottu | GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - GRUB how-tos: | 01:10 |
dragonmaster | Thank you. | 01:10 |
dragonmaster | I will be back later. | 01:11 |
=== neur is now known as Rhian | ||
walrusLT | How to move application from 1 desktop to another? | 01:23 |
walrusLT | cool | 01:25 |
=== walrusLT is now known as walrus | ||
dragonmaster | Linux restored. Thank you stdin and ubottu. | 01:33 |
martynas_ | they should apply feature to make updates downloadable like torrents | 01:37 |
martynas_ | From many people, to increase speed | 01:38 |
martynas_ | nick walrus | 01:38 |
=== martynas_ is now known as walrus | ||
BluesKaj | walrus, you can by making "main" the default repository in adept | 01:41 |
BluesKaj | walrus, it is meant for english speaking locales only , however | 01:42 |
walrus | I dunno :) | 01:43 |
walrus | i am newbie ;D | 01:43 |
BluesKaj | walrus, do you use italian as your default language in kubuntu | 01:44 |
=== QlOfp]cF is now known as LjL | ||
walrus | No, i selected english | 01:45 |
=== evalles_ is now known as effie_jayx | ||
BluesKaj | oh sorry lt stands for latvia I believe , right ? | 01:45 |
walrus | ? | 01:46 |
walrus | I am from Lithuania :D | 01:46 |
BluesKaj | oh sorry, my geography is off tonight, but the mainserver is much faster than even my local server here in Canada , you can always change it back in adept | 01:48 |
david_ | I've got a question about SNMP. My ISP is complaining about my machine scanning their system when it boots up. Any guesses what the culprit might be? | 01:52 |
josh-l | whats the deb gui installer called on kubuntu? | 01:52 |
josh-l | you know when you click from dolphin | 01:52 |
josh-l | on a package | 01:52 |
josh-l | nevermind got it | 01:53 |
david_ | Hrm... It appears that snmpd needs to be disabled. How can I get to it via GUI or command line? | 01:54 |
Kasm279 | does anyone know how to install GNOME and Xfce into kubuntu? | 01:55 |
Kasm279 | logos! | 01:55 |
Kasm279 | legos!** | 01:55 |
Kasm279 | i like the old lego mindstorms... | 01:56 |
Kasm279 | the yellow ones | 01:56 |
Kasm279 | !xfce | 01:56 |
ubottu | Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at and - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels | 01:56 |
Kasm279 | ah, that helps | 01:56 |
Kasm279 | !gnome | 01:57 |
ubottu | GNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal. | 01:57 |
BluesKaj | !KDE | Kasm279 | 01:57 |
ubottu | Kasm279: KDE ( is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see . See for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde4 | 01:57 |
walrus | All of these ubuntu's, kubuntu's, lubuntu's, xubuntu's and so on.. Makes me laught | 01:57 |
BluesKaj | !desktop | 01:58 |
ubottu | A desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors | 01:58 |
Kasm279 | DONT FORGET EDUBUNTU! | 01:58 |
walrus | yeye | 01:58 |
Kasm279 | lol | 01:58 |
walrus | And eudbuntu | 01:58 |
Kasm279 | !fluxbox | 01:58 |
BluesKaj | ED Who ? :) | 01:58 |
ubottu | fluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see | 01:58 |
Kasm279 | ther should be flubuntu | 01:59 |
walrus | They should make something like Microsoft Framework | 01:59 |
Kasm279 | !flavors | 01:59 |
ubottu | !GTK and !Qt are !GUI toolkits (i.e. software libraries that draw buttons, textboxes, etc). !GNOME, !KDE, !Xfce and friends are "!desktop environments", which build on top of such libraries to provide a "consistent" desktop experience. !Kubuntu and !Xubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with KDE and Xfce (respectively) installed as default, instead of GNOME. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu | 01:59 |
walrus | For all unix systems | 01:59 |
walrus | !framework | 02:00 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about framework | 02:00 |
cjae | I was trying to upgrade a 8.10 to kde 4.2 and now its so broken it not funny | 02:00 |
walrus | !ubottu | 02:00 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 02:00 |
walrus | :DDDD | 02:00 |
walrus | !Microsoft Windows Vista | 02:00 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 02:00 |
cjae | I there something I can do to instead of the ppa. way to upgrade? | 02:00 |
walrus | . | 02:00 |
cjae | !4.2 | 02:01 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about 4.2 | 02:01 |
BluesKaj | !KDE4 | 02:01 |
ubottu | kde4 is KDE 4.1.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at | 4.2 packages | Support in #kubuntu | 02:01 |
walrus | !WindowsXp | 02:01 |
ubottu | For discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See and /msg ubottu equivalents | 02:01 |
walrus | shi' | 02:01 |
walrus | Would be cool to see `Sorry, I don't know anything about WindowsXp` | 02:01 |
* Kasm279 is there anyway to add more space to wubi without reinstalling? | 02:02 | |
Kasm279 | !wubi | 02:02 |
ubottu | Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at | 02:02 |
david_ | Anyone know how to disable SNMP? Specifically, snmpd? | 02:02 |
Kasm279 | i have know idea wat that is | 02:02 |
Kasm279 | !snmp | 02:03 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about snmp | 02:03 |
Kasm279 | !snmpd | 02:03 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about snmpd | 02:03 |
walrus | How to install vga drivers? | 02:04 |
cjae | why on some computer when I put kde 4.2 on it it goes on just fine and then the next it is a disaster | 02:05 |
BluesKaj | The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) provides a framework for the exchange of management information between agents (servers) and clients. | 02:05 |
Kasm279 | is there anyway to add more space to wubi without reinstalling? | 02:05 |
BluesKaj | cjae , did you upgrade from kde3.5 ? | 02:05 |
david_ | My ISP has decided that my computer looks like a 'bot, and they want the scanning stopped or they kick me off. How do I disable it? | 02:06 |
Kasm279 | !topic | 02:06 |
ubottu | Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic | 02:06 |
Kasm279 | hello? | 02:07 |
BluesKaj | david_, look in adept for SNMP, you can remove it there | 02:07 |
Kasm279 | is there anyway to add more space to wubi without reinstalling? | 02:07 |
david_ | OK. I guess I could do it from apt-get as well. I just thought there might be an easy way to disable the daemon process instead. | 02:08 |
cjae | BluesKaj: no fresh copy of 8.10 too | 02:08 |
BluesKaj | david_, I think you need that SNMP application for network management ... who kmnows what will happen to your internet connection without it. | 02:10 |
david_ | Well, then I'm pretty much screwed then. | 02:10 |
* Kasm279 yawns | 02:11 | |
Kasm279 | is there anyway to add more space to wubi without reinstalling? | 02:12 |
BluesKaj | david_, call your ISP and tell them you run linux and don't use scanbots's really their problem , not yours. | 02:12 |
david_ | I just spent 20 minutes with them on this. | 02:12 |
david_ | At first, they were fine. Now they're telling me it's against policy. | 02:13 |
BluesKaj | maybe bill gates owns that ISP :) | 02:13 |
david_ | They haven't shown me the poilicy. | 02:13 |
david_ | It's Comcast. | 02:13 |
BluesKaj | oh lord | 02:13 |
* Kasm279 dies of shock | 02:13 | |
david_ | It looks like snmp is being used by my printer. | 02:14 |
* Kasm279 also died of bordom | 02:14 | |
david_ | The scans only happen at startup, so I assume that some sort of network discovery is happening. | 02:14 |
david_ | I don't want to uninstall, because I might be left with a worthless box. | 02:14 |
BluesKaj | david_, uninstall it with adept because the app is libsnmp - something | 02:15 |
david_ | Last time I updated my video drivers (last week) I could no longer log into my desktop. | 02:15 |
BluesKaj | ok , david_ , try running your live cd if you still have it | 02:16 |
david_ | Here goes nothing. Yes, I have several live CDs. | 02:16 |
Kasm279 | i have 5 live cds | 02:16 |
david_ | My kids have about 20 live cds to do projects with... I just cleared out a bunch of stuff... | 02:17 |
david_ | Projects = "make pretty things with old CDs" ;-) | 02:17 |
Kasm279 | xubuntu, 2 (i386, PPC), ubuntu, 2(i386, PPC), kubuntu | 02:17 |
david_ | OK, time to reboot... | 02:17 |
david_ | -oo- | 02:17 |
Kasm279 | oh, i also have the edubuntu add-on cd | 02:18 |
cjae | ok I am very sick of upgrading to 4.2 breaking something is there a site which does a good step by step which does not trash your computer | 02:19 |
walrus | Hewllo | 02:20 |
walrus | Hello, i have just downloaded `realtek-linux-audiopack-4.06a.tar.bz2`, hmmm. How can i install it? :) | 02:20 |
Kasm279 | effing windows | 02:22 |
Kasm279 | it just shut down the wubi installer | 02:22 |
Kasm279 | !bill gates | 02:22 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about bill gates | 02:22 |
Kasm279 | !windows 2000 | 02:22 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about windows 2000 | 02:22 |
walrus | lol | 02:22 |
Kasm279 | !windows | 02:22 |
ubottu | For discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See and /msg ubottu equivalents | 02:22 |
walrus | !WindowsVista | 02:22 |
ubottu | vista is a recent version of Microsoft Windows. Discussion on Windows related topics is available in ##windows. General issues on moving from Windows to Ubuntu is convered in the wiki guide at | 02:22 |
walrus | shi' | 02:23 |
walrus | !BSOD | 02:23 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about BSOD | 02:23 |
walrus | :D | 02:23 |
walrus | !Ubuntu Multimedia | 02:24 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 02:24 |
walrus | !Ubuntu.Multimedia | 02:24 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 02:24 |
walrus | shi' | 02:24 |
Kasm279 | !bsd | 02:25 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about bsd | 02:25 |
david__ | Back again. The machine booted fine. The internet is accessible, and the printer works. | 02:25 |
david__ | So removing snmp (assuming I did it right) didn't seem to nuke my machine. | 02:25 |
david__ | -oo- | 02:26 |
Kasm279 | -oo- | 02:27 |
Kasm279 | glasses? | 02:27 |
Kasm279 | !multimedia | 02:27 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see - For multimedia applications, see | 02:27 |
Kasm279 | multimedia codecs my a@#. i had to install mpeg 3 | 02:28 |
Kasm279 | ok, im running KDE 4.1, should i ubgrade to 4.2? | 02:29 |
Kasm279 | upgrade** | 02:29 |
Kasm279 | amd also: | 02:29 |
Kasm279 | is there anyway to add more space to wubi without reinstalling? | 02:29 |
* Kasm279 is starting to get frusturated | 02:30 | |
cjae | anyone using jaunty alpha 6? | 02:30 |
bsi | this damn screen is flickering | 02:31 |
Kasm279 | no | 02:31 |
Kasm279 | 8.10 | 02:31 |
bsi | yes | 02:31 |
Kasm279 | (well, OSX right now, but on my laptop, 8.10) | 02:31 |
bsi | any way to stop it | 02:32 |
Kasm279 | kubuntu isnt available for PPC :'( | 02:32 |
Kasm279 | my G3 is probably to slow to run it, though | 02:32 |
Dev09 | Hello everybody. I'm running Gnome on my 8.10 Ubuntu system and suspend/resume work flawlessly, however the same system and even 9.04 do not work with KDE4. Is there anything known about this? | 02:33 |
=== martynas_ is now known as walrus | ||
walrus | Sup | 02:33 |
Kasm279 | go to #ubuntu | 02:33 |
walrus | I hav ejus activated the nvdia drivers | 02:34 |
Kasm279 | good | 02:34 |
walrus | and my resolution have decreased | 02:34 |
walrus | Yeah, really good.. | 02:34 |
Kasm279 | nvidia>ati | 02:34 |
Kasm279 | oh, not good | 02:34 |
walrus | Ye | 02:34 |
walrus | So, | 02:34 |
walrus | How to change? I really want to have 1280x1024 | 02:35 |
Kasm279 | K>system settings >displays | 02:35 |
Dev09 | Kasm279, I'd recommend using nVidia settings to change anything related to an nVidia card. | 02:35 |
Kasm279 | ah | 02:36 |
Dev09 | nVidia settings as in the utility that comes with the driver. | 02:36 |
Kasm279 | but that would still work | 02:36 |
walrus | I have looked there | 02:36 |
Dev09 | Not really :) | 02:36 |
Dev09 | kdesu nvidia-settings | 02:36 |
Dev09 | I think. | 02:36 |
Kasm279 | ? | 02:36 |
walrus | But there is only 380x480 and 620x480 or some. | 02:36 |
Dev09 | That's why. | 02:36 |
Dev09 | walrus, Kasm279, run kdesu nvidia-settings and change it in there. | 02:36 |
Kasm279 | looked where? | 02:36 |
Kasm279 | ? | 02:37 |
walrus | there | 02:37 |
Dev09 | You can then tell it to write it to the X Server conf file and it'll be set so. | 02:37 |
walrus | :D | 02:37 |
Kasm279 | tell walrus | 02:37 |
walrus | System Settings->Display | 02:37 |
Kasm279 | my lappy has ati | 02:37 |
walrus | You are happy | 02:37 |
Dev09 | walrus, try what I said... (not that I intend to put Kasm279 down, but try) | 02:38 |
Kasm279 | :'( | 02:38 |
Kasm279 | JK! | 02:38 |
Kasm279 | walrus, i am not happy | 02:39 |
walrus | command not fould | 02:39 |
walrus | `run kdesu nvidia-settings` and `kdesu nvidia-settings` niot found | 02:39 |
Kasm279 | i still havent got my question answered | 02:39 |
Dev09 | walrus, Can you open Konsole? | 02:39 |
Kasm279 | is there anyway to add more space to wubi without reinstalling? | 02:39 |
walrus | I have done that in reminal | 02:40 |
Dev09 | Kasm279, I personally have no idea. | 02:40 |
Kasm279 | ok | 02:40 |
walrus | I have done that in terminal | 02:40 |
Dev09 | walrus, type nvidia and then tab. | 02:40 |
Dev09 | See if it completes with something. | 02:40 |
walrus | I have answered | 02:40 |
Dev09 | Or double-tab. | 02:40 |
walrus | An you do this? I dont know what to do | 02:40 |
Kasm279 | does anyone know? | 02:40 |
Kasm279 | wait! | 02:40 |
walrus | I would allow to connect to my pc, if it's possible | 02:41 |
Kasm279 | !wubi | 02:41 |
ubottu | Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at | 02:41 |
Dev09 | walrus, Like, just go into Konsole, type "nvidia" and then press the tab key on your keyboard twice, if there is a command that begins with nvidia, it should appear. | 02:41 |
walrus | nvidia-settings | 02:42 |
walrus | nvidia-detector nvidia-xconfig | 02:42 |
Dev09 | walrus, yeah, there it is. | 02:42 |
Dev09 | OK, write: | 02:42 |
Dev09 | sudo -i | 02:42 |
Dev09 | Press enter and write in your root password. Then enter again. | 02:42 |
walrus | Root password? | 02:42 |
Dev09 | walrus, Your password :) | 02:43 |
walrus | Okey | 02:43 |
walrus | :D | 02:43 |
walrus | ok, | 02:43 |
Dev09 | Once you're done, write: | 02:43 |
Dev09 | nvidia-settings | 02:43 |
Dev09 | And then enter. | 02:43 |
walrus | I have looked in nvidia settings | 02:43 |
walrus | Via GUI | 02:43 |
walrus | I dont think this will help | 02:43 |
Dev09 | Yeah, there's a drop list that gives you the resolutions. | 02:44 |
Dev09 | It *should* work. | 02:44 |
walrus | It does'nt | 02:44 |
walrus | Same as in Display | 02:44 |
Dev09 | walrus, Ah-hm. | 02:44 |
Dev09 | :( | 02:44 |
walrus | :( | 02:45 |
Dev09 | Try pressing on the "advanced" button. | 02:45 |
walrus | Then i could just st virtual resolution | 02:45 |
walrus | Then i could just set virtual resolution | 02:45 |
Dev09 | There's a litte text box that should say something like "number x number x number". | 02:45 |
Dev09 | No, it's number + number + number. | 02:45 |
Dev09 | Perhaps you can write 1280+1024+(the number already there) and try it out. | 02:46 |
walrus | Wich box/ | 02:46 |
walrus | Wich box? | 02:46 |
Dev09 | Crap... Wait. | 02:46 |
Dev09 | walrus, in Konsole, write: | 02:47 |
Dev09 | kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 02:47 |
Dev09 | Then copy-paste its contents here. | 02:48 |
casinowarren | my mozilla keeps crashing on me, and i'm not sure why | 02:49 |
casinowarren | can somebody help? | 02:49 |
walrus | here? :D | 02:49 |
casinowarren | hahaha...funny | 02:49 |
Dev09 | casinowarren, Disable add-ons. | 02:49 |
denford | my monitor can run at higher resolutions than my ubuntu will alow. Help!!? | 02:49 |
casinowarren | when i open it up it crashes | 02:49 |
walrus | What to paste? | 02:49 |
Dev09 | walrus, Everything in there. | 02:50 |
walrus | What terminal prints or file contents? | 02:50 |
Dev09 | File contents. | 02:50 |
casinowarren | ok, under the kdesudo dolphin command right? | 02:50 |
walrus | | 02:50 |
Dev09 | walrus, Nice :) It's just that some people don't really know how to use PasteBin, so rather not confuse them, hehe | 02:51 |
walrus | :D | 02:51 |
Dev09 | walrus, What video card do you have? | 02:51 |
walrus | MX480 | 02:52 |
walrus | Old | 02:52 |
walrus | Or 440.. :D | 02:52 |
walrus | i think 440 | 02:52 |
casinowarren | dev09, when I open thunderbird it crashes instantly | 02:52 |
Dev09 | casinowarren, OK, so then open Dolphin... Do View-->Hidden Files. | 02:53 |
Dev09 | walrus, Give me a min. | 02:54 |
walrus | okay | 02:54 |
=== spreita is now known as Severin | ||
casinowarren | ok | 02:55 |
walrus | do you need monitor name or something? | 02:55 |
=== Severin is now known as Masoch | ||
Dev09 | casinowarren, There should be a folder called ".mozilla" | 02:55 |
=== Masoch is now known as olidog | ||
casinowarren | there is a file called mozilla | 02:55 |
Dev09 | casinowarren, A folder. | 02:56 |
Dev09 | With a dot at the beginning. | 02:56 |
Ac1 | hey there | 02:56 |
casinowarren | in the root user file correct? | 02:56 |
Ac1 | good eening | 02:56 |
walrus | su | 02:56 |
=== olidog is now known as severin | ||
walrus | sup | 02:56 |
denford | Walrus: could I use your paste bin to unlock higher resolutions on my montior? | 02:56 |
Dev09 | No, in your "home". | 02:56 |
=== severin is now known as olidog | ||
Ac1 | does anybody can help me about GIMP instalation? | 02:56 |
walrus | Yeah if you need | 02:57 |
walrus | But my paste bin does not give higher re | 02:57 |
casinowarren | ok one sec | 02:57 |
walrus | * res :D | 02:57 |
denford | ah, stink! | 02:57 |
denford | any tips on where I might find such info? | 02:57 |
walrus | You aare living with 640x480 also? | 02:57 |
casinowarren | ok i found it | 02:58 |
Ac1 | I put ''sudo apt-get install gimp'' but it only installs 2 or 3 previous version | 02:58 |
walrus | Dev09 help me :D | 02:58 |
walrus | Dev09 helps me :D | 02:58 |
Ac1 | and I just can't get the last one | 02:58 |
denford | nah work just got me a new 24 inch to use as a second display but I can only jack it up to 1440x900 at the moment | 02:58 |
olidog | hey where can I chat with hot goth chicks? | 02:58 |
Dev09 | walrus, Am multitasking here, and reading a book. I came here just to ask a question and now am answering two. | 02:58 |
walrus | Hehe :D | 02:58 |
Dev09 | casinowarren, rename it to whatever you want. | 02:58 |
casinowarren | you're the greatest dev | 02:58 |
Ac1 | and to edit the 'sorces.list' I don't know how to add the adress of the last version of GIMP | 02:59 |
casinowarren | also, there is a file called .mozilla-thunderbird | 02:59 |
casinowarren | anything with that? | 02:59 |
Dev09 | casinowarren, Just change names. | 02:59 |
Ac1 | I don't know if I need to put 'deb' or 'deb-src' in the begginning... or if I shloud put 'hardy' or' woody' in the end | 02:59 |
casinowarren | ok did the name change on .mozilla | 03:00 |
Ac1 | ok | 03:00 |
Dev09 | walrus, I just can't find how to specify a resolution in the file. | 03:00 |
Ac1 | am I talking to walls here? | 03:00 |
walrus | :/ | 03:00 |
walrus | Np, | 03:01 |
Dev09 | casinowarren, OK, change the name on the other folder too. | 03:01 |
casinowarren | ok done | 03:01 |
Ac1 | warlus? | 03:01 |
olidog | anyone into gothic satanic fetishism? | 03:01 |
Ac1 | test if somebody is reading me! | 03:01 |
casinowarren | I see you Ac1 | 03:01 |
Ac1 | ping casinowarren | 03:01 |
casinowarren | lol | 03:02 |
Ac1 | heehehehe | 03:02 |
Ac1 | finally somebody replied me | 03:02 |
=== R3DB0x is now known as boboso | ||
Ac1 | oildog - I kindda like... | 03:02 |
Dev09 | casinowarren, Firefox and all that should work now. | 03:02 |
Ac1 | casinowarren- can you help me with this? | 03:02 |
casinowarren | thanks | 03:02 |
Dev09 | I said "should"... | 03:03 |
Ac1 | oildog is still here? | 03:03 |
casinowarren | what you need help with Ac? | 03:03 |
casinowarren | works again, but my firefox wasn't having any issues | 03:03 |
casinowarren | and I liked all my addons for that | 03:04 |
casinowarren | can I change the file back for that? | 03:04 |
Ac1 | ok... you nmay call me Ace... (but Ace was taken and the system place a '1' instead os 'e' | 03:04 |
olidog | Ac1 i'm still here | 03:04 |
casinowarren | alright "Ace" lol | 03:04 |
Dev09 | walrus, OK... | 03:04 |
Dev09 | casinowarren, Yes, rename it back as it was. | 03:04 |
casinowarren | ok | 03:04 |
Dev09 | walrus, Replace your with | 03:04 |
Dev09 | casinowarren, You'll see that .mozilla has been recreated, so delete the new one first, of course. | 03:05 |
casinowarren | i never opened back up firefox | 03:05 |
casinowarren | just thunderbird | 03:05 |
Ac1 | I'm using kubuntu 8.04, and if I install the software GIMP, both ways.. konsole = apt-get or adept = add.... they get me GIMP 2.4 and I want the GIMP 2.6 | 03:05 |
Dev09 | walrus, I hope your card supports 1280x1024, otherwise you're not going to like your monitor not working. | 03:05 |
Dev09 | casinowarren, OK, I was just saying. | 03:05 |
casinowarren | try downloading from | 03:06 |
Ac1 | but I dion't know how to FORCE the system to ge gimp from another source | 03:06 |
casinowarren | they have the .deb file | 03:06 |
Dev09 | So rename .mozilla back to its original name and that's it... | 03:06 |
casinowarren | thanks dev | 03:06 |
casinowarren | you are a real big help | 03:06 |
Dev09 | casinowarren, No problem. Does it work at least? | 03:06 |
casinowarren | yeah it does | 03:06 |
Dev09 | Awesome. | 03:06 |
casinowarren | don't have all my cool extensions but hey it works | 03:06 |
Dev09 | walrus, You there? | 03:06 |
walrus | yep | 03:07 |
walrus | I have just tryed | 03:07 |
walrus | martynas@martynas-desktop:~$ xrandr --addmode S-video 800x600 | 03:07 |
casinowarren | Ace, has the file you are looking for | 03:07 |
walrus | xrandr: cannot find output "S-video" | 03:07 |
Dev09 | casinowarren, Hey, your extensions were the issue, so you can't complain. | 03:07 |
casinowarren | no i can't | 03:07 |
walrus | But everything sucks | 03:07 |
Ac1 | using windows, we get 'files.exe' all you have to do is double click on it... and in linux it is too complicated... the only software I could install in linux nice and easy was skype.... skype gave me a file called ''... and all I had to do was double click on it... | 03:07 |
olidog | Ac1 i'm still here | 03:07 |
Dev09 | walrus, Why s-video? | 03:07 |
Ac1 | why da hell GIMP cannot be the same way???? | 03:07 |
walrus | What i know :D Just found it in wiki | 03:07 |
casinowarren | did you install the runtime? | 03:07 |
Dev09 | walrus, Haha, no, no. | 03:08 |
walrus | Why not? | 03:08 |
casinowarren | because that can be the biggest problem with gimp on windows | 03:08 |
Dev09 | walrus, Did you replace your xorg.conf with what I said? | 03:08 |
walrus | Atlast somwthing would happen | 03:08 |
Dev09 | walrus, S-Video is an output for an external monitor like a TV. | 03:08 |
walrus | wait | 03:08 |
walrus | k | 03:08 |
Dev09 | walrus, But you have to be sure that your card supports that mode, you understand? | 03:09 |
walrus | Ok | 03:09 |
Dev09 | walrus, Otherwise you'll likely be left alone in a bad video situation :). | 03:09 |
walrus | And, how can i replace it? | 03:09 |
Ac1 | in windows I HAVE the gimp 2.6 runing... and I want my kubuntu to hae the same version.. but entering the in download section... it has no file to download... only the instruction... 'type sudo apt-get install gimp'' to get the latest version (letest version my ass!!!) | 03:10 |
Dev09 | walrus, in Konsole, write: sudo kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 03:10 |
casinowarren | ok one second ace | 03:10 |
Ac1 | oildog... - what kind of satanic fetish do you have? | 03:10 |
casinowarren | let me look | 03:10 |
Ac1 | casinowarren - thanks | 03:10 |
casinowarren | Ac1 - npo | 03:10 |
casinowarren | np | 03:10 |
olidog | goth girls into occultism | 03:10 |
Dev09 | walrus, Then just copy the contents from the website and replace your entire file in Kate. Then save and reboot. If I see you again, then it should all be happily working. | 03:10 |
walrus | K | 03:10 |
olidog | specially redheads with big tits | 03:10 |
walrus | Well, lets try :D | 03:10 |
walrus | Bye bye everyone | 03:10 |
walrus | :D | 03:10 |
walrus | lawl | 03:11 |
Ac1 | if there was a variant, of apt-get... or an 'option' like "sudo apt-get install gimp from here:thereallatestversion.url'' | 03:11 |
Dev09 | Bof, It's not that old of a card. | 03:11 |
walrus | I have replaced and saved, | 03:11 |
walrus | What now? ;. | 03:11 |
walrus | ;> | 03:11 |
Ac1 | oildog..... doing what? raping men? dressed like a demon? with wings and tail? | 03:11 |
Dev09 | walrus, OK, wait a sec. I just wanna recheck that there are no synatax errors. Then you'll reboot. | 03:12 |
Dev09 | walrus, No, all OK. Reboot and let's see what happens. | 03:12 |
olidog | just being sexy, in a dark way | 03:12 |
casinowarren | ok sorry ac1 | 03:12 |
rodrigo | . | 03:12 |
Ac1 | casino - sorry for what? | 03:13 |
casinowarren | i went through my synaptic package manager, my adept manager, and the gimp site | 03:13 |
casinowarren | mine all say 2.6 | 03:13 |
Ac1 | rodrigo - portugues? spanol? | 03:13 |
casinowarren | sooooooooo...that leads me to believe you haven't changed the settings on your repositories | 03:13 |
rodrigo | portugues | 03:13 |
Ac1 | casino warren... where and how can I modify my sources.list to point to a place of latest gimp version? | 03:13 |
Ac1 | de onde falas? | 03:14 |
Ac1 | brazil? portugal? cabo verde? | 03:14 |
casinowarren | what package manager are you using? | 03:14 |
rodrigo | brazil | 03:14 |
Ac1 | casino - I don't know... where can I check it? | 03:14 |
olidog | yo hablo un poco de castellano | 03:14 |
Ac1 | (I'm using kubuntu for 3 monthes.. I'm still new to this stuf) | 03:15 |
casinowarren | go to your K menu | 03:15 |
Ac1 | ok.. and? | 03:15 |
casinowarren | if your using adept it'll be there in the menu | 03:15 |
casinowarren | adept installer | 03:15 |
Dev09 | walrus? | 03:15 |
casinowarren | add/remove software | 03:15 |
Dev09 | Right, yeah, he is gone... | 03:16 |
Ac1 | adept manager 2.1 cruiser (using kde 3.5.10) | 03:16 |
casinowarren | ok | 03:16 |
Ac1 | rodrigo - que contas? qual tua area? | 03:16 |
casinowarren | ok open up adept | 03:16 |
Ac1 | opened | 03:17 |
Ac1 | I saw that in 'about' inside the adept | 03:17 |
casinowarren | go to sources | 03:17 |
casinowarren | and click on edit software sources | 03:17 |
Ac1 | "manage repositories" ? | 03:18 |
casinowarren | yeah | 03:18 |
casinowarren | sorry i'm using the newest version of kubuntu | 03:18 |
Ac1 | I didn't like the 8.10 | 03:18 |
Ac1 | I'm still on 8.04 | 03:18 |
casinowarren | oh, cause i'm having very few problems with the newest version now that i've updated everything | 03:19 |
casinowarren | and when i upgraded, the newest stable release for mine was 2.6 | 03:19 |
Ac1 | my source lists is like this: | 03:19 |
Ac1 | deb hardy-security main restricted | 03:19 |
Ac1 | deb-src hardy-security main restricted | 03:19 |
Ac1 | deb hardy-security universe | 03:19 |
Ac1 | deb-src hardy-security universe | 03:19 |
Ac1 | deb hardy-security multiverse | 03:19 |
Ac1 | deb-src hardy-security multiverse | 03:19 |
Ac1 | deb hardy main | 03:19 |
Ac1 | deb-src hardy main | 03:19 |
sense | anyone know where the actual program file firefox is located in ubuntu? | 03:19 |
Ac1 | deb hardy main | 03:19 |
Ac1 | deb-src hardy main | 03:19 |
Ac1 | deb hardy main | 03:19 |
Ac1 | deb-src hardy main | 03:19 |
=== Don is now known as Guest70567 | ||
casinowarren | ok | 03:19 |
=== richard is now known as Guest78732 | ||
Guest78732 | hi | 03:20 |
casinowarren | that is the right repositories | 03:20 |
casinowarren | hmmmmmmmmmmmm | 03:20 |
Ac1 | casino - I try a few times to install softwares manually in linux (using the files) I follow the READ ME instructions but it was ALWAYS frustrating and disapointed | 03:20 |
sense | anyone know where the actual program file firefox is located in ubuntu? | 03:20 |
Guest78732 | checking out Quassel looks better that that other one in 8.10 | 03:21 |
casinowarren | yeah, i know how that is | 03:21 |
Ac1 | it creates a folder called ' .gimp2.4 '... that doesn't disappear when I remove the software.. | 03:21 |
Ac1 | should I rename it to 2.6? | 03:21 |
casinowarren | you can, but it won't make a difference | 03:21 |
casinowarren | well, try it actually | 03:22 |
Ac1 | how can I 'cheat' the system to get the last version?? :'( | 03:22 |
Guest70567 | Testing | 03:22 |
casinowarren | let me look into it for you, because I know a few different ways | 03:22 |
casinowarren | by the way my producer is getting mad cause i'm supposed to be recording right now | 03:22 |
Guest78732 | anybody know some good graphical applications such as gimp and inkscape and blender and other ones out their? I only saw alot of music applications in ubuntu studio when i merged the kde with it though i just want to download the graphical aspects and wallpapers | 03:23 |
Dev09_ | sense, In Konsole, run: whereis firefox | 03:23 |
Guest78732 | firefox does have a new stable verison in beta 3 works well | 03:23 |
casinowarren | you can also look for the graphics files in the repositories guest | 03:23 |
Ac1 | casinowarren - are you a musician? | 03:24 |
casinowarren | yeah | 03:24 |
casinowarren | i'm working on my mixtape right now | 03:24 |
Ac1 | cool... I used to sing and play bass... | 03:24 |
casinowarren | it's supposed to be in my dj's hands on friday | 03:24 |
casinowarren | lol | 03:24 |
Ac1 | but I believe I'm better as a moviemaker.. | 03:24 |
Ac1 | I produce short movies and video clips | 03:24 |
Guest78732 | ok what kpackage hmm haven't seen if they have gotten that working yet i did noticed though sudo aptitude upgrade is deprecated it is now safe-upgrade | 03:25 |
casinowarren | that's cool, i play 6 instruments but only get fame as a rapper here in dallas | 03:25 |
Ac1 | there it goes... downloading gimp 2.4 AGAIN!!! | 03:25 |
Guest78732 | no need to use apt-get install or remove only aptitude install or remove, update first then install | 03:25 |
Ac1 | and my desire of kicking and stomping this computer to dust just raise!! | 03:26 |
casinowarren | LOL | 03:26 |
casinowarren | sorry don't mean to laugh | 03:26 |
casinowarren | i went through the same thing about 3 months ago | 03:26 |
casinowarren | but when i went to the gimp site they still had the .deb packages for download | 03:27 |
Ac1 | casiuno - think with me... there are some adresses there... let's supose the has the gimp2.4 and has the gimp2.6... HOW can I FORCE the system to 'look' into GIMP source, instead of KUBUNTU source? | 03:27 |
casinowarren | that i don't know off the top of my head | 03:28 |
Ac1 | if I add a # in front of all the URLs except of GIMP.... would it work? | 03:28 |
Guest78732 | just install the tar | 03:28 |
Guest78732 | and complie from source no big deal | 03:28 |
Ac1 | guest78732 - to hear what to say.. makes me sweat and loose blood pressure... | 03:29 |
casinowarren | yeah, that is a good point, but if you don't know how to do that then it becomes a real pain | 03:29 |
Guest78732 | pc-bsd has the right idea with pci files removing them like windows and such. mean while the kde stuff is seperated | 03:29 |
Ac1 | how HATEFUL and DISGUSTING is trying to install from TAR | 03:29 |
casinowarren | lol | 03:29 |
casinowarren | ace, my producer is fixing to shoot me in the butt | 03:29 |
casinowarren | i'll be back in a few | 03:29 |
Ac1 | actually... there is NO 'install from tar'... the real thing is 'try from tar' | 03:29 |
Ac1 | 'waste your time from tar' | 03:29 |
casinowarren | if you haven't got it figured out i'll look deeper into it for you | 03:29 |
Ac1 | that's the real thing | 03:29 |
Ac1 | ok casino | 03:30 |
Ac1 | thanks | 03:30 |
Ac1 | please | 03:30 |
Ac1 | bookmark my site | 03:30 |
Ac1 | | 03:30 |
Guest78732 | Acl you know how much stuff out their on the internet is a tar. Easy and simple install slackware lol all tar baby | 03:30 |
Ac1 | take a look at my art.. and contact me if you need something | 03:30 |
Guest78732 | i install from tar all the time | 03:31 |
Ac1 | ok , baby... I'm a fucking windows user.. I'm into kubuntu for a few monthes... and all I could install was from add/remove adept | 03:31 |
Ac1 | well... if you are a chosen of god, lucky you | 03:31 |
Ac1 | lucky you if the physics works different.. | 03:32 |
tanjir | Ac1: watch your mouth please :) | 03:32 |
Ac1 | for me... is wast of time... | 03:32 |
Guest78732 | i am using the jaunty version adept i don't see in here at first i used the terminal but they did another snapshot /upgrade | 03:32 |
Guest78732 | virtualbox please use for windows | 03:33 |
Guest78732 | screw the wine aspect | 03:33 |
Guest78732 | virtualbox all the way | 03:33 |
Ac1 | tanjir - ok.. but it was not my mounth.. it was my fingers... and it is really really hard to keep myself away from sayin a bad word... when I am too pissed off of wasting 4 hours to do a pathetic thing such as.... 'install a software' | 03:33 |
tanjir | Guest78732: are you new ubuntu user? | 03:33 |
stdin | wine and virtualbox do separate things | 03:33 |
=== p is now known as Guest34550 | ||
tanjir | Ac1: which software you are trying to install? | 03:33 |
Guest78732 | 4 hours for real? yeah virtual box is not a emutor | 03:34 |
stdin | Guest78732: other way round, wine is not an emulator | 03:34 |
Ac1 | I really don't l like to deal to something that makes me feel a retarded... that's why I get angry | 03:34 |
Guest78732 | i got a bunch of links on my myspace | 03:34 |
WatchBot | Guest78732: Please keep your links on topic and work safe. | 03:34 |
Guest78732 | wine is an emulator | 03:34 |
stdin | no, it's not | 03:34 |
Ac1 | please.. call me Ace (the '1' was given me by the system) | 03:34 |
Guest78732 | yes it is | 03:34 |
stdin | go read the wine page | 03:34 |
Guest78732 | says so | 03:34 |
stdin | W.I.N.E = Wine Is Not An Emulator | 03:35 |
Ac1 | some say WINE is WINdows Emulator... | 03:35 |
Guest78732 | fine going to doble check that but last time i did it sure acts like one | 03:35 |
tanjir | Ace, I saw you are trying to install gimp... what is wrong with apt-get install gimp? | 03:35 |
stdin | read the FAQ on | 03:35 |
Ac1 | but actually it means another sign.. which I forgot | 03:35 |
Ac1 | anyway... wine is not a solution for me... cause 3dsmax cannot run into it... | 03:36 |
Ac1 | and 3dsmax is the only mud of foster thing that holds me into a windows system | 03:36 |
Guest78732 | still like virtualbox sun has been good to us all in alot of open source software the web wouldn't be the same with out them | 03:36 |
Ac1 | tanji | 03:36 |
Ac1 | tanji - I wish to install the last... the lastest FOR GOOD... version of GIMP | 03:37 |
Ac1 | but my system seems like LOVING the old 2.4 version | 03:37 |
Ac1 | not even christ makes it understand, they already lauched the 2.6 version | 03:37 |
tanjir | Ac1: that is probably because kubuntu still does not support the new one | 03:38 |
tanjir | or your version of kubuntu | 03:38 |
stdin | !info gimp | 03:38 |
ubottu | gimp (source: gimp): The GNU Image Manipulation Program. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.1-1ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 4264 kB, installed size 12472 kB | 03:38 |
stdin | ^ 2.6 | 03:38 |
Guest78732 | !info inkscape | 03:38 |
ubottu | inkscape (source: inkscape): vector-based drawing program. In component main, is optional. Version 0.46-2ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 13883 kB, installed size 59976 kB | 03:38 |
tanjir | here you go | 03:38 |
Guest78732 | !info blender | 03:38 |
ubottu | blender (source: blender): Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.46+dfsg-4ubuntu0.1 (intrepid), package size 7438 kB, installed size 21872 kB | 03:38 |
tanjir | Guest78732: if you are a hardcore 3d designer, I will suggest you to stick with your mac or windows... linux is not for that purpose | 03:39 |
Guest78732 | !info quanta | 03:39 |
ubottu | quanta (source: kdewebdev): web development environment for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.10-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 2435 kB, installed size 5900 kB | 03:39 |
stdin | you can /msg ubottu | 03:39 |
Guest78732 | i had a lot of trouble with install quanta after the web install then trying quanta it wants to remove the kde | 03:40 |
Ac1 | no shit.... so.. you are trying to say is.. if I want to work high professional level in digital graphics.. I shall FORGET linux | 03:41 |
stdin | Ac1: watch the language in here | 03:41 |
Guest78732 | what are you talking about linux is the daddy of the mac | 03:41 |
tanjir | stdin: thanks | 03:42 |
Guest78732 | or at least you can say gnu played a big part in helping develop the mac os system | 03:42 |
tanjir | Ac1: right. not e'thing comes for free. if you want to do something that professional spend professionally. | 03:42 |
Ac1 | I am studyin this softwa\res, because I believe in linux.. | 03:43 |
Guest78732 | yeah i am a computer science major ;) | 03:43 |
tanjir | Ac1: that is good. commercial versions of linux support a lot of powerful softwares. the free ones you are all by your own. read GNU GPL license before you use. | 03:44 |
Ac1 | stdin - why da mel you can't stand bad words here? I simply cannot understand that !! grown people SAY bad words as strength of expression!! | 03:44 |
stdin | !language | 03:44 |
ubottu | Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 03:44 |
stdin | because there are quite possibly children in this channel | 03:45 |
stdin | and it's part of the channel rules | 03:45 |
Ac1 | a ducking here, a mud of foster there, a sheet all over the place... words like this, don't kill anybody! for good fakes!! | 03:45 |
stdin | these are the rules, like it or lump it | 03:45 |
Guest78732 | though i believe some of this stuff is deemed not good on just a mornal desktop for the norm user. Looks like it is expected that the kde is for labtops, THough the labtop market is growing and desktop shrinking and the prices are so much better than a few years ago tech price went down | 03:45 |
Ac1 | ok... just for enclosure.. | 03:46 |
tanjir | Guest78732: that is quite debatable. Laptop market is growing, but not necessarily desktop market is shrikining. More people are using computer too. | 03:46 |
Ac1 | I won't be able to have gimp 2.6 in my kubuntu 8.04? | 03:47 |
Ac1 | (I really don't like kubuntu 8.10) | 03:47 |
Guest78732 | upgrade to jaunty i see no probelms with it | 03:47 |
tanjir | what don't you like about interpid? | 03:47 |
tanjir | Jaunty is not officially supported yet... not recommended for new users | 03:48 |
=== destructive is now known as tolucan | ||
tolucan | hi there ... got some problem with kubuntu 8.10 here | 03:48 |
Guest78732 | ohh yeah i forget just like when i first used interpid i still had to research so much stuff but being tech savy it was easier but still i did my homework | 03:48 |
Ac1 | about friendly and family channel... I am not calling someone by bad names.. that would be the opposiute of friendly... I'm against this nature.. of getting enemies.. | 03:48 |
Guest78732 | interpid kde was the first liux install i ever did | 03:49 |
Guest78732 | since then i've used so many disto's it isn't funny even bought a bigger harddrive more ram etc... Trying to upgrade this 32 bit sysytem to max so then i can just go buy that 64 bit labtop and have two different cross compiling systems here | 03:50 |
tanjir | Ac1: gimp 2.6 is not supported in kubuntu 8.04... but still you can do it (in a complicated way and on your own risk) | 03:51 |
tanjir | look here: | 03:51 |
tanjir | Ac1: warning you again, at your own risk | 03:51 |
tanjir | tolucan: what is your problem? | 03:52 |
Ac1 | I thought KUBUNTU and UBUNTU were both 'DEBIAN linux" | 03:52 |
stdin | both based of Debian | 03:52 |
casinowarren | they are both debian linux | 03:52 |
tolucan | Atheros card :-/ won?t function due to incompatible firmware or something like this kubuntu states while booting | 03:52 |
tanjir | Guest78732: I am not sure what labtop is | 03:52 |
Ac1 | and the difference is the kde or gnu.. which are only 'window manager' (to make the language beautifuler (one thing you seem to adore) | 03:52 |
Guest78732 | did you try the prerelease check box and also the fact using aptitufe install gimp 2.6. might be better | 03:52 |
Guest78732 | aptitude | 03:52 |
tolucan | and I?m a bit confused by the lot of different information I find according to this problem | 03:52 |
casinowarren | ac1 you getting everything resolved? | 03:53 |
stdin | Ac1: kde or gnome, and there are other window managers available | 03:53 |
tanjir | Ac1: GNU= GNU is Not Unix | 03:53 |
Ac1 | good.. so.. WHY 8.04 and 8.10 are different? I thought the only difference between them was the KDE version... responsable only for the 'look' (appearance) | 03:54 |
tanjir | Ac1: you can't use 2.6 due to conflict of some of the files. | 03:54 |
Ac1 | I thought what runs in one, runs in the other | 03:54 |
tanjir | Ac1: nope... both comes with both KDE and GNome | 03:54 |
stdin | the difference between 8.04 and 8.10 is about 6 months of development | 03:54 |
tanjir | *gNome | 03:54 |
Ac1 | ok... and guest? what does 'aptitude' do? | 03:55 |
Kasm279 | !gnome | 03:55 |
ubottu | GNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal. | 03:55 |
stdin | !aptitude | 03:55 |
ubottu | aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies (on Dapper and earlier, however, only aptitude keeps track of unused dependencies). See | 03:55 |
stdin | 2.6 is not in 8.04 at all, probably because it depends on newer libraries than 8.04 can provide without having to update all other packages | 03:55 |
Guest78732 | yes in thought kubuntu and ubuntu are the same except kubu built on a negitive y correct? They share and can exchange libarys and such knowing both use the gnu still libary kernel, also the fact i believe kde might just be a front end, also the fact they are based of of debian but if you try debian you can't install the sid which ubuntu kubuntu are based of off, also the fact noticed some of the widgets are from redhat? Of which fendo | 03:56 |
Guest78732 | redhat so i belive redhat is involved and might be using or based off of fendora as well | 03:56 |
Guest78732 | noticed though you see obuntu alot int he terminal | 03:56 |
Guest78732 | oubuntu | 03:56 |
Ac1 | ok... thanks fir the information... I'm gonna read the URLs you placed here. | 03:57 |
tanjir | Guest78732: do you know what are you talking about? :-/ | 03:57 |
Guest78732 | even if you use ubuntu and use the terminal you can install the kde and activate the plamsa and still have the gnome working as well | 03:57 |
Ac1 | holly trap1 | 03:57 |
stdin | 1) Kubuntu and Ubuntu are both part of the Ubuntu project. Kubuntu come with the KDE UI and Ubuntu with the Gnome UI. 2) We take a snapshot of Debian unstable, we don't run off it constantly. 3) We're not based off fedora, but redhad to release software (under the GPL) which we (and others) use | 03:57 |
Guest78732 | i am trying ;)0 | 03:58 |
Guest78732 | sid sid | 03:58 |
tanjir | what about sid? | 03:58 |
tanjir | !sid | 03:58 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sid | 03:58 |
Guest78732 | every try the sidx disto? | 03:58 |
Guest78732 | ack | 03:58 |
Ac1 | why gimp works so bad in windows... and works fine in linux? | 03:58 |
stdin | you'd have to ask the gimp developers | 03:59 |
casinowarren | i can explain that one ac1 | 03:59 |
Ac1 | even if you allow in the preferences to gim to use a lot of ram and processors... in linux it works faster | 03:59 |
tanjir | Ac1: because of the libraries... others use proprietary libraries for windows... gimp uses gtk+ i believe, which is platform independent | 03:59 |
Guest78732 | yeah sidx is the closest distro you will find based of the debian sid | 03:59 |
stdin | this isn't the place to explain it | 03:59 |
tanjir | Guest78732: why do you need sid for? | 04:00 |
Guest78732 | because that is what version ubuntu lastest is based off of from debian just modifiyed etc | 04:01 |
Ac1 | windows XP allow no more than 2 gb of ram per software... and vista no more than 4gb.. | 04:01 |
Guest78732 | sid | 04:01 |
Guest78732 | says so right on ubuntu site | 04:01 |
Ac1 | server 2003 alows 256gb of ram per software.. | 04:01 |
stdin | sid is unstable | 04:01 |
stdin | Ac1: depends on the CPU | 04:01 |
Ac1 | in linux (as a free software) is that possible? to config a bunch of ram per software? | 04:01 |
tolucan | not true Ac1 ... Vista 64bit DOES allow more than 4gb | 04:01 |
Guest78732 | most the timemaybe who knows but you can say i am using it right now ;) though ubuntu comes and checks it out first before setting free | 04:02 |
Ac1 | npe... vista MANAGES 8gb... but ALLOWS only 4gb per software | 04:02 |
Ac1 | XP MANAGE 4gb and allows 2gb | 04:02 |
tolucan | starts with 8gb and ultimate can use 128gb or so, don?t exactly remember | 04:02 |
Guest78732 | like everything stuff gets filtered out of different distros | 04:02 |
Guest78732 | bugs etc | 04:03 |
Ac1 | and it is not all versrions of 2003server that manages 256gb.... it is a kind of service pack for 2003server | 04:03 |
Ac1 | and it is too hard to create a live CD? | 04:03 |
Ac1 | a customized one? | 04:03 |
Guest78732 | live cd for what? which distro? | 04:04 |
stdin | !customlivecd | 04:04 |
ubottu | Creating custom Live CDs is explained on | 04:04 |
Guest78732 | i know i ran into a problem when using a cd-r =/ matters on the speed if it can be read 40x can etc but lower versions can't | 04:05 |
Ac1 | I download the setup cd from and the setup ALSO runs as LIVE.... but it stands as default configuration.. I wish to have it with my timezones clocks, my desktops, my taskbars.. | 04:05 |
Kasm279 | !me | 04:05 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 04:05 |
Ac1 | OH!! thanks ubotu | 04:05 |
Guest78732 | check out my myspace if using windows or vista there is an link for iso tool | 04:05 |
stdin | don't post off-topic links | 04:05 |
Guest78732 | | 04:05 |
stdin | this is #kubuntu support, not windows | 04:05 |
WatchBot | Guest78732: Please keep your links on topic and work safe. | 04:05 |
tanjir | !offtopic | 04:06 |
ubottu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 04:06 |
Ac1 | I wish I become a MAYA master as I'm a 3dsmax master! so I could kiss windows' bass good bye! | 04:06 |
Ac1 | and I could migrate to MAC or LINUX | 04:06 |
Kasm279 | ugh, this is taking a while | 04:06 |
Ac1 | a while? | 04:06 |
Ac1 | these 3D softwares are like a highschool | 04:07 |
Kasm279 | downloading ubuntu-desktop for kubuntu | 04:07 |
Ac1 | or college... | 04:07 |
Ac1 | I can remember... | 04:07 |
Kasm279 | Mac pwns almost everything | 04:07 |
Ac1 | define: pwns | 04:07 |
Kasm279 | (im chatting on a mac | 04:07 |
Kasm279 | ) | 04:07 |
Guest78732 | ok i am so outta here got to install the new firefox beta been haivng a problem after isntall kubuntu and trying to instal pc-bsd in then nothing loads grudge maybe if i don't load the the pc-bsd bootloader? | 04:08 |
Kasm279 | and my laptop runs kubuntu | 04:08 |
Ac1 | I'm on a kubuntu now.. in one computer.. and with a notebook with winXP | 04:08 |
Ac1 | my desktop runs dualboot... but I mainly use kubuntu | 04:08 |
Kasm279 | my lappy runs winXP with kununtu under Wubi | 04:08 |
Ac1 | I just use the XP when I need a 'net render' here | 04:08 |
tanjir | the first thing i did with my netbook was removing xp and installing kubuntu :P | 04:09 |
Kasm279 | i use XP for games | 04:09 |
Kasm279 | lol | 04:09 |
Ac1 | I don't like games | 04:09 |
Ac1 | I would love to MAKE them | 04:09 |
Ac1 | because I'm an artist | 04:09 |
Kasm279 | ah | 04:09 |
Guest78732 | basicalling i install an addon pc-bsd after the kubuntu at another partion and when i reboot nothing happens but the grub menu asking which one linux, pc-bsd or drive, though pc-bsd you can't use virtual box maybe i should keep linux as main os and unix as a play toy while slackware as my pet | 04:10 |
Kasm279 | WHO HOO! | 04:10 |
Kasm279 | i found my files! | 04:10 |
Ac1 | but I'm a bad player | 04:11 |
Ac1 | all my skill in videogames stood back in 90's | 04:11 |
Kasm279 | lol | 04:11 |
Kasm279 | in dos? | 04:11 |
Ac1 | mega drive, nintendo 8-bit | 04:11 |
Kasm279 | ah | 04:11 |
Guest78732 | lets go back to pong =) | 04:11 |
Ac1 | so.. games for me in computer.. are MAME, or GENESIS EMULATOR | 04:12 |
Kasm279 | now weve got 16-bit in our hands | 04:12 |
Ac1 | etc | 04:12 |
Ac1 | I don'y like PONG | 04:12 |
Guest78732 | no no wrong company =) i rem when i had my first megaman on ns | 04:12 |
Kasm279 | im thinking about a genisis emu for my ds | 04:12 |
Ac1 | I don't like the games from when I was 8 | 04:12 |
stdin | !ot | 04:12 |
ubottu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 04:12 |
Ac1 | the atari 80's games.. | 04:12 |
Ac1 | I like 90's arcades and megadrives | 04:12 |
Kasm279 | oh, we better move | 04:13 |
Guest78732 | is atari nitendo or wa that sega? | 04:13 |
Ac1 | megadrive is sega genesis 8-bit | 04:13 |
Ac1 | (or 16?) | 04:13 |
Guest78732 | 0_o | 04:14 |
stdin | Ac1: take the off topic chat to #kubuntu-offtopic | 04:14 |
Ac1 | anyway.. for americans it was GENESIS.. and for japanese it was MEGA-DRIVE | 04:14 |
Kasm279 | is the n64 64 bit? | 04:14 |
Kasm279 | ( i doubt it) | 04:14 |
Guest78732 | its funny off topic i really don't see any other chat going on in here? though i was leaving anyway lol thks | 04:14 |
Ac1 | wait wait wait... before we continue... | 04:14 |
Ac1 | astdin: you mean.. 'I better quite the subject'? | 04:15 |
stdin | Ac1: you can continue to talk about it in #kubuntu-offtopic | 04:15 |
tanjir | to do that, type /join #kubuntu-offtopic | 04:16 |
Ac1 | as "Ace you sun of my beach!! if you to talk aboiut games, go to 'gamesroom', mud of foster!!!" | 04:16 |
Ac1 | right? | 04:16 |
Kasm279 | g;night, everyone | 04:16 |
stdin | as in the first 3 words of the channel topic "Official Kubuntu support" | 04:16 |
tanjir | Ac1: don't take it personally, but this is official room for something. | 04:17 |
stdin | not "official games chat" | 04:17 |
Ac1 | anyway.. I was about to quit the room... you helped me a lot here... but when I was loging off.. someone started to say about games.. and then the subject became 'games'.. but as I explained.. I'm not a game master.. I don't like that much and all I was explaining.. is that I WAS a game lover, and what I know aboiut games, is dead today... understand? | 04:18 |
Ac1 | :) | 04:18 |
Ac1 | anyway... thanks a lot... thanks: casinowarren, tanjir, stdin.... | 04:19 |
Ac1 | I believe it was the first time I had a useful time in IRC... last time I used was back in 1999.. and I hated it... because nobody replied me .. and it was a full of 'you can't do this, you can't do that' community.. but for the first time.. I'm glad I logged in | 04:20 |
Ac1 | thank you1 | 04:20 |
Ac1 | later guys | 04:20 |
tanjir | enjoy Ac1 | 04:21 |
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Ac1 | (the name is Ace.. ;) ) | 04:21 |
tanjir | this guy has big time ego issue :-| | 04:22 |
Makuseru | In grub, when you point it at a drive you use tags like (hd0,2) and such. How do i figure out the location of a particular drive? | 04:40 |
stdin | Makuseru: from /boot/grub/ | 04:41 |
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kasm279 | ah, i will soon also have GNOME! | 05:34 |
kasm279 | is anyone awake? | 05:38 |
kasm279 | WAKE UP! | 05:38 |
jussi01 | no | 05:39 |
jussi01 | :) | 05:39 |
jussi01 | kasm279: whats the issue? | 05:40 |
kasm279 | no PPC kubuntu! | 05:40 |
jussi01 | !ppc | 05:40 |
ubottu | PowerPC. Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see | 05:40 |
jussi01 | hrm, go ask in #ubuntu-ppc | 05:40 |
jussi01 | Im pretty sure you can install ubuntu then apt-get it | 05:41 |
kasm279 | ive looked around | 05:41 |
kasm279 | true | 05:41 |
jussi01 | There is definately repos, so no reason why you shouldnt be able to apt get it. | 05:41 |
jussi01 | anyway, I got to get on a plane. | 05:41 |
kasm279 | if i could het my iMac to boot from the ubuntu or xubuntu PPC disks i burned | 05:42 |
kasm279 | 4 minutes! | 05:42 |
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komiyo | hi | 05:52 |
Kasm279 | ok, i need help | 06:04 |
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Kasm279 | ny laptop shut down when i was installing ubuntu-desktop and now i get "dpkg interrupted" message in terminal, wat do i do? | 06:08 |
Kasm279 | HELP! | 06:09 |
Kasm279 | hello? | 06:12 |
Kasm279 | hello? | 06:15 |
Kasm279 | ny laptop shut down when i was installing ubuntu-desktop and now i get "dpkg interrupted" message in terminal, wat do i do? | 06:16 |
Kasm279 | hello? | 06:19 |
Kasm279 | hello? | 06:21 |
walrus | Hi again :D | 06:33 |
Kasm279 | walrus? | 06:38 |
Kasm279 | WALRUS?! | 06:45 |
walrus | ye | 06:53 |
walrus | wassup | 06:53 |
walrus | :D | 06:53 |
walrus | I am so happy with my windows <3 | 06:53 |
walrus | :D | 06:53 |
walrus | I have done what Dev09 said and then my copy of ubuntu was fu** up :D | 06:54 |
eMaX | then you shouldn't have done what Dev09 has said and then you'd be fu** up with your copy of Windows :D | 06:56 |
walrus | ? | 06:56 |
walrus | Nno | 07:01 |
walrus | Oh | 07:01 |
PodeCoet | Help, no matter what recording program I try and use, I'm unable to record sound, all throw messages about openning the sound device (tried ALSA and OSS) | 07:20 |
PodeCoet | Tried Audacity, Jokosher and Ardour, all the same, with Ardour complaining about being unable to start jackd | 07:21 |
PodeCoet | guess I'll just install soundforge under windows VM then :\ | 07:24 |
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rehman | hi every body. | 07:42 |
rehman | Please help me, konqueror is not opening any page. but it changes the icon in the address bar. | 07:42 |
rehman | Please help | 07:42 |
rehman | PLEASE HELP ME ON KONQUEROR | 07:44 |
rehman | SCHMIDTM HI | 07:45 |
PodeCoet | lol doesn't look like anyone's in or interested, been waiting 30 mins | 07:46 |
PodeCoet | use firefox | 07:46 |
rehman | Pode, no firefox in kubuntu. | 07:47 |
PodeCoet | sudo apt-get install firefox | 07:47 |
PodeCoet | or just add it in add/remove programs in your k menu | 07:47 |
PodeCoet | I found it works better than Konqueror | 07:47 |
rehman | unfortunately, i have slow connection. but i am trying. thanks | 07:48 |
PodeCoet | no problem, it'd be much quicker if you do it from the Konsole then | 07:48 |
PodeCoet | (as opposed to the package manager) | 07:48 |
rehman | ok | 07:49 |
rehman | but one interesting thing is this that it changes the icon in the address bar according to the site. | 07:50 |
=== Slartibartfast is now known as Riesh | ||
PodeCoet | haha yeah those kinds of issues are really interesting to troubleshoot - I guess you can hang around and eventually someone might come along and help you with the issue | 07:50 |
PodeCoet | have you tried #ubuntu? it's a far more active channel | 07:51 |
rehman | no, How can i get to it | 07:51 |
PodeCoet | /join #ubuntu | 07:52 |
PodeCoet | (type it) | 07:52 |
rehman | thanks. it did | 07:53 |
PodeCoet | np | 07:53 |
Riesh | rehman: it changes the icon because on the server where the site is hosted is a favicon.ico file ... this is normal behavior | 07:53 |
PodeCoet | Riesh: apparently thats _ALL_ it does | 07:55 |
PodeCoet | wont render the pages | 07:55 |
Riesh | PodeCoet: aah .. yes that can be annoying :-) | 07:55 |
PodeCoet | Riesh: Only slightly :P | 07:56 |
Riesh | PodeCoet: little more when in a bad mood | 07:56 |
PodeCoet | Riesh: I hear ya, I gave up and installed Windows XP under virtualbox to be able to record and edit soundfiles lol | 07:57 |
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Riesh | :-) aha ... OK ... still think it is possible with Audacity ... when having installed lame from medibuntu :-) | 07:58 |
PodeCoet | Riesh: I have no issues with audacity, but so far 3 audio programs (Audacity, Jokosher, Ardour) have had issues openning ALSA, so it's basically impossible for me to record :P | 07:59 |
PodeCoet | otherwise the software is cool | 07:59 |
Riesh | PodeCoet: If it now works for you, just do it that way ... there are many ways to get a result ... i know in linux sometimes things are difficult to get working | 08:01 |
rehman | Does any body know how to configure konqueror? not browsing. | 08:02 |
Riesh | rehman: not browsing? ... | 08:03 |
rehman | Reish: yes | 08:03 |
Riesh | rehman: what do you mean with that question ? ... Konqueror is for browsing ... webbrowsing or filebrowsing | 08:04 |
rehman | Riesh: Web browsing. But there is an interesting thing. | 08:05 |
rehman | Riesh: it changes the icon in the address bar according to the web address given. | 08:08 |
Riesh | rehman: ? .., do you have many bookmarks in konqueror? ... i mean which you might want to backup? ... | 08:09 |
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Riesh | rehman: because you can try to remove the ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror directory ... and let it be made newly when you start up konqueror again. | 08:11 |
Riesh | although i not really know if the bookmarks are in that directory | 08:12 |
rehman | Riesh: ok I try | 08:12 |
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radamanthys | alguien de morelia | 08:19 |
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aotianlong | hi | 08:47 |
rehman | hi | 08:53 |
Act1 | hello | 08:55 |
Act1 | cant look open pages in Opera but in Konqueror ok | 08:55 |
rehman | i thing every is gone. | 09:06 |
nickolas | how do i view pdf files on my archos 605 wifi? | 09:09 |
nickolas | nevermind i figured it out | 09:09 |
kalidar | hi | 09:10 |
kalidar | does anyone know of a good mirc script? | 09:11 |
kalidar | for kubuntu aside from xchat? | 09:11 |
kalidar | perhaps something with fserv capability? | 09:11 |
nickolas | uhm. konversation | 09:12 |
nickolas | ? | 09:12 |
kalidar | also is their any way i can change the name of my distrobution? so it comes up different? | 09:12 |
kalidar | sry nick thats not help lol | 09:12 |
kalidar | no | 09:12 |
kalidar | tryed that one | 09:12 |
nickolas | At least i try :) | 09:12 |
SlimeyPete | a mirc script for kubuntu? You mean a mIRC-like application? | 09:12 |
kalidar | apreaciated ;) | 09:12 |
SlimeyPete | cos "a mIRC script" is something different ;) | 09:13 |
kalidar | i guess so i just wana fserv lol | 09:13 |
SlimeyPete | the "big four" are xchat, pidgin, irssi and konversation. irssi and xchat support scripting and have plenty of scripts available on the internet. | 09:13 |
SlimeyPete | <-- for irssi | 09:14 |
kalidar | ok thanks slimey XD | 09:14 |
nickolas | lol. know any mpeg4 to mp4 converters? | 09:15 |
nickolas | I need one for my archos :( you have to buy an app for mpeg4's D: | 09:16 |
kalidar | do you know how you have a script for xchat aswell? | 09:16 |
kalidar | how do i install scripts just outa curiosity | 09:17 |
Riesh | nickolas: not sure what type of mp4's archos wants, but i can make mp4's for my iPod Touch with ffmpeg | 09:17 |
altrortla | howto restart xserver? | 09:17 |
SlimeyPete | altrortla: press ctrl-alt-backspace | 09:18 |
kalidar | how i install script | 09:19 |
SlimeyPete | kalidar: there's a channel called #irssi | 09:20 |
SlimeyPete | lots of irssi users there to help you | 09:20 |
SlimeyPete | you do need to install irssi first, of course! :) | 09:20 |
kalidar | oh ok thanks slimey | 09:20 |
nickolas | mpeg4 is mp4 isn't it :O | 09:21 |
Riesh | nickolas: yes but it is a container format. | 09:22 |
nickolas | so there not exactly the same | 09:22 |
Riesh | nickolas: it is just a different name for the same thing ... | 09:23 |
nickolas | oh | 09:24 |
Riesh | nickolas: mp4 is the extension which is used for mpeg4 files | 09:24 |
nickolas | oh | 09:24 |
kalidar | could someone send me a step by step documentation on how to install an .tar.gz file please?!! | 09:24 |
kalidar | <---- total newb | 09:24 |
nickolas | just right click extract here or wherever | 09:25 |
kalidar | thats it??? | 09:25 |
nickolas | what are you installing? | 09:25 |
kalidar | dont i have to type .config and untar bleh bleh | 09:25 |
kalidar | installing irssi | 09:26 |
kalidar | its a irc cliant | 09:26 |
nickolas | what is h.264 format? | 09:27 |
kalidar | anyone have documentation on how to install a tar.gz file ?? | 09:27 |
nickolas | Right click--->extract here--->YOUR DONE! | 09:28 |
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nickolas | then it is a tar ball | 09:28 |
Riesh | kalidar: install from the repositories ... sudo apt-get install irssi | 09:28 |
kalidar | thanks riesh but i should probably learn to instal source or tar balls shouldent i? | 09:28 |
Riesh | kalidar: if you do it that way you also need to compile the source | 09:29 |
nickolas | well tars are just like debs. really | 09:29 |
kalidar | is it worth it to learn to install from source? and compile? because thats how you had to install everything when i first tryed linux 5 years ago | 09:29 |
nickolas | what type of file do you get once you extract | 09:29 |
nickolas | haha | 09:29 |
Riesh | nickolas: no ... in tars are most times source codes ... and in debs are binaries with install scripts | 09:29 |
kalidar | is linux lazy thesedays and have every possable file lol i havent had to install from source yet! | 09:29 |
nickolas | ! | 09:30 |
kalidar | aww ic ic! | 09:30 |
kalidar | so ither its a .deb or a .tar? | 09:30 |
kalidar | two different types of install? | 09:30 |
Riesh | the easy way and the save way is to use apt-get ... | 09:30 |
beatzz | good morning everyone | 09:30 |
Riesh | then you are sure when there are updates your software will also get the updates | 09:31 |
kalidar | ok thanks XD verry helpfull | 09:31 |
kalidar | one last final question? | 09:31 |
kalidar | is their anyway to constantly have a shell open on my desktop as a widget? | 09:31 |
kalidar | tired of opening konsole all the time lol | 09:31 |
nickolas | how do i convert a mp4 to a .avi in vlc | 09:31 |
nickolas | nm every time i ask you guys sumtn i figure it out on my own :) | 09:32 |
Riesh | kalidar: you can install yakuake ... it is a shell like the Quake shell ... opens with F12 .. and slides down from the top | 09:32 |
beatzz | nickolas: :) | 09:32 |
kalidar | oh cool so thats apt-get install yakuake? and whats quake shell is that better? | 09:33 |
beatzz | sudo apt-get install yakuake | 09:33 |
Riesh | kalidar: you know the game Quake ? :-) | 09:33 |
beatzz | kalidar: sudo apt-get install yakuake | 09:33 |
kalidar | aww ok i getcha | 09:33 |
kalidar | lol thats prety cool | 09:33 |
Riesh | Yes :-) | 09:34 |
kalidar | i realy like the apt get system | 09:34 |
kalidar | so convien | 09:34 |
beatzz | yea, its hella nicer than others | 09:34 |
beatzz | u should give slackpkg a try | 09:34 |
beatzz | :x | 09:34 |
beatzz | you' | 09:34 |
kalidar | whats slackpkg? | 09:34 |
beatzz | you'll really apreciate apt-get then | 09:35 |
beatzz | slackware's pkg manager | 09:35 |
beatzz | slackware = oldest runnin distro linux | 09:35 |
beatzz | oldest, currently maintained* | 09:35 |
kalidar | i thought slackware was a operatirateing system for l33tz who speek binary lol | 09:35 |
kalidar | so i hear | 09:36 |
kalidar | i installed yakuake and hit f12 and nothing happen :( | 09:36 |
beatzz | basicaly | 09:36 |
beatzz | I tryed yet again to merge to it last weekend.... | 09:36 |
beatzz | needless to say im back to *ubuntu | 09:36 |
Riesh | kalidar: you first have to start it :-) | 09:37 |
kalidar | aww | 09:37 |
altrortla | xserver won't start... or better it try to start but comes back to text mode | 09:37 |
Riesh | after that it will autostart | 09:37 |
kalidar | oh btw anyone know of a cool bootloader the kubuntu bootloader puts me to sleep i like the fedora one better | 09:37 |
kalidar | anyone know of a nice graphical bootloader and somewhat easy to install? | 09:37 |
kalidar | yakuake is awesome! | 09:38 |
Riesh | kalidar: it is just a grub menu in Fedora and OpenSuse ... I agree with you grub menu can be made much nicer in (k)ubuntu | 09:39 |
beatzz | like a graphical grub or lilo? | 09:39 |
beatzz | I only see grub for like 2 seconds when I start up. | 09:39 |
kalidar | oh btw i tryed to change a .lst file in my grub bootloader the other day and said i dident have permission anyway to log in as root? | 09:39 |
Riesh | kalidar: to change system files you need to have admin rights ... this you get by usung sudo | 09:40 |
kalidar | i figure sence im using a system where absolutly everything is customizeable why not change things :) | 09:40 |
altrortla | in few words ... i have tryied to install a new graphic card (Ati) ... but to many problem and i'd like to comes back to my old (Nvidia)... before i have started to install new device i have done xorg.conf backup with Nvidia setting... but now also if I copy Xorg.conf with the old backup ... kubuntu start in text mode | 09:40 |
altrortla | I need support to reinstall video card | 09:41 |
kalidar | ok so sudo whats that mean? | 09:41 |
altrortla | and monitor | 09:41 |
kalidar | i have to type that all the time | 09:41 |
beatzz | kalidar: sudo = switch user do | 09:41 |
Riesh | sudo is do as su :-) | 09:41 |
Riesh | :-P | 09:41 |
beatzz | thats what i said | 09:41 |
fliegenderfrosch | kalidar: basically it means executing the following command with administator rights | 09:41 |
beatzz | Riesh: man su | 09:41 |
beatzz | su = switch user | 09:42 |
altrortla | umm | 09:42 |
kalidar | aww ok so if i type sudo befor anything ittel ask me for root pass and ill have acess? | 09:42 |
altrortla | #ubuntu | 09:42 |
beatzz | yup for that command only | 09:42 |
kalidar | so inorder to acess a file in .lib or any other protected areas i gota acess them from terminal by using sudo? | 09:42 |
beatzz | correct | 09:43 |
kalidar | for instanstance sudo /lib/menu.lst? | 09:43 |
beatzz | kalidar: sudo kate /lib/menu.lst | 09:43 |
kalidar | allright verry helpfull :) | 09:43 |
beatzz | or | 09:43 |
kalidar | i could keep you guys talking all night | 09:43 |
beatzz | kalidar: sudo pico /lib/menu.lst | 09:43 |
kalidar | whats kate? | 09:43 |
beatzz | text editor | 09:43 |
beatzz | graphical | 09:43 |
kalidar | aww kk | 09:43 |
beatzz | pico is command line | 09:43 |
beatzz | vi is an old school command line | 09:43 |
Riesh | kalidar: or nano :-) | 09:44 |
kalidar | so what ever i type it runs hence apt-get is a program i take it? | 09:44 |
beatzz | nano is a good one | 09:44 |
fliegenderfrosch | on the command line, should i use vim or emacs? :P | 09:44 |
beatzz | vim | 09:44 |
beatzz | ;) | 09:44 |
kalidar | and when you say install your asking apt-get to find the install for that program? | 09:44 |
Riesh | When using nano the ^ means use CTRL | 09:44 |
kalidar | k XD | 09:44 |
beatzz | xactly | 09:44 |
kalidar | whats nano? | 09:44 |
kalidar | sry | 09:44 |
Riesh | hehehe | 09:44 |
Riesh | text editor for command line | 09:45 |
beatzz | install is an option, passed to the program apt-get, which requires root privlages | 09:45 |
beatzz | :D so yea u get it | 09:45 |
kalidar | weird! i type nano and my konsol changed | 09:45 |
kalidar | thanks beatz that explains it perfictly | 09:45 |
Riesh | kalidar: then you open the program nano | 09:46 |
kalidar | so are all these programs in my repositorys or are they downloading them when i ask to install them? | 09:46 |
kalidar | ok | 09:46 |
fliegenderfrosch | kalidar: both | 09:46 |
altrortla | !nvidia | 09:47 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 09:47 |
kalidar | oh btw whats ^ mean again | 09:47 |
fliegenderfrosch | kalidar: they’re packages in the ubuntu repository and when you install them, they are downloaded and installed | 09:47 |
kalidar | someone said it lol | 09:47 |
Riesh | CTRL | 09:47 |
kalidar | ok i compleetly understand now :) | 09:47 |
kalidar | any other shell commands i should get comphterble with guys? | 09:47 |
beatzz | kalidar: | 09:47 |
beatzz | bookmark that one | 09:47 |
Riesh | kalidar: apt-cache search | 09:47 |
kalidar | why apt-cache search? | 09:48 |
beatzz | brb all | 09:48 |
Riesh | type in console apt-cache search browser and you see what it does | 09:48 |
Riesh | or apt-cache search mp3 | 09:49 |
Riesh | or apt-cache search flash | 09:49 |
kalidar | says i need a pattern? | 09:49 |
Riesh | yes ... a search pattern | 09:49 |
Riesh | anything you want to search for in the package cache | 09:49 |
kalidar | aww ic ic leme test | 09:50 |
Riesh | apt-cache search Something | 09:50 |
xp-killer | im not seing my option in my browser anymore | 09:51 |
kalidar | oh i cant find xmms in apt-get :( | 09:51 |
kalidar | that blows xmms is best player | 09:51 |
xp-killer | back ,previous google bar | 09:51 |
kalidar | its like winamp | 09:51 |
beatzz | I installed kuakye | 09:51 |
beatzz | or w/e | 09:51 |
Riesh | kalidar: maybe because that one is too old | 09:51 |
beatzz | and rebooted | 09:51 |
beatzz | no F12 shell | 09:51 |
beatzz | :/ | 09:51 |
kalidar | kayuke? | 09:51 |
kalidar | the quake shell? | 09:51 |
beatzz | yea | 09:51 |
fliegenderfrosch | kalidar: it’s xmms2 | 09:51 |
kalidar | run it | 09:51 |
kalidar | first | 09:51 |
kalidar | then set the key you want to quickkey it to | 09:51 |
beatzz | needed to see how to spell it | 09:52 |
kalidar | its under utils or settings i cant rember | 09:52 |
beatzz | thanks m8 :) | 09:52 |
kalidar | np its awesome now whenever you want shell its just f12 XD riesh showed me it | 09:52 |
beatzz | hmm | 09:52 |
fliegenderfrosch | !enter | kalidar | 09:53 |
ubottu | kalidar: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 09:53 |
beatzz | you just typed 'kayuke' to run the program | 09:53 |
xp-killer | can someone help me to put back my konqueror browser how it was?it missing some stuff.lika back,next and my google bar | 09:53 |
kalidar | oops sorry | 09:53 |
kalidar | got yelled at. | 09:53 |
beatzz | lol, i do that same thing all the time, its a terrible habbit. | 09:53 |
Riesh | beatzz: ... yakuake | 09:53 |
beatzz | Riesh: thanks | 09:53 |
kalidar | lol | 09:54 |
Riesh | beatzz: yeah i know ... terrible name :-) | 09:54 |
beatzz | hey that is prety nifty | 09:54 |
kalidar | i know hey! | 09:55 |
kalidar | cache search flash heh? | 09:56 |
Riesh | apt-cache | 09:56 |
beatzz | kalidar: you wouldent happen to be a WoW player would you? | 09:56 |
kalidar | i wish i woulda known that 4 days ago riesh!! you have any idea how hard it was to get flash installed!!! | 09:56 |
fliegenderfrosch | xp-killer: if you have no important settings/bookmarks, you could just try deleting ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror | 09:56 |
kalidar | what makes you say that beatzz | 09:56 |
beatzz | i just wrote a tutorial how to get it up on linux. | 09:56 |
beatzz | just curious | 09:56 |
kalidar | realy!! | 09:57 |
kalidar | dude how did you figure that one out! | 09:57 |
kalidar | i wana get Windslayer by outspart to play on linux | 09:57 |
beatzz | my friend wanted to see it done yesterday, and I actualy got it all working. so i wrote a tutorial. | 09:57 |
kalidar | its a 2d side scroller | 09:57 |
kalidar | dude thats sick | 09:57 |
kalidar | wish i played wow lol | 09:57 |
kalidar | maby ittel work for windslayer?? its also a online mmorpg | 09:58 |
beatzz | I dont play it myself, but im looking forward to seeing someone use my tutorials :) | 09:58 |
kalidar | does it involve a windows emulator? | 09:58 |
beatzz | yea | 09:58 |
fliegenderfrosch | beatzz: i hope you don’t mean wine | 09:58 |
kalidar | i tryed wine but it blowz cuz it dosent support my soundcard | 09:58 |
beatzz | has a step by step to get the lastest and greatest... WINE | 09:58 |
beatzz | muahah! | 09:58 |
beatzz | whats wronge w/ wine? | 09:59 |
fliegenderfrosch | beatzz: Wine Is Not an Emulator | 09:59 |
kalidar | wine sucks!! i couldent even install on windows | 09:59 |
kalidar | and without you cant do anything lol | 09:59 |
beatzz | fliegenderfrosch: are u shure? | 09:59 |
fliegenderfrosch | beatzz: nothing is wrong, but I guess the devs are not very happy if you call it a windows emulator | 09:59 |
fliegenderfrosch | beatzz: that’s what the name WINE stands for | 09:59 |
beatzz | cause when i downloaded it from the "add/remove" it says "windows emulator" right next to wine | 09:59 |
kalidar | well.. do you know of a emulator that has enuph dll files and framework to play games!? | 09:59 |
kde4plz | hey... | 10:00 |
xp-killer | fliegenderfrosch: i have to many book marks im not seing the back and next button neither the space for google | 10:00 |
beatzz | nope, i aint that knowladgeable | 10:00 |
kalidar | fliegenderfrosch!! | 10:00 |
beatzz | but i know i got WoW to work on Wine | 10:00 |
beatzz | :) | 10:00 |
kalidar | lol i couldent even fix my sound wine broke my sounddriver lolz | 10:01 |
kalidar | had to restart computer after i uninstalled it | 10:01 |
kde4plz | how do update my old kde 3 to 4? | 10:01 |
kalidar | kde4plz | 10:01 |
fliegenderfrosch | xp-killer: try a rightclick in the empty space right of the menu and activate a few toolbars | 10:01 |
kde4plz | ? | 10:01 |
kalidar | nvm i dont wana answer wrong lol | 10:01 |
kalidar | but ide say download the new kubunutu and instal it | 10:02 |
kalidar | but upgrade | 10:02 |
kalidar | dont format | 10:02 |
fliegenderfrosch | kde4plz: which kubuntu version do you have? | 10:02 |
kde4plz | i just wanna upgrade | 10:02 |
kalidar | i have 4.1 | 10:02 |
kde4plz | lol i have like 3.5 | 10:02 |
beatzz | personaly, i think KDE4 sux. | 10:02 |
kde4plz | i somehow lost the bar on the bottom of me desktop | 10:02 |
fliegenderfrosch | kde4plz: i mean the version of kubuntu, not of kde, like 7.10, 8.04, 8.10.... | 10:02 |
kalidar | fliegenderfrosch sence u were ripping on wine do you know a better emulator? | 10:02 |
kde4plz | oh... | 10:02 |
beatzz | all the widgets, and stupid clear boxes that pop up around everything | 10:03 |
beatzz | they made it look like vista. | 10:03 |
beatzz | and feel | 10:03 |
beatzz | @_@ | 10:03 |
kde4plz | its been a while so im not sure.. i gave up on kde and stayed with gnome.. | 10:03 |
SlimeyPete | and it's buggy as hell | 10:03 |
kalidar | beatzz i like kde 4.1 its way easier and looks better too i think | 10:03 |
beatzz | yea, and KDE4 is buggy as hell | 10:03 |
fliegenderfrosch | kalidar: i wasn’t ripping on wine, i just said that it’s not really an emulator, as its name says that wine is not an emulator | 10:03 |
kalidar | lol | 10:03 |
kalidar | oh my bad :( | 10:03 |
kalidar | well do you know of a better one cuz i dont like wine | 10:04 |
beatzz | Shame on you kalidar !!!! | 10:04 |
beatzz | :o | 10:04 |
dwidmann | fliegenderfrosch: wine really isn't an emulator, it's a blind attempt at reverse engineering the windows API. | 10:04 |
fliegenderfrosch | kde4plz: can you run "lsb_release -a" in a console and write which codename it has? | 10:04 |
kde4plz | ill rather not use wine... why won't they make games for linux nativity.. | 10:04 |
fliegenderfrosch | dwidmann: i know | 10:04 |
beatzz | cause they are $ greedy pigs | 10:04 |
kalidar | yeah if thye make games for linux that means they gota be free | 10:05 |
beatzz | and if they cant draw up a contract worth millions... | 10:05 |
kalidar | or at the verry least open source | 10:05 |
beatzz | they arent gana develope the game | 10:05 |
kde4plz | lol it says ubuntu 7.10 | 10:05 |
kalidar | should say ubuntu 8.10 | 10:05 |
kalidar | ;) | 10:05 |
kde4plz | thats because i never started with kubuntu.... | 10:05 |
beatzz | well Im off all, peace nice talkin to u all. | 10:05 |
kde4plz | and i haven't updated to 8.10 | 10:05 |
kalidar | kubuntu is better lol gnome is so plain :S zzzzzzzz | 10:06 |
kalidar | night beatz | 10:06 |
kde4plz | well i guess | 10:06 |
kalidar | like the foot tho.. ok so yeah im gona take off too | 10:06 |
fliegenderfrosch | kde4plz: i don’t think there are any recent kde4 packages for ubuntu 7.10. for kde4 I think it’s best to upgrade to 8.10 or reinstall with 8.10 directly, | 10:06 |
kde4plz | thats why im trying to use it... | 10:06 |
kalidar | i was just wondering if anyone knows of an actual emulator | 10:06 |
kde4plz | i see.... | 10:07 |
kalidar | is wine the only attempt at an emulator? | 10:07 |
kde4plz | alright when i get to it ill update to 8.10 | 10:07 |
kde4plz | they got the commecial one | 10:07 |
kde4plz | starts with a c | 10:07 |
kde4plz | cel | 10:07 |
kde4plz | somthing | 10:07 |
kalidar | i have the newest on my ftp server if u want | 10:07 |
kalidar | youll probs get it faster with a .torrent tho | 10:08 |
kde4plz | newest ubuntu? | 10:08 |
fliegenderfrosch | kalidar: I think the only real alternative would be using a virtual machine, but this is probably slow and I don’t know if there’s 3d support yet. | 10:08 |
kde4plz | yea ill dl it at school | 10:08 |
kde4plz | t1 connects ftw | 10:08 |
kalidar | virtual machine??? | 10:08 |
fliegenderfrosch | kde4plz: the newest ubuntu version is 8.10, however, in a month the new version 9.04 is released | 10:08 |
kde4plz | .... | 10:08 |
kde4plz | jeez | 10:08 |
kalidar | new systems are usualy buggy | 10:08 |
kde4plz | its been a while since i used linux | 10:08 |
kalidar | i usualy wate | 10:08 |
dwidmann | I don't think there's 3d support yet, or there would have been a lot of chatter about it | 10:08 |
kalidar | a month or so | 10:08 |
fliegenderfrosch | kde4plz: you’re thinking of cedega, which may work better for a few games but is actually just a customized wine | 10:09 |
kde4plz | yep thats it flie... | 10:09 |
kalidar | cedega? is that the best emu rite now? | 10:09 |
kde4plz | for games it has better support i think | 10:09 |
kalidar | ok ill download it | 10:09 |
dwidmann | Some things will run better in it and some won't | 10:09 |
kalidar | sudo apt-get install cedega? | 10:10 |
kde4plz | try both wine and cedega | 10:10 |
dwidmann | and it has a monthly fee or some such | 10:10 |
fliegenderfrosch | dwidmann: it’s coming slowly, see | 10:10 |
dwidmann | fliegenderfrosch: keep in mind vmware workstation isn't free | 10:10 |
kalidar | cedega has a montly fee? | 10:10 |
kalidar | oh vm | 10:10 |
kde4plz | lol im just gonna wait till new ubuntu comes.. then update.. don't wanna update again in a month | 10:10 |
kalidar | weak sauce | 10:10 |
kde4plz | if u got tons of ram... | 10:11 |
kde4plz | go for vmware | 10:11 |
kde4plz | ... | 10:11 |
kde4plz | or just dual boot.. | 10:11 |
kalidar | oh how would i install a into irssi anyone know? | 10:11 |
fliegenderfrosch | dwidmann: I know, I’m just saying that 3d acceleration is coming to virtual machines slowly | 10:11 |
kalidar | i hate leaving my linux tho :( im like raceast against windows sence ive learned even the basics of linux | 10:11 |
dwidmann | "This line increases the amount of VRAM on the virtual display card to 64 MB. Adding more VRAM helps to reduce thrashing in the guest. The maximum value is 128 MB." awfully limited... mine has 1GB | 10:11 |
kde4plz | well if your gonna vmware its the same stuff basically... | 10:12 |
fliegenderfrosch | kde4plz: if you don’t need a rock solid system, you cold also install 9.04 now. the beta is supposed to come out tomorrow | 10:12 |
kde4plz | :0 betas make my computer sad | 10:13 |
kde4plz | and black screen | 10:13 |
kde4plz | but i will google to see new features... | 10:14 |
kde4plz | most times updates are just new packages... | 10:14 |
kalidar | whats that one called again? | 10:15 |
kalidar | cheeta | 10:15 |
kalidar | chaeda or something | 10:15 |
kalidar | ima download it and test it out | 10:15 |
fliegenderfrosch | kalidar: you mean the codename of 9.04? jaunty jackalope | 10:15 |
kde4plz | the emulator? | 10:15 |
kde4plz | oh | 10:15 |
kalidar | i have no idea what that means flie lol | 10:16 |
kalidar | yeah the emulator like wine | 10:16 |
kalidar | but better | 10:16 |
fliegenderfrosch | kalidar: you mean cedega | 10:16 |
kde4plz | yea | 10:16 |
kalidar | thats it XD | 10:16 |
kde4plz | ;0 scroll up your chat... | 10:16 |
fliegenderfrosch | kalidar: by the way: you can scoll up if you’ve forgotten something | 10:16 |
kde4plz | lol | 10:16 |
kalidar | lol | 10:16 |
kalidar | been a while ago | 10:17 |
kalidar | was lazy | 10:17 |
kalidar | :P | 10:17 |
kde4plz | i said first but you like type it all out and be fancy | 10:17 |
kde4plz | flie is very formal | 10:17 |
fliegenderfrosch | kde4plz: btw: you can use the tabulator key for autocompletion of the usernames :) | 10:17 |
kalidar | couldent find package cedega | 10:18 |
kde4plz | fliegenderfrosch: omg!! | 10:18 |
SlimeyPete | you have to pay for cedega. It's not in apt. | 10:18 |
kde4plz | your using pidgin? or is this built in to kde? | 10:18 |
SlimeyPete | at least, it's not in the regular repos. | 10:18 |
kde4plz | or kubuntu | 10:18 |
SlimeyPete | kde4plz: erm, it's built into every IRc client ever :) | 10:18 |
kalidar | pidgin? | 10:18 |
kalidar | whats pidgin | 10:18 |
kde4plz | its instant messenger | 10:18 |
fliegenderfrosch | kde4plz: most chat programs support it, i’m using konversation. fascinating, isn’t it? | 10:18 |
kde4plz | has support for AIM MSN ircs and stuff | 10:19 |
fliegenderfrosch | !pidgin | kalidar | 10:19 |
ubottu | kalidar: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) ( supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete | 10:19 |
kde4plz | man i feel like a noob | 10:19 |
kalidar | !pidgin | 10:19 |
kde4plz | thanks for enlightening me... now i can be more proper... | 10:19 |
kde4plz | though i do not use right caps or periods.. | 10:20 |
kde4plz | i can write your names out fully | 10:20 |
kalidar | !pidgin kde4plz | 10:20 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pidgin kde4plz | 10:20 |
kalidar | lol god im stupid | 10:23 |
dwidmann | kalidar: fliegenderfrosch already did that, scroll up a few lines | 10:23 |
kde4plz | we can help point out how we are all stupid... so we become smarter | 10:23 |
kalidar | i just installed irssi irc cliant and i cant find it | 10:23 |
lokai | !sound | 10:23 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 10:23 |
dwidmann | kalidar: pull up a terminal and run it | 10:23 |
kalidar | if i knew where it was lol | 10:23 |
kalidar | or what it was called. | 10:23 |
kde4plz | how do i get like a real task bar.... | 10:23 |
kalidar | i just apt installed irssi ive no idea where it went | 10:23 |
dwidmann | kalidar: /usr/bin/irsII | 10:23 |
gabrielgomez | anyone know if opensync synce is going to work in Jaunty ? | 10:23 |
kalidar | task thanks dwidmann | 10:23 |
dwidmann | erm, meant ircII | 10:23 |
kalidar | kk | 10:23 |
kde4plz | i can't find kcontrol anywhere.. | 10:23 |
Riesh | dwidmann: thats ircii .. this is irssi | 10:23 |
kalidar | no such directory | 10:23 |
dwidmann | oh, that would explain a few things, silly dustin | 10:24 |
kalidar | found it XD | 10:24 |
dwidmann | riesh is correct ... I must have typod last night, no wonder that through me for a loop | 10:24 |
kalidar | how did you know it would end up in /usr/bin is that where all files go? | 10:24 |
kalidar | after u install them | 10:24 |
kalidar | kinda like program files for windows? | 10:24 |
dwidmann | kalidar: generally | 10:24 |
kalidar | ill have to rember that | 10:25 |
dwidmann | system stuff will go in /bin or /sbin or /usr/sbin | 10:25 |
kde4plz | man i want amarok 2.* | 10:26 |
lokai | suddenly sound doesnt work on flash video. The system sounds still work fine, though. Is this a firefox issue? | 10:26 |
kde4plz | i gotta update :( | 10:26 |
Riesh | kalidar: i just see there is also an irssi-scripts package | 10:26 |
kde4plz | i think its your flash player lokai... | 10:27 |
fliegenderfrosch | lokai: it can be related to pulseaudio. there are often problems if another program with sound is in use | 10:27 |
lokai | fliegenderfrosch: This isnt the case | 10:27 |
dwidmann | typos and tab completion are a volatile mixture it seems ... :( | 10:27 |
kalidar | yes riesh | 10:28 |
fliegenderfrosch | lokai: is suddenly=after an update or after a reboot or while using the computer? | 10:28 |
Riesh | So maybe your fserv script is included :-) | 10:28 |
kalidar | where are the scripts? | 10:28 |
kalidar | awesome XD i found a fserv script | 10:28 |
Riesh | you installed that package too ? | 10:28 |
kalidar | i just dunno how to intall it | 10:28 |
dwidmann | kde4plz: amarok 2 really doesn't have anything that amarok 1.x doesn't have yet though. | 10:28 |
lokai | Hard to say. I don't use flash video very often on this machine, so I don't remember when the last time it worked was (I do remember that it DID work). | 10:28 |
kalidar | i watch alot of anime on look up death note 1 and watch the english ;) | 10:29 |
fliegenderfrosch | lokai: and it doesn’t work if you try directly after a reboot either? | 10:29 |
kalidar | its like the best anime ive ever seen | 10:29 |
kde4plz | i just like the gui of amarok 2.. or i just want to see how it looks | 10:29 |
kalidar | hey riesh? | 10:29 |
lokai | ah, it was firefox -- Silly addons wanting to be updated O.o | 10:29 |
Riesh | yes? | 10:29 |
kalidar | i cant load my irssi outa my usr/bin folder | 10:30 |
kalidar | how do i open a folder in adm mode like sudo | 10:30 |
kalidar | cuz i cant find the link in my application folders for some reason after i installed it | 10:30 |
Riesh | open it in a termianl / console | 10:30 |
fliegenderfrosch | kalidar: you can’t just run "irssi"? | 10:30 |
Riesh | terminal* | 10:31 |
kalidar | no its not in my application list so i went to /usr/bin and tryed to run it but it wont do anything | 10:31 |
kalidar | so i figure its my privilages preventing me rite? | 10:31 |
Riesh | just type irssi | 10:31 |
fliegenderfrosch | kalidar: what happens if you just type "irssi" in a terminal and press enter? | 10:31 |
Riesh | run dpkg -L irssi-scripts to see where the scripts go | 10:31 |
Riesh | :-) ... have to go now | 10:31 |
kalidar | would that work? | 10:31 |
kalidar | just type the filename? | 10:31 |
kalidar | ok bye riesh! | 10:32 |
Riesh | just run irssi | 10:32 |
Riesh | :-) | 10:32 |
dwidmann | kalidar: that works for anything in your $PATH :) | 10:32 |
kalidar | awesome! | 10:32 |
kalidar | umm i typed irssi | 10:34 |
kalidar | in the shell and it brings up a weird blue bar and it says status at the bottem | 10:35 |
kalidar | i dont understand | 10:35 |
fliegenderfrosch | kalidar: this is irssi. irssi is a irc client for the console, so you use it with text commands only | 10:35 |
kalidar | oh geez | 10:35 |
kalidar | im so confused all it says is status how do i make it do stuff? | 10:36 |
fliegenderfrosch | kalidar: see for help | 10:36 |
kalidar | thanks alot man | 10:36 |
kalidar | ill check it out | 10:36 |
kalidar | wow holey complicated! | 10:38 |
kde4plz | lol | 10:38 |
kalidar | how does anyone use this lol altho im intreagued and wont give up | 10:38 |
kde4plz | im sticking to pidgin | 10:38 |
kalidar | ill have it masterd in a week lol but i was wondering if someone could tell me how i could connect to this room on it? | 10:39 |
kde4plz | i found this in the documentation | 10:39 |
kde4plz | /NETWORK ADD -autosendcmd "/^msg nickserv ident pass;wait 2000" OFTC | 10:39 |
kde4plz | thats to add servers | 10:39 |
kalidar | yes im looking at that rite now | 10:40 |
kalidar | how do i add this room tho | 10:40 |
kalidar | whats the nickserv and ident here | 10:40 |
kde4plz | /SERVER ADD -auto -network IRCnet 6667 | 10:41 |
kde4plz | i don't think u need the network.. | 10:41 |
kde4plz | just change it to like | 10:41 |
kalidar | yr prety smart their ;) | 10:42 |
kalidar | yeah it saved correctley | 10:42 |
kalidar | just gona read the help and find out how to connect :) | 10:42 |
stevem_ | Under an official Canonical support package... which Ubuntu editions are supportable? | 10:43 |
kde4plz | kalidar im dling this beast of an irc... now.. i think i can rush you through it... | 10:45 |
kde4plz | kalidar: it has a built in help | 10:46 |
kde4plz | just type /help <topic> | 10:46 |
kde4plz | /help connect | 10:46 |
kde4plz | /SERVER ADD -auto -network freenode 6667C | 10:49 |
kde4plz | thats how i added freenode... | 10:49 |
kalidar | thanks alot man XD | 10:50 |
kalidar | oh btw how do i see a list of my added networks | 10:51 |
kalidar | ich i stil cant figure out how to connect | 10:53 |
kalidar | why is this so confuseing god i hate script language | 10:53 |
nguyen | hey | 10:56 |
nguyen | this is kde4plz im here to tease kalidar because you can't connect using irssi and i can :0 | 10:57 |
kde4plz | lol | 10:57 |
kde4plz | its pretty easy kalidar | 10:57 |
kde4plz | ill show you how i did it... | 10:57 |
kde4plz | first i read the documention.... | 10:58 |
kde4plz | then /help connect | 10:58 |
kde4plz | /help network too | 10:58 |
eli_ | hi guys - i need some help with mounting external hd. | 10:58 |
kalidar | anyone know how i change my name by typeing /nickserv or something | 11:01 |
kalidar | cant rember | 11:01 |
kde4plz | /NETWORK ADD -autosendcmd "/^msg nickserv ident pass;wait 2000" OFTC | 11:01 |
kde4plz | thats in irssi | 11:01 |
spathi_ | Здрасти | 11:01 |
=== spathi_ is now known as Spaffik | ||
=== sketch_ is now known as evilcougar | ||
kalidar | says name or service not know | 11:01 |
kalidar | how do i make my name lol | 11:02 |
kalidar | maby i shouldent be using this i dont think i have the intellegence | 11:02 |
kde4plz | using what? | 11:02 |
kalidar | irssi | 11:02 |
kde4plz | oh.. | 11:02 |
kalidar | its all commands | 11:02 |
kalidar | and i have a bad memory | 11:02 |
kde4plz | once u get in.. its just like any other irc... | 11:02 |
kalidar | ok then how i change my name and password | 11:03 |
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kalidar | it says name or service not known | 11:03 |
kde4plz | how did you change it to kalidar | 11:03 |
kalidar | i push buttens on xchat lol | 11:03 |
kalidar | but irssi dosent have luxuarys of buttens lol | 11:03 |
kalidar | its like /CHangenick | 11:04 |
kalidar | or osmething | 11:04 |
=== nguyen is now known as kde3plz | ||
kde3plz | hi | 11:05 |
kde4plz | its just | 11:06 |
kde4plz | "/nick | 11:06 |
eli__ | sorry got logged out | 11:06 |
kde4plz | without " | 11:06 |
kalidar | oh | 11:06 |
kde4plz | | 11:06 |
kde4plz | read this | 11:06 |
kalidar | ich i give up | 11:06 |
kde4plz | it will help you a lot | 11:06 |
kalidar | my brain herts ill try later | 11:07 |
kde4plz | don't give up.. | 11:07 |
kalidar | well the help files tell me only crap i dont need | 11:07 |
kalidar | like how to customize and change auto joins and stuff | 11:07 |
kde4plz | lol | 11:07 |
kalidar | when all i wana do is test it out by connecting to a channel | 11:07 |
kde4plz | lol | 11:07 |
kalidar | but it dosent tell you the simple stuff like how to connect to a damn network | 11:07 |
kalidar | lol | 11:07 |
kde4plz | ... | 11:07 |
kde4plz | do this | 11:08 |
kde4plz | /NETWORK ADD | 11:08 |
kalidar | k | 11:08 |
=== root is now known as Guest16250 | ||
kde3plz | exit | 11:09 |
kalidar | network exit saved | 11:09 |
kde4plz | woops | 11:09 |
kalidar | network exit saved | 11:09 |
kde4plz | /NETWORK ADD freenode | 11:09 |
kalidar | network saved | 11:10 |
kde4plz | /SERVER ADD -auto -network freenode 6667 | 11:10 |
kalidar | aww i get it | 11:11 |
kalidar | ok saved | 11:11 |
kde4plz | do | 11:11 |
kalidar | now /connect Freenode wich has the in it? | 11:11 |
kde4plz | yea | 11:12 |
kde4plz | do /join #kubuntu to get here | 11:12 |
kalidar | man wtf thats so simple | 11:12 |
kalidar | i even understand how the code works | 11:12 |
kde4plz | yea... | 11:12 |
kde4plz | lol | 11:12 |
kalidar | why is it that when i read the help file i wanted to smash my head against my monitor | 11:12 |
kalidar | lol thanks man you made that so much simpler | 11:12 |
kde4plz | lol... | 11:12 |
kalidar_ | hi | 11:13 |
kde4plz | yay u did it | 11:13 |
kalidar_ | XD | 11:13 |
kde4plz | hi... | 11:13 |
kde4plz | /exit to leave | 11:13 |
kalidar_ | i have 2 irc cliants open mad lag from one to the other | 11:13 |
kalidar_ | heem so this is it? | 11:13 |
kalidar_ | !pengin | 11:14 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pengin | 11:14 |
kalidar_ | !lis | 11:14 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lis | 11:14 |
kalidar_ | !list | 11:14 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » | 11:14 |
kalidar_ | lol! | 11:14 |
kde4plz | pengin? | 11:14 |
kde4plz | u mean pidgin? | 11:14 |
kalidar_ | yeah | 11:14 |
kalidar_ | !pidgin | 11:14 |
ubottu | The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) ( supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete | 11:14 |
kde4plz | do... | 11:14 |
kalidar_ | aww kk nvm | 11:14 |
kde4plz | sudo apt-get install pidgin | 11:14 |
eli__ | !fdisk | 11:15 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about fdisk | 11:15 |
eli__ | !fsck | 11:15 |
ubottu | fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot | 11:15 |
kalidar_ | so is pidgin build into irc? | 11:15 |
kde4plz | pidgin is just like xfire... | 11:15 |
kalidar_ | xfire the game loger? | 11:15 |
kde4plz | lol | 11:15 |
kde4plz | its just a messenger.. | 11:15 |
kalidar_ | thats what i used it for lol | 11:15 |
kalidar_ | aww i have amsn | 11:16 |
kalidar_ | im fine | 11:16 |
kalidar_ | lol | 11:16 |
kalidar_ | say.. | 11:16 |
kde4plz | google pidgin if you want to know more | 11:16 |
kalidar_ | you know of any good linux games? | 11:16 |
kde4plz | there is... tuxracer.. | 11:16 |
kde4plz | ;0 | 11:16 |
kalidar_ | lmfao | 11:16 |
kalidar_ | im good thanks tho | 11:16 |
bazhang | !games | 11:16 |
ubottu | Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at and | 11:16 |
kalidar_ | thanks for the games | 11:17 |
kalidar_ | ;) | 11:17 |
kde4plz | frozen bubble :0 | 11:17 |
kde4plz | its a good one | 11:17 |
kde4plz | xmoto is good too ;0 | 11:18 |
kalidar_ | oh yeah befor i go kde | 11:18 |
kalidar_ | do you know how i install scripts on this badboy | 11:18 |
kalidar_ | ? | 11:18 |
kde4plz | what do you mean? | 11:18 |
kalidar_ | i have a file | 11:18 |
kalidar_ | like how do i install my fserv script | 11:18 |
kalidar_ | like you do with normal irc | 11:18 |
kde4plz | read the documentation ;0 | 11:18 |
kalidar_ | oh nvm i thought maby you knew a fast way | 11:18 |
kalidar_ | lol | 11:19 |
kalidar_ | sry man | 11:19 |
kalidar_ | here i thought u were the smart one too pfft | 11:19 |
kalidar_ | :P | 11:19 |
kalidar_ | anyway im probs anoying everyone so ima take off thanks for all the help :) | 11:19 |
kalidar_ | cheers | 11:19 |
outtraffic | уцауы | 11:25 |
eli__ | i need some help with mounting external hard disk | 11:25 |
kde4plz | type man mount in terminal | 11:27 |
eli__ | kde4plz: it's more complicated - the device is not recognized | 11:28 |
kde4plz | oh | 11:28 |
eli__ | I can see it on the dmesg, but the /dev/sdb is not recognized | 11:29 |
eli__ | i can't find anything on such a case in forums :( | 11:30 |
eli__ | can i force the system to create a new device? | 11:31 |
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kde4plz | whats the external drive called? | 11:32 |
Riesh | eli__: can you so "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb" | 11:33 |
kanon-mat | /dev/sdb1 perhaps? | 11:33 |
kanon-mat | usually there is a number | 11:34 |
eli__ | Riesh: returns nothing | 11:35 |
noukist_ | !gr | 11:35 |
ubottu | #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές / #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes | 11:35 |
eli__ | how can i post the relevant syslog? | 11:35 |
Riesh | eli__: but you say it is recognized ... you see it when running dmesg | 11:35 |
Riesh | | 11:36 |
Riesh | !paste | 11:36 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 11:36 |
eli__ | it's here | 11:36 |
Riesh | eli__: looks normal to me | 11:37 |
Riesh | you know what filesystem is on the drive ? | 11:38 |
Riesh | which partitions ? | 11:38 |
eli__ | i can't see anything on sdb | 11:38 |
eli__ | it's ext3, but it might be corrupted | 11:39 |
Riesh | sudo -i | 11:39 |
Riesh | so you are root ... | 11:39 |
ZmAY | having some problems installing motif, Xm libraries, can someone help me, when compiling program getting this for example: error: Xm/PushB.h: No such file or directory | 11:39 |
Riesh | fdisk -l /dev/sdb | 11:39 |
Riesh | should give some output | 11:40 |
eli__ | nothing | 11:40 |
Riesh | then just fdisk /dev/sdb | 11:41 |
eli__ | unable to open /dev/sdb | 11:41 |
Riesh | maybe the cable is not good anymore ... you have external power for the drive ? | 11:42 |
eli__ | no | 11:42 |
Riesh | cable with an extra usb plug for more power ? | 11:43 |
eli__ | it's a laptop hd, i can't see any external power entry | 11:43 |
eli__ | nope, this one is all i've got | 11:43 |
Riesh | i also have here an external laptop disk ... but when i got it the case came with a cable with two usb plugs at one end | 11:44 |
Riesh | one for extra power | 11:44 |
eli__ | this is the lsusb output | 11:45 |
eli__ | | 11:46 |
ZmAY | who is here for Xm, Xt, X11 ?:) | 11:46 |
Riesh | eli__: not really seeing your disk there | 11:47 |
eli__ | it's a usb connector type that's listed | 11:48 |
eli__ | i've disconnected and reconnected the disk | 11:48 |
eli__ | i'm attaching the dmesg output | 11:48 |
Riesh | aha .. ok ... which version of kubuntu you have ? | 11:49 |
eli__ | 8.10 | 11:49 |
eli__ | there is the link: | 11:49 |
eli__ | it's x64 if it matteres | 11:49 |
Riesh | might be a kernel bug ... unplug your disk -> rmmod ehci-hcd -> and try again | 11:51 |
eli__ | ok, just to be sure: 1) unplug 2) rmmod ehci-hcd 3) plug in? | 11:52 |
Riesh | yes | 11:52 |
costello | hi all | 11:52 |
Riesh | use sudo for rmmod | 11:52 |
costello | who have drivers for ASUS F3sg for Ubuntu? | 11:53 |
pis | please can i know whats going on | 11:55 |
eli__ | still no effect, the updated dmesg attached at | 11:55 |
eli__ | no need for sudo - i'm still using the root konsole | 11:56 |
Riesh | aha ... but now it sees the partitions ... sdb1 sdb2 < sdb5 > | 11:57 |
eli__ | just for a moment | 11:57 |
eli__ | there is no sdb device at /dev | 11:57 |
Riesh | fdisk again gives no notion of them ? | 11:57 |
eli__ | there is the output of fdisk | 11:59 |
eli__ | only sda is recognized, no sdb :( | 11:59 |
Riesh | strange ... i don't have any ideas what to experiment with | 12:00 |
Riesh | next | 12:00 |
kalidar | hi | 12:02 |
kalidar | XD | 12:02 |
eli__ | it's even starnger - look on the updated dmesg: | 12:02 |
eli__ | u can see it attampted to read the sdb - and still no traces of it in the /dev | 12:02 |
dr_willis | Hmm. i had issues once when i installed via a 'thumbdrive' installer - that it made the /etc/fstab have an extra entry that made sdb the 'cdrom' by mistake. so the first thimbdrive i plugged in - dident get seen properly. but the 2nd one die. | 12:03 |
dr_willis | sounds almost like one 'part' of that cable may not be working right. or its not getting enough power to work propely | 12:03 |
dr_willis | I found out the hard way to use those 2 headed usb cables.. | 12:03 |
eli__ | i only have one headed cable | 12:04 |
dr_willis | dident come with a 2 headed cable eh? | 12:04 |
eli__ | nope, i borrowed this one from a friend, and he only had a one-headed one | 12:05 |
eli__ | i'm just trying to see if there is something i can still rescue from this old laptop HD | 12:06 |
bderagon | hey guys | 12:06 |
dr_willis | this is a small -laptop sized external usb hard drive we are talking about? | 12:06 |
eli__ | exactly | 12:06 |
dr_willis | self powered by the usb port - correct? no external powersupply | 12:06 |
eli__ | still correct | 12:06 |
=== brendonw__ is now known as brendonw | ||
dr_willis | i woudl try a external powered usb hub - and see if that helps it out. You do hear it spin up? | 12:07 |
bderagon | hoping someone can help me here, been working in windows for 10+ years and decided to join the linux group last night after visual studio's install corrupted for the third time in 3 months | 12:07 |
eli__ | i can hear it spinning | 12:07 |
bderagon | tried to install kubuntu on my machine, it appears to have installed, but never starts, all I get is a black screen | 12:07 |
bderagon | and I can no longer boot into windows | 12:07 |
eli__ | does grub show up? | 12:08 |
bderagon | I don't know...pretty much anything....about linux installs | 12:08 |
bderagon | grub? | 12:08 |
bderagon | that's the boot client for it? | 12:08 |
Riesh | bderagon: after BIOS | 12:08 |
bderagon | no, it doesn't | 12:08 |
dr_willis | you dont see any boot menu at the beginning? | 12:08 |
bderagon | if I don't boot off the cd, all I get is a black screen | 12:08 |
bderagon | that never goes away, no error message, no boot menu, no nothing | 12:09 |
bderagon | if I insert the kubuntu cd, I get the cd's menu | 12:09 |
dr_willis | You dont have more hen 1 monitor installed? or any other odd video setup? | 12:09 |
bderagon | I have a video card that has two video outputs, but only one monitor is currently hooked to it | 12:09 |
eli__ | did u get any error messages during the installation process? | 12:10 |
bderagon | tried switching it between both outputs | 12:10 |
bderagon | various small ones, something like processor scaling not supported by bios | 12:10 |
bderagon | and net_dif not found | 12:10 |
dr_willis | I had an odd setup where it defauilted to my tv out once. | 12:10 |
bderagon | but it seemed to continue no problem | 12:10 |
bderagon | should I be doing this from my onboard video card? and just forget the ati video card I have until after kubuntu is installed? | 12:11 |
dr_willis | onboard? and a addon .. hmmmm.... | 12:11 |
dr_willis | that may be the issue | 12:11 |
dr_willis | i always disable the onboard in the bios. if possible | 12:12 |
bderagon | well, its a toggle in my bios, if I enable the add-on, onboard gets disabled automatically | 12:12 |
dr_willis | guess you could try removeing the addon. as a test.. getting a little hardcore here. | 12:12 |
dr_willis | but im not sure what else to try | 12:12 |
dr_willis | if grub isent even giving you an error message or any output - a little hard to troubleshoot | 12:12 |
bderagon | is there a way to see more than the progress bar? to see what is going on during the kubuntu install? | 12:12 |
bderagon | I have 3 partitions, and it never asked me which to install on | 12:13 |
bderagon | or if I wanted to reformat them, or anything like that | 12:13 |
eli__ | u can make the alternative installation it's textual | 12:13 |
dr_willis | err... somthing odd there then.. the installer asks lots of questions | 12:13 |
bderagon | the progress bar comes up for liek 5 minutes, runs through it | 12:13 |
bderagon | after that, it goes to what looks like a dos screen/console output | 12:13 |
bderagon | and spits back that it loads HAL and a bunch of other stuff ok | 12:14 |
bderagon | then I get the black screen, that never goes away | 12:14 |
bderagon | after about 10 minutes | 12:14 |
eli__ | did the installation finished at all? | 12:14 |
bderagon | but never askes a single question, nothing, the second I select install from the main cd menu, and push enter that's what i get | 12:14 |
bderagon | the progress bar, the console/output, then the black screen | 12:15 |
bderagon | no questions, nothing to inform me that it's installing, just a lot of processor and hard drive activity | 12:15 |
eli__ | try alternative installation, without the gui - it can show some light on what's going on | 12:15 |
bderagon | I'm not really sure how to tell eli, the progress bar doesn't tell me what it's doing, the console output only tells me what looks like to be the kubuntu kernel/client loading | 12:15 |
eli__ | as much as i've understand your installation didn't finished - it got stalled before the reboot | 12:16 |
bderagon | ok, I can also see if I can dig up a second monitor, and plug them both into the video card at same time | 12:16 |
bderagon | probably have one around the house somewhere | 12:17 |
Dillizar | bderagon what graphic card you have | 12:17 |
bderagon | with the dvi out on the video card, it probably doesn't like me switching it live | 12:17 |
bderagon | ati's hd4870 | 12:17 |
Dillizar | k | 12:17 |
dr_willis | during the install - one can use alt-ctrl-F1 throguh F6 to get to some other info screens also. | 12:18 |
bderagon | yeah looking at screenshots of the installation pages, and definitely not getting those | 12:18 |
dr_willis | what release are you isntalling exactly? | 12:18 |
dr_willis | and where did the iso/disk come from? | 12:18 |
bderagon | downloaded directly from kubuntu, the latest x64 release | 12:19 |
bderagon | burnt the iso to a cd myself, using windows | 12:20 |
bderagon | before I tried the kubuntu install | 12:20 |
SlimeyPete | you're sure you grabbed the amd64 instead of ia64? | 12:20 |
dr_willis | So you are using the desktop cd, you get to the desktop and use the installer tool? or installing howq exactly? | 12:20 |
bderagon | the amd64 8.10 release | 12:20 |
Dillizar | 8.10? bderagon | 12:20 |
dr_willis | it should be asking quite a few questions. | 12:20 |
bderagon | yep the 8.10 | 12:21 |
bderagon | Kubuntu 8.10 - Featuring the cutting edge KDE 4 and maintained until April 2010, that one, right from their site | 12:21 |
eli__ | have u checked the sum? | 12:21 |
bderagon | AthlonTM, SempronTM) 64bit AMD and Intel computers | 12:21 |
bderagon | yep | 12:21 |
bderagon | I used the live cd w/installer, so I should download the alternate desktop one? and try that one? | 12:22 |
eli__ | well, u have nothing to loose:) | 12:22 |
Dillizar | bderagon did you update it | 12:23 |
dr_willis | i cant imagine how it skipped over the partitioning disk stuff... unless you missclicked | 12:23 |
bderagon | will try that then, no didn't run any update dillizar | 12:23 |
eli__ | look at your cd menu - as much as i recall there is an option for alternative install too | 12:23 |
bderagon | looking at the installation process, it looks like the entire installation is graphical | 12:25 |
bderagon | from what I can tell, it never even gets to the install, it loads all the "prerequisites" to the install, and never gets there | 12:25 |
bderagon | does, and its on a monitor I can't see, heading to play with it and see if I can figure stuff out, :) hopefully I'll be back later with a sucess story and asking where to find linux development info :P | 12:26 |
bderagon | thanks for all the help guys | 12:26 |
eli__ | dr_willis: any ideas on my case? | 12:32 |
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dr_willis | eli__: not really. :P | 12:36 |
dr_willis | if dmesg shows it.. but then /dev/ dont - only time ive sene that is when hard drives are starting to die/or are half dead | 12:36 |
eli__ | long life the new hd:) | 12:37 |
Laruft | can anyone link me to some tips about how to maintain a linux install. to explain, i've installed virtualbox, and now i'm using kvm... virtualbox installed lots of other stuff, I just don't want to end up with duplicate tools/libraries and stuff not actively used. | 12:49 |
bderagon | awesome, thanks again guys.....kubuntu now installing :) | 12:49 |
Laruft | I suppose I need to see how depencies work and package removal | 12:50 |
Dillizar | !Fbsplash | 12:52 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about Fbsplash | 12:52 |
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flavinha | | 12:53 |
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=== tackat is now known as tackat_away | ||
ratbert | how do you install boot splash on kubuntu | 13:03 |
ratbert | but its not . | 13:03 |
ratbert | .so its .tar and there isnt .so inside :( | 13:03 |
ardian | allow | 13:10 |
buk_ | hello. | 13:13 |
buk_ | can someone please help me with a sound-problem on kubuntu 8.10? | 13:13 |
dwidmann | buk_: what sort of sound problem? | 13:13 |
buk_ | dwidmann, i can hear sound when entering/shut-down but no sound at all on amarok/youtube/vlc or any other programms. | 13:15 |
dwidmann | hmmmm | 13:16 |
dwidmann | buk_: go into system settings -> multimedia. What is the highest sound device in the list? | 13:17 |
buk_ | ehm, where is that multimedia thing? | 13:18 |
dwidmann | Should be near the bottom in system settings | 13:18 |
buk_ | ah, system settings -> sound? | 13:18 |
dwidmann | hmm, mayhap | 13:19 |
dwidmann | might have changed since kde 4.1 (I'm using 4.2) | 13:19 |
buk_ | i go to Device Preference and EVERYTHING has only HDA Intel (Conexant Analog). | 13:19 |
buk_ | then i click "show advanced devices" ant it adds: HDA Intel Connexant Analog (front speakers). | 13:20 |
dwidmann | Hmm, that should be right, I would think | 13:20 |
buk_ | also Connexant Digital | 13:21 |
buk_ | and Connexant IEC958 something | 13:21 |
dwidmann | Try changing the order around and see if you can get sound that way | 13:21 |
dwidmann | (only the top one counts really, the rest will just be fallbacks) | 13:21 |
buk_ | ehm, what to put first? | 13:22 |
buk_ | ehm, now i tried to play sth on amarok and said that the KNotify crashed and proposed me to disable aRts sound output. | 13:24 |
buk_ | ehm thanks anyway | 13:27 |
roman_ | !mp3 | 13:29 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 13:29 |
Dillizar | how can i put a weather report on my panel :) 3.5.5 | 13:41 |
kripnos | hi kubuntunian | 13:49 |
lpf | hello | 13:56 |
lpf | 大家好 | 13:57 |
=== max is now known as Guest74873 | ||
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andrey__ | ребят, кто знает как icq установить? | 14:15 |
tomsdale | What is the shortcut to reactivate compositing after it turned itself off? | 14:26 |
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube | ||
Ubu1155163 | Why do my Kubuntu freezes and CAPS and Scroll Lock flash? I just wanted to install it | 14:28 |
Ubu1155163 | anyone here? | 14:29 |
dr_willis | thats a sign that the kernel just crashed BIG time | 14:29 |
Ubu1155163 | How can i repair/fix it? | 14:29 |
dr_willis | so you boot the live cd. and the cd crashes like that? | 14:29 |
Ubu1155163 | Yes | 14:29 |
dr_willis | i would say its a bad cd burn, or currupted download./ | 14:30 |
Ubu1155163 | I just downloaded 10 th time | 14:30 |
dr_willis | check the md5sums to verify the cd is good? | 14:30 |
Ubu1155163 | And spent 10 CD's | 14:30 |
Ubu1155163 | How can i do that? | 14:30 |
dr_willis | !md5sum | 14:30 |
ubottu | To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see for more | 14:30 |
dr_willis | You can also use unetbootin tool and the iso file to make a 'bootable/installable' thumbdrive no cd's needed | 14:31 |
dr_willis | test the cd's on another pc is also a good test | 14:31 |
tomsdale | Found it Alt + Shift +F12 = Suspend/Resume Compositing | 14:32 |
dr_willis | i recall seeing some kde widgit that turned it on/off also | 14:33 |
Ubu1155163 | Do I need another Linux system to make unetbootin? | 14:34 |
dr_willis | unetbootin is a windows tool. or linux tool | 14:34 |
dr_willis | no need for any linux at all. :) just the tool and the .iso file.. it can even download the iso file. | 14:35 |
dr_willis | and it can make bootable -usb drives for a dozen+ disrtos | 14:35 |
dr_willis | its handy | 14:35 |
dr_willis | I rarely ever burn cd's any more | 14:35 |
Ubu1155163 | Oh now, this means I have to download this again because i have it on CD, and I'm using PCLinuxOS's CD. Too bad I don't have another CD Drive | 14:37 |
dr_willis | unetbootin might bea ble to use the cds you burnt.. no idea on that.. | 14:38 |
dr_willis | I use it from windows and i use the iso files | 14:38 |
Ubu1155163 | When I'm using UNetbootin from Windows, does that mean that it installs WITH Windows or formats the drive | 14:39 |
dr_willis | unetbootin creates a BOOTABLE Installable USB thumb DRIVE taht boots the disrto. | 14:42 |
dr_willis | use unetbiooting.. tell it the iso file.. point it to the Thumbdrive.. let it do the work.. reboot | 14:42 |
dr_willis | boot from usb drive... continue with out any cd needed | 14:43 |
dr_willis | it will erase the THUMB drive yes. | 14:43 |
dr_willis | actually it might be able to do an install to a hard drive.. but ive never done that.. | 14:43 |
Ubu1155163 | I selected Hard Disk and its downloading now | 14:44 |
Ubu1155163 | Im afraid its going to crash again | 14:44 |
dr_willis | so? :) if it does.. try some other disrtos via netbootin on the thumbdrive and see what happens | 14:44 |
dr_willis | PuppyLinux works very well with Unetbootin and on most machines | 14:45 |
beatzz_ | beatzz_: | 14:45 |
beatzz_ | thanks me from another computer | 14:45 |
dr_willis | talking to your self? :) | 14:45 |
beatzz_ | yup yup | 14:45 |
beatzz_ | we are | 14:46 |
dr_willis | id rather get LOTRO working.. | 14:46 |
dr_willis | :P | 14:46 |
Ubu1155163 | I don't think this is going to work, but ill give a try. I still don't get it why does it crash and lights flash | 14:46 |
beatzz | of course it will work | 14:46 |
beatzz | its linux | 14:46 |
beatzz | its just a matter of makeing it work | 14:46 |
beatzz | ;) | 14:46 |
dr_willis | Ubu1155163: kernel or initrd is confused and the whole system crashes.. if the files are currupted - the cpu is running garbate | 14:46 |
dr_willis | garbate | 14:46 |
dr_willis | garbage | 14:46 |
Ubu1155163 | thanks | 14:47 |
Ubu1155163 | But what if the UNetbootin downloads the corrupt file again? | 14:54 |
anil_kumar | hi...need screen after OS login screen | 14:56 |
Ubu1155163 | nobody here? | 14:59 |
=== fernando is now known as Guest68110 | ||
beatzz_ | im here | 15:01 |
beatzz_ | sorta... | 15:01 |
Ubu1155163 | I was just wondering why if the UNetbootin downloads the corrupt file again and it crashes again? | 15:02 |
zer0o | anyone who could help me today with my WICD and WEP key issue? | 15:05 |
beatzz_ | yes | 15:06 |
beatzz_ | choose 40bit/hex key instead of passphrase | 15:06 |
zer0o | beatzz_: i only have 60bit/hex and 120bit/hex | 15:07 |
zer0o | and in both cases it doesnt connect | 15:07 |
zer0o | keeps saying "obtaining ip address" and doesnt go on then it crashes... | 15:07 |
zer0o | any idea? | 15:07 |
enigmqtik | plop | 15:09 |
roman_ | How can i restart the display manage in kde? | 15:14 |
roman_ | !diplay manager | 15:17 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about diplay manager | 15:17 |
roman_ | !display manager | 15:17 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about display manager | 15:17 |
LjL | roman_: sudo invoke-rc.d kdm restart | 15:17 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas folks | 15:17 |
BluesKaj | !kdm | 15:18 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kdm | 15:18 |
=== d is now known as Guest87016 | ||
BluesKaj | !display | 15:19 |
ubottu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 15:19 |
roman_ | My window borders are gone for soe reason, what would cause this and how can i get them back? | 15:21 |
BluesKaj | maybe try an different theme | 15:23 |
roman_ | I tried changing themes, but i cant change themes because i cant click apply, since i cant move the windo becuase there are no borders. | 15:29 |
devilsadvocate_ | roman_, hold down alt and drag the window | 15:30 |
roman_ | That doesnt work. | 15:30 |
Laruft | why does a single click in dolphin mean open.... whereas in most other file managers it means select | 15:30 |
Tm_T | Laruft: depends on your settings | 15:31 |
Laruft | I suppose it's something I can get use to. It just feels weird having used amiga/windows so long | 15:34 |
Laruft | I wondered how u multiple select, but I see holding down ctrl key does that | 15:34 |
Laruft | but then multiple selecting, then clicking on an icon doesn't open all selected, which is strange | 15:35 |
roman_ | Laruft: go into system settings, then mouse and keyboard and you can change open to double click. | 15:35 |
Tm_T | Laruft: you can set it to have doubleclick too | 15:35 |
=== hfsdo_ is now known as hfsdo | ||
lolipop | Hi, when i'm trying to send files from my phone to my kubuntu, i will get sending failed, but i can send files from my kubuntu to phone, any idea why? | 15:36 |
Laruft | say i want to open 3 text files at same time, i ctrl+select, then do what? | 15:37 |
kanon-mat | change settings and maybe use konqueror? | 15:38 |
MaGicKanGaRoo | well you can just select them one at a time with ctrl and select and then press enter to open with default app or right click and choose options to apply to all | 15:39 |
Laruft | right click->open with works... | 15:40 |
MaGicKanGaRoo | and pressing enter? | 15:41 |
Laruft | but left single click just opens the item you click ignoring the other selections | 15:41 |
MaGicKanGaRoo | yes | 15:42 |
Laruft | this is in dolphin btw | 15:42 |
MaGicKanGaRoo | as one single click selects and opens the item your choosing | 15:42 |
Laruft | ah enter launches the default app multiple times | 15:42 |
MaGicKanGaRoo | yarp | 15:43 |
MaGicKanGaRoo | you can also click on the small green crosses that apear on items to multi select if you dont like ctrl and select | 15:43 |
MaGicKanGaRoo | in kde3 it used to be a configuration option the first time you loaded kde | 15:43 |
MaGicKanGaRoo | would ask if you like, unix windows or combo style of doing things | 15:43 |
MaGicKanGaRoo | now they just assume you love single clicking :) | 15:43 |
MaGicKanGaRoo | problem is whenever you go back to a windows machine you have trouble using it :S | 15:44 |
Laruft | i'm trying to migrate fully to kubuntu jaunty | 15:44 |
roman_ | Does anyone know how to restore window borders when they dissapear? | 15:44 |
Laruft | discovered kvm, which rocks | 15:44 |
Laruft | on the default launcher in kubuntu why is system/settings all muddled | 15:46 |
MaGicKanGaRoo | sorry, where do you mean? | 15:46 |
Laruft | nvidia x server settings is listed on both sub menus | 15:47 |
Laruft | i mean the menus, sorry on applications tab | 15:47 |
Laruft | printer configuration which to me is a setting, appears under system | 15:47 |
Laruft | on top of all that there is a system settings application too | 15:48 |
Laruft | not sure where that lives, but it's on my favourites tab | 15:49 |
MaGicKanGaRoo | applications:/ | 15:50 |
MaGicKanGaRoo | ? | 15:50 |
roman_ | !emerald | 15:50 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about emerald | 15:50 |
Laruft | nah it's just listed on favourites | 15:51 |
roman_ | Can someone please help me? I'm missing all of my window borders and can't figue out how to get them to show back up. | 15:53 |
demon | re | 15:53 |
demon | канал русский? | 15:53 |
Pici | !ru | demon | 15:54 |
ubottu | demon: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 15:54 |
Laruft | roman, wish I could help.. have u restarted? | 15:55 |
roman_ | Laruft: Several times. | 15:56 |
roman_ | What is the name of the application that handles all the window borders? | 15:56 |
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Dragnslcr | roman_- are you running compiz? | 15:57 |
Laruft | kdm? perhaps | 15:58 |
MaGicKanGaRoo | you may need too... | 15:58 |
roman_ | Dragnslcr: No, I tried to. But it crashed, and now im having this problem. | 15:58 |
* MaGicKanGaRoo digs through memory | 15:58 | |
MaGicKanGaRoo | kde-window-decorator & | 15:58 |
MaGicKanGaRoo | try that | 15:58 |
Laruft | ah you don't need compiz with kde4, lots of compiz effects you can do now, without compiz installation | 15:58 |
roman_ | Laruft: Im running 8.04 with KDE3. | 15:58 |
MaGicKanGaRoo | yes | 15:59 |
MaGicKanGaRoo | try this kde-window-decorator & | 15:59 |
Laruft | ok | 15:59 |
Dragnslcr | If that doesn't work, "kwin --replace &" might do it | 15:59 |
onessimo | test | 15:59 |
Dragnslcr | If you've restarted X and it keeps happening, look for this file- /etc/X11/Xsession.d/25enable-compiz | 16:00 |
onessimo | bye bye | 16:00 |
onessimo | see you later... | 16:00 |
MaGicKanGaRoo | toodles... | 16:00 |
* Laruft is happy to discover classic 'start' menu style... much easier | 16:01 | |
roman_ | Dragnslcr: Thanks, it was Kwin --replace that fixed it. | 16:02 |
Laruft | ooh and system->system settings has appeared | 16:02 |
Dragnslcr | Yeah, I'm not a fan of the new style for the K Menu | 16:03 |
Laruft | kickoff can... ####off | 16:03 |
Laruft | excuse the pun | 16:04 |
smooki | hi | 16:05 |
smooki | I'd reduced the taskbar to much, now I can't see it anymore, any tip to retrieve it please ? | 16:06 |
Laruft | kickoff has potential, but using default, there is not enough height to display items, 6-7 items is not enough and frustrating to keep scrolling | 16:07 |
lycaena | Selam | 16:08 |
lycaena | Turk varm'_ | 16:09 |
Pici | !tr | lycaena | 16:09 |
ubottu | lycaena: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. | 16:09 |
Laruft | I'd like 2 rows on my plasma start/window tabs/clock bar. is that possible? | 16:10 |
BluesKaj | I still use the classic style Kmenu's much simpler and direct | 16:12 |
Laruft | yes, i'm using classic kickoff.. seems ok | 16:12 |
Laruft | not sure how to change to use another launcher. I did like cairo-dock icons i've seen in another distro | 16:13 |
Laruft | i can make the panel bar taller, but not into two+ rows... | 16:14 |
Laruft | oh i see, just done it, automagically, i like that | 16:15 |
=== vlt_ is now known as vlt | ||
Laruft_ | oh i've just swamped quassel by doing a /list | 16:25 |
hn8456 | Can I install KDE 4.2 on Kubuntu 8.04 ? | 16:28 |
Tm_T | not easily no | 16:28 |
=== jordan is now known as Guest62804 | ||
Laruft_ | it's a shame, i'd like to stick to KDE apps, but i fear I have to now install firefox as Konquerer is just not displaying some pages properly | 16:32 |
Lycaena | Ubuntunun turk ircsi neydi | 16:32 |
Tm_T | Laruft_: possibly because of those pages, not Konqueror (: | 16:32 |
Laruft_ | yes I can understand that, is there any way I can get konquerer to display such pages? | 16:33 |
Laruft_ | site in question is eve-online, i've set up wine just trying to get the client downloaded. | 16:34 |
Tm_T | Laruft_: make the website coders to do things properly or so? | 16:34 |
Lycaena | Türk varmı? | 16:35 |
genii | !tr | 16:36 |
ubottu | Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. | 16:36 |
Laruft_ | ok, so it's not konq's fault?... | 16:36 |
spathi_ | Ubuntu! | 16:36 |
BluesKaj | Laruft_, that site gave me this : The application nspluginviewer (nspluginviewer) crashed and caused the signal 11 (SIGSEGV). Altho it did load part of the page | 16:36 |
BluesKaj | with konq | 16:37 |
BluesKaj | Laruft_, it loads very well in FF | 16:39 |
Laruft_ | I know, which is why I thought it was konq lacking somewhat | 16:39 |
Laruft_ | I can't even get the link to d/l page in konq | 16:41 |
BluesKaj | Laruft_, I tried being a KDE purist for a while, but the number of sites that didn't load prperly or at all finally caused me to switch to FF , as much as I regret to admit I've concluded that FF is the superior browser. | 16:42 |
lolipop | Hi, when i'm trying to send files from my phone to my kubuntu, i will get sending failed, but i can send files from my kubuntu to phone, any idea why? | 16:42 |
Laruft_ | just wondering what performance hit there is having gnome+kde libs loaded. | 16:42 |
Laruft_ | and if FF applets will work on linux? foxmarks for example | 16:43 |
Laruft_ | lolipop, is that via bluetooth? | 16:43 |
Slartibartfast | lolipop: we all have the same problems with bluetooth ... seems some things are not working very well in KDE for bluetooth | 16:43 |
lolipop | yeap | 16:44 |
Slartibartfast | lolipop: you have to find other ways of transfering files ... and wait there will be fix soon | 16:45 |
lolipop | Slartibartfast: its okay, it works fine with my gnome | 16:46 |
Slartibartfast | OK .. also can use a cardreader ... or obextool ... | 16:47 |
=== anders_ is now known as barajag | ||
Laruft_ | i've done something to kate now.. KDEInit could not launch '/usr/bin/kate' | 16:54 |
Dragnslcr | Laruft_- there shouldn't be any kind of performance issues with having Gnome libraries installed. It's normal to have both KDE and Gnome libs | 16:54 |
Laruft_ | the other quassel is swill swamped, locked up from /list command.... | 16:55 |
Dragnslcr | And there are only a few Windows-specific Firefox extensions that won't work | 16:55 |
=== evilGary is now known as Gary | ||
Laruft_ | ok | 16:55 |
Laruft_ | I'll apt-get firefox next time I reboot, but for now, back to vista :-( thx for your help | 16:56 |
chronic | anyone got compiz to work w/kde | 16:56 |
Dragnslcr | With KDE3, yeah. Compiz doesn't work too well with KDE4 (which has its own compositing) | 16:57 |
=== martijn is now known as martijn81 | ||
chronic | yeah i noticed | 16:57 |
BluesKaj | compiz works ok on my setup , depends on the graphics card first of all | 16:58 |
BluesKaj | nvidia 7600GT , not real fancy but a decent card | 16:58 |
chronic | my drver is a savge s3 on a ibm t23 any one with that sanme setup? | 16:58 |
BluesKaj | that's all compiz really needs to run | 16:58 |
chronic | serious | 16:59 |
BluesKaj | kde4.2 here , chronic | 16:59 |
BluesKaj | not familiar with savageS3 | 17:00 |
SlimeyPete | S3 Savage == old, very old | 17:01 |
chronic | yeah i think it my graphics card :( thanks for the help | 17:01 |
BluesKaj | yes, so i see , really old :) | 17:02 |
Dragnslcr | I wish Konversation had event-based scripting | 17:03 |
yogich | QUESTION: What happened to Gwenview, in KDE 4.x?? There are far less features, and no way to delete recent folders | 17:03 |
BluesKaj | Dragnslcr , what is event-based scripting ? | 17:04 |
Dragnslcr | BluesKaj- being able to hook a script into things like incoming messages | 17:05 |
chronic | what is a good linux fps game? - right know im play urban terror | 17:06 |
Dragnslcr | Could also be called triggers in some IRC clients | 17:06 |
aleboco | does any one know how to backup important posts in akregator? | 17:06 |
=== Slartibartfast is now known as Riesh | ||
martijn81 | chronic: nexuiz is a cool fps game | 17:09 |
feeese | hello | 17:10 |
feeese | is enyone here? | 17:11 |
chronic | ill check it out any others | 17:11 |
=== javier_ is now known as Helio-2000 | ||
feeese | ive a problem with my konversation tool, can anyone help ? | 17:11 |
chronic | whats the prob? | 17:12 |
feeese | i want to start a dcc download | 17:12 |
feeese | thats no problem | 17:12 |
feeese | but if i want to resume later | 17:13 |
feeese | it starts from the begining | 17:13 |
feeese | -> no reume | 17:13 |
feeese | resume | 17:13 |
yogich | QUESTION: What happened to Gwenview, in KDE 4.x?? There are far less features, and no way to delete recent folders | 17:14 |
feeese | is this only a wrong setting ? i didnt found ? | 17:14 |
feeese | ive konversation 1.1 | 17:15 |
chronic | resume is prob not supported | 17:15 |
feeese | but here : | 17:15 |
martijn81 | chronic: nexuiz is in the repository | 17:15 |
feeese | "DCC file transfer with resume support" | 17:16 |
chronic | martjn81: sweet i also found tremulous ill try it out | 17:17 |
afeijo | does a torrent player exists? my download link often get a video faster then its one play time lol | 17:20 |
Riesh | afeijo: torrent is not streaming from the begin of a file to the end of a file ... you get chunks, sometimes from the end of the file and sometimes from the beginning | 17:21 |
Riesh | So you just have to wait that the download is 100% | 17:22 |
yogich | QUESTION: What happened to Gwenview, in Intrepid (KDE 4.x)?? There are far less features, and no way to delete recent folders | 17:23 |
afeijo | Riesh: indeed! chunks... I knew that, make sense, thanks | 17:24 |
Riddell | yogich: file a wishlist bug on if there's something you want | 17:39 |
yogich | Riddell: Thanks, Riddell... :-) Rock on... | 17:41 |
micamar19 | hi all | 17:47 |
micamar19 | wich is the comman to see if my usb adapter wireless has been detected | 17:47 |
micamar19 | i type lsusb and show me --> Bus 005 Device 002: ID 2001:3a03 D-Link Corp. | 17:47 |
micamar19 | but i cant use it yet | 17:48 |
pavel__ | what does ifconfig say? | 17:48 |
micamar19 | give a second, plz. | 17:49 |
KomiaPoika | hi | 17:52 |
KomiaPoika | i made a fresh install of 8.04 amd64, but after installing nvidia driver, X won't start anymore... how can i debug this? | 17:53 |
micamar19 | ifconfig --> Link encap:Local Loopback ; inet addr: Mask: ; UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1; RX packets:4 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 ; TX packets:4 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 ; collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 ; RX bytes:244 (244.0 b) TX bytes:244 (244.0 b) | 17:53 |
micamar19 | I dont understand, sorry I am a complete noob :'( | 17:54 |
pomocan | i'm not much of an expert either :) | 17:54 |
pomocan | do you have any interfaces displaying in ifconfig | 17:54 |
pomocan | such as: eth0, wlan0 | 17:55 |
Riesh | or in network manager | 17:55 |
pomocan | or there, yes :) | 17:55 |
KomiaPoika | ahem... it seems installing 1.73 over 1.80 fixed it | 17:56 |
micamar19 | nope, ifconfig doesnt show: eth0, wlan0. | 17:57 |
micamar19 | i have installed kubuntu some minuts ago | 17:57 |
pomocan | how are you connected to the internet just now? are you using another pc? | 17:58 |
pomocan | press alt+f2 and type in 'knetworkmanager' | 17:59 |
Riesh | micamar19: when you have plugged in this usb wireless adapter, you got a message in your desktop? | 17:59 |
micamar19 | x"D im using other computer. ;) | 17:59 |
||arifaX | hi, i mounted a ntfs drive with ntfs-3g and scanning it for viruses. I know that 1 virus is in an ntfs-stream svchost.exe:exe.exe how can I show (verify) the existance of this stream under linux? | 17:59 |
micamar19 | NOpe, when i plugged mi adapter i didnt see anything new | 18:00 |
pomocan | did you try unplugging it and plugging it in again ? :) | 18:00 |
pomocan | do alt+f2 and type in 'knetworkmanager' | 18:00 |
ubunhelper | hello some one can help me :) | 18:00 |
pomocan | ubuntuhelper: you're the helper, you should help! :P :) | 18:01 |
Riesh | there is in the systray some icon for network ... when you left click that you don't see wlan0 ? | 18:01 |
Riesh | micamar19: ^ | 18:01 |
ubunhelper | nope need for help xD | 18:01 |
micamar19 | re | 18:01 |
=== ubunhelper is now known as needhelp | ||
needhelp | ^^ | 18:02 |
pomocan | should have set it to ubuntuneedhelp :P | 18:02 |
needhelp | ty | 18:02 |
pomocan | what with? | 18:02 |
micamar19 | waitme me unplugging ..... | 18:02 |
needhelp | ;( | 18:02 |
ercan | Hi, probably been asked a thousand times but when will digikam 0.10.0 for kde4 be packaged for kubuntu? | 18:03 |
needhelp | ubuntuneedhelp is empty =? | 18:03 |
micamar19 | i didnt see anythint new | 18:04 |
Riesh | ercan: 我不知道 ... which is chinese for: i don't know :-) | 18:04 |
micamar19 | dmesg | 18:04 |
needhelp | ^.- | 18:04 |
micamar19 | knetworkmanager doesntwork | 18:05 |
pomocan | alt+f2 -> 'knetworkmanager' | 18:05 |
ercan | Riesh: should you know? | 18:05 |
micamar19 | alt+f2 --> knetworkmanager --> doesntwork --> how do i istall knetworkmanager from cd | 18:05 |
demon | i cant seem to open tar.gz when i try to extract it i got bunch of error and its not just with one file pls help :) | 18:06 |
Riesh | ercan: no .. i am not a developer .... maybe this question is bette to ask in #kubuntu-develop ... or something like that | 18:06 |
^Ch0ps | demon: did you check permissions? | 18:07 |
^Ch0ps | and what is the error message? | 18:07 |
demon | yes | 18:07 |
needhelp | #kubuntu-develop is ]EMpty too | 18:07 |
needhelp | -.- | 18:07 |
demon | ^Ch0ps: smt tar error | 18:08 |
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demon | dunno they are a lot and i cant copy paste them | 18:08 |
^Ch0ps | which command are ou using? | 18:08 |
=== hardingp_ is now known as Kast | ||
genii | needhelp: #kubuntu-devel and not #kubuntu-develop | 18:08 |
demon | just open the fil;e extrackt to desktop | 18:09 |
Riesh | thats why i said "something like that | 18:09 |
needhelp | thANKS :d | 18:09 |
^Ch0ps | ah, not doing it over the command line eh? | 18:11 |
^Ch0ps | okay | 18:11 |
^Ch0ps | did you re-download the file? | 18:11 |
demon | yes its not just one file | 18:11 |
demon | i will send you a screen shot ok | 18:12 |
demon | or smt like that | 18:12 |
^Ch0ps | ok | 18:12 |
^Ch0ps | is it with every file, demon? | 18:13 |
demon | yes | 18:13 |
^Ch0ps | you just open the file and choose to extract it? | 18:13 |
^Ch0ps | open a command line, cd ~/Desktop, tar xvzf filename | 18:14 |
^Ch0ps | try that | 18:14 |
needhelp | hello i have the original disk of ubuntu v 8.10 !! and when i try to boot dont appers on the system for chooise windows or ubuntu.. | 18:15 |
needhelp | maybe is my windows 7 | 18:15 |
demon | Permission denied | 18:15 |
needhelp | or what | 18:15 |
demon | .brb | 18:15 |
pomocan | needhelp: did you check your booting options ? | 18:19 |
needhelp | yes | 18:20 |
needhelp | i can boot and all | 18:20 |
pomocan | no, I mean, is it set up to boot up from the cd? | 18:21 |
pomocan | you need to go into your bios settings | 18:21 |
needhelp | yes.. | 18:21 |
pomocan | and see if the booting options include the cd, etc | 18:21 |
pandamonium | help! things have gone wrong :( | 18:21 |
needhelp | im booting from my cd | 18:22 |
needhelp | when i restart | 18:22 |
needhelp | yes the cd boot and all good | 18:22 |
needhelp | appers the screen in color black with the name ubuntu | 18:22 |
needhelp | after appers 5 options. | 18:22 |
pandamonium | does anyone know how i can get back the task bar at the bottom of the desktop? | 18:22 |
pandamonium | i was fiddling trying to get it full width and it disappeared. version 8.10 with kde 4.1 | 18:23 |
needhelp | afther i choose any optins my cd is chargning and make clicks , clicks | 18:23 |
needhelp | =? | 18:23 |
^Ch0ps | okay demon, now.. did kubuntu ask you for a password when you tried to unzip the files using the gui? | 18:24 |
needhelp | the problems is !! When my laptop need restar in ubuntu !! only boot windows 7 | 18:24 |
^Ch0ps | you may have to try sudo tar xvzf filename | 18:24 |
pomocan | and ? | 18:25 |
pomocan | is it that you don't have a choice of what you want to run ? Windows or Ubuntu ? | 18:25 |
needhelp | yes i cant =? | 18:26 |
BentFranklin | I'm installing a printer in Kubuntu 8.10. The printer's install script wants to create an /etc/printcap. Does Debian/Kubuntu lpr still printcap? It also is expecting a /var/spool/lpd dir, which I don't have. There is a user 'lp' in /etc/passwd which shows /va/spool/lpd as it's home dir. Is it ok to just go ahead and make this dir? What should be the owner/group/persm? | 18:26 |
pomocan | you'll need to install grub again probably, manually | 18:27 |
pandamonium | can anyone help me get my taskbar back please? i can't do anything without it | 18:27 |
pandamonium | i mean can't do anything in gui | 18:28 |
^Ch0ps | check the sides of the screen, is there a little arrow at either end of the screen at the bottom? | 18:28 |
ubuntu_ | hola | 18:30 |
pandamonium | no... | 18:31 |
pandamonium | i sort of messed it all up | 18:31 |
pandamonium | i booted machine and it booted into 640x480 and wouldn't go any higher so i rebooted | 18:31 |
^Ch0ps | oh I see | 18:32 |
pandamonium | and when it did the task bar thing only went halfway across so i was trying things to make it full size but i sort of deleted it hoping to add a new one | 18:32 |
^Ch0ps | hmm.. i'm not at my kubuntu machine right now | 18:32 |
pandamonium | when i added a new one it went to top and i couldn't move it at all. plus i can't add any widgets to it | 18:33 |
^Ch0ps | can you get to the konsole? | 18:33 |
perihan | hello | 18:33 |
perihan | I need a help | 18:33 |
^Ch0ps | if you can get to a prompt try typing kpanel | 18:33 |
pandamonium | the terminal? | 18:33 |
^Ch0ps | yeah | 18:33 |
pandamonium | command not found | 18:34 |
^Ch0ps | are you using ubuntu or kubuntu? | 18:34 |
^Ch0ps | gnome or kde? | 18:34 |
rframe | hi all | 18:34 |
perihan | i had to install my screen card on kubuntu | 18:34 |
needhelp | hola ubuntu | 18:35 |
=== milian_ is now known as milian | ||
rframe | can someone help me? | 18:35 |
pandamonium | kubuntu and it says command not found | 18:35 |
^Ch0ps | hmm, let me see if I have a VM of Kubuntu on this beast | 18:35 |
rframe | a have a problem with nvidia driver installation | 18:35 |
pandamonium | i can right click and run commands - typign terminal brings up a little icon for konsole | 18:35 |
jamesjedimaster | rframe: type your problem, anyone who knows the answer will help you | 18:35 |
rframe | a have a problem with nvidia driver installation | 18:36 |
perihan | but after installing the screen card whenever i return my laptop from sleep mode | 18:36 |
perihan | the screen blank screen doesn't change | 18:37 |
perihan | is any one help me to solve this? | 18:37 |
rframe | try to reload graphic interface | 18:37 |
rframe | ctrl+alt+bckspc | 18:38 |
rframe | or change alt with shift | 18:38 |
demon | ^Ch0ps: nope no password | 18:38 |
^Ch0ps | hm. did you try sudo tar xvzf filename.tar.gz? | 18:38 |
rframe | CHOPS: u're talking with me? | 18:39 |
demon | tar: Old option `H' requires an argument. | 18:40 |
perihan | is there any one to help me to solve black screen problem? | 18:40 |
demon | ^Ch0ps: can i just install another program | 18:42 |
demon | :) | 18:42 |
pandamonium | it's ok... i rtfm a bit and worked out how to move it | 18:42 |
pandamonium | and i can add the widgets by dragging and dropping onto the bar :) | 18:42 |
^Ch0ps | ahhh, so you had the bar the whole time with no widgets on it? | 18:43 |
^Ch0ps | pandamonium.. | 18:43 |
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^Ch0ps | demon: where are you getting the 'H' from? | 18:43 |
demon | dunno | 18:44 |
rframe | hello | 18:44 |
demon | lemme open it with rar:) | 18:44 |
rframe | help me | 18:44 |
rframe | who has nvidia driver on kubuntu? | 18:44 |
demon | me rframe | 18:45 |
pandamonium | i removed the bar and tried to add a new one but it added to the top | 18:45 |
pandamonium | but i found a way to move it down and then i've been adding stuff now | 18:45 |
pandamonium | so yes, sort of :) | 18:46 |
demon | can some body tell me how to install a applet | 18:49 |
pandamonium | rframe i have one | 18:51 |
puddle | hi all | 18:58 |
puddle | i have kubuntu fully installed on my pc and guess what i dont have a fucking clue whats going on LOL | 18:59 |
puddle | >_> <_< | 18:59 |
puddle | >< | 18:59 |
jamesjedimaster | perhaps you have to log in | 18:59 |
puddle | nvm | 18:59 |
puddle | forget what i said | 18:59 |
puddle | >< | 18:59 |
* genii tries to forget the horrible profanities | 19:00 | |
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pandamonium | profanities? you mean 'clue' and 'fully' ? | 19:03 |
eddy_ | hola, intento borrar el directorio windows y se borran todo los archivos excepto esto: | 19:09 |
eddy_ | sudo rm -rf WINDOWS.1/ | 19:10 |
eddy_ | rm: no se puede borrar el directorio «WINDOWS.1/assembly/GAC_32/System.EnterpriseServices/»: Operación no soportad | 19:10 |
jamesjedimaster | !es | eddy_ | 19:10 |
ubottu | eddy_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 19:10 |
jackdaxter | hi! somebody know the gamecube emulator called "dolphin"? | 19:12 |
noren | hi all | 19:13 |
noren | dolphin i thought it was a file manager | 19:13 |
jackdaxter | noren: not the file manager, the emulator! | 19:15 |
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noren__ | hi all | 19:20 |
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magnus | excuse me, i downloaded python and was gonna try that out, but I cant seem to find it anywhere on the disk, I tried to search "python" in the search aswell, nothing came up. | 19:28 |
magnus | and when i "apt-get install python" it says the newest version is already installed. | 19:30 |
genii | magnus: And: python -V reports something? | 19:32 |
magnus | "python 2.5.2" | 19:33 |
magnus | genii : it reports "python 2.5.2" | 19:34 |
genii | magnus: So, yes it's installed. If you want to write python programs, use an aditor, save the file with .py extension. then you can execute them and it will know to use python for that | 19:34 |
AHemlocksLie | I'm trying to install Kubuntu onto a laptop from a USB drive. The monitor's shot on the laptop, so I have it hooked to a regular monitor. Everything's great until it tries to run what I guess would be KDE. It goes through the Kubuntu loading screen with the blue progress bar, and once it's done, the monitor gets an "out of scan range" message and goes blank. The message is from the monitor, not Kubuntu, I think. How can I fix this? | 19:35 |
puddle | gr1m | 19:35 |
puddle | Sorry | 19:36 |
noren_ | hi | 19:36 |
puddle | hey | 19:36 |
magnus | genii : thank you, now i just gotta learn how to program with python. Thought you programmed with the program, not just used it to execute the files. | 19:36 |
noren_ | AHemlocksLie: boot into recovery mode from the grub and try the option to fix the display from therre | 19:37 |
AHemlocksLie | the USB drive doesn't have a recovery mode | 19:38 |
AHemlocksLie | it has default, help, and OEM | 19:38 |
AHemlocksLie | help doesn't start any sort of GUI, and I dunno how to navigate the console that well | 19:38 |
AHemlocksLie | I've yet to try OEM, though, could that be it? | 19:39 |
noren_ | AHemlocksLie: whats the prob with the laptop monitor, neway insteaad of using the live cd get an Alternate cd will be able to correct the prob better frm it | 19:40 |
andrey_ | amarok не читает mp3, переустановил кодеки, он показывает работающий эквалайзер (мол воспроизводит) а звука нет, хотя со звуком все нормально. в чем может быть проблема? | 19:42 |
fosco__ | !ru | andrey_ | 19:42 |
ubottu | andrey_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 19:42 |
mefisto__ | AHemlocksLie: if you alt-ctrl-F1 can you get to a terminal? | 19:42 |
andrey_ | amarok не читает mp3, переустановил кодеки, он показывает работающий эквалайзер (мол воспроизводит) а звука нет, хотя со звуком все нормально. в чем может быть проблема? | 19:43 |
noren_ | mefisto__: is it not ctrl alt f4 gives the background processes happening while initial bootup | 19:43 |
AHemlocksLie | noren_: I dunno, I got the laptop from a friend. The screen usually won't work. Sometimes, it just has a blank gray/white screen, sometimes it won't even turn on. I think it needs to be replaced. alt-ctrl-f1 worked, though | 19:43 |
kanonmat_ | andrey, you want mp3 kodek on amarok, or something about an equalizer? | 19:44 |
noren_ | !ru | andrey_ | 19:45 |
ubottu | andrey_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 19:45 |
AHemlocksLie | is there anything I can do from the terminal to get it to work? | 19:47 |
noren_ | AHemlocksLie: at what step of installation are u stuck | 19:48 |
AHemlocksLie | I'm not even installing yet | 19:48 |
noren_ | i hope u are trying out frm a live cd !! | 19:48 |
AHemlocksLie | it was trying to load it live | 19:48 |
AHemlocksLie | yeah | 19:48 |
AHemlocksLie | it's a live CD, except I put it on a USB drive | 19:49 |
mefisto__ | AHemlocksLie: well it sounds like the driver it is booting with is failing. try looking for video-related boot options. I think there is a failsafe mode | 19:49 |
noren_ | ok did u check the integrity of the CD before trying to instll | 19:49 |
noren_ | mefisto__: i dont think there a much options in the live cd | 19:50 |
noren_ | AHemlocksLie: try starting the installation manually from the konsle/ if u have that up and running | 19:51 |
AHemlocksLie | like to make sure I didn't get a corrupted download? I've never had a corrupted download before, so I didn't even bother checking anything | 19:51 |
AHemlocksLie | hm... how would I do that? | 19:51 |
mefisto__ | AHemlocksLie: the first screen before booting, do you see "F4 Modes" at the bottom? | 19:53 |
noren_ | you have to go to the /home/Desktop/ubiquity install.file | 19:53 |
AHemlocksLie | could this be because I'm using the x86 version, and this laptop has a 64-bit processor? | 19:55 |
mefisto__ | AHemlocksLie: there should be "check CD for defects" there | 19:55 |
mefisto__ | AHemlocksLie: no, x86 should be fine | 19:56 |
AHemlocksLie | mefisto__, I guess I'll try your idea, then I'll try installing from the terminal | 19:56 |
noren_ | well good luck | 19:56 |
mefisto__ | AHemlocksLie: if you press F4 and choose "safe graphics mode" it will probably boot up without going blank | 19:57 |
AHemlocksLie | mefisto__ don't think I have an f4 option. Loops like the boot screen | 19:57 |
AHemlocksLie | looks like the boot screen is from UNetBootin, the program I used to put the live CD on a USB drive | 19:58 |
mefisto__ | AHemlocksLie: do you not have a cd drive? | 19:58 |
cratessoman | x | 19:59 |
AHemlocksLie | I think the CD drive | 19:59 |
AHemlocksLie | is messed up, too | 20:00 |
AHemlocksLie | I'm about to burn a disc and try anyway | 20:00 |
AHemlocksLie | I'm not sure if the drive is messed up or if his Windows was just messed up | 20:00 |
AHemlocksLie | either's possible | 20:00 |
AHemlocksLie | okay, burning the live CD to a disc | 20:02 |
AHemlocksLie | hopefully, this works | 20:02 |
AHemlocksLie | the laptop had a lot of problems when my friend had it | 20:02 |
AHemlocksLie | but he also admits to running like no anti-virus and Windows XP | 20:03 |
AHemlocksLie | so there's no guarantee if any problems were hardware or software related | 20:03 |
noren_ | AHemlocksLie: are u using a usb pendrive or usb cdrom | 20:04 |
AHemlocksLie | usb pendrive | 20:04 |
puddle | hi all | 20:05 |
puddle | Need help | 20:05 |
noren_ | oj ok | 20:05 |
noren_ | yes puudle | 20:05 |
puddle | need to configue the Wlan | 20:06 |
puddle | I am new to kubuntu | 20:06 |
puddle | So please go easy on me | 20:06 |
puddle | Need basic steps. This isnt working :x | 20:06 |
cerecitas | the wireless you mean? | 20:06 |
puddle | Yep | 20:06 |
puddle | need to get online | 20:06 |
cerecitas | hmm can you see a ball like of the earth somewhere in the bottom right corner? | 20:06 |
puddle | i was recomended here by k0pp_ | 20:06 |
mefisto__ | AHemlocksLie: you could try adding vga=771 as a boot option (press F6 to add it) | 20:07 |
cerecitas | i can help you if its nt complicated... if it is then the guys will be more able ;d | 20:07 |
puddle | web browser? | 20:07 |
cerecitas | nope, in the taskbar | 20:07 |
puddle | sec | 20:07 |
cerecitas | near the clock, there should be like a grey ball | 20:07 |
cerecitas | like an earth | 20:07 |
noren_ | AHemlocksLie: | 20:07 |
harjot | what is the kdm starup script | 20:07 |
puddle | knetwork manager? | 20:08 |
k0pp_ | cerecitas, hes running kubuntu 8.04 with KDE3.5 | 20:08 |
k0pp_ | fyi. | 20:08 |
k0pp_ | different icons i believe. | 20:08 |
cratessoman | gpg: órdenes incompatibles??? | 20:08 |
puddle | knetwork manager? i think he means. | 20:08 |
cerecitas | ahaaaa | 20:08 |
cerecitas | yep | 20:08 |
harjot | Does anyone know the KDM startup script loation | 20:08 |
puddle | \; | 20:08 |
cerecitas | knetworkmanager is what we're looking for ... now if you right click on it, can you see the network you want to connect for? | 20:08 |
puddle | sec | 20:09 |
cerecitas | been really long since i used 3.5 but we will try anyway | 20:09 |
harjot | Guys plz | 20:09 |
mefisto__ | harjot: /etc/init.d/kdm <-- is that what you're looking for? | 20:09 |
harjot | yes ty | 20:09 |
harjot | thanls | 20:09 |
puddle | i see no networks | 20:09 |
puddle | When i right click it :x | 20:09 |
cerecitas | and you see "new connection" ? | 20:10 |
k0pp_ | harjot, /etc/init.d/kdm | 20:10 |
k0pp_ | oops, didnt see mefisto__ respond :P | 20:10 |
puddle | damnit all i see when i righjt click it is button options config etc | 20:11 |
puddle | Seems strange no list of networks | 20:11 |
puddle | :x | 20:11 |
cerecitas | puddle: i am not really sure in kde3.5 | 20:11 |
puddle | kk | 20:11 |
cerecitas | in kde4 you dont see any list just something like "new connection' | 20:11 |
cerecitas | then you click there and there is the list of available networks | 20:11 |
k0pp_ | cerecitas, whats the name of KDE4's network manager? | 20:11 |
cerecitas | knetworkmanager | 20:11 |
puddle | Nope thats the thing with the tortrails of google as well. Says list of options | 20:12 |
k0pp_ | i believe its the same | 20:12 |
puddle | I see nothing :x | 20:12 |
k0pp_ | puddle, run knetworkmanager from the terminal | 20:12 |
k0pp_ | if thats not what youre using alread | 20:12 |
k0pp_ | y | 20:12 |
cerecitas | me too but maybe it has different options dunno | 20:12 |
puddle | kk | 20:12 |
puddle | on termianl programme | 20:13 |
k0pp_ | puddle, why dont you just plug an ethernet cable into your machine and make it easy on yourself :P wireless = security fail | 20:13 |
=== casa is now known as korty | ||
puddle | dont think i have one. | 20:13 |
cerecitas | hum k0pp_? | 20:13 |
puddle | I'm getting new internet in 2 weels | 20:13 |
k0pp_ | i sniff my neighbors traffic all day ;/ | 20:13 |
puddle | lol | 20:13 |
cerecitas | hehe | 20:13 |
k0pp_ | puddle, if no one in here can assist you at the moment, just google "kubuntu wireless config" | 20:14 |
cerecitas | puddle: why don't you try clicking on options/ | 20:14 |
k0pp_ | indeed. | 20:14 |
cerecitas | try exploring all the submenus there... as long as you just click and cancel won't harm | 20:14 |
cerecitas | and maybe you will find the list of networls.. what was that command to check if the wireless was working... | 20:15 |
puddle | yep ok | 20:15 |
puddle | I will | 20:15 |
andrey_ | уке | 20:15 |
cerecitas | isomething.... | 20:15 |
mefisto__ | puddle: or maybe "kubuntu hardy wireless config" | 20:15 |
cerecitas | there was a command to check if the wireless is listening... i just cant remember which one was sorry | 20:15 |
puddle | its ok :) | 20:15 |
cerecitas | anyway, do you know your wireless card chipset? | 20:16 |
puddle | nope lol | 20:16 |
puddle | imma try google/ | 20:16 |
cerecitas | lspci on konsole will tell you i think | 20:16 |
harjot | how do i autorun a program in the background at startup | 20:17 |
puddle | Google doesnt usually fail =\ | 20:17 |
dwidmann | iwlist maybe | 20:17 |
cerecitas | thats it!!!! | 20:17 |
k0pp_ | alias gip="ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet addr' | awk print{'$2'}" <--why does that give me this error: awk: line 1: syntax error at or near print | 20:17 |
cerecitas | hmm no that wasnt.. but it was similar | 20:17 |
cerecitas | iwlconfig maybe? | 20:17 |
puddle | cerecitas | 20:17 |
puddle | found it | 20:17 |
harjot | how do i autorun a program in the background at startup | 20:17 |
puddle | sudo ifconfig -a | 20:17 |
puddle | that the command? | 20:17 |
puddle | sudo ifconfig -a | 20:17 |
cerecitas | hmmm no that's t check the connection | 20:17 |
puddle | ? | 20:17 |
puddle | Oh ok | 20:17 |
cerecitas | but you need to be connected | 20:17 |
k0pp_ | harjot, look into /etc/init.d/ | 20:17 |
puddle | i'll check that | 20:17 |
cerecitas | the one i mean.. let me see if i can find it | 20:18 |
k0pp_ | or /etc/rc.d/ | 20:18 |
harjot | and what do it | 20:18 |
harjot | edit the file or create new | 20:18 |
k0pp_ | harjot, manages your startup scripts. | 20:18 |
harjot | ah... thanks | 20:18 |
cerecitas | gimme a sec puddle | 20:18 |
mefisto__ | harjot: you could put a symlink in ~/kde/Autostart or go to systemsettings > autostart | 20:18 |
k0pp_ | harjot, they're directories. i believe you just put a script in there and it should startup, but i dont know exactly how that works ive never looked too far into it. | 20:18 |
puddle | kk cerecitas | 20:19 |
harjot | i dont really want a symlink but what kopp said might be worth a try | 20:19 |
puddle | ;D | 20:19 |
mefisto__ | harjot: look for autostart in systemsettings, that will probably be easier for you | 20:20 |
cerecitas | got it puddle | 20:20 |
cerecitas | in the terminal write iwconfig | 20:20 |
harjot | ok | 20:20 |
puddle | kk | 20:20 |
cerecitas | check if it says something on wlan | 20:20 |
puddle | ty so much | 20:20 |
puddle | :) | 20:21 |
puddle | you guys are awesome | 20:21 |
cerecitas | then we will know if your card is at least detected | 20:21 |
k0pp_ | puddle, you get it worked out? | 20:21 |
puddle | k0pp_ working on it my freind i would say another half hour | 20:21 |
puddle | lol | 20:21 |
cerecitas | no no puddle not me ;D i just have simple solutions here and there ;) if not i will send you to big brothers :D | 20:21 |
k0pp_ | @_< | 20:21 |
k0pp_ | ok. | 20:21 |
puddle | ) | 20:21 |
puddle | ok cheers cerecitas command worked. And im getting more focused now. No wireless found though | 20:22 |
puddle | I'm now going to work on getting my machine online | 20:23 |
puddle | :) | 20:23 |
cerecitas | you cannot see any wireless? | 20:23 |
dwidmann | I know on my laptop with intrepid my wireless is eth0 | 20:23 |
puddle | Nope im going to try a tortorial | 20:23 |
cerecitas | i mean when you use it, no wireless detected??? | 20:23 |
cerecitas | hmm then it may be a drivers problem not sure | 20:23 |
mefisto__ | puddle: lshw -C network should show your networking hardware | 20:23 |
cerecitas | that command should show the wireless around | 20:23 |
harjot | there isnt an autorun and how do u use that update rc command? | 20:24 |
cerecitas | mine is wlan0 | 20:24 |
genii | harjot: man update-rc.d has a few clear examples of how to use it | 20:24 |
puddle | mefisto__ cheers | 20:25 |
cerecitas | one day, i will go thru all the logs of this channel and compile all the commands and it's use... and maybe save them | 20:25 |
puddle | says no wireless axtensions? | 20:25 |
mefisto__ | harjot: systemsettings > advanced tab > autostart (search for it in the search field if you can't see it) | 20:25 |
puddle | Do i still have a chance of getting it onlien? | 20:25 |
puddle | If it says no estensions :x | 20:25 |
=== sean is now known as Guest51046 | ||
cerecitas | with the command mefisto__ gave you??/ | 20:26 |
puddle | sec i'll try that | 20:26 |
puddle | Havnt tryed it yet | 20:26 |
puddle | Sorry | 20:26 |
puddle | sec | 20:26 |
=== Guest51046 is now known as psyco | ||
psyco | hey im having trouble setting up NFS between 2 servers | 20:26 |
psyco | i think its all set up | 20:27 |
harjot | ok | 20:27 |
psyco | but i don't know how to access the files XD | 20:27 |
puddle | it says warning you should run this programme as super user? wireless interface | 20:27 |
puddle | :x | 20:27 |
psyco | server is on one pc, and /etc/exports should allow my pc | 20:27 |
psyco | but how do i view files | 20:27 |
puddle | dont know what that means :x | 20:27 |
cerecitas | doesnt tell you the model of the interface? | 20:27 |
puddle | sec | 20:27 |
k0pp_ | puddle, sudo <comman> | 20:28 |
k0pp_ | (run as root) | 20:28 |
cerecitas | should say product vendor blabla, that's what we need to know | 20:28 |
puddle | ethernet phisical interface | 20:28 |
puddle | then says something about wireless. | 20:28 |
cerecitas | try with sudo as k0pp_ said sudo lshw -C network | 20:28 |
cerecitas | it should say brand and model of your wireless card | 20:29 |
k0pp_ | also he could do: lspci | grep net | 20:29 |
puddle | broadcast = yes multitask = yes | 20:29 |
k0pp_ | it'd probably list it there aslo. | 20:29 |
puddle | wireless IEEE | 20:29 |
cerecitas | or, lspci | 20:29 |
harjot | ok im still stuck | 20:29 |
puddle | bah | 20:29 |
puddle | .. | 20:29 |
genii | psyco: eg: mount servername-or-ip:/exported/foldername /local/foldername then ls /local/foldername . | 20:29 |
cerecitas | should also give you the solution (no bah, that won't make your wireless work... patience :)) | 20:29 |
puddle | kk k0pp_ i will try that | 20:29 |
psyco | genii: do i run that on the server or client? | 20:29 |
puddle | lol cerecitas | 20:30 |
harjot | i want a server [ica] to run when the pc turns on to run in the background so there is no one user problem | 20:30 |
cerecitas | ;) | 20:30 |
k0pp_ | puddle, will be the same. all it does is list whats plugged into your PCI slots | 20:30 |
genii | psyco: On the client | 20:30 |
cerecitas | maybe a pastebin?? | 20:30 |
k0pp_ | anywyas. | 20:30 |
psyco | genii: ok i shall try :D | 20:30 |
harjot | i want a server [ica] to run when the pc turns on to run in the background so there is no one user problem | 20:31 |
k0pp_ | puddle, do you know the SSID and key for the network you want to join | 20:31 |
puddle | ok k0pp_ gave me some more info hmm, serial number etc dont know if that helps | 20:31 |
puddle | i have no clue k0pp_ | 20:31 |
puddle | To be honest i am in a hole right now :x | 20:31 |
cerecitas | we need something like this puddle 05:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02) | 20:31 |
k0pp_ | .. then how do you expect to connect to anything? | 20:32 |
cerecitas | that i you run lspci | 20:32 |
cerecitas | *if | 20:32 |
puddle | k0pp_ its given me a serial number? | 20:32 |
puddle | Of somekind hmmm | 20:32 |
k0pp_ | puddle, listen to cerecitas. | 20:32 |
k0pp_ | im going away for a bit | 20:32 |
k0pp_ | bye. | 20:32 |
puddle | bye | 20:32 |
cerecitas | puddle: let's do it like this, run lspci | 20:32 |
puddle | k | 20:32 |
harjot | guys | 20:32 |
harjot | guys | 20:32 |
harjot | i want a server [ica] to run when the pc turns on to run in the background so there is no one user problem | 20:32 |
puddle | command not found | 20:33 |
cerecitas | hmm in the terminal/ | 20:33 |
cerecitas | it's Lspci | 20:33 |
puddle | Yep? | 20:33 |
puddle | Ah | 20:33 |
puddle | k | 20:33 |
k0pp_ | no | 20:33 |
cerecitas | :) | 20:33 |
k0pp_ | its not capitalized. | 20:33 |
puddle | ? | 20:33 |
cerecitas | yeah | 20:33 |
cerecitas | not capitalized but need him to know it's an L not an I | 20:33 |
k0pp_ | Lspci isnt a command, whereas lspci is. | 20:34 |
k0pp_ | Ah | 20:34 |
k0pp_ | heh, sorry. | 20:34 |
psyco | genii: I ran this: mount /home/sean and got this: mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting | 20:34 |
cerecitas | np i'm not very bright today myself... just caught a nice cold | 20:34 |
harjot | plp | 20:34 |
harjot | ppl | 20:34 |
cerecitas | harjot: we may not know... | 20:34 |
puddle | ok i have run that | 20:35 |
puddle | Command | 20:35 |
cerecitas | ok now go to | 20:35 |
cerecitas | and please paste all the output of that command there | 20:35 |
puddle | remember im on a different machine | 20:35 |
harjot | yeah umm.... do yuo no where start up scripts go [background server] ? if not says no plz | 20:35 |
cerecitas | ah true | 20:35 |
mefisto__ | harjot: what does [ica] mean? and what does "so there is no one user problem" mean? | 20:35 |
cerecitas | so try to find a line like this | 20:35 |
psyco | genii: the server /export is : /files (rw,no_root_squash, async) | 20:35 |
harjot | ica is italc [classroom suite] | 20:35 |
harjot | user problem mmeans | 20:36 |
cerecitas | 05:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02) <--- that's my wireless... just something similar | 20:36 |
puddle | kk | 20:36 |
genii | psyco: Are the usernames same of current user attempting to mount, and the owner of the files which are being shared from the server? | 20:36 |
harjot | u can only run 1 instance of it so i want it to run in the background so it just starts before logon | 20:36 |
puddle | cheerw i'll see if i can | 20:38 |
k0pp_ | puddle | 20:38 |
k0pp_ | run this command: iwlist scanning | 20:38 |
psyco | genii: if you mean the accounts yeah | 20:38 |
k0pp_ | will enumerate wireless networks. | 20:38 |
puddle | k | 20:38 |
cerecitas | k0pp_: i am wondering if his wirelss is working at all or needs some drivers | 20:38 |
genii | psyco: /home is not owned by any user. /home/theirname is, however. Trying to share /home and not /home/theirname will result in fail | 20:38 |
harjot | mefeisto: are u there | 20:38 |
k0pp_ | puddle, recognize any networks | 20:38 |
psyco | oh ok | 20:38 |
mefisto__ | harjot: yes | 20:38 |
harjot | ok did u hear wat i said the user problem was about? | 20:38 |
puddle | iwlist scanningwlan0 no scanning results | 20:38 |
puddle | =\ | 20:38 |
* Dillizar is here to show you how to ease the pain | 20:38 | |
psyco | genii: well i thought i just shared the whole computer, | 20:38 |
psyco | genii: all i want to do is transfer over some backup files | 20:38 |
cerecitas | i have another question puddle.. i take it you have a router and a wireless network @ home right????? | 20:39 |
mefisto__ | harjot: if you want something to start before login, my autostart suggestion or adding a symlink to ~/.kde/Autostart directory will not work | 20:39 |
harjot | precisely | 20:39 |
cerecitas | because we can freak out and neighbours wireless do not necesarily need to be there always... | 20:39 |
puddle | yes cerecitas | 20:39 |
psyco | genii: when i run exportfs -a i get "exportfs: Warning: /files does not exist" | 20:39 |
genii | psyco: "no root squash" means usernames are being preserved, etc. With root squash any user mounting the nfs share becomes effectively translated to root on the server box | 20:39 |
Dillizar | harjot you want to set witch programs to start on log in?? | 20:39 |
psyco | genii: ok ill try that | 20:40 |
cerecitas | then i will leave you with k0pp_ because i think it looks like drivers | 20:40 |
cerecitas | and that's bigger than I | 20:40 |
harjot | the program known in this context as ica [ir=t is reallly called italc but the program is ica] | 20:40 |
genii | psyco: If "/files foes not exist" then likely you specified in /exports a folder which has not yet been created | 20:40 |
genii | Work needs me, AFK a few minutes | 20:40 |
psyco | alright | 20:41 |
k0pp_ | puddle, i dont know why yorue trying to configure wireless internet when 1) you dont know the networks name and 2) you dont know the key. | 20:41 |
harjot | puddle wat card do u have? | 20:41 |
harjot | Dillizar:the program known in this context as ica [ir=t is reallly called italc but the program is ica] | 20:41 |
k0pp_ | eth0 ftw, wlan0 ftl ;p | 20:41 |
k0pp_ | puddle, in short, plug in! | 20:42 |
cerecitas | k0pp_: you're a big fan of the wires ehhhhh | 20:42 |
k0pp_ | indeed | 20:42 |
cerecitas | i hate wires | 20:42 |
k0pp_ | i say this becauase WPA2 is now crackable in about 4 hours | 20:42 |
harjot | Dillizar are u there? | 20:42 |
k0pp_ | i dont like being sniffed, quite simply. | 20:42 |
Dillizar | yes | 20:42 |
Dillizar | but | 20:42 |
cerecitas | hmmm i have it filtered by mac adress.. but since it's my home computer... | 20:42 |
Dillizar | i dsont understand | 20:42 |
k0pp_ | most people dont know anything about that. | 20:43 |
Dillizar | what you are trying to install or make | 20:43 |
kalidar | !ping | 20:43 |
ubottu | ping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore | 20:43 |
psyco | anyone know basics of nfs? | 20:43 |
cerecitas | you know the thing is that i live in a small flat so i move the lappy all around... wires are not great idea | 20:43 |
harjot | basically u know like kdm starts up, i need that program to start before a person logs on as it is a client\server | 20:43 |
k0pp_ | psyco, i would just use FISH or SCP | 20:44 |
k0pp_ | ;/ | 20:44 |
psyco | which is faster to setup | 20:44 |
psyco | all i want to do is transfer some files once | 20:44 |
psyco | to backup a computer | 20:44 |
k0pp_ | psyco, use scp file.tar.gz user@machine:/path/to/your/stuff | 20:44 |
k0pp_ | :/ | 20:44 |
k0pp_ | assuming SSHd is running on the machine. | 20:44 |
psyco | 0.o is it by default? | 20:44 |
k0pp_ | psyco, depends on what distro you're running. | 20:45 |
=== jono_ is now known as jono | ||
psyco | kubuntu 8.10 | 20:45 |
harjot | dillizar anything yet? | 20:45 |
k0pp_ | heh. you could just: sudo apt-get install openssh-server | 20:45 |
k0pp_ | then apt-get remove openssh-server | 20:45 |
k0pp_ | when youre done | 20:45 |
k0pp_ | much much simpler than setting up an NFS filesystem i'd imagine | 20:45 |
psyco | lol | 20:46 |
psyco | alright | 20:46 |
harjot | dillizar? | 20:46 |
harjot | is the last question for me | 20:46 |
dwidmann | k0pp_: nfs is surprisingly trivial to setup | 20:46 |
k0pp_ | is it? | 20:46 |
dwidmann | k0pp_: not as much so as openssh, but it really is really easy to set up | 20:47 |
mefisto__ | harjot: try making a script that will start your program, and put it in ~/.kde/env | 20:47 |
cerecitas | ok 10pm | 20:47 |
cerecitas | looks like the day is over | 20:47 |
cerecitas | g'night | 20:47 |
k0pp_ | dwidmann, i had read about it some time ago and it seemed rather tedious | 20:47 |
k0pp_ | but i guess i'll take it from someone who's used it recently ;p | 20:47 |
=== sotos is now known as sots1 | ||
harjot | yeah but i need it not to be induvidula to each account but as 1 | 20:48 |
sots1 | hola | 20:48 |
ScorpKing | greetings dwidmann :) | 20:48 |
dwidmann | k0pp_: well, if you're going to lock it down nice and secure like, it'll take considerably more work | 20:48 |
k0pp_ | hehe | 20:48 |
dwidmann | hi ScorpKing, how have you been? | 20:48 |
Xisdibik | Is there a way to set hotkeys for the brightness in kpowermanagement? | 20:49 |
ScorpKing | dwidmann: always busy but no new complaints | 20:49 |
sots1 | where is the best tutorials on learning linux | 20:49 |
sots1 | ? | 20:49 |
sots1 | ay advise? | 20:50 |
sots1 | *any | 20:50 |
=== sots1 is now known as {agis} | ||
psyco | aaghghgh this is all so complicated | 20:50 |
psyco | all i want to do is transfer over some files.... | 20:50 |
psyco | does linux not come with some default network like it comes with samba | 20:50 |
dwidmann | {agis}: they're everywhere, depends which tutorial you want. | 20:51 |
{agis} | try filezilla | 20:51 |
dwidmann | {agis}: beware of older ones though, they're often hopelessly out of date | 20:51 |
Dillizar | hmm best way to learn linux its to install it :D | 20:51 |
{agis} | heh | 20:51 |
{agis} | truw thx | 20:51 |
genii | Dillizar: The LFS way ;) | 20:51 |
{agis} | i have them install | 20:51 |
Dillizar | lfs?? | 20:51 |
dwidmann | genii: You're evil. | 20:52 |
Xisdibik | Linux from Scratch | 20:52 |
dwidmann | I like that in a person :D | 20:52 |
ScorpKing | psyco: install ssh and then use fish://<>/ in konqueror | 20:52 |
Dillizar | ok NOW try to do smt with it make a goal dunno make smt with it | 20:52 |
{agis} | its just i dont want to use them as windows ....i want to use the terminal/console only :) | 20:52 |
* genii cackles evilly at dwidman, then just makes another pot of coffee for everyone | 20:52 | |
{agis} | thx dwindmann | 20:52 |
psyco | ScorpKing: i try that | 20:52 |
Dillizar | i need it that | 20:52 |
dwidmann | {agis}: dive right in | 20:52 |
Xisdibik | so is it possible to setup hotkeys for Kubuntu for the brightness slider in kpowermanagement (preferably one that shows like the volume does in the center of the screen) | 20:52 |
{agis} | yes :))) | 20:53 |
Dillizar | btw <{agis}> change your nick so i can TAB it pls | 20:53 |
{agis} | ok | 20:53 |
=== {agis} is now known as agis | ||
Dillizar | not only me :D but guys that dont have konversation | 20:53 |
psyco | ScorpKing: what do you mean by isntall ssh | 20:53 |
=== agis is now known as agis1 | ||
Dillizar | agis ok so now to learn linux first you must not use KDE :P | 20:54 |
dwidmann | Xisdibik: that should be a kernel level feature, I think. | 20:54 |
Dillizar | its too easy | 20:54 |
Dillizar | :D | 20:54 |
Dillizar | looks just like windows | 20:54 |
Dillizar | :D | 20:54 |
agis1 | heh its so obvious eh | 20:54 |
agis1 | indeed | 20:54 |
mefisto__ | harjot: still around? | 20:54 |
Xisdibik | dwidmann: well in Xev my FN+Up/Down shows as XF86MonBrightnessDown/Up but it doesnt actualy do anything to the screen brightness :/ | 20:54 |
ScorpKing | psyco: on the box that you want to get into - sudo aptitude install openssh-server | 20:54 |
dwidmann | agis1: press ctrl+alt+f1 and stay there for a while, the man command is your friend | 20:54 |
=== drostie is now known as PvtCaboose | ||
psyco | ScorpKing: oh ok | 20:54 |
=== PvtCaboose is now known as drostie | ||
dwidmann | agis1: ctrl + alt + f7 to get back, of course | 20:54 |
dwidmann | Xisdibik: yeah, like I said, I think the kernel is supposed to handle that feature. | 20:55 |
agis1 | nice :) | 20:55 |
dwidmann | Xisdibik: you might get the keypress in xev and still have nothing happen | 20:55 |
psyco | ScorpKing: ok typed : fish://<>/ and got "malformed url | 20:55 |
dwidmann | Xisdibik: I can think of a somewhat complicated workaround I've used in the past though | 20:55 |
Xisdibik | dwidmann: is the Kubuntu Kernel vastly different than the Ubuntu one or the same? | 20:55 |
psyco | XD | 20:56 |
dwidmann | Xisdibik: identicle | 20:56 |
psyco | ScorpKing: forgot to remove >< | 20:56 |
Dillizar | agis1 try ctrl+alt+backspace | 20:56 |
Xisdibik | dwidmann: then it cant be kernel related id figure, as it works fine in Ubuntu :) | 20:56 |
ScorpKing | psyco: :) it's working now? | 20:56 |
dwidmann | Xisdibik: hmm, interesting | 20:56 |
psyco | HOLY SHIT | 20:56 |
psyco | ScorpKing: I LOVE YOU | 20:56 |
Xisdibik | (ill say it is Jaunty though, so that could totally be why it doesnt work :/) | 20:56 |
agis1 | am not killing it Dillizar :P | 20:56 |
Dillizar | we all do psyco | 20:56 |
Dillizar | lol | 20:56 |
Dillizar | :D | 20:56 |
dwidmann | Xisdibik: could be | 20:56 |
ScorpKing | psyco: haha.. | 20:57 |
psyco | i can see why | 20:57 |
dwidmann | Xisdibik: is the ubuntu/gnome you're referring to also the same install of jaunty, or something else entirely? | 20:57 |
Xisdibik | dwidmann: I have to use Jaunty though for the newer Kernel, the 8.10 kernel doesnt recognize all the keycode releases for the brightness :) | 20:57 |
mefisto__ | Xisdibik: so it works in gnome on jaunty? | 20:57 |
Xisdibik | yes | 20:57 |
Xisdibik | Daily build of Jaunty Ubuntu works fine | 20:57 |
Xisdibik | Kubuntu doesnt (tho its on a live USB currently on my other computer) | 20:57 |
dwidmann | Xisdibik: oh, and don't forget to file a bug on this at | 20:58 |
kalidar | hey guys im trying to burn an iso and k3b isent detecting my burner anyone know what lib files i need or apt-get install package i need? | 20:58 |
agis1 | guys when starting the linux from scratch ....I need to make a different partition on mu disk and work on that until its complet eh ? | 20:58 |
Dillizar | agis1 try ctrl+alt+f2 i think | 20:58 |
dwidmann | kalidar: that's a strange one | 20:58 |
kalidar | eh? | 20:58 |
ScorpKing | agis1: you might get more response in #linux | 20:59 |
kalidar | it comes up when i put dvds in but when i put a blank in nothing hapens | 20:59 |
fabio_ | fala | 20:59 |
dwidmann | kalidar: has it worked fine in previous releases? | 20:59 |
ScorpKing | agis1: you can use a loopback partition for lfs | 20:59 |
kalidar | havent tryed | 20:59 |
agis1 | ic | 20:59 |
Dillizar | agis1 but not on undernet :D they dont like newbies :( | 20:59 |
kalidar | but my player and burner are one in the same | 21:00 |
kalidar | k3b wont detect it tho it says please insert burnable media and i do and i cant change it | 21:00 |
agis1 | the time will prove if i am a fast learner :) | 21:00 |
Dillizar | agis1 to learn linux you need to have problems with it or try to make one :D | 21:02 |
harjot | yes im still around | 21:02 |
psyco | ahhhhh this is so wonderful :D | 21:02 |
dwidmann | agis1: well, good luck in your endeavours. With your attitude you're sure to learn much and go far :) | 21:02 |
genii | agis1: It takes quite a while for the LFS process, but you usually learn much doing it. It is not for the weak of heart, however | 21:02 |
Xisdibik | dwidmann, do i put it under Ubuntu, as i dont see Kubuntu on the list :/ | 21:02 |
mefisto__ | harjot: /etc/rc.local runs just before login. it's the last startup script to run, so you could put the command in there to start your program | 21:02 |
dwidmann | Xisdibik: umm, sure, if someone doesn't like where you put it they'll move it, I reckon | 21:02 |
agis1 | yeap LFS will do for me | 21:02 |
ScorpKing | agis1: make yourself a 10GB file. in konsole run "sudo losetup /dev/loop0 <yourfile>" and then "sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/loop0" to make a filesystem on it and then "sudo mount /dev/loop0 /<mountpoint>" to mount it somewhere. now you have a clean partition of 10GB | 21:02 |
harjot | so | 21:02 |
psyco | hey anyone have a cool theme to cutsomizer my desktop? i have kde 4.2 and im too lazy to go hunting all again | 21:03 |
agis1 | Thx Scorp.....anyways guys thanks for the advises all of you!! cya in one week time when I finally finish LFs | 21:03 |
agis1 | bye for now | 21:03 |
ScorpKing | agis1: np | 21:03 |
harjot | yes um it says it does nothing | 21:03 |
kalidar | i figured it out XD | 21:04 |
kalidar | tryin to instal a game called uplink hacker elite on my linux box | 21:04 |
harjot | i n ther file it does nothing | 21:04 |
kalidar | looks prety cool | 21:04 |
harjot | and i did it once and it worked to another file | 21:04 |
ScorpKing | kalidar: uplink is nice :) | 21:05 |
mefisto__ | harjot: it says it does nothing because it's empty. if you put something in there it should run on boot, just before login | 21:05 |
kalidar | scorp you play it? | 21:05 |
kalidar | i have the help file on how to get it working in linux is it hard to do? | 21:05 |
harjot | are u sure | 21:05 |
ScorpKing | kalidar: did for a little while but i very seldom play any games | 21:06 |
harjot | like if it is a program | 21:06 |
harjot | or service | 21:06 |
kalidar | aww | 21:06 |
kalidar | yeah i dont play many games ither i watch alot of anime tho | 21:06 |
psyco | what is the gnome theme that is like qurve or something? | 21:06 |
psyco | the one i can use to look better in kde | 21:06 |
ScorpKing | kalidar: i prefer more productive things ;) | 21:07 |
kalidar | anyone know how i can change my bootloader to something more graphicle | 21:07 |
harjot | so do i just put in the next line 'ica' ? | 21:07 |
kalidar | lol | 21:07 |
kalidar | yeah im trying to learn how to use irssi but ich | 21:07 |
kalidar | so many commands to rember | 21:07 |
ScorpKing | kalidar: i agree. bitchx is a bit easier | 21:08 |
kalidar | scrop is their any graphicle irc cliants that support scripting or fserving? | 21:08 |
ScorpKing | kalidar: look for usplash themes if you want to change your boot screen | 21:08 |
mefisto__ | psyco: gtk2-engines-qtcurve ? | 21:09 |
ScorpKing | kalidar: no idea, google should tell | 21:09 |
kalidar | the only reason im using irssi cuz it supports fserving | 21:09 |
kalidar | thx | 21:09 |
psyco | mefisto__: yeah thanks :D | 21:09 |
harjot | ok thanks goto go bye!!! | 21:09 |
psyco | anyone know how to enable the "clikc middle wheel" scroll? | 21:14 |
psyco | in firefox | 21:14 |
psyco | its where you click middle wheel; then move house up or down | 21:14 |
k0pp_ | psyco, its somewhere in about::config | 21:14 |
psyco | k0pp_: yeah i rememer that XD | 21:14 |
k0pp_ | if you type that into the address bar | 21:14 |
k0pp_ | thats really all i know about it heh | 21:14 |
k0pp_ | hello again puddle. | 21:14 |
puddle | bah | 21:14 |
puddle | hi hi | 21:15 |
k0pp_ | get an ethernet cable plugged in yet | 21:15 |
psyco | ahh its in options to XD | 21:15 |
kannon | ugh | 21:16 |
=== kannon is now known as puddle93 | ||
puddle93 | ;X | 21:16 |
puddle93 | Oh dear | 21:16 |
k0pp_ | get an ethernet cable plugged in yet? | 21:16 |
puddle93 | dont think i have obe | 21:17 |
puddle93 | one. | 21:17 |
k0pp_ | thats obscene | 21:17 |
puddle93 | Do you get one free with wireless internet? | 21:17 |
puddle93 | Bah | 21:17 |
puddle93 | wait | 21:17 |
puddle93 | this looks promising | 21:17 |
k0pp_ | ? | 21:17 |
puddle93 | k0pp_ where do i find the pass? | 21:18 |
puddle93 | to connect to my wireless :x | 21:18 |
k0pp_ | puddle93, the routers config, or use the pass that youre using on the machine youre on. | 21:18 |
puddle93 | I ahve to other laptops connected to my internet :X | 21:18 |
puddle93 | i dont know the pass for the internet though =[ | 21:18 |
k0pp_ | thats why im saying you find it in your routers config | 21:18 |
k0pp_ | or look on the other machines using wireless and use that password... | 21:19 |
puddle93 | k | 21:19 |
k0pp_ | puddle93, you need to learn to read all of what i say | 21:19 |
k0pp_ | iptables --list | 21:19 |
k0pp_ | oop | 21:19 |
puddle93 | k | 21:20 |
puddle93 | im turning the other machine on | 21:20 |
puddle93 | hopefully this wil work | 21:20 |
k0pp_ | if not, you can always crack it :D! | 21:21 |
puddle93 | k0pp_ do you think someone of my condition will be able to do that | 21:21 |
puddle93 | DO be serious | 21:21 |
k0pp_ | you said you had done it before ;p | 21:21 |
puddle93 | i did? | 21:21 |
puddle93 | i want logs :D | 21:22 |
puddle93 | ah wait | 21:22 |
puddle93 | that was my neighbours | 21:22 |
puddle93 | lol | 21:22 |
puddle93 | just need passphrase then im online | 21:23 |
puddle93 | i think | 21:23 |
k0pp_ | puddle93, do you know your routers IP? | 21:23 |
=== root is now known as Guest12637 | ||
puddle93 | i think | 21:23 |
|gabrielgomez| | hello | 21:23 |
k0pp_ | go to it in your web browser on the machine youre on now | 21:23 |
k0pp_ | if you dont know i t | 21:23 |
puddle93 | ok | 21:23 |
k0pp_ | in windows: commandprompt and type: ipconfig | 21:23 |
puddle93 | i will sec | 21:23 |
puddle93 | kk | 21:24 |
devildevil | hey I'm a total noob to kubuntu, and I'm using a mac with an internal airport extreme card to connect other machines to the net in my place, however, the kubuntu904 laptops i just brought up to date don't connect to the wifi for some reason and I'm stumped | 21:24 |
kalidar | guys how do i open dolphin or filemanager in admin mode so i can coppy files to my /lib | 21:25 |
k0pp_ | kalidar, type: dolphin in colsol. | 21:26 |
puddle93 | ok done that k0pp_ | 21:26 |
k0pp_ | puddle93, youve logged into your router? | 21:26 |
puddle93 | no | 21:26 |
kalidar | sudo dolphin? | 21:26 |
puddle93 | i found the ip address | 21:26 |
k0pp_ | kalidar, sounds good :) | 21:26 |
k0pp_ | puddle93, do what i said to do then. put it in your browser. | 21:26 |
puddle93 | kk | 21:27 |
puddle93 | hopefully by tommorrow i will be online | 21:27 |
k0pp_ | hopefully in 2 min utes you will. | 21:27 |
puddle93 | lol | 21:27 |
puddle93 | web browser? | 21:27 |
k0pp_ | ... yse. | 21:27 |
psyco | in your guys opinion, what is a good easy to use VM? | 21:27 |
puddle93 | k | 21:27 |
k0pp_ | why are you typing here instead of doing what i said puddle93 | 21:27 |
psyco | (i'll be running xp and osx) | 21:27 |
k0pp_ | psyco, KVM is good | 21:28 |
puddle93 | sorry | 21:28 |
k0pp_ | In my opinion | 21:28 |
k0pp_ | other than that VMWare is great also. | 21:28 |
psyco | k0pp_: ill check it out | 21:28 |
k0pp_ | i can get you all the keys you need if you dont plan on paying for it. | 21:28 |
psyco | k0pp_: lol if i need them ill ask :D | 21:29 |
k0pp_ | or rather link you to the page that generates them. | 21:29 |
k0pp_ | ok. | 21:29 |
puddle93 | put ip as pass | 21:30 |
puddle93 | its connecting | 21:30 |
puddle93 | :x | 21:30 |
k0pp_ | .. | 21:30 |
k0pp_ | puddle93, what did you do? | 21:30 |
=== cesar_ is now known as Guest50813 | ||
puddle93 | Says. Connecting to hub. Need pass i put my ip. k0pp_ i was to scared to say | 21:31 |
puddle93 | what do you mean web browser? | 21:31 |
k0pp_ | .... | 21:31 |
k0pp_ | internet explorer | 21:31 |
k0pp_ | firefox | 21:31 |
k0pp_ | opera | 21:31 |
k0pp_ | whatever you use | 21:31 |
devildevil | is there a known conflict between kubuntu's wifi implementation and apple's airports? | 21:31 |
puddle93 | ok ok ok | 21:31 |
k0pp_ | devildevil, not as far as i know, i seem to recall someone talking about that in #linux before and IIRC they got it working | 21:32 |
puddle93 | so put the ip in web browser | 21:32 |
puddle93 | =\ | 21:32 |
k0pp_ | yes puddle93 | 21:32 |
puddle93 | ok | 21:32 |
devildevil | thanks k0pp, ive been attempting to google this problem but linux is humbling | 21:33 |
k0pp_ | hehe | 21:33 |
k0pp_ | dont quote me on that though | 21:33 |
devildevil | i should post this on the apple forum, they're pretty zealous about making apple compatible | 21:34 |
puddle93 | ok did that k0pp_ | 21:34 |
puddle93 | Come up on google. | 21:34 |
puddle93 | sigh | 21:34 |
k0pp_ | puddle93, | 21:34 |
puddle93 | yep? | 21:35 |
k0pp_ | i want you to go to | 21:35 |
k0pp_ | download and install radmin server | 21:35 |
puddle93 | ok | 21:35 |
k0pp_ | right now. | 21:35 |
puddle93 | dude on my laptop yes? | 21:35 |
puddle93 | KK | 21:35 |
puddle93 | | 21:35 |
psyco | is there a way to see individual core usage in linux? | 21:36 |
psyco | on my cpu | 21:36 |
puddle93 | this is confusing | 21:36 |
puddle93 | I figured all i need to do is get online. No more work needed. | 21:36 |
k0pp_ | psyco, i believe alot of superkaramba widgets do that | 21:36 |
puddle93 | I will stick with kubuntu | 21:36 |
k0pp_ | puddle93, ..... forget radmin. | 21:37 |
k0pp_ | just .. | 21:37 |
k0pp_ | use the computer youre on | 21:37 |
puddle93 | ok | 21:37 |
puddle93 | Yep? | 21:37 |
k0pp_ | go to whatever you do to join a wireless network | 21:37 |
k0pp_ | and look at the key | 21:37 |
k0pp_ | put it in your kubuntu machine | 21:37 |
puddle93 | kk | 21:37 |
puddle93 | talktalk i use lol | 21:38 |
puddle93 | k0pp_ all i need is my pass though bud? | 21:39 |
k0pp_ | wireless ssid would help | 21:39 |
k0pp_ | (name of wireless network) | 21:39 |
puddle93 | kk | 21:39 |
puddle93 | well im on connect to wireless network on my linux. And all its asking for is my pass? | 21:40 |
puddle93 | Shall i do that instead k0pp_? | 21:40 |
k0pp_ | i thought we were getting hte password.... | 21:41 |
puddle93 | Yes i need the pass? | 21:41 |
k0pp_ | puddle you start saying exactly what you mean from this point on (very clearly) or im gunna ddos you for 3 weeks | 21:41 |
k0pp_ | ok | 21:41 |
k0pp_ | yes we are getting your wireless pass | 21:41 |
k0pp_ | have you got it yet | 21:41 |
puddle93 | no i havnt | 21:41 |
k0pp_ | so what are you waiting for | 21:42 |
k0pp_ | have you done what i said? | 21:42 |
puddle93 | Just doing it | 21:42 |
puddle93 | k0pp_ ok im pulllin myself | 21:42 |
puddle93 | together | 21:42 |
puddle93 | finding the key | 21:42 |
puddle93 | lol | 21:42 |
k0pp_ | stop typing here | 21:42 |
k0pp_ | find the key | 21:42 |
k0pp_ | then tell me when youve found it | 21:42 |
puddle93 | ok ok | 21:42 |
k0pp_ | not trying to be an asshole puddle93 but you are very good at wasting my time. | 21:43 |
psyco | k0pp_: hey for kvm "/usr/local/kvm/bin/qemu-img create -f qcow vdisk.img 10G " what does the qcow stand for | 21:43 |
psyco | and if i want to make 2 diff images, what do i change for the second one | 21:43 |
mat__ | ahoj | 21:44 |
mat__ | hello | 21:44 |
k0pp_ | psyco, i couldnt say | 21:44 |
k0pp_ | to either of your questions. | 21:44 |
psyco | heh ok | 21:44 |
k0pp_ | ive only ran kvm for about a week like a year ago or something :P | 21:44 |
k0pp_ | but i would imagine qcow is just flags for creating the image | 21:45 |
k0pp_ | ;/ | 21:45 |
puddle93 | ffs | 21:46 |
puddle93 | Searching talktalk still no key | 21:46 |
puddle93 | Im pissin myself of now | 21:46 |
puddle93 | =\ | 21:46 |
puddle93 | ah net settings | 21:47 |
kasm279 | help1 | 21:51 |
kasm279 | ! | 21:51 |
kasm279 | i cant us adept or terminal to install anything | 21:51 |
k0pp_ | kasm279, apt-get install <--doesnt work? | 21:51 |
kasm279 | my lappy shut off whine it eas installing ubuntu-desktop | 21:52 |
kasm279 | yes | 21:52 |
gabrielgomez | hello | 21:52 |
k0pp_ | kasm279, if you were to post the error messages it would help us. | 21:52 |
k0pp_ | | 21:52 |
kasm279 | i get this: | 21:52 |
mefisto__ | !aptfix | 21:52 |
ubottu | If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 21:52 |
k0pp_ | that sounds good too mefisto__ :P | 21:53 |
kasm279 | E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correctthe problem. | 21:53 |
mefisto__ | kasm279: did you run dpkg as the error message says? (with sudo) | 21:54 |
gabrielgomez | does anyone know if opensync synce works in Jaunty or is only my problem ? | 21:54 |
kasm279 | ? | 21:54 |
=== kasm279 is now known as Kasm279 | ||
mefisto__ | Kasm279: sudo dpkg --configure -a | 21:55 |
k0pp_ | [15:54] <puddle93> k0pp_ i am online :D thankyou so much for your help mate. I am sorry to hassel you at work. DIdnt realise. Just to let you know your someone i look up to. SOmeone i admire =\ i will understand if you think im just some tard who noes nothing. | 21:55 |
k0pp_ | wtf? | 21:55 |
k0pp_ | jeez | 21:55 |
k0pp_ | all in a days work i suppose | 21:56 |
k0pp_ | heh. | 21:56 |
Kasm279 | dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0044' near line 1: | 21:56 |
Kasm279 | newline in field name `#padding' | 21:56 |
Kasm279 | thats wat it says | 21:56 |
Kasm279 | mefisto_ | 21:56 |
Kasm279 | do i delete the file? | 21:57 |
Kasm279 | k0pp_?/ | 21:58 |
k0pp_ | Kasm279, did you do what the bot said? | 21:59 |
k0pp_ | !aptfix | 21:59 |
ubottu | If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 21:59 |
demi | Why when I use a diff icon theme, for instance, Crystal project, Why when using dolphin my icons arent chaning for files/folders? | 21:59 |
mefisto__ | Kasm279: could be be running out of disk space maybe? | 22:00 |
k0pp_ | demi, did you reboot? | 22:00 |
demi | yes | 22:00 |
k0pp_ | hrm | 22:00 |
k0pp_ | i coudlnt tell you, ive never changed icon themes. | 22:00 |
Kasm279 | runnin out of ram or hd? | 22:00 |
demi | its still using oxygen folders, which come with kde4 | 22:00 |
k0pp_ | demi, they've changed on your desktop though? | 22:00 |
aron | hello all | 22:00 |
Kasm279 | demi, restart | 22:00 |
demi | in hte desktop plasma window no they are the same, some icons have changed, but not in dolphin. | 22:01 |
demi | i already restarted. | 22:01 |
k0pp_ | hrm | 22:01 |
Kasm279 | i get the same message | 22:01 |
k0pp_ | yeah sorry coudlnt help ya. | 22:01 |
Kasm279 | mefisto_? | 22:01 |
demi | Happens with usually any icon pack I try, some change but not all of them, it seems files/folders icons should change though. | 22:01 |
mefisto__ | Kasm279: disk space? | 22:02 |
aron | my kopete is crash if i login. | 22:02 |
Kasm279 | no, frsh 10gb wubui install | 22:02 |
Kasm279 | should i delete 0044? | 22:02 |
devildevil | demi have you ever networked a kubuntu box to a mac sharing its wifi? | 22:02 |
k0pp_ | devildevil, have you tried it? | 22:03 |
demi | No | 22:03 |
devildevil | i keep trying it and i cant figure out why it's not happening | 22:03 |
devildevil | it sees the mac | 22:03 |
devildevil | it refuses to connect to the mac | 22:04 |
devildevil | im wondering if it has anything to do with the fact that im using a 128bit wep pass | 22:04 |
calamari | hi | 22:04 |
Kasm279 | i use the ftp acess on my imac | 22:04 |
calamari | excellent!! wpa_supplicant conversation, I hope? | 22:04 |
devildevil | kasm: have you tried sharing internet off the mac? | 22:04 |
Kasm279 | yes, the FTP | 22:05 |
Kasm279 | on osx 10.2.8 | 22:05 |
devildevil | yikes | 22:05 |
Kasm279 | ? | 22:05 |
mefisto__ | Kasm279: df -h to check disk space. how full is your / ? | 22:05 |
devildevil | is 10.2 jag? | 22:05 |
Kasm279 | daredevil, yes | 22:06 |
devildevil | i had brutal stability issues with jag | 22:06 |
Kasm279 | the largest used one is at 70% used | 22:07 |
Kasm279 | i havent had problems | 22:07 |
Kasm279 | daredevil, PM? | 22:07 |
devildevil | sure | 22:07 |
josh-l | whats the kubuntu developer channel? | 22:13 |
yaa_ | фак? | 22:13 |
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Kasm279 | !dev | 22:14 |
ubottu | Interested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: | 22:14 |
=== PvtTucker is now known as PvtCaboose | ||
josh-l | will kubuntu release its jaunty beta as soon as ubuntu does? | 22:14 |
Kasm279 | im trashing kubuntu....... | 22:14 |
Kasm279 | and going with xubuntu | 22:14 |
Kasm279 | g'bye, everyone | 22:15 |
Dragnslcr | josh-l- should be | 22:15 |
=== PvtCaboose is now known as drostie | ||
josh-l | cool | 22:15 |
josh-l | bad move kde 4.2 rocks | 22:15 |
yaa_ | --reset | 22:16 |
psyco | ive been copying over files | 22:16 |
psyco | and it just stalled | 22:16 |
psyco | and is not moving | 22:16 |
psyco | is there a way to get it going without restarting | 22:16 |
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devildevil | alright, so even when i set the macintosh's wifi to 'open network' the kubuntu box fails to connect | 22:21 |
devildevil | the error in the logs "association took too long, failing activation" | 22:22 |
kalidar | oooops i broke my wine! i uninstalled it then relized i need it and tryed to install it again and it installed but now nothing happens when i click exe files :( | 22:29 |
kalidar | what do i do.. | 22:29 |
kalidar | anyone? | 22:30 |
mefisto__ | kalidar: does it work from commandline? wine program.exe | 22:31 |
kalidar | hold on | 22:31 |
aron | Can anybody help me to Kopete on Kubuntu Linux? | 22:31 |
kalidar | module not found ? | 22:32 |
kalidar | hmm ill figure it out | 22:34 |
kalidar | thx | 22:34 |
ubuntu_ | Psyco, just wanna say thanks for the help with the SGD! Really helped. It's PaperTiger BTW | 22:37 |
ubuntu_ | Had to resort to using the LiveCD again.... | 22:37 |
psyco | ubuntu_: heh gratz | 22:37 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as PaperTiger | ||
PaperTiger | :( You any good with RAID setups? | 22:37 |
psyco | PaperTiger: nope unfortunately | 22:38 |
aron | Can anybody? | 22:38 |
PaperTiger | 'cos I've wiped my drives now they're backed up, and the Windows setup won't recognize the drives, even with RAID drivers from mobo disk | 22:38 |
trampy | hiya | 22:39 |
trampy | what drivers and software do i need to read pictures from a MicroSD card taken from the cell phone ? | 22:39 |
BluesKaj | hmm, I use a sdcard , but it's from my camera need for any drivers. It should show up as a "plugged in device" | 22:41 |
trampy | i plugged it in. i tought window would pop up like when i put a DVD in | 22:41 |
BluesKaj | how are you plugging it in | 22:42 |
trampy | my laptop | 22:42 |
trampy | theres a reader | 22:42 |
BluesKaj | with an adapter ? | 22:42 |
trampy | yes | 22:42 |
BluesKaj | ahhh, what kind of adapter ? | 22:43 |
trampy | it says scandisk on | 22:43 |
trampy | card --> adapter ---> laptop | 22:44 |
psyco | im off, nighto everyone | 22:44 |
PaperTiger | Night dude | 22:44 |
trampy | ahh now i get somethin | 22:44 |
trampy | i had to lock it i think | 22:44 |
trampy | ok, it recognized the hardware, im in the device via dolphin, but no files are showing up | 22:45 |
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BluesKaj | trampy ok, sometimes it can take up to aminute to load depending on the size of the folder | 22:45 |
kalidar_ | !nicks | 22:45 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about nicks | 22:45 |
kalidar_ | !nick | 22:45 |
ubottu | Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode | 22:45 |
trampy | ok | 22:46 |
kalidar_ | !usrs | 22:46 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about usrs | 22:46 |
horke | echo | 22:46 |
kalidar_ | how do i see list of ppl in channel? | 22:46 |
kalidar_ | !users | 22:46 |
ubottu | To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo | 22:46 |
trampy | it says 0 items | 22:46 |
trampy | when im in the graphics folder | 22:46 |
kalidar_ | dcc send Kaldar | 22:46 |
trampy | 0 items, when in any of teh folders | 22:47 |
trampy | it works on windows. | 22:47 |
BluesKaj | kalidar , on irssi the nicks appear at the top of the cli page | 22:47 |
kalidar | so i have to scroll up every time? | 22:47 |
BluesKaj | yup | 22:47 |
kalidar | weak sauce why is irssi so popular? | 22:48 |
kalidar | its all command based | 22:48 |
SlimeyPete | I like it because I can run it remotely, via ssh | 22:48 |
kalidar | im trying to get a handle on it but geez i dun even know how to host fserv or wors how to browse others | 22:48 |
kalidar | remotely? | 22:48 |
BluesKaj | trampy, give the pics a chance to load | 22:48 |
trampy | yeah, it then returns 0 items | 22:49 |
trampy | thats the msg | 22:49 |
SlimeyPete | kalidar: I run irssi on my Debian server. It's constantly running and I just SSH into the server and re-connect to irssi, so I can use the same IRC session from multiple locations | 22:49 |
trampy | "0 items" | 22:49 |
trampy | bottom left of dolphin | 22:49 |
kalidar | oh cool | 22:49 |
SlimeyPete | and because it's conencted 24/7 I can always scroll back to see what was said overnight | 22:49 |
kalidar | how did you learn to use irssi? its realy complicated | 22:49 |
SlimeyPete | nah it isn't | 22:50 |
SlimeyPete | there're only a few core commands | 22:50 |
trampy | nothing on the terminal when i cd to it | 22:50 |
SlimeyPete | and they're mostly just standard IRc commands which you would/could use in any other client. | 22:50 |
kalidar | aww hmm gues i should learn those commands then :) | 22:50 |
kalidar | thanks XD | 22:51 |
SlimeyPete | it does seem difficult at first but you soon get used to it | 22:51 |
kalidar | oh problem i cant scroll up using irssi | 22:53 |
kalidar | anyone know why?. | 22:53 |
trampy | use page up | 22:53 |
kalidar | oh ok | 22:53 |
PaperTiger | Anyone here a gamer? | 22:53 |
trampy | me | 22:53 |
* trampy likes Doom3 and unreal 2004 | 22:53 | |
kalidar | im a gamer | 22:53 |
PaperTiger | What games do you play and what do you use to run them? | 22:53 |
kalidar | oh btw one last question if i wana sort my ./list by catagory or by users in channnel how would i do that? | 22:54 |
trampy | linux sucks with games, unless they play nativly | 22:54 |
PaperTiger | Also, do either of you use Steam? | 22:54 |
kalidar | downoad Uplink hacker elite for linux its a good game XD | 22:54 |
trampy | do i need drivers to read pictures? | 22:54 |
kalidar | i stream videos al the time need help? | 22:54 |
kalidar | oh nvm steam as in cs source | 22:55 |
PaperTiger | Yeah :) | 22:55 |
kalidar | yeah i play cs source but not sence i got linux | 22:55 |
kalidar | i dont play games sence i switch os but i still prefer linux its fun just figureing out al this stuf | 22:55 |
PaperTiger | I prefer Linux as it works :) | 22:56 |
=== john is now known as Guest46558 | ||
kalidar | lol | 22:56 |
kalidar | anyone know how to sort /list by ammount of users or by name using irssi? | 22:56 |
BluesKaj | !IRC Commands | 22:58 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about IRC Commands | 22:58 |
aron | ! kopete error in kubuntu | 22:58 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 22:58 |
BluesKaj | !kopete | 22:59 |
ubottu | Instant Messenger Client Kopete ( supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, YIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and, in KDE 3, IRC. See also !Pidgin | 22:59 |
roamer1 | I like pidgin better | 22:59 |
BluesKaj | bbl | 22:59 |
MrRoboto1 | *cries* | 23:01 |
MrRoboto1 | Major KDE issues | 23:01 |
aron | why crash kopete, if i login to msn? | 23:01 |
MrRoboto1 | I keep having this damnit monitor blackout... | 23:01 |
MrRoboto1 | its annoying. | 23:01 |
Dashkal | Which package should I file against to report a bug in kde's automounter? | 23:01 |
MrRoboto1 | herm... | 23:02 |
MrRoboto1 | I might have just fixed this issue | 23:02 |
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aron | pls help | 23:04 |
roamer1 | what do you need help with aron? | 23:06 |
=== julianad is now known as Eowyn | ||
athlon1 | aron, why don't you use amsn? | 23:07 |
aron | why i can't login to msn throughtout kopete in kubuntu! | 23:07 |
roamer1 | you should be able too.. | 23:07 |
roamer1 | just download pidgin ;0 I love it | 23:07 |
athlon1 | are you behind a firewall? | 23:08 |
=== Eowyn is now known as Theodwyn | ||
aron | no, i don't using firewall, my firewall is linux! :) | 23:09 |
roamer1 | um... | 23:09 |
aron | how i can install pidgin to kubuntu linux? | 23:09 |
roamer1 | I think its | 23:09 |
athlon1 | Have you tried with amsn? It's for use only with msn. | 23:09 |
roamer1 | sudo apt-get install pidgin | 23:09 |
athlon1 | aron: Have you solved the problem? Do you need help? | 23:12 |
aron | i can try download a moment. | 23:15 |
noukist_ | i need a little help but not with linux or unix ... | 23:17 |
noukist_ | with that no problem | 23:17 |
noukist_ | i have problems in understanding womens !! | 23:17 |
noukist_ | :P | 23:17 |
=== carlos is now known as Guest77420 | ||
roamer1 | bad place to go for help | 23:23 |
roamer1 | .... | 23:23 |
roamer1 | really bad | 23:23 |
usuario | kjjjhg | 23:25 |
opethian | quick question : if i get 9.04 alpha 6 and install it, will i have to reinstall everything on release date or the updates will be available for download and my system will be upgraded to the release version? | 23:26 |
roamer1 | I think you can upgrade | 23:26 |
genii | opethian: Upgrade on it works to whatever the latest version in repos is | 23:26 |
Boogeyman | i would guess that you could update it to the stable | 23:26 |
opethian | thanks for the info | 23:28 |
roamer1 | !tuxracer | 23:29 |
ubottu | Tuxracer is now renamed Planet Penguin Racer! The package is planetpenguin-racer in !universe. Enjoy. | 23:29 |
aron | how i can install .package file in kubuntu?? | 23:29 |
kalidar | i despratly need a divx codec for wtchin streaming video in konquer | 23:34 |
kalidar | could someone point me to the repository? | 23:34 |
Dragnslcr | !divx | 23:34 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 23:34 |
kalidar | thanks | 23:34 |
Dragnslcr | aron- I don't think .package files are for Ubuntu | 23:35 |
aron | how i can install to a .zip archive? | 23:35 |
aron | >>Sorry for my english! | 23:36 |
aron | pls help me | 23:38 |
kde4plz | what you need help with? | 23:38 |
aron | i have to install Tcl/Tk a | 23:39 |
kalidar | that hep file dosent help i just need a divx codec installed not realplayer lol | 23:39 |
aron | and aMSN Installer for Tcl/Tk 8.4 | 23:40 |
Lycaena | türk | 23:42 |
Lycaena | turk vaarmı | 23:42 |
genii | !tr | Lycaena | 23:42 |
ubottu | Lycaena: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. | 23:42 |
Elone | anyone know how to get kubuntu to compile obj-c code ? | 23:42 |
genii | Lycaena: eg: /join #ubuntu-tr | 23:43 |
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=== prophet is now known as MorbidChimp | ||
=== MorbidChimp is now known as ProphMorph |
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