
wgrantNothing else in them changes.00:00
wgrantSo the status change dates cover all changes.00:00
cprov-afkwgrant: there are multiple timestamps fields, it's doesn't sound easy00:01
wgrantI could just look at the recently published records and implement the domination logic myself, but that doesn't catch deletions and seems stupid.00:01
wgrantcprov-afk: $givendate < MAX(datecreated, datemadepending, datepublished, dateremoved, datesuperseded)00:02
wgrantHmmm. No datedeleted or dateobsoleted :(00:02
cprov-afkwgrant: datemadepending is not exaclty what it looks, it's something like 'datemadependingremoval'00:04
wgrantcprov-afk: I just noticed that in the API docs.00:04
wgrantDoes that cover all removal cases?00:04
cprov-afkwgrant: the timestamp when the records entered in quarantine for removal00:05
cprov-afkwgrant: the quarantine is 24 hours00:05
poolieis there a command line tool yet where i can say "make bug X confirmed low?"00:05
cprov-afkwgrant: which is the instant records in scheduleddeletiondate00:06
wgrantcprov-afk: So the scheduled removal date is datemadepending + 24h?00:06
cprov-afkwgrant: correct00:06
wgrantcprov-afk: The web UI knows when a package was Deleted, and I can't see a field for that anywhere.00:06
cprov-afkwgrant: datesuperseded is the instant when a record marked as DELETED was deleted00:08
wgrantcprov-afk: So that covers all removal cases except OBSOLETE? Can I get an argument to filter based on that, then?00:10
cprov-afkwgrant: obsolete is very rare, only happens when the series goes EOL.00:11
wgrantcprov-afk: I know, so I don't really care about that.00:11
wgrantI just care about Superseded and Deleted, and datesuperseded seems to cover them.00:12
RicardoPerezhi. is launchpad down?00:12
wgrantRicardoPerez: Works fine for me.00:12
RicardoPerezoh, I'm trying to translate but I only receive Timeout error messages00:13
* wgrant doesn't use Translations.00:14
RicardoPerezNow I can see the following message: "Please try again. Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server."00:14
RicardoPerezmaybe there's a problem in Rosetta00:15
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mthaddonwe're doing some work on translations which may affect performance there - I'll note that in the topic00:31
=== mthaddon changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: matsubara | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | DB work in progress which may affect performance on translations
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meoblast001my commits come up as Braden Walters if i am on my desktop and meoblast001 if i am on my laptop, how do i make it say meoblast001 on both?03:54
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pooliehey why doesn't https://code.edge.launchpad.net/+me work?08:04
wgrantpoolie: Because you omitted the /people, I suspect.08:06
poolieok it does work but that's pretty weird08:07
wgrantIt's not that weir.d08:08
wgrantI am a person.08:08
pooliewhat could /+me mean if not the obvious?08:08
wgrantWho knows.08:09
wgrantA lot of people try /+me.08:09
wgrantSo it's probably a good idea.08:09
pooliefwiw nobody tried it in the last day for which we have logs08:14
pooliebut, they probably do still try it08:14
poolieand maybe i'm misreading the data08:14
* wgrant wonders if that's what lurks behind lpstats.c.c.08:33
poolieno, it's the oops summary08:50
pooliejust a digestified version of the error log i guess08:50
wgrantSo all 404s generate OOPSes?08:50
buzzDriveDoes it exista package for mysql workbench?09:49
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Peng_Oh no...my web server was broken long enough that LP no longer mirrors my branches. Anyone wanna click "Try again" 48 times for me? ;-)10:56
Peng_Oh, it had only given up on about half of them.11:13
Peng_The fun thing is, now LP will be mirroring all of my branches at the exact same time of day again. :D11:15
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fab2gmb: are you here today?13:10
fab2I still would like to migrate my porject from sourceforge to LP13:11
fab2I was in contact with gmb for migrating the trackers, but it seems that he definitely forgot about that :(13:11
fab2can someone else help me?13:12
intellectronicafab2: maybe he's lunching. he should be around any minute13:12
intellectronicafab2: have you filed a question with the details?13:12
gmbintellectronica: Yes, he has.13:25
gmbfab2: Hi. Bear with me a second here and I'll be right with you.13:25
fab2gmb: ok!13:33
gmbfab2: Sorry for the delay... I'm waiting for ec2 to pull its finger out and run a launchpad instance for you.14:16
fab2gmb: do you have an idea of when this will be done?14:17
gmbfab2: The ec2 machine has just come up now; I need to do some configuration and then the import, so probably another ~30 minutes.14:18
fab2ah OK :)14:18
fab2I stay in touch14:18
MTecknologyany chance a losa could peak in on question 6188515:18
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kikoMTecknology, why wasn't Tom's question answered? it was pretty clear what he needed to register it.15:22
kiko"What display name and description do you want, and do you have a custom image you'd like to use? Also, do you need any additional fields passed to your site in addition to the openid URL (the user would be notified of these)?"15:22
kikoif you don't give the information necessary, such requests can take forever ;)15:22
kfogelthekorn: ping15:24
thekornkfogel, hi15:24
MTecknologykiko: oh - perhaps I should have readit twice first... sorry15:24
kfogelthekorn: what programs are you using the Launchpad API in?  (I'm trying to get an overview of how people are using it.)15:25
kfogelthekorn: I assume since you contribute to launchpadlib itself that you're also writing code that *uses* the API, not just hacking on the API provider itself :-)15:25
thekornkfogel, apport, ubuntu-dev-tools and ilaunchpad-shell, and I hope to use the API in leonov (when I find the time to work on it)15:26
kfogelthekorn: thanks15:26
thekornkfogel, and in a few scripts which are not public (yet)15:28
kfogelthekorn: leonov development looks to be paused, is that accurate for now?15:28
thekornkfogel, that's correct, unfortunatly, but there is bug 336666 with some recent ideas/work15:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336666 in leonov "leonov reloaded!" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33666615:30
kfogelthekorn: *nod*  Hope you get time to pick it up again.  For this writeup, I'll leave out not-yet-public and not-currently-active projects.  Reading your bug, I see a reference to "python-launchpad-bugs" -- was that some kind of screenscraping library that's now superseded by launchpadlib?15:34
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thekornkfogel, right, py-lp-bugs is a python package doing alot of screenscraping. It was written to access bugreports and used by tools like bughelper15:36
thekornand leonov in the past15:36
thekornmany tools already switched over to lplib, or at least they plan to15:36
thekornbut a few are still using py-lp-bugs15:37
thekornbut the more JS stuff is added to launchpad, the more painfull screenscraping gets15:37
thekornso, it is a very good thing to have the API15:38
intellectronicathekorn: we almost always maintain a non-js version in parallel15:39
intellectronicabut yes, ideally you shouldn't have to scrape at all15:39
kfogel(hmmm, and launchpadlib is not threadsafe, I read in #336666?  there doesn't seem to be a bug filed on that...)15:39
kfogelthekorn: ^^15:39
thekornkfogel, well I'm not sure if it is launchpadlib or httplib2/httplib, but right, I did not file a bugreport on it, can do later today15:41
kfogelthekorn: thread-unsafeness would be a pretty big deal, I think, so thanks15:41
kfogelWe could use that report.15:41
thekornok, have to run now, feel free to ping me again If there are some questions remain unanswered15:49
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rippsCan someone help me figure out why a PPA plugin pack won't build for intrepid/hardy, but builds perfectly jaunty. I've already taken into account different build-depends.19:14
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rippsI'm having trouble getting my gmpc-plugins backports to build in the gmpc-trunk ppa.21:04
blueyedHi, can you move a bug to another/a series?21:05
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wgrantblueyed: You can nominate it for a release.21:31
wgrantIf you want to move it from one to another, you have to Won't Fix the old one.21:31
blueyedwgrant: I cannot see how I could do that with https://bugs.launchpad.net/b2evolution/+bug/34823021:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 348230 in b2evolution "Clean resource bundles cache on upgrades" [Medium,Fix committed]21:36
wgrantblueyed: '(Nominate for|Target to) release' just under the task table.21:44
blueyedwgrant: thanks, it worked.21:46
wgrantblueyed: I've no idea why that link isn't inside the relevant task.21:46
blueyedwgrant: "inside the relevant task"?21:47
wgrantblueyed: IMHO the link should be right after 'b2evolution' in the table.21:48
wgrantAlso, you forgot to transfer the milestone over.21:48
blueyedthanks, wgrant. fixed.21:49
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jelmermwhudson: ping22:13
mwhudsonjelmer: hola22:13
jelmermwhudson: Are there any plans to show custom revision properties in the Launchpad/loggerhead views?22:14
mwhudsonjelmer: only very vague ones22:14
jelmermwhudson: I'm in particular thinking of the bug metadata and foreign vcs properties22:14
mwhudsonjelmer: patches for loggerhead gratefully accepted :)22:14
jelmermwhudson: heh, ok22:15
MTecknology!find gnome-power-cmd22:15
ubottuFile gnome-power-cmd found in gnome-power-manager22:15
rippsDoes anybody know why I get build freezes when backporting a jaunty build to intrepid/hardy. I've already taken build-deps into account.22:26
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markvandenborreI'm probably overlooking something really obvious23:33
markvandenborrebut how do I make someone an administrator in a launchpad team that I own?23:33
jpdsmarkvandenborre: Go to the members list, click the pencil at the end of the row, and mark them as admin.23:34
markvandenborrejpds: sorry for asking about the obvious23:36
markvandenborreI guess this is a sign that I'm getting a bit too sleepy23:36
markvandenborrejpds: thx for your hint23:36
jpdsmarkvandenborre: Remember: the only stupid questions are the unasked ones.23:36
maxbripps: Well, your hardy build has a meaningful error message in its log23:40
mrooneyIs there an easy way to see the unpushed commits of a branch to the push branch?23:49
mrooneyI often forget if I have pushed my commits, and can't figure out how to tell besides pushing23:53
maxbTry #bzr ?23:55
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mrooneyOh yes I always imagine bzr and launchpad as the same thing in my head :)23:57

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