
=== Guest85706 is now known as _defcon
rconananyone know why System->Preferences->Sound would fail to start?00:05
o0Chris0ohmw: Its listed in the right time zon, I think they just go by accuvu weather, instead of weather bug00:09
Cycomcan anyone confirm bug 343067 for me?00:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 343067 in totem "Playing a DVD iso in totem causes the iso to be mounted in .gvfs and not played." [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34306700:18
CycomI'm a bit worried, since the person who assigned it basically said "works fine here" and doesn't seem to be subscribed to the bug...00:20
rwwHeh. Using 2.6.29 from the kernel ppa decreases my boot time from 21 seconds to 13.00:24
rwwIs that because Jaunty's kernel has a bunch of extra stuff in it, or is .29 an improvement over Jaunty's .28?00:25
berniv6rww: well, 2.6.29 got the first stage of parallel hardware initialization00:27
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berniv6"fastboot" project00:28
dan457Interesting, i'll have to look that up.00:28
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rwwberniv6: The bootcharts seem to be showing longer times in wpa_supplicant (I have auto wlan0 in /etc/network/interfaces) and hald on 2.6.28, so that'd make a lot of sense.00:29
LordKow2.6.29 likely doesnt have apparmor either... but i dont think apparmor would add 7 seconds to boot-time00:29
rww(since wifi startup and hal both involve hardware stuff, i guess)00:30
rconanannyone help me get sound going?00:38
rconani have both sound cards appear in lspci, both modules loaded but neither work00:38
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michaelsI have a question about unr too...02:06
michaelsif to upgrade my preinstalled UNR dell mini 12 I install a daily jaunty UNR image, am I heading for a world of pain and driver trouble?02:06
* bruce89 doesn't even know what UNR is02:07
michaelsubuntu netbook remix02:07
michaelsa canonical-remixed version of ubuntu designed for netbooks02:07
michaelsso... anyone here familiar with UNR jaunty?02:10
bruce89'fraid not, but hardware support should only be better than that of Intrepid02:10
michaelsI'm just worried because the OEM version might be bundled with proprietary stuff02:12
michaelsah well, I probably won't be happy with such a limited system for long anyway, I'll give it a shot02:12
nemolots of neat new stuff in this new kernel release that hit digg02:13
nemoI wonder what Jaunty final will be02:14
crdlbyou mean what kernel version? 2.6.2802:15
hggdhtoo late to change to .2902:34
DanaGmichaels: take a look in synaptic to see what comes from a section with "dell" in the name.02:43
DanaGYou might end up wanting to copy the existing sources.list to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dellmini.list  -- or something like that.02:44
michaelsDanaG, thanks02:45
DanaGFor example, the hardy-hpmini repo happens to have some HP-specific stuff; if you keep both lists around, you'll get jaunty stuff where it's newer, and keep the Dell stuff.02:45
michaelsno sections with "dell" in synaptics, but if it's just a matter of repos that shouldn't be a problem02:48
michaelshow does the sources.list.d dir work? any .list files in there get read for repos as well?02:48
maxbthat's the general pattern with .d directories02:50
DanaGIs it a specific dell-mini install, or just general UNR?02:50
michaelsspecific, oem02:50
michaelsbut I'm installing a general jaunty over it02:51
michaelsthe repos are all dell repos02:51
daskreechI give up02:51
daskreechhow do you logout of Gnome?02:51
michaelsand most repos I try to add don't work02:51
bruce89daskreech: fusa02:52
daskreechI have fuser :)02:53
daskreechFusa doesn't seem to be in the repos02:53
daskreechbruce89: Is there a dbus call to initate logout of Gnome?02:54
daskreechOh I have no mouse02:55
* bruce89 can't remember how you get the focus of panel applets02:55
daskreechSomething is messed up with X so I have 1/4 of my screen hanging off the left of the monitor and the Mouse doesn't work02:55
daskreechAnd alt+Ctrl+backspace is gone02:55
daskreechI figured there must be some way to logout02:56
bruce89I think alt+sysreq+k works02:56
daskreechThanks I'll have to remember that02:57
HalowIf you install the "dontzap" package and use it with --disable flag, you can use ctrl+alt+bcksp again.02:58
daskreechYeah I knew that02:58
billisniceI think they should go ahead and use the Linux kernel 2.6.29...Two things Canonical should implement immediately if stable--more drivers and speed improvements unless it is LTS...02:58
daskreechbut I figured there must be some otehr emergency procedure02:58
daskreechand I'm just veryused to being able to logout via the keyboard02:59
daskreechIt's so much faster02:59
daskreechbruce89: If you remmeber how to access the fusa menu by keyboard let me know03:00
DanaGwow, double-negative.03:00
DanaGdontzap --disable....03:00
DanaGyeah, confusing.03:00
HalowVery. LOL03:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about zap03:03
ubottuSaying "It says nothing", "It does nothing" is generally not very useful for troubleshooting. Please be as specific as possible: if you see a black screen, say so, if you see a shell prompt, say so, if you see an !error message, say so - Also, most !CLI commands don't print anything when they succeed, but only when they fail.03:03
ubottuSo, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone.03:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nuttin'03:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nuffin'03:04
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)03:04
ubottuUh, don't you mean !apt ?03:04
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!03:04
* DanaG is done.03:04
* michaels is amused03:04
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.03:05
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore03:06
daskreechhow do I apt-install something already installed?03:06
DanaGoh yeah, watch out: in #ubuntu channels, ctcp == ban.03:06
daskreechI want to  --download-only a set of packages I already have installed03:06
daskreech--force-yes isn't working :(03:07
DanaGhmm, might need to pass --reinstall03:07
daskreechof course03:07
DanaGI usuaLLY use just plain 'aptitude reinstall'03:10
DanaGwith a sudo, of course.03:10
quentusrexAnyone know how to uninstall an apt package upgrade?03:36
daskreechquentusrex: Huh?03:46
X-SetiI have no sound after upgrading, given i have mixed error messages from what ever i do to fix this, im not sure what to do next.. menu drop speaker icon being up a massive error, that doesnt make sense04:00
PhotoJimdid you try reconfiguring alsa?04:00
PhotoJimjust a hunch.  that's the first thing I would try.04:01
X-Setiyep, pref > sound this just crashes04:01
PhotoJima reconfigure of alsa didn't help?04:02
X-Setilong error message so ill screen grab04:03
PhotoJimhmm.  not sure.  hopefully someone else here will have some advice.04:03
crdlbI just found sound broken here after the latest update. I had to reboot to fix it04:04
* DanaG sometimes has to open pavucontrol and mute and unmute the card to get sound.04:04
X-Setiwish it was that easy04:05
PhotoJimthe only machine I'm running Jaunty on is my Acer Aspire One... other than some fussing to get the WiFi working it's been fine.04:05
RAOFDanaG: If you want to build nouveau mesa, you'll need to pass a bunch of ./configure arguments.04:05
* RAOF has just done this, so knows what they are.04:06
X-Setipic says all04:06
DanaGI passed --enable-nouveau-gallium (or whatever it was), and got some missing rule in some Makefile, or such.04:06
X-Setii upgraded to try and fix a problem i noticed on ibex, with printers, thats fixed, but no sound?04:07
RAOFYeah.  You need to also pass --with-state-trackers=glx,dri2 (at least)04:07
RAOFMy line is: ./configure --disable-gallium-intel --enable-gallium-nouveau --with-dri-drivers= --with-state-trackers=glx,g3dvl,dri204:07
RAOFFor added XvMC.04:08
X-Setiok, so im recompiling asla again?04:08
RAOFX-Seti: "I upgraded to try and fix a problem and..." is a really bad idea :)04:08
bluefoxicyI need to log out04:08
bluefoxicysystem menu doesn't have Log Off anymore04:08
DanaGI want to also keep the radeon dri on that one.04:08
bluefoxicywhat the fuck did you people break this time?04:08
X-SetiRAOF, I know, Hardy was nice04:09
RAOFDanaG: Oh.  THen you'll want to have radeon in the --with-dri-drivers.04:09
crdlbpoor RAOF04:09
DanaGwait, why do you have nothing in with-dri-drivers?04:09
* bluefoxicy needs more swear words, he cannot satisfactorily express how very much is wrong with this right now04:09
RAOFDanaG: Because I don't want to spend the time building them.  Nouveau doesn't have a (standard) dri driver, just the gallium.04:09
X-Setii could try and force everything back to hardy, change everything in sources.list to hardly and update04:09
bluefoxicyQu'vatlh ghuy'cha jay'!04:10
RAOFX-Seti: That won't work.  The packages you have installed now have a higher version.04:10
RAOFbluefoxicy: You saw "gnome-session-save", yes?04:10
bluefoxicyRAOF:  yes, but that is not in the menu04:10
RAOFbluefoxicy: Also, logout is found in the fast-user-switch-applet.04:10
bluefoxicyam I expected to type that at a terminal TO LOG OFF?04:10
crdlbclick on your name04:10
* bluefoxicy looks for fast user... oh, his name is in the top right04:10
DanaGIt really should be in BOTH places.04:10
bluefoxicywow that's cool04:10
* crdlb has having trouble getting used to it ...04:10
X-Setisince im on JJ I might aswell make the most of it04:10
DanaGI want FUSA to have guest session....04:11
bluefoxicybut who the hell decided to pull that OUT OF THE MENU?04:11
DanaG... but I want the danged logout in the danged SYSTEM MENU!04:11
* bluefoxicy logs out and logs back in04:11
DanaGIt seems I can't have both without RECOMPILING.04:11
crdlbtoo much caps04:11
DanaGToo much regression!04:11
crdlbthat's better04:11
RAOFcrdlb: You've got an ATI card... have you tried the new gallium driver?04:11
X-SetiRAOF, skipping back to the ./configure etc, what folder am i meant to be in for that to work04:12
* DanaG has an R600 on one system and an NV G73 on the other.04:12
RAOFX-Seti: Oh, that configure line wasn't for you.  That was for DanaG, who wants to make glxgears draw a black window _really fast_.04:13
DanaGAnd an NV17 in yet another laptop.  And a couple of Savages, too.04:13
crdlbRAOF: it's an RV200 :/04:13
RAOFcrdlb: Oooh.  Too old by one generation!04:13
crdlbRAOF: two04:13
RAOFr300 is the gallium driver, though.  Isn't rv200 the previous generation to that?04:13
crdlbit's an r100, yay ATI04:13
X-Setiwell i do not want to wipe and start again, there is way to much on here, to undo like that04:14
bluefoxicyokay next pokay next point of confusion04:15
X-Setiill search the forums again04:15
bluefoxicyI have Hardy on my laptop04:15
bluefoxicyI want to update to Jaunty04:15
RAOFX-Seti: I don't really know about your audio problem.  I'd suggest checking that pulseaudio is running, that you've got ubuntu-desktop installed, and that you've got gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio installed.04:15
bluefoxicyupdate-manager -d wants to update to 8.1004:15
bluefoxicyhow do I force?04:15
crdlbbluefoxicy: you can't skip04:15
bluefoxicycrdlb:  to beta, or to any?04:15
tomsdaleanyone noticed on kubuntu jaunty that you can't move files into the trash in the desktop folder plasmoid?04:15
bruce89bluefoxicy: you aren't on 8.04?04:15
RAOFcrdlb, bluefoxicy: You can only skip to LTS releases.  You'll need to go Hardy -> Intrepid -> Jaunty.04:15
X-SetiRAOF, im wondering weather there could be some old config files knocking around04:15
crdlbbluefoxicy: any, except LTS->LTS04:15
DanaGheh, I remember seeing a friend's desktop with WinME and a "Radeon VE" -- I assume that's 7500, or is that 7000?04:16
crdlb700, I think04:16
DanaGI told him that, yo, you should update the drivers, at the very least.  =þ04:16
bluefoxicyannoying but understandable.04:16
RAOFX-Seti: Possibly ~/.asoundconf04:16
* bluefoxicy decides to force it.04:16
DanaGJust the fact that it was called a VE implies that the drivers were really, really old.  =þ04:16
tomsdalecrdlb: so can I upgrade directly from hardy to 10.0404:16
X-Setiwell i have to fix this before my wife gets on, or its back to windows.04:17
bluefoxicyapt-get -d is download-only right?04:17
X-SetiGoing to mass uninstall stuff.04:17
crdlbtomsdale: if that is LTS as expected, yes04:18
X-SetiI cant wreck this anymore, then it is :D04:18
* bluefoxicy decides to file a bug against the boot screen.04:18
bluefoxicyit needs to show more information during boot-up04:18
crdlbthere isn't actually a requirement that they happen every 2 years04:18
DanaGRAOF: what is with-state-trackers?04:18
bluefoxicyjust enough to convince the user the system's doing "something"04:18
daskreechX-Seti: Ha ha ha ha so much to learn :)04:18
daskreechcrdlb: Yes there is04:18
tomsdalethat's great - I didn't know that. Important to tell to clients.04:18
X-Setiim going to try and force this back to ibex04:19
crdlbRAOF: I did try gnome-shell though :)04:19
DanaGgoogle for apt pinning / apt preferences.04:19
DanaGIt's a royal pain to do... but it's possible.  Just severe risk of breakage if you don't know what you're doing.04:19
RAOFDanaG: So... gallium has 3 systems.  (1) The winsys, which does the integration into the actual windowing system (ie: glx, wgl, egl, etc).04:19
X-Setidaskreech, learning isnt a problem, its fixing weird errors, you cant find anything about on ubuntu forums.04:19
X-Setithis is a first for me04:19
RAOFDanaG: (2) The hardware-specific drivers, whose name escapes me.04:19
DanaGmake[5]: Entering directory `/home/dana/downloads/nouveau/mesa/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel'04:19
DanaGmake[5]: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.04:19
daskreechMaybe step outside the boundaries of the forums then?04:20
daskreechDamn 4.3 Envy04:20
X-Setidaskreech, im at a loss04:20
crdlbdaskreech: I guess I missed that memo04:20
RAOFDanaG: (3) The state trackers, which implement the actual APIs.  So there's an opengl statetracker, a XvMC statetracker, a D3D state tracker, etc.04:20
daskreechcrdlb: Probably04:20
bluefoxicyhas anyone else noticed desktop effects breaks the workspace switcher applet wholesale?04:21
bluefoxicyit'll only show 1 row of desktops04:21
bluefoxicyif you do 4x4 rows, it becomes 0 columns wide04:21
bluefoxicyi.e. you can't navigate it by mouse, just keyboard combos.04:21
crdlbworks fine here04:21
RAOFDanaG: What's your configure line?04:22
DanaGah, I see.. just "intel" isn't enough.04:22
crdlbthere are some visual glitches with multiple rows though04:22
X-Setihardy, ibex had no hardware detechion issues.04:22
DanaG./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr --enable-gallium-nouveau --with-dri-drivers=i810,i915,i965,intel,r300,radeon,swrast --with-state-trackers=glx,g3dvl,dri204:22
DanaGadded the i### this round.. not sure of result yet.04:22
DanaGprevious was without i###04:22
daskreechX-Seti: so what was the motivation to jump to Jaunty pre beta on an in-use machine ?04:23
bluefoxicycrdlb:  yeah04:23
RAOFDanaG: You're going to be installing this system-wide.  Brave man.04:23
bluefoxicycrdlb:  I have 4x4, but the applet itself displays just a piece of crap in my panel04:23
X-Setiwanted to try it out04:23
DanaGIf it fails, I just purge and reinstall stuff.04:23
DanaGNo sweat.04:23
DanaGAnd that nouveau is my secondary system.04:23
crdlbbluefoxicy: it works fine, except when you click, it sometimes shifts the rows for a moment04:24
X-Setidaskreech, also was having printer issues, cups not being installing currectly04:24
DanaGMy primary system is the one with the RV635; no mesa to speak of.04:24
crdlbexcept in the moment that you're switching, it looks fine04:24
X-Setiprinter works now,.04:24
bluefoxicycrdlb: for me it's just useless04:24
daskreechX-Seti:  :-D04:24
crdlbbluefoxicy: I'm still missing what's wrong04:24
DanaGnope, still doesn't like inte.04:25
X-Setidaskreech, wifes ganna kill me, as she shes this for work and skype04:25
DanaGBasically, I want the nouveau thing to experiment, but I want all the other drivers to be stock.04:25
X-Setidaskreech, I use this comp for hosting sites aswell, so reinstalling isnt really an option04:26
DanaGrandom: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_LSGnycsyeI4/SRYHKVbp8VI/AAAAAAAAAg0/Qn7MBd8B6Pw/s1600-h/plush_cat.jpg04:26
crdlbyou're not supposed to use jaunty on production machines04:26
DanaGIt IS possible to downgrade; I've done it.  It's just quite very extremely unsupported.04:26
daskreechX-Seti: That's pretty ballsy :)04:26
daskreechAnd likely to be flakey04:26
DanaGIn fact, I've done that several times.  Each time it took a few hours mucking around in aptitude, after putting a preferences file in place.04:27
bluefoxicywhy the hell does Pidgin's buddy list task tray button stay no matter what desktop I'm on?!04:27
X-Setiim uninstalling stuff, then ill change the sources.list to ipex04:27
RAOFDanaG: Why don't you just drop the intel DRI drivers completely?04:27
X-Setisee if i can get back to ibex..04:27
daskreechbluefoxicy: cause of the sysicon ?04:27
DanaGI may usb-boot on an Intel.04:27
DanaGSame as why I want r300 driver.04:29
DanaGI can usb-boot on a lab PC.04:29
RAOFDanaG: How about if you just drop the --with-dri-drivers bit entirely?  It defaults to all on.04:29
bluefoxicycrdlb: http://img515.imageshack.us/img515/2565/screenshot6.png04:29
bluefoxicycrdlb:  see the thing next to the trash icon?04:29
bluefoxicythat's 4x4 desktops.04:30
crdlbthat looks rather proken04:30
bluefoxicyI logged out and logged back in and it didn't fix it.04:30
bluefoxicythis is with any visual effects (basic or extra)04:30
crdlbdoes the preferences actually let you set the columns and rows?04:30
bluefoxicythough if you change your visual effects settings here, it sets it to 16 columns and 1 row04:31
X-Setiupgrade, well it took04:31
X-Setino errors04:32
bluefoxicyeverything's always at 100% CPU usage and takes forever04:32
X-Setilooks like back to ibex04:32
bluefoxicytop says trackerd is working its ass off04:32
X-Setiweird, ubuntu version unknown04:34
bruce89sudo aptitude remove tracker04:37
X-Setijust read the topic :D04:40
X-Setiback to ibex :D04:40
crdlbX-Seti: you didn't realize it wasn't supported?04:42
X-Setii wasnt to sure, know it was a dev release someone might have known something towards hardware issues04:42
DanaGwoooooooooooah, compiz is working on that nouveau!04:47
DanaGoh, but it's crashing upon doing.. well, almost anything.  =þ04:48
crdlbwait, really?04:48
DanaGWell, some of it is.04:49
X-Setieverything that worked on Hardly, just upgrading as I went, worked on Jaunty04:50
DanaGIt seems certain animations (such as lamp and vacuum) work, but others (such as "dream") crash Xorg.04:50
DanaGWater even works, surprisingly.04:50
DanaG[13185.799574] [drm] PGRAPH_ERROR - nSource: PROTECTION_ERROR, nStatus: INVALID_STATE04:51
DanaG[13185.799584] [drm] PGRAPH_ERROR - Ch 3/5 Class 0x309e Mthd 0x0184 Data 0x00000000:0x0000b48404:51
DanaG[13185.799627] [drm] PGRAPH_ERROR - nSource: LIMIT_COLOR, nStatus: INVALID_STATE PROTECTION_FAULT04:51
DanaG[13185.799633] [drm] PGRAPH_ERROR - Ch 3/6 Class 0x3089 Mthd 0x040c Data 0x00000000:0x0000000004:51
DanaGer, sorry, too many lines.04:52
DanaGTremulous locks up the X server, though.04:53
DanaGheh, I can ssh in and SAK.04:54
DanaGI see... creating ANY new window crashes it.05:05
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RAOFDanaG: Is this nouveau-gallium? :)05:06
RAOFThe second glxgears window did lock X for me, with a nice side-order of framebuffer corruption.05:07
RAOFThe first one worked, though.  It just was all-black.05:08
DanaGhmm, gtkperf on 1280x1024 (stupid crt thinks 1280x960 is "too correct" for it).... 11.5 or so seconds..05:10
* DanaG now tries with nvidia.05:10
DanaGNote: for same theme and everything, my radeon is 10.5 or so.  Damn close.05:11
RAOFDanaG: Is gtkperf packaged anywhere?05:11
rww!info gtkperf | RAOF05:11
ubottugtkperf (source: gtkperf): GTK+ performance benchmark. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.40+ds-1 (jaunty), package size 26 kB, installed size 132 kB05:12
RAOFThat'll do.  It wasn't last time I checked ;)05:12
DanaGnow, on a savage athlonxp, the same thing takes 30 seconds.  =þ05:12
rwwDanaG: How do I use gtkperf? Just run it and hit Start?05:13
DanaGYeah.  Perhaps maximize it for consistent size, though.05:14
DanaGodd: when I boot, my system drops from usplash back to text mode -- EVERY time.05:15
DanaGAt the same point, too: right where it runs fsck.ext4.05:15
DanaGnvidia: 12.34 with metacity, 17.34 with compiz.05:19
DanaGAnd for some reason, I can't even see it doing the scroll test.05:19
DanaGIn fact, instead of seeing the scroll test, I see the window go "boooooiiiing"05:21
DanaGI have wobble on beep set... and apparently scrolling makes it beep.05:21
DanaGSo, you get the effect of 100 beeps at once.05:21
Alexia_DeathOkay. now pulse is completley broken ...05:35
Alexia_DeathOnly cracles.05:35
o0Chris0o join #alsa05:36
o0Chris0otry to speak to dtchen05:36
Alexia_DeathAbout ubuntu PA poblems?05:37
AmaranthAlexia_Death: I get that sometimes after pausing video05:37
Alexia_DeathI get it all the time05:38
LordKowi usually get it when there is a lot of other stuff going on... like sometimes the login sound will crackle slightly05:40
LordKowif i'm doing a lot of hard-drive writing while playing something it may crackle slightly.05:40
LordKowthe audio that is. would def be bad if my hard drive was crackling.05:40
jscinozirssi + screen + bitlbee + notify-osd = AWESOME06:02
jscinoznow if only there was some way for dbus to work over ssh06:03
jscinozso when i reconnected from elsewhere the notify-osd popups would appear there06:03
jscinoznow that i think about it it probably is possible06:04
DanaGNow if only (pointer to my previous rants)!  =þ06:05
JanCdbus can work over TCP/IP06:05
JanC(by design, don't know if it was implemented though :P )06:06
skylhave people been marching in the streets over the new desktop look yet?06:06
skylhey, maybe I could make one?  where would I send it?06:07
rwwskyl: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork06:08
DanaGMy old laptop and my new laptop both take 45 seconds to boot.06:37
DanaGDisabling my Intel card with its killswitch... should NOT disable all other wifi cards!06:38
sparrDanaG: then change the script that runs when you flip the switch?06:41
DanaGIt's not an acpi script; it's HAL.06:41
sparrthe idea of that switch is to conserve battery life by disabling wifi...  kinda silly to have it if you have multiple cards06:41
DanaGI also have another use case: if you have two wifi cards, and you want to force it to use an alternate one.06:42
quietasfrom a clean 8.10 64-bit server install, what is the easiest way to do a network upgrade to 9.04?06:42
quietasthe jaunty page says do-release-upgrade, but that says no =)06:43
DanaG"Second, it's not really possible to match up rfkill switches with specific wireless devices.  " --- BULL!06:44
DanaGOn some cards, it IS possible... and on those cards.. they should do it.06:44
DanaGNot ignore cards that have per-device switches just because _some_ don't have them.06:44
DanaG"So in the case of, say, Intel 3945 cards, which are in millions of laptops, the switch actually kills the intel radio directly.  Thus when the switch is turned off, we don't always know which radios can be un-killed by software, and which can be unkilled by hardware. "06:45
DanaGIs it just me, or does this sound like broken logic?06:45
DanaGBecause it kills the Intel radio directly..... then you DO know... that that's one that can't be software-unkilled!06:46
DanaGYeah... broken reasoning.06:48
DanaG".  For starters, "rfkill" means "turn the radio off", and that's06:50
DanaGexactly what NetworkManager does.  It turns off the radios. "06:50
DanaGswitch says to turn of THE (i.e. ONE) radio... and it says, "screw that, I'm killing them all!"06:50
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
macoive got an odd problem with kontact. its not showing any mail between "january" and "last week"  i'm using imap and the mails are definitely on the server. anyone else seeing this sort of weirdness?07:05
macooh...wait...looks like gmail is being odd07:14
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
DanaGgrr, stupid NetworkManager... assumes that oh, nobody could POSSIBLY be already running a dnsmasq server on their system already!07:28
DanaGSo, if you try to create an ad-hoc network... it tries to start a new dnsmasq... and of course fails -- address already in use!07:28
peppotwhere to make device permissions permanent in jaunty?09:01
vega_peppot: probably  /etc/udev/rules.d/*09:02
peppothm., there is no preexisting permissions rule file09:02
vega_seems to contain something09:02
peppotnot here09:02
vega_hm, sorry this was 8.1009:03
vega_wrong machine..09:03
vega_ /lib/udev/rules.d has something in jaunty09:11
lechehey, is there any plan to change the gdm theme till the artwork freeze?09:15
raddyHello everybodu09:23
raddyHello everybody09:23
raddyWill Jauny Jackalope have new theme?09:23
BUGabundognomefreak: ping09:25
BUGabundogood morning guys and galls09:25
BUGabundodtchen: ping. are you around?09:27
BUGabundocwillu: hi. have I missed in this last few days?09:28
scizzo-morning BUGabundo09:28
BUGabundohey scizzo-09:28
BUGabundosame question to you09:29
BUGabundothis room is getting bigger09:29
BUGabundo200+ members09:29
scizzo-BUGabundo: hmmm mostly seen people complaining about home directories being removed and radeon and nvidia stuff09:29
BUGabundowhat ? removed dirs?09:29
BUGabundowhen did that happen?09:29
scizzo-BUGabundo: someone a yesterday or something like that had his/her homedir removed....don't know much more I just saw it in the channel09:30
scizzo-BUGabundo: do not know if this was a upgrade for kernel stuff or whatever it was09:30
scizzo-BUGabundo: just something I saw09:31
BUGabundothanks for the update09:31
BUGabundoalso what's up with NV?09:31
Hobbseescizzo-: er, did anyone actually file a bug about that / track that down?09:31
BUGabundoits working fine here09:31
raddyWill Jaunty Jackalope have new theme?09:31
BUGabundogood morning Hobbsee09:31
Hobbseehey BUGabundo09:31
BUGabundoraddy: AFAIK no09:31
scizzo-Hobbsee: Like I said....I just saw it in here where someone was doing a upgrade or something09:32
Hobbseehm.  that's a bit worrying.09:32
raddyBUGabundo : Ohhh No09:32
scizzo-Hobbsee: I don't wanna say to much I just had thought about EXT4 and those things in my head09:33
Hobbseehm, OK09:33
scizzo-maybe check a backlog?09:33
Hobbseei don't have it in mine, maybe it was in overnight.09:33
* scizzo- checks his own09:33
Hobbseescizzo-: if that's going to hit a number of people as they dist-upgrade, that's not good - so tracking it down with people would be lovely, if you could09:34
BUGabundospecially before BETA09:34
scizzo-I see that god-mok was here....he said something about homedir being gone09:34
scizzo-I will pastebin09:35
BUGabundoif it is that serious and reproducble we will have to delay it09:35
BUGabundothanks scizzo-09:35
BUGabundonot much details09:36
Hobbseehm, useless.09:36
scizzo-my irssi is being stupid also09:36
BUGabundocould have been a fluke09:36
BUGabundoor etx4 related09:36
scizzo-it does not log to much really09:36
BUGabundounless a 2nd user confirms it09:36
BUGabundoI would forget it09:36
scizzo-IMO it seems to be a EXT3 -> EXT4 if it is any problem at all09:37
HobbseeBUGabundo: ext4 isn't *that* unstable.  But it could have well been the bug with ext4 filesystems and crashes and 0-byte files09:37
Ademanuh, so file-roller doesn't seem to want to extract eGDM.tar.gz from eGDM_3_by_DanRabbit.zip  obtainable from here: http://danrabbit.deviantart.com/art/eGDM-3-98073192  can anyone confirm?  (right clicking the file and selecting extract or hitting the extract button on the toolbar with the file selected will both behave the same, brings up the dialog, but the dialog will not respond when you finally hit the "extract" button)  Als09:38
Ademano note that "Extract Here" in nautilus still works09:38
WatchBotAdeman: Please keep your links on topic and work safe.09:38
HobbseeLjL: bad hit ^09:38
HobbseeAdeman: hrm.  how does one actually download that?09:39
scizzo-nope sorry can't find more information09:39
AdemanHobbsee: on the left there's a Download with a little icon next to it09:40
Hobbseeoh.  that one09:40
Hobbseehow obtuse09:40
HobbseeAdeman: can't reproduce either way.  Are you sure it finished downloading before you tried extracting it?09:41
AdemanHobbsee: yeah, I tried re-downloading it as well, although it's possible firefox just cached it, lemme wget it and try again, one sec09:42
Hobbseeoh.  you need to actually put in a filename, if you hadn't.09:42
Hobbsee(it wants you to give it a name for the folder it extracts into)09:42
Hobbseewhich isn't so clear09:42
Ademanis that the way it's always been?09:42
Hobbseei'm not sure, i don't usually do it that way - but I think it has ever since i've been using gnome (ie, gutsy)09:43
AdemanI don't tend to actually open file-roller so much as use the extract here functionality, but that doesn't seem familiar to me09:43
Hobbseei remember finding that odd before09:43
Hobbseeso it's certainly nto new09:43
Ademanhrm, well sorry for acting like it was a bug then haha09:44
Hobbseeno problem ;)09:44
* Ademan is off to bug gnome devs09:44
Hobbseeit may well be a bug ;)09:44
Hobbseejust not one for ubuntu, and one that's been there for a while ;)09:44
scizzo-where can I find more information about the development of notify-osd more then launchpad?09:44
BUGabundoHobbsee: I know that ext4 is not that unstable09:45
BUGabundoI've been keeping in the loop09:45
BUGabundoand am one of those that doesn't blame ext4 for the end of the world09:45
BUGabundoand even *try* to explain to ppl that its not that buggy09:45
Hobbseescizzo-: #dx, perhaps, but it's not terribly transparent to anyone except those writing it :(09:46
Hobbseescizzo-: there might be a ML as well09:46
HobbseeBUGabundo: heh09:46
scizzo-Hobbsee: aaa thanks09:46
scizzo-oooo right09:49
scizzo-BUGabundo: there was some talk about IPv6 enabling/disabling also yesterday I believe09:49
scizzo-BUGabundo: think that it was bug reported also09:49
BUGabundoscizzo-: see the specs in the wiki09:49
BUGabundohttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD/Comments and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD/09:50
scizzo-BUGabundo: cheers09:50
BUGabundoscizzo-: I thought IPv6 bug had been fixed.... bah09:50
BUGabundojaunty *was* supposed to a be a bug fix release09:51
scizzo-!bug #31321809:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 313218 in glibc "IPV6 causes slow internet access" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31321809:51
BUGabundonow we are swanped in bugs09:51
BUGabundoeven the new fonts and DPI have been reverted09:51
BUGabundoaudio is going to be fixed as SRU09:51
BUGabundoFF 3.5 won't come in09:51
BUGabundoand OSD is buggy09:51
scizzo-!bug #33748809:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 337488 in linux "Internet / Network delays or pauses continuously" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33748809:52
BUGabundoohh NV and ATI are buggier then ever09:52
BUGabundoglad we are alpha testers09:52
BUGabundoin one month and one week we will all be using koala09:52
BUGabundoscizzo-: I would recommend you to subscribe to those wikis09:53
BUGabundoMPT keeps changing them on a daily bases09:53
b3rz3rk3rhey all, if i install the 9.04 alpha can i just upgrade to full release via patches when it comes out?09:53
scizzo-BUGabundo: will do09:54
BUGabundob3rz3rk3r: YES09:54
BUGabundoHobbsee: can you change /topic?09:54
BUGabundowe need to post that info on Topic09:54
BUGabundoppl keep asking it09:54
BUGabundooh look wgrant is here today!09:55
HobbseeBUGabundo: write a factoid for it instead, probably - topic is already pretty long09:55
b3rz3rk3rBUGabundo, awesome, how is 64bit support coming alone these days? i recall programs like Skype and flash video on firefox refused to work a few releases ago, and i ahvent checked since...?09:55
BUGabundois that something for the bot?09:55
wgrantBUGabundo: I've been in here for a month or so, IIRC.09:55
scizzo-BUGabundo: yes09:55
BUGabundoskype works (but I can't record audio)09:55
scizzo-BUGabundo: its a bot information thingy09:55
BUGabundoflash works09:56
wgrantI have no topic privs.09:56
BUGabundoagain no Mic support09:56
wgrantI am a mortal on IRC.09:56
b3rz3rk3rso worth another you think?09:56
BUGabundowgrant: I used to see you very active on hardy and ibex cycle09:56
BUGabundoduring jaunty you were very quiet09:56
BUGabundoonly now I saw you here heeh09:56
BUGabundob3rz3rk3r: always!09:57
BUGabundojaunty is Da Bomb09:57
BUGabundook, back to mail! bbl09:57
b3rz3rk3rthx BUGabundo09:57
wgrantBUGabundo: Burnout ftl!09:58
BUGabundoho and if anyone see dtchen let me know! need to debug flash Mic (can't do my presentations/podcast without it)09:58
* BUGabundo recons its too soon for dtchen... 18h GMT will be much better09:59
* BUGabundo regrets having subscribed to Bug 14845409:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 148454 in consolekit "console-kit-deamon spawns too many threads" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14845409:59
TuTUXGhow to permanently change swappiness in 9.04?10:00
BUGabundoTuTUXG: what?10:01
=== DJones_ is now known as DJones
TuTUXGBUGabundo, the default swappiness (60) is too high for me10:01
BUGabundowhats that?10:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about swappiness10:02
nanomadTuTUXG: edit /etc/init.d/rc.local10:02
BUGabundothe value of stuff to keep in swap?10:02
TuTUXGnanomad, thanks10:02
nanomador create a rule in /etc/sysctl.d/10:02
nanomad(the second one is better IMHO)10:03
TuTUXGnanomad, ok, i will try that10:03
scizzo-BUGabundo: you change the swapiness value for performance AFAIK10:04
BUGabundocan any one using kmail confirm it shows up on every dekstop/workspace?10:05
BUGabundoscizzo-: I have 4GiBs of RAM and 8 of swap! I couldn't care less10:05
scizzo-BUGabundo: hehe10:05
BUGabundo-/+ buffers/cache:    2088576    190040010:05
BUGabundosee ? most of it is Cache10:06
scizzo-BUGabundo: yeah but for us poor people who still are using old machines... :P10:06
BUGabundoho come on10:06
BUGabundoa fresh boot of jaunty only takes 340 MiBs10:06
BUGabundoI tested it on many many machines during my classes10:06
scizzo-true very true10:06
scizzo-I am pulling your leg a little here... ;)10:07
BUGabundoseveral users have confirmed to me that Jaunty is much faster then ibex10:07
BUGabundoSerious bug: need confirmation:10:27
BUGabundoOOo Calc no longer allows to drag a cell?????10:27
nanomadBUGabundo: works fine here10:30
nanomadlp bug number?10:30
BUGabundomajor security bug on gwibber. making a big Search lead to ubuntu reboot #DoS10:37
zirodayIs it possible to migrate a ext3 system to ext4?10:44
BUGabundoziroday: yes10:44
zirodayBUGabundo: link?10:44
ziroday(would be helpful)10:45
BUGabundodon't have it with10:46
BUGabundobit busy debuging a DoS on Jaunty10:46
zirodayBUGabundo: any ideas what to google for?10:46
BUGabundomigrate a ext3 system to ext410:46
RAOFext4 wiki fs.  it's on kernel.org, IIRC.10:46
zirodayRAOF: danke10:47
zirodayah, forgot about the whole needing to setup a seperate boot partition10:49
BUGabundoziroday: there's no need for thar10:49
zirodayBUGabundo: but legacy grub doesn't support ext4, no?10:49
BUGabundoit does on jaunty10:50
zirodayBUGabundo: awesome10:50
zirodaywell time to break my laptop10:50
Amaranthziroday: You just mount as ext4 and then fsck it10:52
zirodayAmaranth: got it10:52
AmaranthDon't even have to fsck it, that just puts in some of the stuff that makes it better10:53
Amaranthwell, obviously you'd actually fsck it first :P10:53
zirodayAmaranth: well I'm converting the entire disk so running the tune2fs whatever, fsck then reboot10:53
zirodayand it should work10:53
zirodayin theory10:53
zirodayoh and changing fstab10:53
Amaranthziroday: You'll still miss out on extents for files you already have on the disk though10:54
zirodayAmaranth: thats fine, they appear for newer files correct?10:54
* Hobbsee copied /home all across the network, then copied it back, to avoid that, and just reinstalled beyond that10:54
* Amaranth burned /home to DVD and reinstalled10:54
zirodayack now I want to reinstall10:54
AmaranthCan't get a 20 second boot without it :P10:55
zirodayAmaranth: hate you10:55
* ziroday goes reinstall10:55
BUGabundoAmaranth: really?10:56
BUGabundomine is 75 sec10:56
AmaranthBUGabundo: Someone posted a bootchart10:57
AmaranthI think mine is probably more like 30, dunno10:57
BUGabundoAmaranth: I can post mine10:58
zirodayI can trim mine on my aging laptop to ~2511:01
Amaranthziroday: afaik this was stock though11:01
zirodaybut from suspend its 5 seconds11:01
zirodayAmaranth: ah right11:01
zirodayAmaranth: during a readahead profile was the biggest improvement, and its easy to do11:01
rconanwhy do people care about boot time? suspend resume time is negligable and bootup happens once a week or so11:01
zirodaybut gnome still takes ~20-30secs to startup11:01
zirodayrconan: cause on some laptops even in suspend battery usage is too high, as well as for some laptops suspend is borked11:01
* rconan hadn't considered laptops11:01
zirodayrconan: and places where electricity costs a fortune you shutdown alot, and watching it startup drives you nuts11:01
BUGabundorconan: Hibernate and resume (without compressions) take 1:30 on my laptop11:01
BUGabundowith compression (uwsup) it drops to 15/20 sec resume11:01
rconanI suspend if I have to but rarely do either11:01
rconanlaptop gets suspended all the time11:01
rconannever shut down or hibernated11:01
BUGabundonacho_: hey11:02
BUGabundorconan: lucky you11:02
BUGabundomine after 2 or 3 gets tooooo slowwwww11:02
nacho_releated to this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule jaunty beta should be released, is it?11:02
rconanerm... not til tomorrow...11:02
rconannacho_: bear in mind timezones11:03
nacho_I wanna change from 64 to 3211:03
rconanwhy so?11:03
nacho_rconan, 32 goes faster, it takes less battery11:03
rconanseems a little odd11:03
nacho_rconan, seems and it is11:04
rconani suspect you might find it's not really noticeable11:04
nacho_rconan, I already tested it and indeed there is a big difference11:04
rconanfair enough11:04
nacho_I've been using 64 for a year or so11:04
nacho_and I can say that 32 gives less trovels11:05
rconannever looked into relative battery life as my laptop is only 32-bit11:05
rconanbut always used 64-bit on my desktop11:05
rconanthat said speed is not so much of an issue on a 4GHz quad core11:05
nacho_rconan, I can imagin that all this battery life thing is because of the nvidia drier11:05
rconannvidia drivers suck11:06
BUGabundonacho_: Fake!11:06
nacho_what's fake?11:06
BUGabundoI haven't noticed that11:06
nacho_I did11:06
BUGabundobut maybe your system has something diff11:07
BUGabundoI would open a bug11:07
BUGabundoand ask kernel team to help debug11:07
nacho_it is a dell m153011:07
BUGabundoapw: are there any reports of battery life being diff from 32 to 64 bits?11:07
apwnot that i have seen.  battery life on my 64 laptop is good11:07
fosco_don't think so11:07
BUGabundonacho_: are you sure you can reproduce it?11:08
BUGabundowith to daily live cds?11:08
nacho_BUGabundo, if it was just me, I wouldn't say anything but I tried with 2 m153011:08
nacho_same thing in ubuntu and debian11:08
BUGabundo1st time I hear anyone mention that11:08
nacho_with ubuntu 64 I have more or less 30 minutes less than with ubuntu 3211:09
nacho_same in debian11:09
BUGabundocan you boot from two livecds and leave the battery dry?11:09
BUGabundoand clock it?11:09
BUGabundoand then file a bug on LP11:09
nacho_I can imagin two things: first a kernel thing, and 2th a problem in the nvidia drvier11:09
BUGabundoadding your logs11:09
BUGabundothe livecd won't have the NVidia driver11:09
BUGabundoso it should allow us to compare11:09
nacho_If I have time I'll do it11:09
peppotwhere is udev permissions in jaunty?11:13
peppot all there is in /etc/udev is rules.d with 70-persistent-cd.rules and 70-persistent-net.rules11:14
peppotwell, I'll attempt putting raw1394:root:video:0640 on a line in a new 40-permissions.rules11:19
peppotthat most likely won't work eh11:21
scizzo-I wonder11:32
scizzo-the open source driver for nvidia11:32
scizzo-wouldn't that be a good driver for having against the live CD?11:33
* scizzo- is brainstorming a bit here11:34
scizzo-BUGabundo: what Graphicscard are you having?11:35
BUGabundoscizzo-: no closed drivers on cd/dvd11:40
scizzo-BUGabundo: I said open source11:41
scizzo-BUGabundo: aaa you mean no "specific" driver..?11:41
BUGabundoscizzo-: I thought you said Closed11:46
scizzo-BUGabundo: no I mean the Nouveau driver11:46
scizzo-however it seems to not be really good and ready11:47
BUGabundoits nice... it _works_11:48
scizzo-BUGabundo: sweet12:05
scizzo-BUGabundo: has a little development needed maybe?12:06
BUGabundodon't know12:06
thewrathwhere am i supposed to post information on jaunty12:10
thewrathin teh forum12:10
BUGabundothewrath: please explain!12:11
* BUGabundo doesnt use forums12:11
Picithewrath: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=35212:11
thewrathi know wrong forum12:12
thewrathi apologize12:12
thewrathwhat do you guys think12:14
thewrathsomethign with my computer or something with the wubi12:14
thewrath /leave12:37
bluefoxxSo anyone alive in here to suggest some minimium specs for this release?12:45
BUGabundobluefoxx: yep12:49
BUGabundowe are here12:49
fosco_bluefoxx: same as intrepid12:50
bluefoxxBUGabundo: and minimium reccomended specs for that were?12:50
BUGabundowell min specs are 4GiBs HD and 380 MBs RAM12:50
bluefoxxsorry, i've been away from linux for the last year, and finally have a somewhat decent spare box, and need to do some programming-ish stuff12:50
BUGabundorecommend would be 8GiB HD plus 2GiBs for swap and 512-1G RAM12:50
bluefoxxfigured it a good time to get back into this stuff12:50
bluefoxxOk, so a dual 1.4 p3 with 2 gigs is plenty than right?12:51
fosco_far enought12:51
BUGabundoto be on the safe side 20GiBs plus 2-4GBs RAM and a GPU and you are done!12:51
BUGabundoopps forgot netword card eheh12:51
bluefoxxand should i ever decide to tear away from windows and it's tempting games on this box, a p4-3.2 HT and 2 gigs would be a breeze with it than :D12:51
bluefoxxok, thanks guys12:52
BUGabundowelcome back12:52
BUGabundoany questions you have, ask at will12:52
BUGabundoand please read the release notes12:52
BUGabundolet me get the links12:52
bluefoxxdownloading the torrent now...12:52
bluefoxx1.5MB/s goodness :D12:52
BUGabundoyou can get a daily image12:52
BUGabundoand then rsync the changes12:52
BUGabundoVolkodav: english please! see12:53
Volkodavwrong window12:55
ruthgardGood day13:00
ruthgarddo you have your hands full packaging the Beta? :)13:00
bluefoxxgood morning13:00
Guest69020hi everyone13:02
ruthgardOn the releasenotes for all the alphas there have been talk about maby creating a new notification function for Jaunty, is it known if it will be included or not yet?13:02
Guest69020i am on jaunty13:02
ruthgardHello Guest6902013:02
Guest69020and i have a (little) problem13:02
Guest69020hello ruthgard13:02
Guest69020can i ask?13:03
ruthgard:) sure just ask :)13:03
dns53don't ask to ask a question, just ask it13:03
Guest69020i installed serpent and don't works for me13:03
Guest69020i installed serpentine and don't works for me13:03
ikoniaGuest69020: how did you install it ?13:04
Guest69020with apt-get install13:04
ikoniaGuest69020: which package vesion did it install ?13:04
ikonia(dpkg -l shows the packages installed)13:04
* BUGabundo lunch13:05
ikoniaGuest69020: one moment13:05
ikoniathat appears to be the current version, I thought it had got updated recently, what is the issue with it ?13:06
Guest69020it gives me an exception when i execute it13:07
Guest69020Traceback (most recent call last):13:07
Guest69020  File "/usr/bin/serpentine", line 109, in <module>13:07
Guest69020    assert path.isdir(locations.lib)13:07
Guest69020for you does it works?13:08
ikoniaI've not got it installed here13:09
Guest69020maybe it is my fault  because before today i coldn't install it in no way because it depended on python-4suite-xml which was broken13:10
Guest69020so i tried to compile a  version of python-4suite-xml13:11
ikoniathats silly to do on unstable development boxes13:11
ikoniayou're fighting against a moving target13:11
Guest69020compiled serpentine13:11
Guest69020and installed13:11
Guest69020today they have fixed the error in python13:12
ikoniayou're not on a sane box13:12
Guest69020and i installed the new version with apt13:12
ruthgardGuest69020, I would recommend to go back to Intrepid or wait a month :)13:13
Guest69020now the problem is that with apport i filed a bug report13:13
ikoniaGuest69020: your bug reports will be invalid13:13
Guest69020and maybe serpentine works perfectly13:13
ikoniaGuest69020: your bug reports will be invalid13:13
Guest69020for you does it works?13:14
ikoniaI don't have it installed, I just said that13:14
Guest69020do you know how can i remove completely the old version  of serpentine  and of python-4suite-xml so i can have a clean installation13:16
ikoniaGuest69020: I would suggest you re-install 9.04 and not compile things by hand to keep a sane platform for testing13:16
Guest69020reinstall everything???13:17
ikoniaGuest69020: yes13:17
Guest69020a drastical solution. i do it in windows when something goes bad, but i am  in linux now13:18
ikonialinux/windows has nothing to do with it13:18
Guest69020when you do a error you reinstall everything?13:19
ikoniaGuest69020: no13:19
ruthgardYou should allso be able to reinstall all the packages if you know all that has been affected13:19
ikoniaGuest69020: but I don't use a development system for important data, and I don't put things on the machine that I don't know how to maintain13:19
TheInfinityGuest69020: but you get a defined plattform if you reinstall. thats alpha testing as its in every os.13:20
Guest69020can't i simply delete the old installation?13:20
ikoniaGuest69020: what did it install - and where did it install ?13:20
Guest69020it's in /usr/local13:20
ikoniaGuest69020: what is - and where in /usr/local/ ?13:21
ikoniaGuest69020: and what else is now linked against it ?13:21
Guest69020i tried to install python-4suite-xml but i think it doesn't worked13:22
ikoniasafer to re-install from what you are aying13:22
Guest69020then i installed serpentine in /usr/local with the command python setup install13:22
ikoniaGuest69020: you have no idea what that it installed or what it did13:23
Guest69020i know that everything it installed is in /usr/local13:24
Guest69020python-4suite-xml did'n't compile13:25
Guest69020so it is not installed13:25
robertjhrmm, on the beta adding a task list results in an infinite number of task list items being added13:26
Guest69020is there a command like make uninstall to remove a python package?13:27
ikoniaGuest69020: re-install 9.0413:28
Guest69020serpentine install things in /usr not in /usr/local so there should be no conflict13:31
Guest69020maybe doing python setup uninstall?13:31
Guest69020the most drastical thing i can do is to remove manually files in  /usr/local13:34
Guest69020after all in a clean installation of ubuntu  are there these files?13:35
Guest69020so i haven't to reinstall everything :)13:36
Guest69020but i wanted to know  this13:37
Guest69020the reason serpentine  don't work13:37
ikoniaGuest69020: re-install 9.0413:37
Guest69020is that is my fault13:37
Guest69020or there is a bug in serpentine13:37
ikoniaGuest69020: re-install 9.04 - and re-test13:38
Guest69020could you be so kind to install serpentine and do it for me?13:39
ikoniaGuest69020: I can't at the moment13:40
ikoniaGuest69020: I suggest you re-install 9.04 and re-test13:40
ikoniaGuest69020: if you want to help with the bug testing - this is what it involves13:40
Guest69020i wanted to help13:40
ikoniaGuest69020: so you need to do a sane test13:40
Guest69020but i don't want to reinstall everything :(13:41
ikoniathat's a big part of testing pre-release software13:41
Guest69020how can i remove the bug i filed on launchpad with apport?13:42
ikoniamark it as not an issue13:42
Guest69020is there someone here that is running jaaunty and today has installed serpentine?13:45
Guest69020does it works?13:45
Guest69020to me it gives me this error Traceback (most recent call last):13:47
Guest69020  File "/usr/bin/serpentine", line 109, in <module>13:47
Guest69020    assert path.isdir(locations.lib)13:47
ikoniaGuest69020: we've just gone through this13:49
ikoniaGuest69020: YOU need re-install jaunty to get a sane platform and YOU need to re-test13:49
Guest69020ikonia i thank you for your suggestion to reinstall everything, but now i am not speking with you. maybe there is someone else that have serpentine installed and i wanted simply to know if it works or not  so i can be helpful13:52
ikoniaGuest69020: asking someone else if it works is not helpful13:52
ikoniaGuest69020: you have found a possible - but doubtful bug13:52
ikoniait would be helpful to create a sane platform and test it13:52
ikoniaGuest69020: tis is part of testing the bugs and reporting them correctly13:52
ikonia"this" sorry not tis13:53
Guest69020if it works i remove the bug i filed from lanchpad13:53
ikoniaGuest69020: so you test it and remove the bug13:53
ikoniaGuest69020:  I strongly suggest you remove the bug now until you can verify it on a sane platform13:53
ikoniaGuest69020: as your platform is tainted it will be invalid by default, so removing it now will stop the waste of peoples time looking at it13:54
Guest69020how can i do that (but maybe there is a bug, do you know? don't will be more helpful if someone with a not "tainted" (my ubuntu installation is not tainted) installation say to me if there is a bug or not? if i had to reinstall everything there would be a loss of time (first i have to backup everything and then to reinstall: 2 hours))13:59
ikoniaGuest69020: two hours well spent13:59
bluefoxxHeres a small issue: in the map when attempting to install, I couldn't click on Vancouver.13:59
ikoniaGuest69020: plus a sane platform will allow you to do other tests without them being tainted13:59
* bluefoxx liked the time zone map style of the ibex installer better14:00
Guest69020my platform is sane14:00
ikoniaGuest69020: no it's not14:00
ikoniaGuest69020: you've got custom compiled stuff on there14:00
Guest69020can't i compile in ubuntu?14:00
Guest69020i'm not on windows14:01
ikoniaGuest69020: of course you can, but logging bugs against a development addition of a platform that you're updating yourself is counter productive and pointless14:01
bluefoxxIt wants to erase my disk by default?14:01
ikoniaGuest69020: stop refering to windows - no-one said anything about windows, yet you keep bringing it up14:01
charlie-tcabluefoxx: there was a bug on that in launchpad. Trying to get the cities in the right zones14:01
Guest69020i installed things in /usr/local14:01
ikoniaGuest69020: so ?14:01
ikoniaGuest69020: are you %101 that everything LINKED against libraries in /usr/local ?14:02
Guest69020in a "sane" installation there is nothing in /usr/local?14:02
bluefoxxcharlie-tca: Well In my opinion, I would say the older time zone selection worked better...14:02
ikoniabluefoxx: I would agree with that14:02
charlie-tcamine too. But this is the nature of things.14:03
ikoniathings must chance14:03
charlie-tcaYou can still pick from the list, though14:03
bluefoxxI also think that having it suggest erasing your entire disk and installing as the default option might be a bad idea...14:03
bluefoxxcharlie-tca: As I wound up doing...14:03
charlie-tcaYeah, Boise is the same way. It is *way* too much work to pick it on the map14:03
charlie-tcaI don't know what the best default for partitioning would be. I normally manual partition, since I have many installs to pick from14:04
Guest69020i removed the old serpentine.py from /usr/local so when i run serpentine i run the right one14:04
ActionParsniphey all14:04
ActionParsnipwhat time is the beta out?14:04
Guest69020the traceback say mae that14:05
ikoniaGuest69020: are you %101 everything you built was linked against /usr/local or /usr/14:05
ActionParsnipi know its tomorrow14:05
* bluefoxx would have better luck playing minesweeper on a u810 using a hot dog as a stylus than selecting the right city on the installer map 14:05
Guest69020what do you mean?14:05
ikoniaGuest69020: never mind - you're wasting time14:05
ActionParsniplike is it 7am GMT, 8pm GMT14:05
Guest69020everything i built is in /usr/local14:05
ikoniaGuest69020: logging bugs against your home compiled system is a waste of peoples effort14:05
bluefoxxI do like the new nag screen telling me to choose a stronger password though...14:06
ikoniabluefoxx: thats an interesting compromise as it should be down to the user to impliment the password policy they feel best14:06
Guest69020bluefoxx: can you do me a favour?14:06
bluefoxxIf I had gone with something like 'password' or '12345678' as the password would it have told me outright, 'No!'?14:07
ikoniaGuest69020: re-install 9.04 and est it yourself14:07
bluefoxxGuest69020: depends...14:07
Guest69020do you have serpentine installled?14:08
bluefoxxI normally have a 60 char passphrase, but for a box I'm using to get back into linux with, and only briefly to do a bit of programming for my sansa on, i just used a garbage temp one...not to mention theres not many things that take a 60 character password14:08
bluefoxxGuest69020: still installing.14:08
Guest69020wow thank you14:09
ikoniaGuest69020: he's still installing the OS14:09
ikoniaGuest69020: that's why he's at the map selection screen14:09
ikoniaGuest69020: re-install 9.04 and get a sane platform back and test it yourself14:09
bluefoxxGuest69020: its getting whatever it comes with by default and whatever the dev page for rockbox tells me i need.14:09
Guest69020ikonia can i ask you a question?14:11
ikoniaGuest69020: if it's about jaunty - sure14:11
Guest69020why can't you do an apt-get install serpentine?14:11
ikoniaGuest69020: because my jaunty box is doing other tests at the moment14:11
ali1234i just tried to sudo apt-get install serpentine and it failed horribly14:11
ikoniaGuest69020: and plus as I said - it's important you get yourself a sane platform if you want to test14:11
ali1234serpentine: Depends: python-4suite-xml but it is not going to be installed14:12
popeyworks here on latest jaunty14:12
Guest69020ali1234: did you apt-get update first?14:12
Guest69020this is the reason it fails14:12
ali1234of course14:12
ali1234that is going to take a while though14:13
popeyupdate, not upgrade14:13
ali1234still gonna take a while14:13
Guest69020thank you guys14:14
ali1234what is serpentine anyway?14:14
popey!info serpentine14:14
ubottuserpentine (source: serpentine): An application for creating audio CDs. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9-5ubuntu4 (jaunty), package size 164 kB, installed size 1176 kB14:15
Guest69020it is a program i use to do gapless audio cd14:15
Guest69020a very good sofware :)14:15
Guest69020to me it gives me this error14:16
Guest69020Traceback (most recent call last):14:16
Guest69020  File "/usr/bin/serpentine", line 109, in <module>14:16
Guest69020    assert path.isdir(locations.lib)14:16
ali1234assert path.isdir(locations.lib) does look like a problem with library paths to me14:17
Guest69020did you try it?14:17
Guest69020sama error?14:17
ali1234no im still downloading package lists. can you pastebin the FULL backtrace please?14:17
Kanohi, is here somebody who likes to package a squashfs-tools snapshot?14:17
Guest69020i think this is the full backtrace14:18
Guest69020it says only this when i run it in terminal14:18
ali1234hmm... what stuff did you compile yourself?14:18
dan457In my system it warns me that it conflits with other software.  not going to uninstall something to test it atm.  i'll try on anouther box later.14:18
dan457if you complied your own, you would not have gotten that warning i'm sure.14:19
Guest69020no this is the version i  installed with apt-get14:19
ali1234ok i get the same error14:20
Guest69020so there is a bug :14:20
Guest69020ok thank you everyone14:20
dan457hmm, other box, I get unresolved dependency.  python-4suite-xml14:21
Guest69020you get this because the list of packages is not updated14:21
thewrathi have no sound in ubuntu 9.04 alpha 614:22
thewrathany comments14:22
Guest69020today they fixed a bug there was in python-4suite-xml14:22
funkyHatAm I right in thinking that fglrx is broken currently in Jaunty?14:23
Guest69020but serpentine still have bugs :(14:23
thewrathfunkyHat: yes you are corret14:23
thewrathi had that issue yesterday14:23
thewrathyou have to remove it from teh system adn restart14:23
dan457sound on new intel hd audio is a pain here.  when it works for me, but snap crackle pop.....14:23
Guest69020anyway this is the nly things don't work well in jaunty14:23
Guest69020at least for me14:24
funkyHatIs there a bug for it thewrath ?14:24
dan457ok, installed it and it crashed... sending in a report14:24
bluefoxxI do wish that the installer still tossed stuff like gparted onto the system when you installed...14:24
thewraththey do know of it14:24
thewraththat is how i found of it14:24
peppotanyone know how to make device permission settings permanent in jaunty?14:24
Guest69020is there an alternative to serpentine?14:24
ali1234Guest69020: it is crashing because /usr/bin/../lib/python2.6/site-packages/ does not exist14:24
funkyHatthewrath: do you know the bug #?14:24
bluefoxxwould be really nice to have an 'advanced' section where one could do such things as say, download packages to be installed and updates...14:25
bluefoxxlike the restricted-extras and all that...14:25
bluefoxxinstead of doing it after installing....14:25
ali1234Guest69020: if you create that dir it seems to work14:25
Guest69020thank you14:25
thewrathfunkyHat: trying to find it14:25
Guest69020how did you discover that?14:25
thewrathwhile i am looking for it can anyone help me try to get my audio back14:25
thewrathin 9.0414:26
Shane_Fagantry alt f2 and then type pulseaudio14:26
Guest69020do you   know python?14:26
thewrathi do not know no14:26
ali1234Guest69020: yes14:27
Guest69020i have to learn it :)14:27
Guest69020it is more difficult than c++?14:28
ali1234no it is much much easier14:28
thewrathno sound in 9.04 anyone have that/14:28
ali1234Guest69020: but that's off topic... i suggest #python if you want to learn it14:29
Shane_FaganI get it a few times a day its a kernel problem14:29
BUGabundothewrath: you need to install dtchen kernel images14:30
Guest69020so to suggest this solution to the developers how  can i do?14:30
Shane_FaganIf you restart pulseaudio it will get it back temporarily.14:30
Shane_Fagandtchen's fix works14:31
dan457current pulse is buggy as hell.14:31
dan457if you compile the dev version, it works better with newer hdaudio hardware.14:31
dan457or just wait for a few weeks.. lol14:32
ali1234Guest69020: that isn't a fix, it is a work around. you need to find out why the directory doesnt exist for py2.6 (it exists for 2.5) and why serpentine needs to check that it exists. only when you can answer those questions can you suggest a proper fix14:32
thewrathBUGabundo: it says an older version is avilable in a software channel14:32
bluefoxxshould work fine with an ancient generic creative card14:32
Shane_FaganIs compiz working for anyone else?14:33
thewrathgenerally yoiu are reocmmend to isntall the verson formt eh software channel, since iti s ually better supported14:33
thewrathShane_Fagan: in 9.04?14:33
BUGabundothewrath: and its true14:33
Guest69020i understand14:33
BUGabundodownlload all files for your arch14:33
BUGabundoand then install14:33
Shane_Fagan9.04 yep14:33
bluefoxxsound in my box something thats on par with onboard, but the machine itself doesn't even have that....14:33
thewrathso should i not do the stuff from dtchen?14:33
BUGabundoShane_Fagan: yes it works14:33
Shane_FaganIts broken for me14:34
BUGabundothewrath: please install and comment on the bug14:34
bluefoxxsince it was intended to be a server about a decade back when someone else had it...14:34
thewrathBUGabundo: can you link me tot he bug14:34
eMaXvery weird. sometimes my display starts to flicker. nvidia on thinkpad t61. when I leave it flickering for a while, like 10 secs, the laptop will just hard reset. If I send it quickly to standby and then resume, all is fine.14:35
BUGabundoits in the deb it self14:35
BUGabundobug 33081414:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 330814 in linux "snd_pcm_avail_update() returning absurd values causes PulseAudio to abort" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33081414:35
thewrathso that is the same issue as having no audio14:35
bluefoxxa pile of i/o request errors on /dev/sr0...14:37
Guest69020i haven't tried pulseaudio, alsa works good for me. what are the advantages of it over alsa?14:37
bluefoxxwhatever that was, it rebooted like it was supposed to14:37
thewrathi was told that alsa shoudl work14:38
thewrathhow do i set my audio driver14:38
BUGabundothewrath: audio properties14:39
BUGabundosystem->pref->multimedia selection14:40
thewrathBUGabundo: here is one thing14:45
thewrathwhen i plug my headphoens in it works14:46
thewrathbut my regular computer speakers donet work14:46
=== Delvien is now known as Delvien_away
BUGabundoplease state that on the bug14:47
BUGabundoand add the alsa report link14:47
s0u][ightno kernel changes?14:47
thewrathlink me again tot he bug14:48
thewrathmy ff closed unexpectily14:48
dan457your speakers broken?  or are you headphones usb?14:51
ubottuUbuntu bug 348480 in ubuntu "unable to set custom window manager" [Undecided,New]14:51
BUGabundobug 33081414:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 330814 in linux "snd_pcm_avail_update() returning absurd values causes PulseAudio to abort" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33081414:51
thewrathhttps://launchpad.net/bugs/330814 that bug?14:51
ubottuUbuntu bug 330814 in linux "snd_pcm_avail_update() returning absurd values causes PulseAudio to abort" [Low,Fix committed]14:51
BUGabundothewrath: download http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh14:51
BUGabundochmod it to have X14:51
BUGabundoand run it14:51
BUGabundocopy the link provided to the LP bug and state your prob14:52
cyberixMy bug is about regression that might have an effect on a relatively large population of user. Luckily not the least technical ones.14:54
thewrathBUGabundo: i just run it by typing ./alsa-inf.sh14:57
thewrathstupid BUGabundo you there14:59
thewrath http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=4524b0993bb6c2d313cdcf6588e18ddda53ac42314:59
BUGabundothewrath: I think you still need to chmod it14:59
BUGabundoI have no use for it14:59
BUGabundoits the audio team that does14:59
thewrathoh ok15:00
thewrathso for bug 330814 reply with that link?15:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 330814 in linux "snd_pcm_avail_update() returning absurd values causes PulseAudio to abort" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33081415:00
BUGabundoand your prob15:01
SeanTaterJaunty installed GRUB over my XFS superblock. (XFS had the whole disk) Is it safe to repair XFS or will that kill GRUB?15:15
BUGabundoSeanTater: should be safe15:16
BUGabundolivecd or recovery console?15:16
BUGabundoand xfs_repair should do much harm15:16
SeanTaterRight now, it's fully installed and I'm on a normal desktop15:17
SeanTaterIt boots up but XFS is dead15:17
SeanTater(XFS isn't my primary drive)15:17
SeanTaterSo I can run xfs_check but not xfs_repair?15:18
dan457boot from a live CD and run both.15:19
SeanTaterI can do that, but since it's not mounted, it's on another disk, and the data is not that crucial, wouldn't it be the same run from a normal install?15:21
MTecknologyHow do I grab the source of a package?15:31
tomsdaleAnyone with a Dell Laptop with an alps touchpad? There are a couple of bugs regarding this touchpad in launchpad but no clear future. What can I do to get this issue moving in jaunty?15:32
funkyHatMTecknology: apt-get source package15:32
funkyHatMTecknology: (no need for sudo)15:32
MTecknology!find pam_cracklib15:34
ubottuFile pam_cracklib found in libpam-cracklib, libpam-doc, libpam-modules15:34
MTecknologygrabbing a massive bzr branch just so I can make a patch to a spelling error on a bug over a year old....15:39
BUGabundoMTecknology: eheh15:40
MTecknologyGREAT... grep won't even find the file for me15:41
tomsdalei found a bugfix for the touchpad issues in a diff file for linux-2.6.27/drivers/input/mouse/alps.c. Can I apply this in my jaunty installation - how?15:44
MTecknologyit's the blueprints15:46
MTecknologywrong chan15:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 29661015:47
tomsdalebug 29661015:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 296610 in linux "ALPS DualPoint Touchpad flaky performance" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29661015:47
nemoI've been getting "Apt Authentication Issue" notifications a lot lately.15:50
nemolike. last couple of days15:50
nemoI'm pretty sure the network over here hasn't changed recently.15:51
nemois anyone else experiencing these?15:51
BUGabundonemo do you use any PPA?15:51
unixdawgok who broke yakuake15:52
unixdawgi cant change any of the settins in yakuake now it crashes15:53
tomsdaleCan I apply a .diff patch for a mouse driver for kernel version 2.26.27 to a jaunty 2.26.28-11 kernel. Do I have to recompile the kernel? little help please ...15:59
rconanis it deliberate that you can no longer drag and drop panels?16:00
BUGabundorconan: you mean top and bottom? I can16:00
rconanso you can drag your top panel and put it at the side16:01
BUGabundolet me try to be sure16:02
BUGabundono I can't!16:02
BUGabundoI used to be able to do it16:02
BUGabundognome 2.26  bug?16:02
rconanor "feature"16:03
BUGabundoexactly what I said to seb12816:03
BUGabundorconan: please file a bug and sub me to it16:03
=== Delvien_away is now known as Delvien
BUGabundoI'll make it move16:04
ikoniatomsdale: no the 2.6.27 patch should not be applied to a 2.6.28 kernel16:04
ikoniatomsdale: you need to check it's compatability16:04
rconanBUGabundo: just checking there isn't already one16:05
nemoBUGabundo: you know. I might. *checks*16:05
BUGabundonemo could be that16:06
BUGabundosince now PPAs are PGP signed16:06
BUGabundoplease pastebin your sources.list16:06
MTecknologypatch submitted with it - hopefully they'll commit this before yet another year passes16:07
nemoBUGabundo: http://m8y.org/tmp/sources.txt16:07
BUGabundorconan: (04:07:27 PM) seb128: BUGabundo: yes, use alt+dnd16:08
nemo(with comments/blank lines removed)16:08
BUGabundorconan: DON'T file that bug!16:08
rconanBUGabundo: oh... cool16:08
rconannow I can get panels on my secondary screens16:08
BUGabundonemo: nothing strange about that16:08
BUGabundocan you please change to another mirror and try to reproduce16:08
rconanalthought this looks ominous: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/27134316:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 271343 in gnome-panel "Gnome panel bugs with secondary monitor" [Low,Triaged]16:08
BUGabundomine always appear on the BIGGEST screen16:09
BUGabundothen I run compiz reload16:09
BUGabundoand have them on my laptop16:09
nemoBUGabundo: where's that? I've always used the defaults16:09
nemojust us.archive16:09
nemoto something else?16:09
nemoca.archive ? :)16:09
tomsdaleikonia: Thanks! .. so I won't try that. How do I best proceed with the issue though to work towards a fix in jaunty in the near future? This is the dell business line - a non working touchpad/stick combo in Ubuntu would be really sad.16:10
ikoniatomsdale: I would hang on the initial release then submit the patch as a back port request16:10
BUGabundonemo: System->admin->software sources16:11
BUGabundoand choose a mirror close to you16:11
BUGabundoor let the Auto find the closest (not always true)16:11
rconanhmm... maximising windows goes underneath panels on secondary screens16:11
nemoBUGabundo: trying out the automatic. thanks.16:12
nemowill try to use my judgement on result - like, I don't even know why it is bothering with italy :)16:12
tomsdaleikonia: so in order to actually get a working patch I better get in contact with the original author and ask him whether he could write another fix for the 2.26.28 kernel series?16:12
tomsdaleright now there is only a patch for
ikoniatomsdale: no, I'd submit the patch to the kernel team to let them evaluate it's compatability16:13
FFEMTcJthe beta is still on schedule for release tomorrow correct?16:13
rconanyeah but don't hold your breath16:13
rconanit could be any time tomorrow16:13
darthanubisI was wonder why no recent updates16:14
FFEMTcJim at work tomorrow, so it doesnt really matter to me16:14
rconandon't wanna hear no "it's midnight where is it?" going on16:14
Machtintrying to give all users read-permission for a folder - i'm using dolphin to do so.. and chmod -R a+r /path/to/folder/ neither works? what's wrong with that?16:14
darthanubisit's beta time yea!16:14
rconani've never used prebeta before16:14
FFEMTcJleave for work tomorrow at 630am and will get home friday at about 10 am..16:14
rconanand probably wont again16:14
tomsdaleikonia: although it's for 2.26.27? I'm not the Author of the patch - I just want to get it fixed in ubuntu.16:15
BUGabundodarthanubis: beta freeze16:15
ikoniatomsdale: I'd still submit it as is16:15
BUGabundoFFEMTcJ: get the daily today, and rsync the diff tomorrow or Friday16:15
FFEMTcJBUGabundo: ehh.. just debating installing today or waiting till saturday16:17
BUGabundoFFEMTcJ: get the daily today16:17
BUGabundoand instll16:17
BUGabundoupdates will give you the same16:17
FFEMTcJi kinda figured16:17
FFEMTcJprolly wont be many changes anyway right?16:17
nemowill 2.6.29 make it in to jaunty? there were some neat features besides the new mascot :)16:18
IntuitiveNipplejaunty is 2.6.2816:18
nemothat's been settled eh.16:19
IntuitiveNippleIt's not been in doubt16:19
FFEMTcJBUGabundo: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/jaunty-alternate-i386.iso  ?16:19
nemowell. I don't know these things16:19
BUGabundoFFEMTcJ: not alternate16:20
BUGabundoget the livecd16:20
BUGabundonemo: NO.. we will have .2816:20
BUGabundoIntuitiveNipple: [[]]16:20
tomsdaleok, thanks for your help ikonia16:20
BUGabundo !cdimage16:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cdimage16:20
FFEMTcJBUGabundo: i dont see a livecd in current16:20
BUGabundo !dailies16:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dailies16:20
BUGabundo !daily16:20
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/16:20
BUGabundoFFEMTcJ: daily live16:21
void^_hrm, gtk2-engines-pixbuf really is exceedingly slow :/16:21
JediMasterhey guys16:22
JediMasterFor the last 2 weeks or so whenever I'm watching a video in various players (e.g. mplayer command line, vlc, xbmc etc) if I pause the video for more than a few seconds and resume it again the audio starts to badly distort, like static16:23
JediMastereven quitting the player quite often doesn't fix it16:24
JediMastersomtimes restarting X fixes it, but not always16:24
JediMasterdidn't do it before about 2 weeks ago16:24
JediMasterI believe someone mentioned that it could be a problem with pulse audio before, but I can't find anything about this issue on the net16:25
JediMasteranyone got any suggestions?16:25
nemoI've had issues with sound dæmons that have sounded like that in the past16:25
nemowhere, I had to increase buffer sizes16:25
nemobut. the pause thing, never had that problem16:25
nemofor me, it was always static16:25
nemo(until I increased buffers)16:26
JediMasterhmmm, just had it again but I stopped the player for 5 minutes and it's playing ok now16:26
JediMasterhow do you increase the buffer?16:26
JediMasteris that in the pulse-audio config, or in the player's config?16:26
nemodon't remember. was years ago, and I don't even think was pulse audio - I was messing with esd at the time16:27
bluefoxicyshit hangs a lot during I/O16:28
bluefoxicythe disk just stops, CPU stops, and a program freezes for 2 minutes16:28
JediMasterwhat program?16:28
nemoBUGabundo, I switched to a specific mirror suggested by automatic - it ran through the whole update routine, which seemed to run successfully.16:29
nemoI logged out, logged back in16:29
nemoa minute later, "apt authentication issue" again16:29
nemoon the other hand, even though update manager seems to sweep through all the various repos without complaint, I've had no prompt for new packages16:30
nemoand, that's a bit unusual in jaunty.16:30
nemomeh. maybe the network here changed in some fashion - will try it again at home.16:30
IntuitiveNippleright now we're in beta freeze so don't be too surprised, treat it as a welcome break :)16:30
nemooh. well. that part is normal then16:31
nemoperhaps unrelated to the popup16:31
IntuitiveNippleI think I've only seen 4 today :)16:31
nemooh. that's 4 more than I16:31
IntuitiveNipplebut it does sound like you're experiencing some kind of network-caching issue16:31
nemoI'm noting down this command it is prompting me to run, to try it at a terminal16:31
bluefoxicyJediMaster:  THE WHOLE SYSTEM.16:31
nemosynaptic --non-interactive --update-at-startup --hide-main-window16:31
bluefoxicyJediMaster: EVERYTHING stops16:31
IntuitiveNipplecould it be a transparent proxy goinv via squid?16:31
bluefoxicyJediMaster:  Firefox greys, Xchat greys, trying to open Gnome Terminal hangs16:32
bluefoxicythen after 2 minutes, the disk starts CRANKING like crazy, gnome terminal opens, Firefox and Xchat wake back up.16:32
JediMastertested the disk?16:33
BUGabundonemo we are on beta freeze16:33
BUGabundono new packages until Friday16:33
bluefoxicyJediMaster:  it works fine under 8.1016:33
nemoI have a failed on16:33
IntuitiveNipplenemo: The reports I see on that all refer to network proxy issues16:33
nemojaunty-security/maultiverse Translation-en_US16:33
nemoperhaps that's what triggered the error16:33
* JediMaster wonders if this audio bug is going to be in the release16:33
JediMasterit makes it almost unusable16:33
nemoeverything else seems to update fine16:33
bluefoxicyJediMaster:  also, while this is happening, several programs tend to still work.  I navigated with Nautilus (which started cranking the disk running through my home directory) in the middle of this16:34
bluefoxicyafter nautilus finished hammering the disk, the system went idle again16:34
bluefoxicya little while later, the disk woke back up, and all the frozen programs started16:34
BUGabundonemo: that trans is "normal"16:34
bluefoxicythat's distinctly odd.16:34
nemook :)16:34
IntuitiveNipplenemo: see that last couple of comments on this report: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/2406116:34
BUGabundoI've been getting that for EVER16:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 24061 in update-manager "GPG error with apt-get (BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5)" [Medium,Invalid]16:34
bluefoxicytop has indicated that 2-3 programs hang in "D" state16:34
nemoBUGabundo: I hadn't looked at the list recently :)16:34
bluefoxicyalways the frozen programs16:34
nemoIntuitiveNipple: none of the comments seem to match my behaviour though - if I run apt-get update it seems to work fine16:36
nemono GPG sig complaints16:36
nemoonly this alert on startup16:36
IntuitiveNipplenemo: that alert stems from a bad signature16:36
nemobut. shouldn't I get that if I run apt-get update too?16:36
nemoI've had bad signature warnings before16:36
Machtintrying to give all users read-permission for a folder - i'm using dolphin to do so.. and chmod -R a+r /path/to/folder/ neither works? what's wrong with that?16:36
nemo(not recently, but a while ago)16:37
IntuitiveNippleMachtin: how does it not work? does it not apply the change to the files?16:38
Shane_FaganIts a pulse audio problem as well as a kernel problem. It should be fixed soon16:38
MachtinIntuitiveNipple: indeed.. although it says it does16:38
Shane_FaganWhoops was looking higher up the list16:39
Machtinhowever, might that be related to the fact that it's ntfs?16:39
* bluefoxicy re-installs ubuntu-desktop16:41
IntuitiveNippleMachtin: I think with ntfs, to translate unix to NTFS-ACLs you may need to play with the mount options16:41
bluefoxicydirect hardy -> jaunty upgrade isn't so hard :o16:41
hggdhwhat's the command-line equivalent for update-manager on a server?16:41
IntuitiveNippleapt-get upgrade16:41
hggdhto go from Intrepid into Jaunty16:41
IntuitiveNippleand apt-get dist-upgrade if there are kept-back packages16:41
arp13I'd say it's better to use aptitude update && aptitude safe-upgrade16:41
IntuitiveNippleoops... typos16:41
bluefoxicyhggdh:  ssh -XC user@yourserver -> sudo update-manager16:42
hggdhbluefoxicy, this will require X, and I do not have X on this machine16:42
arp13bluefoxicy, but what if he does not have X at serv?16:42
hggdhit is a real server16:42
hggdhdo-release-upgrade -d is what I was looking for16:43
MachtinIntuitiveNipple: hm, kay16:43
IntuitiveNippleI've just installed jaunty server on a poweredge... then moved /var to it's own LVM lv, and got myself in a right mess with /var/run and /var/lock :)16:43
BUGabundohggdh: didn't you know that?16:44
bluefoxicyor update-manager -d16:44
bluefoxicyhggdh:  no16:44
bluefoxicyhggdh:  your server doesn't need X16:44
sebsebseb 16:44
bluefoxicyhggdh:  you ssh to it from another machine on your network, and run an X program, and it runs on YOUR machine16:45
IntuitiveNippleHere's a note to remember: if ever you move /var/* from the / file-system to another one, make sure to recreate the empty /var/run and /var/lock on the / file-system so varrun and varlock tmps's can be mounted during init whilst / f-s is still read-only.16:45
bluefoxicyfirefox is awesome16:45
geniieg:  ssh -l name place -XC                      xterm appname &16:45
bluefoxicyclose it, "Do you want to save your tabs?"  "Yes."16:45
bluefoxicyopen firefox BLANK BROWSER.16:46
BUGabundoI'm playing with that right now.... but its to slow!16:46
bluefoxicybrb reboot16:46
sebsebsebso the beta is meant to be tommorow, but  I wonder if it realy will make a difference on my system or not.   Still  no shutdown or logout buttons in  the menu for me,  I  also  still have it saying  No Indicators on my top panel, even though someone suggested removing that.   Also jaunty is meant to have a new notfiication system?  That's the update system?  Well my update system is like 8.10.16:46
BUGabundobluefoxx: no need for sudo in update-manager16:46
IntuitiveNippleThe 'notification system' is notify-osd.16:47
sebsebsebIntuitiveNipple: right well what is it?16:47
BUGabundobluefoxx: bash: -c: option requires an argument16:48
IntuitiveNippleupdate is still handled by update-manager, but it no longer uses the applet-icon by default - it uses notify-osd16:48
sebsebsebIntuitiveNipple: well for updates of packages I haven't noticed any difference16:48
IntuitiveNipplesebsebseb: Read the -devel mailing list, there's been tons of discussion about these things.16:48
sebsebsebIntuitiveNipple: well I would expect the beta to fix the issues that I mentioned16:49
BUGabundosebsebseb: no changes schedule for those bugs16:49
sebsebsebBUGabundo: so people that cleanly install the beta, will also not get shut down and  log out in the menu?16:50
sebsebsebBUGabundo: and maybe even have it saying No  Indicators on the top panel?16:50
IntuitiveNippleI thought that "no indicators" thing just meant we have to use hand signals and look in the mirror16:50
BUGabundosebsebseb: I have fusa16:50
BUGabundodoesn't beta have it too?16:50
sebsebsebBUGabundo: what's fusa?16:50
IntuitiveNipplefast user switch applet16:50
sebsebsebBUGabundo: yes I have that, but the whole point is,  before I also had shut down and log out in the "normal " menu16:51
IntuitiveNippleit replaced the previous applet for the shutdown/logout menu16:51
sebsebsebBUGabundo: removing it from the "normal" menu is stupidity at it's highest, people don't want to use fusa16:51
BUGabundofine by me16:52
sebsebsebfusa  can go f itself as far as I am concenred, it's just for now I have to use it.16:52
BUGabundo"Works For Me" TM16:52
BUGabundobluefoxx: bash: -c: option requires an argument16:52
sebsebsebwell or add a shut down log out button to my panel.  or  use the terminal to shut down16:52
bluefoxicyThe first thing I do after booting is run top.16:52
bluefoxicyAs soon as I'm logged in.16:52
bluefoxicyinside gnome-terminal.16:52
bluefoxicyanyone see a problem?16:52
sebsebsebno shut down  and log out,  in applications, places, system,  really does stand out to me as the missing thing16:53
sebsebsebbefore there was  that, and fusa,  that's good to have both16:53
bluefoxicysebsebseb: try log out vs shutdown in that menu16:53
IntuitiveNipplebluefoxicy: have you tried using iotop?16:53
bluefoxicysebsebseb:  logout gives you 60 seconds to cancel16:53
sebsebsebIntuitiveNipple: there is no log out in the "normal" menu anymore, and there must be,  or people will think Ubuntu is stupid16:53
sebsebseband yes I know about the auto shut down stuff16:53
sebsebsebI  had that from the normal menu in  8.10, but everything in one thing16:54
sebsebsebtrying to force people to use fusa is stupidity.   also people that are new to Ubuntu won't even notice/know what that green icon is for16:54
amortvigillol everykey i touch for more than 2 sec wil restart x16:54
sebsebsebpeople that are new to  Ubuntu will know menus, because of Windows, and so will expect shutdown and log out,  in the  Applications  Places System menu16:55
sebsebseband  then anyone who   had tried a previous release, and then were to use 9.04 and find out no shut down and log out buttons in the "normal" menus, will think WTF?16:56
ikoniasebsebseb: I've asked you before to control the language16:56
ikoniasebsebseb: think about what we disscussed before speaking16:56
sebsebsebikonia: heh sorry16:56
ikoniasebsebseb: I'm not laughing - you got a pretty clear warning16:56
sebsebsebikonia: my bad,  yeah this channel same rules,   sometimes can forget16:57
ikoniano sweat16:57
ikoniaeveyone slips up16:57
sebsebsebI  am  getting used to using fusa, but I would like  shutdown and  logout in the normal   Applicaitons Places System like before, as well16:58
IntuitiveNipplesebsebseb: The whole point of the development cycle is to discuss try these things. It's no good coming in at the end of the cycle and expecting changes. You've got to be involved all the way along - and even then other views may prevail16:59
hggdhfinally I got control back....16:59
IntuitiveNipplehggdh: ? fighting you was it?16:59
sebsebsebIntuitiveNipple: sure, but  I think I had it in alpha616:59
hggdhbluefoxicy, to answer you: this server had no SSH access16:59
sebsebsebIntuitiveNipple: before some update that was pretty recant16:59
IntuitiveNipplesebsebseb: my point is, the plans for these changes were laid months ago17:00
hggdhBUGabundo, for you: I had forgotten -- I do not use to upgrade versions in servers that frequent ;-)17:00
sebsebsebIntuitiveNipple: also I expect it's not a feature that is difficult to program back in :)17:00
bluefoxicyhggdh:  ah ok17:00
IenorandI am actually okay with fusa, at least at the moment... But what is annoying is that there is no simple way to EDIT the system menu! As long as it's possible to easily revert they can remove things as far as I'm conc.17:00
amortvigilwhat is fusa?17:00
BUGabundoamortvigil: Fast User something17:01
hggdhIntuitiveNipple, lessons learned: it is not a Good Idea (TM) to run an upgrade on a VirtualBox image while running X. At least on VBox 2.1.4,, Linux 2.6.29, and Jaunty17:01
Ienorand...switching applet17:01
BUGabundoIenorand: prob is you can't reach it with keyboard17:01
sebsebsebif 9.04 isn't good enough,   I might even go back to Hardy  or  distro change.   all releases of Ubuntu have been so similar since Gutsy.   sure they improve, but nothing major17:01
hggdhso while I was upgrading the server, I decided to also upgrade an Intrepid image on my laptop... and the image grabbed control of my keyboard, and would not release it anyway17:02
IntuitiveNipplehggdh: eeeek!17:02
IenorandBUGabundo: True... although Ctrl-alt-del does exist still....17:02
hggdhyay... 20 minutes locked out17:03
sebsebsebthe fast user  switcher is a bit silly, for one user systems also17:03
hggdhsebsebseb, not really. I use it to test things on a clean account17:04
sebsebsebI guess there must be some way for  users, to  be able to add shut down and  logout  back into the normal  aplications places system menu?17:04
Ienorandsebsebseb: SInce it's meant to incorporate things like IM status it does make some sense...17:05
sebsebsebwell not everyone is even going to be using Pidgin  in Ubuntu17:05
BUGabundoIenorand: thanks for the reminder! forgot about that17:06
tgpraveenhi ppl17:06
IntuitiveNippleFUA works with xchat too.17:06
sebsebsebXchat heh17:06
sebsebsebI would rather use Konversation any day :)17:06
tgpraveeni am irritated b the 60 sec timeout that comes in jaunty when i click shutdown or restart17:06
BUGabundohggdh: I heard about that bug a while ago17:06
BUGabundoit was fixed with some X iteration17:07
IntuitiveNipplewell that or it puts the IM operations on the menu when no 'regular' IM client is active17:07
BUGabundodid it reappear?17:07
BUGabundowhat is the VM?17:07
tgpraveeni think that it is very annoyiny and is a step backwardf in terms of usability is there a bug on that?17:07
tgpraveenwhat do u ppl say? also is there a way to turn it off?17:07
thewrathwhere can i post ifnormation on the forums related to januty?17:07
IntuitiveNipplesi ti dlibertae msis sepillnig day?17:08
thewrathsorry IntuitiveNipple17:08
IntuitiveNipplethewrath: you we'ren't the first... there was a string of them... seemed like good timing17:09
thewrathi have an issue on jaunty but it deals with a wifi card17:09
thewrathcan i post that in here or on the forums under the jaunty area17:10
IntuitiveNippleyou won't be alone then, we're attacking several 'bugettes' in that area17:10
sebsebsebwell if your on 9.o417:10
sebsebsebthis is the place17:10
sebsebsebthewrath: ,but 8.10 gets wifi issues17:10
IntuitiveNippleIf it's a bug, open a bug report17:10
sebsebsebthewrath: depending on your issue, you could pretend your on still on 8.10 and get suppourted in #ubuntu I expect :d17:11
thewrathi dont feel comfortable doing the update and the patch17:12
ubottuUbuntu bug 305907 in linux "Complete system freeze when trying to connect to WPA2 network" [Undecided,New]17:12
thewrathfrom broadcom17:12
thewrathand could use some help when i am doing that17:12
thewrathbc i was running into an issue with that before17:12
hggdhBUGabundo, good to know, will look around17:13
shayaanyone here know how multi monitor support works in jaunty?17:14
sebsebsebPici: oh just a kick,  ok  i'll take that as a serious warning17:14
shayais it using xinerama?17:14
shayaI have multi monitor working17:14
shayabut not working w/ wine17:14
rconanshaya: how did you get it working?17:14
IntuitiveNippleI use multiple X screens17:14
shayadisplay applet17:14
shayaable to use openoffice multi monitor support just fine17:15
shayabut can't powerpoint in wine doesnt' see it17:15
thewrathi need to get that working on mine as well (multi monitor)17:15
rconanshaya: what does that actually do?17:15
rconanI haven't looked17:15
shayadisplay applet?17:15
shayalets you configure your displays17:16
IntuitiveNippleonly if video chipset and the monitors all support DDC and EDID17:16
IntuitiveNipplenvidia don't play nicely with that currently - have to use nvidia-settings17:17
shayaI'm using the OSS radeon driver17:17
shaya(esp as no fglrx in jaunty as of now)17:17
shayaso it works fine17:17
shayathough have to clock it back from 4x agp to 2x to ensure it doesnt hang on me17:17
shayathough that issue is now in its git repository17:17
BUGabundohggdh: what is the VM?17:20
IenorandHow do I manually download similar to "apt-get source net-tools", for example in windows? I'm assuming something should be fetched from http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/jaunty/net-tools but which file?17:21
PiciIenorand: Use packages.ubuntu.com, i.e: http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/net-tools17:22
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hggdhBUGabundo, VirtualBox 2.1.417:23
IenorandPici: And which particular is the source, there only seems to be an "original" and "diff"...17:23
PiciIenorand: Apply the diff to the original.17:24
IenorandPici: Okies, cheers17:25
BUGabundoIenorand: you can also donwload them from LP17:29
SandGorgonguys.. any alternative pdf viewer - I need to copy huge amounts of text and document-viewer is having trouble separating left and right hand columns ..17:32
thewrathis there a person in here that ic an talk to in like 20 or so minutes to help me with updating a driver, etc17:34
void^_SandGorgon: try pdftotext17:34
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ikonia!away > Delvien17:37
ubottuDelvien, please see my private message17:37
thewrathubottu: u goign ot be aroudn?17:38
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:38
SandGorgonvoid^_, : thanks.. not the best... but worked well enough for me17:39
IenorandOkay, got the diff file and the net-tools-1.60 folder... What parameters do I use with patch command to apply it to a folder? Just use folder path as original file path?17:40
IenorandThis is what I'm trying (and failing to do) http://www.mibbit.com/pb/TR8gRa17:43
void^_maybe something like cd net-tools-1.60 && patch --dry-run -p1 -i ../net-tools_1.60-21ubuntu1.diff17:48
linkinx64hello!! where can i see my brightness settings for my webcam?17:50
linkinx64is dang dark17:50
DrknezzAny chance Nix PM gets into Jaunty?17:50
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Ienorandvoid^_: Cheers, seemed to work, didn't realise stdout would be current folder...17:53
vbgunzhow can i check stuff like my writeback and elevator?17:53
PiciDrknezz: If its not there by now, then its very unlikely it will get in this release.17:54
PiciDrknezz: Do you know if there was a bug filed to have it included?17:54
DrknezzPici, not a bug report, but, it would be nice anyways17:55
DrknezzNix seems to be nice17:55
DrknezzIt would be really cool to fix dependency issues17:55
PiciDrknezz: Take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for getting new packages included in Ubuntu17:56
DrknezzNever knew 'bout that17:56
bromic94hey what happens if i have a kernal panic during recovery mode as well somethign wtih input/output error18:02
=== bromic94 is now known as thewrath
calcwow linus called ted out about the ext3/ext4 fs crap18:16
calcnice linkage on /.18:16
calc"Whoever came up with that solution was a18:16
calcmoron. No ifs, buts, or maybes about it.18:16
thewrathis jaunty still on for a release of April 23?18:19
calcthewrath: yes ubuntu generally doesn't slip, the only release that i know of that did was dapper (the first lts)18:19
Machtinhttps://wiki.kubuntu.org/FinalFreeze i like point #418:20
thewrathcalc: why was that18:20
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denndaAnybody able to install and start mpd?18:25
denndaIt always says the port is already in use (independent of the port I choose)18:25
Picidennda: Is the port you are choosing above 1024?18:28
denndaPici: Yes, even the default port already is.18:30
dennda6600 is default, I tried 6666 and 66664 as well18:30
Le-Chuck_ITAhi all, how it comes that synonims in openoffice are disabled in jaunty even though I have all the thesaurus-alike modules enabled?18:33
denndaPici: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1075843 Second posting helped18:33
Le-Chuck_ITAah no I don't have those18:34
Le-Chuck_ITAI have openoffice.org-thesaurus-en-us installed18:34
Le-Chuck_ITAbut thesaurus is disabled in ooo18:34
Le-Chuck_ITA(sorry) apt installs openoffice-org-thesaurus-en-us in place of -gb18:35
Le-Chuck_ITAand then if I use the en-gb language in openoffice, it won't do thesaurus18:36
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Le-Chuck_ITAbut I want en-gb spellchecking...18:36
DanaGI have the same issue.18:38
Stormx2Beta tomorrow, right? What sort of time will be be out? evening GMT ish, or is it hard to say?18:41
rwwStormx2: It's very hard to say.18:44
calcLe-Chuck_ITA: hmm? looking at scrollback now18:44
rwwStormx2: if you just grab an alpha 6 disc now and update it, you'll have pretty much the same thing, though (although I guess that's not useful if you want to do installer testing)18:44
calcLe-Chuck_ITA: you must have the thesaurus for the language/locale you are using18:45
Le-Chuck_ITAcalc: I actually discovered that en-us spellchecker seems to accept also -gb variants but... I have thesaurus disabled also when setting the document language to en-us!!18:45
calcLe-Chuck_ITA: so for en-gb you need the en-gb one18:45
calcLe-Chuck_ITA: hmm, let me look at my system to see if it works here18:45
Le-Chuck_ITAcalc: not only, but I actually would like -us variants of words to be underlined in red as I am italian and need to write in -gb :)18:45
Le-Chuck_ITAby the way: how it comes that tab-completion on apt now lists also installed packages?18:46
Le-Chuck_ITAI mean on apt-get iinstall18:46
calcLe-Chuck_ITA: huh?18:47
calcLe-Chuck_ITA: apt-get doesn't list already installed packages except in the autoremove section18:47
Le-Chuck_ITAcalc: perhaps my .bashrc is screwed18:47
calcoh hmm you said tab completion, i'll check that in a minute18:48
calcupdating my jaunty atm18:48
Le-Chuck_ITAdid you see if your thesaurus work?18:48
calci didn't have it installed at all on my desktop, my laptop is in the process of being reinstalled18:48
calcso i had to upgrade and install the thesaurus18:48
calci think my new laptop hard drive is about to die or something else weird :\18:49
calcBUGabundo: hi18:50
BUGabundohey calc18:50
DanaGcalc: make sure to make backups.18:50
calcBUGabundo: my laptop hd started acting up so i can't do email atm :\18:50
calcDanaG: backing it all up now actually18:51
calcDanaG: it remounted r/o earlier so i rebooted and backing it all up now18:51
danbeckGot my Mini918:51
danbeckReady for Jaunty18:51
calcthen i will be doing a security erase enhanced and full smart test on the drive18:51
BUGabundoeheh calc np18:51
calcwow the upgrade for my desktop is taking a long time18:51
calcBUGabundo: did you get your $HOME/.gvfs working?18:52
BUGabundocalc yes18:52
BUGabundoand closed the bug18:52
calcBUGabundo: ok18:52
BUGabundoneeded gvfs-fuse18:52
BUGabundonot instaled for some stupid reason18:52
Le-Chuck_ITAguys can some of you check if your thesaurus (ctrl+f7) is working in openoffice?18:52
Le-Chuck_ITAI have to leave and don't have internet connection at home :)18:52
calcBUGabundo: can you check quick? ^ i'm still upgrading mine18:52
Le-Chuck_ITAat least I want to know18:53
* BUGabundo gnome-do: word ENTER18:53
calcupgrading 200 packages takes a while :\18:53
BUGabundoctrl f7 will do nothing18:53
Le-Chuck_ITAIt is working18:53
Le-Chuck_ITAthe problem was that openoffice had set the language to en-us for every paragraph18:54
BUGabundohumm I haven't nothing instaled for it18:54
Le-Chuck_ITAsorry to en-gb18:54
calcLe-Chuck_ITA: ah ok18:54
Le-Chuck_ITAso I had to select the text and change the language for the paragraph :)18:54
calcyea you can set languages on just about everything in OOo for multilanguage support :\18:54
Le-Chuck_ITAcalc: that does not change the problem of not having an en-gb thesaurus18:54
Le-Chuck_ITAbut at least I have something... will try to avoid to look for "lift" into it :)18:54
Le-Chuck_ITAthanks all and bye18:55
calcthere might be one on the extensions website18:55
calcthere is a link to the site in the tools->extension manager18:56
Le-Chuck_ITAok thanks18:57
* BUGabundo hates SiS based Laptops19:00
macoBUGabundo: you get that link i sent you?19:00
* calc hates SiS... period19:00
BUGabundomaco I did! didn't get it dough19:00
calcbut probably not as much as i hate nvidia ;-)19:00
BUGabundocalc: we have lots of them in PT.... need to debug network19:01
BUGabundomaco: where did that come from? did i do something  I shouldn't?19:01
FFEMTcJis there any reason not to run /home on ext419:01
BUGabundoFFEMTcJ: do you have *stable* hw?19:02
BUGabundodoes it crash a lot?19:02
BUGabundoif it doesn't you are safe19:02
FFEMTcJhasnt crashed at all19:02
BUGabundoif not, then you could have some data loss, when power fails, due to bigger time slots19:02
BUGabundoto dump to disk19:02
calci would avoid ext4 until at least linux 2.6.3019:02
calcbut then i like my data19:02
calcthey fixed a lot of major issues in 2.6.29 so i would give it at least one kernel release where they aren't fixing major ext4 issues before i personally would use it19:03
FFEMTcJcalc: what about for / and have /home ext319:04
calcthere is some discussion of potentially making it default for 9.1019:04
void^_i'm testing ext4 on /19:04
calcFFEMTcJ: its up to you, i'm staying far away, i've had data eaten by not well enough tested FS before19:04
fosco__i have ext4 in / and /home with no fails at all19:04
void^_there's nothing important on / after all so i need not worry about losing data19:04
calcfedora 11 is going to default to ext4 afaik so most bugs should be shaken out by 2.6.30/31 i think19:04
BUGabundoI have / as ext3 /home as XFS19:04
calcBUGabundo: XFS was what ate my system the last time, but that was several years ago before they fixed the "big bug" :-\19:05
Hexenkinddoes anybody know wheather x-server is stable by using native nvidia drivers?19:05
calcHexenkind: "nv" or the binary only "nvidia"?19:06
void^_xfs is pretty reliable nowadays, i often use it for / and some data partitions that get a lot of usage19:06
calcHexenkind: i think nv works pretty much, the binary only ones are crap imho19:06
DanaGactually, nv is what is crap.19:06
DanaGThe quality of the binaries depends on what hardware you have.19:06
calcDanaG: at least it doesn't crash your system or not display OOo19:06
calcnvidia binary driver has always been crap... and is mentioned specifically in the ext4 thread that was on /. today19:07
DanaGOn my spare old NV17-based laptop, it crashes Xorg.19:07
Hexenkindi mean the nvidia binary19:07
DanaGPrevious versions had entirely missing text.19:07
calcDanaG: i'm still getting bug reports on OOo about the missing text problem19:07
DanaGCorrection: garbled (as in somebody taking a pen and scribbling all over it), or missing.19:07
DanaGHappened with Wine, too.  Also happened with ALL apps if I had entirely disabled font antialiasing of any sort.19:08
DanaGYeah, nvidia binary sucks rather horribly for old hardware.19:08
BUGabundocalc: aren't those nvidia bug?19:09
calchttp://lkml.org/lkml/2009/3/24/227 <- that is specifically talking about Ubuntu installing 'nvidia'19:09
calcBUGabundo: yes my point being 'nv' is much better than using the crap that is 'nvidia'19:09
BUGabundoI need to place a compiz Fire dot so I can use OOo and Kmail19:09
BUGabundoI can't run compiz extra on NV19:09
calc'nvidia' has always been extremely buggy19:09
BUGabundocan't use multimonitor with NV19:09
Machtindoes 9.04 contain ext4?19:09
calcwe can't even forward bug reports to Nvidia the company because they put a hard limit on how many reports they will allow19:10
rwwMachtin: yes.19:10
BUGabundoMachtin: Jaunty supports ext419:10
* calc was reading through some of the nvidia bug reports yesterday and found out that bit of information19:10
BUGabundocan't contain it!! ext* is a FileSystem19:10
BUGabundocalc: are you kidding me? they limit it?19:11
Hexenkindhmm ive got a dell xps m1330. it should work yet19:11
calcBUGabundo: stop abusing non-native speakers ;-P19:11
calcBUGabundo: yea19:11
BUGabundocalc: I'm non-native19:11
calcBUGabundo: i don't know what the limit is but they definitely refuse to accept over a relatively small number of bug reports19:11
calcBUGabundo: ok :)19:11
BUGabundonever been to a English speaking country either19:11
DanaGHah, with that NV17 (gotta' love that advertising a geforce2 as being newer than a geforce3!)19:12
DanaG.... I can't even use Xorg at all!19:12
Machtinsorry for sloppy message.. what i meant: when i install 9.04 from cd.. will i be able to choose ext4 as filesystem to format with, BUGabundo?19:12
DanaGLog in..... hang if compiz is enabled.19:12
DanaGIf Compiz is not enabled................ Xorg segfaults.19:12
rwwMachtin: yes, you will19:12
DanaGThaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks, nvidia!19:12
Machtinwonderful :)19:12
calcMachtin: i am pretty sure you can select it in the options for formatting if you do manual format mode19:12
* rww did it the other day19:13
BUGabundoMachtin: you have to do a manual partition schema19:13
BUGabundobut yes, you can choose Ext419:13
Machtinis there any reason not to?19:13
BUGabundoext3 is default19:13
calci am using ext4 on one of my systems but will be reformatting it to ext3 when jaunty comes out to be safe19:13
calcbeen to busy updating OOo to take the time to reinstall that one19:14
calcMachtin: ext4 is not actually stable yet, despite what sites claim19:14
DanaGIt's especially amusing if you use auto-login.19:14
Machtini see.19:14
DanaGAuto-login.  Crash.  Auto-login.  Crash.  Auto-login.  Crash.  Auto-login.  Crash.  Auto-login.  Crash.19:14
rwwMachtin: It's not supported as well as ext3, and had some teething problems. I'd recommend using ext3 unless you have a good reason not to.19:14
calcMachtin: tytso thinks its stable and got flamed yesterday on linux kernel mailing list about how it works19:14
Machtinharr, i see.19:14
Machtinokay then.. hm.19:15
calcMachtin: http://linux.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=09/03/25/020207 <- if you read through the thread you will see where Linus calls tytso (ext4 author) a moron19:15
BUGabundocalc let me disagree... ext4 is stable19:15
calcMachtin: the thread referenced to by /. not the /. thread itself19:15
BUGabundoit just changes what we are used too19:16
BUGabundoand how many apps are expecting FS to do19:16
calcBUGabundo: in a way that is not sane, which was what the previous Ubuntu bug report was about, it appears Linus finally heard about it too19:16
Machtin*will read*19:16
calcBUGabundo: filesystem should not write metadata and free old location before writing new data19:16
calcBUGabundo: which is what the entire problem boils down to and is why linus called tytso a moron19:17
calcBUGabundo: yes fsck will complete fast but then you have no ability to determine if the data on said fs is consistent19:17
calcjust that the fs thinks it is19:17
Machtinwell.. okay, i'll keep ext3 then i guess.19:18
calcMachtin: it should be sorted out in the next few months i imagine19:18
calcMachtin: probably by the time Ubuntu 9.10 comes out anyway19:18
calcBUGabundo: he patched up 2.6.29 to make it work (aiui) but that added potential deadlocks as well from what i read on lkml a few weeks ago19:19
Machtincalc: kk19:19
calcBUGabundo: which wasn't really a good fix, heh19:19
Machtinbut i guess i need to reformat then.. actually.. i'm pretty sure.19:19
* calc doesn't know what the current state of that workaround patch is now though19:19
BUGabundoguys see you tomorrow19:26
gsuvegjaunty netbook remix wokrs on my acer one :)19:36
gsuvegim happy19:36
romSince the last upgrade, I have many segfault19:42
romsudo apt-get update : segfault19:43
romccsm : segfault19:43
rom(core dumped)19:43
dan457well, beta tomorrow.  ;-)19:43
gsuvegrom, what version have u ?19:43
romalpha 619:43
FFEMTcJI thought that exchange was supposed to work on 9.0419:44
FFEMTcJwith evolution19:44
gsuvegrom, i have a6 too, and now i make upgrade :/19:44
gsuveglet me see, what happend19:44
gsuvegwe hope no segfault ;)19:45
FFEMTcJis the daily using gnome 2.26?19:46
PhotoJimgsuveg: I'm not using netbook remix, but I am running Jaunty on my AA1.  Working really well now.19:46
PhotoJimgsuveg: automatic recognition of WiFi would be good.  that's the only issue I had.  but it works well once properly configured.  and GSM modem support is fantastic.19:47
gsuvegPhotoJim, i like now remox :)19:47
PhotoJimgsuveg: I'm tempted to try it, but I know the standard interface well. :)19:47
gsuvegyes, u have rightt19:47
gsuvegin big i have the standard - only background changed19:48
gsuvegin netbook i try now the remix19:48
gsuvegPhotoJim, wifi works after blacklist19:48
gsuvegand with upgrade i install now the backport modules i hope its better19:48
PhotoJimgsuveg: yup, that's what I did to get it working.19:49
PhotoJimgsuveg: but Jaunty is the first Ubuntu I've used that automatically recognized my GSM modem, which really impressed me.  Took me under a minute to get it configured.19:49
gsuvegun intrepid ive used special kernel and soso19:49
gsuvegPhotoJim, great, what modem have u ?19:50
PhotoJimgsuveg: Novatel Ovation MC950D.  Quad-band GSM/EDGE, HSDPA/HSUPA 850/1900/2100.19:50
gsuvegah u are ein .ca19:51
PhotoJimgsuveg: it mounts as a flash drive when you first connect it (has the Windows drivers).  Eject the "CD"... and it mounts as a GSM modem.19:51
PhotoJimgsuveg: yup, but this modem is used in Europe too.  doesn't do 3G @ 900 MHz, but it does at 2100.19:51
gsuvegi have yet19:52
gsuvegbut i think to buy one19:52
gsuvegwith a prepaid card19:52
PhotoJimI highly recommend the MC950D with Linux.19:52
gsuvegi test it before buy :)19:52
PhotoJimI'm not sure the usb-serial driver is up to 7.2 Mbps yet, but other than that, it's great.19:52
PhotoJimGood plan.19:52
gsuveghere is a huawei e160 what can i buy19:53
gsuvegbut now not important, i have a few month time19:54
PhotoJimthe E160 is good, it only goes up to 3.6Mbps but it supports the same bands (2G and 3G) as mine does.19:54
gsuvegist only 80eur with card19:55
PhotoJimthat seems reasonable.19:56
PhotoJimI paid $99 Cdn for my MC950D, but 1-year contract.19:56
gsuvegyes. ive see other thwat 60 eur, and old one modem19:57
gsuveg1 Gig / 20 eur19:58
PhotoJimgsuveg: sounds like a good one to me.19:59
gsuveghow many u need to pay for 1Gig ?19:59
PhotoJimgsuveg: my data plan is variable rate.  $20 Cdn for 512MB, but it goes up as I use more data.  1 gig is $30.  5 gigs for $75.  10 gigs for $100.19:59
PhotoJim$1 Cdn ~= 0.60 EUR19:59
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:00
gsuvegPici, sry.20:00
PhotoJimPici: np, channel was silent so I didn't think it would be a problem.20:00
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rconanaynone else experienced bugs with maximising going behind gnome-panel20:05
rconanI think they might be xinerama related20:05
DanaGOh yeah, are there prepaid data plans for the USA?20:06
DanaGIf I wanted an internal data card, it'd have to be the Qualcomm Gobi, because that's the only one HP offers for my laptop.20:07
PhotoJimDanaG: I replied by PM.20:10
romall my apps segfault :(20:14
calcDanaG: in the US unlimited is ~ $60 and by unlimited they mean they will cancel your account if you go over 5GB/month20:15
DanaGyeah, expensive.20:15
calcDanaG: and you can't really get over 5GB for any price aiui20:15
DanaGNot worth the price, if both places I go (home and school) already have wifi.  =þ20:15
calcsince they already claim that is 'unlimited' which it very much is not :-\20:16
PhotoJimmaybe we should start ubuntu-gsm :)20:17
PhotoJim#ubuntu-gsm that is20:17
calcoh wow, i uh screwed up20:17
calci pulled my cdrom drive which i was booted off of out of my laptop and stuck a hard drive in place of it and did a security-erase, i was wondering why the system was acting weirdly20:18
calcapparently enough of the system is cached that the erase is working20:19
calcit appears thinkpads freezes the drives it sees on boot so i had to use the ultrabay20:19
DanaGoh yeah, handy thing to install: scsiadd.20:21
DanaGIt'll let you rescan scsi buses.20:21
o0Chris0obeta is out tomorrow right?20:22
DanaGI can also have a secondary hard drive in my laptop:  http://www.google.com/products?q=ak868ut&oe=utf-8&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wf20:23
o0Chris0ofosco_: thanks20:23
DanaGToo bad HP charges soooo much for it.. and won't sell it without a drive already in it.20:23
LordKowbeta is technically already out if you have the latest updates from the repos, since beta freeze is in effect ;)20:29
LordKowso -rfakeroot should not be needed in dpkg-buildpackage if you intend on using fakeroot and fakeroot is already installed?20:32
LordKowthe manpage for dpkg-buildpackage is leading me to believe that.20:32
cwilluLordKow, that's not really what that means20:38
cwillumajor versions, (re: betafreeze"20:39
LordKowcwillu, my point is all but extremely important fixes before beta release.20:43
LordKowthere shouldn't be any new major versions as of a while ago now.20:43
o0Chris0ohow do I enable the cube so it looks like a box and I can rotate it any direction?20:50
o0Chris0oI know20:50
o0Chris0onot asking what program to use :)20:50
o0Chris0oasking how to get it working correctly20:51
cwiAny idea what could cause brightness changes to no longer be displayed in a notification, but volume still does?20:52
hilo0Chris0o: set workspaces to 4 and activate it.20:53
cwilluLordKow, so you're willing to discount the effects of extremely important fixes by saying that a beta-freeze version is technically the same as the beta-release version?20:54
cwilluLordKow, in that case, why don't we just take the feature freeze and release ubuntu 9.04 3 months early? :p20:55
o0Chris0ohil still not working correctly, its just a straight line of 4 desktops20:55
LordKowcwillu, im looking at it from the amount of code change.20:55
cwilluLordKow, and I'm saying that amount of code change completely ignores the relative importance of those code changes20:56
o0Chris0ohil: nvm I had to enable Cube Reflection and Deformation :)20:56
hilo0Chris0o: there are 2 settings in ccsm ... desktop cube and rotate cube. need both. works also without reflections ;)20:58
o0Chris0ohil: what setting is it to make it more father way20:58
hilo0Chris0o: 'zoom' in rotate cube settings20:59
rohdefis there an ppa or something like it for Suns Java 6 u13?21:02
cwiFigured it out. Custom Icon theme trying to inherit "human" instead of "Human". notify-osd didn't pick up the theme change until the next session, so I didn't see immediate failure.21:02
o0Chris0ohil: its not zooming out for some reason21:05
hilo0Chris0o: does only when using ctrl-alt+mouse21:06
o0Chris0oyeah, its not tho21:06
XisdibikAnyone know if the sound crackling is a driver problem for alsa/pulse or if its something deeper than that?21:07
dan457pulse with newer hdaudio21:07
o0Chris0oXisdibik: its a problem with the kernel in jaunty jon #alsa and speak to dtchen :D21:07
Xisdibik:D ok thanks21:08
Xisdibiko0Chris0o, also, occasoinally i get graphical funkies on the screen, like text in Skype gets mashed into lines, and wont go away if u minimize/maximize, but if u scroll up and then scroll back down, it solves it :)21:09
Xisdibiku heard of that or experianced it at all?21:09
dtchenXisdibik: it's a kernel issue21:15
dtcheni have test kernels uploaded, but you may want to wait for me to upload my next set21:15
Xisdibikdtchen: ah ok, do you know wheen that might be? :)21:15
dtchenprobably an hour21:16
Xisdibikah ok21:16
Xisdibikill be gone by then, but i  can get it later tonight/tomorrow21:16
Machtinhm.. I have two interfaces: wlan0 and eth0, eth0 works sometimes and sometimes it doesn't - i think that's related to dlan, which i think is a bit broken.. wlan0 therefore is really screwed.. i use an AVM wlan-stick and sometimes i boot and the interface is there and sometimes it's not.21:17
Machtinwhy is that?21:17
Machtinbtw. sometimes the interface is there, but iwlist scan (as root.. or with sudo) doesn't show any networks.. and they _are_ in range.21:17
holzmodemhi, I use Jaunty with an ATI 9700m and the Xorg driver. My problem is, the system freezes 1-2 times randomly, so i have to reset hard my system. I switched from XXA to EXA but it didn't help...  what could be wrong?21:18
Machtinby "the interface is there" i mean ifconfig -a lists wlan0.. and i can see it at that icon next to my clock21:18
superdumpi've just installed the base system using the intrepid mini iso and i want to upgrade to jaunty21:19
superdumpthe do-release-upgrade method isn't working21:20
superdumpit says no new releases found21:20
superdumpand Prompt=normal is set21:20
Machtinuhm, jaunty is not released.. shouldn't upgrade therefore, should it?21:20
hggdhMachtin, you can upgrade, with the caveat that this is alpha going to beta. Also, read the title of this channel21:23
dan457hmm, alt-f2 update-manager -d21:23
dan457use at your own risk.. lol21:24
dan457still, i'd wait till tonight or tomorow so you get beta lvl21:24
Machtinhggdh: if you mean the topic: do you want to say i shouldn't ask for help with my network, since i'm using alpha?21:25
hggdhMachtin, no, you can ask. The point is things can get broken. OTH, the experience of us running alpha helps point to issues21:25
dan457since beta is almost out, i'd wait for it and try a fresh install...21:26
Machtinwonderful :) on this computer i'm not using the alpha.. but the new one 'required' it21:26
Machtindo you maybe have a clue about that wlan0-thing?21:26
hggdhI do not know what is the AVM, so I cannot really help. You do say it is a stick, so probably it is USB21:27
dan457Not me.  all the computers i've been testing lan works good... even a moble broadband device for sprint21:27
Machtinit is usb, yup.. and it's installed via ndiswrapper.21:28
hggdhso start with it unplugged; then run 'lsusb', and save the output; then plug it in, wait a few seconds, and run another 'lsusb';21:28
Machtinat this point my dad's using it without problems..21:28
hggdhwhich ndiswrapper are you using? Ubuntu's, or the upstream?21:29
hggdhCheck upstream version -- http://sourceforge.net/projects/ndiswrapper/; also read their mailing list, perhaps someone else has the same hardware21:31
hggdhI stopped using ndiswrapper sometime ago (when b43 got to be stable(r)), so I stopped worrying about it, sorry21:32
sianisasac: please review this bug #33179421:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 331794 in thunderbird "No Hungarian entry in the .desktop file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33179421:32
Machtinno need to apologize :)21:32
superdumphello again21:32
Machtinthanks! i'll check that21:32
superdumpsorry, my connection timed out21:32
dan457might want to check to see if a newer kernel supports your device.  you might not need the wrapper anymore.21:32
superdumpdid anyone add anything more?21:32
superdumpi said that i thought there should be some Prompt=next or something to allow upgrading to an as-yet unreleased version21:33
dan457superdump, have you tried alt-f2 update-manager -d21:34
superdumpi haven't installed ubuntu-desktop yet21:34
dan457ok, nvm then21:35
superdumpi wanted to upgrade to jaunty, then install ubuntu-desktop21:35
* DanaG has switched back to the old notification daemon.21:35
DanaGAaah, it's so nice not having (all those issues I've already griped about).21:35
o0Chris0odtchen: cool, your doing a new set :D21:39
Xisdibikah your back o0Chris0o ;)21:41
o0Chris0oyeah :)21:41
Xisdibiko0Chris0o: did u see what i posted earlier about the graphical anomalies? :)21:56
o0Chris0oyeah, but dtchen says it has to do with the kernel, which I belive he is quite right :)21:57
o0Chris0ojust remember Jaunty is still in production :D21:58
o0Chris0oBeta comes out tomorrow too21:58
TuTUXGext4 data loss?22:00
josh-li know this is an annoying question, but, when is alpha 7 due out? or is it beta 1?22:01
TuTUXGin a few hours22:02
ubottuA schedule of Jaunty Jackalope (9.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule22:02
* DanaG uses data=journal mode.22:03
LordKowTuTUXG, thats a good link. i've tried to explain that to people before but noone believed me. maybe they'll believe the kernel creator.22:03
TuTUXGit's just funny to see him showing his badness22:04
LordKowyep. well i'd be annoyed too with all the bs that is getting spread around regarding ext422:04
vbgunzis the default elevator in Ubuntu cfq?22:05
LordKow[    1.386774] io scheduler cfq registered (default)22:06
vbgunzwhats the writeback?22:06
vbgunzits journaled by default?22:06
LordKowdmesg isnt telling me that22:06
LordKowthe filesystem?22:07
vbgunzI believe I may be experiencing some issues with the disk. vim can sometimes take about 5-10 seconds to save a file becoming unresponsive :/22:07
TuTUXGonly for ext4 i guess22:07
o0Chris0othe notification window is defaulted in the top right corner? is it going to be able to be customized in final version?22:07
LordKowext3 and 4 are journaled by default.22:07
LordKowext4 doesnt work without a journal with kernel < 2.6.2922:08
crdlbo0Chris0o: I doubt it22:08
o0Chris0othats too bad22:08
vbgunzim on Gutsy and chose ext3 ... was really tempted about ext4 but thought I wait it out one more release22:08
josh-lTuTUXG: seriously in a few hours?22:08
TuTUXGjosh-l, according to the schedule22:08
TuTUXGthe beta22:08
josh-lTuTUXG: schedule says march 26th its the 25th22:09
TuTUXGits almost 26th ;)22:09
josh-lnot in a couple of hours though22:10
LordKowit will be march 26th in 1 hour and 50 minutes22:11
josh-loh what time zone?22:11
LordKowbut that doesn't mean that is exactly when the beta is coming out.22:11
josh-lgood, i hope this release will fix my shutdown/reboot issue22:12
josh-lthat was the only reason i stopped using jaunty a few days ago22:12
TuTUXGwhat's the issue?22:12
josh-lTuTUXG: wouldnt shutdown, or reboot, would stick on "*system will now reboot" and "*system will not halt"22:13
TuTUXGgot that once22:14
TuTUXGi think a kernel update fixed that22:15
TuTUXGfor me22:15
josh-lwhen was that update released?22:16
hacker07is 9.04 fast22:16
gabrielgomezdoes anyone know if opensync synce works in Jaunty ?22:18
Xisdibiko0Chris0o: was referring to the graphics bugs i mentioned after the sound stuff.  but its ok, i gotta get off work and go out. see you later22:18
LordKowjosh-l, there were all kinds of reboot quirks added to the 2.6.28 ubuntu kernel over the last couple of months. mostly for various dell laptop models22:18
LordKowa couple associated with lpia also.22:19
josh-lLordKow: interesting im running on a dell laptop22:20
LordKowjosh-l, which model?22:20
josh-lLordKow: inspiron 152522:21
gabrielgomezdoes anyone know if opensync synce works in Jaunty ?22:22
LordKowjosh-l, well if you are using the latest kernel (linux-image-generic Installed: then i would probably file a bug report against linux make sure to specify your laptop model and also the exact problem.22:24
josh-lim going to install beta and we'll see22:26
DanaGBy default, ext3 and ext4 journal only the metadata.22:27
DanaGI have mine set to journal the file data (content) itself, too.22:27
aerknis firefox 3.1 going to be released as an update in jaunty or will it be in 9.10?22:28
LordKowDanaG, what are the upsides and downsides to journaling the content?22:28
gmiernickiaerkn: it will be in 9.0422:28
DanaGSupposedly some performance loss, for one -- but it means all file actions should either happen, or not happen, and not get stuck in "half-done" state.22:28
gmiernickithe package will get updated22:28
gmiernickiimo, its better to run compiled versions from ftp.mozilla.org22:29
gmiernickimuch more stable on intrepid22:29
aerkngmiernicki, so in the beta of ubuntu tomorrow and final, will it be a beta of firefox?22:29
gmiernickiim not sure if pre-releases of firefox get into the pre-release repo or not22:29
gmiernickii think only final releases get pushed out22:30
aerkngmiernicki, i remember in hardy a beta of firefox was included in the shipping for final ubuntu 8.0422:30
damnubuntu_how stable is the ext4 filesystem in jaunty?22:30
aerkndon't use it22:30
gmiernickiits pretty easy to run 3.5 atm, just pull it down from ftp.mozilla.org, extract, and launch with -P option :)22:31
DanaGyou know, there's a mozilla team PPA.22:31
gmiernickii always have a current and trunk build going22:31
* DanaG is using ff3.1 betas from it.22:31
aerkngmiernicki, yea, i'm running beta 3 now, just curious thats all22:31
gmiernickibut im a web developer :)22:31
nemoaerkn: yeah, if I could have done magic sysrq + s  I'dve not been so sad22:31
nemohowever, inability to sync + major filesystem changes + crash + ext422:31
nemobad times22:31
DanaGhmm, you have an SSH server?22:31
aerknare there already builds of jaunty beta out, or is that tomorrow?22:32
DanaGIf you do, you can actually (as root) echo a single letter into /proc/sysrq-trigger.22:32
DanaGFor root, you should use tune2fs, not just fstab.22:34
TuTUXGDanaG, very useful information, does tune2fs work with ext4?22:37
DanaGSame flags apply.22:37
DanaGInterestingly enough, for me to use laptop-mode-tools, I have actually set a (perhaps excessively) long commit time: 15 minutes.22:38
LordKowso does the root filesystem get unmounted and remounted during start-up? (ie does grub mount it read-only and then init scripts unmount and remount using the fstab options?)22:38
DanaGToo bad the radeon eats all the power I might've saved from spinning down the hard drive.  =þ22:38
DanaGIf you edit fstab for root, you ALSO have to add rootflags= to the boot options, or it fails to mount root.22:38
DanaGYou can't remount to change journal type.22:38
LordKowwell, i have no rootflags mentioned in menu.lst but yet mount returns the mount options for / that i have specified in fstab.22:39
DanaGIt only matters if you change journaling type.22:39
DanaGSo, for changing journaling type, it's better to use tune2fs.22:39
alex_mayorgawould we get something "Pre like" on the notifications? Grouped by people, not application?22:40
LordKowso i have 2 different menu item entries in System -> Preferencies with the name "Sound"22:50
=== bluesmoke_ is now known as Amaranth
LordKowhow does one search for which package a particular file belongs to?23:05
TheMusoLordKow: dpkg -S filename23:05
LordKowthank you23:05
LordKowcan anyone confirm whether the sound from pidgin is scratchy? seems to be only pidgin (from the apps that i use)23:07
Hobbseei've not noticed it23:07
dan457not only pidgin23:08
bluefoxxI have a soundcard, but no speakers too hook up, so I can't help with those issues...23:08
dan457depends on your hardware.  was mention of a kernel update comming to adress that23:08
dtchenthe kernel is already up23:08
dtchensame place, just crimsun223:08
dan457nice, i'll go get it then.. tnx dtchen23:08
rniamodtchen : how could i know if your patch is loaded ?23:09
dtchenrniamo: did you boot with or without them inserted?23:09
dtchenrniamo: cat /proc/version_signature23:09
rniamodtchen : Ubuntu 2.6.28-11.38~lp330814crimsun2-generic :)23:09
rniamobut no osund in speakers23:09
dan457hmmm.  where do I get it?  update doesn't show any updates....23:09
=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
dtchendan457: it's not in the Ubuntu repository (yet). See http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~dtchen/23:10
dtchenrniamo: did you boot with headphones inserted?23:10
rniamodtchen : no23:10
* LordKow logs dpkg -S into his brain23:11
dtchenrniamo: please rerun alsa-info.sh23:11
rniamodtchen : http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=a2e9b74d00f9102413840be00162eaccde680c4b23:12
dtchenLordKow: please confirm pidgin's insanity with the new test kernel23:12
dtchenrniamo: sec23:12
rniamodtchen : sec ?23:12
dtchenit means "wait a second"23:13
rniamooh sorry23:13
dtchenalso known as "I'm busy reading the output"23:13
Guest94492Sorry for this question, but I neet to know, what Canonical are doing to improve Gnome or KDE or Linux in general? Please someone answer23:13
LordKowdtchen, the test kernel being the one in your ppa i assume?23:13
LordKowor perhaps i'll just see that link :)23:14
LordKowalright i need testing juice/energy/caffeine then i'll boot that kernel23:15
Guest94492thats what I'm afraid. No one knows23:15
dtchenGuest94492: suggestion: try searching the ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing list archive on lists.ubuntu.com23:15
dtchenGuest94492: some of us are quite busy preparing for the Beta23:16
o0Chris0oGuest94492: google helps too :D23:16
Guest94492waiting Novell release something??23:16
dtchenGuest94492: so please don't interpret a lack of response to your question as "oh no, we don't care"23:16
dan457brb, going to reboot and test the kernel23:16
Guest94492I'm using Ubuntu since 6.0623:17
Guest94492and E heard every time that Canonical don't contribute with linux23:18
dtchenrniamo: i'm pretty sure you're using the wrong quirk23:18
alex_mayorgaanyone else with crashy bluetooth? Bug #33708023:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 337080 in bluez "bluetoothd crashed with SIGSEGV in calloc()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33708023:18
rniamodtchen : what is a quirk ?23:18
dtchenrniamo: let me confirm in our current ubuntu-jaunty.git23:19
dtchenrniamo: it's whatever model= you use23:19
dtchenrniamo: i.e., you appear to have used model=auto23:19
dtchenwhich is wrong.23:19
dtchenyou need model=hp-m423:19
rniamook, i'm trying and i come back to say you if it works23:20
dtchenwell, not yet23:20
dtcheni need to see if our current linux source even supports it23:20
Guest94492where I can download Ubuntu-ARM Source Code???23:20
dtchenrniamo: yes, it does. Please just remove your options snd-hda-intel quirk line, or replace model=auto with model=hp-m423:21
rniamoi put hp-m423:21
o0Chris0oGuest94492: Google it23:21
geniiGuest94492: They'll likely know in channel #ubuntu-arm23:22
DanaGIs there any way to force the thing to use a model name that doesn't apply to the codec it's auto-detecting?23:22
DanaGI want to use laptop-eapd, but it seems to refuse to use that adi1986-specific model with my adi1988 card.23:22
dtchenDanaG: no, because the quirk list is extremely codec-specific23:23
dtchencodec meaning codec model and revision23:23
dtchenwhat you *can* do is use hda-verb to twiddle the registers themselves, similar to what OSSv4's tool allows23:24
=== asac_ is now known as asac
DanaGThe thing is, I want it to twiddle a GPIO pin on mute; not manually.23:24
o0Chris0odtchen: do you know off hand if the notification popups in jaunty will be customizable (movable)?23:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 284319 in linux "mute, brightness buttons on new HP 6930p laptop" [Undecided,New]23:24
DanaGCheck my note about twiddling the GPIO.23:24
dtchenunfortunately, Ubuntu's kernel does not enable CONFIG_SND_DEBUG, which is necessary to use hda-verb ...23:24
Guest94492Here is to talk about Bugs?23:25
dtcheno0Chris0o: i really have no idea, sorry. i'm afraid resource constraints permit me to focus on only bits and pieces, and notify-osd and family are not included.23:25
o0Chris0odtchen: ok thanks, sorry for bugging you :) I'm sure your quite busy23:26
dtcheno0Chris0o: np, it's just that i'm not following the UI changes in that area23:27
o0Chris0odtchen: k :)23:27
=== Guest94492 is now known as _Carlo_
hacker07I need some help23:30
o0Chris0o!patience | hacker0723:31
ubottuhacker07: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines23:31
jpereirahello, i update from 8.10 to Jaunty and broken my package database.... following the my config and message when try update: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/137854/23:31
dan457Be specific23:31
o0Chris0ojust ask the question hacker07, we can't help you unless you ask23:31
DanaGdtchen: so that's what I meant about gpio.23:31
hacker07sorry lol23:31
dtchenDanaG: busy, haven't read it23:32
hacker07when I was trying to install with the live cd of 9.04 alpha 6 I was getting a harddrive error when it was at 24%23:32
jpereirasomebody have ideas?23:32
jpereirahacker07: download other image, verify the checksum of your iso image and try again.23:33
dan457Well, considering beta is tomorrow, sure you shouldn't just grab that then?23:33
geniihacker07: Also make sur your /boot partition is fairly large. Like 150Mb23:33
hacker07lol yeah23:33
dan457personaly, I install from flash drive instead of CD.. less error prone.23:33
LordKowdtchen, seems to have fixed the problem. out of curiosity do you have a debdiff between the ubuntu version and yours?23:33
hacker07is there a guide for installing it with ext423:34
LordKowhacker07, you need to manually partition (not guided) and when you create the partition & filesystem that will be mounted as / select ext423:34
dan457Not convinced ext4 is ready yet.......23:35
hacker07I know but what do I do for swap space23:35
dan457depends on your system23:35
LordKowhacker07, i would say swap+memory = 3-4gb23:36
LordKowall depends on what you do though (and dont do)23:36
dtchenLordKow: no, but you could generate one. See http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=dtchen/ubuntu-jaunty.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/pcm and master.23:36
hacker07okay so swap space is not neccessary if I am installing it on a 512mb test system23:36
_Carlo_Ubuntu 9.04 will use the new Kernel 2.6.29?23:36
dan457yes, it is.23:36
dtchen_Carlo_: no23:36
LordKowdtchen, thanks23:37
dtchen_Carlo_: we are using as a base23:37
dan457i've had it use over 512 here23:37
hacker07does ext4 support ide drives23:37
Amaranthswap should be equal to memory23:37
dan457give yourself a 1 gig swap just to be safe23:37
Amaranthotherwise you may have trouble hibernating23:37
_Carlo_and the problem with Kde and Nvidia? It's solved?23:37
Amaranthyes, that was an X server patch23:38
_Carlo_Thats was slow23:38
AmaranthFedora has the same patch but no one seems to care over there23:38
AmaranthOh, the bug I was talking about was black windows on app start23:38
AmaranthSlowness is up to nvidia, I think they fixed that but I dunno23:38
LordKow"These patches are the final glue to make PulseAudio 0.9.14 appear not to suck so hard for Jaunty." i agree. pulseaudio in jaunty no longer sucketh23:38
_Carlo_ I dunno???23:39
Amaranth_Carlo_: Upgrade and see23:39
_Carlo_how you speak in red?23:39
Amaranth_Carlo_: It shows red when I say your name23:39
hacker07what is the recommended system to run a web server23:40
jpereirahello, i update from 8.10 to Jaunty and broken my package database.... following the my config and message when try update: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/137854/ somebody have ideas?23:40
Amaranthhacker07: apache?23:40
hacker07I know that but I meen computer system specs23:40
dan457hmmm. wow is running again... now to see how long.....23:41
_Carlo_and the Firefox, know works with kde?23:41
Amaranth_Carlo_: sure23:41
hacker07will someone test out my webserver for me private.greenbookhackerdev.info/forum23:42
Amaranthhacker07: don't need much unless you're running a large website23:42
hacker07like what23:42
Amaranthhacker07: Is your server newer than 1998?23:42
hacker07will you test this out for me private.greenbookhackerdev.info/forum23:42
dan457login page...23:42
Amaranthit loads, asks for a username and password23:42
_Carlo_because in 8.10 it has some interface problems with QT, right?23:42
hacker07login guest pass guest23:42
Amaranth_Carlo_: not that I know of23:42
Amaranthjpereira: hrm, something got seriously corrupted there, ext4?23:43
dan457loged in as guest guest23:43
hacker07can you see a phpbb forum23:43
hacker07did it load fast23:43
dan457I'm not accualy logged into the forum though.23:44
dan457just sent me there.23:44
jpereira[root@jiraya ~]# df -HT | grep  ext423:44
jpereira[root@jiraya ~]#23:44
jpereiraAmaranth: nothing23:44
hacker07well I know that I just have that because it is private currently23:44
dan457Ok.  you are working then.  :-)23:44
hacker07is it fast23:45
dan457My poor computer.... world of warcraft and encoding video at the same time... now to find a raid to see if I can crash it....23:45
Amaranthjpereira: dunno, never had to recover from that kind of error before23:45
Amaranthtry reinstalling those packages?23:45
hacker07what kind of server does ubuntuforums run on23:47
jpereiraAmaranth: me?23:47
Amaranthhacker07: A massive system23:47
jpereiraif i try reinstalling?23:47
dan457If this works ok I might even try enabling sound in wine again. (was crashing it hard before today)23:47
jpereirai try rm -rf /23:47
WatchBot!danger | jpereira23:47
ubottujpereira: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!23:47
hacker07lol like what23:48
Amaranthhacker07: it's also one of the most (if not the most) active vbulletin forums in the world23:48
Amaranthhacker07: think multiple top of the line computers with massive amounts of memory23:48
DanaGMight be good to have the bot trigger on that explicitly -- and kick, too.  But make sure not to have an over-zealous regex.23:48
hacker07wow how much do you think it costs to run23:48
Amaranththink "I Just spent $10,000 on a server"23:48
jpereirahacker07:  stop of say "lol", you only just say "lol"?23:48
=== erle64- is now known as erle-
hacker07is this still active23:51
calchacker07: bandwidth would probably be the highest cost to run, since its probably not too many machines running it23:51
calcit appears to just be one system from the nslookup info (or fronted by a proxy)23:51
hacker07oh im guessing it runs on an ubuntu server23:52
calchacker07: most likely23:52
hacker07lol yeah23:52
hacker07is linux a stable server enviorments23:52
calchacker07: of course23:53
* calc wonders what kind of question is that23:53
hacker07im running an apache server on ubuntu 8.10 desktop23:53
calchacker07: if you intend to just run server software ubuntu server version is probably better since it doesn't install desktop software so less overhead23:54
Amaranthcalc: I think it has a separate DB server23:54
calcAmaranth: ah ok23:54
hacker07is it faster to run that23:54
geniiAnything without pretty interfaces is much faster23:54
calchacker07: probably is about the same if ubuntu desktop never has logged in users23:54
calchacker07: logging into the server via gnome desktop would slow it down somewhat23:55
hacker07yeah but I use the server as a desktop to23:55
calchacker07: then just use ubuntu desktop then23:55
hacker07is ubuntu server better to install a LAMP server23:55
calcits the same software either way, it just preinstalls different bits23:55
hacker07lol yeah23:56
geniihacker07: Yes. that is what the point of having a server distribution is about23:56
* calc has to go finish rebuilding his laptop23:56
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
hacker07is it possible to run a dedicated server on a laptop23:57
DanaGone of my big gripes with radeon, phrased as lolcats:23:57
DanaGim in ur radeon, eating ur watz.23:57
DanaG(or could replace 'watz' with 'joulz')23:58
hacker07is it recomended23:58
Hobbseenot really23:58
Hobbseeoverheating, and all23:58
DanaGDepends on how well-designed the laptop is, and what you intend to use it for.23:59
* genii straps a floor model fan onto his radeon23:59

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