
kwwiiCimi: do you think that the next murrine will be ready by tomorrow sometime?14:42
Cimiit just need some artistic direction for the focus in the focused listview cells14:54
_MMA_Make them look like Clearlooks for now.14:55
Ciminot the listview14:56
kwwiiCimi: erm, I was talking about the keyboard selection highlight15:03
kwwiiif not, we are going to patch it out of murrine15:03
kwwiiwhich is nasty15:03
kwwiior maybe we should just revert to the old version15:12
kwwiioh well, not my problem anymore then :)15:12
Cimikwwii, which keyboard selection highlight?15:23
Cimiyou mean the focus?15:24
kwwiiCimi: the bug I mentioned yesterday15:24
Cimithat is not a bug15:24
Cimithis is the focus ring15:24
Cimiand Human theme is so ugly that I think there are more important things to fix rather than the focus ring15:25
Cimimetacity for example15:25
kwwiiCimi: I appreciate what that, but it is something which I have been told to change15:25
kwwiiso either we fix it or ship an older version15:25
Cimianyway tomorrow is my birthday, but if I will have time I will release 0.90.3 with the new focus ring15:25
kwwiiat least make that design decision be confiurable15:26
kwwiithat would be excellent15:26
kwwiihappy birthday, in advance!15:26
Cimikwwii, I agree the new focus ring is not perfect15:26
kwwiihate to ask, but how will you be?15:26
Cimithank you15:26
kwwiiCimi: i like the look of it on the buttons, but not anywhere else, really15:26
kwwiiit might look better if the bottom line was blurred somewhat15:26
kwwiior less opaque15:27
Cimikwwii, there was a reason behind one single line15:27
Cimiit works great with dark themes15:27
Cimibut at the same time it is not ok for others15:27
kwwiiCimi: I can imagine that15:27
Cimibefore 0.90.315:27
kwwiiI have about 20+ people mentioning this to me every day15:28
CimiI need a mockup for the listview15:28
CimiI don't want to release 0.90.3 and then 0.90.4 with the fixes to the listview15:28
Cimiso if someone has an idea, yeah come here please15:28
Cimilucazade, you too ;)15:28
kwwiiCimi: what was the issue with the list view?15:28
Cimithe focus is not ok15:29
CimiI want something nice15:29
kwwiiI can look into it as well15:30
Cimibutton will have a rounded rectangle, inside15:30
Cimithey won't be as clearlooks15:31
Cimibecause clearlooks has problems with dark themes15:31
* _MMA_ just hasn't seen that.15:31
Cimi_MMA_, wil15:31
_MMA_(at lease with Studio tests)15:31
Cimioh you mean the focus?15:31
Cimiwith dark themes clearlooks has many problems15:32
kwwiiconf call, brb15:32
Cimiworks bad with many colorschemes15:32
* _MMA_ goes back to testing Beta disks. bbl15:33
danielgcmy first Ubuntu Artwork  http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_kOCO452KG2w/SchXj4SsO2I/AAAAAAAAAUg/sSsHYYbqrqo/s1600-h/ubuntuBackground.jpg15:39
_MMA_danielgc: Fun. Want a critique?15:42
danielgc_MMA_ yeap :)15:47
_MMA_danielgc: I assume you're going for a matrix thing here right?15:48
_MMA_danielgc: I believe there are tools to help generate a denser text field.15:50
_MMA_With a better randomization of characters.15:50
_MMA_danielgc: If you can change up the "code" field. I would set that to a gradient comprised of the Ubuntu colors.15:52
_MMA_Next, It's brand-heavy.15:52
danielgcsure i'm gonna work in that, thanks dude15:53
_MMA_I would drop the strait-on text/logo from the lower left and render the text along with the 3D one.15:53
kwwiiand it breaks the brand guidelines by changing the logo15:53
_MMA_Keelong them a solid color and much smaller. Off to the side again.15:53
danielgci will thanks again, if you want this gimp and blender's files you can download it from here http://danielgpl.blogspot.com/15:57

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