
=== j1mc is now known as j1mc_away
TaimQuick question.  I am pulling from the right repository I hope.  http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-doc/ubuntu-doc/ubuntu-jaunty/01:46
nhandlerHi Taim01:46
nhandlerTaim: If you want the ubuntu-doc source, then yes, that is the correct bzr branch01:48
Taimnhandler: That's what I am looking for.01:48
=== j1mc_away is now known as j1mc
=== Brik_ is now known as Brik
sommermdke: just an fyi... the eucalpytus section needs some major revision23:07
sommermdke: it's going to be a lot shorter... I'm working with the upstream project, and should have a commit ready very soon23:07

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