
mdzhttp://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/2475 shows no tests so far for UNR; do you need some help?13:56
mdzlool,ogra: ^^13:56
ograwe surely could use help, i'm personally totally hogged by babbage testing and collecting bugs atm13:57
ogranot sure about the rest of the team13:57
loolmdz: This is known13:58
StevenKmdz: I'll test UNR Beta when I get up.13:58
loolmdz: plars worked on defining the tests13:58
loolmdz: Oh wait they just showed up13:58
loolmdz: Up until this morning there was no testcase at this address13:59
loolIt was pending a DB update by IS, and was just completed great13:59
loolplars: ^13:59
mdzlool: ah, yes, I saw that RT ticket get closed earlier todya14:00
plarslool, mdz: they are linked to empty testcases it looks like though, they need to be linked to the actual ones14:17
plarseither that or I need to just move the ones I wrote to the names they put there... that may be easier14:18
loolI think that'll be easier14:18
plarslool: I'll have that this morning14:20
mdzplars,lool: please don't let that block actually doing the testing, though14:22
plarsmdz: of course not :)14:23
davmor2mdz: As far as I know people were told to report tests against umpc for now iirc14:23
mdzdavmor2: I'm talking about UNR14:24
davmor2mdz: Yes and umpc is being dropped so using that testcase for tracking alone I believe it's what happen last time round14:25
davmor2mdz: slangasek can let you know for sure14:26
persiadavmor2, That's precisely the thing that's just being sorted.14:32
davmor2persia: :)14:32
davmor2persia: fingers crossed it will be right for RC :)14:33
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* ogra_babbage tickles mdz and davidm from a ubiquity installed babbage board :)16:11
ograthe user needs to jump through a bunch of hoops but it can be done :D16:12
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metalmanI have a dell mini w/ dell's crappy ubuntu 8.04 custom and I need to get 8.10 on it. Would this be possible to do w/o an external CD/USB drive, just by updating the repos? It needs the lpia arch16:30
persiametalman, Somewhat.  There are likely some patches in the custom version you have installed that may not be available in 8.10, so you may find that you lose as much as you gain.16:33
persiaYou'd do better to try an 8.10 liveCD first (which you can do with a USB key using the usb-creator package, although you might have to grab a backport).16:33
persiaThat said, yes, you could just change the repositories, and you ought see the right results.16:33
persia(but you may find oddities related to the patches).16:34
persiaAlso, the state of the packages for lpia in 8.10 was not as good as the state of the packages for i386.  16:34
metalmani see16:35
persiaIf you are replacing the provided operating system, you may also want to consider changing architectures (although that would be a reinstall).16:35
metalmanyeah, I basically want to completely reinstall ubuntu witha fresh 8.10. and that would tricky w/ just a repo change your saying16:36
metalmanmight you suggest the repos to use to try an upgrade to 8.10? before I go out buying a USB drive to do the reinstall16:37
loologra: "ubiquity installed board" + "bunch of hoops" => doesn't compute16:41
ograubiquity installed roofts + bunch of hoops for bootloader :P16:42
lool+ workaround for USB16:42
ograoh, right16:43
ograworkaround for syslog you mean16:43
loolFor USB messages in syslog; the problem is not in syslog16:43
persiametalman, I really think you'd be wiser to get a USB stick (1GB or 2GB would do) to test a live 8.10 enviroment *before* you change what's already installed.16:43
metalmanpersia: roger, thanks16:47
plarsmetalman: for a mini, you may want to take a look at Ubuntu netbook remix17:12
plarsI have a mini9, and I'm running 9.04 UNR on it and am pretty happy with it17:12
plarsInstalled around alpha5, but I've been keeping it updated17:13
metalmanyeah, mine's a mini 917:27
metalmanthe guide on ubuntumini.com says it should work using a liveusb of the standard 8.10 i386 iso17:28
persiaIt certainly ought to do so.  Give that a shot, and see if you like it.  If you do, you can just run the install, and replace what you have.17:33
metalmandoh, usb-creator freezes on Starting up. any other tool for creating the live usb?17:41
persiaFreezes on "starting up"?17:43
persiaBefore you select the image, etc.?17:43
metalmanafter selecting the iso and usb drive, the Starting Up dialog comes up and freezes17:45
metalmanat 'installing the bootloader to /dev/sdb1'17:45
metalmanthere were some dependcy issues when I installed usb-creator. I think it complained about syslinux and parted not being installed17:46
persiametalman, Did you install those packages?17:48
metalmani tried, but more complaints. installing syslinux complains there is no mtools. Then trying to install mtools it says usb-creator depends on syslinux and parted!17:50
metalmanvery weird17:50
persiaYou really need to install the whole set together.17:52
persiaI suspect that mtools installed, but that the outstanding partial install of usb-creator was still pending, and it complained.17:52
persiaTry installing syslinux again.17:52
persiaOnce that works, try installing parted.17:52
persiaThen try usb-creator again.17:53
metalmanapt-get -f install syslinux gives syslinux depends on mtools17:53
persiaDon't be surprised if it succeeds at installing usb-creator before you tell it to do so again, just because you installed everything it needed.17:53
persiaRight.  try just `apt-get -f install`17:53
metalmanthat worked, it needed libparted also :)17:54
persiaCool.  does it work now?17:55
metalmanCopying files...17:56
metalmanthanks persia17:56
ian_brasilmetalman: you could try xfce ..it runs great but it is a pig to install as you cannot see any of the buttons and have to install from memory17:56
persiaian_brasil, The Xubuntu livecd doesn't work on the Mini 9?17:57
ian_brasilpersia: on an acer aspire no17:58
* ian_brasil missed the part about the Mini 917:58
persiaian_brasil, That's an annoying bug, and probably deserves filing.18:01
persiaI suspect it's fixable, although I don't know anywhere near enough about either Xubuntu or video drivers to suggest how.18:01
metalmanlookks like its booting successfully from the 8.10 usb18:09
metalmana general ubuntu question: which keyboard layout will give me key combos for international chars, like é, ñ, etc.18:17
metalmanplars: do you know which keyboard layout will work for that on the mini9?18:18
metalmani couldn't get those chars workin with dell's 8.0418:19
plarsmetalman: I've only used the default layout, but I don't use international chars18:20
plarsmetalman: In the install, when you choose keyboard layout, you should be able to test it18:20
ian_brasilpersia: its only annoying if you have not already memorized all the install screens ;)..but anyway https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfwm4/+bug/34858518:22
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Ubuntu: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/348585/+text)18:22
persiaian_brasil, But most of us haven't :)18:23
metalmanhmm, dunno which key would be altgr on this keyboard18:23
metalmannone works18:23
persiaGenerally it's right alt, but the keyboard might need to define it.18:23
metalmanyeah the right alt on this mini9 doesn't do anything, ha18:24
persiaian_brasil, It's probably a good idea to specify which daily image (e.g. Today's date), and what hardware.  It must work for someone, or it wouldn't be passing the install tests for beta.18:24
persiaOh, and by "what hardware", I mean 1) the model number and 2) if you have it, the video adaptor model.18:25
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metalmanwill the netbook remix generally be faster?18:39
persiaIt's just a different selection of applications.  Whether it's faster really depends on your hardware, and work practices.18:40
ograand the fuel you use :)18:41
persiaian_brasil, Might your Xubuntu install issue be https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/325958 ?18:51
ubottuUbuntu bug 325958 in ubiquity "Jaunty Alpha 4: Ubiquity windows does not fit on 1024x600 screen" [High,Triaged]18:51
metalmanthanks for your help, persia and others, the 8.10 install went well18:55
persiametalman, Good to hear.  Hope you like it.18:57
ian_brasilpersia: yes that is it..i marked #325958 as a duplicate18:59
ian_brasilor rather marked #348585 as a duplicate of #32595819:00
persiaian_brasil, Cool.  One of the Xubuntu folk thought it might be, and recommended using the alternate installer for Ubuntu on such a screen.19:01
persiaheh.  Yeah.  Best to preserve that detailed discussion :)19:01
ahollerhi, just a quick question, has already anyone had the idea to place the icons on the right side of the launcher on the right side of the icon-text? That was first thing which has come into my mind when I saw a screen shot of the netbook-launcher.19:21
ahollermight be tricky because I assume this would be require a non-standard-widget, but I think it would be worth the effort. imho at least for the look and feel ;)19:28
Leon_NardellaHello. Is there a channel specific to the Netbook Remix?21:51
rzrLeon_Nardella: never heard about one22:26
rzrchecked the wiki ?22:26
rzrbtw how fast does unr boot on eee700 ?22:40
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