
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:26
gnomefreakasac: where are we forwarding the icedove comments to ML? i know we are defering them but to where?07:42
asacgnomefreak: for now we let them in08:30
asacgnomefreak: i will change maintainer again to not use mozillateam08:30
asacas it turned out to be unusable08:30
gnomefreakok ill accept them than08:31
gnomefreakthis guy has to be fucking kidding :( look at the extension this guy lists and im sure you can see what is causing his issue atleast one of them :) bug 34759908:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347599 in firefox-3.0 "Problems with entering text in facebook.com" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34759908:32
gnomefreakdamn kees seems to like assigning you to bugs08:34
asacok so i owned xulrunner for a few minutes only to find out that mike orphaned it for other reasons08:43
* gnomefreak hates sunbird i got a FTBFS but its not an error in what i changed mind you this already built fine for PPA but im going to grab PPA source since i cant even get a tarvall using get-orig source but im going to try that again08:49
gnomefreakgnomefreak@Development:~/test/work/ubuntu-0.x$ ./debian/rules get-orig-source08:57
gnomefreakcd: 1: can't cd to build-tree/mozilla08:57
gnomefreakthat is not nice08:57
gnomefreakmake: *** No rule to make target `get-orig-source'.  Stop.08:57
gnomefreakoh maybe because when i was trying to get 1.0 i had added the 2 lines but i didnt push them to branch since it wouldnt pull in 1.008:58
gnomefreaki got bugabundo's ban removed so please let him knwo if im not here.09:00
gnomefreaki should be back again once this finishes however i have 2 meetings today09:11
quadrisprohi guys09:43
quadrisproi'm working on iceweasel-linky09:43
quadrisproit's my first attempt to port a extension from debian (iceweasel browser) to ubuntu (firefox)09:44
quadrisprocan anyone give me an help?09:44
quadrisproI've prepared a debdiff -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/137347/09:45
quadrisprobut before uploading it I would like to get some feedback :)09:45
quadrisproI've also tested the package, it works fine09:47
gnomefreakasac: do you see something im missing http://pastebin.mozilla.org/636476 http://pastebin.mozilla.org/636477 im not sure how the failure to build has anything to do with the --enable-official-branding09:55
gnomefreakBUGabundo: just behave is all i ask :)09:55
gnomefreakmaybe a cinflict in flags?09:56
BUGabundognomefreak: :) don't I always? :)09:57
gnomefreakasac: other than not seeing a place to use the ac_add_options i added it under config flags with the reast of the --enable --disable10:01
gnomefreakmaybe i need it above that part. need to check10:01
gnomefreakthe problem i have with that is i dont see ac_add_options in seamonkey however i see things like EXTRA_SYSTEM_CONFIGURE_FLAGS += --with-system-nss with other things pertaining to nss also has them for nsrp and some others however the branding isnt on the maybe due to it being pre release10:06
gnomefreaki remember seeing the ac_add_options on one of our packages10:09
* gnomefreak grabs the 3 others to see what one it was in and how it was stated10:11
gnomefreaksomething like # official branding for beta, final and final RCs builds BRANDING = --enable-official-branding DESKTOP_BRANDED  = $(DEBIAN_NAME)-final.desktop10:12
gnomefreaklook right but i remember ac_add_options from one of the packages10:13
gnomefreaknope seems im right thunderbird 2.0 has --enable-official-branding \ under config options10:15
gnomefreakso why the fuck is it failing10:15
gnomefreaksad part is im using source from Jaunty universe so it has to be my change i would think or placment of it or you font uploads caused this not sure how fonts could cause this10:23
asacgnomefreak: please paste bzr diff10:23
gnomefreakgnomefreak@Development:~/test/work/ubuntu-0.x$ bzr diff10:24
gnomefreakFormat <RepositoryFormatKnit1> for file:///home/gnomefreak/test/work/ubuntu-0.x/.bzr/ is deprecated - please use 'bzr upgrade' to get better performance10:24
gnomefreakcant as you can see10:24
gnomefreakrunning bzr upgrade but that shouldn't make a difference10:25
gnomefreaknope cant i dont get anything when i run it (maybe because i only commited10:27
asacgnomefreak: you need to diff your commit10:27
asacread bzr help diff10:28
asacyou can diff individual revisions or revision ranges10:28
BUGabundoSerious bug: need confirmation:10:29
gnomefreakShows the difference in the working tree versus the last commit:10:29
gnomefreakbzr diff10:29
BUGabundoOOo Calc no longer allows to drag a cell?????10:29
gnomefreakthat should have worked but i will try using the commit revision10:29
gnomefreakasac: heres the diff http://pastebin.mozilla.org/63647910:32
asacgnomefreak: and that doesnt work?10:33
gnomefreakasac: no i wish it did10:33
gnomefreakasac: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/636476 is the error im getting but i dont see how they are connected10:33
asacgnomefreak: ouch10:34
asacgnomefreak: drop the anymetrics patch10:34
gnomefreakok will try that10:34
asacgnomefreak: does tbird fail in the same way?10:36
gnomefreakasac: didnt try10:36
BUGabundofta: major security bug on gwibber. making a big Search lead to ubuntu reboot #DoS10:37
asacwhat is a "big search"10:38
gnomefreakok retesting sunbird10:39
gnomefreakok be back going for coffee and breakfast at very least coffee and some smokes10:40
BUGabundoasac: let me count it all10:40
BUGabundoI was porting my identispy tracks to it10:41
asacBUGabundo: err. what is a big search10:41
asaci dont understand that notion10:41
asacall searches have the same number of results here10:41
asacunless there are not enough results of course10:41
BUGabundono no10:42
BUGabundoits the number of parameters10:42
BUGabundoubuntu OR jaunty OR identica, bla bla10:42
BUGabundo.pt OR OR 192.168. OR 255 OR 8.04 OR 8.10 OR 8.1 OR 8.4 OR 9.04 OR 9.4 OR 9.10 OR 9.1 OR aniv OR apt OR asac OR bill gates OR birth OR birthday OR canonical OR chrom OR dm OR domain OR dropbox OR empathy OR evan OR firefox OR fon OR free OR gnu OR gondomar OR google OR gtalk OR gwibber OR gwiber OR hardy OR hashtags OR hellotxt OR hosting OR ibex OR indentspy OR intrepid OR ipv4 OR ipv6 OR jaiku OR jaunty OR jackalo10:42
BUGabundothis big search10:42
BUGabundoI'll have to retrace the crash locally to sent to LP10:44
BUGabundo893 chars btw10:44
asacgwibber is python11:01
asacno need to retrace locally11:01
BUGabundobut LP won't accept it (via apport)11:01
BUGabundoits a daily deb11:01
BUGabundonot the Archive version11:01
asacBUGabundo: install archive version ... and reproduce then?11:04
BUGabundonot funny crash/reboot laptop11:05
BUGabundoplus gwibber isn't starting now11:05
BUGabundothe Search query is inside it11:05
asacyes .... dump your profile and start over ;)?11:06
asacactually i would suggest that you go directly to gwibber folks11:06
BUGabundowell the prob is with ubuntu11:07
BUGabundono userspace app should DoS and reboot the system11:08
asacBUGabundo: thats true. usually its a graphics driver issue that pollutes kernel land through the xorg bridge12:06
BUGabundobut this was gwibber12:06
BUGabundoor at least killing it12:07
asacgwibber triggered it12:08
asacbut it doesnt reset your system i guess ;)12:08
BUGabundoI do use NVidia12:08
asacyes. nvidia is a source of instability12:09
BUGabundoI did it twice12:09
BUGabundohaven't tried to start gwibber again12:09
BUGabundoso until I find a way to dump the query from settings12:09
BUGabundoI won't start it again12:09
BUGabundogconf has nothing12:09
BUGabundoand the guys at #gwibber are MUTE12:09
BUGabundohey fta12:14
fta2asac, so, what about n-m? what am i supposed to do now?12:15
asacfta2: you want a quick fix?12:15
asacwrite a script that checks whether you have ttyUSB0 in the path passed as parameter12:15
fta2i don't need that today, but i need reliable 3G before my holidays12:15
asacyeah in order to test the real connectivity we need to trick udev12:16
asacit seems there is a udev bug that prevents attributes to be digged from parent devices12:16
asaclike: udevadm info -a -p $(udevadm info -q path -n /dev/ttyUSB0)12:16
asacif you run that12:16
asacyou see that idVendor is defined in the parent of the device that has the bInterfaceNumber entry (which works)12:17
fta2am i the only one seeing that?12:17
asaci would say that 3G is busted in general atm12:17
fta2at this stage of jaunty, i would say it's bad12:18
BUGabundome 212:19
fta2damn, this will break the dailies: http://groups.google.com/group/chromium-dev/browse_thread/thread/e114eae14746961712:22
fta2asac, you mean that i should write a script to replace the nm-modem-probe call in the udev rules.d file; that scripts would just be a wrapper around nm-modem-probe, and using udevadmin to get the right parameters, is that correct?12:38
asacfta2: thats one option to workaround yes.12:44
asacfta2: the other way would be to fix the prober12:44
asac-> /dev/ttyUSB012:44
asaci think12:44
asacyou can use that path and gather the right info manually in the prober12:44
asaci guess we should do that12:45
asacfor now you write a wrapper12:45
asaci will talk to dan12:45
asacfta2: bug 34683512:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 346835 in network-manager "MASTER - modems not detected - udev prober broken (Was: Huawei e169 doesn't connect + Globetrotter 3G+ card not recognized anymore)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34683512:50
asacif you come up with such a script consider to attach it there12:50
bdrungasac: can you please have a look at bug #340435?15:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 340435 in adblock-plus "FFe request for adblock-plus 1.0.1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34043515:45
fta2asac, when i resume, n-m crashes15:48
asacyou got a crash file you could get a backtrace on?15:49
fta2it's in my netbook, no network :P15:50
kbrosnanI'm looking for info on why Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009030422 Ubuntu/8.10 (intrepid) Firefox/3.0.7 does not crash on fullscreen flash video e.g. youtube. whereas any mozilla build crashes. is there something that can upstreamed?15:52
asacfta2: submitted fix to NM mailing list16:03
fta2what? where?16:05
asacfta2: its just ../idProduct and ../idVendor16:06
asacyes. its really that simple16:06
fta2oh, i had my wrapper almost done :P16:06
asacyeah. that change is even simpler i guess16:06
BUGabundonice asac16:07
fta2found serial (udev:GSM  hal:GSM)16:09
fta2pppd[]: Modem hangup16:10
fta2so i'm back to square one16:11
asacfta2: at least you are out of hell ;)16:11
asacstanding on the ground in front of tiny hill16:12
asacfta2: so did you use the broadband wizard16:12
asacto create your connection?16:12
asacplease go to the connection and chck that there is a APN setup16:12
asacalso check that there is something in the username/password field16:12
fta2i used the wizard16:18
BUGabundoasac: why did the wizard lost the hability to identify country?16:19
fta2asac, there's  just Number, APN and PIN16:19
BUGabundomine would go to Portugal16:19
BUGabundonow I have to scroll the entire List16:19
asacfta2: yeah. set someething as username password16:21
asacusername: god16:22
asacpasowrd: like16:22
fta_nanoasac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/137589/16:29
fta2asac, same with my 2 SIMs :(16:37
asaci would suggest that you ask on #nm directly ... at this stage i can just proxy ;)16:46
asacdcbw is the master16:46
asacbut we are currently into something udev related so he might be  abit distracted ;)16:46
BUGabundoasac: we you are not availble can we go there direclty?16:49
BUGabundoor are changes on Ubuntu that they will not want to know?16:49
asacBUGabundo: depends... better ask here first16:54
fta2it's quiet in there16:55
BUGabundo"when you are not available"16:55
asacBUGabundo: i am usually available, but also note that you are a free man ;) ... just try that when you ask that you have the system in front of you to test ... thats help efficiency17:04
BUGabundoasac: didn't I slip a s/they/you/ in there?17:05
asacBUGabundo: so the /topic in #nm reads: " NetworkManager IRC channel.  Stop by and bitch, moan, rave, flame, suggest, request, patch, anything you like."17:13
asacsounds like the place you want to be ;)17:13
BUGabundomy kinda place17:19
fta2it looks like a dead place17:21
fta2so yes, you can bitch, moan, rave, flame, suggest, request, patch as much as you want, noone will complain ;)17:21
asacnot every channel can  be as active as the mozillatem one ;)17:36
asaci guess i should get a huawei thing17:38
asacor 10 ;)17:38
fta2here, i'm not sure it's the hardware. looks like it's the isp17:40
fta2if only i knew how to sniff that under xp17:40
asaci am sure its the isp17:40
fta2i preserved xp in my netbook for that reason17:41
asaci had that for a while17:41
asacand it just went a way17:41
asacluckily for me it worked when trying to conncet like 5 times17:41
asacbut now... i cannot break it anymore :17:41
asacfta2: http://lindi.iki.fi/lindi/usb/usbsnoop.txt17:42
asaclast link seems to be "snoop pro"17:43
fta2will try once i home17:43
BUGabundofta I've seen many ISP requiring stuff like DNS servers on the cong17:43
BUGabundoguys see you tomorrow18:00
BUGabundoasac: ping18:50
BUGabundoback for a bit18:50
BUGabundoI'm with one of those SiS based laptops I mention18:51
BUGabundoWiFi will see network and even get an IP18:51
BUGabundobut will not have network18:51
BUGabundowhat did you ask for me to log?18:51
=== fabrice_sp__ is now known as fabrice_sp
fta_nanoasac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/137775/21:24
asacfta_nano: cool21:26
asacso its really long negotiation21:26
ftajust swapped sim, it fails21:27
ftai didn't change anything21:27
asacfta_nano: because of long negotiation?21:27
ftaasac, what was i supposed to change?21:28
asacfta: the ipcp- configs in options21:29
asacfta: well. only if it fails after 9 Nacks21:29
asaci mean: rcvd [IPCP ConfNak id=0xa <addr> <ms-dns1>]21:29
asacthat would have ment a hang up21:29
asacthe default for retries of ipcp is 1021:29
asacand you needed 0xb = 11 roounds21:30
ftabut the next failed with 0x821:31
asacfta: so you have a username/password set ?21:40
asaci dont see it in log21:40
asacthought i would see it there21:40
fta_nanoasac, one that fails: http://paste.ubuntu.com/137785/21:42
asacAs for parameters, in France APN is "orange.ie", USER and PASS should be empty (no use) and PIN is "0000".21:42
asacmaybe your APN is wrong?21:43
ftai have orange.fr, orange / orange21:43
asacfta: with .fr?21:44
ftait worked once21:44
asacfta: ok. i guess you tried to remove everything ? e.g. remove apn, remove username/password, set PPP Automatic in IP Address tab21:46
asacbasically remove everything but the #99*21:47
asacit even works here21:47
asacbecause NM probes for the right APN from sim card21:47
ftait seems my wifi is not stable21:51
ftaasac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/137794/21:56
ftathat's with just #99*21:57
asacyeah i am talking bullshit21:59
asacyou need to remove libmbca0 i guess21:59
asacremove all connections and plug in the dongle22:00
asacto get a auto connection22:00
asaconly that detects the apn and other data autoamtically22:00
[reed]asac / fta: we're firedrilling22:00
[reed]releasing 3.0.8 early next week22:00
[reed]so, be ready22:00
fta_nanoasac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/137804/ without libmbca0 and an empty profile22:13
ftathe usb sniffers didn't help. just got some packets during the plug, but nothing related to the modem dialog22:19
asacfta: only thing i can now think of to move forward is to somehow enable all debug details also on kernel side22:52
asackdebug option22:53
asacand hopet hat we can decipher whats going on22:53
asacuse kdebug 3 maybe22:53
asacbut i have no clue atm where that log goes to22:55
asacfta: i also found some folks on net that said they need mtu 1452 in options22:57
asacfor huawei22:57
ftaasac, why would it work "sometimes" then?23:05
asac__when did asac_ join?23:15
asac_seems my dns update failed23:17
asac_00:05 < fta> asac, why would it work "sometimes" then?23:18
asac_i honestly cant tell ;)23:18
asac_its stabbing in the dark and searching the net23:18
asac_unless we can see more details we have no info23:18
fta[00:12] * asac_ (n=asac@e177162084.adsl.alicedsl.de) has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam23:18
fta[00:15] * asac__ (n=asac@e179172170.adsl.alicedsl.de) has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam23:18
asac_seems my AP dns cache doesnt update properly here ;)23:19
ftakdebug 7 seems to be doing nothing23:19
asac_maybe kernel doesnt have that built in or something :(23:19
asac_there are definitly reports that say that som APNs seem to need lower MTU23:21
=== asac_ is now known as asac
ftaasac, if i set the dns in the nm-applet, why does it continue to negotiate them /w ipcp?23:29
asac23:13 < fta_nano> asac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/137804/ without libmbca0 and an empty profile23:30
asacthat connection is named Orange 3G23:30
asacit should have been a "Auto"23:31
asacyou used the same as before23:31
ftathere's no auto anywhere23:31
asacfta: yes. because you didnt remove all your 3g connections23:31
asacyou have to remove all23:32
asacthen plug in23:32
asacand it will generate an auto connection23:32
asacthat will use the info on sim23:32
asacAuto GSM Connection23:32
asacfta: i think it negotiates dns because we dont tell it to not do that23:33
asaconly thing we do is ignore what we get and use whatever you set up23:33
asacso we probably would have to pass ms-dns1 ADDRESS123:33
asacyou can also set that in options to test23:33
ftaextracted the key, removed the profile, inserted the key, pouf n-m applet disappeared23:34
asacthats ok ;)23:35
asaci mean its bad23:35
ftahow do i restart it?23:37
asacso the options dns options are ment for server23:37
asacusepeerdns is the option we send23:37
asacthat should kill the dns ;)23:42
* asac kills his dns 23:44
asacdropping usepeerdns doesnt work23:50
asace.g. it still gets dns23:50
ftatoo bad neither -usepeerdns, nor nousepeerdns, nor usepeerdns 0 are valid23:50
asacits now much quicker ;)23:51
asaci mean i have only 1 negotiation round23:51
asacinstead of 623:51
asactry the patch ;)23:51
asacmaybe usepeerdns is yet another misunderstood option23:51
ftai should add a build env in my netbook23:51
asacfta: plug in a wired cable. configure that as a adhoc net23:55
asacand install ssh server ;)23:55
asactyping on netbook is painful imo23:55
ftai already have an ssh server, that's the 1st thing i added23:56
asacheh ;)23:57
asacyeah. but plugging in cable helps to keep net up23:57
asacits really mysterious why it still gets dns from pee23:59
asacseems usepeerdns is really a hoak23:59

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