
Seeker`-01:29:51- :ikonia+: then quotes half baked logs00:10
Seeker`mmm, charcoal00:10
Seeker`ikonia: I can't believe you called jdong an arse00:11
ikoniaI missed the <grant-a> tag00:11
* ikonia removes accountability 00:11
Seeker`likely story00:12
* Seeker` -> sleep00:15
Seeker`I've already failed at getting to bed before midnight00:15
ikoniame too00:16
LjLikonia: is this the same one you kicked earlier for ban dodging? [01:55:07] --> willcurtis has joined this channel (n=willcurt@
jribdon't ask me how but somehow I used to relax myself by helping in #ubuntu.  This isn't the case anymore.  So, I've decided to take up a new hobby this summer.  I'm thinking about bookbinding01:18
=== Ubotwo` is now known as Ubotwo
LjLif only my isp could hear me cursing them01:36
FlannelQlOfp]cF: interesting nick you've got there.01:42
QlOfp]cFoh now seriously01:43
QlOfp]cFi had better uptimes on my 33.6k modem01:43
=== QlOfp]cF is now known as LjL
gnomefreakikonia: are you around i need to ask you something real fast01:50
Flannelgnomefreak: You could ask me!01:50
gnomefreakFlannel: can you unban bug.... i cant remember his full nick at this time 01:51
FlannelOh, first, in where?01:51
gnomefreakFlannel: +101:51
gnomefreakLjL: yeah thats it01:51
LjLBT has him as a ban evader01:52
gnomefreakbecause its that time. we already talked about that and today was end of ban01:52
LjLyou talked about that before or after he evaded bans?01:52
gnomefreakthats why i  was looking for ikonia he was ban setter and he knows about it :)01:52
gnomefreakLjL: after01:53
gnomefreakover the weekend IIRC sunday we said 48 more hours01:53
LjL[21:43] *** BUGabundo!n=bugabund@ has joined #ubuntu-ops01:54
LjL[21:44] *** BUGabundo has left #ubuntu-ops ("Bye http://BUGabundo.net")01:54
gnomefreakhe was busy today and so was i so we didnt think about it. LjL hes a good guy i work with him everyday in #ubuntu-mozillateam01:54
LjL[22:14] <ikonia> I see BUGabundo is trying yet another IP address01:54
LjL(this was either on 22 or 23)01:54
gnomefreaksunday as i said01:54
gnomefreaki might have logs from our discussion mine and ikonia 01:55
gnomefreaku have most of it but it looks like i got caught in a netsplit but i will catch up with ik oni a in the morning02:06
gnomefreakme and asac did lay into him about his attitude but its ok02:07
LjLjrib, by the way, next time you feel too pissed off by the trolling and cluelessness in #ubuntu to even kick people, how about calling ! ops or something rather than leaving with a part message like that02:36
jribLjL: well it was more like I didn't want to blow up, so I left02:38
jribI didn't mean the part message sarcastically02:38
jribor do you mean the emote before the part message?02:39
LjLjrib: no, i actually mean the quit message02:40
LjLjrib: you know, it caused me to get pretty mad at the person who was trolling02:40
tritiumGood evening.02:40
LjLhi tritium02:41
tritiumHi, LjL.02:42
LjLjrib: anyway remember you can't help everyone and especially those who don't really want to be helped... take it easy, it's not like you to blow up at #ubuntu02:43
jribLjL: oh.  It was more like the straw that broke the camel's back type of situation.  Sorry about that in any case02:43
LjLjrib: yeah - don't get to reach the straw. and don't ever say sorry to me again.02:45
jribLjL: :)02:45
tritiumLjL: we're having a LoCo meeting right now, discussing the epc1 incident from the other evening.02:48
tritiumWe'd like to keep the ban in place for the time being.02:48
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist is filling up: 507)02:55
LjLi'm sure i had03:00
LjLbesides, i understand the watchbot might be buggy, but why would the floodbot think we've got 500 bans03:01
LjL253 != 507, but it's also almost exactly half... uhm03:03
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)03:23
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)03:23
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)03:23
gnomefreakoh ok cool you got him/her/bot03:24
ubottubruenig called the ops in #ubuntu (POTHEADqK is trying to DCC exploit, just saying)03:24
tritiumI'm heading to bed.  I see eternaljoy is in #ubuntu again.  He has a long ban history.  It might be worth keeping an eye open.03:48
tritiumGood night.04:03
* jussi01 waves05:34
ikoniagnomefreak: you called08:18
gnomefreakikonia: yeah did you decide on the ban? hes not even here at this time in morning08:19
elkytritium, eternaljoy isnt really a problem until someone mentions religion or ethics08:19
ikoniagnomefreak: I was happy to remove it after you'd spoken to him and was confident his attitude would stop 08:20
ikoniagnomefreak: apologies if you didn't get that bessage08:20
gnomefreakikonia: thanks i must have missed it. I was looking through log last night it seemed i hit a netsplit08:21
ikoniaahh, well, basiclly if you're happy his attutide will/has changed I've got no problem08:21
ikoniagnomefreak: you said you'd speak to him so I was happy to leave it to you 08:21
gnomefreakoh sorry, i will look for how you baned him and remove it if you dont, his attitude has already changed AFAICThes had a bug that has been getting the better of him but he only bitchs abuot that in -mozillateam08:24
ikoniaI'll remove it08:24
ikoniano problem, just wanted to be sure you'd spoke to him and you where happy08:24
gnomefreakikonia: thanks08:24
gnomefreakyeah me and asac layed into him about his attitude08:25
ikoniathe lies and the petty agrument just needed to stop08:25
ikoniaI was a bit dissapointed to see him still trying to get in , but that seems to have stopped08:25
ikoniagnomefreak: all done, ban gone08:26
gnomefreakikonia: thanks ill tell him later if im here if not ill tell him when we are online at same time 08:27
ikoniait's no biggy, if you're happy with his behaviour, thats fine08:27
ikoniathat's enough for me08:27
Tm_Tessy lloch nessy08:40
Tm_Tdunno why that came up08:40
BUGabundogood morning09:24
BUGabundoikonia: ping09:24
BUGabundois the ban removed?09:25
ikoniaBUGabundo: yes the ban was removed, I suggest you speak to gnomefreak when you get chance too 09:25
BUGabundosee you latter09:25
* Myrtti grunts09:26
* Myrtti gives ikonia a share of her apple rice and a cup of nice te09:36
* Myrtti blinks09:38
ikoniayou got a mention09:39
MyrttiI was just thinking that with my "input" to the Open Source community, I'm sure nobody would mention me09:40
ikoniawell, you got a mention09:42
MyrttiI'm very, very surprised09:42
ikoniait's nice to get mentions like that, very flattering09:42
ikoniakudos to you09:42
Myrttithe show at #freenode is quite entertaining09:44
ikoniait's stupid09:44
ikoniathe guy is in freenode saying, I behave like an idiont in channels and will continue to do so 09:45
ikoniahe's known to freenode as a problem09:45
ikoniathe user moose keeps making random comments to me that I should resolve my issue with him ???? I hadn't spoke in the channel, he just joined and started ranting....AGAIN09:45
Myrttiikonia: humor Errietta and assume she's female ;-)09:47
ikonianow moose in pm'ing me calling me a jerk for not resolving issues with her ?09:48
MyrttiNot that I want to diss my own gender or male one, but I think it's a bit annoying that mentioning that you're female gets always the attention and people assume that females are right/wronged ones09:51
Myrtti"oo damsel in distress"09:51
Myrttiikonia: tell him that he's a jerk for assuming that the issue hasn't been resolved based only in her story of what happened09:52
ikonianot interested09:54
ikoniait was most odd10:00
ikoniahe joined windows started calling software faggy software - I asked him to stop - he did, then he joined freenode and started the ranting10:01
ikoniahence why I had a ? 10:01
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)10:13
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)10:13
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)10:13
ikonia@bansearch kalidar10:17
ubottuNo matches found for kalidar!n=kalidar@s0106000f3d351ac9.gv.shawcable.net in any channel10:17
ikoniawhy is kalidar appearing on my hilights10:17
ikoniaahhh I see10:18
ikoniafalse hilight10:18
Myrttiikonia: I'm finishing that howto on synchronizing s60 with Google Cal10:24
ikoniaI'm working on setting up my own calander service10:24
ikoniawe should compare notes10:24
ikoniaI should say "I'm failing" at setting up my own calander service10:27
ikoniaMyrtti: when you're done I'd love to have a read 10:31
Myrttiyeah, am going to publish it on planet10:31
ikoniasuper super, nudge when done10:31
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)10:54
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)10:54
Myrttiikonia: WFM10:54
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)10:54
ikoniaMyrtti: you've got a doc ready ?11:01
MyrttiI'm doing the file backup, cronjob and wget too before publishing11:01
MyrttiI need to document this for myself properly11:01
ikonialooking forward to it11:01
ikoniamay help me out a lot11:01
Myrttiorage doesn't have a way to sync from gcal or anywhere online properly, so I've got a script that wgets them to a dummy file every hour11:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 244877 in libopensync-plugin-google-calendar "Libopensync-plugin google doesn't sync contacts (dup-of: 220583)" [Undecided,New]11:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 220583 in libopensync-plugin-google-calendar "python 2.5 crashes when running opensync-plugin-google-calendar" [Medium,Triaged]11:19
=== Gary is now known as evilGary
* Pici is annoyed today13:42
ikoniaPricey: what's up13:42
ikoniaPricey: sorry13:42
ikoniaPici: what's up13:42
Myrttithere's some black magic here I don't understand...13:42
Piciikonia: Nothing in particular13:43
ikoniajust one of those days ?13:43
Piciikonia: Its been one of those weeks... Just bad news all around.13:44
ikoniathats not good13:44
PiciMy family's Dog had to be put down, my grandfather passed away. 13:44
pleia2Pici :(13:45
ikoniaoh man, I'm sorry on both fronts13:45
Picipleia2, ikonia: Thanks13:45
* Pici tries to stay positive and wanders off for a bit13:46
stdinkesk is back13:55
ikoniaI spy 13:55
ikoniawhat's the deal with kesk14:03
PiciHe keeps evading his bans. I'm not sure if its intentional or not.14:04
ikonialooks like it is with the swapping IP 14:05
ikoniaI missed the last one though 14:05
PiciIts been 3 different IPs. I swapped out the prior bans for a new one on the nick and ident.14:06
* genii makes a fresh batch of coffee14:08
ikoniaidiots "testing" in +114:10
ikonialogging bugs against their own custom compiled packages14:11
ikoniawhat a waste of developer time/focus14:11
ikonia@bansearch cristi_14:19
ubottuNo matches found for cristi_!n=cristi@host-static-92-115-23-125.moldtelecom.md in any channel14:19
ikonia@bansearch cristi14:19
ubottuMatch: *!*@host-static-92-115-23-16.moldtelecom.md by ikonia in #ubuntu on Mar 24 2009 13:21:58 (ID: 11497)14:19
ikonia!staff cristi_ ban dodging and telling me in a logged PM she will change her ip and ban dodge for a 4th time14:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:22
ikonia!staff | cristi_ ban dodging and telling me in a logged PM she will change her ip and ban dodge for a 4th time14:23
ubottucristi_ ban dodging and telling me in a logged PM she will change her ip and ban dodge for a 4th time: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, Vorian or PriceChild, I could  use a bit of your time :)14:23
Piciikonia: why not just ban *!?=cristi@*.moldtelecom.md14:29
ikoniajust tidying up14:30
ikoniano other md's14:30
ikoniaso it was quicker to stop her coming in / out14:30
ikonia2 minutes14:30
ikoniabusy few minutes14:31
ikoniaPici: how did meaneater get past that ban ?14:33
ikoniahow did it get past n=cristi!*@*14:35
LjLikonia: quite easily i'd say14:36
Piciikonia: because thats not a valid ban mask. 14:36
LjLsince n=cristi is hardly a nickname :P14:36
ikoniathank you14:36
LjLikonia: also, /who *.moldtelecom.md14:37
ikoniaLjL: already done it14:37
ikoniathere are no other ubuntu users using it - just cristi 14:37
PiciI disagree.14:37
ikoniathere are none in the channel I should say 14:37
PiciAt least badserii is in #ubuntu-ro14:37
ikoniayes, the ban I put on is not perm 14:37
PiciBut you're applying a ban, these people may join #ubuntu14:37
ikoniaI'm about to remove it as I didn't see my mistake 14:38
LjLclient incoming14:38
ikonia(with the other ban I mean) 14:38
LjLikonia: and yes, there are other users using it14:38
LjLikonia: not other ubuntu users perhaps, but you won't know that until, err, they join, no?14:38
ikoniaLjL: for the 60 seconds the ban was in place for - I thought it was a safe gamble14:39
LjLikonia: ah you removed it, ok, i hadn't seen that14:39
ikoniajust tidying up now14:41
ikoniaPici: yes, thats why I took the gamble on a quick short ban to catch my breath 14:45
ikoniaI checked, there was no-one else using14:45
ikoniaok - that should all be tidied up now14:46
LjLikonia, what client are you on? mine can automatically ban ident + ISP14:47
ikoniairssi 14:47
LjLikonia: i have a /be alias that bans you by ident and kicks you with "Ban evasion is not acceptable"14:48
LjLi'm on konv though14:48
ikoniaooh sounds cool, most of my aliases are robbed from pici 14:48
ikonia(thank you ) 14:48
LjLbut there must be a way in irssi, there's a way to do anything in irssi14:48
ikoniaLjL: I just need to mofidy auto_bleh a bit14:48
ikoniaor create an alias 14:48
LjLikonia: ok but you still need to know what the command is to ban *!ident@*.isp14:49
LjLikonia: actually the *default* in irssi is ident and isp, so you probably changed that default (which is not a bad idea in and of itself since we usually ban by hostname alone, but you need to find out how to override it)14:50
LjLikonia: the "cs lart" that seveas uses sets up a ban like that, i think14:50
ikoniajust looking14:51
ikoniaseeing if I can pecice it together14:51
ikoniapeice even14:52
LjLikonia: BAN [-normal | -user | -host | -domain | -custom <type>] <nicks/masks>14:53
LjLikonia: so it's like on konversation basically. you want "-domain" for a standard ban, "-normal" for ident + isp14:53
LjLno not "-domain", "-host"14:53
ikoniabut can you do -user *.com for example14:54
ikoniaso it does use at *.com rather than user at full isp 14:54
ikoniaI'm reading14:54
LjLikonia: -user only sets a ban on ident14:55
LjL-user *.com results in no action here14:55
LjL-irssi-user target14:56
LjL-irssi-host target14:56
LjL-irssi-domain target14:56
LjL-irssi-normal target14:56
ikonianice test14:58
LjLikonia: i had to remove the previous ban before -normal would work because it was alredy covered by the other ones so the server refused it14:59
geniijussi01_: Core restart or so?15:03
ikoniaLjL: ahh15:03
ikoniaI'm just setting up a little playpen now15:03
Likeahh you ar op ikonia  sorry15:28
LjL... because if he weren't an op...?15:28
Likeim op in radio15:28
Tm_TLike: and?15:28
Likeand i cant stop 15:28
Tm_Tif you cannot, then don't irc (;)15:29
Likeim talking now15:29
Myrttiikonia: http://myrtti.fi/blog/2009/03/25/howto-sync-s60v3-phone-to-google-calendar-and-make-backups-of-contactscalendarnotes/15:29
ikoniaMyrtti: nice, thanks15:30
bazhangwhy is like in here15:32
ikoniaLike: what's the problem15:32
bazhanglike please leave if you have no reason to be here15:33
Likeim banned15:34
Likefor oone op15:34
Likebazhang, 15:35
bazhangLike, dont idle here.15:35
bazhang!idle | Like 15:35
ubottuLike: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.15:35
ikoniaLike: you are banned from #ubuntu because of you're persistant behaviour15:35
bazhangicebuntu is in -irc15:36
Tm_Tindeed he is15:36
Tm_Tand see his attitude15:36
bazhanghe was already on his LAST warning15:36
bazhangthis is beyond the LAST warning.15:36
Tm_TI'd say so too15:37
bazhanghe was re-directed to there, trying to enter -fi again elky 15:37
PiciIs asustek/kavita/icebuntu currently banned from -offtopic?15:41
ikoniaI don't think so 15:42
PiciOkay. Just checking.15:42
ikoniaPici: it's hard to keep track with all his dodging15:42
Piciikonia: Tell me about it...15:42
bazhanghe does not speak Finnish. That is not a Finnish language class channel.15:43
ikoniabazhang: however that is a weak argument15:43
ikoniaas the loco channels are for "everyone" 15:43
bazhanghe is trying to re-enter after being banned there, knowingly.15:43
ikoniathat is a different argument15:43
bazhangand is re-directed to -irc.15:43
ikoniabazhang: best place for a loco issue15:44
bazhanghe was warned to not try to enter again.15:44
PiciMyrtti: Are you an -fi op?15:44
Myrttithe thing is15:44
Myrttithe thing here is15:44
bazhangthis is about ubuntu namespace.15:44
Myrttithere's both me and Lynoure there15:44
Myrttiand people who have limited resources in dealing with his type15:45
ikoniaMyrtti: thats why I was trying to speak to him in #ubuntu-irc as I know you've had issues with him before 15:45
bazhanghe was already on his last chance!15:45
bazhangwth is this about giving him another 'last chance'15:46
LjLhow about they learn english before trying themselves on finnish15:46
LjLi can't understand much of what they're saying at all15:46
ikoniaLjL: finnish are crazy....hard to understand15:48
bazhanghe is lying.15:49
bazhanghe knows he is banned there.15:49
Myrttihe was banforwarded before15:49
Myrttinow he's just banned15:49
bazhanghe has zero reason to try to re-enter, knowing he is banned there.15:50
LjLhow can we help you this time15:53
LikeI nedd too be unbanned pls :)15:54
LjLyou shouldn't have got yourself banned in the first place.15:54
LjLwe don't unban on request.15:54
LjLLike: other questions?15:55
geniiApparently not.15:56
bazhanghe blithely ignores any and all warnings. (icebuntu)15:56
LjLbazhang, tbh access to -irc is open...16:00
bazhangLjL, I thought it was for loco operators and those seeking to be unbanned. he was acting as though it was a social channel /me yawns16:01
Picibazhang: Not necessarily, and yes.16:01
LjLbazhang: no, it's not really about ban appeals - channels should normally have their -ops channel for that16:01
LjLthey *can* use -irc if they don't, but it's not really ideal16:01
bazhangwhy there is even a discussion of him being unbanned in -fi I have no idea.16:02
bazhanghe knows he was banned.16:02
bazhangwas warned not to try to re-enter ('last warning')16:02
bazhangtried to re-enter.16:03
Myrttiseparate channels and separate issues or something16:03
Myrttiwe do have a team channel for the Finnish loco, but not a specific -ops one16:03
Myrttiand since most of the people on the team channel would not have had a clue about him and his behaviour, I didn't feel comfortable in directing him there16:04
bazhangis there part of the 'last warning' do not try to re-enter, then him blowing that off -->here is another 'last chance' that I am failing to understand?16:04
bazhang<Melcom> Hi how can I become a monderator?16:23
LjLby not flooding #ubuntu, for a start?16:23
Melcomhi how do I become unbanned16:27
bazhangMelcom, how may we help you16:27
Melcomhi how do I become unbanned16:27
ikoniaMelcom: lets be real - you just want to mess around in the channel 16:27
ikoniaMelcom: you pretended you from "ubuntu"16:28
ikoniathen you flooded16:28
ikoniathen you where kicked16:28
ikoniathen you came back and flooded some more16:28
ikonialets be honest - you just want to mess around16:28
Melcomlook I have read your community support page so I wanted to help16:28
bazhang<Melcom> hi I am a support rep for ubuntu how may I help?16:29
ikoniathen why did you keep flooding the channel16:29
LjLflooding the channel does not help.16:29
ikoniaand why did you continue after you where asked to stop 16:29
ikoniaand kicked16:29
Melcomsee iwanted to see the respons of your team16:29
ikonianow you have seen it16:29
LjLMelcom: you've seen it. happy?16:29
ikoniayou must now accept the consiquences of your teest16:30
ikoniaMelcom: you will not be unbanned at this time 16:30
Melcomwhat must I do to become unbanned16:30
ikoniaMelcom: learn how to behave16:30
ikoniaMelcom: learn not to "test" people 16:30
bazhangstop being silly16:30
LjL!etiquette > Melcom    (Melcom, see the private message from ubottu)16:30
LjLcome back when you know all that content by heart.16:30
Myrttierrietta on #ubuntu16:32
MyrttiI did unban him, but keep an eye on her16:32
MelcomI am not a her i am a him16:32
LjLMelcom: and your nickname is not errietta, is it?16:33
MyrttiMelcom: I wasn't talking about you, now was I?16:33
MelcomWhay are your servic peuple always so rude16:34
ErriettaI had a really hard day today16:34
Erriettaplease dont make it worse16:34
LjLErrietta: same here.16:34
LjLMelcom, if you have no other questions for us at this time, please part16:35
ikoniathen behave16:35
bazhangMelcom, please part this channel16:35
Erriettaok u have 2 options16:35
Erriettaeither u help me16:35
ikoniaha ha ha16:35
Myrttioh boy, I can see this going the wrong way already...16:35
Erriettai had a really really really bad day16:35
Melcomand if you bann do you ban the IP or the host name?16:36
bazhangnext on : #freenode16:36
ikoniaMelcom: please leave 16:36
LjLMelcom: yes16:36
MelcomI have the right to freedom of expression16:36
ikoniaMelcom: bye16:36
ikoniawhat is it, nut job hour ?16:37
Myrttimust be16:37
bazhangthat would be a scary channel16:37
LjLif you consider -ot too16:37
LjLikonia: chanserv opped us both in one line, how cute.16:37
ikoniaquite romantic16:37
geniiYour freedonm of expression ends where someone else's operator rules begin.16:37
LjLthat's a permban.16:41
LjL@mark #ubuntu-ops errietta Threatened killing operators on #freenode. I will ban her on sight anywhere in the namespace.16:41
ubottuThe operation succeeded.16:41
MelcomLjL: I know all the ubuntu code of cunduct by heart16:45
MelcomLjL can I please be unbanned16:45
Myrttiprobably not within the next 24 hours16:46
LjLMelcom: your ban won't be lifted after your boutades in here16:47
LjLMelcom: come back in a month16:47
MelcomHow can I report Rasists16:50
ikoniaMelcom: just tell us the problem16:50
bazhangMelcom, racists?16:51
MelcomI told you before I ware banned a 1rate dude16:51
bazhangMelcom, please stop the nonsense16:51
MelcomI can not rememer his name mayby you can post me a list of all the users i can tell you?16:52
bazhangMelcom, you were banned for flooding the channel repeatedly, ignoring warnings, then continuing.16:52
LjLyyyes, sure16:52
ikoniaMelcom: he was spoke to and apologiesed it was not intended as a racist comment16:52
ikoniaMelcom: so if there is nothing else you're free to leave16:52
bazhangMelcom, see you in a month's time.16:52
Melcomwhy are you all so rude?16:53
bazhangMelcom, please part the channel.16:53
PiciA month?16:54
ikoniathe guy didn't mean it as a racist comment, he was from the same place 16:54
ikoniajust FYI:16:54
LjLPici: you'd rather a year?16:54
=== evilGary is now known as Gary
PiciLjL: Dunno, I wasn't really paying attention.16:58
ikonia melcome in #ubuntu-za asking about ip masks to hide his ip's from channels16:58
Piciikonia: You're sure in a lot of channels.16:59
ikoniaPici: to be honest I followed him in there because of what he said about being an ubuntu representatibve16:59
ikoniawanted to make sure he didn't try to fob people off with it16:59
ikoniaI didn't get the impression being an ubuntu representative how can I help was for good reasons17:00
ikoniajust being cautious after he left a little disgruntled17:00
ikonianow he's flooding that channel17:00
bazhangquelle surprise17:01
ikoniashock horror17:01
ikoniaGary: as your awake can you join #ubuntu-za and mute the flood please17:02
ikoniano ops appear avilable17:02
Piciikonia: staff are not on the access list there17:02
Garyyeah, what pici said17:03
ikoniaooh really17:03
ikonia/join/join #ubuntu-za17:05
ikoniafat fingers all the way17:05
ikoniawhat a surprise melcom found ##club-ubuntu17:08
ikoniaalmost as if he knew about it before joining #ubuntu - shock17:08
Picisebsebseb being himself again in +1. issued one remove17:14
ikoniaI gave him a serious warning in here - then a warning in there about 2 minutes ago 17:15
Piciikonia: Ah.17:15
ikoniaenoguh 17:15
PiciI didnt see it.17:15
ikonia6:56 < ikonia> sebsebseb: I'm not laughing - you got a pretty clear warning17:15
ikoniahe managed to last 10 minutes17:16
ikoniasebsebseb: hi17:18
sebsebsebikonia: hi17:18
ikoniasebsebseb: so what's the deal ?17:18
ikoniasebsebseb: you had a pretty serious warning in here - I gave you a waring again in #ubuntu+1 then Pici had to kick you 10 minutes later ?17:18
sebsebsebyeah I got kicked,  I reolize why as well17:19
ikoniayes - but why17:19
ikoniaI gave you a pretty clear warning in here the other day about your behaviour17:19
sebsebseb,because I was being an idiot17:19
ikoniaI gave you a reminder 10 minutes ago 17:19
ikoniayou couldn't even hold it together for 10 minutes17:19
ikoniado you think the warnings mean nothing ?17:19
ikoniaso why do you keep ignoring them and being a problem17:19
sebsebsebmaybe to do with my slight Aspergers Syndrome, but I don't want to make excuses.  maybe it's for the best that I am banned from #ubuntu+1 for now,  but  hopefully I can have access again tommorow.   Also I am actsually going to check out the channel rules again.17:22
ikoniasebsebseb: you seem to be able to turn this on and off when you please17:22
sebsebsebikonia: turn what on or off?  being an idiot you mean?17:23
ikoniasebsebseb: yes, and the polite "what you want to hear" response17:23
sebsebsebikonia: ,but  yeah this looks bad for my channel record, if there is such a thing17:24
ikoniait's not painting you in a good light17:24
ikoniasebsebseb: I'm frustrated with  you as we spent a good time talking this through the other day and making it clear what the situation / rules was17:24
ikoniaI'm more frustrated as I gave you a ping just 10 minutes ago to remind you of the converstion in here17:25
sebsebsebikonia: main rule, don't swear in the channel, keep it family friendly?17:25
ikoniasebsebseb: can you give me any reason to think you are heeding this warning any better than the others ?17:25
sebsebsebikonia: ,because of certain learning difficulties my  vocublery is a bit rubbish at times,  also I am not that good at sayings.   what did you mean exactly by that?17:26
ikoniasebsebseb: no problem, can you give me any reason to think you'll pay attention to the warning you're getting now any better than the others you've had17:27
sebsebsebikonia: sure, because it's no fun, joining this channel,  plus  I want to be a good member of the user community,  instead of some troll17:28
ikoniasebsebseb: yup - which is what you said yesterday when we had this conversation17:28
ikoniasebsebseb: so why should I think you can do better this time  ?17:28
sebsebsebikonia: yesterday I was suprised that I only lasted about 6 minutes, before yeah.   and then even more suprised today, that I lasted about the same amount of time before this17:29
ikoniasebsebseb: I'll make a suggestion - see what you think17:29
sebsebsebikonia: ok sure go a head17:30
ikoniasebsebseb: I'm not blind to people with issues such as Aspergers, so I do appreciate how easy it is to make slip ups17:30
ikoniasebsebseb: I have a family member who works with people with Aspergers, I am aware and sympathetic17:30
ikoniasebsebseb: just to be clear 17:30
sebsebsebikonia: ok17:31
ikoniasebsebseb: I'd suggest - take some time out of the the ubuntu channels, all of them just a few days and think about a way to control yourself in the channels, maybe a few second delay before you press enter to each comment you make17:31
ikoniasebsebseb: the reason I suggest the ubuntu channels in general is you have been an issue in a few channels now - so it maybe best to let everyone take a break from your recent behaviour and start afresh, say monday next week17:32
ikoniafresh week, fresh attitude, fresh approach 17:32
ikoniasebsebseb: how does that sit with you ?17:33
ikoniaor "what do you think" to be clear 17:33
ikoniasebsebseb: maybe try introducing yourself into busy channels slowley to gain control, eg: start with the loco channel, that has less traffic and is more friendly see how you get on 17:34
sebsebsebikonia: well I have never had a problem with  #ubuntu+offtopic which I would go to sometimes.   #ubuntu+1 it seems I have been wanting to express some negative  views there, so  maybe best to keep me banned from that one for now.  espesially with the beta tommoorw, and how I might want to complain about something.   as for #ubuntu  I think I will be ok there now,  except maybe when it comes to offtopic stuff which 17:37
sebsebsebisn't meant to be there tommorow.  take  last night for example there was some Jan person that was off topic for like 15 minutes or so in there.   what's the cookie stuff acstaully about?  I am pretty sure you gave me one last night17:37
sebsebsebisant' meant to be there anyway it was meant to say above17:38
ikoniasebsebseb: I think you should take a break from the ubuntu channels in general to have a clean start17:38
sebsebsebor be 100% good in #ubuntu ????17:38
sebsebsebso if people are off topic just ignore it?  or  do  !ot ????17:39
ikoniasebsebseb: no - I think it would be better to just take a break17:39
ikoniasebsebseb: you've proved you can't control yourself to be %100 good - so take a break to start afresh next week17:39
ikoniasebsebseb: then we can start easying back into channels - 17:40
ikoniachannels like the loco channels are more relaxed so to get into the routine of IRC it may be a better place to build up on17:40
ikoniaplus there is a great community there that will provide you with support17:40
ikoniasupport for you as a person, plus support with your ubuntu world17:41
sebsebsebikonia: I think this is better,   I  have access to #ubuntu if  I brake a rule which isn't  very slight offtopic,  I get booted untill Monday,  and I remain banned from +1 untill then as well17:42
sebsebsebikonia: deal or no deal?17:43
sebsebsebikonia: as you may have noticed, I am mainly using it to suppourt others now days17:44
sebsebsebikonia: which ones are the loco channels?17:46
ikoniasorry I was on the phone for a moment17:46
sebsebsebah ok no problem17:46
ikoniasebsebseb: I don't think thats better - and I'm trying to offer you a more relaxed approach and easy way to get comfortable in irc17:47
ikoniasebsebseb: fact - you've proved you can't behave in the main channels - I don't want to be in a situation where you're banned because of minor things and your reputation17:47
ikoniasebsebseb: by taking a break you're showing your willing to have a serious attempt to participate in irc17:47
ikoniasebsebseb: one moment please17:48
ikoniaLike: how can we help 17:48
ikoniasebsebseb: won't keep you a minute17:49
ikoniaLike: if you have nothing you want please leave the channel17:50
ikoniaPici: Myrtti jussi01_ LjL got a second so I can finish up with sebsebseb please. 17:50
ikoniasebsebseb: be with you as quick as possible, just let me clear the channel of Like's issue before we continue17:52
sebsebsebikonia: ok17:52
Piciikonia: Whats up?17:52
ikoniaPici: can you clear Like please - 17:52
Piciikonia: From here?17:52
ikoniaPici: just remove him from #ubuntu band doding and he's just sat here17:53
ikoniaPici: yeah, I'd like to finish up with sebsebseb 17:53
ikoniaband doding??? ban dodging17:53
ikoniaPici: thanks17:53
ikoniasebsebseb: just wanted to clear that issue so there was no disruption 17:53
sebsebsebikonia: ok17:53
ikoniasebsebseb: so what I'd like to see is take a break from the ubuntu channels - all of them until the end of the weekend, take a moment to think about what triggers you off miss-behaving, then we'll work togther - start joining a loco to see how we get on 17:54
sebsebsebikonia: what's loco?17:54
ikoniasebsebseb: totally fresh slate next week - fresh week, fresh slate, fresh attitude, fresh approach 17:54
ikoniasebsebseb: "local channel" 17:54
ikoniasebsebseb: eg: targeted at UK users 17:54
sebsebsebikonia: oh you mean like  #ubuntu-uk17:54
ikoniasebsebseb: correct, yes17:55
sebsebsebikonia: I been there,  it's mainly general chat, it sucks17:55
ikoniasebsebseb: it's a lot more relaxed and a good way to break into irc in a more controlled environment17:55
jussi01yay for connection!17:55
sebsebsebikonia: I have used IRC  here and there the last few years17:55
ikoniasebsebseb: don't worry - if you don't like it, it's just as a way to introduce you to ubuntu's irc practices without the pressure and busy of the main channel17:55
ikoniasebsebseb: ok - I'm trying to help you17:56
ikoniasebsebseb: if you want to go that way then we'll do it that way17:56
ikoniasebsebseb: you've used IRC for a few years so should be able to behave in a channel without constant warnings 17:56
ikoniasebsebseb: therefore you have proved you are unable to follow the ubuntu irc guidelines so you will remain banned17:56
ikoniasebsebseb: is that the way you want to go ?17:56
sebsebsebikonia: not that often in those few years17:56
ikoniasebsebseb: `you can't change your story to suit the arguement17:57
ikoniasebsebseb: you are either experienced with IRC or you're not - which way do you want to go 17:57
sebsebsebikonia: not that experienced, hence why I keep out of most general chat channels :)17:57
sebsebsebikonia: #Ubuntu it's great, when it's all nice and on topic17:58
ikoniasebsebseb: yet you refuse to take a more gentle approach to one of the most busy channels on the network 17:58
ikoniasebsebseb: it's ontopic until you start17:58
ikoniasebsebseb: I'm trying to help you here but you are not making it easy17:58
sebsebsebikonia: well I am not the only person that has gone offtopic in #ubuntu17:58
ikoniasebsebseb: I'm not discussing anyone else17:58
ikoniasebsebseb: I'm discussing you17:59
ikoniasebsebseb: I'm also not offering this level of help and to support to other users - so if you want I can pull my support from you and treat your disruption as I would any other use17:59
ikoniasebsebseb: you can't have it both ways17:59
sebsebsebikonia: how would you treat other users?17:59
ikoniasebsebseb: they would be banned because they had had repeated warnings 18:00
sebsebsebikonia: permantly banned?18:00
ikoniasebsebseb: very rarley but - other users are not the discussion here, how to allow you to use IRC without being an issue is18:00
ikoniasebsebseb: lets focus on that18:00
ikoniasebsebseb: so how do you want to proceed - do you want to work with us to get confidence that you can behave in the channels up, or do you want to do your own thing18:01
sebsebsebikonia: I think I can be  very good in #ubuntu now by staying on topic, and ignoring the offtopic stuff,  but  even so you  want me to have a brake from all channels untill Monday?  which is ashame since I quite like #ubuntu and  #ubuntu-offtopic can be pretty good at times to18:02
ikoniasebsebseb: you thought you could behave many times before - and failed18:03
ikoniasebsebseb: the decision is yours how you proceed18:03
sebsebsebikonia: so basically I can use #ubuntu ,but  if I get banned/kicked again, it will be even worse?18:04
ikoniasebsebseb: you can chose to accept the support I'm offering and I'm sure the other members of the community will offer too, and work up to being a bit more of a trusted user with confidence that you can stay in a channel for longer than ten minutes, or you can carry on as you have been doing trying to do "good" but getting banned but this will be the last warning I give to you 18:05
ikoniasebsebseb: and as I said taking a break from the channels may help people approach you with a fresh perspective as at the moment - you come across as user who is an issue and can't be trusted18:05
ikoniasebsebseb: you need to lose that perception 18:05
sebsebsebikonia: a user that can't be trusted, by who?18:06
ikoniasebsebseb: I came from a different IRC community before I joined the ubuntu community, and it was only the people in the channels that helped give me a fresh perspective18:06
ikoniasebsebseb: by the ubuntu channel - you can't be trusted to not be an issue or behave18:06
sebsebsebikonia: you don't just mean the ops, you mean  other people that use it as well?18:07
ikoniasebsebseb: I think we've probably discussed this enough, it's up to you how you want to proceed18:07
ikoniasebsebseb: you're focusing on the wrong thing18:07
sebsebsebikonia: ,but yes my reputation has gone a bit bad18:07
ikoniasebsebseb: it's very bad18:07
ikoniasebsebseb: I'll be honest18:07
ikoniasebsebseb: hence why I'm trying to suggest something that is a fresh start and a bit more of a contolled approach to get peoples confidence in you back 18:08
sebsebsebikonia: indeed, but  with access to #ubuntu  I may be tempted to join there before Monday, if you get what I mean.   I am not saying ban me from that channel.18:09
ikoniasebsebseb: not joining will be a good test of your control 18:09
ikoniasebsebseb: it proves your serious18:09
ikoniasebsebseb: and it proves your willing 18:09
sebsebsebikonia: well I guess I spent a bit to much time with  Ubuntu IRC,  the  last  two or three weeks or whatever it is,  there are other channels,  and other things I can do on the computer18:10
ikoniayes, there certainly are 18:10
* jussi01 prods ikonia18:11
sebsebsebikonia: question?   well  I should probably sort the identifying  of this name out again,  but  the ops can see who people are anyway?   so let's say I  am not joining untill Monday, but someone decides that they want  to go on #ubuntu with my name?  the ops would know it was a fake?18:11
ikoniasebsebseb: this nickname has never been used before18:12
ikoniasebsebseb: stop trying to make a situation out of one that doesn't exist18:12
ikoniasebsebseb: I think we'll leave it there - it's clear you just want to do you're own thing and I've spent enough time trying to guide you18:12
sebsebsebikonia: I have sebsebseb registerd on freednode,  I just  haven't bothered to identify for ages, since  I need to do a new password on it.18:12
sebsebsebikonia: no you misunderstood18:13
ikoniasebsebseb: again - it's not an issue18:13
ikoniaI'll leave it there as I'm going home18:13
sebsebsebikonia: indeed about the  the reputaiton18:13
ikoniaif you're still in the #ubuntu-$ channels when I get home I'll assume you want to do your own thing18:13
ikoniaor if I see you in the channels (I'm not banning you from any) until monday - I'll assume you want to do you're own thing18:13
sebsebsebikonia: thanks for all this, and  hummmm18:14
sebsebsebikonia: Monday!18:14
ikoniasebsebseb: we'll see - think about it while I drive over18:14
ikoniaI'm happy to work with you, but I won't be messed around so think it over18:14
ikoniaI'll be away for a few hours18:14
popey17:54:58 < sebsebseb> ikonia: oh you mean like  #ubuntu-uk18:14
popey17:55:12 < sebsebseb> ikonia: I been there,  it's mainly general chat, it sucks18:14
sebsebsebpopey: why  :(18:15
ikoniapopey: I was going to pm you for help - so ignore his comments ;)18:15
ikoniasebsebseb: popey is one of the ubuntu-uk operators and a commnuity leader18:15
ikoniasebsebseb: you've just called his community ;)18:15
sebsebsebikonia: oh right I see18:15
* Seeker` too18:15
popeysaddens me to think people think -uk sucks18:15
ikoniapopey: hey I bigged you up saying it was a great place to learn 18:15
* popey hugs ikonia 18:15
sebsebsebpopey: well  I may be around there giving it a proper try before  Monday18:15
popeynow get!18:16
sebsebsebpopey: don't ban me for those comments :d18:16
ikoniasebsebseb: you've not listend to a word I said have you18:16
sebsebsebikonia: I have18:16
ikoniasebsebseb: I said remove yourself from the ubuntu channels to start a fresh chapter18:16
sebsebsebikonia: bad reputation in Ubuntu channels18:16
ikoniasebsebseb: what do you think #ubuntu-uk is ?18:16
sebsebsebikonia: oh you mean that channel as well18:16
ikoniasebsebseb: #ubuntu* channels18:16
sebsebsebikonia: you were talking about loco chanenls earlier though?18:16
ikoniasebsebseb: yes joining it as an introduction to get to grips with the ubuntu guidelines for irc18:17
sebsebsebikonia: ah ha  #ubuntu-uk is also an offical channel18:17
ikoniasebsebseb: it's a good commnity with some good memebers, popey Seeker` are both here and have witnessed this conversation 18:17
sebsebsebikonia: who is Seeker?18:17
popeyan op of -uk18:17
ikoniasebsebseb: lots of people to guide in a more releaxed environment than the busy main channels18:17
sebsebsebikonia: ok well I am starting to think about what I am going to do  before Monday, instead of Ubuntu IRC18:18
ikoniasebsebseb: have a think about what you want to do, any questions ask someone - plenty of people saw this conversation and I'm sure would offer advice 18:19
ikonianow I really must go 18:19
sebsebsebikonia: ok well  bye for now,  thanks for your help,  see you on Monday18:19
sebsebsebor whenever18:19
sebsebsebafter Monday18:19
ikonia@mark #ubuntu DemonTech ban dodging - demonXP18:22
ubottuThe operation succeeded.18:22
Picisebsebseb: If theres nothing else, would you please part this channel? Thanks.18:35
sebsebsebPici: yep18:35
sebsebsebI was about to18:35
sebsebsebPici: bye18:36
sebsebsebMonday yeah!18:37
mneptokwe walked around in circles singing. oo ha oh! i said people walked around for practically forever singing! oo ha oh! i said our heads our heads were filled with things that didn't matter anyway and we're SINGING! OO HA OH!19:18
Seeker`mneptok: may I be the first (in the last 5 mins) to say, WTF?!19:19
mneptokalright. everybody sing ...19:19
nickspoonmneptok :D19:19
mneptokall to the tune of this very simple melody ...19:20
mneptokou vont les garcons?19:22
Flanneltrolls always show up when I have to run...19:54
* Flannel resolves to never having to run.19:55
FlannelSomeone keep an eye on AlloesGirl in #u19:55
ikoniaSeeker`: I was just trying to do a good thing and give someone a chance20:18
Seeker`ikonia: ?20:19
ikoniaSeeker`: wtf last 5 mins20:21
ikoniaI assume you where on about me trying to get sebsebseb on track20:22
Seeker`ikonia: that was directed at mneptok20:23
Seeker`It was going to be "may I be the first to say, WTF?!"20:23
Seeker`but then I realised that many many people ahve said that to him before20:24
Seeker`then it was going to be "may I be the first to say (today), WTF?!"20:24
Seeker`but then I realised that would probably be wrong too20:24
guntbertHi, in #ubuntu - is it possible to redirect the output of an !info request like with the factoids? (like !info mc | guntbert)21:20
Seeker`!info mc > guntbert 21:21
ubottumc (source: mc): midnight commander - a powerful file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:4.6.2~git20080311-2 (intrepid), package size 2085 kB, installed size 6256 kB21:21
LjLguntbert: not currently21:21
LjLguntbert: that feature got broken some time in the past21:21
guntbertLjL: ok, thx  would be sort of nice :-) bye21:22
LjLyeah it would be nice21:22
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, rww said: !no, pie-#ubuntu-offtopic is <reply> PIE PIE PIE http://www.statcan.gc.ca/edu/power-pouvoir/ch9/images/pie5.gif21:33
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, rodserling said: !tea is <reply> I love this stuff!21:34
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, ikanobori said: !pie is <reply> PIE PIE PIE http://www.kaarsemaker.net/downloads/taart.jpg or PI PI PI http://ikanobori.jp/storage/pi_e.jpg21:36
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, ikanobori said: !pizza is <reply> Mmmm. http://ikanobori.jp/storage/pizza.jpg21:44
=== bluesmoke_ is now known as Amaranth
stdin!info bash | stdin23:54
ubottuNone is not a valid distribution ['dapper', 'gutsy', 'gutsy-backports', 'hardy', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid', 'intrepid-backports', 'jaunty', 'jaunty-backports', 'kde4-ppa', 'kubuntu-members-kde4', 'medibuntu', 'partner']23:54
LjL!info bash intrepid | ljl23:55
ubottubash (source: bash): The GNU Bourne Again SHell. In component main, is required. Version 3.2-4ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 564 kB, installed size 1232 kB23:55
stdin!info bash | stdin23:55
ubottuNone is not a valid distribution ['dapper', 'gutsy', 'gutsy-backports', 'hardy', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid', 'intrepid-backports', 'jaunty', 'jaunty-backports', 'kde4-ppa', 'kubuntu-members-kde4', 'medibuntu', 'partner']23:55
jpdsYeah, PackageInfo doesn't redirect cos it's not part of Encyclopedia.23:58
stdinI'm trying to "fix" it23:58
stdinit works in /msg :)23:58
jpdsHOOARY! \o/23:58
jpdsNafallo: ^23:58
LjLstdin: it *used* to work though23:59
LjLdon't remember when it broke23:59
stdinLjL: it worked when it was a part of Encyclopedia23:59

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