panus | I read it may be a problem with xorg.conf file | 00:00 |
panus | anyone have a clue? | 00:00 |
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Kasm279 | help, my xubuntu cd seems not to work correctly | 01:53 |
Kasm279 | but it verified correctly | 01:54 |
brandonban6 | fellas, flash has got me going in circles! I could use some advice here. I've installed the adobe package, manually and with the installer. I have tried gnash, I have installed the flashplugin-nonfree. I have tried Opera and Firefox....and I can not get flashplayer to run at all. Websites like youtube just show a blank screen. Any thoughts? | 01:57 |
Shut- | hey, i burnt xubuntu live cd and it frezes up while i try to load it any idea why? | 02:00 |
Kasm279 | brandon, use kubunt and install xfce on it | 02:04 |
brandonban6 | thanks Kasm279, but I have put a lot a time configuring xubuntu and customizing it, I would rather not put up the white flag and do a re-install. There has to be some way to get this thing working. | 02:06 |
Kasm279 | i had the same problem with ubuntu | 02:09 |
Kasm279 | but kubuntu has flash with it | 02:10 |
brandonban6 | yeah, kubuntu is really nice. I like it....I just feel defeated you know? I really want to get this working and am determined to. | 02:11 |
Kasm279 | i know wat you mean | 02:11 |
Kasm279 | if you have the power, kubuntu is best | 02:14 |
Kasm279 | power>less power list | 02:15 |
Kasm279 | Kubuntu, Ubuntu, Xubuntu | 02:15 |
cody-somerville | brandonban6, I can help you | 02:16 |
cody-somerville | brandonban6, What version are you running? | 02:16 |
brandonban6 | hi cody-somerville, xubuntu version? 8.10 | 02:18 |
cody-somerville | brandonban6, Do you have adobe-flashplugin installed? | 02:19 |
brandonban6 | yep. | 02:19 |
brandonban6 | cody-somerville, I have installed | 02:20 |
brandonban6 | cody-somerville, i meant that's the adobe-flashplugin version :) | 02:20 |
cody-somerville | What does the following return?: update-alternatives --list xulrunner-flashplugin | 02:22 |
brandonban6 | three lines #1: update-alternatives --list xulrunner-flashplugin | 02:23 |
brandonban6 | update-alternatives --list xulrunner-flashplugin | 02:23 |
brandonban6 | update-alternatives --list xulrunner-flashplugin | 02:23 |
brandonban6 | lol, wait | 02:23 |
brandonban6 | /usr/lib/swfdec-mozilla/ | 02:24 |
brandonban6 | /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/ | 02:24 |
brandonban6 | /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/ | 02:24 |
brandonban6 | cody-somerville, those are the lines it puts out | 02:24 |
cody-somerville | any of them have a star beside them? | 02:35 |
brandonban6 | negative, just as I pasted above, no stars. | 02:39 |
cody-somerville | okay, do: sudo update-alternatives --config xulrunner-flashplugin | 02:40 |
cody-somerville | Then select the number beside /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/ | 02:40 |
brandonban6 | okay, then test it? | 02:42 |
cody-somerville | restart firefox | 02:42 |
cody-somerville | and it should hopefully work | 02:42 |
brandonban6 | doing the same thing, let me reboot the entire system really quick. | 02:43 |
brandonban6 | brb | 02:44 |
brandonban6 | cody-somerville, the video acts as if is playing (youtube) but the screen is black :( | 02:47 |
cody-somerville | is this new? | 02:47 |
Cerepol | sup | 02:47 |
Cerepol | anyone know why it won't let me a create a root partiton? | 02:47 |
Cerepol | hey | 02:48 |
Cerepol | anyone here? | 02:48 |
cody-somerville | yes... | 02:48 |
Cerepol | might just be idleing | 02:48 |
Cerepol | you never know :) | 02:48 |
Cerepol | anyways | 02:48 |
Cerepol | how do I set a root file system | 02:48 |
Cerepol | I can't seem to set one when I try to partition my drive manually | 02:49 |
Cerepol | never mind I figured out why | 02:50 |
brandonban6 | cody-somerville, no. same thing it was doing before | 02:50 |
Cerepol | seem's gparted wasn't reading the drive properly | 02:50 |
cody-somerville | brandonban6, amd64? | 02:50 |
Cerepol | needed a quick defrag | 02:50 |
brandonban6 | cody-somerville, i86 | 02:51 |
cody-somerville | brandonban6, weird, sounds like a bug :( | 02:51 |
brandonban6 | man! | 02:52 |
Cerepol | what's going on? | 02:52 |
brandonban6 | Cerepol, flash player is not working, i've tried everything I can think of, using gnash, using the nonfree plugin, manually installing the adobe .so file.....and nothing. | 02:54 |
brandonban6 | Youtube or hulu, just shows up a blank. the video plays (you can see the status moving) but no picture or sound | 02:54 |
Cerepol | in firefox? | 02:55 |
brandonban6 | and opera | 02:55 |
Cerepol | no idea, never used opera | 02:55 |
Cerepol | sorry :( | 02:55 |
brandonban6 | no problem. | 02:55 |
brandonban6 | how do I look a program's installation path? | 03:01 |
brandonban6 | holy crap!!! cody-somerville I got it working in Opera!!! Holy Crap!!! | 03:12 |
n2diy | anybody concious and alert here? | 05:16 |
ramontayag | hey all. i've got a compaq presario 1200 with a fresh install of xubuntu. i booted it up but the login screen is blank! i tried connecting an external monitor, and then restarted gnome, and then that's when the laptop shows the login screen. what should i do so I won't need to plugin a cable to make the laptop display something? | 06:30 |
volta82 | hi | 06:50 |
volta82 | i have ubuntu 8.10 on IBM T41 but sometimes it become freeze and i need to power it off then on | 06:51 |
Kasm279 | hello | 06:51 |
volta82 | hi | 06:51 |
n2diy | wow, look at all the folks from Ubuntu! | 07:00 |
n2diy | ramontayag: are you still here? | 07:02 |
ramontayag | n2diy: yup! and i see you're in #ubuntu too | 07:02 |
n2diy | ramontayag: yea, this channel was dead an hour and a half ago. Can you ID the video chip set? You may need "restricted drivers" for them? | 07:04 |
ramontayag | n2diy: i'll try and ID it (will look around). although i'm no expert, it doesn't seem like i need the restricted drivers, because it works fine when I plugin a monitor (even if I don't make it display in the monitor just yet). | 07:05 |
Wanyal | Is anyone here? | 07:32 |
TheSheep | no | 07:32 |
TheSheep | we don't exist :) | 07:32 |
Wanyal | Can you help me? Xubuntu wont boot. | 07:32 |
TheSheep | any details? | 07:32 |
Wanyal | It's on a friend's laptop, and it's just been installed. Boots to a black screen after displaying the Xubuntu splash screen. | 07:33 |
TheSheep | try the recovery mode | 07:33 |
n2diy | IMG, life forms! | 07:33 |
Wanyal | It has a 1.6Ghz processor, possibly an AMD, and has 386Mb of RAM | 07:33 |
Wanyal | MB* | 07:33 |
Wanyal | ive tried fixing xserv, but no change. | 07:34 |
TheSheep | so the recovery mode works? | 07:34 |
Wanyal | Well, i booted into the recover option in GRUB, but i have no idea what to do from there | 07:34 |
xenocit | wait | 07:34 |
xenocit | i now this question | 07:35 |
xenocit | :) | 07:35 |
xenocit | | 07:35 |
xenocit | read this | 07:35 |
n2diy | how do I enable remote VnC viewing? I installed a client and server, and can view other boxes, but this Xubuntu box refuses connections? | 07:36 |
Wanyal | xenocit: i dont see anything thats relevant | 07:37 |
TheSheep | Wanyal: the part about graphical environment freezing waiting for DCC seems relevant | 07:38 |
TheSheep | Wanyal: do you have it running in recovery mode? when you press alt+f2, you will get a text terminal | 07:38 |
TheSheep | Wanyal: can you type 'lspci | grep VGA' in it, to see what graphics card you have? | 07:39 |
_Pete_ | !vnc | 07:39 |
ubottu | VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX | 07:39 |
xenocit | Wanyal, NoDDC | 07:39 |
_Pete_ | n2diy: I found out that this | 07:40 |
Wanyal | ah, right, thanks :) | 07:40 |
_Pete_ | is easiest method for me | 07:40 |
_Pete_ | e.g. when I need it I'll manually launch x11vnc | 07:40 |
n2diy | _Pete_: thanks | 07:41 |
MaxFrames | hello | 09:03 |
knome | !hi | MaxFrames | 09:03 |
ubottu | MaxFrames: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! | 09:03 |
MaxFrames | is it possible to choose a theme in the user interface and then tweak it a bit? | 09:03 |
MaxFrames | I like the Darkroom theme, but with my current desktop I'd need the icons to have black text | 09:04 |
MaxFrames | so I'd like to choose the darkroom theme and then change the icon label colour to black and leave the rest unchanged | 09:04 |
knome | MaxFrames, not with a gui. you are free to change the gtk theme from /usr/share/themes/ | 09:05 |
MaxFrames | do you know what's the relevant parameter? | 09:08 |
Slonkie | THe application "Remote Desktop Viewer" what sort of remote desktop is it capable of connecting to? | 14:36 |
Slonkie | Would it be capable of connecting to a UltraVNC server ? | 14:37 |
charlie-tca | !info vinagre | 14:38 |
ubottu | vinagre (source: vinagre): VNC client for the GNOME Desktop. In component main, is optional. Version 2.24.1-0ubuntu1.1 (intrepid), package size 971 kB, installed size 4580 kB | 14:38 |
charlie-tca | That is the Remote Desktop Viewer | 14:38 |
charlie-tca | should be capable of any connection, I think | 14:44 |
Slonkie | All right | 14:48 |
Slonkie | I'll try it out. | 14:49 |
xenocit | hai hai | 15:29 |
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Melcom | any monderators to chat to? | 16:20 |
charlie-tca | What up | 16:20 |
charlie-tca | ? | 16:20 |
Melcom | hi | 16:20 |
charlie-tca | Hello | 16:20 |
Melcom | can you please tell me how to become a monderator? | 16:21 |
charlie-tca | I think you have to go to #ubuntu-irc and talk to them, but I am not sure | 16:21 |
Melcom | Thanks for your kindness bye | 16:21 |
charlie-tca | You are welcome | 16:22 |
zoredache | charlie-tca: was he wanting to be a mod here? It seems generally Cody just gives permissions to people who hang out here a long time and are generally helpful | 16:29 |
charlie-tca | I don't know. | 16:31 |
charlie-tca | full moderator, I thought. | 16:31 |
Myrtti | a troll who has been banned from #ubuntu, impersonating as a "ubuntu support rep" | 16:44 |
charlie-tca | Then did I send it to the right place? | 16:47 |
Myrtti | yeah, he was given the link to CoC there too | 16:47 |
charlie-tca | oh, good! | 16:48 |
charlie-tca | Always makes me wonder, when the question is "any moderators here?" | 16:48 |
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micahg | anyone have trouble of their panel settings disappearing with 4.6? | 18:14 |
* TheSheep had the clipman disappearing regularly | 18:14 | |
micahg | I just found some packages not upgraded | 18:15 |
micahg | I'll try that first | 18:15 |
charlie-tca | like once a week or so? | 18:17 |
TheSheep | charlie-tca: once a reboot | 18:17 |
charlie-tca | Mine don't go that fast. Just once a week, I think, when the panels disappear for a day | 18:18 |
TheSheep | it must be the new labor laws, they have a day off ;) | 18:19 |
moodog | evening :) | 18:20 |
TheSheep | an apple spy! | 18:20 |
charlie-tca | :-) | 18:25 |
KrisHome | Good evening, has anyone had any luck removing compiz and emerald from an Xubuntu install and reverted back to xfwm4? I've removed the compiz* and emerald packages with apt, but when I reboot I don't get any window decoration unless I run "xfwm4 --replace", but I have to do this every time I reboot. Any ideas? | 18:44 |
TheSheep | clear your sessions in ~/.cache/sessions | 18:45 |
TheSheep | also, revert any edits you did to config files | 18:45 |
TheSheep | in particular the ones related to session and startup | 18:46 |
KrisHome | Thanks TheSheep, just truncated the directory, now rebooting. I didn't modify any config files. | 18:47 |
KrisHome | Worked perfectly, thanks again TheSheep | 18:48 |
drozdak | hello all i'm having some problems with folder sharing between my xubuntu 8.04 machines: i've already added home folders of both xubuntu installations on system>shared folders in menu, but they aren't appearing anywhere in thunar, anyone know how to solve this problem? | 19:12 |
TheSheep | thunar doesn't support network browsing, use other programs for that | 19:16 |
TheSheep | you can use somehting like pyneighbourhood, or just mount the network in some directory with FUSE | 19:17 |
TheSheep | the it will appear as regular files | 19:17 |
drozdak | thanks a lot, i'll try pyneighbourhood | 19:18 |
roffle7 | I obviously get internet, but my network icon refuses to refresh and state "Yay, you have tubes"; When clicked it says "No valid Connections available" what's the dealio?\ | 23:50 |
charlie-tca | Using a wired connection? | 23:53 |
genii | roffle7: When your /etc/network/interfaces file has an entry for some interface, the gui network app believes it is manually configured and doesn't try to do anything with it, even if it's already up and running. | 23:53 |
roffle7 | yes using a cat5(i know i know, too po' to upgrade)...So I need to add an entry into interfaces for it to show up normally? | 23:55 |
roffle7 | IIRC interfaces only has lo. | 23:55 |
genii | roffle7: Are you making your internet connection manually somehow? (like pon/poff for ppp/pppoe or so) | 23:57 |
roffle7 | I told it to ifup -a --force to get internet in the first place... if that's what you mean. I have cable. | 23:59 |
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