
mrooneylifeless: awesome thanks!00:01
mrooneymy wildest dreams have true00:02
mrooneyhave come true, that is00:02
mrooneyActually my wildest dream would be one that functioned instantly offline by remembering info when it could00:04
mrooneybut this will do nicely00:04
jelmerlifeless: so, different topic00:18
jelmerlifeless: you were talking about (optional) support for an index in bzr quite a while ago00:19
jelmerlifeless: how exactly would that fit in with the working tree?00:19
lifelessjelmer: remind me?00:22
lifelessjelmer: oh, no, I don't want an index. I think the index is a bug00:23
lifelessI want tagging of changes/paths in a tree, and tags supplied to operations like commit and diff00:23
lifelessI called these 'marks' to differentiate00:23
jelmerso no staging area-like things?00:25
lifelesshell no00:25
lifelessthat leads to UI confusion and layer leakage00:26
lifelesslook at commit -A,00:26
lifelessan unbreakme option if ever there was one00:26
jelmeryou're making my job implementing a good mapping for git indexes ;-)00:26
lifelessbeing able to commit content totally unrelated to what your editor sees is a bug00:26
jelmer*a lot harder00:26
lifelessI wouldn't map it, I would give bzr running against a git tree bzr semantics.00:27
lifelessigc: so commit is good yeah?00:28
jelmerlifeless: well, I have to map git semantics to bzr semantics00:28
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jelmerlifeless: that's a lot easier if bzr has a staging area :-P00:28
lifelessjelmer: You'll need to explain this for me, because I don't see why00:29
jelmerlifeless: so, what I'm trying to figure out is what "bzr add" should do in a git working tree00:35
lifelessjelmer: it should make sure the files are versioned00:36
ronnywell, git add works on a  "add to the content of next commit basis"00:37
poolielifeless: i just filed bug 348750 quoting your mail00:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 348750 in launchpad-bazaar "merge proposal mail context is confusing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34875000:38
pooliei was quite confused :)00:38
ronnythe staging area basically keeps track of the desired content changes in the whole tree00:38
jelmerlifeless: yeah, but that means adding the *current* version to the index00:38
jelmerlifeless: if the file gets changed after the add, those new changes won't be committed00:39
lifelessronny: not quite, but yes, I do know what goes on here :)00:39
jelmerlifeless: in other words, what I'm saying is it's hard to map a git index to the Bazaar working tree APi00:39
lifelessjelmer: sure they will if you make sure you do the equivalent of 'commit -A'00:39
ronnyyeah, i probably oversimplified the issue00:39
lifelessjelmer: as I said, I wouldn't make the index *at all*.00:41
pooliejelmer IMO it should remember it as 'versioned' and then commit should build the index implicitly00:41
lifelesslooks like poolie agrees with me :)00:41
lifelesspoolie: 'commit -A' in git updates the index from the current disk, for paths already in the index.00:41
pooliethere is a bit of a question of where you would keep that00:41
poolieis this for using bzr in a git working tree, or just committing to a git repo?00:41
jelmerbzr in a git working tree00:42
ronnyone could view the index as temporary commit on top of the actual tip00:43
pooliejelmer: i don't know if this is a great solution but one thing that would work would be to use the index just to keep track of which ones are versioned00:43
poolieronny: i know what it is thanks00:43
pooliewe just have a different model and we're trying to map them across00:43
poolieso, anyhow, then commit would need to re-add the files already in the index that match the commit parameters00:44
lifelessand back out unselected ones to the last commit state00:45
lifelesspoolie: I think you are proposing exactly what I am00:45
jfroyHello people. Quick question: is there a command to change the name of a local branch and update where a lightweight checkout of that branch?00:53
jfroyI have repo/A and a lightweight checkout of A in repo/sandbox. I want to move A to B (simple mv command), but I'm not sure how to switch over sandbox. switch will not operate because it doesn't find A.00:53
jfroy*and update the branch path of a lightweight checkout of that branch00:54
pooliejfroy: hi, will 'bzr bind NEWLOCATION' do it?00:57
jfroypoolie: no, it also errors out00:58
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mrooneyIf I am going to attempt to do a branch of a quite large svn repos with bzr-svn, is it worth upgrading bzr on my Intrepid machine via the PPA, from 1.6.1-1?01:02
mrooneyWill I get anything to improve that01:02
spivmrooney: latest bzr-svn is much better than the version in Intrepid01:08
spivmrooney: and it in turn requires a more recent bzr than 1.6.1-101:09
lifelessmrooney: there is a major version upgrade to bzr-svn. much goodness.01:09
spivHopefully the ~bzr PPA has the current bzr-svn package, it usually does.01:09
mrooneyspiv: 0.5.3-1?01:13
spivmrooney: yeah01:13
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mrooneyoh for the PPA dependency, do I have to manually add that for it to work?01:16
mrooneyoh no here we go I think01:16
mrooneyoh no! this works differently01:18
mrooneybefore if my username didn't match and I just hit enter, it would ask me for the username01:18
mrooneynow it just changes to "None password: "01:18
mrooneyhow can I specify a username?01:18
spivmrooney: I think bzr-svn uses the same authentication.conf as the rest of bzr01:21
spivmrooney: bzr help authentication | less01:21
mrooneyokay, well the None user thing seems to be a regression01:22
SamBI would have expected it to use subversions authentication cache ...01:22
spivmrooney: or maybe you can just stick the username in the URL?01:22
spivmrooney: yeah, it does sound like a regression.01:22
SamBjust make a bug01:23
mrooneyyes that does work if I put it in the right place!01:23
Guest68274SamB: it also uses the svn authentication cache01:26
Guest68274SamB: but it won't store new credentials into the svn cache01:27
mrooneysweet bzr: ERROR: exceptions.AssertionError !01:29
lifelessmrooney: try running 'svn log URL' to get svn to cache the credentials, that used to work01:30
mrooneylifeless: well I got the credentials to work I think01:31
mrooneythe AssertionError came in the middle of a branch01:31
mrooneymultiple revisions in01:31
mrooneyExpected <CachingRevisionMetadata for revision 5, path  in repository '4c6ca7b2-8423-0410-87e0-f25a40cf7e9c'> got <CachingRevisionMetadata for revision 4, path  in repository '4c6ca7b2-8423-0410-87e0-f25a40cf7e9c'>01:33
lifelessmrooney: interesting01:34
lifelessunfortunatly the bzr-svn author is asleep right now01:35
lifelesscould you file a bug ?01:35
mrooneysure, against bzr?01:35
Guest68274lifeless: no, I'm not :-)01:35
lifelessmrooney: bzr-svn please01:35
Guest68274mrooney: is this bzr-svn 0.5.3?01:36
mrooneyGuest68274: yeah, from the PPA01:36
lifelessGuest68274: oh, I didn't recognise you01:36
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mrooney"  svn                  /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/bzrlib/plugins/svn [0.5.3]"01:36
mrooneyjelmer: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/109661/01:39
mrooneythat should be helpful I hope!01:40
mrooneyit seems to get to roughly 30/1000 before dying01:40
jelmermrooney: the repository is not public, I presume?01:48
mrooneyjelmer: that is true :)01:52
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jelmermrooney: please file a bug02:01
mrooneyjelmer: okay, can you give me a title for it?02:01
jelmermrooney: what sort of changes do "svn log -v -r4" and "svn log -v -r5" report?02:02
mrooneyjelmer: -r4 is a commit "manufactured by cvs2svn to create branch XX"02:04
jelmermrooney: what sort of changes does it contain though?02:04
jelmermrooney: file edits, file adds, deletes?02:05
mrooneyChanged paths:02:05
mrooney   A /branches/XX (from /trunk:3)02:05
mrooney   D /branches/XX/CVSROOT02:05
mrooneyand then r5 seems to be...nothing?02:05
mrooneyjelmer: But the error doesn't appear until decently past r5, does that still make sense?02:07
mrooneythe last number I seem to see is "copying revision 31/1000"02:10
jelmermrooney: "revision without changes causes exception" would be a good title02:10
jelmermrooney: bzr-svn should be warning you that you are cloning Subversion repository as branch.02:11
mrooneyyes it is indeed02:11
jelmermrooney: any reason you're cloning the repository root anyway, rather than using svn-import ?02:12
jelmerThe latter should not trigger this bug02:12
mrooneyI don't know, I just want to have the whole svn repos with version history02:13
mrooneyis there a better way?02:13
jelmermrooney: yes, svn-import should do that02:13
mrooneyit says to use svn-import to get individual branches in the warning02:13
mrooneyit doesn't recommend using that instead02:13
mrooneyjelmer: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr-svn/+bug/34878602:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 348786 in bzr-svn "revision without changes causes exception" [Undecided,New]02:14
mrooneyokay I must head out for today, but I can look into svn-import tomorrow if you recommend it02:14
jelmermrooney: but you're looking to import the individual branches right?02:15
jelmermrooney: e.g. trunk/ as a separate branch02:15
jelmermrooney: branches/foo as a separate branch, etc02:15
mrooneyI basically want a backup of the svn repository, that I can pull from each night and be up to date02:16
mrooneyhaving those as branches would be nice02:16
mrooneyso then I want svn-import?02:16
jelmermrooney: yes02:16
mrooneyjelmer: okay, I will use --incremental I guess02:17
mrooneysince I don't want to lose it all if it fails at the 25,000th rev :)02:17
mrooneyI am guessing that is what --incremental will get me, at a slight speed loss?02:18
jelmermrooney: it's failsafe even without --incremental02:18
jelmermrooney: --incremental will give you a speed improvement02:19
jelmeras it will remember where you left off the import02:19
mrooneyokay, I am off for now but this has made it much further using svn-import02:20
mrooneyat 50002:20
mrooneybut, it says of /2390202:20
jelmerit breaks again at r500?02:20
mrooneyno it is still going :)02:20
jelmerah good :-)02:20
mrooneyand it actually ends at 28,000 something02:20
mrooneyand using branch seemed to notice that correctly02:20
mrooneyso I am not sure, what that means02:21
jelmermrooney: not all svn revisions will be imported as bzr revisions02:21
mrooneyoh okay, whereas with branch they would?02:21
jelmermrooney: e.g. that revision 5 won't show up in the bzr repository created this way02:21
mrooneyhm so you lose forced commits and their messages?02:22
jelmermrooney: yes, you lose commits that don't touch any of the branches02:22
jelmerhowever, a branch created with "bzr branch" on the repository root wouldn't be very useful in bzr and would use a significant amount more disk space02:23
mrooneyoh okay, well thanks for your help and good work on bzr02:24
mrooneygood night!02:24
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johnfHas anyone ever tried using bzr bd on a cdbs based package that only has a control.in in the repo?04:02
johnfhmm dpkg-buldpackage doesn't work either. Maybe time to read up on cdbs04:03
spivjelmer: has the escaping of / in bzr-svn revids changed recently?04:11
spivjelmer: I'm getting 'branches have diverged' when I try to pull Python's trunk, my disk has svn-v4:6015fed2-1504-0410-9fe1-9d1591cc4771:python/trunk:70244, but "bzr revision-info -d http://svn.python.org/projects/python/trunk" reports svn-v4:6015fed2-1504-0410-9fe1-9d1591cc4771:python%2Ftrunk:7060104:12
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spivjelmer: I'll just file a bug :)04:15
spivjelmer: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr-svn/+bug/34880504:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 348805 in bzr-svn "Incompatible change to path escaping in revision-id mapping" [Undecided,New]04:20
lifelessigc: ping; any chance of a reviewof my commit branch?04:49
igclifeless: probably not today unfortunately - I didn't sleep last night so I'm not awake enough for a review that important04:55
poolielifeless: i possibly can but i'm going to finish that mail first04:56
igclifeless: I can tomorrow if no-one beats me to it04:56
lifelessigc: thanks04:59
lifelesspoolie: no worries; that mail has priority :)04:59
igclifeless: I didn't publish the results without your patch. For commit, they were 4x slower from memory so the proposed code is a big win. Really well done05:03
lifelessigc: thanks05:04
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BasicOSXpyftpdlib working nicely with python2.6, good job05:55
lifelesswell I'm done for the day modulo interest-fiddles07:05
vilahi all07:23
vilaBasicOSX: glad you like it ;-)07:24
CBro2007bzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged. Use the merge command to reconcile them.08:09
CBro2007I get this error when I do a "bzr pull /goldrepo"08:10
CBro2007why is it saying that the branches have diverged?08:10
CBro2007Is it good to use pull or should I use merge?08:10
CBro2007I basically have a MAIN trunk where the gold copy of the app resides... every developer has his own FEATURE branch08:11
CBro2007now I want them to be able to UPDATE or SYNCH their branches with the latest changes in the gold copy as I could have merged in some other developer's features in there that everyone must have08:11
CBro2007should I use merge or pull?08:11
CBro2007or get them to infact use... merge or pull?08:12
bob2diverged = one is not a subset of the other08:14
bob2ie they're not just out of sync, they have both made independent commits the other has not picked up08:14
CBro2007but that will always be the case wouldn't it08:14
CBro2007I mean in reality developers will constantly keep committing changes to their own branch08:15
CBro2007ok so if a developer was working on a feature....  he shouldn't be commiting his changes to his local branch before his feature is completely done and he is ready to merge it into TRUNK?08:16
CBro2007is that what you are saying?08:16
bob2it will vary depends on what you and your developers do08:16
CBro2007yeah but I just told you what they will do08:16
CBro2007they will work on feature branches08:17
lifelessCBro2007: if its a feature branch they should merge from trunk08:17
CBro2007and once they are happy with their changes they will tell me which rev no committed copy I should merge into trunk08:17
lifelessCBro2007: if its a mirror they should pull08:17
CBro2007I suppose I am using a FEATURE branch then eh?08:17
CBro2007so when they do a merge they would still keep their local changes yeah?08:18
lifelesshave you experimented with merge08:20
CBro2007yeah i have08:21
CBro2007whats the "pending merges"08:21
CBro2007it seems like local changes have to be COMMITTED before you can do a MERGE08:22
lifelessCBro2007: so you do a merge, and bzr leaves the result wwaiting for review08:23
lifelessyou review it and commit08:23
lifelessand then you can continue08:23
CBro2007ok cool08:23
CBro2007get it08:23
CBro2007its pretty cool when you get the hang of it08:23
lifelesswe think so :)08:24
CBro2007so I am thinking that the merge should work both ways - trunk to feature branch and vice versa08:24
CBro2007even if they are out of synch08:24
CBro2007like someone has been adding stuff to trunk directly08:24
CBro2007and someone to the feature branches08:24
CBro2007and we can merge all at anytime yeah>?08:24
lifelessto take something from a feature branch and put it in trunk, you cd to trunk, run bzr merge feature-branch, bzr commit -m "add feature to trunk"08:24
CBro2007and I can also merge a given revision with the -r (n) if i wanted08:25
CBro2007soon I will be full of "bazaar life" mr lifeless08:25
lifelessvila: so, I've spun up 18-way amazon on 8-way cores for testing... its fun08:26
vilalifeless:  isn't it :-)08:26
lifelessfinding some interesting bugs08:27
lifelessdid you see my doctest bug ?08:27
vilalifeless: I don't think so, where ? tests.parallel ?08:27
CBro2007wondering if I should let developers merge their shit into trunk directly08:38
CBro2007or have them send it to me for review first08:39
lifelessCBro2007: what do they do at the moment ?08:41
CBro2007I am setting up bzr so we can start to share the code08:41
CBro2007and they can make changes08:41
lifelessso I'd say don't add policy at the same time as adding technology08:41
CBro2007but don't want them putting in shit willy nilly08:41
CBro2007if they merged in stuff that is shit... it would be harder for me to get rid of it08:42
lifelessif at the moment the way they get their code deployed is 'cp to production', then thats basically willy nilly08:42
CBro2007they are not coding at the moment08:42
CBro2007its just been me all this while08:42
CBro2007they are going to be jumping on board to work on more features08:42
CBro2007but its still going to be a learning curve for them08:43
CBro2007so I would still like to review some of their work before I merge it into the GOLD copy08:43
CBro2007I know I sound like a dick.. but hey08:43
lifelessso, in which case, you should own 'gold' and merge features you're happy with08:45
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maxbDoes anyone know if 1.13.1 will be reaching Debian sid soon?09:57
lifelessvila: so, command line arg or variable, for test suite munging10:35
lifelessI know10:35
lifelessI will do shiny long needed refactorin10:36
vilalifeless: I'm all ears :-) Refactoring  what targeting what ?10:36
kinkieHi guys.. a question o repository moving (if it's possible at all). I have a shared repo at /src/project/repo, containing various branches, which I check out and work on at /src/workspace. I'd like to move the shared repo up one level, to /src, to save on storage space. Is it possible to do somehow or would I have to create new branches, send -o and merge? Thanks110:38
KinnisonI would recommend branching inside the repo and then making lightweight checkouts into /src/workspace10:42
Kinnisonthat way you get the "space" savings you're interested in, without compromising your current workflow any10:42
LarstiQalso making sure not to have working trees in the repo10:43
Kinnisona treeless repo and a separate area for lightweight checkouts is what I do for these kinds of things10:43
kinkieThat's what I also do, but I was wondering if it was easier to do something different ;)10:44
lifelessvila: suite modifications, chain, like I made log10:48
vilalifeless: Hmm, the alternative. I'm not totally convinced by it, but I see where you're going,10:50
vilathe main point that makes me nervous is that it means adding a 'fake' test to represent the remote suite,10:50
vilawhich I find a bit artificial, but I may be wrong and it may be the best trade-off10:51
vilaI think it should make remote(parallelized) possible and clearer though10:52
lifelessvila: test suite is a composite pattern10:52
lifelessso a test is a suite is a test10:52
lifelessjml: http://pybites.blogspot.com/2009/03/unittest-now-with-test-skipping-finally.html10:52
vilaI think it also requires that such modifications be done last rather than first10:53
lifelessI think the ordering will be important10:55
lifelessif thats what you mean10:55
vilawe don't want TestInSubprocess to filtered out because its id doesn't match some pattern for example10:56
vilasince we tend to flatten test suite via iter_suite_tests or things like that, not a big concern right now, but it kind of make the design more fragile10:57
vilalifeless: your refactoring will include putting randomize_suite and exclude_tests_by_re inside that chain right ?11:01
lifelessvila: do you have python 2.4 handy?11:20
lifelessvila: if so, can you tell me if the base TestSuite has __iter__ defined in 2.411:20
vilain unittest ?11:21
vila    def __iter__(self):11:21
vila        return iter(self._tests)11:21
lifelessso, regarding iter_suite_tests11:21
lifelessI see two possible approaches11:22
lifelessone is to say, if we iter, and it would break it (e.g. randomising), we should pass that responsibility onto children11:22
lifelessby e.g. passing --random to them too11:23
vilayou mean children == subprocess, not children == tests right ?11:24
lifelessthe other is to say, if we iter, the container should do what it needs to11:25
lifelessanyhow, nearly done11:25
vilaOr we can make two chains: one post-load and one pre-run :-)11:27
vilalifeless: by the way, since randomizing was introduced to exhibit isolation problems (AFAIU) I wonder if it's still needed...11:29
vilaI found more isolation problems by running test one by one than by randomizing the order11:29
lifelessI have no use for randomisation, never did :)11:30
pooliethat was the point of it11:41
lifelesspoolie: ok, well I'm not proposing to remove it11:43
lifelessit fits into this refactoring fine11:43
lifelessvila: not quite right :P11:58
vilalifeless: what ?11:58
lifeless[6/17475 in 8s]11:58
lifelessRan 6 tests in 9.021s11:58
vilaoh, your refactoring :)11:58
vilaI like the elapsed time, try to keep it that way :)11:59
nevansI'd like to set "whoami" for all of the branches in a shared repo (vs 'bzr whoami --branch' in each individual branch)... is that easily doable?12:02
lifelesssure, set it in ~/.bazaar/locations.conf12:03
lifelessvila: what do you think [there was a tiny bug, its fixed]12:04
lifelesstwo teeny bugs, fixed :P12:05
vilalifeless: in ExcludeDecorator ?12:06
vilalifeless: ignoring the details, the design sounds good12:07
lifelesscan I claim 'refactoring, please no new tests'? :)12:07
lifelessvila: with this design, a plugin can do all of BZR_PARALLEL12:07
vilalifeless: you two bugs were caught by the actual test suire right ?12:08
lifeless[160/180 in 45s] test_selftest.TestTestResult.test_strict_with_known_failure12:08
lifelessRan 180 tests in 45.973s12:08
lifelessselftest selftest12:08
vilarefactoring under test suite umbrella doesn't require new tests :-)12:08
vilaselftest -s bt.test_selftest :)12:09
lifelessbb:approve then?12:09
vilaBut I don't see a way to plugin into suite_decorators12:10
vilaprovided in builtins.py ?12:11
vilayeah ! :)12:11
lifelessrun 'bzr selftest selftest12:12
lifelessnote the double printing of what we're testing12:12
lifelesssomething isn't isolated correctly12:12
vilaECANTREPRODUCE, bzr selftest selftest --no-plugins ?12:14
vilareproduced elsewhere12:15
lifelesskinkie: just mv /src/foo/bar /src/bar12:16
lifelesskinkie: or whatever12:16
lifelesskinkie: you may want to adjust some paths in ~/.bazaar/locations.conf12:17
vilalifeless: mv ~/lib/python/subunit ~/lib/python/subunitxx makes the double printing disappear12:18
vilanot pointing fingers....12:18
lifelessvila: its printed out in builtins.py12:22
nevanslifeless: thanks!  of course.  (I walked away from the computer right before you answered)12:23
vilalol, I bet that sys.stdout.write is coming back to hunt you !!!12:23
vilavia a run_bzr or in a blackbox test or something :-)12:24
lifelessvila: sys.stdout is wrong12:24
vilalifeless: I know ! But yet :)12:24
vilausing 'print' in builtins is wrong too12:24
lifelessjml: so, ConcurrentTestSuite, testtools will accept, or won't.12:27
lifelessjml: I need to know12:27
vilalifeless: bzr selftest -s bt.blackbox.test_selftest.TestOptions.test_subunit12:32
vilaeither gulty or victim12:33
lifelessI know what it will be12:34
lifelessthe runner is not being contained12:34
lifelessor something like that12:34
lifelessprobably guilty12:34
* lifeless points fingers at whoever reviewed the test12:34
* vila points finger to self for still missing a test farm running isolated tests on a regular basis :)12:35
lifelessdo you know if its possible to have an optional option12:37
lifelesse.g. --parallel[=foo] ?12:38
vilacame under discussion with jam recently: no, but we should12:38
vilawork-around : use a magic value :-/12:39
vilai.e. --parallel=0 => cpucount()12:39
vilalifeless: can you take http://paste.ubuntu.com/138205/ ?12:42
vilarhaa http://paste.ubuntu.com/138206/12:42
lifelessvila: thats better, but you know what would be awesome12:43
vilayou know I don't (yet :)12:44
lifelessvila: do that printing by calling something [not foo.stream.write!] on the result object12:44
vila'that' ?12:44
vilayou realized -v and progress bar prints *during* execution, right ?12:45
lifeless'that' == 'testing: ...'12:46
vilahaa, so it can tell: testing 'this' 'here' ?12:53
vilaI was wondering about remote testing issues if you test from os1 to os2...12:54
vila.. cans of worms12:54
* vila needs to eat12:55
lifelessI'm off to be12:56
lifelessthats my reimagined version12:56
lifelessit looks better to me12:56
lifelessnight all12:57
blizzzhi, i have trac installed on a ubuntu 8.10 server. i want to use trac-bzr, but i get the warning: Warning: Can't synchronize with the repository (Unsupported version control system "bzr". Check that the Python support libraries for "bzr" are correctly installed.)14:12
blizzzi am new to both bzr and trac, so i don't really know where to look... google search didn't help either14:13
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jammorning vila14:29
* blizzz found a solutiob14:33
jamvila: http://paste.ubuntu.com/138325/15:23
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Tak|workjelmer: have you tried my branch of the md-bzr addin lately?15:28
Tak|workjelmer: also, hi15:28
jamvila: http://paste.ubuntu.com/138326/15:29
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SamBIs there a good way to see what the default push target is from a (non-python) script?17:04
asabilSamB: using bzr info ?17:07
SamBI suppose that's not much dirtier than a lot of the tricks dvc already uses ...17:07
asabilSamB: I think you can also use the xml-output plugin17:08
asabilwell gtg now, ttyl17:08
stbuehlerhow can i get bzr log to show the svn revision numbers? (debian testing/unstable bzr 1.13~rc1 + bzr-svn 0.5.3 )17:25
Peng_stbuehler: It doesn't do it for revisions created by bzr.17:25
stbuehleranother reason never to use it again -.-17:26
stbuehlerthx for the info17:26
stbuehlerand please update at least the docs to mention this17:26
Peng_Hiya jelmer_.17:29
jelmer_Peng_: what's up with lighttpd and bzr-svn?17:30
Peng_jelmer_: I don't know. What he said.17:36
jelmer_Peng_: 18:25 < stbuehler> another reason never to use it again -.-17:37
mrooneyjelmer_: the svn-import seems to have been a success!17:37
mrooneyalthough how do I update it, I tried doing a pull but it isn't a branch17:38
Peng_jelmer_: I don't know about that.17:38
Peng_Oh, he upgraded to bzr-svn 0.5! That's nice.17:38
Peng_jelmer_: He has a point about documenting the revno thing. I only found out about it after asking you. Not that I read the docs anyway... :P17:39
jelmer_mrooney: you can run svn-import again17:39
jelmer_Peng_: well, he didn't exactly seem happy about the upgrade..17:40
Peng_I don't know anything about it, though.17:40
mrooneyjelmer_: so it doesn't have a memory of the location, I should specify it each time?17:41
jelmer_mrooney: yeah17:41
mrooneyI basically want to run it nightly to have a backup17:41
mrooneyjelmer_: how functional, thanks :)17:45
sohailhey guys, I have a versioned directory that I want ot move into its own repository, maintaining history19:24
sohailany ideas on how to do this?19:25
sohailmain use case for this is that this directory is never branched and I keep ediitng branched versions by accident19:25
nekohayohmm. is there a way to apply a .patch easily? Tried bzr apply and bzr patch, no luck?19:42
Peng_nekohayo: What kind of patch? A regular .patch file, or a bzr bundle? For the latter, "bzr merge foo.patch"; for the former, I dunno.19:44
nekohayoa regular patch I guess.. I usually make patches by doing bzr diff>foo.patch19:45
Peng_Why are you sending around regular patches? You've got a DVCS! Use it! :D19:48
nekohayopeng_ in normal circumstances yes, but someone sent me a patch by mail :)19:54
thumpersohail: I know it can be done, but I don't know how20:42
thumpersohail: perhaps jam recalls20:42
thumperjam: splitting a versioned directory out of a branch into its own branch20:43
jamthumper, sohail: So there is a hidden command 'bzr split' which effectively does this, though I think you have to be in a 'rich-root' format for it to 'just work'.20:43
jamThe direct alternative is:20:43
jambzr branch project newsubproj20:43
jamcd newsubproj20:44
jamrm * (not the dir I want)20:44
jammv dir/* .20:44
jamrmdir dir20:44
jamsohail: but do you want to continue having this subdir in the project? Just not edit it most of the time?20:45
sohailjam no I want it to be totally separate21:04
sohailessentially, I have a "training" sub-directory which I use to store the tex sources for training sessions21:05
sohaildon't really need to branch it. I'll look into bzr split21:05
sohailthanks thumper & jam21:05
thumpersohail: bzr split will branch it21:05
thumpersohail: I'm pretty sure it is just a nicer UI around what jam suggested21:06
sohailI guess I could just do a branch and remove everything else like you say21:06
jelmer_'evening jam, thumper21:07
jamhi jelmer_21:07
* jelmer_ just finished some performance improvements to bzr-git21:08
jelmer_it now works ok on medium-size repositories, such as the git one21:08
Peng_jelmer_: Congrats. :)21:09
thumperhi jelmer_21:09
thumperjelmer_: excellent21:10
thumperjelmer_: we have the bzr-git stuff landed in LP now21:10
thumperjelmer_: no UI yet to request it though21:10
jelmer_thumper: ah, cool21:10
thumperjelmer_: we're going to test it over the current cycle21:10
jelmer_thumper: is there some other way to request imports?21:10
thumperjelmer_: yes, there is an import your project button21:11
jelmer_thumper: I have URLs for some small repositories that would be worth testing with21:11
thumperjelmer_: feel free to email them to me21:11
jelmer_thumper: will do21:11
jelmer_trying the kernel now >-)21:14
jelmer_thumper: looks like the kernel is actually doable21:16
jelmer_thumper: no huge memory usage anymore, albeit a bit slow21:17
gnomefreakwhat does bzr-builddeb do differently than dpkg-buildpackage with patch handling21:17
jelmer_gnomefreak: it can set tags for you when you release21:19
jelmer_gnomefreak: it provides revision specifiers in bzr for accessing debian versions21:20
jelmer_(e.g. "bzr ls -rpackage:1.0-1")21:20
gnomefreakjelmer_: dpkg-buildpackage fails to build makes a patch fail where as bzr builddeb doesnt make it fail. same source same bzr branch21:20
jelmer_it can automatically check out upstream if that's in bzr/svn21:20
jelmer_gnomefreak: what does dpkg-buildpackage provide exactly?21:20
gnomefreaksince hardy doesnt have bzr-builddeb i have no choice21:20
gnomefreakjelmer_: it has to be used oin hardy since i get errors about bzr-builddeb not finding module or something along those lines21:21
jelmer_gnomefreak: but I mean, what patch handling are you talking about?21:22
gnomefreakjelmer_: dpkg-buildpackage in hardy the build fails on a patch where as bzr-bd doesnt fail at all21:22
jelmer_gnomefreak: what sort of patch?21:22
jelmer_gnomefreak: dpatch/quilt/cdbs/... patch ?21:23
gnomefreak+++ mozilla/config/autoconf.mk.in21:23
jelmer_or is the packaging branch in bzr-loom ?21:23
gnomefreakall mozilla packages that we package are quilt cdbs now21:24
jelmer_gnomefreak: afaik bzr-builddeb just runs a builder (such as dpkg-buildpackage), it doesn't worry about patches in debian/patches/ itself21:24
gnomefreakjelmer_: my point21:24
jelmer_gnomefreak: does debuild work?21:24
gnomefreakdid try it i guess i should21:24
gnomefreakthere is the failed build http://launchpadlibrarian.net/24369029/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-i386.lightning-sunbird_0.9%2Bnobinonly-0ubuntu3~8.04~jjv1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz  on my PPA the other 2 built fine21:25
gnomefreakdebuild fails the same way on same patch21:27
gnomefreakif the patch was a problem than intrepid and jaunty would have failed as well21:27
gnomefreakim fairly sure building bzr bzr-bd python and friends is a bit more work than i would have thought21:32
jelmer_gnomefreak: sorry, no idea :-/21:35
* jelmer_ joins nevans in saying spiv/lifeless's work on HPSS push rocks \o/21:35
gnomefreakjelmer_: thanks i have to get back to this build. does bzr-builddeb need a version of python or any version will work?21:37
gnomefreakif i can get away without building all python deps than it shouldnt take too long21:38
jelmer_gnomefreak: I think 2.4 (which dapper has) should be sufficient21:40
gnomefreakjelmer_: ok thanks ill give it a shot tonight i hope21:41
spivjelmer_: thanks :)22:02
lzhangstacked branches in bzr22:04
lzhangwhat are they for?22:04
Peng_lzhang: So you can make a branch without keeping the entire history of the parent on your disk.22:04
Peng_lzhang: It's like heavyweight vs. lightweight checkouts.22:04
sohailjam, thumper fyi I just did it the manual way :-)22:14
lzhangPeng_: what's the distinction between a stacked branch and one created with the --lightweight flag22:14
thumperlzhang: a lightweight branch is a checkout and points to the repository and branch which are often in a different directory22:15
thumperlzhang: a stacked branch is one where the branch contains only the revisions that are not in the stacked on branch's repository22:15
fullermdThere's no such thing as a --lightweight branch.  That's a checkout.22:17
fullermdSo, the difference is that one's a checkout, and the other's a branch  ;)22:17
lzhangI see, makes sense22:17
sohailhow do you guys back up your bzr repositories?22:24
sohailI'm using rsync for offsite backup22:25
lzhangno need, it's distributed all over the place for us22:25
lzhangevery dev has a copy22:25
sohailsure but I mean for personal repositories22:25
sohailby "you guys" I meant "users of bzr"22:25
lifelesssohail: I push it somewhere :)22:25
lzhangoh, time machine hehe22:25
sohailrsync should be safe right?22:26
lifelessas long as noone is committing22:26
lzhangya man totally22:26
lifelessor pushing22:26
sohailright now I have it distributed across 3 machines locally but I am making an offsite backup22:26
lzhangis there anything like svn's vendor branches for bzr?22:27
sohailsvn does vendor branches by accident22:28
lifelesssohail: rsync reads the file system but isn't guaranteed to get a consistent snapshot of databases; and bzr is basically a databas.e22:30
lifelesssohail: which is why you can't be altering a repo when it runs and get a safe backup22:30
lzhangsohail: what does that mean22:30
sohaillifeless, so how would I push onto my server?22:30
lifelesssohail: 'bzr push' :)22:30
sohailthat' sit?22:30
lifelessits what I do to make sure I have another copy of my code22:31
lifelessyou can use rsync, just don't be committing/pulling/pushing while rsync runs22:31
sohailyeah I get that22:31
sohailI should be using anacron to schedule this too..22:32
* igc breakfast22:37
davidstraussWe need something like this: http://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2009/03/intro-to-git-for-web-designers/22:41
lzhangI say you guys need to fix up launchpad22:42
lzhanggithub is way cooler22:42
lzhangif you want a designer to use bzr then there has to be a gui client that looks like this22:43
lifelessdavidstrauss: wow, someone vomited on that web page22:43
davidstrausslifeless: lol22:44
sohaillzhang, a designer is not going to use bzr... svn is way easier22:53
sohailthough I guess a gooey makes it easier22:54
lifelesswell, designers do use bzr23:00
lifelessso there is at least an existence proof that they do :)23:00
wgrantHow is svn easier than bzr?23:07
jelmer_wgrant: it has more polished GUI's, especially on windows23:08
wgrantBut GUIs are overrated.23:09
sohailwgrant, you'd probably have some kind of time explaining that to a designer23:15
lifelessjam: do you want to talk about fetch?23:18
lifelessjam: also, is the commit stuff approve/tweak/whatever?23:18
lifelessjml: ping23:20
jmllifeless: pong23:21
lifelessso, I want to land bzr parallel test support to trunk23:21
lifelesspoolie is happy with a [for-this-only] dependency on testtools23:21
lifelessor I can land the bits I wrote in evenings in bzr23:21
lifelessthere are two classes I think have nothing to do with bzr, ConcurrentTestSuite and ThreadsafeForwardingResult23:22
jmllifeless: ok. so you think those should go into testtools23:27
lifelessI think that few people are finding 'bzrlib' when they search for python test support stuff23:27
lifelesshave a look at this patch: http://paste.ubuntu.com/138212/23:28
lifelessyou can see that all the bzr machinery for achieving parallelisation is separate to these classes23:29
jmlwhy the startTest / stopTest around all the calls in ThreadsafeForwardingResult?23:30
lifelessit aggregates23:31
lifelessconsider two threads each with a test that takes 1 second to execute23:31
lifelessthe point of TFR is to make sure the target sees t1.start, t1.RESULT, t1.stop, t2.start, t2.RESULT, t2.stop23:31
jmlexcept if one of those tests adds two errors, then the output will be a bit confusing23:32
lifelessyes, though calling addError twice is not well defined anyhow23:32
lifelessstock TestResult in verbose mode will look ugly if you do that, for instance23:34
lifelesssorry, TextTestResult23:34
jmlagreed. it happens a lot in testing concurrent apps though.23:34
lifelessI could make it batch until stopTest23:34
lifelessso stopTest would do result.start, for status in self.statii: status(result); del self.status[:]; result.stop23:35
lifelessbah, to clever in spelling for my own good, but you get the idea23:36
jmlmy hunch is that some people would want that, and others would want what you have in the patch.23:36
=== mario_ is now known as pygi
lifelessI think that while unittest is unclear, but essentially implies that you should call just one status, its appropriate to stay with that23:37
lifelessalso hav eyou seen the upstream skip stuff now?23:37
jmlno, not yet.23:37
jmlI've seen the Twisted bug report about it.23:37
jmlwtf is ClassTestSuite?23:38
lifelessI'm rather unhappy with the patch23:38
lifelessbut perhaps I'm just coloured by liking clear code23:39
lifelessjml: what I need is 'in princple yes, this is testtools material, submit to bzr without them and we'll move testtools stuff through' or23:41
lifeless'no, I'm not happy with this in the near/immediate future, put it in bzr'23:41
jmllifeless: in principle I'm happy with concurrency support in testtools.23:41
jmllifeless: so, yes.23:41
lifelessI'll get a branch of testtools with both of these in it; that will let us review and discuss it, and put a patch for bzrlib depending on that branch23:42
lifelessand I'll make any changes you need23:42
jmllifeless: thanks.23:49

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