[00:00] It's been announced as such. [00:01] * vorian recalls that as part of the deal with 8.04 not being lts [00:01] did not know that and thought that it is a big surprise which release is LTS [00:02] neversfelde: every two years [00:02] ok, I remebered that Hardy was announced as LTS late, but might be wrong [00:03] 10.04 is the first one to be announced way in advance. [00:04] the frist time I read 10.*, it is like getting older ... [00:11] what's the freaking deal with kolourpaint? [00:16] it be broke :( [00:16] it works if you pass -graphicssystem raster though [00:16] I wonder if there's a way to make that default only for kolourpaint? [00:45] JontheEchidna: the .desktop? [00:48] Ha, why didn't I think of that? [00:48] * JontheEchidna makes a mental note to add a patch for KDE 4.2.2 [00:49] JontheEchidna: has rgreening been about lately? [00:50] come to think of it, not so much [00:50] * vorian only sees a bunch of parts/joins [00:50] ok [00:50] I'll set myself up as coordinator again [00:50] I don't think i'll have much time for the packaging [00:51] looks like I'll have a lot to do then; luckily it's a point release [00:51] unless ye would like to do it [00:51] what is this 2 hours since beta release day? [00:52] josh-l: we speak of the 4.2.2 release [00:52] Come to think of it.... === JontheEchidna changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Beta tomorrow! Please test http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all | Feature Freeze, UI Freeze and Beta Freeze in effect - Fix bugs! | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Congratulations to rgreening and a|wen - Kubuntu's newest MOTUs!!! [00:52] vorian: yeah im just talking about jaunty beta release... today, [00:53] JontheEchidna: its today [00:53] time zone [00:53] ~time [00:53] JontheEchidna: America - New York - Wed Mar 25 20:53 EDT [00:53] its not edt for release time === JontheEchidna changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Beta today unless you're in the Americas! Please test http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all | Feature Freeze, UI Freeze and Beta Freeze in effect - Fix bugs! | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Congratulations to rgreening and a|wen - Kubuntu's newest MOTUs!!! [00:53] josh-l: it's more of a general time for the release [00:54] :P [00:54] nice one [00:54] its utc [00:54] yeah i know [00:54] still [00:54] technically its today [00:54] not tomorrow === JontheEchidna changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Beta in less than 24 hours! Please test http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all | Feature Freeze, UI Freeze and Beta Freeze in effect - Fix bugs! | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Congratulations to rgreening and a|wen - Kubuntu's newest MOTUs!!! [00:54] hehe there we go === vorian changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Beta in less|more than 24 hours! Please test http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all | Feature Freeze, UI Freeze and Beta Freeze in effect - Fix bugs! | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Congratulations to rgreening and a|wen - Kubuntu's newest MOTUs!!! [00:55] * JontheEchidna wanders off to watch Lost [00:55] lol @ topic [00:55] :P [00:55] let's at least be realistic [00:56] hmm does this mean its here? http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/2466 [00:56] or [00:56] http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all [00:56] yes [00:56] the beta beta [00:56] no i mean what it shows there... does that mean its out? [00:56] hmm? [00:57] vorian: beta beta? [00:57] they are beta ISO's for testing [00:57] Also, the xserver packages in -experimental need updating, an update was pushed to intrepid-updates [00:58] * JontheEchidna disappears for reals [00:58] bah [00:58] vorian: whats the diff between that and the beta release? [00:59] from what I understand (ScottK can correct me if I'm wrong) if everything checks out, the seeded packages will be rsync'd a final time [00:59] so, pretty near final beta if all is well [00:59] ah hm ok, im feeling impatient [01:19] jjesse: S T R I N G F R E E Z E ! ! ! [01:19] it is now [01:19] grrr [01:19] already? [01:19] the 26th [01:19] i thought i had longer [01:19] not the 26th yet for me [01:19] :) [01:19] I guess midnight at 00:00 UTC [01:19] right, same here [01:19] ah bummer [01:19] we are fine though dude [01:19] good sorry this cycle has been so terrible for me [01:19] if someone complains I will take care of them chicago style [01:19] i need to get back and contribute [01:20] bribe someone else to do it for you? [01:20] or pay someone to get you elected to high office? [01:23] already working on that [01:27] which one? [01:29] critiques/proofreading please: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/JauntyJackalope/Beta/Kubuntu [01:30] * claydoh has tired astimgatic eyes [01:31] claydoh: i like it, looks nice [01:32] is there anyway to graphically do "eject sdXN" in jaunty? [01:32] and not as in cdrom, as in "eject this usb device so it's just powered but not mountable" [01:33] jjesse: ty, after food safety testing at work *and* a *major* restaurant re-certification inspection, I am beat [01:33] * claydoh is hoping for few gaffs, if any [01:35] claydoh: good job on the release notes! [01:36] hrmm, jjesse we are kind of screwed [01:36] string freeze and beta release the same time :( [01:36] why now? [01:36] that is kind of silly [01:36] oh boy [01:36] that is silly [01:36] I haven't seen the email stating the freeze is on though [01:37] me either [01:38] thanks nixternal [01:38] checking now [01:38] vorian and josh-l: The images that are there are candidate images for the beta. Assuming no show stoppers come up in testing, those will be declared the beta images at release. [01:38] claydoh: Did slangasek get your notes? [01:39] ScottK: i've built several VMs with the the beta cd and didn't have any problems [01:40] jjesse: Did you record your results in the iso tracker? [01:40] ScottK: yes i did [01:40] ScottK: yes, already updated the kubuntu section at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope/BetaAnnouncement [01:41] jjesse: Excellent. [01:41] jjesse: ok, we have time because we couldn't upload anyways due to beta freeze [01:41] claydoh: Thanks. I'll have a look. [01:41] oh [01:41] we need to do string freeze at most a day before beta freeze from now on [01:41] at least a day rather [01:41] that way people could see the docs asap, but they will get them on an update [01:43] claydoh: Looks good. Mind if I hack on the Kubuntu page a bit? [01:44] ScottK: feel free :) [01:44] jjesse: ok, I just made a corporate decision I guess you can say....Friday will be it..that will be our upload day, so work on what you need to [01:44] nixternal: awesome, i'll get on making changes [01:44] that way there uploading won't be an issue [01:44] claydoh: Will do. I think it's great, just a bit of tweaking. [01:46] ScottK: np, I was hoping for a good page, but will see and note your tweaks for future reference ) [01:46] claydoh: I just want to add a little more of compared to intrepid in there. [01:46] ahhh [01:47] noted [01:47] * claydoh sleeps now, finally [01:48] claydoh: That or I'm suddenly too tired. I think we need to make it clear that Alpha 6 -> Beta is 4.2.0 -> 4.2.1, but Intrepid -> jaunty Beta is 4.1 -> 4.2 and major feature goodness. [01:56] claydoh: maybe one of these days I will get back to doing release notes, unless of course you want to do them from now on :p [02:05] Hmm, the ktorrent plasma widget is only suggests rather than a recommends [02:05] maybe we shouldn't advertise that in the release notes... [02:06] or we could add the plasmoid to the seed :P === jjesse_ is now known as jjesse [04:41] what do I file this as??: http://shtylman.com/stuff/print_bug.png [04:45] is it just me or does quassel crash A LOT? [04:48] shtylman: system-config-printer-kde [04:51] maco: I don't think it's crashed for me since 0.4.1 came out. [04:52] shtylman: ubuntu-bug system-config-printer-kde will do the work for you and take you to kdeadmin source [04:53] about 1/3 of the time that i mark "temporarily hide buffer" it crashes [04:53] Weird. [04:53] see my recent quit/join/quit/join/quit/join for reference [04:53] I'm running it on Intrepid with Qt 4.4. [04:53] <-- jaunty [04:53] Yeah. Maybe that's the difference. [04:54] 0.4.1-0ubuntu1 [04:54] If you install the ddeb do you get a good backtrace? [04:54] I'm sure if you could get a backtrace, Sput would fix you right up. [04:55] can I file a bug if one of my keys just broke on my keyboard?;p [04:55] You can file a but about anything you want. [04:55] nixternal: which key? [04:55] ERROR: No package named ScottK [04:55] ;p [04:56] Excellent. [04:56] haha [04:56] The defenses are intact. [04:56] nah, some junk fell into my keyboard and i had to blow it out [04:56] what letter is it? [04:56] my v key had something stuck under it and it was driving me up a wall [04:57] nixternal: sorry you can only file bugs on prime letters [04:57] ass [04:57] wth is a prime letter? [04:57] * maco hunts down a ddeb [04:58] nixternal: v is the 22nd letter of the alphabet. 22 is not prime [04:58] b, c, e...those are prime [04:58] ahh, gotcha [04:58] that went over my head...must be getting tired [05:17] kwwii: I want my pimpin' picture you got of my hot ass at UDS!!! :p [05:17] err, that did not sound right at all [05:17] * nixternal crawls back into a hole quickly [05:19] That continued the not sounding right. [05:20] well, i have a picture of you "dancing" on the bus coming back from oh, Tuesday's session? [05:22] * ScottK clarifies that the antecedent on of you in that last comment is nixternal. [05:22] * ScottK also notices he's too tired to type and goes to bed. [05:22] dtchen: who dancing? [05:22] actually if "you" referred to any of us, it would be amusing [05:22] nixternal: you [05:22] oh lord [05:23] keep it on the camera [05:23] thankfully i don't have a camera; someone else took it [05:23] it->photo [05:23] wait what? [05:24] can a "embarassing UDS moments" photostream go on flickr [05:24] maco: don't believe him [05:24] I don't remember dancing on the bus [05:24] nixternal: he wasnt the one drinking [05:24] and dont say "you cant know i was drinking" because come on! [05:24] nobody was drinking at that point [05:25] uh huh [05:25] that's what made it all the more amusing [05:25] dtchen: wait, he really was sober? [05:25] oh [05:25] i don't drink! [05:25] that's a lie [05:26] tequila at 11am [05:26] i witnessed it! [05:26] breakfast of champions! [05:26] shit, I can't even use the Chicago timezone for that one, because it would have been 10am [05:26] hahaha [05:26] I wasn't the only one drinking tequila at 10am [05:26] err 11 [05:27] note to self: next event and maco is there, throw her in your pocket so she can't witness that stuff :p [05:27] nixternal: i wasnt in your pocket [05:27] er [05:27] i wont fit in your pocket [05:28] future tense! [05:28] hahahahahahaha [05:39] jjesse: the best comment ever is on your blog! [05:39] The Anointed One does not talk; nor does HE speak. HE “Reads”–as in using “Teleprompter One.” [05:39] now that is funny === santiago-ve is now known as foursixnine === foursixnine is now known as santiago-pgsql === santiago-pgsql is now known as santiago-ve [08:42] nixternal: I promise that when I get home (tomorrow morning) I will send you your pic, sorry...honestly, I forgot [09:43] * Riddell hugs claydoh for the beta page [09:49] free LWN subscription for members http://www.jonobacon.org/2009/03/24/ubuntu-members-get-free-lwn-subs/ === davmor2 is now known as davmor3 === davmor3 is now known as davmor2 [10:08] hm, are there some known problems with desktop effects on Jaunty? [10:08] I have 3D and OpenGL enabled, running, but can't activate DE, and can't find any X configuration [10:09] * Mamarok curses Xorg to have removed those infos from xorg.conf [10:14] successful desktop effects are a bit of a random thing in jaunty, works great for my intel card with UXA on but quite broken for others [10:17] Mamarok: which gfx card are you using [10:18] radeon hd 36500 [10:21] -0 [10:52] Mamarok: what does lspci say (need the other version system they are using) === davmor2 is now known as bolt_ === bolt_ is now known as davmor2 [11:17] a|wen: http://pastebin.com/m11c895ca [11:17] I tried it with both cards, ATI and Intel [11:20] Mamarok: so you're using the fglrx driver? [11:21] no, the radeon driver, fglrx is totally broken, freezes not only X but the whole computer [11:22] and on restart it starts a frozen X, so I got rid of it and reconfigured with the radeon one [11:23] but both 3D and OpenGL seem to work, according to glxgears and xdpyinfo [11:24] Mamarok: then you are lucky ... according to the man page there should be no 3d accel on your card [11:24] does glxinfo report that direct rendering works? [11:25] yes [11:26] strangely, the xorg.0.log tells me that acceleration could not be activated... [11:26] try to do a paste of the glxinfo output [11:27] the whole one or only the beginning? or is there a particular option that shortens the output? [11:27] just throw in all of it [11:28] moment... [11:29] a|wen: http://pastebin.com/m5f842dd3 [11:30] want the xorg.0.log too? [11:33] Mamarok: no nedd ... it says "OpenGL renderer string: Software Rasterizer"; so it is not 3d accelerated completely [11:34] Mamarok: i use the radeon driver and have real 3d acceleration using my R300 card, and then it says "OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI R300 20060815 x86/MMX/SSE2 TCL" [11:34] Mamarok: though the acceleration is not fast enough to be smooth (even useful :( ) [11:36] Mamarok: if you want at least some of the desktop effects to work, you might be able to use Xrender instead of openGL; that gives you at least the desktop wall and present windows [11:41] sad, as it used to work in Intrepid very well :( [11:42] Mamarok: with the radeon driver or fglrx? [11:42] with fglrx [11:42] Mamarok: XRender mode should work - not the best, but at least transparency [11:44] yes, it works, but I would like to have the whole working again some time... [11:44] yeah I have the same problem [11:44] the only thing that actually works with xrender is transparency [11:44] basically yes - most effects require OpenGL [11:45] Present Windows and desktop grid should work as well [11:45] and looks not that good TBH [11:45] nope, present windows doesn't [11:45] that could be fixed in 4.2.2 [11:46] bad, as I will have to present it next week at OpenExpo in Bern, I really consider going back to Intrepid for that so I can show some bling [11:47] present windows should work as it doesn't require OpenGL. Possible that the motion dynamics is too heavy for software rendering [11:47] gosh, I have a race horse of a laptop and can't use the minima :( [11:49] Mamarok: present windows works for me using xrender [11:50] * a|wen has never had any real luck with the fglrx drivers ... at least not combined with dual-screen and not crashing all the time [11:58] Riddell: Back again asking you for some bug to fix! [12:00] agateau: I e-mailed you yesterday [12:00] with a bug to be looked into [12:00] Riddel: oh [12:00] checking mail now [12:00] ok got it [12:00] phew [12:01] yes i remember you told me about that one [12:01] Oh cool, my Plasma patch got committed upstream ^_^ [12:02] JontheEchidna: crash fix? [12:03] nah, tooltips for the Quicklaunch applet icons [12:03] uhh, shiny :) [12:03] quite :D [13:09] Riddell (or anyone else in fact): have you been able to reproduce the screensaver bug? [13:09] I can't :/ [13:10] agateau: yes, if I lock the screen then take the power cable out it shows the notification [13:11] * agateau tries [13:11] ok, i can reproduce [13:11] thanks [13:11] i was trying with a shell loop on "kdialog --passivepopup" without success [13:12] I think it's specifically the plasma popups which are the issue [13:13] kdialog --passivepopup shows plasma popups [13:13] in fact i just reproduced it with kdialog [13:14] it didn't work before because I already had popups displayed [13:14] * agateau dives into the code, then [13:38] nixternal: thanks === Tonio_ is now known as tromdr_kevin [14:38] kwwii: no biggy dude, thanks :) had to mess with you because someone was bringing up "UDS Pictures" of me in compromising situations ;p === tromdr_kevin is now known as Tonio_ [14:46] nixternal: yeah, but still, I promised to send it quite some time ago :p === Pici` is now known as Pici [15:14] Riddell: just posted a patch for the notification bug on lp and bko. [15:16] agateau: gosh, how does it work? [15:16] Riddell: easy: take a solution that works (KPassivePopup), copy'n'paste the window flags, and here you are :) [15:17] at least it works-on-my-machine [15:21] Riddell: could you give me that 8.04=>9.04 link once again please? [15:22] freinhard: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 [15:28] What's the official 8.10 -> 9.04 upgrade method? [15:28] * ScottK is going to try .... [15:28] ScottK: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades/Kubuntu [15:29] Riddell: Thanks. [15:36] Riddell: ubiquity still hasn't been merged :/ dunno if it is critical for beta or whatnot [15:37] shtylman: I pulled in the wordwrap fix, the rest is fine for after beta [15:37] shtylman: is it all ready to merge? [15:37] Riddell: ok [15:37] Riddell: the partition bar stuff is, and I think there were some tz map fixes [15:38] Riddell: it is in a working state...if thats what you mean :) [15:39] shtylman: not critical it's for after beta [15:39] i guess using apt-cacher is not a good idea? [15:43] * Riddell hasn't heard of apt-cacher [15:44] Riddell: caches apt downloads [15:44] upgrading three machines causes some traffic... [15:46] freinhard: using any kind of cacher could be a good idea in that case ... apt-cacher, squid or... === Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan [15:58] is kprinter from kde 3.5 included in latest kubuntu ? [15:59] or are there any plans to include it at least until kde4's version supports all of its functionality ? [16:00] pkt: I'm afraid it's not, at least apt-cache said so [16:02] oh, bummer, I 'd love to switch to kde4 but I can't if I can't print 2-sided :( [16:03] you can configure your printer with system-config-printer-kde in jaunty [16:03] pkt: i can't either [16:03] Riddell: the problem is not in configuring the printer [16:04] the UI is lacking the option to print separately "Odd" and "Even" pages [16:05] The upstream suggestion is to include kprinter from 3.5 until the kde4 is equivalent in functionality [16:11] pkt: got a printer with duplex unit but can't convince it to use it. [16:12] freinhard: so I guess you would benefit from "manual 2-sided" too, at least until you get your system to use your duplex unit :) [16:13] In my case, the price for the duplex unit was more than the whole printer is worth currently and it is also very hard to find [16:14] (not to mention that not supporting this widely-used feature is definitely a regression) [16:15] Riddell: If I click in the terminal area of the upgrader (to copy stuff out of it) while the upgrade is going on, the text starts updating from the place I clicked, not at the bottom. Known issue? [16:16] ScottK: I seem to remember it, report a bug anyway [16:16] I will. [16:16] Riddell: What package? [16:16] ScottK: update-manager [16:16] Riddell: Thanks. [16:19] pkt: i would benefit from a printerdriver that manages to use the duplex unit, i hate printing odd/even pages cause printers tend to take 2pages at a time and that screws up everything. besides i'm to lazy to walk to the printer twice ;) [16:20] well, I can't do anything for that, sorry :) [16:21] while for kprinter, the code is already there, so it is a distro bug imho [16:23] * freinhard just noticed that he got some unauthorized lines in his cups-error-log [16:26] why should someone want to keep obsolete packages after a dist-upgrade? [16:30] what do you mean obsolete ? [16:30] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 [16:30] if the new version is broken, then offering the old working version is the least one can do imho [16:30] step 6 [16:31] list of old kernel images gcc, packages that don't exist anymore etc. [16:31] can't think of a sane reason to keep them. but i guess there is one ;) [16:32] Riddell: encoding sucks ;) the german "Schließen" on the final "Restart required" dialog is rendered as "Schlieà en" [16:35] Riddell: where should i report problems after the distupgrade? [16:39] freinhard: here and launchpad and iso.qa.ubuntu.com [16:43] actually that might already be reported [16:43] there's an encoding fix due for KDE 4.2.2 [16:43] freinhard, Riddell^ [16:43] Riddell: didn't use any iso so i guess here's the right place: after booting the upgraded system i get a somewhat grey screen and a mouse pointer, thats it. [16:44] bug 344709 [16:44] Launchpad bug 344709 in kde4libs "kde 4.2.1 has problems showing certain utf-8 characters" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/344709 [16:46] JontheEchidna: it's probably an issue with pykde [16:46] freinhard: so just a blank screen? [16:47] Am I supposed to automagically have a Network Management widget somewhere or is it expected I have to add it? [16:48] Riddell: some shady grey background. [16:49] ScottK: you are expected to have it for new users only afaik ... at least i had to add it myself as well [16:49] Riddell: ^^^ This needs to be prominently mentioned in the release notes. [16:50] Riddell: would you mind adding a "cd /tmp/" to the beginning of the update script? [16:52] Riddell: any other bug for me? [16:55] agateau: think up a way to add network manager to plasma for newly upgraded users? [16:55] freinhard: but no sign of KDE or anything useful? what's running? [16:56] Riddell: mmm... I smell a hack here :) [16:56] freinhard: kdm seems to be running [16:56] freinhard: but you can't see it? [16:57] Riddell: I guess a kconf_update might be a way to do so [16:57] Riddell: nope, nothing asking me for a user and password [16:57] i'll try to nopaste the kdm log [16:57] hmm any package that provides a cli script? [16:58] agateau: maybe, so long as it doesn't get in the way of new installs [16:58] agateau: ask ScottK for a copy of his plasma-appletsrc [16:58] Riddell: this is going to be a pain to test... [16:59] agateau: use a chroot? [16:59] * agateau needs a bigger hd [17:02] agateau: http://pastebin.com/f7525d9d2 [17:02] ScottK: thanks [17:03] agateau: I reported this as Bug #349066, assuming it would be release notes material, so if you actually come up with a fix, please make that also affect the appropriate Ubuntu package. [17:03] Launchpad bug 349066 in ubuntu-release-notes "Release notes need to tell upgrade users how to add new network-manager widget" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/349066 [17:03] should a wired networkconnection work before login? [17:03] here it doesn't [17:05] freinhard: under normal circumstances no (at least not with the recent way to generate /etc/network/interfaces) [17:05] * ScottK waves to a|wen_: Nice interview. [17:05] hmm ok, so thats not really good. so i've got to use usb stick, argh [17:06] * a|wen_ waves back ... thinks it is cool that it is actually being read :) [17:07] OK. So here I am on Jaunty .... [17:07] freinhard: you can just change the settings to start your wired connection [17:08] BTW, absolutlely no file conflict issues in KDE packages going intrepid-backports 4.2.0 to jaunty 4.2.1. [17:08] vorian: ^^^ Great job on the 4.2.1 packaging. [17:09] yeah, great job vorian! ... the upgrade went über-smooth for me as well :) [17:09] a|wen_: can i do that on commandline? [17:10] which interview? [17:10] how do i get a default xorg.conf? [17:11] freinhard: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg [17:11] * claydoh just upgraded his intrepid box w/backports to Jaunty [17:11] freinhard: edit /etc/network/interfaces and ensure that the two lines "auto eth0" and "iface eth0 inet dhcp" are there [17:11] blizzz: http://behindmotu.wordpress.com/2009/03/26/andreas-wenning-awen/ [17:12] a|wen_: ty [17:12] * a|wen_ thinks this upgrading to jaunty business starts looking like a trend [17:13] * claydoh had no unforseen hitches [17:13] anyone interested in my xorg.conf hat didn't work after the distupgrade? [17:13] yay to the team fantasttic work [17:15] Riddell or ScottK: the missing network applet *only* affect 8.10 users, not 8.04 users, right? [17:15] agateau: right, i got it on a 8.04->9.04 machine [17:16] \o/ [17:16] and i guess it's fair to assume user will restart kde/computer after upgrade [17:17] agateau: 8.04 too [17:17] agateau: yes restart will happen [17:17] yeah, there have been like 200k kernel changes since intrepid [17:17] :) [17:17] freinhard: file a bug and attach it [17:19] a|wen_: nice one [17:20] blizzz: thx [17:26] ScottK: strange enough, there is a network applet in your plasma-appletsrc file [17:28] agateau: I added it manually [17:28] ScottK: oh... I thought this was the file you got just after upgrading [17:30] That's how I got on the network. [17:33] Riddell: done: #349082 [17:33] the login graphics don't seem to support 1920X1080 res, [17:33] i get weird crap on either side [17:35] Riddell: have you heard anything further on being able to use LDTP with KDE at all? [17:35] it would be nice to start writing automated tests so we could rock with QA [17:36] vorian: it is widescreen in general (at least it is that way on intrepid) [17:37] ah, excellent [17:37] tagging done 56 minutes ago [17:51] besides the intel driver (EXA vs UXA) and the xorg.conf the upgrade succeded [17:52] a|wen_,vorian: i've got no kdmproblems with 1920x1200 on intrepid [17:54] freinhard: on the login screen? [17:55] freinhard: doesn't work for me on 1024x480 with kde 4.1.4 [17:58] yes, the kdm login screen worked for me with 4.1.* and then upgraded to 4.2.0 and got no problems either === Czessi_ is now known as Czessi [17:59] so looks to be a problem with certain screen resolutions; strange [18:04] hem, works fine now [18:06] nixternal: what's LDTP? [18:07] Linux Desktop Testing Project...AT-SPI stuff so you can create automated tests for desktop environments [18:07] oh, no idea [18:07] started by GNOME but it seems there is/was some work done on the KDE side, but mostly documentation it seems [18:08] I have been watching the Desktop Team and they are doing some killer work...it would be nice to integrate a bit with them and create/utilize automated testing stuff [18:08] QA Team rather in conjunction with the Desktop Team [18:30] * vorian responds to dude with look/feel suggestions on the mailing list [18:37] has beta release run into some snags? [18:45] josh-l: No. [18:45] Riddell: about the network applet issue... I can prepare a script which would add it to plasma conf, but it would need to be run on startup only, not while plasma is running, which rules out kconf_update. Would it be ok to add an autostart script for this? [18:45] ScottK good (trying to be patient) :) [18:46] Riddell: not a good idea in fact, since plasma is started from autostart as well [18:46] agateau and Riddell: Would it make sense for such a script to be somehow enabled by update-manager if it removes knetworkmanager? [18:47] ScottK: tricky :) the thing is: plasma must not be running, otherwise it overwrite the config, and postinst scripts are run as root, so it would need to fix all users conf [18:48] Hmmmm. Yeah. At this point release notes might not be bad. [18:48] ScottK: Riddell: the simplest solution is to add a script to startkde I am afraid [18:50] ScottK: i saw release notes somewhere ... [18:53] vorian: There's also the official release notes (that I think this rates if agateau doesn't come up with something Riddell likes) which is why I filed Bug #349066 [18:53] Launchpad bug 349066 in ubuntu-release-notes "Release notes need to tell upgrade users how to add new network-manager widget" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/349066 [18:56] ah [18:56] yeah, release notes are a different kind of scripts, written in usersh shell language :) [18:56] but it's a bit unreliable :) [19:00] why not just put a notes-plasmoid on the desktop telling how to add it? [19:01] hmm i guess that was stupid, adding a notes-plasmoid shouldn't be less difficult then adding the nm-plasmoid? [19:01] ;) [19:02] why not quit plasma, add the plasmoid and start plasma again? [19:06] agateau: [19:07] blizzz: because the update script is run by root, not by the current user [19:07] but I have an idea i'll test in the train [19:07] have to go now [19:08] agateau: ok. gl! [19:46] Hi, have you heard about probs with ext4 and KDE 4.2.1 on kubuntu jaunty? I have some highly artistic screen freezes/crashes to report after switching the desktop cube. [19:47] unfortunately the keyboard is dead as well otherwise I could show you a screenshot. I usually have to hard reset my laptop after such a crash. [19:48] tomsdale: I'm using ext4 here [19:48] no problems [19:48] or nothing that seems filesystem-related [19:48] your problem looks more like video drivers bugs [19:49] It just started today. I got the tip from someone in ubuntu+1 who heard about ext4/kde4 combo problem which is why I mentioned it. [19:50] smarter: I have the NVidia nonfree driver. There haven't been updates for a week if I remember correctly. [20:31] tomsdale: The problem with ext4 and KDE (or Gnome) is that the major DEs made some unfortunate assumptions about how often stuff would get written to disk so you can lose stuff in a crash. I don't know of any ext4 specific problems otherwise. [20:35] maco: On Jaunty now and still no quassel crashes. [20:35] * Lure is very happy with ext4, but have to admit I lost plasmarc once [20:35] ScottK: I read about that. It said also that the authors of ext4 implemented a "backwards compatible" mode so it behaves like ext3. Do you know the status of that in kubuntu 9.04 or how to switch it on? [20:35] !plasmarc [20:35] Sorry, I don't know anything about plasmarc [20:35] tomsdale: if you don't have extend enabled(which is the default afaik), your partition can be mounted as ext3 [20:35] and ext3 partition can be mounted as ext4 [20:36] tomsdale: I don't know. I'd listen to smarter. [20:37] (when I said it's the default, I meant having it enabled was the default) [20:38] * smarter decided to switch to ext4 while still running Intrepid and learning a lot of stuff while hacking with the kernel, initrd and other various stuff to get a working system again :p [20:41] hehe, that's why went jaunty alpha. If all your background services crash at least you know what their functionality is/was. My Intrepid installation seems to be totally unaware of the ext4 jaunty partition though. grub intrepid apparently can't boot into ext4 either. [20:42] tomsdale: iirc, I didn't have to patch grub in intrepid to get it to work with ext4, patch was integrated during intrepid dev cycle [20:42] Can anyone tell me who is in charge of kde regression tests [20:45] must be my error then. I had to reinstall grub from the live CD to be able to boot back into jaunty after installing intreprid. Always got #15 file not found. [20:46] jtisme: what's up? [20:46] * vorian is not the one [20:48] well i see whole sections that dont work as they did in 8.10 kde 4.1 and wondered who was in charge of regression testing as I would be glad to help in that area [20:49] jump on in then [20:49] are there bugs? [20:50] well my experience (about 30 yrs sw devel) tells me you dont need a (formal) bug report if you catch something in regression tests [20:50] if you want it to be fixed, you would [20:51] true but there should be a direct channel between devel and regression folks to keep the bug reports down [20:51] you sound as if you have a list of regressions? [20:51] there should be a regression test group for kde [20:51] i could supply some [20:52] well, i'd asume that would be something we could discuss at a kubuntu meeting [20:52] dont get me wrong, i am not complaining just want to help at a level before code release to minimize down stream problems [20:53] where would that meeting (on line i assume) be [20:53] i'm not saying that you are complaining :) [20:53] i know just want to clarify my intent [20:53] sure, check the /topic for any news on a meeting [20:53] * vorian doesn't see one as of yet [20:54] i am a little unfamiliar with the jargon /topic? [20:54] it might be a good idea to familiarize yourself with how release deployments are handled with kubuntu [20:54] what is /topic? [20:54] jtisme: topic of the channel, which can be obtained by typing /topic in your irc client usually [20:54] http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all | Feature Freeze, UI Freeze and Beta Freeze in effect - Fix bugs! | [20:54] https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Congratulations to rgreening and a|wen - Kubuntu's newest MOTUs!!! [20:55] ok now on /topic thanks [20:55] and i will look at release deployments etc. good [20:57] if i type /topic am i the only one seeing the output? [20:57] yup [20:57] thanks [20:58] ScottK: when you temp hide a bunch of buffers in a row, it doesnt go down in flames? [21:07] maco: I thought it occurs only in mine case :D [21:08] so you get that too? [21:09] sometimes. temp hiding buffers kills Quassel [21:10] and then when you restart it, it unhides them :( [21:12] next ponderance: why does kontact show an unread number thats about 300 higher than the actual unread count? [21:29] maco: Do you mean select a bunch and temp hide them all at once or do several one by one? [21:29] one at a time [21:29] I'm also using split client/core, so it may be different. [21:30] i just noticed it doesnt usually crash when i just hide one and stop [21:30] if i hide one after the other, it crashes [21:31] It sometimes works really slow for me [21:32] you mean when you see solid grey for about a second before it draws anything? [21:32] and when you start typing and realize that 15 words in, its only echoed 3? [21:36] yeah [21:36] or when switching buffers it starts working very slow [21:36] 5 seconds they I can see the buffer [21:37] s/they/than [21:40] Seems fine here. [21:43] Hmm also Amarok "forgets" the metadata of file, now my Rhapsody of Fire are marked as 0:00 long with no info :< [21:45] ryanakca: ping ping [21:45] ryanakca: website admin mode is broken! [22:21] Oh my. === jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna [22:28] anyone know if i can get packages for the kde 4 version of kdevelop for intrepid somewhere? [22:30] Nightrose: no I don't think we have any [22:31] Riddell: dot story indicates there were some in the experimental ppa [22:31] but they seem to be gone [22:47] uggh release beta already [22:56] Riddell: Any objections to autostarting krandrtray? It seems to be the only way to make the KDE resolution settings apply at startup since startkde no longer handles it in KDE4... [23:05] JontheEchidna: ug, not another tray applet [23:05] yeah :( [23:05] the question is, is it worth it? [23:05] what changed in startkde? [23:05] https://www-admin.kubuntu.org/news/9.04-beta I really want an irn bru now [23:06] nothing changed in startkde, which is pretty much the problem [23:06] it's still looking for the kde3 rc files for screen setup stuff [23:07] making it do kde4 would be more complicated since a) everything's changed and b) the whole this is more complicated in kde4 in that regard [23:07] Riddell: is there a trick to that link you posted? [23:07] nixternal: remove the "-admin" [23:07] hahah [23:07] I didn't even see the admin [23:08] nice irn bru there :p [23:08] heh [23:10] JontheEchidna: surely this is fixable properly, especially since we have say agateau looking for things to fix [23:11] cool :) [23:14] Curious, all the African mirrors are in .za. [23:16] that's not what the list says [23:21] But the users don't know that ;-)