
Eloneanyone know how to get kubuntu to compile obj-c code ?00:02
rmrfslash_Is anyone able to help me figure out my color depth on kubuntu?00:04
BluesKajrmrfslash_, it's usually 24 (bit)00:06
rmrfslash_Why not 32?00:08
rmrfslash_wait, I found some forum that explains this00:09
rmrfslash_basically 32-bit seems like a misrepresentation00:10
rmrfslash_on windows00:10
DragnslcrMost LCD monitors can't do more than 24-bit color anyway00:11
geniiYour eyes can't actually tell the difference between 24bit and 32bit anyways.00:11
DragnslcrWell, most of them are only really 18-bit00:11
BluesKajrmrfslash_, look in your xorg.conf file and it should show as DefaultDepth 24 under the screen module00:13
zer0ohi, wheni watch a video on a website, where does this "temporary" file go? what folder?00:14
rmrfslash_I'm really enjoying the open source ati driver00:15
rmrfslash_really hasn't let me down (in a 2d sense)00:16
BluesKajfglrxgears give a decent rendering ?00:16
rmrfslash_don't have it00:16
BluesKajtry it out00:16
rmrfslash_no 3d accel00:16
BluesKajI have nvidia , which doesn't have the equivalent to the ati00:17
rmrfslash_they have an open source driver... but it's reverse engineered cuz nvidia won't give up the friggin specs and code00:17
BluesKajwhat ati card? ..you should have 3D and direct rendering00:19
rmrfslash_I have DRI support only cuz I manually compiled it00:19
rmrfslash_the driver from kubuntu's  restricted drivers tool is out of date and breaks resume fromhibernate00:20
BluesKajok , din't know that ...I have an onboard ati , but installed the nvidia due to the probs with the ati drivers00:21
rmrfslash_not v/ 6.12.1 though w/ the latest drm and radeon kernel modules from the r6xx_r7xx branch00:21
rmrfslash_no 3d accel though.... that's not even enabled for experimental use00:21
rmrfslash_I'm just pleased to see the progress being made.00:22
rmrfslash_This is going to change things.00:22
zer0ohi, wheni watch a video on a website, where does this "temporary" file go? what folder?00:23
rmrfslash_NVIDIA needs to do something... though they make a decent proprietary driver00:23
rmrfslash_it's just buffered into memory no?00:23
zer0ormrfslash_: talkin to me?00:24
zer0oalright what does it mean?00:24
rmrfslash_zer0o: what does it mean to store data in memory?00:24
zer0owhat it means "buffered into memory"00:24
zer0owell i got it but if its stored, it has to temporarly be somewhere00:25
zer0olike in windows was in c:/documentsandsettings/username/personalsettings/temporaryinternetfiles or just TEMP00:25
zer0owhere in linux those files are?00:25
rmrfslash_zer0o: When you click on a link, your browser downloads like a few seconds of the video (or the whole thing if it can) and stores it in memory. They call this "buffering".00:26
rmrfslash_zer0o: kind of like how a CD player buffers a few seconds into a song so that if the CD skips it skips in the buffer and you'll never hear it00:27
zer0ormrfslash_: hmmm so no trace of the actual video remains anywhere in the hard drive?00:28
rmrfslash_zer0o: it's difficult, or at least I don't know exactly how to retrieve things from RAM00:28
geniizer0o: The problem is you are thinking in terms of the way another operating system like Windows does something. (k)ubuntu is not making some file onthe hd of your streaming video. It's getting it off the internet and storing it in it's volatile memory directly without putting it on anwhere like a file00:28
rmrfslash_zer0o: unless you go into the browser code and have it flush the memory allocation (for the buffer) to the disk00:29
rmrfslash_right... that.00:29
rmrfslash_zer0o: but I think firefox code uses memory00:29
rmrfslash_zer0o: maybe not IE code cuz it's written by Microsoft and they're terrible programmers :)00:30
zer0oand what about /tmp then?00:30
rmrfslash_zer0o: sometimes a program will write files to /tmp, sure00:30
BluesKajhmmm, not a torrent either :)00:31
rmrfslash_zer0o: but only if you need to store a temporary file.... I don't think anyone implementing a video buffer is going to write the buffer to your hard drive.00:31
zer0ormrfslash_: well, the thing is i watched a video, dont remember the site, no chronology enabled on my ff3 so i was trying to find a way to get back to it00:32
rmrfslash_zer0o: Hmm... yer stuck. You could try to "rip" the video off the site ;)00:33
rmrfslash_next time00:33
rmrfslash_See *then* it goes to disk.00:33
zer0ormrfslash_: plus i think pornosite do have video buffers that write on ur hard drive thatz how they sent u the spy-wares or whatever it is00:33
zer0ormrfslash_: i no how to do that, but i dont remember the site anymore and i wanted to keep that video00:33
gkffcks1does anyone know how to test for an empty string in tcsh?00:34
rmrfslash_gkffcks1: tcsh?!?!?00:34
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gkffcks1yep! tcsh00:35
gkffcks1but it has no channel of it's own so that's why I'm asking here00:35
rmrfslash_dude, google.00:35
rmrfslash_"test for empty string in tcsh"00:36
rmrfslash_I think this is funny: www.gewgle.com00:37
* kuaera rubs head. Using Jaunty in a production environment for a few days has made a few minor issues totally unbearable.00:37
rmrfslash_kuaera: why would you use jaunty in a production environment?00:38
rmrfslash_kuaera: it's ALPHA :D00:38
rmrfslash_not even beta00:38
kuaerarmrfslash_: I know, but things that worked fine in Intrepid are now broken :/00:38
rmrfslash_cuz they're messing w/ a dependency00:39
kuaeraMy file picker dialog is stuck in descending filename sort [ignores my changes], for one. That's annoying.00:39
kuaeraAlso, I can't get the weather station plasmoid to accept my location for the life of me.00:41
rmrfslash_yeah........ alpha ;)00:41
rmrfslash_Wait til the end of April00:41
rmrfslash_or at least a RC if you're really impatient00:41
rmrfslash_I'm done using alpha sw except to contribute to the QC00:41
BluesKajheh, i'm just getting used to intrepids quirks00:41
rmrfslash_intrepid isn't bad00:41
rmrfslash_im usin it00:41
kuaeraAlso, there have been no updates to KDE packages on the repo since Saturday o_o00:41
rmrfslash_better than hardy00:41
rmrfslash_or at least kde 4.2 is00:41
rmrfslash_r u usin 4.1?00:41
BluesKajI have some graphics issues , but mostly when I run some windows apps in wine00:41
rmrfslash_oh no wait... jaunty is 4.2 by default i think00:42
kuaeraThat is correct.00:42
rmrfslash_I've never had good luck w/ Wine except in some few occasions00:42
rmrfslash_BluesKaj, you might consider trying a virtual machine instead of wine.00:43
BluesKajsimple windows apps like utorrent and neotrace run quite well00:43
rmrfslash_VirtualBox or VMware Player00:43
rmrfslash_those work pretty well for me when I need doze00:43
rmrfslash_Both have a concept of "shared folders" which will share a folder (or several) between your bas operating system and the "guest" operating system (windows)00:44
rmrfslash_which I find useful00:44
BluesKajthe probs aren't annoying, just lil icons distortions00:44
rmrfslash_yeah.... I tried playing Crayon Physics in Wine00:44
BluesKajVB and VMware aren't worth the trouble00:45
rmrfslash_worked... but was a pain in the ASS to get workin00:45
rmrfslash_the trouble?00:45
rmrfslash_you just install them00:45
rmrfslash_i think VB is even in apt00:45
rmrfslash_VB will even run VMware images00:46
BluesKajto run them00:46
BluesKajcan't be bothered00:46
rmrfslash_true, you do have to power them on... but, you don't have to deal w/ enulator issues00:46
rmrfslash_just a suggestion00:47
rmrfslash_I don't think I can install fglrxgears w/o the fglrx driver00:47
rmrfslash_I get terrible performance on regular glxgears00:48
rmrfslash_150 fps00:48
BluesKajwe have enuff windows machines in this house , 6 other machines,  2 desktops and 4 laptops , daughter and her 2 kids all have laptops , all running Vista :(00:48
BluesKajrmrfslash_, whaich ati ?00:49
rmrfslash_mobility radeon hd 367000:49
BluesKaj0h , anew one00:49
rmrfslash_using the radeon driver v 6.12.100:49
rmrfslash_yeah... so new I can't get 3d accel :)00:49
rmrfslash_it's like moving backwards!00:50
rmrfslash_the newer the card, the worse the performance00:50
BluesKajati is always playing catchup00:50
rmrfslash_might as well go buy a Voodoo00:50
BluesKajin linux00:50
rmrfslash_I'm hoping that since the driver is now open source it will overshoot nvidia00:51
BluesKajgames eh ?00:51
rmrfslash_not a big gamer00:51
rmrfslash_so really the 3d accel isn't a big deal00:51
BluesKajvideo edit dude ?00:51
rmrfslash_no, but I do scientific visualization stuff00:51
rmrfslash_i.e. "FreeSurfer"00:52
rmrfslash_well more like e.g. freesurfer00:52
BluesKajdunno what  freesurfer is00:52
rmrfslash_some 3d modeling thing00:53
BluesKajBBL, ...TV with wifey for a bit00:57
denfordhow can i tel if ETags are enabled on my server?01:16
slerderHey guys does anyone know if its possible to have multiple partitions on a external usb hdd, and on one of those partitions have a truecrypt installation of windows? thanks01:18
geniislerder: Yes for both.01:20
slerdergenii.. ok thanks, but is it a big problem to install windows to a usb drive? ( i want a truecrypt hidden installation though)01:21
geniislerder: You'd likely need to ask questions regarding Windows in the channel of ##windows01:22
slerdergenii thanks01:22
geniislerder: There is also a problem of mounting encrypted Windows partitions in linux with some ways it can be encrypted (In Pro versions for example)01:23
demona program for mounting iso?01:30
geniidemon: loopmount it01:31
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.01:31
geniidemon: There is no linux equivelent to alcohol120   or such01:32
demonthere is genii01:32
demonaceton :P01:32
demonbut doesnt mount thats all :P01:32
geniiTry the loopmount way then01:33
demonand the mount point should be /usr/media/cdrom01:33
demonsmt like that :D01:33
geniiIf the fs on the cd is something unusual you may need to specify -t fstype    like -t udf     or so on01:36
demongenii: is there deamon tools for linux01:39
geniidemon: Not as far as I know01:39
genii!info kiso01:41
ubottukiso (source: kiso): program to create manipulate and extract CD Image. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.3-0ubuntu5 (intrepid), package size 347 kB, installed size 1052 kB01:41
geniiThats about the closest one01:41
demoni have a .bsa01:42
demonwth is that01:42
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genii.bsa is the filetype extension?01:45
geniiApparently some obsolete archiving extension01:48
demonwhy you say that01:49
geniidemon: http://linux.about.com/cs/linux101/g/dtbsa.htm01:50
geniidemon: I'm also finding on Bethesda Software's site how to make a .bsa file. Sso I'm suspecting it's theirs. (Oblivion, etc)01:52
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Ev0luti0n_hello folks01:56
Ev0luti0n_anybody with ubuntu 8.10 64bit?01:57
Ev0luti0n_did any of you experienced frequent crashes?01:58
chronicdoes anyone know how to add a new user to kde- kubuntu?02:04
Evilcow187Anybody on that can help with setting up a wireless connection?02:20
Evilcow187It's a simple wep but I can't get it to connect02:22
AHemlocksLieI've been having monitor issues trying to install from a live CD. I think it's the refresh rate. How could I change that from the terminal on the live CD?02:26
AHemlocksLiewell, it's actually a usb drive, but I got the live CD running from it02:27
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Evilcow187Play around with your xorg.conf AHemlocksLie02:27
AHemlocksLieI found xorg.conf, and I managed to get it open02:29
AHemlocksLiebuit it doesn't have an entry for the refresh rate02:29
AHemlocksLiewhere and how do I need to add that?02:29
AHemlocksLie...wait, I have Ubuntu dual-booting on this PC... I could just look at my own02:30
AHemlocksLieI feel like a genius02:30
Evilcow187Well there you go02:30
AHemlocksLieI think I might have found it...02:31
AHemlocksLiemine says02:31
Evilcow187If you didn't have that I would have told you to google your monitor and get that info to add to your xorg.conf02:31
AHemlocksLieso just replace the 50 - 85 with 60?02:31
AHemlocksLieassuming I wanted to set it to 6002:31
cristiansomeone can help me a little?02:31
Evilcow187I'd say yes but i have a feeling that might not do it02:32
cristiananyway... this is my problem02:33
cristian[sorry if my english is a little bad]02:33
cristiani finished the configuration for internet...02:33
cristianbut.. konqueror do not want to enter google or any other web02:34
cristianand kopete do not conect with my msn account02:34
cristian... i have kubuntu 8.0402:35
Evilcow187Are you using that machine to get to this irc channel?02:36
Evilcow187You may want to hang out and wait for someone with more knowledge, from the sounds of it you shouldn't be having a problem02:38
cristian... kk... tnx  ^_^02:39
devilsadvocatecristian, kopete connects to other stuff?02:39
cristianother stuff?02:40
Evilcow187You've never used Kopete devils?02:40
cristianno... i installed linux yesterday02:40
cristianand take me hard work to install this modem ¬_¬ stupid modem....02:41
Evilcow187So you are on a dial up connection cristian?02:46
cristianadept manager ... works too02:47
* chalcedny smiles02:50
Evilcow187Yeah, wait for someone more experienced02:50
chalcednywe have a totally weird problem... BOTH of the keyboards to my husband's computer are acting backwards.. if I press capslock i get regular, if i press / i get ?02:51
cristianlanguage configuration?02:51
chalcednyenglish as far as i know02:52
cristianmmmm restart ? xD02:52
chalcedny- comes out _02:52
chalcednythat sounds like something to do for Windows (tm)02:52
cristian... i installed linux yesterday! xD02:53
cristianif in know more linux i could say you maybe how to fix it02:53
cristiandont have any shortcut for change the keyboard language?02:54
chalcednycristian even if you're right..i don't trust you02:54
cristianin windows it is shift+ctrl02:54
cristian... windows have all my games.... I'M A GAMERR!!! TToTT *sob*02:55
Evilcow187Cristian, you can get wow to run under kubuntu02:55
chalcednycristian so ? there are games02:56
cristianyeah.. i know it..02:56
cristiani have to go right now... for check if a friend is conected.. to the msn xD [other microsoft s***]02:57
cristiancoz i cant conect with the kopete... i dont know what is going on with my internet02:58
chalcednyyou can do msn with yahoo in pidgin02:59
chalcednybut not sound or video02:59
cristiani cant use kopete with my msn account ... and cant surf the internet with konqueror02:59
chalcednypidgin isn't bad03:00
cristianif i can use the browser i could donwload something -_-03:00
cristiani saw pidgin...03:00
cristianand it is for windows too lol03:00
Evilcow187You should be able to get these other programs through adept03:01
cristianlets see....03:02
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cristianapt-get install is overpower lol03:05
cristianwiiiii.. pidgin is running03:09
tanjirhow do i setup kmouth in kubuntu interpid?04:02
tanjiri have kttsd and festival installed... what would be the command for speaking text?04:02
beatzzsup all :)04:24
chalcednywhat does KDE run pdf files with?04:27
chalcednymy husband's computer doesn't seem to know what to use?04:27
chalcednyah ok ty :)04:27
chalcednyerror - KPDF04:28
chalcednyCould not open file ://home/chulll/dia-manual.pdf04:29
geniikpdf    should be in lowercase04:29
chalcednyyes .. i was copying from the header to the error window wich is caps04:30
geniichalcedny: You can also try at Konsole prompt:    /usr/bin/kpdf /home/chulll/dia-manual.pdf04:32
DragnslcrDoesn't KDE4 use okular?04:34
geniiDragnslcr: Not sure, I'm still primarily on 3.5.1004:34
p_quarlesyes, okular in the current KDE; no more kpdf04:35
chalcednyit can't find the file .. i forgot the command to locate it?04:38
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chalcednywe downloaded dia (to make a flowchart) my husband is trying to find it and the manual.pdf in Applications .. any idea where to look?05:13
cerecitasis kpdf installed at all?05:17
Rieshdpkg -L dia ?05:17
chalcednykpdf "path/whatever/my Desktop/etc did find it.. he wanted a graphical way05:18
chalcednyRiesh thank you :)05:18
Rieshalso can use dolphin ... "ctrl F"05:19
chalcednymy husband has aphasia.. he needs to be able to find it in Applications05:21
Rieshwhat do you mean with need to find it in applications ? .. in the kmenu ?05:21
chalcednyon the top right of the screen Appplications Places System .. in Applications is a list ...05:22
chalcednywe might .. is it possible to force it to create an icon in graphics ?05:23
chengchangHello everybody  I'm a Chinese boy05:23
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk05:24
chengchangOk  Thankes05:24
RieshIf dia does not make a icon it self  you can right click on the menu and choose menu editor to make one yourself05:24
Rieshchalcedny: You use Kubuntu, Right ?05:26
Rieshchalcedny: i just installed dia and it makes a link in the graphics section of the menu ...05:29
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Rieshwhen i put a vcd in my sata dvdrw drive i get a lot of "Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block " mesages in dmesg ... and the drive can not mount ... although it can play in mplayer. However i would like to compu the video file from this vcd to the HD. Any idea how to solve this problem?06:54
Riesh"like to copy"*06:55
kevin_Quick question, does anyone in here know anything about virtualization?  I'm trying to virtualize an x86 linux box so I can play with writing some kernel modules (The computer I'm on now is my desktop/server...I can't mess up a pointer and wipe my filesystem or something...).  Anyone have any suggestions as to where I should go?  I'm mostly looking for something easy to use that works rather than a solution more geared for performance.07:07
Rieshkevin_: you can install virtualbox ...07:11
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inanimateIs it possible to execute JavaScript from the Konqueror address bar?07:26
inanimatePerhaps using the JavaScript pseudo-protocol thing: javascript:alert("Hello")07:27
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kevin_inanimate: what are you trying to do?07:35
inanimatekevin_: Make a bookmark with a URL like such: "javascript:void(location.href='http://oldurl.com/?url='+location.href)"07:36
kevin_inanimate: like a normal bookmarklet?  My javascript is poor...07:38
inanimateI suppose, yeah.07:39
kevin_inanimate: I figured it out.07:53
kevin_install konqueror-plugin-minitools, then in the 'Tools' menu, you get a bookmark editor you can type javascript into.07:54
kevin_(Tools menu is part of konqueror-plugin-minitools)07:54
inanimateDoes that work in KDE 4 though? (Because at the moment, Konqueror has no "Tools" menu.)07:54
kevin_See http://priyadi.net/archives/2004/11/04/using-bookmarklet-in-konqueror/07:54
inanimateOh, OK.07:54
kevin_inanimate: yes, I just got it working.07:55
kevin_inanimate: just install the package and restart konqueror.07:55
inanimateI feel like that is such a hack...07:57
inanimate(Not your fault of course.)07:57
kevin_no problem, I agree.07:57
kevin_I dunno, konqueror is really nice in some ways and kind of lame in others.07:58
inanimateYeah. I love the fact that it fits in well with KDE and feels a lot lighter weight, but it's severely lacking in some areas...07:58
kevin_The biggest reason why I don't use it is flash support is nonexistant (on 64 bit system at least). It's bad in firefox and it is worse in konqueror.08:00
kevin_Pain in the ass.08:00
inanimateOh man... Flash in Konqueror...08:01
inanimateWell, Flash in general doesn't support 64.08:01
inanimateOn any platform.08:01
kevin_It sort of does half the time in firefox.08:01
kevin_Seriously, fuck Adobe.08:01
inanimateBasically everybody is running a 64 bit machine...08:02
inanimateAlthough not necessarily a 64 bit OS (I'm still running 32 bit, for instance, just because getting everything to support 64 bit is more pain than I'm willing to deal with).08:02
inanimateBut as far as I know, Adobe has no plans to release a 64 bit Flash anytime soon...08:03
kevin_Really, I think it comes down to saying fuck the web though.  HTML sucks, Javascript sucks.08:03
kevin_CSS sucks.08:03
inanimateYeah, unfortunately Flash in Konqueror is kind of broken (at least for me, it only loads the first time, and chokes every time afterward).08:04
kevin_I mean, web development is so damned hard.  It should not be.  I don't like SGML's philosophy; I wish TeX won on the web....08:04
kevin_same here.08:04
inanimateWell part of the problem I see is now everybody tries to do layouts in CSS.08:04
inanimateWhich it was obviously not designed to do.08:04
kevin_Well...it works partailly....08:04
inanimateIf by "works" you mean enough browsers have implemented hacks to make float: look reasonable.08:05
inanimateWhich is why Konqueror still fails 45% of the time.08:05
kevin_yeah.  Noone looks at their site in it.08:06
inanimatePages naturally aren't using any standards because there *aren't* any layout standards, so people just go with what works in FF and IE.08:06
inanimateRegardless of whether or not it is standard or even reasonable.08:06
inanimateSo Konqueror is left playing catch up.08:06
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!08:06
inanimateOr KHTML, I should say.08:07
inanimateHeh... OK.08:07
kevin_inanimate: I'm taking off, going to go try to install KVM and get a 'hello world' kernel module done by tomorrow morning.08:08
kevin_nice chatting.08:08
inanimateYep, thanks. Ciao.08:09
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kalidarayone around?08:28
xtno. just you08:28
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Guest80263hi, how can I run the command "alltray evolution" each time I start my sesion?08:50
kalidardoes anyone know the kde version of Fusion-icon?09:06
kalidari need to switch to compiz and back alot09:06
kalidarcompiz to metacity09:07
xjjkwhat's wrong with using fusion-icon itself09:10
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bentob0xwhat's the alternative to Ark?09:17
bentob0xits a bit clumsy09:17
bentob0xor it feels like it's under dev or something09:17
kalidaris anyone here?!09:19
kalidari realy realy need hewlp09:19
kalidarim having graphix errors09:21
kalidari tryed using metacity to fix them but realized its a gnome program09:21
kalidari need help of a kde user09:21
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kalidaranyone here?09:43
kalidari was wondering how i install a game that comes in a folder and is all .dat files09:43
kalidarits called uplink hacker elite09:43
kalidarany ideas?09:44
Mamarokkalidar: a Linux game?09:47
siriusbhi all. do anybody know when kubuntu 9.04 beta can be downloaded?09:47
Mamaroksiriusb: patience, check the kubuntu.org website tonight I'd say09:48
siriusbthx. i really looking forward to insatll it. tried livecd, and it was wooooow09:48
kalidarits a linux game09:49
Mamarok.dat doesn't sound like though09:49
Mamarokyou should have either .deb or .rpm files, or a source package09:50
Mamarokkalidar: do you have a website where this game can be downloaded?09:51
kalidarno i have the instal cd09:51
kalidarbut theirs no instal file just a folder with a bunch of dat files in it09:51
kalidarand the patch and keygen are exe files09:52
Mamarokkalidar: well, then you should have an installer on it, no?09:52
Mamarokstill sounds like a Windows version, not Linux...09:53
kalidarwhat does a linux instaler look like09:53
kalidarits windows and linux09:53
kalidarand inside the linux folder is a bunch of dat files09:53
kalidarits called uplink.zip and i open it09:53
kalidarand then its datfiles09:53
kalidarshould i unzip to .lib or something09:53
kalidaroh wate theirs a binary file09:54
kalidarit has no extention09:54
kalidaroh nevermind its a exe aswell :(09:55
kalidari duno what to do it says for linux but theirs exes inside wth09:55
MamarokI guess you should ask the manufacturer howto install it on Linux, but I guess it's a Windows version and you need to run it with Wine09:56
Mamaroktom__: help for what?10:04
Mamarok!help | tom__10:11
ubottutom__: Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:11
kalidarguys how do i run a executeble for linux10:11
kalidarwhat do i type10:11
victimi usually do .//name10:14
victimno, ./name10:14
kalidari get a symbol lookup error10:15
kalidarundefined symbol:__glutroot10:15
kalidarwhats that mean?10:15
victimyou only need a single /10:15
kalidari did10:15
victimpossibly you have a dependency missing10:15
kalidaraww man10:16
kalidarstupid linux lol10:16
kalidarguess ill have to find that10:16
kalidarapt-cache search glutroot10:16
victimsearch for glut??10:18
kalidari guess im mising glutroot10:19
kalidarso i need glut g3 or freeglut310:19
kalidarither way im gona download them all untill i find the one i need to run this damn game10:19
victimmentions glutroot10:20
kalidarthx helpfull :)10:20
jonahhey guys, can anyone please help. i have latest kde installed on intrepid and i want to share my home folder or sub folders with my mac somehow. tried clicking on sharing tab in dolphin and system settings but seems complex and then i don't know how to get it up on the mac. i'd like to open my main computer from macbook to watch video and access work etc, can anyone help me please10:26
jussi01jonah: do this: sudo apt-get install ssh10:34
jussi01then use your ftp client to sftp into the linux machine10:34
jonahjussi01, i would prefer finder access if possible??10:35
jussi01jonah: yeah, you can do it, I just dont remember how right at this second and Im not near my mac currently. :/10:35
Laruftsorry for the faq, but how best do I install firefox under jaunty?10:36
jonahjuss01, ok so how do i know what ip my main machine is for my mac to access?10:37
jonahjussi01, i'm a bit stuck here. i installed ssh as you said but now what do i do? i loaded up filezilla but don't know how to connect to linux10:45
Laruftjonah to get your ip try this, open a shell ifconfig -v wlan010:46
Laruftor ifconfig -v eth0  if using physical ethernet cable10:47
jonahLaruft: ok done that and got a readout of stuff10:47
Laruftfor me.. i got10:47
Laruftwlan0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:21:6b:06:09:ac10:47
Laruft          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
Laruftso my local ip is
Laruftdid u want to know local or external ip?10:48
jonahLaruft: i don't know! haha i just wanted something so my macbook can connect to my linux box with samba, ssh or anything so i can use files that are stored on main linux box on my mac10:49
Laruftthe external ip, is provided by your isp and will appear in your router configuration page if you are using one10:49
Laruftare you using router or something? or just machine to machine?10:49
bdizzlehi, I was wondering if someone could help me get firestarter working. I've tried to load the program and it won't come up10:50
jonahLaruft: just home router10:51
jonahLaruft: i kinda thought it'd be dead easy, i figured if you turned a sharing tick box on somewhere on linxu box it'd just pop up on mac with shared printers etc haha10:52
bdizzleI can't kill it via process list (ps -A) and it won't start up when I try to load it10:52
bdizzlehow do I use firestarter without it killing my internet connection altogether?10:57
Larufti've installed jaunty kubuntu, but amarok and konversation are not there - is it safe just to apt-get them?11:09
=== Cueball|2 is now known as Cueball
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.11:12
Guest80263since today, each video a play has a strong sturation, is like the settings of the codecs has been change, but I did anything.., I11:12
Guest80263I try to remove and reinstall the codecs but doesnt work11:13
Guest80263any idea?11:13
ScorpKingGuest80263: use purge instead of remove11:20
ScorpKingGuest80263: that will remove the settings as well11:20
=== Cueball is now known as Cueball|2
dr_willisall system settings.. not per user settings...11:31
bdizzlehi, for some reason, firestarter keeps freezing on me and won't allow me to engage the firewall11:32
billybigriggerhow do i install themes/styles? from kde-look, i can't seem to drag and drop the .tar.gz like in gnome11:50
billybigriggeram i missing something here?11:50
=== fernando is now known as Guest84173
tyson_Hi how do I install firefox with all the gnome stuff and branding?11:58
tyson_if I download a package from http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/firefox-3.0-branding with adept or whatever package manager update it?12:00
mgkyou probably want to use a package manager12:11
mgkso aptget install firefox-3.0-branding12:12
Glutton_can anyone help me get sound working in kubuntu?12:22
BluesKaj'Morning folks13:00
=== RoozbehOnline is now known as Roozbeh|Away
=== david_ is now known as Laruft
makdaknifehas anybody else resolved the problem with lame encoding producing static noise on intrepid?13:30
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »13:34
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=== simon_ is now known as organo
=== Roozbeh|Away is now known as RoozbehOnline
=== Cueball is now known as Cueball|2
drostieI have this repetitive error in KDE 4.2 where applications like Kate and Quassel will fill up with gibberish pixels. I've narrowed it down to the preference in K > System Settings > Desktop > Shadows. Is this a known bug, or should I file something at launchpad.net eventually?13:44
yondaime-k3qualcuno può aiutarmi? ò_ò13:51
geniidrostie: File a bug, if it's a duplicate of some other bug already filed then it will be sorted accordingly13:51
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)13:51
yondaime-k3grazie *_*13:52
organohello, will jaunty beta be released today? I'm just looking at the release schedule..13:55
geniiorgano: Supposed to be, yes. I imagine they are being asked a lot in #ubuntu+1 when will it get to mirrors, etc etc13:57
pktwill kubuntu include kprinter from 3.5 ?13:58
pktkde4 printing code is still very primitive13:58
organookay thanks13:59
=== Cueball|2 is now known as Cueball
vrajaim new14:06
vrajai need help14:07
dr_willis'please state the nature of the linux emergancy'14:07
BluesKaj!ask | vraja14:07
ubottuvraja: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:07
cinexwhats up vraja14:07
=== david_ is now known as LaruftAFK
vrajamy linux not have  sound14:09
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP314:09
vrajamy  pc14:10
vrajais not reproduce audio14:10
vrajais block14:10
BluesKaj!es | vraja14:11
ubottuvraja: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:11
randesco_BluesKaj: hey people you do have a good mechanism to answer faq! respect!14:11
BluesKajdepends what you need to know14:11
ubottuA list of common questions and answers about Ubuntu: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions - Official documentation: http://help.ubuntu.com - IRC FAQ: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage14:12
vrajaok  thank u14:13
vrajafor u help14:13
vrajasee u later14:13
randesco_vraja : did it help?14:13
BluesKajrandesco_ , I think his first laguage is spanish ...he'll express himself and receive help more easily there14:14
=== Tonio_ is now known as tromdr_kevin
bderagonhey guys14:36
bderagongot kubuntu installed finally last night, but having some problems now, it won't start14:36
bderagonI get a white screen14:36
bderagonso, if I disable my video card, and switch to the onboard, it boots, but into some kind of safe graphics mode14:37
bderagonwtih no acceleration, everything is so sluggish it hurts14:37
bderagonand the second I switch back to my video card, boom, white screen14:38
bderagonhow do I fix this?14:38
peterzmight help if you tell what video cards you have there..14:38
bderagononboard is an ati x30014:38
bderagonvideo card is an hd 487014:38
peterzah, and what kubuntu did you install?14:39
bderagonthe only one I could get to install, 9.04 alpha 4, the jaunty based one14:39
peterzhmm, that should at least give usable output on both those cards14:39
bderagonI tried numerous times to get the 8.04 or 8.10 to install, and they wouldn't even install, even on the onboard, with the help of some people last night, I got 9.04 to install14:40
=== tromdr_kevin is now known as Tonio_
bderagonthat's what I thought too, but it doesn't, :(14:40
peterzI have a hd2600-pro working with jaunty14:41
peterzthe x200 onboard I have doesn't indeed work with the latest code, already filed a bug with the radeon people about that14:41
=== javier_ is now known as Helio-2000
bderagon9993sorry back, kubuntu crashed on me14:43
bderagon9993on the onboard video right now, and its barely running14:43
peterzwhat driver is it using?14:44
gabriel9Is beta come out?14:44
bderagon9993not really sure how to tell peterz, konqueror won't load, says unsupported video mode14:44
bderagon9993I don't know a lot about linux, and without konqueror, I can't look anything up, lol14:45
peterzbderagon: grep drivers /var/log/Xorg.0.log14:45
ZengolGood morning everyone.14:46
ZengolAnyone know when the next official release of Kubuntu is?14:46
bderagon9993ack, ok, lot here, looking for it14:46
xtthis year14:46
stdin!jaunty | Zengol14:47
ubottuZengol: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.14:47
ZengolThat's good to know i only have to wait another month.14:49
ibrarAny body knows link aggregation14:50
bderagon9993ok sorry found it14:53
bderagon9993section device identifier standard vga14:53
bderagon9993vendorname unknown, boardname unknown14:53
bderagon9993driver vga14:53
bderagon9993then under that it says option no_accel, an option no_dri14:54
bderagon9993thing took forever to scroll :)14:54
BluesKajbderagon9993, lspci | grep VGA , to find which graphics card you have14:55
=== root is now known as Guest8978
Guest8978hello people14:57
bderagon9993vga compatible controller14:57
bderagon9993ati technologies inc unknown device 94c114:57
anipyhi there. on 8.04, i use kmail/kontact with bogosity. for some hours ago now, many emails are flagged with X-Bogosity: Spam, tests=bogofilter, spamicity=0.999995, version=1.1.5, or similarily high "spamicity" value - but they are all mails i want.  even the real spam is not getting such high scores. any idea?14:57
Guest8978i have kubuntu os and i want  to chat with kopete14:57
Guest8978when i typed the greek characters...14:58
xta leperchaun appeared?14:58
sqmantc4ho disabilitato dei servizi su xubuntu come faccio a ripristinarli?14:58
sqmantc4nello specifivo il servizio di avvio grafico14:58
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
xtsqmantc4: this is an english channel.14:59
Guest8978unegorized charactes are shown14:59
Guest8978why is this happening?14:59
bderagon9993still here, that was my other nick from when kubuntu crashed14:59
demoni cant install a shell15:04
demonsudo sh doesnt work15:04
Picidemon: Use sudo -i if you need an interactive 'root' shell.15:05
Guest8978any solution for me?15:05
=== Guest8978 is now known as jeronymo
jeronymoany solution for me?15:06
demonthanks pici15:06
jeronymoi typed in kopete but the message that i send has unrecognized characters15:07
MarkieMark1!it | sgmantc415:07
ubottusgmantc4: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)15:07
MarkieMark1!it | sqmantc415:08
ubottusqmantc4: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)15:08
jeronymowhy is this happening?15:08
* MarkieMark1 must get his eyesight checked :) 15:08
=== Cueball is now known as Cueball|2
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!15:18
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!15:20
ubottuAu revoir!15:23
icoko staa15:31
ubottuPartitioning programs: !GParted or !QtParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter15:35
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE15:35
demonhmm how can i install E15:46
Le-Chuck_ITAPerhaps my question is more appropriate here than on #ubuntu: how do I change the aspect of kde applications in ubuntu?15:46
Le-Chuck_ITAI don't like the new solid-metal look in kile15:46
Le-Chuck_ITAthe ideal thing would be to have the gtk theme there, I tried with qtconfig-qt4 to set gtk+ style but it does not change in kile15:47
geniidemon: What is the name of the app you want to install? "E" doesn't sound right15:47
geniidemon: You can install it through Add/Remove. To select it as your desktop, choose it as session type during next login15:48
demonadd/remove? its that simple15:49
demonno results15:49
genii!info enlightenment15:49
ubottuPackage enlightenment does not exist in intrepid15:49
geniiHmm, weird. Must have been removed15:50
demoni am 8.0415:50
geniidemon: Enable universe repositories15:50
genii!info enlightenment hardy15:50
ubottuenlightenment (source: enlightenment): The Enlightenment Window Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (hardy), package size 398 kB, installed size 1004 kB15:50
demoni have that15:51
demonbut its one 400kb15:51
demonit cant be that15:51
chronos_I'm having problems with my intrepid installation. I just enabled my NVIDIA driver, and when I did, I lost my minimize, close, and title bar on all my windows.15:51
geniidemon: Yes, it's that. It pulls in a bunch of other packages, so 400k is deceptive15:51
demongenii: but its 1000 kb installed size15:52
demonlemme log off and see :P15:52
Le-Chuck_ITAnobody knows how to change kde4 themes?15:52
geniidemon: It's only a window manager15:52
BluesKajchronos_ , ctrl+alt+backspace to relogin15:53
BluesKajLe-Chuck_ITA , system settings15:55
Le-Chuck_ITAwft is this Systemsettings that all web pages talk about? command-not-found doesn't find it actually :)15:55
Le-Chuck_ITABluesKaj: simultaneous answer and question :)=15:56
BluesKajit's in the kmenu15:56
Le-Chuck_ITABluesKaj: I am using gnome, which package contains Systemsettings?15:56
Le-Chuck_ITAIn kde3 I used to install kcontrol for the purpose15:56
BluesKajthen goto #ubuntu , this is KDE country , not gnome :)15:57
Le-Chuck_ITABluesKaj: please don't be racist :) This is a kde question15:57
Le-Chuck_ITAI am a long term gnome user and indeed wouldn't know the answer15:58
Le-Chuck_ITABluesKaj: save your hate for windows!15:58
=== ubuntu__ is now known as SubCoolEnt
BluesKajbut you're asking about kde apps that don't exist on your setup15:58
Le-Chuck_ITABluesKaj: that's clear to me!15:58
Le-Chuck_ITAlet's go another way15:58
geniiLe-Chuck_ITA: kcmshell --list might give you some useful modules15:59
Le-Chuck_ITAis Systemsettings an executable or just a menu entry?15:59
demonhmm genii it was just a desktop15:59
demonnothing like in the screen shots15:59
Le-Chuck_ITAgenii:  no modules!15:59
geniidemon: Screenshots usually show a hightly customised desktop15:59
SubCoolEntHey- whats the link to the sources?15:59
demongenii: whatw as the command to mount a cd16:00
FireyFlyMy xserver seems to have crashed :/16:00
geniidemon: usually something like:  sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom016:00
Le-Chuck_ITAsudo apt-get install systemsettings16:01
Le-Chuck_ITAthat's clear now16:01
FireyFlyAccoring to /var/log/Xorg.0.log the X server has recieved signal 11; any ideas? :/16:01
geniiLe-Chuck_ITA: the package kde-guidance provides whatever modules that kcmshell can know about16:02
SubCoolEnti have to update my sources- its been a while16:02
Le-Chuck_ITAok I now have systemsettings and it's empty16:02
Le-Chuck_ITAgenii: thanks16:02
Le-Chuck_ITAgenii: no such package in jaunty16:03
Le-Chuck_ITAwas it renamed'16:03
geniiLe-Chuck_ITA: Possibly. Unfortunately I'm still on 3.5.10 Hardy16:03
Le-Chuck_ITAgenii: ok thanks16:03
Le-Chuck_ITAdidn't expect so many news16:03
geniiGah. Kubrick looks like it's freaking out again16:04
Le-Chuck_ITAwill try ubuntu+1 ... BluesKaj you sure you don't know anything more about this?16:04
geniiLe-Chuck_ITA: #ubuntu+1 is also #kubuntu+1 so hopefully some kde devs may be there16:04
Le-Chuck_ITAthanks genii16:04
SubCoolEntwow- there is alot of traffic..16:06
SubCoolEntIm sory- can someone PM me the site to update my sources? i have Googled Easy RPM- Ubutnu i cant find it.16:06
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BluesKaj!RPM | SubCoolEnt16:08
ubottuSubCoolEnt: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)16:08
SubCoolEntubottu: ops - i ment the one for ubuntu16:10
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:10
ubottuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories16:11
Le-Chuck_ITAIn the end I solved the problem which is... a missing dependency in systemsettings, fixed in jaunty+116:12
Le-Chuck_ITAjust for the record16:12
Le-Chuck_ITAbye and thanks all16:12
ibrarCan anybody tell me what is the status of equalize parameter in "iproute2" in latest kernel shiped with kbuntu 8.1016:14
mercutio22Hello, I am using ubuntu and I have problems using accents in KDE apps like kile, is it fixable?16:21
mapzzzguys.. when is kubuntu jaunty due ?16:24
geniimapzzz: Ask them in #ubuntu+116:26
=== MK-Ultra is now known as ziggy
BeholdMyGlorymapzzz: according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu#Releases 2009-04-2316:27
cinexanyone know a good place to get splashy themes?16:28
mapzzzBeholdMyGlory: ok.. thanks16:28
demonif i update to the newest KDE 4.2 or what ever16:29
demoni will still have the kernel of 8.0416:29
geniidemon: Yes16:30
JuJuBeeAnybody here use squid?  good with acl's?16:30
geniiJuJuBee: When I set up dansguardian (which uses it) I used this as reference to set up the acls: http://wiki.vpslink.com/HOWTO:_Squid_Proxy_Server16:32
ScorpKingJuJuBee: squid is nice16:32
geniiScorpKing: Especially in transparent :)16:33
ibrarCan I recompile kerenel in kbuntu, I want to change one option in kernel?16:34
ScorpKinganyone here know why lts.conf would be ignored on a ltsp server? it's the source of this big headache i have today :(16:34
ibrarand let are existing option intect16:34
ibrarsed /are/all16:34
JuJuBeeI have squid setup aalready, trying to create some granular acl's and it is not working.  Would you mind taking a look?16:34
ScorpKing!kernel | ibrar16:34
ubottuibrar: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages16:34
* ScorpKing takes a look..16:35
JuJuBeeScorpKing: I am trying to let students on specific computers at specific times get to specific sites.16:35
ibrarubottu, I want to enable eqaulize option for iproute216:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:36
JuJuBeeScorpKing: mainly lines 16-25 and 44-4716:36
ibrarubottu: iproute2 man page asked to recompile kernel to use this option16:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:36
JuJuBeeibrar: ubottu is a program not a person.16:37
ScorpKingJuJuBee: heh.. i'll have to read up. i'd take a different angle though. block everything and only allow sites stored in a textfile16:39
JuJuBeeScorpKing: does line 53 negate lines 45-47?16:39
SubCoolEntubottu repositories16:39
ubottuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories16:39
SubCoolEntDoes anyone update their respositories? - How often16:41
ScorpKingJuJuBee: i'm not an expert at squid. just having a look at the notes i made16:41
DragnslcrSubCoolEnt- not unless there's something specific to upgrade16:41
marceli have redrawing issues in kde 4.2, there are sometimes white lines left that should be redrawed, is this a common issue?16:42
DragnslcrSubCoolEnt- new not-quite-stable versions of KDE are usually in a separate repository for a while16:42
SubCoolEntDragnslcr: im trying to find the website that lists all of the respos, and conts16:43
ScorpKingJuJuBee: to allow and block sites i have "acl blocked url_regex -i "/etc/squid/blocked"" & acl allowed url_regex -i "/etc/squid/allowed""16:44
geniiSubCoolEnt: The updating part of the repositories is usually done on the other end, where they are putting newer versions of the apps into the sources which are listed in your repositories on the local machine. So you only need to add a repo if it's from someplace foreign for a specific app or so. For instance wine needs their repos for latest versions, and medibuntu repositories have all the codec stuff. Etc, etc16:44
DragnslcrSubCoolEnt- what exactly are you looking for? Just the addresses of the base repositories?16:44
* genii is glad CNR died16:45
demonok now i hace kde 4 how can i get16:46
demonthe newest version :)16:46
marceldemon, do you have kubuntu?16:46
ScorpKingJuJuBee: also "http_access allow ournets !blocked" but nothing that negates it like yours16:47
demongenii: how can i upgrade my kde16:47
SubCoolEntgenii: right- im trying to find firefox- im installing kubuntu ...16:49
ScorpKingJuJuBee: from what i can gather line 57 must out16:49
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO16:50
ScorpKingJuJuBee: there is #squid :D16:50
demonhow can i upgrade my KDE16:50
SubCoolEntubutto firefox repositories16:50
geniidemon: I'm still on 3.5.10 so not an authority on 4.2 upgrades16:50
SubCoolEntubottu firefox repositories16:51
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:51
demongenii: do ya know the command :D16:51
matthewas a fellow newbie the best way is to go to adept > sources > software sources16:51
geniidemon: As far as I understand you need to add a repo to your sources.list , likely the ppa one16:51
matthew> updates > tick unsuported updates16:52
geniiSubCoolEnt: Firefox can be installed from regular repositories. Just use add/remove programs and search for it. Or on command line: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox16:53
matthewafter i did that the packages updated through adept IIRC16:53
demongenii: hmm that looks like a lot of work16:54
geniidemon: Nothing worth doing is usually easy16:54
matthewas far as i know, by linux standards, its a breeze16:54
=== our-pc is now known as usergr
matthewmake sure u have this under your sources: http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu16:55
usergrhow can i configure dolphin so I can open folders with double-click?16:55
usergri would appreciate any help\16:55
SubCoolEntmatthew: thanks- i havent kept up with the updates...16:56
usergr    iuse kde 4.216:56
SubCoolEntits been a while.16:56
ScorpKingJuJuBee: do you manage?16:57
usergrare you talking to me ScorpKing?16:58
ScorpKingusergr: only if you are JuJuBee16:58
JuJuBeeScorpKing: Thanks.  have not managed yet.  Im teaching a class...16:58
JuJuBeeScorpKing: why icp_access need to be commented?16:59
ScorpKingJuJuBee: oh ok. join the #squid channel. all the experts are there.16:59
demonok can any body tell me how to set my kde 3.5 as default16:59
JuJuBeeI tried there, no takers.16:59
usergrcan anyone help me?17:00
matthewdemon: 4.2 no good then17:00
ScorpKingJuJuBee: i don't understand your question17:00
JuJuBeeShouldnt line 47 block students from getting to a site I don't want17:01
matthewusergr: i have no idea, if its not under configure dolphin then i would try google.17:01
matthewusergr: transfering from windows it still startles me, but i get used to it.17:01
ubottukeyboard shortcuts can be set in K -> System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse. Try also "Input Actions" in KControl. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KDEMultimediaKeys - See !Keyboard for changing layouts17:02
ScorpKingJuJuBee: that will deny Student_Net http access. "http deny all" could also do that17:03
usergrmatthew : Ihave already done it once but I do not remember how i did it17:03
matthewusergr: ive found how17:03
Evilcow187anybody around that can help me set up the wireless on my laptop?17:03
matthewusergr: system settings > keyboard and mouse > mouse > midway down.17:03
JuJuBeeScorpKing: or will line 53 re-allow them?  Does it continue checking the other ACL's ?17:03
JuJuBeeScorpKing: Right, I want to only block the - addresses...17:04
usergrThank you very much matthew ! have a nice evening17:04
ScorpKingJuJuBee: yes and it continue checking until the end of the file17:05
demonuf good old 3.5.517:05
LaeborgCan I setup RAID-0 in LVM on kubuntu ?17:05
JuJuBeeScorpKing: so I am correct in thinking that line 53  will undo what lines 45-47 does.17:06
ScorpKingJuJuBee: as far as i can see yes17:06
JuJuBeeScorpKing: Thanks.  I am used to router acl's w here first match wins...17:07
ScorpKingJuJuBee: looks like you are right. it stops after the first match17:09
ScorpKingJuJuBee: this is what you are doing now - http://www.usenet-forums.com/squid-users/247506-restrict-access-time-acl-configuration.html17:10
* ScorpKing loves google..17:10
Evilcow187Or a better question is why can't I get wlan0 to be enabled17:13
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:14
JuJuBeeScorpKing: Thanks.  But is seems that if it did stop after first match, then if it was not an allowed  site then line 47 should block access.17:15
ScorpKingJuJuBee: hope you get it sorted17:16
JuJuBeeThanks.  I will I'm sure.... eventually.17:17
BOZGAnyone know where the settings for Firestarter are kept?17:18
demonwhere can i choose for compiz and not kde effects17:20
geniidemon: ccsm (compizconfig-settings-manager)17:22
geniiYou may need to install it17:22
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BOZGdemon:  You will still need to swap Window manager.17:24
BOZGdemon: System Settings->Default Applications->Window Manager17:25
ubuntuldoes anyone use skype?17:27
demonme me me17:27
demonBOZG: aaaaaaaaaaaaa 3.5.1017:28
ubuntulhi demon17:28
demonhi ubuntul17:28
ubuntulcall me "mr-ubuntu"17:29
geniidemon: then: alt-f2           compiz --replace17:29
demongenii: yes only for this sesson17:30
geniidemon: If you have session saving on it will also load up compiz next time17:30
demonhow can i be sure that i have session saving17:30
geniidemon System Settings..Advanced.. Sessions Manager17:31
geniimake sure in On Login section has "Restore previous session" selected17:32
demonyeap done17:32
demon3.5.10 ruzl17:32
demonwho wants 4.2.117:32
demonor smt like that17:32
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:32
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demongenii:  so i can restart now17:35
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demonand change to start with and empty session17:35
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geniidemon: You can probably restart if you've set stuff up how you want it now, if you want to test that it comes back the same way17:36
demongenii: i dotn like ti17:37
demoncuz when i shut down my pc17:37
demonand then turn on17:37
demonall the programs that were running the last time will start again17:37
demonand its smt like 10 programs17:37
demonin the same time and makes my pc boot slower17:38
geniidemon: Well, thats the idea of having it save your session17:38
genii(so all the apps re-open to where you were working in them previously)17:39
demondon remember17:39
demononly the browsers i think17:39
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geniidemon: If you want compiz to load up but for kde not to save all your other program open settings, make it autorun then instead.17:40
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ubottuTo make programs start up automatically when you log into your KDE session, run all programs that you want to be started and close all other programs, then select 'Save Session' in the K menu. Alternatively, create a !symlink to the wanted program in ~/.kde/Autostart - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot17:41
geniidemon: The ~/.kde/Autostart   way the bot describes above17:41
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demongenii: nope compiz --replace17:42
demondoesnt work for me too17:43
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demondamn i was so sure that it will be good but still i have some gleaches17:43
demonand smt like that maybe i need a better emerald17:43
demonand it will fix it17:43
geniiemerald is only a decorator for compiz17:43
demonemerald theme17:44
genii!info emerald hardy17:44
ubottuemerald (source: emerald): Decorator for compiz-fusion. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.2-0ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 255 kB, installed size 1380 kB17:44
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ubuntulcall me ewa "mr-ubuntu" (skype)17:47
ubuntulcompiz is are future.17:48
ubuntulkde sorted governor.17:50
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ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels17:59
Alucardsomeone can help me with a problem with my soundcard?18:14
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Alucardnecesito ayuda con mi tarjeta de sonido (i need help with my soundcard)18:22
Alucardalguien me puede ayudar? (someone can help me?)18:22
fosco__Alucard, en este canal se habla inglés18:22
Alucardok, no problem18:22
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP318:23
Alucardjust i need help with my soundcard... i dunno how to fix it :S18:23
Alucardoh, my problem is, i have a ICE 1724 soundcard, 5.1 channels18:26
Alucardbut when i started my system, sometimes just i can hear sound in left , later, i restarted many times and its fix the problem18:27
Alucardit is normal? :S18:28
Alucardin window$ i never have that problem :S ... and i dont want to back to windows18:28
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ubuntu__alguien habla español¿?18:58
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jarod_i am doing this so konversation will stop coming up18:59
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PaperTigerQuick question, if I restart during the format part of the install process, does that ruin the hard drive19:03
volodymyrassume it does19:05
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PaperTigerYou think so?19:05
Tm_TPaperTiger: means you have to format it again19:05
lepriconTm_T:I agree19:06
PaperTigerOkay. Well, I tried that using the guided, use whole disk and it started where it finished19:06
PaperTigerBut didn't move... :S19:06
lepriconmaybe you19:07
Tm_Tno I didn't19:07
PaperTigerI'll try manual and see what it does then, and delete all partitions made19:07
lepriconmaybe you've selected deep format this time?19:07
PaperTigerCheers guys19:07
PaperTigerNo... Just selected guided.19:07
PaperTigerI gotta go for food, I'll be back in a bit19:08
dwidmanngrrrrrrrrr, this is getting frustrating ... I think that's the 12th time I've crashed KMail in the last five minutes19:10
lepriconKDE4 ?19:11
dwidmannbut of course19:12
lepriconI used to revert to 3.5.8 because of KMail19:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fwcutter19:13
dwidmannmaybe I'll have more like with KDE 4.2.119:13
Evilcow187Anybody with a bcm43xx wireless nic?19:14
lepriconhope so :)19:14
kalidarhey guys19:17
kalidari dunno what i would do without this irc room geez19:17
kalidarsould someone pls help me with a small problem?19:17
cinexkalidar: ?19:18
kalidari uninstalled wine and reinstaled it cuz i realized i pretymuch have to have it lol19:18
kalidarand im trying to run a keygen.exe19:18
ubottuSome things are inappropriate for #kubuntu. Controversial topics, which often turn into flame wars: war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, questionably legal activities, suicide are not for here. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy)19:18
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o19:18
kalidarprety simple file but alll i get is a wine in my taskbar and nothing happens19:18
kalidarlol oops im sorry19:19
kalidarim trying to run a exe and wine dosent work19:19
kalidarany ideas?19:19
stdintry asking in #winehq19:20
cinexmt computer is randomly restarting: how do you check if it is the power supply?19:23
CzarAlexI have dual monitors. When I boot the latest stable kubuntu LiveCD, everything appears okay until the desktop loads. On both screens I have a black background, no icons of any sort and all I can do is move the mouse around. This is mirrored on both monitors. If i unplug one monitor from the video card (keeping power off isnt  enough) and restart, everything is great on the remaining monitor. Suggestions?19:24
cinexCzarAlex: nvidia ?19:24
CzarAlexYes too19:24
victimcinex: I don't know how to help you, but there various logs to check to see of it is an OS fault first19:25
cinexerm. do u want the moniters to be next to each other?19:25
cinexvictim: the logs dont even see it go down19:25
victimcinex: does the pc just switch off?19:25
cinexrestarts victim19:25
cinexno sign of it overheating either19:26
CzarAlexcinex, ideally, yes. but for now, i`ll settle with just getting it to load without having to unplug a monitor from the video card.19:26
cinexCzarAlex: have you messed with the settings in the Nvidia X Server settings?19:26
victimcinex: is the power lead firmly attached ;)19:26
cinexlol victim yes19:26
CzarAlexcinex, can I do that with the liveCD? I haven't installed yet and don't want to if this is going to give me grief.19:26
cinexdid u install the nvidia drivers?19:27
CzarAlexI haven't installed the OS yet. Im trying it out on the LiveCD and its giving me grief.19:27
cinexyeah but CzarAlex you can't utilize the nvidia graphics card without installing it.19:27
cinexhold on19:28
cinexkmenu > system > hardware drivers19:28
cinexopen that and see if there is a nvidia driver to 'activate'19:28
CzarAlexI`ll check that out. Thanks/19:28
geniiCzarAlex: You can install things onto the livecd version to see if they work before you install the entire OS19:29
cinexthen you can set up the duel display with the nvidia-settings command19:29
CzarAlexgenii, Gotcha. Thanks.19:29
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cinexmy monitor cuts the bottom of the screen of with kubuntu :/ (and probably everything else)19:32
cinexthe monitor is plugged into my laptop19:32
cinexits naff19:32
Jason_COif an item in cron produces an error when it runs -- where would i find that error message?20:01
PaperTigerWhat is the swap area for?20:04
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.20:04
stdinJason_CO: probably /var/log/syslog20:04
Jason_COstdin: thank you20:04
stdinPaperTiger: do you know what a "page file" (windows term) is?20:04
PaperTigerNot really, stdin20:04
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stdinPaperTiger: well it's similar to that, it's basically an area of the hard drive that can be used as extra memory in case you run out of RAM20:05
PaperTigerAh, okay20:05
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PaperTigerThanks, stdin20:06
stdinno problem :)20:07
PaperTigerlepricon, still there?20:08
PaperTigerstdin, don't suppose you'd happen to know why my format for install stalled at % do you?20:09
PaperTigerI tried to install it before, but realised I forgot to turn RAID off, so I had to restart in the middle of it20:09
PaperTigerNow, it won't go past % for the format part of the install process.20:09
PaperTigerBtw, all the %'s are 520:10
PaperTigerAnd it won't go past 5% now20:12
stdinhave a look if there's anything in the system log (/var/log/syslog)20:12
PaperTigerRunning on LiveCD. Will that still work?20:12
stdinyeah, it should still work20:12
PaperTigerNo syslog file20:12
PaperTigerWait, never mind20:12
PaperTigerI see it20:12
PaperTigerWhat am I looking for? :S20:13
stdinsomething that looks line an error20:14
PaperTigerOh, it just jumped to 15%20:14
PaperTigerIt's going up now20:14
PaperTigerCould it be because of the large capacity of it...? 750 GB XD20:14
stdin750? yeah, that'll take a while ;)20:14
PaperTigerThought it might be that, but wasn't sure, because of what happened before.20:15
PaperTigerThanks for the help :)20:15
PaperTigerI love these channels, #kubuntu and #ubuntu20:15
PaperTigerAlways someone willing to help20:15
stdinsure :)20:15
PaperTigerYou running a dual boot system? Or just Linux?20:15
stdindual boot, but only Linux20:16
stdinie: more than one distro20:16
stdinbut mostly Kubuntu20:16
PaperTigerFair enough. =]20:16
PaperTigerI'm going for a full Linux install.20:16
PaperTigerKubuntu as KDE 4.1 is nice and shiny :)20:17
bipolarPaperTiger: 4.2 is much better :)20:17
PaperTigerThe install disk I have is 4.1, but I can upgrade to 4.2 once installed, I'm guessing.20:18
stdinyeah, the instructions are in the topic20:18
PaperTiger:) I'l remember to search that after. I just want to get back online. Been off for about 5 days now...20:19
PaperTigerhmm... Numpad off = numpad keys work, numpad on = numpad keys don't work... :S20:19
PaperTigerRight, while I'm waiting for the format, I should be doing Economics, Business and Law work...20:20
PaperTigerOne last question. Why do you run Linux instead of Windows?20:20
wasutton3does anyone know how to pass commands to linux from irkick20:20
stdinPaperTiger: because I think Linux is better quality, both in the core OS and applications20:21
mapzzzzPaperTiger: so that my wife doesnt have to worry about pests like the Conficker worm20:22
PaperTigerstdin: Fair enough. I decided to try it and stuck with it because I liked the reliability and speed of the OS. After about 3 days of unsucessful attempts at getting Windows to recognize a RAID array, which Linux didn't do either in all fairness, but still, I thought I'd go for a full Linux OS20:23
PaperTigerFull Linux system20:23
PaperTigermapzzzz: Also another good thing, no viruses!20:24
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kalidarhey guys im currentley downloading enemy terratory for linux21:02
kalidarand its a .run file21:02
kalidarwill that auto install or is their something i need to do to make it work21:02
kalidaror should i just cancel download rite now21:03
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Dragnslcrkalidar- not sure if you can run it from Dolphin. You might need to open up Konsole and run it from there21:19
mjrclarkit sounds like a normal script/program that needs to be run, ie made executable (right click, permissions or in konsole chmod +x enemy_territory.run) and run (click, or in konsole change to directory then ./enemy_terriroty.run)21:22
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p-fMy wifi led keeps flashing whenever there is traffic on my internet interface. Needless to say, this is bloody annoying. Fortunately, doing echo "none" > /sys/class/leds/*/trigger fixes it. The problem is this does not persist through hibernation/suspendtoram/reboots. How can I make it so?21:23
p-fusing /etc/rc.local doesn't seem to work21:23
p-fAlso, is there a way to get a history of installed/upgraded packages? I have _not_ been using synaptic, so its history is empty.21:24
mjrclarknot sure if it is what you want, dpkg --list gives all installed packages, versions and some info.21:27
p-fmjrclark: unfortunately, this only gives the currently installed version21:29
p-fbasically I want an undo button for an update that went awry21:30
|PaperTiger|Is there a way to have the window icons in the task bar on the relevant desktop and not on all desktops?21:30
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|PaperTiger|Is there a way to have the window icons in the task bar on the relevant desktop and not on all desktops?21:34
mjrclarkp-f: there is a log at /var/log/apt/term.log (root owner) so you could open and search/grep that but I do not know its extent21:37
Dragnslcr|PaperTiger|- what version of KDE?21:39
p-fmjrclark: hm, I guess that will do, thanks!21:40
vitalHow do I change pulseaudio output-device to my usb-headset instead of my standard output?21:41
ubottuWant to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add and link it from the channel.21:50
kalidarhttp://imagebin.org/43176 can someone help me with that problem <------------------21:51
kalidarplease please!21:51
kalidaranyone got any ideas ?21:52
phoenixzIs the beta for kubuntu 9.04 already available?21:53
phoenixzOrrrr... is there a repo available for Kubuntu 9.04 alpha maybe?21:57
phoenixzkalidar: looks like a wine problem...21:58
phoenixzkalidar: I'd try the #wine channel for better results21:58
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mjrclarkpheonixz: apparently the daily image is likely to be the beta http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/ , the repo is fine22:02
gorgonzolahello fellas! i have a probably sdilly question: i want to upgrade to jaunty, but i have added a few extra repos from kubuntu.org to get newer goodies... should i do something before upgrading, or will the upgrader take care of it all by removing/updating the sources.list entries?22:03
ZengolCould someone tell me the command line for the complete JACK audio setup?22:03
|PaperTiger|Dragnslcr: 4.122:05
|PaperTiger|Dragnslcr: went AFK, sorry22:05
Dragnslcr|PaperTiger|- you can try right-clicking the taskbar and go to the settings. There might be an option there for only showing items for the current desktop22:07
DragnslcrI'm on 4.2 here, so I'm not sure exactly where it'll be for 4.122:08
|PaperTiger|Dragnslcr, okay. Thanks22:08
|PaperTiger|Dragnslcr, how do you upgrade to 4.2?22:11
|PaperTiger|And is there a major difference?22:11
mjrclark4.1 is in 8.10 kubuntu, 4.2 9.04 (jaunty), beta available tommorow, whilst the large some differences may be down to the kubuntu changes, it is definately a lot more useable.22:23
Dragnslcr|PaperTiger|- http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.222:23
|PaperTiger|Dragnslcr, thanks22:24
mefisto__just upgraded to new kernel in hardy, and I have no sound. anyone else with this problem?22:24
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|PaperTiger|That's gonna be fun to try do...22:27
ActionParsnip3mefisto__: you will need to compile the driver or install the driver for the new kernel22:27
tekdahoroIs chat dead?22:29
tekdahoroI have a few questions if someone would like to help.22:29
tekdahoroYes, no?22:30
=== Cueball|2 is now known as Cueball
phoenixzAnybody here who might know where I could find repos to upgrade kubuntu 8.10 to 9.04?22:33
phoenixz9.04 alpha, ofcourse.. and yes, I know what I am doing22:34
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.22:42
kalidarguys i need help how do i perminantly set                   metacity --replace??22:43
kalidarbecause i sick of typeing that everytime i load system and have to replace all my widgets and stuff after22:43
LaeborgDo i need to mount things in kubuntu or does it auto mount?22:43
phoenixzkalidar: what do you mean with permanently?22:43
kalidarwel everytime i relog i have to reype metacity --replace inorder to play games22:43
kalidarand that messes up my widgets22:43
kalidarand then i gota unlock and put my widgets back22:43
kalidarevery time22:43
phoenixzkalidar: ah, so it loads by default..  but metacity is gnome, isnt it?22:44
kalidari dont think metacity is for kde do you know of a window manager for kde that will set perminantly22:44
kalidaryeah it is22:44
kalidargnome what is the version for kde22:44
kalidarthat would explain why its not default lol22:44
kalidari also have compiz22:44
kalidarbut i should probs apt-get remove metacity22:44
kalidarill try apt-cache search windowmanager kde then?22:45
donald7i need help22:46
kalidari need help too i need to know what the windowmanger equiv to metacity is for kde22:47
kalidarso i can aptget it22:47
donald7im trying to instal kubuntu on my macbook but i dont now how22:48
kalidarthats cuz mac blowz lol22:48
kalidarnaw jk just put the disk in the drive22:48
donald7i did22:48
kalidarand change your bios settings if mac has bios22:48
kalidarchange them to load cd first and not hdr22:48
donald7i did that22:48
kalidarhmm dunno what to tell ya what cd you have22:48
kalidaris it a live dc22:49
kalidaror a install disk22:49
donald7i downloaded it and then i burnt it22:49
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kalidarwhat os did you download22:49
donald7but i decided to request one that will be here in about 4 weeks but i cant wait that long22:49
donald7kubuntu 8.1022:49
kalidaraww allright well22:49
kalidarim not sure i hate mac22:49
idespinnerwhat happened after you put the cd in? did it boot ?22:49
kalidarif you had a pc :)22:50
donald7is there anyone on here that can help me that isnt biased?22:50
kalidaranyone know the equivilent to metacity windowmanger for kde?22:50
kalidarlol if its set to load from cd first it should work unless the cd you burnned wasent closesessioned22:51
idespinnerdonald, what happened after you put the cd in? did it boot ?22:51
kalidardid you finish burning it properly and was it a iso or a bin.que22:51
donald7well i used the instructions on the website and it said aobut using rEFIt which i used but it just doesnt read teh disk22:51
donald7it was iso22:52
kalidardid it boot from the cd like ide asked?22:52
kalidardoes anyone know what the equivelent version of metacity windowmanger is for kde?22:53
donald7i dont think so22:53
kalidarwithout it i cant play fullscreen game22:53
kalidarand metacity is for gnome22:54
idespinneri always thought KDE was a window manager....22:54
kalidaryeah but i cant fullscren play without metacity22:54
kalidarand metacity is gnome22:54
kalidarand i cant make it my defualt manager22:54
kalidarairgo i gota metacity --replace everytime i login22:55
mefisto__can't play fullscreen games in kde? why not?22:55
kalidarnot sure22:55
kalidarworks when i use metacity --replace tho22:55
kalidari just hate doing it all the time theirs gota be a equiv for kde22:55
mefisto__kalidar: you could put it in autostart I suppose, though you shouldn't need to22:56
kalidarhow i do that mefisto22:56
mefisto__kalidar: systemsettings > advanced tab > autostart22:56
kalidarich that sucks cuz when i replace metacity i allways haveto refix my widget placmeent etc :(22:57
kalidarso basicaly i wont have to type when i log in but im still gona havet o rearange my desktop eh :(22:57
kalidari dont think thats the solution im looking for :(22:57
kalidaru sure their isent any other window managers for kde aside from the one its on22:57
mefisto__kalidar: what's the game that won't go fullscreen?22:59
kalidarall games work but fullscreen games just show messed up colors22:59
kalidararamegetron and snowballs for example22:59
kalidarthnk you can help mefisto?23:00
kalidartheirs gota be a way to fix this :(23:00
mefisto__kalidar: just installed snowballz and it starts up in fullscreen. everything looks fine here23:02
mefisto__kalidar: what video card?23:03
kalidarnot sure23:03
kalidarhow i find out without doing much lol23:03
mefisto__lshw -C display23:04
Blitzz|Kubuntukalidar: kwin?23:04
kalidarshold run as super user23:04
kalidari have this tho23:04
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)23:04
kalidardoes that help budz?23:06
idespinnerkalidar, does that command show what driver KDE is activley using?23:06
idespinnererr driver X11 is using...23:06
idespinneror just hardware23:06
kalidarnot sure23:07
kalidari just did what i was told to lol23:07
idespinnererr sorry, do u know mefisto__?23:07
mefisto__it's intel 943/940GML23:08
mefisto__no it doesn't list the driver23:09
kalidarwhat information do you need master instruct me and i shall do :)23:09
kalidartell me how to get it and ill snapshot it23:09
idespinnerhow would one go about finding the activer driver X11/KDE is using?23:10
mefisto__kalidar: does fullscreen video work ok?23:11
kalidarfullscreen video works23:11
kalidarjust fullscreen games wont work and metacity --replace works23:12
kalidarto fix it23:12
mefisto__kalidar: maybe a workaround would be to create a script for each game that starts metacity, then starts the game, then switches back to kwin when you exit23:13
kalidarnooooooooooo!! everytime i metacity --replace it skrews up all my widgets lol23:13
kalidarand i have alot of widgets23:13
kalidarif everytime i load a game it breaks my desktop ima get mad lol23:13
mefisto__kalidar: and what if you switch back to kwin? do widgets go back to normal?23:13
kalidaru sure theirs no other way ??23:13
kalidari havent tryed! how do i do that23:14
kalidarkwin --replace?23:14
mefisto__kalidar: exactly23:14
kalidarhold on23:14
kalidarhmm weird23:14
kalidarnothing happend my shell froze23:14
kalidarand is now not doing anything just said disabling the gtk-qt theme engine for "metacity"23:15
kalidarok ill try just adding it into my startup23:15
kalidarhow do i do that again mefisto23:15
mefisto__add metacity --replace to systemsettings > advanced tab > autostart (that will do it after login)23:17
kalidarthanks buds apreciated :)23:18
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mefisto__kalidar: just googled and found there is a bug with your intel video driver. try disabling desktop effects and then try a game23:19
idespinnermefisto__: Link?23:20
idespinnerI have the intel GMA video card23:20
kalidarok i have metacity --replace as a pre-kdestartup23:20
kalidaris that ok?23:20
kalidarand its a script23:20
kalidarsound good to you?23:20
mefisto__kalidar: don't know if that will work pre-login. I think when you login it will just start kwin23:22
mefisto__kalidar: but give it a try23:22
mefisto__kalidar: are you using kwin now?23:22
kalidarok thanks buds im gona log in and log out rite now23:22
kalidarno im using metacity23:22
mefisto__kalidar: you should also try a game with desktop effects off23:23
kalidarno never lol23:23
kalidarmust have full effects23:23
kalidaror i cant play the games are like atari graphics anyway23:23
kalidarthey need all they eye candy they can get lol23:23
kalidarnow that i got this problem solved now beguins the great epic of getting WindSlayer to work with wine!23:23
mefisto__kalidar: desktop effects aren't going to do anything in a fullscreen game though. right?23:24
kalidarthat should only take me a fiew days of constant winehq enquireys23:24
kalidaryeah but i like my desktop effects :(23:24
mefisto__kalidar: you could just disable it before starting a game23:24
kalidarwana see a screenshot?23:24
kalidaryeah thats true23:24
kalidarbut i like to be able to let other people use the computer and not have to do anything technal to play games yaknow?23:25
kalidarwhats the command just outa curiocity23:25
kalidarill give it a testrun23:25
kalidaranywah thanks buds23:27
mefisto__kalidar: to disable desktop effects?23:27
mefisto__idespinner: you have any trouble with fullscreen games?23:30
idespinnernot sure, havent tried any yet. I can test of course23:31
idespinnerim running the latest kubuntu beta and am not even sure the proper GMA drivers are loaded23:31
mefisto__idespinner: you mean jaunty?23:32
idespinneryea, 8.0423:32
mefisto__9.04 ?23:32
idespinneryes, 9.0423:33
idespinnermy xorg.conf only lists generics23:33
idespinnercould be that I just dont understand xorg.conf fully23:33
mefisto__xorg.conf isn't what it used to be. X normally autoconfigures now, so xorg.conf is useful for overriding that autoconfiguration23:34
idespinnerwhere do I look to see what driver xorg is *really* using?23:35
mefisto__idespinner: not sure, trying to figure that out. anyone else know?23:35
idespinnerive been looking aswell for a bit...23:36
mefisto__idespinner: if I do lshw -C display it shows my driver, but I have ati graphics23:36
kalidarhey script dosent work :(23:36
idespinnerI think lshw only does hardware devices from the man page, but I could be wrong23:37
kalidartryed to autostart script for metacity --replace23:37
idespinnerlsmod shows the right driver... but once again, im not certain xorg is really using that module...23:37
kalidarbut it dosent work23:38
kalidarcould someone tell me how im suposed to do it23:38
mefisto__kalidar: try adding it as a program so it starts after login, or switch that script to start after login23:39
mefisto__idespinner: if it's shown in lsmod, I'm pretty sure it means that module is loaded23:40
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mefisto__kalidar: so you have kwin running now?23:44
mefisto__kalidar: instead of a script, try adding metacity --replace as a program in autostart, or change what you have now to "startup" instead of "pre-KDE startup"23:47
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