
DanaGI've always believed that a laptop that actually OVERHEATS without extra cooling... is improperly designed.00:00
geniihacker07: laptops don't make very good platforms for server, since they are not designed to on 24 hours a day 7 days a week for months or years on end00:00
hacker07I kinda knew that00:00
DanaGMy old Gateway laptop would make a fine enough server: it does do fan-always-on-when-on-AC-power.00:01
geniiDanaG: Now only if the MTBF on the hd is long enough... ;)00:01
DanaGJust make sure to have backups, and have hdparm and journal commit time set nicely.00:02
billisniceI have a ?  which one works the best with my dell mini 9?  UNR USB image or MID USB image00:02
hacker07I need help with mysql an apache00:03
Hobbseehacker07: i believe you want #ubuntu for general support00:04
BHSPitMonkeyAre there reports that say whether a daily image works or not, or can I just expect it to install fine00:10
BHSPitMonkey(I'd hate to burn today's CD and find out the installer's broken :P)00:11
LordKowdtchen, everything seems fine with audio through pidgin until i start up virtualbox and then the scratchyness comes back. i do have virtualbox set to use pulse but this is from the intrepid repos so the fact that it is likely built against intrepid's pulseaudio libs may have something to do with it.00:12
dtchenBHSPitMonkey: the most current daily (0324) is the Beta candidate.00:13
wrektjethey, so , funny story, last night i managed to make my 8.10 unstable via removing a bunch of packages... so anyway i reinstalled using the same cd as the first yet ended up with jaunty.. now im not the person to be running BETA anything.. but, now that i have it can someone help me with a slight display issue. namely i am getting no gui00:14
BHSPitMonkeydtchen, ah, good to know.00:14
dtchenBHSPitMonkey: if you look at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/, you should have a pretty good idea of whether that daily is "safe"00:14
BHSPitMonkeydtchen, wasn't aware of that link, thanks :)00:14
BHSPitMonkeyExactly what I was looking for.00:15
dtchenLordKow: ok00:15
dtchenLordKow: does it disappear again when you close vbox?00:16
BHSPitMonkeyAre the jigdo links fast? Still seems like it's not very widely adopted00:16
centaur5any ideas why update-manager -d and do-release-upgrade don't force my Intrepid install to see Jaunty?00:17
dtchencentaur5: using 'do-release-upgrade -d' ?00:18
adam7centaur5: are you doing sudo update-manager -d or just update-manager -d ?00:18
LordKowdtchen, it will show up again randomly. but not nearly as frequent as with the current kernel in the repos (which was almost constant scratching with pidgin). i never had issues with rhythmbox audio00:18
bsniderin the mixer app what happened to the tab that lists apps that are using sound?00:19
centaur5adam7: I tried both00:19
centaur5dtchen: Yep, that does nothing.00:19
centaur5Should I just manually search and replace intrepid with jaunty in sources.list?00:20
wrektjetany idea how to get my display back? kinit: trying to resume from /dev/disk/by-uuid/19e9794f-etc etc etc    no resume image, doing normal boot...00:20
wrektjeti enetered grub and tried all the diff kernels bo dice00:21
wrektjethas no one had this issue?00:25
bsniderwhat's your graphcis ahrdware?00:26
wrektjetit was working all day until i went for a system restart. coem to think of it the restart was for the driver00:27
bsniderright so you should be using the 180 driver00:28
bsniderboot to safe mode and reinstall it. make sure you have the right xorg.conf00:28
wrektjeti can only access command line... im in netroot. what would the command for the driver be do u know?00:32
=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
bsniderdo you have an internet connection?00:34
bsnidersudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-18000:35
wrektjetif i boot into recovery00:35
BHSPitMonkeyThis ISO download started really fast, and quickly turned really slow :[00:37
wrektjetnvidia is already the newest version :( something else going on00:37
bsniderok now do dkms status00:37
bsnideryou want to see isntalled for every kernel, not built00:38
wrektjetyea installed00:38
bsnidernow cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:38
bsnideryou want to se a very simple file that has the nvidia corporation and the driver name nvidia00:38
wrektjetok ive gotta ls it to find it00:39
bsnideri already gave you the command: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:41
wrektjetno such file...00:41
bsnideralright go into the directory cd /etc/X1100:41
bsniderthen ls00:41
bsniderwhat's in there00:42
wrektjetpathetic i cant get to the etc directory00:45
bsniderwhat does it say?00:45
wrektjeti did whereis etc it told me usr/local/etc00:47
wrektjetbut it wont ls me whats inside00:47
bsnidertype this command: cd /etc/X1100:48
bsniderit's case sensitive. don't leave anything out. those are forward slashes00:48
bluefoxxsomeone want to explain to me why for years now, ubuntu has had the underlined letters in menus and dialog boxes, seemingly indicating if we tap the key with that letter, it acts as a shortcut to that function, yet no volume of pounding said key will ever use that function?00:49
bluefoxxeither enable those shortcut keys or drop the underlined letters :<00:49
bsniderthey wanted to screw with your head00:49
Amaranthbluefoxx: alt+letter00:50
AmaranthJust like in Windows dude00:50
bluefoxxit annoys me to no end that i can work twice as fast on a twice as slow windows install than i can on a ubuntu install00:50
bluefoxxi know how to get menus in the title bar00:50
Hobbseeif you didn't have to hold alt, it'd be terrible for typing into a window, too00:50
bluefoxxbut in the dialog boxes00:50
wrektjet(no such...) i did whereis xorg.conf it tells me /usr/lib/xorg00:51
Amaranthbluefoxx: same thing00:51
AmaranthWhy would you expect it to be different?00:51
josh-lwhat is this 2 hours since beta release day?00:51
bluefoxxif the options are 'Continue, cLose, caNcel', and I tap 'l' in windows, it goes with that. but in linux, it does nothing for me...00:51
Amaranthoh, you mean the buttons, not the options00:52
bsniderwrektjet, what distro are you using?00:52
bluefoxxnot options00:52
Amaranthbluefoxx: again, alt+letter00:52
bluefoxxoptions too, but mostly buttons...00:52
bluefoxxwell thats a bit stupid00:52
Amaranthbluefoxx: isn't consistency great?00:52
bluefoxxwhat if i remapped the alt+<key> to something else, like alt+e for eject, or alt+p as poweroff?00:53
AmaranthUh, don't?00:53
bluefoxxbleh, though i'de pester about it on my way to find out why i fail so hard at C00:53
AmaranthWhat if you remapped e to eject?00:53
AmaranthThat is just as plausible00:54
bluefoxxbut on the topic of oddities of ubuntu, any clue as to why its telling me a plain text file with a single phone number is an executable script and wants to open it in the terminal?00:54
bsniderit always does that00:55
Amaranthbluefoxx: Because it's on a FAT32 partition00:55
Amaranthfiles on windows filesystems don't have the executable bit so all files are marked executable00:55
wrektjetohhh could it be x11r600:55
bluefoxxno, its not00:55
bluefoxxits on the ext3 linux partition00:55
bluefoxxmade in gedit00:56
Amaranthbluefoxx: Did you chmod it or something then?00:56
bluefoxxits just always done this00:56
Amaranthbluefoxx: not for me00:57
bluefoxxi could write a small story in gedit for a school project and gedit would try to open it as a script...00:57
Amaranthwhat are the contents of the file?00:57
bluefoxxplain text00:57
bsniderthat's true. it can be annoying at times to have it constantly ask if youwant to execute text files00:57
bluefoxxlike a phone number00:57
bluefoxxor a school project, like an essay00:58
AmaranthI just tried, didn't happen00:58
AmaranthYou're doing something you aren't telling us or you've broken your system somehow00:58
bluefoxxsometimes its just a scratch file, like a random thought, quote or note to myself...00:58
bluefoxxfresh install00:58
AmaranthNope, stop lying.00:58
Amaranthdid you set the sticky bit on your $HOME?00:59
wrektjetbsnider: u wanna give it one more crack perhaps. if i cant get it im gonna go for a reinstall01:00
bluefoxxdidn't do anything to my $HOME01:00
bsniderwrektjet, no. you didn't follow my instructions or give me the  info i asked for01:01
bluefoxxthe only major change to the machine in question is i needed to hunt down a very specific xorg.conf file and i changed to a darker theme01:01
bluefoxxand i only touched the xorg.conf because it was a ancient crappy laptop and ubuntu wanted to display 800x600 and center it in the lcd instead of 1024x768 like the LCD's default was01:01
wrektjeti tried to follow and kept getting "no such file.."01:02
bsnideryou can't possibly get a no such file if you're looking for /etc01:03
bsniderthe system can't exist without it01:03
wrektjeti can change directory into etc01:03
wrektjetyes true01:03
wrektjetbut i cant cd into x11 b/c it doesnt exist01:04
bsnideroh now you can go into /etc01:04
bsniderthat's a lowercase x. the x is uppercase01:04
wrektjetyea sorry did i say i couldnt? whoops01:04
wrektjetls returned .... xvdial.conf xdg xm1 xulrnner-1.9 zsh_command_not_found to end the list01:06
=== funkyHat is now known as England
bsniderls from where?01:07
wrektjetalthough cdwait wait01:07
wrektjetoooo i did it01:08
bsnideryou did what? i don't know what you're talking about01:09
wrektjeti think i wasnt doing the x in uppercase all along01:09
* wrektjet sighs01:09
wrektjetforget all that01:09
wrektjeti managed cat /etc/X11?xorg.conf01:09
bsniderand you need to see driver "nvidia"01:10
wrektjetyes it there01:14
=== England is now known as funkyHat
wrektjetsecond to last line Driver "nvidia"01:14
bsniderok, you don't have a graphics driver problem so reboot01:14
wrektjetkinit: no resume image doing normal boot...01:16
wrektjetsound familiar?01:16
bsniderare you using kde?01:17
wrektjetwas usin gnome01:17
bsnideris it complaining that usplash isn't installed?01:18
bsniderthere isn't enough information here01:18
wrektjetno.. sigh01:20
wrektjetlooks like reinstall time01:20
screamHow many hours away is the beta release?01:21
mindframedo you mean days?01:21
screamholyscott, you found it, it appears :)01:21
screamI'm looking at the release schedule...01:22
holyscottit should be out sometime tomorrow01:22
mindframeare they jumping from alpha to final?01:22
scream March 26th01:22
holyscottalpha to beta01:22
mindframek :)01:22
screamsorry for the flood folks01:22
screamIs it 0000UTC on 26 MAR?01:22
screamI'm trying to coordinate, we will be supporting it by running open torrent in order to share the load.01:23
screamWould like to grab and serve the beta as soon as it is available.01:23
bsnideryour business uses ubuntu workstations?01:23
screamThe family uses Ubuntu, and we like it.  We have chosen to leave Deluge open as soon as the copy is grabbed on both connections.01:24
screamOn release day.01:24
screamOur little way of contributing.01:25
bsnidermeh. today's livecd is 99%of the beta01:25
screamMyself, I do some bug reporting and what not with launchpad.01:25
screamOk, so not much change in the Alpha6 and Beta then.01:25
bsniderthere have been plenty of changes01:26
bsniderbut not in the past 24 hours  or so01:26
eternal_pbsnider: its funny..24 hours and no updates01:28
Hobbseeeternal_p: er, yes.  Freeze.01:28
Hobbseescream: it isn't out at a set time.01:28
eternal_pHobbsee: I'm not used to it01:28
Hobbseeeternal_p: i know!  it's weird...01:29
melikwhos excited for the beta in 2 days?01:30
holyscottI am01:30
holyscotteven though I have only been playing with linux for about a week01:30
melikhow do you like linux?01:30
wrektjetfingers crossed01:31
bsniderit's obviously not as good as the excellent microsoft windows operating system01:31
* wrektjet holds his breath01:31
holyscottlove it01:32
holyscottready to get rid of windows 701:32
holyscottI need a few things to work though...01:32
screambsnider, Microsoft IS a bug...01:39
DanaG<insert "YOUR FACE" joke here>01:39
DanaGwell, better "FACE" than "MOM"01:39
DanaGyeah, I'm feeling random.01:39
bsniderscream, have you paid your microsoft tax recently?01:40
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Ubuntu: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/1/+text)01:42
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Ubuntu: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/1/+text)01:43
DanaGbug 101:47
ubottuhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 (Timeout)01:47
DanaGbug 00101:47
ubottuhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 (Timeout)01:47
cwilluyou're trying different ways of typing it, as if it's not obvious from the error what the problem is.01:50
cwilluAbort, retry, continue?01:50
* cwillu suggests abort01:51
bsniderwindows users never see that. windows always works01:52
Hobbseebsnider: except when it bluescreens.01:55
Hobbseebsnider: or do BSoD's count as work now?  ;)01:55
bsnidertrue, blue screens happen. but that's why pencils have erasers.01:55
* genii gets eraser crap all over his screen trying to get the blue out01:59
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
o0Chris0ohmm no updates today :D guess everyone is getting ready for beta02:18
o0Chris0oIn the update manager >> settings >>> updates, should I have all the ubuntu updates ticked? or just the top 2?02:20
melikanyone know a list of new features we'll see in beta02:21
melikor its just going to  be more and more bugs fixed02:21
=== kalpik__ is now known as kalpik
o0Chris0omelik: probably a lot of bug fixes that I can see02:22
meliksounds good :)02:22
wrektjethow long unitil the reg release? should i wait until the reg release or d/l intrepid and upgrade?02:23
melikanyone know where i can find a log of the boot02:23
PhotoJimmelik: dmesg.  or cat /var/log/dmesg02:24
o0Chris0o!jaunty | wrektjet02:26
ubottuwrektjet: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.02:26
DanaGooooooh, I can now have a drop-sensor.  http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/x86/linux-2.6-x86.git;a=blob_plain;f=Documentation/hwmon/hpfall.c;h=bbea1ccfd46a30c95cc2861223f1a499600d0bf002:27
DanaGah, have to hack at it a bit to make it do the power-state-based stuff.02:31
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
jscinozafter a recent upgrade screen is no longer reading the configuration files in ~/.screen-profiles is anyone else having this problem? has anyone found a solution?02:44
MTecknologyok - I have an xorg.conf file that is exactly what I need and I have hardware that won't ever change... so... how can I stop the probing when X starts?02:51
LordKowi should just assume ubuntu has documentation for everything. i just spent the last hour coming up with a hook script for pbuilder which, in effect, does the exact same thing as what is at the very end of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto02:52
crdlbMTecknology: out of curiosity, why?02:52
MTecknologyLordKow: I know the feeling, I wish I could find an answer to what I'm looking for02:52
MTecknologycrdlb: there's no use for it on a laptop really02:52
MTecknologyjust extra boot time02:53
=== Halow_ is now known as Halow
crdlbsuspend to ram is your friend02:53
MTecknologycrdlb: not on this battery02:53
crdlbsuspend to disk then :D02:53
cwilluthen hibernate is your friend02:53
crdlband get a new battery02:53
LordKowsuspending to ram, stop the probing... X11 stuff just sounds nasty.02:53
cwilluMTecknology, an xorg file is still honoured though afaik02:54
MTecknologycrdlb: I think it's an incredibly feature - not not so useful on hardware that will never ever change02:54
cwillui.e., I get a broken system (well, reverting to vesa) if I type driver "nvidia" in on my intel02:54
crdlbuntil it does :)02:54
MTecknologyI have the xorg file setup, it does things perfect02:54
cwilluokay, then what's the problem?02:54
crdlbdo you also build a kernel with all the drivers you need builtin?02:54
MTecknologycwillu: I don't want the probing02:55
cwilluwhat probing?02:55
cwillupastebin your /var/log/xorg.0.log02:55
MTecknologywhen you get to the login screen, it blinks a couple times - that's Xorg probing for hardware02:55
DanaGYou can take the "driver" line out.02:56
cwilluafter the loginscreen is showing up?  that shouldn't be happening02:56
LordKowim pretty sure Xorg checks the hardware before it inits.02:56
DanaGnvidia driver just breaks everything -- you can't use it alongside anything else.02:56
MTecknologyi didn't say after02:56
cwillu"when you get to the login screen, it blinks a couple times - that's Xorg probing for hardware"02:56
cwillubefore or after you get to the login screen?02:57
MTecknologyright before02:57
DanaGOn my fglrx 8.543, it blinks 3 times before starting..... that's Xorg crashing.  =þ02:57
DanaGAnd if I use anything later than 8.543..... it panics, instead.02:57
* cwillu huggles DanaG 02:57
DanaGhah, update-manager thinks I last updated 108 days ago... even though I last updated... 0 days ago.02:58
DanaGas in, today.02:58
LordKowDanaG, been using aptitude huh?02:58
LordKowyea i last updated june 08'ish (with update-manager)02:59
DanaGACtually, it says I last updated pacakge information 108 days ago, not just "last installed updates"02:59
MTecknologyWhere is x launched? /etc/init.d/ ?02:59
crdlbor some other ?dm02:59
DanaGI just pressed "check", and it STILL says 108 days.03:00
josh-lpressed check?03:01
DanaGin update-manager.03:01
josh-lthought you said you were using aptitude03:01
DanaGApparently that's not the cause of the bug in update-manager.03:02
crdlbbut not _now_03:02
DanaGupdate-manager is what's giving "108 days"03:02
LordKowalright im bored03:02
LordKowcat /usr/sbin/gdm > /dev/dsp03:02
DanaGW: GPG error: http://download.virtualbox.org intrepid Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG DCF9F87B6DFBCBAE Sun Microsystems, Inc. (xVM VirtualBox archive signing key) <info@virtualbox.org>03:02
LordKowturn the volume down03:02
DanaGeven more fun is catting various partitions | aplay -fcd03:02
josh-li'm impatiently waiting for beta release03:02
DanaGLet's play Name That File System!03:02
DanaGI see.. if ANY list fails to update, it assumes the oldest list age!03:03
LordKowi wonder what the kernel sounds like when played03:03
cwilluyay, it's that time of the year where I can no longer bite people's heads off for upgrading to jaunty without understanding how to edit a file from the console03:03
DanaGI had it set to virtualbox jaunty... which gives 404.03:03
cwillunow I only get to bite heads off when they didn't backup first03:03
* cwillu realizes that <1% of people who upgrade and then can't fix stuff actually to backups, and so is happy that he still gets to munch on heads03:04
cwilluDanaG, /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ is your friend03:04
LordKowthe only time i haven't been able to fix a b0rked upgrade was the one time i didnt backup03:04
* crdlb wonders if cwillu is a praying mantis03:05
josh-lof course03:05
* DanaG backs up... and then DOESN't get breakage. Lucky me.03:05
DanaGWell, aside from fglrx... but I knew that one was coming.  In fact, it didn't break... it's never been NOT broken.  =þ03:06
cwillucrdlb, launchpad.net/~cwillu.com/03:06
cwillucrdlb, well played, well played :)03:06
* DanaG boots Windows to play a game.03:07
* LordKow crosses fingers. this vlc 1.0 snapshot *should* build entirely now03:07
LordKowsad, wine wouldnt do i guess03:08
crdlbwith radeon, probably not :)03:08
bluefoxicyBrodcom B43 Wireless Driver (This Driver is In Use)03:38
bluefoxicyNo proprietary drivers are in use on this system03:38
bluefoxicyGOOD JOB.03:38
screamI screwed up my var/log03:43
screamI cleared the entire directory of stuff... now programs are complaining of missing logs directories :|03:43
frybyeanybody got the beta already??03:52
HolyScottienot that i've seen or heard, i'm up waiting for it myself.03:52
frybyeHoly - if one decides to take the risk - how too move from 8.10 > jaunty- beta?03:53
screamI would not move it on a production system.03:53
screamUntil progression from Beta is done.03:54
burnerfrybye: update-manager -d03:54
screamBut in any case, please back up your data.03:54
picklesworthOkay, who's been messing with file roller?03:55
* burner hasn't noticed any changes to repos for about 24 hours03:55
screamburner's command works03:55
picklesworthI get horrible system-wide lockups whenever I drag anything from it and it's impossibly slow opening files in archives03:55
frybyescream - you mean it is already able to get the beta??03:56
frybyeburner.. when the update-manager -d says that the 9.04 is available - is that alpha6 or the beta?04:00
HalowWe're still alpha until tomorrow (at least).04:01
frybyeHalow - eh - If I am not mistaken here in Berlin it already is "tomorrow!" ;=)04:03
Halowfrybye: True, true. I've no sense of time. Near tomorrow here too! But when they give the date it could be any time... or later. ;)04:05
frybyebut if one executes the u-m -d command then the resulting system will autom. update to the beta when avail or?04:05
Halowfrybye: Yep. You'll go from alpha to beta to candidate to final, as long as you keep updating.04:06
frybye- at least if I rem. right that was how it went with 8.04 >8.10 a >b usw...04:06
frybyeawe shucks.. I have done riskier things (signing up for 18 years with the royal air force at age 16 for instance hehehe)04:07
frybyeok folks - If I suddently dissapear from the net - you know what has happend -- heheh04:08
frybyewhen hitting the update button in u-m -d it says it is "beta!"04:09
HolyScottieits now after midnight on the east coast04:09
frybyec u later ..whoosh - off we go...04:11
frybyeHolyScottie: grrr... the u-m -d broke off saying a whole load of stuff could not be authenticated - try again later...04:14
frybyeI guess they might be right now doing the updating the repos or??04:15
picklesworthYou may as well upgrade now to spare the servers that spike in load tomorrow ;)04:15
picklesworthOoops, hehe, that was in response to about 10 minutes ago04:15
pickleswortherr, not working, eh?04:15
frybyepicklesworth: right - but like I say - the process broke off with this fault-window...04:15
* picklesworth disappears04:15
HolyScottiewhere is that first place that the new beta would be updated?04:16
frybyedepends wether the product is actually considered ready for beta or ..? Is the time- plan quassi binding?04:17
centaur5Any advice on how to update if update-manager -d and do-release-upgrade -d don't see a new version? Should I just change sources.list from intrepid to jaunty?04:17
picklesworthit had better be binding, the countdown slideshow has 30 slots on it for a reason :P04:18
burnerHolyScottie: http://torrent.ubuntu.com/releases/jaunty/04:18
frybyethe fault- report said something about "maybe due to network problems..."04:18
picklesworthSo it was still downloading?04:18
frybyeburner - if using the torrent... how to actually do the update???04:18
burnercentaur5: if you're super cool, you use sed on your sources.list :)  "sudo sed -i 's/intrepid/jaunty/g' /etc/apt/sources.list"04:19
picklesworthif so, don't worry about it; just try again a bit later and it'll pick up where it left off04:19
crdlbfrybye: the update from intrepid?04:19
frybyepicklesworth: it broke off with the window listing loads of packages that "cannot be authenticated..."04:19
burnerfrybye: can't you update via cd?  I dunno, i always use apt04:19
frybyecrdlb: yes...04:19
centaur5burner: RIght, I hear that way isn't very recommended but seems like the only option.04:19
crdlbfrybye: you need the alternate CD if you don't want to do a clean install04:19
burnercentaur5: just as effective... go for it!04:20
frybyecrdlb: how exactly to do it that way.. shove in the cd and then???04:20
centaur5burner: That's how I used to do it in the past but now I usually try the official more sophisticated methods.  :)  I'll stick to what works.04:21
crdlbfrybye: there should be an option in the menu04:22
crdlbI've never done it04:22
frybyethe update-manager -d just gave a different fault report - not nearly so long - apparently 2 - 3 repos could not be accessed...04:23
frybyelooks like it might make sence to just try a few more times with that method till it works...04:23
melikare the nv drivers any good?04:25
burnermelik: not as cool as nouveau04:25
crdlbmelik: as in xserver-xorg-video-nv?04:25
crdlbit makes a good last resort04:25
melikumm not really sure, but the opensource nvidia drivers04:25
melikthe official nvidia drivers act so laggy :/04:25
burnernouveau == also open source nvidia drivers04:26
frybyecrdlb: now it says a couple of hash-summs are not right...04:26
melikwhich one is better nouveau or nv?04:26
burnerusually nvidia drivers outperform nv... were you using version -180 melik?04:26
frybyelooks to me that folks are working on the repos right now...04:26
melikbut still.. compared to windows nvidia drivers04:26
DanaGWhen the heck will nvidia make nvidia-glx-96 that don't segfault xorg?04:26
melikthey seem laggy and not as efficient04:26
* DanaG places a bet: never.04:27
melikDanaG, when will nvidia make some decent drivers or make their drivers open source :(04:27
DanaGNope, they won't do either.04:27
DanaGNo, we won't support this old hardware....04:28
DanaGbut we won't open-source it, either!04:28
crdlbnv basically has no acceleration04:28
DanaGScrew you!04:28
* burner guesses they'll open source the drivers just when nouveau development has gotten to the point where it's on par with nvidia making it unexciting to be open sourced04:28
crdlbnouveau can have really awesome 2d EXA acceleration, if it works04:28
crdlbburner: without specs, that'll never happen04:28
picklesworthit also does (or at least almost sort of does) KMS ;)04:28
DanaGNot for me.04:29
DanaGAt least on the card that needs the 96 drivers.04:30
DanaGInstead, it devours 80% CPU time... AND makes 30% of my gnome panel applets not load... and hammers the hard drive.04:30
billybigriggerwould it be possible for someone to package up like 10 of the top highest rated/download themes from gnome-look? like 10xWallpapers, 10xGDM Themes, 10x GTK 2.0 themes, etc...and put them in a package for us?? or is there no hope in hell of this happening? am i gonna get a "go download themes on your own" answer05:18
amarendrai installed 8.10 and then removed it as it was not connecting to wi-fi(only wi-fi is accessible to me here)....now planning to install Jaunty alpha6... i hope wi-fi connects without much headache in it as it did when i first used 7.10 and 8.04...my experience was very good05:27
sparrFinally filed a bug report for a driver bug I have seen since feisty or gutsy.  Guess I should be less lazy.05:28
frybyere: just upgraded to 9.04 cant start system|settings|sound - any ideas??05:29
o0Chris0ofrybye: what do you mean you cant "start" it?05:30
frybyethere is also no loudspeaker icon on the system bar..05:30
o0Chris0ofrybye: make sure you do updates05:30
frybyewhen selecting this a tab open down the bottom of the screen with "starting sound" but it then dissapears again and nothing further happens..05:30
HolyScottieis 9.04 beta out now?05:30
o0Chris0oHolyScottie: not that I know of05:31
frybyeyes holy I seem to have the beta -05:31
HolyScottiewhere did you get it?05:31
frybyeat least when I did the update-manager -d it said I was getting the beta...05:31
frybyebut beware - at my end the sound is now lousy..05:31
HolyScottieI need to DL iso's..05:32
o0Chris0obeta is not out yet05:32
amarendraso i guess any problem with wi-fi drivers..as was in 8.10???? on my dell vostro laptop with intel 4965 wifi05:32
frybyere: audio settings not accessable in jaunty - any tips?05:42
frybyecan some kind soul tell me the consol command to start the audio- subsystem??05:43
sparrI hope KDE gets back into shape before xmas05:46
sparri had to give out gnome-based CDs last year05:46
frybyere: in system|admin|users+groups|privaliges - the "use audio devices" for me is shaded out - not able to change here - how to fix?05:56
macofrybye: ubuntu doesnt have people in audio group by default, though kubuntu does05:57
macopulseaudio is supposed to access the devices for you05:57
macoyou *should* be able to add yourself to the audio group though05:57
frybyemaco - how to do - I dont have whole lot of background ubuntu/linux knowledge..05:57
macofrybye: um...i dont know the gui way...05:58
macowant the text editor way?05:58
macothe text editor way is "sudo nano /etc/group"05:58
macofrybye: then add your username to the end of the line that starts "audio"05:59
frybyemaco - I think I have found it - I needed to authenticate with pw and then I can change the settings.. c u in  amin - rebooting...05:59
macoand save/quit ctrl+o followed by ctrl+x06:00
frybyemaco - I now have a loudspeaker icon but no sound06:04
frybyethe ls icon only shows a single vol. control and right-click and settings does nothing...?06:05
macoin a terminal run alsamixer06:07
macoanything muted or below 75%?06:07
frybyeyeah sure - did that already and all seems active...06:07
frybyenot muted...06:07
frybyeit is showing CA0106 as "card" - how can i check if that is right?06:08
frybyeand Item "IEC958"06:09
macocan you download http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh, run it in a terminal, and give me the link it gives you?06:09
frybyehmm... IEC958 is showing just 00 and not volume grafic bar...?06:09
macoer, by the way, was pulseaudio giving you issues? why did you want to get alsa directly?06:09
frybyemaco - sorry not much background knowl. here - i just moved to jaunty and the sound is not working.. I have added "access to audio devices" to my user privalages and that is where I am now...06:11
macook can you give me that alsa-info output06:11
macoand lets see if we can get both alsa *and* pulseaudio going for ya06:11
frybyewhen I clicked the url it opened openoffice with the script...?06:11
macosave it & run it06:12
frybyehave saved it to the desktop - will double-clicking run it?06:12
macoin a shell please06:13
macoyou cant get the url if you just double click06:13
macocd ~/Desktop ; bash alsa-info.sh06:14
frybyeit is now called alsa-info.txt06:14
frybyeok i will change the name to *.sh06:14
maconame doesnt matter06:15
macojsut "bash" followed by the filename will do06:15
* maco loks06:17
frybyeunfortunatly I will have to head out to work in the next 5-10 mins .. can you be so kind as to send yours comments to my email - i will put in a pm ok?06:17
macowhich device do you want to use?06:17
macousb or onboard?06:17
frybyethe creative audigy i think - (if I rememebre right...)06:18
macothen i have an idea of what could be wrong06:18
macopm your email and ill explain06:18
frybyehang on - apples and pears.. there is a separate sound card.. and a usb-webcam-mike.. both the soundcard and the mike need to work...06:18
frybyeI have disabled the onboard audio in the bios i think...06:19
macowell i meant audigy or usb06:20
macoi can explain how to direct specific apps to audigy or usb based on your preference06:20
frybyebut if this is perhaps just a matter of a few mins .. i can show a little late for work - no probs - to some extent my own boss there..06:20
macoif youve got pavucontrol you should be able to grab a stream and tell it which device to use06:20
frybyethey need to work parallel - the udigy is a sound card.. and the usb is just a microphone which feeds into the sound system...06:21
frybyeto be honest this needs to work automatically like in 8.1006:21
frybyewhen I use skype etc.. the mike works and when I generate sound with the pc that comes over the sound-card+speakers - end of story.. ?06:22
frybyeso why do you think i have no sound right now?06:23
macowell if you run pavucontrol and youve got, for example rhythmbox going, you should be able to tel it which sound device to use in the Playback tab06:23
macoim thinking it might be confused :P06:23
frybyemaco - yeah but there is NO sound.. not even system sounds...06:23
macoright..im wondering if its trying to send sound *to* the mic06:23
frybyedead... so I sorta think the wrong sound device is selected or similar...06:23
burnerfrybye: and you have the right device selected in system ->admin-sound?06:23
macothats what i mean by its confused06:24
frybyein admin sound no access.. hang on i try again...06:24
macopavucontrol lets you pick where each audio stream goes06:24
burnersystem -> Prefs -> sound rather06:24
macoyou shouldnt even need to be in the audio group if youre using pulseaudio06:25
macowhat time zone are you in?06:25
frybyewhen i go to system/settings/sound an icon shows up at the bottom of screen with "starting audio.." for a few secs and then disapears and ntohing further..06:25
frybyeberlin gmt+106:25
macook so that means you get off work at...noonish my time06:25
macocan you get online when you get off work?06:25
frybyeburner - right but I have no acess to that (in german system so names are different in menus - i am txing them...06:25
frybyein system - settings - sound no access - nothing happens except this tab at bottom of screen for a few secs and then nothing...06:26
frybyei can geet online at work but not with this system of course.. it is not portable.. desktop06:26
frybyei will see you there - had better get moving now..06:27
macoSystem -> Einstellungen -> Audio <-- thats what he means06:27
frybyebye - catch you in about 20+ mins from work - i am sorta underqualivied-underpaid sysadmin there.. school ..06:27
MTecknologyok - so at some point during the bot process, "Xorg -configure" is being run - any ideas how to figure out where?06:28
frybyemaco - yeah taht is what does not work - system - einstellung - audio does not really start at all...06:28
frybyec u in a bit - bye for the moment...06:28
frybyeHi Maco...06:55
frybyeso - have you sorted it all out now <grinn->06:55
macohaha no06:55
macoi need you to run tests06:56
macothough im guessing you cant since you changed locations06:56
macothats why i asked about when you get home from work06:56
frybyeyeah but I cant do that from here.. if I had had more time I might have been able set up a ssh or similar- but .. I work for 6 hours now...06:56
frybyesorry I hadn't seen the ? - had prolly logged off..06:56
armedkingHello guys sorry to disturb you. But it the beta release yet?06:56
macoin 6 hours ill be waking up06:56
macoarmedking: no06:56
frybyeok - I can live with that... ;=)06:57
frybyearmed - apparently I got it here an hour ago with update-manager -d06:57
frybyeam located in Germany so that might make a difference or..?06:57
eMaXhey guys, for a running x session, can I change my keyboard settings so that I have frenc accents?06:58
frybyemaco - sorry dont wanna contradict you but it did announce that I was getting the beta when I did the command an hour or so ago...06:58
armedkingi just cant find a download for an iso. but it's not on the site. Roadmap says it is released today06:58
macofrybye: the cds arent up yet06:58
frybyeok - I have no idea about that...06:58
armedkingOke guys i understand. Thanks for your time06:59
LordKowyikes, im going back terminal.06:59
macoeMaX: system -> prefrences -> keyboard07:00
macoeMaX: it takes effect immediately07:00
frybyemaco - can you perhaps send any infos about the tests etc to my email adds.. I can be having a look before I am off here...07:00
frybyeI might even be able to get my dear lady to have a session with it at home.. not sure if that is clever though heheh07:01
frybyeshe could give up in despair at just the wrong moment.. heheh07:01
o0Chris0ojaunta beta is not out, I just tried to update07:02
LordKowi see no announcement for beta, therefore it is not released yet.07:03
frybyeo0Chris0o: worked at home an hour ago - on 4 - 5th attempt..07:03
o0Chris0ofrybye: you sure it wasn't for alpha?07:04
LordKowim sure he upgraded to the repos as they are right now.07:04
frybyethe notification said it was offering me a beta07:04
RAOFAnd if you've already got jaunty installed, you won't see an update - the beta is basically making sure what you're testing already can be installed from a CD!07:04
RAOFfrybye: Oh, really?  From 8.10?07:04
frybyeif the warning about installing a beta is also used for upgrade to an alpha - then sorry..07:05
frybyeyeah that was from 8.1007:05
frybyebut I am in germany - time difference etc might be noticed on server or..?07:05
RAOFIt's been some time since I updated from a stable release to a beta; I normally hop along at an early alpha stage :)07:05
LordKowfrybye, maybe. i've never been able to get update-manager to work with pre-release repos.07:05
RAOFfrybye: No.  The beta release isn't timed; it's released when it's ready.07:05
LordKowRAOF, yea well you are insane to some degree. ;)07:06
frybyewell it certainly went thru the whole procedure here - on 4th or 5th attempt - first various fault reports ans shutdown - wrong hash etc.. but then it worked..07:06
LordKowi will at least wait for major lib upgrades (and all the rebuilds associated with it) to take place first. glad i waited for python 2.6 this time around.07:06
frybyeRAOF: I moved to intrepid in mid- alpha.. bit of a bumpy ride.. heheh07:07
frybyebut this time it seems to be the sound support has taken a hit ..07:07
LordKowhttp://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ according to that, it's not ready yet.07:07
frybyemaco is helping me with it...07:07
LordKowawaiting the server tests07:07
frybyethen perhaps it was the alpha6 i got and not the beta.. hmmm ...07:08
frybyebut there again it did rabbit on about - "you are installing beta software.."07:08
macoprobably the updater has been updated07:08
RAOFIf you're updating via update-manager, then you don't get alpha6 or beta1; you get Jaunty as it is when you're updating.07:08
macowe're in beta freeze07:08
LordKowfrybye, remember "alphas" "betas", etc are just snapshots of the tree so if you are using the jaunty repositories right now with all the updates then you are very nearly using the beta.07:09
macoso itd make sense that things start saying beta07:09
frybyeno big deal either way..07:09
frybyei was itching to take a shot at it this morning - mia culpa when stuff dont go 101% outa the box... hehe07:09
frybyeand if too many ppl sat there and waited for the final - wouldnt work either - beta is of course necessary...07:10
LordKowwho wants to be the devil who sends in the libc update that breaks everyone's system this time? :)07:10
LordKowit couldnt hurt... people need to remember how to fix things via livecd's. might as well force it upon them muahahahaha07:11
LordKowubuntu needs to get in the april fools game. not sure whether they have in the past or not07:12
frybyesounds dangerous... heheh07:13
macoLordKow: libc wasnt *really* the problem07:13
LordKowhm, what was the source with that problem again?07:13
LordKowi know it regressed in such a way that it looked like libc07:13
macoLordKow: it was bad default compile flags. there were weird bugs in the weeks leading up to that, and nobody could track tem down...once libc was recompiled, the pieces clicked together mentally and they knew what was wrong07:14
LordKowah. yea with gentoo my cflags with libc were as conservative as possible.07:14
LordKowall the base libs.07:14
LordKowgood april fools joke: release kernel upgrade with some script that really does nothing but looks like it is removing all filesystem support except for ext2 and downgrading everyone's filesystem to ext2.07:15
zniavregood morning07:16
zniavredue a apt crash i need a sourcelist for jaunty somebody can post for me please?07:16
LordKowwell i would send a sources.list but pastebin keeps thinking im spam07:21
wgrantzniavre: I am concerned that if you can't work it out, you shouldn't be running the pre-beta.07:21
macozniavre: you should be able to reconfigure it in system -> admin -> software sources07:22
LordKowpbuilder is now my new virtual best friend after figuring out hooks07:28
=== Eq|laptop is now known as EqUaTe
=== |Grimz| is now known as kevku
LordKowcan someone else confirm whether the links in gtk's gtk_show_about_dialog(...) are opened twice?07:38
LordKowi've noticed this with transmission and gedit so far... so i assume it's a gtk problem. not really a major issue but an issue nonetheless07:38
frybyein the various online guides to fixing sound problems in ubuntu at some stage one always has to go to |system|settings|sound - but what to do when this area is just not accessable...?07:39
frybyeis there a way to re-install the packets that make that area work???07:40
frybyethe menu-point is there but it does not open properly when clicked...07:40
frybyemaco - if your still up and at it.. of course I am gratefull for any help you can give when I get home.. but a few questions are bugging me now and will be interesting to hear the answers to them...07:43
frybyehmmm.. appl pulse audio device chooser - might be a good idea... hjmmm07:44
zniavrewgrant:  im using this alpha since alpha1 im just asking something simple to do not spent time07:46
zniavrei get my sourcelist  thank you all if i need something now i know where i can't ask07:46
zniavresorry to be angry :-[07:47
frybyezniavre: you need to get out more pal...! :=)07:48
frybye<-- is slowly comming to the realisation that pulse audio might actually be trying to send all my sound output to the usb-camera/microphone hehehe07:50
frybyekeen to get back home and look into this.. hmmm... how to get an hour off.. hmmm07:51
LordKowcan someone open up a browser window, then go to help->about in gedit (Text Editor), click on the link to the gedit website, and then tell me if it opens the link twice?07:51
IntuitiveNippleLordKow: Yes :) There's a whole bunch of issues like this in the new gtk/gdk, nautilus, and launcher07:52
LordKowIntuitiveNipple, so this is a known and reported problem?07:53
IntuitiveNippleI don't know about this specific one, you'd have to check launchpad07:53
LordKowi'd assume they all revolve around 1 particular issue.07:54
LordKowalmost like two different packages doing the same thing07:54
IntuitiveNippleyeah... a re-written back-end :) caused hell with multi screen support07:54
IntuitiveNippleIf in doubt - report it07:54
frybyeHi Laser87108:08
frybyewhat to do when there is no access to system|settings|sound08:09
frybyeif the puse audio is sending sound output to wrong device - will that cause the s-s-sound area to be not avail.?08:10
frybyee e pulse...08:10
frybyehmmm quiet here - i guess the us has gone to bed...08:11
LordKow^ or they should be going to bed :)08:12
* LordKow is trying to go to bed08:12
=== ZehRique is now known as ZehRique[Sleepin
hmwi have a strange problem with the seti@home client. google results always talk about graphics not working at all, but in my case, it stopped working over night. Tried an strace, but cant make any sense of it. Could you please take a look at that "EAGAIN" of the strace and help me understand, what it is about? http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m1d79141f08:30
o0Chris0ohmw lol08:31
o0Chris0oseti at home :D they are using you CPU!08:31
hmwthey dont want to waste a single cpu cycle and sent an update??08:31
bordiand suck your elecrtic power08:32
hmwstrangely enough, since 2 days, screen is acting very strangely on my LFS server08:33
hmwif it was windows, i would think of having cought a virus08:33
bordimaybe a server problem08:34
hmwor it is my epic (irssi) client...08:34
bordican't upload the package08:35
LordKowhmw, it's trying to read something that is being blocked (i think the error implies that)... but that is all the strace is going to tell you08:36
LordKowyes they are pretty much useless.08:36
hmwlinux never gets boring08:37
* DanaG thinks protein folding is far more useful than alien-fishing.08:37
Laser871well said, hmw...08:37
DanaGbut fishing without even a lure or bait... is a better analogy.08:37
hmwi think, both are important08:38
hmwseti might come to an end in 2011 anyways, unless they raise new fundings08:38
o0Chris0ohmw been in existence for awhile08:39
o0Chris0osomeone will lay down the $$08:39
hmwyeah... guess they will manage somehow...08:39
hmwthis is the first time, i used strace and dont understand a bit of it08:39
o0Chris0ohmw: every watch that one movie with the big seti satellite? man..can't remember the name..very good movie though08:40
hmw(not that i would be very good in reading strace output generally)08:40
LordKow16411 read(5, 0x86de818, 4096)          = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable) trying to read 4096 bytes from "5" a file i take it? and storing it at 0x86de818 ....08:40
DanaGOh yeah, and the satellite dish was Aricebo.08:40
o0Chris0ono, it wasn't contact....08:40
hmwyeah, aricebo might close soon08:40
LordKowand it's failing because either the file being read from or the location being written to is being blocked... i dont remember which08:41
hmwthanks for explaining08:41
hmwstill doesnt help really in this case08:41
LordKownope, thats my point08:41
hmwthe client does its calculations, but the graphics window wont pop up anymore. maybe the fact, that the graphics window's border were never drawn, when it worked yesterday, is a hint?08:42
LordKowyea definitely a start. the problem is likely with the gui portion of it.08:42
hmwo0Chris0o: you sure, you meant a _sattelite_ ?08:42
IntuitiveNippleThose -EAGAIN errors simply mean the pipe it is connected to doesn't have any new data available yet08:43
DanaGActually, it was a radio receiver (dish).08:43
hmwthis pipe could be a connection between program and GUI?08:43
GrimmVarghi guys, im having a hard time finding the 9.04 beta download, can anybody please point me in the right direction?08:43
hmwtype /topic08:44
GrimmVarghmw: hehe.. ty08:44
IntuitiveNipplehmw: yes, the pipe could be. hard to know without looking back through the strace log for the actual 'open' operation on fd 508:45
Laser871grrr - made a persistent installation on a usb-stick, replaced nm by wicd. everything fine til a reboot. hangs on configuring network interfaces...08:46
hmwalright... i will take a look... maybe i can solve this08:46
IntuitiveNippleGrimmVarg: I'll answer here before you get told off in the other channel... YES08:46
Laser871livesystem still is fine, but nm don't detect wlan...08:46
o0Chris0ohmw: yes, I can't remember the movie, the guy finds signs of life in another planet and his boss ruins the tape, then he eventually builds everything from scratch in his garage to find that noise again08:47
GrimmVargIntuitiveNipple: :P08:47
Laser871and no /etc/modules to edit with ath5k (necessary in 8.10)08:47
hmwo0Chris0o i have seen that movie...08:48
frybyeso trying again .. after upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04 my sound has gone .. and cannot access system|settings|sound - what to do to fix this??08:48
o0Chris0oyeah I can't seem to rememebr the name, its quite bothering08:48
IntuitiveNipplefrybye: Try launching it from a terminal to see if errors are reported. "gnome-sound-properties"08:50
frybyeok - will try it when I get home... thanks08:51
hmwwould "open("/usr/share/locale/locale.alias", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5" apply to what you meant, IntuitiveNipple?08:51
frybyeIntuitiveNipple: would the pulse audio being addressed to wrong device disable that?08:51
IntuitiveNipplehmw: It *might* but be aware that file-descriptors are reused after files are closed, so the way to be sure is to search from the *end* of the strace back up to find the open related to the fd 5 you're questioning08:52
IntuitiveNipplefrybye: possibly, but the application shouldn't just fail to start, it should sanely report the problem via the GUI08:52
hmwIntuitiveNipple: there are many similar entries using 5...08:52
IntuitiveNipplehmw: Yes, that is common. the first available fd is used08:53
IntuitiveNippleAs I said, always search from the end of the strace backwards08:53
* o0Chris0o bangs head08:53
frybyeIntuitiveNipple: all that happens is a tab shows for a while at bottom of screen "starting sound.." and then dissapears again and nothing further..(man oh man i am getting on  my own nerves with this.. hehe)08:54
IntuitiveNipplefrybye: yeah, you'll likely find out why from terminal08:54
IntuitiveNipplefrybye: also worth checking the .xsession log and /var/log/user.log and so on08:55
frybyestill starting it in the terminal is the way to go - i just have to invent a reason to take a couple of hours off work now..heheh08:55
hmwIntuitiveNipple: libltdl.so.7... but i guess, this problem is somewhat above my level, i give up this time.08:55
IntuitiveNipplehmw: sure about that? i'd have expected it to be a pipe based on the 'select'08:55
frybye- on a job exper. scheme from the labour office - not a real job - should be possible.. heh08:55
hmwevery entry with open looks like accessing files in the fs08:56
frybyesee you guys later... bye for now..08:56
IntuitiveNipplehmw: I don't think it is that one...08:56
IntuitiveNippleA small library that aims at hiding the various difficulties of08:56
IntuitiveNipple dlopening libraries from programmers.  It is a system independent08:56
IntuitiveNipple dlopen wrapper for GNU libtool.08:56
hmwthe one i showed before was just an example, because i didnt know, if the = 5 refers to the fd... on the other hand, it looks quite logical now *g*08:57
GrimmVargMacbokkPro + Ubuntu9.04 should i choose x86 or the 64bit install?09:09
GrimmVargand more importantly, why?09:10
mtholdenssjaunty beta tomorrow?09:15
* b3rz3rk3r waits with baited breath09:15
GrimmVargi though it was today? ref: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule09:16
GrimmVargi hate that word, hehe09:17
Machtinguess in some countries it's still 25.03?09:17
mtholdensswell i guess here in australia were a day ahead so it'll probs be some late hr tonight or tomorrow09:18
GrimmVarganybody have any experience with ubuntu+macbookPro?09:18
b3rz3rk3r2.18am mar 26th here in cali09:18
Machtini don't.09:18
b3rz3rk3rso should be out by now?09:18
Machtinit's not that it would be released at 0:0009:19
mtholdenssgrimmvarg, when jaunty comes out i plan to dual boot on my new alum nacbook :P09:19
Machtinat some point today it will be released.. :)09:19
GrimmVargmtholdenss: nice, thats my plan aswell, Im just not sure if I should choose the 64-bit09:19
b3rz3rk3rGrimmVarg, me either, really want to, but due to past experience with 64 bit linux, im very wary09:20
mtholdenssyeah same09:20
Machtinhow much ram does that macbookpro have?09:20
GrimmVargit shippes with 2 Gb but u can upgrade to 609:21
Machtinunless you got 4gbyte, why using 64bit?09:21
mtholdenssi would use ubuntu for my main os, and osx for my visual/audio/web design editing  i have 4 gb of ram in my new macbook09:21
* b3rz3rk3r slaps himself with a trout of stupidity09:22
Machtingood ol' trout.09:22
b3rz3rk3rsurely that ruins your speed tho?09:22
b3rz3rk3rcos its not a matched pair?09:22
GrimmVargits not the best sollituin no09:22
b3rz3rk3rloss = 10% approx?09:22
mtholdenss4 gb of memory in macbook be enough?09:22
thorreseems lik if the beta is coming shortly ;) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope/TechnicalOverview09:23
Machtin10%? O.o thought that would be much less.09:23
b3rz3rk3rif you need more than 4Gb of RAM in a lappy, your doing something wrong imho09:23
b3rz3rk3runless its your only machine, then u are forgiven :p09:23
b3rz3rk3rMachtin, i say approx, because some claim its more, some less..09:24
GrimmVargdoes anybodu know if we can swap between Graphic cards in 9.04?09:24
b3rz3rk3rnobody has shown concrete figures about it yet09:24
GrimmVargb3rz3rk3r: http://www.barefeats.com/mbpp11.html09:25
Machtinhowever i'd use 64bit for those visual/audio-editing stuff.. a lot of RAM could be very useful09:26
mtholdensswhat are the major disadvantages of using 64 bit?09:26
b3rz3rk3runusability more like.. i used 64bit with 7.04.. nothing worked! :p09:27
b3rz3rk3rGrimmVarg, wow.. they say no penalty there!09:28
o0Chris0o64bit will only work if you have a 64bit processor, lets say you have 8 gigs of ram you can upgrade too, it wont register in 32bit, 64bit will09:28
mtholdenssintel core 2 duo, i was told 64 bit os will run on it09:29
b3rz3rk3rwe were talking about the software side of things o0Chris0o09:30
b3rz3rk3rmtholdenss, yes, that is an AMD64 chip09:30
GrimmVargmtholdenss: that correct09:30
o0Chris0ob3rz3rk3r: I am running 64bit, and everything is running smoothly09:30
o0Chris0oSysinfo for 'Chris-PC': Linux 2.6.28-11-generic running , CPU: AMD Phenom 9600 Quad-Core at 1200 MHz (4600 bogomips), HD: 98/1368GB, RAM: 967/4894MB, 171 proc's, 1.18h up09:30
* o0Chris0o has to get to bed09:31
mtholdenssto those running on ubuntu on a mac, having any big issues with hardware?09:31
macoim not doin it, but i recall that there are big ssues with jaunty on macs09:31
b3rz3rk3ro0Chris0o, yeah, we were talking about the compatability side of things, in previous versions things wouldnt install/run at all. so we are all a little apprehensive about using an EXT4 64bit system now :p09:31
GrimmVargmtholdenss: i guess this sis status que befor the beta https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro5-1_5-2/Jaunty#Basic%20Installation%20Instructions09:32
GrimmVargbah.. over the anchor09:34
mtholdensshttp://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/   not found09:39
GrimmVargguess its not ready yet09:40
thorrehmm, im waiting for the 9.04 beta to, going to reinstall my netbook with it09:40
mtholdenssthorre, is that safe?09:40
thorrei guess so09:40
BUGabundoguud morning09:41
thorre9.04 is stable as far as i am concerned, have been using it on other (non critical) machines since alpha 409:41
BUGabundoGrimmVarg: thorre why don't you guys donwload the current daily image and then rsync to the beta one?09:41
thorrethere have been some minor glitches but nothing severe, just my oppinion09:41
BUGabundoit should only be available late tonight09:42
BUGabundothorre: most sever prob currently is audio on 64bits install, I would think09:42
dan-ubuntuwhen's the beta coming out guys?09:42
thorreBUGabundo: ok, well i run 9.04 on a 64 bit machine and it works great, use it for playing with gimp, firefox thunderbird vim and so on,09:43
mtholdenssthorre, notice a big speed change with the 64 bit version?09:44
BUGabundoits a bit faster09:44
BUGabundobut not that faster09:44
BUGabundoat least on my pumped hw09:44
thorrethe machine has 8GB of ram, i have not had a 32-bit os on it since i upgraded the ram09:44
BUGabundoa c2d 2.4GHz with 4GBs of RAM09:44
thorreBUGabundo: i guess that you will not notice the difference onn normal use09:45
BUGabundoI haven't use a 32 bits in a while (over an year)09:46
IenorandIs the exclusion of the "patch" package on the livecd intentional?09:46
thorreBUGabundo: you add quite some overhead to your machine by installing a 64 bit os09:47
crdlbIenorand: I believe so09:47
thorreguerby: each mem pointer for example is 64-bit instead of 32-bit. so your machine will consume more memory09:47
BUGabundothorre: why is that?09:47
thorrebut that is al theoretical09:47
GrimmVarggood point09:47
BUGabundoyes, but without a 64 bits (or PAE) I wouldn't have access to the all memory anyway09:48
BUGabundoso im convinced that this way I use my mem better09:48
thorreBUGabundo: in normal day to day use with mail web and youtube you wont notice any difference between 32 or 64 bit os09:48
BUGabundotell that to $ free -m09:48
BUGabundoat boot I usually take more then 1GB of ram09:48
thorreBUGabundo: yes, you use all your memory, if i had a 4 gb machine i would also use a 64 bit os09:48
BUGabundoafter starting my email client, IM, FF, etc09:49
BUGabundoI go way above that09:49
thorreBUGabundo: we are not talking about ubuntu now? are we? 1 gig after boot?09:49
* crdlb thinks BUGabundo is including the cache09:49
thorredo not forget to remove the file cache from that figure09:49
BUGabundototal       used       free     shared    buffers     cached09:49
BUGabundoMem:          3895       2536       1359          0         33        91709:49
BUGabundo-/+ buffers/cache:       1584       231009:49
BUGabundoSwap:         7632          0       763209:49
thorreBUGabundo: nice09:50
BUGabundo917 MiBs of cache09:50
thorreguess that you have a lot of services like sql and stuff running on that machine then09:50
BUGabundohmm actually they are all stoped09:50
BUGabundobut I have them installed09:50
BUGabundomaco ping (pvt me when you have the time)09:51
mtholdensshey anyone here know if there is a dedicated mac ubuntu channel?09:51
GrimmVargyeah, that would be the shoznit09:51
BUGabundo$ ls /var/run/ | pastebinit -i - ; http://paste.ubuntu.com/138109/09:51
BUGabundothorre: feel free to check running services09:52
thorreBUGabundo: top (when top is started press SHIFT+m to sort by memory usage)09:52
BUGabundohuuu I have connman there! bah09:52
crdlbmtholdenss: if you're not using PPC, what would be the point?09:52
BUGabundoMem:   3988968k total,  2961656k used,  1027312k free,    57644k buffers09:52
BUGabundoSwap:  7815612k total,        0k used,  7815612k free,  1063760k cached09:52
thorreBUGabundo: press SHIFT+M09:53
BUGabundodid it09:53
thorrewhat is the top rocess displayed in the top list after you pressed SHIFT+M09:53
thorrei just checked my netbook, it runs 9.04 ;) with standard gnome, firefox thunderbird gnome-do and uses 269 mb of ram09:55
mtholdensscrdlb, my macbook is intel  but just wanted to help the ubuntu mac testing team09:55
BUGabundothorre: atop http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/112892/Screenshot-bugabundo%7E2.png09:55
GrimmVarghas anybody compared speeds on ext4 to reisersFs on / ?09:55
crdlbmtholdenss: I wasn't aware there was such a thing09:55
crdlbI mean, it's just commodity PC hardware :)09:56
BUGabundoGrimmVarg: isn't riser jailed?09:56
GrimmVargBUGabundo: yeah09:56
GrimmVargbut his FS rocks09:56
mtholdensscrdlb, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam09:56
BUGabundoI won't use an FS without support and fixs09:56
* thorre has converted from xfs to ext409:56
thorreseems faster09:57
GrimmVargim looking forward to testing ext409:57
thorrehave not performed any tests09:57
GrimmVargphoronix has been testing and it seems to be a lot faster09:57
BUGabundoI like xfs09:57
BUGabundoonly prob can't resize down...09:57
mtholdenssmuch difference with ext4?09:59
crdlbBUGabundo: heh, you're using gnome, firefox, kmail, and mono10:00
rconanright... amarok asked me if i wanted kde4 to forget a sound card I had removed and now it makes no sound through the one it used to use10:00
rconanwhere are the settings to do with this?10:00
crdlbthat pidgin looks rather scary though10:00
BUGabundocrdlb: I found it really funny when I reported bug to pidign10:00
BUGabundoand devs would say they never saw anyone with so many plugins as I have10:01
crdlbdoes that number steadily rise?10:01
frybye Pulseaudio device chooser shows as a tab at the bottom of the screen for a few seconds - and that too then dissapears with no trace???10:02
crdlbthat has to be quire a memleak10:02
BUGabundoactually its going down10:02
BUGabundoI need it working10:02
frybyere: apparently non of the various sound related utilities will work - what now?10:03
GrimmVargBUGabundo: have you looked at this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6589810#post6589810 ?10:04
rconanhmm... people seen this? http://rafb.net/p/on4u5x67.html10:14
BUGabundorconan: maybe its stull building10:14
BUGabundoor it's a bad depency10:14
BUGabundoHobbsee: do you know anything about this package?10:14
rconankolourpaint4 will install fine10:14
* BUGabundo checks build queue10:15
BUGabundoit aint there10:15
rconanjust updating package lists now... I think mine might be from yesterday10:16
Brinstaris the beta out today?10:17
rconanyes, at some point10:17
rconanno guarantess if or when10:17
mtholdenssthe mad rush and excitement begins !10:17
* BUGabundo loves to use $ pidgin -m -n10:17
BUGabundoBrinstar: it Will be out10:18
BUGabundojust not sure when10:18
Brinstarim looking fwd to it10:18
BUGabundojust get a daily iso and then rsync10:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rsync10:18
Brinstarnor do i10:18
* BUGabundo doesn't get the need to just use milestones when dailies are 80% the same10:18
BUGabundoBrinstar: rsync is a tool to copy and mirror files/dirs10:18
IntuitiveNippleBUGabundo: to test the installers10:18
BUGabundoit can be used to feel in the gaps10:19
rconanI like to install from milstones because the installer has been tested10:19
BrinstarBUGabundo: im googling now10:19
BUGabundoIntuitiveNipple: then they should be on #ubuntu-testing10:19
Brinstarditto what rconan said10:19
BUGabundoBrinstar: here is some of my older scripts for ubuntu isos10:19
Brinstarhmm so thats like slipstreaming in the windows world10:20
Brinstari asked about if such a thing exists a few years back but got a reply in the negative10:21
BUGabundoI almost never get the full image10:21
BUGabundoI just rsync over the one I have here10:21
BUGabundosaving me bw, and time10:22
Brinstari pay a flat rate so i just d/l the iso10:22
Brinstarand i go and do other stuff while its d/ling10:23
BUGabundoBrinstar: I have no probs with bw either10:24
BUGabundobut why overload the server ?10:24
thorrebit torrent is the answer you are looking for10:24
thorrei downloaded the alpha 5 via bt and it took me just over 1 minute to get the iso10:24
thorrethen i seeded 5.010:25
BUGabundothorre: really nice bw! ehe10:25
BUGabundoI can't do that10:25
Brinstaryeah ur swedish just as i thought :)10:25
BUGabundoI can only go up too 1MiB/s10:25
thorreto be honest that download was wrom work10:25
thorreat home i "only" have 15 Mbit10:25
Brinstareven my work bw maxes out at 1MB/s10:26
Brinstari.e. 10mbit10:26
Brinstaror maybe 8mbit10:26
cwilluweek for beta, I think it's pretty much time to break my main desktop :p10:26
thorrecwillu: i guess you wont break it with 9.04 beta10:27
BUGabundoI have 18mbit/s  at work10:27
thorrethe alpha is quite stable10:27
Brinstaryeah very10:27
cwillubeen running it on my laptop for 5 months10:27
cwillu'stable', I wouldn't quite call it that :p10:27
amortvigilhello is jaunty already beta?\10:27
cwillunot yet10:27
rconanbuggy and not ready are words I would use10:27
thorrewell, maybee not 5 month ago but now it is10:27
Brinstaronly prob is sound for me10:28
cwilluthorre, it wasn't 2 weeks ago even :p10:28
rconananyone got any advice for making KDE apps make sound?10:28
cwillureally depends on the hardware, but it's been better since the freeze10:28
Brinstarsound is still messing up10:28
cwilluintel video was a roller coaster10:28
thorrecwillu: i have been using 9.04 since early alphas and have not had any problems, guess that i am lucky10:28
amortvigilanyone got simmular problems of kde freezing randomly?10:28
thorrei do not upgrade every day thoug10:28
cwilluthorre, yes, I think that's what I said :p10:29
thorrecwillu: yea10:29
cwilluamortvigil, particular apps, a full x freeze, or the whole machine?10:29
Brinstarthe sound is better than about a week ago tho10:29
amortvigilcwillu: from the app and x too the numloc key and hard reboot10:30
amortvigilcwillu: well the hard reboot is to fix it10:30
cwilluamortvigil, sorry, I don't understand10:30
cwillunumlock/capslock didn't toggle?10:30
amortvigilcwillu:  yes10:30
amortvigilcwillu: full machien crash10:30
cwilluamortvigil, that's not kde then10:30
cwilluwhat video chipset?10:31
amortvigilcwillu: well when i have gnome or xubuntu installed ive no problem10:31
amortvigili have nvidia 180 driver10:31
cwillu(anything that causes a full crash isn't an application bug by definition)10:31
cwilluwell, file a bug, you'll need the lspci -v, xorg's log, maybe /var/log/kern.log10:32
amortvigilcwillu: well it indeed isnt an aplication because it happens randomly10:32
BUGabundocwillu: better yet10:32
BUGabundouse apport-cli -fp PACKAGENAME10:32
amortvigilill fill a report10:32
BUGabundoyesterday gwibber crash rebooted my system10:32
BUGabundoso anything can happen now10:33
cwilluthorre, see?  instability! :)10:33
VorboteDigging in kern.log(s) I've found that pulseaudio has a terrible memory leak. It makes oom-killer very happy.10:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gwibber10:34
Brinstarnvm googled it10:34
Vorboteas in tigger happy. :-)10:34
BUGabundoBrinstar: it's a Social Network and µblogging app10:35
Vorbotes/tigger/trigger/ but yup it could happen in the one-hundred-acre wood...10:35
gnomefreak!info gwibber10:36
ubottugwibber (source: gwibber): Open source microblogging client for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8-0ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 184 kB, installed size 1356 kB10:36
gnomefreaki guess not10:36
Brinstar!info hotbabe10:36
ubottuPackage hotbabe does not exist in jaunty10:36
Brinstarwhy not10:36
VorboteToo hot fer ya.10:36
cwilluVorbote, the process that oom-killer kills isn't necessarily correlated with the application causing the problem;  if it's repeatable, you should monitor the memory usage via top ('F'+'n' to sort by memory usage)10:37
gnomefreakBrinstar: noone packaged it for Ubuntu10:37
Brinstar!info hot-babe10:37
ubottuPackage hot-babe does not exist in jaunty10:37
thorre!info hotkeys10:38
ubottuhotkeys (source: hotkeys): A hotkeys daemon for your Internet/multimedia keyboard in X. In component universe, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 142 kB, installed size 384 kB10:38
* cwillu comes up with a witty comparison to rice-cakes10:38
cwilluand the relative lack of taste thereof10:38
amortvigilcwillu: what means: Mar 25 22:43:27 edlap kernel: [ 1871.016888] Too big adjustment 3210:38
BUGabundoBrinstar: its on medibuntu #hotbab10:38
Vorbotecwillu: The logs all point to a pulseaudio problem. In fact, this box dies whenever I play some audio file.10:38
BUGabundo !medibuntu10:38
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org10:38
Laser871pooh - got my persistent installation on an usb-stick with wicd running...10:39
BrinstarBUGabundo: thats what i thought10:39
rconan"Package taste not found in rice-cakes" I imagine10:39
cwilluamortvigil, you can't just paste in one line, pastebin the entire file10:39
Vorbotecwillu: for a reasonable amount of time.10:39
cwillu!pastebin | amortvigil10:39
ubottuamortvigil: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)10:39
cwilluVorbote, okay, then file a bug :)10:39
amortvigilcwillu: ok well i was only curious what the to big adjustment means10:39
Vorbotecwillu: On the double.10:39
BUGabundowe guys are going to kill ubottu factoids today! eheh10:39
BUGabundo !beta10:39
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Jaunty. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.10:39
cwilluamortvigil, probably depends on the context of the log10:39
BrinstarVorbote: what sound card do u have?10:40
cwilluamortvigil, I think it may just be an ntp adjustment, but it's almost impossible to tell from just one single line of the log10:40
mtholdensswhy wasn't 'hot-babe' included?10:40
amortvigilcwillu: ok10:40
gnomefreakif it keeps up people will start leaving here. if you want to play with the bot join #ubuntu-bots10:40
Brinstarmtholdenss: probably bcos some parent complained :)10:40
gnomefreakmtholdenss: its not packagd for ubuntu10:40
gnomefreakBrinstar: nope10:41
VorboteBrinstar: It is a Realtek for Via integrated chipset. A VT8233 controller if memory serves.10:41
hetaumabeta will be out later on today?10:41
* BUGabundo checks out #ubuntu-bots10:41
gnomefreakthere has not been a wishlist bug filed on it and noone worked on it10:41
BUGabundohetauma: eventually10:42
BrinstarVorbote: i used to have that or something similar10:42
cwilluhetauma, it'll be out before the end of next month :p10:42
rconanfunny no-one uses the "it's delayed an hour every time you ask" argument on the beta10:42
gnomefreakcount on it tomorrow10:43
cwillu... we revert one bug fix every time somebody asks10:43
Brinstargnomefreak: i think it'll be here today, they've been punctual so far10:43
BUGabundoBrinstar: pontual? I haven't seen on come out before 20H GMT yet10:44
Laser871Brinstar: what timezone?*g*10:44
gnomefreakBrinstar: today is reltive10:44
BUGabundook... that is punctual then10:44
hetaumadoes it support ext4 with new installation?10:44
gnomefreakBrinstar: your time zone is not the timezone they go on10:44
gnomefreakhetauma: it give syou a choice. ext4 is drfault10:44
Brinstarusually they release the date they set themselves10:45
Brinstaror so i have noticed10:45
gnomefreakext3 is default10:45
Laser871btw. hi gnomefreak10:45
Brinstarmaybe i wasnt keeping a good enough eye on them :)10:45
hetaumagnomefreak, is ext4 reported to be buggy or something?10:45
Brinstarhetauma: im running ext4, not had a single problem so far10:45
gnomefreakBrinstar: with in 24 hours. cant say when it will be released since you dont know if there are any issues with the images10:46
mtholdenssis the new theme and background art supposed to be released in this beta?10:46
hetaumathe release in cdimage will be also available in torrent I hope10:47
hetaumamtholdenss, I think yes since artwork deadline was couple of days back10:47
Brinstardoes anyone use cairo clock?10:47
Brinstarit used to work w/o compiz, now its a requirement argh10:48
hetaumakubuntu 9.04 will have default kde4 ?10:48
cwilluBrinstar, afaik it always required a compositor of some kind (which includes metacity these days, although metacity's isn't turned on by default I don't believe)10:49
Brinstarcwillu:  hmm does that mean i can install metacity and run it w/o compiz?10:50
Brinstarmy gfx card is too weak for compiz10:50
Brinstarim on a netbook10:50
cwilluwhat card is it?10:50
BUGabundo !torrent10:50
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P10:50
BUGabundo !torrents10:50
Brinstarintel gma95010:50
ubottuIntrepid can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).10:50
cwilluany intel chipset should handle compiz fine10:50
BUGabundocwillu: Brinstar it does! I just did it yesterday10:50
Brinstarit does, but when i play games it gets laggy10:50
BUGabundowill pretty much EVERY effect10:51
cwilluBrinstar, you're playing games on a netbook and complaining about the card being too slow for compiz? :p10:51
Brinstarcwillu: hehe, true10:51
Brinstarcwillu: im trying to cut down on the gaming, and use it for work10:51
cwilluBrinstar, turning on 'unredirect fullscreen windows' might help with that10:51
Brinstareven now, just turning on 'normal' compiz effects made the fan turn on10:52
mtholdenssbrinstar, how much ram you got?10:52
Brinstarcwillu: sorry to be a donut, but wheres the setting for that10:52
Brinstar1gb mtholdenss10:52
cwillumake sure you have ccsm installed10:53
Brinstar!info ccsm10:53
ubottuPackage ccsm does not exist in jaunty10:53
BUGabundoBrinstar: donnut? is there one?10:53
BUGabundoI haven't seen it10:53
VorboteOh well, I bite the dust once again. :-)10:53
amortvigilcwillu: lspic -v: http://pastebin.com/f7eb96034 kern: http://pastebin.com/f2ab597dd xorg.0.old: http://pastebin.com/f68e3f12b10:54
cwilluamortvigil, that goes in the bug report10:54
amortvigilcwillu: and the bug report is on launch pad?10:55
Brinstaractually i was playing urban terror yesterday on this just to check how capable it is, and i did pretty well10:55
amortvigilcwillu: bcus i cant see errors( i am a lil noobisch )10:55
Brinstaron the lowest res10:55
Brinstarurban terror is awesome10:56
BUGabundosaubern based on cube2 engine is great too10:56
amortvigilBUGabundo: both urban terro and saurbraten are based on cube 210:57
Brinstarurban terror is a better-than-CS CS10:57
BUGabundodidn't know that amortvigil10:57
amortvigilthere is also an rpg based on cube2 in development10:57
Brinstarok i thought UT was based on the Q3 engine10:57
Brinstarhow do i enable metacity?10:58
Brinstari seem to have it installed10:58
Brinstari just want to run cairo clock without needing compiz10:58
fosco_Brinstar: to use metacity run metacity --replace10:59
Brinstarfosco_: thanks11:01
ruthgardamortvigil, what is the rpg called?11:01
cwilluamortvigil, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/270798 might be related.  might be worth rebooting with clocksource=jiffies on the kernel line in grub.11:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 270798 in linux "lockups with default (hpet) clocksource on 2.6.27-2-generic 64-bit" [Medium,Triaged]11:01
* Vorbote will brb11:02
amortvigilruthgard: not sure anymore i think its link is on the cube2 site11:05
amortvigilruthgard: remember its in development im not sure if its playable already11:05
Brinstarwhatever display manager is already in use didnt seem to like me replacing it with metacity :-S11:06
cwilluBrinstar, metacity --replace11:07
amortvigilcwillu: did you got that from my logs?\11:07
Brinstarcwillu: i did that11:07
Brinstarit messed up the menus11:07
cwilluamortvigil, no, I'm looking at your computer from the window :p11:07
Brinstargnome do has an analog clock i think11:07
amortvigilcwillu: well hehe im 1 story high so youll must be a tall person11:08
cwillugood climber :p11:08
cwilluamazing typing skills too11:08
amortvigilheheh :)11:08
amortvigiltelepatic he?11:08
mint3can anyone help11:09
mint3just installed jaunty11:10
mint3it did warn me bout fglrx11:10
Brinstaranyone want to play a game of urban terror11:10
mint3but when it loads the screen has lines11:10
mint3i cant see nothing11:10
BUGabundoBrinstar: at work... can't... don't want to much anyway11:11
Brinstarhehe no prob11:11
BUGabundomint3: you should have read the release notes11:11
Brinstari have a day off11:11
BUGabundoit states you should try -ati driver (opensource version)11:11
BUGabundoinstead of closed source11:11
amortvigilcwillu: for as i can see my dmesg it could be the right thing indeed! im going to edit grub right away!11:11
BUGabundomint3: reboot into recovery console (on grub) and run XFIX11:12
cwilluBUGabundo, ah, the memories11:14
cwilluI can remember when you were asking why nvidia wasn't working in an alpha :p11:14
mint3i did BUGabundo11:15
mint3does the same thing11:15
BUGabundocwillu: at leasted I learned something heh11:16
BUGabundocwillu: no I just sing along music and broadcast it to the web...11:16
mint3BUGabundo, any ideas11:17
BUGabundomint3: guess you are going to need to get baby steps help with some on to change11:17
BUGabundoxorg to either use -ati or vesa11:17
mint3i cant see anything how can i type, BUGabundo ?11:17
BUGabundonot even TTY?11:18
mint3i tried xfix like u had said11:18
mint3then normal boot11:18
mint3again i had those lines11:18
Brinstarmint3: i sympathize, ati are the worst for ubuntu (or linux generally)11:18
mint3I didnt know :(11:18
Brinstaryou learn through bitter experience like me :(11:19
mint3yes true11:19
mint3anyways to fix it11:19
Brinstarthey are getting better though11:19
mint3if i can see at least i can do something bout it11:19
Brinstarto their credit11:19
mint3sure i understand that11:19
Brinstarmint3: what card do u have?11:20
* cwillu didn't realize ati's driver supported xorg1.6 officially yet11:20
mint3radeon x165011:20
* BUGabundo woot ! mic work on flash 64bits and PA!!!11:20
Brinstardoes that work in intrepid?11:21
mint3it worked in 8.1011:21
Brinstaryeah thought so11:21
mint3i upgraded from 8.1011:21
Brinstarif i were you, wait a few hours till the beta is out11:21
Brinstarand try again11:21
mint3thanks Brinstar :((11:21
mint3im so lonely :(11:22
Brinstari think they sorted out the cards in this version11:22
Brinstari.e. beta11:22
mint3do u know when its out Brinstar11:22
Brinstarhey dont be lonely :)11:22
LaruftI so miss konversation client, can I just go and apt-get it?11:22
Brinstarfew hours11:22
gnomefreakLaruft: yet11:22
Brinstarmaybe 6 hrs im guessing11:22
gnomefreakLaruft: yes11:22
BUGabundoBrinstar: we are on freeze11:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about alpa11:22
BUGabundono changes are going in into beta11:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about alpha11:22
Laruftwhat are the implications in running it gnomefreak?  and amarok too11:23
BUGabundoBrinstar: I would bet on 10-12h more11:23
gnomefreakLaruft: you will get a few qt libraries with it and so other things related to kbuntu11:23
BrinstarBUGabundo: the version hes using is the one without the ati stuff11:23
BUGabundoif he just updates11:23
Brinstaradded in11:23
BUGabundohe will be like anyone else11:23
Brinstarbut if he cant see what to update then how can he11:23
BUGabundoTTY? sure he can11:23
Brinstarguess so11:23
Brinstari would just wait personally11:24
BUGabundoas long as he has wired11:24
gnomefreakfew == not sure how many. Laruft if you run apt-cache show it should tell you all the depends11:24
BUGabundostart recovery consolse with "root network"11:24
BUGabundoapt-get update11:24
Laruftgnomefreak, when konversation supports 4.2, will the older libs eventually be removed?  I don't want to clog up my system11:24
gnomefreakLaruft: apt-cache show konversation11:24
gnomefreakLaruft: not sureit depends on who the lib is versioned11:24
BrinstarBUGabundo: yeah he could try that i suppose11:25
Larufti need to read up on this, re: package management and good housekeeping11:25
flips01after switching to classic view on jaunty UNR, my windows still gets maximized when I launch something. I suspect maximus is the program doing this ... what's the default/correct way to disable it?11:25
gnomefreakLaruft: deborphan there are a few other apps that can clean up system with your intervention11:25
Brinstarhes gone now anyway11:25
BUGabundoBrinstar: ahh I was going to ask who _he_ was11:26
flips01btw, is there a toggle titlebar function in gnome/metacity? (except fullscreen)11:30
mint3i can log on to netroot11:32
mint3xfix does *not* fix anything :/11:32
BUGabundomint3: can or can't?11:32
mint3i can get to netroot11:32
mint3but after that, its just scattered lines11:33
BUGabundoso even TTY is damaged11:34
BUGabundothe I guess u need a live cd/usb11:34
BUGabundoand then chroot into it11:34
Brinstaror u cud just wait a few hours :P11:35
hmwaah... beta coming today?11:35
Brinstarhmw: yes it seems that way11:35
BUGabundo !daily11:35
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/11:35
BUGabundomint3: ^^^^^^11:35
hmwi am already happily jackalopping11:36
BUGabundoppl please get the daily and then rsync it!11:36
BUGabundono need to wait for beta11:36
hmwi've heard about that "toggle titlebar" function the first time yesterday. what is it?11:37
flips01the ability to turn of the titlebar of windows, it's available in other window managers, at least11:38
Larufthow do i rsync?11:38
hmwinteresting feature... wouldnt have imagined, that someone could want that... interesting though11:39
gnomefreakLaruft: rsync --help11:39
gnomefreakLaruft: there are alot of options for it11:39
Laruftalso how would i add firefox to kubuntu jaunty - whats the best practice - (sorry if this is faq)11:39
hmwyesterday someone had a problem with his "toggle titlebar" function, so there must be such a function, flips0111:39
BUGabundognomefreak: that will give him enouth to read for a week11:40
BUGabundoat least I did!11:40
gnomefreakLaruft: sudo apt-get install firefox you may also what firefox-gnome-support yes i know its on kde not gnome but it sometimes helps with issues even on kde11:40
amortvigilcwillu:  i think it works!11:40
* cwillu pokes amortvigil with a stick :p11:40
gnomefreakBUGabundo: dont know why he needs it11:40
BUGabundohmw Laruft ^^^^^^11:40
VorboteDoes the alternate installer handle root partitions on ext4?11:40
cwilluLaruft, just apt-get install firefox11:40
BUGabundognomefreak: 'cause I keep mentioning it11:41
Laruftta bug11:41
BUGabundoVorbote: it should11:41
gnomefreakBUGabundo: sorry respinnning sunbird for PPA not really watching too much here11:41
hmwBUGabundo: i dont need the beta, as stated, i am already having a nice jaunty up and running11:42
Laruftcheers guys11:42
hmwits so fast!!11:42
BUGabundohmw: usefull for when final comes out11:42
amortvigilcwillu: but it is to be awaited if it realy works11:42
BUGabundoor any other iso11:42
hmwi bookmared it, though. cool hint, thx11:42
gnomefreakBUGabundo: and uploading jauntys icon fix to PPA11:42
VorboteBUGabundo: Great, I will need to reinstall this box with an alternate CD. For some reason the alpha 6 live CD botched important files in /etc11:42
gnomefreakand LWN is next :)11:43
VorboteI had to reintall a bunch of base debs in the following days. Need a clean install to have peace of mind :-)11:43
BUGabundoVorbote: please check always MD5 for isos11:43
BUGabundoand even possible test the burned image11:44
BUGabundo40% of bugs on LP are due to corrupted cd/packages installs11:44
VorboteBUGabundo: always do. (Being using Linux since Autumn of '91 :-;)11:44
BUGabundome since 9411:44
BUGabundoand full time ubuntu since 6.0611:45
BUGabundobrb gonna it something11:45
BUGabundohope not many ppl will hook up to my webcam now11:45
hmwi am still not 100% happy with linux, as i seem to have bad luck with my hardware11:45
hmwbut with jaunty almost everything works except skype11:46
gnomefreakhmw: whats wrong with skype11:46
hmwsound breaks after few seconds11:46
miiktotem is buggy, when i play music, it gets laggy and dont hear music11:46
hmwsound broke when playing videos in 8.10 on this computer11:47
miikthen i close it, and open it again11:47
miikand then it works11:47
miikhmw, this channel is for 9.04 not 8.1011:47
gnomefreakhmw: i mean outside of being in repos11:47
gnomefreakhmw: AFAIK we dont package skype so everything works fine would be the right phrase :)11:47
hmwheheh. right11:47
BUGabundohmw skype wasn't recording for me11:48
BUGabundobut I have 64 bits11:48
gnomefreakhmw: 8.10 is supported in #ubuntu11:48
hmwi just need it for all my friends refuse to move away from skype. argh11:48
hmwgnomefreak miik read again, what i wrote11:48
amortvigilcwillu: welll it works but now my whole x session is unstable:P11:48
amortvigillike it just starts to flicker once in a while instead of freeze:p11:49
amortvigilit is an improvement anyway!11:49
gnomefreakhmw > sound broke when playing videos in 8.1011:49
gnomefreakthats your comment11:49
miikwhy when i start, my volume is on 10% or something and on mute?11:49
miikeven if i close computer with 100% volume11:49
hmwdid you notice the tense? i said that to make clear, that with jaunty, my sound card works better than before11:50
miikwhy moblin takes 2 secs to boot and ubuntu long time?11:50
miikwhy ubuntu dont have good ati drivers with open source 3d? ubuntu needs hier 10000 chinese ppl for $1/day, so we can have good programmer fast11:50
gnomefreakhmw: in that comment it wasnt said. as i told BUGabundo before i cant sit here and watch the channel since im working on sunbird so i may catch some things not others11:51
hmwalright. just ignore me unless you see a question mark11:51
miikwhy nobody put songbird in repo??????????11:51
miikubuntu need make slave factory in africa with 1000000 people11:52
miikwho can package new stuff into repo11:52
miikfree software means that people should work for free in a slave factory11:52
HammerHead66http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/index.html  ur missing take off11:52
gnomefreakmiik: its not ready for Ubuntu upstream has alot of work to do before we can include it and they seemed to have stopped working on it for some reason11:53
miikHammerHead66, live?11:53
HammerHead66miik: yes11:53
miikgnomefreak, aff. :( but i want it in repo, i can download it from getsongbird website, so i should be able get it from repo too, i think11:53
miikwhy always when i watch porno website, it has flash movie and then firefox crash??11:54
Vorbotemilk: You won't see songbird packaged in any distribution that takes library management seriously anytime soon. They use a modified Xulrunner runtime that conflicts with the one used by Firefox, Thunderbird and other consumers (you of course, can install the upstream binaries somewhere and use the thing at your leisure).11:54
miikfirefox becomes gray, and i must close it, and open it again, it piss me off11:55
gnomefreakmiik: we have it in fta's ppa or mozillateam PPA but as i said it isnt fied but should work. one minute and ill cheack the PPA its in11:55
HammerHead66lmao don't watch porno get a girl11:55
miikgirl?????????? how can i get a girl?? i dont even know how to talk a girl11:55
miikgirls are scary, im very scared to approach a girl11:55
hmwdownload a gif (girl in file)11:55
gnomefreakmiik: ots in fta's ppa but there is no promise it will work and dont file bugs on it11:56
miiklike if i say "hi" they say "uhm...  hi?" then i just run away11:56
HammerHead66the more you go and talk to girls the easier it gets11:56
gnomefreakguys lets take that else where and stay on topic of support11:56
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:56
miikwell, they should have a support channel for girls11:56
miikcuz i need support on that topic, cuz its difficult11:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ot5ot11:57
miikone time i had a friend and she was a girl, and i asked her if girls and guys can just be friends??11:57
ubottuSome things are inappropriate for #ubuntu+1. Controversial topics, which often turn into flame wars: war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, questionably legal activities, suicide are not for here. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy)11:57
gnomefreakhmmmm did it forget the factoid :(11:57
Picimiik: Enough11:57
miikits true11:57
HammerHead66miik: start an IRC channel11:58
miikits a stupid thing to ask a female friend11:58
Picimiik: We don't care. This is an UBUNTU support channel.11:58
miikubuntu means humanity towards others!! so it must help with girls too!! support for girls!!11:58
gnomefreakeither way start in #ubuntu-offtopic than i would find another place since you are likely to be removed from ot with that subject11:58
miikbut i did nothing! :(11:59
gnomefreakPici: sorry im lagging here11:59
Picignomefreak: no worries11:59
Brinstarhe has a good point11:59
miikanyone who want to discuss girls, can join #girls11:59
miiki have a good point!!11:59
hmwmv miik /dev/null pls11:59
Brinstaryes u do11:59
miikthanks :D11:59
BUGabundomiik: please take a time out!11:59
Brinstarubuntu = humanity to others11:59
gnomefreakmiik: please dont push your luck in here11:59
BUGabundogo look at the window or something11:59
BUGabundothen came back11:59
miiki use ubuntu cuz im a wigger11:59
miikand windows is for white folks12:00
BUGabundomiik stop12:00
BUGabundothanks gnomefreak.... he was even worse them me :)12:00
gnomefreakBUGabundo: he did12:00
gnomefreakthis upload is going to fail i guess i will try again later this morning or tomorrow12:01
* gnomefreak be back12:01
Brinstarwhat a character12:05
BUGabundohe wouldn't shut up, not even after 3 kicks12:07
BUGabundoand several users requests12:07
Brinstaryes but he made me laugh :)12:07
BUGabundobut was OT12:08
BUGabundoon a busy channel12:08
BUGabundonow its much quiter12:08
Brinstarbring him back then12:08
BUGabundoI have no prob with ppl going OT when its calm and ppl don't abuse12:08
HobbseeBUGabundo: hm?12:08
BUGabundobut like he was doing? nadd over the head12:08
BUGabundohey Hobbsee12:08
BUGabundoyou are not going to tell me I'm like that too12:09
BUGabundoalready apologized to two ubuntu members today12:09
BUGabundodo I need to make that 3?12:09
* BUGabundo shuts up12:09
Hobbseeoh dear.  The nutcases are out again today, apparently12:09
flips01hmw: they could have been using a different wm, though ...12:10
BUGabundowhat? no one asking when beta comes out in 20 min? it's a record!12:28
Brinstarwhens the beta out?12:28
BUGabundowill jump directly to RC12:29
Brinstaris that today?12:29
BUGabundoyou missed it12:29
BUGabundoit was 2 days ago12:29
Brinstarguess i will have to switch back to xp now12:29
* BUGabundo was going to make a joke on win8 but better not! #OT12:30
* hmw dares to click "update"12:33
BUGabundohmw bad "dare" most of us are alpha testers!12:33
Brinstari dare about 10 times a day :P12:34
hmwhuh... still no updates? didnt get any since yesterday, and the last was an update for the updater12:35
BUGabundohmw beta freeze12:35
BUGabundonothings coming in today12:35
BUGabundountil tomorrow12:35
hmwbeta freeze?12:35
hmwthey busy or just holding back for a while?12:35
b3rz3rk3rwait? no beta today?12:36
hmwwell... i doubt, that my sound card will work perfectly soon anyways12:36
b3rz3rk3riv been waiting for it!! :(12:36
Brinstarhehe @ BUGabundo12:37
BUGabundohmw: have you tried dtchen kernel image?12:37
hmwkernel image? sounds easy to use...12:38
BUGabundohmw: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2009-March/007501.html12:38
BUGabundoget all the files for your arch12:39
BUGabundocheck sig12:39
BUGabundoand dkpg -i linux*.deb12:39
hmwwhy do i need to checksum, when its transferred via tcp anyways? i am slightly confused12:42
BUGabundonever trust no one!12:42
hmwi decide not to trust that checksum12:43
BUGabundoit would be nice if dtchen put them on a PPA12:43
FinnishKompozer in not working in jaunty. Are there any other "good" options for making homepages?12:43
shrewdyhey all, just checking, are the jaunty repositories giving lots of 403 errors for everyone else and just basically not functioning at the moment ?12:43
hmwFinnish: vi? hmm...12:44
hmwnah... i was silly, forget it.12:44
BUGabundoFinnish: NVU ?12:45
aredgis 9.04 beta still on track for today?12:45
BrinstarFinnish: bluefish12:45
BUGabundoshrewdy: I have heard reports of some mirrors having trouble12:45
BUGabundocan you change your mirror and test again?12:45
shrewdybugabundo, thanks for the info, i've tried a couple of mirrors, in Australia12:46
BUGabundoah ok12:46
BUGabundoand Main?12:46
shrewdyi'll give some other mirrors a go :)12:46
shrewdymain for australia....12:46
BUGabundoMain as in Canonical Main12:46
FinnishBrinstar: I'll have a look at that12:46
shrewdyi'll sync to that12:46
BUGabundobut since australia as so much bw probs12:46
BUGabundoits not a safe bet for all time12:47
hmwhopefully brb after reboot12:47
shrewdybw problems bugabundo ?12:49
shrewdyare we having bandwidth problems ?12:50
shrewdyi wasn't aware... lol12:50
ActionParsniphey all12:50
ActionParsnipis the beta ISO out yet?12:50
IntuitiveNippleBUGabundo: I think this one's yours :)12:51
PiciIt will be in the topic when it is.12:51
BUGabundoIntuitiveNipple: lol he broke the record12:51
ActionParsnipcos its 26th March here, 13 hours in too12:52
shrewdythis is from trying to sync with the main repository (same issue): "Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/main/binary-amd64/Packages  403 Forbidden"12:52
BUGabundoshrewdy: I don't know! I keep hearing about Auz users saying that there link to mainland is slow12:52
BUGabundoshrewdy: you forget "public" in there12:52
* BUGabundo checks own script12:52
shrewdyi just told software sources to use the main server12:53
shrewdythats auto generated line12:53
IntuitiveNippleshrewdy: I get 404 Not Found12:53
BUGabundo rsync -zvvhhP --stats rsync://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/daily-live/current/jaunty-desktop-i386.iso /home/bugabundo/temp/OS_isos/12:53
BUGabundoor 64bits12:54
VorboteNaughty, naughty. If you use -z you are overloading the poor server.12:54
BUGabundotime nice -n 15 rsync -zvvhhP --stats rsync://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/kubuntu/daily-live/current/jaunty-desktop-amd64.iso ~12:54
BUGabundoam I?12:54
hmwdarn.... the new kernel didnt help me :(12:54
IntuitiveNippleshrewdy: oh, I think the 404 is because the URL reported wasn't complete12:54
BUGabundoVorbote: why?12:54
Cycomwo what does the beta release hold that's different?12:54
BUGabundohmw: file a bug12:55
BUGabundo$ apport-cli -fp pulseaudio12:55
BUGabundoand also attach link for alsa test script12:55
* BUGabundo should start wrinting bot factoids12:55
shrewdycool, i get 403 permission denied,12:55
hmwi only have a slight idea, what exactly i should do12:55
BUGabundoPici: how would I get more factoids in?12:55
hmwyou can suggest new factoids ...12:56
IntuitiveNippleshrewdy: what does a web browser show you http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/main/binary-amd64/12:56
BUGabundoCycom: diff from what??12:56
VorboteBUGabundo: It has to compress everything before sending it out. Imagine hundreds of barbarians at the gates (like you and I) rsyncing with compression enabled and imagine what can happen. Besides, debs are lzma compressed these days arent they?12:56
Pici!usage > BUGabundo12:56
ubottuBUGabundo, please see my private message12:56
shrewdynipple, i can browse that folder12:56
BUGabundo 0% [                                                                                                     ] 5,305,150    807K/s  eta 14m 26s12:56
shrewdyi can even download the packages12:56
BUGabundoI can get it IntuitiveNipple12:57
gnomefreakBUGabundo: if you try to add one we will get it and we decide if we want to add it12:57
hmwcrap intel ac9712:57
BUGabundoPici: thanks12:57
=== jjardon is now known as torkiano
hmwi dont even see any errors in the logs anymore... thats odd12:57
* gnomefreak goes back to work 12:57
BUGabundognomefreak: but of course12:57
BUGabundojust usuall questions like links and stuff12:57
hmwcould that indicate a problem: "pulseaudio[3276]: alsa-util.c: Device front:0 doesn't support 44100 Hz, changed to 48000 Hz." ?13:00
hmwits the only sound related thing in syslog left13:00
BUGabundohmw: please file a bug as requested13:00
hmwbefore i used to have some POLLERR13:00
BUGabundoonly then the audio team can help you out13:00
hmwapport to be called as user?13:00
BUGabundoVorbote: : will remove -z from my scripts then13:00
BUGabundohmw: yes13:00
BUGabundohmw: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2009-March/027868.html13:00
BUGabundo$ apport-cli -fp pulseaudio13:00
BUGabundoshould do it13:00
legodudeis X crashing on resume from suspend a known bug?13:09
Vkongenis it coming a ati propetary driver for x1600 series in jaunty?13:09
legodudeand, if not, what special information should I include with the bug report?13:10
BUGabundolunch. bbl13:11
GrimmVarghi, I just installed 9.04 on my macbook pro and as expected, there is no sound.. anyone no about a fix for this?13:11
TheInfinityGrimmVarg: play with alsa intelhda sound options :)13:11
hmwi still would like to know, if that 44800Hz thing is something serious or just informative13:11
hmwmaybe thats the reason for scrambled sound? (using pulse, skype doesnt stop, but its unusable)13:12
ruthgardIs it known what time the beta will be put up for download?13:13
PiciWhen its done testing.13:13
Vkongenin april :)13:14
Vkongen9 - 2009 04 - April13:14
Vkongenoh i thought the final13:14
=== david_ is now known as Laruft
ruthgardPici so no time is set then? Only during this day :) I will check back tomorrow then13:18
GrimmVargTheInfinity: i`ll look at those, how about right-clicks?13:18
Piciruthgard: exactly13:19
Vorbotehmw: having a sampling rate of 48000KHz is not a problem, unless your audio hardware doesn't work with it. In that case it is a problem with alsa and/or pulseaudio quirks.13:19
shrewdyif the repositories are working fine for all of you i seem to have an issue, whereby the automatically generated repo list is faulty.... or something13:21
shrewdycan someone pastebin me a working sources list ?13:22
Brinstarif i have been updating my alpha 6 regularly as soon as updates appeared, do i have the beta already in some way?13:22
Brinstaror will i?13:22
PiciBrinstar: Yes.13:26
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Jaunty. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.13:26
david_amarok is really not working in jaunty heh13:34
hmwpuh... filing bugs is actually real work *g*13:42
=== Milosz is now known as Naaa
hmwi sent the bug report, but the only information, apport seems to have added, is a list of loaded libraries. Did I do something wrong, or is it meant to be like that?13:54
* BUGabundo is back14:04
hmwBUGabundo pls look at my last message (6 lines above)14:04
BUGabundohmw: that's what apport does14:05
BUGabundoplease add also $ apt-cache policy pulseaudio14:05
hmwi added lspci output. should i do more?14:05
BUGabundo$ apt-cache policy alsa-utils14:05
BUGabundodid you run the alsa.sh script?14:05
Vorbotehmw: ???14:05
hmwno. i am so clueless14:05
hmwVorbote: BUGabundo already answere my question14:06
Vorbotehmw: OK :-)14:06
=== david_ is now known as LaruftAFK
BUGabundohmw: did you run the alsa.sh script?14:09
hmwi dont seem to have such a script14:09
BUGabundowget it14:09
BUGabundochmod +x14:09
BUGabundorun it , and add the link result to the bug14:09
BUGabundothen ping dtchen with the bug report. he should be around later (19h GMT)14:09
thewrathdoes nayone know if the issues wtih broadcom wireless cards fixed in Januty final?14:11
hmwalright... looks like quite a detailed bug report now. thx!14:12
thewrathhmw: you talkiong to me or whom>14:12
thewrathbug 30590714:13
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/305907/+text)14:13
hmwno, i was talking to bugabund14:13
thewrathoh ok14:13
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:13
thewraththank you Pici14:14
thewrathPici: are you aware of that?14:14
thewrathor anything about that?14:14
Picithewrath: Which?14:15
BUGabundothewrath: haven't seen much fuss about broadcom recently14:15
BUGabundoPici: broadcom cards.14:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 305907 in linux "Complete system freeze when trying to connect to WPA2 network" [Undecided,New]14:15
BUGabundothewrath: does it get detected for you ?14:15
thewrathits the issue of complete system freeze14:16
HolyScottGood morning, and sign of beta's yet?14:16
BUGabundothewrath: on jaunty????14:16
thewrathall versions of ubuntu14:16
BUGabundoHolyScott: NO. should be latter tonigt14:16
thewraththe oen person who i thought was a high ranking person requset that it be fixed in jaunty final release14:17
BUGabundothewrath: only know two reasons:14:17
BUGabundobad hw or kernel using the wrong driver14:17
BUGabundoyou are going to need someone from kernel team14:17
BUGabundomaybe apw is around14:17
BUGabundotoo soon for leann14:18
thewrathBUGabundo: know when the beta will be released tonight?14:18
BUGabundonoone knows14:18
thewrathbut definately today?14:18
BUGabundoits one of those things: it will be when it gets there14:19
BUGabundothewrath: on what timezone? mine?14:19
thewrathgmt -514:19
BUGabundoThu Mar 26 14:19:41 UTC 200914:19
thewrathoh ok14:19
thewrathyou are in UTC time14:19
BUGabundoactuall GMT14:20
thewrathwaht does the netsplit mean14:20
thewrathnever understood that14:20
BUGabundohumm network split.14:21
BUGabundothewrath: there are several servers combined to create a bigger network14:21
BUGabundosometimes one or more losses conection with the others. users on one of those servers won't reach the otheres14:22
=== r0bby is now known as Guest60100
hmwhuh... i have to re-login now?14:23
=== sandeep is now known as Guest229
BUGabundothe server does it14:23
hmwit just asked me to nickserv identify myself14:23
thewrathas well as I14:23
* Vorbote reminds you guys to change the server port to 8001 if you are kicked out by excess flooding.14:26
crankharderer, so now all proxy settings are through gnome?14:29
hmwalright... who is still here? *g*14:30
hmwquite some14:30
thewrathi am14:30
BUGabundo213 and growing14:31
thewrathBUGabundo: you still there?14:31
BUGabundomany more then it used to be for ibex14:31
BUGabundothewrath: think so... can you see this?14:32
BUGabundothen I am14:32
thewrathBUGabundo: so i need to talk to apw or leann about my issuese to see if it will be fixed14:32
* aredg does the magic dance to get the new beta released14:32
* PhotoJim waves... at work so not paying 100% attention :)14:32
apwthewrath, ?14:33
thewrathoh apw14:33
thewrathhold on let me give you a link14:33
BUGabundothat was fast14:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 305907 in linux "Complete system freeze when trying to connect to WPA2 network" [Undecided,New]14:33
thewrathwill that bug be fixed in jaunty14:33
thewrathi know alot of people wnat it to14:33
thewrathBUGabundo:  told me i will have to tlak to a person with the kernal14:33
BUGabundoapw: ^^^^^^^^^^14:34
BUGabundothewrath: don't forget to use the person nick or they won't know you are talking to them14:35
apwits not on our radar thats for use14:35
thewrathapw: why is it not ont he radar14:36
apwhave you any idea how many outstanding bugs there are?14:36
thewrathiw as just wondering14:37
thewraththey proably14:37
thewrathi undrestand14:37
BUGabundoapw: no! how many ?14:37
thewrathapw: if i get jaunty back on thsi computer14:37
thewraththe instruction http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php could you help me with that14:37
apwBUGabundo, infinity as far as it appears from here14:37
thewrathbc i am completely lost with it14:37
* apw looks at it14:37
BUGabundothewrath: I think its better for you to not go outside of ubuntu repos14:38
thewrathi have never done this to fix it14:38
thewraththat is the only fix atm14:38
thewrathunless i have to wait for the respositories to update14:38
BUGabundoapw: looks like google mail ad: infinity +114:38
thewrathhow often do they update14:38
apwdo who  update what?14:38
BUGabundoapw kernel drivers14:39
thewrathapw:  the updated driver and the patch that are on that page apparently is the fix14:39
thewrathbut i am having an issue with that14:39
apwthey get updated each release for definate, and others when bugs are filed and fixed14:39
thewrathapw: could you help me with this?14:39
thewrathhopefully later on today?14:39
apwdepends where i am and when, always worth trying14:40
thewrathatleast taht you are willing to work with me14:40
thewrathprobably will be someone time here in the next hour14:41
apwthewrath, do you have test environment for htis14:43
thewrathi am doing everything through wubi14:43
BUGabundothat reminds me of something.... lets go to devel14:44
HammerHead66hate88: sorry your on your own man14:45
thewrathapw:  that good14:46
apwthewrath, thats fine.  i wanted to know you'd be in a position to test14:48
apwshould anyone make a fixed package14:48
=== ZehRique[Sleepin is now known as ZehRique
BUGabundosomeone should let freenode admins kill holmes14:49
BUGabundoanyone here can help me test/debug PA and flash?14:51
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BUGabundocan't post live links on the #14:51
BUGabundoPici`: do you have voice on #freenode?14:52
fliegenderfroschthe beta isn’t out yet. is it? (I’m probably not the first one to ask this...)14:53
thewrathapw: i could test a little bit14:53
thewrathi have a metting/away meeting14:53
Pici`BUGabundo: Do you mean to ask if I'm a freenode staffer?14:53
thewrathwhat would you need to test out14:54
BUGabundoPici`: just wanted to know if there's something they can do to fix holmes server from so many splits14:54
BUGabundofliegenderfrosch: for the Nss time today. NO14:55
crankharderer, so now all proxy settings are through gnome? -- how can I set up a proxy just for pidgin?14:55
BUGabundoit should be latter on14:55
BUGabundocrankharder: isn't there a setting on pidgin it self?14:55
* BUGabundo checks14:55
Pici`BUGabundo: They're aware of the issues.  Anyone can join #freenode, you could ask there yourself.14:55
crankharderBUGabundo: not anymopre14:55
BUGabundoPici`: I can't! no voice there14:55
Pici`BUGabundo: You don't need voice to talk in that channel.14:56
BUGabundocrankharder: I can!14:56
Pici`Anyway, this is getting offtopic.14:56
crankharderBUGabundo: you haven't updated then14:56
BUGabundoPici`: strange! got a notice tellling me I couldn't14:56
BUGabundocrankharder: running lastest updates ehehe14:56
BUGabundoPici`: /me gets on topic again14:57
crankharderBUGabundo: I updated last night and now in pidgin under proxy server & browser I get:  "Proxy configuyration program not found. -- "proxy and browser preferences are configured in GNOME preferences"14:57
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BUGabundoare you talking on Accounts?14:57
crankharderNetwork tab14:57
BUGabundoa leftover from windows maybe?14:58
crankharderah, i see in account settings -- I don't remember my old settings, it blew them away from the network tab14:58
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
crankharderI do ssh -d 8080 myhouse - and use that connection14:59
ali1234you can set up a proxy for each account but the ability to have a proxy for all of pidgin is only available in the windows version14:59
crankharderthat's gotta be some socks connection?14:59
ali1234ssh -D is sock514:59
crankharderwhat do I put in user/password in the proxy settings -- i dont remember doing that before -- previously just told it localhost:808014:59
crankharderer something15:00
ali1234just leave it blank15:00
crankharderthanks guys :)15:01
crankharderI can continue bashing work at work now15:01
cyberixI haven't received any notifications since upgrading to Jaunty15:11
cyberixWhat packages are required?15:11
Picicyberix: notify-osd15:12
cyberixnotify-osd is already the newest version.15:12
BUGabundocyberix: check if you have ubuntu-desktop metapackage installed too15:14
cyberixit is installed15:14
cyberixnotify-send foo bar15:16
cyberixdoes nothing15:16
cyberixhow can I debug this further?15:16
apwthewrath, ok ... just checked lrm and the broadcom driver has been updated to the one requested with the patch, that happened 3 days ago, it is planned for upload once beta is out of the door15:16
apwthewrath, so there is probabally no point in doing anything within a week you should have an official update for it15:17
aredgdoes anyone know if the atheros ar242x will be supported in jaunty, in intrepid i had to install the intrepid-backports-modules for it to work15:18
BUGabundothanks apw15:18
BUGabundoI'll let him know when he comes back15:19
BUGabundoaredg: well ask apw since he is already here!15:19
aredgah, hes the man to ask?15:19
aredgapw, do you know if the atheros ar242x will be supported in jaunty, in intrepid i had to install the intrepid-backports-modules for it to work15:20
apwaredg, well the linux-backports-module is basically identicle in intrepid and jaunty, so even if you need backports you should have it in jaunty15:20
aredgoh ok thanks15:20
aredgits because the ath5k driver isn't loaded i believe15:20
apwi think there is better support for athXk in the main kernel, but its still a rapidly developing driver15:21
apwand likely backports will still be required15:21
aredgi'm thinking of trying the beta today, had a lot of instability with intrepid, hoping jaunty fixes a lot of that, heard great things15:22
apwits looking pretty good today15:22
aredgi'm guessing a few more hours until release15:23
PhotoJimconsidering jaunty is still technically an alpha, I've found it to be really working well.15:28
aredgwell, technically beta :p15:28
PhotoJimI had an issue getting wifi working on my Acer AspireOne netbook.  but I had the same issue with Intrepid anyway.15:29
PhotoJimTrue.  although I've had it on my AA1 for almost a month.15:29
BUGabundoPhotoJim: yeah known prob15:30
BUGabundoyou need the driver for it15:31
BUGabundoguess I'll go quiet here and let apw answer one more time! eheh15:31
PhotoJimBUGabundo: I got it working via blacklisting.  but it would definitely be good if we can get it friendlier for the n00bs.15:33
apwPhotoJim, there is a kernel you might want to test posted on bug #31982515:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 319825 in linux "acer_wmi in Jaunty on Aspire One exposes non-functional (always disabled) rfkill device" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31982515:34
* BUGabundo bookmarks that bug15:37
PhotoJimapw: oh, ok.  I'll check that out.  thanks.15:38
BUGabundoapw: will that be in the release notes?15:39
apwBUGabundo, what be?15:39
BUGabundoapw: the bug for aspire one hw15:42
apwno point in release noting it, if that patch fixes15:43
cyberixI found the problem15:43
cyberixNotifications are only started with the default windows manager15:44
cyberixI'll file a bug within seconds15:44
BUGabundocyberix: and what is yours?15:44
BUGabundocompiz and metacity work for me15:45
BUGabundokwin will not (no support for kubuntu at this time)15:45
cyberixthat seems correct15:45
cyberixBut I'm running a full gnome-session15:45
cyberixI only set WINDOW_MANAGER="/home/cyberix/.xmonadi/bin/xmonad"15:45
cyberixin ~/.profile15:45
cyberixwhich is the way for changing gnome window manager15:46
cyberixI'll try with Ubuntu version of xmonad first15:47
armedkingHello is the position of notify-osd changable. and anyone know why i see the notifcations 1 min later then the action?15:48
=== bromic94 is now known as thewrath
thewrathapw: are you there?15:50
thewrathneed to talk to you asap15:50
apwyep, left you a message15:50
thewrathi had to leave15:50
ubottuaudio is <also> On Jaunty, please check bug https://launchpad.net/bugs/330814 and help test the new kernel image15:50
thewrathwhat was the message15:50
thewrathmy network connection went out15:51
thewrathbc i closed my screen on my laptop15:51
thewrathhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules/+bug/305907 <-- can you comment on what Andy said15:51
ubottuUbuntu bug 305907 in linux-restricted-modules "Complete system freeze when trying to connect to WPA2 network" [Medium,Fix committed]15:51
apw<apw> thewrath, ok ... just checked lrm and the broadcom driver has been updated to the one requested with the patch, that happened 3 days ago, it is planned for upload once beta is out of the door15:51
apw<apw> thewrath, so there is probabally no point in doing anything within a week you should have an official update for it15:51
ubottuaudio is also On Jaunty, please check bug https://launchpad.net/bugs/330814 and help test the new kernel image15:52
thewrathso next week sometime15:52
apwthewrath, are you asking me to comment on what Andy said?15:52
thewrathyou just commented on it to me15:52
apwthat Andy is me15:52
thewraththat is what i meant15:52
thewrathi really meant confirm or deny that15:52
thewrathhow did you guys find that out15:52
ubottuaudio is also On Jaunty, please check bug https://launchpad.net/bugs/330814 and help test the new kernel image15:52
apwi went and looked at the source for lrm15:53
thewrathoh ok15:53
thewrathcould i do that15:53
apwand tried to apply that patch, and it failed15:53
thewrathwhich means its already there?15:53
apwthen i saw it was updated to the latested as part of the related bug15:53
thewrathoh ok15:53
ubottuaudio is also On Jaunty, please check bug https://launchpad.net/bugs/330814 and help test the new kernel image15:53
thewrathso in about a weke i can update15:53
apwon the 23rd, but its not uploaded, as the archive is in freeze15:53
thewrathLjL: can you please stop doing that15:53
thewrathoh ok15:53
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:53
LjLthewrath: not before i've managed to actually make it work, no15:54
thewrathyou are spamming the channel15:54
thewrathapw: so the final release will have it or when15:55
thewrathsorry i am multitaking between multiple computers15:55
LjLthewrath: so are you with your Enters. at least i'm trying to make something *useful*.15:55
BUGabundothewrath: please calm down! LjL is an OP15:56
BUGabundoand he knows what he is doing!15:56
thewrathoh ok15:56
thewrathi apologize LjL15:56
LjLwhether i'm an op has no relevance. but i'm just trying to make the bot work for a channel-specific factoid, and the only way to test that is to test it in the specific channel.15:57
thewrathoh ok15:57
thewrathLjL: sir did you get my msg15:58
thewrathapw: so after the beta release you said sir?15:58
cyberixBUGabundo: here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/notify-osd/+bug/34904716:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 349047 in notify-osd "changing gnome window manager breaks notifications" [Undecided,New]16:05
Le-Chuck_ITAHi there, somebody knows how I can change the default theme of kde4 apps? I don't like the solid-metal theme in kile; I am a gnome user16:05
Le-Chuck_ITAI installed "systemsettings" but there are no modules in it16:05
aredgLe-Chuck_ITA, go ask in #kubuntu16:07
Le-Chuck_ITAaredg: it seems there's a wall between kde and gnome in ubuntu :)16:07
Le-Chuck_ITAIn kubuntu they don't know but kubuntu+1 and ubuntu+1 are supposed to be the same channel or not?16:07
aredgno, this is for a development version16:08
Le-Chuck_ITAI am using jaunty16:08
Le-Chuck_ITAthis is why I mentioned the "+1"16:08
thewrathjaunty is jaunty right now i beleive16:10
BUGabundothewrath: LOL16:10
thewraththought i would get a laugh out16:10
thewrathsince we were beinga ll serious16:10
FoolsRunI'm running Jaunty Alpha, When Jaunty Beta hits later today, do I just run apt-get update/upgrade or do I need to do a dist-upgrade?16:10
BUGabundoLe-Chuck_ITA: yes this is both for ubuntu and kubuntu on Jaunty16:10
BUGabundoFoolsRun: yes16:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about updates16:11
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading16:11
Le-Chuck_ITABUGabundo: I knew :)16:11
dan457FoolsRun, just update like normal16:11
FoolsRundan: so just apt-get update/upgrade?16:12
FoolsRunCool, thank you16:12
Le-Chuck_ITAactually I found the solution to my problem here https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-workspace/+bug/28936816:12
ubottuUbuntu bug 289368 in kdebase-workspace "systemsettings has none option" [Undecided,Fix released]16:12
thewrathBUGabundo: can you upgrade from alpha -> beta -> final?16:12
Le-Chuck_ITAthanks all16:12
Pici!final | thewrath16:13
ubottuthewrath: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Jaunty. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.16:13
BUGabundothewrath: of course16:13
macothewrath: of course16:13
thewrathwnated to verify16:13
thewratheven from alpha -> final16:13
dan457Wow, Freenode is borked today16:14
BUGabundoactually just holmes server16:15
aredgits 5 PM in the timezone of the ubuntu release team right?16:15
BUGabundoaredg: don't be hasty! it will come when its ready16:16
BUGabundojoin #ubuntu-testing for more updates16:16
aredgBUGabundo, i'm trying to find ways of asking the eta without actually asking it directly ;)16:16
BUGabundono one (at least from us) can tell you that16:16
Doctor_Nickwheres da beta16:20
BUGabundoDoctor_Nick: not out yet!16:20
thewrathnot out yet16:20
thewrathdarn you BUGabundo16:20
BUGabundocopy cat16:20
thewrathi was going to say that16:20
Doctor_Nickim EXCITED16:20
thewrathyou just typed faster than i did lol16:20
BUGabundoI already have it on copy past16:21
BUGabundomust be the 20th today16:21
BUGabundoDoctor_Nick: why wait?16:21
Doctor_Nickits scheduled for release today16:21
BUGabundo$ update-manager -d16:21
thewrathwell aware of that Doctor_Nick16:21
apwnormally releases end of the day in my experience16:21
BUGabundoaround 20-22h UTC16:22
jyeageryou guys answered my question before I could ask it:)16:22
unixdawgwhat no updates in 2 days16:22
unixdawgwhats wrong here16:22
jyeagerI have been checking every 30 minutes for the beta16:22
charlie-tcaunixdawg: beta freeze16:23
dan457Well, when it does get uploaded, servers will be slow.  Save some time a grab the daily build.. it's almost the same anyway.16:23
jyeagerI told myself I was going to wait for the beta to try Jaunty. Its been a long wait.16:23
unixdawgjaunty rocks16:23
SalvoMalteseHi all16:24
BUGabundojyeager: don't wait16:24
BUGabundoupgrade now16:24
BUGabundowhile the server have NO load at all16:24
BUGabundoSalvoMaltese: not out yet! before you ask16:24
gnomefreakunixdawg: no updates due to beta being released today or tomorrow if there is a problem with ISO's they will upload a fix for it and only than until after beta is out16:24
BUGabundognomefreak: to late16:24
BUGabundo2 already replied16:24
BUGabundoyou are laggin behind16:24
charlie-tcaSeems like the topic will change when it releases, right?16:24
SalvoMalteseDoes you know something about the beta?16:24
gnomefreakyeah still busy sort of16:24
SalvoMalteseIt's out already?16:24
charlie-tcano, not yet16:25
BUGabundoI did say: SalvoMaltese: not out yet! before you ask16:25
thewrathi just installed jaunty16:25
thewrathshould i do an sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade?16:25
mapzzzguys.. is there going to be a KDE 4 release as well?16:25
ethana2How y'all liking google video chat in Empathy?16:25
BUGabundothewrath: nothing new out16:25
gnomefreakSalvoMaltese: if you have jaunty you have beta if you upgrade you will have beta if you want an ISO you wait for the release16:25
ethana2more reliable and less of a PITA than skype?16:25
SalvoMalteseok, thanks... haven't read :D16:25
charlie-tcathewrath: won't hurt16:25
thewrathwhat if i get a kernal panic16:25
BUGabundocharlie-tca: btw [[]]16:25
thewrathbc yesterday i did like a complete update and it killed my kernal16:26
ethana2thewrath: kernel panics are there to protect you16:26
BUGabundothewrath: you reboot and nag us about it16:26
ethana2pretty much16:26
thewrathi dont mean to nag you guys16:26
thewrathi really dont16:26
ethana2no, that's your job16:26
ethana2that and providing as much data as possible16:26
ethana2so the crash can be fixed before release16:26
thewrathlet me do that then16:27
charlie-tcamapzzz: There will be a kubuntu beta released16:27
unixdawgrelease we dont need no stinking release16:27
mapzzzcharlie-tca: ok.. thanks16:27
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
ethana2So exciting16:33
ethana2Today I'm going to back up my stuff, install Jaunty beta in a dual boot with my 8.1016:33
ethana2...I'll be sticking with ext3 I think, but going 64 bit..16:33
ethana2I heard boot time got down to 20 seconds :)16:33
BUGabundoethana2: do you have an iso already?16:34
BUGabundoethana2: I don't believe that16:34
BUGabundomine is 75secs16:34
xnguardIs Jaunty in total feature freeze?  I haven't seen any updates for either of my (amd64) systems in a couple days.16:34
ethana2BUGabundo: it's not out yet..16:34
dan457Ubuntu backported some fixes for ext4, so it will not be as bad with potitial data loss as vanilla .2816:34
BUGabundoget a daily16:34
dan457So ext4 should be fine.16:34
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/16:34
ethana2BUGabundo: I'm willing to wait for the beta for QA stuff16:34
ethana2and release notes and what have you16:34
rconanxnguard: we're in Beta freeze at the moment16:34
BUGabundogt it now while server load is low16:34
BUGabundoand then rsync it16:34
ethana2I use torrents16:34
ethana2then I seed and seed and seed and seed16:35
BUGabundochanges should be minor16:35
BUGabundoyou can do it too16:35
BUGabundojust force check the local file16:35
ethana2I've gotten ratios of 10 on ubuntu pre-releases before.16:35
xnguardrconan: Okay, so there just aren't any updates going round at the moment?  I was just wondering if something might be wrong with my apt/dpkg config.16:35
=== bromic94 is now known as thwrath
thwratha question16:35
ethana2xnguard: updates usually slow down before alphas and beta16:36
dan457No, been frozen a couple days16:36
ethana2don't worry about it16:36
* xnguard nods.16:36
thwrathhow do i get all the cool looking graphics to work16:36
ethana2thwrath: what gpu vendor?16:36
thwrathlike the new screen that ubuntu shows when it boots up wit the orange bar16:36
ethana2System > Admin > Hardware Drivers16:36
thwrathi have the old one16:36
thwrathhow can i fix that16:36
ethana2thwrath: I'd think just updating would fix it16:36
thwrathi just installed it so i would of thought i could of came with it16:37
thwrathi am doing an upgrade now16:37
xnguardethana2: I'm mostly just worried about getting the point-point release of evolution-mapi.  I'm looking at an upstream patch release that says something to the effect of "Completely unusable for everyone until this patch is applied." :)16:37
ethana2thwrath: did you get an alpha or a daily?16:37
ethana2xnguard: oh dear16:37
ethana2'course, every mail client I try, I always just go back to gmail16:38
ethana2gotta have my conversation threading16:38
xnguardethana2: Well, it's evo.  I'm getting used to x-treme b0rkitude.  It practically needs to be listed on the Features page.16:38
thwrathi think i got an alpha16:38
ethana2thwrath: that'll be ti16:38
BUGabundoethana2: you haven't tried mutt or kmail16:38
ethana2it**; yeah, just update16:38
BUGabundoafter that nothing is the same16:38
dan457get daily, save a buch of time updating16:38
ethana2BUGabundo: but I have tried thunberbird16:39
BUGabundotry (cli) mutt or kmail16:39
BUGabundodan457: not that16:39
BUGabundothat's the alternate iso16:39
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/16:39
ethana2My friend, a Kubuntu user, showed me GIMP on kubuntu16:39
ethana2it looked like a KDE app16:39
BUGabundoyou need daily-live16:39
ethana2does that go both ways with Jaunty?16:39
xnguardBUGabundo: ...you mean, after trying mutt you'll never disparage PINE's immediately intuitive interface again? :)16:39
BUGabundoethana2: it is.. so?16:39
BUGabundoI have it on gnome16:39
ethana2BUGabundo: does it look native?16:40
BUGabundoxnguard: never got fond of pine16:40
BUGabundoethana2: grrr ... no?16:40
BUGabundodoes it need to ?16:40
* dan457 wonders if dtchen's updated kernel made it into the beta.16:40
ethana2I don't get why I'd even bother with a mail client16:40
BUGabundodan457: it didn't16:40
xnguardBUGabundo: I hate PINE, but I don't have the time to memorize mutt's huge slab of double-bucky keyboard combos. :)16:40
ethana2I guess I trust Google a lot, but..16:40
bluefoxicyhow come when I have gnucash run CPU bound like crazy, my music player stops playing music?16:40
dan457Too bad.. I'm using it here. works good.16:40
BUGabundoxnguard: I only know a few16:40
BUGabundo'd' and 'q'16:41
bluefoxicyrhythmbox is just dicks and keeps getting stuck at the end of a file16:41
xnguardBUGabundo: *snerk* Yes, well, I learned those because most Red Hat installs I've had to wrangle come with mutt.16:41
BUGabundoI just use it to read local mail16:41
BUGabundoand test pop(s)/imap(s) on servers16:42
BUGabundofor the rest I use crashy Kmail16:42
Volkodavexaile is better to my taste16:42
xnguard...and most Red Hat installs I've had to wrangle seem to feature broken MTA configs that mean a few thousand mails in root's spool.16:42
BUGabundoit was so funny when one dev told me she didn't know about the bug, 'cause she never deletes email16:42
bluefoxicywtf no updates today?16:43
=== elpargo_ is now known as elpargo
thewrathokay i am back16:44
thewrathstupid network16:44
BUGabundobluefoxx: beta freeze16:44
BUGabundono new updates16:44
thewrathback to doing updates16:44
xnguardBUGabundo: ...is there a way to configure the repositories to send messages saying, "All is well, no updates due to beta freeze, all citizens please return to your homes"? :)16:44
thewrathwho was saying to me why i dont have all the cool graphics16:44
thewrathxnguard: that is nice16:45
* BUGabundo bets that someone wants to make a question once they enter the #, and wait 1 min, it will be answer again16:45
dan457thewrath, you should have them once you finish updating.16:45
BUGabundoxnguard: yes! its called apt-get update16:45
thewrathpefect thank you dan45716:45
dan457hmm, someone change the channel title.16:45
thewrathi hate macs wtih terminal16:45
thewrathcna heardly some peoples names bc of the colors it picks to display their name16:46
thewrath24 minutes16:46
BUGabundodan457: what for? ppl don't read it any way16:46
xnguardBUGabundo: Oh, dear.  I know there was a reason I'd regret using aptitude instead.  I should have taken the "Super Cow Powers" warning more seriously.16:46
ethana2thewrath: did you want something?16:46
thewratho yes but dan457 answerd16:47
thewrathfor all those kool updates16:47
thewrath*graphics in jaunty16:47
thewrathi am ver exicted about it16:47
ethana2haha, so excited16:47
thewrathis there a way that i can get like 99% of the .iso the day before the final release16:47
thewrathi know americas army hs done that with theiri game16:47
dan457I'm using Dust.16:47
dan457Nice change.16:47
thewrathwas wondering if you guys could do it with ubuntu16:47
ethana2thewrath: you can use jigdo16:47
thewrathwhat is that16:47
ethana2it maintains one .iso file16:47
ethana2and updates it16:47
thewrathso i can do wthat for jaunty right now?16:48
ethana2the pre-release download pages should have .jigdo files on them16:48
thewrathare there pre releases out yet16:48
thewrathor no bc it is going into beta16:48
thewrathright now16:48
ethana2by pre-releases, I mean .isos made available before releases16:48
ethana2so, alphas, betas, rc16:49
thewrathoh ok16:49
thewrathwill i update a beta or rc to final?16:49
ethana2any of them will update to final16:49
dan457Yes, normal updating is all you need now.16:49
thewrath so i just have to get a a jigdo file16:49
ethana2well, if you've already installed an alpha16:49
ethana2just update normally with apt16:50
ethana2but if you like testing dailies but don't want to waste bandwidth16:50
ethana2jigdo is for you16:50
BUGabundoethana2: I rather use rsync16:51
BUGabundomuch easier16:51
thewrathwhat is rsync16:51
BUGabundoMonday I rsynced all my isos16:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rsync16:52
BUGabundocd & dvds both 32 and 64 bits for ubuntu and kubuntu16:52
dan457damn, it should know that one.16:52
BUGabundotook me 2h16:52
thewrathfor waht16:52
thewrath*for what16:52
BUGabundohere are my old scripst16:52
BUGabundothewrath: with rsync I just get what change16:53
BUGabundono need to get the all ISO again16:53
ethana2BUGabundo: but jigdo does the same thing16:53
BUGabundoits harder to use16:53
ethana2ok, which one has the gui?16:53
ethana2......tell me one of them has a gui16:53
BUGabundowith rsync I only need the local iso and path to server16:53
BUGabundoethana2: rsync doesn't16:53
dan457rsync compares files and only transfers the differences.  less bandwidth than redownloading entire file.16:54
BUGabundobut who wants a GUI? cli is much better16:54
dan457I use it for doing backups mostly.16:54
ethana2it could be16:54
thewrathdoesnt sudo apt-get update / upgrade do that16:54
ethana2if we had decent aliases and such16:54
ethana2but right now, that isn't the case.16:54
BUGabundothewrath: we are talking about ISOs16:54
BUGabundonot system packages16:54
xnguardSilly question (I've been using Ubuntu two whole months): what's post-release policy on driver updates?  Any chance of -ati 6.13+ being available for graphically disadvantaged folks like me, who're using switchable GMA4 on a laptop until the onboard AMD R6xx core's supported?16:54
charlie-tcaI rsynce 8 cd images a day, takes about 15 minutes16:54
BUGabundocharlie-tca: that's working hard! LOL16:54
bsniderxnguard, they update drivers16:54
BUGabundolocal mirror?16:54
BUGabundoyou test all daily images?16:55
BUGabundopoor disks16:55
charlie-tcaUbuntu and Xubuntu installs everyday16:55
ethana2poor flash drive :)16:55
BUGabundoon qemu?16:55
BUGabundoethana2: I wouldn't do that on flash16:55
charlie-tcaVirtualBox and hard drives16:55
ethana2BUGabundo: ah16:55
BUGabundocharlie-tca: so your rsync script must better tunned then mine!16:56
xnguardbsnider: Cool.  Thanks.  Switching on the R6xx right now means the GPU runs full-tilt forever, drives internal temps up +20C, and doesn't even make up for it with 3D acceleration.16:56
xnguard...or 2D acceleration, even.16:56
charlie-tcaMy script is big!16:57
=== statik` is now known as statik
thewrathdoesnt sudo apt-get update / upgrade do that only getting the new stuff?16:57
thewrathsorry i walked away16:57
thewrathBUGabundo: okay16:58
BUGabundocharlie-tca: I have many16:58
thewraththis is updateing nice and fast today16:59
BUGabundolet me pastebin mine16:59
BUGabundothewrath: no server load16:59
charlie-tcalooks like this - http://paste.ubuntu.com/138390/16:59
BUGabundothe calm before the storm17:00
thewrathhow do you change resolution in jaunty?17:00
xnguardthewrath: System -> Preferences -> Display.17:00
BUGabundoyeah that's big17:00
BUGabundoI do run it with ionice17:00
tgpraveenhi i have a problem17:01
ethana2tgpraveen: don't ask to ask, just ask17:01
tgpraveenanytime i connect my ipod 4th gen17:01
thewrathBUGabundo: no sometimes its our network17:01
tgpraveenthen i get errors like the dev/mount/ is busy or alredy mounted17:01
thewrathxnguard: how hard is it to do dual monitor17:01
tgpraveenor something and it shows the ipod icon in my comp but i cant open it17:01
charlie-tcaI need to add the server image to it, now that I think of it17:02
xnguardthewrath: Never tried.  I'll let you know when I order new monitors, soon as the IRS is nice enough to refund the interest-free loan I gave them last year.17:02
BUGabundocharlie-tca: a collection mine http://paste.ubuntu.com/138392/17:02
thewrathinterest free loan you gave them?17:02
tgpraveenor anthign. and i get this error only and yesterday i unmounted and remounted my ipod like 20-30 times and once it worked17:02
thewrathwhy would you give them a loan17:02
BUGabundothewrath: I'm on dual monitor right now17:02
tgpraveenand then it worked gr8. but now again the same problems17:02
* ethana2 gets to work on his patent elimination argument paper17:02
thewrathBUGabundo: how hard is it to set up17:02
charlie-tcaYou just don't want it taking over, huh?17:03
thewrathor does it depend on ur graphics card17:03
thewrathbc i am on a laptop17:03
thewrathiwth a ext vga conenctor17:03
BUGabundothewrath: http://fileland.bugabundo.net/fotos/Linux/Desktop/26-03-2009.png.php17:03
xnguardthewrath: That's what happens when you overestimate how much you owe them and have more deducted from your pay checks than necessary.17:03
BUGabundothewrath: I just run nvidia settings17:03
BUGabundocharlie-tca: ah?17:04
thewrathoh i have an intel corp mobile 3 series chipset17:04
thewrathrev 0717:04
charlie-tcaBUGabundo: doesn't nice keep it from taking over?17:04
tgpraveenhelp with that ipod issue please17:04
thewrathwhat hte heck is that BUGabundo17:05
thewrathany suggestions there17:05
thewrathwith my display driver17:05
BUGabundocharlie-tca: I don't get what I mean!17:05
charlie-tcatgpraveen: if it just started a couple of days ago, and there are no bug reports yet, it may get fixed tomorrow or so.17:05
pace_t_zuluwhen is jaunty beta 1 going to be available?17:05
BUGabundothewrath: all my 10 workspaces shown on Expose with Compiz17:05
xnguardtgpraveen: I'd love to, but the last time I tried to help someone with an iPod sync issue, it turned out that the iPod had suddenly become defective, and wouldn't sync from or to anywhere for love nor money nor factory resets.17:05
thewraththe xmas one17:05
charlie-tcaBUGabundo: Why are you using nice?17:05
thewraththe thing on the right17:06
thewrathwith all the info how did u get that?17:06
BUGabundocharlie-tca: so it doesn't nudge my CPU17:06
charlie-tcapace_t_zulu: today17:06
charlie-tcaI see17:06
pace_t_zulucharlie-tca: yes, any idea on time?17:07
BUGabundocharlie-tca: I just don't get why lowering nice requires SUDO17:07
BUGabundopace_t_zulu: no idea!17:07
mapzzzfor kde 4.2, should I choose the /cdimage/kubuntu or /cdimage/kubuntu-kde4 ?17:07
BUGabundoit will be ready when its ready17:07
pace_t_zuluBUGabundo:  thank you17:07
BUGabundopace_t_zulu: usually between 20-22h UTC17:07
BUGabundomapzzz: should there only be one17:07
* BUGabundo checks17:07
tgpraveencharlie-tca: how do u say it will get fixed tommorow or so?any reason for ur saying this?17:08
mapzzzBUGabundo: i didnt quite get you..17:08
mapzzzBUGabundo: thanks..17:08
thewrathBUGabundo: what is that called on the right hand side on the xms theme that you have in one of those images?17:09
BUGabundotgpraveen: stupid tip: turn it off, wait 1 min, try again?17:09
BUGabundono idea what you are seeing17:09
BUGabundoI have to check the image too17:09
thewrathwhen i shut down to do a resetart i had a green screen17:09
BUGabundothewrath: it's a screenlet17:09
thewrathwhat one17:10
thewraththe image17:10
thewrathor my green screen17:10
frybyere: been trying to fix the sound since upgrading from 8.10 to 9.04 beta all day.. is there a sound-system specialist who can perhaps help a bit further if I send the url created by the alsa-info.sh ???17:11
BUGabundothe image17:11
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - On Jaunty, please check bug https://launchpad.net/bugs/330814 and help test the new kernel image17:11
BUGabundofrybye: ^^^^^^^^^17:11
thewrathfrybye: try plugging in headphoesn17:12
thewrathmine work with headphones but nothing else17:12
thewrathno cmputers speakers17:12
thewrathi eblieve the new kernel image stinks17:13
frybyeBUGabundo: there IS no volume control - there IS no system|settings|sound area that can be accessed...! and somhow nobody who has tried to help so far can get thier head around those facts.. all infos i get directed to say at some stage - "go to system-settings-sound and do this or that - but there ISNT one here .. <grinn.. exasperated gradually..>17:13
thewrathi crshed my ssytem yesterday17:13
frybyethewrath: ok i will try that...17:14
frybyei did a update-manager -d on this system - not an image..17:14
thewrathBUGabundo: what screenlet17:14
BUGabundothewrath: calm down now a bit, okay?17:15
charlie-tcaTried right-click the panel and add the volume control?17:15
BUGabundofrybye: humm I guess only audio team can help17:15
thewrathmy apologiez17:15
BUGabundomaybe your system got hosed some where17:15
BUGabundocan you run a daily CD/usb?17:15
BUGabundothewrath: look up for screenlets17:16
thewrathBUGabundo: you know why computer speakers would not wrok but headphones do17:16
thewrathor anyone else i here17:16
charlie-tcano, but there is at least one bug on that17:16
frybyei find the volume control and hit the button to add it too the panel but nothing happens...17:16
lucypherHi, I can't see update-manager icon showing me available updates since upgraded to Jaunty17:17
thewrathcharlie-tca: can you give me the bug number17:17
charlie-tcaDon't know it, let me go look17:17
BUGabundolucypher: bug 33294517:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332945 in update-notifier "[Jaunty] Removal of Update Notifier is WRONG" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33294517:17
frybyebut as i say there is not even a useable/openable area at -syste-settings-sound.. when I click there a tab shows up at bottom of screen "opeing sound" for a few seconds then goes again and nothing remains..17:18
BUGabundofrybye: is that KDE or gnome?17:18
BUGabundoorgano: no its not out yet17:18
organosorry what?17:18
frybyeI was a bit early this morning with the update-manager -d perhaps I have not even got the beta - can I do it again???17:19
thewrathif it says that follow packages have been kept back is that bc of the freeze?17:19
Pici!final | frybye17:19
ubottufrybye: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Jaunty. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.17:19
o0Chris0oPici: thats good to know. When beta comes out today, I wont have any updates?17:20
thewraththe packages that are beeing kept back are bc of the freeze corret BUGabundo or Pici ?17:21
Picio0Chris0o: Probably not17:21
thewratho0Chris0o: no you will have to run sudo apt-get upate/upgrade17:21
Picithewrath: How are you upgrading?17:21
thewrathsudo apt-get upgrade17:21
Picithewrath: You should be using dist-upgrade.17:22
BUGabundothewrath: do you know what pastebin is ?17:22
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)17:22
BUGabundopaste there what you see17:22
frybyeplease see:- http://paste.ubuntu.com/138405/17:22
Picithewrath: 'upgrade' will not include packages that have new dependencies, therefore they will get held back.17:22
charlie-tcabug 2200617:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 22006 in ubuntu "crash in nautilus when opening any gnome-vfs module written in python" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2200617:22
thewrathso just run dist-upgrade17:22
charlie-tcabug 22000617:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 220006 in linux "Sound Card Detected, but only headphone sound" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22000617:23
Picithewrath: no. sudo apt-get dist-upgrade17:23
frybyePici: is that different to update-manager -d  ???17:23
thewraththank you Pici17:23
thewrathbc i ran that and it didnt do anything17:23
Picifrybye: Yes.17:23
BUGabundofrybye: should be the same17:23
BUGabundofor those on jaunty17:24
frybyewhas the difference...?17:24
thewrathcharlie-tca: that is that sound does not work through computer speakers but through headphones?17:24
dan457apt-get is in s shell, update-manager is gui17:24
Picifrybye: update-manager -d will upgrade to the latest development release.17:24
Picifrybye: i.e. thats how you'd upgrade from intrepid to jaunty.17:24
frybyei ran u-m -d when it was 8.10 here..17:24
BUGabundofrybye: :) welcome lol17:24
frybyePici - ok so it was right then...17:25
thewrathbc any of those links on that page donet work17:25
frybyeso is there a sound guru who can make sence of what the alsa-info.sh produces in the house at the moment?17:25
linushow do i reinstall codecs in firefox for ubuntu 9.04 ? youtube videos works fine, but vimeo dont. fast farword with sound, and then it hangs.17:25
thewrath well i got to go17:25
thewrathill be back later on17:26
linusi uninstalled a lot of codecs, now youtube works fine17:26
frybyeso what does all this stuff mean :-http://paste.ubuntu.com/138405/17:26
=== bromic94 is now known as thewrath
frybyeis it updated to beta properly or not...?17:26
Picifrybye: Yes.17:27
linusshould i use mplayer instead?17:27
o0Chris0oodd doesn't say I have beta and I tried all update methods17:27
frybyethanks Pici.. and the other ? - help with making sence of what alsa-info.sh produces.. any offers???17:27
Picifrybye: I can't help you with that, sorry.17:27
frybyeok Pici no prob - somebody else perhaps???17:28
BUGabundofrybye: the only guy here that can help you with audio is dtchen17:28
BUGabundobut he is way!17:28
bluefoxicywhy does tracker-indexer always consume as much CPU as possible?17:28
frybyei c..17:28
bluefoxicy 3997 bluefox   39  19  177m  32m 6008 R   92  0.9   1370:48 tracker-indexer17:28
bluefoxicy 13:28:43 up 1 day, 41 min,  3 users,  load average: 1.93, 2.03, 1.7617:28
frybyei will risk going ask in #ubuntu - get my butt kicked perhaps.. hehe17:28
Picibluefoxicy: Modify your indexing preferences.17:29
bluefoxicyit's consumed almost 24 hours (1440:00) of solid CPU time in 25 hours17:29
bluefoxicyPici:  it's supposed to use inotify and only do an initial indexing sweep on load.17:29
bluefoxicyit's not doing disk IO, it's doing tons of CPU buttsex17:30
o0Chris0oPici: how do I tell what version of jaunty I have?17:30
Picibluefoxicy: No need for that language here.17:30
linusi insatlled mplayer. it works fine now i think17:30
bluefoxicyPici:  I can speak in Klingon if you want17:30
Picio0Chris0o: milestone releases are just a snapshot of the current development process. There is no associated version information about them.17:31
o0Chris0oPici: I see17:31
o0Chris0ojust don't want to be left back if they are updates, haven't had any in a few days :)17:31
frybyewhat is this brassero thing that is being held back .. has that anything to do with sound problems..?17:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about brasero17:35
PiciIts for burning CDs.17:36
tgpraveenbrasero is cd/dvd wirter app like nero17:36
JMFTheVCIDoes anyone know if there are better drivers in Jaunty for  Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller devices17:36
frybyehmm.. so the lack of that has no relevance to the broken sound system.. hmmm17:36
tomsdaleI haven't gotten any updates for 2/3 days now for my kubuntu jaunty. At the same time composite seems to sometimes crash really badly since today, displaying parts of the gui of several applications at once + the keyboard is dead17:36
mapzzzzi had troubles on 8.10 Ubuntu with brasero - k3b rocked though.17:37
rconantomsdale: we're in beta freeze at the moment17:37
mapzzzzit would'nt write to my verbatim DVD's, kept complaining of some error17:37
JMFTheVCIThe input sound (capture) is quite muffled on intrepid compared to WinXP on the same machine.17:37
rconanJMFTheVCI: this is the jaunty channel... use #ubuntu for intrepid17:37
frybyeso do you folks think that If i put this present jaunty to bed for a few weeks and then come back and update it might be fixed as far as my f-awefull sound problem is concerned..?  <wishfull thinking I suspect but...?=)17:38
tomsdalerconan: I read that on release schedule. But there will be bug fixes released over the beta period? Was there no bugfilx since 3 days?17:38
Siegfriedyep me too brasero just made me lose cds, k3b rocks17:38
JMFTheVCIrconan: I know that, hence my first question asking if there were better sound drivers for  Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller in Jaunty?17:38
rconantomsdale: not that i'm aware of17:38
rconanJMFTheVCI: hda-intel drivers have certainly changed17:39
rconanI don't know what the differences are17:39
JMFTheVCIrconan: for the better or are the woes from others related to the same?17:39
frybyeso to be honest I am gving up on this jaunty for now - will be back in a few days/weeks.. bye...17:39
mapzzzzJMFTheVCI: I have skype working fine with my 82801G - what's ur issue?17:39
dan457I'm suing dtchen's kernel, fixed some audio clicks/pops for me.17:40
JMFTheVCISound is muffled on Mic input compared to same box on WinXP. Wondered if Jaunty is going to fix it?17:40
adrian_2002cahi all, will jaunty now have support for ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3650? I tried it before and could not get it to work17:40
dan457Newer HD audio here.17:40
adrian_2002ca(with Ibex)17:40
BUGabundotgpraveen: I think brasero was replaced or something like17:40
tomsdaleok - anyone had their KDE crash in a way I described - It happened twice now just after I switched desktop. I have the desktop cube effect enabled. The screen freezes with random parts of several applications covering the viewport.17:40
BUGabundoor it replaced the gnome baker17:40
mapzzzztomsdale: any chance u have ext4?17:41
tomsdalecan't switch to konsole - keyboard is dead and I have to hard reset. Yes @ mapzzzz17:41
tgpraveenBUGabundo: no.i doubt it. brasero infact is the default app in gnome.17:41
BUGabundoJMFTheVCI: try to change Boost17:41
BUGabundoor gain17:41
tgpraveenyeah the gnome cd writing app which was in places menu isgon e17:41
mapzzzztomsdale: uh oh... is all I can say... there have been issues with KDE4+ext4..17:42
adrian_2002caso are newer graphics cards supported for Jaunty( I have ATI HD 3650)17:43
JMFTheVCIBUGabundo: I have played with every aspect of sound options and with all the recording sliders at max it still is not as loud on the receiving end as same code on WinXP.17:44
BUGabundoJMFTheVCI: driver bug then17:45
mapzzzzwhich jaunty daily iso has an active torrent? I cant seem to find a working torrent17:45
BUGabundoplease open a new one17:45
tomsdalemapzzzz: That's interesting. thx for the hint.17:45
BUGabundoJMFTheVCI: $ apport-cli -fp pulseaudio17:45
BUGabundoalso add alsa.sh script17:45
BUGabundoand add also linux project to bug17:45
BUGabundoJMFTheVCI: is this clear?17:45
tuxxy__hey anyone know what time todays build will be done (beta)17:46
JMFTheVCIBUGabundo: yup.17:46
BUGabundolet us know the bug id latter17:46
BUGabundoJMFTheVCI: all run apt-cache policy PACKAGE for linux and PA17:46
BUGabundotuxxy__: not yet availble17:46
BUGabundoit is usually around 20-22h UTC17:47
tuxxy__i know been waitin all day jsut wondered if anyone had a rough guess how long to go17:47
tuxxy__ahh ok i GMT17:47
BUGabundotuxxy__: just get a daily17:49
BUGabundoand then rsync it17:50
rconanBUGabundo: keep telling everyone to do that and you're gonna own the mirrors17:50
rconanrsync is processor heavy for the server17:50
rconanI'd recommend getting a netinst and downloading packages at release time17:50
BUGabundorconan: but since it will take much less time17:51
BUGabundoits shouldn't be so bad17:51
rconani dunno... gentoo uses rsync for their portage tree and they have issues with server power17:51
rconanthey tell everyone not to sync more than twice a day17:52
crdlbI think that's mainly due to the kajillion files17:52
BUGabundorconan: yes, that what mirror guides says!17:53
BUGabundobut that is many many GiBs of data17:53
BUGabundonot a few MiBs of diff between a daily and beta17:53
JMFTheVCIBUGabundo: Bug #349092 (as reported on Intrepid)17:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349092 in pulseaudio "Recording audio is muffled compared to same kit running WinXP" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34909217:54
* BUGabundo looks17:54
rconanBUGabundo: but the server has to hash the entire image at different size blocks for rsync17:54
BUGabundolp is slow?17:54
rconanBUGabundo: and the portage tree is fairly small... it's millions of tiny files17:55
rconanit's just package headers17:55
ondiskthe hashes are cached, no?17:55
rconanthinking about it they should be17:55
rconanat least to a certain block size17:56
rconanthe idea is that you make the blocks smaller and smaller until you have a small amount with a different hash17:56
rconanwhich can be downloaded17:56
mapzzzzshould I use jigdo or wget ?17:56
mapzzzzto get an iso I mean17:56
rconanjigdo if you can17:56
rconanwill make updating it to jaunty easier too17:56
rconanbeta that is17:57
ondiskwhen's the beta coming out anyway?17:57
HolyScotttoday still?17:57
ondiskright. still morning in US I guess17:58
rconandoesn't jigdo offer a nice iso update feature?17:58
rconanbut today CST (IIRC)17:58
mapzzzzjigdo simply gets stuck at downloading the "list" file - giving mirrors doesnt have any effect17:58
ondiskthen it's tomorrow (EU time)17:58
rconanuse wget or torrent then I guess17:58
rconanBUGabundo: in fact... torrent is good at updating the difference too17:59
BUGabundoI got some corrupted images17:59
BUGabundowhen changing day17:59
rconanondisk: someone said it's usually 2000-2200 UTC17:59
rconanI can't remember last beta release17:59
teethdoodhow can I change the new notification area from black to another color?17:59
billybigriggerteethdood, afiak its not changeable17:59
crdlbteethdood: "black is the new *"18:00
charlie-tcaRegardless of all else, it will be released when it is, I think. (just my opinion)18:00
rconanluckily i like black18:00
crdlbluckily, I'm using notification-daemon :D18:00
teethdoodthere's nothing in black in regards to the rest of Jaunty18:00
crdlbthe gdm theme :>18:00
ondiskrconan: in a couple of hours then18:00
organowill the beta be that much different to alpha 6 anyway?18:01
rconani use ubuntustudio theme so it looks nice18:01
o0Chris0oteethdood:  yeah the OCD is uncustomizable18:01
rconanorgano: no18:01
BUGabundoorgano: NO18:01
charlie-tcaorgano: new artwork18:01
organook ok cool18:01
rconanorgano: even less difference with a daily from recently18:01
* ondisk hopes the intel i845 bug is fixed18:01
billybigriggeranyone else having problems wtih gnome? every time i login the top and bottom panels are going crazy, its like they're being re-loaded or re-drawn every second, and the system is %100 unusable, this started happening last night out of the blue18:01
BUGabundoondisk: it aint!!!!18:02
BUGabundoread release notes18:02
ondiskthere are no release notes for the beta yet18:02
billybigriggeri can paste some screens if someone would like to check out my problem18:02
billybigriggerkde and xfce are not affected, and i need some help diagnosing what is causing this, anyone care to help?18:03
BUGabundoondisk: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope/TechnicalOverview18:04
jyeagerbillybigrigger: I have heard of people losing their desktop panels18:04
BUGabundobye guys... see you tomorrow18:05
BUGabundohappy beta installs!18:05
jyeagerbillybigrigger: they solved their problem by reinstalling the ubuntu-desktop package  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=109848018:05
bsniderhowcome jaunty has such an old version of webkit? it's an outrage18:09
Brinstarbsnider: file a package request at launchpad.net18:11
=== jjardon is now known as torkiano
crdlbbsnider: why does it matter?18:13
bsniderthelatest webkit supports box-shadows and text-shadows18:13
bsnideras you know if you use safari18:13
crdlbis that useful for devhelp?18:13
billybigriggerwhere are the beta cdimages? cdimage.ubuntu.com still shows alpha 618:14
bsniderand the latest khtml does too, 4.218:14
charlie-tcabillybigrigger: not yet18:14
crdlbbsnider: oh, are you talking about webkitkde?18:14
bsniderno, i mean the libwebkit package used by midori and epiphany18:15
crdlbmy point is that it's totally unready anyway18:15
bsniderit's pretty far behind the current on apple uses18:16
crdlbbut hopefully will be for karmic18:16
mapzzzzi am really impressed by the webkit-based Chrome browser - its sandboxing withstood the pwn2own competition. It should be made default on KDE18:20
mapzzzzi mean once chromium stabilized18:20
crdlbeven though it uses gtk? :)18:20
VolVEhey all, wondering if the Beta is coming out today? :)18:21
aciculamapzzzz: so did windows mobile ?18:21
GeneralAntillesCan anybody point me to where I should start looking to troubleshoot suspend/resume issues on a Mini 9?18:21
charlie-tcaVolVE: yes18:21
aschmitzVolVE: Yep, at some point. Probably a few hours yet.18:21
mapzzzzacicula: the ASLR in windows works sometimes - the address space layout randomization - linux should work on PAX18:22
geniiGeneralAntilles: There is a not-bad article here on the subject http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=306640418:22
aciculamapzzzz: thought ubuntu already did ASLR18:22
* billybigrigger is forced to use KDE until beta images are out18:22
billybigriggerhaha this sucks, i hate kde18:22
aciculabillybigrigger: console is your friend18:23
GeneralAntillesgenii, thanks, a netbook that crashes every time you close the lid really isn't very useful.18:23
billybigriggeracicula, sure is :P console is console18:23
mapzzzzmapzzzz: really? I did not think so... I think it is the hardened version or so .18:23
billybigriggeracicula, i have seemed to have lost gnome usablity yesterday18:23
mapzzzzacicula: really? I did not think so... I think it is the hardened version or so18:23
aciculamapzzzz: had to disable it for my hacking classes18:24
billybigriggerweird panel behaviour, keep disappearing and reappearing every second, cant fire up a term in gnome, cant do anything really18:24
geniiGeneralAntilles: Instead of the sudo su they use, use sudo -i   instead, then later:  exit   to leave that18:24
billybigriggerman o man18:24
billybigriggerkde is givin me probs now too18:24
crdlbmapzzzz: it would be nice to see both kubuntu and ubuntu using webkit browsers by default one day, though18:24
aciculaGeneralAntilles: i think the video driver often is a problem, which one is in your laptop?18:24
billybigriggercan't access my drives, aggggghhhh18:24
* billybigrigger pulls hair out18:25
aciculaGeneralAntilles: also not running alpha/beta stuff might help against stuff not working ;)18:25
GeneralAntillesacicula, GMA 95018:25
GeneralAntillesacicula, 8.04 and 8.10 each had their own separate sets of issues.18:25
aciculaGeneralAntilles: on a gma 4500 same boat for me :P18:26
aciculathough suspend/resume works quite well now on intrepid18:26
GeneralAntillesacicula, Jaunty's been better behaved than either except for the suspend problem.18:26
mapzzzzcrdlb: not just webkit - I like the whole security aspect of the sandboxing methodology.18:26
aciculajust needs hw decoding and proper 3d acceleration now :)18:26
aciculaGeneralAntilles: i'm sure there is an intel entry on LP that deals with this18:26
crdlbmapzzzz: that can be done, but chrome shouldn't be the default browser anywhere18:26
GeneralAntillesacicula, I'm used to Apple laptops which always have absolutely flawless suspend, so this was rather off-putting.18:27
mapzzzzcrdlb: true18:27
crdlbfor the same reason that firefox shouldn't18:27
aciculacrdlb: what should be the default then?18:27
crdlbepiphany and konqueror :D18:27
aciculakonqueror used to be pretty bad18:28
aciculabut i havent touched kde in years, so dunno now18:28
aciculanor epiphany actually, ubuntu made me really lazy18:28
crdlbI'm talking about with the webkit gtk and qt ports18:28
crdlbneither of which are completely done yet18:28
aciculacrdlb: nothing ever is :)18:28
Stormx2Beta is still due out sometime today, yes?18:30
Stormx2coolbeans! Any idea when?18:31
aciculasometime today18:31
aredgStormx2, if its today, in the next 2-3 hours18:32
Stormx2aredg: ta very much! acicula: olololol!18:33
MooKowum so are debian package *.install files only needed if you have multiple packages per source... ie if i dont specify anything in a *.install file will stuff still get installed into the debs?18:36
josh-lhas beta release run into some snags?18:36
=== MooKow is now known as LordKow
aciculaLordKow: heu can you rephrase that?18:36
LordKoware *.install files required?18:36
aciculaare you trying to package a deb?18:37
=== bromic94 is now known as thewrath
thewrathhey all i am back18:38
thewrathwhos the person who gave me the bug for the sound18:38
josh-lLordKow: do you know... if beta release has met snags today?18:39
thewrathjosh-l: beta was not released as of yet that i know of18:39
josh-lthewrath: i know... thats what i mean18:40
LordKowjosh-l, i noticed that all of the QA's on the iso's are done. they were not as of like 9 hours ago.18:40
aciculait's ubuntu+1, if it's out you'll know18:40
josh-lLordKow: ah18:40
josh-lacicula: i wasnt asking if its out, i know its not18:40
thewrathwho told me abotu a bug that the sound would not come out of the computer speakers about would come out of the headphones if you connected them18:42
* charlie-tca said18:43
LordKowthewrath, good luck fixing that one :P18:44
charlie-tcathewrath: this one? bug 22000618:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 220006 in linux "Sound Card Detected, but only headphone sound" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22000618:45
thewrathyes but i am having issues on jaunty18:46
thewrathbut on my other laptop sound works fine18:46
kneekiAlpha 6 was released today right?18:47
LordKowokay well i think the dh_install example answers my question implicitly18:47
thewrathkneeki: no the beta will be18:47
thewrathalpha 6 has been out for a little bit18:47
thewrathcharlie-tca: i think it was that one18:47
kneekiI thought so, thanks mang18:47
thewraththat one fits more than the other one i was gibven18:47
charlie-tcathewrath: Are you having other sound issues, also?18:47
thewrathwhen i connect headphones it works18:47
thewrathwhen i want to use my comptuer speakers it does not work18:48
charlie-tcaThat bug is stillopen, might be the same18:48
LordKowd t chen had a test kernel out there which fixed a lot of pulseaudio issues. it's not in main yet due to beta freeze18:48
thewrathwhat LordKow18:49
mickstephensonAnyone know what time the beta is supposed to be released today?18:51
=== kalpik_ is now known as kalpik
thewrathLordKow: what about the test kernal18:56
geniiProbably by midnight in Samoa18:56
thewrathi did a test kernal or a kernal upgrade yesterday and it killed my system18:56
PiciIt'll be done when its done.18:56
thewrathi agree with Pici18:56
LordKowthewrath, sec i'll find it.18:57
giesenAny word on the 9.04 beta?18:57
thewrathgiesen: no18:57
thewrathit will be released when it gets released18:58
thewrathas Pici said18:58
giesenhe just told me to join the chan18:58
giesenbut thanks18:58
Picigiesen: Indeed. as Jaunty is offtopic for #ubuntu until its released.18:58
thewrathi came off as a little pushy18:58
LordKowthewrath, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~dtchen/18:59
thewrath http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~dtchen/18:59
giesenno worries18:59
thewrathok LordKow18:59
thewrathso just get both of hte amd64 ones since i am running amd6418:59
thewrathbut install the 23m one first then the 674k one last?>19:00
LordKowim not sure it will fix your headphone problem but might as well test a more recent ubuntu kernel from git... i guess you could check out the git as it stands right now but then you'd be waiting forever for the kernel to build19:00
thewrathwhy you say that?19:00
thewrathwhich one will take a while?19:00
LordKowcompiling a kernel. just use dan's debs19:02
thewrathcan you l ink me19:05
thewrathLordKow: what do you mean just use dan's debs19:14
thewrathis that the one you linked me too allready19:14
thewrathwhat happens if you have a kernal panic in recovery mode as well19:15
aredgreformat :\19:15
thewrathyou are really kidding me right19:15
aredgi've reformated more times then i can count19:15
thewrathoh ok19:15
thewrathwell it is just a test19:15
aredgi'm addicted to a clean image19:16
thewrathis there a way you can fix a broken system with wubi19:16
thewrathwhat do you mean addicated to a clean image19:16
aredglike i re-install my OS weekly to clean it up19:16
thewrathoh ok19:16
thewrathjust over top19:16
aredgi always test software, screw something up, re-format is easiest way to fix19:17
thewrathoh ok19:17
thewraththat video is aswesome19:18
thewraththat is aweseom19:18
remuI have alpha6 installed (first time I've installed an Alpha, normally I wait for at least the Betas if not the RCs), I just wanted to make sure that I didn't have to do anything once the Beta is out...do I?19:18
LordKowthewrath, yes i already linked you. the point is before you try fixing a sound problem make sure it wasn't already fixed. :)19:19
thewraththat has not19:19
charlie-tcaremu: no, if you update/upgrade it is the same as the beta19:19
thewrathi have not seen that issue being fixed yet how i have described to you correct19:19
remuokay, sounds good19:19
remuthanks charlie-tca19:19
thewrathsudo apt-get distro-upgrade correct charlie-tca ?19:19
LordKowthe reason chen created those packages is because beta freeze is stopping kernel updates from hitting the repos.19:19
LordKowthey'll likely hit the repos next week... but not now. those packages actually (mostly) fixed the scratchy sound issues i had been having with pidgin19:20
thewrathi have some that will not update and my wifi issue is int eh restritced-moduels that i guess are apart of that19:20
thewrathhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDSpP405O00&feature=related go linux19:21
remuI was reading this: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2009-March/027868.html and I had a question. If I follow suggestion number 1, should I still fill out/subscribe once Apport takes me to launchpad?19:21
thewrathnot a big deal atm but would like to get them fixed19:22
thewrathbbs i am going to go back in ubuntu19:23
charlie-tcaremu: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade19:24
o0Chris0ook very odd, trying to upload a few pictures that I have in my pictures folder to a website (myspace) and the pictures don't show up, but when I go to the folder, there all there, its a .jpg picture..any ideas?19:25
charlie-tcayes, remu. You should add whatever information as to what you were doing. When you hit submit, it will fill in a lot of description and attachments19:26
remuthanks again charlie-tca19:27
o0Chris0othis is quite annoying19:28
thewrathok i am back19:28
thewrathhow i have a screen and it asks about virtual settings19:28
ethana2Dude, could Ubuntu use twitter for releases?19:30
ethana2I want pidgin to pop up a twitter window and tell me when the beta is out19:31
thewrathhow i have a screen and it asks about virtual settings19:31
thewrathmonitor resolution settings has detected that the virutal resolution must be set in your configuration file in order to apply your settings, would you like screen resolution to set the virtual resolution for you (recommended?)19:31
thewrathwould i allow it to dot aht19:31
thewrathi also have mirrored unchecked but it is still mirrored19:32
thewrathany onw know19:32
thewrathethana2: ?19:34
ethana2When in doubt, do what it recommends19:34
thewrathk bvrb19:35
ethana2unfortunately for him, when he does return I shall be gone19:36
aredgi've been staring at this channel for 9 straight hours :\19:36
ethana2aredg: /is/ there a Jaunty twitter?19:37
aredgdunno, i think twitter is lame19:37
josh-lim more bored than a popsicle licking crude oil19:39
bromic94does compiz come with jaunty by default19:44
crdlband with every release since feisty, for that matter19:44
bromic94where would that be under19:45
crdlbappearance > visual effects19:45
bromic94it says Desktop Effects could not be enabled19:46
bromic94why coudl that be19:46
* Blues-Man hi19:47
bromic94how come when i do a scretch image in dual monitors it messes it up by scretching it over 2 screens19:48
nemodepends on the app I imagine19:48
nemoI can imagine if the screens don't have same res, is even trickier19:48
crdlbbromic94: do you mean the wallpaper?19:49
bromic94yes sir19:50
crdlbjust gimp two images together :)19:50
bromic94how do i do that19:50
bromic94i have never used gimp19:50
bromic94could i send you teh file?19:50
crdlbit's not difficult19:50
bromic94can you walk me through it19:51
crdlbare the monitors the same resolution?19:51
bromic94no different19:51
bromic94if it can fit on 1280 x 800 that is fine19:52
crdlbwhat's the second monitor's res?19:52
bromic94laptop is 1280 x 800 and my external is 1280 x 102419:53
Blues-Manwow the flash plugin doesn't work anymore19:54
bromic94for what19:54
crdlbbromic94: ok, so create an image that is 2560x102419:54
crdlbplace the wallpaper you want in the top left 1280x800 region19:54
ArcSighter1kneeki: I'll stick to pidgin or xchat19:57
vvk-will the 9.04 beta be out in this weekend?19:57
eseven73hi, im having probs with the live cd, it just keeps spinning19:57
ArcSighter1kneeki: if you need something *really* portable then you need a client implemented in some interpreted language such as java, python or ruby19:58
bromic94how do i put it up in the top left 1280 x 80019:58
bromic94and i just scale the image right19:58
kneekiArcSighter1: I've been using chatzilla so far, on Firefox. And it's been working pretty good so far19:58
charlie-tcaeseven73: it should be out tonite19:59
ArcSighter1kneeki: in that case stick to it ;) or use seamonkey's embed one19:59
bromic94crdlb: it does not work19:59
mamrdoes anyone know, if the fglrx bug with xserver 1.6 is fixed or if the problem is still existing19:59
crdlbmamr: there is a working version now20:00
bromic94crdlb: i change the image to be that size by scalling it and then uped to a desktop image and it does the same20:00
crdlbmamr: but it only supports r600 and r70020:00
eseven73charlie-tca: yes i know that but im trying to get alpha 6 working, but the cd just keeps spinning, even with check disk for defects option20:00
crdlbbromic94: if you give nautilus an image which is the size of your screen (2560x1024), it cannot scale it20:00
mamrwill this problem be solved until the release?20:01
bromic94ok so what do i do wtih teh inital image20:01
crdlbbecause there's nothing to scale20:01
crdlbmamr: which problem?20:01
mamryou said not every chip is supported20:01
mamrI don't know, which chipset I got20:01
crdlbit's not a bug :/20:01
charlie-tcasorry, I was supposed to reply to vvk-20:01
mamrit's a feature? ;)20:02
crdlbmamr: do you know the marketed model?20:02
mamrI know it's proprietary software20:02
charlie-tcaeseven73: do other cd's work? If so, it is probably a bad burn20:02
mamrbut thought ubuntu has an unofficial driver from ati20:02
vvk-charlie-tca, ok20:02
crdlbmamr: yes, but if you don't have an r600 or r700, it will not work20:02
eseven73charlie-tca: yea others work fine, and the kd3 checksum seemed to be ok when i was burning it20:03
mamrI'll go and google which chipset I got :)20:03
eseven73errr k3b20:03
crdlbmamr: I could easily tell you ...20:03
IenorandHello, I'm trying to follow the debug steps on bug284377, but the sed command given is not working, could anyone give me some pointers?20:03
charlie-tcaSounds like a bad burn, then. I have not had any problems with any of them since alpha320:04
Ienorandbug 28437720:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 284377 in linux "No NET with 2.6.27: No buffer space available" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28437720:04
bromic94so crdlb what do i need to do to create hte image that big?20:04
crdlbbromic94: maybe it would be easier if you just opened your 1280x800 image in the gimp and went to Image > Canvas Size20:04
crdlbbromic94: then change it to 2560x1024 and save20:04
LordKowIenorand, jaunty uses 2.6.28 try switching to that kernel first.20:04
IenorandLordKow: I'm using latest daily livecd...20:05
LordKowIenorand, what does "apt-cache policy linux" tell you for installed and candidate?20:05
bromic94crdlb: this is to have the image on both screens correct20:06
IenorandLordKow: Sorry, only have one computer so ubuntu not available atm, has the kernel been bumped in the last 10 hours?20:07
LordKowit was bumped like... last november.20:07
crdlbbromic94: that would give you the image's background color on the second screen20:07
crdlbunless you place something there20:07
bromic94crdlb: i want the same image on btoh screens20:07
crdlbso put it there20:07
bromic94just make the image even bigger?20:08
IenorandLordKow: So if I'm using the daily jaunty livecd from 25 march (yesterday) that should be the latest kernel yea?20:08
crdlbbromic94: you've already made the image the size of your screen20:08
LordKowIenorand, should be. but it's not 2.6.2720:08
crdlbnow you have to fill it with stuff20:08
crdlbthe left half is your primary monitor, the right half is your secondary20:08
IenorandLordKow: No, but the bug still applies...20:09
IenorandLordKow: SO do you have any idea on how to mod the sed command given to make it work?20:09
bromic94for both20:12
bromic94i want the same image on tboh screens20:12
o0Chris0ohow do I upgrade to beta when its out20:12
LordKowIenorand, sec i need to follow the steps to figure out what TJ wants with the sed command20:12
bromic94sudo apt-get dist-upgrade if u have januty20:12
bromic94all ready20:12
IenorandLordKow: cheers20:12
bromic94update-manager -d if u have 8.1020:12
o0Chris0obromic94: thanks20:12
mvoand make sure to report any problems with the upgrade as a bugreport to launchpad :)20:13
teethdoodwhen is the beta coming out?20:14
aredgteethdood, now20:16
Ienorandmvo: that seemed like a rather ominous comment :)20:16
hetaumais beta postponed?20:20
rconanbe patient20:20
IenorandIt seems it's always a bit "late", but I guess there is not set time20:21
rconanthere is no set time20:21
rconanthere are many timezones20:21
rconanubuntu release team is not necesarily in your one20:21
o0Chris0oi noticed the new google start page :D20:22
LordKowIenorand, im going to have you do the sed command in 2 parts... first of all are you completely caught up to the point where you need to run the sed command?20:22
rconano0Chris0o: ??20:22
MTecknologySo - if I stripped down my system a lot - what do I need to install to have my software detect what to launch when I click a link?20:22
o0Chris0orconan: http://start.ubuntu.com/9.04/20:23
o0Chris0orconan: it was the 8.10 one for awhile20:24
IenorandLordKow: I think so, it's basically only having the source and copying the iles before right?...20:24
Ienorand*files (aargh!)20:24
MTecknologyo0Chris0o: shiny20:24
o0Chris0oMTecknology: yup yup20:24
LordKowIenorand, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/284377/comments/14 lets start from scratch to make sure we get it right for TJ20:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 284377 in linux "No NET with 2.6.27: No buffer space available" [Medium,Confirmed]20:25
* o0Chris0o is still wondering how to make vista like glass panels20:25
lupine_85alpha 6 - that's coming along nicely20:25
PhotoJimwin 2020:25
lupine_85usable yet?  (I don't care much about minor-moderate breakage, I just want something to play with)20:26
IenorandLordKow: Okay, I'll try doing it in a virtual, which doesn't experience the bug but will still be able to follow the procedure I hope20:26
LordKowIenorand, well if the bug doesnt happen then it's not going to do what TJ wants it to20:27
LordKowIenorand, i'll make a comment on the bug report with a modified sed command. i know the problem and the fix to make it work20:27
IenorandLordKow: Thankyou, since I'm on XP at the moment and doing the debug on livecd it's a bit complicated...20:29
HolyScottAre we getting close to new beta time?20:29
rconanyes, no-one knows when20:30
rconanbe patient20:30
HolyScottare any of the devs who work on it ever in here?20:31
DreamThiefanyone else had issues with frets on fire & python opengl bindings in jaunty?20:36
IenorandLordKow: cheers, thoses commands seemed to at least give no error when trying them in virtual machine.20:36
rwwDreamThief: It worked fine for me the other day. Kinda slow because I wasn't on fglrx, but I didn't get any errors.20:37
DreamThiefrww: i should have said that i juse jaunty 64bit.20:38
DreamThiefi got ...20:38
rwwDreamThief: so do i20:38
r0bwhen will the jaunty beta be ready20:38
hetaumasoon I guess20:38
DreamThiefrww: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/109768/20:39
rwwr0b: Sometime today, probably. A notice will go to https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2009-March/thread.html when it does20:39
DreamThiefthats my error20:39
DreamThiefand it sucks20:39
DreamThiefi use a nvidia gtx260 with latest driver20:39
DreamThieffrom the repos20:39
rwwDreamThief: does "sudo apt-get install python-pygame" help?20:40
r0brww: thanks20:40
DreamThiefrww: it's already installed, but I'll try a reinstall20:40
rwwDreamThief: k. I'll try installing it again and see if I get errors this time.20:41
DreamThiefnow there's another error20:41
rwwI just installed it, pulled up the Tutorial, and played it for a couple of seconds. All worked fine for me =/20:42
rwwDreamThief: interesting. Pastebin that one too?20:42
* lupine_85 grabs a jaunty20:42
DreamThiefrww: okay, thanks for your suggestions.20:42
DreamThiefi reinstalled python-opengl and python-numpy20:43
DreamThiefthe second error was about numpy20:43
DreamThiefnow it works20:43
DreamThiefrww: thank you20:43
rwwDreamThief: interesting. I guess something was funky when you installed it. A lot of the python stuff's been a mess recently, so it's not surprising. Glad I could help.20:43
=== calc_ is now known as calc
matt2909when is beta due?20:50
calcmatt2909: today i think20:50
matt2909time GMT?20:51
calcwell due today whether it comes out today i'm not sure20:51
calcno cd updates for the past few days though so probably will be20:51
calcmatt2909: whenever the release manager decides to call it done20:51
rwwmatt2909: no, sometime today sometime on the planet, and that isn't guaranteed.20:51
mickstephensonhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/jaunty/ alplha 6 just disappeared , expect beta to appear soon20:52
calche lives in PDT so probably before midnight there20:52
matt2909mickstephenson:watching that space then ;)20:52
DreamThiefhmmm ...20:54
* calc checks to see if anything changed since yesterday20:54
r0byippie kai yay20:55
derBughas anyone the eeepc 1000h and wlan with wpa2 is running?20:55
calchmm looks like i have beta20:55
calcno changes20:55
calcat least no changes as of the last cd spin on the 24th20:56
r0byou can still get the daily build http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/20:57
BUGabundo:) is beta out?20:58
matt2909not yet20:59
matt2909BUGabundo: looks like its due anytime20:59
Boomshankai wait20:59
BUGabundomatt2909: it's a joke!20:59
Boomshankaand wait...20:59
BUGabundoI stent the entire day repling that20:59
rwwI install alpha6 and update and OH HEY it's the same thing!20:59
matt2909rww: so I'm guessing my rsync from todays iso will be the beta21:00
rwwmatt2909: if it's not, it'll be very very close21:01
BUGabundomatt2909: most prob21:01
BUGabundounless something goes very wrong21:01
=== bromic94 is now known as thewrath
r0bhow would i upgrade from alpha 6 to the beta with the disk/iso instead of using the update manager21:02
rwwr0b: use the alternate iso and add it as an apt source with Software Sources or apt-cdrom, I imagein.21:04
rwwimagine **21:04
rwwnever done it, though21:04
BUGabundor0b just insert the disk21:04
melikguys how can i search for duplicate login names in /etc/passwd21:04
BUGabundoit should offer to update21:04
riboyou shouldn't have to do anything other than update with apt21:05
BUGabundobut it won't have all the package that you may have installed21:05
meliki need a simple bash script21:05
PhotoJimr0b: yup.  but not the best way to do it unless you have several systems to update.  you're having to download everything (to make the CD) instead of just the changed packages.21:05
ribo"alpha6" isn't a real release name21:05
BUGabundoPhotoJim: actually the best ways it to use apt-catcher21:05
ribooh you *want* to use the CD21:05
jtismewho is the release manager for jaunty21:05
PhotoJimBUGabundo: true, that would be a better way for multiple systems.21:06
r0bthe only problem i have with just upgrading that way is it i want to reinstall im downloading it all again21:06
r0bs/it i want/if i want21:06
lupine_85r0b, not if you cache the packages on disc somewhere21:06
lupine_85then you can copy them back over post-reinstall21:06
lupine_85although since half of them will have had updates since, it's hard to say how much of a benefit that might turn out to be21:07
PhotoJimr0b: then just install over your old installation.21:07
BUGabundoback from a memory leak21:09
tomsdalelupine_85: would that work on a live usb key as well? I tried updating a usb installation and do installations from this source but didn't work as expected.21:09
tomsdalebut if I cache the packages in /var/cache/apt/archives I won't have to reaplly the updates to each subsequent installation?21:11
calci use approx which works really well for caching across multiple ubuntu releases21:11
calccurrently up to 7.5GB cache21:12
BUGabundocalc really? big cache dude21:12
BUGabundomine is mostly empty21:12
BUGabundoim low on disk21:12
lupine_85I clear mine regularly21:13
lupine_85linux moves so fast, there's not a great deal of point keeping them around21:13
BUGabundoneed to formart and make it larger or single partition21:13
lupine_85run a local mirror of your distribution pool instead21:13
tomsdalewould the live cd installer consider the approx cache? I have a 8GB usb key and my intend is to be able to do a quick install with already applied updates.21:14
BUGabundotomsdale: I used to update the liveusb and then install (even on livecd) but that proved to not be a good idea21:15
lupine_85nah, you'd need to hack the installer to get that21:15
calcBUGabundo: i cache all downloads and have to build for hardy/intrepid/jaunty so its large21:15
* lupine_85 tends to use the netboot installer these days21:15
BUGabundocalc still... lol21:16
=== Adys_ is now known as Adys
calctomsdale: if you setup approx you have to point the url of the installer to the approx cache21:16
tomsdaleBUGabundo: I did that and it had no effect whatsoever.21:16
calctomsdale: i normally just do cd installs then all upgrades via approx, and also use approx for debootstrap builds21:16
calcBUGabundo: and OOo build depends are several GB21:17
Machtinhey guys.. i'm having some trouble with installing the nvidia-driver.. i installed the "kernel-source" package, but the installer says it can't find the kernel-source21:17
BUGabundocalc: I know! I got source once21:17
PhotoJimMachtin: does your /etc/apt/sources.list file have deb-src entries?21:18
MachtinPhotoJim: yup.21:19
aredgbeta iso gonna be upped soon!21:19
* calc looks in the secret location to see if it is already there21:20
aredgcalc, i'm told the ISO is done and being prepped to be pushed to mirrors21:20
Machtingot an idea.. brb.21:21
MTecknologywhat application do you use to set the background?21:21
calcheh the secret dir tells you to not download from it21:22
calc-rw-rw-r--   729899008 2009/03/23 19:39:08 ubuntu-9.04-beta-desktop-amd64.iso21:22
rar__will the usb memory/drive add sense no sense current kernel bugs be fixed some time soon?21:23
calcthe timestamps are all old so the previous spin should be the final beta21:23
matt2909calc: where are you getting the iso from21:23
calcnewest iso i see is from march 2421:23
calcmatt2909: not downloading it, i looked in the mirror staging area21:24
calcits not terribly hard to find aiui, but i'm not giving out the url21:25
Machtinhm.. didn't work :/21:26
calci'll pastebin the ls though so you can see if you have the most up to date version21:26
matt2909calc:if you've got an md5sum that would be great21:26
BUGabundodtchen: around ?21:27
calci can get that its small21:27
calcyea they are the version from the daily-live21:28
Machtinwhat driver could i use instead of "nvidia"?21:30
lupine_85nv, nouveau, vesa21:30
lupine_85(in order for preference, for me at least)21:30
Machtindidn't try nouveau yet.21:30
lupine_85last I tried it, it lasted a good 10 seconds before killing the kernel21:30
lupine_85not bad, all told21:30
lupine_85but that was a year+21:31
JediMasteris there an alternative to pulseaudio, for the last 2 weeks it's been crashing at least 20-30 times a day21:31
lupine_85JediMaster, you could just not use it and use alsa bare21:31
JediMasterapt-get install pulseaudio- alsa ?21:32
JediMasterhmmm, can't remove it as ubuntu-desktop depends on it21:33
BUGabundoJediMaster: 64bits?21:33
JediMasterhow do I just use alsa instead?21:33
JediMasterBUGabundo: no, 32bit21:33
Machtinhm, nouveau doesn't work..21:33
BUGabundo !audio21:33
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - On Jaunty, please check bug https://launchpad.net/bugs/330814 and help test the new kernel image21:33
lupine_85Machtin, not surprising really21:33
BUGabundoJediMaster: see this bug and test dtchen kernel image please21:33
Machtinlupine_85: i'm a bit pissed that nvidia doesn't work21:34
lupine_85does it not?21:34
Machtinnope "no screens found"21:34
JediMasterBUGabundo: before changing to alsa?21:34
* lupine_85 is about to dump it onto a Geforce 820021:34
BUGabundoJediMaster: yes21:34
BUGabundoyou will need to reboot21:34
Machtinthe script also doesn't find my kernel-sources.. which i installed.21:34
lupine_85Machtin, ah, you're installing your own?21:35
Machtinthe ubuntu ones neither work21:35
lupine_85probably due to you mixing the two21:35
lupine_85I'll let you know how I get on21:35
lupine_85(note that this is a laptop so harder to support)21:35
JediMasterBUGabundo: in mplayer I'm getting hundereds of "A0: [pulse] Conection died: Connection terminated", I presume this is teh same issue?21:36
HolyScottbeta is up and live21:36
HolyScottwell one of them is21:36
HolyScottubuntu dvd21:36
Machtinhowever, i always used nvidia drivers from the nvidia-site.. always worked.21:37
lupine_85I used them for a while but they caused more problems than they solved21:37
lupine_85linux-restricted-modules (and the debian equivalent) is sensible21:38
Machtini'd be fine with vesa for now.. but i'd like to have full resolution21:38
lupine_85nv should cope21:38
lupine_85just no 3D21:38
lupine_85(and slightly broken resolution due to xrandr being silly for me)21:38
* JediMaster chuckles at a bug report "kernel sauce"21:38
BUGabundoMachtin: its not recommend to use NVidia sites driver21:39
lupine_85nom :)21:39
BUGabundoactually everytime you go out of Ubuntu Archive you are putting your system at risk21:39
ActionParsnipis the beta iso out yet?21:39
lupine_85heh. every time you use the archive you're putting your system at risk too21:40
* lupine_85 remembers an official update that broke X completely once21:40
JediMasterBUGabundo: I couldn't see any workarounds on that bug there, what am I missing?21:40
lupine_85took them several hours to get a patched version out21:40
crdlbthat was dapper, wasn't it?21:40
BUGabundoActionParsnip: NO21:40
ActionParsnipBUGabundo: any idea of the ETA?21:41
BUGabundoActionParsnip: it will be ready when ready21:41
BUGabundoif you are in an hurry you can upgrade NOW21:41
BUGabundo$ update-manager -d21:41
BUGabundoif you want the iso, get the daily21:41
ActionParsnipIm planning a clean beta install to get a clean OS21:41
BUGabundoand then rsync for changes21:41
rwwActionParsnip: It'll be coming out soon. I'm pretty sure they're just waiting for the mirrors to download the relevant files.21:42
ActionParsnipBUGabundo: and I help in #ubuntu #kubuntu a LOT so I need the new version to get to grips with it21:42
ActionParsniprww: true, I'll grab it tomorrow, its 10pm here which is why i ask21:42
BUGabundoI'm pretty sure that beta will be the current daily21:42
rwwActionParsnip: probably your best bet21:42
JediMasterBUGabundo: I'm being stupid, if I double click on the volume control next to the time in the top right, it mutes, it doesn't bring any window up21:43
JediMasterBUGabundo: if I left click and click volume control, there's no file menu21:43
BUGabundoyes it's a "feature"21:43
BUGabundonot that I like it21:43
BUGabundoa triple action button is not great UI21:44
JediMasterBUGabundo: how do I get the right window up then?21:44
BUGabundoworks for me21:45
JediMasterI have volume control up and it lets me select multiple devices21:45
JediMasterbut there's no file menu21:45
JediMasterand the device is already on alsa, but it's definately using pulseaudio21:46
JediMasterit's not that I can't hear sound21:46
JediMasterit's just that, especially if I pause videos, it crashes all the time21:46
JediMasterand not limited to one particular player, happens in vlc, mplayer and xbmc21:47
calcHolyScott: all of them are actually, i pasted the md5sums for them and they are the same as what is available under daily-live21:48
calcHolyScott: the only difference is the filename was renamed for the release21:48
Doctor_NickIM SO EXCITED21:50
Doctor_NickOH MY GOD21:50
rwwcalc: Assuming you're thinking of the same place I am, they could theoretically change. Probably won't, though.21:50
* lupine_85 shrugs, continues to install a621:50
rww!caps | Doctor_Nick21:50
ubottuDoctor_Nick: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.21:50
calcrww: the mirror staging location?21:50
rwwcalc: yes21:50
calcrww: yes they could change but given i haven't seen the RM say anything about a respin (on irc) i doubt it will happen21:50
JediMasterisn't release at the end of april?21:50
calcJediMaster: apr 2321:50
JediMasterthought as much21:51
rwwJediMaster: Yes. Everyone's talking about the beta21:51
JediMasteroh, it's beta now?21:51
rwwJediMaster: going to be sometime today21:51
aciculanot yet :P21:51
JediMasterbeen running it since early alpha lol21:51
JediMastertbh it's more stable than 8.10 beta was21:51
calcOOo should be much better than in 8.10 due to better bug triage :)21:52
rwwJediMaster: I was thinking that too. Jaunty's impressive so far.21:52
* lupine_85 gets brave, uses ect421:52
Doctor_Nickyou're dead21:52
calclupine_85: good luck ;-)21:52
rwwlupine_85: Keep backups!21:53
lupine_85no need21:53
lupine_85it's a laptop I got yesterday21:53
lupine_85I made the Vista restore CDs just in case21:53
JediMasterlupine_85: seen lots of nightmare posts about ext4 issues21:53
lupine_85everything "important" is non-local21:53
JediMastergood good21:53
JediMasterhmmf I can't find any way to make alsa the default sound daemon over pulse21:54
calcwhen i reinstalled with the beta yesterday i switched to using GPT instead of MBR :)21:54
qixcomhi , I was about t watch an avi file when x crashed and when I logged back into my system it took a long time and now the panel and some icons do not fit the theme and everything seems to be crashing21:54
qixcomanyone any ideas?21:54
bsniderJediMaster, you must use pulse21:54
JediMasterit's crashing ALL the time21:55
JediMasterstarted about 2-3 weeks ago21:55
bsniderno it isn't21:55
JediMasterit's crashig ALL the time on my system21:55
qixcomI mean everything is crashing, bonobo, volume applet, gstreamer, pidgin wont even run21:55
JediMasterevery time I pause video it then crashes when I resume it21:55
calcJediMaster: file bug repor then with backtraces if possible21:55
bsniderwhich sound card?21:55
JediMastercalc: how do I run backtraces?21:56
calcqixcom: do a memtest21:56
Do``hey. i just upgraded to 9.04 and after login, gnome doesnt load. cant find anything related in google. anyone knows if this is a known issue?21:56
calcJediMaster: usually the crash detector will do it for you automatically, if it pops up and says crash detected have it report the bug21:56
cwilluDo``, ati?21:56
qixcomthanks calc be back soon21:56
Do``cwillu: no, nvidia21:56
JediMastercalc: it doesn't detect it21:57
cwilluDo``, revert to vesa for now, see if that brings it back21:57
JediMastercalc: however apps such as mplayer report at the command line (thousands of times) that it's lost connection to pulse21:57
Do``cwillu: how? :)21:57
cwilluDo``, you didn't happen to install the nvidia driver off their website previously did you?21:57
cwillu(I mean, any time in the last year)21:57
bsniderDo``, you upgraded or clean installed it?21:57
Do``cwillu: no, never21:57
calcJediMaster: hmm probably just report the bug with as much info as you can then21:57
Do``bsnider: upgrade from 8.1021:57
calcJediMaster: they may be able to help you track down the problem21:57
bsniderthat's likely theproblem21:58
cwilluDo``, reboot into single user mode, there's a menu of options that you should be able to figure out21:58
JediMastercalc, not much info I can give, will try though21:58
bsnidertry clean installing it21:58
cwillubsnider, Do``, upgrade from 8.10 should work21:58
lifibeta released yet?21:58
Do``cwillu: and what's the menu option called? :D21:58
cwilluDo``, don't know off hand :p21:58
bsniderit didn't work in this case though21:58
cwilluDo``, you'll know it when you see it21:58
Do``cwillu: i'm there and i don't see anything relavant21:59
cwillubsnider, and figuring out why is more important than getting the system working21:59
bsnideri disagree21:59
cwilluDo``, failsafe x session or something along those lines?21:59
Do``cwillu: not really21:59
cwillubsnider, what do you think alpha and beta cycles are about?  It's not to give people a chance to leach off the community21:59
cwilluDo``, k, give me a sec, I'll reboot my laptop and check21:59
bsniderthere's no guarantee upgrading is going to work22:00
Do``then dont build that option22:00
Do``cwillu: maybe i'm at the wrong screen, exactly what "single user mode" are you talking about?22:00
VorboteJediMaster and cwillu, I suggest that you reset the gconf database, log out and log in again. Doing a "gconftool --recursive-unset '/'" (without the double quotes) will do the trick. Don't just go blindly applying my advice though. If you use evolution, you better backup its gconf database first.22:00
BUGabundoDoctor_Nick: LOL22:00
cwilluDo``, rebooting into recovery mode, the recovery kernel that's listed in grub22:01
cwilluVorbote, eh?22:01
Do``cwillu: oh ok, gimme a sec to reboot then22:01
Do``(on the other computer)22:01
VorboteMany crashes in the last days are caused by the gnome 2.26.0 transition.22:01
=== JediMaster- is now known as JediMaster
JediMasterhmm forgot the linux box is my router now haha22:02
Vorbotegconf keys are not precisely compatible with the previous development versions.22:02
JediMastershows how stable the alpha is =)22:02
cwilluextra gconf keys shouldn't cause a crash22:02
Do``cwillu: xfix is the best candidate in the recovery menu22:03
Vorbotecwillu: you will be surprised.22:03
cwilluVorbote, I will be, but I will also file bugs and watch them be fixed because upgrades are supposed to work22:03
Vorbotecwillu: experience before speculation :-)22:04
cwilluI mean, a chief benefit of linux in general is supposed to be how you _don't_ have to reinstall your system every 6 months to keep things running at their peak performance22:04
cwilluVorbote, I have a stack of original 4.10 cds22:04
cwillumy laptop's been through all the alphas since dapper22:04
Vorbotecwillu: and I installed kernel 0.24 in a Sharp 20 Mb palmbook in 1991, so what.22:05
cwilluyou find me the spec that says 'upgrades aren't expected to work', and I'll believe you22:05
Do``cwillu: can you point me to a (few step) guide that would help me switch to vesa? i havent exactly done anything like this before?22:05
cwilluDo``, did xfix fire up?22:06
Do``cwillu: done that, is that it?22:06
BUGabundocwillu: you should have emailed them to us22:07
BUGabundowe made a wall with Old CDs22:07
Vorbotecwillu: besides I never told you to reinstall Linux. Cleaning your personal gconf registry is a very usual practice in GNOME, in fact it is easier that cleaning KDE configuration directories.22:07
bsniderhow do you even know this is a graphics driver issue22:07
cwilluVorbote, from http://ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading  --> "Upgrades from 8.04 to 8.10 are fully supported"22:07
JediMaster-I ran pulseaudio (with no command line params) in one terminal and then ran mplayer in another, it started playing fine, I hit pause then resumed, and the video played a few frames, then froze22:07
cwilluBUGabundo, but then I wouldn't have them :)22:07
cwilluDo``, try it :p22:07
Do``cwillu: oki22:08
JediMaster-"AO: [pulse] Connection died: Connection terminated" scrolls down the screen until I hit ctrl-c on mplayer22:08
BUGabundoJediMaster known bug22:08
JediMaster-and pulseaudio says:22:08
JediMaster-Soft CPU time limit exhausted, terminating.22:08
JediMaster-E: cpulimit.c: Received request to terminate due to CPU overload.22:08
JediMaster-so I presume it's eating 100% cpu time22:08
Do``cwillu: same thing :(22:08
JediMaster-BUGabundo: what's the bug id?22:09
Cycomso.....the alpha-6 folder in /releases/jaunty is gone...22:09
Cycombut still no beta folder22:09
rwwguys it'll be coming out soon quit asking about it k guys22:09
BUGabundoJediMaster don't know! too many bugs on audio to know them all22:09
bsnidercwillu, all he said is that gnome doesn't load. how do you know this is a graphics driver issue? he hasn't provided enough information to troubleshoot22:09
JediMaster-BUGabundo: lol ok, any idea on titles?22:09
BUGabundoJediMaster are u using dtchen patched kernel?22:09
JediMaster-or what to search for?22:09
JediMaster-BUGabundo: no, I couldn't find the details22:09
BUGabundo !audio22:10
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - On Jaunty, please check bug https://launchpad.net/bugs/330814 and help test the new kernel image22:10
Do``bsnider: i get my wallpaper, panels and menus and context menus and stuff are missing, ctrl+alt+backspace doesnt bring me back to login screen, mouse is responsive to movement22:10
BUGabundoget those kernel image22:10
BUGabundoand reboot22:10
BUGabundosee if it fixes it for you JediMaster22:10
bsniderthat doesn't sound like a graphics driver issue to me22:10
Cycomrww: I'm just saying that currently the alpha6 cd images AREN'T available.22:10
bsnidersounds like you're missing gnome packages22:11
bsniderwhich gets into the problematic issue of upgrading. sometimes packages are missed22:11
Do``bsnider: is there some sort of a list i could check against in the recovery console?22:11
bsnideri don't know if your sources.list is correct. you might have half jaunty half intrepid22:12
JediMaster-BUGabundo: i386 kernel for intel core2 duo?22:12
JediMaster-I have the generic SMP one installed ATM22:12
bsniderDo``, try cat /etc/apt/sources.list22:12
BUGabundowhat do you have?22:12
BUGabundo32 or 64?22:12
bsnidersee lots of jaunty in there?22:12
BUGabundothen get the 32 files22:13
BUGabundoand common22:13
Do``bsnider: all jaunty22:13
bsniderDo``, NO intrepid right? that's the story?22:13
JediMaster-BUGabundo: common?22:13
JediMaster-BUGabundo: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~dtchen/linux-image-2.6.28-11-generic_2.6.28-11.38~lp330814crimsun2_i386.deb ?22:13
Do``bsnider: there are a few intrepid lines commented, but that's it. every enable repo is jaunty22:14
* cwillu mutters22:14
bsniderok, you're on the internet?22:14
BUGabundoJediMaster all of them for 32 + common22:14
bsniderwhat nvidia card is it?22:14
Do``bsnider: 7600gt22:14
JediMaster-BUGabundo: I physically don't see the word "common" on the page there22:15
* BUGabundo checks22:15
bsniderDo``, cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:15
bsniderthere should be a line driver "nvidia"22:15
BUGabundoJediMaster ^^^22:15
JediMaster-right, thanks22:15
tretleis anyone else experiencing issues with jaunty not booting up properly, the theme is broken most applets arent working, gstreamer is dead etc22:16
o0Chris0oyou guys arent going to like what I am going to ask, but here it goes...22:16
Do``bsnider: rebooted to netroot for internet, 1 sec22:16
bsnidertretle, i guess Do`` is22:16
* lupine_85 boots into jaunty22:16
JediMaster-mmmm 1.01MBytes/sec on wget22:16
lupine_85let's see how much works at first glance22:16
JediMaster-at home =)22:16
o0Chris0ohow many betas till RC?22:16
bsnidero0Chris0o, 1922:17
lupine_85first impression is that it got the sound and resolution right22:17
lupine_85which is more than suse, opensolaris and lenny did :D22:17
rwwo0Chris0o: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule22:17
rwwDoctor_Nick: QUIT SHOUTING22:17
BUGabundo !schedule22:17
ubottuA schedule of Jaunty Jackalope (9.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule22:17
lupine_85ooh, and wifi22:17
o0Chris0orww: ahh thanks22:18
lupine_85+2 ubuntgu22:18
josh-limpatient for beta release :(22:18
JediMasterok, rebooting =)22:18
Do``bsnider: ok, i dont see nvidia in xorg.conf22:19
Do``bsnider: i ran xfix at cwillu's advice earlier22:19
bsniderDo``, what's beside the word driver?22:19
lupine_85oh good, they turned off the GTK interface for mtr22:19
Do``there is no "driver" in xorg.conf22:20
bsnideroh, that's good22:20
=== JediMaster- is now known as JediMaster
Do``grep driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf -> nothing22:20
JediMasterwhat is the difference between the current alpha with apt-get update/upgrade and the new beta?22:20
bsniderit will likely pick the nv driver, which should work22:20
tuxxy__any news on the beta guys22:20
rwwlupine_85: mtr-tiny (the one installed with Ubuntu by default) has done that for a while22:20
rwwJediMaster: nothing22:20
rwwtuxxy__: every time someone asks, it gets pushed back an hour22:20
bsniderDo``, sudo apt-get update22:20
JediMasterpfft, just get the alpha and upgrade then guys? =)22:20
IenorandGosh, this chat really heats up close to release...22:20
rwwJediMaster: i know rite22:20
tuxxy__heh sorry I was afk for a while and just checkin22:20
Do``bsnider:  ye, i need some internet for that :) 1 min22:21
rwwIenorand: you should see #ubuntu-release-party22:21
lupine_85rww, all I know is that on intrepid, "mtr" is GTK22:21
lupine_85which is the suck :)22:21
rww(when the release comes out, anyway)22:21
JediMasterthe alpha is pretty stable, or was until 3 weeks ago when pulseaudio started dieing for me lol22:21
rwwlupine_85: mtr is GTK. mtr-tiny is not. mtr-tiny is the one installed by default22:21
oobscurehi all. I see that DVD iso has been published. Is CDs iso going to be published too, or DVD is the only expected medium?22:21
rwwoobscure: CD iso will get published too22:21
lupine_85dunno what happened there then22:21
oobscurephew! thanks rww22:21
BUGabundooobscure: still nothng there22:22
* lupine_85 installs, is happy22:22
calcthe daily from mar 24 is the current beta candidate and most likely will be the beta unless someone reports an OMG bug22:22
BUGabundomy guess too22:22
calcBUGabundo: its more than just a guess as the staging mirror area has those files named as beta22:22
BUGabundoplus no files on the build dds22:22
JediMasterBUGabundo: well I've just installed and rebooted22:23
BUGabundoinside info22:23
JediMasterand guess what?22:23
rwwoobscure: The sekrit hidden staging place has "730886144 Mar 24 00:39 ubuntu-9.04-beta-desktop-i386.iso"22:23
BUGabundoJediMaster: gessing22:23
calcoops sorry for double pasting22:23
JediMasterI no longer get pulseaudio giving me those errors and neither does mplayer22:23
rwwoobscure: note 1) CD size, 2) it's the same as the daily22:23
JediMasterHOWEVER, videoplayback doesn't resume22:23
calcrww: i even grabbed the md5sums for people wondering if somehow managed to be the exact same size but different ;-)22:24
rwwcalc: yeah, i noticed :)22:24
JediMasterI can quit and restart mplayer/vlc22:24
JediMasterand audio is working still22:24
JediMasterbut video pausing is still foobared22:24
Do``bsnider: ok, got internet, now updating22:24
BUGabundoJediMaster: flash is worse!22:24
BUGabundoits recent! it was working better last week22:24
BUGabundototem is slowwwww22:24
Do``bsnider: update finished, nothing to upgrade22:24
BUGabundovlc works ok22:24
VorboteThat's no surprise. The releases are usually a respin of the last known-to-work *daily* You can start installing that one and then rsync it or use jigdo to update it to the beta.22:25
JediMasterBUGabundo: hmmm yeah vlc is working, mplayer isn't22:25
tretledo`` is the theme messed up?22:25
BUGabundome too22:25
JediMastersame thing?22:25
JediMastervideo freezes up after pausing22:25
Do``tretle: i dont see anything after gnome login than my wallpaper and the mouse pointer22:25
dtchenmy fixes have been merged into jaunty mainline, so they'll be in -11.3822:25
JediMasterwell after resuming22:26
Cycomrww: how is the disc built anyhow? a compile machine does all the magic compiling?22:26
tuxxy__well its gonna be the 27th in 90 mins22:26
dtchennow, back to fixing pulseaudio now that the linux task is completed22:26
calcCycom: something like that, there are special scripts that are run to do it22:26
VorboteJediMaster: try using the instructions to enable mplayer in pulseaudio.org. (and do tell us if that works).22:26
lupine_85ah, this isn't alpha 6 at all, it's the daily22:26
lupine_85that explains why there's only 2 packages to update :D22:26
Cycomcalc: are they available for viewing and downloading?22:26
JediMastermplayer is useful as I can screen it then ssh into the machine from laptop and screen -x and control it lol22:26
calctuxxy__: won't be the 27th for the release manager for another 8.5hr22:26
JediMasterVorbote: it does appear to use pulseaudio, it just freezes when pausing and resuming22:27
tuxxy__I thoguth it was GMT22:27
calcCycom: i don't know never looked at them22:27
calctuxxy__: i think it just ends being before he goes to bed today22:27
BUGabundodtchen: Nice! success so no longer we need to recommend the kernel images?22:27
VorboteJediMaster: that could be caused by the pulseaudio-alsa interface libraries which aren't that great yet. In that case it is a genuine bug.22:27
dtchenBUGabundo: i will remove them once -11.38 is available in the repositories22:28
tuxxy__where is he?22:28
BUGabundook ok22:28
bsniderDo``, uname -r22:28
JediMasterBUGabundo: it's working in XBMC too22:28
dtchenVorbote: err, which bug(s)?22:28
BUGabundohumm what's that?22:28
JediMaster(yes, I know it's not official ubuntu)22:28
Do``bsnider: 2.6.28-11-generic22:28
JediMasterbest media player ever =)22:28
bsniderright kernel22:28
JediMasterxbox media center22:28
bsnidersudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop22:28
tuxxy__waht timezone is release manager on22:28
JediMasterused to have it on my hacked xbox original =)22:29
BUGabundoguys calm down! lets enjoy now that dtchen is here22:29
BUGabundoso we can fix some audio bugs!22:29
JediMasterit si a GREAT media player22:29
ActionParsnip3JediMaster: dont you find it bloated22:29
Do``bsnider: done22:29
BUGabundountil beta links are available and ppl go mad again22:29
Vorbotepulseaudio uses an alsa emulation layer that is presented to alsa-only apps. It is slow as molasses.22:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntulooks22:29
o0Chris0o!package ubuntulooks22:29
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:29
bsniderDo``, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop. it might pull in other packages too22:29
BUGabundodtchen: last night I manage to get sound recorder and audacity to work22:29
JediMasterActionParsnip3: it wouldn't run as well mplayer would do on a low spec machine, but this is a core2 duo with 4GB ram, so it runs nicely =)22:29
VorboteAt least if you are not using a core 2 duo or better... :-)22:29
dtchenVorbote: worded poorly. rather, native alsa-lib apps are routed through pulseaudio, which uses alsa's raw hw:22:30
ActionParsnip3xmbc = http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7161356753331547622:30
BUGabundoit capture both embed mic (left and rigt) and the ear mic too22:30
calctuxxy__: PDT22:30
Do``bsnider: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1066125 i found this while waiting for the netroot to find a dhcp assigned ip22:30
BUGabundodtchen: but flash is strange22:30
dtchenVorbote: and, of course, you can always opt to redefine {pcm,ctl}.!default22:30
Do``bsnider: no, didnt install anything else, all dependencies are met22:30
BUGabundoits capturing audio out! changing on pavcontrol22:30
BUGabundodoesn't seem to work22:30
ActionParsnip3JediMaster: if i didnt mind bloat i'd use kde ;) i hate unnecessary bloat, sucks22:31
dtchenVorbote: i explicitly fixed our pulseaudio packages some months ago to honour ~/.asoundrc (and /etc/asound.conf, of course)22:31
bsniderDo``, dkms status22:31
Vorbotedtchen: of course. But don't expect Joe Ubuntu to do it without first throwing a tantrum in an IRC channel. :-)22:31
tuxxy__calc: no actually its the 27th everywhere at midnight22:31
dtchenVorbote: yeah, well, i appreciate any assistance anyone else can give me, as fixing Ubuntu isn't my dayjob.22:31
Do``bsnider: nvidia 180.37, 2.6.27-11-generic, i686: built | nvidia 180.37, 2.6.28-11-generic, i686: installed22:31
JediMasterBUGabundo: where did you find the kernel?22:32
lupine_85ok, nvidia drivers "just work" too, once installed22:32
Cycomdtchen: hey, you know anything about the build scripts for the isos?  I wanted to see how it was done.22:32
bsniderDo``, try rebooting in normal mode22:32
dtchenCycom: the livefs ones? not offhand (they've changed somewhat)22:32
dtchenJediMaster: which kernel?22:32
Do``bsnider: but nothing changed since last time when it was still not okay22:33
bsniderDo``, i want a more detailed explanation of what you're seeing22:33
Do``bsnider: alrighty22:33
aid_calc, how can it be 8.5 hours till the 27th?22:33
Vorbotedtchen: personally I haven't fixed it yet in my setup simply because I want to run this crate as close to pristine as possible and catch reproducible bugs, but the pulseaudio freezes are starting to get on my nerves :-)22:33
BUGabundoJediMaster: ah? what kernel? dtchen one?22:33
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.22:34
dtchenVorbote: the freezes are mostly fixed. i've already submitted and gotten the linux ones included.22:34
JediMasterdtchenI guess lol22:34
dan-ubuntu!jaunty beta22:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about jaunty beta22:34
* JediMaster feels silly now22:34
rwwaid_: because timezones exist22:34
dtchenJediMaster: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~dtchen/22:34
bsniderdtchen, why isn't alsa 1.0.19 in jaunty?22:34
dtchenJediMaster: check the SHA256SUM for the appropriate debs22:34
JediMasterdtchen: I know, got it installed =)22:34
Do``bsnider: new bootloader -> new login screen with working menus -> login -> my watchmen wallpaper loads after a few seconds, mouse pointer is there22:34
aid_yes but which timezone is the release manager in?22:34
dtchenbsnider: because it requires changes that are too invasive this late in the development cycle22:34
Vorbotedtchen: that's really good news. I could not leave this crate running overnight because somehow pulseaudio would cause the oom-killer to go trigger happy.22:35
calcaid_: its only 3:35PM where the release manager lives22:35
rwwaid_: PDT, apparently22:35
bsniderdtchen, changes to pulseaudio?22:35
JediMasterdtchen: I presume this is your kernel patch then? I can confirm it fixes the pulseaudio issues I've been having for the last 2-3 weeks22:35
dtchenbsnider: kernel-side isn't such a big deal, but user-space side requires a soname bump and corresponding recompile across all libasound2 rdepends22:35
aid_calc, ok thanks22:35
Do``bsnider: no right click menus, no gnomepanel, no selection box with held down left mouse button, no reaction to ctrl+alt+backspace, no icons on the desktop22:35
dtchenbsnider: what about pulseaudio changes?22:35
Vorbotedtchen: but the stack traces weren't telling anything significant I'm afraid, just "gnome-session made a boo boo, calling oom-killer"22:36
dtchenbsnider: again, updating the entire audio stack is really, really fragile post-Beta22:36
bsniderwell, alsa 1.0.19 has been out for a while now22:36
Do``bsnider: that's it i guess, that's all i see22:36
aid_i need some updates me compiz giving me grief22:37
stanley_me bottom givin me grief22:37
dtchenbsnider: i'm well aware. Feature Freeze came well before 1.0.19 was released.22:37
bsniderDo``, does alt+F2 work?22:37
stanley_ctl att backspace dont22:37
calcdtchen: and don't the kernel and alsa using try to stay in sync besides that?22:37
dtchenbsnider: also, there is no compelling reason to backport 1.0.19 this late in the cycle22:37
dtchencalc: absolutely, which is one of the points i made above22:37
Do``bsnider: i can hear the hard drives doing something, but no, the window doesnt appear22:37
calcdtchen: ah ok i missed that part :)22:37
dtchenwe've been burned pretty badly in the past when they were desynced22:38
JediMasterdtchen: gf says thanks for the kernel patch, we can watch videos without it freezing =)22:38
Vorbotedtchen: I was 95% sure it was pulseaudio because the system would be memory starved without touching swap.22:38
lupine_85overall, good job so far :)22:38
bsniderDo``, what about virtual console? ctrl+alt+F122:38
Do``bsnider: that works22:38
* lupine_85 checks some niggles from intrepid out22:38
bsniderDOare you ok with blowing away your desktop settings?22:39
Do``bsnider: sure22:39
Do``bsnider: oh 1 thing i forgot, my tv-tuner card is turned on after login, i can hear that too22:39
bsniderrm -rf .gconfd22:39
Do``bsnider: done22:40
dtcheni think you mean ~/.gconf*22:40
bsnideryeah that one too22:40
Do``i did rm -r .gconfd :)22:41
bsniderhe's already pointing at home though22:41
rwwthere's a .gconf too22:41
bsniderdo rm -rf .gconf*22:41
BUGabundoalt+F2 , type fish, enter! does it work??? not on my system22:41
rwwBUGabundo: no, because I'm using twm :P22:41
BUGabundodoesn't work here either22:42
BUGabundowith compiz22:42
dtchenVorbote: they are several remaining PA issues. Is the shm caching a serious issue for you or somethinG?22:42
phoenixzHi there, anybody who can tell me if there are already kubuntu 9.10 repos available?22:42
phoenixzand if so, where?22:42
lupine_85woo, firefox fixed. and it no longer tries to make me buy MP3 codecs22:42
bsniderdtchen, are you basically grabbing the fedora pulseaudio and rebuilding it for ubuntu?22:42
dtchenbsnider: uh, no. if only it were that simple.22:42
bsniderreally. i thought i read that somewhere22:43
Vorbotedtchen: I think so. This box has only one 1Gb RAM and that's limiting.22:43
rwwphoenixz: run "do-release-upgrade -d" at the terminal22:43
dtchenbsnider: where? i'd like to beat the tar out of whomever said that.22:43
moparisthebesti need a jaunty livecd, where can I find one?22:43
bsnideroh i can't remember now. it was a while ago22:43
Do``bsnider: same thing :/ except now i dont see my watchmen wallpaper, but instead that new ubuntu wallpaper with the lines on it22:43
o0Chris0o!install | moparisthebest22:43
ubottumoparisthebest: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate22:43
rwwmoparisthebest: The beta's coming out soon, so you might want to wait a couple of hours then ask again :)22:44
the_dark_warriois beta launching today?22:44
moparisthebesto0Chris0o, i know how to install it, but i need a livecd22:44
bsnideri thought fedora was the pulseaudio leader, so i thought it made sense22:44
dtchenbsnider: Fedora 11 has a completely upgraded audio stack; Ubuntu 9.04 has so many workarounds for our older audio stack.22:44
phoenixzrww: how (un)advisable would it be to do an upgrade now?22:44
moparisthebestmy computer is hosed now though, and I need a livecd with ext4 support :/22:44
bsniderdtchen, can you expand on what you mean by that?22:44
Vorbotemoparisthebest: search for RIPLinuX 7.822:45
dtchenbsnider: where would you like me to begin?22:45
phoenixzrww: as in, how braindead will my laptop end up? just a little retarded, or like a tomato plant?22:45
JediMasterdtchen: any chance your patch will make it into the main kernel?22:45
dtchenJediMaster: it was merged ~9 hours ago and will appear in -11.3822:45
rwwmoparisthebest: the alpha 6 CDs got taken off the mirrors in preparation for the beta, hence me saying you should probably wait22:45
* JediMaster cheers for dtchen22:45
rwwmoparisthebest: you could grab a daily CD, I guess. lemmie grab you a URL22:45
lupine_85phoenixz, I did an install from the daily literally 10 minutes ago22:46
lupine_85it works fine22:46
lupine_852 upgrades22:46
moparisthebestoh, well that explains why i can't find them then22:46
JediMasterdtchen: so the next apt-get upgrade should include it then?22:46
bsniderdtchen, alright how about this. if fedora can have a totally new stack, why not ubuntu as well? why keep doing workarounds for the old stuff?22:46
phoenixzlupine_85: I'll be upgrading from 8.10..22:46
dtchenJediMaster: the next *linux* will22:46
rwwmoparisthebest: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/non-ports/daily/current/ is the daily link, but it only has the alternate CD22:46
JediMasterthat too =)22:46
lupine_85phoenixz, ah. I did a fresh install22:46
hmwdtchen, i have been asked to point you at my bug report #34897922:46
dtchenbsnider: because we have a different release schedule22:46
JediMasterdtchen: I understand it's more than just ubuntu, but ubuntu is all that matters ;-)22:46
rwwphoenixz: it should be okay, but jaunty is a developer release, so anything could happen22:46
dtchenhmw: please query (privmsg) me with that url; i can't track everything in all the irc channels22:46
rwws/is a developer release/is in development/22:47
lupine_85JediMaster, ubuntu is some desktop-friendly polish in my view ;)22:47
bsniderdtchen, that probably won't keep lennart from badmouthing ubuntu again22:47
lupine_85like the chamois cloth that come with my laptop22:47
josh-luggh release beta already22:47
phoenixzrww: :) I know, but then again I also installed KDE 4.0.. after that I can handle everything!22:47
rwwjosh-l: every time you whine about it, it gets pushed back an hour22:47
dtchenbsnider: i don't care if he badmouths Ubuntu22:47
Do``bsnider: any more ideas i could try?22:47
JediMasterjosh-l: just get the alpha and dist-upgrade =)22:47
moparisthebestthanks rww, a command line is all i need anyway :)22:47
bsniderDo``, no change?22:47
josh-lJediMaster, yeah too many probs with it on my laptop22:47
dtchenbsnider: he doesn't have to handle integration issues in Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Ubuntu Studio, ...22:48
JediMasterjosh-l: been using it for months22:48
phoenixzrww: NOT whining here but.. when will betas be available? If its like, tomorrow, I'll wait for those..22:48
JediMasterjosh-l: but it's no different from an updated alpha22:48
Do``bsnider: i get the new default wallpaper instead of my watchmen wallpaper from before upgrading, but other than that everything is exaclty the same22:48
josh-lphoenixz, supposed to be today22:48
dtchenbsnider: people who use Ubuntu derivatives and remixes expect their desktops - which don't necessarily use PA - to continue working22:48
josh-lyou never know22:48
rwwphoenixz: we don't know. Probably some time before the 26th ends everywhere on the planet. Probably before the 26th ends in PDT.22:48
JediMasterunless it's installer issues?22:48
BUGabundodtchen: how to put mic audio in here  http://bambuser.com/node/116932 ??22:48
rwwphoenixz: The announcement will be on https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2009-March/22:48
phoenixzrww: ahw, in that case I'd better wait.. why install an alpha today when the beta is there tomorrow... ?22:49
rwwphoenixz: exactly :)22:49
lupine_85fedora is very breakage-happy22:49
rwwphoenixz: although, upgraded alpha6 is the same as beta, theoretically22:49
phoenixzrww: in that case... release that beta already!! :)22:49
dtchenBUGabundo: please msg me the url. i can't track it.22:49
JediMasterI'm running something like alpha2 lol22:49
JediMasterupgraded =)22:49
lupine_85it's all the same really22:49
lupine_85if the package list is the same, I'm happy22:49
JediMasterexactly =)22:49
bsniderDo``, well i'd do a clean install. i did do a clean instaqll 2 days ago with no issues22:50
BUGabundodtchen: sent22:50
phoenixzrww: might be, but on my internet connection, when I am halfway through upgrading to alpha 6, I can restart everything for the beta..22:50
josh-lcurrently no bugs holding back beta apparently22:50
aid_I runnin alpha 6 and got issues with compiz not auto starting at boot even though its in my sessions, have to manually run a compiz --replace22:50
lupine_85heh. if lenny's kernel had been .27 I'd still be with them on the laptop, mind ;)22:50
Do``bsnider: anything else besides that i could try? i dont have a CD or DVD i could use22:50
dtchenlupine_85: if it's really of concern, you can always just use the mainline builds in kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa22:51
rwwlupine_85: the only reason I'm not running debian stable is because I need a recent version of .27 or higher for wireless. I've been thinking of using it and backporting.22:51
JediMasteraid_: sounds familiar, had something like that back in first ubuntu that introduced it, what was that , 7.04 or 7.10?22:51
josh-lwill ext4 be standard in this next beta?22:51
josh-las in default22:51
lupine_85dtchen, nah, the ubuntu .28 is fine22:51
PhotoJimyou could always compile your own kernel.  you could have 2.6.29 if you wanted.  not terribly hard to do.22:51
rwwjosh-l: no. It won't be default for final Jaunty release either.22:51
aid_one of the two Im guessin its an issue thats carried itself over even after updates as many peoples compiz is fine22:51
bsniderDo``, do you have a gnome-panel?22:52
lupine_85but .26 < is a git for wireless22:52
Do``bsnider: no22:52
lupine_85and compiling your own is a git for interoperability22:52
josh-lrww, ah, for beta release should i install with ext4?22:52
rwwjosh-l: if you want22:52
lupine_85josh-l, I did :D22:52
josh-llupine_85, how is it22:52
lupine_85doesn't feel particularly different22:52
dtchenhmm, i see start.ubuntu.com/9.04 has been updated22:52
josh-lany issues Lunar_Lamp22:52
lupine_85I'm slightly edgier, that's it22:52
rwwjosh-l: hworks fine for me22:52
josh-lokay ill try it22:53
rwwdtchen: oo, shiny22:53
lupine_85if it eats my data, it's no biggy22:53
josh-llupine_85, yeah me too i keep all important data online22:53
josh-lgmail mainly22:53
bsniderDo``, it's kind of stupid but i guess you could try installing kde and using that to get a desktop. you might be able to remove all of gnome afterwards and reinstall it22:53
lupine_85I run my own services22:53
josh-llupine_85, safer than google? maybe for privacy but not for backup22:54
Do``bsnider: after sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop would ubuntu automatically boot into KDE?22:54
lupine_85eh, I'm on RAID1 with regular offsite backups22:54
billybigriggerDo``, no22:54
lupine_85that's good enough for me22:54
billybigriggerDo``, you select it in your sessions when GDM starts, like when you login22:54
JediMasterI have several ubuntu boxes at home and 6 at work around the world, and I use gmail for domains for all my own sites22:55
Do``billybigrigger: okay22:55
bsniderDo``, no. you can change it from the login screen22:55
josh-lgoogles going to release a webdrive soon22:55
* lupine_85 has exim and ?courier?22:55
lupine_85problem solved22:55
Do``bsnider: ok, i'm already downloading, it's going to take at least 20 minutes22:55
josh-l10 gigs free22:55
* lupine_85 pats his 500GB22:56
phoenixzDid I understand correctly that ext3 and ext4 are forward and backward compatible? as in, I'd only have to modify my /etc/fstab to mount as ext4 and it should work? and going back should be equal?22:56
lupine_85more expensive, of course22:56
PhotoJimI think you have to use tunefs to convert it.22:56
lupine_85phoenixz, ext3 and ext4 aren't compatible in the same way ext3 and ext2 were22:56
josh-lah apparently google online storage is available now22:57
bsniderdtchen, do you happen to know why the ubuntu installer doesn't automatically create a separate partition for /home?22:57
Do``bsnider: and what exactly should i do once i have KDE and a working operating system?22:57
lupine_85it never has22:57
JediMasterI know this is way off-topic, but I'm getting a second 24Mbps adsl line (actually get closer to 11Mbps), can anyone think of a way to combine the two lines (different ISPs) through something like a VPN to a remote machine to get double the bandwidth?22:57
lupine_85it's a sensible default configuration IMO22:57
BUGabundodtchen: finally got audio (mic) working22:57
phoenixzlupine_85: AFAIK, ext3 is ext2 with a journal somewhere..  but I read that ext4 is ext3, with SOME extras that might prohibit remounting as ext3, but basically it should also be equal..22:57
lupine_85JediMaster, you need to have some form of load balancing22:57
lupine_85it's generally easier to outsource that to a cisco22:57
bsniderDo``, well, you can purge gnome and reinstall it22:57
Do``bsnider: ah, oki :)22:58
lupine_85phoenixz, no, the physcial data structures on disc are very different22:58
JediMasterlupine_85: I was hoping I could actually split the TCP packets down each line though something like a vpn22:58
lupine_85you can mount ext3 as ext2; you can't do the same with ext422:58
bsniderDo``, assuming this is a gnome issue, which i'm only about 70% sure of22:58
lupine_85JediMaster, mm, possible to do, just a pain22:58
Do``bsnider: alright22:58
lupine_85IME, anyway22:58
lupine_85generally you need to multihome the box then add routing gubbins22:59
bsniderDo``, however if kde doesn't work then we can be sure it's not a gnome problem22:59
lupine_85oh, forward-compatibility is only lost if you're using extents23:00
* lupine_85 had assumed extents were mandatory23:00
phoenixzlupine_85: so as soon as I am on ext4, there is NO way back in case ubuntu screws up?23:00
lupine_85is apparently back-compatible23:00
irunongamesflash on some sites is messed up23:00
blueyedirunongames: ex.?23:01
lupine_85phoenixz, if the filesystem screws up, chances are you'll not have a filesystem to restore23:01
lupine_85but if you're not using extents you should be able to use it as an ext3 partition, it seems23:01
blueyedurl plz23:01
phoenixzlupine_85:  That sounds encouraging.. :)23:01
irunongamesyoutube works sometimes23:01
rippsI'm not sure if this the place to ask, but I've installed the 2.6.29 Mainline kernel (which works great), the only problem is that the apparmor module fails to load at boot, is there any way to resolve this?23:01
lupine_85no idea what the defaults are23:01
phoenixzlupine_85: so, I can not mount ext4 as ext3, but, I CAN mount ext3 as ext4?23:01
irunongamesthose sites won't work23:02
lupine_85phoenixz, if extents are on, yes23:02
phoenixzlupine_85: extents?23:02
phoenixzlooking up..23:02
JediMasterlupine_85: the trouble is, with loadbalancing it's not going to make much difference as only 2 users at home, and the biggest bandwidth hog is large backups done over the internet from a remote server over ssh23:03
lupine_85JediMaster, really you want MLPPP but not many places support that23:03
lupine_85and without it, you're unlikely to get 'true' bonding23:03
JediMasteryeah, which is why I wanted to replicate that over the top of the standard TCP/IP network23:03
JediMasterlike some sort of VPN23:03
phoenixzoh hell with it... upgrading! :)23:03
JediMasterthat use two different gateways23:03
blueyedirunongames: well, hulu only works in U.S. and ustream works for me on Jaunty. Which distro are you using? Recent updates?23:04
phoenixzlupine_85: 9.04 won't automatically upgrade to ext4, right?23:04
rwwphoenixz: correct23:04
irunongamesi got is last night23:04
irunongamesi installed the updates.... it hink23:04
irunongamesand i'm in the US23:05
Do``bsnider: same thing with KDE23:05
irunongameshow do i update23:05
bsniderDo``, can you get to the console?23:06
blueyedirunongames: Jaunty is still in development, so this may not be the best path to fix this.. Do you remember which updates you've installed?23:06
blueyedirunongames: well, why are you in ubuntu+1, when not running Jaunty?23:07
irunongamesi am on Jaunty23:07
Do``bsnider: !23:07
Do``bsnider: restarted one more time and now KDE loaded.23:07
bsnideroh, that's good23:07
bsnidernow use jockey to make sure you're using thenvidia driver fromnow on23:08
Do``nvidia 180, the recommended, right?23:09
Do``because now a different version is in use according to this hardware drivers thingie23:09
Do``though none of the 3 available nvidia drivers is shown as active23:09
bsnideruse the 180 driver23:10
SnoFoxAnyone know anything about the "window" that's mapped when I hit Ctrl to locate the cursor?23:10
Do``ok, restarting23:10
SnoFoxCompiz is giving it funky effects. xD23:10
IenorandLordKow: Thankyou, got the debugging working as it should with help of your modded command, seems like whatever TJ suspected was indeed the cause...23:10
blueyedirunongames: sorry, no clue about what screwed up there. cannot confirm it after all. Please consider reporting a bug about it.23:11
=== Naaa is now known as Invisibelle
Do``bsnider: okay now what? which gnome packages should i purge?23:15
bsniderall of them23:16
Do``is there like a metapackage or something for all of gnome?23:16
Do``removing that only removes ubuntu-desktop, 57.3kb ;)23:17
Do``nothing else23:17
HolyScottso the beta is out now?23:17
HolyScottI would say it is23:17
HolyScotton torrent.ubunto.com23:17
Hobbseeit's not out yet.23:17
HolyScotti've found the dvd, the desktop, and the server versions23:17
rconanthere has been no release to the ubuntu-announce mailing list23:17
rconanor whichever one it is23:18
BUGabundo !daily23:18
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/23:18
BUGabundothe images are there23:18
crdlbDo``: reinstalling gnome isn't going to fix anything23:18
HolyScottI am not talking about the daily builds23:18
rconanHolyScott: it isn't released23:18
Do``crdlb: then what can i try?23:18
HobbseeBUGabundo: doesn't necessarily mean they're correct23:18
rconanuntil the mail to the list it is not out23:19
crdlbDo``: what session is the login screen set to?23:19
Do``crdlb: k23:19
BUGabundoHobbsee: calc said the md5 were the same23:19
aciculabut those are dated 24/2623:19
Hobbseegee, thanks calc...23:19
billybigriggeralpha 6 fresh install, wired ethernet connection not working23:19
bsniderDo``, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde23:19
HolyScottso is it in the process of bing put out?23:19
rconanHolyScott: it would appear so wouldn't it23:19
bsniderDo``, purge the packages as well, get rid of the config files23:19
aciculaHolyScott: when it's out uou will know23:19
Do``bsnider: alrighty23:20
billybigriggeri can see the device in lspci, and sudo ifup eth0 gives me Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth023:20
billybigriggerany suggestions?23:20
HolyScottwould the ps3 alternative be out today also?23:20
bsniderDo``, afterwards you can get it all back using the ubuntu-desktop package23:20
crdlbDo``: have you tried running 'dbus-launch gnome-session' in the failsafe terminal session?23:20
billybigriggerin network manager, if i disable networking, and re-enable, that does nothing either23:20
rconanthe images are released first for the mirrors to download23:20
rconanHolyScott: is there a ps3 alternative?23:20
Do``crdlb: no, i havent23:21
* crdlb can count on his fist the number of times that randomly reinstalling packages fixes things23:21
crdlbDo``: so do it :)23:21
HolyScottpowerpc+ps3 alternative install iso or something23:21
Do``crdlb: by failsafe terminal session you mean the recovery console?23:21
crdlbDo``: no23:21
crdlbDo``: the "failsafe terminal" session at the login screen23:22
rconanthe powerpc will come out at the same time I imagine23:22
Do``crdlb: ok23:22
irunongamesI found out how to get flash to work! :D23:22
irunongamesyou have to use the un-free flash, just like in 8.0423:22
P3ngv1n-Fvck3rdoes anyone have the beta yet? i heard that the dev team are having probs getting it up23:23
mickstephensonhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/jaunty/ we have a folder but no files23:23
HolyScotti've found a few of them on torrent.ubuntu.com23:23
rconanP3ngv1n-Fvck3r: no... it is not out, you cannot guarantee there will not be last minute changes23:24
HobbseeP3ngv1n-Fvck3r: where exactly did you hear that?23:24
=== asac_ is now known as asac
HobbseeP3ngv1n-Fvck3r: because you probably shouldn't listen to those people, if they're going to spread such rubbish.23:24
HolyScottI would say that the dvd version is officially out23:24
rconanHolyScott: no... it's not.23:25
Do``crdlb: logging in to failsafe drops me back to the login screen after like 0 seconds of black screen23:25
crdlbDo``: failsafe terminal, not failsafe gnome?23:25
crdlbthat indicates some sort of X problem23:26
Do``crdlb: there is only 1 "failsafe" in the sessions list on the login screen23:26
crdlbhmm, let me look at the menu23:26
* crdlb will brb23:26
Do``session type: default, gnome, kde, secure remove connection, failsafe (previous)23:26
billybigriggerhow do i find out what module i need to load for my ethernet card?23:26
bsniderif he's having an x problem, why is kde working?23:26
lupine_85billybigrigger, lspci -> pci:id -> google23:26
billybigriggeri have not wired connection, and looking through lsmod i cant see anything to do with my ethernet23:26
P3ngv1n-Fvck3rHobbsee, i was in here about 5am Pacific time, and someone told me23:26
lupine_85generally speaking23:26
P3ngv1n-Fvck3rHobbsee, dont remember whom tho23:27
rconanP3ngv1n-Fvck3r: people talk a lot of crap about ubuntu releases23:27
rconanthey are overhyped23:27
P3ngv1n-Fvck3rthe people or the releases ?  :p23:27
crdlbDo``: oh, I bet you're using kdm now23:27
lupine_85but the next release will end all forms of slavery forever!23:27
lupine_85I heard it on the interwebs23:28
crdlbDo``: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm23:28
rconanP3ngv1n-Fvck3r: the people overhype the releases23:28
crdlbDo``: and tell it you want it to be the default23:28
rconanespecially on release day23:28
billybigriggerlupine_85, 00:0a.0 is pci id?23:28
lupine_85no, that's the bus:id23:28
lupine_85pci id is xxxx:xxxx23:28
lupine_85might have to add options to lspci to get it23:28
Do``crdlb: alright23:28
rconanbillybigrigger: to be sure you could use -vvnn23:28
rconanbut that's a lot of output23:29
lupine_85-n seems to do the trick23:29
lupine_85-nn, in face23:29
billybigriggerlupine_85, 10de:054c23:29
billybigriggergot er, thanks23:29
HolyScottiewhat version of 9.04 are most people waiting for?23:30
P3ngv1n-Fvck3r64bit.. im feeling brave :)23:30
* lupine_85 isn't waiting :D23:30
lupine_85but I have 64-bit installed from the A-I daily CD23:30
* rconan isn't waiting but I'd using 64-bit23:31
Doctor_NickWHERE IS IT23:31
crdlbeww, nvidia ethernet23:31
Do``crdlb: alright, things are happenning23:31
Ienorandbillybigrigger: what does "ifconfig eth0" give you?23:31
o0Chris0o!caps | Doctor_Nick23:32
ubottuDoctor_Nick: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.23:32
fosco__Doctor_Nick, where is what23:32
Cycomheh. beta/ is there, but it only contains source/ and source/ is empty.23:32
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".23:32
Doctor_Nick!botabuse | Doctor_Nick23:32
ubottuDoctor_Nick, please see my private message23:32
crdlbDo``: gnomey things?23:33
rconanHolyScottie: we know there's a torrent, we know it may not be the final release. KEep the link to yourself23:33
HolyScottiethere is an iso in there23:33
Do``crdlb: there are a bunch of "deprecated" lines about the murrine configuration's different options, and then now i saw an update-notifier line and a pulseaudio line too23:33
HolyScottienot just a torrent23:33
HolyScottiea 696meg iso file.23:33
rconanstill may not be final23:33
crdlbDo``: the deprecated murrine lines are normal23:33
billybigriggerIenorand, nothing23:33
stanley_64 bit torrent DVD beta downloads 0.03 percent and stops / cant be the real thing23:33
billybigriggerIenorand, sudo ifconfig eth0 returns nothing23:34
Do``crdlb: but just like before, the DE didnt load, the failsafe terminal's window has a default gnome window frame, it can be moved around, i have a default gnome wallpaper and i heard the default gnome login music23:34
[reed]is jaunty beta still today?23:34
rconan[reed]: yes23:34
crdlbDo``: ok, that's not so bad23:34
stanley_prob in a few hours at a guess . sonner the better23:34
HolyScottieI am streaming tv w/ the wife, or I would be DLing the iso23:34
Ienorandbillybigrigger: okay, then it's not the bug I have I think...23:34
Do``crdlb: alt+f2 doesnt work to bring up the run application window oh and the failsafe terminal didnt give back the cursor to the prompt23:34
P3ngv1n-Fvck3rdo you guys think its safe to start migrating to 64bit now? last time i tried it (7.04) nothing really worked. packages wouldnt install, and things crashed a lot.23:35
thewrathwhy in jaunty can i not get extra visual effects to work?23:35
crdlbDo``: the first part is expeted because gnome-panel is not running23:35
thewrathdo i need to reinstall jaunty23:35
rconanP3ngv1n-Fvck3r: I've been using 64-bit since 7.10 with no trouble and gentoo before that23:35
crdlbDo``: and the second because gnome-session is not supposed to background itself23:35
Do``crdlb: alright. what should i do?23:36
HolyScottieyou need video card drivers for compiz to work23:36
thewrathit was working earlier23:36
thewrath00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)23:36
P3ngv1n-Fvck3rrconan, i used to have trouble with things like skype etc, wouldnt install23:36
P3ngv1n-Fvck3rrconan, that all solved now?23:36
crdlbDo``: did you completely reset gconf?23:36
rconanI've never used skype, couldn't say23:36
rconanI think so23:36
bsnidercrdlb, yes he did23:37
Do``crdlb: deleted .gconfd and .gconf folders, so i assume that did the job23:37
crdlbit would indeed23:37
P3ngv1n-Fvck3rrconan, well, i guess il give it a go then23:37
thewrathanyone help23:37
P3ngv1n-Fvck3rrconan, 64bit and ext4.. big steps for me :D23:37
rconanif you're doing a clean install anyway you may as well try23:37
thewrathdoes anyone know of drivers on that that will work?23:37
* rconan wont use ext4 until it's default23:37
rconanor at least default in *a* distro so it's had more testing23:38
* dan457 is using XFS instead.23:38
crdlbDo``: you may want to get rid of ~/.config/autostart by renaming23:38
bsniderthewrath, drivers on what?23:38
mickstephensonhmm, before I go ahead with e beta install, does the version of X11 that ubuntu is shipping have proprietary nvidia drivers available at this point?23:38
crdlbDo``: and ~/.gnome2/ if that doesn't work23:38
rconanmickstephenson: yes23:38
rconanin repo23:38
thewrathbsnider: i am trying to get compiz to work apparetnly i have the wrong drivers or what not23:38
crdlbyou may have important data in ~/.gnome2/ so definitely don't just delete it23:38
Do``crdlb: ok, 1 sec23:38
bsniderthewrath, but what video hardware23:39
rconanthewrath: your card should just work out of the box23:39
thewrath00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)23:39
thewrath00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)23:39
bsnideri'm not clear in what state the intel graphics driver is currently in23:39
* dan457 has 8800GT and 9800GT nvidia's with the 180 binary driver working well.23:39
crdlbmickstephenson: not for really old cards though23:39
thewrathi get desktop effects could not be enabled23:40
aciculathewrath: on jaunty?23:40
mickstephensoncrdlb: not a problem23:40
Do``crdlb: renamed autostart, exited the terminal, now logging in again and starting with that dbus-launch thingie23:40
rconanI thought there were other version for older cards in repo?23:40
dan457Bug with multiple monitors, but there is a workaround.23:40
billybigriggerok, i see that the module forcedeth is shoing in lsmod, and my ethernet controller is listed in lspci, i just cant seem to get my wired ethernet working, someone want to lend a hand?23:40
thewrathacicula: yes sir23:40
aciculathewrath: ur using 4500 gma, same as me23:40
rconandan457: I did still get that occasionally with repeat off23:40
thewrathacicula: is that a statement or question23:40
rconandan457: while holding alt-NUM23:40
dan457rconan, I never get that now.23:40
aciculathewrath: statement, anyway, support for it is still crappy afaik23:41
thewrathso no compiz23:41
dan457rconan,  i'm going to try again next time they update X23:41
* rconan hopes it's fixed soon23:41
aciculathewrath: there's a huge thread about the gpu on the ubuntuforums, have a look there23:41
rconanno key repeat is annoying23:41
Do``crdlb: now i saw a bit more stuff in the terminal, evolution alarms, tracker daemon messages, a tracker-extract crash, but still no gnome-panel23:41
thewrathplease spell things out acicula i am still getting back into linux23:41
thewrathespeciallyw ith jaunty23:42
aciculathewrath: from what i gathered the gpu does have better support, but during beta actual functioning of it is hit or miss23:42
aciculagpu is graphics card23:42
thewrathoh ok23:42
thewrathwhere on ubuntu forums is htis23:42
aciculasomewhere in hardware/laptops probably search on gma 450023:42
thewrathhow did u know i was running 450023:42
crdlbDo``: try running 'dbus-launch gnome-session &' instead, then you can try gnome-panel &23:42
aciculathewrath: magic 8 ball23:44
thewrathha ha23:44
rconanthewrath: you can tell from lspci output23:44
Ienorandwhat is the package for the volume control app called?23:44
thewrathi am in there right now23:44
aciculawhat he said23:44
thewrathand i dont see anything that says 450023:44
Do``crdlb: gnome-panel & says warning **: cannot register the panel shell: canno connect to the session bus23:45
aciculait's the express 4 series23:45
* rconan is going to bed since he is not actually waiting for the beta...23:45
crdlbDo``: hmm, I was afraid of that; it just doesn't want to start outside of a proper session23:45
crdlbDo``: so try the real gnome session again23:46
cwillu"Your system could be in an unusable state" yay! \o/ :)23:46
Do``crdlb: same thing happened as with the failsafe terminal. stops after loading the wallpaper23:47
crdlbDo``: if that fails again, then rename ~/.gnome2/23:47
thewrathacicula: what do you think about this: http://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=645003223:47
Do``and i renamed .gnome2 already :/23:47
HolyScottiethe beta page is up23:47
HolyScottiecan I post that link?23:47
thewrathHolyScottie: link us please23:47
* bruce89 yawns23:47
* rconan points out that this still isn't final... there is a mailing list announcement :p23:48
bruce89nor does it really mean anything23:48
HolyScottiewhich they will make before or after all the servers are uploaded?23:48
aciculathewrath: i know better then to waste my time tinkering with graphics drivers. plus the 4500 3d performance is pityfull, if and when it works properly i shall bask in the awesomeness glow that is compiz, untill then it's really not worth the effort.23:48
rconanHolyScottie: after23:48
rconanbut until then there can still be changes23:48
thewrathwhere is the beta page for ubuntu23:48
thewraththat was for kubuntu23:48
aciculathewrath: unless they actually implement HW decoding support, which is actually usefull23:48
rconanI fell into this trap last release23:48
thewrathacicula: all right. thank you sir for your help23:49
HolyScottiethanks for asking23:49
rconandownloaded all 6 cd images then discovered 4 had changed or something23:49
crdlbDo``: ergh, have you tried creating a new user?23:49
thewrathits not up  yet23:49
Do``crdlb: no, actually i dont know how to do that without gnome :D23:49
HolyScottieubunuted is being ULed right now23:50
bruce89Do``: adduser23:50
rconanHolyScottie: you clearly have too much spare time :p23:50
crdlbDo``: sudo adduser <username>23:50
HolyScottieso I shouldnt say i've been looking since midnight last night.23:51
thewrathHolyScottie: how do you know its being uploaded?23:51
HolyScottiecause everytime I refresh they is something new added?23:51
* bruce89 remembers all the excitement about Hardy's release23:51
bruce89people thought it was to be released at 00:00 exactly23:51
bruce89since the calendar on the fridge said so23:52
rconanI got excited about hardy23:52
bsniderDo``, you can create a new account from kde23:52
rconanI was expecting an awesome release23:52
rconanand was dissapointed23:52
* bruce89 is not surprised23:53
rconanstill... it gets better every time I think23:53
Do``bsnider: ye :)23:53
rconantime for bedcvertainly23:53
bruce89apart from Jaunty's notification system of course23:53
Do``crdlb: new account loaded gnome desktop.. :D23:53
bsnideri wouldn't have bet on that one23:54
o0Chris0ouncustomizable notifcation system23:54
bsnideryou already blew away everything gnome really cares about23:54
rconanHolyScottie: and just to really excite you: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/beta/23:54
qixcomamd64 of the beta is up now but not x8623:54
bruce89bsnider: GNOME?23:54
Do``crdlb:  now it's a matter of finding which of my settings is the problem23:54
billybigriggerthe beta pages are there, no images though23:55
thewrathhow do i bcakup my private keys and move themt o another machine?23:55
bsniderbruce89, huh?23:55
thewrathjust wondering scine i am in jaunty atnm23:55
bruce89bsnider: this new notification system is not GNOME's fault23:55
HolyScottieso if I DL now before the rush, I can compare the hash file later to make sure I have the final?23:55
bsniderbruce89, i wasn't involved in your conversation. i was talking about something else23:56
bruce89HolyScottie: have you got Jaunty already?23:56
billybigriggerHolyScottie, if you were to download the alpha 6 image, and upgrade via apt, you will have the same version as the beta cd23:56
qixcombillybigrigger - the amd64bit images are there23:56
bruce89bsnider: oops, sirry23:56
HolyScottiewill the apt-get updates be out today also?23:56
IenorandHas brasero been removed now all of a sudden?23:57
aciculaHolyScottie: they have been out for ever23:57
HolyScottiebut I am in a different distro right now, so I want the iso to do a clean install23:57
billybigriggerqixcom, haha they weren't 1 min ago for me :P downloading now23:57
bruce89Ienorand: shouldn't have been23:57
qixcomlooks like the x86 is up now too23:57
* bruce89 still has the Intrepid beta CD, no need for me to download CDs any more23:57
thewrathITS UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!23:57
qixcomdownloading as we speak23:57
thewrathsorry for caps23:58
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.23:58
Ienorandbruce89: Dunno but looks like the nautilus CD/DVD creator got installed and brasero removed in some update, presumably recent...23:58
thewrathoh only live cds23:58
thewrathright now23:58
thewrathi dont want a live cd i want the real thing23:58
bruce89Ienorand: well, that's not supposed to happen23:58
thewrathqixcom: u download hte live cd23:58
Cycomit's partially up.23:58
HolyScottieum, is there a cd release of ubuntu 9.04 or is it dvd only?23:58
aciculathewrath: livecd is the real deal.23:59
thewrathso i can isntall from taht23:59
qixcomdownloading live dvd23:59
aciculathewrath: samething23:59
thewrathhow would i upgrade then from the alpha to the beta23:59
aciculaapt-get update && apt-get upgrade23:59

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