
kblin_Carlo_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/ARM-EL-port00:03
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
loolWe need a tester for the ixp4xx image (NSLU2)08:29
Meiz_n810will plasma-mid be included in the next version? (after jaunty)09:18
=== persia_ is now known as persia
Martynogra : Are you online?16:26
MartynI'm seeing some pretty serious USB bus lockups with the kernel provided in your current image16:26
Martynwhen the USB bus comes under heavy load, it locks up completely and all devices no longer respond (net/mouse/kbd)16:26
Martynhave you seen anything similar?16:26
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
jkridner|workamitk: is there some clear action I can take to make SGX integration on a #beagle easier?16:59
amitkjkridner|work: integration into omap kernel? We don't have one yet.19:05
jkridner|workwhat can I do to help you get one?19:06
* lool wishes for a beagleboard rain over my house19:44
=== bradf_afk is now known as bradf
kblinlool: if you find out how to conjure one up, please tell me20:07
kblinlool: I'm currently working on a talk proposal about running an Active Directory domain controller on the beagle, but clustered Samba on a beagle cluster would be fun as well20:07
* Martyn works on updating the available kernel and initrd for the EVM board21:10
Martynto at least get it to the same level as the one used for the babbage21:10

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