
Bojhanmpt: hey00:00
Bojhanmpt: pm?00:00
rickspencer3can someone /msg me so that I can test something in the indicator-applet?01:20
Bojhanrickspencer3: is there a bot I can leave msg's for someone in this channel?01:22
rickspencer3Bojhan: thanks!01:23
Bojhanrickspencer3: hehe, it was a question as well tohugh01:24
rickspencer3Bojhan: sorry, I didn't actually read it01:24
rickspencer3I don't know01:24
bratscheLaney: I posted a new patch, but I don't have hardware to test this with.  If you happen to have some bluetooth stuff and can test sharing files, that would be awesome.01:35
LaserJocktedg: around?02:07
tedgLaserJock: Yes.02:07
LaserJocktedg: do you have any bugs about the indicator applet not showing up with Pidgin?02:07
tedgThough, I've had a glass of wine ;)  Expect more sarcasm than usual.02:07
tedgLaserJock: Yeah, there seems to be one where it disappears.  I haven't been able to track it down though.02:08
LaserJockit disappears or never appears?02:08
tedgEveryone seems to be doing what they're told, they just disagree on it.02:08
tedgIf you want to see if Pidgin is actually indicating, you can run /usr/lib/indicator-applet/listen-and-print and that will print everything outputing an indicator.02:09
LaserJockfor me it's like it doesn't see the indicator at all02:09
tedgAre you getting notifications?  You might have the plugin disabled?02:09
LaserJockhmm, didn't check to see if it was disabled02:10
LaserJockwhich plugin is it?02:11
LaserJockI've got libnotify popups and message notification02:11
LaserJockah, "libnotify popups" did the trick02:12
tedgLaserJock: Heh, now you can test the notification system :)02:16
LaserJocktedg: yes, it was kinda lonely since I don't use evo02:18
LaserJockI  still wish I could get bzr-notify to be useful though :(02:18
LaserJockbut as I understand it, it's being worked on some02:18
BojhanDo you guys know, I want to leave a message for mpt but I can't seem to reach him trough irc, is there another way I could try contacting or leaving a message, or should I just come back later?02:20
BojhanLaserJock: Not on his website02:20
LaserJockBojhan: it's on Launchpad02:21
tedgLaserJock: I do have my own bzr notification plugin.  I haven't done much with it, but I could push it somewhere if you're interested.  It only shows notifications if the operation takes longer than 30 seconds.02:25
LaserJockmy problem is that I can't keep the notifications around long enough02:26
LaserJockis that something that's easy to tweak?02:26
LaserJockI keep putting my cursor on them and *poof* :-)02:26
tedgLaserJock: Not really :(  One of the things that we're discussing for the Karmic version is the idea of a hotkey to keep the around longer.  A "hold" key per se.02:27
LaserJockI talked to Mark about possibly putting bzr notifications in the indicator applet but he said that was not the right way to do it02:27
tedgI'm not sure how good of an idea it is though.  It seems nice, but it's entirely indiscoverable.02:28
LaserJockit's just frustrating when I know my computer is trying to tell me something but I keep missing it02:28
LaserJockthere's no way to get a log, for instance, that I've seen02:28
tedgLaserJock: ~/.cache/notify-osd.log02:28
LaserJockthat's fantastic02:29
LaserJockI just need a GUI for it02:29
tedgHeh, I only have so many answers :)02:29
LaserJocklike "Notification Log" when right clicking the indicator applet02:29
LaserJockhmm, this is really weird02:30
LaserJockbut I almost wish I had a notifier of the notification :-)02:30
tedgIt would be interesting if Bazaar could make the terminal it's running in call for attention... seems like it'd be possible.02:30
tedgProbably could exploit the fact that X has almost no security :)02:31
LaserJockI go away from laptop for 5 min, come back and have a "you have 5 notifications waiting" thing02:31
LaserJockthe thing is queuing notifications02:31
LaserJockit's *good* information, I hate to be losing it all the time02:32
tedgThe problem there is probably most of them you don't care about... login/logout or IMs, the display in Pidgin is better than anything we could do.02:32
LaserJockI can't recall getting a notification I didn't care about02:32
LaserJockat least at some level02:32
LaserJockif I don't care about them I turn them off :-)02:32
tedgSee, and now I've helped you understand by adding a flood of notifications from your IM buddies ;)02:33
tedgThings like "7 new mail messages" from Evolution is useful when it's popping up.  But in 10 minutes is just useless.02:33
LaserJockwell, looking at the log it seems more useful than I thought02:34
LaserJockperhaps a simple pygtk "aggregator" would do the trick02:34
LaserJockit's more of what I was thinking the indicator applet was going to be02:35
tedgCool, it'd be interesting to see what you come up with.  We couldn't come up with something that we thought would work, but that doesn't mean there isn't an answer :)02:35
LaserJockyeah, I'm sure plenty of people would find it annoying02:36
LaserJockbut right now the notifications are pretty much all stuff I'd like to be able to queue02:36
LaserJocksomething like gwibber for notification is what I'm thinking02:36
LaserJockperhaps tying into the FUSA "global status" thing would cut down on "noise"02:37
tedgYeah, that would be interesting.  The upstream GNOME guys are putting status into gnome session for that purpose.  I don't believe that's the right place to put it, but if it's there, we should use it.02:38
LaserJockonly queue from non-messaging type apps (pidgin, gwibber, etc.) while Available, but present everything that happened while Away02:38
LaserJockanyway, that's just a braindump after seeing that log02:39
LaserJockthanks for pointing that out, very useful02:39
LaserJockheh, I wonder if you could even present the notifications graphically as a timeline02:41
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
tedgThat would be interesting.  Have you seen the movies of the Wizbit timeline?  It's pretty interesting how it compresses data as you zoom in and out.02:44
LaserJockit would be rather cool to see02:47
LaserJockbut methinks my programming skills are not up to that task ;-)02:47
pittiGood morning07:29
seb128hello there08:55
seb128mvo: there?08:55
robert_ancellmorning all08:55
* pitti hugs seb128, bonjour08:56
seb128mvo: robert_ancell is getting the "do you want to migrate the logout button to a fusa applet" after every login08:56
* pitti hugs robert_ancell as well, good morning08:56
* seb128 hugs pitti, guten tag!08:56
* robert_ancell tries to remember his german lessons...08:56
Tm_Tguten morgen08:56
* didrocks hugs seb128, pitti, robert_ancell & Tm_T :)09:00
seb128lut crevette didrocks09:01
crevettesalut les jeunes :)09:01
didrocksplop le vieux :p09:01
crevettegood morning to the people who don't speak french09:02
* seb128 got lot of retracer emails and hug pitti again for fixing those09:02
pittiI checked it this morning, all quiet09:03
crevettehey pitti, I wanted to know how should I proceed to have dgb package for bluetooth09:03
pitticrevette: what's wrong with the -dbgsyms?09:03
crevettehow could I get the dbgsysms ?09:05
pitticrevette: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash09:05
crevetteah okay, so I need to ask people to add that to their sources list09:06
seb128pitti: what was your wiki page about email filtering again?09:06
pittiseb128: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFilter09:06
seb128robert_ancell: ^09:06
pittiseb128, robert_ancell: http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/talks/lp-bug-mail-filtering/lp-bug-mail-filtering.pdf as well09:07
pittiwell, I guess it's not much useful without hearing the talk, though09:07
crevettepitti, another question :/, (I don't have access to a Linux smachine at work), is it possible to tell apport to don't check if crashing application comes from an official package (for https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/343859)09:12
ubottuUbuntu bug 343859 in bluez "Sponsor new upstream version (4.33) into Jaunty" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:12
mvoseb128: oh?09:13
mvorobert_ancell: what kind of system is it? a hardy->intrepid->jaunty upgraded one?09:13
robert_ancellmvo: jaunty upgraded09:14
mvorobert_ancell: could you please kill the running update-notifier and then run "update-notifier --debug-hooks"  and give me the output in a pastebin (it will probably be long)09:14
robert_ancellmvo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/138093/09:15
seb128crevette: it does that by default09:16
robert_ancellmvo: This caused the notification to pop up again09:16
crevetteseb128, are you sure, I'm used to see when one of my ppa is crashing, that apport can't report the bug because the package is not an official ubuntu package09:17
seb128crevette: right, which is what you were asking to get no?09:17
seb128ah no09:17
seb128crevette: well you have the .crash on your disk, sending it to launchpad would be wrong since that's an ubuntu version09:18
seb128crevette: you can still apport-retrace your local version09:18
crevetteyeah :/, but I would be interested by the crasher backtrace09:18
crevetteanyway, I need to focus on my day job09:20
seb128crevette: use apport-retrace locally?09:20
mvorobert_ancell: thanks, looking09:28
robert_ancellmvo: I noticed when I closed the notification it crashed, see bug 34888309:31
ubottuBug 348883 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/348883 is private09:31
crevetteseb128, does apport generate debug information even if the package is not official? so the user can upload them and I can retrace on machine.09:33
* mpt replies to Bojhan09:36
seb128crevette: yes, the .crash is in /var/crash too09:37
mvorobert_ancell: thanks, thanks that trace too, it looks lik eits crashing in the debug code :P09:37
robert_ancellmvo: haha09:38
seb128robert_ancell: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/PatchTaggingGuidelines09:47
=== davmor2 is now known as davmor3
=== davmor3 is now known as davmor2
hyperairsigh .it's all i can do to not reply very sarcastically to the person who just posted in ubunt-devel regarding the whole update-notifier change.09:54
mvorobert_ancell: I'm preparing a fix for the log problem and will upload to my ppa, then the log should be more useful, currently its broken :/10:00
robert_ancellmvo: ok, will test when ready10:00
maxbhyperair: why sarcastically? I thought it was a reasonably summation of the situation10:02
hyperairmaxb: sarcastically not  to him, but regarding the whole decision of the desktop team in general10:03
hyperairi'm still feeling rather sore about it10:03
maxbWell, +1 on that :-)10:03
maxbThe whole notifications/indicators thing has been hideously mishandled IMO10:04
hyperairto put it rather bluntly, because a few idiots can't tell where to click,  the rest of us have to endure the stupid window popping up, and delayed notifications of updates, and this new behaviour CANNOT BE TURNED OFF10:04
seb128troll troll troll10:05
seb128not really the channel for that guys10:05
mvoit can be turned off via gconf10:05
seb128maxb: what has been mishandled?10:05
hyperairmvo: oh it can? well my icon went missing the moment i turned it off10:05
mvohyperair: the key in gconf is "auto_launch"10:06
hyperairmvo: that's the key i messed with10:06
hyperairmvo: and the icon effectively disappeared for me10:06
mvohyperair: and it does not work? have you restarted update-notifier since?10:06
hyperairregarding that...10:07
hyperairperhaps not10:07
maxbseb128: Well maybe there's undercurrents that I'm not aware of, but it comes across to me as an ordinary user, as a small team at Canonical shoving an unwanted change down everyone's throats... and after FeatureFreeze no less10:07
mvoplease try it, maybe that should be clearer in the gconf description10:07
mvo^--- hyperair10:07
mvohyperair: if that does not help, please report it as a bug10:07
hyperairmvo: is there a gconf schema about this?10:07
hyperairmvo: alright10:07
mvohyperair: yes10:07
hyperairmaxb: i thought that was done before FF10:08
seb128maxb: no change landed after featurefreeze no, and it's not unwanted you always have vocal minorities on lists but that's not always representative of the userbase10:08
mvohyperair: we are in string freeze, so I'm a bit hesitant to change the gconf schema doc, but maybe we can create a wiki page for it or something10:08
hyperairmvo: alright10:08
maxbI wonder if we don't have a vocal *majority* in this case10:09
seb128maxb: how do you know?10:10
seb128maxb: your view is biaised on geeks users I gues10:11
seb128maxb: we will not know the normal non technical users reaction before having pushed that in a stable version to those users10:11
seb128maxb: following you way of thinking we would never do any change10:12
seb128maxb: it's good to try new things, look how it goes and adjust, if that's a failure at least that will have been experimented we can roll back next cycle and we will have learnt something10:12
mvorobert_ancell: its uploaded to my ppa now, in the meantime culd you please show me ~/.update-notifier/hooks-seen please?10:16
robert_ancellmvo: doesn't exist10:17
robert_ancellmvo: sorry, exists as hooks_seen but is empty10:18
Laneybratsche: No, sorry. Perhaps you can ask in #ubuntu+1?10:19
mvorobert_ancell: ok, thanks10:21
mvorobert_ancell: that should not be empty :)10:21
mvorobert_ancell: do you run i386 or amd64 ?10:21
robert_ancellmvo: i38610:21
mvorobert_ancell: ok, I build you a deb, the ppa probably takes some more time until its finished10:22
mvorobert_ancell: I uploaded a fix for the logging to http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/update-notifier/ - could you please install update-notifier and upate-notifier-common from there and run the --debug-hooks thing again?10:40
robert_ancellmvo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/138142/10:44
mvorobert_ancell: but the file is still empty I assume?10:47
robert_ancellmvo: Now contains:10:47
robert_ancellfusa-applet.note 1223780646 010:47
robert_ancellfirefox-3.0-restart-required 1237808887 010:47
robert_ancellmvo: A bunch of notifications occurred about previous crashes etc10:48
mvorobert_ancell: ok, please check if you still see the dialog on the next start of u-n / next login10:48
mvorobert_ancell: right, that is apport10:48
mvorobert_ancell: maybe/hopefully the log fix fixed the file writing as well :)10:48
robert_ancellmvo: brb10:49
robert_ancellmvo: just restarted session, everything seems good now!10:50
seb128pitti: what is the criterious for failed retracing again?10:52
seb128pitti: ie shouldn't bug #346102 have been closed?10:53
ubottuBug 346102 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/346102 is private10:53
mvorobert_ancell: excellent, thanks a lot10:53
robert_ancellmvo: no prob.  thanks for the fix10:53
seb128mvo rocks at bug fixing as you can see ;-)10:53
* mvo is also pretty good at creating them 10:53
=== davmor2 is now known as bolt_
seb128mvo: just curious but that was a corner case or something? weird that nobody ran into that bug before10:54
pittiseb128: failed-retrace -> "mostly ??" (do you want the precise algorithm?)10:54
=== bolt_ is now known as davmor2
pittiseb128: we don't auto-close bugs if there weren't obsolete packages10:55
seb128pitti: ok, I was not sure about that one, thanks10:55
seb128I was not sure if we decided that "??" for the first n functions was enough to autoclose or not10:55
pittiwe didn't decide that yet10:56
pittiI'm not saying I'd reject the idea, of course10:56
seb128mvo: is https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-notifier/+bug/348110 the issue you just fixed too?11:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 348110 in update-notifier "update-notifier crashed with SIGSEGV in g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID()" [Medium,New]11:09
seb128crash in hook_file_mark_as_seen()11:09
crevettesorry to ask dumb question, but what should I look at in a stacktrace. I should examine each functions to see if parameters are sane for instance?11:21
crevettehttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/18611864/Stacktrace.txt is a good candidate to show me11:21
seb128crevette: start looking to the crash line11:24
seb128crevette: is this case hs = 0x011:24
seb128crevette: you might have some code which doesn't handle the case where it's not set or something11:24
crevetteat #2 the src seems weird src = {b = "¥\210Ó`\020"}11:26
pittimvo: hm, I just saw james_w's question about auto-running Ubuntu CDs in nautilus and update-manager11:32
pittimvo: where is the logic that brings up the "ubuntu cd inserted" dialog?11:32
seb128pitti: update-notifier I guess and nautilus does handle autoruns11:35
seb128pitti: I think we should just disable the nautilus autorun code, I'm not sure there is any linux CD around using that11:35
seb12895% of the cases you will get a microsoft autorun and the dialog will not work11:35
pittiseb128: I think it's mainly meant for windows CDs and using wine11:35
pittibut that doesn't work anyway11:35
pittiseb128: I agree; at least for jaunty, the integration just isn't there yet11:36
pittiseb128: I just noticed the request for packging gnome-pilot 2.0.1711:36
seb128another component unmaintained in ubuntu11:36
pittiis anyone interested in gnome-pilot?11:36
seb128I've no device to use that and never used it11:36
pittineither have I11:36
pittiseb128: I'd do the update now, mainly since our current version is so old, but I can't test it really either11:37
seb128do the update and rely on users to do the testing ;-)11:37
seb128I'm not sure many user are using that anyway11:37
pitticrevette, ember, didrocks: does any of you happen to have a device which works with gnome-pilot and is interested in updating?11:37
pittiseb128: okay11:37
didrockspitti: I have any device yet, that uses gnome-pilot. So, it will be difficult for testing :)11:38
pittiit should have some maintainer in Ubuntu, though11:39
seb128everything should11:39
seb128in practice that's not that easy ...11:39
crevettepitti, gnome-pilot is for palm devices, right ?11:42
pittior we should remove it from the default install11:42
pitticrevette: for PalmOS, yes11:42
crevettemy father gave me one few years ago, but I never used it, I'm not really interested in those devices...11:43
crevettepitti, I can send it to you if you want11:43
pitticrevette: that's USB?11:43
crevettePaml is so 90's for me :)11:43
pittiwell, I don't exactly have spare cycles to maintain this either, I'm afraid11:43
pittibut if nobody wants to, we should remove it from default install11:43
seb128pitti: there was a discussion on the list about dropping it from the default install recently11:44
crevettepitti, oh no, it's the one with the craddle on serial I guess11:44
crevetteI would vote for dorpping it from default install11:44
crevettepitti, this is this one http://mobileministrymagazine.com/uploaded_images/PalmVx-789461.jpg11:45
pittiit's not even in the menu11:45
seb128pitti: it is in system preferences11:46
pitticrevette: a friend of mine has an old Palm 3x with a serial cable; but heck, I don't even have a serial port anywhere11:46
crevettepitti, me neither11:47
crevetteI just have a laptop with usb nowaday11:47
didrocksseb128: with "Bienvenu" and not "Bienvenue" in French :D11:47
mvopitti: the logic is inside update-notifier, it hooks into libhal11:49
mvoseb128: I unified the debug log stuff some days/weeks ago and I guess noone ran into a notification since11:50
mvoseb128: that unification had a bug11:50
mvoseb128: the bug is the same11:50
seb128mvo: see the other bug number I posted there, you might want to close that as well11:51
seb128ok good11:51
mvothanks seb12811:51
* seb128 hugs mvo, good work!11:51
seb128makes me wonder about the beta testing though11:51
seb128we are in a beta testing week and nobody noticed the issue ...11:51
seb128admittedly we do rather new installs testing than upgrades but still11:52
pittiseb128: bug 34894011:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 348940 in gnome-pilot "[FFE] New upstream release 2.0.17" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34894011:52
seb128pitti: thanks11:52
crevettedobey, around?11:52
crevettemvo, seb128, what are you talking about, missing notification icon when there is updates ?11:53
dobeycrevette: hi11:53
pittiseb128: I sub'ed you, since AFAIK you ack FFEs for GNOME?11:53
crevettedobey, hello, I seen there was an update of the icon-naming-spec recently, but no changelog, do you know what was changed, and if it is possible to have the changelog?11:54
seb128pitti: I'm not sure about main, I've been delegated by MOTU for universe11:54
pittiah, I see11:55
seb128pitti: I think for main that's still u-r deciding, ie slangasek11:55
pittiI'll put it into the desktop PPA for now then11:55
seb128pitti: I gave my +1 on the bug for the record ;-)11:55
crevettedoes version 0.8.90  mean the version is a like a beta for 0.9 ?11:55
crevetteah damn it I forgot to open a FFe for nemiver ...11:56
dobeycrevette: http://webcvs.freedesktop.org/icon-theme/icon-naming-utils/ChangeLog?view=log11:56
dobeycrevette: eh, icon-naming-utils will be going away soon anyway.11:57
crevettedobey, ah I'm stupid, I should have look here.11:57
crevettedobey, why ?11:57
dobeycrevette: http://launchpad.net/icontool11:57
crevettedobey, but the spec will continue ?11:58
dobeycrevette: will be merging stuff into there, and it will do more stuff than just the symlink compat crap11:58
seb128pitti: btw the discussion I mentionned was "Strawman: remove vendor-specific configuration tools from default install" on -discuss11:58
pittiseb128: yes, I noticed that, but I didn't reply back then11:58
seb128pitti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/33444611:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 334446 in gnome-pilot "Remove gnome-pilot from the default ubuntu install" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:59
crevetteicon-namings-utils permits  to maintain compatibility for gnome and KDE icons, right ?11:59
seb128pitti: you have some palm users subscribed to this bug, you can probably ask for testing feedback there ;-)11:59
dobeycrevette: yes, it just creates symlinks for old icon names, so apps will still get the new icons even though they haven't all migrated11:59
pittiseb128: nice, thanks11:59
crevettedobey, do you have an idea for https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bugs/348683, si we use application-x-executable ?12:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 348683 in gnome-panel "application-default-icon.png provided is not Tango compliant" [Wishlist,Confirmed]12:03
crevettesorry to bother you, don't hesitate to kick me12:04
dobeythere is my opinion/idea :)12:08
crevettedobey, actually the patch comes from ubuntu12:11
dobeywell the bug is in launchpad, so sure12:11
crevettethe patch is http://patches.ubuntu.com/g/gnome-panel/extracted/09_default_icons.patch12:12
crevetteand we also provided the icon12:12
dobeyi don't see what that has to do with my suggestion?12:12
dobeywhich is to say "don't do that"12:12
crevettedobey, okay so for you we should drop the patch12:13
dobeyyes, that is what i suggested12:13
crevetteI should test without the patch to see what that look like12:13
dobeyeither don't put an icon there, put an empty icon, or fix the code so that all menu items have the same height12:14
crevettedobey, ah you think the icon is here because it make sures the height is the same on all menu entries?12:14
dobeyi think that's the only valid reason to stick such an icon there12:14
crevetteI don't know the rationale of the patch ...12:14
dobey(although, using an icon to do that is the wrong fix)12:15
crevetteseb128,, do you know what is the rationale behind http://patches.ubuntu.com/g/gnome-panel/extracted/09_default_icons.patch12:15
seb128crevette: we got a menu saying that having an icon would be better than the empty upstream way12:15
seb128crevette: and that icon was suggested12:15
seb128that was years ago12:16
crevettes/we got a menu/we got a bug/ I guess12:16
rickspencer3I did a clean install of Jaunty Beta last night, it's working quite13:27
rickspencer3it's the first time I installed a 64 bit build as well13:27
rickspencer3The only issue so far is that I am experiencing the "Intel Slowness"13:28
rickspencer3in terms of X13:28
kenvandine_wkrickspencer3: what video card?13:36
kenvandine_wk965 by chance?13:36
rickspencer3seb128: I see that CD Creator is in System Tools13:36
kenvandine_wkrickspencer3: try changing to uxa and reporting you results on this wiki page13:36
rickspencer3kenvandine_wk: yah, thanks13:36
kenvandine_wkuxa  made a huge difference for me... went from unusable to damn fast13:37
rickspencer3kenvandine_wk: ack13:37
rickspencer3bryce has been working on this problem for months13:37
pittihey rickspencer313:37
kenvandine_wkyeah, hard problem13:37
rickspencer3hey pitti13:37
rickspencer3I think bryce is pretty close to having it cracked, so I'll wait for him to get online in case there's some extra testing or something I can do to help him out13:38
pittiUXA doesn't change much FWIW; just causes some rendering artifarcts13:38
rickspencer3pitti: It looks like "System Tools" menu item crept into the beta13:38
pittirickspencer3: yeah, unfortunately :( we quickly discussed it some days ago, but I don't remember the conclusion; seb128?13:39
rickspencer3well, we shall remove it soon :)13:39
crevettekenvandine_wk, in config without worg.conf I can just put this part of config and it'll work?13:39
seb128rickspencer3: what do you suggest?13:39
seb128the rational is that this one opens the burn: location13:39
kenvandine_wkcrevette: works great here... my box is completely unusable without it :/13:40
* pitti wants the freeze to end and to get his 30 fix committed bugs closed13:40
seb128that was in the places menu before but that's not really a place either13:40
crevettekenvandine_wk, my display is so slow, I need to try that13:40
rickspencer3Accessories I suppose is the only other logical one13:40
kenvandine_wkcrevette: which video card?13:40
* seb128 is having a meeting with davidbarth and looking through notify-osd bugs13:40
pittiseb128: speaking of which, the a11y menu also only has one entry (orca)13:40
* kenvandine_wk would rather see a button in nautilus13:40
seb128rickspencer3: would be confusing to have one for the GUI and one for the nautilus location though13:40
crevetteintel x3100, but I don't remember the display chipset13:40
seb128pitti: yeah, I told TheMuso and he said he would fix after beta13:41
kenvandine_wkcrevette:   lspci -nn | grep VGA13:41
pittiah, nice13:41
crevettekenvandine_wk, I don't have my laptop here13:41
rickspencer3seb128: I'm not sure what you mean13:42
rickspencer3I think it's okay to have more than one way to get to the fuctionality13:42
seb128rickspencer3: there is one item in sound&video already which opens the GUI13:42
rickspencer3right, brasereo13:43
seb128I'm not sure if having 2 similars icons for different things would be confusing13:43
kenvandine_wki would rather see a button in nautilus that takes you to burn:///13:43
rickspencer3I think brasereo is very tuned to creating audio cds (though I know it does more)13:43
rickspencer3and CD/DVD creator is more of an archiving tool13:44
rickspencer3I think it would work fine in accessories13:44
seb128ok good13:44
rickspencer3and also you can get to it by right clicking on things, and saying "burn"13:44
rickspencer3what do you think?13:44
seb128I was considering putting it back in the places menu13:44
seb128but accessories works too13:44
seb128I would like to get mpt opinion on that one too13:45
mvoasac: could you please pastebin me the lshal output of your system with the 3g card?13:45
rickspencer3I was going to suggest ivanka, but either way13:45
rickspencer3oops, brb13:45
mptseb128, I think Accessories makes a bit more sense than Places13:45
ivankadid someone call?13:46
mptA CD/DVD that you haven't inserted yet isn't really a Place in the sense that all the other items in the menu are13:46
ivankampt: is this what we were talking about the other day?13:47
mptivanka, yes13:47
ivankathen I agree with you13:47
mptthe "CD/DVD Creator" item in the Places menu13:47
mptseb128, on a slightly related topic, is Terminal in "Accessories" upstream, or is it in "System Tools"?13:48
kenvandine_wkmpt: that is upstream13:48
mptkenvandine_wk, which is?13:48
kenvandine_wkterminal in acces13:48
kenvandine_wkhas been like that for quite a while in upstream gnome13:49
kenvandine_wkmaybe since 2.16 or 2.1813:49
ivankafor a non-technical user it might seem a little incongruous to have it in Accessories13:51
ivankaTerminal, that is13:51
kenvandine_wksome distros have patched it to put it in system tools13:51
kenvandine_wkbut personally i don't even like having system tools13:51
ivankaclutter doesn't help anyone13:52
ivankatech or not13:52
kenvandine_wknot sure where else to put it13:52
ivankawhat other options are there?13:52
ivankaat least System Tools implies some sort of direct conversation with the machine13:52
ivankaLike the mechanics garage vs just topping up the screen wash in the car13:53
kenvandine_wki think that stuff fits better under administration13:53
ivankaWhat else is in System Tools? (just looking btw)13:54
kenvandine_wknothing else13:55
kenvandine_wkjust cd/dvd creator13:55
ivankaWhat is the difference between System > Administration and System Tools?13:55
kenvandine_wkhistorically it has been a dumping ground for power user stuff13:55
kenvandine_wki think things that tend to go there should really go in administration13:56
rickspencer3about $.5013:56
kenvandine_wklike disk utilities, etc13:56
kenvandine_wkgparted puts itself in system tools i think... at least upstream does13:56
rickspencer3ivanka: we'd like help looking at all the menus, bur for karmic13:56
kenvandine_wkthat clearly belongs in administration13:56
rickspencer3for now, I would like us to ensure that there is no "system tools" menu under applications13:57
ivankampt and I have already looked at some usability testing we can do for the menus13:57
rickspencer3ivanka: great13:58
rickspencer3I would love to see a UDS session around cleaning up the menus13:58
ivankaWe'll add it to the list :)13:58
* kenvandine_wk wonders what upstream gnome hackers will be at UDS... i would really like to see that stuff cleaned up directly upstream for 2.2813:59
dobeyugh. sometimes when i resume my laptop in jaunty, it seems that the framebuffer is all messed up, and X crashes :(13:59
ivankasorry guys, I have to go to a meeting13:59
ivankafor now I agree with MPT on the subject of CD/DVD creators14:00
dobeykenvandine_wk: i'll be there :)14:00
ivankaand agree that Terminal could do with a new home14:00
kenvandine_wkdobey: i was thinking non-canonical folks :)14:00
ivankaNot all that actionable14:00
rickspencer3but to be clear, for Jaunty, the only menu related task is to move CD/DVD Creator14:01
kenvandine_wkrickspencer3: agreed14:01
ivankarickspencer3: yes14:01
rickspencer3and we're moving it Accessories, it sounds like we are all agreed14:01
rickspencer3seb128: do you need a bug on that?14:01
ivankarickspencer3: yes and bye for now14:02
seb128rickspencer3: if there is no bug yet please do open one14:02
emberthere's one similar bug #34443114:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 344431 in brasero "cd / dvd creator appears in the apps menu, not in places" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34443114:02
rickspencer3ember: thanks kindly, I'll use that14:03
kenvandine_wkseb128: i can take that14:03
kenvandine_wki get great pleasure from reducing the number of categories in the menu... :)14:04
rickspencer3ok, assigned to ken14:04
rickspencer3does anyone else think it's interesting that I installed the beta last night, and my burning question was about pushing menus around?14:06
rickspencer3it seems to be a very solid release for a beta14:07
rickspencer3and my hardware is newish as well14:07
rickspencer3robert_ancell: how is it going?14:09
robert_ancellrickspencer3: good.  just squashed bug 34564514:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 345645 in gnome-media "volume control problem with tabs" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34564514:09
robert_ancelland I managed to close my UK bank account at lunch so they can stop snail mail spamming me in australia :)14:10
pittirickspencer3: yeah, I have a very good feeling about it as well :)14:17
pittiand it's the first time I could use the beta freeze to work on my bugs instead of fighting fires14:17
pitti2pitti2: ping14:36
seb128hey pitti214:37
mvomvo: ping14:37
pittiwanted to try whether it crashes for me as well14:37
pittipitti2 is pidgin14:37
pedro_mvo: hello, may you comment on bug 323154 later?14:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 323154 in software-properties "software-properties-gtk should permit to upgrade only the packages that doesn't requiere reboot" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32315414:39
mvopedro_: sure, that feature request is *tricky* :)14:39
pedro_mvo: Thanks!. yeah seems to be one of those :-P14:41
kenvandine_wkpitti: should i subscribe ubuntu-release as well as ubuntu-main-sponsors for things that need sponsoring now?14:42
kenvandine_wkor actually just ubuntu-release?14:42
pittikenvandine_wk: just u-m-s, unless there is a FF involved14:42
pittiif there is a FFE, both14:43
kenvandine_wkso moving the cd/dvd creator menu item?14:43
seb128kenvandine_wk: doit14:44
kenvandine_wkseb128: i did it :)14:44
seb128ok good14:44
kenvandine_wkjust making sure i subscribe the right people :)14:44
seb128just subscribe the sponsor team to the bug14:44
seb128that's not a feature but a bug fix14:44
pittiasac: investigating the firefox-3.1 retracer hang now14:52
pittiasac: indeed it seems that calling debian/rules setup calls run-mozilla.sh with xulrunner-bin--gre-version14:53
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seb128ivanka, mpt: any opinion on what we should do for menu entries which have no icon?15:13
mptseb128, can you give an example?15:13
seb128use the menu editor and add a menu item? ;-) we don't have one in the default installation15:14
seb128upstream just displays no icon15:14
crevette https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bugs/348683 ?15:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 348683 in gnome-panel "application-default-icon.png provided is not Tango compliant" [Wishlist,Confirmed]15:14
seb128we added one ages ago which leaded to this bug15:14
seb128crevette: thanks I can manage that discussion I think ;-)15:14
crevettesorry :/15:14
mptah right15:15
mptseb128, I thought there was a generic application icon? iirc it was a purple diamond15:15
seb128hum, the one nautilus displays when it doesn't know the mimetype or for binaries?15:15
seb128do you think we should use that?15:16
seb128or the no-icon upstream way?15:16
mptseb128, I suggest using that same generic-app icon15:16
seb128mpt: ok thanks15:17
dobeyi really think no-icon is better15:17
dobeybut eh15:17
dobeyit looks cleaner15:18
mptCleaner like the smile of someone with a missing tooth15:18
dobeyhaving a bunch of the same icon in the menus isn't really helpful15:19
mpttrue, but usually this will happen only once or twice in any given menu15:19
dobeympt: right, because the analogy is we want all the icons to look the same? :)15:19
pittiasac: hm, debian/rules patch does that as well; I can certainly dpkg-divert away /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9.1b3/xulrunner-bin, but that will break once the next xulrunner version will land15:23
pittiasac: ^ done now15:31
asacpitti: yes. we will remove the xulrunner binary invocation in postinst16:05
asacfor now the divert should be good enough16:06
pittiasac: it's not the postinst, it's debian/rules16:06
asacpitti: oh16:07
asacthats really unfortunate16:07
asacyou need that for unpack?16:07
asacand patch16:07
asacso meaning i should really try to fix jemalloc16:07
asacwe use the MALLOC_OPTIONS=O option as you can see in rules16:08
asacbut that only works around against general chroot bustage16:08
asacseems we need more in fakechroot16:08
davmor2pitti: bug 338340 can be marked as fix released can't it?16:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 338340 in jockey "Jaunty: Jockey doesn't download driver" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33834016:11
asacmvo: yes?16:16
davmor2pitti: also bug 193731 is now covered by the Broadcom-STA in jockey so can this be fix released too?16:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 193731 in jockey "Broadcom bcm 4328 install details for hp pavillion dv9657em laptop" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19373116:28
mvoasac: I was looking at the NM integration stuff again for update-notifier, you send me some stuff a while ago on irc, could you paste that again to me please?16:32
asacmvo: what kind of stuff was that? code?16:32
mvoasac: lshal/dbus examples iirc16:33
mvoasac: essentially I want to figure out if the default gw is a 3g device, lshal should make it easy find find the device for the interface name16:33
mvoasac: and I wonder if I should querry NM for the default route or just ask the routing tabel16:34
pittiasac: it's calling debian/rules patch, and that calls xulrunner16:34
pittiasac: I'm not sure why applying patches needs that16:34
asacpitti: was cdbs fixed?16:35
pittiasac: fixed how?16:35
asaclast i know patch rule alone didnt unpack embedded tarballs16:35
mvoasac: I'm off for dinner now for ~45min, if you still have the example you gave me that would be reat, otherwise I try to dig up the stuff myself16:35
asacso its not suitable to get "patched" sources16:35
pittiasac: well, I just apt-get source'd, debian/rules patch, and that called it16:35
pittidavmor2: 338340> if it's not happening for you any more, feel free to close it16:36
asacpitti: yes. right. i just think thats not enough to get properly unpacked sources16:36
asacfor embedded tarballs (unless cdbs was fixed)16:36
pittiasac: oh, I see16:36
asacpitti: but lets talk ablout that later16:36
pittiasac: right; not urgent16:36
asacpitti: the --gre-version in rules i will look into16:36
pittiasac: enjoy dinner16:36
pittidavmor2: closed the other one, tahnks!16:37
davmor2pitti: I've fix release 338340 for now16:39
pittigood night everyone!16:40
asacpitti: cu tomorrow16:42
asacmvo: you can use nm-tool16:43
seb128'night pitti16:43
huatshello  everyone !16:43
asacif you dont want to listen for dbus changes16:43
asacmvo: that would be polling approach though16:43
bratscheWho did the new update manager stuff?  This is really hot!16:44
asacmvo: otherwise you can start with nm-tool code16:44
asacmvo: thats C though16:44
asacmvo: will introspection files help you?16:44
mvoasac: so type will tell me "3g" ?16:46
mvoasac: well, there are two problems a) use the net when it becomes available b) do not use 3g if the user does not want to16:46
mvoasac: I was wondering how to detect 3g reliable for b)16:46
mvoI have some idea about a) (I hope)16:47
* mvo is really away for dinner now16:47
seb128mvo: 5pm is rather tea time ;-)16:51
seb128oh right, european time is +1 :-)16:51
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brycerickspencer3: yeah uxa vs. exa for release is worth some discussion17:52
kenvandine_wkbryce: how are you feeling about uxa?17:57
brycekenvandine_wk: I would use the words "open minded"17:57
brycekenvandine_wk: I have not had much trouble with it, but then I've not had the perf issues others reported either17:58
kenvandine_wki am scared either way...17:58
bryceso I'm judging based on quantity of bug reports others have sent in17:58
kenvandine_wki know if i installed jaunty on my main desktop and didn't know to go edit xorg.conf to enable uxa17:58
kenvandine_wki would be rather upset17:58
bryceso far, I'm uncomfortable with the number of uxa bugs still open17:58
kenvandine_wkcause we enable compiz by default... and it is aweful on that hardware17:59
kenvandine_wki wish we could be more selective on enabling compiz17:59
bryceI'm also fearful that many of the bugs we're seeing are going to end up requiring kernel code changes17:59
bryceso post-release fixup of such issues seems like it'd be tough17:59
bryceOTOH, it's entirely unlikely we'll get fixes of any form for the EXA problems that we're looking at now18:00
bryceI know that for people for whom uxa works, it works great and they're very enthusiastic about putting it in by default18:01
brycebut as it currently stands we already have soooo many bug reports on -intel, it's tough to justify moving to yet another incompletely tested new tech... esp. when we know it's bringing new bugs...18:03
kenvandine_wkbryce: i see this as a rock and a hard place kind of situation :/18:05
seb128I think it's way too late in the cycle to switch the xorg acceleration method on intel18:08
seb128what is wrong with current driver and exa?18:08
kenvandine_wkseb128: for some intel hardware... the experience is aweful18:09
seb128was it better previous cycles?18:10
seb128and if so what did change?18:10
kenvandine_wkwell, for me it wouldn't be so bad if compiz wasn't enabled by default18:10
kenvandine_wkmy desktop with a 965 card is unusable with a default install18:10
kenvandine_wkit is fine with metacity18:10
kenvandine_wkand blazing fast with compiz with uxa enabled18:11
bryceseb128: have you re-tested since we moved to 2.6.3?18:11
seb128bryce: I'm running current jaunty on my laptop, didn't upgrade for an hour though18:11
kenvandine_wk30+s to render the alt-tab switcher18:11
seb128my laptop is intel 96518:12
kenvandine_wkalthough, i haven't tested exa on this box in over a week18:12
seb128and it's just fast using the default config18:12
kenvandine_wkyour's is the GM965 mine is G96518:12
bryceseb128: 2.6.3 was updated over a week ago so you have it; have you re-tested uxa recently?18:12
kenvandine_wkmine is a dell desktop with integrated intel video18:12
seb128bryce: no I didn't exa is fast here and I've no real issue out of this crash in libdrm on user switching18:12
kenvandine_wki have that crash too :/18:12
seb128kenvandine_wk: was it working correctly in intrepid?18:12
kenvandine_wki have never used intrepid :)18:13
seb128kenvandine_wk: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libdrm/+bug/348428 is the crash on user switch for the record18:13
ubottuUbuntu bug 348428 in libdrm "Swithing to another user and then to anything else, freezes laptop. Jaunty" [High,New]18:13
kenvandine_wkrecently in a VM :)18:13
kenvandine_wkyeah, seen it18:13
seb128kenvandine_wk: well on whatever driver was available before the one we use now18:13
kenvandine_wkwell, yes18:13
kenvandine_wkcompiz is fine on it with xorg 1.418:14
seb128can't we figure what intel did in their driver to trigger that issue?18:14
kenvandine_wkso probably fine in intrepid18:14
seb128so that's an xorg issue and not an intel driver one?18:14
seb128ie current jaunty drive on old server works fine?18:14
kenvandine_wkthe user switching bug is a little different for me... it doesn't hang, Xorg just crashes and i get a new login window18:15
kenvandine_wki doubt it would18:15
kenvandine_wkdriver version is quite different18:15
kenvandine_wkand i think libdrm was 2.4.x18:15
kenvandine_wkactually, this box came preinstalled with hardy and it worked fine18:15
kenvandine_wkwhich means some of those folks that bought the dells pre-installed that want to upgrade to jaunty might feel some pain :/18:16
seb128I had real hang issues earlier in the cycle due to vsync18:16
kenvandine_wkbryce: any way to switch between uxa and exa based on hardware ids?18:17
seb128vblank I mean18:17
seb128https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/320813 was the one I was having18:19
seb128but that has been fixed18:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 320813 in linux "[drm] compiz animations cause temporary freezes with vblank" [High,Fix released]18:20
seb128kenvandine_wk: do you have any vblank mention in /var/log/*?18:21
* kenvandine_wk looks18:22
kenvandine_wk /var/log/kern.log:Mar 23 16:49:26 trabajo kernel: [264493.894828] [drm:i915_get_vblank_counter] *ERROR* trying to get vblank count for disabled pipe 118:23
seb128the linux log on this bug has18:24
seb128"  * drm/i915: capture last_vblank count at IRQ uninstall time too18:24
seb128    - LP: #32081318:24
seb128  * drm/i915: add get_vblank_counter function for GM4518:24
seb128    - LP: #320813"18:24
seb128so maybe similar changes are required in other code18:24
seb128ie G4518:24
seb128though vblank should be disabled in mesa for intel right now18:25
seb128do you enable it in your xorg.conf or something?18:25
kenvandine_wki don't18:27
kenvandine_wki have one line added to my xorg.conf, enabling uxa18:27
seb128ok, so I don't know18:27
seb128maybe tjaalton_ has an idea about that ;-)18:28
kenvandine_wkweird i am getting those errors now and not actually seeing any problems18:28
seb128but I think your issue is a specific chipset one18:28
seb128and the solution is to get that fixed and not to switch everybody to a new technology between beta and stable18:28
kenvandine_wki would be afraid to switch to uxa now18:29
seb128we can turn off compiz on G965 if required18:30
kenvandine_wki would be happy with that... lowest risk imho18:30
kenvandine_wknot sure what other hardware might have similar issues18:30
seb128watching the intel and compiz bugs should give some clues about that18:31
kenvandine_wki should also try out exa again... i don't remember when i did that last18:31
seb128is there lot of users having similar issues?18:31
kenvandine_wknot sure, bryce?18:31
kenvandine_wkhe said if is afraid of the amount of bugs we have now18:31
seb128urg, xserver-xorg-video-intel has lot of open bugs indeed18:33
seb128not so many bugs with compiz mentionned or slow in the title though18:34
bryceseb128: my gut suggests the user switching thing is more likely mesa than libdrm, but there's not proof so far18:34
seb128bryce: I will get a gdb log when I'm back home18:35
seb128I don't have a second box to ssh my laptop there18:35
seb128and valgrind on the xserver just failed yesterday18:35
seb128valgrind complains about setuid binaries18:35
mvoseb128: tea time!18:35
mvoseb128: tea time is good time18:36
seb128and when I unset the setuid it didn't manage to start xorg18:36
seb128mvo: ;-)18:36
brycekenvandine_wk: it is definitely possible to quirk uxa/exa via hardware ids, however from the evidence I've heard so far there isn't a strong enough correlation between problems and hardware chip types.  For one person with problems on 965, there's another for whom it works great.18:37
kenvandine_wkbryce: but is it all the same 965?  GM965 vs. G965?18:37
kenvandine_wki will test exa again in a minute18:38
kenvandine_wkmy xorg.conf file hasn't been modified in longer than i thought18:38
bryceseb128: there's one or two performance bugs in -intel that have turned into me-too storms18:38
brycekenvandine_wk: well, "965" is covering a huge variety of slightly different chips18:40
bryceeven with GM965 there's a lot of variety18:40
* kenvandine_wk hates hardware18:40
seb128kenvandine_wk: when did you change your xorg config?18:41
brycehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/UxaTesting - if you look at GM965 8086:2a02, the most common 965, you see uxa works fine for almost everyone, but two people have seen lockups18:41
bryceer, one person sees lockups, one crashes18:42
seb128that linux was closed after that18:43
seb128so maybe it's fixed for you ;-)18:43
kenvandine_wkwill test in a few18:43
brycehmm, those are the changes since the date I upgraded us to 2.6.318:44
brycenot a lot of data, but 3 say better, and 3 say mixed18:45
kenvandine_wki really thought i had tried right before alpha-618:46
bryceI was hoping to see it more overwhelmingly say better18:46
kenvandine_wkguess not :)18:46
kenvandine_wkok, good news18:53
kenvandine_wkexa seems fine now :)18:54
kenvandine_wknot quite as smooth as uxa18:56
kenvandine_wkbut usuable18:56
* kenvandine_wk tries user switching :)18:56
kenvandine_wkthat actually worked18:56
* kenvandine_wk tries that again with uxa18:56
kenvandine_wkok, user switching doesn't work for me with uxa19:06
kenvandine_wkbut is fine with exa19:06
* kenvandine_wk makes a note on the wiki19:06
seb128kenvandine_wk: so exa wins again19:07
hyperairkenvandine_wk: what did you try with?19:11
kenvandine_wkseb128: yeah... uxa performs a bit better, but exa is usable... but no user switching with uxa19:18
kenvandine_wkhyperair: ?19:18
hyperairkenvandine_wk: sorry, i didn't scroll up earlier19:19
hyperairperformance with compiz was good for me with UXA and EXA19:19
hyperairaround the same19:19
hyperairbut with 3d apps, UXA was marginally better, and both completely sucked19:19
hyperairand mine's the 8086:2a02 one19:21
kenvandine_wkis mine19:24
pedro_bryce: have you seen something similar to bug 349113?19:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349113 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "blurry-dancing fonts on 855GM with intel 2.6.x" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34911319:35
brycepedro_: hmm, the description of that bug is too short19:36
brycepedro_: hard to say without more info but maybe it's just the dpi change we put in for jaunty?19:36
brycepedro_: ask the reporter if he can git-bisect to see which change specifically solved his issue19:37
brycethere's not much time left for jaunty to debug cosmetic issues, but if he can identify the specific patch we need, I can take a look at including it19:37
pedro_bryce: I asked to the reporter trough IRC the same(about dpi change),  but he stated that the git version fixes the issue for him so not sure, I'd prefer to ask ;-)19:37
pedro_bryce: alright, i'll ask him again, thanks!19:37
Bojhanmpt: ping me if or when you are here20:35
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tjaalton_kenvandine_wk: the vblank warning is harmless20:59
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kenvandine_wkyeah, seems so21:00
kenvandine_wkdoesn't cause a problem for me21:00
tjaaltonkenvandine_wk: and you can enable vblank in the compiz configuration, so if you had it there -> problems21:00
tjaaltoncompiz actually defaulted using it for a while21:01
hyperairi've always disabled it21:02
hyperairon intel it's fine, but on nvidia, some windows start quivering21:03
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