
calcanyone object to me doing bug 299161 for after beta?00:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 299161 in memtest86+ "RFE : Please upgrade to Memtest86+ 2.11 (Jaunty)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29916100:59
calcif possible anyway, it adds support for a lot of newer chipset (including mine)00:59
slangasekI hope that throw-away comment on IRC isn't meant to pass for a freeze exception request :)01:00
calcno just wanting to make sure there wasn't any obvious objection before i file for a freeze exception01:00
calci noticed it in particular due to needing to find out why my laptop is dying01:01
slangasekcalc: when preparing the request, please do a test build and let us know how the package size compares with the current version, since this is a package that goes on all CDs01:02
calcslangasek: ok will do01:02
calcits already packaged in debian but we have a changeset to merge, i should have something available by tomorrow (barring any more hardware failures)01:05
CodyT07hope u dont mind, where can i start on learning how to be an ubuntu developer?01:18
CodyT07im strongly curious on how u guys make this awesome os01:19
cjwatsonhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment01:19
cjwatsonha. bug 338788 is an excellent demonstration of how including helpful features can make problems harder to debug01:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 338788 in newt "can't enter polish character in jaunty alpha 5 netinstall" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33878801:20
* slangasek sighs. Yes, opening display preferences causes the intel driver to generate log messages... so don't launch it when in the middle of drafting the technical overview when X has been running for > 28h. :/01:21
cjwatsonthat really is an embarrassing bug01:21
CodyT07one more question, pyhton the language to learn?01:22
CodyT07much appreciated01:23
SnovaIf you have prior programming skills, it is used in many places in Ubuntu; if you don't, it is a good language to begin with.01:23
cjwatsonCodyT07: Python is one possible language to learn which is likely to come in useful, but Ubuntu developers need to work with several languages on a day-to-day basis01:23
cjwatsonCodyT07: so my advice is to stay flexible01:23
CodyT07i try, languages arent exactly my 'thing'  but i give it a try01:24
cjwatsonthe language you'll find yourself working in most depends very much on what your "thing" is01:25
CodyT07im better at finding answers to a sitatuion. E.g debugger01:25
CodyT07i cant write anything in php. but if something is broke i am usually good at finding what it is01:26
calcanyone else seen weird graphical issues on intel video on jaunty amd64 (today's cd)01:26
calci'm not sure if it is a sign of my laptop dying or bugs somewhere01:26
calci was getting graphics corruption and fonts not displaying in the right color (seemed to be background color)01:27
nixternalare we in freeze right now, or do we have a bit of time left? like say a few more hours?01:38
cjwatsonwe have been in beta freeze for some days01:38
cjwatsonsee ubuntu-devel-announce@01:38
cjwatsonwhat is the problem?01:38
nixternalstring freeze is today/26th01:39
nixternalodd that it sould be the same day as the beta release01:39
cjwatsonif in doubt, drop a mail to the translators/documenters list s01:40
nixternaloh well, I will just wait until after beta release to upload the kubuntu-docs...nothing life threatening01:40
calcwhen i reinstalled my laptop i used gpt, seems to work nicely with grub :)02:13
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
doctormoDoes trackerd have an irc channel? or a place where developers go?03:55
crdlbdoctormo: #tracker on gimpnet perhaps03:58
slangasekzul: could you please have a look at Debian bug #521225 for jaunty?04:12
ubottuDebian bug 521225 in samba "samba: mishandling of mapped read-only attribute causes failed profile sync" [Critical,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/52122504:12
dholbachgood morning05:58
DanMcGooI am trying to build my first debian package and I got some little problem07:20
DanMcGooSomeone can help me ?07:20
RAOF#ubuntu-motu is a better channel for that.07:21
DanMcGoook thanks07:21
pittiGood morning07:27
pittijames_w: problem> it still is, since it causes CK to exit, and thus CK doesn't work at all07:27
pittijames_w: shutdownkit> yes, nobody except William particularly liked this functionality in CK in the first place for this reason; and hal == shutdownkit, too07:28
pittislangasek: 264336> I plan to do something about it in jaunty, yes; either by handling the failure more gracefully at install time, or creating more dynamic defaults. however, I want to consult with upstream about this first07:29
slangasekpitti: ok (morning)07:35
pittislangasek: I'm confused; nvclock doesn't build a smartdimmer package, nor does the nvclock binary ship it07:36
slangasekpitti: correct, that will happen with the next upload of nvclock - it couldn't happen before the MIR was approved07:36
slangasekbecause smartdimmer is already in main, from a different (obsolete) source07:36
pittiah, it's stil in the sponsoring queue07:37
slangasekno, it's in the "Steve isn't uploading this because he doesn't want it accidentally accepted into main because it looks like a universe package" queue07:37
pittislangasek: seems we shuold remove the smartdimmer source from the archive then?07:38
pittithe only other (except hal) rdepends is acpi-support07:38
slangasekyes, but not during the freeze...07:38
pittiand I guess that should be obsolete07:38
pittislangasek: right, just planning07:38
pittiI won't move nvclock to main either07:38
pittiI just saw the MIR approval07:38
slangasekFWIW, I have a handle on this on my end and am ready to push the buttons once beta is out07:39
ogra_slangasek, do you have any idea what tool cjwatson used to copy my babbage image in place ?07:48
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
slangasekogra_: other than 'cp'?  no08:05
ograwell, its owned by cdimage08:05
ograand only writeable by the user08:06
slangasekis that unusual?08:06
ograi'd like to do one update (there was one preseed option added to the cmdline, its tested and ok, but i cant copy the img (while i can edit the html in the dir)08:06
slangasekprobably 'cp', in any case08:07
ograi'm not the cdimage user :)08:07
slangasekdo you not have sudo access?08:07
ograi'm only in its group08:07
ograi cant sudo to cdimage, it asks for a pw08:07
ogratried that already indeed08:08
slangasekok, I'll change the perm to match the other files08:08
ograhmm, now the dir name doesnt match anymore indeed ...08:09
ogracan i just mv it from 25 to 26 ?08:09
ograugh, and the md5sum might not ... sigh08:09
ograslangasek, i think we need to wait for cjwatson here, i dont feel safe poking around there on my own08:10
pittijames_w: hm, I looked deeper at the PK code, and it already does the right thing if the context is NULL, or the .conf file is absent08:12
pittijames_w: if we could fix this robustly in PK, then it would apply to all apps, not just CK08:12
pittiwell, I'll play around with this a bit08:12
Meiz_n810what is the stage of plasma-mid?09:19
* Meiz_n810 wants to try it on his n810, and wonders when it will be available :P09:20
=== davmor2 is now known as davmor3
=== davmor3 is now known as davmor2
pittiseb128: nice, amd64 retracer caught up, i386 almost10:04
seb128pitti: ;-)10:05
seb128you rock!10:05
Kanohi, is the dkms maintainer here?10:06
pittiKano: that's superm110:07
tjaaltonasac: hey, I've got issues with an Option GE0301 3G card, it refuses to connect (hso_auth_done(): Authentication failed). Should I blame the kernel?-)10:09
asactjaalton: so you are not using networkmanager? ;)10:10
asacor you are not running latest jaunty ;)10:10
asactjaalton: is that a regression?10:11
tjaaltonasac: using NM, current jaunty10:11
tjaaltonI've never used the device before10:11
tjaaltonhad to use ozerocdoff to make the driver work at all10:12
tjaaltonI'll grab the 2.6.29 vanilla deb to see it it's any better10:13
asactjaalton: yes. please check that10:13
Kanotjaalton: did you try to compile current karmic git10:18
tjaaltonKano: no, it's the same upstream version10:21
tjaaltonasac: still the same :/10:21
asactjaalton: whats the product/vendor id of that modem?10:22
Kanotjaalton: with fixed aufs at least the generic kernels work in live mode. you only need a squashfs-tools cvs package for newer mksquashfs10:23
Kanoi could not get the server kernel to compile10:23
tjaaltonI'm not interested in aufs10:23
Kanoyou dont need live mode ;)10:24
tjaaltoncorrection, I don't need aufs :)10:25
Kanowhat do you want to use instead10:25
sorenKano: I think tjaalton's point is: Why are you telling him about aufs?10:25
sorenI'm wondering the same thing, incidentally.10:26
Kanoso what do you use instead of aufs in case you want to create a live image10:26
tjaaltonI've no need to create a live image10:27
=== davmor2 is now known as bolt_
=== bolt_ is now known as davmor2
rniamois it normal that xorg use 90% of cpu unit ?10:58
rniamo3125 root      20   0  417m  60m  24m R   84  6.1  69:52.53 Xorg10:58
tjaaltonperfectly normal11:02
* tjaalton runs for lunch11:02
rniamowhy ?11:02
tjaaltonit's probably doing something really important11:04
rniamoalways ?11:04
tjaaltonrunning compiz11:05
rniamobut usually it's work normally11:05
tjaaltontry not to11:05
tjaaltonor just file a bug.. 'ubuntu-bug xorg-server'11:06
rniamowithout it's ok but ... it is withou11:06
tjaaltonmaybe your driver doesn't support some of the fancier effects, and it's falling back to software rendering11:07
tkamppeterpitti, hi11:13
tkamppeterI am trying to merge the Intrepid CUPS branch back into my branch with LP, but I did not find out how to do the actual merge. I have posted a merge request and approved it, but the merge does not happen.11:14
Laneytkamppeter: while in the base branch you do bzr merge <target>11:21
pittihi tkamppeter11:24
pittitkamppeter: as I mailed you, please just "pull", that'll clean up history11:24
pittitkamppeter: the merge won't happen automatically, you need to manually do this11:25
pittitkamppeter: a merge request in LP is someone else asking *you* to review and merge their branch into your's11:25
pittitkamppeter: the thing you mean is called "PQM" (patch queue manager), but we don't use that for most projects11:25
cjwatsonogra: so what did you do to custom/20090325-armel+imx51? The timestamp of the image seems to have been updated11:31
cjwatsonogra: hmm, and it now matches the one currently in your home directory11:32
cjwatson(yes, I read scrollback)11:32
ogracjwatson, yeah11:32
cjwatsonok, you generally shouldn't ever change existing files on cdimage11:32
ograbut i didnt know what to do for the MD5SUM11:32
ograoh, ok, you said i should edit the html just there11:32
cjwatsonhtml fine, but not images11:32
cjwatsonI've moved it to 20090326-armel+imx5111:33
cjwatsonthat'll fix up any mirrors of cdimage that have got confused11:33
ograhave you seen bug 348660 ?11:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 348660 in ubiquity "ubiquity unsets ubiquity/install_bootloader=false at some point during installation" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34866011:33
cjwatsonI've also updated MD5SUMS and MD5SUMS.gpg11:33
ograthanks as well11:33
cjwatsonno, I had a really late night and am just getting started11:34
ograwhile emmets fix is good, i think there is still some issue with the logic for ubiquity/install_bootloader=false11:34
cjwatsonI'll look at it11:34
cjwatsonas Emmet says the real fix is to have a proper bootloader installer component in ubiquity11:34
ograthats fine, but ubiquity/install_bootloader is a boolean so imho "if not (automatic_mode and install_bootloader):" is wrong11:35
ograi'm never in automatic mode by default, so automatic_mode is unset (i guess None)11:36
ograif i define  ubiquity/install_bootloader=false thats translationg to: "if not (None and False):"11:36
ograwhich in the end turns true11:37
ograwhich in case where you dont have a system that uses grup will automatically set  ubiquity/install_bootloader=True11:37
ogramaking the user end up with the exact opposite he selected through preseeding11:38
persiaogra, It's *not* wrong.  That's the expected behaviour with preseeding ubiquity if you aren't in automatic mode.11:38
persiaMind you, the logic could be a bit nicer, and have some interaction, but that's a separate issue.11:39
ograpersia, setting UBIQUITY_AUTOMATIC in /etc/profile ... doing a relogin got me the exact same behavior though11:39
persiaHrm!  If you *are* in automatic mode, it should respect the preseed.11:40
ograit doesnt, it still moves on to the function and dies there11:40
cjwatsonogra: the point is basically that install_bootloader wasn't really designed for preseeding, but for internal use by ubiquity. Given that, nitpicking its logic is a bit pointless11:41
* Mithrandir twiddles thumbs as he upgrades his laptop to jaunty.11:41
ogracjwatson, ah, well, we have a proper fix, its just confusing behavior imho ... i doubt i'll ever use it again anywa11:42
persiaogra, My hack is *not* a proper fix.11:42
persiaI've branched flash-installer, and will look at a proper fix, but it's not going to use "pass".11:42
ograyour hack is 80% of the proper fix we have to do in ubioquiry11:43
seb128is anybody working on openchange in ubuntu?11:43
seb128bug #338982 is a frequent evolution-mapi crasher11:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 338982 in openchange "evolution crashed with SIGSEGV during MAPI authentication" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33898211:43
seb128supposed to be fixed in openchange and libmapi 0.8.211:43
persiaogra, No, it's not.  It's about 3%.11:43
cjwatsonogra: your percentages are different from mine11:43
ograpersia, the rest is copy paste from one of the above functions and adjusting the binary name11:43
cjwatsonperhaps because I have actually implemented this stuff before11:44
cjwatsonogra: I've done this before. Trust me11:44
ograi do :)11:44
persiaogra, The majority of the work is making flash-kernel-installer not expect that the udeb postinst will be run, and still working.11:44
ograthats nothing you have to do in ubiquity11:44
persiaBeyond that, it's just creating a FilteredComponent to drive it, and then, yes, just a quick change to install.py11:45
ograright, thats what i'm referring to11:45
cjwatsonit might as well be in ubiquity. ubiquity has to incorporate flash-kernel if it's going to use it like this.11:45
ograi agree that we have to do massive changes to flash-kernel-installer but thats not beein in my scope11:45
ogra*been in11:45
persiaIndeed, and flash-kernel needs to be investigated to make sure that it's compatible with the way ubiquity is built.11:45
ograno, flash-kernel wont be touched by ubiquity11:46
persiaYes it will.  That's how ubiquity works.11:46
ograits either run by flash-kernel-installer directly or only from the linux-image postinst as its done on all other armel platforms11:46
cjwatsonpersia is correct11:46
persiaThe flash-kernel-installer is created from the flash-kernel package.  The flash-kernel package will need to be split, or it will need to be embedded entire within ubiquity.11:47
ograwhy would we change its default behavior ?11:47
cjwatsonthere's no need to split it11:47
persia(this is because udebs are not installed during a live install).11:47
persiacjwatson, That's good news.  I hadn't tested a build yet.11:47
persiaogra, Because right now flash-kernel-installer is 90% postinst, and we're not going to run the postinst.11:48
cjwatsonyou just arrange for that bit of d-i/source/ to be built only on armel. There are list files for this11:48
ograflash-kernel-installer needs to dump redboot in place with the proper offset and then call flash-kernel (which is anyway done by the linix-image package)11:48
persiacjwatson, I was more concerned about not wanting to include the contents of the flash-kernel package, but just the flash-kernel-installer udeb, and then add flash-kernel to bootloader-depends.11:48
cjwatsonpersia: sounds like makework to me11:49
ograif we change flash-kernel-instaler that massively we should probably just do a new script11:49
persiaogra, That's not what flash-kernel-installer does at all.11:49
cjwatsonpersia: I have a fix for the preseeding logic in bug 348660. Do you want to keep that bug open for the flash-kernel work, or shall I just close it?11:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 348660 in ubiquity "ubiquity unsets ubiquity/install_bootloader=false at some point during installation" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34866011:49
ograpersia, but thats what we need (additional to the kernel-img.conf work it already does)11:49
persiacjwatson, Feel free to just close it, if you're changing the logic.  The stuff I was looking at is easily separable.11:49
cjwatsonpersia: there's actually nothing necessarily wrong with just running the postinst, is there?11:50
cjwatsonit looks a plausible enough approximation to what we'd need to run11:50
persiacjwatson, I haven't dug in much, but I renamed the postinst to flash-kernel-installer, added a postinst that called that, and installed it with an install, which gives us /usr/bin/flash-kernel-installer11:51
ograright, it just needs to grow something that dumps redboot in place ... and if its a call to an additional redboot-install script or something11:51
ograthe rest can go as is11:51
persiaI thought that would be easier to trigger from FilteredCommand.11:51
cjwatsonpersia: that sounds unnecessary. See the stuff in debian/rules that handles {kboot,yaboot,silo}-installer11:51
cjwatsonall you need to do is install the postinst under /usr/lib/ubiquity/ somewhere11:52
persiacjwatson, Oh, I see.  Indeed, that would be simpler.11:54
tkamppeterpitti, thanks, then it seems that "Request Merge" is simply a messaging system between the two branch owners and nothing to do web-interface controlled operations on the branches.11:54
pittitkamppeter: exactly11:54
cjwatsonI think I'll leave the bug open after this preseeding work since it does actually appear that most of the work belongs in ubiquity11:54
tkamppeterpitti, branch is merged back now. Thanks.12:01
zulslangasek: done12:15
cjwatsonogra: so given that preseeding doesn't work, what are we doing about the image? Are you applying persia's quick hack to your image for the time being?12:17
ograwell, its not doing any harm (since its teh very last step anyway), i just noted it on the wiki12:18
cjwatsonno, it is not the very last step12:18
ograwell, before the reboot message which users need to ignore anyway to set the bootloader12:18
cjwatsonafter boot loader installation comes: installing any additional required packages (e.g. language packs); removing packages that are not required (e.g. the installer itself); copying log files; and a few other bits and pieces12:19
ogranot here12:19
cjwatsonI'm looking at the damned code12:19
ogramy langpacks get installed, removal is done12:19
ograi had all that12:19
cjwatsonwell, I don't know how on earth you can possibly have that12:19
cjwatsonthat stuff is clearly after configure_bootloader12:19
ogravery weird12:20
ograwell, i'm not sure how to apply that fix from my script since i cant access the squashfs12:20
cjwatsonyou might just have to copy it off to another machine where you have root12:21
ograor squashfs-tools12:21
cjwatsonoh, I could RT that12:21
ograthat would be cool12:22
ograseems helpful to have on antimony anyway12:22
cjwatsonRTed and asked #is12:23
maxbWho can I chase up a problem with paste.ubuntu.com with, after mailing rt@ubuntu.com resulted in no response?12:24
highvoltageask in #canonical-sysadmin12:27
cjwatsonogra: 12:25 <agy> cjwatson: done12:27
ograthanks :)12:27
ograi'll look at the script after the meeting12:27
cjwatsonogra: careful though, do armel and amd64 have the same endianness? can you in fact safely build a squashfs for the former on the latter?12:28
ograno idea, i'll try it12:28
cjwatsonogra: ISTR that squashfs' format is independent of the creating architecture but I know this changed a while back and I can't remember the direction in which it changed12:28
cjwatsonmksquashfs has -le and -be options in case you need to override it12:29
=== azeem_ is now known as azeem
directhexamd64 is little endian12:37
pittiseb128: ah, tail of  apport-retracer-amd64-hardy/log_dupcheck.txt is music in my ears :)12:42
pittiseb128: however, it seems that invalid bugs just account for half of the slowness; I'll track this down further this afternoon then12:42
pittiseb128: seems some bugs like bug 332378 don't have a coredump and no needs-*-retrace tag12:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332378 in miro "miro.real crashed with AttributeError in handle_play_movie()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33237812:44
loologra: I don't think flash-kernel should install redboot13:20
loolcjwatson, persia: poke13:20
loolcjwatson: So basically we're abusing flash-kernel13:20
ogralool, thats why i proposed a redboot-install script13:20
* cjwatson would like to hear the problem statement before the solution proposal13:20
loolcjwatson: the board has this special behavior that it will run redboot from SD and have a flash directory in SD, while it's usually in soldered on flash13:20
ograbut being called by flash-kernel-installer13:20
loolcjwatson: There's a switch on the board; either you boot from soldered internal flash (which is tiny so not an option anyway for now) or you boot from SD (what we do)13:21
loolcjwatson: Now problem is that we're starting an install from SD and we would like to offer an installed system in the end; but usually we don't overwrite the install media13:21
loolSo we had multiple options; one is to ask for an USB SD reader and install on another SD as the target, but this also requires installing redboot and special hardware13:22
ograwhich we need to do in this case to get something like a lilo bootfloppy13:22
loolThe option we're currently aiming at is to install the target kernel and initramfs on the install medium: the SD, hence erasing the ones from the installation live SD card13:22
loolcjwatson: (does that make any sense until now?)13:22
liwin /proc/mounts, should the kernel encode mount options that contain spaces? (ref. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/112272)13:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 112272 in update-manager "ValueError: too many values to unpack (DistUpgradeControler.py stack trace)" [Medium,Confirmed]13:23
loolcjwatson: Now if we try to fit flash-kernel in this picture, it's usually meant to write to mtd devices; I changed it to use dd and fis to write to specific offsets of a hardcoded /dev: the SD cards13:23
loolcjwatson: It's ugly at various levels, one being that we shouldn't hardcode that /dev in flash-kernel itself IMO13:23
loolThat's one issue13:24
mvoliw: that would be nice indeed - I think this problem is "fixed" in the code in u-m, it will ignore lines it can not parse13:24
ograwe could just rip your changes out of flash-kernel and stick it into a redboot script13:24
loolAnother issue is that we need to pass the initramfs size in the bootscript launching the kernel, the redboot bootscript, and update it when it changes13:24
liwmvo, oh right, I meant to say that, too13:24
ograit could well be its own13:25
loolcjwatson: I think this can be solved more elegantly, I'm reluctant to let flash-kernel parse and update the bootscript on each upadte-initramfs update13:25
ograbut we're to late to fix it differently imho13:25
loolFinally, there are two side issues which I'd better mention: it seems flash-kernel is sometimes called before the initramfs has been generated (discussed in debian in the past I think) due to triggers, and the other is that we need a redboot udeb if we want to support installation into a fully bootable SD card13:25
cjwatsonlool: I tend to think that introducing a new component is going to be more trouble than it's worth, and if it can be crowbarred into flash-kernel in a way that isn't completely unreasonable, we should do that13:26
mvoliw: yep, just confirmed13:26
liwmvo, me too; alas, I'm not sure that makes it OK to close the bug, since perhaps it should be reassigned to the kernel13:26
mvoliw: right, I agree13:26
mvoliw: I wonder what mount does in this case13:26
liwmvo, does mount parse /proc/mounts? and not /etc/mtab?13:27
loolcjwatson: Ok; I didn't really consider a new component so far; I had in mind that perhaps we should have a flash kernel config for the /dev hardcoding issue, and a redboot udeb -- that qualifies as a new component -- if we care about installing to a SD card, but it's harder than just redboot13:27
cjwatsonlool: redboot-udeb in itself would be rather trivial; it would basically just ship the binaries, right?13:28
loolcjwatson: Basically, a sense of taste is welcome for the current flash-kernel hacks we're doing, and we also need help on the initramfs size issue13:28
mvoliw: I would have to look at the code to know that :)13:28
loolcjwatson: No, I had in mind that it would allow installation of redboot at the right place on a SD card13:28
cjwatsonlool: the installer integration logic is the expensive bit that is worth not duplicating13:28
ogracjwatson, and a dd command to punch it in place13:28
loolcjwatson: Currently, we don't install redboot13:28
loolJust kernel and initramfs13:28
mvoliw: I closed the u-m task for the bug now, but we should probably open onefor the kernel13:28
loolcjwatson: I see13:28
cjwatsonlool: but wouldn't that involve a sequence of bootloader installation steps?13:29
cjwatsonredboot, then the kernel13:29
mvoliw: or use mtab if that is correctly encoded13:29
ograthe order doesnt matter, but yes13:29
loolPersonally, I don't care much with install redboot; I see it's useful, but our hardware is a corner case and it can be done without the help of the installer13:29
loolcjwatson: Yes, that's correct13:29
cjwatsonlool: in general, the way d-i works means that there must be one package responsible for bootloader installation (on a given subarch, blah)13:29
loolcjwatson: Aha, we kind of faced this situation when we wondered whether flash-kernel would qualify as a bootloader13:29
cjwatsonlool: the installer will not cope very well if you try to have a sequence of packages, so it will work better if you have flash-kernel-installer do the lot13:29
cjwatsonflash-kernel-installer qualifies as a bootloader installer in this sense13:30
ograflash-kernel is similar to update-grub while we'Re missing grub-install13:30
loolcjwatson: Perhaps it's best if we implement the flash-bootloader feature in flash-kenrel then, but only for some subarches and only when redboot is available and only when a debconf entry is set13:30
cjwatsonapart from anything else, it Provides: bootable-system13:30
cjwatsonwhich is the key thing that d-i uses13:30
loolcjwatson: What makes the babbage different here is that the bootloader is on the installation medium and it's not clear whether it's reused to boot the target system or not13:31
cjwatsonlool,ogra: you can tweak the logic using isinstallable scripts, but it tends to be easier if you keep it to one bootloader installer per subarchitecture13:31
loolUsually, the bootloader is in the plaform's soldered flash13:31
cjwatsonby "bootloader installer" in d-i in general I include "bootloader configurator"13:31
cjwatsonthe task is to make the system bootable13:31
cjwatsonwhether the bootloader is there already is a distraction, at that level13:32
persiaThe interesting bit is that flash-kernel-installer installs additional packages that get used by flash-kernel.  The same sort of logic could be used to install redboot, if required.13:32
loolcjwatson: The thing is that you can remove this SD card and swap it with the kernel one13:32
cjwatsonsomething that provides bootable-system should just get the job done whatever way it needs to13:32
loolOr you might want to keep booting from the install SD card13:32
persiaAs long as running flash-kernel does the right thing later on.13:32
liwmvo, I just checked: mtab is correctly encoded, but I still think this is a kernel bug13:32
cjwatsonlool: sure, it makes sense to me that you'd want the kernel SD card to be bootable if possible13:32
loolcjwatson: So if we care to support both scenarii, we need to have some prompting for it I think13:32
cjwatsonwhy not just make both bootable?13:33
loolcjwatson: I don't think we can distinguish a SD in USB mass storage from an USB disk though13:33
ograthere is only one SD slot :)13:33
ograwhich carries your install media13:33
cjwatsonso you need a step involving switching media?13:33
cjwatsonhow is that going to work while the installation medium is mounted on /cdrom?13:34
loolcjwatson: We could make both bootable I guess indeed; we need a way to run flash-kernel twice on the two devices13:34
ograwont work with live images i guess13:34
cjwatsonwhich it will be13:34
cjwatsonI don't think it will work even with d-i13:34
loolcjwatson: switching media after boot13:34
loolNot during install13:34
ograthe only way is to either use a USB SD reader as target13:34
mvoliw: thanks, just open a task for it then please13:34
ograor to wipe your install media13:34
liwmvo, just figuring out how to do that :)13:34
loolcjwatson: A bit like you would install to an external USB SATA enclosure, then take the disk out of the enclosure and boot your laptop on it13:34
mvoheh :)13:34
persialool, Let's call that a separate case.  Let's have 1) modification of the installation medium to boot the installed system with no changes, and 2) modification of a boot target from an installed system.13:35
cjwatsonogra: you can't wipe the install media, it's mounted during installation, surely?13:35
ogracjwatson, i can wipe the bootloader parts13:35
ograand thats what *i* am aiming for atm13:35
loolpersia: Yes, that's what I wanted to do in the beginning, but cjwatson raised two points: we should implement that in a single component, and also we could simply make the two things bootable13:35
ograsince thats the only sane setup13:35
loolcjwatson: The part which we touch isn't mounted: it's a special partition at the beginning of the media which holds the redboot data13:36
cjwatsonit seems to me that when doing 2) you have the same general goal13:36
persialool, See, I'd consider case 2 to be well outside "The installer", and just be an end-user use-case.13:36
ograall others will require hoops to jump through like "install to usb cardreader"13:36
cjwatsonyou just want to make the thing bootable13:36
loolthe redboot partition table, redboot, the redboot config, the kenrel and the initramfs13:36
cjwatsonyou don't want to have to jump through multiple hoops to do it13:36
persiaAnd I don't think we can "simply make the two things bootable" since we can't know whether a given target *can* be made bootable.13:36
cjwatsonyou can tell whether redboot is already there, and otherwise warn13:37
ogramy target is to make the SD a "lilo like bootfloppy"13:37
loolpersia: We can still make it bootable and it will be if it's SD13:37
ograwhich a) means we wont need to dump redboot in place at all13:37
cjwatsonon the initramfs size, if redboot simply has to be told, then I don't see any way around having to invoke flash-kernel after every update-initramfs13:37
cjwatsonor something that will update the configuration13:37
ograand b) only means to update the initramfs and redboot script13:37
loolcjwatson: So on my thecus that's not needed13:37
ograyes, thats clear13:37
loolcjwatson: I copied the logic to do padding like the N2100 one in flash-kernel13:38
cjwatsonlool: this is why flash-kernel is insanely system-specific, though?13:38
loolcjwatson: and tried passing initrd= and mem= to the kernel, and it didn't help13:38
loolcjwatson: I don't mind doing padding, but I hate having to parse a boot script, just like a grub menu.lst, each time we upgrade the initramfs just because it seems I can't figure out how to tell the kernel or redboot that this is a padded initrd13:39
ograwell, there isnt so much parsing13:40
ograthe option cant move around13:40
ograand in the end its only one single value we change13:40
loologra: It's possible, but you'll have to handle space, tabs, the user removing the -s etc.13:40
ogracomparing that to update-grub is a bit much13:40
ograthe user cant remove the -s13:40
ograthen it wont boot13:41
pittiseb128: i386 retracer crashed, I'm looking into it13:41
cjwatsondoes the redboot configuration file format have any support for including other files, setting variables ...?13:41
loolcjwatson: http://lists.debian.org/debian-arm/2009/03/msg00122.html13:41
seb128pitti: thanks13:41
ogracjwatson, cmdline can change13:41
loolcjwatson: No; it's an array of typed values (bool, int, string, bootscript) and the bootscript lists the commands which redboot runs13:41
loolcjwatson: There must be something I'm doing wrong which explains why it works on N2100 and not on iMX5113:42
cjwatsonyou're way out of my league here13:42
ogracjwatson, http://paste.ubuntu.com/138253/13:42
ograwhat we catively change is only "bootscript_data"13:43
ograand of that we only change the last line13:43
ogra(usually even only the value for -s)13:43
ogra(ignore oqwi74239 ... thats from me playing)13:44
loolcjwatson: Ok; so you recommend a) changing flash-kernel to also install redboot + b) falsh-kernel to both target device and to install SD13:44
loolcjwatson: What about config, /etc/flash-kernel.conf ok?13:45
lool(to have a way to tell flash-kernel to flash either device and to tell it what to write)13:45
persialool, How can you tell if the install medium is an SD?13:45
loolpersia: i can't13:45
loolpersia: But we could have a knob for it, and do it unconditionally13:45
cjwatsondoesn't it show up in /sys?13:45
persiaI think it's best to concentrate on the simple case first.13:45
loolcjwatson: it will show as usb mass storage13:45
cjwatsonlool: what configuration?13:45
loolcjwatson: the dev to flash; currently I hardcode /dev/mmcblk013:46
lool                # XXX allow for other devices than SD13:46
lool                dev="/dev/mmcblk0"13:46
cjwatsonah, yes13:46
ograwell, given that the actual flash is to small and we can only boot from SD ... whats the issue here ?13:47
persiaMight make sense to get the value from debconf, and default to /dev/mmcblk0 for now.  That makes it easy to add an interface later, if desired.13:47
ograwe do not have any other bootdevcie13:47
cjwatsonpersia: I don't think that's easy to do given that flash-kernel's interface permits it to be called without a debconf frontend13:47
loologra: If the value ever changes; I'm not too confident the name doesn't change13:47
cjwatsonwell, I suppose it could operate standalone13:48
ogralool, thats totally not jaunty though13:48
cjwatsonbut it'll produce lots of junk on stdout13:48
persiacjwatson, I was thinking of flash-kernel-installer vs. flash-kernel.13:48
loolcjwatson: So what I'd expose in the config: a) what components do you want to flash b) where to flash it13:48
cjwatsonpersia: won't help with the post-installation case13:48
loolcjwatson: actually it's to stderr13:48
cjwatsonlool: probably depends on frontend13:48
persiaDon't we need flash-kernel to be installed post-installation anyway, just to handle update-initramfs?13:49
cjwatsonyou could use debconf-communicate13:49
cjwatsonnot very nice, but could work13:49
cjwatsonbut I think a configuration file would be more elegant13:49
loologra: I don't think having a flash-kernel.conf is hard13:49
cjwatsonpersia: yes13:49
loolcjwatson: the other option for the components to install or the target device would be to extend the command line flags of flash-kernel13:52
loolThat would allow for running flash-kenrel on the two SDs and writing redboot to one13:52
loolBut only once13:52
persiaSo when run during install, you could install the bootloader to several places, but once installed it just updated it?13:53
loolOnce installed it would only update the current place13:53
loolBah I'm just not convinved wiht this whole two SD approach, it makes things more complex and ugly13:54
persiaI think it's easier to just overwrite the contents on the media from which you booted in the simple case.  Those who want to do a two-SD solution may well be served by documentation.13:55
persias/the contents/the boot configuration/13:55
liwmvo, if you have time: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/116465 -- edgy to feisty upgrade, no duplicates, no info from other people than reporter; I can't seem to easily test that upgrade, but my guess would be that there was something broken back then, in some cases, but it's fixed since -- what do you think?13:56
ubottuUbuntu bug 116465 in update-manager "Update to feisty failed on 3 different computers" [Medium,Confirmed]13:56
cjwatsonlool: in general I have no problem with programs having both configuration files and command-line flags :-)13:56
persialool, All the more so because by default the partitioning scheme for any target device isn't going to match that which is required to be able to install redboot, so you'll have to document a procedure anyway.13:56
loolpersia: Ah thanks for saying aloud what I was thinking from the start (with two SDs)13:57
persiaAs long as the end-user is *able* to point flash-installer at an alternate medium post-install.13:57
mvoliw: yeah, agreed. back in those days the qt frontend was not very stable13:57
loolOk; then I don't need to make flash-kernel write redboot either13:57
loolI mean I can, it's nice, but not required13:57
liwmvo, I'll close it then13:58
cjwatsonlool: you do for the installer side of things, don't you?13:58
mvoliw: it probably just crashed somewhere in qt, no python backtrace nothing13:58
persiaThat means that a sufficiently motivated end-user can partition a second SD just so, and then run the appropriate commands to install a bootloader on the alternate SD, and update their kernel and initramfs on the alternate SD, and boot from that, if they like.13:58
ogracjwatson, no, we have everyting on the install media we need13:58
ogracjwatson, we just change the config13:58
ografor that ambitioned user i can easily cut out the necessary snippets fom my builder script13:59
ograand another big big plus is that fconfig doesnt actually need to grow an init command for jaunty13:59
persiaogra, Well, as long as the end-user can do the right thing later.14:01
ograwith my script snippet and the fconfig.bin blob14:01
ograno prob14:01
ograpersia, http://paste.ubuntu.com/138266/ thats all thats needed14:03
loolcjwatson: I personally think the dual SD install involves a lot of masoshism from us to support it: we would need to teach the installer about creating a special partition to protected the redboot data, then init the redboot partition, redboot config, copy redboot and tell flash-kernel about this non-standard SD card location; if however we drop that usecase, and hence overwrite the SD installation media as the target boot media, we just need ...14:03
lool... to run flash-kernel as I wrote it14:03
liwis linuxmce well known?14:03
loolBut then that dual SD card has been brought up over and over and I thought we had to deal with it, but given the above discussion I'm inclined to kill it from installer14:04
persiaogra, The fconfig.bin blob is included in the redboot-tools, package, right?14:07
ograits published on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/custom/20090326-armel+imx51/14:09
cjwatsonlool: oh, right, of course the install medium already has redboot14:10
cjwatsonI forgot about that14:10
ograit has everything, thats the big plus here, we just need to modify whats there14:12
* maxb applauds Hobbsee's comment on bug 33294514:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332945 in update-notifier "[Jaunty] Removal of Update Notifier is WRONG" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33294514:13
liwmvo, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/122197 -- edgy to feisty, no duplicates, log files from someone else but they didn't give any info, can't quickly find anything else wrong than a conffile prompt in the bug reporters log files -- what do you think?14:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 122197 in update-manager "Upgrade Manager failed from 6.10 to 7.04" [Medium,Confirmed]14:15
pittiseb128: hah; turns out that the remaining inconsistency cases in the dupdb consolidation is a p-lp-bug apparently :) it works fine with launchpadlib14:18
ogracjwatson, sigh ... "create_inode: could not create character device squashfs-root/dev/agpgart, because you're not superuser! Success"14:24
ograso unsquashfs isnt an option :/14:24
cjwatsonisn't there a fuse-squashfs thing?14:25
cjwatsonI guess antimony might not have fuse14:25
ograit has14:25
ograbut i'm not in the group14:25
ogra(i guess nobody is)14:25
ograits loaded though14:25
cjwatsonjust sync it elsewhere then, you'll have to14:25
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
ograwell, then i can as well roll the image at home :(14:26
cjwatsontime is short ...14:27
cjwatsonI can't think of any quick workarounds :(14:27
ograme neither ... what i fear is that my laptop wont survive and my nslu2 install is at pkgsel after 4h already ...14:28
ograbut well, no risk, no fun14:29
* ogra pulls filesystem.squashfs14:29
=== Tonio_ is now known as tromdr_kevin
istaz_I have  noticed a reccuring bug since migrating from intrepid to jaunty14:36
istaz_python (2.6) can't seem to find certain packages14:36
istaz_I had the bug happend with python-msn and python-elisa14:36
istaz_reconfiguring the packages with dpkg-reconfigure fixed the problem in each case14:36
cjwatsonthey probably need to be rebuilt against 2.614:37
istaz_yes probably14:38
istaz_when imported in python2.5 they work fines I forgot to mention14:38
cjwatsonbug 348752 for pymsn, but you should file a bug on elisa for the other one14:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 348752 in pymsn "pymsn doesn't work with Python 2.6 in jaunty" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34875214:39
cjwatsonjust saying "needs to be rebuilt for 2.6" would be quite sufficient I imagine14:39
=== tromdr_kevin is now known as Tonio_
istaz_cjwatson: yes I was the one who reported  that bug14:40
istaz_cjwatson: oh you meant the package itself need rebuilding14:40
cjwatsonistaz_: yes14:41
cjwatsonistaz_: routine for new python versions14:42
istaz_ok I will do that14:42
istaz_thanks for you informations14:42
cjwatsonistaz_: I'm not sure you can, you don't have upload privileges14:43
cjwatsonoh, unless you mean "will file a bug on elisa"14:43
istaz_cjwatson: yes I mean that14:43
BUGabundogood afternoon everyone14:44
BUGabundoanyone here covering wubi?14:44
BUGabundosomething I noticed recently: if a machine requires no acpi to work, wubi will install and then fail to boot14:45
BUGabundomessing both OSs some times and leaving new and no so experienced users (the target of wubi)14:45
BUGabundowith no way out!14:46
cjwatsonI don't believe that any of the wubi experts are here. File a bug?14:46
BUGabundocjwatson: seems ill have14:46
BUGabundobut this was more of discussion then bug14:46
BUGabundothe bug it self is hw support14:46
BUGabundobut I wanted to know if wubi would do some preliminary testing before install14:46
BUGabundoto check for this prb14:46
cjwatsonxivulon only has very patchy IRC access. You should find other non-IRC ways to have a discussion about it.14:47
tkamppeterpitti, I want to ask you something about Apport. See bug 348316. There are three lines of the error_log in the initial posting from Apport, but the complete error_log is not attached. I think it would be nmice to have the complete error_log.14:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 348316 in cups "Printer (HWModel Name) May Not Be Connected" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34831614:47
BUGabundowill do cjwatson14:47
BUGabundowill email installer ML then14:47
istaz_hum apparently for elisa I still had the ppa version of intrepid. Changelogs for the official packet in jaunty claim to have fixed the packet. bug 33743814:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 337438 in pigment-python "elisa - python 2.6 transition " [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33743814:50
ebroderAnyone from motu-sru around? We've got a bug in Hardy proper that's causing a regression in a backport: bug #34886514:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 348865 in gsasl "[hardy] libgsasl7-dev missing dependencies on libntlm0-dev, libkrb5-dev" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34886514:52
ebroder(bug 348865?)14:52
ebroderOh, never mind14:52
cjwatsonistaz_: yes, so it has. I was looking at the wrong version myself by mistake14:52
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
liwmvo, what's DelCount in MyCache in update-manager? (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/144773)15:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 144773 in update-manager "update-manager crashed with AssertionError in saveDistUpgrade()" [Medium,Triaged]15:02
=== Kmos is now known as Guest55775
ogracjwatson, just fyi whilöe i see it, there is a "/etc/.pwd.lock" file in the squashfs ... i dont think that belongs there15:14
mvoliw: the amount of package that are marked for removal15:16
liwmvo, hmm... testing that with assert seems sub-optimal (that and BrokenCount); is this tested earlier so that the UI can say something useful?15:17
mvoliw: agreed, let me check the code15:18
=== Guest55775 is now known as Kmos
cjwatsonogra: I suspect it's harmless since I have that on my installed system too15:19
cjwatsonmy guess at the source would be lckpwdf()15:20
=== masACC is now known as maswan
BUGabundoquestion: is spark still supported and actively developed? some one asked on #identica15:21
ScottKIt's a community supported architecture.  No official Canonical support.  For Jaunty the port seems (from the outside) to be in reasonably good shape.15:24
=== persia_ is now known as persia
BUGabundothanks ScottK15:26
=== The_Company is now known as Company
=== beuno_ is now known as beuno
liwmvo, I need to go now, but I'll read any comments you add to the bug about this, or message me privately, but in the meanwhile I closed #115131 :)15:33
=== ssweeny_ is now known as ssweeny
ogracjwatson, test install running with changes syslog.conf and the two-liner in ubiquity15:38
ograi'll rsync it up to my dir on antimony alongside15:39
philsfhas the beta been released yet?15:40
ograsent 99 bytes  received 20 bytes  79.33 bytes/sec15:40
ogratotal size is 584148992  speedup is 4908815.0615:40
pittiseb128: retracers operational again, including sourceful stack trace FYI15:40
cjwatsonphilsf: subscribe to ubuntu-announce@ to be notified15:40
ograwow, that was fast :)15:40
seb128pitti: waouh!15:41
cjwatsonogra: that looks suspiciously like a null rsync ...15:41
philsfk thanks15:41
ogracjwatson, two lines in ubiquity and three lines in syslog.conf15:41
* ogra checks md5sum15:41
cjwatsonoh, well, md5sum it to be sure but don't complain I suppose :)15:41
ograhmm, you are ringt15:42
cjwatsonbigon: your pymsn upload should be versioned 0.3.3-0ubuntu3, not 0.3.3-0ubuntu2build1. buildN is useless for packages that already have an "ubuntu" substring in their version15:43
* ogra wonders why it doesnt work15:48
=== cprov is now known as cprov-lunch
ograah, touching the file helps ... silly rsync15:50
kanyhi hi16:21
kanyneed help badly16:21
kany:( if anyone is here that could pm me and walk me through the steps of connecting to the internet through kubuntu i would be very pleased. i kno wi sound lazy i have tryed everything and cant connect. So if there is anyone here who has time i would really appreciate the help16:22
kanyI have a talktalk cd and i think i also have the key /16:22
DktrKranzkany: this is not the right channel to ask, #ubuntu is a better place :)16:23
kany:( if anyone is here that could pm me and walk me through the steps of connecting to the internet through kubuntu i would be very pleased. i kno wi sound lazy i have tryed everything and cant connect. So if there is anyone here who has time i would really appreciate the help16:23
kanyoh ok16:23
sistpoty|workmvo: regarding faumachine and fault injecting for blocks on a cdrom: this might take a bit longer than expected, the cdrom controller code is pretty ugly and needs a major face lift :(16:23
kanycant join #ubuntu im on a proxy16:24
kanyffs im screwed :( lol16:24
mvosistpoty|work: thanks for looking into that! no problem, I will just burn a regular one and use a sharp instrument to simulate a faul I guess :)16:32
sistpoty|workmvo: ok :)16:33
calcslangasek: ping16:34
ogracalc, dont wanke him up !16:35
calcogra: oh he went to bed late?16:36
ogra7h ago and he will release if he gets up ...16:37
calcah lol16:37
=== cprov-lunch is now known as cprov
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
ogracjwatson, ok, i'm at the restart message of ubiquity, publishing the current image from my home is fine16:57
=== statik` is now known as statik
cjwatsonogra: thanks, done (20090326.1-armel+imx51). could you please put the patches you applied in that directory as well?17:04
ograxant i just link to the fix in the bzr branch for ubiquity ?17:05
ogra(i agree on syslog.conf)17:05
cjwatsonogra: that's OK too if you're specific (i.e. link to the diff rather than the branch)17:05
ogragod, that netsplitting starts to get on my nerves17:06
cjwatsonogra: although that might go away if the branch is deleted ... but perhaps persia can promise not to do that :)17:06
ograah, well, i'll put the two diffs in to prevent probs17:06
ogracjwatson, ok, both copied17:12
* ogra twiddles thumbs ... nslu2 install at 69% of pkgsel after 6h ...17:13
jcastroslangasek: assuming you're the one writing it, I think it would be useful to point users to the appport-best practices mdz pointed out in the release announcement, what do you think?17:18
cjwatsonogra: can you give me a brief description of what the syslog.conf patch is for?17:20
ogracjwatson, "suppressing all kernel messages that are not debug state in logfiles"17:21
mdzjcastro: it's already in the release announcement, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope/BetaAnnouncement17:22
cjwatsonogra: "non-debug kernel messages" then?17:22
jcastromdz: ah, thanks!17:23
cjwatsonogra: ok, HTML syncing out17:24
mdzogra: can you give me a link to the installation instructions for babbage?17:25
ogramdz, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/custom/20090326.1-armel+imx51/ its linked from the download page ... direct link is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BabbageJauntyBetaInstall17:26
ograi'm not 100% finished yet17:26
ogra(though the notes are tested, but the phrasing could need some love)17:27
mdzogra: thanks17:27
cjwatsonI like the recent change in LP to show bug summary changes in the log17:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 348393 in pkgsel "[jaunty] Installing in a language other than English will not install appropriate language packs if they aren't on the CD" [High,Fix committed]17:35
sbeattiehrm, should linux-firmware really be in main and not restricted?17:35
ion_It’s not exactly software, but more like a part of your hardware.17:36
cjwatsonIIRC that was intentional; the Ubuntu licensing policy explicitly says that we will consider firmware on a case-by-case basis17:36
sbeattiecjwatson: it gets included in a free-software only install, which IMO is a bug.17:36
ion_sbeattie: Does the free-software-only install demand open-source hardware?17:37
cjwatsonsbeattie: that's a matter of opinion, I think.17:37
ion_sbeattie: Your BIOS and processor microcode are already likely to be non-free, for instance.17:37
cjwatsonsbeattie: the free-software-only install is defined as main(/universe) only17:38
cjwatsonsbeattie: so I think if it meets *our* definition of main, that's where it should stand17:38
cjwatsonbesides IIRC there was a practical upgrade problem with putting linux-firmware in restricted, although I'd have to go and check the logs17:38
cjwatsondinnertime, anyway17:38
sbeattiecjwatson: okay, thanks.17:39
sbeattieion_: I personally do not care, as I'm not dogmatic about using free software only; but I find it somewhat dubious to ask for only free software to be installed and then get handed a pile of binary firmware blobs.17:41
allquixoticAnyone know how to stop Firefox from trying to open *all* files in OpenOffice.org? :( Extension is irrelevant; if it's a file and I download it, it tries to open it (or even the containing folder!) in OpenOffice. Nautilus' mime types are fine, and in the Applications tab of FF, I don't see anything borked there either17:50
calcallquixotic: for me it does nearly the opposite, won't open documents even if they are OOo type, heh17:55
ogracjwatson, oh silly me ... the babbage ubiquity apt error is cuased by the fact that mcopy doesnt copy the subdirs in dist/ from the iso into my image ...17:55
calcallquixotic: i think it has to do with the /usr/lib/mimetype stuff17:55
LaserJockKeybuk: nice blog post, gave me some food for thought18:07
KeybukLaserJock: :-) that's the intent18:09
* Keybuk likes to stir up pleasant debate18:09
LaserJockI'm just a hobbyist programmer, so everybody told me to do everything in Python18:10
LaserJockbut after having to rewrite some data analysis code for my PhD in C I can definitely see your point18:10
ograLaserJock, haha ... hobbyist18:13
slangasekcalc: contentless pong18:13
ograLaserJock, nobody belives you18:13
calcslangasek: oh yea sorry about that, i updated the bug report, let me find the number18:13
calcslangasek: bug 29916118:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 299161 in memtest86+ "RFE : Please upgrade to Memtest86+ 2.11 (Jaunty)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29916118:13
LaserJockogra: I don't stand up to the likes of you anyway :-)18:14
calcslangasek: not sure who i should subscribe it to18:14
calcslangasek: i haven't uploaded it yet obviously but it is ready on my hd18:14
ograLaserJock, come on, you're doing edubuntu just fine18:14
slangasekjcastro: I think the best practices need to be referenced from the website we already point users to for bug reporting, instead of adding more links to the release announcement18:15
LaserJockogra: well, distro development is != app develoment exactly :-)18:15
ograoften very close though18:16
slangasekah, apparently this has been addressed by changing which link we point to ;)18:16
calcapparently this new memtest even supports the intel chips coming out later this year (yipee) :)18:17
=== MooKow is now known as LordKow
calcslangasek: is there anything else i need to do wrt bug 299161?18:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 299161 in memtest86+ "RFE : Please upgrade to Memtest86+ 2.11 (Jaunty)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29916118:41
slangasekcalc: can't say, no time to look at it today18:42
calcslangasek: ok no problem18:42
calcwow git has a progress meter, thats nice esp on this 100MB repo19:07
slytherincan any of the archive admins please clear jack-audio-connection-kit from queue?19:14
cjwatsonslangasek: ^- is jack-audio-connection-kit OK to accept? I would default to "no" since it's on the studio CDs19:18
slangasekcjwatson: let's call it a "no", there's no hurry on it it's just NBS cleanup19:18
slangasek(well, and out-of-date fixing)19:18
cjwatsonthat's what I thought, shame Onkar didn't bother to say why he wanted it ...19:19
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slytherinany maintainer of fusa here? the logout confirmation dialog shows icon for shutdown, should I file a bug?19:40
cjwatson19:18 <cjwatson> slangasek: ^- is jack-audio-connection-kit OK to accept? I would default to "no" since it's on the studio CDs19:41
cjwatson19:18 <slangasek> cjwatson: let's call it a "no", there's no hurry on it it's just NBS cleanup19:41
cjwatson19:18 <slangasek> (well, and out-of-date fixing)19:41
cjwatsonslytherin: ^- re your request earlier19:41
slytherincjwatson: I was asking from point of view of fixing gst-plugins-bad0.10 FTBFS on some arch. Anyway, I will wait.19:42
slangasekyes, that's the same reason I uploaded it - but it's covered by the beta freeze currently :)19:43
slytherinslangasek: fine.19:44
slytherinCan anyone advice me on this fusa issue?19:44
jtismewho is in charge of regression testing kde20:36
ScottKjtisme: Kubuntu development questions are better on #kubuntu-devel.20:37
jtismeI agree but do we (ubuntu community) perform any type of regression tests on kde before deploying?20:38
ScottKIn the Kubuntu context though.20:40
ScottKSo the people most likely to answer any questions you have are less likely to be on this channel than #kubuntu-devel.20:40
jtismeOk, sorry I mis read you original post saw it as Kde devel will go there thanks20:41
jtismewill go to #kubuntu-devel that is20:41
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ebroderAnybody around who could look at bug 348865?21:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 348865 in gsasl "[hardy] libgsasl7-dev missing dependencies on libntlm0-dev, libkrb5-dev" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34886521:58
AquinaIs it ok to advertise other distros often in launchpad /Ubuntu?22:13
directhexhm, have i just found a bug in scp?22:20
ScottKAquina: What do you mean?22:20
AquinaExactly (literaly) what I told you. There is a person advertising a dirsto named "Volvix" (I think) at times.22:21
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ScottKI'm pretty sure there's no rule against that.22:22
ianm_is it known if/when Wacom tablets will work fully (eg. the eraser side and the extra buttons on the tablet itself) ?22:24
cjwatsondirecthex: yes22:32
directhexcjwatson, like i said in #ubuntu-motu, i'm boring and unoriginal in my bug discovery. boo!22:33
cjwatsondirecthex: my observation was purely statistical22:34
Hobbseemaxb: :)22:51
ebroderIs there a way to search for the list of packages that build-dep on a package? It doesn't seem like aptitude search is able to do it...22:55
TheMusoebroder: grep-dctrl I think it is can do that.22:56
Hobbseeyes, but it involves grep-dctrl22:56
ebroderAh, ok, sure22:56
Hobbseegrep-dctrl -F Build-Depends libsoprano-dev -s Package -n /var/lib/apt/lists/*_Sources for searching for packages which have a build-depend on libsoprano-dev22:56
Hobbseeebroder: my notes say ^.  Modiy as appropriate22:56
ebroderYep. That's exactly what I'm looking for. Much thanks22:57
Hobbseethat should probably go into a script for ubuntu-dev-tools, too22:57
TheMusoHobbsee: I'd agree with that. Make it check all the sources list files etc.22:58
cjwatsonseems a bit overkill, I think there should just be a grep-sources symlink in dctrl-tools that operates on /var/lib/apt/lists/*_Sources22:58
cjwatsonanything more than that will be too specific22:58
cjwatson(note the existence of grep-available, grep-aptavail, grep-status)22:58
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[reed]is jaunty beta still today?23:33
slangasekcoming soon to a mirror near you23:34
TheMusoThat always sounds so "promo/marketing"23:35
TheMusoto me at lesat.23:35
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