[00:01] fta: i reallly think this patch was good [00:01] i mean it doesnt do any win-dns negotiation at least anymore [00:01] err wins-... [00:03] http://paste.ubuntu.com/137870/ [00:03] thats what i had before [00:03] hmm ... sitll have the same in fact ;) [09:41] guud morning [09:41] sigh [09:41] BUGabundo: not to you ;) [09:41] good morning [09:41] sigh about folks in bugs saying something doesnt work ;) [09:42] thats ok in general. but not if you firmly believe that it works ;) [09:42] i just expect that they are too lame to actually test what i asked for properly [09:42] eheh [09:42] I read a few of those myself [09:43] I may not be the best bug reporter ever [09:43] but I do try to make it up with details and logs [09:43] its all fine. its just that its a huge problem when time is running low [09:43] asac: did you manage to take a look at the SiS but I sent you yesterday? [09:43] like in the past i had fixes for issues reported for RC [09:43] and dumb bug folks just were too confused to test them properly [09:44] and so the patches didnt land because they said:" doesnt work ... or even: makes things worse" [09:44] eheh [09:44] that's *helpful* [09:44] BUGabundo: you were gone [09:44] BUGabundo: i wanted to say: if you need noacpi [09:44] its usually a bios upgrade you need ;) [09:45] I did need it [09:45] without it the machine doesn't start [09:45] tell that to SiS... no BIOS from them [09:45] eheh [09:45] I love to read those boot messages where it states that a dummie bios was used by the kernel [09:45] yeha. but in general its a bad start ;) [09:46] and to contact manufacture about bad hw [09:46] anyway. when you are connected and have no traffic [09:46] run iwconfig [09:46] every 10 seconds [09:46] and observe how frequency changes and so on [09:46] I don't have the machine now [09:47] i assume its always moving frequencies [09:47] ill run further tests on Saturday, maybe [09:53] bah I just saw that I have connman running [09:53] do we really need it? [09:53] or can I remove it? [10:06] i love firedrills ;) [10:07] fta_nano: i know you must be quite demotivated, but can you verify that this http://launchpadlibrarian.net/24350587/77-nm-probe-modem-capabilities.rules also detects your modem? [10:29] [reed]: can you add stuff to blacklist for lets say "jaunty"? [10:29] plugin blacklist that is [10:29] flash 9 seems to crash all the time [10:30] i would think its because of some underlying lib and not a general problem with ffox 3 and flash 9 [10:31] <[reed]> asac: hmm, not sure [10:31] <[reed]> would need for jaunty to have some unique abi that we support [10:32] [reed]: unique abi? doesnt the blacklist also submit "OS" / "version" ? [10:33] <[reed]> submit? nothing is submitted [10:33] <[reed]> it's pulled down [10:33] <[reed]> and client acts on it [10:33] <[reed]> Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xre/app-info;1"] [10:33] <[reed]> .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIXULRuntime) [10:33] <[reed]> .XPCOMABI [10:33] ah [10:33] <[reed]> run that in jaunty firefox [10:33] <[reed]> what do you get? [10:33] <[reed]> (use error console) [10:34] normal abi [10:34] x86-gcc3 [10:34] <[reed]> hmm [10:34] <[reed]> does flash on jaunty have any unique name, description, or filename? [10:35] [reed]: no. its adobe flash [10:35] users that have packages have no issue as they would get upgraded [10:35] <[reed]> then probably not [10:35] only folks that installed 9 now cannot run ffox anymore [10:35] <[reed]> :/ [10:35] <[reed]> unless we just blocklisted flash 9 in general [10:35] <[reed]> for some reason [10:35] thtas the best idea i think ;) [10:36] otherwise we would have to resurrect the "blacklist suppletmented by distro" apporach [10:36] i wrote a caching webservice for that at some point [10:36] but we never deployed [10:36] it [10:36] e.g. pull in blacklist from mozilla ... add something ... ship that [10:36] but i would like not to do that [10:36] maybe the blocklist url should get OS/VERSION at some point? similar to plugin finder? [10:38] <[reed]> no, it's not meant that way [10:38] <[reed]> let me ask Mossop something [10:39] <[reed]> so, how does one know firefox on jaunty is jaunty? [10:39] <[reed]> like, what have you changed? [10:40] [reed]: in which sense? [10:40] i think the problem why flash crashes is that new alsa/pulseaudio kills its [10:40] like the pulseaudio plugin we have in alsa is a suspect for issues [10:40] <[reed]> how would you recognize only jaunty firefox? [10:40] upstream .so 64bits works fine here [10:40] [reed]: we can add a parameter to the URL [10:40] http://www.ustream.tv/channel/bugabundo [10:40] BUGabundo: flash 9? [10:40] is broadcasting without any glitch [10:41] 10 [10:41] BUGabundo: thats not the topic ;) [10:41] ahh [10:41] lost the '9' [10:41] <[reed]> asac: oh, you'd do a release [10:41] the topic is: flash 9 kills firefox [10:41] <[reed]> of a new firefox [10:43] [reed]: which url is used for plugin blocklisting? [10:43] its not the same used for extensions i guess [10:45] <[reed]> oh [10:45] gnomefreak: fta_nano: http://www.jonobacon.org/2009/03/24/ubuntu-members-get-free-lwn-subs/ [10:45] <[reed]> we apparently do send all that info [10:45] <[reed]> https://addons.mozilla.org/blocklist/2/%APP_ID%/%APP_VERSION%/%PRODUCT%/%BUILD_ID%/%BUILD_TARGET%/%LOCALE%/%CHANNEL%/%OS_VERSION%/%DISTRIBUTION%/%DISTRIBUTION_VERSION%/ [10:45] gnomefreak: fta_nano: i was told to remember ubuntu members about that option [10:45] [reed]: yeah. if that is used we can include DISTRIBUTION [10:45] and OS_VERSION [10:45] and everything ;) [10:46] let me look up the bug we had once [10:46] <[reed]> just check your extensions.blocklist.url [10:46] yeah [10:46] <[reed]> I recommend you don't do your proxy list and continue to go direct to Mozilla [10:46] <[reed]> we use that for stats [10:46] asac: thanks ill look. i havent yet heard of it [10:46] <[reed]> it would make our metrics people extremely unhappy with you [10:47] [reed]: yeah i know [10:47] [reed]: i think distribution is really something else anyway [10:47] its what we have in distribution.ini [10:47] <[reed]> is it unique per release (jaunty, intrepid, etc.?) [10:48] [reed]: no. we use distribution=canonical and version=1.0 .. we could definitly make the version more sensible [10:48] but let me first try to find the bug we had [10:48] about the stats [10:48] <[reed]> k [10:48] [reed]: do you remember the number ;)? [10:48] * asac needs a memory upgrade [10:48] <[reed]> lol, I don't know what bug you're talking about [10:48] MOZILLA BUG 469760 [10:49] Mozilla bug 469760 in Add-ons Manager "blocklist url %LOCALE% replaced with general.useragent.locale value, but without resolving complex value on ubuntu" [Major,Assigned] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=469760 [10:49] yeah [10:49] so https://addons.mozilla.org/blocklist/2/%7Bec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384%7D/3.0.4/Firefox/2008111319/Linux_x86_64-gcc3/chrome://global/locale/intl.properties/default/Linux%202.6.27-7-generic%20(GTK%202.14.4)/canonical/1.0/ [10:49] seems its really what is in distribution.ini [10:49] the values in there are currently govered by trademark agreement [10:49] so DISTRIBUTION and DISTRIBUTION_VERISON isnt an option [10:50] <[reed]> why haven't you fixed that yet? [10:51] also it would only help our builds [10:51] <[reed]> it's a bug on your end, yes? [10:51] [reed]: its fixed in jaunty [10:51] <[reed]> k [10:51] [reed]: yes. but because i got confirmed that we are counted i couldnt justify a SRU [10:51] so its just fixed in jaunty and after [10:51] <[reed]> ok [10:52] [reed]: so maybe that url should also encode other system libs [10:52] like alsa ... [10:52] or whatever can lead to crashes of plugins that dont happen everywhere [10:52] but well. i am not sure if its worth it [10:52] lets see how many complains we get about crashing firefox [10:53] and then decide if we need to do something [10:53] its just annyoing that flash is not auto updated if installed in profile [10:53] <[reed]> seems like you could work something out with legal about using distribution version [10:53] [reed]: yeah. true. but as i said it wouldnt help your "official" builds [10:53] they will also crash on jaunty i guess [10:53] with flash 9 [10:54] <[reed]> true [10:54] let me first find out whats the cause [10:54] i will come back to you ;) [11:49] asac: its way too late to push new sunbird (fixed icons) to jaunty right? [11:50] gnomefreak: no [11:50] gnomefreak: i think its ok if its just that change [11:50] its a bug [11:51] gnomefreak: did it work? [11:51] asac: just those changes at this time and its ready [11:51] BUGabundo: connman -> you installed it voluntarily. did you ever try it? [11:51] asac: yep :) [11:51] nope [11:52] heh [11:52] im pushing to PPA for jaunty atm since they failed to push yesterdya [11:52] never found a chance to [11:52] BUGabundo: so if you dont plan to try it you can uninstall it obviously ;) [11:52] already did [11:52] gnomefreak: did you tr ylocally? [11:52] one thing strange with my wifi card (intel abgn 4965) [11:52] gnomefreak: if so no need to push it to ppa ... just proposed the merge [11:52] BUGabundo: yeah [11:52] signal as low as 55% and it won't connect [11:54] asac: ill check email and approve it in ~30 mins-1hour. im still waiting seamonkey and flashgot too but flashgot is likely not going to make it in jaunty [11:54] BUGabundo: wait a second ... bb in a minute [12:01] BUGabundo: while [ true ]; do sleep 1; date | tee -a /tmp/iwconfig.log.txt; iwconfig | tee -a /tmp/iwconfig.log.txt; done [12:01] can you start that before connecting. and then try to connect [12:01] ok [12:01] and when it fails post iwconfig.log.txt [12:01] let me copy the comand to my cheat nots [12:09] BUGabundo: be careful in +1 please [12:09] ok [12:12] thanks [12:15] was the daily bot turned off or broken? [12:16] nevermind i got tbird update but no firefox 3.5 3.6 [12:16] yeah [12:16] I haven't got any FF dailys for a few days [12:16] fta is it failing [12:16] ? [12:25] gnomefreak: they are broken atm [12:25] asac: ah ok thanks :) [12:26] let me confirm that [12:36] yeah it fails on tests [12:37] doing a build now [12:41] * asac thinks that spinning 3 mozillas at the smae time isnt good for my laptop [12:42] eheh [12:42] sure it is [12:43] isn't it a dual quad core? [12:51] just wanted to see how long it will take to be noticed... and fixed ;) [12:55] i think i noticed it yesterday when i only got chromium updates this was afternoon after i left here but dont remember [12:55] yep the 22nd was last 3.5 update [13:02] hi gnomefreak, I'm here to remind you of flash64 :-) [13:03] fta: i am at least building 3.6 locally now ;) [13:03] BUGabundo: CPU isnt the problem. IO is [13:03] http://libresoft.es/Members/herraiz/blog/linux-is-not-free-software [13:04] c0p3rn1c: its unlikey to happen for a while, i have a few other things i need to look after. I will look for the tarball when i get a spare moment. [13:04] asac, the fix is trivial, i just didn't have time, i focused on this 3G disaster :P [13:05] gnomefreak: ehm maybe I could do it all for you, just tell me what to do exactly and then I'll google my ass off :) [13:05] c0p3rn1c: looking for the real tarball not one that has .so in the name [13:06] fta: yeah ;) ... i will see what happens here. [13:06] gnomefreak: what should it contain then ? [13:06] fta: have you ever managed to create a real auto connection? [13:06] another problem that i will run into is hacking the files from 386 to 64 or merge in the 64 to orig scripts [13:06] c0p3rn1c: files other than bleh.so [13:06] asac, yes, same problem [13:06] fta: did you check the mtu yet? [13:07] i even tried to lower the mtu in pppd/options [13:08] yes. [13:08] gnomefreak: I should first learn how to make a ubuntu package, after that I should take a look at the current "flash64".deb [13:09] right? [13:12] c0p3rn1c: the packaging part is the hardest to learn since the scripts need a massive overhaul you wont find a .deb anywhere unless you modift the scrits to build it than it will grab upstream package and than install the .deb [13:12] c0p3rn1c: adobe doesnt make a 64bit deb AFAIK i know they at one time ported it for Ubuntu but i dont remember if it happened or not [13:17] i would perfer to merge the 2 instead of 2 separate scripts but that i will leave to someone that knows the in and outs of flash packaging. [13:18] ok [13:18] maybe I should call adobe :p [13:19] * c0p3rn1c has a lot of time today :-) [13:25] hm, no idea why fta_nano timed out, seems like xchat and wifi doesn't mix very well [13:49] any idea what package controls the media keys on the keyboard? [14:01] i think its more of a typing on keyboard and trying to use buttons at same time its because keyboard is already in use, it is labled as a firefox bug atm but im betting it happens in any apps you type in [14:37] bug 338892 [14:37] Launchpad bug 338892 in firefox-3.0 "3 errors and more" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/338892 [15:51] Hi all there is a bug in ubuntu 9.04 latest build 3g huawei Model e160 did not work, stick dit not recognized when plugd in, driver not loaded [15:53] blogdudel: is it filed on launchpad already? [15:53] we need to keep track of them [15:53] under a master bug [15:53] asac: ping ^^^^^ [15:53] this is a known bug, and we have a fix already [15:53] i own an e160 too [15:53] blogdudel: you are the one I dented on identica aren't you ? [15:54] hey sounds good jey i am ;) [15:55] identi.ca blogdudel my english is very bad sorry ;) [15:58] * gnomefreak someday will learn how to use identi.ca and gwitter [15:58] hehe [15:58] gnomefreak: what's your prob with it? [15:59] ask the Human MAN(ual) > me [15:59] BUGabundo: not sure yet i havent played with it. [16:00] well its wbkitt [16:00] it shows you your life stream and the ones you folow on one tab [16:00] been busy here maybe one day i learn it [16:00] and replies and DMs on the other [16:01] you can use the text bar to enter text [16:01] or the arrows to reply to users [16:01] since you don't follow many ppl, that should be easy [16:01] i have to figure out if i wwant to use email or rss i get enough emails but i think i used one that i get few in [16:02] the posts go right into gwitter? [16:02] me on the other hand have [16:02] Subscriptions 212 Subscribers 180 Notices 6976 [16:03] no need for emai [16:03] you can turn it of on identica Connect menu [16:05] back [16:05] it keeps failing to connect with 404 errors :( [16:06] gnomefreak: gwibber? [16:06] BUGabundo: yes [16:06] what version? [16:06] SSL is up and running [16:06] is your login data ok? [16:06] ah there we go but still shows errors [16:07] error 500 ? [16:07] I'm getting them too now that you talk about it [16:08] i see your posts now so i will clear error and see [16:08] now i see 401 [16:09] blogdudel: there? [16:09] ok delete the account quit gwibber , start gwibber enter korrekt login and it wil work .. i thing there ist something wrong with it i have tu try 5 times [16:09] blogdudel: see bug 346835 [16:09] Launchpad bug 346835 in network-manager "MASTER - modems not detected - udev prober broken (Was: Huawei e169 doesn't connect + Globetrotter 3G+ card not recognized anymore)" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/346835 [16:09] blogdudel: there are two .rules files i asked to test [16:09] please test both [16:09] thanks [16:09] its really hard to follow the blogs if you dont follow everyone in it [16:09] gnomefreak: no errors here! [16:09] eheh [16:10] ok i do [16:10] then you end up like me with 300 RSS [16:10] after refresh none here now [16:11] eehe [16:11] I'm there [16:11] I even sent you a dent [16:11] how the hell do you send? enter doesnt work and well i only see cancel ill find it sooner or later [16:12] ahh [16:12] it froze it seems [16:12] wait you are jamed [16:12] press Esc [16:12] to leave the field [16:12] it freezes a lot [16:12] :( [16:12] ah there we go its sent [16:12] with compiz its easy to see [16:12] with metacity look at the corner [16:12] took awhile though [16:12] if the buble is not running then its frozen [16:12] got your now [16:13] i cant run compiz on this system since my mem is low and its a building system [16:13] ehe [16:13] then watch the circle bubbles [16:14] yay the package is going to upload :) [16:14] the bubble kept spinning but just stopped. I think fta2 needs to change servers [16:22] I can't, i left xchat open at work, and i'm at home (sick) [16:23] fta: ah [16:24] @asac 3g fail i try both files but nothing work what now ? [16:26] * gnomefreak needs to think of a fix for my problem :( ill be back [16:30] blogdudel: what did you try? [16:30] blogdudel: you need to replace the file ... then reboot [16:30] blogdudel: at least they should make your modems get detected [16:32] replace th m77 file [16:32] rebbot yes nothin happends no modem [16:33] * BUGabundo thinks asac is going to start confusing subjects [16:34] ;) [16:36] am i here? [16:37] damnit power surge i think [16:37] blogdudel: please post your complete syslog ... right after you plugged in your 3g modem [16:38] ok i see comments so maybe its a LP issue [16:38] gnomefreak: yes you are [16:38] BUGabundo: thanks [16:38] ah good lp works again [16:44] syslog how can i do that .. please what command [16:46] where to find the syslog where is he ? [16:46] ups sory i found ;) [16:53] how can i send the file syslog ? [16:55] blogdudel: not sure. open a bug [16:55] attach it there [16:55] also tell which .rules file you used for that syslog [16:55] thanks [17:18] sorry attach here copy the the file ? i using pidigin and i can not atach but copy and paste :) [17:23] Mar 26 17:20:58 MBE1210A syslogd 1.5.0#5ubuntu3: restart. [17:23] Mar 26 17:20:58 MBE1210A kernel: Inspecting /boot/System.map-2.6.28-11-generic [17:23] Mar 26 17:20:58 MBE1210A kernel: Cannot find map file. [17:23] Mar 26 17:20:58 MBE1210A kernel: Loaded 54082 symbols from 42 modules. [17:23] Mar 26 17:20:58 MBE1210A kernel: [ 0.000000] BIOS EBDA/lowmem at: 0009ec00/0009ec00 [17:23] Mar 26 17:20:58 MBE1210A kernel: [ 0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuset [17:25] blogdudel, no, use a pastebin service such as http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and give us the url [17:29] ähm sorry http://paste.ubuntu.com/138410/ :) [17:31] Mar 26 17:26:28 MBE1210A NetworkManager: (ttyUSB0): found serial port (udev: hal:GSM) [17:31] are you sure you changed the 77-* rules file? [17:32] you should see "(udev:GSM hal:GSM)" [17:35] also enable debug for n-m: you can do that easily by creating a file called /etc/default/NetworkManager containing "export NM_SERIAL_DEBUG=1". then you need to reboot (or restart n-m) [17:46] heh ... fta helping on NM - hilarious! [17:47] eheh [17:47] I'm just tired of trying to follow your debuging [17:47] can't imagine how you guys are feeling [17:48] its a mess [17:49] asac, you should provide a default /etc/default/NetworkManager [17:50] fta@nano:~ $ cat /etc/default/NetworkManager [17:50] # fta [17:50] #export NM_ACTIVE_AP_DEBUG=1 [17:50] export NM_SERIAL_DEBUG=1 [17:50] export NM_PPP_DEBUG=1 [17:50] with nice comments, all disabled of course [17:50] hmm [17:50] good suggestion [17:51] lets see if someone managed to get the .rules working in the MASTER bug [17:51] nobody tried :( [17:51] thats always the same [17:51] i did :) [17:51] yeah [17:51] and it worked for you [17:51] but bug 346835 [17:51] Launchpad bug 346835 in network-manager "MASTER - modems not detected - udev prober broken (Was: Huawei e169 doesn't connect + Globetrotter 3G+ card not recognized anymore)" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/346835 [17:52] its always the same: you ask them to test the proper and they answer: "modem doesnt work" [17:52] ;) [17:52] fta: oh we have a new rules btw [17:52] the ../ was consider fragile [17:52] by udev upstream [17:52] https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/346835/comments/11 [17:52] Ubuntu bug 346835 in network-manager "MASTER - modems not detected - udev prober broken (Was: Huawei e169 doesn't connect + Globetrotter 3G+ card not recognized anymore)" [Critical,In progress] [17:53] "No luck. It stays unchanged." [17:53] "Sorry, sorry, sorry. Good news and bad news." [17:53] ;) [17:54] that's what i meant yesterday by "you should pass that throuhg env{}" [17:54] through [17:54] yes [17:54] i had that idea from the beginning [17:54] but well. my udev rules fu was close to zeor [17:54] want me to test that? [17:54] bye guys [17:54] gym [17:55] but given that either keybuk and the udev upstream thought our way should work ;) ... [17:55] you should jsut push that to the ppa, you'll get testers that way ;) [17:55] fta: i will push that right to the archive [17:55] tonight is beta out i hope [17:55] oh [17:56] its interesting that nobody from the QA found that we have a critical MASTER bug that breaks all 3G, but well :) [17:56] lets assume they thought its not critical enough to hold the beta [17:57] fta: if you can test the .rules that owuld be great [17:57] i have the feelig that the master bug will not lead us anywhere [17:58] i guess the folks in there still think the bug is about "modem should work in general, everywhere with any device" [17:58] its always the same [17:58] *sigh* [17:58] "This issue has got a bit confusing... I'll try to decipher it. The main issue of the bug report is that the wireless broadband just doesn't work, I'm experiencing the same problem as Lanzen." [17:58] "Lanzen said that the 77-nm-probe-modem-capabilities.rules file from Intrepid fixes the problem, the one posted above my Alexander doesn't." [17:58] ouch [17:58] Mar 26 18:58:10 nano NetworkManager: (ttyUSB0): found serial port (udev:GSM hal:GSM) [17:58] there was no such file in intrepid [17:58] fta: great. thanks [17:59] fta: do you know if your modem stuff got worse during jaunty? [17:59] i mean, maybe its really the probing itself that causes your instability [17:59] no idea, i just started to use 3G in ubuntu in january [17:59] and this: "Alexander, the syslog you requested (https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/346835/comments/15) is the one here ( https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/346835/comments/4 ) - I'm receiving identical messages in mine, but I can't post it because my laptop battery just died. [17:59] Ubuntu bug 346835 in network-manager "MASTER - modems not detected - udev prober broken (Was: Huawei e169 doesn't connect + Globetrotter 3G+ card not recognized anymore)" [Critical,In progress] [17:59] " [18:00] its always the same: "mine is "identical", but sorry i cant post [18:00] fta: yes. but didnt it work well in the beginning? [18:00] let me check when this prober stuff first appeared [18:00] hmm ... in march [18:00] so ok [18:01] on my dell laptop, it worked well with my 2 SIMs, then broke on 1, then the other, now both [18:02] with my netbook, nothing ever worked, except 1 attempt yesterday eve [18:05] FIREFOX_3_0_8_BUILD2 [18:05] yeah [18:05] thats hopefully it [18:05] i will push that as final tomorrow morning to security area [18:11] by [18:13] asac, what are my options right now for my 3G? [18:13] i mean, remaining options [18:13] fta: you can try doing it manually using wvdial [18:13] i tried that yesterday [18:13] same? [18:14] same same but different most likely ;) [18:14] well, not sure. i had to write the init strings [18:15] with n-m down, it does work as there's no /dev/ttyUSB* [18:15] it does work? [18:16] lol [18:16] no, doesn't [18:16] sorry [18:16] /dev/ttyUSB0 should be available even without NM [18:16] anyway [18:16] i really really think its on ppp level [18:16] it's not there [18:17] I have it when I plug in my serial/usb converter :-D [18:17] problem is that our kernel seems to not have ppp debugging on [18:17] thats a bit of a problem [18:56] is a hyperintelligent sexpot like asac or fta about? [20:12] asac, http://groups.google.com/group/chromium-dev/browse_thread/thread/f2ddee7e109635a8 [20:35] asac, \o/ [21:15] someone care to tell me why bzr-builddeb lets patches pass and dpkg-buildpackage makes patches fail? same branch same source hardy doesnt have bzr-builddeb so it fails on fsh patch and intrepid jaunty using bzr pass [21:15] there has to be a handling error somewhere but why and how [21:16] i built binaries here for intrepid and jaunty figured why do hardy if they passed well it failed on PPA due to fsh patch and personally im extreamly pissed off about it [21:32] asac, just tried your new 77-* in my dell laptop, not so good :( http://paste.ubuntu.com/138548/ [21:32] Mar 26 22:20:26 voyager udevd-event[27664]: IMPORT 'nm-modem-probe --vid 0x12d1 --pid 0x1003 --usb-interface 01 --driver option --delay 3000 --export /dev/.tmp-char-188:1' /lib/udev/rules.d/77-nm-probe-modem-capabilities.rules:11 [21:32] Mar 26 22:20:26 voyager udevd-event[27664]: 'nm-modem-probe --vid 0x12d1 --pid 0x1003 --usb-interface 01 --driver option --delay 3000 --export /dev/.tmp-char-188:1' [21:32] Mar 26 22:20:26 voyager udevd-event[27664]: '/lib/udev/nm-modem-probe' (stderr) '/lib/udev/nm-modem-probe: unrecognized option '--vid'' [21:32] Mar 26 22:20:26 voyager udevd-event[27664]: '/lib/udev/nm-modem-probe' returned with status 1 [21:32] asac: is the font fully reverted? [21:32] my fonts look smaller after reboot [21:32] can I use Apperance again? [21:33] * gnomefreak gonna set this dell on fire if i dont figure out WTF the problem is. im talking with bzr about it but there should be no reason why it works out this way [21:38] ok someone needs to tell me why dpkg-buildpackage is failing the build due to a patch but bzr bd is not failing [21:39] asac, oh, nm, not the same n-m. 0ubuntu1 vs 0ubuntu1.nm1 [21:39] they dont know why in #bzr [21:39] gnomefreak, would help if you pasted what you are doing so we can have a look [21:40] fta: built sunbird 0.9 for intrepid and jaunty localy binaries and they built fine with bzr-bd i figured no need to build bins for hardy and using dpkg-buildpage fails the build on the fsh patch [21:41] fta: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/24369029/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-i386.lightning-sunbird_0.9%2Bnobinonly-0ubuntu3~8.04~jjv1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz < https://edge.launchpad.net/~gnomefreak/+archive/ppa the other 2 passed only difference is the command i used [21:42] asd since dpkg-buildpackage is in bzr-bd it shouldnt do anything different from what i would think [21:42] the difference is the merge [21:42] ? [21:43] same branch [21:43] oh you mean bzr merge [21:43] i assume that by bzr-bd, you mean bzr bd --merge [21:43] fta: yep [21:44] im guessing i cant use debuild or dpkg-bui.... with a berge switch [21:44] s/berge/merge [21:44] well, do you still have the logs from where you used dpkg-buidlpackage? [21:44] fta: you mean the source dir? [21:44] no, neither has a --merge switch, only bd has one [21:45] so i guess im backporting bzr to hardy too :( i ironic can it get [21:45] ?? no need to do that [21:46] why didn't you use bzr-bd also for hardy? [21:47] fta: it doesnt exist or if it does bd is not found [21:47] i mean, no need to be on hardy to create the source package for hardy, assuming you have everything in the same branch [21:47] fta: i use a chroot and yes i thought i did [21:48] to build, yes, but not to create a source package to send to the builders [21:48] fta: sounds good so far [21:48] next how? [21:49] just spin the source normally with the hardy target in it? [21:49] it cant be that easy [21:50] so just go to your branch in a jaunty chroot (or intrepid), edit d/changelog to add a ~somthing to the version and change the dist to hardy, no need to commit, bzr bd --merge that and dput the result [21:51] you mean the full bzr bd command right? [21:52] (of course, by bzr bd --merge that, i meant the full command, such as bzr bd --merge --build-dir=../ppa --orig-dir=../tarballs/ --builder='dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -S -sa -kxxxxxx' or whatever you used on jaunty) [21:53] should even be -sd instead of -sa as the tarball is already in your ppa [21:53] ok lets try it. this works i really really need to remember this [21:54] that would cut down onupload times too :( [21:54] ok makeing notes [21:57] ok pushing lets see how this goes. thanks fta i took notes :) [21:58] holy crap thats fast [21:59] :) [22:07] !info flashplugin-nonfree hardy-backports [22:07] flashplugin-nonfree (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (hardy-backports), package size 18 kB, installed size 164 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia) [22:08] nope still thats why damnit [22:18] BUGabundo: right i think atleast my tb3 fonts shrank now i can barely see them. they do not fit in with the rest of desktop :( i guess ill work it out tomorrow [22:19] yep! [22:19] but it still shows 13.333 and 112 dpis [22:19] :\\\ [22:24] even if it builds im going to have to fix that patch in SM2 :( [22:25] BUGabundo: only tb3 is different that started a day or 2 ago it got really figging small [22:26] * BUGabundo wonders why gnomefreak is talking to me about tb [22:26] 96 << dpsi [22:26] ahh fonts [22:26] LOL [22:26] that is why DE is so small in fots [22:27] 107 looks like a winner [22:30] think i fixed fonts [22:31] i guess i have to figure out the easiest way to set up sunbird again [22:38] it worked 64bit passed :) [22:44] \o/ [22:45] the fsh series patches are not the same right? [22:47] why wouldn't they be the same? you have only one branch right? [22:50] fta: i mean between packages [22:51] SM2 fails on fsh patch but autoconf patch passes so i have to assume autoconf2.13 wont fix it and i cant get the mozilla dir to include a patches dir [22:52] thats my project to end the week i think [22:53] thats mean no .rej file to go on [22:54] then you have more than 1 branch so you need to make it work in the right chroot, commit to a dist branch, then you can do as before from any dist and the dist branch [22:54] fta: in SM2 it fails no matter how i run it. fails on jaunty intrepid and hardy [22:55] iIRC its hunk1 that fails [22:55] then either you are doing something wrong, or the patch needs to be updated [22:56] may need updating but as i said i cant get the --no-purge switch to leave upstreamm ozila/mozilla/patches there [22:57] it's --dont-purge [22:57] yeah that [22:58] bzr bd --merge --dont-purge --builder= [22:58] should work [22:58] im gonna try with latest tarball again maybe it was them. no matter if i stopped it or if it failed it didnt leave a patches dir i had mozilla/mozilla [22:59] i gonna grab tarball and run the build maybe it will not fail. i can dream cant i [23:14] ok what else can i do while i wait for everything [23:14] fta: all sunbird builds worked thanks [23:14] bah webcam stop working [23:14] damn flash [23:16] * gnomefreak is in a backlog anyway sooner or later im gonna get stuck until things get moving along [23:17] boas [23:17] guys is asac around ? [23:17] on more guy with 3G probs [23:17] FreeAtMind: what version is your 3G modem? [23:18] all most of time... [23:18] is a hawei e220 [23:18] *huawei e220 [23:18] ah the same as mine... [23:18] is black... LOL i dont tink is important the color [23:18] ;) [23:18] fta do you know if there is already an open bug for this model? [23:18] mine is a e160, recognized as a a220 [23:19] what is the problem? [23:19] BUGabundo: i dont think he is. fta tried pinging him earlier i didnt see him say anything [23:19] but i can connet regulary with wvdial [23:20] ya thought so [23:20] all most of time afther 3 or 4 unplugs of modem [23:20] mine only works with older version of NM packages [23:20] in intrepid mine works great [23:21] yeah... it worked more or lessu [23:21] until 2 weeks ago [23:21] then it stoped [23:21] i use other pc with that is is works like a charm [23:21] bah we need asac to debug in real time! [23:22] fta: what pacths did asac gave you ? [23:22] are they on the ppa? [23:22] what is the symptom with n-m? not recognized at all? [23:22] FreeAtMind: ^^^ [23:22] they are something to install first for debug?? [23:23] on NM is recognizes [23:23] https://wiki.kubuntu.org/DebuggingNetworkManager [23:23] and they appear 2 times [23:23] really? mine only showed once === asac_ is now known as asac [23:24] i can send a printscreen [23:24] but took me MANY attempts to see it [23:24] no need [23:24] depends on which n-m you are using [23:24] lshal is much better [23:24] plain jaunty or the n-m ppa ? [23:24] PPA is older [23:24] lol [23:24] no [23:25] oh [23:25] asac bump it [23:25] im only using the official mirror and medibuntu [23:25] 0.7.1~rc3.1.git4cf2da146-0ubuntu1.nm1 [23:25] none ppa [23:25] network-manager | 0.7.1~rc3.1.git4cf2da146-0ubuntu1.nm1 | http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty/main Packages [23:25] network-manager | 0.7.1~rc3.1.git4cf2da146-0ubuntu1 | http://archive.ubuntu.com jaunty/main Packages [23:25] I saw [23:25] didn't notice the update [23:25] guess I'm late on change logs [23:26] so with 0.7.1~rc3.1.git4cf2da146-0ubuntu1.nm1 and https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/346835/comments/11, it works for me [23:26] Ubuntu bug 346835 in network-manager "MASTER - modems not detected - udev prober broken (Was: Huawei e169 doesn't connect + Globetrotter 3G+ card not recognized anymore)" [Critical,In progress] [23:26] FreeAtMind: can you install the ppa version [23:26] and reboot to test? [23:26] asac will push that to jaunty tomorrow [23:27] ok [23:27] https://launchpad.net/~network-manager/+archive/ppa [23:27] i will do that [23:27] add "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/network-manager/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main" to your sources [23:27] happy to test that package [23:27] and update (even via update manager [23:27] ;) [23:27] cya [23:28] that was fast [23:28] LOL [23:28] fta: what is this about? http://pastebin.mozilla.org/636741 [23:29] gnomefreak, it's not able to find your tarball [23:29] k [23:29] in jaunty, the default loc is no longer ../tarballs [23:29] it's .. [23:30] so you can add --orig-dir=../tarballs/ to have it back to where it was before [23:30] or just move your tarballs [23:34] oh [23:35] have to go [23:35] let me know how the 3G goes for that guy [23:36] ok updated the ppa nm package to contina the modem rules [23:38] great [23:38] asac, i made one of my sim work in my netbook \o/ [23:39] fta: how? [23:40] fta: plesae present your findings ;) [23:41] i booted in xp, connected it, looked at all the parameters, noticed it was using pap and not chap, no compression, but ip headers compression, *99# was right, no user/password at all, no flow control, and a max speed of 460800 (no mtu) [23:41] so i booted back to ubuntu, changed the parameters accordingly in the nm-applet, and \o/ [23:43] fta: so it was "pap" ? [23:43] basically, i unchecked almost everything in the profile [23:43] most probably [23:44] hmm [23:44] have you checked that the sim still didnt work after windows boot? [23:44] or maybe you just cured it with windows again? [23:44] unless something magic appeared while i was using xp [23:45] i tried the 2nd sim with that profile, i doesn't work [23:45] it [23:45] but it doesn't work in xp either [23:45] i will try it in my laptop at work tomorrow, where it's supposed to be used [23:47] if its really pap [23:47] it sounds like a provider issue [23:48] i mean, the negotiation should work and you even were able to get CHAP AUTHENTICATED [23:48] the comment in the ppp auth methods dialog is really funny [23:49] atlesat that comment should be on the main PPP tab in conn editor [23:49] cleaner_dist_clean.patch is mine for tomorrow ;) night [23:51] hello again [23:52] did it work? [23:52] i have upgraded the network manager [23:52] i dont work [23:52] none device is detect [23:52] in NM [23:53] but im connected now with wvdial [23:53] did you change the 77-* file as indicated in the bug i pasted? [23:53] sorry no [23:53] send me again [23:53] https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/346835/comments/11 [23:53] Ubuntu bug 346835 in network-manager "MASTER - modems not detected - udev prober broken (Was: Huawei e169 doesn't connect + Globetrotter 3G+ card not recognized anymore)" [Critical,In progress] [23:54] or wait for the next build of n-m, asac just updated the n-m ppa to include that new file [23:54] fta i use some times your ppa [23:54] :) [23:54] great [23:54] sorry for my english :( [23:55] is poor and bad at same time [23:55] no problem [23:56] i understand very well english but dont speak weel [23:56] *well [23:56] i go see that bug link [23:56] you just need to practice then [23:57] that like told that replace the file [23:57] but is needed some special permission? [23:58] or just replace that [23:58] you need to do that as root [23:58] ok [23:58] i do that [23:59] restart needed?