
Shadow__Xno ask away00:47
holyscottQuestion, I have tried 2 different ways to get mythtv working, ubuntu package, and mythbuntu live cd00:48
holyscottshould this be working right away or does  the live cd take some configuration still?00:49
Shadow__Xholyscott, mythbuntu live cd cant be used as a frontend00:49
Shadow__Xor to install mythtv00:49
Shadow__Xit wont replace a mythbackend00:49
holyscottall I want to see is it running before I commit to a total reinstall00:50
holyscottmy card is on the list so it should be supported00:50
Shadow__Xso what running00:50
holyscottjust fairly new to linux and no clue about sql stuff.00:50
Shadow__Xyou need to install mythtv for it to work00:50
Shadow__Xholyscott, right the mythbuntu live cd is a great place to start00:50
Shadow__Xyou install it00:50
holyscottits a pinnacle 800i hd pci00:50
Shadow__Xrun it and configure hard ware and your on your way00:51
Shadow__Xi have that card00:51
Shadow__Xits good for digital00:51
holyscottany mthtv program, seetup, backend I run, all gives errors abotu sql database not connected00:51
Shadow__Xon what install are you talking about00:52
holyscottlast night I tried on linux mint kde rc1 dling the mint tv package00:52
holyscottthe dl told me to set up a root password00:52
holyscottbut nothing worked afterwards00:52
holyscotttoday, I tryed setting it up while on the live cd00:53
holyscotton the live cd I did see the configuration menu options00:53
holyscottbut nothing when it went to setup mythtv.00:53
holyscottthe card quit working in windows 7 and would be shocked to have it in  linux00:54
Shadow__Xholyscott, first to use and have a much easier setup take the live cd00:55
Shadow__Xinstall mythbuntu00:55
Shadow__Xreboot machine00:55
Shadow__Xrun the newly installed mythbuntu os00:55
Shadow__Xthen run mythbackend setup00:55
holyscotthas to be installed, wont work running off a cd?00:56
holyscottbetter to be usiing 8.10 or 9.04 alpa 6 or wait a few days for new beta 9.04?00:56
Shadow__Xholyscott, yes you need to install it the backend to my knowledge needs to be installed00:57
Shadow__Xthe live cd can only be used as a frontend00:57
Shadow__Xor to install00:57
Shadow__Xi would recommend 8.1000:57
Shadow__Xyou want something stable00:58
Shadow__Xalpha is for testing and bug fixes00:58
holyscottwould I have to do anything with mysql or roots or passwords, or just the setup program?00:58
Shadow__Xwhen installing from live cd that is taken care for you01:00
holyscottonce I have it installed and running, it is safe to install kde or gnome over it?01:00
Shadow__Xuh i wouldnt because its meant to just work along01:02
Shadow__Xunless you  are going to be running a frontend somewhere else01:02
Shadow__Xi mean yeah you could just depends on how strong your system is if it will handle it well01:02
Shadow__Xnormal workload with mysql and mythbackend01:02
holyscottI have a modern gaming pc01:02
holyscott4 gigs01:02
Shadow__Xah alright01:02
holyscott3gig core2du01:03
holyscottthanks so much for the help01:06
Shadow__Xso yeah do that i will most likely be here i have no issue helping you set it up01:13
Shadow__Xi really like mythtv01:13
holyscottdoes it use alot of cpu while recording or runniing?01:25
hadsDepends what you're doing01:32
holyscottwhat is your system?01:33
=== ramirand_ is now known as RussM_
newmythhIf I have multiple capture cards for Digital and Analog, does myth automaticall switch between them when I press the channel up button, or do I have to tell it?04:56
kingartusi have a Problem with my Live TV...18:19
kingartusvideo and sound are not syncron...18:19
kingartuswhat can i doo18:20
kingartusthe Video is 2to3 Secons earlyer than sound18:22
kingartuscan somewone help me?18:23
tgm4883!sound | kingartus18:27
Zinnkingartus: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Sound_Troubleshooting18:27
woskii was setting up my remote and lcd and my mytht control centre disappeared from the menu.  where is it to run it from the cl?22:29
tgm4883wombo1, mythbuntu-control-centre22:38
woskithank you sir...apparently it got uninstalled somewhere22:39
woskiso, i installed mcc and now irw doesnt work22:41
woskii now get "connect: No such file or directory"22:42
woskiinstalling mythbuntu-control-centre wouldnt have killed lircd, would it?22:46
thedarkonehey all22:58
thedarkonei get this error when i do mythburn22:59
thedarkoneERROR: Failed while running growisofs.23:03
thedarkone Result 1, Command was: growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/dvd -dvd-video -V "Name of DVD" /home/username/.mythtv/temp/work/dvd23:03
thedarkonePlease check the troubleshooting section of the README for ways to fix this error23:03
thedarkone ------------------------------------------------------------23:03

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