
stdin!info bash00:05
stdin!info bash00:07
geniiI guess bash isn't an installable package then?00:08
stdin@reload PackageInfo00:08
ubottuThe operation succeeded.00:08
stdin!info bash00:08
ubottubash (source: bash): The GNU Bourne Again SHell. In component main, is required. Version 3.2-4ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 564 kB, installed size 1232 kB00:08
geniiAh, nvm00:08
stdin!info bash | stdin00:08
ubottustdin: bash (source: bash): The GNU Bourne Again SHell. In component main, is required. Version 3.2-4ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 564 kB, installed size 1232 kB00:08
LjL!yay | stdin00:08
ubottustdin: Glad you made it! :-)00:08
stdin!info bash > stdin00:09
stdinno "please see my private message" yet, but better than nothing00:09
* genii hands stdin a coffee in a special mug stencilled "Stdin...Supybot master!"00:09
LjLi hate that see my pm thing anyway :P00:09
stdinif I don't put it there, I get moaned at. if I do, I get moaned at.00:10
LjLstdin: yeah, that's what happens when you write bots00:11
stdinthe morel is, stop moaning to stdin ;)00:11
stdinI didn't even write the bloody thing :p00:11
LjLstdin: i'm content enough that you removed it for me when i use my own parenthesized remark anyway00:11
stdinI'll probably get the rest of it working same as Encyclopedia in the morning00:12
stdinbut "!info thing > someone (Please see message from the bot)" is rare too see00:14
stdin@reload PackageInfo00:14
ubottuThe operation succeeded.00:14
stdin!info bash > stdin00:14
stdin!info bash | stdin200:15
ubottustdin2: bash (source: bash): The GNU Bourne Again SHell. In component main, is required. Version 3.2-4ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 564 kB, installed size 1232 kB00:15
stdingood, disabled dome debugging code and it still works :)00:15
LjLstdin: eh, it's rare to see because everyone who was using it stopped...00:16
stdinI mean "!info package | nick" is much more common00:17
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)01:19
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)01:19
LjL[02:29:56] <dave-ubuntu> ok dumbass ill just change my proxy01:30
=== essy is now known as SportChick
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
ubottuIn ubottu, noodlesgc said: iphone is "For help on how to sync an iPhone or iPod-Touch with Ubuntu see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone"02:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about iphone02:59
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod02:59
LjLyeah, worth doing03:00
LjL!iphone is <reply> For help on how to sync an iPhone or iPod-Touch with Ubuntu see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone03:00
ubottuI'll remember that, LjL03:00
LjL!ipod touch is <alias> iphone03:00
LjL!ipod-touch is <alias> iphone03:00
LjL!ipodtouch is <alias> iphone03:00
FlannelWouldn't it be better to have them both in the same factoid?03:01
Flannelipod and *touch are likely interchangable03:01
LjLwell, classic ipod is quite different afaik03:01
FlannelThen again, maybe if you own one you know better than to ever call your touch an ipod or something03:01
Flannelright, but including both in a singl factoid may be worthwhile?03:02
LjLFlannel: for that matter, the link in !ipod also links to the link in !iphone03:02
FlannelMaybe not.  I don't drink that kool-aid, so I obviously am not the one to ask.03:02
FlannelHi dracie, how can we help you today?03:03
draciehey this shell server is blocked on #ubuntu-offtopic, can it get unbanned?03:03
LjL!no ipod is <reply> For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod03:03
ubottuI'll remember that LjL03:03
LjL!no iphone is <alias> ipod03:03
LjLdracie: a moment please03:03
LjLdracie: yes, i can unban it03:03
LjLerr... it's not banned to begin with?!03:04
FlannelLjL: *!*@server1.bshellz.net03:04
LjLnot in my banlist for #ubuntu03:04
FlannelLjL: -offtopic03:04
dracieidk its stupid when people decide to ban shell servers and online irc clients03:05
dracieeveryone loses03:05
LjLit's not stupid03:05
LjLsometimes we just have to do it03:05
LjLbut bshellz uses identd03:05
LjLso no reason to keep it banned03:05
dracieyeah I have yet to read about that stuff03:06
LjLdracie: it's unbanned03:06
draciecheers see u on there03:06
Flanneltritium: What'd he do?03:26
tritiumFlannel: nothing.  It was the nick.03:26
Flanneltritium: Erm... He's been a semi-active community member for some time now (and on all previous occassions, we haven't said anything, we've always taken the live/let live approach, with a "only if he's a nuisance" sort of thing).03:27
tritiumSeems inconsistent.03:28
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)03:29
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)03:29
tritiumWe ask to keep discussion family-friendly, and forbid discussion of illegal activity.03:30
* nalioth gathers dust03:30
tritiumHi, nalioth.03:30
naliothhi  :)03:31
Flanneltritium: It's not abusive, he's not trouble... and for all we know, he's talking about pottery and kilns.03:33
FlannelIf you go out looking to be offended, you can certainly succeed.  And if he were a trouble maker, I'd come down hard on him for his nick as well.  But he's never caused problems as far as I'm aware03:34
tritiumI didn't say it was abusive.  Just not family-friendly, and indicative of illegal activitiy.03:34
tritiumBut if you wish to remove it, do as you wish.03:35
FlannelI think it sets bad precidence... there's probably a dozen people we could ban re: nicks like that, depending on how you care to define things.03:36
Flannelprecedent, even.03:38
Flannelbut, I'll let someone else make that call.03:38
tritiumTo allow it seems inconsistent, for the reasons given above.  I guess we just care about discussion being family-friendly and not illegal.  Nicks, I suppose, we don't care about in that way.03:38
tritiumStrange, but meh.03:38
FlannelNah, I'm all for nicks being appropriate as well.  But as I previously said, we have no idea if he's a potter.  And I think a false positive in this case is worse than a false negative.03:40
Flannelbut, now that I've explained, I run off to eat food.  And let someone else make a call, or pocket veto or whatnot.03:42
ubottuScunizi called the ops in #ubuntu (LouDawg)04:54
FlannelLjL: watchbots being stupid.06:43
ikoniaMyrtti: you're guide is pretty solid ! thank you11:24
MyrttiI added one thing to it today11:24
Myrttijust few minutes ago11:24
Myrttiforgot to add one screenshot11:24
ikoniaMyrtti: it gave me some interesting snippets of information for my own issues too, which although good has raised more questions than answers11:25
gnomefreakwhat factoid is ot4ot11:57
PiciNot ot5ot11:58
ubottuSome things are inappropriate for #ubuntu-ops. Controversial topics, which often turn into flame wars: war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, questionably legal activities, suicide are not for here. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy)11:58
ubottuot4ot is <alias> o4o - added by Mez on 2008-07-26 18:20:1911:58
Picignomefreak: I'll leave it to you, gonna go grab some breakfast12:00
gnomefreakPici: nothing to leave hes banned12:00
ikoniamilks been done a few times as I recall12:24
bazhangin #ubuntu now12:24
sparky_Hey, it says i've been banned from the #ubuntu chatroom and I have no clue why!  I havn't been on in almost a week and i'm not one to cause trouble.  so how do I get unbanned?  are you banned by ip or username?13:16
Myrttiplease standby, checking13:17
Myrttiit's my ban for sure13:17
sparky_it's your ban?13:17
MyrttiI put it in place13:18
sparky_oh ok, i see13:18
Myrttithat is.13:18
Myrttiok, you seem to be the innocent bystander by the name13:19
sparky_ok, is there any way to prevent this in the future?  like stay logged on 24/7.13:20
Myrttiwell let me explain what has happened13:20
Myrttisomeone used nicknames TheSpark and sparky_ to perform a malicious attack against users of #ubuntu13:21
sparky_oh... definitly not me,  i'm a noob, but i understand 13:22
Myrttithe latter seems to be registered to you though13:22
Myrttibut I'm going to remove the bans13:23
sparky_thank you and i hope they don't do it again13:23
Myrttiyou should be able to join in now13:23
sparky_yep, and thx again for the help/info13:24
Myrttino probs13:25
sparky_later, and have a good day13:25
Myrttitata :-)13:25
* genii sips13:46
RichiHfyi, miik is very trollish so if he makes any more problems, it's prolly not worth keeping him14:09
=== jrib is now known as Guest12154
LjLPici`: you couldn't resist huh14:52
LjLgo work14:52
Pici`LjL: I was getting lagged out anyway.14:52
LjLPici`: ah you were on niven?14:52
Pici`LjL: Indeed.14:52
LjLyeah niven died14:53
=== popey_ is now known as popey
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
LjLniven and zelazny have been killed it would seem14:59
LjLthere's still hubbard up and split15:00
LjLwith a hundred or so users on #ubuntu15:00
=== Dave2 is now known as Guest59437
=== SportChick is now known as Guest98798
ikoniacristi ban dodging again 15:14
ikonia@mark #ubuntu Cristiniuc cristi still ban dodging - changed ident15:14
ubottuThe operation succeeded.15:14
Piciikonia: With what nick?15:14
ikoniashe's left15:14
Myrttioh, so I see15:14
ikoniaand again as Flexomad15:15
ikoniait's learnt to change ident15:15
=== Guest59437 is now known as Dave2
geniiUboTwo seems itinerant15:17
ikoniaany suggestions on what to do with cristi constantly ban dodging15:17
LjLgenii: i had moved it to hubbard to provide them with a bot15:17
LjLikonia: keep kicking? :)15:17
ikoniadidn't want it to get too disruptive15:17
ikonialeft it on mute so it doesn't make noise getting kicked15:18
ikonianot sure if thats the best thing15:18
LjLikonia: set +z too15:18
LjLikonia: so she thinks she can talk :P15:18
ikoniaha ha ha15:18
ikoniait's in pm with me hopefully she can just talk to my session and ignore the rest of the channel15:19
LjLnot again...15:44
ubottuIn #ubuntu-bots, BUGabundo said: !no is bla bla15:45
ubottuIn #ubuntu-bots, stdin_ said: !no audio64bitjaunty is Please see bug 330814, and try the kernel image update. then comment on the bug report15:47
ubottuIn #ubuntu-bots, BUGabundo said: !audio64 is Please see bug 330814, and try the kernel image update. then comment on the bug report15:47
PiciLjL: Are you sure thats a good idea to add that as a factoid?15:53
PiciThe kernel patches are on their way in now.15:53
LjLPici: i don't know, i don't know anything about jaunty.15:54
* genii kicks kubrick16:05
ikoniafreenode is really having a hard day 16:14
LjLi'm getting a headache16:15
LjLif only konversation didn't crawl to a halt on splits...16:15
* genii hands LjL the Advils16:15
PiciLjL: Now if we could get people to actually read the topic...16:24
LjLPici: well, that's their problem16:25
LjLPici: anyway, you can be sure i won't deop myself again from hubbard...16:25
Piciikonia: pm :)16:25
LjLnot today anyway16:25
ikoniaPici: sure sure sure16:26
* Myrtti kicks the servers16:35
* LjL rolls eyes at #fn16:35
* genii kicks the servers again for good measure16:36
ikoniaPici: ;)16:38
LjLok so now hubbard can see what the other servers type16:39
LjLbut not vice versa16:39
LjLand there's probably a couple of servers who are in a yet different situation16:39
geniiMan, this is nuts today16:47
LjLDISCONNECT HUBBARD for goodness sake16:47
Piciikonia: I spoke to kimi in pm, hopefully he gets the point now.17:01
Piciikonia: If you see pms from him, they're probably from earlier.17:02
LjLPici: freenode - the time machine17:03
=== SportChick is now known as Guest95064
PiciSilly easily excited people.17:06
Myrttikinda ... intresting17:08
LjLhas any of the servers you're on overridden the normal #ubuntu topic?17:13
* genii hands out more of the Advils17:24
Picitopyli: What do you think about __mikem.  I'm not sure if I'm just annoyed by him or if this feeling is me wanting to ban him for constantly inciting this type of thing.18:33
topyliPici: he's the ultimate annoyance18:34
geniiMy feeling is most ppl are always sort of annoyed by him18:34
topylithen again, he doesn't do much that's very wrong18:34
Tm_TPici: ah, better one19:19
PiciTm_T: :)19:19
Tm_TI'm too old to be able to follow you young lads19:19
* genii waves his cane at the young uns19:20
PiciGet off my lawn!19:20
geniiHehe, exactly19:20
* genii brews a fresh pot of coffee before /away19:40
LjLdangerous commands commonly posted by idiots aside from rm -rf and the bash forkbomb?21:55
eseven73you guys see Kavity's host?22:01
LjLhit and run huh22:05
LjLperhaps we're stressing a bit too much on the "no idling" policy? :P22:05
LjLanyway, /me isn't going to bitch over hostnames22:07
=== Guest12154 is now known as jrib
* genii sips23:06

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