
theblogguis it possible to force a game to run in a window ?00:00
twolanewrektjet: use a utility disk, why do you want to do that?00:00
wrektjetidk this freakin installation is a fail00:00
wrektjetno display i mean cmon00:01
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore00:01
deadlyallance439how do i find out if wvdile will work on a ppc proc?00:01
twolanewrektjet: sounds more like a video issue00:02
jasballaharrow, are the same moderators here as b4? looking for continued help with vsftpd00:02
Eloneanyone know how to get kubuntu to compile obj-c code ?00:02
deadlyallance439edit how do i find out if wvdial will work on a ppc proc?00:02
twolanejasballa: you think your ftp is working now?00:02
theblogguis it possible to force a game to run in a window ?00:03
grennwhat game?00:03
jasballatwolane: not sure. Im at a new isp that def has no port forwarding00:03
jasballatwolane: but netstat still giving output00:03
twolanejasballa: I see your ip changed, yeah00:03
wrektjetholy mollie00:04
wrektjeti installed jaunty last night00:04
wrektjethow the heck is that even possible00:04
grennHow is it00:04
wrektjeti used the same insatllation cd as last time00:04
deadlyallance439how do i find out if wvdial will work on a ppc proc?00:04
=== Aryan is now known as Guest32040
wrektjetwell no display atm00:04
grennjaunty is in beta right?00:05
oCean_!ppc | deadlyallance43900:05
ubottudeadlyallance439: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ00:05
oCean_grenn: yes00:05
oCean_wrektjet: jaunty discussions/issues join #ubuntu+100:05
geniiInteresting. The !ppc doesn't mention ##ubuntu-ppc00:05
yabukwhat program read pdb files?00:05
jasballalooking for developers for Buddhist Edition of Ubuntu http://buddhabuntu.8m.net00:05
jasballaanyone know how to work vsftpd?00:06
deadlyallance439ocean i know what ppc is i just need to know if this app has been ported not all of them work on ppc just like wine00:06
wrektjetwhats the room for jaunty00:06
twolanejasballa: checking your ip.00:06
jasballatwolane: yah, defintely new isp but I'm positive that they have firewalls/no open ports00:06
Minor723If I have a Raid 0 with windows vista on it, can I install ubuntu on a different harddrive and have the opion to boot into Vista thats on the raid volume?00:06
twolanejasballa: sure they do. are you certain your server is running?00:07
oCean_deadlyallance439: well, in particular I meant to show the last lines, that it is no longer supported architecture.00:07
jasballatwolane: ran "sudo /etc/init.d/vsftpd start" and said it started00:07
jasballatwolane: r there other ways to check?00:07
deadlyallance439ocean is that why psubuntu is not supported?00:08
jasballatwolane: in ftp mode says "not connected"00:08
twolanejasballa: you have no open ports, type netstat -tuap  look for vsftp and port 2100:08
Minor723Is there a better place to ask my question?00:08
twolanejasballa: if you're not firewalled, ftpd isn't running.00:08
=== thebloggu_ is now known as thebloggu
jasballatwolane: transmission is running a lot of ports00:09
openjs1guys... what is Fedora super user privilege command line ?00:09
oCean_genii: can't even find the channel. There is a #debianppc, though00:09
jasballatwolane: output hasn't ended00:09
jasballatwolane: okay no ports with vsftpd00:09
Minor723If I have a Raid 0 with windows vista on it, can I install ubuntu on a different harddrive and have the opion to boot into Vista thats on the raid volume?00:09
jasballatwolane: sudo-aptgetting ftpd00:09
vashkagaI have a headset/mic that is not working. Can anyone help?00:10
twolanejasballa: no, wait00:10
geniioCean_: Ah, my mistake of two #.  It redirects to #ubuntu-powerpc   now anyhow00:10
vashkagarunning in ubuntu 8.1000:10
jasballatwolane: ok00:10
jasballatwolane: setup ftpd or no?00:10
oCean_deadlyallance439: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2007-February/000098.html00:10
jasballatwolane: waiting to install or keep currently installed version00:10
twolanejasballa: run what you installed or remove it, does ftpd exist?00:10
ubottuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for !Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd00:11
jasballatwolane: tried terminal/ftpd and it said I had to apt-get00:11
ubottuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP00:11
jasballatwolane: so now its saying remove/update/install00:11
wrektjetanyone know the room name fro jaunty support00:11
wrektjetill go bother them00:11
jasballatwolane: "ftpusers (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) [default=N] ?"00:12
oCean_wrektjet: #ubuntu+100:12
nightrid3rwrektjet: #ubuntu+100:12
jasballahooah, anybody want to devv buddhabuntu.8m.net ?00:12
jasballaanyone know how to make KDE AMOR theme?00:12
deadlyallance439ocean is this not an ubuntu community that i cant ask ppc questions on it ?00:12
twolanejasballa: default00:13
jasballatwolane: running ftpd...00:13
twolanejasballa: you are going to need to read up on that ftpusers00:13
jasballatwolane: says to apt-get again and its found in packages00:13
Minor723So Can you install Ubuntu on a hard drive and make it book another OS on a raid volume?00:14
taz_i have prombles with webcam... before it  was work good but now not work00:14
|can somebody help me with logging into ssh from PuTTY?00:15
=== | is now known as Guest8485
twolanejasballa: do you have any experience with servers? linux?00:15
oCean_deadlyallance439: this channel is for ubuntu and it's official derivatives. There is a channel #ubuntu-powerpc though, which you might consult00:15
zer0ohi, wheni watch a video on a website, where does this "temporary" file go? what folder?00:16
Minor723Can someone please answer my question ?00:16
Guest8485i installe openssh-server but i cant figure out how to log into it00:16
* dr_willis wakes up.00:16
jasballatwolane: basically a server/linux newb. Been running ubuntu since not so long.00:17
deadlyallance439ocean how about a channel for ubuntu for the The IBM PowerXCell2122 8i processor00:17
dr_willisGuest8485:  install putty, or some other ssh client,,. run it - give the ip of the server..00:17
jasballatwolane: but i'm working on a dev called buddhabuntu that needs filehosting00:17
jasballatwolane: *distro*00:17
Guest8485dr_willis: i have but it says error connection refuesed.00:17
twolaneGuest8485: from putty? typein the ip address and connect00:17
dr_willisGuest8485:  then  you might of wanted to mention that in the fiorst place.. sounds like theres a firewall, or router or somthing btweeen the 2 pcs00:17
r00tb33rAnyone know how to setup up  ubuntu to print with a dell 5330dn network printer?00:17
bluenzois vmware part of the repositories? how do i do a search for an app in the repositories?00:18
dr_willisGuest8485:  give some details of the setup. are these 2 pcs on a local lan? one at work one at home?00:18
oCean_!vmware | bluenzo00:18
ubottubluenzo: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware00:18
dave-ubuntucan anyone help me with this problem>>>>>>>>> http://img91.imageshack.us/img91/604/screenshotgpaerror.png ?00:18
jasballatwolane: I got a good conf file so I will change and then please help me troubleshoot the connection00:18
Guest8485dr_willis: there is a router between them and im trying to connect to them via internet but they are right next each other00:18
bluenzothanks oCean_00:19
twolanejasballa: will do00:19
dave-ubuntuit happens when launching gpa00:19
Guest8485dr_willis: the server is a laptop00:19
ohzier00tb33r, Hey00:19
oCean_Guest8485: is the ssh server running? Is it listening at port 22 ?00:19
dr_willisGuest8485:  both are going into the same router so they are on the local lan - you mean to say?  see if they can ping each other. see if the ssh server can connect to itself via 'ssh localhost'00:19
Guest8485oCean_: well i set it to 512 but im setting it back to 2200:19
Ouffya question please ... when writing ZIP CODES,  I write  "D" if its germany  (D-80331 München)  or "A" if its Austria (Like A-1010 Wien)00:19
bluenzoregardless oCean_ , how do I search the repositories for an app?00:20
Ouffybut: what do I write for Italy,  spain,  suiss and france?00:20
oCean_Guest8485: Your client will by default try port 2200:20
ohzier00tb33r, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/ubuntu-network-printer-391248/ <--This is a very informative post that explains why it won't work and how to fix it. :D00:20
Ouffyand the netherlands?00:20
deadlyallance439ocean if your not sure what that is its an 8 core 3.2Ghz 64 bit ppc based chip00:20
xntHi, Im having a hard time reinstalling ubuntu back on to my eeePC 701, It won't boot off of my usb drive (which has ubuntu installed from the USB Startup disk creator in Intrepid)00:20
jasballatwolane: restarted ftp server with new conf file plz try to connect to my ip00:20
oCean_bluenzo: Graphical through menu (add/remove) or command: "apt-cache search <string>"00:20
Guest8485oCean_: okay so how can i find out if its listening?00:20
=== Aryan is now known as Guest20211
dave-ubuntucan anyone help me with this problem>>>>>>>>> http://img91.imageshack.us/img91/604/screenshotgpaerror.png ?00:20
jasballatwolane: ran ftp localhost and it is good!00:20
dave-ubuntuit happens when launching gpa00:20
nightrid3rOuffy: I = italy ES = spain FR = france BE = belgium00:20
bluenzothanks oCean_ , sorry im a noob :|00:20
jasballatwolane: may have to chg permissions00:20
r00tb33rthanks ohzie00:21
ohzier00tb33r, No problem man.00:21
oCean_Guest8485: After start (/etc/init.d/sshd start) check "sudo netstat -anp |grep 22"00:21
nightrid3rOuffy: NL = netherlands00:21
jasballawill someobody mind helping me troubleshoot my ftp host?00:21
jasballa/try to connect?00:21
oCean_Guest8485: To make sure it works, try ssh locally (On your server, do 'ssh localhost' for example)00:21
twolanejasballa: No port open and you are blocking ICMP Pings, so you must be firewalled by a router or software00:21
dave-ubuntucan anyone help me with this problem>>>>>>>>> http://img91.imageshack.us/img91/604/screenshotgpaerror.png ?00:22
dave-ubuntuit happens when launching gpa00:22
jasballatwolane: naw try again.
jasballatwolane: i no earlier thewrath got a good ping00:22
jasballatwolane: that was at a cafe wifi tho00:22
Ouffynightrid3r,  are you sure you're talking about the prefix in ZIP Codes and not about county suffixes in Domain Names?00:22
Guest8485oCean_:  it worked i logged int from localhost00:23
zer0ohi, wheni watch a video on a website, where does this "temporary" file go? what folder?00:23
nightrid3rOuffy:  yes00:23
oCean_!ot > Ouffy00:23
ubottuOuffy, please see my private message00:23
Ouffyokay, thank you guys!00:23
Ouffythank you nightrid3r00:23
* xnt is pulling his hair out :P00:24
jasballatwolane: I'm getting 500 OOPS: could not open chroot() list file:/etc/vsftpd.chroot_list how to fix?00:24
josher4I need help with formatting a hard drive to one giant ntfs partition using Partition Editor. When I try to create a new partition, it "greys out" the ntfs option. Ideas?00:24
oCean_Guest8485: after changing port to 22 ? And re-tried from the other server?00:24
suroeginhello all!00:24
twolanejasballa: does not answer ftp or return pings.00:24
Guest8485oCean_:  i didnt retry from the other sever yet00:24
suroeginwho know good alternative of Adobe Acrobat?00:25
Guest8485oCean_: i did from putty from my windows computer but it wont work00:25
twolanejasballa: It's not configured00:25
Gneasuroegin: evince, xpdf00:25
oCean_josher4: default linux has no knowledge of NTFS, does not know how to create NTFS filesystem. So you have to install additional tools (My best guess: ntfsprogs - but not totally sure)00:25
taz_anyone know how to fix logitech webcam ??? right now my webcam not work00:25
wrektjetnothing doin on the +1 channel.. any ideas as to what happened to the display?00:26
oCean_Guest8485: is it possible to ping the laptop from the other box?00:26
wrektjetboots up but with no gui00:26
suroeginGnea, thx!00:26
Guest8485oCean_:  let me try that00:26
jasballatwolane: I thought vsftpd was a GUI why am I doing all of this terminal work?00:26
josher4oCean_: I assume the proper code in Terminal would be "sudo apt-get install ntfsprogs"?00:26
RickZillaHow can I add a user?  When I go to System-->Admin-->Users & Groups, the add feature is grayed out.00:27
oCean_josher4: indeed it is :)00:27
Guest8485oCean_:  all 4 icmp packets were sent and replied00:27
jasballatwolane: how do I configure?00:27
josher4oCean_: Ok, Thanks. Ill try that. brb00:27
xntanyone have a link to the latest jaunty iso? all I find are the alphas00:27
oCean_Guest8485: ok. Using ssh (putty) do you get a login prompt?00:28
Guest8485oCean_: no i type in my ip and press ok and it comes up with a box witha green square and i get error connection refuesed00:28
bluenzowhere is the most common place to get themes? form a site?00:28
jasballatwolane: tried another conf file maybe will work00:29
jasballatwolane: still having chroot_list prob00:29
twolanejasballa: do you open these conf files and read them?00:29
josher4oCean_: Great! That work perfectly, thanks again.00:29
chalcedonywhoever uses dia .. how do i put text in?00:29
dr_willisbluenzo:  thers a lot of theme parts in the repos allready00:29
josher4oCean_: worked*00:29
oCean_Guest8485: well, then it seems it might have something todo with the router (in between) and/or firewall (on the laptop)00:29
oCean_josher4: great!00:30
=== zamba is now known as eqwez
jasballatwolane: ive been browsing the web for working vsftpd.conf files and replacing mine with those00:30
Guest8485oCean_: how can i fix that? im using a linksys wrt150n00:30
=== felix-da-catz_zz is now known as felix_da_catz
twolanejasballa: it seems ftpd needs to run in jail. you need to read the documentation. ssh/scp is better..00:30
dr_willis    Guest8485  is the laptop connected wirelessy? orwired?00:30
Guest8485dr_willis: wirelessly00:30
dr_willisGuest8485:  i would try ruinning a wire then and see if that affexcts things00:31
jasballatwolane: what do you mean? what is ssh/scp and how to use?00:31
Guest8485dr_willis: will do00:31
jasballatwolane: i think that I am close00:31
dr_willisGuest8485:  the wireless secuirty on the router may be doing somthing00:31
jasballaanyone want to try connecting to my ftp host so i can troubleshoot00:31
cryptichey all .. i rmed a doc and i need it back .. any kind of tools or commands to get it back ?00:31
ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel00:31
SlonUAkqemu vs kvm !? any ideas !?00:32
DasEicryptic: hard, but might look :00:32
oCean_Guest8485: I really have no clue as to the capabilities of that router. But if you get a denied error, even before it connects, the cause has to be somewhere 'before' the sshd. So you did change back to port 22 and restarted sshd-server, right?00:32
DasEi !recovery00:32
ubottuTo rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"00:32
=== eqwez is now known as zamba
twolanejasballa: ssh = secure shell scp = secure copy, ftp is another animal. you need to use whatever your needs require. ftp requires configuration00:33
geniiIf only it were so simple, poor ubotu00:33
=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
jasballatwolane: ill give that a shot00:34
jasballatwolane: do you know why vsftpd doesn't have a gui?00:34
cryptici ran this thinking it will delete everything from my exteral rm /mnt/external/grandma/docs/ *00:35
Guest8485are there any other ssh clients for windows i can use00:35
dr_willisThe client wont matter.. if the 2 cant connect00:35
SlonUAGuest8485: cigwin00:35
oCean_cryptic: err00:35
jasballatwolane: im installing openssh-server now00:35
xntDoes anyone know how stable jaunty is? I don't mind a occasional crash, but is x, or gnome crashes every 15 minutes than Ill consider Intrepid.00:35
jasballatwolane: you know if twolane has encryption / can get around firewalls?00:35
crypticoCean_: what ?00:35
taz_error (camorama)  could not connnect to video device (/dev/video0)  please check conection.....00:36
taz_please help me thanks00:36
oCean_cryptic: actually rm takes a list of files to remove. Like "rm file1 file2" would remove file1 and file2. Your command would try to remove the directory ..grandma/docs and then every file (*) in your current working directory00:36
LordQuackstarhey everyone, got a problem here. I'm a linux newbie and when i ran the updater,  linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic and system-tools-backends failed to install, and is throwing errors everytime i try to run almost anything. Google only gave me people with the same problem. Is their an easy way to fix this?00:36
holyscottQuestion, should the 9.04 beta still be out tomorrow?00:36
crypticit did that oCean_00:36
twolanejasballa: ftp runs in a chroot jail making your system files invisable to logins, ssh won't. ftp is not encrypted, sftp is, ssh is.00:37
crypticoCean_: trying to find a way to get it back00:37
bluenzois it hard to install vista on virtualbox?00:37
bogdan_can i make with slax live cd a dual boot for xp and f10 because the f!W@!# xp had delete the boot00:37
cyphermoxxnt: it depends on hardware. I'm on an aspire one on lpia architecture, it's pretty stable but i had to do some work to get X to start. On the other hand, i've been running it on a dell hybrid for two months, very stable. ymmv00:37
dr_willisbluenzo:  shouldent be00:37
oCean_cryptic: well, ubottu send you some suggestions, those are the best options you got. (and even those are hard)00:37
jasballabluenzo: I've tried installing Win 7 beta, use vmware instead of virtual box00:38
jasballatwolane: gr8.00:38
bluenzodoes vmware cost $$?00:38
georgy_28bluenzo, : even hard to install vista on a computer ;)00:38
B419kidjasballa: where did u get a copy of windows 7 beta00:38
xntcyphermox: so the base system is stable, so I can muck around in the cli without a kernel panic?00:38
RickZillaIs Apr 26 the release date for Jaunty?00:38
bluenzoi get an error "Attempting to load a 64-bit application, however this CPU is not compatible with 64-bit mode."00:39
jasballaB419kid: I downloaded it from the Microsoft Website when it was live00:39
bluenzowhile trying to install vista lol00:39
jasballatwolane: using firestarter it says I can't have internet and sharing the same device?00:39
B419kidjasballa: still can or no?00:39
jasballaB419kid: you can't from Msoft but from torrents yes00:39
cyphermoxxnt: i'd say so, if you're running i386. like i said, no issues for me, on different hardware.00:39
holyscottwhat time of day should beta be out tomorrow?00:41
jasballaB419kid: you can get a liscence trial at Microsoft still00:41
twolanejasballa: thats been your whole problem. you had firestarter setup?00:41
cyphermoxxnt: and it's not only cli, X too, with compiz and everything00:41
xntcyphermox; thanks :)00:41
B419kidjasballa: how mch?00:41
xnt:) :)00:41
jasballatwolane: I never had firestarter until right now.00:41
* xnt is switching to jaunty on his eee and laptop :)00:41
jasballaB419kid: its free, torrents are free too. The liscence closes in August 2009 and then you'll have to buy the box00:41
oCean_RickZilla: 23rd actually: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule00:41
DasEi ! undelete | cryptic: (sorry, wrong trigger above)00:41
ubottucryptic: (sorry, wrong trigger above): Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel00:41
jasballaanyone have mac leopard running in vmware? I'm working on it tonight. Apple says its ok00:41
jasballatwolane: how to fix?00:41
twolanejasballa: are you behind a router?00:41
B419kidwell afte ri apply for the trial does it download an iso or something?00:41
jasballatwolane: prolly yes, as always00:41
twolanejasballa: I never used firestarter, cant be too hard.00:41
jasballatwolane: wireless university network at campus right now00:41
jasballatwolane: it is gui00:41
bluenzoim so used to windows im confused about "Computer" in ubuntu, i have 4 HDDs (Windows 7, Backup, 40GB (no name), 40GB (no name)), which one is the drive where ubuntu is location?00:42
xntjasballa: in vmware on ubuntu? I heard that apple would let parallels virtualize osx server00:42
xnton osx only00:42
twolanejasballa: your service ports will be blocked forget it00:42
xnti think :P00:42
jasballaxnt: yes download vmware at their homepage and they will issue a trial liscence and download the bundle if you're running debian and then terminal/"sh vmware...bundle"00:42
twolanejasballa: use really high ports, you might get around them00:42
B419kidjasballa: u there?00:42
chriszfCrazy question: I have an install iso. I don't have an external cd or any thumb drives on me, but I have a usb hard drive. Can I somehow write the iso to the hard drive in a way that's bootable?00:43
jasballaB419kid: yah00:43
twolanejasballa: put your ftp.conf to port 48000 or something00:43
jasballatwolane: ok00:43
B419kidjasballa: does it give an iso or someting or how install?00:43
funkyHatchriszf: yes, following a tutorial for a USB memory stick will also work for a USB hard drive00:43
twolanejasballa: you must config ssh or ftp to use the correct port you know00:43
chriszffunkyHat: I'm bummed you said that. I tried using unetbootin to do it, and it did not work.00:44
xntjasballa: I already have vmware server installed on my xps, so does that mean I can install osx out of the box?00:44
B419kidjasbala: it says beta is up00:44
jasballatwolane: right now open port is supposedly 22 i think00:44
jasballab419kid: newb google00:45
B419kidjasbala: wow u told me microsoft.com00:45
jasballaxnt: no, you have to find the iso of mac or windows  that run --x86--00:45
jasballaB419kid: goto thepiratebay liscences can be acquired at microsoft tech00:46
funkyHatchriszf: try usb-creator00:46
wubi_painAnyone here that can help me with some Wubi issues?00:46
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o00:46
jasballatwolane: where was I? so ssh can't get around firewalls except in open ports too?00:47
bluenzoyou know the disk utility in ubuntu installer, where is that in ubuntu after installed?00:47
xntjasbella: ok :) thanks00:47
jasballadevelopers needed for Ubuntu Linux Buddhist Distro http://buddhabuntu.8m.net00:47
chriszfIs there a superlight ubuntu distribution?00:48
chriszfxubuntu is okay, but still a bit hefty for the 1.6 atom processors.00:48
jasballatwolane: i think that firewall wizard just started a firewall00:48
eraldoI want to install the drivers for my Canon MP610 printer... I found this blog: http://mp610.blogspot.com and there are comments from amd64 users who managed to make it work... but I get an error trying to install the 32bit .deb files!00:48
georgy_28chriszf, : crunchbang linux, easypeasy or ubuntueee00:49
oCean_jasballa: #ubuntu-offtopic might be more appropriate to ask developers to join you00:49
chriszfgeorgy: Easypeasy and ubuntueee are surprisingly horrible.00:49
dr_willischriszf:  i was thinking that myself.. :)00:49
chriszfWell, I take that back.00:49
George2how do i find out a pid from a process name?00:49
eraldoI did also use --force-architecture but it still tells me that the architecture is not matching00:49
chriszfthey're not super terrible, but they sure perform poorly on the original eee.00:49
eraldowhat can I do in this case?00:49
jasballais twolanes still here or did they do a moderator switch?00:49
=== schnootops is now known as schnootop
Blah78Hi, maybe someone can help me out. ALSA won't work under X. When running from command line it works just fine, but after entering X it will stop working. amixer shows this error: amixer: Mixer attach default error: No such device00:50
scribawfWill GDEBi work on DreamLinux v3.5 and how difficult is it to install00:50
funkyHatGeorge2: pgrep -l00:50
chriszfOh man. Crunchbang looks awesome.00:50
lestercguys - is there a equivalent command as `sfdisk -d /dev/sda | sfdisk /dev/sdb` that works for GPT?00:50
jasballais anybody a master at french i have french quia online to do and a test tommrw00:50
funkyHatGeorge2: or if you want to kill it, just pkill00:50
George2perfect - thanks funkyHat00:50
jasballalooking for help now with proftpd and gproftpd or ssh00:50
George2oh, even better00:50
oCean_George2: "pidof <commandname>"00:51
geniiscribawf: Since this isn't the dreamlinux support channel, you may not get an immediate answer to that00:51
georgy_28chriszf, : yeah, it's the lxde desktop00:51
usserchriszf, just assemble your own distribution from packages, why be at a mercy of someone else? its not that hard anyway00:51
George2thanks guys, pkill did the trick00:51
centHOGGhi, can't seem to get my system sounds working, but audio works fine.. thx for help :)00:51
scribawfgenii; OK didn't think that would go over well or maybe there's DL forum around?00:51
chriszfusser: That's kind of crazy talk. I'm not interested in sorting through every single package available and making sure all the functionality is exposed easily.00:51
skate2when i go to http://localhost/foo/bar.php it only works right if im signed onto the internet. i want to be able to develop files both locally and while offline though. why isn't ubuntu/apache lettingme?00:52
eraldoI want to install the drivers for my Canon MP610 printer... I found this blog: http://mp610.blogspot.com and there are comments from amd64 users who managed to make it work... but I get an error trying to install the 32bit .deb files!00:52
chriszfusser: this is ubuntu, not debian.00:52
eraldoI did also use --force-architecture but it still tells me that the architecture is not matching00:52
usserchriszf, yea i guess you're right, im just out of touch with what people want :)00:52
chriszfLike, when I was young and had nothing better to do, that was totally valid.00:53
geniiscribawf: #dream-linux00:53
chriszfAlso, back when linux was incredibly terrible.00:53
eraldowhat does http://eraserhead.net/files/cnijfilter-amd64-install.sh do?00:53
ussereraldo, trying to setup a canon printer eh?00:54
eraldousser: yes!00:54
infomomoDoes anybody know a good program to create network diagrams ?00:55
* roffle wishes he did00:55
eraldousser: could you please help me?00:55
ussereraldo, it installs some sort of canon proprietary printer language to postscript converter00:55
ussereraldo, whats the model?00:55
eraldousser: MP61000:55
dr_willisinfomomo:  dia i recall can do that.. I also recall seeing some *(not in the repos)* that could automate it. but they were supported in linux via wine. so i dident test them much00:55
eraldousser: I want to install the drivers for my Canon MP610 printer... I found this blog: http://mp610.blogspot.com and there are comments from amd64 users who managed to make it work... but I get an error trying to install the 32bit .deb files!00:56
infomomodr_willis: thnaks00:56
cyphermoxinfomomo: in my experience, Dia rocks. it even already comes with the logical symbols from Cisco00:56
B419kidAnyone here good with themes for ubuntu, i had alot of problems :)00:56
dr_willisB419kid:   Gnome has themes.. :)00:56
eraldousser: thank's for trying to help me :)00:57
jasballaanyone want to help me troubleshoot my ftp host00:57
infomomocyphermox: thnaks00:57
ussereraldo, there are drivers for linux for canon printers, for some reason only on their european site, hang on let me try to find it'00:57
icerootinfomomo: for linux dia is ok but if i am honest, there is only one real good application for diagrams... and this is microsoft visio :(00:57
cyphermoxi really like the NewWave theme in jaunty :)00:57
B419kiddr_willis: the pkg i downloaded needed some engine to worka dn i dint know how to install that engine00:57
infomomoiceroot: i know, but i am on ubuntu for a while00:57
jasballadid they do a moderator rounds switch?00:57
corinthHow to I use chmod to change the permissions of an entire directory to myself?00:57
icerootinfomomo: visio runs fine with wine00:57
icerootcorinth: chmod -R00:58
jasballacorinth "sudo chmod your_username:your_username directory/*"00:58
dr_willisB419kid:  look at the gnome-look.org site for it perhaps? theres some tools that help automage getting theme parts from that site also,00:58
icerootjasballa: you mean chown00:58
dr_willisB419kid:  check out 'gnome-artng' i think is the name of the tool00:58
jasballacorinth: "sudo chown your_usrname:your_usrname directory/*"00:58
UnderTakerDoes a better a GPU help with flash?00:58
jasballaiceroot: thnx00:58
georgy_28jasballa, : isn'it chown ?00:58
slerderHey guys does anyone know if its possible to have multiple partitions on a external usb hdd, and on one of those partitions have a truecrypt installation of windows? thanks00:58
icerootcorinth: you mean chown not chmod00:58
jasballageorgy_28: yah00:58
jasballaanyone know how to make a KDE AMOR theme?00:59
corinthRight, thanks00:59
jasballatrying to make a zenmaster/sage00:59
eraldousser: the blogs suggest > http://support-asia.canon-asia.com/P/search?category=Multifunctional+Printers&series=PIXMA&model=PIXMA+MP610&menu=download&filter=000:59
dave-ubuntucan anyone help me with this problem>>>>>>>>> http://img91.imageshack.us/img91/604/screenshotgpaerror.png ?00:59
dave-ubuntuit happens when launching gpa01:00
corinthjasballa: so, like sudo chown -R username:/my/directory/   ?01:00
ussereraldo, did you see this page? http://software.canon-europe.com/software/0028478.asp?model=01:00
wubi_painAnyone here that can help me with some Wubi issues?01:00
iceroot!anyone | wubi_pain01:00
ubottuwubi_pain: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:00
eraldousser: I have a amd64 structure01:00
jasballacorinth: basically but make sure you do username before and after the colon01:01
ussereraldo, it shouldn't matter01:01
jasballaanyone know anything about proftpd01:01
rofflewhat are the default /etc/network/interface options for wireless, and ethernet?01:01
ussereraldo, get the deb packages, and install it with sudo dpkg -i --force all *.deb01:01
iceroot!anyone |Jason8|01:01
ubottuJason8|: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:01
eraldousser: but that what it tells me when I try to install them01:01
dave-ubuntucan anyone help me with this problem>>>>>>>>> http://img91.imageshack.us/img91/604/screenshotgpaerror.png ?01:01
dave-ubuntuit happens when launching gpa01:01
|Jason8|sup iceroot01:01
ScuniziIs there a way to convert an adobe .ai file to svg or open the .ai file in some program in ubuntu?01:01
ussereraldo, can you run the command i pasted and pastebin the output?01:01
wubi_painCan anyone help me fix a problem with the boot.ini file under Wubi?01:02
jasballzaanyone know anything about proftpd01:02
iceroot!anyone | jasballza01:02
ubottujasballza: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:02
iceroot|Jason8|: sorry, wrong nick :)01:03
* dr_willis knows proftpd has a homepage and docs01:03
eraldousser: sure > http://paste.ubuntu.com/137894/01:03
dave-ubuntujasballa, i can help with proftp01:03
jasballzaubottu: ahh you are very wise lol01:03
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:03
centHOGGIRC Police01:03
cyphermoxjasballza: what do you want to know about proftpd01:03
afallenhopeHey I keep getting disconnect from wireless. I checked dmesg and this pops up.. any ideas on how to fix it? http://pastebin.com/d5ca5a2cc01:03
dave-ubuntucan anyone help me with this problem>>>>>>>>> http://img91.imageshack.us/img91/604/screenshotgpaerror.png ?01:03
dave-ubuntuit happens when launching gpa01:03
jasballzawould someone like to port an excel vbscript to java for me?01:03
jasballzaits an nlp neural net only 60 lines of code01:04
ussereraldo, how about with sudo dpkg -i --force all cnijfilter-common_2.80-1_i386.deb01:04
sluxorIs there a single command to install every single package in the repositories?01:04
sluxorlike apt-get install world01:04
jasballzacypermox: hmm, can it work behind firewalls and how to set up for hosting files01:04
dave-ubuntui dont think anyone would01:04
icerootsluxor: yes but you dont want this01:04
sluxoryes i do! what is it?01:04
roscoedude i love unbuntu01:04
ussersluxor, you dont want to do that, 50gb of packages etc01:04
jasballzaitd be gr8 if we could use my nlp neural net instea of dumb ubott01:04
sluxorI have a machine with a 160GB hard drive for play play01:04
icerootsluxor: this will break your system01:04
sluxorI want it01:04
usserjasballza, neural networks are overrated01:04
jasballzaplus I need the port for my distro of Ubuntu// Buddhabuntu.8m.net01:04
opera!rss feed01:05
sluxorI dont care. it's for amusing purposes01:05
opera!rss feed01:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rss feed01:05
icerootsluxor: i dont post the whoe command, just use * for paketname01:05
jasballzausser: ha ha, maybe so, thats why I also do kabbalah. Hoping YHWH will animate my nets01:05
docidsluxor, poor thought, but i admire that you considered it, lol01:05
eraldousser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/137897/01:05
sluxorreally? :|  you can use * in apt commands?01:05
icerootsluxor: yes01:05
jribsluxor: it's impossible to install every package since some conflict with one another...01:06
ussereraldo, it installed, overriding the arch mismatch01:06
icerootsluxor: sudo apt-get install texlive* will install all programs, startet wird texlive01:06
dr_willissluxor:  you may need to quote them to keep the shell from using the wildcards01:06
=== funkyHat is now known as England
icerootsluxor: but using only * break your system01:06
ussereraldo, if you're following some sort of guide, continue because that step succeeded01:06
sluxorjrib, I know that.01:07
eraldousser: ohhh :) thank you!01:07
cyphermoxjasballza: standard FTP and firewalls is special. You need to open a few ports if you want it to work. for Passive FTP, this will be ports 20 and 21, for active FTP, it will be 21, and >1024. here is a good page about the difference and which ports you'll need through a firewall: http://slacksite.com/other/ftp.html01:07
docidanybody know how i can merge multiple timestamped log files into a single log sorted by the timestamp?01:07
sluxorI was an rpm user before i moved onto debian and ubuntu01:07
jribsluxor: then such a command cannot exist...01:07
eraldousser: I was struggling for 2 days now *sigh*01:07
jasballzacyphermox: thanks01:07
jasballzacyphermox: dang thats a lot of reading...lol01:07
ussereraldo, well technically now what you have to do is add the printer by usual means by going to localhost:631 in the browser01:08
jasballzacyphermox: if i just type in ftp.buddhabuntu.org does that make it live?01:08
afallenhopeHey I keep getting disconnect from wireless. I checked dmesg and this pops up.. any ideas on how to fix it? http://pastebin.com/d5ca5a2cc01:08
jasballzawho knows how to port vb macros into openoffice?01:08
dave-ubuntucan anyone help me with this problem>>>>>>>>> http://img91.imageshack.us/img91/604/screenshotgpaerror.png ?01:08
dave-ubuntuit happens when launching gpa01:08
ussereraldo, your model should appear in the list now, add it and try printing the test page. if it fails pastebin the /var/log/cups/error_log01:08
cyphermoxjasballza : depends on your client, as well as other config.01:09
jasballzai could probably strip the macro of excel with an array function in java but I've never programmed in java b4 so a porter would be nice01:09
jasballzacyphermox: what do you mean?01:09
bartekHi there, if I want to use the dev/alpha versions of Firefox which repo should I be fetching from? I would like to use the new 3.1/3.5 alphas or whatever is out so far01:09
ussereraldo, i remember my driver depended on some ancient versions of libpng, so i had to create symlinks so it would know where to find the libraries01:09
cyphermoxjasballza : on the command line for example, you'd normally want to use the "PASV" command to switch to passive mode01:09
oCean_sluxor: it is possible to mirror entire repositories. You gonna need a more than decent internettube, but then you can play all you want01:09
eraldousser: okay...I'll try and find out01:10
IcE-Mhi all, anyone from czech republic ?01:10
jasballzacyphermox: say...terminal/ "PASV" or "FTP PASV"?01:10
cyphermoxjasballza: no01:10
eraldousser: the guide suggests adding a little fix > http://mp610.blogspot.com/2008/01/borderless-linux-printing-on-pixma-now.html?showComment=1211287980000#c749112272771904955701:10
jasballzaanyone into neural nets here cuz I need a macro port01:11
cyphermoxjasballza: what exactly what do you want to do?01:11
eraldousser: however I am not sure what to do exactly since the is no code line and my linux knowledge is limited01:11
cyphermoxjasballza: logging in to the ftp server, or configuring proftpd?01:11
icerootjasballza: you have not understand the text with anyone?01:11
jasballzacyphermox: Basically bring my buddhabuntu files on line thru ftp file hosting with proftpd01:11
eraldousser: or even understanding of the english language :|01:11
ussereraldo, you'll need to install all ia32 packages from repositories01:11
eraldousser: that I have01:11
eraldousser: but the part about making the link01:12
jasballzacyphermox: let me give "ftp localhost" a shot01:12
cyphermoxjasballza: so ftp.buddhabuntu.org already exists and is empty right now?01:12
eraldousser: is what I am unsure about01:12
ussereraldo, and then basically create a shortcut: cd /usr/lib64/cups/filter01:12
jasballzacyphermox: it says 500 oops: vsftpd: not found: I'm trying to --make-- ftp.buddhabuntu.org and I have no idea how I'm a newb at filehosting / ubuntu ftp01:12
eraldousser: quote "setting a link from the /usr/lib64/... file to /usr/lib/..."01:12
jasballzawhooooooooo would like to port an excel macro to java?01:12
ussereraldo, and then sudo ln -s /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstocanonij01:13
cyphermoxjasballza: is proftpd installed or vsftpd?01:13
jasballzait holds promise of first conscious computer program lol01:13
jasballzacyphermox: i had vsftpd installed and now i installed proftpd since i tried vsftpd all day so thats why the oops is weird01:13
jasballzacyphermox: it says connected and then oops01:14
ussereraldo, but your case may be different, dont just blindly follow the guide it may be wrong, its good for hints and such but first source of info should be your cups error_log01:14
eraldousser: error > ln: creating symbolic link `./pstocanonij': File exists01:14
cyphermoxjasballza: ok hold on a second01:14
=== England is now known as funkyHat
jasballzaall you who would not deign to participate in nlp neural net port i found a vba to openoffice converter so shooey01:14
jasballzatoo bad for y'alls01:14
jasballzaDoes OpenOffice run macros?01:15
El_Guille2java macros i think01:15
ussereraldo, it must be there already. pastebin the results of ls -al /usr/lib64/cups/filter01:15
jasballzacyphermox: I got it01:15
jasballzai hope the java porter will work ill have to try it another day01:15
cyphermoxjasballza: vsftpd still running, so proftpd wasn't started?01:15
jasballzaany francais parler here? I need some hmwk done01:15
georgy_28! fr01:16
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr01:16
eraldousser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/137899/01:16
jj_galvezI'm having issues with window focus that gets fixed when I log out and back in, can someone help me figure out how I might trouble shoot this?01:16
jasballzacyphermox: idk I opened the gui for proftpd and clicked activate01:16
jasballzacyphermox: but it says status: deactivtated01:16
cyphermoxjasballza: yeah, sounds about right.01:16
ussereraldo, yep the file that he talks about missing in his case is already there01:17
slerderHey guys does anyone know if its possible to have multiple partitions on a external usb hdd, and on one of those partitions have a truecrypt installation of windows? thanks01:18
holyscottis there a channel for beta 9.04 talk?01:18
screamThe Jaunty Beta release is today, yes?01:18
holyscottI think01:18
RickXI have a problem with pyNeighboorhood. When I connect to machines with the same username and password, I can read/write/create/delete. On a machine with a different username, I have only read permissions. Anyone have an ideas what might be wrong.01:18
screamDo we know what time UTC?01:18
cyphermoxjasballza: you'll want to configure proftpd, and in the configuration files, you'll see the PassivePorts directive, where you can setup which ports to use for passive FTP, which is also what you'll want to open in firewall01:19
Anonymorsehere goes...01:19
AnonymorseDCC SEND startkeylogger 0 0 001:19
jasballzacyphermox: splaying with it....click activated...says status: deactivated01:19
wanna_learn_morethere is any hostapd for ubuntu>01:19
jasballzawho wants a bot with a brain?  I DO! lol01:19
cyphermoxjasballza: it is still deactivated01:19
ussereraldo, i'd just dump canon altogether and bought some cheap hp printer, canon linux support sucks01:19
jasballzaanyone in charge of this want to give ubott an neural net I have one for java port if interested01:20
jasballzacyphermox: yeah i no01:20
screamWhat is the channel for Ubuntu Jaunty talk again?01:20
cyphermoxjasballza: try01:20
jasballzacyphermox: Im a newb01:20
qah661I forgot how, but how do I make ubuntu compatible with Windows time?01:20
cyphermoxjasballza: try to deactivate vsftpd, if you can see it01:20
qah661I think you have to diable UTC or something01:20
georgy_28scream, : #ubuntu+101:20
screamthank you01:20
cyphermoxjasballza: maybe that is why proftpd still stays deactivated01:20
jasballzascream: IDK but I do know that I'm running Jaunty01:21
jasballzaqah661: I use live server update01:21
jasballzacyphermox: how do you do that?01:21
screamjasballa, I'm testing Jaunty... I don't know how else to contribute. :)01:21
qah661jasballza: I know you can update the time, but how do I diable UTC time in ubuntu with command line?01:21
cyphermoxjasballza: can you see vsftpd around the same place you click to activate proftpd?01:21
jasballzacyphermox: most likely do I kill the process or something?01:22
jasballzacyphermox: idon't think so01:22
jasballzaqah661: I wouldn't know, sorry01:22
qah661ok thanks anyways01:22
qah661I have one more question01:22
eraldousser: that I did not know beforehand01:22
qah661I am using Ubuntu server edition01:22
eraldousser: < new to linux01:22
qah661Is there a way of switching and using multiple terminals?01:22
jasballzascream: you can help develop the Ubuntu Buddhist Edition of Jaunty at buddhabuntu.8m.net ;)01:22
eraldousser: the printer is listed in the web interface ...but with a different name01:23
ussereraldo, i did setup my canon printer but it was still flaky no network shared printing only usb, scanning didnt work etc01:23
jasballzacyphermox: i have a virtual network editor maybe thats it?01:23
ussereraldo, what name is there?01:23
eraldousser: to be more precise... with several names01:23
cyphermoxjasballza: maybe? i don't know what that is01:23
ussereraldo, what are they exactly?01:23
jasballzauh....... try ? or ? i dk01:23
oCean_jasballza: As I pointed out earlier, the development issue is not on topic here01:23
ussereraldo, you generally need something postscript if its there at all01:24
dave-ubuntucan anyone help me with this problem>>>>>>>>> http://img91.imageshack.us/img91/604/screenshotgpaerror.png ?01:24
dave-ubuntuit happens when launching gpa01:24
dave-ubuntucan anyone help me with this problem>>>>>>>>> http://img91.imageshack.us/img91/604/screenshotgpaerror.png ?01:24
dave-ubuntuit happens when launching gpa01:24
dave-ubuntucan anyone help me with this problem>>>>>>>>> http://img91.imageshack.us/img91/604/screenshotgpaerror.png ?01:24
FloodBot1dave-ubuntu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:24
dave-ubuntuit happens when launching gpa01:24
jasballzaoCean_: cool beans01:24
dave-ubuntujesus christ01:24
jasballzaoCean_: he asked I answerd01:24
dave-ubuntu2 hours and you cant even answer....01:24
eraldousser: according to the guide it should say "USB printer #1 with status readback for canon ij (Canon MP610 series)"01:24
cyphermoxdave-ubuntu: i'd gladly help but i'm not familiar with GPA01:25
eqisow2I havenm't been here the whole time, but I imagine nobody *wants* to help you dave-ubuntu01:25
jasballzacyphermox: i don't think its that because thats vmnet w/e that is01:25
eqisow2correction, apaprently cyphermox does :p01:25
ussereraldo, and what does it say?01:25
operawho can give me a source of liferea feed01:26
oCean_dave-ubuntu: mind your language in this channel, please01:26
cyphermoxjasballza: vmnet interfaces should not matter01:26
jasballzacyphermox: looks like it uninstalled vsftpd01:26
cyphermoxjasballza: just did?01:26
jasballzacyphermox: i ran "sudo proftpd" to start it01:27
jasballzacyphermox: uhh, yah, tho I had the gui running this whole time01:27
PodeCoetAnyone have a really annoying issue with SAMBA, in which the speed during copies is terribly inaccurate? Ie: Sending a 350mb file over to an SMB share, says 50MB/sec, flies through, then hangs at 99% for about 30 seconds01:27
cyphermoxjasballza: i guess that's pretty good. vsftpd definitely needs to be disabled and uninstalled before you should install or use proftpd01:28
eqisow2PodeCoet: No, I haven't seen that01:28
jasballzawho knows how to make a KDE AMOR theme?01:28
eraldousser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/137902/01:28
sprinkmeierjasballa, services normally install a startup script. try "sudo /etc/init.d/proftpd start"01:28
cyphermoxdave-ubuntu: what leads to that GPGME/GPA error? what were you trying to achieve?01:28
PodeCoeteqisow2: :(01:28
eqisow2PodeCoet: are you interacting with a windows machine or another linux machine?01:29
jasballzacyphermox: its def uninstalled cuz I tried running it and it told me to apt-get01:29
PodeCoeteqisow2: another Ubuntu box01:29
ussereraldo, right so pick the one that the guide says works, its there as far as i can tell right?01:29
eqisow2PodeCoet: then maybe you could try NFS?01:29
eraldousser: but it is there twice once with #1 and once with #201:30
PodeCoeteqisow2: that ubuntu box is accessed by other windows boxes :p01:30
ussereraldo, pick he first one01:30
cyphermoxjasballza: like sprinkmeier said, if you do "sudo /etc/init.d/proftpd start", what does it say?01:30
jasballzacyphermox: heres' output of $proftpd:01:30
jasballzacyphermox:  - notice: unable to bind to Unix domain socket at '/var/run/proftpd/test.sock': Permission denied01:30
jasballza - notice: unable to listen to local socket: Operation not permitted01:30
jasballza - Fatal: SystemLog: unable to redirect logging to '/var/log/secure': Permission denied on line 33 of '/etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf'01:30
FloodBot1jasballza: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:30
eqisow2PodeCoet: gotcha, so do you see the same error whether it's windows/ubuntu or ubuntu/ubuntu?01:30
sprinkmeier!paste | cyphermox01:30
ubottucyphermox: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:30
cyphermoxah, woops :)01:30
PodeCoeteqisow2: Strangely enough, I haven't tried that yet! I'll give it a shot right now01:31
sprinkmeierjasballa, (oops, the pastebin thing was menat for you :-) looke like it's trying to run without root. did you sudo?01:31
jasballzaFLoodBot1: thank you for notification. Please get a neural net that I devvd01:31
jasballzacyphermox: ok, output is "* Starting ftp server proftpd [ OK ]"01:32
sprinkmeierjasballza, looks good. try the client now.01:32
cyphermoxjasballza: that's good. now if you try "ftp localhost" it should ask for a username and password01:32
jasballzacyphermox: then it gives me the same err when I try ftp localhost01:32
sprinkmeierjasballza, do you have an FTP proxy set?01:33
sprinkmeierjasballza, on a terminal, try "env -i ftp localhost" that should get rid of the ftp_proxy env var which is your FTP proxy01:33
jasballzasprinkmeier: pretty sure, NO, how do I do that?01:33
RassBariawnewbie question01:33
jasballzasprinkmeier: got it01:33
eraldousser: I am asked for username and password by the webinterface01:34
RassBariawI just downloaded Ubuntu 8.10 and I plan on installing it on a 64 bit Vista machine01:34
wubi_painCan anyone help me fix a problem with the boot.ini file under Wubi?01:34
jasballzasprinkmeier: ran that command as root and nonroot and here's output Connected to localhost.01:34
ussereraldo, its your regular username and password01:34
jasballza500 OOPS: vsftpd: not found: directory given in 'secure_chroot_dir':/var/run/vsftpd01:34
RassBariawdo I just insert the cd and install like any software?01:34
eqisow2RassBariaw: please put your questions all on one line01:34
eraldousser: Error: Bad device-uri "cnij_usb:/dev/usb/lp0"!01:34
eqisow2rassBariaw: You will need to put in the CD, then reboot your computer and run from the CD01:35
cyphermoxvsftpd is still running01:35
Jeruvy!wubi > RassBariaw also see !install01:35
ubottuRassBariaw, please see my private message01:35
ussereraldo, is it connected through the usb?01:35
jasballzaRassBariaw: to install Ubuntu boot onto livecd and install or install in WinXp. Wont install in Win Vista or 7 unless you boot from CD01:35
eraldousser: yes01:35
sprinkmeierjasballza, the "env -i" thing does not need to run as root. "Connected to localhost" sounds like it's working. The 500 error means the FTP server is misconfigured, looks like some vfstp stuff is still lying around.01:35
jasballzacyphermox: Im guessing that for somereason vsftpd is still default somewhere01:35
eqisow2RassBariaw: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GraphicalInstall01:35
chronic_is there a plugin that can decode m2ts on linux?01:35
ussereraldo, what does ls -al /dev/usb say?01:36
jasballzasprinkmeier: yah, I guessed the same. I wonder how to clean that trash up?01:36
georgy_28eraldo, : or lsusb01:36
sprinkmeierjasballza, run "sudo netstat -lntp" and pastebin the output. It should list and name all listening processes, I suspect port 21 still belongs to vsftp01:36
eraldousser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/137908/01:37
jasballzasprinkmeier: got it01:37
eraldousser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/137909/01:37
jasballzasprinkmeier: how to paste bin?  looks like you're right Ive got 6989/vsftpd tho I do have 8030/sshd no proftpd01:38
jasballzasprinkmeier: how to fix?01:38
sprinkmeierjasballza, "sudo kill -9 6989" then "sudo .... start" again. that should kill vsftpd and start proftpd. re-run netsta to confirm 21 now belongs to proftpd01:39
jasballzasprinkmeier: got it01:39
sprinkmeier!paste |  jasballza,01:39
ubottujasballza,: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:39
BadHorsiehi, what is the command line for that program that tests sound cards, display, etc?01:39
georgy_28jasballa, : and to remove sudo apt-get remove --purge vsftpd01:40
beejay7777after todays update of x my compiz do ot start01:40
ussereraldo, are you a member of lp group?01:40
beejay7777what to do/01:40
eraldousser: no idea01:40
PodeCoeteqisow2: Interesting! It works fine one window UNLESS you mount the shares in FSTAB (like I did with the ubuntu shares)01:40
ussereraldo, type groups on the terminal, does lp show up somewhere there?01:40
sprinkmeierjasballza, FWIW the ":::*" entries are IPv601:40
jasballzasprinkmeier: good  I got 15739/proftpd now01:40
PodeCoeteqisow2: caching problem perhaps?01:41
eraldousser: eraldo adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev fuse lpadmin admin sambashare01:41
sprinkmeierjasballza, see georgy_28 for instructions on eradicating vsftp, try the client again, any luck?01:41
ussereraldo, lp isnt there01:41
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jasballzainfobot: what the hell does FWIW mean?01:41
eqisow2PodeCoet: So it only does it when mounted via fstab, eh? paste your ftsab?01:41
eraldousser: but lpadmin is01:41
jasballzasprinkmeier: yeas.01:41
jasballzasprinkmeier: gr8 luck01:41
jasballzasprinkmeier: im good tho now working on establishing host01:41
beejay7777any idea?01:41
ussereraldo, well device is owned by root:lp so lpadmin doesnt matter01:42
jasballzasprinkmeier: gui says Status:Activated01:42
RassBariawthank you for your answers; I will return after carefully reading them. good evening01:42
jasballzasprinmeier: so supposedly you could go to ftp.buddhabuntu.org ??01:42
ussereraldo, try this sudo usermod -a -G lp $USERNAME01:42
ussereraldo, log out/log back in for changes to take effect and try again01:42
eraldousser: nothing01:42
sprinkmeierjasballza, make sure vsftp is gone and that proftp auto-starts (a simple reboot is the best way to confirm that)01:43
jasballzahow to establish ftp host with proftpd  i have active satus01:43
ndshackerhello there, how can i make a script to change my workspaces?01:43
jasballzasprinkmeier: ill make sure to have a session-unique command anyway how to get it autostart in KDE? I run gnome rite now01:43
sprinkmeierjasballza, the server should start at boot-time, it has nothing to do with KDE/gnome.01:43
jasballzasprinkmeier: so if I mod the GNOME system/startup apps itll change it in KDE? cuz thats done01:44
jasballzasprinkmeier: mind troubleshooting the connection? try connect to ftp.buddhabuntu.8m.net01:44
sprinkmeierjasballza, "ftp.buddhabuntu.org" does not resolve for me, even if it did chances are you'd have to configure your gateway to allow external access for FTP (which is a _really_ bad idea!)01:44
PodeCoeteqisow2: Correct: http://pastebin.com/m62fb8f9901:45
PodeCoeteqisow2: loungeroom is the one I just added (windows box)01:45
sprinkmeierjasballza, gnome and KDE are windows managers. They'll automatically start user apps when users log on. SYSV (or these days, upstart) starts daemons (services). it's totally independant of KDE/gnome01:46
eternallyi'm trying to install GNUworld on ubuntu, and I get a whole page of errors from 'pgsqlDB.cc'. 'blah blah was not declared in this scope'. anyone know how I can correct this problem?01:46
jasballzasprinkmeier: why bad idea and how would i do that?01:46
PodeCoeteqisow2: and also I just added 'forceddirectio', didnt work01:46
ndshackerhello there, how can i make a script to change my workspaces?01:46
eqisow2PodeCoet: just tne?o clarify, is it all of them or just the new o01:46
eraldousser: my printer is alreadt in the list under "printers" tab but with my old settings01:46
eraldousser: may this cause trouble?01:46
unitedpotsmokershello guys, good morning, what software to monitor cpu & hdd temp?01:47
PodeCoeteqisow2: all mounted samba shares do it (thought I'd just tell you which one is the windows box for clarity)01:47
dr_willisndshacker:  the people in #gnome may have an idea.  It may require some  effort01:47
unitedpotsmokershello guys, good morning, what software to monitor cpu & hdd temp? im using hardy heron01:47
NetEchoAnyone know of any online resources to help with installing VirtualBox Guest Additions in the latest Ubuntu?01:47
sprinkmeierjasballza, ftp://ftp.buddhabuntu.8m.net gives an error 530, non anonymous login. It's a bad idea as, based on your questions, I doubt you have the experience to run a secure server (I'm sorry if this sounds offensive or snobbish)..01:47
eraldousser: at the moment it uses Printer Driver: Canon PIXMA MP610 - CUPS+Gutenprint v5.0.2 Simplified01:47
thief`hello, i have an easy question...01:47
jasballzasprinkmeier: it doesn't like i said, ima newb uhhh, say I wanted to make anony users ok01:48
thief`i have my linux partitions as / for the one partiton and /home for the other... if i want to format and reinst. ubuntu (or mint) if i save my stuff on the /home will the installer wipe the /home partition?01:48
eraldousser: do I have to logg out ans in again?01:49
jasballzasprinkmeier: try user2 as login with pword developers01:49
jasballzaooooooooohhhhhhhhh im juicing I HAVE A LIVE FTP HOST01:49
prince_j1mmysthief`: no. just tell your installer to mount your home partition to /home01:49
eternally*** i'm trying to install GNUworld on ubuntu, and I get a whole page of errors from 'pgsqlDB.cc'. 'blah blah was not declared in this scope'. anyone know how I can correct this problem? ***01:49
sprinkmeierjasballza, check the proftp.conf file. I'm not familiar with that server so I don't know. Note that FTP is a PITA due to NAT, active/passive clients etc. etc. If you want R/O access consider a web server, if you want R/W access consider sshfs01:49
orlandoMMM... SPANISH???01:49
zacktuWhat is the difference between python3 and python3.0 in the repositories for 8.10?01:49
prince_j1mmys!es | orlando01:49
bluenzoim having trouble installing opera01:49
ubottuorlando: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:49
georgy_28jasballa, : open the /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf file, and uncomment the anonymous part if you want anonymous enable01:49
jasballzasprinkmeier: try Gnome/places/connect to host I no that I got the first good ftp localhost01:50
PerryArmstronghey can  anyone tell me the difference between diff and comm commands01:50
georgy_28jasballa, : then restart your proftpd01:50
eqisow2PodeCoet: well, general advice, I recomend making a credentials file only readable by root. storing passwords in plaintext is bad. that won't help you hear though... maybe try using the IP instead f the wins name? that's a stab in the dark....01:51
jasballzasprinkmeier: hmmm, how do I do sshfs?01:51
dr_willis!info sshfs01:51
ubottusshfs (source: sshfs-fuse): filesystem client based on SSH File Transfer Protocol. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0-2 (intrepid), package size 38 kB, installed size 140 kB01:51
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jasballzasprinkmeier: and can you connect with the user login info I gave you?01:52
PodeCoeteqisow2: thanks for the suggestion, IP didnt work :(01:52
thief`prince_jammys, it won't overwrite taht stuff that'll already be ont here?01:52
dafyddCould someone please help me with my mic? I have an AK5370 and Ubuntu utterly refuses to let me use it. Alsa keeps muting it on me01:52
eqisow2PodeCoet: didn't work at all, or didn't fix it? o.O01:52
sprinkmeierjasballza, SSHFS pretty much requires clients to be Linux (I'm not aware of non-linux SSHFS clients). it allows file sharing over SSH, so assuming you get SSH set up securely it should be pretty save. Unable to log in as user2/developers01:52
PodeCoeteqisow2: works exactly the same01:52
PodeCoetie: didnt fix01:53
prince_jammysPerryArmstrong: diff can do much more, and comm only works on sorted files01:53
bluenzoim having trouble installing opera, whats the proper cmd to install it?01:53
ubottuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser01:53
thief`opera? firefox! yay.01:53
jasballzasprinkmeier: will get on that...idk y this ftp thing is not working when it works for me localhost01:53
PerryArmstrongprince_jammys; i was working on this unix commands but i never understood the fifference01:53
dr_willisI just get the oper pacakge from the opera homepage01:53
PerryArmstrongprince_jammys; i was working on this unix commands but i never understood the difference01:53
jasballzasprinkmeier: maybe I have given you the wrong address? try my ip?01:54
* genii refrains from running SARA on that ip01:55
prince_jammysthief`: your home partition should be safe if you tell the installer to mount your home partition to /home, and use the other partition for /01:55
sprinkmeierjasballza, already got that from IRC :-) as expected, it does not work. probably a gateway problem.01:55
dafyddCan anyone please help me with getting my mic to enable?01:56
eraldousser: what is the problem now exactly?01:56
bluenzodr_willis, can you help me download it? I am complete newb. Do I need the tar.gz download? or without01:56
jasballzasprinkmeier: arggh. how to fix / get around firewall or w/e?01:56
eraldousser: *what exactly is the problem now01:56
thief`when installing though, it said it would wipe the / even if you said not to (in mint installer)  but it'll leave the /home one alone eh?01:56
dr_willisbluenzo:  last i looked they had a obvious link for debian/ubuntu deb packages.01:56
Spray_noiadotem BR AQUI ?01:57
Spray_noiadors vc nao conta01:57
bluenzodr_willis, yes they do, but there is a check box for "Download this package in TAR.GZ format"01:57
Spray_noiadoPsyJacko so falta um canal banker ;)01:57
PsyJackopodes crer01:57
Spray_noiadoPsyJacko ai keria ver nego brincar d pacote kkk01:57
prince_jammys!br | Spray_noiado01:57
ubottuSpray_noiado: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.01:57
jasballzasprinkmeier: how do you get around that garbage?01:57
sprinkmeierjasballza, FTP and gateways is a pain because of the 2 port thing (one for commands, one for data). just about anything else would be easier. Exactly how to do it depends on the gateway you're using, tough problem to sort out via IRC (i.e. it's much easier on-site). Can you try a local LUG? (would it be redundant to mention the security warning again?)01:58
eqisow2PodeCoet: well, everything there looks fine. Check your /var/log/samba logs and see if anything looks suspicious01:58
sprinkmeierjasballza, what problem are you trying to solve? maybe there's an easier way.01:59
eraldousser: shall I try to select something different from the list?01:59
melikhow do i configure the startup services?01:59
bazookamy empathy messenger doesnt ask for password while i start the program ang logs me directly to my account ..how do i make it ask my password ?01:59
WoLf_LoonieHello, sorry to disturb as usual.. I have a quick question: how can disable apt from using ipv6 ?01:59
bazookamy empathy messenger doesnt ask for password while i start the program and logs me directly to my account ..how do i make it ask my password ?01:59
Nom-Hi all... is there a SCSI_DELAY option that's tuneable for Ubuntu?  All the google results i'm seeing are for *BSD systems.  I've got an issue where my server isn't finding /dev/sdc1 on boot up and all my googling seems to turn up is *BSD related posts and changing the SCSI_DELAY kernel option on them02:00
Elijahwhen I run TOP in terminal why does it say 2 users?02:01
sprinkmeierNom-, have you looked at hdparm?02:01
LjLElijah: because you've got your X session open, plus a terminal02:02
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sprinkmeierElijah, you and root?02:02
beejay7777any clue? compiz do not start after update02:02
jasballzasprinkmeier: I have 8gb of files (Buddhabuntu) that I am trying to enable easy online user access to and torrenting doesnt work due to port forwarding seeding problems02:02
ElijahLjL: So you mean because I am logged in twice, once for X and one for terminal?02:03
bazookaplease help me02:03
bazookamy empathy messenger doesnt ask for password while i start the program and logs me directly to my account ..how do i make it ask my password ?02:03
sprinkmeierjasballza, read-only access? in that case I'd recommend a web server (apache). much easier to get through a gateway (only 1 port, no need for application proxy...)02:03
Elijahjasballza: Use dropbox.02:03
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:03
geniiNom-: There seems something about it here http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man4/scsi.4.html02:03
eqisow2PodCoet: might be helpful: http://oreilly.com/catalog/samba/chapter/book/ch09_01.html02:03
jasballzasprinkmeier: okay02:04
judget!webcam | judget02:04
ubottujudget, please see my private message02:04
jasballzaelijah: whers that?02:04
sprinkmeierElijah, LjL no. the super user "root" is running processes (background daemons etc) and you are logged in, hence 2 users.02:05
sprinkmeierjasballza, Elijah does dropbox handle 8G?02:05
dafyddcould anyone please help me with this thing? It doesn't make any sense why alsa keeps muting the mix constantly02:05
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ponchosomeone have a checckers game in language c?02:06
bazookamy empathy messenger doesnt ask for password while i start the program and logs me directly to my account ..how do i make it ask my password ?02:07
Nom-genii: That's one page I found in my travels... I notice it from the freebsd manpages package, so I'm wondering where the heck I set those options :(02:07
zacktuWhat is the difference between python3 and python3.0 in the repositories for 8.10?02:07
LjL!info gtkboard | poncho02:07
ubottuponcho: gtkboard (source: gtkboard): many board games in one program. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11pre0-6 (intrepid), package size 338 kB, installed size 1004 kB02:07
kitchezacktu: think python3 is just a meta package could be wrong though02:08
jasballzaim apt-getting apache and dropbox a moderator at ubuntu forums said something about launchpad02:08
jasballzawhat's launchpad?02:09
EvilAIM!google ubuntu+launchpad02:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:09
zacktukitche: does that mean I should install python3.0?02:09
LjL!launchpad | jasballza02:09
ubottujasballza: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/02:09
EvilAIMjasballza: There is a lot of documentation on that subject.  Should be easy to find out if you search.02:09
whouHello :)02:10
kitchezacktu: install python3 to be on the safe side to maek sure you get everything02:10
Elijahsprinkmeier: Thanks!02:10
Elijahsprinkmeier: Yes, it does02:10
zacktukitche: okay -- will try that02:10
Elijahsprinkmeier: But that is for a paid account02:10
jasballzathats weird it looks like i alreddy have a launchpad acct02:11
ponchoi need a source the checckers game in c standar o ansi c?02:11
administrator_hi I need to run "sudo vgchange -ay daten" right after mdadm finished and before the fstab config file starts to work, where can I write down my command?02:12
buwarubuntu español?02:12
RxDxwas the hd overcycles bug fixed in ubuntu 8.10?02:12
dsl_hey all .. how can i get a little widgit type thing that shows my proccessor speed cpu usage etc .. on my desktop ?02:12
buwarubutu en español02:12
jj_galvezI'm having trouble with windows not raising, the only way they will raise or get focus is if I click on it icon in thw window list.  clicking on the window itself does nothing can anyone help?02:12
LjL!es | buwar02:12
ubottubuwar: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:12
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:13
ubottuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser02:14
bluenzoI dont see the check box "Shower commercial applications"02:14
bluenzoand i dont see Opera in the add/remove list :S02:14
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
operawho give me a source of liferea fees02:15
whoubluenzo you need to put opera repositories in sources.list02:16
jasballzawould someone mind posing buddhabuntu on launchpad?02:16
bluenzohow do I do that02:17
EvilAIM!launchpad | buddhabuntu02:17
ubottubuddhabuntu: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/02:17
whou!opera | bluenzo02:17
ubottubluenzo: opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser02:17
whoubluenzo check out the link02:18
whousince you already know the top part02:18
bluenzoi did02:18
bluenzoit says "deb http://deb.opera.com/opera/ stable non-free"02:18
bluenzodeb doesnt work as a cmd :S02:18
whouoh right02:18
whoubluenzo: ok ima help u step by step but no guarantees ok?02:19
whoubluenzo: open another terminal02:19
whoubluenzo: then type sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list02:20
administrator_hi I need to run "sudo vgchange -ay daten" right after mdadm finished and before the fstab config file starts to work, where can I write down my command?02:20
bluenzok got a big list02:20
whoubluenzo: scroll to the end02:20
whouof the big list02:21
bluenzokeep goin02:21
jasballzawhen I run apache: fopen: No such file or directory02:21
jasballzaapache: could not open document config file /etc/apache/httpd.conf02:21
whoubluenzo: then paste this: deb http://deb.opera.com/opera/ stable non-free02:21
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bluenzok done02:22
whoubluenzo: then save it02:22
whoubluenzo: close gedit02:22
whoubluenzo: type sudo apt-get update i think you'll see an error but ignore02:22
whoubluenzo: then type sudo apt-get install opera02:22
jasballzai need apache help02:23
EvilAIMjasballza: just ask02:23
bluenzolooks like its working02:23
jasballzaEvilAIM: how to get apache running?02:23
EvilAIMwhou, can't he just download the .deb and install via the deb package manager?02:23
whoubluenzo: tell me if it works02:23
EvilAIM/etc/init.d/apache start02:23
EvilAIMwell, sudo /etc/init.d/apache start02:24
EvilAIMwell, sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start02:24
FloodBot1EvilAIM: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:24
* EvilAIM fires a nuke at floodbot02:24
jasballzaEvilAIM: will you try connecting to my IP with GNOME/Places / connect to server/ my ip requires username and pword user1 developers02:24
whouEvilAIM: well opera might have some dependencies not found in ubuntu repositories02:24
EvilAIMWhat protocal?02:25
whouEvilAIM: he gets operas stuff on official opera servers.02:25
jasballzaeveilaim: i think ftp02:25
wanna_learn_morecan i install gui on ubuntu?02:26
whoubluenzo: whats up?02:26
wanna_learn_moreubuntu server wanna go GUI :)02:26
ubottuThe graphical user interface (GUI) in Ubuntu is composed of many elements, including the !X server, a window manager, and a desktop environment such as !GNOME or !KDE (which themselves use the !GTK and !Qt toolkits respectively)02:26
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:26
EvilAIMumm, negative02:26
whouEvilAIM: what irc client are you using?02:26
ubottuk/ed/x/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading.02:26
EvilAIMwanna_learn_more: sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop02:27
EvilAIMis it ubuntu-desktop?02:27
EvilAIMwanna_learn_more: sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop-environment02:27
whouEvilAIM: great! do you know how to remove the join and part messages in irssi?02:27
wanna_learn_moreits okkay02:27
jasballzawill someone try connecting to my ip02:27
EvilAIMand same with: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop02:28
leighhi...im running ubuntu 8.10 and have an external harddrive hooked up through USB, i accidentally unplugged it as I was shutting down and now it will not recognize the drive (i assume because it thinks its connected to my previous session)...can i unmount and remount it somehow?  thanks02:28
wanna_learn_moreif i already install desktop02:28
wanna_learn_morecan i remove it???02:28
wanna_learn_moreor booting to shell again?02:28
EvilAIMwhou: /ignore -channels #mwsf02:29
jasballzawill somebody help me troubleshoot my ftp by connecting to my ip02:29
aceroneI am having trouble with The Ubuntu 8.10 Remote Desktop. I am trying to connect to my Ubuntu desktop from Windows Vista, however I get errors about security types. I have tried RealVnc, Ultravnc, and Tightvnc, but neither can connect. Help?02:29
losherk3b 1.0.5/ubuntu 8.04 -- k3b hangs during verify. It's just me, right?02:29
EvilAIMsomething like that02:30
whouEvilAIM: i tried that02:30
wanna_learn_moreevilaim:if i already install desktop for my ubuntu??can i remove it??or booting from shell again?02:30
whouEvilAIM: i just typed it again :)02:30
wanna_learn_morei scared if i installed dekstop its very slow02:30
EvilAIMwhou, works for me...02:30
matjuhi. i'm trying Google Earth 5.0.11337.1968 on Ubuntu 8.04 and I get this error: ./googleearth-bin: relocation error: /usr/lib/i686/cmov/libssl.so.0.9.8: symbol BIO_test_flags, version OPENSSL_0.9.8 not defined in file libcrypto.so.0.9.8 with link time reference02:30
EvilAIMtype: /ignore -channels #ubuntu * JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS02:31
matjuanyone knows how to fix this?02:31
leighhi...im running ubuntu 8.10 and have an external harddrive hooked up through USB, i accidentally unplugged it as I was shutting down and now it will not recognize the drive (i assume because it thinks its connected to my previous session)...can i unmount and remount it somehow?  thanks02:31
EvilAIMor for all channels change #ubuntu to *02:31
EvilAIMI think02:31
whouEvilAIM: I think it worked :)02:32
whouEvilAIM: Thanks :)02:32
EvilAIMNo worries.02:32
EvilAIMummm, who else asked.02:32
EvilAIMwanna: you could always TTY.02:32
leighme please!02:32
leighhi...im running ubuntu 8.10 and have an external harddrive hooked up through USB, i accidentally unplugged it as I was shutting down and now it will not recognize the drive (i assume because it thinks its connected to my previous session)...can i unmount and remount it somehow?  thanks02:32
EvilAIMleigh, yes.  You could manually mount it02:33
AllenhillHello folks. I am interested in ubuntu, finally about to download it, but all I see for 64 bit options are amd distros. Is there one for intel processors, or am I missing something?02:33
PhotoJimleigh: I'm not sure.  you might have to reboot to get it to be recognized correctly.02:33
Ahmuck-SrAllenhill: yes02:33
whouAllenhill: yes02:33
Ahmuck-Srfaster than u02:33
PhotoJimleigh:  if you did, then it sounds like the partition table might have been damaged by the abrupt disconnection.02:33
leighphotojim, i have rebooted...it gives me an error of "unable to enumarate usb device02:33
EvilAIMleigh: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8073702:33
jasballzaanybody use apache or dropbox02:34
aceroneI am having trouble with The Ubuntu 8.10 Remote Desktop. I am trying to connect to my Ubuntu desktop from Windows Vista, however I get errors about security types. I have tried RealVnc, Ultravnc, and Tightvnc, but neither can connect. Help?02:34
whou!install | Allenhill02:34
ubottuAllenhill: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate02:34
jasballzaHow to use dropbox?02:34
PhotoJimAllenhill: amd64 works on 64-bit Intels too.  Intel uses AMD technology in their 64-bit CPUs.02:34
whoujasballza: you download the deb file02:34
AllenhillThank yogreat, I really appreciate your help!02:34
PhotoJimAllenhill: you're welcome.02:35
whoujasballza: and from the terminal $sudo dpkg -i nameofthedropboxdebfile.deb02:35
jasballzawhou: I've done that and killed nautilus. How do I host 8gb of files?02:35
AllenhillWell, goodbye fedora, hello ubuntu02:35
leighevilaim:  it is not recognizing the drive in terminal when i type sudo fdisk -l...it finds my other partitions but not that drive02:35
EvilAIMand you've restarted?02:35
whoujasballza: oh, dropbox only has 2gb02:35
leighyes...it tells me it is unable to enumerate the device on usb02:36
whouwhou: sorry the only thing i know about apache is that it is an indian tribe... :(02:36
leighalso...the light on the drive stays on even when i unplug it (signifying that it is connected to a computer)02:37
EvilAIMleigh: type: lsusb02:37
EvilAIMSee, this is why I can't stay in this channel for long periods of time.  Haha, I'm so confused.  Who needs help with apache?02:37
whouEvilAIM: jasballza02:37
skate2why doesn't  http://localhost work for me unless i'm signed online. doesnt that defeat the point of localhost?02:38
leightyped lsusb...hit enter and it just brought me to the next line, with no prompt02:38
EvilAIMskate2, what protocal are you running?02:38
B419kidAnyone know if there is a way to upload itouch music and movies on ubuntu? - i know there definatly is for regular ipod02:38
leighevilaim:  i have results from lsusb, what should i be looking for?02:39
infomomoskate2: check what your /etc/hosts file02:39
EvilAIMdo you see the drive?02:39
infomomoskate2: cat /etc/hosts02:39
B419kidEvilAIM: are you talking to me?02:39
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skate2EvilAIM, apache..02:40
EvilAIMB419kid: http://www.ipodtouchfans.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1244702:40
leighevilaim: linux foundation 1.1 root hub, i assume that is an unused port?  other than that i have omnivision technologies, i don't believe that is my drive02:40
EvilAIMskate2: so if you're online it works?02:40
EvilAIMleigh, I'm not sure.  Usually a reboot fixes the issues.  I'm assuming when you unplugged the hardware it phuxed itself.  Do you have a windows box? I'd plug it in there and let it load up, then remove safely.02:41
whouok i have a question of my own, anybody know how to boot an .iso from a hard disk and make 'Install Ubuntu' a part of the Grub Options?02:41
EvilAIMwindows is great for fixing external hard drives02:41
leighi am dual booting windows i will try that02:42
skate2EvilAIM,  yeah only when im online. when im offline it shows the last output i was lookin at but not if i change it and hit refresh02:42
pyro2927leigh, what is your issue?02:42
B419kidEvilAIM: it's not very strait foward, i don't really see any packages taht is suggests its just chatter for people who already know the packages...02:42
leighevilaim:  thank you, i will try and troubleshoot myself...hopefully i won't be back!02:42
EvilAIMskate2, try and use your nat ip instead of the localhost.02:42
leighpyro2927: i unplugged my external usb harddrive while rebooting and now it will not recognize the drive...i'm assuming it still is "connected" the the previous session02:43
EvilAIMB419kid: they're telling you what you need.  let me look into this for you and see if I can guide you02:43
pyro2927leigh, you should be able to force mount it02:43
leighi tried sudo fdisk -l to find the drive and it is not recognized02:43
EvilAIMB419kid: sudo apt-get install libgpod ipod-convenience02:44
B419kidEvilAIM: Sorry i'm just a bit tired... and not very good with linux, tks02:44
EvilAIMIt's all good.02:44
pyro2927sudo mount -f /dev/sdb0 /mnt/<volume>        ?02:44
EvilAIMthen you can access the ipod touch via amarok02:44
B419kidEvilAIM: amarok is already installed?02:45
EvilAIMshould be02:45
EvilAIMif not then sudo apt-get install amarok02:45
leighpyro2927, how do i know what <volume> it will be?02:45
EvilAIMleigh, he means the mount point02:45
B419kidEvilAIM: tks, and then amarok is like a music library?02:45
EvilAIMleigh, so sudo mkdir /media/external02:45
skate2EvilAIM, /etc/hosts says laptop localhost.localdomain localhost02:46
pyro2927leigh, evilAIM has got it02:46
EvilAIMleigh: then use: sudo mount -f /dev/sdb0 /media/extenal02:46
B419kidevil is it a music library>02:46
EvilAIMB419kid: is what a music library?02:46
EvilAIMit's like windows media player...02:46
EvilAIMjust for linux...02:46
B419kidbut i play songs on it through ipod?02:46
sagredoyo - is there anyway to join WPA secured networks with iwconfig?02:47
frankS2ye it is sagredo02:47
infomomoskate2: add to that line the name that you see when you type : hostname02:47
sagredofrankS2: hook it up my friend02:47
frankS2sagredo: just google it02:47
sagredofrankS2: I have been02:47
EvilAIMB419kid: it does the same things as windows media player...02:47
B419kidEvilAIM: never used wmp02:47
acfrazier_any way to uninstall and reinstall the usb kext? I'm getting error -110 on boot, something about a device descriptor error02:47
infomomoskate2: so it looks like: laptop localhost.localdomain localhost hostname02:47
EvilAIMB419kid: you can add your files to your ipod touch.02:47
skate2infomomo,  it's already there02:47
skate2laptop is the hostname02:48
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B419kidEvilAIM: like a usb harddrive?02:48
EvilAIMB419kid: sorta like that.02:48
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The-Kernelso I want to remove any packages that contain a particular word(xserver) how do I do this easily?02:48
EvilAIMB419kid: I've walked you this far, maybe you should go and try it out?02:48
Slartgah.. I remember installing some alternative to gnuplot when I last used it, a couple of months ago, and now I can't remember what that alternative was called.. similar syntax but nicer plots... anyone recognise what I'm talking about?02:48
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acfrazieranyone know how I can reinstall the usb kext or fix my newly arisen -110 error, error getting descriptor?02:49
B419kidEvilAIM: couldn't find package02:49
EvilAIMwhich one?02:49
leighpyro2927:  i ran those lines and i believe it is mounted, but i do not have any access to the drive...and it does not report anything else back with fdisk...should i manually unmount it and it will work or am i missing something?02:49
B419kidlibgpod ipod-conenience02:49
B419kidconvenience *02:49
EvilAIMsorry, blonde moment02:49
EvilAIMB419kid: sudo apt-get install libgpod02:49
EvilAIMand then02:49
B419kidok, tks02:49
pyro2927can you cd /mnt/external?02:49
trendmy monitor just went out, anyone know why?02:50
EvilAIMB419kid: sudo apt-get install ipod-convenience02:50
jasballzzaso for some reason everything doesn't like me02:50
leighmedia/external is created, but empty02:50
* trend blows jasballzza a kiss02:50
acfrazieranyone know how I can reinstall the usb kext or fix my newly arisen -110 error, error getting descriptor?02:50
jasballzzajasballza blows trend a kiss02:50
B419kidEvilAIM: couldn't find libgpod (haven't tried ipod-convenience yet)02:51
pyro2927leigh, if that doesn't work I guess do the windows safe removal, its the only other idea i have02:51
EvilAIMCan you guys keep that Dalnet kissing stuff out of here please?:)02:51
* trend 's leg starts thumping while his eyes pop out towards jasballzza and steam comes off his head02:51
EvilAIMB419kid: *stare*02:51
leighpyro2927:  thanks for your help...hopefully i won't be back!02:51
jasballzzawhen you use computer janitor is it cleaning up the cache or deleting running apps02:51
leighevilaim: thank you as well02:51
EvilAIMgod damnit02:51
EvilAIMI'm totally outta my mind today02:51
B419kidEvilAIM: ;/ 2nd one worked02:51
jasballzzajasballza hopes trend is either a girl or a tranny02:51
EvilAIMB419kid: sorry: sudo apt-get install libgpod302:52
sagredo** (nm-applet:11354): WARNING **: <WARN>  applet_dbus_manager_start_service(): Could not acquire the NetworkManagerUserSettings service as it is already taken.  Return: 302:52
sagredowhat gives02:52
B419kidEvilAIM: sorry i just asking for a tiny bit of help and your helping great02:52
EvilAIMI'm a complete knob today.02:52
sagredowhy can I net run nm-applet02:52
jasballzzadoes computer janitor clean up cache or remove software02:52
pyro2927has anyone successfully installed the new nvidia 180 on a geforce 7 series?02:52
jasballzzauhhh, and why doesn't apache work02:52
B419kidAnnouncement: this channel is awesome02:53
jasballzzasomone plez try connecting to my ip for troubleshooting02:53
EvilAIMpyro, did you search google?02:54
B419kidthe lib3 thing is long install02:54
jasballzzai guess i have dropbox working02:54
sagredosomeone help me get my nm-applet ** (nm-applet:11354): WARNING **: <WARN>  applet_dbus_manager_start_service(): Could not acquire the NetworkManagerUserSettings service as it is already taken.  Return: 302:54
dotblankIs there a way to make dpkg to ignore arch?02:54
olethri0shello gents. does anyone know the necessary steps to take to enable a dcm425 cable modem?02:54
tritiumdotblank: that would be unwise02:54
tritiumsagredo: are you sure it's not already running?02:55
EvilAIMolethri0s: what?  I don't understand the question...02:55
sagredotritium: lol thanks02:55
dotblanktritium: it is just a single binary that doesn't have conflicts and dependancies or libraries, its just gens02:55
drummerkidi really need quick help. I have an external harddrive with folders i need to accesss on it. next to there folders there is an envolope looking thing. when i try to open them i recieve "You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of _______"02:55
dotblanktritium: *sega gen emu02:55
sagredotritium: why can I not see a scan of nearby wireless networks?02:55
olethri0sEvilAIM: Well, when I connect my pc directly to the modem, it acts as though i'm not on the internet at all. are there drivers or something that i need to install?02:55
tritiumdotblank: if it's a binary, you can't force the wrong arch02:55
EvilAIMpyro: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-180/180.37-0ubuntu1 <--- just search you vid card out and try it.  Only way to fly;)02:55
B419kidEvilAIM: i'll have to test it tommorow cause i need to get off in like 5 min02:56
drummerkidi really need quick help. I have an external harddrive with folders i need to accesss on it. next to there folders there is an envolope looking thing. when i try to open them i recieve "You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of _______"   can anyone help me?02:56
dotblankcan't ia32 run it02:56
EvilAIMolethri0s: no.  that's a network card issue.  modems don't have drivers.02:56
tritiumsagredo: is your wireless card detected properly, and are the proper modules loaded?02:56
EvilAIMB419kid: no worries, keep me informed.02:56
B419kiddrummerkid: on the original system you used to put those files there: what operating system?02:56
sagredotritium: I'm talking to you on it now02:56
drummerkidlinux mint02:56
B419kidEvilAIM: u gona be here tommorow02:56
pyro2927thanks evilaim02:57
jasballzzasomeone help me troubleshoot my connection02:57
EvilAIMB419kid: yep.02:57
olethri0soh, okay. thanks man.02:57
B419kiddrummerkid: i'm sorry i have no expierence with that system... sorry :/02:57
drummerkidb419kid: mint02:57
EvilAIMI'll be here every day that I'm not busy.02:57
sagredotritium: what modules might I need to load? My friend next to me just installed ubuntu and he can connect to wpa networks with the gui. I tried doing with with wpasupplicant but I couldn't get it to function02:57
B419kidevil, ok.02:57
tritiumsagredo: are you letting network-manager manage your wireless connection?02:57
EvilAIMdrummerkid: that could be an issue.02:57
sagredotritium: yes02:57
EvilAIMdrummerkid: did you want me to help ya out?02:57
drummerkidi really need quick help. I have an external harddrive with folders i need to accesss on it. next to there folders there is an envolope looking thing. when i try to open them i recieve "You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of _______"   can anyone help me?02:57
drummerkidif possible02:57
tritiumsagredo: then why are you trying to load it?  It's obviously running.02:58
EvilAIMdrummerkid: then please don't repeat your question.02:58
drummerkidi mean if worse comes to worse i can boot from cd and save to flashdrive02:58
drummerkido srry EvilAIM02:58
drummerkidi thought u needed it02:58
sagredotritium: how do I stop using network-manager02:58
EvilAIMno, I'm good:)02:58
tritiumsagredo: configure it manually in /etc/network/interfaces02:58
EvilAIMdrummerkid: so have you mounted the drive?02:58
sagredotritium: what should I put :x02:59
drummerkidyes evilaim02:59
B419kidEvilAIM: if i plug in my ipod will it be reconized by amarok?02:59
tritiumsagredo: "man interfaces" to read about it02:59
sagredotritium: thanks03:00
EvilAIMB419kid: hopefully...03:00
EvilAIMdrummerkid: is it ext3?03:00
B419kidEvilAIM: like it will show up as device like as in itunes or?03:00
EvilAIMB419kid: I'm not sure exactly what it will do.  This is the fix, I don't have an ipodtouch.03:00
drummerkidEvilAIM: yes it is03:00
sagredotritium: I would love to familiarize myself with it later, but could you help me with an example of wpa for this time?03:00
B419kidill figure it out :)03:00
B419kidEvilAIM: tks for the help03:01
ahotenusHow do I recreate the 'system->prefrences' and 'system->administration' menus in fluxbox??03:01
EvilAIMdrummerkid: let me research a bit for you03:01
chalcednywe have a totally weird problem... BOTH of the keyboards to my husband's computer are acting backwards.. if I press capslock i get regular, if i press / i get ?  and for - i get _ .. *sigh*03:01
drummerkidEvilAIM: thanks03:01
trendEvilAIM can you help me, my power cable doesn't seem to work w/ linux03:01
ohziethis works great03:01
ohzieSo much faster than VNC03:01
ohzieThank you so much! :)03:02
frankS2chalcedny: you must set the keyboard country right03:02
eqisow2what's faster than VNC?03:02
frankS22fast trend03:02
ohziessh -X is faster than vnc03:02
chalcednyfrankS2 where do i do that? it never came up before03:02
ohzieby a significant margin03:03
EvilAIMone at a time;)03:03
frankS2chalcedny: what country are you from?03:03
frankS2chalcedny: its i the xorg.conf file...03:03
eqisow2ohzie: really? I'd heard it was actually the other way around03:03
chalcednyfrankS2 usa03:03
EvilAIMdrummer. lets try drastic measures... *THIS IS NOT TO BE DONE NORMALLY FOR ALL ELSE!* sudo chmod 777 /media/<mountpount>03:03
ohzieThey both have ups and downs.03:03
EvilAIMwhere <mountpoint> is the folder you're trying to access03:03
ohzieI was using a javascript jacked-up version of VNC03:03
EvilAIMtry that and tell me if it works03:03
ohzieThis is significantly more impressive imo.03:04
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=== Lenin is now known as Lenin_Cat
frankS2chalcedny: grep "XkbLayout" /etc/X11/xorg.conf give me output03:04
ohziealso I'm just using it for pidgin and xchat atm anyways, so :D03:04
EvilAIMtrend, your power cable?03:04
disappearednghey everyone how do I read pdfs in Command line?03:04
chalcednyfrankS2 ok03:04
tritiumdisappearedng: evince <foo.pdf>03:05
frankS2chalcedny: just open a terminal and paste it in03:05
disappearedngtritium: no I want to read it in command line03:05
disappearedngnot to open evince in command line03:05
drummerkidnothing happened evilAIM03:05
disappearedngI need some good conversion from PDF to code preferably,03:05
crdlbdisappearedng: you could use pdftotext03:05
EvilAIMdrummerkid: what do you mean?03:05
disappearedngcrdlb is it good?03:05
drummerkidnothings happening03:05
EvilAIMdrummerkid: so, you type it in terminal, and then it went to the next line?03:06
EvilAIMnow go to the folder you just stated03:06
crdlbdisappearedng: try it and see? :)03:06
jasballzzalooking for interested developers in Ubuntu Buddhist Edition http://buddhabuntu.8m.net03:06
EvilAIMand try to open files and make dirs03:06
crdlbdisappearedng: it should work fine for simple stuff at least03:06
losherdisappearedng: or use xpdf and then cut&paste the text you want into a text file. Might lose less formatting that way03:06
B419kidEvilAIM: cya tommorow03:06
EvilAIMB419kid: alright.  have a good night03:07
B419kidEvilAIM: you too.03:07
disappearednglosher: thx03:07
EvilAIMdrummerkid: and if that didn't work, try: sudo chmod -R 777 /media/disk-103:07
frankS2chalcedny:  what you find out?03:07
B419kidEvilAIM: oh quick question, do you think a usb mouseee with three buttons will work fine on ubuntu- just wana make sure before i spend a lot of $ on it03:08
EvilAIMB419kid: usually yes, just research before you buy.  on google type: ubuntu+mousemodel03:08
B419kidEvilAIM: ok03:08
B419kidEvilAIM: tks03:08
EvilAIMshould tell you if there are lots of issues or fixes to make it work, but generally it work, and when you buy they have a return policy03:09
drummerkidhey EvilAIM03:09
drummerkidstill nothing03:09
drummerkidis it maybe because im booted from cd?03:09
EvilAIMnaw, the cd is the best way:)03:09
EvilAIMbut the -R didn't help either?03:10
lakotajamesWhat do I do to fix my removeable drives?  it doesn't recognize my flash drive or my sd card, and when I try to unmount the flashdrive I get "/sbin/umount.hal: libhal_ctx_init failed. Is hald running?"03:10
EvilAIM-R is recusive, means it changes all files to 777 which means write read and execute for all users.03:10
lakotajameswhat do I do to fix that?03:10
lakotajamesrun hald?03:10
chullfrankS2: grep: /etc/x11/xorg.conf: No such file or directory03:11
drummerkidaight i think im out of options03:11
tritiumchull: capital X: /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:11
EvilAIMfrankS2: Linux is case sensitive03:12
drummerkidno way to force permissions03:12
chalcednyfrankS2 chull is his computer.. but it seems to be working03:12
EvilAIMdrummer, try the -fR then03:12
skate2what does this mean in my netstat output:  tcp6       0      0 :::80                   :::*                    LISTEN      -03:12
drummerkidexcuse me srry i only speak stupid language EvilAIM03:12
disappearednghm... xpdf does NOT read pdfs in command line03:12
frankS2chalcedny: thats good...03:12
tritiumdisappearedng: nobody said it does03:12
tritiumdisappearedng: you're best off using pdftotext if you want to use command line03:13
EvilAIMdrummerkid: what is the mount point?03:13
drummerkidim sorry i dont understand/ know how to find it03:13
EvilAIMwhere did you mount your drive to?03:13
losherdisappearedng: if you've no X11 server I think pdftotext is your only option, but it will mess up the formatting03:14
EvilAIMtype: ls /media/03:14
B419kidEvilAIM: ok, this time seriously, cya tommorow :)03:14
EvilAIMpaste results to pastebin.com03:14
EvilAIMB419kid: g'night.03:14
RussM_skate2, it means some process (probably a web server, like apache's httpd) is listening for connections on port 80 of your IP v6 network address.03:14
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disappearednglosher: I guess I can just use a command line pdf reader than do some processing on that then03:15
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lakotajameshald stopped working,  what do I do?03:15
EvilAIMdisappearedng: you want to write/edit a pdf?03:15
lakotajamessudo hald doesn't wok.03:15
losherdisappearedng: yes, the only issue is the formatting will be messed up.03:15
bluenzoopera == win <303:16
iruinedgtkcan someone help me?  i installed kde on my ubuntu machine to check it out, after i installed it, apparently gtk and/or gnome aren't starting.  i have a text login, and if i type "startx" i get my ubuntu wallpaper and that's all03:16
EvilAIMlakotajames: try: locate hald03:16
EvilAIMmight be more useful instead of just trying to run something03:16
losherdisappearedng: Also, check the pdf file. Sometimes, the text you want is visible in the pdf and you can just chop it out03:16
tritiumEvilAIM, lakotajames; hold on.  Don't run it like that.  It's started at boot.03:16
iruinedgtkerrr, i meant after i uninstalled kde03:16
drummerkidEVilAIM it gives me the name of the flashdrive plugged in to the computer03:16
EvilAIMI wasn't telling him to run it, I was stating where it is:)03:16
drummerkidnot the external hd03:16
crdlbiruinedgtk: install ubuntu-desktop03:16
lakotajamestritium: EvilAIM so I need to reboot then?03:16
EvilAIMfdisk -l03:16
tritiumlakotajames: no.  It's probably running now.03:17
HuufartedI have a boot question for somebody.  Looking at some optimization for booting Ubuntu.  It says to change "CONCURRENCY=none" to "CONCURRENCY=shell" in /etc/init.d/rc   It then says to rename the S12hal to S13hal scripts in rc2.d, rc3.d, rc4.d  My hal scripts are S24.  What's the difference and is this a good idea?03:17
FloodBot1lakotajames: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:17
drummerkidsomething going on03:17
infomomohow to get DNS list when doing ifconfig or other command ?03:17
lstarnesinfomomo: cat /etc/resolv.conf03:17
drummerkidubuntu@ubuntu:~$ fdisk -l03:18
drummerkidCannot open /dev/sda03:18
drummerkidCannot open /dev/sdc03:18
drummerkidDisk /dev/sdb: 2000 MB, 2000682496 bytes03:18
drummerkid64 heads, 63 sectors/track, 969 cylinders03:18
FloodBot1drummerkid: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:18
drummerkidUnits = cylinders of 4032 * 512 = 2064384 bytes03:18
EvilAIM*rolls eyes*03:18
tritiumdrummerkid: you know better than to paste.  Did you not just see what happened above?03:18
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:18
EvilAIMok people, don't paste shit in here03:18
infomomolstarnes: is it like that fort most linux distros ?03:18
tritiumlanguage, EvilAIM03:18
drummerkidwait can u read what im saying?03:18
tritiumNo, the letter "u" cannot read.03:18
HuufartedAnybody that can answer questions about rc.d startup scripts that knows them fairly in-depth?03:18
drummerkidk good03:18
lstarnesinfomomo: almost all linux distributions and unix/unix-like operating systems use /etc/resolv.conf03:19
drummerkidwow im sorta stupid03:19
losherdisappearedng: See also http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/access_onlinetools.html for a one-off03:19
iruinedgtkcrdlb:  it says it can't find package gnome-desktop03:19
drummerkidanyways http://paste.ubuntu.com/137951/03:19
RussM_iruinedgtk, that should be "ubuntu-desktop"03:19
iruinedgtknetwork connection is alive..03:19
infomomolstarnes: thanks03:20
lakotajamesSo what now, EvilAIM and tritium?03:20
losherk3b 1.0.5/ubuntu 8.04/fvwm -- k3b hangs during verify. It's just me, right?03:20
tritiumlakotajames: what are you trying to do?03:20
danfgi have a simple shell question: for i in "word1 word2 word3" works fine, but what if i want spaces in a word?03:20
crdlbiruinedgtk: installing ubuntu-desktop said that?03:20
=== chrisrio_ is now known as chrisrio
iruinedgtkrussm, crdlib.  ok thanks my bad.  it says it is already installed and is the newest version.  i guess it is just not starting or default?03:21
Slartdanfg: tried using '\ ' instead of space? ... like "word1 word2 big\ word word4"03:21
EvilAIMiruinedgtk: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop03:21
danfgSlart: i did try that, sh and bash just ignore it, does it work for you?03:21
lakotajamestritium: use a flash drive.  I had it plugged in earlier, and it worked. I installed some updates, and I can't use any other flash drives, and that one still shows up on the desktop even though it is removed. unmounting says "/sbin/umount.hal: libhal_ctx_init failed. Is hald running?"03:21
EvilAIMshouldn't give any errors, if it does it's your repo list03:21
drummerkidyo EvilAIM anything? if not ill just do 10 hours of work again03:21
RussM_iruinedgtk, You might try "dpkg-reconfigure ubuntu-desktop"03:21
EvilAIMdrummerkid: the system you're trying to get on, why not just boot to it?03:22
drummerkidbecause its an external harddrive03:22
drummerkidits just folders in 103:22
EvilAIMthat's screwy03:22
tritiumlakotajames: ps aux | grep hald.  It should still be running.03:22
drummerkidyes very03:22
EvilAIMand you plug it in and it doesn't automount?03:22
crdlbiruinedgtk: try 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start'03:22
drummerkidid think so03:23
Slartdanfg: hmm.. it doesn't even work with your example03:23
lakotajamesEvilaim: no, niether flash drive auto mounts,  both worked earlier.03:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about aol03:23
EvilAIMI'm getting confused:(03:23
drummerkidergness...ah watever man. thanks a lot ill either figure it out or just give up :( thanks though so much EvilAIM and everyone else that helped me03:23
danfgSlart: you mean "word1 word2 word3"? i am actually using a variable defined before, VALUES="word1 word2 word3"; for i in $VALUES03:24
danfgSlart: i even tried using double backslashes, VALUE="big\\ word1 word2"; no worky :-(03:25
Slartdanfg: hmmm03:26
danfgSlart: any other way i can iterate thru values?03:26
Slartdanfg: this actually works for me.. for i in word1 "big word" word3; do echo $i$i; done03:26
iruinedgtkrussm, crdlib - ok i tried dpkg-reconfigure ubuntu-desktop and i think it accepted that (it just went to the next terminal prompt with no error).  sudo (path) gdm start returns an error that gdm is not the default display manager03:26
Slartdanfg: perhaps you can do something tricky with the quotes03:27
crdlbiruinedgtk: let me look up how to reconfigure that03:28
iruinedgtkrussm, crdlib - ok i think i got it.  i tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm03:28
RussM_danfg, what does your "for" line look like?03:28
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iruinedgtkit appears to have worked03:28
crdlbiruinedgtk: that looks right :)03:28
danfgRussM_: for i in $VALUES03:28
taz_i try to remeber .. in add/remove .. im look for.... somesomething hack.... u know google  change size like that.. i not good to explain03:28
iruinedgtkit sounds right too (listens to ubuntu bongo login sound)03:28
X-722I have a question about kernel upgrades - When you upgrade the ubuntu kernel, does the machine now see it as a totally separate installation? What I mean is, do you have to go through and reconfigure all of your settings every time you do an upgrade?03:29
bluenzoim at a ubuntuforums.org page... it says "System->Preferences->Themes"03:29
bluenzobut I dont believe I had that...03:29
lstarnesX-722: usually, no03:29
crdlbbluenzo: it's Appearance, then themes now03:29
Huufartedbluenzo, look for "Appearance"03:29
TheSparkDCC SEND "0101010101010101" 0 0 003:29
bluenzooh thanks :)03:29
X-722lstarnes: Im used to rolling releases, but I want to do a dist-upgrade on ubuntu without having to reconfig everything under the sun03:30
SlartX-722: not that I know of.. I don't have to reconfigure anything when I install a new kernel03:30
SlartX-722: of course.. if you've installed graphics drivers by manually compiling and such you'll have to redo those things03:30
danfgSlart: when I do VALUES="big word" "big word2" ..., i get an error: big word2 not found03:31
X-722Im currenty running 2.6.27-11-generic - I have a feeling this is not the most current?03:31
Slartdanfg: tried VALUES=03:31
Slartdanfg: tried VALUES='word1 "big word" word3' ?03:31
lstarnesdanfg: try VALUES=("big word" "big word2" ...)03:31
Barridusthanks RussM, crdlb - this is the artist formally known as "iruinedgtk" :)03:32
RussM_Barridus, Glad to see it worked.03:33
jeanfrancois128est-ce-que quelqu'un parle en français ici ??03:33
bluenzohas anyone heard of "Beryl" ? it looks like some sort of 3d cube thing, but different (better looking)03:33
lstarnes!fr | jeanfrancois12803:33
ubottujeanfrancois128: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr03:33
* Barridus jots those commands down in his "how to fix my screwups" section of my linux notes 03:33
geniibluenzo: Beryl is joined with compiz now03:33
danfgSlart, lstarnes: you are suggesting things that are not working, i appreciate it though03:34
danfglstarnes: Syntax error: "(" unexpected03:34
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines03:34
bluenzogenii, i have compiz, hmm03:34
Slartdanfg: I never claimed to know the answer.. I'm just suggesting things to try =)03:35
bluenzogenii, is it just editing it? or what, im a newb with ubuntu and compiz lol03:35
voxel_I was looking to download KDE to try in ubuntu, and have come across some articles online that require the addition of a PPA repository... I was wondering what version of KDE will be installed 'right now' if I just install the 'kubuntu-desktop' meta package?03:35
X-722Anyone know much about dual monitors with 8.10? Is it a giant hassle to set up? I have them both going at the moment, but they are duplicates03:35
crdlbX-722: with what video card?03:35
voxel_X-722, what kind of video card?03:35
danfgSlart: i know, thanks though, i didn't think of those, but unfortunately they are not working :)03:35
X-722Geforce 8600GT03:36
ScuniziX-722: if you're running nvidia then use nvidia-settings and enable xinerama..03:36
Barridusi like linux, it's comforting to know that despite ruining it completely it can usually be fixed XD03:36
RussM_X-722, working good w/ my nVidia.03:36
Slartdanfg: I've never managed to make bash ignore spaces in filenames and such.. even when using those zero separated functions..03:36
voxel_X-722, are you using the nvidia driver?03:36
X-722RussM_: Excellent, but that doesnt really help me much  :P03:36
geniibluenzo: Compiz is usually configured with compizconfig-settings-manager  or ccsm for short03:36
crdlbX-722: just install and run nvidia-settings, assuming you've enabled nvidia's driver03:36
X-722yes, nvidia driver is enabled03:37
X-722brb installing nvidia-settings03:37
Barridusvoxel - kde is in the ubuntu repos03:37
voxel_Barridus, yes I realize that. I was wondering what version is downloaded with the kubuntu-desktop metapackage?03:38
Barridusvoxel_,  hardy or intrepid?03:38
voxel_8.10, intrepid03:38
theonenesshas anyone had success getting svideo out using an nvidia geforce6600?03:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about svideo03:39
o0Chris0otheoneness: I'm not sure, try google03:39
TheMechanichey, im used to changing the usplash in hardy but it doesnt seem to work the same way in intrepid... anyone know how?03:39
theonenesswell, tv out03:39
danfgSlart: hmm yikes i didn't know that, i thought sh/bash could handle simple stuff like that, makes me sad that i'll have to make a ruby script (i don' t know perl) to iterate some values and run commands03:39
Barridusvoxel, i'm not certain as i run hardy.  in hardy there's two metapackages, one for kde3 and one for kde4.  either way when you install the package it will ask which you want as default.  i'd stick with gdm/gnome initially (you can switch it when you log out and log in)03:40
TheMechanichey, im used to changing the usplash in hardy but it doesnt seem to work the same way in intrepid... anyone know how?03:40
theonenessgoogle, unsurprisingly, was one of the first places i hit up03:40
RussM_danfg, you ever find a soln to that for loop problem?03:40
danfgRussM_: not yet, no03:41
voxel_Barridus, yeah you can switch it when you are logging in. Why do you say "stick with gnome"?03:41
Barridusit's under sessions/options/something in the gdm login which you want to use for that session (i can't remember off the top of my head but it's something like that)03:41
Slartdanfg: afaik it's supposed to.. many commands support some switch to use \0 instead of space... and there are lots of tutorials around the net that makes it look easy.. I've never managed to make it work though03:41
RussM_see here http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/handling-filenames-with-spaces-in-bash.html for how to change the word separator to be something other than space.03:41
o0Chris0otheoneness: alright try searching in ubuntuforums03:41
Barridusvoxel_, so you can test KDE before "comitting" to it and complicating a switch-back03:41
voxel_Barridus, oh yes! that is the whole point of downloading it.. I want to have both03:42
bonez46help.. I have 8.10 desktop installed on system with via chrome video on the mobo.. I only get 800x600.. where can I find xorg.conf samples so I can get the full video output?03:42
danfgRussM_: thanks a lot! :D03:42
loshertheoneness: I have tv-out working with an old GeForce4 MX 420 for mythtv under ubuntu 7.10. You're welcome to my xorg.conf03:43
Barridusvoxel_,  yeah you can do that :)  only downside is your app launcher menus will be cluttered with both the kde and gnome apps03:43
honeybee0615hello I am new to ubantu03:43
=== buckethea is now known as buckethed
TheMechanichey ive got a question about something that was changed from hardy -> intrepid, can anyone help?03:43
voxel_Barridus, ewww yeah I forgot about that.... I remember that from the last time I tried KDE03:44
shyamhow can i suspend the system from the command line?03:44
Flannel!hi | honeybee061503:45
ubottuhoneybee0615: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:45
TheMechanichey ive got a question about something that was changed from hardy -> intrepid, can anyone help03:45
honeybee0615does anyone know about verizon dare music from ubantu?03:45
crdlbshyam: you mean a terminal running in a desktop session, or pure CLI?03:45
Scunizi!ask | TheMechanic03:45
ubottuTheMechanic: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:45
Barridusvoxel_, the reason i suggested to stick with gnome/gtk initially when you install, is that if you pick kde as the default, it will load qt toolkit and not gtk.  so if you're like "yuck" right away, and want to go back, some of the gnome apps won't work and you'll be left with unfamiliar ones03:46
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shyamcrdlb: X or CLI.. now am using xmonad..03:46
shyamcrdlb: without gnome..03:46
TheMechanici was wondering if anyone knew how to change the usplash in intrepid, im only familiar with the hardy way.03:46
shyamcrdlb: i do have the gnome apps.. but not the panels and all its pure xmonad here.. and just practising to be the _wise_ computer user;-)03:46
BarridusTheMechanic, is startup-manager available in your intrepid repos?03:47
nroot7i can not type03:47
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ScuniziTheMechanic: http://onlyubuntu.blogspot.com/2008/11/how-to-fix-usplash-in-ubuntu-810.html03:47
nroot7takes constant keypress 2 print03:47
samitheberbershyam: for example pm-suspend03:47
TheMechanicBarridus: yes, but when i installed it on linux mint 6 (intrepid-based) it didnt work and its not working in the terminal now that im running intrepid03:48
honeybee0615i have formatted my sd card to FAT 16, then used armaok to transfer the music to moble device, placed the micro sd card in my verizon dar phone, and it showed the songs, when I touched one to play, it went to the player for a split second, then said that it was intitiating and to please try again,03:48
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crdlbshyam: gnome-power-manager handles that (by talking to HAL) in gnome, for which there's 'gnome-power-cmd suspend'. Ideally, you want something similar03:48
nroot7scren flashes when i press03:48
shyamsamitheberber: cool! may be i should have searched over the woman options.. anyway cool thanks..03:48
Scunizihoneybee0615: you might have the phone format the card then just put the music on it from the computer03:49
shyamwoman->without man another man version in emacs..03:49
mhikuThe following packages have unmet dependencies:03:49
mhiku  libapache2-mod-php5: Depends: php5-common (= 5.2.6-2ubuntu4.1) but 5.2.6-2ubuntu4.2 is to be installed03:49
mhikuE: Broken packages03:49
samitheberbershyam: no problem :) (I'm also a xmonad user)03:49
honeybee0615can anyone help me?03:49
honeybee0615I tried that,03:49
shyamcrdlb: wow that too is useful.. thanks buddy.03:49
honeybee0615but the phone runs off of windows media player usually, it wont recogize my phone, it sees the connection when I have the usb connected, but verizon isnt a choice03:50
Scunizihoneybee0615: does the phone expect a certain bit rate? if so you'll need to convert them .. say from 192 to 128 or something.03:50
crdlbshyam: the advantage of that approach is that you don't have to be root to do it03:50
honeybee0615what is that?03:50
honeybee0615and how do i find out?03:50
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:50
allquixoticHello, I am trying to stop my eSATA disk from going to sleep all the time. If I play a song that lasts more than 5 minutes, the disk has to spin up from standby each time. In 3 days it accumulated over 600 spinups, which is roughly 1/100 of the TOTAL spin-ups it's rated for! I thought they fixed this bug in 8.10?????03:51
shyamah was just about to talk about my atheros.. its ath5k the module.. it some times detects the wireless and sometimes not(untill my neighbours buy computer i am a strong proponent of free wifi campaign so the network setup is open and encryption off)..May be its the problem of tht damnn wireless router.. did anyone had any similar problem?03:52
GuiriHi, how can I have a package (tor) reinstall its default /etc/tor config files?03:52
X-722nvidia-settings worked like a charm, thanks fellas03:53
Scunizihoneybee0615: if they are mp3's then they are encoded with a certain bit rate. Your phone might not like bit rates over a certain amount so you have to change it by re encoding the songs.. read your manual on the phone to see if they state any requirements on the music.03:53
ScuniziX-722: what setting did you choose?03:53
crdlbshyam: what chipset is it? my old AR5212 works perfectly, but the new AR242x is a tiny bit unreliable here03:54
tritiumallquixotic: that's an issue with your external drive's power management, not an ubuntu bug03:54
honeybee0615so once I find out about the bit rate on the phone, how do I find the bit rate of the songs?  are all mp3 the same bit rate?  and if so is there a terminal command I have to do for this ? or some sort of codec?03:54
GuiriAnybody on the reinstallation issue?03:54
shyamcrdlb: ar242x with linux libre kernel having ath5k module.. same thing.. not reliable..so bought some long ethernet cable(lan cable)03:54
X-722Scunizi: Just enabled xinerama and enabled the scondary display03:54
watarigrrr i finally got this installed and now i can't remember what i was gonna ask lol03:55
Scunizihoneybee0615: you can right mouse click on a song and check the properties.. there is a cli converter (several) that will re encode.. lame, mencoder and others.03:55
shyamcrdlb: my wifi router is brand new and i don't have any other machine to test the connection too...03:55
honeybee0615so it is a seperate program I need to install?03:56
ScuniziX-722: cool.. xinerama works nice.. for me twinview is useless unless you have two identical monitors with thin framing so you can stick them together and make them appear as one.03:56
tagsoupi'm reading a doc that says to add http://ppa.launchpad.net/brcha/ubuntu to sources.list... where do i get the gpg file to do a apt-key add ?03:56
allquixotictritium: Are you sure? I remember the 8.04 development cycle having major problems with an Ubuntu-triggered bug that caused disk heads to park extremely early because of aggressive power management being set with hdparm. But of course, when I try to use hdparm at all on this drive, I get an input/output error.03:56
X-722So which setting enables dragging of a window from one monitor to another? Both?03:56
allquixotictritium: And furthermore, using any other operating system (CentOS 5.2, Fedora 10, Windows Vista) does not produce this issue.03:56
allquixotictritium: Not very hardware-ish to me.03:56
X-722Or does ubuntu just see them as  totally separate workspaces?03:56
crdlbScunizi: how is the experience any different? all apps should behave identically since they're seeing the same xinerama info03:57
prav33nI have a question regarding Shebang notation in script files03:57
ScuniziX-722: I don't think you can.  With Xinerama they are different workspaces but you are able to move a window/program from one to the other. nice because if you "full screen" a program it will stay on one monitor and not stretch across both.03:57
prav33nCan it handle multiple switches to the executable?03:57
prav33nFor example #!/usr/bin/foo -t -d -o -s03:58
X-722Scunizi: Thank you03:58
Scunizicrdlb: you mean the difference between twinview and xinerama?03:58
prav33nWill this work fine?03:58
ScuniziX-722: np03:58
tritiumallquixotic: http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77672.html03:58
watariHello, I was wondering how I can retrieve files off of my windows partition and put them in Ubuntu03:59
crdlbScunizi: ah, that's just nvidia being broken :) as long as it sets the xinerama info (ie telling apps where the physical monitors are), fullscreen and such should work03:59
watarii just want to move my music and WoW files03:59
cdm10I'm running 64-bit Ubuntu on a new Dell laptop, and I'm having issues with the hard drive throughput dropping drastically on occasion, and causing the system to hang.04:00
watariim just gonna copy and paste my question04:00
Scunizicrdlb: yes with xinerama.. twinnview I think it sets it up as one large space thus "full screen" means "across both monitors".. I think you just said that but wanted to reitterate it differntly04:00
watariHello, I was wondering how I can retrieve files off of my windows partition and put them in Ubuntu04:00
EvilAIMsudo apt-get install ntfs-3g04:01
crdlbScunizi: no, my point is that that's not supposed to happen04:01
EvilAIMbut, in ubuntu, it should have the options under 'Places' to mount it04:01
Scunizicrdlb: with either twinnview or xinerama?04:01
tritiumEvilAIM: that should be installed by default04:02
skate2RussM_, so apache in ubuntu uses ipv6 only by default?04:02
EvilAIMtritium: I know, I was just making sure if he's running an older version where it wasn't.04:02
crdlbScunizi: both twinview and xinerama should be using the xinerama protocol to tell apps about the physical monitors04:02
EvilAIMtritium: can't hurt to check04:02
RussM_skate2, no, generally it sets up both ipv4 and ipv604:03
crdlbScunizi: the only time I know of when twinview won't is if you enable the second monitor after starting X (XRandR 1.2 doesn't have that flaw, but nvidia still hasn't implemented it)04:04
shyamhad a perfect suspend experiment.. thank you guys.. will come later having some food.. or i'll hav to go hybernation..04:04
shyamcrdlb: have some dbus error, i can't go for /usr/bin/gnome-power-cmd.sh04:04
Scunizicrdlb: ah.. k.. broken or not I would like to see three modes available.. twinnview (the way it works now), xinerama (two independant screens with drag across capability) and for lack of a better term, "Mirror" so what's on one is also on the other.04:04
shyamcrdlb: anyway thanks.. bye..04:04
bonez46resolution? anyone?04:05
bluenzohow do themes work? I downloaded a theme, its a folder with a bunch of .bmp and .cur etc...04:05
crabgrassanyone know if it's possible to have multiple instances of wget running, each using it's own proxy server/04:06
crdlbScunizi: imho, apps should just support displaying things across both monitors (optionally)04:06
Buttons6Brasero crashes on me every time I choose audio project, all other projects seem to work ok. :(04:06
Droopsta915Are all sound cards compatible with Ubuntu?04:06
crabgrassButtons6: try k3b?04:07
Buttons6what is k3b?04:07
Dulaka burning app04:07
ScuniziButtons6: a cd burning app04:07
Scunizi & dvd04:07
Buttons6brasero was working so I don't know what happend04:08
Buttons6just burned an audio cd a few mins ago04:08
Droopsta915Buttons6: I would uninstall it, then reinstall it. I had the same problem.04:08
Buttons6i did that, didn't work04:08
Droopsta915Buttons6: How many times has it crashed onyou?04:09
Buttons6meh, 30 times04:09
Buttons6all in the last 5 mins04:09
crdlbcrabgrass: apparently, wget uses the http_proxy environment variable to determine the proxy server, so yes, I guess. Just put a different one in each process's environment04:09
Buttons6let me try a complete uninstal through synaptic04:09
Droopsta915Buttons6:You reinstalled?04:09
mhikupostfix send isnt working, can anyone help me debug?04:09
bonez46why doesn't 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' work on my 8.10 desktop installation? Why won't it recognize my hardware and configure xorg.conf accordingly?04:10
crabgrasscrdlb: that involves `export` in bash, right?04:10
crabgrasscrdlb: and i'm not too sure what you mean by environment04:10
Buttons6yes, I just reinstall brasero again, and it still crashes04:10
n00bI'm having trouble getting my wireless to work on 8.1004:10
Scunizibonez46: it might not be receiving any info from your video card or monitor or both04:10
n00bwould anyone be willing to help me?04:10
Droopsta915Buttons6:yeah mark for complete removal and reinstall, thats what I did. I installed K3b, just incase Brasero acts up.04:10
Scunizi!ask | n00b04:11
ubottun00b: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:11
Buttons6i'll probably have to switch04:11
crdlbcrabgrass: yes, or just specify it in front of the wget command04:11
n00boh okay, sorry04:11
Droopsta915noob: Can't help if you don't explain your question. :)04:11
xtknightButtons6, i have the same issue with audio cds04:11
n00bwell I tried using ndiswrapper following multiple guides online, but it still doesn't seem to work04:11
xtknighteven k3b doesnt burn the audio cds properly04:11
Buttons6i installed a lot of libs so I could compile some source, would those new libs be causing the problem?04:11
n00bso I'm pretty much trying to troubleshoot04:11
Droopsta915troubleshoot what?04:12
n00bso my question: How would you start troubleshooting the wireless LAN connection not working?04:12
crabgrasscrdlb: so... `export http_proxy http://path.to.server/:8080 && wget www.foo.com/bar.jpg` ?04:12
bonez46why doesn't 8.10 recognize my hardware correctly/04:12
crdlbcrabgrass: apparently you can also do it like this: wget -e "http_proxy = http://ip:port" "http://content"04:12
crabgrasscrdlb: hmm, lemmie look into it04:12
Buttons6bonez, has any ubuntu distro recognized your wireless card?04:12
HammerHead66hello everyone04:12
xtknightButtons6, intrepid or jaunty for you?  i need to know whether or not to file a bug for the audio thing as well04:13
Scunizibonez46: because your hardware may not be talking back to the quiries from the software.. I'll send you a link from ubottu that might help.04:13
Scunizi!resolution | bonez4604:13
ubottubonez46: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution04:13
Buttons6i'm on 8.10, intrepid04:13
perilluxcould anyone please tell me the package name for the program "netsh" ??04:13
Buttons6PM me if you like04:13
crdlbcrabgrass: 'http_proxy=http://path.to.server:8080 wget www.foo.com/bar.jpg' would be the environment way04:13
xtknightperillux, type "netsh" in the terminal.  it will tell u what pkg to install04:13
perilluxxtknight: thanks04:13
zaccourmy internet is 5 megs but the ubuntu updates dont download nearly that fast. what gives?04:13
ultratekhow would i connect to a buddies host at another location to admin the router?04:14
Droopsta915noob: I would start by going to system > Admin > Hardware Drivers, and make sure the wireless card is green, if not check the box and restart your computer04:14
perilluxxtknight: didn't give a package name04:14
perilluxxtknight: I am on a very old laptop, it would take me over 10min to open up synaptic and search for it...04:14
Scunizizaccour: download speed depends on a lot of things.. not just what your end of the pipe is capable of04:14
xtknightperillux, isnt that a windows program04:14
crdlbperillux: netsh appears to be a windows tool04:14
owen1is N270 Atom CPU is better than 1.3ghz?04:14
chockenwhen will the new 2.6.29 kernel be included in the updates?04:14
n00bI'm on a dell 600m, and others have said that the wireless drivers worked with ndiswrapper, but for some reason, after I followed the guide it didn't show up, how should I fix this?04:15
perilluxxtknight:  srdlb: I see... thanks04:15
zaccourScunizi, oh you mean like server distributing due to lots of users?04:15
lstarneschocken: likely in ubuntu 9.0404:15
crdlbchocken: it won't be04:15
Flannelowen1: Try #ubuntu-offtopic04:15
bluenzotoo many types of themes, what kind of theme edits icons and the menus and stuff? I dunno where to start, to customize my desktop n windows04:15
TheFunkbombHey, is there any way I can split a folder without being able to access it?  I have a folder with 68k files and it freezes nautilus up04:15
chockencrdlb you mean it won't be available via update, but will be included in 9.04?04:16
Droopsta915noob: Did you try going into the hardware drivers, make sure the proprietary drivers are enabled. I would try this before attempting ndiswrapper.04:16
Scunizizaccour: that and/or how many hops to the target, the targets capacity, maybe the target shapes the download speed to manage bandwidth etc.. It's only as fast as the slowest link in the chain between you and the other end.04:16
crdlbchocken: actually, 9.04 will have 2.6.28 with fixes cherrypicked from 2.6.2904:16
moose86 hello guys04:16
moose86> ive got xubuntu installed on my lappy04:16
moose86 and i plug in a wifi usbs tick04:16
moose86 it doesnt work04:16
moose86 not recognized at all04:16
FloodBot2moose86: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:16
moose86but i plug it into my desktop with ubuntu and it works fine04:16
zaccouroh ok04:16
zaccourScunizi, do distro downloads usually allow maximun capacity?04:17
chockencrdlb ok, that's what I needed to know04:17
Scunizizaccour: just like your computer is only as fast as the slowest part04:17
Scunizizaccour: not always. I've found that using a torrent for a distro is faster.'04:17
n00bdoes anyone know why the Hardware Driver window would stay at 0% without responding?04:17
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo04:18
zaccouroh ok04:18
=== WhiteOnion is now known as Ahmuck-Sr
zaccourScunizi, are torrents usually faster than http/ftp?04:18
chuy_maxhey guys, if I have 1 partition with intrepid, and 1 partition with feisty (feisty was installed later). How can I make it so intrepid grub recognizes feisty partitions automatically? (I tried update-grub but it did not work)04:19
n00bblah well thanks anyways peoples04:19
Scunizizaccour: depends on how many seeders there are. I've downloaded ubuntu desktop via a torrent in 10 minutes or less and much longer via http/ftp04:19
zaccouroh ok thanks04:19
crabgrasscrdlb: that's working out great, thanks04:19
Droopsta915blah to you, impatient noob. :p.04:20
chockenWould I horribly break things like lib dependencies if I installed kernel 2.6.29 on 8.10?04:20
Droopsta915Has anyone tryed Ubuntu Studio for a music studio? I want to go Linux all the way. Even with music recording.04:21
Scunizichocken: try it.. you can always boot into the older kernel if it doesn't work04:21
crdlbchocken: kernel and userspace are pretty well separated, so it should be reasonably safe (other than proprietary kernel modules)04:21
chockenScunizi true04:21
chockencrdlb and true .. thanks04:22
mrsteveman1choken: just make sure you actually get the drivers you need compiled and included in the initrd04:22
bonez46Scunizi: thanks. I guess there's no easy way.. it's a hack job.. right? Is there anything that will probe and discover the values I need to work into my xorg.conf?04:22
chockenmrsteveman1 yes, thanks for the reminder04:22
Bridger987Droopsta915:  I second this question.04:22
Scunizibonez46: what kind of video card do you have/04:22
bluenzotoo many types of themes, what kind of theme edits icons and the menus and stuff? I dunno where to start, to customize my desktop n windows04:22
Droopsta915Bridger987: Do you use windows for music?04:23
bonez46Scunizi: it's on the mobo.. via rhine.. with chrome 9 ..04:23
chockenok, well I'm about to do it. If it screws itself I'll be back. Otherwise it's all good :-)04:23
Scunizibonez46: hang on a sec.04:23
bonez4601:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. K8M890CE/K8N890CE [Chr04:23
bonez46ome 9] (rev 11)04:23
bonez46that's my video.. from lspci04:23
Buttons6Question for you Audiophiles out there: I have an assortment of MP3's and FLAC's that all sound just great on my PC, but when I normalize them and put them on a audio cd, the MP3's always end up softer and flat?  Any suggestions?04:23
Bridger987Droopsta915:  Sort of.  I'm always messing around with editing audio and such.  Nothing serious.  ^_^04:23
Droopsta915bluenzo: what do you want to do, use a theme that is preinstalled, or find a new theme?04:23
ultratekhow would i connect to a buddies host at another location to admin the router?04:24
Droopsta915Bridger987: I'm installing Ubuntu Studio, in vbox at the momoent, hope it's what I think it is.04:24
bluenzoDroopsta915, either lol04:24
bonez46Scunizi: I appreciate your help!04:25
Bridger987Droopsta915:  You'll have to tell me about it.  I suppose I could give it a shot in virtualbox as well, but I'll have to download it.04:25
moose86anyone know how to install a USB WIFI stick if nto automatically recognised?04:27
moose86anyone know how to install a USB WIFI stick if nto automatically recognised?04:28
Droopsta915bluenzo: ok, right click the desktop, click change desktop background, when the window opens, choose theme tab and wahlah all the preinstalled themes are at your control. If you want more themes,icons,splashscreens,boot screens, go to www.gnome-look.org04:28
Scunizibonez46: there are threads out there that talk about chrome 9 being difficult if not impossible.. there are two drivers listed in synaptic.  if only one is loaded you might try the other. check System>Admin>hardware drivers to see if you need to "enable" a driver there. there is a driver for chrome 9 in .rpm format. you might have to google for one in .deb format.  sorry beyond that I'm stumped..04:29
bonez46difficult, yes, but I HAD this working well.. it's just about crafting my xorg.conf .. but I didn't make a back up of the file.. so it's left me with hideous 800x600 resolution04:30
bonez46Scunizi: thanks for the pointers..04:30
ultratekmoose: who makes the wifi stick?04:30
Droopsta915Bridger987:My install is at 97%, i'll let you know how it looks when complete. You should also tr the Ubuntu Studio webssite. They got screenshots of the program. I guess it's Ubuntu with a bunch of music software and editors preinstalled.04:30
Scunizibonez46: typing xrandr in terminal will give you a list of "supported" resolutions.. randr controls video for the most part and is very flexable.. you can use it to list a new resolution and activate it.04:31
moose86netgear WG111v@ ultratek04:31
Bridger987Droopsta915:  Not a bad idea.  I'll have to take a look. ^_^04:31
n2diy! screensaver04:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about screensaver04:31
EvilAIMQuestion, I think the command is 'su' but how do you do it so that you stay as a higher up user?04:31
bonez46supported, eh? I load up the live cd and it loads up in 1280x1024.. yet, that's not showing with xrandr.. as a supported resolution.04:31
EvilAIMI forget the command...04:31
Tugle_got a good question thats been bothering me for weeks now04:32
Scunizibonez46: then with the live cd check xorg and see what's listed for the driver.04:32
EvilAIMinstead of having to do sudo all the time, you can just do this command, type the pass in and it leaves you in su or something04:32
bonez46ah.. ok..04:32
tritiumEvilAIM: sudo -i04:32
Tugle_anytime I launch pidgin, skype, or a bit torrent client (vuze), my internet connection dies04:32
n2diyEvilAIM: that defeats half of the security you get by running linux.04:33
jj_galvezcan anyone help, when I click on a window it won't take focus or raise, this is really driving me nuts04:33
Tugle_i can run empathy without issues04:33
KupomanHow well do Radeon HD 4670s work in 8.10?04:33
Scunizithey make your harddrive melt into an unrecognizable mass  :).. (don't take this seriously)04:34
RussM_EvilAIM, sudo -i  ?04:34
KupomanI haven't used an ATI card in Ubuntu since about 7.10, and I am not sure how/if things have changed much04:34
EvilAIMyea, that was the one04:34
EvilAIMit's not for me man:)04:34
EvilAIMi don't use it, I had a user ask about it and I just forgot the syntax... shows how much I use it;)04:35
RussM_EvilAIM, Sorry, guess my screen had stopped scrolling for a bit there, old news apparently04:35
EvilAIMit's all gravy sir04:36
Tugle_so any suggestions?04:36
TTTroubleHi, I can see my wireless card using iwconfig(it shows up as wlan0), but I don't seem to see an icon on the top right showing me available wireless networks...what do I do to fix this?04:37
n2diyIs there a way to customize a screenzaver? Winblows used to have the Marquee screensaver that you could use your own custom text, colors, etc... I'd love to have that here and have my computer brag about running linux.04:37
jj_galvezsorry wrong window04:38
pulgokiwhat is the easiest way to find out which network card drivers are loaded?04:39
n2diypulgoki: lsmod04:39
pulgokii know lsmod will list which modules but its not very explanatory04:39
pulgokii use freebsd04:39
pulgokiso this is strange to me04:39
coastermasterIs there a general open source room?  I've got a question about Open Source Software.04:40
watarihey, im trying to mount my main hard drive through ubuntu but it isn't detecting my hard drive04:40
n2diycoastermaster: #ubuntu-offtopic?04:40
fr500watari: is your disk listed on your pc's bios?04:40
watarihow do i check?04:41
Droopsta915pulgoki:Type lshw in a terminal04:41
jj_galvezis there a room for window manager issues?04:41
watarichecking now04:41
Scunizijj_galvez: ##windows04:41
Titan8990coastermaster: there is #gnu04:41
fr500watari: try fdisk -l04:41
RussM_pulgoki, try lshw, look for ethernet?04:42
jj_galvezScunizi: so thats for window managers not MS Windows, thanks04:42
pulgokii think thats the ticket04:42
Scunizijj_galvez: sorry.. misunderstood.. not window managers.. windows. :)04:42
flatcokejoin #ubuntu-cn04:42
watarithis is the output for fdisk - l04:42
Tugle_Anytime I launch pidgin, skype, or vuze; my internet connection is disabled.  I can run xchat, empathy, etc just fine.  Any suggestions as to what is going on?04:42
moose86Guys what if i dont see an administration menu?04:42
watariUsage: fdisk [-b SSZ] [-u] DISK     Change partition table04:42
watari       fdisk -l [-b SSZ] [-u] DISK  List partition table(s)04:42
watari       fdisk -s PARTITION           Give partition size(s) in blocks04:42
watari       fdisk -v                     Give fdisk version04:42
watariHere DISK is something like /dev/hdb or /dev/sda04:42
FloodBot2watari: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:42
watariand PARTITION is something like /dev/hda704:42
n2diypulgoki: maybe ifconfig will tell you something you want?04:43
jj_galvezScunizi: bummer, there is something wrong with the way my windows is acting and I can't seem to figure it out04:43
FloodBot2watari: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:43
macmanguys .. whats a good live cd where i can install scalpel .. i can't boot ubuntu because it takes forever04:43
fr500watari: without space after the -04:43
TTTroubleis it possible for the wireless driver to be installed, but the wireless icon not show up on the top right in ubuntu?04:44
moose86Guys what if i dont see an administration menu?04:44
moose86Guys what if i dont see an administration menu?04:44
fr500TTTrouble: the wireless icon is network-manager-gnome applet04:44
fr500so yes04:44
pulgokin2diy: nah.. it doesnt list the driver that it is using04:44
pulgokilsmod is good but the output isnt clear04:45
seightyou can always change the root password by typing - sudo passwd root04:45
RussM_pulgoki, did lshw do  it? I can see in mine that I have the e1000 driver loaded.04:46
pulgokii had to use modinfo to find for sure04:46
g4lt-lappyseight, or you could just not use root04:46
pulgokiRussM_: yea04:46
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo04:46
TTTroublehmmm, I just checked, it the network-manager-gnome is installed, and my wireless shows up in iwconfig, and ndiswrapper -l, but for some reason I cannot connect, anybody got any ideas?04:46
n2diypulgoki: maybe lsmod has switches that would help you, but I'm no familiar with them, the man page might help you.04:46
pulgokiRussM_: it was321 allot of output04:46
seightyeah, but you are using root by using sudo04:46
Flannel!noroot | seight04:46
ubottuseight: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)04:46
seightthe system supports using root04:47
pulgokiRussM_: when i typed lshw it seemed to probe everything04:47
Droopsta915TTTrouble: Did you try going into the hardware drivers and make sure the wireless proprietary driver is enabled?04:47
* g4lt-lappy hardly ever uses root now, with solaris's pfexec and ubuntu's sudo04:47
EvilAIMI don't even think I have root enabled..04:47
EvilAIMthere's no point...04:47
RussM_pulgoki, Yeah, that it does.04:47
g4lt-lappyseight, yes, but WE as an IRC channel don't04:48
pulgokiRussM_: made my pc act strange for a minute04:48
Flannelseight: The system does.  The official stance is not to use it, etc.  This channel assumes you aren't using it, etc.04:48
jj_galvezdoes gnome have a room?04:48
RussM_pulgoki, this works for me on 2 of my PCs:      lshw | grep "ip="04:49
HammerHead66"/list" command04:49
g4lt-lappyjj_galvez, not on this server.  gnome has their own IRCnetwork04:49
hakuninIs there any partitioning tool that will allow me to easily partition my SD card? I want to make it half fat32, half ext204:49
jj_galvezg4lt-lappy: thanks I'll look for it04:49
corinthI keep getting an error on login. My ~/.dmrc file is locked: I don't have permission to write to it. Help?04:49
pulgokiRussM_: I am used to seeing the correct output with dmesg or even just ifconfig04:50
Scunizihakunin: partimage04:50
hakuninScunizi: thank you!04:50
g4lt-lappyhakunin, I'm going to suggest you not do that on this.  SD cards really were never designed to have anything other than fat32 filesystems on them04:50
Scunizihakunin: sorry not partimage.. gparted04:50
pulgokiRussM_: this will take some getting used to. Freebsd runs poorly on my laptop so i chose linux04:50
hakuninScunizi: ok, will look for it04:50
lstarnesDroopsta915: that's for the xchat-gnome irc client, not for gnome itself04:51
fr500wanah ext3 should work fine04:51
macmanguys .. whats a good live cd where i can install scalpel .. i can't boot ubuntu because it takes forever04:51
hakuning4lt-lappy: if it runs from ssd, i'm sure non-journaled ext2 should work fine, not much different from fat32 in terms of load, also i need permission support : )04:51
LouDawgyo what up folks im on sabayon 4 and im im luvin this shyt u feel me knockin let me up in that chat i mean channel make me an admin or atleast co admin im tryin to boot some peeps yall feel me04:51
LouDawgwhats poppin in gnome droops04:52
jj_galvezDroopsta915: thanks found it04:52
corinth1337 users, woooot.04:52
* corinth is done04:52
g4lt-lappyhakunin, ext2 is, the SD CARD isn't04:52
LouDawgwootie wooot04:53
LouDawgu feel me04:53
=== drh is now known as deletednick
LouDawgyo carinth let me hear ya say ugnhhh04:53
Droopsta915yup yup. nope. problem. ; )04:53
Scunizi!ot | LouDawg04:53
deletednickHey - When i try to use my computers  built in system restore function frmo the recovery partition grub just starts and hangs04:53
ubottuLouDawg: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:53
deletednickHow do i get around this?04:53
corinthI can't chown a file I need to own. It tells me that permission is denied. Help?04:53
lstarnescorinth: have you tried using sudo chown?04:53
deletednicksudo chown04:54
* corinth raises his hands and parties with LouDawg04:54
hakuning4lt-lappy: i'm just pointing out similarity btw sd card to ssd and how ext2 already performs well on ssd04:54
corinthlstarnes: Yeah. Weird, huh?04:54
LouDawgyo im tryin to fuck some yall feel me04:54
Scunizi!ops | LouDawg04:54
ubottuLouDawg: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!04:54
LouDawgim so sorry i mean poke some ladys04:54
Droopsta915LouDawg:U can't get any of that online, go to the bar and pick up a real chick, loser04:54
LouDawgyall feel me04:55
corinth!language @ LouDawg04:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:55
corinthI hate the inconsistency of channel bots across servers.04:55
jetscreamertry no spaces04:55
LouDawgi aint got no legs mofo i cant go to the bar04:55
* g4lt-lappy applies a black and decker to LouDawg. yeah, but I didn't like the feel04:55
LouDawgu feel me04:55
Scunizicorinth: use a pipe between the !<command> and the nick04:56
Droopsta915LouDawg: Help!04:56
LouDawg-!yall better feel me04:56
* jetscreamer pukes & moves on04:56
LouDawgwhat you need dawg04:56
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:56
Droopsta915LouDawg: Get your ass out of the Linux room fool, you ain't the only ghetto mofo in here.04:57
Droopsta915How do I boot someone from a channel?04:57
g4lt-lappyseriously LouDawg do you have an actual question, because you surely haven't been helping people04:57
HammerHead66u have to be admin04:57
o0Chris0oDroopsta915: can't, ops has already been called04:58
corinthIf I need to change ownership of a file, it's simply   sudo chown user:user /path/to/file   , right?04:58
HammerHead66or just ignore him right click his name04:58
Droopsta915g4lt-lappy:Come on, let's not egg this loser on, he doesn't even know what Ubuntu is. lol. We don't need this in the room04:59
g4lt-lappyDroopsta915, problem solved ;P04:59
bazhang!give me a test04:59
ubottuOh no, I won't, I'm not like some of those nasty scripts' users!04:59
=== tiagofalcao[AWAY is now known as tiagofalcao
yinlongis there anyone can tell me the function of soft wine?04:59
Droopsta915Nice! :)05:00
g4lt-lappynever heard of "soft wine", but wine is a way for running win32 programs in linus05:00
g4lt-lappythat was bad05:01
g4lt-lappynever heard of "soft wine", but wine is a way for running win32 programs in linuX05:01
yinlongg4lt-lappy:oh ,yew05:01
yinlongg4lt- lappy :it is wine05:01
RussM_pulgoki, try this       ls -l /sys/class/net/*/device/driver/module05:02
=== indos256 is now known as ce_okil
o0Chris0o!wine | yinlong05:02
ubottuyinlong: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help05:02
bluenzo^nixi cant find ktorrent05:02
bluenzo^nixwhere is it located at?05:02
bluenzo^nixafter installed05:02
bluenzo^nixsorry for flood05:02
FloodBot2bluenzo^nix: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:02
binarymutantbluenzo^nix, /usr/bin ?05:02
o0Chris0obluenzo^nix: this isn't kubuntu try #kubuntu, but it should be under "Internet" menu05:02
yinlongubuntu:can i install software like in windows when i have wine?05:03
bluenzo^nixno i mean physical location05:03
bluenzo^nixim trying to "select program to open with" kinda thing05:03
bluenzo^nixill look in usr/bin ty05:03
Droopsta915bluenzo: did you figure the theme out?05:03
o0Chris0oyinlong: ubottu is a bot, he/she/it wont respond :) and Yes you can05:03
yinlongo0chris0o:oh,yes thank you05:04
o0Chris0oyinlong: if you look on the wine website, you can find the link that will show you the applications/games that work well with it05:05
=== indos256 is now known as ce_okill
jj_galvezcan anyone help me with a focus issue?  when I start my compuer I programs do not switch their focus or raise when I click on them05:05
Droopsta915Well, I got to get up early in the morn, 6 hours till I go to work. 6am shift sucks! Good night my fellow Ubuntu users. Ladies and Gents, Geeks and Techs. :)05:06
HammerHead66Droopsta915:  goodinght05:06
yinlongo0chris0o:but ,the source is very slow05:07
o0Chris0oyinlong: what do you mean as in "souce" your downloading the source from the website?05:08
bluenzo^nixno i didnt figure out themes lol05:08
=== diego is now known as Guest3012
Guest3012entrem no meu chat: http://mega-linux-chat.blogspot.com/05:08
Guest3012entrem no meu chat: http://mega-linux-chat.blogspot.com/05:09
Guest3012entrem no meu chat: http://mega-linux-chat.blogspot.com/05:09
Guest3012entrem no meu chat: http://mega-linux-chat.blogspot.com/05:09
FloodBot2Guest3012: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:09
bonez46english, please05:09
bazhangGuest3012, dont paste that here05:09
yinlongo0chris0o:do you know how to install ubuntu system in a LAN?05:09
o0Chris0oyinlong: I do not, there is a wiki how to I'm sure, let me find it for you05:10
yinlongo0chris0o:i mean how to connect to the internet?05:10
RussM_pulgoki, You still here?05:12
=== tiagofalcao is now known as tiagofalcao[AWAY
o0Chris0o!install | yinlong Not sure what install you would want to use, these are all the methods05:12
ubottuyinlong Not sure what install you would want to use, these are all the methods: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate05:12
o0Chris0ooops :(05:12
dsdeizwhat does the '&' sign mean when typing 'firefox &'?05:12
jj_galvezcan anyone help me with a focus issue?  when I start my compuer I programs do not switch their focus or raise when I click on them05:13
yinlong0ochris0o:let me see it clearly05:13
o0Chris0oyinlong: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation05:13
chalcedny we downloaded dia (to make a flowchart) my husband is trying to find it and the manual.pdf in Applications .. any idea where to look?05:14
infiter789Anyone knows how to configure a headphone usb 2.0?05:14
RussM_dsdeiz, start the command (firefox) without waiting for it to finish.05:15
yinlongo0chris0o:let me see05:15
o0Chris0oyinlong: I posted the link :)05:15
GhostLineneed help installing 64bit intrepid on a tyan mobo05:15
RussM_dsdeiz, that makes firefox a background process, and gives you back the command prompt immediately05:16
GhostLineinstallation (no quiet splash) after msg PCI: Using configuration type 1 for base access05:16
GhostLineinstallation (no quiet splash) hangs after msg PCI: Using configuration type 1 for base access05:17
dsdeizbut then again it still outputs error messages on the terminal where you ran it right? :S05:17
garciahow to copy mp3 from my computer to the iphone?05:17
garciado i use rhythmbox?05:17
RussM_dsdeiz, Generally, yes. There are ways to change  that, like to put errors into a file, if you want.05:17
dsdeizis it like this firefox & >> error_firefox.txt05:18
RussM_dsdeiz, firefox 2>error_firefox.txt &05:18
gvsa123Hi! it has been some time since I last setup ubuntu. is there a gui to setup samba to work with file and printer sharing with windows now?05:18
dsdeizyeay! thanks :-)05:18
Surlent777would anyone have any idea why FCE Ultra is able to get sound in a TTY, and yet ZSNES and DOSBox cannot? (It may be worth noting that to make these run in the TTY, one is forced to run them as root)05:19
woltergvsa123, yes05:20
gvsa123wolter: like i don't have to copy paste the classic configuration file in the forums anymore? i wonder what packages i have to install?05:21
woltergvsa123, you can either download the non-official webadmin html multi-pupose configuration client, or use System > Administration > Samba05:21
woltergvsa123, just samba i think05:21
wolterwhat is samba4 ?05:22
gvsa123wolter: i installed samba from synaptic and the entry in sys>admin>samba isn't there... is samba4 stable? i saw it when i ran the search for samba and it say that it's experimental05:23
woltergvsa123, yeah, i just googled it.05:23
Surlent777would anyone have any idea why FCE Ultra is able to get sound in a TTY, and yet ZSNES and DOSBox cannot? (It may be worth noting that to make these run in the TTY, one is forced to run them as root)05:24
woltergvsa123, then try downloading samba-client or samba-tools05:24
icerootSurlent777: hardy?05:24
gartralhow do i turn off focus follows curser and smooth scrolling, there really starting to aggervate me05:24
gvsa123wolter: i'll check it out05:24
woltergvsa123, ah dont!05:24
Surlent777iceroot: Intrepid05:24
woltergvsa123, got it... check "add remove" for samba05:24
gvsa123wolter: huh?05:25
woltergvsa123, the add/remove applications app05:25
icerootSurlent777: hm ok, there was a bug in hardy, so zsnes has no sound. there you have to use an oss or alsa wrapper dont know exactly anymore05:25
gvsa123wolter: i saw the entry...05:26
Surlent777iceroot: Intrepid's zsnes doesn't work AT ALL; I'm using the hardy version. Incidentally, I never had that sound error, and I've also fixed my PulseAudio installation...and this only doesn't have sound in a TTY; it works perfectly in X05:26
woltergvsa123, download and install it05:26
gvsa123wolter: dlding05:27
droazenthere is a special version of zsnes available on the forums that fixes the hardy issues05:27
droazenthe zsnes forums, i mean :)05:27
gvsa123wolter: i wonder if there are plans to have ubuntu with samba by default and ready to connect to MSHOME...05:27
HammerHead66does anyone know how to make the video buffer bigger?05:27
Surlent777droazen: I have Intrepid, and I have the old hardy version. Again, it works fine in X; I just get no sound in a TTY05:28
woltergvsa123, ah i don't know, but that app lets you do that in seconds05:28
droazensurlent777: ah i see :) well it wouldn't hurt to try this version -- it fixed all of my audio issues with zsnes05:29
gartralthis is what im talking about, i went to play atanks, moved the curser, and when i went to quit, the fucos was on the window, and IT closed, how do i turn that OFF05:30
gvsa123wolter: and it has a good help file too!!! :)05:30
woltergvsa123, sure thing buddy05:30
Surlent777droazen: It's also not just ZSNES...DOSBox also has no sound in a TTY. FCE Ultra works, however, and so does mocp and yauap. The readout seems to indicate with both ZSNES and DB ALSA is being used, and apparently loaded correctly. FCEU gives no indication of what it uses; neither do yaupe or mocp05:31
Surlent777that with*05:31
Surlent777(yaupe and mocp are console-based music players)05:32
gartralhow do i turn off smooth scrolling and focus follows mouse?!?!05:33
bullgard4The File Hierarch Standard (FHS) says that /dev stores "Essential devices". What are 'essential' devices, and what are in contrast 'unessential' devices?05:33
KDewhirstgartral: it's in the control settings under the mouse stuff05:33
abhishekiitdhey my upper taskbar has gone to the right of the screen, i cant place it back.please help!05:34
gartralKDewhirst: no... its not... ive looked 100 times05:34
Surlent777abhishekiitd: Right click on it, and go to its properties...make sure that it's not being told to stay put05:34
garciahow do i mount iphone?05:35
KDewhirstgartral: perhaps under the window manager settings? i use kde in linux and i'm in windows now, so i can't walk you throught it05:35
KDewhirstgartral: let me see if i can google something for you05:35
droazensurlent777: found it! here are the "experimental" zsnes 1.51b binaries: http://board.zsnes.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=1151305:35
o0Chris0o!iphone | garcia05:35
ubottugarcia: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod05:35
abhishekiitdsurient777:i dont get properties upon right click!05:35
Surlent777abhishekiitd: that's bizzare. What DO you get?05:36
KDewhirstgartral: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=15602205:36
Surlent777droazen: thanks, I'll look at it, but it's also not just ZSNES...DOSBox also has no sound in a TTY. FCE Ultra works, however, and so does mocp and yauap. The readout seems to indicate with both ZSNES and DB ALSA is being used, and apparently loaded correctly. FCEU gives no indication of what it uses; neither do yaupe or mocp05:37
abhishekiitdsurient777:i right clicked, to find a move option...i clicked on this and tried to move05:37
Surlent777that's an L in my name =P Also, I don't recall there BEING a move option on the panel...05:38
Surlent777in fact, there isn't at all, from what I can see05:38
gvsa123wolter: i am supposed to see the other computer through Go>Network on Nautilus right? the computer can see me through My Network Places in Windows though...05:38
droazensurlent777: yeah it may not help...sounds like you have a different problem than i had -- but worth a shot maybe05:39
abhishekiitdsurient777:well tell me, where exact;ly do i have to right click, anywhere on that bar?05:39
Surlent777abhishekiitd: any blank spot should do05:39
gartralKDewhirst: yay! thats the main one taken care of, now to figure out smooth scrolling (i hate that i hit the scroll wheel and it caches the amount of "clicks" it made05:39
abhishekiitdsurient777:well and if there is no blank spot?05:39
Surlent777abhishekiitd: There has to be somewhere o_O what did you do to the thing?!05:40
gvsa123wolter: hmmm... that's odd... it seems my wife's xp is having problems with their own network....... lol05:40
KDewhirstgartral: do you want it for a specific program? I think firefox will do it independantly. If this isn't under the mouse settings, I don't know how to help you05:41
abhishekiitdsurient777: i removed my application, system, etc...and now i got a blank spot, right click properties, and it is done...but how do i get those menus back?05:41
gartralKDewhirst: no, its on accross all programs, and i want it gone05:42
Surlent777abhishekiitd: That can be gotten by going to "Add to panel" and choosing "Menu Bar"05:42
Surlent777abhishekiitd: then just drag it back to the upper left corner05:43
Sememmonanyone around that is familiar with setting up 5.1 optical audio ..?05:44
KDewhirstgartral: that's a harder problem. I'm not familiar with gnome; maybe somone else can help you? I can't find anything on Google about turning it off. Sorry05:44
gvsa123wolter: because i know i configured that system already when i still had xp on this lappy, and we able to share file already. but now, it can see ubuntu, but i cannot see xp from ubuntu end...05:45
gartralKDewhirst: also, if i right click something, and release the right mouse button without selecting anything on the dialog box, it will do either the first or last things in the box, i dont know how many accidental new folders ive made doinf that05:45
woltergvsa123, oh well, samba is not very good. i have a lot of problems with it. I use ftp now.05:45
woltergvsa123, which isn't as stable either. not on my computer05:46
droazensurlent777: i think fceu uses esd, but not completely sure05:46
gartralalso, all these problems seem indipendant of metacity/compiz GTK/Emerald05:46
gvsa123wolter: i think, ubuntu is acting like the "server" for both pc's... i mean i shared a folder from where we would be sharing files... kinda like that...05:46
Surlent777droazen: interesting05:46
KDewhirstgartral: That's a very old convention for right click menus, I think from macos, and I don't know that you can turn it off. Let me look around some.05:47
abhishekiitdsurient777: thanks a lot man, i was able to get it05:47
gartralKDewhirst: thanks alot05:47
Surlent777abhishekiitd: no problem05:47
arash_i have an extremely weird issue with ubuntu on my laptop where when i close my screen, and open it up, i notice that stuff has been copied and pasted all over my documents that are open05:47
Surlent777droazen: I tried using esd for ZSNES, but no go05:47
Surlent777what is mode "+/-e" there?05:48
droazensurlent777: i had audio issues with the ubuntu-packaged fceu as well, so i switched to gfceux via a ppa05:48
dreamyhow  do i put buttons in elightenment ? menus05:48
droazensurlent777: wait scratch that, you said you didn't have issues with fceu :) haha05:48
Surlent777droazen: yeah, heh. Linux is weird at times.05:48
=== drh is now known as blarhg
blarhgI have ubuntu installed ; Now i cant get to my HP recovery partition , but i want windows back.05:49
Surlent777droazen: I tried to do a network game with FCEU, but the joiner always gets a blank screen/freezeup05:49
Sememmonno one around with optical audio experience?05:49
droazensurlent777: yeah i've had no success with netplay on fceu -- old versions of zsnes had beautiful netplay though05:50
KDewhirstgartral: I don't even know what to call that, and i'm having a hard time finding anything about it. Most people don't realize it's there, but it is standard. My advice to you is to click once and let go more quickly. I know it's not what you want to hear, but if you can turn that off, you'll have do dig pretty deep to do it05:50
Surlent777droazen: I'm sick of networking being broken in my two favorite emulators (FCEU/ZSNES) =(05:50
HammerHead66does anyone know how to make the buffer size bigger so I can watch video on firefox without it being all choppy?05:50
umarn #drupal-support05:50
blarhghammerhead why not just pause the video and let it buffer for a while - then play it?05:51
droazensurlent777: i know, it sucks :/ supposedly the next version of zsnes will fix netplay, but it is taking forever to see the light of day05:51
Surlent777droazen: always =(05:51
gartralKDewhirst: hmm... i do hope its gone from jaunty05:51
HammerHead66blarhg: because the buffer size is not big enough05:51
HammerHead66blarhg: if i stop it let it buffer it play's ok til buffer runs out05:52
SememmonI've got audio via optical out.. but dvds in DTS should play in 5.1 on my home theater but they're not =\05:52
HammerHead66blarhg: I just want to manke the buffer bigger05:52
HammerHead66blarhg: * make05:52
blarhgI have ubuntu installed ; Now i cant get to my HP recovery partition , but i want windows back. help me .. help me.. plz help me05:54
joshphow come wvdial began re-pairing my phone every time I dialup?  it generates a random 4 digit code and doesnt tell me what it is05:55
joshpevery time my phone crashes (often) I  have to now manually unpair it and re-pair it with a new code05:56
frybyere: in system|admin|users+groups|privaliges - the "use audio devices" for me is shaded out - not able to change here - how to fix?05:56
gvsa123wolter: that's odd, i the xp machine is now visible under the MSHOME workgroup, but when i double click it, it says "unable to mount location - cannot retrieve share list from server" any ideas?05:56
g4lt-lappyjosh-l, what do you have it dial?05:57
g4lt-lappyjoshp, ^^^^^^^^^05:57
joshpbluetooth to internet05:58
joshpits a new change where it now tries to pair my phone every time05:58
joshpand it doesnt tell me the code! what good is that?05:58
woltergvsa123, i don't know. as I said, I have many problems with samba myself. I would recommend you using a bonjour application..  maybe install pidgin on both and transfer files through bonjour itself, or download lanshark05:59
ScottGI have a question about rsync. So right now I have 2 log files on my laptop and desktop. The one on my laptop is older and has a lot of log info from a while back that I want to keep, it is also the larger of the two. The one on my desktop is smaller and has newer log information. The desktop log file starts where the laptop log file stopped. When I sync, could rsync possibly write over the laptops older log info with the newer (05:59
woltergvsa123, anyway, I have to sleep now. Bye05:59
ScottGbut smaller) log file thatis on the desktop? I would prefferably like the files to be synced with the desktops newer logs prepended to the end of the laptops older logs (since the desktops logs pick up where the laptop leaves off).05:59
gvsa123wolter: i see ... thanks anyway...05:59
Sagaciis there any way to reduce the size of the desktop icons without having to manually resize stretch them?06:01
joshpso before this recent bluetooth change, when my phone would crash, it would reboot and the internet would pick back up06:03
joshpnow it asks to pair my phone using an unknown random 4 digit code06:03
infiter789Anyone knows how to configure a headphone?06:04
Solaris444hi guys, I'm having some trouble with repositories.  I'm in Australia and just installed ubuntu server 8.04 LTS06:05
AcidoI have a transfer speed issue between my ubuntu box and my win xp machine i can transfer files fine via samaba from ubuntu TO winxp but when transfering files FROM xp to unbuntu via ftp its going super slow..... any ideas?06:05
joshpis there any way to roll back bluetooth functions so my stuff works again?06:05
Solaris444Does anyone known how the sources list works?  I can't seem to find an explanation in the official documentation.06:06
KDewhirstSolaris444: what's the problem?06:06
gvsa123anyone familiar with "unable to mount location - cannot retrieve share list from server" problem with samba? i am able to see ubuntu from the windows end. i can see the windows machine in ubuntu through the MSHOME workgroup, but cannot access the files in it...06:06
Solaris444KDewhirst:  The AU ubuntu mirror is going to take 2 days to download only 400 or so MB of packages so I wanted to replace the repositories with a mirror closer to me and much faster.06:07
Solaris444but I don't know what form each entry in the sources.list file should take.06:07
dociduanybody here have much experence with useing jack/jack rack/patchage  in order to route your default sound through various enhancments in jack rack? i got this oddity where everytime banshee changes tracks it grabs a new audio device number (jacksink9 jacksink4 etc) and it disconnects my patches into jackrack where i have to manually reconnect them, is it possible to specify in jack plumbing a stable connection reguardless of the number following jacksink?06:08
Solaris444There is a link to the mirror i want to add but I have no idea what urls or entries to put in sources.list06:08
Iowahcanyone got a ati xpress 1250?06:08
Solaris444Iowahc:  ATI express 1250 isn't supported by their current driver if I remember correctly.06:09
dociduohhh...make a pruchaseing mistake Iowahc ?06:09
KDewhirstSolaris444: if you want to change your mirror, i would recommend doing it from here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Download%20Server06:09
acaslahow can I make a command repeat endlessly?06:09
Solaris444KDewhirst: I don't have a GUI installed.06:09
KDewhirstSolaris444: arg, i knew that was coming06:10
IowahcSolaris444: youre rights. just stopped supporting it :( and old driver isnt working with new x server06:10
IowahcSolaris444: any workarounds maybe?06:10
shearwow, the version of TOR in the repos is so old the network considers it "totally obsolete"06:10
KDewhirstSolaris444: i'm sitting here in windows now, let me see if i can figure it out from looking at the contents of my linux drive06:10
Solaris444IIowahc: if you are feeling brave you could use the open source 3d radeon driver.06:10
Solaris444thanks kdewhirst.06:10
Solaris444I will actually be installing a gui.06:10
Solaris444but ummm, that's the 400MB download i mentioned.06:11
=== Daemon is now known as Xavierg2003
KDewhirstSolaris444: haha, nice06:11
HammerHead66IIowahc: i know how to install it06:11
IowahcHammerHead66: radeon3D ? is it in the repos?06:11
dociduSolaris444, xrandr? or xinerama?06:12
Xavierg2003Hello everyone06:12
HammerHead66IIowahc: hit me up on pm ok06:12
Xavierg2003I need help installing a windows driver to windows through Kubuntu06:12
joshpis there a channel that could better help with this newly introduced bluetooth bug?06:12
Solaris444docidu:  what about xrandr and xinerama?06:12
Solaris444Xavierg2003:  Windows handles its own driver installations.06:13
Solaris444Are you talking about a virtual machine?06:13
docidusorry, butting into a conversation is didnt really have anything to do with untill somebody had some thoughs on my issues06:13
Xavierg2003It does except that i can not pick up wireless internet with windows and i can with kubuntu06:13
Xavierg2003Windows actually does not recognise a few handfuls of hardware etc.06:13
dociduSolaris444, my bad06:13
Solaris444its ok06:14
Solaris444Xavierg2003:  Is this a brand new windows install?06:14
Xavierg2003Had to reboot to dual boot06:14
Solaris444ah.  go to driverpacks.net and read up.06:14
dociduhrmm, anybody know how i go about removeing various sources from the banshee library?  i accidentally added the rsync backup drive so now i got 2 of all my tracks, really annoying06:15
KDewhirstSolaris444: how are you for editing text in the command line?06:15
KusKin_Ubuntuhello geng!!!!!06:16
Solaris444the driverpacks, once integrated  Xavierg2003 will automatically install your drivers during install.06:16
Solaris444KDewhirst:  vi06:16
Xavierg2003onto windows? from Kubuntu?06:16
KDewhirstSolaris444: awesome. I'll help you set your sources to the US mirror, and then you can set them to whatever you like from the gui06:17
kc8pxyXavierg2003:  why not??:)06:17
tol0zaKe tal alguien habla español?06:17
Solaris444no Xavierg2003, during INSTALL of windows.  Just re-install windows and then fix up your boot loader.06:17
KDewhirstSolaris444: (i have a working source list in front of me that uses the us mirror)06:17
Solaris444thanks KDwwhirst06:17
Xavierg2003i already fixed my boot loader06:17
KDewhirstsure thing06:17
Xavierg2003or you are sayin i need to uninstall windows again and reinstall it.06:18
Solaris444Xavierg2003: go to driverpacks.net and start reading.  Trust me.06:18
tol0zaKe tal alguien habla español?06:18
tol0zaKe tal alguien habla español?06:18
tol0zaKe tal alguien habla español?06:18
FloodBot2tol0za: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:18
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.06:18
acaslaCan someone PM me & help me with the while command?06:18
KDewhirstSolaris444: the file you want to edit is called /etc/apt/sources.lst06:18
dociduXavierg2003, sometimes a util called SuperGRUB is quite handy for restorying your bootloader after reinstalling windows, just food for thought in your process06:18
Solaris444go it KDewhirst06:18
Xavierg2003....... i don't know the process i don't even know what to look for on the web site06:18
Solaris444Xavierg2003:  Just do a clean windows install once integrating the driver packs.06:19
KDewhirstSolaris444: okay, lines 5 and 6 tell apt where to go to get its ubuntu-sponsered stuff, which will include your gui06:19
Solaris444Read their documentation Xavierg2003!06:19
KDewhirstSolaris444: if you set them to:06:19
KDewhirstdeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy main restricted06:19
KDewhirstdeb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy main restricted06:19
KDewhirstit should work for you06:19
FloodBot2KDewhirst: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:19
KDewhirstsorry, floodbot06:19
Xavierg2003What does integrating the driver packs mean?06:19
yossarianmay i ask what application is used in this screenshot on the right side of the screen to monitor the system?06:20
Xavierg2003and the tutorial is in german06:20
yossarianany ideas?06:21
Xavierg2003Nein sprechan ze hach duetsch06:21
Xavierg2003No habla espanoel06:21
Solaris444making changes now KDewhirst06:21
Iowahcgot another problem: alt + tab isn't working anymore06:21
KDewhirstSolaris444: okay, good luck06:21
Iowahcwhere can i configure it?06:21
Xavierg2003Solaris: i don't know what your instuctions meant.06:22
Xavierg2003Solaris: pretend you are talking to a noob because i am06:22
Xavierg2003more or less06:22
KDewhirstyossarian: i would guess that it's http://torsmo.sourceforge.net/06:23
yossarianthanks :D06:23
yossarianis there an app that is better than this?06:24
KDewhirstyossarian: no problem. I had a friend that used something like that06:24
KDewhirstyossarian: i don't know. It looks cool, but it seems wasteful to monitor your performence like that to me06:25
KDewhirstXavierg2003: he's futzing with apt sources06:25
KDewhirstXavierg2003: he's not going to reply while he's fighting with that06:25
Xavierg2003fot ya be back then will ask in five or so06:25
yossarianas far as gaming is concerned in ubuntu, is there any other tool other than cedega to run games?06:26
KDewhirstyossarian: I use wine, because it's free. What do you want to run?06:27
KDewhirstyossarian: cedega and crossover are both derived from wine06:27
yossariani know06:27
yossarianbut how about high-end games like crysis?06:27
kc8pxyyossarian:  IIRC, wine surpassed cedega a while back.06:28
=== schnootops is now known as schnootop
yossarianok but you have to be able to use it :P06:28
kc8pxyyossarian:  I've still not gotten crysis to work,  but i can play oblivion just fine :)06:28
KDewhirstyossarian: i play source games in wine all the time. it has more to do with code quality than with the power the game requires06:29
kc8pxyyossarian:  granted, i didn't really try teribly hard.06:29
bluenzo^nixim confused with themes, are there themes to download that contain like, windows, desktop, icons etc...06:29
Solaris444Xaverierg2003: I have to go out.06:29
Solaris444KDewhirst: It worked.06:29
Solaris444Thanks heaps.06:29
KDewhirstyossarian: try here: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=1010706:29
KDewhirstto see what you can do to make it run06:29
KDewhirstSolaris444: no problem06:29
Solaris444I now am getting a much faster download speed.06:29
TuTUXGcrysis is rated silver on winehq tho06:30
sophiai have problem in compiling a grahics program. anyone can help?06:30
yossarianone other thing that's driving me crazy: flash video is really choppy on my laptop(7600 go 256mb)06:30
yossarianbut only when i open youtube and other such site06:31
yossarianvlc, for example, plays flv files fine06:31
KDewhirstSolaris444: i'm glad it's working06:31
KDewhirstyossarian: you probably have the free version of flash installed06:31
yossarianuhm i don't think so :\ i installed restricted modules from synaptic06:31
KDewhirstyossarian: okay, but it might still have the free plugin selected in firefox06:32
DasEi !compile | sophia06:32
ubottusophia: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)06:32
KDewhirstyossarian: go to about:plugins in firefox to see06:32
kc8pxyyossarian:  restricted modules,  or restricted-extras?06:32
chris__hey quick question bout firefox in ubuntu intrepid06:32
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
yossarianrestricted-extras :P06:33
KDewhirstchris__: what is it?06:33
chris__ umm it wont load unless i go to terminsal and enter sudo firefox  other wise it shgows starting firefox the fizzles out06:33
yossarianmozilla says shockwave flash 10.0 r2206:33
xubingI's a Chinese06:33
disappearednghey my openoffice calculate is so laggy any idea on wy?06:33
KDewhirstchris__: run it from an xterm as yourself, and see if it gives you any errors06:34
DasEisophia : where do you stuck ?06:34
chris__noneof my other installations had that issue figured might be the hdd but EVEEERYTHING else loads fine06:34
xubingwho can teach me06:34
xubinghello ,everybody06:34
DasEi !cn > xubing06:35
gartralok, i have an intresting thing here, i want to make a compiz+emerald showcase video, what can i use as a screen recorder?06:36
sophiai am getting error: graphics.h: No such file or directory   , error: dos.h: No such file or directory06:37
sophiaI need to install any library?06:37
chris__kdewhirst nope no errors no nothing06:38
KDewhirstchris__:does it run?06:38
chris__just dont load06:38
Gneasophia: where does the error occur from?06:38
DasEi!who | sophia06:38
ubottusophia: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)06:38
chris__kdewhirst nope  hit enter just bring back prompt06:39
sprockets2000anyone ever use AWN for a dock06:39
KDewhirstchris__:interesting. this is a little sloppy, but try reinstalling firefox06:39
DasEisophia : can you pastebin the last lines from your trml ?06:39
chris__i did... and i installed seamonkey too.... seamonkey wont load at alll lmao06:39
=== konus`away is now known as konus
chris__im actually doing better then i was a matter of hours ago lmao06:40
yossarianwhat about playonlinux?06:41
gartralyossarian: whats playonlinux?06:41
KDewhirstchris__: okay. running a browser as root is one of the most dangerous things you can do, though. see if purging firefox will fix your problem06:41
yossariansome app i've just found06:41
KDewhirstchris__: sudo apt-get purge firefox06:41
chris__kdewhirst i looked in syslog and shoul nothing... the sys monitor doesnt show it running in process...  the launcher command is firefox %j06:41
gartral!info playonlinux06:41
ubottuPackage playonlinux does not exist in intrepid06:42
chris__kdewhirst will do06:42
bluenzo^nixcan someone help me? i downloaded this: i think its icons http://dbgthekafu.deviantart.com/art/black-white-2-Style-7327675506:42
bluenzo^nixim not sure how to install them06:42
WatchBotbluenzo^nix: Please keep your links on topic and work safe.06:42
zenlunaticbluenzo^nix: tar xvf06:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about patebin06:44
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)06:44
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:44
Sememmonman I really hate pulseaudio06:45
chris__kdewhirst does the fact that its package firefox-3.0 that firefox came in?06:45
HammerHead66Sememmon: kill it then06:45
KDewhirstchris__:i don't think so, but go ahead and purge that, too06:45
chris__kdewhirst im used to mozzilla-firefox package lmao...06:45
dsdeizpurge baby purge! hehe06:46
SememmonHammerHead66: for some reason i was under the impression that switching from pulseaudio to alsa was rather non-trivial06:46
chris__oh its purged should i reinstall or just purge?06:46
HammerHead66do you have ATI Radeon graphic card?06:46
gartral!info playonlinux06:46
ubottuPackage playonlinux does not exist in intrepid06:46
gartralok, i have an intresting thing here, i want to make a compiz+emerald showcase video, what can i use as a screen recorder?06:46
nadimgartral: vlc can do screencasting06:47
gartralnadim: how?06:47
HammerHead66Sememmon: if you have an ATI Radeon graphic card it matters06:47
SememmonHammerHead66: oh sorry, no, nvidia 6800 ultra.06:47
KDewhirstchris__: everything that seems related is purged?06:48
dsdeiz!info recordmydesktop06:48
ubotturecordmydesktop (source: recordmydesktop): Captures audio-video data of a Linux desktop session. In component universe, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 52 kB, installed size 152 kB06:48
HammerHead66Sememmon: yeah I don't know about nvidia06:48
KDewhirstdsdeiz: cool feature06:48
HammerHead66Sememmon: sorr06:48
KDewhirstchris__: okay, go ahead and install everything back06:48
SememmonHammerHead66: what does that have to do with my sound issues though? =]06:49
* konus is now away: afk06:49
nadimneat, I didn't know about that package06:49
=== konus is now known as konus`away
chris__kdewhirst yup firefox-3.0 branding was left cause it was foiund to be not empty?06:49
bluenzo^nixi need help installing these icons :|06:49
gartralthanks a bunch dsdeiz06:49
KDewhirstchris__: i don't know what that means06:49
HammerHead66Sememmon:  because  for the HDMI support the sound has to go through the graphic cards so when you hook up a TV to the card it has sound on the TV06:50
chris__kdewhirst yeah im on the same page as you lmao06:50
KDewhirstchris__: is that exactly what it said?06:50
SkapareI'm looking for a way to boot Ubuntu from a USB flash stick ... everything I have found doesn't really do that ... instead they boot from a CD or floppy and mount the USB flash stick ... or require that I already have Ubuntu booted up to create a USB flash stick system ... any ideas how to take an existing ISO and put that image on the USB flash stick to be bootable like a hard drive instead of CD?06:50
sophiaDasEi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/138029/06:50
SememmonHammerHead66: ah. not using hdmi tho..06:50
chris__okat installeds package firefox-3.0 and it install ubufox the gnome support and the  branding crap again06:51
HammerHead66Sememmon: :-D  it's still there tho06:51
[Spooky]Is there any GUI ftpd for Ubuntu?06:51
HammerHead66Sememmon: even if you don't use HDMI06:51
KDewhirstSkapare: try http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UNetbootin06:52
SkapareKDewhirst: OK06:52
KDewhirstchris__: have you tried it again?06:52
chris__ kdewhirst andstill no luck with it loading...   the fact its an external seagate 500gb hd wont matter will it in the program running dept?06:53
KDewhirstchris__: i wouldn't think so, especially given that you say everything else works06:53
sophiaDasEi: i have problem in compiling a grahics program.06:53
chris__like everything else runs perfect but not this and its bothering me... i need my myspace :P06:54
Sememmonman.. there's got to be a decent howto for pulseaudio modules and such somewhere -_-06:54
=== mae-1 is now known as frybye
sophiaDasEi: i am getting error: graphics.h: No such file or directory   , error: dos.h: No such file or directory06:54
dsdeizi'm using esd, can that help? :S06:54
sophiaDasEi:   i need to install any libraries?06:54
HammerHead66Sememmon: just kill pulesaudio06:54
chris__oh yeah and youtube too :D06:54
keith12123 need help getting an install on that was on my primary hdd06:54
keith12123 and has been re-asigned by bios to be the secorday06:54
keith12123 in ide06:54
keith12123 and now wont load06:54
keith12123 when i select it06:54
FloodBot2keith12123: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:54
SememmonHammerHead66: I'd like to ..06:54
SememmonHammerHead66: is the pulseaudio-to-alsa switch documented?06:55
proqesiI changed my password and now when I ssh to machines I get a popup dialog asking me for my old password.  how do I remove this?06:55
DasEisophia : where did you get the packet / the tarball from and what's it's name ? what was the cmd that caused the errors ?06:55
SkapareKDewhirst: oooh, that looks interesting ... seems to be just what I need ... thanks06:55
KDewhirstchris__: I'm sorry, i don't know how to help you06:56
g4lt-lappykeith12123, typically grub goes by UUID, so all you should need to do is install grub to the MBR of th eprimary and go06:56
HammerHead66Sememmon: on desktop upper left hand side in text go to /system/admin/system monitor06:56
chris__i think im a boot from my old external and see  the difference maybe its being called wrong or something... im confused06:56
KDewhirstSkapare: yeah, i've played with that before, it's pretty slick06:56
HammerHead66Sememmon: under tab Provcesses06:56
chris__kdewhirst its cool... my psychologist said the same thing hahaaa jk06:56
SkapareKDewhirst: I wonder ... would it let me put a Windows install CD onto a flash stick :-)06:56
SememmonHammerHead66: er, I was hoping for something a bit more than simply killing the process =]06:56
dsdeizi thought pulse audio is a sound daemon :S06:56
HammerHead66Sememmon: scroll down to Pulesaudio right click and kill it06:56
sophiaDasEi: I have downoaded code from : http://www.cplusplus.happycodings.com/Computer_Graphics/code6.html06:56
chris__< hates pulseaudio always stick with alsa or oss :)06:57
sophiaDasEi: gcc filename.c cmd gave following error06:57
KDewhirstSkapare: i dunno if you're joking; it's only for installing linux, sorry06:57
SkapareKDewhirst: half so ... Ubuntu is what I need ... but I was trying to figure out if I could do a dual-boot on this machine from which I cannot boot any CD06:58
SkapareKDewhirst: not that important, but it would have been interesting06:59
eMaXhow can I, for a running X session, change the keyboard layout so that I have french accents?07:00
KDewhirstSkapare: i did something similar to try out ubuntu on my eee. i used unetbootin to make a puppy linux live usb from an old 128 meg flash i had lying around. i wanted to use damn small linux, but it didn't support my eee's wireless (old kernel)07:00
KDewhirsteMaX: do you mean picking a different keyboard layout?07:00
=== jay is now known as jayb
nroot7i need help i cant type properly07:01
DasEisophia: I assume you have gcc itself installed (apt) and put that code in a file ; I really have no idea about a plain sample code, more a question for #bash or c++basic07:01
nroot7i have to pres key for long time07:01
nroot7then character appears07:02
SkapareKDewhirst: eee should be able to boot a CD ... I have a broken HP laptop ... it can boot USB hard drive or flash key ... but it doesn't understand USB CD ... and the internal CD interface is dead ... so no way to boot any CD07:02
skate2where do i edit ServerName in apache2 in ubuntu? none of the files i've seen have it07:02
nroot7and screen keeps flashing07:02
nadimskate2: apache2.conf07:02
nroot7some kind od sticky settings07:03
DasEisophia : * #c++-basic07:03
KDewhirstSkapare: it will boot an external cd drive if i scrounge one up, but it doesn't come with one internal. my dad has one at home, but i'm living in a dorm now, and no one seems to have one.07:03
nadimskate2: in /etc/apache207:03
nroot7can i reset to default07:03
SkapareKDewhirst: heh ... I have one (external USB DVD/CD-R) ... but the HP laptop BIOS is lame07:04
skate2nadim i've already looked there, /etc/apache2/apache2.conf doesn't have any lines that say ServerName07:04
sophiaDasEi: I think i need some supporting libraries07:04
nadimskate2: they didn't put a ServerName line in the default conf file, just add it...I put it right after the ServerRoot entry07:05
KDewhirstSkapare: it's a bit of an undertaking, but have you thought about updating it? i've never actually done it, but my dad wound up updating the bios on his laptop to make it boot from usb flash drives07:05
maximoany 1 in here familiar with application for telephony called: asterisk07:05
jasoni need help i just installed 8.10 i have an intel 1845g chip set and i cant change the screen resolution07:05
SkapareKDewhirst: the world will move to flash devices for everything eventually, anyway ... even replacing blu-ray07:05
DasEisophia : that's possible, but I can't help you there07:05
KDewhirstSkapare: i'm looking forward to the day that AOL installs boat past the 700 MB line and they have to distribute them on flash drives07:05
SkapareKDewhirst: I can't get any OS except Linux to boot on it ... so updating the BIOS is out unless there is a way to do it through Linux07:05
skate2nadim thanks07:05
jasonits stuck on 800x60007:06
sophiaDasEi: ok :-)07:06
KDewhirstSkapare: i don't know. i would feel safer doing it through xp because that's the way it was probably designed to be done, but it can't hurt to do some research07:06
skate2nadim, should i just put: ServerName = "localhost"07:06
SkapareKDewhirst: I understand ... that was my thinking ... right now I'm booting slamd64 on it from a flash stick ... wanted to switch to ubuntu07:07
nadimskate2: No '=', you can just do "ServerName server.domain.com"07:07
KDewhirstSkapare: i've never heard of that07:07
alteregoxservername = any name.xa to xz07:07
SkapareKDewhirst: it's 64-bit slackware07:07
KDewhirstSkapare: ah, fun stuff07:08
jasoni need help i just installed 8.10 i have an intel 1845g chip set and i cant change the screen resolution07:08
jasonits stuck on 800x60007:08
jasoni need help i just installed 8.10 i have an intel i845g chip set and i cant change the screen resolution07:09
kevin_Anyone in here know anything about virtualization?07:09
IntuitiveNipplekevin_: sure07:10
=== ScottG_ is now known as ScottG
kevin_I'm trying to virtualize an x86 linux box so I can play with writing some kernel modules (The computer I'm on now is my desktop/server...I can't mess up a pointer and wipe my filesystem or something...).  Anyone have any suggestions as to where I should go?  I'm mostly looking for something easy to use that works rather than a solution more geared for performance.07:10
yossarianok this is driving me nuts07:10
kevin_yossarian: que paso?07:10
yossarianyoutube and other flash sites are really choppy and eating up the cpu07:10
nadimkevin_: I use vmware server07:10
yossarianwhat the flicken?07:10
proqesiwhy let someone drive you up the wall when it's within walking distance07:10
kevin_taht drives me nuts too.07:10
IntuitiveNipplekevin_: Do the PC's CPUs support hardware VT? If so, the kernel's own KVM would be good07:11
kevin_IntuitiveNipple: I think so; I saw a bios option for that or something.  It is an 'Athlon X2 5000' or whatever the hell, a couple of months old.07:12
IntuitiveNipplekevin_: For non-VT CPUs, KVM's cousin QEMU maybe (all the same commands/usage except totally software virtualisation/emulation). Or there's virtualBox... or go the other way and use a Xen kernel07:12
IntuitiveNipplekevin_: It is bound to have VT support then... you can check by looking at the cpu flags07:13
kevin_for sure... give me a second...07:13
yossarianany ideas? :(07:13
jasoni need help i just installed 8.10 i have an intel i845g chip set and i cant change the screen resolution07:13
IntuitiveNipplekevin_:  egrep 'vmx|svm' /proc/cpuinfo07:14
kevin_IntuitiveNipple: What would it be called in /proc/cpuinfo?    Any ideas?07:14
kevin_one step ahead of me.07:14
IntuitiveNipplekevin_: Intel shows vmx AMD shows svm07:14
kevin_IntuitiveNipple: svm hits.07:15
IntuitiveNipplekevin_: You'll still need to ensure VT is enabled in the PC's BIOS - note some PCs - mainly laptops - may have it disabled *and* unavailable07:16
kevin_IntuitiveNipple: Which way would you say is the easiest to use?07:16
kevin_It is disabled, but available.07:16
IntuitiveNipplekevin_: I guess I'm biased but kvm is my favourite - light-weight but powerful07:16
IntuitiveNipplekevin_: I use it for routine kernel debugging07:16
kevin_IntuitiveNipple: sweet.  I'm trying to break into some kernel hacking; my friend told me to write a 'one' character device.07:17
kevin_IntuitiveNipple: (as opposed to /dev/zero)07:17
DasEi!resolution | jason07:18
ubottujason: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution07:18
IntuitiveNipplekevin_: Yes, it takes time but it is great fun. You should hang out in #ubuntu-kernel with us just to listen in on 'stuff' - might give you some ideas07:18
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy07:18
beanie77Hi, I installed 8.10 and Xorg mis identifies my Matrox graphics card. I don't get a higher resolution choice than 800x600.07:19
IntuitiveNipplekevin_: One thing with kernel development though - you have to be ready to wade through mailing-lists and out-of-date information :)07:19
jasonSection "Device"07:20
jasonIdentifier"Configured Video Device"07:20
jasonSection "Monitor"07:20
FloodBot2jason: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:20
jasonIdentifier"Configured Monitor"07:20
kevin_IntuitiveNipple: I know...I did a little bit of embedded stuff at my last job (lots of mailing list digging), I built a lightweight distro for an ARM9, but I didn't have to actually cut any kernel code, we hired a real programmer (I was an intern) basically as I finished tidying up the root filesystem and stuff.07:21
jasonand i cant get the driver for it07:21
jasonthey took it out of this version07:21
kevin_jason: What do you need help with?07:21
jasonmy screen resolution07:21
DasEijason : shall be xserver-xorg-intel07:21
kevin_jason: for your montitor?07:21
IntuitiveNipplekevin_: We'd love having someone with ARM experience about the place07:22
jasonand video driver07:22
kevin_jason: what brand monitor do you have?07:22
jasonits and old computer07:22
kevin_jason: what model number and everything?07:22
jason8.04 worked fine07:22
kevin_jason:  I need to look up some numbers for you to dump into your xorg.conf07:22
paul68does anyone know when the next release will be put in production in april? just curious07:22
kevin_IntuitiveNipple: What for?  Is ubuntu doing some embedded stuff?07:22
jasoni use to install the i945 driver in Synapatic but its not there07:23
IntuitiveNipplejason: I *thought* the 'intel' driver handled that chipset?07:23
HammerHead66paul68: 9.4 or something like that07:23
jasonwhere it go to07:23
jasonthis is bull07:23
paul68HammerHead66: Is there already a release date since april has 30 days lol07:24
kevin_jason: chill, we'll get it to work07:24
=== ScottG_ is now known as ScottG489
HammerHead66paul68: april 4th I think07:24
IntuitiveNipplejason: I've just checked. The 'intel' driver does support the 845G07:24
jasonwell its not at all07:25
jasonIntuitiveNipple what driver night that b ur talking about07:26
paul68HammerHead66: ok just another question can you upgrade / partition and leave the current /home partition as it is or is it better to start from scratch on both sides07:26
IntuitiveNipplejason: Have you tried it? Did X fail to start using it? Or just start in a lower resolution (800x600 is the default if the monitor doesn't support EDID)07:26
beanie77I updated xorg.conf. How do I restart the video driver07:26
kevin_jason: you've gotta modify your xorg.conf to change the driver07:26
HammerHead66paul68: I have no clue about that might want to ask around about that one07:26
IntuitiveNipplebeanie77: log out, log back in again07:27
paul68ok no problem thanks for the info07:27
HammerHead66paul68: np07:27
jasoni did that kevin and when i restart it gives error07:27
jasonand i have to set it back to defult and restart07:27
kevin_jason: what error does it give you?  Post it in a pastebin....07:27
kevin_jason: or paraphrase it to me07:28
IntuitiveNipplepaul68: Having a separate /home partition is a good thing, and yes, you can 'share' it over different releases. There are some programs might throw a wobbly due to changes in their configuration files but I've not experienced that myself07:28
=== artaud is now known as morice-net
jasoni guess ubuntu thinks everyone that uses it has a big graphic card now07:28
paul68IntuitiveNipple: so at that point you should only reinstall the programs that cause any problems or am I wrong07:29
IntuitiveNipplejason: When the X server fails it is supposed to save the log file to Xorg.0.log.old, then restart X using a 'fail-safe' configuration. You should then be able to look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old for the reason the session didn't start.07:29
kevin_IntuitiveNipple: Is there any way to update/change releases without wiping the filesystem?  I'm a gentoo convert, and a little new to how everything works.07:29
IntuitiveNipplepaul68: At that point the programs would be installed - I'd back-up the offending configuration file(s) and let it recreate preferred ones. Most programs are _supposed_ to deal with that situation - certainly programs supported by Ubuntu are.07:30
kevin_jason: post the log file to http://pastebin.com/ for me.  ok?07:30
jason/var/log/Xorg.0.log.old << where is that located07:30
IntuitiveNipplekevin_: You can do an in-place dist-upgrade from one Ubuntu version to the next07:30
frybyeIntuitiveNipple: and occasionally the system still works afterwards... ;=(07:31
IntuitiveNipplejason: It says it on the tin: /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old07:31
kevin_IntuitiveNipple: thats nice to know, I never run multiple partitions or anything.  I'd rather just fix it if it breaks....07:31
faeryanjason: IT's supposed to be in /var/log07:31
kevin_jason: that's where it is located.  In all unixes, everything starts with '/'.07:32
IntuitiveNipplefrybye: I've not experienced issues upgrading both servers and desktops using dist-upgrade. The only supported path is to go from one LTS to the next, or from one release to the next and then the next and so on. E.g. you can't do Gutsy to Intrepid but you can go Gutsy > Hardy > Intrepid07:32
frybyei am taking about intrepid > jaunty beta this morning which has left me with no sound.. but that is my fault of course.. will work on it when I get home from work in about 5 hrs..07:33
paul68IntuitiveNipple: ok another question what is the best way to partitionise your hard drive in my case I have a 160 gb on my laptop I'd say the first / the second /home /swap and I don't know if there are others that need to work efficiently07:33
kevin_jason: http://freeengineer.org/learnUNIXin10minutes.html07:33
jasoni found it07:33
jasonhow i past it in here with out getting in trouble07:34
kevin_jason: dont.07:34
paul68jason use pastebin07:34
kevin_jason: post the log file to http://pastebin.com/07:34
IntuitiveNipplepaul68: I'd have sda1 ext2 /boot, sda2 swap (size RAM*2 - allows room for hibernate), sda3 LVM07:34
faeryanpaul68: You could make one partition for media stuff, in case your home gets screwed you don't lose videos, music etc07:34
kevin_jason: then, you send us the link.  it makes a mess all over the channel.07:34
IntuitiveNipple!pastebin | jason07:34
ubottujason: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)07:34
* konus`away is now away: afk07:34
=== konus`away is now known as konus
paul68ok thanks guys07:35
jasondid that help any that log07:37
IntuitiveNipplejason: That log is from a successful start-up using the vesa driver. You'll need to change /etc/X11/xorg.conf and remove the 'driver' line so the operating system detects the correct video driver. If that then fails, the resulting log will help us know why.07:37
IntuitiveNipplejason: How much RAM does that PC have?07:38
jasonIntuitiveNipple i post me /etc/X11/xorg.conf ok07:38
=== NanMalm is now known as nanmalm
IntuitiveNipplejason: I'd comment out or remove the "Driver" line so the server can detect the best driver to use. It should then try the 'intel' driver07:40
IntuitiveNipplejason: The reason for the 800x600 resolution is as I said originally. The monitor does *not* support EDID - thats how a monitor tells a video adaptor what resolutions it can support - so the driver selected a safe resolution07:41
jasonit work great in 8.0407:42
jasonthey really messed 8.10 up bad07:42
|Jason8|jason: they didn't mess anything up07:42
jasoni think they dont want no one to use it no more07:42
|Jason8|something went wrong in your install07:43
|Jason8|and they're telling you EXACTLY how to fix it.07:43
HammerHead66jason: 8.10 is a testing Ubuntu07:43
kevin_jason: Quit freaking out.07:43
|Jason8|Good luck finding tech support like this for microsoft products. ;)07:43
jason8.10 isnt testing07:43
jasonits in final07:43
HammerHead66jason: it is testing software07:43
jasonit doesnt say that07:43
IntuitiveNipplejason: In 8.04 resolutions weren't auto detected. From 8.10 they are. hardware that doesn't support EDID (anything after 2001 should) causes the issue07:44
HammerHead66jason: so why is 8.04 for the masses then?07:44
jasonthe 9.4 is in testing07:44
kevin_jason: Chill out; if don't want to fiddle with things occasionally, buy a Mac.07:44
jasoni start with ubuntu when 5.10 came out07:45
jasonand i have try every thing to fix this07:45
HammerHead66jason: you should read about something before you install it07:45
IntuitiveNipplejason: If it'll make you any happier, it is a known issue and we would like to solve it. It was not a good idea to add auto-detect and at the same time remove the old manual monitor selection option.07:46
stryd_onehi all07:47
SkapareKDewhirst: wow, unetbootin sure produces a flood of error messages before it asks for root password ... any idea what it needs root for?  if just to access /dev for the USB flash stick, I'd rather just chmod the device instead07:47
kevin_stryd_one: hello07:47
KDewhirstSkapare: i really don't know07:47
stryd_oneI'm trying to take a screenshot of a feature in an application (a tooltip), but when I use the printscreen key, it steals focus from the app, and the tooltip disappears.... I wonder if anyone knows a trick to get around that?07:48
IntuitiveNipplestryd_one: Set a timed capture with say a 5-second delay, then get the tooltip up before the delay expires07:49
stryd_oneah clever :)07:49
SkapareKDewhirst: well, I'm not giving root password to a downloaded executable image ... and the source would not compile because my Qt is too old07:49
stryd_onethankyou sir!07:49
SkapareKDewhirst: I'll try to read the source and see if I can just understand what it's doing, and do it manually07:50
IntuitiveNippleSkapare: Ubuntu doesn't have a 'root' password07:50
canuck1what is the difference between metacity and gtk 2.0?07:50
KDewhirstSkapare: i've used it before with no issue, but i got it from the ubuntu repos07:50
SkapareIntuitiveNipple: I'm doing this WITH Ubuntu, not from Ubuntu07:50
canuck1I just downloaded a gtk 2.0 theme and it changed the buttons etc, not just the topbar07:50
stryd_oneI'm just googling for a tool that will allow it, but if you know one off the top of your head I'd be rather interested ;)07:50
dsdeiz!info scrot07:50
ubottuscrot (source: scrot): command line screen capture utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8-7 (intrepid), package size 15 kB, installed size 84 kB07:50
dsdeizscrot -d 5 file_name07:50
dsdeizis that it?07:50
stryd_onerock on07:50
IntuitiveNipplestryd_one: Applications > Accessories > Take a Screenshot07:51
faeryancanuck1: You can customize them too, so you can only change the bar and not the icons and stuff07:51
faeryanWhat does ubottu not know?07:51
faeryan!info gimmage07:51
ubottuPackage gimmage does not exist in intrepid07:51
faeryanAhh.. :)07:51
SkapareKDewhirst: if I knew how the Ubuntu CD's kernel looks for the root filesystem to mount, and can trick it to mount a partition from the flash stick instead, I could make it boot from the flash stick manually07:52
canuck1faeryan: and I installed emerald. is there a purpose for this? I installed some emerald themes, can I get the transparency etc with gtk themes?07:52
canuck1faeryan: I love this brushed metal look for all the apps07:53
faeryancanuck1: I don't think so, except for terminal backgrounds and stuff07:53
SkapareKDewhirst: I can built bootable flash sticks ... its getting Ubuntu to understand that's where to look for its files, instead of a CD/DVD ... that's the issue07:53
KDewhirstSkapare: you're doing all this from a livecd, right? if you don't trust the program, unplug your harddrive and do it all in ram07:53
faeryancanuck1: But emerald allows you a lot of customization so with a little (or a bit more) effort you can make it looks whatever you like the most.07:53
canuck1faeryan: I also copied the tahoma font in there for nice displays :)07:54
gastyou all fucker07:54
SkapareKDewhirst: no ... I'm running slamd64 on my desktop ... this is where I have enough USB ports to make the USB stick bootable ... on the laptop I have ONE USB port, and it is occupied when I boot slamd64 on it07:54
paul68!language |gast07:55
ubottugast: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:55
stryd_oneworks like a charm, you beauty, thanks guys :D07:55
gastmy name ol dirty j07:55
SkapareKDewhirst: so I'm trying to run unetbootin from my desktop, and will give it the ubunti ISO image file07:55
stryd_one<IntuitiveNipple> stryd_one: Applications > Accessories > Take a Screenshot            <----- well colour me embarassed.07:55
KDewhirstSkapare: can't you shut off, unplug the hdd, and then do it?07:55
KDewhirstor just umount the hdd you don't want accessed?07:55
IntuitiveNipplestryd_one: If you insist lol07:55
gastschwanz lecker07:55
paul68!attitude |gast07:55
ubottugast: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines07:55
IntuitiveNipplestryd_one: I have that attached to the top-panel for ease of access07:55
SkapareKDewhirst: no ... lots of stuff running on here ... maybe I could set up a qemu VM07:56
faeryancanuck1: Good luck with emerald, I'm signing off.07:56
KDewhirstSkapare: oy07:56
stryd_onei'm having a bit of a laugh at myself for trying the hard way when the easy way was literally right in front of my face. must be too used to windoze ;)07:56
IntuitiveNipplestryd_one: often happens !07:56
stryd_oneappreciate the help guys07:57
SkapareKDewhirst: is there any doc online that gives a step by step description of how ubuntu boots up and initializes ... maybe that would tell me enough to make the USB stick image from that07:58
KDewhirstSkapare: not that i know of, sorry07:58
IntuitiveNippleSkapare: You can install 'raw' using debootstrap07:58
SkapareIntuitiveNipple: I don't understand how that helps me07:59
IntuitiveNippleSkapare: I can point you to an article I wrote on how to do it with user-mode linux - I often use the same process for chroot's or raw VM images too.07:59
IntuitiveNippleSkapare: It is the way we create bootable images from scratch07:59
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
SkapareIntuitiveNipple: if I "tear apart" the Ubuntu ISO image, I should see a kernel it brings up ... that kernel will eventually mount the CD filesystem ... and maybe further mounts after that ... and maybe initramfs or initrd in between ... if I knew what that first step was, I could make a flash stick with grub and the kernel from the ISO and maybe get it to mount the flash stick partition08:01
IntuitiveNippleSkapare: You should look at the 'casper' package - that's the live-image booter08:02
SkapareIntuitiveNipple: a source package?08:02
IntuitiveNipplelive images for boot use syslinux08:02
Skapareas long as syslinux will do the USB flash stick, that should be fine08:03
IntuitiveNippleSkapare: all ubuntu packages are available from source as well as as installable binaries.08:03
rickardHow do I copy files in shell from a date to now ?08:03
infiter789IntuitiveNipple: Hey, you know some "0 to 100" bourne again shell manual?08:03
SkapareIntuitiveNipple: I'm just trying to transform the ubuntu ISO into a form that will boot on a USB flash stick08:03
IntuitiveNipplerickard: use 'find' to identify the range of files, then pass it's results to xarg cp ...08:04
IntuitiveNippleinfiter789: I use http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/index.html08:04
SkapareIntuitiveNipple: I know how to build an image that could just self boot from either a CD/DVD or from a hard drive, without any change whatsoever ... just "dd" to a hard drive, or to a flash stick ... or "cdrecord" it to a CD or DVD ... and it will be bootable ... maybe a future Ubuntu should do this08:05
SkapareIntuitiveNipple: e.g. one image ... boots either way08:05
infiter789IntuitiveNipple: Is quite good, not? I am a little noob with Shell, is at my rate?08:05
IntuitiveNippleSkapare: the live-CD ISO? There's a tool that does that in Jaunty, and I believe Intrepid, available by default from the System > Administration menu.08:06
IntuitiveNippleinfiter789: It is invaluable08:06
infiter789IntuitiveNipple: You mean, is too good, difficult to find?08:06
IntuitiveNippleinfiter789: Read it yourself and decide08:06
beanie77I checked the log file and xorg doesn't identify my monitor correctly and defaults to 800x600. How do I fix this?08:07
SkapareIntuitiveNipple: yeah, but if I take the ISO and just "dd" it to a USB flash stick, that isn't bootable ... I could make one that is08:07
KDewhirstSkapare: I'm sorry to leave you in the middle of this, but i think we've moved out of my league and it's 0100 here08:07
infiter789IntuitiveNipple: Oh man, I have enough with C/C++, you gonna kill me :P Thanks08:07
IntuitiveNipplebeanie77: See https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/19476008:07
KDewhirstinfiter789: c and bash have a lot in common08:07
SkapareKDewhirst: n/p ... thanks for the help and the lead to unetbootin08:07
KDewhirstSkapare: no problem. i hope everything works out for you08:08
beanie77Thanks, I'll check it out.08:08
KDewhirstgood night08:08
SkapareKDewhirst: g/n08:08
infiter789KDewhirst: Yes, I know, but I am learner right now, I am studying C/C++ from the book of Deitel and Deitel, and well, Bash Shell from internet right now.08:08
AsTuRiAnOcuando saldra ya la beta 9.04 ?08:09
kevin_IntuitiveNipple: Thanks for the advice about virtualization, I'm out of here.08:09
IntuitiveNipplekevin_: have fun with it :)08:09
kevin_IntuitiveNipple: for sure :)08:09
SkapareIntuitiveNipple: but being able to make an image that can boot as a CD/DVD or can boot as a hard disk ... doesn't mean I can make it bring up ubuntu's system08:09
IntuitiveNipple!es | AsTuRiAnO08:09
ubottuAsTuRiAnO: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.08:09
KDewhirstinfiter789: i actually have that book. it's fantastic08:10
KDewhirstsorry, quit as i got your message08:10
KDewhirstand then bad things happened when i tried to reply08:10
IntuitiveNippleSkapare: As long as it boot-straps the casper images it'll boot08:10
dj_ryanmythv on intrepid/8.10 - does this actually work?08:10
infiter789KDewhirst: Yes, here in Argentina, is about hmmm... $37 dollars. I read it and compare with other books, and it was better.08:10
IntuitiveNippledj_ryan: Yes08:11
didierHi, I'm new and I have a prob with the sound card (everything work but the mic). I have a Ubuntu Intrepid installed on Dell XPS 1530. I checked on google but it seems there is no solution. Anyone by any chance knows the problem and has a solution?08:11
dj_ryanIntuitiveNipple: why can't i apt-get then? something about libmp3lame0 dependencies?08:11
infiter789KDewhirst: A question, you know if I can create a "login and password" here in #ubuntu?08:11
KDewhirstinfiter789: you'll have to register a nick with freenode08:11
glickugh! i cant take windows anymore08:11
KDewhirstinfiter789: and that will cover you for every freenode chanel08:12
IntuitiveNippledj_ryan: Have you got the multiverse repository enabled?08:12
SevithWhat is myth tv exactly?08:12
SkapareIntuitiveNipple: well, see, I don't know even what "casper images" is ... when Linux boots up, it either mounts a filesystem and runs an init program ... or loads an initramfs or initrd image and runs /linuxrc ... or other variations ... what it does from there is up to however ubuntu is built08:12
SevithFree television or what08:12
infiter789KDewhirst: You know how?08:12
glicki tried liking it, i really did, ran it for a year, but it inevitably gets slow and viris/worm infected no matter how careful you are08:12
dj_ryanIntuitiveNipple: i think so... let me check again08:12
thorrethe beta of 9.04 is going to be released today? right?08:12
KDewhirstinfiter789: is learning to program harder when english isn't your first language? i know linus pushes for programers to learn english, but is it weird to translate code to english to spanish, or do you do it differently?08:12
dj_ryandeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ intrepid multiverse08:12
KDewhirstinfiter789: let me get you a how-to08:12
SkapareIntuitiveNipple: FYI, I have built embedded Linux systems, including cable TV set top boxes ... I know the fundamentals ... I just don't know the Ubuntu specifics08:13
IntuitiveNippleSkapare: So go look then. I explained earlier that 'casper' is how Ubuntu handles live images. It includes boot scripts that set-up the correct environment and so forth.08:13
dj_ryanIntuitiveNipple: basically yes08:13
glickmost important software is written in english08:13
glickso if you want to work with most code, you should learn english08:13
KDewhirstinfiter789: say this: /msg nickserv register <your-password> <your-email>08:13
glickand the languages themselves are in english08:13
glicki.e. the keywords08:13
infiter789KDewhirst: English is fine with me, Is like my second mother language, but... well, I most read and hear, I dont usually speak it or write it... only for programming and here in IRC.08:14
anr78Anyone running Ubuntu on the latest MacBook Pro? From looking at the wiki I'm unsure if it will work or not...08:14
IntuitiveNippledj_ryan: What command were you trying to run when you got the dependency error?08:14
stryd_onebye all, thanks again dsdeiz and IntuitiveNipple08:14
SkapareIntuitiveNipple: there's a gap in that ... I need a documentation on this casper images ... to know how it makes the kernel get to it08:14
infiter789KDewhirst: Done08:14
dj_ryanIntuitiveNipple: sudo apt-get install mythtv-frontend mythtv-backend mythvideo08:14
SkapareIntuitiveNipple: what the casper images then do I won't need to know ... I just need to know how to get it that stage08:14
KDewhirstinfiter789: you should get an email about that that'll have the last step in it08:15
KDewhirstokay, i'm really going to bed now08:15
IntuitiveNippleSkapare: http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/casper08:15
infiter789KDewhirst: Okay, thanks, how was my english?08:15
glickwow kde 4 really looks niiice08:15
dj_ryanIntuitiveNipple: i suppose i should mention i had mythtv installed on 8.04 which previously came from 7.04 and even earlier08:15
SkapareI think I need to get to bed too ... eyes are shutting down on me08:15
=== ZehRique is now known as ZehRique[Sleepin
KDewhirstinfiter789: it's good. i wouldn't have placed you for not being native until you said you were from argentina. after that, some of your word choice was a little strange, but it makes sense08:16
hans-rudolfEverytime I mute my sound and unmute it again the audio switches from earphone to speaker. I have to replug my earphones again to switch it back.08:16
IntuitiveNippledj_ryan: It is probable some library dependency changed.08:16
glickkde is nice but i think its less stable then gnome08:16
infiter789KDewhirst: Blame games, I learn from there hahahaa08:16
IntuitiveNippledj_ryan: Can you pastebin the complete output from apt-get when you do that command to give me a sense of what is happening?08:17
infiter789KDewhirst: Like final fantasy, that was my English teacher08:17
hans-rudolfkde has many quircks08:17
dsdeizfinal fantasy ftw08:17
dj_ryanIntuitiveNipple: yeah old on08:17
KDewhirstinfiter789: haha, excellent08:17
infiter789KDewhirst: The email, it will arrive soon?08:17
SkapareIntuitiveNipple: OK ... thanks ... I'll download its source tomorrow and see what docs are inside to figure it out ... it appears I need to create the context to start that program somehow08:17
dj_ryanIntuitiveNipple: wow,i got it to work08:17
KDewhirstinfiter789: it was pretty quick for me08:17
dj_ryanIntuitiveNipple:  basically it said 'libmyth-0-21 wont be install' but i was able ot install that, and now... it goes08:17
=== odder_ is now known as odder
ddoomI am running ubuntu server 8.10, and whenever I try to run a command as sudo, I get a Segmentation Fault. Anything I can do other than a hard restart?08:18
KDewhirstddoom: does 'su' work?08:18
glickddoom, sounds like a bug t omew08:18
glicka bug to me08:18
KDewhirstif he drops from the room, does that count as an answer?08:19
SkapareKDewhirst: go to bed!08:19
KDewhirstbut his problem is so interesting08:19
infiter789KDewhirst: Last question. What compiler you use for C++? I usually use Geany.08:19
SkapareKDewhirst: :-)08:19
dsdeizgcc or g++ is the true compiler i believe08:19
KDewhirstinfiter789: i use visual studio 2008 because that's what's on the school computers here08:19
KDewhirstdon't hate me!08:20
* Skapare uses gcc for is C programs08:20
dsdeizright, g++ for c++08:20
ddoomit asks for Password. But there is no root pw set so i get 'su: Authentication failure'08:20
SkapareKDewhirst: we don't hate you ... we just gate your school :)08:20
KDewhirstoh, wow08:20
KDewhirstthat's a mess08:20
infiter789KDewhirst: Ubuntu Visual Studio 2008?08:20
farhansportablesdoes anyone run asus eeepc1000he in here, if you do I need to knowsome specific informations....08:20
rickardHow do I copy files in shell from a date to now, I dont have the time to find out so the command would be very nice.08:20
glickoh god not vs 200808:20
KDewhirstinfiter789: haha08:20
glicki use that at work and i hate it08:21
SkapareKDewhirst: well, hate your school ... but I guess it has been "gated" :)08:21
infiter789KDewhirst: I download it, a ubuntu visual studio, 1.2 gb is a .iso.08:21
glickbut i use it for c# which is a language that i hate even more08:21
hans-rudolfglick: What do you hate about c#?08:21
Sevithcan anyone help me i havea fresh install of 8.10 and im trying to get good resolution with my plasma tv i have a nvidia 9600 gt dvi-hdmi and i need help anyone pleasE???08:21
KDewhirstinfiter789: are you sure? it's a microsoft product and i've never heard of it working anywhere but windows08:21
farhansportablesI just got an asus eeepc1000he and want to know does it scail to 1.0 ghz in ubuntu?08:22
Sevithsomone please help me08:22
Sevithcan anyone help me i havea fresh install of 8.10 and im trying to get good resolution with my plasma tv i have a nvidia 9600 gt dvi-hdmi and i need help anyone pleasE???08:22
* Skapare is off to bed ... really08:22
farhansportablesmy old laptop only goes form800 mhz or 1.66 ghz, nothing in between08:22
glickhans-rudolf, i find it confusing, no includes, etc, its very hard to just look at code to know whats going on you NEED to use a IDE which keeps track of things for you08:22
dj_ryansevith: i have a simliar situation, the default config tends to be pretty goodish08:22
infiter789KDewhirst: Yes, microsoft (hate u bill gay) have a visual studio 2008 (a free and a pay). But I download a Ubuntu Studio, no idea what it is.08:23
farhansportablesits for musi08:23
farhansportablesubuntu studeo08:23
dj_ryanbut i am also known to hack xorg.conf files manually, so no one should listen to me :-(08:23
KDewhirstglick: some people here swear by it, but i haven't played with it yet08:23
KDewhirstinfiter789: oh, that's something completely different08:23
KDewhirstthat's for a/v development08:23
infiter789KDewhirst: Yes, is a multimedia editor, not?08:23
hans-rudolfglick: Writing include directives is just extra work, you can import namspaces. What wrong with that?08:24
KDewhirstyeah, visual studio is a code development suite08:24
glicki have to download and install ubuntu tomorrow08:24
glickwindows is blowing up on me08:24
glickdamn its such a hassle to do simple things in windows08:24
infiter789KDewhirst: But if you use Visual Studio... you cant run it in Ubuntu, or... you emulate it with wine?08:24
dj_ryani have downloaded 3-4 gb of ubuntu from bittorrent and mirrors in the last 2 days :-)08:24
farhansportablesi am running windows but i want ot install linux on the eeepc1000he08:24
hans-rudolfDoes is come with ubuntu genuine advantage :p?08:25
farhansportableslol what08:25
farhansportablesdon't forget about silverlight08:25
glickhans-rudolf, with namespaces sometimes spanning multiple files and all its just ugly and hard to follow without an IDE08:25
KDewhirstinfiter789: i don't know how well it would work in wine. I made up a vm the other day to use just for visual studio. it seems like the kind of thing that would be broken in wine08:25
zirodayfarhansportables: and whats wrong?08:25
farhansportablesI guess know one has an asus eeepc1000he08:25
hans-rudolfgenuine advantage is about the creepiest marketing con i've ever seen.08:25
simplexiovirtualbox handles vs2005 withoot problems08:25
farhansportableswhen I heard about that I was like what the crap yo08:25
ddoom:S did a hard restart and am still getting Seg Fault when using sudo08:25
glickdont get me wrong, i think .net is great08:26
glicki just dont like c#08:26
glickeven more so then i dislike java08:26
dj_ryanplus mono has a low performance VM compared to the JVM :-)08:26
farhansportablesI don't know how to program08:26
KDewhirstsimplexio: i'd rather use 2008, to be honest. i haven't used 2005 since... 2005, i guess. I was taking java at the time, and used codewarrior for c++08:26
KDewhirstback in the day08:26
glickmy favorite lang is python08:26
zirodayfarhansportables: is there something not working with your ubuntu install?08:26
simplexioc#, java ain so bad if you have coded something for symbian 2ed or 3rd ed08:26
hans-rudolfglick: I don't follow your point but ok...08:26
HammerHead66ddoom: can you paste the commands so I see them I might be able to help08:27
=== christian is now known as Guest42590
farhansportablesi odn't have ubuntuinstalled yet but I wanted to know somethings before i installed it08:27
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:27
simplexioKDewhirst: im mean. if 2005 works nice in vbox then should 2008 too08:27
zirodayfarhansportables: what would you like to know?08:27
KDewhirsti feel like i've created a coding flamewar08:27
glickhans-rudolf, i just think c# can be confusing sometimes08:27
dj_ryani got the !offtopic when i mentioned ubuntu on the debian channel08:27
dj_ryanthey were _not_ happy08:27
farhansportablesi bet they weren't08:27
KDewhirstsimplexio: okay, i'll give it a shot. thank you08:27
hans-rudolfglick: What about java? They are pretty similar.08:27
ddoomHammerHead66: http://paste.ubuntu.com/138070/08:27
dj_ryani didnt get it :-)08:27
zirodaydj_ryan: well ubuntu and debian are different, if you want to chat please do so in #ubuntu-offtopic08:28
infiter789KDewhirst: In USA buy an original microsoft software is quite accessible... but here... is to expensive. There a normal man receive 4000 dollars per month... here... only 500.08:28
dj_ryanthat's what im talking about!08:28
glickhans-rudolf, one cool thing about java is that namespace correspond to actual directories08:28
farhansportablesi have an hp nx 6325 that is my old laptop and it is stuck at 800 mhz08:28
infiter789KDewhirst: That´s my Argentina is with, other countries, one of the most "pirate" hehehe.08:28
simplexioKDewhirst: my experince is that, vmware has painfully slow io, vbox feel actually faster than native windows ( when developing )08:28
farhansportablesonly speedsteps from 800 mhz to 1.66 ghz08:28
infiter789KDewhirst: (Why, not by)08:28
glickbut i like include and imports in files08:28
zirodayfarhansportables: please keep your question on one line, what exactly are you asking?08:29
kalidarguys i need help bad when i try to load full screen games al i see is distorted colors as if my graphix card was broken or something08:29
glickso you know what your file is using08:29
KDewhirstinfiter789: i couldn't afford it myself, being a starving college student, but microsoft licenses the software for free through my school08:29
kalidarbut i play non fullscreen games fine08:29
HammerHead66ddoom:           sudo ./apt-get update                                  <-----------------------type this in command line08:29
zirodaykalidar: tried disabling compiz first and what game?08:29
kalidarsould someome help me!!!?08:29
farhansportablesi'm trying to ask if ubuntuon the eeepc1000he will be faster than my old hp nx 6325 and scail properly08:29
kalidararmagetron lol08:29
kalidarand snowballs08:29
kalidarnither works08:29
kalidarall i se is distort08:29
kalidarhow i disable compiz and what is compiz08:29
ddoomHammerHead66: in /usr/bin? (or wherever the apt-get executable is?)08:29
zirodayfarhansportables: faster is qualitve measure, it will most probably still only have 2 or 3 scale steps08:29
infiter789KDewhirst: Yeah, in a institute, the personal want to give me a original Vista home edition... why they would give me the worst operative system ever created hahaha08:29
farhansportablesyeah, my old laptop only had 800 mhz or 1.66 ghz08:30
zirodaykalidar: in a terminal type metacity --replace and then try play the game08:30
glickKDewhirst, u using kde?08:30
farhansportablesI hope asus eeepc1000he can spedstep better than 800 mhz08:30
KDewhirstinfiter789: could be worse, could be osx </flame>08:30
kalidarok ill try08:30
zirodayfarhansportables: which is correct, as that is all the cpu could support. Please address08:30
ddoomHammerHead66: same thing either way08:30
HammerHead66 ddoom: in user08:30
KDewhirstglick: i do, but i'm in windows right now08:30
dj_ryana word of warnign to you windows weenies who are taking CS, we dont hire you where i come from :-)08:30
KDewhirstglick: why?08:30
zirodayfarhansportables: for more info on what the eeepc 1000he can support you should ask in #ubuntu-eeepc and #eeepc08:31
hans-rudolfglick: That is nice but I will just read the documentation I think. I haven't had any experience trying to setup a working  directory without an ide but I'm sure that it's a one time read of how to do it.08:31
glicki havent used 4.x just curious how it was08:31
infiter789KDewhirst: OSX? never heard of it... hey, how old are you? You talk about a college.08:31
glickif it was stable/fun08:31
HammerHead66 ddoom: what terminal are you using?08:31
kalidarit says ts not installed!!!!!!!!08:31
KDewhirstinfiter789: i'm 19, 20 in june going to a tech school in arizona08:31
furuanyone here that can help me with a boot up challange:P08:31
zirodaykalidar: what version of ubuntu are you running?08:31
ziroday!anyone | furu08:31
ubottufuru: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:31
ddoomHammerHead66: OS X Terminal connected via ssh, using the default shell in ubuntu08:32
zirodaykalidar: can you pastebin the terminal output please08:32
KDewhirstglick: i've used 4.0 and 4.1 and didn't much like either, but i'm hopeful for 4.[more]. i'm very spoiled by 3.5's revision to perfection08:32
furuhaha nice bot08:32
KDewhirstinfiter789: osx is the mac operating system08:32
ziroday!offtopic | KDewhirst infiter78908:32
ubottuKDewhirst infiter789: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:32
kalidarkalidar@Lxt9-i386:~$ metacity --replace08:32
kalidarThe program 'metacity' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:08:32
kalidarsudo apt-get install metacity08:32
kalidarbash: metacity: command not found08:32
FloodBot2kalidar: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:32
infiter789KDewhirst: Yeah, I have 19 too, I study software engineering and the next year, I will study Aeronautics.08:32
kalidarfor some reason ctrl v and ctrl c dont work for coppy paste ;(08:32
zirodaykalidar: _pastebin_08:32
ziroday!pastebin | kalidar08:33
ubottukalidar: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:33
HammerHead66on desktop  upper left side the text go to /Applications/Accessories/terminal   type it in there08:33
kalidari dont understand08:33
hans-rudolfSometimes my desktop starts looking like standard gnome. I figure that a process just failed, but don't know which one. Can someone tell me which is responsible for the nice appearance?08:33
kalidari havetogo through al that trouble just to paste my terminal window?08:33
HammerHead66 ddoom:  on desktop  upper left side the text go to /Applications/Accessories/terminal   type it in there08:33
kalidarits only a small error08:33
kalidari could type it08:33
dsdeizhans-rudolf: is it compiz?08:33
KDewhirstinfiter789: i'm afraid we're gonna get the banhammer. it's been nice talking to you, but i'm gonna go sleep now08:33
furuIm looking to make a RC script (thats asfard ive come) that makes a sid player start playing a cmd64 tune (game called myth) and to start playing as soon as linux mint screen starts loading. and stop after ive written the login name and pw:P is it possible... even for a newb to linux:/? <308:33
glickhaha truTVs most daring is such an awesome show08:34
infiter789KDewhirst: If you could pass your MSN it will be nice (like Borat says).08:34
zirodaykalidar: yes you do have to go through all this trouble. What is the output of lsb_release -a?08:34
infiter789KDewhirst: Ok, farewell, thanks for the talk.08:34
KDewhirstinfiter789: how do you mean?08:34
kalidarit just says the program metacity is currentley not installed08:34
kalidarshould i instal it?08:34
infiter789KDewhirst: MSN, messenger... .net passport?08:34
hans-rudolfdsdeiz: I have compiz but this is the more plain appearance stuff(colored titlebar etc).08:34
glickdoes ubuntu still kill ur battery?08:34
KDewhirstinfiter789: oh, okay. i'm kenny.dewhirst at hotmail08:35
ddoomHammerHead66: Its server with no gui. But I just tried logging in straight to the comp. And when I enter username and pw it doesn't say Login incorrect or anything, just comes up with another doom Login: and flicking cursor08:35
zirodaykalidar: sudo apt-get install metacity, but that should be installed by default08:35
zirodayglick: no08:35
hans-rudolfmy battery gets hammered b y ubuntu08:35
infiter789KDewhirst: kenny.dewhirst@hotmail.com?08:35
furuanyone that can help me with a rc script?08:35
ddoomHammerHead66: Think I'll have to reboot into ubuntu safe mode or whatever its called, and try to update see if that will fix it08:35
hans-rudolffuru: I'm sure there is someone.08:35
o0Chris0oI have a problem with compiz, not sure which setting this is, but everytime I press ctrl+alt up arrow I get this and cannot get out, I have to restart the computer http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/2130/screenshotcrp.png08:35
HammerHead66ddoom: ok....in that case I don't know man sorry08:35
kalidarwow it says its gona take 42 minuts08:35
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kalidarweird that i dont have it allredy08:36
kalidarwhat do i do once its installed?08:36
zirodayfuru: you need to ask linux mint questions somewhere else08:36
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zirodaykalidar: run that command again, but I would be more worried that you don't have it installed. Whilst you wait can you pastebin the output of lsb_release -a please08:36
hans-rudolfSo what does an ubuntu top developer get paid?08:37
kalidaryou want me to type lsb_release -a in terminal? then paste you the answer?08:37
furuziroday oki sorry i understand, just figured since the distro's have so much in common, it would be the same08:37
zirodaykalidar: paste the answer in pastebin08:37
kalidarich ok08:37
ziroday!pastebin | kalidar08:37
ubottukalidar: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:37
zirodayhans-rudolf: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic08:37
zirodayce_imutzzzzzzzz: is there something we can help you with?08:37
zirodayfuru: unfortunately not08:38
dsdeizhans-rudolf: i think compiz-gnome is the window decorator if that's what you mean08:38
rwwfuru: Did someone give you Mint's IRC channel yet, or no?08:38
hans-rudolfdsdeiz: Thanks I'll check it out.08:38
fururww sorry but ive found ##linuxmint but it doesnt have many members...08:38
rww!mintsupport | furu: try the official one08:39
ubottufuru: try the official one: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint on irc.spotchat.org08:39
glickpubuntu koala is comming out next month right"?08:39
zirodayglick: no, not until October this yera08:39
rwwglick: Jaunty 9.04 is coming out next month. Koala/9.10 is due out in October (hence the version number)08:39
glickah jaunty08:39
SmokeyDhey eveyone. I am running Ubuntu Intrepid on amd64 with a mobo with NVidia chipset, with integrated nVidia Corporation CK804 AC'97 Audio Controller (rev a2). When my computer is busy (I think when cpu is occupied) my music (both mp3's and audiostreams) hickups sometimes. It doesn't matter which player I use (mplayer in the commandline for the audio stream, amarok for mp3's).08:39
glickwhens that commin otu?08:39
fururww thx :)08:40
zirodayglick: next month08:40
GrimmVarghey guys, I've used Ubuntu for a few years, now i bought a Mac and i want to get ubuntu on it. But I want to get my hands on 9.04, My question is, if i install the Beta, will my install "evolve" into the same install as a the release. That is if i keep the system up to date?08:40
SmokeyDsometimes the same tone in the music just repeats a couple of times, before the music continues08:40
IntuitiveNippleGrimmVarg: yes08:40
kalidardid you get that?08:40
rwwGrimmVarg: 1) Jaunty/9.04 questions and support in #ubuntu+1, not here. 2) Yes.08:40
DJonesGrimmVarg: Yes, as long as you keep updating, you'll end up with the same system08:40
zirodaySmokeyD: sounds like a pulseaudio issue08:40
GrimmVargIntuitiveNipple / DJones ty, thats all i wanted to hear! 9.04 here i come :)08:41
zirodaySmokeyD: what version of ubuntu?08:41
GrimmVargrww: sry, ill keep that in mind08:41
SmokeyDziroday: intrepid08:41
hans-rudolfdsdeiz: I'm killing the procs but it doesn't stop the effects and appearance, strangly.08:41
SmokeyDziroday: 2.6.27-11-generic kernel08:41
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SmokeyDziroday: anyway I can diagnose the problem?08:41
zirodaySmokeyD: one sec08:41
dsdeizcool, i'd like to know that too if you find out :-)08:42
zirodaySmokeyD: I'm going to go google to see if there is a bug related to that issue. Did it work in previous versions of ubuntu?08:42
zirodayce_imutzzzzzzzzz: can we help you with something?08:42
SmokeyDziroday: no I have the problem already for a long time as far as I can tell08:42
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yana_i have installed lamp server and please tell me where is var/www directory08:43
zirodaykalidar: thank you saw that, have you finished installing metacity yet?08:43
yana_how to find it?08:43
zirodayyana: its in /var/www08:43
kalidarits installed ziroday08:43
glicki think chrome is safer than firefox08:43
zirodaykalidar: well can you try again to do metacity --replace then start your game in fullscreen08:44
yana_can you tell me how to enter var/www?08:44
glickits the only browser that was pwned in the pwn2own contest08:44
zirodayglick: discuss it in #ubuntu-offtopic08:44
dsdeizcd /var/ww/08:44
kalidarunknown option08:44
dsdeizcd /var/www/ i mean08:44
kalidarsure you dont use just one -08:44
zirodaykalidar: err what? Can you pastebin the output08:44
kalidaroh wow it broke my desktop!08:44
kalidaromg! wth08:45
zirodaykalidar: broke your desktop?08:45
kalidaralll my widgets and stuf just dissapeared08:45
styolwith ubuntu, is there anyway to save system settings or otherwise so that the same system settings can be applied to another ubuntu setup? like an iso but not the full system08:45
kalidarall i see is a picture in my backround08:45
kalidarsaid failed to load theme clearlooks08:45
zirodaykalidar: that is because its a non compositing window manager08:45
zirodaykalidar: failed to load clearlooks?08:45
GrimmVarghmw: if I keep the alpha 6 version updated will it become exactly the same as the real deal when the release comes?08:46
zirodayGrimmVarg: yes08:46
kalidarso it stopppped and said disabling the gtk qt theme engine for metacity08:46
GrimmVargziroday: awesome, ty08:46
SmokeyDziroday: the sound configuration is "configuration: driver=Intel ICH latency=0 maxlatency=5 mingnt=2 module=snd_intel8x0"08:46
zirodaykalidar: can you take a screenshot please08:46
zirodaySmokeyD: woops sorry, forgot about you :)08:46
kalidarits ok i fixed it08:47
SmokeyDziroday: no problem08:47
kalidarbut im stil mising my widgets08:47
zirodaySmokeyD: can you pastebin the output of lspci please08:47
zirodaykalidar: look, can you just try your game please08:47
kalidarWindow manager warning: Failed to load theme "Clearlooks": Failed to find a valid file for theme Clearlooks08:47
kalidarok sure08:47
yanahey and why I cant save changes for files in var/www directory ?08:48
yanai cant change index.html08:48
zirodayyana: you need to be root, how are you changing it currently?08:48
kalidarok yeah they work but why!! how is anyone suposed to know how to do that..08:48
IntuitiveNippleyana: For anything outside your 'home' directory you'll need 'sudo' to give you privileges08:49
kalidarwhat did you make me do to fix the problem so i can rember it why metacity?08:49
killerboyhow to turn bluetooth on on toshiba satellite laptop?08:49
yanaso how to make this08:49
SmokeyDziroday: http://pastebin.com/d75bbcda608:50
zirodaykalidar: okay, you were just using a compositing window manager (compiz), with it the game would not load correctly, like many other games. If you need to quickly swap between metacity and compiz install fusion-icon or create a wrapper script for your game. If you are not running compiz your widgets will not show as they need compiz08:50
styolkillerboy http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=83509408:50
zirodaySmokeyD: thanks08:50
kalidarthanks alot btw08:50
canuck1is amsn the only app that supports video calls on msn?08:50
yanaIntuitiveNipple:i see that index.html works and server works08:50
zirodaySmokeyD: heh, you've done this before :)08:50
frybyehi if when going to |system|settings|sound - nothing shows up - how to repair this feature???08:50
dsdeizgoodone ziroday08:50
kalidarok zeroday so fusion-icon??08:50
dsdeizkalidar: may i ask what the game is?08:50
SmokeyDziroday: :)08:51
kalidarich linux sux for this kinda stufff08:51
kalidartrying to hook up snowballs and armagetron and gona try to find enemy terratory08:51
SmokeyDziroday: you think I should be able to solve it myself with the comprehensive sound problem solution guide 0.5e08:51
kalidarut its not in the repo08:51
SmokeyDon the ubuntu forums08:51
DasEifrybye: which soundcard ?08:51
zirodaykalidar: its a small app in your notification area that has options to switch between compiz and metacity easily. You can install it with sudo apt-get install fusion-icon08:51
ddoomTIS FIXED08:51
yanahow to get privileges for changing files in var/www? how to use sudo for that ?08:51
zirodaySmokeyD: may I PM?08:52
dsdeizanswer me kalidar! answer me! hehe08:52
kalidarthanks dude08:52
kalidari did desdeiz look up08:52
frybyeDasEi: is ok - i have answer now.. tks.-..08:52
DasEiyana: f.e. gksudo gedit /../file08:52
dsdeizoh, sorry hehe thanks mate :-)08:52
zirodaykalidar: any other questions?08:52
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kalidarno ziroday your veryhelpful thankyou!08:53
simplexioyana: leanr ls -la, chown, chgrp, and sudo..08:53
simplexioand i must learn type :)08:53
zirodayyana: what are you trying to do?08:53
DasEi!sudo | yana:08:53
ubottuyana:: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)08:53
kalidaroh after i instal it where do i execute it?08:54
kalidarthe fusion icon08:54
zirodaykalidar: just type in fusion-icon. If you want it always enable add it to System > Preferences > Startup Programs08:54
kalidarhow do i do that sorry im a dummy08:54
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zirodaykalidar: which part?08:55
kalidarumm nothing happend when i typed that08:55
kalidarhow i find out where it is and put it in system prefrences startup programs08:55
zirodaykalidar: open a terminal, type in fusion-icon, press enter08:55
kalidardid nothing happen just a buncha words08:55
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zirodaykalidar: look in your notification area, you should see a new icon, a blue cube with a magic wand08:56
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kalidarnot their :(08:56
SmokeyDziroday: sure08:56
kalidarsyskeyerror decoration08:57
kalidarsys= says08:57
zirodaykalidar: can you take a screenshot please08:58
kalidarok sure08:58
kalidarhow i send it to you08:58
rww!imagebin | kalidar08:58
ubottukalidar: Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add and link it from the channel.08:58
zirodayrww: thanks :)08:58
bluenzo^nixanyone use avant?08:58
bluenzo^nixthe dock thingy at bottom08:59
ziroday!anyone | bluenzo^nix08:59
bluenzo^nixavant window navigator08:59
ubottubluenzo^nix: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:59
gnu-dio1I've been doing all my video editing in Windows, but I'd really like to do that work in Ubuntu, as it's the last thing I do in windows. Currently, my issue is that sound and video tracks don't match up properly when playing a dv-avi in Ubuntu using a file that works right in windows. I assume that this is some sort of audio issue, but flv files work perfectly. Can anyone give me a pointer as to where to look to fix this issue?08:59
SmokeyDziroday: I just thought of a diagnosis: use mplayer -ao alsa instead of the default which uses pulseaudio. If the problem disappears, it is pulseaudio08:59
zirodaySmokeyD: ooh didn't know you could do that08:59
bluenzo^nixthat was my real question :P08:59
zirodaySmokeyD: and if its pulseaudio, then you should really, really talk to aforementioned person08:59
rwwbluenzo^nix: yes, some people use avant08:59
bluenzo^nixoh and its not my first question, thanks ;D08:59
zirodaySmokeyD: and try out jaunty08:59
bluenzo^nixive been messing with it, it seems buggy to me09:00
SmokeyDziroday: to who?09:00
bluenzo^nixcant get it working properly...09:00
zirodaySmokeyD: see PM09:00
SmokeyDziroday: I don't see any PM09:00
zirodaybluenzo^nix: what is not working?09:00
zirodaySmokeyD: I would check your pidgin windows09:01
bluenzo^nixwell for one... when I drag a icon to it (like opera's icon) it puts it on the left side of the bar, puts in a separator that you cant remove09:01
zirodaySmokeyD: anyway, no matter what it is you should file a bug09:01
bluenzo^nixso its like in this format [custom icon...open windows...applets]09:01
raevoli just deleted a file on my second hard drive, which is ntfs, and it isn't showing up in the trash in nautilus09:01
raevoldid it go somewhere else? or get permanently deleted?09:02
zirodaybluenzo^nix: I believe you have to remove it from the launcher area, you might want to try out docky if you are looking for a decent dock09:02
zirodayraevol: permanently deleted09:02
SmokeyDziroday: still no PM. Not in other tabs and not in other windows. But I will file a bug in the ubuntu bugtracker? Or in a more specific one? It seems that when using alsa as output plugin, the problem is still there.09:02
raevolziroday: thanks09:02
zirodaySmokeyD: under launchpad, you should talk to dtchen09:03
_Whipperraevol: nothing gets "permanently" deleted, if you didnt overwrite it thousand times :)09:03
kalidaromg so much hastle :( ziroday heres yr snapshot bud thx for helping me09:03
SmokeyDziroday: ok, thanks for the input09:03
miranda_psiraevol: there should be a .trash folder at the root of the partition that you deleted it from - could be there depending on how you deleted it09:03
raevol_Whipper: i actually did want to delete it, but i just wanted to make sure it wasn't still taking up room in some imaginary trash somewhere09:03
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wahidwhats the room for ubuntu philippines?09:04
_Whipperraevol: ok09:04
rwwraevol: Go to the root directory of your NTFS partition (aka the equivalent of Windows' \), show hidden files (Ctrl-H) and look for directories named "trash" or similar. If there isn't one, you're good.09:04
kalidardid you get that day?09:04
wahidwhats the room for ubuntu philippines? anywone knows?09:04
zirodaykalidar: I did not realise you were using kubuntu, you should of told me :). For you fusion-icon won't work. Ask in #kubuntu for an easy solution to switch between compiz and kwin09:04
raevolyea, don't see one, thanks rww09:04
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IceyBlackhi all09:04
kalidarkubuntu wont work sorry09:05
kalidari cant get in channel09:05
kalidaroh nvm09:05
zirodaykalidar: can't get in the channel?09:05
IceyBlackcan you guys recommend me an aplications which i can record my desktop?09:05
SmokeyDis pulseaudio a layer on top of alsa?09:05
zirodayIceyBlack: gtk-recordmydesktop09:05
zirodaySmokeyD: yep09:05
kalidarshould i type sudo apt-get remove fusion-icon?09:05
zirodaykalidar: yep09:05
kalidarsry man09:05
IceyBlackThank you ziroday09:05
rwwwahid: #ubuntu-ph09:05
SmokeyDziroday: ok, so the problem is probably with alsa then09:05
kalidarwhat mode am i in rite now?09:06
kalidari went from compiz to whats this one called?09:06
SmokeyDwhat is a good way to make my cpu busy? Withouth using a lot of memory or disk IO?09:06
zirodaySmokeyD: cat /dev/urandom ?09:07
SmokeyDziroday: good idea09:07
rwwkalidar: if you're using KDE, that would explain why metacity --replace caused problems. Metacity is a GNOME thing ;)09:07
kalidaromg should i remove metacity as well :(09:07
kalidarich im slowly hateing linux lol09:07
kalidarits so much hastle to do the simplest of tasks09:08
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com09:08
rwwSmokeyD: "cat /dev/urandom > /dev/null" might work a little better. No sense getting random junk all over your terminal ;)09:08
kalidartook me 3 hrs yesterday to watch a movie stream video09:08
kalidarand i still cant watch divx movies online09:08
kalidarlol grr09:08
kalidarstupid linux09:08
kalidarthanks alot man09:08
FloodBot2kalidar: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:08
DasEi!divx | kalidar09:09
ubottukalidar: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:09
_Whipperkalidar: its normally the user, not OS :)09:09
HammerHead66kalidar:  what is your video card?09:09
raevolkalidar: a lot of the media problems you have is because people use closed-source codecs that we have to reverse engineer to get working right09:09
kalidarsry the divx information dosent work09:09
cemchi. I have a HP laptop and I would like to be able to control the fan speed in 8.10. Is there a way?09:09
raevolkalidar: because no one "owns" linux, no one is going to pay to license those codecs, especially when FOSS ones are available09:09
cemcI would like to be able to run it at full speed09:09
kalidaroh so basicaly you cant watch divx?09:10
raevolthere may be a way to get it working, i don't know09:10
kalidarthat would explain why i cant get it to work09:10
raevolbut that's why media things can be probablematic09:10
raevoldoesn't mean someone hasn't figured out how to make it work09:10
kalidarwow... sigh.. everythings problematic with linux lol09:10
SmokeyDhèhè, I reniced yakuake (my terminal) to -8 while running cat /dev/urandom inside it and yakuake crashed :) Guess I found another bug :)09:10
_Whipperkalidar: theres a way..09:10
glickdamn im sick of my crappy internet connection09:10
kalidarwhat can you do on here? cant watch movies or play games lol09:10
raevoli disagreee, but i can see how from your experience you would think that09:10
DasEikalidar : did you try vlc ?09:11
kalidarand if you do you gota go through extrem hastles to do so09:11
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs09:11
glickkalidar, funny i find the opposite to be true09:11
mgolischkalidar: lol?09:11
kalidari have vls instaled09:11
kalidarit works for dvds09:11
FloodBot2kalidar: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:11
mgolischvlc can playback allmost everything09:11
mgolischmaybe try mplayer09:11
=== Kernel is now known as Wicked
kalidarits all good09:12
rwwWhat's the terminal command to stop an initscript from running at startup? update something or other.09:12
glickkalidar, i feel that way about windows09:12
raevolkalidar: also, i'm a gamer so i feel your pain as to games not working, but the reason for that is shoddy-ass game programmers who use direct3d09:12
kalidarhow! windows you just click and everythings done here you gota practicaly program yr hole system just to get a soundfile to play lol09:12
raevola lot of good games do work on linux, like doom, quake, unreal tournament, etc09:13
kalidarlmao wow doom quake and unreal tourn lmao those arnt good games :P09:13
kalidarthose are 1998 games lol09:13
morice-netkalidar: yeah, but you have to format it every two months...09:13
raevolkalidar: that's a bit of an overstatement ;) ever tried to install sound drivers on windows? linux has them already built in09:13
rww!games | kalidar09:13
ubottukalidar: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php09:13
rwwknock yourself out09:13
miranda_psiUT3 works in linux...09:13
kalidaryes true!09:13
_Whipperkalidar: just palin ignorence doesnt mean linux "cant" do what u want :)09:13
kalidarwindows does suck for that09:13
DasEikalidar: we can help you, but can't teach you reading, my multimedia does fine... if you're cpmplete new to linux, it might take few weeks to get the basics, but for me it was worth it09:14
raevoland doom 3 isn't from 1998, nor is UT2004 :P09:14
kalidarive been using linux for a month now i like it alot dont get me wrong09:14
kalidarbut i stil cant get games movies or pretymuch anything that has to do with the entertainment department to work09:14
mtholdenssjaunty beta tomorrow?09:14
kalidari read lots of docs and stuf but usualy unhelpfull thats why i come here u guys are realy smart at stuff like this09:14
rwwmtholdenss: ask in #ubuntu+109:15
Frogzoo!appdb > kalidar09:15
ubottukalidar, please see my private message09:15
DasEikalidar  extended gaming is a lack of it, multimedia does fine09:15
_Whipperkalidar: so do some learning then, and stop making such claims.. :)09:15
mgolischkalidar: you must be doing something wrong, i have no problems with music or videos09:15
kalidaryeah its probs a problem with my lib09:15
kalidari need to format and reinstall anyway as alot of my stuf is bugy and dosent save09:15
miranda_psikalidar: just learn how to use mplayer - it will deal with all your multimedia needs :)09:16
DasEikalidar : which version (distro) ?09:16
kalidarand it never rembers the placement of widgets and stuf and sometimes when i load linux my taskbar isent were it should be lol09:16
kalidarkde 4.109:16
kalidari liked the old kde better09:16
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »09:16
kalidarthis version is garbage09:16
kalidarits like vista09:16
raevoli never used KDE09:16
_Whipperkalidar: use kde 3.x, more stable09:16
kalidaryeah im thinkin of switching to gnome09:16
kalidargnome looks les fancy but it gets te job done09:17
raevolgnome is stable but slow and sucks resources, xfce is awesome but not for beginners09:17
kalidarperhaps yr rite09:17
morice-netI used both of KDE and Gnome desktop09:17
morice-netKDE 4.2 rox09:17
rwwkalidar: I grabbed a computer, wiped it, and gave a user the computer, a Windows install CD, a copy of The Sims 2, and a DVD once. They didn't get it working from scratch either. Setting up multimedia from scratch is hard on Windows and Linux ;)09:17
_Whipperkalidar: or E17 :)09:17
miranda_psiat least gnome isn't as bad as kde for using resources and being slow...09:17
DasEikalidar: I'd like to help you, but please stay topic, see:09:18
raevolmiranda_psi: true, i wouldn't be able to stand that09:18
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:18
kalidaryeah yr rite i guess but atleast windows you can download the codec lol09:18
zimnyxAny firefox 3.1 user here?09:18
kalidaryes ofcorse im sorry guys09:18
rwwkalidar: You can on Ubuntu too ;)09:18
kalidarim just venting some rage is all lol09:18
kalidarlinux can be very frustrateing for beguinners09:18
rwwkalidar: and if you can't, that's the codec creators' fault, not ours.09:18
kalidarwich is probs why many dont make the conversion but i wont give up i like it to much :)09:18
kalidarim just adjitated09:18
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.09:18
kalidarthanks guys peace ;)09:19
raevolgood luck kalidar09:19
gnu-dio1Well, nobody offered any advice, but I just stumbled on the answer myself just poking around. The problem: the sound on video playback/editing is delayed from the video. The answer: PulseAudio. Changing the prefrences-->sound-->devices-->sound playback for Movies to ALSA rather than Autodetect fixed the issue.09:19
miranda_psiraevol: though my gnome right now (desktop comp) is running really slow, but I think that has to do with half the RAM dying... :'(09:19
raevolouch :( let's #ubuntu-offtopic i guess09:19
thorreseems like if the beta is coming to the servers shortly https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope/TechnicalOverview09:19
rwwthorre: Jaunty discussion in #ubuntu+1, please, not here.09:20
DasEignu-dio1: nice info, I once spend a half night to find out it was the dam... medium (corrupt file)09:20
SmokeyDIs there a word that distinguishes between a terminal under gnome and the real the terminal I go to with ctrl-alt-f1. Or are they both just called terminals?09:21
hellhoundcan someone help me setup a bluetooth headset to be used for totem and firefox?09:21
zirodaySmokeyD: ctrl+alt+f1 is a VT (virtual terminal), whilst gnome-terminal is just a terminal I think09:22
hellhoundright now i am trying to just detect the device... btw i am using ubuntu 8.1009:22
SmokeyDziroday: ok, thanks. I am trying to get my language right in the bug report09:22
gnu-dio1Now I'm almost 100% free of M$! Woot! All I have left to do is to get a camera that has working linux drivers! (all 3 cameras I already have have issues in linux). The only thing left that I do in windows now is to capture video from a camera!09:23
HammerHead66SmokeyD: one is GUI terminal the other is command line terminal09:23
DasEignu-dio1: nice info, I once spend a half night to find out it was the dam... medium (corrupt file09:23
SmokeyDHammerHead66: ok, thanks09:23
DasEignu-dio1: driver installed already ?09:23
rwwWhat's the terminal command to stop a service from running at startup? I think it starts with update-something or other...09:24
SmokeyDrww: update-rc.d09:24
SmokeyDrww: update-rc.d remove <someservice>09:24
DasEirww: also mght use BUM, it also determines needed from unneeded services09:25
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto09:25
VSpikeHi .. I've set up a command-line PPTP VPN connection and it works when I do "pppd call myvpn"... but how can I configure it so that a static route is added when the vpn is connected?09:25
rwwDasEi: I said "terminal". BUM is a graphical program afaik.09:25
rwwSmokeyD: "sudo update-rc.d remove SERVICENAME" gives the output "update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/remove: file does not exist". I thought it was update-rc.d, and read the man page, but it's being difficult :/09:25
SmokeyDrww: sorry update-rc.d <someservice> remove09:26
rwwSmokeyD: and switching remove and the service name gives an error about /etc/init.d/SERVICENAME existing (and says to use -f to force). Should I do update-rc.d -f <someservice> remove?09:27
hellhoundcan someone help me setup a bluetooth headset to be used for totem and firefox? right now i am trying to just detect the device... btw i am using ubuntu 8.1009:27
SmokeyDrww: yeah, it should. that is because the init.d script still exists, it warns you. Add the -f to force the removal of the autostart09:27
DasEi rww: this or remove the script first09:27
SmokeyDrww: you can still start the service manually with /etc/init.d/<servicename> start, but it't won't be autostarted or autostopped/09:28
rwwDasEi: removing an /etc/init.d/ script provided by a package seems non-optimal.09:29
rwwSmokeyD, DasEi: anyways, update-rc.d's manpage just pointed me at sysv-rc-conf, which seems to be more rww-friendly.09:29
SmokeyDrww: :) could09:29
MorclyeI have recently tried to get my USB digital-TV work and while doing that I broke something. On this boot up loading got stuck at v4l-dvb for quite a while and finally after it failed I got my PC back up. Now trying to install build-essential I got "dpkg: error processing v4l-dvb-dkms"09:30
gnu-dio1DasEl: Yes, the best one, I actually hacked and compiled a new kernel module driver, and it works, but it has color issues. There aren't any drivers at all for the other two cameras I have. The solution is to just buy a camera with solid linux drivers, there are plenty of them out there.09:31
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DasEignu-dio1: I recently had the same problem, there was this tool... don't remember the name, I compiled it and it found the cam and the right driver.. shall I look ?09:32
gnu-dio1DasEi: It's probably a waste of your time. I put a lot of time into it already. Heh, and I've definately messed with EasyCam already. There really aren't working drivers for the cameras I have.09:34
glickubtuntu and linux in general is such a nice dev enviornment09:35
glicksooooo much nicer than windows09:35
DasEignu-dio1:xatv is nice tool to just check the function09:36
stormchas2000Ubuntu plays all the games I want,  including the start trek games i bought at wal-mart09:36
lowlycoderi'm running a linux kernel on uml. I need a minimal ubuntu system for the kernel to load up. How can I build such a system on ubuntu?09:39
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD09:39
Rishabhey all09:39
DasEilowlycoder: from that you can choose just the cmd-line by not choosing any soft at installation09:40
lowlycoderhow do I get the name of my current debian distro?09:40
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »09:40
Rishabcan any one tell me how to remote login in linux machine (which is not in my network). Just like the team viewer in case of windows >>09:40
lowlycoderDasEi: thans09:40
DasEiI#m off soon, look at :09:41
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/09:41
DasEifor files :09:41
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.09:41
Rishabin GUI mode just like team viewer and the machine is not in my LAN09:42
lowlycoderwhat's the server to use to debootstrap ubuntu? I keep on seeing the debian servers in the manpage / googling around09:43
dayoRishab: where is the machine? you need it's IP to login via ssh09:43
dayo!ssh | Rishab09:43
ubottuRishab: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/09:43
Rishabdayo ubottu no no no no from windows to ubuntu and the machine is located in another city //// but ssh do for your network group.... more over its not the GUI09:45
DasEiRishab: what do mean GUI ? remote Desktop ?09:47
rwwRishab: 1) ssh can work outside your local network 2) Are you looking for something like VNC?09:47
simplexioRishab: rdesktop for gui, ssh for text,09:47
HammerHead66GUI Grapghic Control Interface09:47
rww!vnc > Rishab09:47
ubottuRishab, please see my private message09:47
RishabDasEi Graphical User Interface >>09:47
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX09:47
RishabVNC i already tried but its not working for outsite my network09:48
osvalhi, could anyone help me with nautilus-actions?09:48
rwwRishab: then set up port forwarding correctly.09:48
dayoRishab: u can ssh to any machine in the world, so long as u have a valid login on that machine09:48
Rishabrww What xactly that means09:49
frybyere: I am not able to access my audio properties - please see consul results and explain :- http://paste.ubuntu.com/138107/09:49
dayoRishab: but it sounds like your looking for a remote desktop. haven't used that myself, so i can't help.09:49
simplexiodayo: not really.. conenct o any machine that is reacabale from your network09:49
DasEiRishab: apart from a ssh tunnel I don't think it's a good idea to rdesktop or sth outside a protected lan09:49
Rishabdayo but from Windos machine to linux na09:49
osvaldoes anyone know how to install nautilus-actions?09:49
dayosimplexio: true09:50
dayoRishab: from windows to linux, i would use putty. or install openssh for windows.09:50
dayo!putty | Rishab09:50
ubottuRishab: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/09:50
dayoRishab: http://sshwindows.sourceforge.net/09:51
DasEi osval:sudo apt-get install nautilus-actions09:52
frybyesombody explain what this is about? http://paste.ubuntu.com/138107/09:52
osvalDasEi, already did that but nautilus actions wont show up in preferences panel09:52
reisifrybye: those are just warning messages, you can safely ignore09:52
DasEiosval : I just fished out of apt, never configured it, sry09:53
Rishablet me look after that and I will be back09:53
frybyereisi: but nothing shows up the audio preferences window does not open.. neither with this command or via the gui?09:53
reisifrybye: gtk+ has a "nice" way of spilling (most often out of context) strange looking warnings09:53
reisifrybye: are you sure it's not hidden in upper right corner?09:53
frybyereisi - eh...? how to find?09:54
osvalDasEi I don't need help configuring the actions, I install the app but it wont appear in preferences, it's as if it was never installed. Do you understand what i mean?09:54
reisifrybye: i mean the "system tray"09:55
DasEiosval : sure, but as I said I have no experience with it09:55
frybyedown at the bottom of the screen a tab appears for a few seconds "audio is being started.." then it disappears and nothing happens...09:55
osvalDasEi oh ok! no problem09:55
reisifrybye: as a non-gnome user cannot help you further; strange is that it doesn't seem to crash09:56
DasEifrybye: lspci finds your audio / syslog has no error / alsamixer installed ?09:56
osvalDasEi i found it, it's in system>>> preferences :) not in nautilus09:57
frybyeI think i need to check that the pulse audio is addressing the right device - whats the name of that package pulse-device-selector or..?09:57
DasEifrybye: if you can't find it in settings, try alsamixer, it also offers pulse as an option; which s-card ?09:58
frybyei see pulse audio device chooser is installed - what exactly would be the command to call it up...?09:59
frybyeok i have it...09:59
frybyePulseaudio device chooser shows as a tab at the bottom of the screen for a few seconds - and that too then dissapears with no trace???10:01
goruswHm, has someone an idea why wireshark works as expected, but tcpdump -i eth0 has no results for me?10:01
frybyeoh jeez - just noticed I am in the wrong # here..10:01
frybyesee you...10:01
DasEigorusw: tried without -i ?10:02
DasEifrybye: saw you before.. :P10:02
frybyeright.. of course if folks here happy to help I dont complain...10:03
DasEigorusw: does this give you an output ?10:03
DasEifrybye: lspci finds your audio / syslog has no error / alsamixer installed ?10:03
frybyedont understand all that??10:03
goruswDasEi: No, I dont result any output (Also no output executing tcpdump without options)10:03
frybyeI was able to run alsamixer but the appl-add-and-delete shows it is not installed...?10:04
DasEifrybye: type lspci in trml, search your audio-card10:04
DasEigorusw: ifconfig                lists eth0 active ?10:04
DasEifrybye: if you can find it, check /var/log/syslog   by searching for audio, look for (driver) errors10:05
frybyeCreative Labs CA106 Soundblaster10:05
frybyeright - how do I do that checking+searching??10:06
goruswDasEi: Yes, this interface works fine. And there is no problem using wireshark with eth0. I have no idea.10:06
frybyethere is a gui-appl for running the log checks right - eh...?10:08
DasEifrybye: gedit /var/log/syslog            , then use search function (or instead of audio creative)10:08
frybyeright.. thanks..10:08
DasEifrybye: I just looked up creative's HP, and I remember that it wa hard to impossible to get X_Fi to work; though alsa started writing a driver, checking ...10:10
frybye 11.544395] usbcore: registered new interface driver snd-usb-audio <---is in the syslog - i sorta think the logitech webcam-microphone is switched with the soundblaster..10:11
frybyethis worked fine in 8.10 - which is a bit dumb to say here perhaps but...10:11
frybyeDasEi: please see: http://paste.ubuntu.com/138122/10:13
DasEifrybye: why dumb ? it's the latest alpha of ubuntu10:13
rwwDasEi: Jaunty discussion belongs in #ubuntu+1, not here, hence frybye's comment.10:14
frybyeno - I just mean that after I decide to risk trying the (thought it was the beta - not alpha this morning-) beta its my own fault so no point going on about "it worked in intrepid!"10:15
DasEiah , Jaunty, it's a general x-fi (creative) problem since they are out , 8.04 so10:15
frybyeDasEi: but as I say it worked fine up till upgrade to jaunty...10:15
frybyegetting no responses with this just now in #ubuntu+1 though...10:16
Clifferhi. im installing an apache server for a test of moodle, an elearning plattform. The how-to tells me to to install libapache2-mod-security. But apt cant find it. On google i found that the package was removed. Is there a successor or can i just let it out?10:16
frybyebut some of this stuff is for sure legacy-relevant.. so not that far ot in here I guess...10:17
adacwhat is the 'best' password generator for command line?10:17
DasEifrybye: the x-fi was driver-related10:17
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frybyeok but this is a audigy-se or whatever - not even x-fi10:18
DasEifrybye: can you figure out an exacter model name ? can't find 106, but there are newer drivers10:18
DasEifrybye: sudo apt-get install hwinfo10:18
frybyeaudigy-se i guess..10:18
DasEifrybye: sudo hwinfo | pastebinit10:18
frybyehang on...10:18
frybyei have hwinfo already - hang one..10:18
frybyehmm - i guess I used wrong command - the results all on one line.. ah ha - wait a min...10:19
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras10:19
DasEifrybye: sudo hwinfo | pastebinit                        <<shall give back an url, give that here10:21
frybyeDasEi: ok will do that - but there seems to be no soundcard listed.. just a min..10:21
bluenzo^nixmy friend is confusing me10:23
frybyeseems to confim my suspicion that somehow the usb-camera-microphone - logitech - has taken the place of a soundcard.. or?10:23
iElectricwhat is the easiest way to install multiple versions of python?10:23
administratorhi I need to run a command at boot up, what file do I have to write it into?10:24
frybyeiElectric: you got a longish desk there or a short one..? ;=)10:24
DasEifrybye: is it a usb device ??10:24
frybyeyeah the usb-communicate-stx camera has a mike and that has got detected but the sound card apparenly not or..?10:25
DasEiadministrator: rc.local is apossibility10:25
frybyeiElectric: then line up as many pc's as you need versions of python and then.. heheh10:25
* iElectric shoots frybye 10:25
frybyedies quietly <---10:26
frybye<--- comes back in far less than 2000 years to bug folks with his audio problem... hehe10:26
administratorDasEi thanks I will try it10:26
DasEifrybye:  audigy-se (no x-fi)  fo se :  http://alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Module-ca010610:26
iElectriccommon, there has to be a way10:27
iElectricwell im installing from source for now.10:27
DasEifrybye: check that out, modprobe the named module, install alsamixer-gui and write the module to /etc/modules  after first loading it with modprobe, so it auto-loads at next startup10:28
frybyeDasEi: ok I go and study that for a while.. hehe10:28
DasEifrybye: easier candidate10:28
frybyeeh can you say that in plain language.. "write the module to??"10:28
midknihtanyone know if you can connect to skype with other linux clients?10:28
frybyeDasEi: sorry - but can you give me that step-by-step??10:29
administratorDasEi there is a "exit 0" in rc.local does it need to be changed to something, when I add "sudo vgchange -ay daten"? Does it need to be the last command?10:29
frybyeinstalling alsamixer-gui first right...10:29
consolearthi all...iam using skype...its not able detect audio in my system...whenever i try to make a call...its saying "problem with audio capture"10:29
consoleartcan someone help me10:30
DasEiadministrator: leave the exit 0 just as last line , but I'm off now10:30
DasEifrybye: it's quite simple, just load the module, I'm leaving now10:31
frybyeDasEi: how do you mean load the module.. install it or???10:31
frybyesorry - can some other kind soul take over from DasEi...?10:31
belifrybye: what do you want to do?10:31
frybyeand thanks so much for your help DasEi10:31
frybyeget an audigy-se sound card working...10:32
frybyesee above for what dasEi wrote after 11:2610:32
belifrybye: is it internal? or usb?10:32
belifrybye: i just joined the channel10:32
shrewdyjust checking, but the jaunty repositories are quite incomplete and most stuff is giving people 403 errors right ?10:32
frybyehang on .. i will past an extract of the dialogue..10:33
belifrybye: ok....do you know sth. about the chipset it is using?10:33
belifrybye: use nopaste!10:33
frybyethis is what we were at - but he had to leave - i do NOT have loads of background knowledge and my memory is not too good - war injury..10:34
replmanHi! I need libgfortran1, but only libgfortran2 and 3 are available. I also tried to use a symbolic link from .2 to .1, but then i get an error: undefined symbol: _gfortran_copy_string10:34
belifrybye: let me read ;)10:35
frybyebeli: see also http://paste.ubuntu.com/138127/  please...10:35
feanorhi can some help me to get my shutdown butten (menu->System) back?10:35
Marquis-BoyLo all10:35
belifrybye: so, you have no sound? are you sure the card isnt detected?10:36
Marquis-Boy@feanor - you mean the button at top right?10:37
Marquis-BoyHey does anyone know much about networking and NAS drives?10:37
frybyebeli - see my hwinfo in the 138127 paste pse..?10:38
danwagonhey need some help with video in ubuntu10:38
frybyei suspect that pulse audio is trying to use the logitech usb webcame-microphone as a the sound device..??10:39
danwagoncan anyone help??10:39
error404notfoundhow can I force ubuntu to load plan X even if gnome is installed?10:39
frybyebut pulseaudio-device-chooser doesent start properly like other sound stuff here..10:39
frybyecant even access |system|settings|sound10:40
Marquis-Boydanwagon - you mean video files, or monitor settings?10:40
danwagonwhen I watch a video with any of my media players it come out with some colors missing10:40
belifrybye: you need to load the module10:40
frybyebeli right - but i dont know how to do that stuff.. can you pse walk me thru - step by step - i know it is a pain but...?10:41
enkohi! I'm trying to reload the udev rules with udevadm; but I'm getting a "unrecognized command 'reload-rules'" message. Could I just reboot?10:41
frybyedo i just do what is on that url???10:41
jerkstorecan anyone try accessing http://www.codepink4peace.org and tell me if they get "failed to connect"10:41
fluizphello folks! i have an issue in ubuntu 8.10! anyone can help me?10:43
frybyeso i just use the code shown at - http://alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Module-ca0106 right?10:43
belifrybye: try modprobe snd-ca010610:43
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danwagonanyone know how to fix the colour when watching vids in ubuntu??10:43
frybyereturns nothing - does it need sudo??10:44
fluizpdanwagon, which is exactly the issue?10:44
danwagonwhen I watch a movie in ubunt (avi/divx)  it seems the red is missing10:45
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.10:45
fluizphumm... I never see a trouble like that...10:45
danwagonand it looks shit10:45
belifrybye: did you try modprobe snd-ca010610:46
fluizpmaybe you can try this in terminal: gstreamer-properties10:46
danwagonit does it in all media players10:46
frybyeyes - eh - it returns nothing and I was asking if i should put sudo in front???10:46
danwagonyou talikin to me?10:46
frybyebeli:  yes - eh - it returns nothing and I was asking if i should put sudo in front???10:47
belifrybye: all commands are done as superuser, yes...you can do "sudo bash" to get a root shell10:47
danwagonwhats the best video viewer for ubuntu?10:47
frybyebeli: still returns nothing but a new prompt10:48
fluizpdanwagon, write "gstreamer-properties" in terminal and hits enter10:48
fluizpthen go to the video tab10:48
belifrybye: ok, run "lsmod |grep snd" and see if its loaded10:48
fluizpin plug-in field, select: X Window System (no Xv)10:48
fluizpthen hit the test button10:49
danwagongstreamer-properties-Message: Skipping unavailable plugin 'artsdsink'10:49
danwagongstreamer-properties-Message: Skipping unavailable plugin 'v4lmjpegsrc'10:49
danwagongstreamer-properties-Message: Skipping unavailable plugin 'qcamsrc'10:49
danwagongstreamer-properties-Message: Skipping unavailable plugin 'esdmon'10:49
FloodBot2danwagon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:49
fluizpow... which version of ubuntu are you using?10:49
frybyebeli: see http://paste.ubuntu.com/138145/    please...10:50
belifrybye: ok so its loaded....10:50
belifrybye: try to play sound :)10:50
danwagon8 ithink10:51
frybyeno sound - but two instances of pulse-device-chooser have shown up..10:53
belifrybye: so check settings...run    alsamixer    and unmute stuff (m key toggles muting)10:54
error404notfoundhow can I boot ubuntu into pure X, no gnome?10:54
Marquis-BoyAnyone know where a network drive is mounted when you access it through Place/Network in Gnome?10:54
frybyecapture is at zero...??10:55
belifrybye: MASTER and PCM have to be on some level and set unmuted....no MM under the indicators10:56
fosco_Marquis-Boy: access it in pleces/network, then open a terminal and type mount10:57
fosco_you'll see any mounted file system10:57
frybyecapture was at zero i upped it to 80% but still no sound at all...#10:57
belifrybye: capture has nothing todo with sound playback....the level setting is ignored if the channel is MUTED10:57
frybyeIEC958 shows just  00  ??10:58
belifrybye: 2 choices...read the manual or play around...10:58
frybyebeli: well sure - but the manual is not going to tell me what IEC958 is all about or...?11:01
Marquis-Boyfosco - ta11:01
belifrybye: press F3 to get the PLAYBACK options....11:01
ZeroKewlhi i was jason earlyer i went back to 8.0411:01
frybyebeli: right I have that all along - and the very first entry is this IEC958 which has just a small square above it with "00"11:01
ZeroKewli try every thing to get it to work in 8.10 just keep getting errors11:01
Saturn2888I created eth0:0. It doesn't exist anymore and now I'm getting some strange errors when restarting network interfaces.http://pastebin.com/d7694979c11:01
frybyethen the other entries are IEC958 - c and then next to it -f and then -r etc.. but the one that is just iec958 has no grafic volume indicator above it..11:01
ZeroKewldisable eth0:011:01
belifrybye: ok....do you see sth. like master and pcm? increase their volume...and make them unmuted11:02
Saturn2888ZeroKewl: How? It's not in the /network/interfaces file11:02
evelyettehi, why isn't there libapache-mod-ssl available ?11:02
frybyethe only entry from 9 that has no volume indication is the one with just iec958.. all the others are at about 80% and that one just has the small square with "00" in it..11:03
belifrybye: what is it telling about card and chipset?11:03
frybyeok i have it - hitting the "M" made the "00" switch to a "mm" BUT then the sound came on... hehe11:04
frybyecard ca010611:04
Marquis-BoyAnyone know much about mounting NAS drives?11:04
sarmisakMarquis-Boy: what do you want to know?11:05
belifrybye: after rebooting the sound module isnt loaded anymore...you need to tell the system to load it each startup11:05
frybyethe sound is lausy though - i have a 5.1 system and it seems to be producing a primative poor 2channel..11:05
frybyebeli- how to do that???11:05
zirodayevelyette: I presume it was phased out, it was last seen in dapper11:05
belifrybye: http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Module-ca0106        read the modules.conf section11:05
bullgard4[Ubuntu 8.04.2] Program 'Search for Files' cannot call a pager to display the contents of /etc/init.d/udev/ . Why? Nautilus can. Example: Enter in 'Name contains:'field 'udev'. The file name /etc/init.d/udev will appear in the second line. Double-click on it. What message does appear on your screen?11:06
evelyetteziroday, so how to enable ssl now ?11:06
Marquis-BoySarmisak - I basically want to know how to mount my NAS drive at startup. I have followed online guides, and it doesn;t mount at startup. But it will do on running sudo mount -a11:06
zirodayevelyette: the same way you always would, you just don't need to install that pacakge11:07
frybyebeli - please dont missunderstand me - i am really gratefull for your help and patience - but so far all the guides tell me at some stage to access the system|settings|sound feature and this does NOT load or work or show up at all here- except for a few seconds down at the bottom of the screen in the task bar and then dissapears again...11:07
sarmisakMarquis-Boy: did you add it in fstab?11:07
sarmisakMarquis-Boy: are you trying to mount it as a samba share or NFS?11:08
Saturn2888how can I delete a virtual ethernet adapter that no longer exists but still shows up when restarting networking?11:08
sarmisakSaturn2888: try /etc/network/interfaces11:08
Marquis-Boysarmisak - it's a CIFS share (I have windows PCs at home too)11:09
Saturn2888sarmisak: it's not in there11:09
sarmisakMarquis-Boy: what is the fstab line?11:09
Marquis-BoySarmisak - //MEDIA1/Media1    /media/media1        cifs    nounix,guest,rw,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 011:10
sarmisakMarquis-Boy: why dont you use //IP.address/ instead of //MEDIA1/, have you tried it?11:11
sarmisakMarquis-Boy: while auto mounting it does not usually wait for NetBIOS names enough, then it timeouts11:12
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sarmisakMarquis-Boy: so it could be simpler to use directly IP address instead of the NetBIOS name11:12
Marquis-BoySarmiska: well - when i run the mount -a it sort of works - it finds the nas ok. But the access to it is a bit iffy. And it doesn;t run at startup11:12
Marquis-BoySarmisak - ok - i will try witht he IP instead of NETBIOS name.11:13
Marquis-BoyBe back shortly11:13
Saturn2888Marquis-Boy: while linux cares about case, shares are not case sensitive11:13
Marquis-Boyyeah, i figured that out eventually. :) Will try a restart now11:14
volk0079in runtu sound doesn't work. what can i do11:15
Saturn2888volk0079: are you on a Dell Mini 9?11:16
Saturn2888volk0079: Oops, I meant, you might have to patch the kernel11:17
evelyetteand how to create a certificate if apache2-ssl-certificate is no londer available ?11:17
evelyettelonder == loger11:17
volk0079sound has gone after update11:17
volk0079and update is uncompleted11:18
snooserIs it me, or 8.10 is kinda buggy?11:18
Saturn2888ok g2g bye11:19
fosco_it is you :)11:19
snooseror my laptop11:19
icerootsnooser: no, you :)11:20
=== Administrator is now known as fiftyone
bullgard4[Ubuntu 8.04.2] Program 'Search for Files' cannot call a pager to display the contents of /etc/init.d/udev/ . Why? Nautilus can. Example: Enter in 'Name contains:'field 'udev'. The file name /etc/init.d/udev will appear in the second line. Double-click on it. What message does appear on your screen?11:21
snoosericeroot: well...it connects to my wifi but dont have internet11:22
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snoosericeroot: i find that quite a bug11:22
icerootsnooser: if you are connected to the wifi-network correctly, then your access-point/router is buggy if you can not reach the internet11:23
fiftyonehello, i have a question, i have 3 partitions on my ubuntu drive one is ntfs one is vfat and the other linux partition. I use the vfat for storage but recently it seems all the premissions and ownership have changed themselves to root now i cant move delete or add anything to that partition. I tried chmod and chown but it keeps sayting i dont have proper premissions to do that.I even logged in as root in another shell but i still cant change the owner11:23
icerootsnooser: you got an ip?11:23
ikoniafiftyone: vfat has no permissions11:23
snoosericeroot: no, its the OS!11:23
ikoniafiftyone: the problem is the user who is mounting the device11:23
snoosericeroot: yea, i got a local IP11:23
icerootsnooser: what is ping ubuntu.com telling?11:24
fiftyoneikona i dont understand. It worked fine for months i was able to read and write and do whatever i liked now i can read only11:24
ikoniafiftyone: because it is not being mounted with user permissions11:24
snoosericeroot: nope, does not ping anything on the internet11:24
ikoniafiftyone: root is mounting it as root, so as vfat doesn't actually support permissions only root can access it11:24
snoosericeroot: but i'm reading about my wifi card11:24
Marquis-Boysarmisak - no joy. the nas was not mounted. I wonder if it's because I'm connected wirlessly using Wicd instead of the default network manager11:25
icerootsnooser: and what is ping telling?11:25
fiftyoneahhh i see, i recently made it automount in fstab i must have made some mistake there...11:25
snoosericeroot: and it seems that has some problems with linux11:25
fiftyoneIkonia I understand11:25
snoosericeroot: nothing11:25
icerootsnooser: then your hardware is the bug11:25
icerootsnooser: driver and so on11:25
fiftyoneikiona i understand, what can I add to fstab to get it to mount as my user acct and not root?11:25
snoosericeroot: once again, its the OS. my card works well in windows11:26
icerootsnooser: its the driver, not the os11:26
snooserthe driver is correct11:26
snooseriwconfig wlan0 rate 5.5M fixed11:26
snooseri think this is it11:26
snooserwill try11:26
unitedpotsmokershello guys, talking about driver, i forgot to ask, is creative x-fi extreme music available for ubuntu?11:27
snoosericeroot: works!! :D11:28
icerootsnooser: so you see, its not the os fault11:29
snoosericeroot: the manufactor doesnt help, true. but it is not a driver problem11:29
Marquis-Boyhey - can any one help? My girlfriend's EEE PC can't connect to Gmail, despite other sites working. I have cleared the cache - what else could be blocking gmail?11:29
beliMarquis-Boy: maybe its not blocking but wrong routing11:30
snooserMarquis-Boy: have tryed the html version of gmail?11:31
Marquis-Boyhow to check/fix?11:31
Marquis-Boysnooser - no, how?11:31
Dillizarany good cd mounter??11:31
Dillizarexcept gmount11:31
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beliMarquis-Boy: nothing YOU can do about...you can just verify were the problem is....use traceroute11:32
snooserMarquis-Boy: when you click the link it will apear in the bottom of the page "HTML version"11:33
snooserMarquis-Boy: its lighter11:33
yinlongwho knows how to install wine in ubuntu without internet?11:36
Marquis-Boysnooser - she can;t get to gmail.com. so no html version. it just times out trying to find gmail.   however if i type in gmail.com/whatever it comes back instantly with a 404 not found page11:36
JediMasterhey guys, I've just deleted something like 5GB of files from an external drive (USB) that was full, and it's still showing as 0 bytes free even though the overall disk space used has gone down, any ideas?11:36
edi_99Hi all. What's the easiest way to update Java jdk?11:36
Marquis-Boybeli - i have just added traceroute to her machine, and run it on gmail.com, but need some guidance on interpretting the results11:37
beliMarquis-Boy: nopaste the results11:37
Marquis-Boybeli - nopaste?11:37
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap11:37
beliMarquis-Boy: read the topic11:38
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:38
yinlongis there anyone that knows how to install wine without internet?11:38
Marquis-Boybeli - sorry, yeah, got it.   the traceroute is still going, says 30 hops max, is up to about 1411:39
beliMarquis-Boy: 30 hops is the default maximum.....11:40
edi_99Hi. How to "shut down" the default java jdk in ubuntu and install java jdk from sun webpage?11:41
Marquis-Boybeli - ah - ok, well it's still pulling up bunch of hops. not really sure what I'm searching for. Never used traceroute11:41
beliMarquis-Boy: post what you have already11:43
Marquis-Boybeli - tis finished: /paste.ubuntu.com/138174/11:44
oCean_edi_99: what jdk is on sun's webpage? Is it a .deb to install? Actually, in the ubuntu repo's is the "sun-java6-jdk"11:45
strAlanthere are 3 updates that were just released11:45
strAlandid anyone else get them11:45
strAlanpython-apt, update-manager, and update-manager-core11:46
edi_99oCean_: i did install that one but I cannot compile applets11:46
fiftyoneI have a problem with my volume, for some reason the volume has gone way down even when i do sudo alsa force-reload11:46
fiftyoneit dosent fix the low volume anyone have any idea why this happened?11:46
edi_99oCean_: a guy i know said that I should go with the jdk pack on sun's web page, then it'll work fine11:47
strAlanfiftyone, right-click volume icon and open up volume properties11:47
beliMarquis-Boy: the first three * * * may indicate that YOUR routing is problematic......and the peering to google.com is really slow....so in addition to that it will come to TIMEOUTS11:47
kavityfiftyone: I had the exact same problem with my laptop, and while I regret to tell you I don't know how it was fixed, it did fix itself.11:47
beliMarquis-Boy: how are you connecting to the internet?11:47
edi_99oCean_: I'm just not very "handy" with ubuntu...still learning11:47
strAlanfiftyone, see if modifying those volume settings help - especially pcm volume11:47
fiftyonestaAlan i tried everything i can think of but it still wont work11:47
oCean_edi_99: common opinion (from what I learn here) is that the sun package in the repositories works ok11:48
fiftyoneim out of ideas. I remember someone give me some fix for this a long time ago but i dont remember it11:48
oCean_edi_99: is it installed correctly and default? (e.g. what do you get when you do "java -version" ?)11:48
kavityfiftyone: In alsa mixer is both MAster and Front full?11:48
Marquis-Boybeli: the eee pc in question access the net the same way as me - via the same wireless router. I'm typing this from my PC, which connects to gmail fine11:48
kavityand PCM11:49
fiftyonealso mixer?11:49
kavityalsa mixer.11:49
fiftyonekavity, in the prefrences?11:49
belififtyone: alsamixer ...make your settings.....check alsa config files11:49
edi_99oCean_: http://rafb.net/p/KH47tC46.html11:49
kavityfiftyone: What preferences?11:49
Marquis-Boybeli - on my PC I get the * * * line on row 2 as well11:49
* kavity scratches his head,11:49
fiftyonebeli, i checked properties from the volume menu11:49
fiftyonefrom the sound menu11:50
belififtyone: use alsamixer11:50
strAlanfiftyone, I think what you need is a nice, fresh, clean install11:50
kavityfiftyone: In a terminal type "alsamixer"11:50
fiftyonestrlan I dont think thats a good  idea lol11:50
oCean_edi_99: ok, that is still openJDK, not the sun version11:50
strAlanoh ok sorry11:50
fiftyoneKaviry thanks alot ill give it a shot11:50
=== CPUdestroyer is now known as subb
oCean_edi_99: have you done "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk" ?11:50
HammerHead66ur missing take off11:50
kavityfiftyone: No problem, though technically beli did suggest it first :P11:50
bazhang!ot > HammerHead6611:51
ubottuHammerHead66, please see my private message11:51
Servercrashhello i have installed ubuntu 8.1 server edition on AMD Sempron LE 1250 64bit machine, now when i do uname -a it gives me Linux ubuntu-server 2.6.27-7-server #1 SMP Fri Oct 24 07:37:55 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux11:51
JediMastercan anyone explain this?11:51
JediMasterFilesystem             Size   Used  Avail Use% Mounted on11:51
=== subb is now known as aptbb
Servercrashwhy is it giving i68611:51
oCean_edi_99: If not yet, then do so to install the sun jdk11:51
JediMaster. /dev/sdc1              493G   476G      0 100% /backup11:51
Servercrashit should be x6411:51
fiftyoneBeli, thank you  as well!!11:51
kavityJediMaster: WEhat's too explain?11:51
beliMarquis-Boy: ok...type: gimme output of "ifconfig" and    "ip route"11:51
Servercrashcan anyone point out the issue11:51
=== aptbb is now known as apt-get
JediMasterhow can there be 476G of 493G and still 0M free?11:51
strAlanServercrash, did you install the 64 bit version or the 32 bit version11:52
JediMasterkavity: sorry the second line didn't paste as it started with / =)11:52
kavityJediMaster: Because you haven't used much?11:52
oCean_Servercrash: by default on filesystem there is 10% reserved for root11:52
=== apt-get is now known as su-nick
disappearedngHey is there something else that can open ppt aside from open office? my openoffice impress is slow as hell11:52
ServercrashstrAlan, I got the CD it doenst say anyting like 32bit or 64 bit11:52
oCean_or 5% maybe11:52
JediMasterkavity: look again11:52
edi_99oCean_: should I try to uninstall it and then reinstall the jdk package form repos then?11:52
=== su-nick is now known as su-85
JediMasterthere should be 17G free11:52
beliMarquis-Boy: is your box running ubuntu too?11:52
strAlanServercrash, what version did you download - the 32 or the 64 bit...11:53
oCean_edi_99: uninstalling the other version is not required. Just run "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk"11:53
whileimhereMorning from the eastcoast USA. I need a sudio converter with a simple GUI that will allow me to convert mp3 to WAV files at a specific sample rate. I have tried sound converted on GNOME but it does not allow me to control the output of the WAV file.11:53
JediMasterI just deleted several directories that had at least 10GB in them accord to du, and there's still 0 bytes free even though the used space has gone down11:53
edi_99oCean_: it says the latest version is already installed11:53
ServercrashstrAlan, i think its 64bit as when i try to install and run the same on 32 bit machine, it gives me error saying "please use kernel appropriate to your CPU"11:53
kavityJediMaster: Weird.11:54
=== su-85 is now known as BGsu
oCean_Servercrash: sorry, my msg was not for you...11:54
oCean_JediMaster: by default on filesystem there is 10% reserved for root11:54
Toneilalgú em pot ajudar a instalar l'ubuntu?11:54
beliwhileimhere: mpg12311:54
ortsvorsteher!pt | Toneil11:54
ubottuToneil: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.11:54
disappearedngany1 here have anything else aside from open office which can open PPT ?11:54
whileimherempg123 is just CLI isnt it?11:54
Toneilen castellano?11:54
ortsvorsteher!es | Toneil11:55
ubottuToneil: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.11:55
Marquis-BoyBeli - try http://paste.ubuntu.com/13817911:55
beliwhileimhere: yes11:55
ServercrashstrAlan, how to detect where the  CD is for 32bit or for 64bit ?11:55
=== VSpike__ is now known as VSpike
JediMasteroCean_: yet it still shows as 0 free to df run by root?11:55
beliwhileimhere: you want gui? why not use audacity?11:55
oCean_edi_99: ok, so it IS installed. Then you have to set it as default. type "sudo update-alternatives --list java"11:55
strAlanServercrash, you just look in the optical drive bay to see if the cd is present11:55
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oCean_JediMaster: yes, I think as root you can still write some data. It is to prevent one get completely stuck. It is possible though to lower that percentage11:56
ServercrashstrAlan, I mean whether the Ubuntu Installation CD is for 32bit or for 64bit edition11:56
=== brace is now known as bracer
MisterSheepwhileimhere: audacity - i'll second  that11:56
ServercrashstrAlan, Is there anyway to check that11:56
strAlanServercrash, you boot from the live cd and use the uname command11:56
JediMasteroCean_: how?11:56
=== bracer is now known as Bracer
edi_99oCean_: OK, I've got Java 6-sun and java-6-openjdk ... I guess I should use the first one as default. How do I switch?11:57
strAlanServercrash, if you have the cd in the drive now, you should be able to go to the /boot directory of the cd and view it there11:57
dreamymy enligthenment doesnt has any start menus or task bar.. how can i solve that ?11:57
beliMarquis-Boy: looks ok....is your box on ubuntu too? compare the settings of ifconfig and ip route11:57
Kimiwhat is the cammand to show the ubuntu and its version name ?? i mean,what must i add as option with uname ??11:57
beliMarquis-Boy: also take care of the mtu value11:57
oCean_JediMaster: When creating the filesystem, use the -m option. I think it is also an option in tune2fs11:57
JediMasteroCean_: kk, will look it up thanks11:58
ned__السلام عيكم11:58
oCean_edi_99: indeed. Run "sudo update-alternatives --config java", then choose for the sun thing. Then try java -version again11:58
Marquis-BoyBeli - yeah, i'm on ubuntu too - my ip route doesn;t have that first line about etc11:58
ortsvorsteherKimi: try  lsb_release -a11:58
MisterSheepStyleSheep: hey.. MisterSheep here.11:59
oCean_JediMaster: (not totally sure, so you have to look into it a bit more, but I think it is "tune2fs -m 1 /dev/sdc1" to set the reseved-bock-count-percentage to 1%11:59
edi_99oCean_: I believe it's done. Thank you very much for your help11:59
Servercrashubuntu serverr 8.10 i386 :(11:59
StyleSheepMisterSheep, hey :)11:59
Servercrashmean its 32 bit11:59
Kimi<ortsvorsteher> ok11:59
oCean_edi_99: you're welcome11:59
ortsvorsteher!enter | Servercrash11:59
ubottuServercrash: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:59
strAlanubottu, relax12:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about relax12:00
edi_99edi_99: oh, another thing, is there any way to delete the other java version12:00
Kimiortsvorsteher THanks.s...... !12:00
ortsvorsteherKimi: youre welcome :)12:00
edi_99oCean_:  oh, another thing, is there any way to delete the other java version12:00
strAlanServercrash, so you used the wrong cd ?12:00
MisterSheepStyleSheep: got a quick sheep joke for you... "how do the Welsh find sheep in long grass?"12:00
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Servercrashyups, :(12:00
=== nick is now known as Guest9849
JediMasteroCean_: yeah, just checked the man page, -m is the percentage, thanks12:00
=== Brazer is now known as Braz3r
Kimiortsvorsteher any idea to install ibex to pen drive and it must not get deleted when formatted from windows xp ?12:01
Myrtti!offtopic | MisterSheep12:01
ubottuMisterSheep: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:01
MisterSheepStyleSheep: "....most pleasurable" ;-)12:01
oCean_edi_99: sure, if you really want it gone, "sudo apt-get remove openjdk-6-jdk" <-- if that is the correct packagename....12:01
ortsvorsteherKimi: there i have no idea.... sorry12:01
edi_99oCean_: ok got it. thanks again12:01
kleniuany one from poland/12:01
zirodayKimi: well if you reformat the usb drive then yes you will lose your install on that pendrive12:01
ziroday!pl | kleniu12:01
ubottukleniu: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl12:01
ortsvorsteherKimi: try to search the bot for an solution12:02
ortsvorsteher!bot | kimi12:02
ubottukimi: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:02
=== Braz3r is now known as Brac3r
beliMarquis-Boy: thats shouldnt be a problem cause the default gw is for both12:02
Marquis-BoyBeli - how do i take care of the mtu value?12:02
beliMarquis-Boy: on interface setup12:02
beliMarquis-Boy: check if there are any netfilter rules...do iptables -L12:03
tyson_if I download a package from http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/firefox-3.0-branding with adept,synaptic or whatever package manager update it?12:03
Guest9849how to stop apt when it installing software12:03
maginothey, can anyone give me a tip of a webapplication for mailling lists ?12:03
zirodaytyson_: if there is a newer version in the repo's then yes, otherwise nope12:03
beliMarquis-Boy: you may want to learn more about networking...read the network administrators guide 212:03
zirodayGuest9849: what stage is it in?12:03
bullgard4[Ubuntu 8.04.2] Program 'Search for Files' cannot call a pager to display the contents of /etc/init.d/udev/ . Why? Nautilus can. Example: Enter in 'Name contains:'field 'udev'. The file name /etc/init.d/udev will appear in the second line. Double-click on it. What message does appear on your screen?12:03
ortsvorsteherGuest9849: you can try ctrl - c , but u wouldnt brake an update12:04
=== Brac3r is now known as Br4cer
=== Br4cer is now known as Br4c3r
tyson_ziroday: right I was just making sure it was not like if you compile something by hand and then the package manager doesnt see it,  thanks12:04
zirodaytyson_: yep the pacakge manager will see it, and you can remove it from there12:04
miik$ man girls12:05
miikNo manual entry for girls12:05
=== Br4c3r is now known as Br4z3r
miikcreate a manpage for girls, i need a manual12:05
miiki have no idea how to approach or talk to girls12:05
Marquis-Boybelie = itables -L = http://paste.ubuntu.com/13818312:05
miikor how they work12:05
ortsvorsteher!ot | miik12:05
ubottumiik: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:05
miikbut ubuntu means humanity towards other, i need support for girls12:05
[u]Jinksmiik, they don't work.  stop trying to figure them out you never will12:06
miikthen how im supposed to get a girl?12:06
miikmy geek mind tries to analyze and understand everything12:06
[u]Jinksbe illogical12:06
zirodaymiik: please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic12:06
elkymiik, you are being offensive.12:06
beliMarquis-Boy: other sites work well? just gmail?12:06
[u]Jinksuh oh here it comes12:06
Kimi!thanks > ortsvorsteher12:06
ubottuortsvorsteher, please see my private message12:06
elkyziroday, i dont want him acting like that there either.12:06
Kimibut i dont want to get tit deleted... plzz any way ?12:06
zirodayelky: sure12:06
miikelky, you are a girl, you can help me understand girls.. how do girls work?12:07
miikim a desperate guy, i never talked to girls12:07
ortsvorsteher!troll | miik12:07
ubottumiik: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubotu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel12:07
miiki never kissed a girl in my life!!12:07
zirodayKimi: well when you plug it in windows just don't overwrite it12:07
Marquis-BoyBeli: well, anythign with security fails. and this includes the online leanring tools for her university degree. So if i can;t resolve this issue, she'll switch back to windows.12:07
oCean_maginot: webapplication? Don't you just mean the mailinglist manager software? http://www.list.org/12:07
miikim not trolling, im serious, i never kissed a girl in my life! why is it trolling? is it so hard to believe?12:07
oCean_miik: stop NOW12:07
vptrmiik, go to beauty and the geek :)12:07
miikyou guys are unsensitive, i thouht ubuntu was for human beings12:07
Kimithats EXACTLU wwhat i want to prvent ?12:07
beliMarquis-Boy: erm....with security? you mean https sites?12:08
elkymiik, you have been asked to stop. please stop.12:08
kinleyhey, is theere a way to find all network cards on ubuntu and when is there a way to differ between on board netcards an pci cards ?12:08
zirodaykinley: lspci12:08
miikok, sorry, i didnt know this channel was so full of unsensitive uncaring people, i thought it was humanty towards others12:08
g4lt-lappykinley, networkmanager usually shows them12:08
Marquis-Boyi think so, yeah - but other sites seem fine.12:08
miikgirls fucking sucks12:08
miikim going homo12:08
miikfuck this shit12:08
FloodBot2miik: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:08
zirodaymiik: this channel is for operating system support, not the ubuntu philosophy. Take it somewhere else12:08
Troll_Man:( that guy made me laugh12:09
Marquis-Boybeli - she cant even get tot his page: http://learnonline.canberra.edu.au/   I can.12:10
kinleyziroday: http://paste.ubuntu.com/138185/12:10
beliMarquis-Boy: its a fresh install?12:10
kinleyziroday: i found 3 cards ? is this correct ?12:10
zirodaykinley: sorry I jumped in kinda late, what are you looking for exactly?12:10
zirodaykinley: err yep, that looks correct12:10
Marquis-BoyBeli - nah - she's added a few apps like Lyx and other such nerdy uni tools12:11
zirodaykinley: err four actualluy12:11
beliMarquis-Boy: try with a text browser...use lynx or links12:11
kinleyziroday: have bladeserver to manage, to cards connected with path troght an maybe 2 throght powerconnect module12:11
ortsvorsteher!pl | kleniu12:11
ubottukleniu: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl12:11
zirodaykinley: and chance you can rephrase that as I have no idea what you just said12:12
Marquis-Boybeli - will do, installingnow12:12
kinleyziroday: not shure abount the cards connect over switch12:12
kinleyziroday: lol ;)12:12
zirodaykinley: for server help, #ubuntu-server is better suited12:12
Marquis-BoyBeli - another thing - youtube vids not load for her in firefox either12:12
kinleyok :) thank you12:12
tyson_miik: please notice that the channel is very busy, and that people really need questions answered (my buddy lost soemthing on an internal or external and needed help recovering it, she got so mad they almost broke up. :( so taking up more space really hurts this channel and others12:13
beliMarquis-Boy: sounds more like a browser/lib thing for me12:13
tyson_his girlfriend got so mad that should say12:13
mashmanwho knows how to set up on the dial up connections ? i have a modem which is Agere WinModem System Rev 112:14
jrib!dialup | mashman12:14
ubottumashman: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up12:14
HammerHead66mashman: left click the two blue computers in you system tray12:15
HammerHead66mashman: go to manual12:16
HammerHead66mashman: unlock12:16
HammerHead66mashman: click point to point connection12:16
HammerHead66mashman: under tab for modem12:17
Marquis-BoyBeli - i  might be an idiot, but i can;t connect to anythign in lynx12:17
Marquis-BoyBeli - am i supposed to press g and then type in the url?12:17
beliMarquis-Boy: right...or just links www.google.de  on the console12:17
HammerHead66mashman: man sure to enable or you won't be able to put in your info12:18
HammerHead66mashman: *make12:18
mashmani got ubuntu 8.10 HammerHead6612:18
HammerHead66it should be the same in all of them12:18
mashmanuhmmm ic12:19
Marquis-Boybeli - links www.google.com worked12:19
beliMarquis-Boy: erm...check the sites that didnt work with ff12:19
mashmanhow can i found the 2 blue computers ? HammerHead6612:20
Marquis-Boybeli - links gmail.com has worked....12:20
HammerHead66mashman:do you know what the system tray is?12:20
mashmanjust right click and then ?12:20
beliMarquis-Boy: so its a ff prob......reinstall ff12:20
HammerHead66mashman: do you see any two pc's on it12:21
binarymutantI got a bad update today :( anyone use Wesnoth?12:21
zirodaybinarymutant: whats not working?12:21
mashmannot yet HammerHead66 im using win xp i install ubuntu inside windows12:21
Marquis-BoyBeli - willdo. the Learn Online site worked in links too! Will try firefox reinstall, watch this sapce12:21
mylistoanyone know of a good multi track editor for ubuntu?12:22
HammerHead66mashman: install linux then come back and I can help you ok12:22
binarymutantziroday, I updated the westnoth game and it gave me an error about the file size differing from the one on the server12:22
mashmani already did HammerHead6612:22
mashmanand it's a dual boot12:22
HammerHead66mashman: are you in linux now?12:22
zirodaybinarymutant: ooh, do a sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get update12:23
mashmanim in xp right now12:23
HammerHead66so how are you going to set up Linux in windows12:23
mashmani use wubi HammerHead6612:23
prabha1989how to install network simulator ns2?12:23
HammerHead66mashman: hhhuumm I never did that way so I won't be able to help you doing it that way12:24
bullgard4[Ubuntu 8.04.2] Program 'Search for Files' cannot call a pager to display the contents of /etc/init.d/udev/ . Why? Nautilus can. Example: Enter in 'Name contains:'field 'udev'. The file name /etc/init.d/udev will appear in the second line. Double-click on it. What message does appear on your screen?12:25
Marquis-BoyBeli - a reinstall via synaptic didn't work. maybe a full removal is required12:25
zirodayMarquis-Boy: try with a new profile12:26
mashmanok HammerHead66 and how can i disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up ?12:26
ikoniabullgard4: /etc/init.d/udev is a file, not a dir12:26
beliMarquis-Boy: yeah...delete .mozilla folders and profiles...12:26
Marquis-Boyziroday - thanks - will try that next12:26
ikoniamylisto: anyone what ?12:26
ikoniamylisto: saying anyone is pointless12:26
bullgard4ikonia: Yes. I made a mistake. A typo. I will re-word and re-transmit.12:26
ikoniabullgard4: thanks12:27
bullgard4[Ubuntu 8.04.2] Program 'Search for Files' cannot call a pager to display the contents of /etc/init.d/udev . Why? Nautilus can. Example: Enter in 'Name contains:'field 'udev'. The file name /etc/init.d/udev will appear in the second line. Double-click on it. What message does appear on your screen?12:27
HammerHead66mashman: I work with Gnome so I can't really help with that because I don't know KDE12:27
zirodaycore5: anything we can help you with?12:27
ikoniabullgard4: check the permissions on it ?12:27
HammerHead66mashman: sorry man12:27
mylistocan anyone recommend a good video editing program?12:28
zirodaymylisto: kdenlive12:28
ikoniabullgard4: on /etc/init.d/udev I mean to be clear12:28
mylistotrying kdenlive right now12:28
jribmylisto: kino, pitivi, avidemux12:28
bullgard4ikonia: I used Nautilus and 'Search for files' as an ordinary user. Not as root.12:28
mylistokeeps effin crashing on me12:28
ikoniabullgard4: just curious to the permissions on it12:29
bullgard4ikonia: The permissions are root/root12:30
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solexious|netbkHello, What is the best way to install from usb? I dont need a working distro on it, just an installer if thats easyer12:30
ikoniabullgard4: thats the owner, what's the permissions12:30
ikoniamylisto: it keeps "crashing" - no need for anything else12:30
zirodaysolexious|netbk: using the "Create a USB Startup disk" option on the livecd or an ubuntu install12:31
mylistowhat ikonia:?12:31
ikoniamylisto: "it keeps crashing" is all that is needed, no need for "effin"12:31
ikoniamylisto: what know what it means and it's not needed12:31
mylistooh...my bad12:31
prabha1989>is there deb pakage for NS2 simulato12:31
bullgard4ikonia: ":~$  ls -l /etc/init.d/udev; -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2488 2008-04-11 14:21 /etc/init.d/udev"12:32
ikoniabullgard4: all looks pretty fine12:32
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels12:32
ikoniabullgard4: ahhh what about the permissions on /etc/init.d12:32
HammerHead66mashman: hay keep asking I don't know but other people will12:33
solexious|netbkziroday, Thank you12:33
Dillizarif i have xfce and gnome will it make my pc go slower12:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lxde12:33
zirodayDillizar: only if both gnome and xfce sessions are being loaded12:33
Marquis-Boybeli & ziroday - i created a new user, and could connect to both the main problem sites. so it's a user profile thing. Hoping i can identify the problem so the girl doesn;t lose her work.12:33
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications12:34
Dillizarziroday but just having them will not make it slower k12:34
Marquis-BoyBeli & Ziroday - more info, she couldn't access that Learn Online uni site from Epiphany either12:34
bullgard4ikonia: ":~$ ls -l /etc/; drwxr-xr-x  2 root root     12288 2009-03-24 07:28 init.d"12:34
mylisto!video editing12:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about video editing12:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kdenlive12:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kden12:35
ubottuSaying "It says nothing", "It does nothing" is generally not very useful for troubleshooting. Please be as specific as possible: if you see a black screen, say so, if you see a shell prompt, say so, if you see an !error message, say so - Also, most !CLI commands don't print anything when they succeed, but only when they fail.12:35
oCean_!fishing > mylisto12:35
ubottumylisto, please see my private message12:35
mylistomy bad12:35
DJonesmylisto: If you've got a number of queries for ubottu, you would be better using the web interface to avoid spamming the channel http://www.jussi01.com/web/factoids.cgi12:36
Dillizaror my /msg ubottu !something12:37
mylistook...so when I open kdenlive and try to open a project that I am working on it just crashes12:38
Glutton_can anyone help me with a kubuntu sound card problem12:41
Glutton_aplay -l gives "no soundcards found" , but they are visible in "lspci -v"12:41
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".12:42
solexious|netbkHello, Is it possible to install ubuntu server edition from usb?12:42
jtajisolexious|netbk: yes, http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/12:43
vpsahi geeks !! i am using ASUS laptop PRO 50 G Series. somehow my function keys won't work with UBUNTU 8.10. Therefore I can't change the volume or the brightness etc. i tried looking on the internet and forums and all i get is about EPC. PLease Help12:44
solexious|netbkjtaji, thank you12:44
Rodrigo_LopesGlutton_, try run alsaconf12:44
* disappearedng is looking for something besides open office to open ppt12:45
Glutton_Rodrigo_Lopes: "bash: alsaconf: command not found"12:46
HammerHead66vpsa: can you log into ubuntu?12:47
Rodrigo_LopesGlutton_, ummm... try run with "root"12:47
vpsa Yes HammerHead66.. I am currently in ubuntu12:48
towredzI made a funny image of a penguin eating an apple logo ( http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/7872/tuxeatsapple.png ). I want to make it available to the community, so where should I post it? It's a PNG with background, it can't be used as clipart.12:48
HammerHead66vpsa: ok on desktop upper left side in text go to /system/prefs'/keyboard leftclick it12:48
phrac.markov probability 1012:48
zambawhy isn't squeezecenter part of the official ubuntu repositories?12:48
HammerHead66vpsa: then go to tab "Layouts"12:49
vpsa@ HammerHead66 done...12:49
vpsadone @HammerHead66:12:49
Picizamba: Probably because no one has requested that it be added to the repositories.12:49
Pici!newpackage | zamba12:49
ubottuzamba: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports12:49
zambaPici: could be some licensing problems12:50
HammerHead66vpsa: under  "keyboard model search for your keyboard12:50
mylistois there any way I can log an error of why kden live is crashing?12:50
Etheraelwhat's with all the gvfs nonsense displaying out of space errors on remote mounted filesystems for no reason in particular?12:50
Picimylisto: Run it from a terminal12:50
mylistonot sure how12:51
mylistoits kdenlive12:51
vpsa@ HammerHead66 i did that. previously it was generic, not i selected ASUS laptop.12:51
mylistothanks pici: got it running12:51
Rodrigo_LopesEtherael, gvfs stands for Gnome Virtual File System12:52
HammerHead66vpsa: so what's not working on it?12:52
EtheraelRodrigo_Lopes: Yeah, and sometimes when I try to write to those filesystems, I get a no space on remote server error.12:52
Etheraelbut there's plenty of space on the remote server.12:52
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)12:52
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.12:52
enkohi! i'm trying to use Firewire through an Expresscard; but I think I need to disable the onboard 1394 first. How can I actually do that?12:53
mylistook heres the errors that I got from kdenlive, http://paste.ubuntu.com/138211/12:53
Rodrigo_LopesEtherael, yeah....I has same problems..... but dont now why...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GVFS12:53
cousin_luigiany recommendations for a problem-free laser printer?12:54
mylistoand I've found this page12:55
tschakacousin_luigi brother hl214012:56
oCean_mylisto: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=828093 says to add "-nograb" at startup12:56
mylistoanyone have a possible answer on this - http://paste.ubuntu.com/138211/12:56
mylistohow do I add nograb?12:56
fx3hi guys, i need some help with RAID, i just bought a raid card and stuffed it in my server machine (intrepid), set up a mirrored set in biosy thing but linux still sees them as separate drives12:57
oCean_mylisto: to start it from commandline: "kdenlive -nograb" I'm not familiair with kdenlive, just suggesting what the thread says12:57
enkoHow do I blacklist the following module (obtained through lspci | grep 1394): 03:01.0 FireWire (IEEE 1394): Ricoh Co Ltd R5C832 IEEE 1394 Controller (rev 05)12:57
mylistohey I just tried that...12:57
mylistothis is what I got12:57
mylistoCould not find 'drkonqi' executable.12:58
mylistoKCrash cannot reach kdeinit, launching directly.12:58
mylistoUnable to start Dr. Konqi12:58
mylistowhoops...sorry for multiple lines13:00
tschakaenko you could try to disable the onboard ieee1394 port throug bios.13:00
Glutton_Rodrigo_Lopes, sudo alsaconf gives the same outcome13:00
cousin_luigitschaka: thanks, I was in fact thinking of a Brother one13:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hci13:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hci_usb13:00
cousin_luigitschaka: know anything about the 2035/37?13:00
enkotschaka, do you think it would affect when adding an expresscard firewire?13:00
Viruskongendo world of warcraft plays without lag with: ATI X1650PRO 512MB (Standard ubuntu driver), 2.5GB RAM?13:00
ubotturaid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto13:00
Viruskongenplz answer13:00
tschakacousin_luigi no, i'm just having a 2140, as well as a friend of mine, and we are both running the printer on ubuntu w/o problems, only thing i got to do was installing another driver (through repos) then the suggested one. but i think the others will work too. brother got a pretty nice linux support when it comes to drivers.13:01
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ13:01
HammerHead66Viruskongen: if you have the drivers in right13:01
PiciDillizar: Please msg the bot.13:01
Viruskongenwine works, wery hig setting on openarena works great13:01
DillizarSORRY i didnt knew it was that long :P13:01
enkotschaka, ill try it, thanx13:01
maginotHow can I install firefox-2 on ubuntu 8.10 ... apt-get seens no to have repo for it13:02
tschakaenko i'd say turning it of in bios would only turn of the onboard port. would be equal to turning off onboard soundcards, the pci soundcards work further, though then :)13:02
Dillizarmaginot why firefox 213:02
Rodrigo_Lopesok Glutton_ , because /usr/sbin, dont is a user path... try run "sudo /usr/sbin/alsaconf"13:02
=== RoozbehOnline is now known as Roozbeh|Away
mylistook for kdenlive I believe I need to install something known as dr konqi13:03
solexious|netbkHi, I want to install unetbootin but there are only packages in the jaunty repo, how can I install it on intreped13:03
mylistowhen I try to isntall it I get this13:03
maginotDillizar, I need to test some compatibility issues ... firefox 3 is returning me a segment fault error (http://maginot.pastebin.com/m3f1e2bc4) and I had this already in past and after installing firefox-2 the error was gone... Im trying to reproduce and see if with 2 the problem is solved13:03
mylistoPackage drkonqi is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source However the following packages replace it:   kdebase-runtime-data13:03
Rodrigo_Lopesmylisto, drkonqi, is a executable in this package http://packages.debian.org/lenny/kdebase-bin13:04
cousin_luigitschaka: ok, thanks13:04
ruthgardfor some reason the sound hangs on my 8.04 alot, I have to kill pulseaudio to get it to work again, is this a known problem? Is there a solution?13:04
Dillizarmaginot go to add/remove and you will find it13:04
Viruskongenis it gonna be a propetiary driver for X1xxx series in jaunty13:05
PiciRodrigo_Lopes: This is not #debian, please do not suggest installing packages directly from the debian repositories here.13:05
PiciViruskongen: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.13:05
maginotDillizar, I have no add/remove, I must use the shell with apt-get ... aptitude search firefox only shows me firefox 3....13:05
mylistohey rodrigo_lopes: how do I install that?13:05
mylistogot it13:06
=== sniper is now known as Guest31877
Glutton_Rodrigo_Lopes, i'm not quite i understood that correctly, but "sudo: /usr/sbin/alsaconf" gives command not found. also that alsaconf directory does not exist in /usr/sbin13:06
cousin_luigiruthgard: I solved it by removing pulseaudio13:06
ruthgardcousin_luigi,  Oh? so I dont need it?  I thought it was spawned automatically after I killed it13:07
PiciGlutton_, Rodrigo_Lopes: alsaconf is not available nor needed on Ubuntu.  See asoundconf instead.13:07
ruthgardI see now that it doesn't run13:08
cousin_luigiruthgard: apps will fall back to alsa13:08
cousin_luigiI just removed the whole pachage13:08
mylistook rodrigo_lopes: I installed kdebase-bin: via sudo apt-get install kdebase-bin13:09
ruthgardcousin_luigi,  Aha, interesting. Have you got any idea on why pulseaudio is used in the first place? Or maby I should consult google13:09
ratbertmaginot are ya here13:09
Kissakistarting ubuntu, it will start to the login screen. Then, neither mouse nor keyboard will work. Restarting dbus (reloading does not help) on another terminal, mouse and keyboard on the login screen will work again (It's a restart of dbus, it's running before as well). When logged in, the lan device does not seem to exists though, only localhost.13:09
mylistoI'm still getting the kdebase-bin13:09
freedumManim trying to figure why i have /usr/sbin/apache2ctl but yet apt-get remove says its not installed?13:09
cousin_luigiruthgard: it deals with concurrent use of the audio card13:09
cousin_luigiin certain situations13:09
mylistook rodrigo_lopes: I installed kdebase-bin: via sudo apt-get install kdebase-bin - I'm still get the "drkonqi executable not found"13:10
cousin_luigiruthgard: but performance degrades too much with it on my machine13:10
stryd_onehi all13:10
robertjis there a way to exclude certain files from a tar restore?13:10
wanna_learn_morei have 2.2.27-11 server13:10
Glutton_Pici, Rodrigo_Lopes: ok, asoundconf list gives only "names of available sound cards:" but there is nothing on the list13:10
wanna_learn_morei installed ubuntu destkop13:10
wanna_learn_morethen how to switch to desktop?13:10
ruthgardcousin_luigi, ah ok, something to do with multiple "voices" or is that the hardware support for what this does in software?13:10
maginotratbert, yep13:10
ActionParsnipwanna_learn_more: why install server if you want a desktop?13:10
cousin_luigiruthgard: perhaps; I don't know enough about it to give a reliable answer13:11
wanna_learn_moreaction:i just want to try13:11
cousin_luigiruthgard: you might find yourself with mute apps without PA, though13:11
ruthgardcousin_luigi, thank you very much for your input tho!13:11
wanna_learn_moreaction:now that installed already success13:11
ActionParsnipwanna_learn_more: its going to be identical to the desktop install13:11
PicifreedumMan: Its part of the apache2.2-common package, is that what you were trying to remove?13:11
wanna_learn_moreaction:then how to switch to it??13:11
Kimihow do i extract .oo1 , .oo2 files ?13:11
ActionParsnipwanna_learn_more: you startx or gdm13:12
mashmanright click Kimi13:12
wanna_learn_moreaction:okay,i will try13:12
Kimimashan the format is .00113:12
Kimiand so on13:12
Rodrigo_Lopesok Pici, is a asoundconf.. alsaconf is for slackware :p13:12
wanna_learn_moreaction:when i tried to reboot it become GUI now13:13
mashmanhow can i download the agere winmodem system rev 1 ?13:13
ActionParsnipKimi: what is the output of : file <.oo1 filename>13:13
wanna_learn_moreaction:any way to change to shell again without shutting down of it?13:13
Rodrigo_LopesPici ok asoundconf is for ubuntu.... and alsaconf for slackware :p13:14
ActionParsnipwanna_learn_more: sudo gdm shutdown    would work13:14
stryd_oneI'm running ubuntu studio hardy... in hardy-proposed today there were a couple of new kernel packages, which i allowed the system to install when it prompted me... after 2.6.24-24.51 (from *.50) i cop a log full of errors like this:.........    snd: disagrees about version of symbol __wake_up  ...naturally sound, abong other things like the TV tuner, is dead.... i can't seem to force the version of the packages back either... any help13:14
stryd_one would be great :)13:14
ActionParsnipwanna_learn_more: or killall gdm13:14
ActionParsnipwanna_learn_more: you wont have sound setup with the server install btw, it doesnt come ready install afaik13:15
crowI just finished doing a migration of 0.5TB of heavily hard-linked files.13:16
mashmanhow can i download the agere winmodem system rev 1 ?13:16
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto13:16
crowTook fricken days and 12GB of swap.13:16
yinlongwho knows how to install wine deb?13:16
un-cool[remote veiwer controlling mouse even when ethernet unplugged]13:16
mashmanyah but need to download and install the agere winmodem system13:16
zhaiGUYS. i was downloading adobe flash now.. but i duno wat version im going to choose. can somebody help me?13:16
=== lipsin__ is now known as lipsin
ActionParsnipmashman: what does the "winmodem system" actually do?13:17
Kimikrishna@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ file <.001 a.flv>13:17
Kimibash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'13:17
ActionParsnipzhai: are you running 64bit or 32bit linux?13:17
Kimihere is what  i got13:17
ActionParsnipKimi: you need to replace the filename in the command13:17
zhaii think this is just a 32bit13:17
zhaibut im not really sure13:17
zhaihow would i know?13:18
mashmanActionParsnip i can't run my dial up connection and i don't have any install driver for my hardware13:18
ActionParsnipzhai: uname -a13:18
Kimi file <.001 a.flv>13:18
ActionParsnipzhai: give the output in here13:18
Kimii didthis parsnip13:18
mashmankrishna@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ cd file need to have13:18
ActionParsnipKimi: no you are misunderstanding13:18
mashmankrishna@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ cd file need to have  <---kimi13:18
ActionParsnipKimi: if the file was named   archive.oo1    then you would type: file archive.oo113:18
Rodrigo_Lopesmylisto.. ok, its another problem then..this package has drkonqi.13:18
dreamyActionParsnip: hi13:19
Kimihuh ok13:19
ActionParsnipKimi: i have no idea what the filename is so you have to put that in the command yoursefl13:19
zhaieh?wat do u mean output? i mean wat kind of output13:19
mylistorodrigo_lopes: how can I find dr konqi on my system?13:19
ActionParsnipzhai: type the command in terminal and give me the output13:19
Kimikrishna@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ file a.flv.00113:19
Kimia.flv.001: Macromedia Flash Video13:19
Rodrigo_Lopestype -> whereis drkonqi13:19
ActionParsnipKimi: ok cool13:19
yinlongi downloat a wine deb ,but cant install it only click it.who can help me?13:20
KimiActionParsnip cool ?13:20
Rodrigo_Lopesmylisto, type drkonqi13:20
ActionParsnipyinlong: use this guide http://www.winehq.org/download/deb13:20
ActionParsnipKimi: that tells you what sort of file it is13:20
mashmanyinlong try to type make13:20
Rodrigo_Lopesmylisto, sorry, type "whereis drkonqi"13:20
Kimii run it with vlc player13:20
Kimiit didnt13:20
Kimineither the players of ubuntu13:21
Kimithats why i am asking here13:21
Pici!enter | Kimi13:21
FloodBot2Kimi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:21
ubottuKimi: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:21
yinlongActionParsnip:i have download it ,but cant use13:21
Kimi!thanks > Pici13:21
ubottuPici, please see my private message13:21
mylistorodrigo_lopes: this is what I got  drkonqi:13:21
yinlongmashman:is it useful ?13:21
Kimihow do i install themes :P ?13:22
deltron!themes > kimi13:22
ubottukimi, please see my private message13:22
yinlongmashman :i have use the command "sudo dpkg -i wine deb",but no use13:22
shyam_kmy friend is trying to connect through wvdial, he has a well configured wvdial.conf and as he gives just wvdial, he is getting permission denied and for "sudo wvdial" he is getting it all right like a normal connection but still can't ping. I am not used to wvdial, like in broadband connections we can configure things with ifconfig, whats that for wvdial?13:22
cousin_luigibye all!13:22
helppphelo need helo i config my network interfaces eth0 , eth1 when i restart the ip's dropped even the loopback so everytime when i restart i re-add them how can i keep them after the restart ?13:22
dreamycrdlb: hi ! :) you there ?13:23
ActionParsnipKimi: i dont thinnk vlc can play flash stuff, you may need to convert13:23
Glutton_Rodrigo_Lopes: asoundconf list gives nothing, is there anything else i can still try?13:23
mylistoso how can I install kdebase?13:23
mylistois it13:23
tschakasudo apt-get install kdebase13:23
mylistosudo apt-get install kdebase13:23
helppphelo need helo i config my network interfaces eth0 , eth1 when i restart the ip's dropped even the loopback so everytime when i restart i re-add them how can i keep them after the restart ?13:24
aredghelppp, you want to keep a static IP address?13:25
helppparedg, yes13:25
benzsswhat is the name of the program that sometimes checks drives during bootup?13:25
aredghelppp, you using the default connection manager?13:25
shyam_kis there anything to configure on the system level say something like on "network-admin" for usb modem type connections which connects through wvdial?13:25
Rodrigo_Lopesmylisto, interesting... i dont now if this work, but try to install kdebase-runtime13:25
helppparedg, i use the ifconfig of the terminal13:25
aredghelppp, this is a server?13:25
helppparedg,  yes13:26
verma_iihow can I setup a vpn connection using command line, I don't want to go to network manager everytime I want to connect, I just want the connection to be always alive and setup on system startup.13:26
shyam_kone could get sudo wvdial to show message like "normal" but still can't get to ping ..13:26
AliTarihiسلام به همه13:26
ActionParsniphelppp: add the line    iface auto eth0  to /etc/network/interfaces13:26
aredghelppp, http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-ubuntu-linux-convert-dhcp-network-configuration-to-static-ip-configuration.html13:26
ActionParsnipbenzss: fsck13:26
benzssActionParsnip: thanks13:27
ActionParsnipbenzss: to fsck the partition must be unmounted13:27
Rodrigo_LopesGlutton_, sorry, but i dont now asoundconf... you can read more with "man asoundconf" or http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/intrepid/man1/asoundconf.1.html13:27
helpppActionParsnip, there written: iface eth0 inet static13:27
SteffHi, Anyone know any appz to measure network bandwith between two hosts? The host to measure has to be a third host...13:27
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ilfso it's beta day today?13:28
mylistorodrigo_lopes: tried that...still getting "Could not find 'drkonqi' executable.13:28
mylistoKCrash cannot reach kdeinit, launching directly."13:28
sparky_Steff, http://blog.damontimm.com/how-to-test-connection-speed-between-two-machines/13:29
shyam_klike we configure IP and all for normal ethernet broadband connection is there anything to do for wvdial kind of connections?13:29
ActionParsniphelppp: thats it using a static ip, you will need the     auto eth0    so it automatically comes up at boot13:29
ActionParsnipSteff: ntop maybe13:29
helpppActionParsnip,  i found at the top : auto lo eth1 eth0 is't ok they are over each other?13:29
Rodrigo_Lopesmylisto, i realy dont now,.. its another problem then..13:30
Kimi!thanks > Kimi13:30
ubottuKimi, please see my private message13:30
mylistoI got this video that I need to get done a.s.ap13:30
Glutton_Rodrigo_Lopes: i meant it did give me the list of the soundcards, but the list was empty, so they are not recognized there as well. is there something else i can still do?13:30
ActionParsniphelppp: sounds fine to me, I like to split it out for clarity13:30
Steffsparky_, & ActionParsnip  - Spanks =)13:31
tschakamylisto try this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdenlive/+bug/24316713:31
sparky_Steff, lol, np13:31
=== kira is now known as Guest8517
ActionParsniphelppp: if you use static IP, you can define it in that file too13:32
mylistotschaka: I'm using 8.1013:32
Steffsparky_, heh.. well, I have two xp machines and the 3rd machine are an ubuntu, which should be the host to do the measuring...13:32
tschakamylisto i suggest you to read to the end of it. or rather start from the end, if u are unpatient.13:33
helpppActionParsnip, ya i define there i put auto eth0 then iface eth0 inet static then the address and gateway ... but after restart they are found in the file13:33
helpppActionParsnip,  but if i type ifconfig not found i need to re-add them13:33
ActionParsniphelppp: do you edit it with gksudo gedit /etc/network/intefaces13:33
helpppActionParsnip, yup13:34
sparky_Steff, i don't know i was just looking up stuff earlier this morning and found that and still had the page up.  I Googled to find that so try and see if you can find it that way.  Sorry i'm not much more help.13:34
Rodrigo_LopesGlutton_, whatis your soundcard model??13:34
mylistotschaka: it says something about having compiz turned off...13:34
ActionParsniphelppp: strange, you could chmod 555 the file to make it read only13:34
mylistoI have compiz on my computer13:34
ActionParsniphelppp: once its set13:34
mylistobut its not running13:34
Steffsparky_, its okay.. i'll give it a try.. ;)13:35
mylistoshould I uninstall it?13:35
ActionParsnipmylisto: compiz --replace    will start it13:35
Rodrigo_LopesGlutton_, try to read this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound13:35
mylistoI don't want to start it13:35
ActionParsnipmylisto: if you dont have 3D drivers setup it will fail13:35
ActionParsnip"mylisto: but its not running"  then why ask?13:35
tetoncawhere do the mini 9 ubuntites hang out13:35
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Guest8517can someone help me please.13:35
praeti have one :)13:35
tschakamylisto no, you should just have desktop effects disabled. if you are in doubt, just install all the packages suggested, run it as root, or rather try to isntall the package suggested in the last answer there.13:36
ActionParsnip!ask | Guest851713:36
ubottuGuest8517: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:36
tschakaActionParsnip because of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdenlive/+bug/24316713:36
praettetonca: ubuntu works great on it13:36
tetoncapraet as shipped?13:36
praeti want brave enought to try my own install13:36
=== Cueball|2 is now known as Cueball
tetoncagood deal. mine's on order.13:36
Guest8517ping to lan does respont and ping to wan didnt respont. what i have wrong?13:36
ActionParsniptschaka: i dont know what that is13:36
ActionParsnipGuest8517: are you pinging names or IP addresses?13:37
Guest8517ip adress and names both the same13:37
tschakaActionParsnip it's stuff mylisto is interested in :) the given program doesnt run with compiz enabled, thats why he was asking :)13:37
Rodrigo_Lopesmylisto, what you want to do?? run compiz???13:37
ActionParsniptschaka: mylisto: i'd suggst asking in #compiz if its a compiz quirk. Personally I think compiz is not worth it at all13:37
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mylistoI don't want compiz running...13:38
mylistotrying to get kdenlive to run without crashing13:38
ActionParsnipGuest8517: can you traceroute to the ip?13:38
tschakaActionParsnip yes, but running kdenlive got priority at the moment. it's rather an issue of this program.13:38
Guest8517no i cant traceroute to wan13:38
ActionParsnipmylisto: run it from terminal and you will get intelligent output (maybe) that you can websearch for13:38
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ActionParsnipGuest8517: where does the trace stop?13:39
mylistobeen trying that actionparsnip:13:39
Guest8517always it doesnt respont . i have a class B ipdaress inside lan maybe its the problem??13:39
pokey19Hello... I am trying to assemble a simple program in ATT x86 assembly language. Does anyone know the file which contains the macros for system calls in Ubuntu?13:39
Rodrigo_Lopesmylisto, i dont like, kde and gnome window manager.. its very heavy for system...13:39
pokey19Im looking myself, but getting led on a wild goose chase with each file referencing another13:39
ActionParsnipGuest8517: as long as there are 2 distinct networks (one for outside one for inside) you should be ok13:40
WhitorAnyone have any opinions on a good eye candy dock bar? Kiba? Cairo? SimDock? kooldock? there are so many and I'd rather not install them all.13:40
Guest8517traceroute command isnt installed13:40
Rodrigo_Lopesmylisto, i prefer xfce... ans xfce work fine with compiz13:40
mylistotschaka: when I tried to add that last thing to the software packages I got this "GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 943ED04A50A40F50GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available:...13:40
mylisto...NO_PUBKEY B00E04A9D58062FBGPG error: http://packages.medibuntu.org intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A2783Failed to fetch http://www.geexbox.org/debian/dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404 Not Found Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead."13:40
FloodBot2mylisto: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:40
ActionParsnipWhitor: install one, try it, review, uninstall, install next, execute, review13:40
WhitorActionParsnip, thats what I was looking to avoid... looking for some opinions13:41
tschakamylisto no problem, ignore that for now. as an alternative you could try to run "gpg --recv D58062FB && gpg --export -a D58062FB | sudo apt-key add -" to have this warning removed.13:41
Rodrigo_LopesWhitor, .. dont exist answer for your question.. you need install one by one.. and make your choice13:41
ActionParsnipWhitor: its the best way to see what you like, opinions will very wildly so will be fruitless13:41
tschakamylisto try to update kdenlive now from this repo.13:41
solexious|netbkHi, I want to install unetbootin but there are only packages in the jaunty repo, how can I install it on intreped?13:42
ActionParsnipWhitor: could check videos of bars see which you like13:42
WhitorActionParsnip, good idea13:42
julius_the button "add user" in "user settings" (free translation) is disabled, how can i add users with the gui tools in ubuntu?13:42
Kriss3dUhmm i recently had to reinstall my maindrive with vista.. and id need to find out how to get my mbr back so i can get back into my ubuntu and another linux distro.. how would i do that ?13:42
grawityjulius_: Is there an "Unlock" button?13:43
Rodrigo_LopesWhitor, yes, videos in youtube of bars.. its a good idea13:43
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shyam_kwhats the best way to edit the pppd configurations for wvdial??13:43
julius_Kriss3d, boot with the livecd, use grub-install with the right parameters13:43
Kriss3dah yeah ok thanks..13:43
Riishi, I don't have kernel support for aes-cbc-essiv:sha25613:44
mikebeechamHi..would anyone know how I can put a post on the Ubuntu Forums which show thumbnails - linking to the full size image? I cant seem to figure it out13:44
Riiswhat do i nede to do to get it?13:44
Kriss3dilljust have to see if i can remember how to add the wubi installed kubuntu i have13:44
mylistoupdating..hoping this will work13:44
Acediphow to get the details about a particular running process like mem use, cpu use, in the terminal13:46
scunizi!grub | Kriss3d13:46
ubottuKriss3d: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto13:46
=== Milosz is now known as Naaa
Rodrigo_LopesAcedip, did you try "top"??13:46
Kriss3dsweet thanks scunizi13:46
jribAcedip: man ps   I suppose...13:46
Acedipjrib, but couldn't get the options right, i wanted to know the details of firefox13:47
AcedipRodrigo_Lopes, wat ?13:47
jribAcedip: it's in the man page, I'd have to read it to tell you13:47
=== kodak is now known as metro-joe
jasballzso i can't figure out dropbox13:48
Acedipjrib, ohk..shall do it13:48
Rodrigo_LopesAcedip, in terminal, run top program13:48
jasballzdropbox won't let me start13:48
wanna_learn_moreafter i installed ubuntu-desktop to my ubuntu server13:48
wanna_learn_morewhy my mouse cant be used?13:48
metro-joei got a few chmod questions. As i understand the man pages. if i do chmod 770, that means that me and mygroup can read/write/execute, right?13:49
Spirits-Sighthow do I format a SD card13:49
scunizimetro-joe: yes13:49
Spirits-Sightwant format fat3213:49
Rodrigo_LopesAcedip, i think "top" is the best.. run "man top" .. has many functions13:49
mylistohmm...looks like this dr konqi is a common issue with kdenlive13:50
tschakaSpirits-Sight install gparted and run it then :)13:50
jribmetro-joe: no.  It means the owner and group associated with the file can read, write, and execute13:50
mylistoand I just got yet another error when trying to update kdenlive ": /var/cache/apt/archives/kdenlive_0.7.2.1-0baudm1_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/applications/kde/kdenlive.desktop', which is also in package kdenlive-data"13:50
jasballzalso apache13:50
jasballzHow do I host 8gb of files on my laptop live?13:50
metro-joeyes, sorry, i assumed i was owner/root13:50
jasballzTrying to dissemminate buddhabuntu distro13:50
AcedipRodrigo_Lopes, ohk..but i simply wanted to get the details once and all..program running is something different, tried it, nice though13:50
scunizimetro-joe: a lot of times permissions would look like 660 if you want read/write. add the execute bit when needed13:50
Rodrigo_Lopesmetro-joe, yes13:50
scarface3Hi all!13:50
metro-joeor atleast owner in sudo13:50
mylistoshould I uninstall it first...then install the lateest version?13:51
tschakamylisto could make sense. i'll try for my own.13:51
Guest8517why ubuntu doesnt get the ip adress that i enter? please help13:51
metro-joeim a bit of a linux nub, so excuse my noobines ;) but what can x do on doc files?13:51
BigMoopiesIs there a way to get a better weather panal program ?13:51
metro-joeguest8517 i did that problem 10 minutes ago!13:51
tschakamylisto yes, uninstall the old version first. :)13:51
BigMoopiesone with radar, serious weather alerts, etc13:51
mylistoah finally worked!!!!!!!!!!!!113:52
bullgard4[Ubuntu 8.04.2] Program 'Search for Files' cannot call a pager to display the contents of /etc/init.d/udev . Why? Nautilus can. Debian Lenny can also. Example: Enter in 'Name contains:'field 'udev'. The file name /etc/init.d/udev will appear in the second line. Double-click on it. What message does appear on your screen?13:52
mylistoso tschaka: uninstall then reinstall?13:52
Rodrigo_LopesAcedip, try "ps" then... but I am a big fanboy of "top" :p13:52
jasballzhowto install apache?13:52
tschakamylisto if it works now, why would you? ;)13:52
jasballzLooking for developers for buddhabuntu.8m.net buddhist ubuntu distro13:52
Guest8517@metro-joe what have u done13:52
deltronsudo aptitude install apache13:52
mylistowe'll if anything is wrong in the future...I will uninstall13:52
scunizimetro-joe: not much.  except to realize that all files typically are text files including "programs"/scripts etc..13:52
Picijasballz: Please do not advertise  here, this is a support channel.13:52
tschakamylisto yeah, just in case something doesnt work, this sometimes might help.13:53
BigMoopiesForecast fox works good in FireFox, but I don't have FF open all the time.13:53
Picibullgard4: It sounds like it may be a bug, why not log it?13:53
wanna_learn_morewhy i cant used my mouse??13:53
Steve^Hi, where is gedit's user dictionary stored?13:53
metro-joei googled(on my windows machine) for dhcp3client.conf help, i cant show you the links, as its all on my dualbooted vista part :S13:53
bullgard4Pici: To "log a bug" means "to report a bug in Launchpad"?13:53
Picibullgard4: Yes.13:54
tetoncatry /dev/input/mice or /dev/psaux13:54
bullgard4Pici: I have reported a similar bug with the same program. Hm. Ok, I will report it.13:54
jasballzpici: what's up?13:55
jasballzWhere's the ubuntu forum moderator who was goign to meet me here?13:55
jasballzdmizer: where are you?13:55
metro-joeis that normal practice though, to chmod 660 and then add the X when needed for cruical files?13:56
jschenardlol you missed your appointment :P13:56
HammerHead66helppp: are you on desktop ?13:56
helpppHammerHead66, yes13:56
uglie-froghow do u correct the flash problem in firefox13:56
HammerHead66helppp: did someone help with the ip probelm?13:57
helpppHammerHead66, ya but not work i add on /etc/network/interfaces and after the restart the file stay but if i type ifconfig eth1 no ip13:57
HammerHead66helppp: do you know how to get to network settings?13:58
helpppHammerHead66,  yes13:58
ubottuEnlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.13:58
HammerHead66helppp: let me know when your there13:59
helpppi am there13:59
scunizimetro-joe: it's whatever you need for security..13:59
helpppand the ips are set13:59
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HammerHead66helppp: is enable roaming on?13:59
helpppHammerHead66,  no13:59
NeoDragonHi all14:00
HammerHead66helppp:  what does it say in " Connection Settings/ Config14:00
helpppStatic Ip Address14:01
HammerHead66helppp:  set it to auto14:01
HammerHead66helppp:  you can still put in ip's14:01
helpppHammerHead66,  in connection setting there is static ip, Auto DHCP and  Local zeroconf14:02
HammerHead66helppp: ok never mind I was wrong about that14:02
wanna_learn_morehai,i have ubuntu 2.6.27-11 server and i instaled ubuntu-desktop.my question is my mouse cant be used14:02
HammerHead66helppp: try auto and see if it works14:03
helpppauto is for DHCP14:03
=== Cueball|2 is now known as Cueball
HammerHead66helppp:  does it work in that mode?14:03
LakesProse_I can't find any samba or smb in /etc/init.d14:03
helpppya i try it14:03
Rodrigo_Lopesmetro-joe, the more comun is a 644 for non executable and 755 for every executables.....14:04
LakesProse_and Ive apt-geted it14:04
g4lt-lappy666, the mode of the beast ;P14:04
LuukWhen I start Ubuntu 8.10 my resolution is set to 1024x768.14:05
LuukWhen I set it to 1280x800 (max of my screen) this happens:14:05
LuukI've got a Intel Graphics Media Accelerator X310014:05
metro-joe6 = read / write, 4 = read, right?14:05
HammerHead66helppp: did it work?14:06
jnashI have a proxy tunneling problem.. I've posted it here http://pastebin.com/m521b547414:06
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jnashI'll be happy if someone is able to help me out14:06
g4lt-lappymetro-joe, 4=read 2=write 1=execute, they add14:06
helpppHammerHead66, ya by dhcp it work14:06
hybr1derdoes anyone here know if u should virtualize a router on vmware player or ESXi?14:06
metro-joeah ofc, i messed up the idea14:06
g4lt-lappy(assuming you use octal, which chmod typically assumes)14:07
NeoDragonon my laptop I installed intrepid fresh because hardy would not work, now everything works fine except that when I am using brasero, rhythmbox or certain other apps, when I go to open a file to play or burn to disk it won't let me open any of the partitions or folders that list in that window so I can open the file I wan't, HELP?14:07
LakesProse_hybr1der: virtualbox is less of a pain than vmware14:07
Rodrigo_Lopesmetro-joe, yes  6 = read / write, 4 = read14:07
HammerHead66helppp:  you have a router don't you14:07
hybr1derbut theres a performance loss too14:07
LakesProse_hybr1der: with virtualbox ?14:09
mimcpherAccording to the Jaunty schedule, there's a BetaRelease scheduled for today.  Does anybody know if that is on track?14:09
LakesProse_NeoDragon: permissions are set correctly?14:09
helpppHammerHead66, ya Mikrotik14:09
LakesProse_hybr1der: I hanve't noticed myself14:09
helpppHammerHead66,  but this is a server i can't use dhcp on here14:09
HammerHead66helppp: you have the router set up wrong14:09
LakesProse_hybr1der: I've just noticed vmware was a pain to install and to use14:09
hybr1derhave you checked HDD speeds?14:09
LakesProse_hybr1der: and some features were just absent for me14:09
helpppHammerHead66, huh ? what does this matter with the static ip ?14:09
LakesProse_hybr1der: nope but I wasnt hosting databases or anythng either14:09
HammerHead66helppp: lol it hella matters14:09
helpppHammerHead66, i told you if i restart the static ip only gone even if i take the UTP from the NIC14:09
helpppit stay the same14:09
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NeoDragonLakesProse_: yes, it won't let me open any directory when using brasero etc... Home,  music, Documents, etc....14:09
helpppHammerHead66,  how this matter? any explain14:09
HammerHead66because it trys to connect on startup and see's that there is no connection so it just drops14:09
Rodrigo_Lopesmetro-joe, /etc/gshadow for example has 640 because for security other cant see this file.14:10
macmanguys can i get a live cd that isn't so big ?14:10
hate88hi all14:10
aciculamacman: only thing smaller then the livecd is the netinstall cd14:11
aciculabut that is just for installation only14:11
hate88I'm in desperate need of help14:11
LakesProse_NeoDragon: and the files were created by you also ?14:11
hate88anyone can help me ?14:11
acicula!ask hate8814:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask hate8814:11
helpppHammerHead66,  on my router i give my server Static ip and always connected so when it turn on it doesn't have ip when  i add the ip it work even in ip route i need to add it how i can fix this then14:11
metro-joeah, and since its not an executable, you dont need 750 even? right?14:11
acicula!ask |hate8814:11
ubottuhate88: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:11
NeoDragonLakesProse_: yes14:11
LakesProse_NeoDragon: what's the error ?14:11
sid1monu3i want to learn opensource programming14:11
metro-joei mean, if it was an exec. but with same security you would need  750, aka read exec for owner and group, but world = hidden14:12
hate88After the last update smt went wrong, can't anymore enable compiz effects and games (at least wine ones) doesn't work anymore14:12
NeoDragonLakesProse_: when I try to open a file in any program, brasero, nautilus, rhythmbox etc... it won't let me click on any directories in the open window so I can get to the files I wan't14:13
aciculahate88: maybe reenable the right drivers in hardware drivers?14:13
HammerHead66helppp:  if your router has a fixed ip.  And you want to have a static ip for each pc on it. You have to tunnel the router for each ip address.14:13
ruben23hi i have installed ubuntu intrepid on my acer 4730Z but cant install my webcam...14:13
sdousley|workHey all, I dont know if anyone can help me, I'm trying to setup a PXE boot server, and the TFTP server doesn't seem to work at the moment.14:13
NeoDragonIt won't let me click on any directory so I can get to the files I want14:13
hate88acicula: I've catalyst installed but control panel doesn't work anymore14:14
aciculasdousley|work: are you following the wiki about tftp?14:14
Rodrigo_Lopesmetro-joe, yes.. maybe is very rare, 750 , but is correct..14:14
RazorBlade1073-LI need help on getting compizconfig-settings-manager installed14:14
hate88I could post some output here but it would be a mess14:14
aciculahate88: dunno then14:14
sdousley|workacicula: I'm following a guide online that shows the full setup, however, if you have a guide on setting up tftp, that may be better :)14:14
aciculahate88: pastebin and such14:14
metro-joeok, i just wanted to check if i got the numbers now. i think i got it ;)14:14
RazorBlade1073-LIt says14:14
RazorBlade1073-Lben@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager14:14
RazorBlade1073-LReading package lists... Done14:14
RazorBlade1073-LBuilding dependency tree14:14
RazorBlade1073-LReading state information... Done14:14
RazorBlade1073-LE: Couldn't find package compizconfig-settings-manager14:14
FloodBot2RazorBlade1073-L: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:14
sdousley|workacicula: do you have a link?14:14
wanna_learn_moreanyone know how to install ps2 driver from shell?14:14
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wanna_learn_moreps2 for mouse driver i mean14:14
RazorBlade1073-LCan someone help?!?!?!/14:15
hate88acicula if you want I can give you the topic link, I've posted all there but nobody answered14:15
sdousley|workacicula: it seems as though the tftpd has bound to [::] would that matter as that seems to be an IP6 address, not an IP4 address14:15
ubottuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto14:15
LakesProse_NeoDragon: you sure the permissions are set correlty?14:15
aciculasdousley|work: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet ?14:15
miranda_psiRazorBlade1073-L: try searching in synaptic for compiz and see if you can find it in the results14:15
Cristiniucikonia: im sorry14:15
helpppHammerHead66, i addd for each ip : like and add mac address for each pc an ip and mac14:15
hate88here there is my problem, plz check this out I can't find a solution ;(  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=110685014:16
aciculasdousley|work: dunno, you can look at the tftp logs to se if something is connecting14:16
acicula!enter | RazorBlade1073-L14:16
ubottuRazorBlade1073-L: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:16
wanna_learn_moreno one really answering me ><14:16
HammerHead66helppp:  did you open the ports that they needed?14:16
sdousley|workacicula: do you know which one that is by default? syslog?14:16
helpppHammerHead66,  yes14:16
aciculaRazorBlade1073-L: use apt-cache search to find the right package name14:16
aciculasdousley|work: probably14:16
aciculasdousley|work: tried grep tftp *  ?14:17
solexious|netbkHi, I want to install unetbootin but there are only packages in the jaunty repo, how can I install it from repo on intreped?14:17
Rodrigo_Lopeswanna_learn_more, do you want use mouse in shell??? did you try gpm program??14:17
LakesProse_NeoDragon: you can tell your system to not let anyone but owner or superuser  to read a file or enter a directory and this is what this sounds like to me14:17
wanna_learn_morerodrigo_lopes:first i tried linux intrepid server.than i installed ubuntu-desktop14:17
HammerHead66helppp:  I would say that you need to check the router setup and see if you did something wrong there......I know it sucks but something in the router configuration is not right14:17
wanna_learn_morerodrigo_lopes:but my mouse cant be used14:17
Rodrigo_Lopesbut you want use mouse in X???14:18
wanna_learn_morerodrigo_lopes:ya i want it14:18
Rodrigo_Lopeswanna_learn_more, then.. you need edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf file.. to configure your mouse14:19
HammerHead66helppp: if you find you need help with the router try and call the manufacture of it they will be able to help you.14:19
Guest8517i need help with ubuntu and ip adress problem14:19
phracthats pretty good14:19
=== Bruce is now known as Bruceee
Rodrigo_Lopeswhati is this??????14:20
Guest8517if i gave ip adress i cant nurf but if a change the ipadress to another than it works can someone tell why14:20
Guest8517whats that14:20
hate88a server crashed14:20
wanna_learn_moregpm is for mouse driver??14:21
Rodrigo_Lopeskkkkkkk.... everybody quit in same time.. its not a coicidence14:21
Guest8517again please help14:21
Guest8517if i gave ip adress i cant nurf but if a change the ipadress to another than it works can someone tell why14:21
wanna_learn_moregpm is for mouse driver??14:21
scuniziGuest8517: if you're behind a router then the router has the assigned ip from your ISP.  The addresses on your internal lan typically begin with 192.168.x.x..14:21
wanna_learn_morei tried to install gpm and boot again14:21
HammerHead66helppp: what IP addresses are you using?14:21
Guest8517scuzini  i have intern a class b ip adress14:22
Rodrigo_Lopeswanna_learn_more, no.. gpm is for mouse in "pure shell"..... try to run xorgconfig to configure xorg e mouse too14:22
scuniziGuest8517: and is your router set up for that?14:22
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sdousley|workgenii: now to get the PXE to get the files14:23
HammerHead66helppp:  what IP addresses are you using?14:23
=== helppp is now known as helppp`
Guest8517i use
wanna_learn_moreinstalled gpm still cant used it14:23
scuniziGuest8517: that's not what I asked14:23
mylistoI'm trying to get the help program to work in some programs14:23
Guest8517with sn and gw x.25414:23
HammerHead66helppp:  are you a company?14:24
Guest8517yes with all the other machines windows i can work well14:24
=== helppp` is now known as helppp
mylistogetting "Could not launch the kde help center - could not find kdehelpcenter"14:24
helpppHammerHead66, somehow14:24
hate88anybody can help me ? after the last update I can't enable anymore visual effects and can't play wine games, I've an ATI card with catalyst 9.214:25
HammerHead66helppp:  Were did you get the IP's from did you make it up?14:25
Rodrigo_Lopeswanna_learn_more, you dont need gpm for mouse in X.... you need configure xorg.conf file... in section "input device".. by hand or, run xorgconfig14:25
Guest8517i use ip adress
aso824join #ubuntu-pl14:25
scunizihate88: if it was a kernel update and if you installed the ati drivers direct from ati then you need to reinstall them again to make it work14:26
helpppHammerHead66,  no isp give me : so i subnet it upon my network14:26
dreamyhi does anyone uses enlightenment ? i need a bit of help14:26
helpppHammerHead66, something weird anyone i need about something else in ip route i want if i  got 2 connections  i want traffic of 80 on one connection and another traffic like 1863 ... on 2nd connection14:26
helpppHammerHead66,  this releated to iptables ? or on ip route i can do it ?14:26
geniisdousley|work: If you follow step by step the instructions at the link I gave to get the netboot image and make the pxelinux.cfg load it, you should have no probs14:27
wanna_learn_morecant find any xorg config or xorg command14:27
tyson_how do I tell if my notebook video card is support by the nvidia driver 177? I install it but  the screen upon relogin what tty1 (console), did xfix from recovery mode, the card in question is a nvidia quatro fx 2700 063a14:27
pipehi, can somebody tell me if theres something like the task manager in windows i can use in ubuntu?14:27
hate88scunizi: it wasn't a kernel update, I think it was because of xserver-common and xserver-xorg-core14:27
Guest8517can someone tell me what i make mistake?14:27
sdousley|workgenii: I have the remote server giving me an Ubuntu menu :D14:27
dhruvasagarHello everyone14:28
sdousley|worknow to work out how to serve multiple distro's14:28
scunizihate88: could be.. still.. might try installing them again14:28
verma_iion ubuntu server edition 8.10, where is the iptables configuration stored?14:28
Rodrigo_Lopeswanna_learn_more, you need this command with "root user"14:28
dhruvasagarI am here yet again, pleeding for help14:28
wanna_learn_morerodrigo:already root14:28
sdousley|workgenii: do you know if this supports *shudder* windows installs? I'm not expecting help setting it up, but just want to know if it supports it or not.14:28
dhruvasagarubuntu loads fine, doesn't reach login screen14:29
Rodrigo_Lopeswanna_learn_more, exist two commands xorgconf and xorgsetup14:29
pipeis there something like a task manager in ubuntuß14:29
wanna_learn_morerodrigo:to bad there isnt any xorg command14:29
HammerHead66helppp: if you just picked a number out of the air and some company did not give you the IP #'s you need to have an IP # of and above14:29
dreamyRodrigo_Lopes: ola , es brasileiro ?14:29
dhruvasagarI tried quite a few things, I checked the syslog and found no MTRR for e0000000 ...14:29
wanna_learn_morerodrigo:to bad there isnt any xorg command14:29
metro-joein the difference between fedora and ubuntu mean for example, that etc/init.d/ is /etc/rc.d/init.d?14:29
dhruvasagaris there anyone who can guide me??14:29
miranda_psipipe: system monitor - its in System -> Administration14:29
geniisdousley|work: Yes, any kind of OS, basically.14:29
wanna_learn_morerodrigo:but i tried to apt-get install xorg its already newest version14:30
quibblerpipe-> system monitor14:30
bitfish.. and there we go14:30
sdousley|workgenii: cool :D That's exactly what i wanted (i work in a Data centre, so do a lot of server installs hehe)14:30
scunizipipe: yep.. you can get at it in lots of ways. however for the gui way right mouse click the top bar and choose "add" .. look for system monitor and "add" that to the bar..14:30
helpppHammerHead66,  no isp give me is an private address also14:30
dhruvasagari really need to get my ubuntu back14:30
JediMasterwell that net-rejoin was nuts with 1k+ people14:30
dhruvasagar have work to do14:30
dhruvasagarI don't like windows14:30
g4lt-lappydhruvasagar, right after a netjoin is probably not the time to keep nagging, as more than half the channel probably missed what you said14:31
HammerHead66helppp: then maybe you need to talk to you system admin from your provider14:31
Rodrigo_Lopesdreamy, como vc sabe??14:31
wanna_learn_morerodrigo:its gonme14:31
dhruvasagarg4lt-lappy: but I just said my problem14:31
asdf1234hello...  I'm running into several issues with a java program that accesses a web service.  I need to be sure that this is not an SSL problem.  How do I verify that my SSL config is correct (or even if it's configured at all!)...because the program I have runs perfectly well on a different system.14:31
dhruvasagarg4lt-lappy: I don't know how else to tell my problem14:31
helpppHammerHead66, why ? if everything work fine ?14:31
dreamyRodrigo_Lopes: vi o nick, pensei que eras..  ola eu sou de Portugal14:31
scunizidhruvasagar: you spread your issue out over 50 lines of text.. nobody is going to follow that14:31
HammerHead66helppp: so he can help you out14:32
mylistowondering if anyone uses kdenlive...how do I add an audio track??14:32
solexious|netbkHi, I want to install unetbootin but there are only packages in the jaunty repo, how can I install it from repo on intreped?14:32
Rodrigo_Lopesdreamy legal... lisboa??14:32
LjL!pr | Rodrigo_Lopes, dreamy14:32
wanna_learn_morerodrigo:its gnome??14:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pr14:32
dreamyRodrigo_Lopes:  sul, ja usas linux ha muito tempo ?14:32
LjL!pt | Rodrigo_Lopes, dreamy14:32
ubottuRodrigo_Lopes, dreamy: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.14:32
helpppHammerHead66, okie but i think i can do it by the ip route :)14:32
dreamyok jjl14:33
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.14:33
Rodrigo_LopesLjL.. but I speak english very clear14:33
dreamyRodrigo_Lopes: can we speak in english >14:33
HammerHead66helppp: please call you admin he can tell you more of how he set up your account than anyone else14:33
Rodrigo_Lopesubottu, i speak english very clear14:33
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:33
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LjLRodrigo_Lopes: then do, and stick to the channel topic, please14:34
helpppHammerHead66,  okie thx :)14:34
grandemahatmasomebody could help me configuring bitlbee and irssi?14:34
Rodrigo_Lopesdreamy, yes.. the moderation is very hard in here...14:34
Lumieregrandemahatma: try #irssi14:34
helpppHammerHead66, and about the ip static after the restart? any issue ?14:34
grandemahatmaoh.. good idea14:34
HammerHead66helppp: I hope everything works out for you. Come back and let me know how it went ok14:34
dreamyRodrigo_Lopes: ok :) do u use satux ?14:34
scuniziRodrigo_Lopes: this is the help channel and they keep it that way.. for off topic with others #ubuntu-offtopic14:34
Rodrigo_Lopesdreamy.... you kidding.. :p14:35
dhruvasagarHi, my ubuntu loaded fine, I edited grub and checked the loading without the splash, things seemed fine until the gdm starts, where I get the busy cursor and nothing happens after that for very long, I actually left my system like that for hours just to see if there is any error message, but no luck. I went into recovery mode, ran fsck, there seemed to be a couple of errors which it asked me...14:35
asdf1234can anyone help me please with SSL config question?  (pasted above)14:35
dhruvasagar...to fix and I said yes, after that when I pressed to resume normal boot it said that the X server failed due to some internal errors, check the syslog, I went to syslog but I didn't really find any specific error, if someone could just guide me a bit I would go and look closer, I did however see a kernel message recently saying NO MTRR for e0000000, ff000000 what does that mean??14:35
helpppHammerHead66, okie thx :)14:35
maginothow to install firefox-2 on ubuntu 8.10 intrepid ?14:35
scunizimaginot: why?14:35
Rodrigo_Lopesdreamy ....I use slackware..but like help another friends in here..14:36
dreamyRodrigo_Lopes: ok nice14:36
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dhruvasagarg4lt-lappy: was that the right way to post my question???14:36
dhruvasagarg4lt-lappy: did you manage to read it?14:36
maginotscunizi, need to test for some compatibility issues... firefox 3 is crashing and I had this issue with 8.04 and firefox-2 was working normaly14:36
dhruvasagarHi, my ubuntu loaded fine, I edited grub and checked the loading without the splash, things seemed fine until the gdm starts, where I get the busy cursor and nothing happens after that for very long, I actually left my system like that for hours just to see if there is any error message, but no luck. I went into recovery mode, ran fsck, there seemed to be a couple of errors which it asked me...14:36
dhruvasagar...to fix and I said yes, after that when I pressed to resume normal boot it said that the X server failed due to some internal errors, check the syslog, I went to syslog but I didn't really find any specific error, if someone could just guide me a bit I would go and look closer, I did however see a kernel message recently saying NO MTRR for e0000000, ff000000 what does that mean??14:36
dhruvasagarI am unable to log in, the login screen never comes14:37
dhruvasagarI have been trying for over 1 day14:37
dhruvasagarif only someone could guide me just a tad more on what else I could try14:37
scunizimaginot: if FF3 is crashing and you have a system that was upgraded from 8.04 you might try renaming ~/.mozilla to ~/.mozilla.backup .. then restart FF and see if that fixes the problem.. If it does most likely there was a plugin that was giving you issues.14:37
Rodrigo_Lopesdreamy ....im looking for another big channel.... do you know any?? I think.. #ubuntu is a bigger channel in irc.freenode.org...but i realy dont now14:38
dreamyRodrigo_Lopes:  i dont know rodrigo .. but think this chanel is only for support14:38
dhruvasagarHi, my ubuntu loads fine but doesn't reach login screen, I edited grub and checked the loading without the splash, things seemed fine until the gdm starts, where I get the busy cursor and nothing happens after that for very long, I actually left my system like that for hours just to see if there is any error message, but no luck. I went into recovery mode, ran fsck, there seemed to be a...14:38
dhruvasagar...couple of errors which it asked me to fix and I said yes, after that when I pressed to resume normal boot it said that the X server failed due to some internal errors, check the syslog, I went to syslog but I didn't really find any specific error, if someone could just guide me a bit I would go and look closer, I did however see a kernel message recently saying NO MTRR for e0000000,...14:38
scuniziRodrigo_Lopes: #linux14:38
dhruvasagar...ff000000 what does that mean??14:38
cyphermoxdhruvasagar: take a look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log, it might contain something to help you out.. a little more info about exactly what is failing when X tries to start.14:38
oCean_!repeat | dhruvasagar14:38
ubottudhruvasagar: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience14:38
stryd_onecan anyone help me to downgrade my kernel? the updates in hardy today broke my soundcard14:39
tatiпривет всем!14:39
maginotscunizi, no, this is a from scratch install ... and I tryed running with --safe-mode option and still get it crashing I have tried already renaming .mozilla and still hav problem... It crash with a segment fault error after start and try to open any page14:39
oCean_!ru | tati14:39
ubottutati: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:39
Rodrigo_Lopesscunizi, wow.. very good!! thanks14:39
dhruvasagarcyphermox: thanks I will go and check that now...hopefully I will find something that can help me :(. Thanks a ton for your help.14:39
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dhruvasagarSorry every one for my annoying behaviour14:40
dhruvasagarI am just in a real fix14:40
scunizimaginot: well.... I know you could install it in wine.. however the .deb version I'm not sure14:40
enkohey! is there a way to downgrade to 8.04 without reinstalling the whole OS?14:41
maginotscunizi,  I tryed using gutsy repository but got a lot of dependency problems14:41
oCean_!downgrade | enko14:41
ubottuenko: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.14:41
ushillsHi, just done a fresh install with existing user account the main account has picked up the old /home folder fine, when adding the other users it says select another mount point.  How can I link to existing user /home folders14:41
scunizimaginot: that would make sense.. things started changing a lot after gutsy..14:42
TapoutMy printer, no longer prints.  The printer works from XP, but inside Ubuntu, it stopped working.  Inside printer, the test page doesn't work, but it's so strange because it was working before the CUPS update14:42
HammerHead66hate88: please turn off auto reply14:42
hate88I'm replying to you Oo14:43
n8tuserushills-> umm confusing, you did a fresh install but yet you have an old home?14:43
wanna_learn_morewell i used gnome14:44
ushillsnt8user, this is normal I keep my old /home folder but needed to uprgrade to 64 bit14:44
wanna_learn_moreany hint to add mouse from gnome but with shell command?14:44
n8tuserushills-> okay, so you did a fresh install of 64bit but what is the issued?14:44
ymlBonjour, I am looking for the official release date of the new ubuntu14:44
maginotscunizi, well ... Im kind searching for a solution, I think I could just get ff2 from source and compile it14:45
n8tuserushills-> okay, so you did a fresh install of 64bit but what is the issue*?14:45
kitcheyml sometime next month14:45
scunizimaginot: that's probably your best option14:45
ymldoes someone has an idea of the exact date ?14:45
birdflu2007exei wanna install flash cs3 on ubuntu, how can i do?14:45
ushillsn8tuser, I cannot link users to their existing home folders14:45
kitcheyml: ask in the jaunty channel14:45
ymlkitche: ok thank you14:46
oCean_yml: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule14:46
n8tuserushills-> in the fresh install, you created the same user with same uid/gid ?14:46
ushillsn8tuser, yes this worked for the main user fine, but when I try to add the other previous users it says select another home mount point14:46
metro-joein /etc/hosts, does for example " server" be a problem if the defualt gateway on my vista machine  is the same ip?14:47
metro-joeim trying to setup a simple samba network, thts why i ask14:47
n8tuserushills-> so your new users have same uid/gid?14:47
sabi2Enter text here...14:48
ushillsn8tuser same uid/gid an this is the exact message Home folder exists, Please enter a different home directory path14:48
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n8tuserushills-> okay you can modify /etc/passwd and /etc/group file if needed14:49
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ushillsn8tuser, what do I need to modify, I cannot do this from add users! What do I need to add?14:50
n8tusermetro-joe-> that seems to be okay14:50
kitcheLjL: you guys turned off the netsplit messages in the channel? or something14:50
LjLkitche: no?14:50
LjLkitche: what netsplit messages?14:50
n8tuserushills-> you can use vim or whatever editor to use for modifying /etc/passwd14:50
metro-joen8tuser: so even if the ip for the server, and the default gateway on my vista machine are the same?14:50
kitcheLjL: ah ok must be because I have ignores then set up for this channel oh there is server netsplitting from freenode14:51
n8tusermetro-joe-> yeah, if those are associated, then it should be okay14:51
stryd_one<LjL> kitche: what netsplit messages?14:51
metro-joek, thanks14:51
stryd_onethe several hundred joins and parts :)14:51
LjLstryd_one: right, except "we" couldn't durn those off even if we wanted to14:52
stryd_oneahahah no of course not14:52
macmanhey all14:52
macmanwhats the smallest live cd i can get with ubuntu ?14:52
crankharderer, so now all proxy settings are through gnome?14:54
ushillsn8tuser, thanks that worked14:54
crankharderhow can I set up a proxy just for pidgin?14:54
=== MadMax is now known as Guest33231
HammerHead66crankharder:  try channel #pidgin14:57
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
chris__ya des 0214:59
chris__? svp14:59
oCean_!fr | chris__14:59
ubottuchris__: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr14:59
chris__ok merci c vrai15:00
Picichris__: /join #ubuntu-fr15:00
viruskongeni got a problem with vbox gtk: VERR_VM_DRIVER_NOT_INSTALLE15:01
scuniziviruskongen: you might need to install the vbox guest additions.. for help with vbox please join #vbox15:02
JimiHello everybody15:04
maximohello all...15:05
JimiHi Maximo15:05
Rodrigo_Lopesviruskongen, you stand for VirtualBox??15:05
JimiI have question about Ghostzilla if anyone has experience with it.15:06
maximohello jimi15:07
=== scfh_ is now known as scfh
JimiDoes anyone know aout Ghostzilla15:08
=== Cueball is now known as Cueball|2
regeyais that the latest blockbuster movie in japan?15:08
JimiFunny lol15:09
HammerHead66Jimi: please ask the question if anyone has any idea they will talk to you15:09
JimiOk Hammer15:09
metro-joeim supposed(according to a guide) to use chkconfig to do something, but i dont have chkconfig, is this normal?15:10
philsfmetro-joe: you're probably reading the wrong guide15:11
JimiI am attmepting to install Ghostzilla and following to my est ability a step by step guide at this location http://packratstudios.com/index.php/2008/04/20/how-to-setup-clonezilla-on-linux-ubuntu-quick-start-guide/comment-page-1/#comment-1898    The thing is there is a part that says to change the network file, my question is do i really need to change this seeing as the ghosting is not going to be done remotley, its all going to be done by me lOCALLY15:11
metro-joehttp://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-Guide/simple.html is the guide im reading15:11
philsfmetro-joe: use /etc/init.d/samba instead15:12
metro-joeis it an old version? or is it ubuntu specific?15:12
philsfchkconfig is not the canonical way to start/stop services in Debian or Ubuntu15:13
metro-joek, thanks :)15:13
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Jimimetro was that to me?15:13
metro-joesorry Jimi, no, it was for philsf15:14
Flexomadany problems?15:14
philsfmetro-joe: it's used mostly by rpm-based distros, afaik15:14
kmmjoin #mudlet15:14
palomerhello, I'm unable to mount my usb disk anymore. its ntfs15:14
osmfei cna't acess to my local disk D15:14
oCean_palomer: do you get an error message?15:15
Flexomadikonia: im sorry15:15
=== Guest37482 is now known as denny
JimiI will put it another way just in case i made a hash of what i just tried to say15:16
anom1what just happened?15:16
JimiI have set up ubuntu purley for the use of ghosting an image onto a load of laptops….other than that it will just sit there and wait for one of the lsptops to go wrong so it can be used again. All ghosting will be done locally. Because of this am i right in thinking that i would not need to change any values on the /etc/network/interfaces file and just leave them all as they are at default? Or am i way off track here?15:16
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit15:16
Ubotwonetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit15:16
=== Guest59437 is now known as Dave2
LjLUbotwo: part15:16
UbotwoLjL: Error: You don't have the admin capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.15:16
osmfei can't acess my loacl disk C and D i get en error message15:16
osmfethe error message is : DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.15:17
osmfehow can i do it15:17
HammerHead66Jimi: I would just try it to see if it works if it doesn't go back and change it like it said to.15:18
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anom1Jimi: Looks like the channel is a bit distracted at the moment.  :)15:19
anom1hi, anyone can recommend a good ext2/3 data recovery software?  i'm trying to recover 1-2 files from my ext2/3 partition which has unreadable superblocks.15:20
HammerHead66anom1:  do you know how that happened?15:20
osmfei' ask command and i'm adminitrator but still i can't acess loacal disks15:21
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anom1osmfe: administrator?15:22
HammerHead66anom1: do you know how that happened your drives?15:23
anom1HammerHead66: I can't be certain until I format /dev/sdb. However, I do receive error msgs: "GRUB error 25", and "fsck.ext2: Superblock invalid, trying backup blocks", and so forth. Even Tiny Core Linux doesn't boot properly.15:23
sdousley|workgenii: OK, I have the PXE booting both Debian Lenny and Ubuntu Intrepid installers.  Do you have any pointers on getting this to load windows?15:24
sk0rdcan someone point me to the status of sparc support?15:24
=== Mr is now known as Guest70022
ikoniask0rd: community only - last release was 6.1015:24
ikoniask0rd: dead project15:24
sk0rdikonia, ok great, thanks15:24
ikoniasdousley|work: nothing to do with ubuntu15:24
ikoniasdousley|work: join ##windows15:24
sdousley|workfair point ikonia15:24
verma_iihello people. this is what my iptables output looks like: http://www.pastie.org/427746  .. but I can still connect to port 80 using telnet host 80 ... shouldn't it block it?15:25
anom1HammerHead66: I'm just wondering if there's a way of accessing file data without the superblock.15:25
sdousley|workJust thought i'd ask as he was helping me with sorting out Ubuntu PXE installs15:25
Guest70022hello,i got a question,i went to java.com and it said i don't have the updated version i have java 6-10 and the new is 13?15:25
ikoniaverma_ii: #netfilter or #iptables for iptables rules help15:25
ikoniaadamb: ##windows is the correct channel please.15:25
verma_iiikonia, alright, great thanks :)15:25
Guest70022any help on that?15:25
KimiActionParnsip are you there >?15:26
anom1HammerHead66: Maybe I should make full use of my google-fu and try to research the answer by myself?15:26
HammerHead66anom1: I'm checking now15:26
JimiHammerHead66: The thing is, it tells me later in the tutorial to get all the laptops mac addresses. That i thought would only be if you were ghosting remotley which im not going to be doing or booting off a network installation of an O/S15:26
infiter789Excuse me, but I cant register my name15:27
pkkannhallo. i need some help, anyone there ?15:28
Kimihow do i play rvb movie files ?15:28
Jimigoogle will tell you kimi15:28
Piciinfiter789: /join #freenode for registration help15:28
PiciJimi: This is a help channel.15:28
KimiJimi whats the use asking here then ?? if yu know the name tell me so that i will directly search for it15:28
infiter789Pici: I do what the page says, but nothing...15:28
anom1HammerHead66: I think other people needs help more. I'll google some more for solutions. Thanks for your attention.15:29
geniisdousley|work: http://www.lockstockmods.net/2008/04/26/easy-way-to-pxe-boot-windows/ might get you started15:29
Piciinfiter789: This is the freenode irc network. You can get help with registering if you join #freenode15:29
HammerHead66Jimi: it might be if that laptop is connected anywhere on the net it would back up the file to it automatically...but I don't know for sure.15:30
sdousley|workty genii :D15:30
geniisdousley|work: They assume a Windows dhcp/pxe server but the rest still applies15:30
Kimisome one else : any idea how to play rvb movie files ?15:30
geniisdousley|work: Yer welcome15:30
JimiRVB file is a Rhino 3D Visual Basic Script. Rhino 3D is a stand-alone, commercial NURBS-based modeling tool.15:30
sdousley|workgenii: hehe yeh, course it's an Ubuntu PXE server, will see what I can get from that :)15:30
KimiJimi is it a movie or not ?? is it playable ??15:31
philsfKimi: we can't know that. it's you who has got the file15:31
Myrttifile <file> should be able to tell what the file is15:32
Kimiphilsf what i am asking is that is it a movie or not ?? Jimi is telling that its something 3d and stuff that i dont know15:32
HammerHead66anom1: 25: "Unrecognized command" This error is returned if an unrecognized command is entered into the command-line or in a boot sequence section of a config file and that entry is selected.15:32
philsfKimi: I never heard of this format, and it looks like no one here also15:32
JimiHammerHead66: Ok ty hammer, i shall plough on and see if i can get it working. Thanks very much :)15:32
dhruvasagarHi everyone, I have worked a lot now to find out that the problem perhaps exists in my GDM. I checked the GDM log and it said this : error setting MTRR (base = 0xe0000000, size=0x0f000000, type=1) Invalid argument (22) (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (compatible NVIDIA Xdriver not found)15:33
HammerHead66anom1: np15:33
anom1HammerHead66: Thank you. Actually I think my /dev/sdb drive may be failing, I'll format it to find out more.15:33
dhruvasagarcan some one throw some light on that?15:33
doughed2003hello i hope some one can help me15:33
HammerHead66anom1: http://www.uruk.org/orig-grub/errors.html look at this web page to see what I'm talking about.15:34
Kimiphilsf : i trashed it :P who cares :P :P :D sorry if i made useless posts in this #ubun15:34
philsfKimi: ?15:35
pkkannok. Well i have a HP Pavilion dv6000 with the AMP Turion64 processor. Nvidia Geforce 7200. Well i just installed the 177 nvidia drivers and enabled the compiz effects. but now sometimes the windows titlebars mess up.. i have tryed many things. but do anyone know what to do ?? is it a bug in the driver ?15:35
Kimii am not getting "resize and use free space" option in installer of live cd... i have installed in my frnds compter with this option.... i have xp sp 2 but still wont get15:35
philsfpkkann: what does "mess up" mean?15:35
Kimii tried with kubuntu , xubuntu cds15:35
Kiminot getting that option15:35
Kimiplz dont ask me to resize partition with some other software. i fear for them... i want to get guuided resize and use free spave option15:36
philsf!patience | dhruvasagar15:36
ubottudhruvasagar: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines15:36
Kimibrendon Hello15:36
brendonhow can I be of service15:36
stryd_onecan anyone help me to downgrade my kernel? the updates in hardy today broke my soundcard15:36
r4wb3r7i am testing ubuntu irssi for cli15:36
brendonhello kimi15:36
storbeckKimi: Are you sure you have enough free space?15:36
=== sparky_ is now known as sparky1492
Kimii had 10 gb on C15:36
Kiminow i made it into 10 gb wubi becoz resize option was not geting :(15:37
brendonstryd_ Ubuntu doesn't support downgrades... Usually near impossible15:37
doughed2003need help with dual boot.xp installed on first part of hdd ubuntu cloned to sec. part of hdd i get an error 1715:37
pkkannehm.. the titlebar sometimes gets gray, like it mix up with the active window titlebar..15:37
HammerHead66stryd_one: Do you have a ATI Radeon graphic card?15:37
philsfstryd_one: you need to do this in synaptic15:38
stryd_oneHammerHead66, nope15:38
stryd_onephil: i can't see the old version there any more15:38
HammerHead66stryd_one: have you tried to kill pulseaudio?15:38
Kimistorbeck i had 10 gb space.... and now i am not because i am in wubi of 10 gb15:38
doughed2003please help15:38
pkkannit is only when compiz is enabled..15:38
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stryd_onehammer: it's alsa that's not seeing the card15:39
Kimistorbeck i fear for these partitionsizing softwares .. i want ubuntu;s default installer to it as i did it in 5 other computers15:39
=== florin_ is now known as IceyBlack
IceyBlackhi all15:39
IceyBlack~$ su15:39
IceyBlacksu: Authentication failure15:39
FloodBot1IceyBlack: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:39
HammerHead66stryd_one: what sound card do you have?15:39
pkkanni need to run.. well ask again later..15:39
IceyBlackwhy i cannt become root?15:39
MyrttiIceyBlack: use sudo15:40
Myrtti!sudo | IceyBlack15:40
ubottuIceyBlack: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)15:40
stryd_onei should elaborate, it's not just the soundcard, it's several devices... tv tuner, etc15:40
IceyBlackok i know,bit i thought it something wrong15:40
doughed2003anyone??? help15:40
HammerHead66stryd_one: it sounds like the drivers are not installed right15:40
MyrttiIceyBlack: there is no root, so you cannot become root.15:41
Kimistorbeck ??15:41
zimnyxDoes it mean my disk is damaged (dmesg output): http://paste2.org/p/171802 ?15:41
dhruvasagarHi everyone, I have worked a lot now to find out that the problem perhaps exists in my GDM. I checked the GDM log and it said this : error setting MTRR (base = 0xe0000000, size=0x0f000000, type=1) Invalid argument (22) (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (compatible NVIDIA Xdriver not found)15:41
stryd_onesnd: disagrees about version of symbol __wake_up15:41
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stryd_onethat's the error15:41
eternallyhow would i get this file into my box, via ssh,... http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/amd64/flex/download15:41
stryd_onethere are dozens of them from different devices15:41
eternallythat site is a list of mirrors, but, im having trouble figuring out how to download it to my server, and install it15:42
stryd_onethey were all working fine with 2.6.24-24.5015:42
HammerHead66stryd_one:   paste it up and give me the web address15:42
Le-Chuck_ITAHi there; I am a gnome user. Since kde4, I never understood where to change the default theme of kde apps. I dislike the solid-metal aspect of new kde windows (I use a few of them). Is there a way to have e.g. the gtk look or something similar? If so how?15:42
stryd_onewhen it went up to .51, it seems that not all of the required parts of the kernel had the .51 upgrade or something15:42
stryd_onethanks HammerHead66 will do15:42
Le-Chuck_ITAI went to qtconfig and qtconfig-qt4 and selected the gtk+ theme15:43
Le-Chuck_ITAbut... it doesn't change anything in kile15:43
Kimistorbeck ?? dont know the answer ?????? :(15:43
* anom1 is cheering HammerHead66 and other people who helped.15:43
Kimistorbeck atleast plz reply that you have no idea.... been waiting for your reply15:43
philsfstryd_one: are you sure you're not missing a kernel package? maybe restricted, or lum, lbm, etc?15:43
HammerHead66did it work?15:43
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit15:43
=== root is now known as Guest99829
doughed2003need help with dual boot.xp installed on first part of hdd ubuntu cloned to sec. part of hdd i get an error 1715:44
stryd_onephilsf: well that's what it seems yes15:44
stryd_oneit seems that one part of the kernel isnt matched to the rest15:44
Kimii installed xubuntu in one of my frnds home.... and he got in last step stopped by 6% and failed in a error....../15:44
stryd_onedamnit why dont they just split that server permanently until its fixed15:45
Kimithen he lost around 5 gb of space in C15:45
jpdsstryd_one: It's a different one this time.15:45
Kimihow to get it back ?15:45
doughed2003can anyone see me ??????????????????15:45
philsftommy can you hear me?15:45
eternallyhi doughed200315:45
eternallyphilsf, i can see you but not hear you15:46
Kimidoughed2003 HI....!15:46
doughed2003thank you i thought i was talking to myself15:46
eternallyno problem15:46
HammerHead66anom1: glad I could help out :-D15:46
eternallyi shut down my ubuntu server till i can figure it out later15:46
chronos_I'm having problems with my intrepid installation. I just enabled my NVIDIA driver, and when I did, I lost my minimize, close, and title bar on all my windows.15:46
doughed2003can some one help me please?15:46
HammerHead66doughed2003: please just ask your questions.15:47
doughed2003need help with dual boot.xp installed on first part of hdd ubuntu cloned to sec. part of hdd i get an error 1715:47
philsfthat's not a question15:48
stryd_onehttp://tinysave.net/pastebin.php?show=283 there's the log15:48
amazingi'm running 8.10 on an msi u120. i was able to compile the realtek drivers so wifi works now, but bluetooth doesn't work15:48
HammerHead66"Invalid device requested" This error is returned if a device string is recognizable but does not fall under the other device errors.  doughed2003: this is what is happening15:48
stryd_onethat's from the frst rebootwith the -rt kernel (it's ubu studio hardy)15:48
amazingi tried to cycle through using Fn+F11 but that just toggles the wifi15:48
stryd_onesome thing happens with -generic15:49
amazingdoes anyone have any resources that they can point me to to get bluetooth working?15:49
stryd_one2.6.24-23* is fine15:49
doughed2003HammerHead66:ok you lost me i'm a noob15:49
Kimii installed xubuntu in frnd's com.... it failed in last step stanging for long time in 6%..... then it siad it failed...... now, when i got in xp again...he lost 5 gb in C drive.... how does he get it back ?? any idea ?? or is it 5 gb peramanently gone ?15:50
dualI need a window manager that's like frames, like on the web. Not overlapping windows. What should I use?15:50
doughed2003HammerHead66:i know it has to do with grub but i dont know how to fix15:50
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto15:50
philsfstryd_one: you're using the kernel from -proposed, right?15:50
HammerHead66doughed2003: it means that gurb can read it but there is something wrong in one of the strings15:51
stryd_onephil yep15:51
HammerHead66doughed2003: you will have to edit it15:51
philsfstryd_one: then youshould report to the bug you're helping test15:51
philsfor open a new one15:51
stryd_onei'm not testing15:51
philsfthen you shouldn't be using -proposed15:51
=== scfh is now known as scfh_
stryd_onei had to enable -proposed for some other thing ages ago, this time it just came up and said there was an update, so i said install it15:52
doughed2003HammerHead66:i'm running on a live cd right now what do i do ?15:52
HammerHead66doughed2003: just make sure to make a backup of it before you start messing with it15:52
stryd_onei can log a bug but right now i'd just like to find out how to get batk to .5015:52
doughed2003HammerHead66:i still have the original hdd for ubuntu on the pc15:53
JimiAm I right in thinking that Clonzilla puts an image on the network and then you boot the client to tat network, point it to that image file and then thats it?15:53
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philsfstryd_one: you're using a test version of a package, which is intended to test for regressions. you have a regression. you should report it before it is accepted into -updates15:53
HammerHead66doughed2003: I would look in CMOS15:54
stryd_onephil: i surely will15:54
philsfstryd_one: look for a similar bug and post your issues, or open a new one. please read kernel bugs guidelines before creating a new bug15:54
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stryd_oneany idea where i might find a) the right place to log the bug and b) insructions to get it back to how it was last night15:54
stryd_onethose are in reverse order of priority for me ;)15:55
doughed2003HammerHead66:ok will do but i need to go to work now thanks for your help15:55
HammerHead66doughed2003: np15:55
philsfstryd_one: you might have the packages in /var/cache/apt/archives15:56
philsfstryd_one: you look for ubuntu bugs in launchpad.net15:56
stryd_onephilsf, thanks they do seem to be there15:57
HammerHead66stryd_one: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/KnowledgeBase/Classes/Triaging   look here for training15:58
stryd_onei don't suppose it's possible to keep it to the online debs and not local?15:58
philsf!pinning | stryd_one15:58
ubottustryd_one: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto15:58
philsfstryd_one: of course, it's much easier to... ahem... disable -proposed?15:59
philsfbut what do I know15:59
demonwhat was the command to mount a iso ??15:59
stryd_oneas i said, i need proposed for other stuff15:59
stryd_oneno need for sarcasm ;)15:59
stryd_onei feel ya16:00
HammerHead66demon:  from the command line terminal?16:00
demonyes HammerHead6616:00
HammerHead661 sec16:00
philsfstryd_one: I don't think you need proposed. it's not a repo to be used like you're using16:00
philsfit's supposed to be used for one-time package installs16:00
Kimithen is it that my frnd's 5gb of C totally gone16:00
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots16:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about show16:01
Pici!msgthebot | Kimi16:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about reply16:01
ubottuKimi: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".16:01
stryd_onethe instructions i followed didnt say anything about removing the entries from sources16:01
PiciKimi: Stop playing with the bot please.16:01
philsfit might be a documentation bug16:01
Kimii was asking some question *important* and no one cares about it16:01
Kimidont send another bot message agian16:01
Kimii know that all are volunters here16:02
stryd_one<philsf> it might be a documentation bug  <-- i think you're right!16:02
LjLKimi: everyone's question is important16:02
demonHammerHead66: ??16:02
philsf!ask | Kimi16:02
ubottuKimi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:02
philsfKimi: note the last phrase16:02
KimiLjL then mine ?16:02
Kimiphilsf i know what it is16:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gmount16:02
demon!info gmount16:03
ubottuPackage gmount does not exist in intrepid16:03
demon!info gmount-iso16:03
ubottuPackage gmount-iso does not exist in intrepid16:03
LjL!msg the bot > demon16:03
ubottudemon, please see my private message16:03
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit16:03
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".16:04
=== scfh_ is now known as scfh
dan457mount myiso.iso /mnt/iso/ -t iso9660 -o ro,loop=/dev/loop016:04
Kimi:'( i have installed xub inmy frnds home.. the last step stopped by 6% and it failed..... and when i entered windows xp and saw proeperties of C drive..... 5 of it totally gone ..... how do i get back to it ?????16:05
pkkannhallo. i have just installed ubuntu64 on my hp pavilion dv6000 amd turion64 x2, Nvidia Geforce 7200 laptop. but after installing the 177 nvidia driver and enabling compiz, the window titlebar is messing up. like getting gray, og mixing up with the "not active window" style.16:05
pkkannhave tryed alot of things now. i am using ubuntu64 8.1016:05
staar2wtf ?16:05
kneekiDoes Ubuntu use something like the 'prefetch' technology like Windows Vista/7 uses, or something else?16:05
=== scfh is now known as scfh_
pkkannhallo. i have just installed ubuntu64 on my hp pavilion dv6000 amd turion64 x2, Nvidia Geforce 7200 laptop. but after installing the 177 nvidia driver and enabling compiz, the window titlebar is messing up. like getting gray, og mixing up with the "not active window" style.16:06
pkkannhave tryed alot of things now. i am using ubuntu64 8.1016:06
tonyyarussoAnyone know of some brands of handheld laser barcode scanners that work well with Linux?16:07
HammerHead66http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1069993.html demon: try this page out16:07
LjLtonyyarusso: a webcam ;)16:07
tonyyarussoLjL: eh?  Does that work?16:07
LjLtonyyarusso: oh, yes it does - you just need a well lit place to use it. try the zebra barcode reader from sourceforge16:08
philsfKimi: did you resize the windows partition?16:09
dreamycan anyone help me with enligthment ? it didnt came with a taskbar after i installed it ? how can i add stuf ? i already added some new themes..16:09
pkkannso nobody can help me with this ?16:09
Kimiused "guided resize and use freed"16:09
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit16:09
FoolsRunI'm running Jaunty Alpha, When Jaunty Beta hits later today, do I just run apt-get update/upgrade or do I need to do a dist-upgrade?16:09
dreamydoes enligthment has better image then gnome ? or otherwise ?16:09
philsfpkkann: I have asked once, this is the last time: what does "mess up" mean?16:10
tonyyarussoFoolsRun: #ubuntu+1 for all jaunty questions16:10
HammerHead66dreamy: state it again this IRC chat room is really acting up today16:10
FoolsRuntonyyarusso: thanks16:10
edmondscommerceanyone able to help me fix open office - i have a toolbar window that has lost its decorators so i cant close it and now it opens every time i use any OO app - even after system restart :-( http://imajr.com/Original.aspx?Id=Screenshot-140247816:10
bweatrevidosup, guys ??16:10
dreamyHammerHead66: you man i should repeat.. the message i typed ? :S ? what ?16:10
philsfKimi: you must check if windows allow the partition to be resized back to its original size16:11
Snicks|TWwhi, for some reason i can mount a device on 8.10 only read-only, however i should be able to mount it write-able; any advices?16:11
HammerHead66dreamy: yes re ask your question16:11
philsfKimi: this is an Ubuntu help chan, you won't get this info here16:11
KimiNO.... i am not asking that16:11
pkkannok sorry, didn't see that. but i just said what it means. it means that the titlebar like, getting gray or something, but it only happens sometimes, and it only happens when i am rolling over the buttons. :)16:11
Kimii installed xub in his com16:11
dreamyHammerHead66: ok , does gnome has better image then enlgihtment ? or otherwwise ? and can i add stuff to my W M ? i want a task bar16:11
Kimiand it got failed and he lost 5 gb in his C16:12
Kimii installed XUBUNTU16:12
ikoniaKimi: then you made a partitioning error if disk space is being lost16:12
dreamyHammerHead66: mostly im havint trouble because i dont have a task bar with enligthment.. but i like enlightment .. its nice16:12
bweatrevidocan any one tell how to show that the average time for a look up using linear search in a linear list of length n is n+1/2 ?16:12
philsfKimi: you are complaining that the space disappeared, but that should be obvious by the fact you resized the original partition to get enough size for a *buntu installation16:12
Picibweatrevido: This is the Ubuntu support channel, try asking in ##math16:12
HammerHead66Snicks|TWw: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30527 here you go16:12
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit16:13
Kimihow do i get it back philsf ?16:13
ikoniaKimi: use the resize tool16:13
philsfKimi: what did you think just happened? you shrank the partition by 5G.16:13
miranda_psidreamy: what do you mean by better image? and the task bar is an optional component in enlightenment and you should be able to set it up through one of the settings menu items16:13
fogravenhey, does anyone know of a diary or journal thing for Ubuntu?16:13
ikoniaKimi: but if you have ubuntu on that partition you can't resize it16:13
philsfKimi: you need partition space in order to install another OS16:13
LjLtonyyarusso: anyway, one real barcode reder that is supposed in the repositories (by Alexandria) is cuecat. still, if it's not for intensive use, give the webcam route a try16:13
edmondscommerceanyone able to help me fix open office - i have a toolbar window that has lost its decorators so i cant close it and now it opens every time i use any OO app - even after system restart :-( http://imajr.com/Original.aspx?Id=Screenshot-140247816:13
matt2909anyone know what time GMT 9.04 beta will be available?16:14
klaus_join #bluez16:14
fogravenhey, does anyone know of a diary or journal thing for Ubuntu?16:14
ikoniamatt2909: join #ubuntu+116:14
Rodrigo_Lopesexist a good emulator for playstation 2 emulator in linux????16:14
HammerHead66dreamy: open it, go to upper left side Text /edit/prefs' and you should be able to change it there16:14
dreamymiranda_psi: image quality .. gnome seems more "shining" better colors .. maybe its just me :S dunno16:14
Picimatt2909: When its done. Please join #ubuntu+1 for more Jaunty discussin16:14
fogravenhey, does anyone know of a diary or journal thing for Ubuntu?16:14
* eseven73 is about ready to ditch clarke.freenode.net for good grrrrrrrrrr, anyone know a more stable server?16:14
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots16:14
dreamyHammerHead66: ok ty16:14
pkkannok sorry, didn't see that. but i just said what it means. it means that the titlebar like, getting gray or something, but it only happens sometimes, and it only happens when i am rolling over the buttons. :)16:15
ikoniaklaus_: help with what ?16:15
Kimi i know know..... but i want that 5 gb back.....16:15
ikoniaKimi: then delete ubuntu16:15
Kimii mean, xub totally failed..16:15
ikoniaKimi: and re-partition again16:15
fogravenhey, does anyone know of a diary or journal thing for Ubuntu?16:15
Kimixub is not showing up16:15
Kimihow do i delete ?16:15
ikoniafograven: not really no,16:15
Pici!enter | Kimi16:15
ubottuKimi: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:15
ikoniaKimi: xubuntu's partition is not showing up?16:15
ikoniaKimi: what tool are you using ?16:15
tonyyarussofograven: My favorite way of doing that is to install blogging software locally.16:16
Kimiit just says in properties of C in xp... as it has only 12 gb16:16
ikoniaKimi: what tool are you using ?16:16
Kiminot usual 19.xx gb16:16
thopiekarhey you chroot-geeks :P ..  who of you knows what is stored in /proc/sys/fs(/binfmt_misc register) ? and hwo can I get this location into my chroot? sb1 needs it.. and I need sb1 :P16:16
Kimixp sp 216:16
Kimithats all i know16:16
ikoniathopiekar: you don't chroot proc16:16
stimpieI have a problem with my keyboard preferences, with every new application my keyboard layout switches back to default16:16
fogravenlike drupal or joomla?16:16
ikoniaKimi: you need to use a resizing tool16:16
mib_ht7vrtmy putty ssh keeps hanging. I have no clue. why..16:16
mib_ht7vrtwhat should i do16:16
ikoniaKimi: windows XP can't partition the disk like that16:16
philsfKimi: did you understand what I told you?16:16
tonyyarussofograven: Right.  (Drupal is my favorite.)16:17
Kimiikonia.. what i am telling his.. i dont know where to find xub in xp to del it16:17
thopiekarikonia: I need this path for a crosscompiler...16:17
philsfKimi: it's no use repeating your questions if you didn't16:17
mercutio22I am having problems typing characters with accents in kile's editor. It works alright in texmaker. I suppose there is a problem with SCIM input. Any ideas?16:17
ikoniathopiekar: you don't need proc to cross-compile16:17
miranda_psidreamy: I think that has more to do with the images used - it is designed to be fast and efficient (which could lower the image quality a bit, though ive never noticed it)16:17
ikoniathopiekar: if you want info out of the proc file system you can just cat it16:17
ikoniaKimi: use the xubuntu install cd and the partition tool on it16:17
Kimiikonia i dont think that you understand16:18
dreamymiranda_psi: ok.. nice16:18
stimpiemib_ht7vrt, if you run with -v does it say something?16:18
ikoniaKimi: you want to delete the Xubuntu partition and get the disk space back onto your windows partition yes ?16:18
Kimiikonia i installed xub and it failed.... now he lost 5 gb from C and cant knw how to del it16:18
ikoniaKimi: you want to delete the Xubuntu partition and get the disk space back onto your windows partition yes ?16:18
KimiYES .. exactly ikonia16:18
ikoniaKimi: I understand exactly16:18
PiciKimi: Use gparted from the Live CD.16:18
Kimithen tell a way16:18
ikoniaKimi: use the partitioning tools of the xubuntu install CD16:18
ikoniaKimi: you can then delete the xubuntu partition and then re-allocate it to windows16:19
Kimihe wont allow me to insert that ubuntu again16:19
Kimiinto his16:19
ikoniaKimi: then that is his problem16:19
PiciKimi: Then you're out of luck.16:19
ikoniaKimi: we cannot help16:19
Kimias he got mad anger16:19
rwparris2is it possible to start up applications in a specific workspace?16:19
Kimiikonia is there any tool for windows that will del that partition and add it to C16:19
Doctor_Nickwheres the beta :(16:19
alexmarthello, I don't know what happened lately to my ubuntu installation but it's very very slow, sometimes xorg uses 90% of cpu resources. Is there something I can do ?16:19
ikoniarwparris2: some X11 apps have -xordinate and -yodinate arguments16:19
ikoniaKimi: as in ##windows16:19
ikoniaKimi: that is not an ubuntu issue16:19
PiciDoctor_Nick: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.16:19
Kimiikonia... whoaaa ! this is indeed an ubuntu isuue :(16:20
ikoniarwparris2: I don't think you can set a work space though, just the screen location16:20
Kimiikonia you dont understnd16:20
ikoniaKimi: no - it's not16:20
ikoniaKimi: I understand %10016:20
eseven73rwparris2: thats easy with KDE16:20
HammerHead66 fograven: http://www.ubuntu.com/ anything you need for Ubuntu is here16:20
ikoniaKimi: I have given you a fix which you cannot use, so you need help with tools on the windows OS which is supported in ##windows16:20
philsfKimi: if you want help installing or repairing ubuntu, you can ask. what you're asking is for windows help, windows apps, and windows partitioning16:20
philsfKimi: you're asking in the wrong place16:20
HammerHead66http://www.ubuntu.com/ everyone: anything you need for Ubuntu is right here16:20
innni1i have just plug in a "3" mobile dongle. how do I connect?16:21
Kimiikonia ok.../16:21
pkkannyou said that you wanted to know what i mean by mess up.. i just told you ?.. i know my english is bad, but it would be nice with a little answer :)16:21
ikoniainnni1: network applet in the right top of the screen16:21
ikoniainnni1: setup a net network connection using the mobile option and it will setup "3" for you16:21
jackCardsyou can use fdisk in windows16:21
Kimiis ##windows free ?16:21
ikoniaKimi: yes16:21
PiciKimi: /join ##windows16:21
ikoniaKimi: join it16:21
innni1There are many option on the applet, which one16:21
Kimiikonia tell me what to ask them16:22
ikoniainnni1: the mobile internet option16:22
rwparris2is there a way/command to check free diskspace?16:22
ikoniaKimi: just explained what you have explained in here16:22
fogravenNO DICE HAMMER16:22
ikoniafograven: ?16:22
ikoniarwparris2: df -h16:22
thopiekarikonia: http://pastebin.com/d4fcec7eb16:22
swayedHi - I get the following error when I do updates < http://imagebin.org/43149 > Someone point me in right direction to fix this ? ?16:22
Kimiikonian ok..../16:22
fogravenI'm looking for a diary/journal16:23
Kimiikonia i got feared of #windows as in there whatever you see you have to give money ;P :( :P16:23
innni1ikonia: I do see a menu option with the words "mobile internet"16:23
ikoniathopiekar: ahhh, you want a bind mount16:23
ikoniainnni1: sounds good16:23
innni1do = don't16:23
philsfrwparris2: if you want a GUI way, there's one in Applications/Accessories16:23
ikoniathopiekar: you want mount -o bind $proc $chroot/proc16:23
ikoniathopiekar: check out bind mounts16:23
jackCardsfdisk will blow away the partition, use with caution as you can do serious harm16:23
=== LjL-Hubbard changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Be patient and read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | Install Ubuntu: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download | The network is experiencing problem, if you see only about 100 users in the channel, type /server irc.freenode.net to reconnect
innni1I see stuff like "Connect to Other Wireless Network"16:24
philsfKimi: that's the way to get applications installed in Windows world </troll>16:24
ikoniaphilsf: please don't16:24
thopiekarikonia: so I have to change "/proc           /chroot-i386/proc            proc defaults 0 016:24
thopiekar" to "/proc           /chroot-i386/proc            proc bind defaults 0 016:24
thopiekar" ?16:24
* philsf licks his wounds16:24
ikoniathopiekar: no16:25
innni1I see "Create new Wireless Network"16:25
ikoniathopiekar: don't put it in your fstab16:25
ikoniathopiekar: manually mount it - it's much safer16:25
ikoniathopiekar: ok - put it in your fstab if you want it that bad16:25
AliRezaTaleghanihi, why the 9.04Beta dosen't come still out? :-/16:25
PiciAliRezaTaleghani: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.16:25
thopiekarthe chroot-howto on ubuntu-users.de decribes to add it to fsab16:25
ikoniaAliRezaTaleghani: #ubuntu+1 for jaunty chat16:25
HammerHead66 fograven: you see how the color changes when I do this to your name? try it it makes it easier to tell you are talking to me.. k16:25
ikoniathopiekar: ok - do that then16:25
innni1I see lots of stuff, but no menu item with "Mobile Internet"16:26
thopiekarikonia: k16:26
=== gaurav_ is now known as Guest70087
pkkannanyone have experience with ubundu and Hp pavilion dv6000 ?16:26
Guest70087hey please help me HOW TO FORMAT PENDRIVE IN XUBUNTU16:26
Guest70087#/NICK GAURAV16:26
Gnea!caps | Guest7008716:26
ubottuGuest70087: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.16:26
innni1ikonia: do you have a menu item with "Mobile Internet"16:27
_mattdhow can i watch disk IO on my box to see if something is going crazy?16:27
_mattdim seeing wild latency between two servers and the host says its possibly because of high disk io16:27
ikoniainnni1: if you put the 3 dongle in and right click on the network manager applet there should be an option to setup mobile internet16:27
ikoniainnni1: it should be quite obvious16:27
HammerHead66fograven: sorry man what was I helping you with again?16:27
Guest70087hey please  tell me how to format pendrive in xubuntu16:28
innni1ikonia: there is nothing obvious there :)16:28
Gnea!format | Guest7008716:28
ubottuGuest70087: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap16:28
fogravena diary/journal16:28
ikonia_mattd: setup the system monitor on the task bar16:28
erUSUL_mattd: vmstat ? iotop ?16:28
erUSUL!info iotop16:28
ubottuiotop (source: iotop): simple top-like I/O monitor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2-2 (intrepid), package size 12 kB, installed size 140 kB16:28
_mattdikonia: this is a vps16:28
ikonia_mattd: that doesn't matter16:28
_mattdiotop, huh. cool16:28
ikonia_mattd: iostat in the systat package may also help16:28
HammerHead66fograven: what was the error?16:28
fogravenI need one there was no error16:29
GneaGuest70087: basically, you just pop the drive in and open up gparted16:29
arfmarfis it just me who doesnt find the beta jaunty iso's or is it that its not released yet?16:30
=== Odo is now known as Odo081
HammerHead66fograven: you were the on that couldn't boot in linux with two OS right?16:30
Gneaarfmarf: it's not released yet, so it's highly unstable16:30
arfmarf:( ok thanks u good sir.16:30
Gneaarfmarf: but you should ask in #ubuntu+1 to see if someone has better oens16:31
=== hASDhaQ is now known as Guest91257
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
LjL-HubbardThe network is experiencing problem, if you see only about 100 users in the channel, type /server irc.freenode.net to reconnect16:31
fogravenno sorry16:31
HammerHead66fograven: please re ask the question16:31
fogravenI just want a program/software/package like a journal or diary16:32
fogravenfor Ubuntu16:32
hASDhaQ1what happened?16:33
=== Odo081 is now known as Odo
=== gaurav_ is now known as Guest21903
HammerHead66O i gave you the web page to go to.... try wiki......google....whatever search engine you can think of16:33
Guest21903hey please help16:33
ikoniaGuest21903: what's up ?16:33
fogravenOK thanks16:33
Guest21903tell me how to format pendrive16:33
Guest21903in xubuntu16:34
Gnea!info xournal16:34
ubottuxournal (source: xournal): GTK+ Application for note taking. In component universe, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 285 kB, installed size 892 kB16:34
UbotwoPackage xournal does not exist in16:34
HammerHead66fograven: np16:34
ikoniaGuest21903: use gparted, treat it like any other disk16:34
Guest21903thanks ikonia for replying16:34
Guest21903how to use it16:34
ikoniaGuest21903: open it up, it should be quite self explinatory16:34
Gnea!gparted | Guest2190316:34
ubottuGuest21903: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php16:34
HammerHead66if someone hasn't helped you please re ask the question16:34
vickhello, i want to use kdevelop version 4 but my package manager gave me only 316:35
vickDo i need to change repos or something ?16:35
ikoniavick: what version of kubuntu ?16:35
vickubuntu 8.1016:35
ikoniavick: are you using kde4 ?16:36
vicki dont know16:36
obhk___does anybody know if it would be possible to change the screen resolution of the virtual consoles (Ctrl-Alt-Fx)?16:36
vicki am using gnome16:36
ikoniavick: oooh16:36
dhruvasagarHi guys, my GDM is just not loading I have tried everything in the book, everything that I could find from google and similar problems, Xorg.0.log doesn't have any errors, gdm log files do not have any errors, earlier there were errors in the GDM log files I regenerated the xorg config using the nvidia-settings command. Any help is greatly appreciated16:36
ikonia!info kdevelop16:36
ubottukdevelop (source: kdevelop): An IDE for Unix/X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.3-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 9130 kB, installed size 28020 kB16:36
ikoniavick: looks like 4 is available in the universe repo16:37
HammerHead66vick: try this go to desktop  upper left hand side text /system/Admin/Synaptic Packet Manager  it is much better make sure to run a search16:37
dhruvasagarI wish I was dead16:37
dhruvasagar2 days and no respite16:37
ikoniadhruvasagar: please don't make random comments like that16:37
dhruvasagari just want my ubuntu back16:38
dhruvasagarbut it doesn't report any errors :((((16:38
dhruvasagarI cant login16:38
dhruvasagarthe login screen just doesn't come16:38
ikoniadhruvasagar: boot into safe mode and check the logs16:38
dhruvasagarI am so tired16:38
vickHammerHead66, you mean kde or kdevelop ?16:38
bhendhas anyone run into this: in .screenrc, I have line 'shell -bash' to make it a login shell, but it has the unfortunate side effect of setting my cwd to $HOME every time I open a new window or start screen16:38
dhruvasagarikonia: I did that16:38
ikonia!enter | dhruvasagar16:38
ubottudhruvasagar: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:38
dhruvasagarikonia: I checked all the logs16:38
ikoniadhruvasagar: which ones did you check ?16:38
HammerHead66dhruvasagar: Do you have a black screen and an ATI graphic card?16:38
dhruvasagarikonia: I checked syslog, gdm/:0.log Xorg.0.log16:39
dhruvasagarikonia: kernel.log16:39
Kimiikonia THis channel is much better..... there i think they are making fun on me16:39
ikoniaKimi: this channel is not for windows support16:39
ikoniadhruvasagar: what video card do you have ?16:40
dhruvasagarikonia: nvidia16:40
ikoniadhruvasagar: have you tried walking the init scripts manually16:40
ikoniaC0nn0R: ?16:40
zackarybayhi guys, can anyone help a newbie get a wireless casr working with ubuntu 8.04??16:40
Guest21903thanks bhai log16:40
dhruvasagarikonia: I meant GForce 8600, nvidia drivers16:40
ikoniadhruvasagar: drivers from where ?16:40
fr4nklinhas anyone here installed PaX on ubuntu?16:40
Kimiikonia i didnt mean it .... really... i told the comparison of this and that16:41
dhruvasagarikonia: I am using the nvidia drivers which I had to enable separately, 177 version16:41
d35i9nwhat type of encoding is ideal for burning a dvd?16:41
Snicks|TWwhi, i got an microSD card, which is in an adapter, so i should be able to read/write on the card, that's what i used to be able to, but yet i can't write, i tried to change the mount-options, but yet i can't mount it al all, because it had 'invalid mount option', howto fix this all? :)16:41
ikoniadhruvasagar: ok, so you've enabled the ones from the repository, which is great, then what happened16:41
d35i9ni mean the codec16:41
HammerHead66d35i9n: please try to read up on codec's and see the most used ones16:42
phuzionFor some reason, I'm not getting any Flash to show up in Firefox, is there a way to fix this?16:42
stryd_onephilsf: i'm finding a lot of packages that only exist in -proposed16:42
Snicks|TWwphuzion, you've already installed flashplugin-nonfree?16:42
dhruvasagarikonia: well my pc was working great for months....yesterday suddenly this happened, ubuntu completed boot sequences, there is a black screen for a sec, the waiting mouse cursor comes and then it just keeps on waiting nothing happens16:42
HammerHead66phuzion: what graphic card are you using?16:43
d35i9nsnicks use sudo nautilus to set the permissions within that16:43
phuzionSnicks|TWw, yes.  HammerHead66: integrated Intel16:43
ikoniadhruvasagar: you mentioned earlier you had some errors in the log, what where they16:43
=== elpargo_ is now known as elpargo
HammerHead66phuzion: it is that you don't have the drivers in right or you didn't install flash right16:44
stryd_onephilsf, like linux-restricted-modules-$version16:44
dhruvasagarikonia: at first I had errors in gdm logs which reported Failed to initialize glx extension (compatible nvidia xdriver not found)16:44
ikoniaphuzion: install the package flashplugin-nonfree16:44
stryd_onewhich is a dependency for the kernel itself16:44
ikoniadhruvasagar: ok - what did you do to change that16:44
dhruvasagarikonia: then I regenerated xorg.conf file using nvidia-settings16:44
phuzionHammerHead66, the drivers are correctly installed.  ikonia I did.16:44
ikoniadhruvasagar: totally remove your xorg.conf file - and reboot16:44
dhruvasagarikonia: after that I started getting error Failed to load module "type1"16:45
HammerHead66try to install flash a different way then16:45
dhruvasagarikonia: I googled and found that I should comment that line16:45
ikoniadhruvasagar: remove the xorg totally reboot see the state of the boot16:45
dhruvasagarikonia: I did that, now there are no errors but the system still keeps waiting16:45
ikoniadhruvasagar: as in the xorg.conf file, remove that16:45
dhruvasagarikonia: ok I will try that16:45
dhruvasagarikonia: I know, I was just trying to finish my sentence16:45
ikoniadhruvasagar: don't remove xorg - just /etc/X11/xorg.conf16:45
dhruvasagarikonia: I know :)16:45
ikoniadhruvasagar: just wanted to be %100 clear, didn't wnat you to remove the wrong package16:45
dhruvasagarikonia: sure, your the first person to offer me some input16:46
HammerHead66phuzion: try to install flash a different way then16:46
dhruvasagarikonia: I will never forget this16:46
dhruvasagarikonia: where it helps me or not16:46
dhruvasagarikonia: thanks!!16:46
dhruvasagarikonia: whether** I will just try what you said in a min16:47
Spathi_a netsplit16:47
ikoniadhruvasagar: no problem, we can work it through16:47
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit16:47
dhruvasagarikonia: brb, god bless you16:47
phuzionSpathi_, Its hardly news, Freenode has been having issues for a while16:47
JetBlackDog75Howdy all, quick question - i'm working on a crappy old laptop and it doesnt have a lan port (just modem lol) anyone know a url were i can download the windows drivers and sneakernet them over?16:48
Viatawindows drivers?16:48
ikoniaJetBlackDog75: ask in ##windows16:48
HammerHead66Viata: this is not a windows room16:48
JetBlackDog75its so i can gety wireless working16:49
ViataHammerHead66: duh16:49
JetBlackDog75i got ndis from sourceforge16:49
ikoniaJetBlackDog75: the ##windows guys will help you get the windows drivers16:49
Spathi_ndiswapper can be found everywhere16:49
Spathi_that's how my wifi works))16:49
JetBlackDog75kk thx16:49
Kimiikonia i will resolve it soon :P16:50
ikoniaKimi: it's nothing to do with this channel16:51
Kimiikonia why are you talking it cross ?? i didnt tell you on this chaneel ......16:51
ikoniaKimi: I'm not talking about it in this channel16:51
Kimiikonia i just tell that i dislike that win chaneel..... thats all....16:51
ikoniaKimi: you just keeep talking about it16:51
Kimiikonia SORRRRRRY :( plz forgive me16:51
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
Kimiikonia i just get too heated up in head when i get in probm.. thats all ./16:52
ikoniaKimi: STOP16:52
Kimiikonia sorry16:52
HammerHead66everyone: I'll be back in a while....bye16:52
Kimiikonia i will not tlak about it .. so dont ban me plz16:53
ikoniaKimi: STOP - do you understand16:53
bhendanyone have any ideas about configuring .screenrc file with 'shell -bash' such that it doesn't put me in $HOME every time I start it or a new window?16:53
Kimiikonia plz dont baan me.... plzz16:53
Kimii stopped16:53
dhruvasagarikonia: Hi, back16:54
ikoniadhruvasagar: hi, how did it go ?16:54
dhruvasagarikonia: well I am now back to the first error16:54
dhruvasagarikonia: let me tell you the complete error16:55
ikoniadhruvasagar: ok - thats fine, thats a step in the right direction16:55
JayjaxHey guys can somebody help me16:55
ikoniadhruvasagar: please use the pastebin if it is a big post16:55
Viatajayjax: don't ask to ask a question, just ask it16:55
dhruvasagarikonia: error setting MTRR (base = 0xe0000000, size=ox0f000000, type=1) Invalid argument (22) (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (compatible NVIDIA Xdriver not found)16:56
JayjaxWell I am kind of new too ubuntu and I was told I needed to open Synaptic but I cant16:56
dhruvasagarikonia: what is pastebin?16:56
dhruvasagarJayjax: it is under System->Preferences16:56
hwildewhy does my eth1 static IP keep disappearing???16:57
JayjaxYeah I know it closes I get a Error.16:57
arvind_khadriJayjax, what error16:57
dhruvasagarJayjax: oh, what is the error??16:57
JayjaxE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem16:57
arvind_khadrihwilde, have you made it to be static in /etc/network/interfaces?16:57
dhruvasagarJayjax: just run that in the terminal16:58
arvind_khadriJayjax, then run it :P16:58
ikoniadhruvasagar: can you give me a minute or two please, just doing something16:58
Jayjaxthats it?16:58
hwildearvind_khadri, there is nothing in the interfaces file naymore.  are we still using this ?16:58
dhruvasagarikonia: no problem at all16:58
Jayjaxoh im getting errors whenever I add third party sources too16:58
dhruvasagarJayjax: yep that's it, it will correct the problems16:58
philsfanyone knows why doesn't apt just call dpkg with that parameter, when it suffices?16:59
arvind_khadrihwilde, yes, the last time i configured it for my friend it was there, 8.1016:59
philsfI mean, in the cases where dpkg --configure -a solves it, couldn't it be done automatically?16:59
dhruvasagarphilsf: I think it can't call it while being running itself, since it locks it17:00
hwildebecause it prints messages that you need to see.17:00
gooyhiii peeps17:00
philsfdhruvasagar: but apt calls dpkg several times during normal usage17:00
philsfat least once per package configuration, once per package installation and once for removal17:01
JayjaxWhen I type in sudo dpkg --configure -a  it just give me a blank line in the terminal17:01
dhruvasagarphilsf: you are right, perhaps because that particular command required some user input...I am not very sure though17:01
gooyNeed help with my kubuntu. Need to get onto the internet if anyone can pm me and walk me thriough the steps i would be most thankful. I am using kubuntu only on my other machine and need to get connected i have a talktalk disk if thats any help @_<17:01
dhruvasagarphilsf: just thinking there must be some reason :)17:01
dhruvasagargooy: how are you planning to connect to the internet?17:02
=== LjL changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Be patient and read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | Install Ubuntu: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download
dhruvasagargooy: wifi? lan?17:02
gooydhruvasagar dont have a clue17:02
philsfJayjax: normally when commands return no output, it's because it worked (don't trust hollywood computer iterfaces with flashy "it worked" messages)17:02
gooyi have wireless17:02
gooyI guess wlan17:02
gooyneed this bad though17:02
dhruvasagargooy: ok that's a start, have you then tried using the network manager?17:02
agrokerI have a 2Gb flash drive with certain files and directories corrupted in such a way, that their names are written in nonascii characters, their dates and sizes aren't regular too (like 3.5 Gb file with creation date of 1926), I am not able to remove those files using rm or even in mc, are there any applications under Linux allowing me to remove some of those files?17:02
gooydhruvasagar i have tried anything put it this way i have got myself in a mess my first time using linux17:03
dhruvasagargooy: are you sure that your wireless card is running, most laptops require wifi card to be enabled by a separate button if you get what I mean17:03
philsfagroker: vfat filesystem?17:03
macmanagroker reparition ?17:03
gooyTo tell you the truth im a 15 year old kid who needs help bad LOL17:03
JayjaxIt worked but it didn't..lol   Now I open symantic and it is saying I have one broken file17:03
dhruvasagargooy: we all get in mess every now and then, that's how you learn :)17:03
gooydhruvasagar ok17:03
dhruvasagargooy: 15 is a good age, your not a kid :)17:03
JayjaxAnd I need to locate it17:03
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dhruvasagargooy: just a lil young :)17:03
gooyWell im just not sure what to do :X17:03
gooyi know17:04
agrokerphilsf, how can I check that?17:04
philsfJayjax: dpkg -l | grep -v ^ii17:04
agrokermacman, there are still some useful files, I'd like to keep them17:04
dhruvasagargooy: so are you sure that the wifi is on?17:04
Kimihow do i extract .001 files to get a comnpressed file ?17:04
agrokeris there any known malware causing such en effects?17:04
gooydhruvasagar i dont know17:04
philsfagroker: did you format it with a linux filesystem? usually they come with vfat (aka FAT32) filesystem17:04
Kimithey are of .001 .002 .00217:04
=== gooy is now known as Gollum
dhruvasagargooy: as I said the laptops usually have a button to enable / disable the wireless adapter on the laptop17:04
metro-joehow come i dont have a root password on a normal ubuntu install?17:04
macmanagroker reparition ?17:05
philsfKimi: which format is it?17:05
agrokerphilsf, no, I used it under Win yesterday, and I think some of my colleagues "joked" with me17:05
Gollumi am using a computer if thats any help dhruvasagar17:05
macmanagroker use gparted to reparition it and put a new FS on it17:05
agrokermacman, oic, tnx17:05
dhruvasagarGollum: you mean a desktop?17:05
Kimi.001  , .002 , .003 , .004 , .00517:05
geniimetro-joe: Because thre is no root password or login in *buntu17:05
Gollumdhruvasagar yes a desktop17:05
dhruvasagarGollum: ok, so do you have the network managers icon in the notification box up in the right corner ?17:05
=== Gollum is now known as gooy
=== irc.freenode.net changed the topic of #ubuntu to: THE NETWORK IS EXPERIENCING PROBLEMS. Please type /server irc.freenode.net to reconnect if you only see about 100 people in the channel.
gooyok dhruvasagar still there?17:06
metro-joeso its all sudo? is there an explenation given? i mean, i dont really care, just curious17:06
gooyfucking botnets17:06
Ravenkin_Hello everyone.  I just installed and got Ibex running, 8.10, and it was working correctly.  I downloaded all of the updates, now my computer can't connect to the router.  Can anyone help?17:06
dhruvasagargooy: hmmm yes I am here17:06
macmanagroker you might have to use the ubuntu cd to boot and once there type alt17:06
LjL!language | gooy17:06
ubottugooy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:06
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit17:06
gooyLjL sorry17:06
dhruvasagargooy: so did you find the network manager icon in the upper right corner of the screen? It is shaped as a computer17:06
gooyexcuse me there17:06
agrokermacman, use the boot cd to reformat a flash drive?17:06
macmanagroker you might have to use the ubuntu cd to boot and once there type alt + f2 and type sudo gparted .. after that you should know how to do the rest .. you have to choose your device and delete it and put a new FS on it17:06
geniimetro-joe: Ubuntu is geared for using sudo and never having a root login, yes17:06
philsfagroker: try using scandisk in windows17:07
gooysec dhruvasagar i will try and find it17:07
dhruvasagargooy: alright17:07
agrokerphilsf, tnx17:07
metro-joeok, fair enough17:07
agrokermacman, tnx17:07
macmanphilsf i thought he wanted to wipe it ?17:07
Kimithe file format is .001 .002 .003 and so on17:07
dhruvasagargooy: it is there in the notification box which is usually in the upper panel in ubuntu on the right side17:07
Kimitill .00617:07
philsfmacman: didn't seem so to me, ymmv17:07
philsfKimi: these are names, not formats17:07
macmanagroker don't listen to me then17:07
janedoe_can ubuntu server edition run the freenx server? (or is missing something like X?)17:08
philsfKimi: you are probably missing the first part17:08
_eazy_hallo alle zusammen17:08
Kimino no ..... a.rar.00117:08
philsfKimi: which should indicate the format (.rar, .arj, .dar, etc)17:08
Kimiand so on17:08
Kimia.rar.001 a.rar.002 a.rar.00317:08
LjL!de | _eazy_17:08
ubottu_eazy_: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.17:08
_eazy_thanks LjL17:09
geniiKimi: If you unrar the forst .rar it will do the others in sequence17:09
Kimino no no17:09
_VIM_ 17:09
philsfKimi: sorry for asking, but are you using ubuntu for this, or are you still trying to get us to help you with your windows problems?17:09
dhruvasagarikonia: hope your still there17:09
Ravenkin_Hello everyone.  I just installed and got Ibex running, 8.10, and it was working correctly.  I downloaded all of the updates, now my computer can't connect to the router.  Can anyone help?17:09
Kimiit will part1.rar , part2.rar and so on.... but in here... its .rar.00117:09
Kimino.. xp nto worked17:10
=== enzobot is now known as enzotib
philsfKimi: in ubuntu you should just need to double click the first file (.rar)17:10
philsf!prefix | kimi17:11
ubottukimi: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:11
Kimii told you philsf  ...... it must be part1.rar part2.rar and NOT rar.001 .rar.00217:11
Kimiunderstandd ?17:11
Jayjaxphilsf when I did dpkg-l | grep -v ^ii that gave me a list of whole bunch files. what do i do?17:11
philsfKimi: sorry, no17:11
Kimiphilsf ok.. i will prefix your nick17:11
Kimidoes anyone understand ?17:11
philsfJayjax: files, or packages?17:12
philsfJayjax: please post to a pastebin, and give us the URL17:12
Kimidoes anyone else undeeerstand ?? how to open and extract .rar.00117:12
Kimi.rar.002 to .rar.oo617:13
PiciKimi: What does the command `file` say about those files?17:13
Jayjaxphilsf: i think both17:13
philsfKimi: I told you, you open the first one17:13
geniiKimi: When rar makes a multipart archive, the first one does not usually have anumerical extension17:13
veritosMy system seems to be using the Broadcom STA/wl.ko driver by default, even before I tell it to use it in restricted module manager.17:13
Kimigenii and philsf you 2 dont understand..... it must be name.part.rar17:13
Jayjaxthey all say rc next to them except for java-6-jre i just dloaded it says iHR17:13
Kimiand ntot name.rar.00117:14
philsfJayjax: make sure you used -l and not -L in dpkg17:14
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philsfKimi: maybe you should ask in the channel for your home language17:14
ward-enyone using noip2?17:14
Kimihome language ??17:14
ward-anyone i mean17:14
philsfassuming there is one17:14
Jayjaxphilsf: Yeah I did.17:14
Kimiphilsf are you making fun huh ??17:14
philsfKimi: what is your native language?17:14
Kimiphilsf ... rar must have name.part1.rar and NOT name.rar.00117:15
Jayjaxphilsf: You need me to pastbin?17:15
philsfKimi: I'm not making fun of you17:15
Kimicertainly, its clear that you dont understand what i am @17:15
philsfI simply don't understand what you're asking17:15
SM411I dont understand why ubuntu doesnt work at my comp17:16
Kimii have a 6 files of name.rar.001 to name.rar.006 and in winrar.. it must Be namepart1.rar to part6.rar17:16
dhruvasagarguys can anyone tell me what's pastebin?17:16
Kiminow understood philsf ?17:16
LjL!pastebin > dhruvasagar    (dhruvasagar, see the private message from ubottu)17:16
tianshizhow do i restart an application? Pavucontrol is giving me errors and i want to restart it on terminal17:16
Kimiphilsf ?17:16
g4lt-lappytianshiz, kill -HUP17:17
=== LjL changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Be patient and read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | Install Ubuntu: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download
Ravenkin_Hello everyone.  I just installed and got Ibex running, 8.10, and it was working correctly.  I downloaded all of the updates, now my computer can't connect to the router.  Can anyone help?17:17
Jayjaxphilsf are you there I can pastbin it for you if you want im sure i used the command you said17:17
philsfJayjax: yes, please17:17
philsfKimi: are you trying to open these files in ubuntu. can you open a terminal?17:17
Kimiopen then in terminal ? how to ??17:17
gooyhow do i switch to admin mode?17:18
Kimii cant open in windows as well as linux17:18
g4lt-lappygooy, you don't.  use sudo17:18
philsfKimi: that's probably because the files are wrongly named17:18
ward-noip2 works fine with sudo, but not if i put it in a script and run that with sudo or sudo su, even a root cronjob doesnt work :(17:18
ward-any suggestions?17:18
Jayjaxhere you go http://paste.ubuntu.com/138403/17:18
Kimiphilsf no no..17:18
jrdnyquistjaunty beta drop yet?17:18
philsfKimi: maybe you just need to rename them to whatever you know it should work17:18
Kimiok.. wait i am renaming it to name.part1.rar :P (backingup it first :D)17:19
miranda_psiward-: try putting the sudo into the script17:19
gooyhow do i switch to admin mode? need it17:19
g4lt-lappyor make the script itself suid17:19
Pici!sudo | gooy17:19
ubottugooy: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)17:19
g4lt-lappygooy, again, you don't.  use sudo17:19
=== LjL-Hubbard changed the topic of #ubuntu to: THE NETWORK IS EXPERIENCING PROBLEMS. Please type /server irc.freenode.net to reconnect if you only see about 100 people in the channel.
Kimi!thanks > Pici17:20
ubottuPici, please see my private message17:20
PiciKimi: No need for the !thanks17:20
metro-joewhat is a easy to use tool to setup automounts?  i know i can do for some file in /etc/ but meh, i dont know all the parameters i need to put in17:20
gooycan you stop join /part flooding please17:20
gooydear god17:20
Ravenkin_Can anyone help me?  After patching 8.10 I lost my auto eth0 so I can't connect to my network.17:20
Pici!netsplit | gooy17:20
ubottugooy: netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit17:20
Picigooy: They can't help it.17:20
=== gooy is now known as jacob_remember_m
philsfJayjax: do you see all these lines beginning with "rc"? these are all packages that have been uninstalled and have left config files you might want in the fugure (that's SOP)17:21
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geniijacob_remember_m: Every irc client is different in how you would configure it to ignore parts/joins etc17:21
philsfJayjax: the sun-java6-jre appears to be the broken package, but I don't know that that preffix mean17:21
dhruvasagarjacob_remember_m: I use chatzilla it doesn't show me any join/part messages :)17:21
philsfyou can try messing with that package (maybe reinstall, or remove and install again)17:21
philsfJayjax: ^^17:21
dhruvasagarok I think ikonia is busy17:22
=== jacob_remember_m is now known as gooy
gooyit was a botnet lol17:22
JayjaxWhat do you mean about the RC what are the config files for..they did not totally uninstall?17:22
philsfJayjax: they did17:22
JayjaxThey were not supposed too?17:23
dhruvasagarpeople can you help me? I have error in my GDM : error setting MTRR (base=0xe0000000, size=0x0f000000, type=1) Invalid argument (22) (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (compatible NVIDIA Xdriver not found). What should I do?17:23
Kimino one knows how to join .001 parts :( ?17:23
philsfJayjax: but there are probably user generated changes in the default configs that you might want to keep for an eventual future install for those packages17:23
=== Yoda is now known as Guest46832
wabashHey, I'm using 8.04. I have a problem with the screen blanking after about 15 or 20 minutes. Maybe 30. Not sure. My .gconf/apps/gnome-screensaver/%gconf.xml keeps getting reset so that the "power_management_delay" variable is 30 every time I reboot. I've edited this manually and also using gconf-editor. What's going on? how do I keep my computer from blanking the screen?17:24
twolaneJayjax:  open synaptic, choose 'edit' then 'fix broken packages'17:24
philsfKimi: it depends on how they were split. there are uncountable ways of  doing this, and we can't guess, at the risk of corrupting your files17:24
JayjaxOh so what did I do to get those files to show I used wrong command to delete17:24
Kimii am googling and reading all the pages in tesults17:24
miranda_psikimi: they will be part of some archive that has been split into pieces - there should be a file with a .rar extension or other and opening that should open the entire split archive17:24
Kimii got this link17:24
philsfJayjax: no, as I said, this is SOP. you should't need to worry17:24
Kimiwait.. i am checking it17:24
JayjaxI think i wanted to delete the config file for eclipse because i messed up the menus and could not fix17:24
dhruvasagarpeople can you help me? I have error in my GDM : error setting MTRR (base=0xe0000000, size=0x0f000000, type=1) Invalid argument (22) (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (compatible NVIDIA Xdriver not found). What should I do?17:24
linushow do i reinstall codecs in firefox for ubuntu 9.04 ? youtube videos works fine, but vimeo dont. fast farword with sound, and then it hangs.17:25
Picilinus: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.17:25
Kimiphilsf !!!!!!! it worked !!!!!!!!!17:25
philsfKimi: glad to hear17:25
=== LjL changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Be patient and read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | Install Ubuntu: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download
wabashAnyone know how to turn off screen blanking?17:26
Kimisorry.... i must have read the first four pages of google search,...... i did only the first page :P and got none .... came here...... and went back to google's 5 th page17:26
Kimiand got it ...... very happy.....17:26
wabashOr how to prevent my gconf.xml from being overwritten?17:26
BOZGAnyone know where to find Firestarter's settings files.17:26
philsfJayjax: what are you trying, anyway?17:26
Jayjaxphilsf: what am I trying to install17:27
Kimi philsf bye17:27
philsfBOZG: /etc/firestarter ?17:27
dhruvasagarplease anybody just tell me something :( I am not able to log into my ubuntu17:28
dhruvasagarI won't want to work on windows, please anybody give me some advice...17:28
dhruvasagarI have error in my GDM : error setting MTRR (base=0xe0000000, size=0x0f000000, type=1) Invalid argument (22) (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (compatible NVIDIA Xdriver not found). What should I do?17:28
philsfdhruvasagar: can you log in in the console?17:28
JayjaxI was going to dl the java sdk and then dl new netbeans 6.5 because netbeans through add/remove is older and I get error message saying there is no server installed17:28
gillesposible in french?17:28
LjL!fr | gilles17:28
ubottugilles: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr17:28
dhruvasagarphilsf: I beg your pardon? I don't understand...17:29
miranda_psidhruvasagar: has this problem been since the install? or did it happen after some system change?17:29
dhruvasagarphilsf: I am able to login, yes17:29
philsfdhruvasagar: can you login to your text consoles? (e.g. Alt-F1)17:29
zanberdotraditionally ubuntu releases in April and October.  What is the code name of the April 09 release ?17:29
tekteendhruvasagar, type crl+alt+f117:29
dhruvasagarmiranda_psi: it happened on random17:29
frybyehi - nobody in #ubuntu+1 was able to take this on at the moment - anybody here able/willing to have a go= orig. ? was:  so is there a sound guru who can make sence of what the alsa-info.sh produces in the house at the moment?17:29
JayjaxI have been using netbeans 6.5 on windows just to edit javascript and it let me open new>other>javascript and ubuntu nbeans does not17:30
philsfzanberdo: Jaunty Jackalope17:30
dhruvasagarmiranda_psi: it was all working fine, I just installed some softwares yesterday, just AIR apps and twitux...17:30
frybyesince update from intrepid to jaunty bigtime sound problems.. no sound guru in +1 just now - any offers?17:30
dhruvasagartekteen: I press ctrl+alt+F1 and login yes17:30
zanberdophilsf, thanks.  Happen to have a link to info site?17:30
nick36! talk17:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about talk17:30
philsfJayjax: try dpkg -r --purge sun-java6-jre, and then install hava from scratch17:30
dhruvasagartekteen: I am able to login, I have checked even the log files in the same way17:30
philsfJayjax: java*17:30
HammerHead66ok I'm back17:30
g4lt-lappyfrybye, welcome to alpha software17:31
eseven73does anyone know an easy to install gentoo (not sabayon cause i dont have a dvd player)17:31
dhruvasagartekteen: but I am not able to login into ubuntu...the gdm doesn't start, no login window comes, it just keeps waiting17:31
frybyeg4lt-lappy: i was under the delusion that I was getting a beta...17:31
philsfzanberdo: no, but you should have no problem googling it17:31
florin_hi all17:31
zanberdophilsf, thanks17:31
florin_any idea how can i accept an webcam in PIdgin 2.5.3. version?17:31
philsfdhruvasagar: are you logged in to the console yet?17:31
eseven73oops wrong channel17:32
Picifrybye: You know Jaunty support is in #ubuntu+1.  Jaunty is *offtopic* for #ubuntu until it has been released.17:32
g4lt-lappyfrybye, even with beta software, expect breakage.  expect breakage until GA17:32
tekteendhruvasagar, I have no idea what to do, is this a new prob? did you just install ubuntu?17:32
arvind_khadriflorin_, webcam dont work there17:32
Kissakistarting ubuntu, it will start to the login screen. Then, neither mouse nor keyboard will work. Restarting dbus (reloading does not help) on another terminal, mouse and keyboard on the login screen will work again (It's a restart of dbus, it's running before as well). When logged in, the lan device does not seem to exists though, only localhost.17:32
HammerHead66dhruvasagar: run live cd to see what happened17:32
dhruvasagarphilsf: I am logged in from windows right now, but I can login to the console yes, either through recover mode or through ctrl+alt+F117:32
miranda_psidhruvasagar: maybe try removing gdm and the reinstalling it? or trying kdm instead...17:32
florin_ok thank you for the support arvind_khadri17:32
gillesaide possible?17:32
dhruvasagartekteen: as I said no, I have been using ubuntu for over a year now17:32
gillesaide possible?17:33
frybyeyou mean "with a lot of luck one finds the single person with audio-kludo in #ubuntu+1 "and when he aint there - take a walk ""  right <smile.>17:33
arvind_khadriflorin_, cams work in kopete or gyachi17:33
philsfdhruvasagar: you should login from the console, or either use a liveCD in order to access whatever files that you need to fix/reinstall17:33
tekteendhruvasagar, have you done anything lately?17:33
dhruvasagarmiranda_psi: I am not a kde fan, unfortunately as I said I am not able to login into ubuntu the proper way, how do I reinstall gdm? the network doesn't work17:33
nick36! talkd17:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about talkd17:33
tekteendhruvasagar, I like philsf's idea17:33
philsfdhruvasagar: I would suggest you to remove nvidia drivers and use the xorg vesa drivers, for starters17:33
nick36who use talk?17:33
dhruvasagarphilsf: I have logged in from the console and checked all the log files17:33
florin_arvind_khadri,sure i think i will try one of these aplications17:34
Jayjaxphilsf: how is this different than sudo apt-get purge sun-java6-jre17:34
arvind_khadriflorin_, :) all the best17:34
philsfJayjax: it's not, you should use apt-get instead of what I said earlier17:34
dhruvasagartekteen: well I am usually installing some software or the other, as I said I had installed some AIR apps and twitux, I added jaunty link to the sources to get the latest of that and that's just about it17:34
philsfshould * = can17:34
dhruvasagarphilsf: can you suggest how I remove nvidia drivers? if that helps me I am more than willing to do so17:35
florin_arvind_khadri,  :) yep17:35
florin_arvind_khadri,  :) you too\17:35
philsfdhruvasagar: with aptitude, from the console17:35
tekteendhruvasagar, there is your problem17:35
dhruvasagarphilsf: yes I am aware of that, I wanted to know the name of the package17:35
GNoobis there an ltsp channel ?17:35
miranda_psidhruvasagar: kdm is just the kde version of gdm, but you can still use it to log into gnome just as you can use gdm to log into kde.  network not working does pose a problem for reinstalling or installing kdm... (maybe download the packages needed manually and put them on a usb drive...)17:35
dhruvasagartekteen: where is my problem>17:35
philsfdhruvasagar: it's a little harder if you use a liveCD, since you'll need to chroot first17:35
tekteenphilsf, dhruvasagar, I added jaunty link to the sources to get the latest of that and that's just about it17:35
dhruvasagarmiranda_psi: I know that, as I said I am not a fan of kde or kde apps17:36
JayjaxE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)17:36
=== Yoda is now known as Guest22941
tekteenphilsf, dhruvasagar, there is the prob17:36
philsfbut you'll have a nice brown desktop around your terminal instead of a black TUI :)17:36
NewCHello supporters17:36
dhruvasagartekteen: hmm well after I added the link in the sources and installed twitux, I disabled it again17:36
NewCI need some help.17:36
philsftekteen: huh?17:36
Guest22941Hi, after i have installed my wifi driver with "wireless network drivers" what do i have to do then to get my wifi to work ?17:36
philsf!ask | NewC17:36
ubottuNewC: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:36
dhruvasagartekteen: this was all done before I had this problem, or atleast before I restarted....17:36
HammerHead66NewC: please just ask your question to get help17:36
tekteenphilsf, dhruvasagar said  "I added jaunty link to the sources to get the latest of that and that's just about it"17:36
epaphushey guys, could i install skype on ubuntu?17:36
JayjaxE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?17:36
philsftekteen: Oh, I missed that17:37
tekteendhruvasagar, when you restart is when the effects appear17:37
philsfdhruvasagar: did you update many packages?17:37
dhruvasagartekteen: I did add it to install latest version of twitux, but then soon after I disabled it17:37
dhruvasagartekteen: ues yopu are right17:37
quibblerepaphus-> yes if you add the medibuntu repos yo your source list17:38
dhruvasagarphilsf: I just refreshed the softwares and upgraded twitux...17:38
=== Guest22941 is now known as JohnCane
tekteendhruvasagar, I think that is what killed it, let me look up what twitux is17:38
GNoobhas anyone had install problems with ibex alt-install image?17:38
dhruvasagarphilsf: not many packages,17:38
JohnCaneHi, after i have installed my wifi driver with "wireless network drivers" what do i have to do then to get my wifi to work ?17:38
Jayjaxwait it just has show me a dialog box with java-6 wanting me to update17:38
dhruvasagartekteen: maybe 1-217:38
ThreetimesHi, how do I get IE7 on linux? IEs4Linux doesn't work for me. I don't have enough power for vm's and browsershots is too limited and slow.17:38
dhruvasagartekteen: it is just a twitter client17:38
tekteendhruvasagar, 1-2 what?17:38
Lord_VaMpyroban me please17:39
dhruvasagartekteen: maybe 1-2 packages I upgraded17:39
dhruvasagartekteen: including twitux17:39
Lord_VaMpyroi'm a troll17:39
dhruvasagarLord_VaMpyro: ?17:39
LjLLord_VaMpyro: ok17:39
NewCumm, I'm trying to install that mac80211 on my ubuntu so i can install my wireless card but seem to have problems. I'm getting an error saying i'm missing "netif_tx_lock_bh" ..17:39
JohnCaneHi, after i have installed my wifi driver with "wireless network drivers" what do i have to do then to get my wifi to work ?17:39
tekteendhruvasagar, you upgraded packages! that was probably a bad idea17:39
tekteendhruvasagar, I do not know how to help you though17:39
GNoobis there an ltsp channel ?17:40
dhruvasagartekteen: hmmm well I just upgraded softwares...like twitux17:40
philsfdhruvasagar: you probably have a mixed system now17:40
dhruvasagartekteen: although I think that would have to be17:40
=== GNoob is now known as ^Ghost
dhruvasagartekteen: but my major problem is that there doesn't seem to be a substantial error report!!!17:40
=== ^Ghost is now known as ^Ghost2U
corinthIs the Jaunty beta being released today?17:40
aschmitzDoes anyone happen to know when the Jaunty beta images will be released? (Or is that more of a question for -devel?)17:40
philsfcorinth: yes17:40
JayjaxCan someone help me real quick, I know i asked before but I have been getting this one prob a lot17:40
NewCumm help anyone17:41
tekteendhruvasagar, I do not know how to help, sorry17:41
dhruvasagartekteen: philsf: ubuntu just hangs after booting is complete waiting for login screen, the mouse comes and have a waiting cursor, I am able to move the mouse , I keep waiting but nothing happens, I can press ctrl+alt+F1 though17:41
HammerHead66aschmitz:  April 4th17:41
dhruvasagartekteen: ok17:41
Piciaschmitz: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.17:41
aschmitzPici: Thanks.17:41
HammerHead66NewC: just ask your question17:41
JohnCaneHi i would really aprreciate your help, i have one, and only one question...  after i have installed my wifi driver with "wireless network drivers" what do i have to do then to get my wifi to work ?17:41
dhruvasagarphilsf: is there something like system restore for ubuntu?17:41
NewCHammerHead66:  umm, I'm trying to install that mac80211 on my ubuntu so i can install my wireless card but seem to have problems. I'm getting an error saying i'm missing "netif_tx_lock_bh" ..17:42
philsfdhruvasagar: not for what you did, sorry17:42
dhruvasagarJohnCane: you have to enable the wifi adapter and just configure it17:42
ThreetimesHi, how do I get IE7 on linux? IEs4Linux doesn't work for me. I don't have enough power for vm's and browsershots is too limited and slow.17:42
JayjaxWhen I go into third party source where you put deb package - I get a error saying these files are not found - boxee and - launchpad17:42
HammerHead66dhruvasagar: live cd boot17:42
rodolfohi folks!17:42
Threetimesor IE8...17:42
JohnCanedhruvasagar:  How you mean (: ?17:42
philsfdhruvasagar: at least, not in an easy fashion. you can install packages manually, though17:42
dhruvasagarHammerHead66: ok what do I do after booting from the live CD?17:42
dhruvasagarI mean I am able to login through the recovery mode anyways, why do you specifically suggest liveCD?17:43
tekteenTherock_, um, I know IE4 was extremely slow for stuff like flash. IE7 must be worse17:43
HammerHead66NewC:http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-841734.html try this out17:43
philsfdhruvasagar: I suggest you don't use a liveCD, get into recovery mode, and use aptitude to manually fix you system17:43
dhruvasagarphilsf: which packages?? btw how do I uninstall nvidia again?? what is the package name for it?17:43
epaphushey guys, could i install skype on ubuntu?17:43
philsf!medibuntu | epaphus17:44
ubottuepaphus: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org17:44
dhruvasagarphilsf: yes I have tried a lot of those things in the past 2 days, can you give me some pointers to what I might try ?17:44
HammerHead66dhruvasagar: try to undo what you just did17:44
NewCHammerHead66: Thank you. I'm going to try it and keep you posted :)17:44
dhruvasagarHammerHead66: I uninstalled twitux, I did apt-get autoremove17:44
philsfdhruvasagar: sure, you can start by reinstalling xserver-xorg-* packages17:44
philsfdhruvasagar: and uninstall nvidia-* packages17:44
lgcHow do I restart the sound server? Thanks.17:45
TaranaichEpaphus - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype17:45
furenkuI cannot hear anything from the headphones, and there's no headphone switch in gnome-volume-control... any ideas?17:45
NewCHammerHead66: ah wait i've seen that post before and it didnt seem to help. i'm pretty newbie but i think i have the linux headers.17:45
dhruvasagarphilsf: hmmm I am unable to connect to wifi while in command line mode, I am not sure if I can install softwares, I can uninstasll thoughl17:45
philsfdhruvasagar: aptitude has a menu interface that makes this fairly easy, if you know how to use it. If you don't, I suggest you learn now :)17:45
Jayjaxphilsf: under 3party sources I get this error: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 632D16BB0C713DA6Failed to fetch http://apt.boxee.tv/dists/intrepid/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  404 Not Found17:45
JohnCanedhruvasagar:  i know you have your own things to take care of .. but when you got time i would be really happy if you could maybe help me a bit (:17:45
dhruvasagarphilsf: I will do that ...17:45
ThreetimesHi, how do I get IE7/IE8 on linux? IEs4Linux doesn't work for me. I don't have enough power for vm's and browsershots is too limited and slow.17:45
HammerHead66NewC: ok let me read through it and I'll get back to you 1 min k17:45
NewCHammerHead66: ok17:46
porter1Threetimes, you're pretty much stuck then17:46
philsfdhruvasagar: I can't help you with manual wifi configuration, but that's also possible17:46
porter1Either improve the work of IEs4Linux or VM17:46
metro-joeWhat happens if i have a drive mounted at /random, but i also have files in that folder, will that be a problem?17:46
dhruvasagarJohnCane: I understand friend, I have been hitting my head on the walls for the past 2 days, trying to simply login into my box, I am working from Windows !~! not a pretty situation for me17:46
Threetimesporter1: bah, i can't accept that, even if i have to :p17:46
Jayjaxcan some 1 help me with error above^^17:46
philsfdhruvasagar: I suggest you make a plan on how to recover your system before starting it17:46
dhruvasagarphilsf: ok I have googled for that17:46
porter1:) Why not run it in Virtualbox?17:46
julius_wheres the nautilus shortcut below applications?17:47
BOSSARDje comprend pas l'anglais17:47
Threetimesporter1: too slow (i tried)17:47
philsfdhruvasagar: can't you just plug an ethernet cable for this?17:47
=== Cueball|2 is now known as Cueball
Jayjaxphilsf: i asked you a question I don't know if you missed it or not, i know your busy, but if you could get back to me17:47
philsfdhruvasagar: it's an emergency, after all17:47
LjL!fr | BOSSARD17:47
ubottuBOSSARD: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr17:47
philsfJayjax: I missed it, sorry17:47
JayjaxUnder 3rd party sources17:47
JayjaxGPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 632D16BB0C713DA6Failed to fetch http://apt.boxee.tv/dists/intrepid/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  404 Not Found17:47
JohnCanedhruvasagar:  ohh i see :O ! .. well its okay then, just take your time :)17:47
dhruvasagarphilsf: hmm yes I guess I can do so...although I really didn't touch anything with nvidia or xorg drivers :(17:47
LjL!gpgerr | Jayjax17:47
ubottuJayjax: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys <key> ; gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »17:47
rodolfowhen trying to get access to a directory from windows network, I got this error message: "Failed to retrieve share list from server". what is this about/17:48
porter1Threetimes, there's always resorting to VNC'ing to a windows desktop :P17:48
dhruvasagarphilsf: anyways I think this is probably it, maybe I have to try this17:48
HammerHead66NewC: http://tomoyo.sourceforge.jp/cgi-bin/lxr/ident?i=netif_tx_lock_bh here is the cross reference you need to help you out17:48
JayjaxAnd.. it wont let me install boxee17:48
dhruvasagarphilsf: I have to somehow try and recover my ubuntu :( will not let this go17:48
geniiJayjax: gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 632D16BB0C713DA6 && gpg --export --armor 632D16BB0C713DA6   | sudo apt-key add -17:48
Jayjaxtype all that?!?17:49
NewCHammerHead66: : let me see :)17:49
moose86Can in install ubuntu via a usb stick and no CD?17:49
arvind_khadriJayjax, copy paste17:49
dhruvasagarJayjax: copy it and paste it into terminal17:49
NewCHammerHead66: : oh wait, been there too :)17:49
arvind_khadri!usb | moose8617:49
ubottumoose86: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent17:49
JayjaxIs the | sudo apt-key add seprate?17:49
moose86whats a persistant install?17:49
HammerHead66NewC: did you find the error?17:49
dhruvasagarphilsf: thanks a lot for your help man, god bless you17:49
LjLJayjax: no. just copy and paste.17:49
mazogssound help -> no alsa/oss sound in intrepid after upgrade, only pulseaudio works. No youtube/vlc only totem/systemsounds. Any hint will be appreciated.17:50
NewCHammerHead66: : I'm a newbie but I have done some research before I logged in ... I guess someone needs to guide me step by step or just log into the machine and fix it.17:50
JohnCanehi someone there got a bit time to help me out with my wifi, i have installed the drivers to it, i just need to configure it (:17:50
dhruvasagarphilsf: hopefully I will get my mind back together by tonight17:50
geniiJayjax: Just copy it from here and paste it in a terminal then press enter17:50
philsfdhruvasagar: good luck17:50
lgcThreetimes, http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/how-to-install-internet-explorer-on-linux.html . I have it installed and it works OK, if the page is not too fancy. It's not fast, though,17:50
NewCHammerHead66: Because I'm not exactly sure of what I'm doing17:50
dhruvasagarJohnCane: you just need to go to the network manager17:50
moose86whats a persistant install?17:50
moose86whats a persistant install?17:50
dhruvasagarJohnCane: and to the wlan tab, and configure it17:51
LjL!repeat | moose8617:51
ubottumoose86: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience17:51
geniimoose86: A persistent install is when the livecd saves it info to somewhere like a usb key or hd so it remembers it's settings when you run it again17:51
dhruvasagarJohnCane: alternatively you should also see a list of wireless networks that are around when you simply click on the network manager icon in the notification area17:51
LjLmoose86: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD/Persistence17:51
moose86thx genii17:51
dhruvasagarJohnCane: do you see that??17:51
geniimoose86: Yer welcome17:51
JohnCanedhruvasagar:  Hmm .. network manager ?17:51
simplexioahh.. /ignore is love :)17:52
moose86is thier a hgenius in here who wouldnt midn a quick PM?17:52
Threetimeslgc: tried that, and it doesn't word (some strange error) and it doen't include IE8...17:52
HammerHead66NewC: I don't know everything myself. But try to find the errors on my own to help me understand what has happened.  What did you find out when you looked up this problem?17:52
dhruvasagarJohnCane: well you should see an icon in the notification area which looks like a computer17:52
JohnCanedhruvasagar:  You mean where it says "Network" ?17:52
lgcThreetimes, Wine, maybe?17:52
dhruvasagarJohnCane: yea when you left click on it (single click) do you not see a drop down box with wifi networks?17:52
dhruvasagarJohnCane: along with their respective strengths17:53
glickinatorhey is there a way to download updates to a cd and then update yoru machine that way?17:53
glickinatorand down load packages and their deps to cd17:53
dhruvasagarglickinator: yes there is17:53
arvind_khadriglickinator, aptoncd17:53
arvind_khadri!aptoncd | glickinator17:53
ubottuglickinator: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline17:53
NewCHammerHead66: nothing really clear. on one hand I understood that mac80211 is already installed on the kernel, and on the other hand there are a million howtos on the net telling how to install it (without regarding any errors we might come across)17:53
dhruvasagarJohnCane: did that help you?17:53
florin_i have another question17:53
JohnCanedhruvasagar:  hm after i clicked on  "Network" then i came in to Network settings..17:54
florin_i use chmod command to change permision for a text file for example17:54
glickinatorwhat if you dont have ubuntu on any other machine?17:54
glickinatoris it also a windows tool?17:54
florin_i changed chmod u-rwx xxx.txt17:54
lgcHow do I restart the sound server?17:54
dhruvasagarJohnCane: well alright, do you see a wlan tab??17:54
Pici!enter | florin_17:54
ubottuflorin_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:54
JohnCanedhruvasagar:  and in there there are " Wired connection " point to point "17:54
florin_ok but if someone find my txt and than right click he can change the atribute17:55
florin_without no stres17:55
JohnCanedhruvasagar: there are "connections " General " DNS " " Hosts "17:55
florin_so my file is not protected17:55
HammerHead66NewC: try the #network room17:55
glickinatorapt on cd work for windows?17:55
glickinatori mean on windows?17:55
NewCHammerHead66: I'm not sure I'm understanding correctly then..  some places explain that the drivers are already there and some tell you how to install it. and then none of them actually talk about that error except that link you've found ...17:55
dhruvasagarglickinator: why would it work on windows??17:55
geniiflorin_: Depending on the permissions, usually only the owner is allowed to chmod a file17:55
NewCHammerHead66: not really. should i17:55
dhruvasagarJohnCane: is your wireless enabled?17:56
dhruvasagarJohnCane: most laptops have a separate button to enable/disable wireless adapter17:56
glickinatordhruvasagar, simple, so you can use one of your friends computers with internet to download software and upgrades you want17:56
GeneralAntillesCan anybody point me to where I might find some information for troubleshooting suspend/resume issues in Jaunty on a Mini 9?17:56
NewCHammerHead66: then again there's no one there :P17:56
florin_genii, but i am the owner,but also can come at my desk and open that file17:56
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD17:56
glickinatorisnt that obvious?17:56
JohnCanedhruvasagar: Hm , i cant see the wireless. and mine is a stationary :)17:56
HammerHead66NewC: ok let me find a channel for you17:56
Naeshi'm new to ubuntu (8.10 installed). Does this come with included compiz themes?17:56
philsfflorin_: what exactly do you want?17:56
NewCHammerHead66: thank you so much17:56
geniiflorin_: If the other box is a windows machine, they do not know about unix file permissions, only ntfs ones17:57
florin_philsf,i wanna learn how to protect a document17:57
dhruvasagarglickinator: well I understand that, what I mean was something different, well you can download the cd in windows, but to update ubuntu from the cd you need to be logged into ubuntu17:57
JohnCanedhruvasagar: Hm , i cant see the wireless. and mine is a stationary :)17:57
dhruvasagarJohnCane: hmmm I read that, its a bit weird17:57
philsfflorin_: protect in what sense? do you understand how file permissions work?17:58
florin_genii,i am only a ubuntu user,no window miachine17:58
JohnCanedhruvasagar: year i thought so also :(17:58
dhruvasagarJohnCane: well anyways I think then this can help you perhaps https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo17:58
NewCHammerHead66: What I'm actually trying to install is a driver for my intel wireless card (the driver requires this mac80211 package, too)17:58
geniiflorin_: Since you own the file, you can always read or modify it no matter the settings17:58
philsfflorin_: perms work on an online system. if you need offline protection, you need encryption17:58
florin_philsf,i hope yes..i hope i understand,i think file permision mean i can choose who can open or excute a file on my notebook17:58
philsf!gnupg | florin_17:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gnupg17:58
JohnCanedhruvasagar: Okay ill try it , thanks for your help !!17:58
philsf!gpg | florin_17:59
ubottuflorin_: gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts17:59
=== HoDa is now known as hoangd
dhruvasagarJohnCane: sure no problem, sorry I could just completely figure it out for you, I would have liked that. Well anyways see you later, gotto go and fix my situation now, have a lot of work pending :(17:59
JohnCanedhruvasagar: its okay (: yes see you, good luck :)18:00
florin_philsf,ok i will open the link for more information,but than chmod for what it is?is not like the superuser restrict other to execute a file than..18:00
florin_philsf,i see.18:00
Mba7ethhi guys .... how much can 100Mbps can really transmit ?18:00
philsfflorin_: file permissions will protect your file from other users logged into that system, and that's it18:00
philsfflorin_: that excludes users with sudo access, and root ftm18:01
Naeshcan someone give me a hand? I'm having some trouble installing a new theme: http://www.beryl-themes.org/content/show.php/Yakano+-Colors-?content=9588518:01
janedoe_so installing freenx on a server edition machine adds 500MB of stuff (since I guess noX, gnome, etc).  sound right?18:01
Naeshi have a fresh 8.10 install, and i've never used linux before18:01
philsfMba7eth: usually you divide by 818:02
geniiMba7eth: The bottleneck becomes for instance things like how fast something can come off your hd before it can actually get to be sent over a 100Mbps connection18:02
narsilhow can i make linux rescue   to make my boot (because i had instaled xp and  the bot to f10 has been deleted)18:02
narsiland i have at me only a kiwi (ununtu ) cd18:02
janedoe_Mba7eth: actually I divide by 9-10 because there's overhead, etc18:02
florin_philsf,i understand now,so on my comuter are many users if here are 2 users,i can restrict permision for other user,and the other one logg in in same machine18:03
Mba7ethGiant81: If i have a direct ethernet cable between two PC .... shall i just get 100/8 ?18:03
philsf!grub | narsil18:03
ubottunarsil: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto18:03
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash18:03
florin_philsf,he cannot acces fiel only with my permision18:03
janedoe_Mba7eth: a little less, but yes18:03
Naesh#name N18:03
florin_philsf,tnx for the help18:03
philsfflorin_: yes, that's right18:03
NewCDoes anyone know how to install mac80211 ( HammerHead66 no offense please)18:03
Mba7eththanks all :)18:04
=== tiagofalcao[AWAY is now known as tiagofalcao
philsfflorin_: but if he has sudo access, he doesn't need your permission18:04
philsfflorin_: also, note that I mentioned "online system"18:04
florin_philsf,but he can have sudo permision without my permision,aneway i get the idea btw i am the only user here but i made that to learn18:04
philsfflorin_: meaning, if he has physical access, he basically has sudo access anyway18:05
Naeshhow do I install beryl themes on 8.10?18:05
florin_philsf,yes i see18:05
florin_philsf,i feel litte bit smart from now :)18:05
philsfflorin_: the only way to protect files you can't restrict physically, is by encrypting them18:06
NewCDoes anyone know how to install mac80211 ?18:06
florin_philsf,ok now serious way,i already checked the link and i understnd what i nedd18:06
florin_philsf,encrypt them true18:07
narsilnot  of ubuntu the boot  lost of fedora and i try to maket back whit ubuntu cd  i had make no backup to my data that is in root on fedora  and is  some important projects18:09
narsilis a problem if i left no free space (unalocate on hard disk)18:10
narsili have a swamp partition   and a  home one , one for sistem and other to do what ever i like18:11
TaejoI have MP3s which are labelled with the wrong bitrate (caused by a bug in an age-old version of GStreamer, I believe) -- does anybody know how to fix this?18:12
gharzanybody who can help me with bluefish web editor? bluefish doesn't open my file whenever i click 'view in browser'... please help. my LAMP is working perfectly. please18:14
SM411Hi, im currently installing ubuntu18:15
SM411And got some questions18:15
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eseven73!ask | SM41118:16
ubottuSM411: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:16
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Yippareentarecan anyone give me a hand with getting ath9k to work with 8.10?18:16
root128I have a problem with Ubuntu, Compiz and LXDE18:17
SM411Im resizing my harddrive when installing, but its stuck at 0 %18:17
root128On LXDE with compiz Alt+F2 doesn`t wor18:17
HammerHead66NewC: I'm still looking18:17
NOD62Hello everyone.18:17
Hybr1derhi i have a virtualized router, how should i setup my 2nd network adapter pointing at the lan so that it doesnt asks for a IP but assings to othes?18:17
gpledi just tried to install eagle.  it has a registration screen that is blank.  what is going on?18:17
SM411Im resizing my harddrive when installing, but its stuck at 0 %18:18
SM411Any help18:18
darksiferhi guys18:18
gartralanyone here know how to use an ICC color profile?18:18
Yippareentareanyone know how to get ath9k working under 8.10 apparently its included18:19
SM411Im resizing my harddrive when installing, but its stuck at 0 %, anyone know whats wrong?18:19
Pici!patience | SM41118:19
ubottuSM411: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines18:19
Yippareentaresorry i said it again its just mirc crashed since im runnin it in wine18:19
aciculaYippareentare: use xchat :P?18:20
VolVEhey all, is there supposed to be a 9.04 Jaunty beta today? :)18:20
aciculaVolVE: yeh18:20
PiciVolVE: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.18:20
gartralim staying well away from jaunty, my comp works as it is, i dont want that too change18:21
HammerHead66NewC: hit me on a pm so I know when you are talking to me ok18:21
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Hybr1dershould i put a network adapter to link local only if i want to connect pc to pc?18:22
HammerHead66NewC: are you there?18:23
darksiferi need some help concerning grub. i installed ubuntu in sdb n xp in sda. i installed ubuntu first. when installing ubuntu i installed grub in sdb. here is the fdisk -l. http://paste.ubuntu.com/138441/ i read help on the internet but i cant understand. plz elp me18:23
backboneHey everybody!  Quick poll:  What's your favorite CLI application?18:23
Pici!poll | backbone18:23
ubottubackbone: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:23
Picibackbone: If you just want to chat, take it to #ubuntu-offtopic18:24
HammerHead66everyone: if your asking someone, something and they are looking it up. Don't just take off. Let them know that you have to take off before you go.18:25
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HammerHead66is anyone else having problems updating?18:28
DmC-anyone know how to get ath9x wireless driver working in 8.10 its apparently included in the new kernel but it wont work18:28
ubuntu__how can i make a dual boot18:30
ubuntu__pls hrlp18:30
arvind_khadri!dualboot | ubottu18:30
ubottuarvind_khadri: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot18:30
cbaudual boot with Windos?18:30
arvind_khadri!dualboot | ubuntu__18:30
ubottuubuntu__: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot18:30
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c_kornsince todays xorg update I have no compiz any more18:31
ubuntu__nnot ubunt fedora 10 and xp i havd instal xp nad the boot of f10 has been deleted18:31
aciculac_korn: probably a driver issue?18:31
Kriss3dUhm i got a question. if i have a mbr file (from installing ubuntu via wubi) could i then restore the configuration from before i formated my C drive ? aparently Vista likes to overwrite the mbr..18:32
ubuntu__how can i make linux rescue?18:32
philsfubuntu__: do you need help with fedora, and not with ubuntu?18:32
c_kornacicula: that is usually after a kernel update. my nvidia drivers load up fine18:32
c_korn... I think18:32
clancywill my ubuntu be destroyed when i upgrade to jaunty and i have installed intrepid backports apps?18:33
clancyor is it ok to install some apps from backports?18:33
mikeypizanohow do i import WMP11 ratings into rhythmbox18:33
ubuntu__with fedora because is  already installed  but the boot is deleted18:33
ubuntu__i have some important projects in root18:33
Taejoif anybody cares about the solution to my mp3 problem, vbrfix seems to be it18:33
crdlbc_korn: run: glxinfo | egrep -i 'software|direct'18:34
ubuntu__if i install ubuntu i can lose the data18:34
crdlbc_korn: check if it says either 'direct rendering: no', or something about a software rasterizer18:34
c_korncrdlb: Error: glXCreateContext failed18:34
crdlbc_korn: even worse; pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log please18:35
[Giovanni_90]Is @ the highest level of this server?18:35
Kriss3d@ is always highest level in irc18:35
aciculai thought it was whose name started with a :(18:36
c_korncrdlb: http://pastebin.com/f532634aa18:36
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_Whipper[Giovanni_90]: nope.. $ is the highest :)18:36
ubuntu__wathis grub?18:36
jenna^^GRand Unified Bootlader18:37
aciculaboot loader18:37
aciculaubuntu__: backing up is _always_ a good idea when resizing or tinkering with partitions ;)18:37
crdlbc_korn: ok, it's using the wrong GLX module. how did you install the nvidia driver?18:37
_Whipperubuntu__: you can youse lilo too if you dont like grub..18:37
Kriss3dit basicly lets you chose between serveral operating systems.18:37
c_korncrdlb: I use the one from the nvidia homepage: sudo sh NVIDIA*18:38
c_kornshould I try reinstalling?18:38
aciculac_korn: it's probably a simple thing to fix18:38
crdlbc_korn: yes, that will fix it18:38
ubuntu__if i had left no free space (unalocate ) on hard is a problem18:39
c_kornk, reinstalling... brb18:39
_Whipperubuntu__: use dvd:s18:39
ubuntu__i have a swamp ,a boot a home a sistem and a ostest partition and i left no free space18:39
aciculaubuntu__: if you are modifying the hd partition tables backup to something else18:39
ubuntu__i wanna to rebuild the boot18:40
ubuntu__not to install new system18:40
_Whipperubuntu__: you are just asking for trounle if you do that without backing up18:40
unitedpotsmokershello guys.. i have some problem... which when i try to update system i got this error msg :18:41
unitedpotsmokersW: Failed to fetch http://public.planetmirror.com/pub/ubuntu/archive/dists/hardy/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2  Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)18:41
unitedpotsmokersW: Failed to fetch http://public.planetmirror.com/pub/ubuntu/archive/dists/hardy/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.bz2  Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)18:41
unitedpotsmokersW: Failed to fetch http://public.planetmirror.com/pub/ubuntu/archive/dists/hardy/restricted/source/Sources.bz2  Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)18:41
FloodBot2unitedpotsmokers: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:41
ubuntu__i have no back up18:41
_Whipper:) someone has spilled soething on my keyb :)18:41
unitedpotsmokershow to fix these errors?18:41
aciculaunitedpotsmokers: use a mirror that is working18:41
mr_danielubuntu uses a default mtu value of 1500, but I want to set it to 1492. This is no problem with 'sudo ifconfig wlan0 mtu 1492', but after a reboot the mtu value is again 1500. How can I set the mtu value PERMANENTLY to 1492 ???18:41
ubuntu__so how can i make the boot18:41
_Whipperunitedpotsmokers: stop smoking ?-)18:41
aciculamr_daniel: err interfaces or networkmanager?18:42
ubuntu__now im using live cd18:42
mr_danielI use the NetworkManager18:42
unitedpotsmokersacicula, i dont understand...18:42
aciculaunitedpotsmokers: the site you are trying to fetch updates from is not working18:42
aciculachange the mirror in software sources18:42
aciculamr_daniel: right click -> edit, first tab has MTU options18:43
unitedpotsmokersacicula: all these problem come from when i start to install a few applications using ultamatix18:43
aciculawell, ultimatix comes with big red banners18:43
c_korncrdlb: reinstalling made compiz work again. but there was an error during installation: Error: File '/usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libglx.so' is not a symbolic link18:44
mr_danielnice, thx acicula18:44
McQueensorry how command can i change to the german ubuntu irc?18:44
aciculaMcQueen: /join #ubuntu-de18:44
ubuntu__if i make new install and resize the partition with fedora can i resize back  when i have the  fedora cd18:44
McQueenthank you18:44
unitedpotsmokersacicula: ok i understand now, which the best? download from main server or united state. anyway i live in malaysia18:44
aciculaor ge?18:44
crdlbc_korn: I think that's an incompatibility between the packages and the nvidia.com installer18:44
aciculaunitedpotsmokers: something that's close to you18:44
crdlbc_korn: if it works, don't worry about it :)18:45
ubuntu__now i have only a kiwi cd18:45
[Giovanni_90]orge hahahahaha18:45
c_korncrdlb: ok :P  thank you!18:45
unitedpotsmokersacicula: thanks for your help, i try now.. brb18:45
aciculaunitedpotsmokers: just use the system->administration->software sources tool, you can select a location near you there18:45
geniimr_daniel: Use a script in the /etc/network/if-up.d/   directory18:46
backgenhey guys how do i terminate and re-start firefox in Terminal?18:46
unitedpotsmokersacicula, : thanks a lot acicula, but now i try to select best server... maybe it will download fast18:46
backgencuz everytime i click on firefox it gives me a message saying: "Firefox is already running..."18:47
jenna^^you could use pkill firefox18:47
backgenso just sudo pkill firefox?18:47
pedro___anyone got this USB Startup disk creator working? All I get is an error dialog without any message and its title is Installation Failed18:48
jenna^^probabbly dont need sudo18:48
backgenhmm didn't work18:48
unitedpotsmokersbackgen: u hit alt+F2, and enter "xkill", then click the software u want to kill18:49
backgenah ha! thanks18:49
geniiunitedpotsmokers: That method doesn't work with windows that aren't open on the desktop18:49
unitedpotsmokersahhh... ic.. sorry bro im new18:50
backgenit worked!!! thanks guys18:50
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fenrison my home-router, the nameservers of my provider are not added to resolv.conf at boot time, only if i do a manual poff && pon dsl-provider18:50
fenrisany ideas whats going wrong?18:50
HammerHead66fenris: do you use stick ip's18:51
sarmisakhi all18:51
fenrisHammerHead66: you mean static ips? no, not on my pppoe interface18:51
fenrison the internal lan-interface, yes18:52
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* genii sips and considers the replacedefaultroute18:52
HammerHead66fenris: DHCP?18:52
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fenrisHammerHead66: yes, i think so, but to be honst, i just executed pppoeconf and did not care about the technical details18:53
xukunhi all somebody told use gdb for a program that crashes when I start but I don't know how to that. the program that crashes is called xbmc18:53
HammerHead66fenris: that's why you are having troubles now18:53
HammerHead66fenris: please go backl and look at it18:53
fenrisHammerHead66: sure it must have to be something like dhcp, as i receive my internet-ip from my provider18:56
giesenany word on the 9.04 beta?18:56
Picigiesen: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.18:56
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xukunhow can I make gdb output of a program?18:56
giesenPici: thanks18:56
Jason2gsHi there. I recently stole an internal card reader from one of our old computers and installed it in my desktop. I'm testing it with a 1 Gig SD card I found somewhere around the house. I was hoping someone could tell me why my computer (Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon) isn't picking up the SD card.18:56
HammerHead66fenris: do you have a router as well?18:56
fenrishuh? it is the router i am having the problem with...18:56
erUSULxukun: "gdb xbmc" in the gdb promt use "run" to run the program18:57
HammerHead66fenris: please yes or no?18:57
erUSULxukun: when it chrash use bactrace to obtain the backtrace18:57
bakarati've got an rm file leading to a stream, the rm file is structured like this: rtsp://<url>\n--stop--\npnm://<url>18:57
bakarathow do i download that?18:57
bakarati want to capture the stream for later viewing :>18:57
xiqhello, i have a question for building a computer. where can i ask that?18:57
xukunerUSUL, thank you very much for your answer but I have no idea what you just said.18:58
geniixiq: #hardware18:58
fenrisHammerHead66: well, if i am having problems with my router, it is quite obvious that i DO have a router, right? :)18:58
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HammerHead66xiq: pm me I will answer you18:58
PaperTigerQuick question, if I restart during the format part of the install process, does that ruin the hard drive18:58
ubuntu__how cani  remove kiwi and resize the partition18:59
Jason_COPaperTiger: it cant be good - -but i doubt it would ruin it18:59
HammerHead66fenris: I am just trying to have clear communications. If I don't know  what you have I will not be able to help you with your probelm18:59
PaperTigerJason_CO: Didn't think it would be good, but I realised I had to remove the RAID settings...18:59
PaperTigerSo I had to quit it...18:59
Jason_COif i were you -- i would go back, erase all your partitions and start over18:59
erUSULxukun: in a terminal run gdb with the name of the program as the parameter e.g « gdb xcbm ». you will be presented witha new promt in that promt type « run » that will run the program once it crash you can obtain the backtrace typing « backtrace »18:59
geniifenris: You can use pon/poff to do direct login to a bridged dsl modem for instance, with no router in the mix whatsoever18:59
erUSUL!debug | xukun19:00
ubottuxukun: For help debugging your program, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures19:00
iTzReeceIm new to ubuntu19:00
PaperTigerJason_CO: I tried to install Ubuntu after that, but the format process bar started where it left off, but didn't move. What you think?19:00
xukunerUSUL, that is what I was looking for. Thanks a lot19:00
Jason_COdid you remove all the partitions?19:00
PaperTigerJason_CO: I'm going guided, use whole disk19:01
Jason_COok - go manual19:01
Jason_COdelete all the partitions19:01
Jason_COactually -- u know what19:01
Jason_COwait till someone more qualified can help you19:01
PaperTigerFair enough...19:01
Jason_COi could do it on my own on my system -- but to try to walk you through it19:02
Jason_COim not sure i can help19:02
PaperTigerWell, it won't hurt to try it using manual, will it? I have nothing to lose :)19:02
fenrisgenii: sure, thats what i am doing (on the router i am having the problem on)19:02
scott_does anyone know anything about keeping dsl on all the time19:02
PaperTigerCan't see it hurting.19:02
Jason_COPaperTiger: i cant guarentee that19:02
PaperTigerOkay then19:02
geniifenris: And so the router is an ubuntu based box and not some embeddd hardware thing in this case?19:03
scott_it shuts off after hibernation and i cant get it back19:03
xukunerUSUL, when I run gdb xbmc it says: "/usr/bin/xbmc": not in executable format: File format not recognized19:03
fenrisgenii: exactly19:03
tkb608any news of Jaunty beta coming out today?19:04
fenrisgenii: based on ubuntu-server LTS19:04
ubuntu__waht is best to use if you use first time liunx  any type19:04
geniifenris: Should make sure you have in your ppp settings that dns is dynamic and also that the option replacedefaultroute  is on19:04
scott_does anyone know anything about power comsumpiton levels19:05
neurobuntuis anybody here familiar with open office scripting?19:05
fenrisgenii: where do i see that? what config-file?19:05
dylanmcdI'm running sshfs to mount an Ubuntu server. Does anyone know if there is a way to sudo load a file through sshfs?19:05
=== keanu is now known as [keanu]
bin1010when I am in file browser I can get to my Places->bookmarkedshare, where do I find these shares in the terminal or say meld?19:06
philsfbin1010: it depends on where the bookmark points to19:08
bin1010do I have to fstab the "bookmark" before I can get to it in my terminal19:08
bin1010usually points to samba shares and other various linux boxes in the department19:09
macman_so i found something that recovers files .. thanks all19:09
philsfdylanmcd: locally or remotely?19:09
macman_its ulimtate boot cd version v5.019:10
Jason2gsHi there. I recently stole an internal card reader from one of our old computers and installed it in my desktop. I'm testing it with a 1 Gig SD card I found somewhere around the house. I was hoping someone could tell me why my computer (Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon) isn't picking up the SD card.19:11
geniifenris: Apologies on lag.   Run  sudo pppconfig and change it that way, your pppoe setup should be in there if it uses pon19:11
dylanmcdphilsf: I want to edit the file locally19:11
bin1010philsf: is that what you were asking...not sure if i answered your question19:11
dylanmcdphilsf: For example, I'd like to open up an apache config file for editing on my local machine19:12
HammerHead66Jason2gs: are you using an old motherboard?19:12
philsfbin1010: what do you mean to fstab the bookmark?19:12
bin1010philsf i set them up in the places "connect to server" and I gave them a bookmark...so they show up in "file browser"19:12
Jason2gsHammerHead66, nope.19:12
philsfdylanmcd: then it's remotely that you need root access19:12
bin1010philsf i am wondering if I have to make them a permanent mount point in fstab19:13
fenrisgenii: what i am wondering about is that it works with "pon dsl-provider", but not on boot time (where, i suppose, /etc/ppp/ppp_on_boot is executed), so i dont think its a problem with the pppoe configuration19:13
HammerHead66Jason2gs: what pci slot do you have it on?19:13
PowerNRJi don't have no sound on my ubuntu19:13
philsfdylanmcd: it's nasty, you will need to enable root login, afaik19:13
dylanmcdphilsf: I know, but since it's an ubuntu server, I can't log in as root19:13
PowerNRJmy sound card name is from Realtek19:13
bin1010philsf instead of using the "file browser" bookmark19:13
dylanmcdphilsf: Damn, there has got to be a better way >.<19:13
geniifenris: It doesn't work on boot time because eth0 or whatever has to come up and be useful before you can use it for a ppp connection19:13
philsfdylanmcd: you just need to set a root password19:14
philsfbin1010: are you talking about samba shares?19:14
fenrisgenii: the connection is brought up correctly, only the dns are not added to resolv.conf19:14
philsfbin1010: or local dirs?19:14
dylanmcdphilsf: I could do that, but the majority of my work I need to be logged in as the user...I'll keep looking19:14
bin1010philsf samba shares19:14
Jason2gsHammerHead66, It's not a PCI slot card reader. I installed it in the 3.5" bay.19:14
Jason2gsI don't have a floppy drive.19:14
philsfbin1010: can I assume they are already mounted by the time you reach the terminal?19:15
fenrisgenii: http://rafb.net/p/tGkvj393.html <-- this is my /etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider19:15
geniifenris: Then as I said, use sudo pppconfig and doublecheck that dns is set to dynamic, also that defaultroute is on. If it isn't your other lan connection is the default, and it's dns is used instead19:15
bin1010philsf they are showing up as icon on the desktop19:15
philsfbin1010: then check out the contents of your .gvfs dir19:15
philsfin your homedir19:15
HammerHead66Jason2gs: I have no clue.19:16
bin1010sweet!!!  thanks19:16
bin1010i knew there had to be a way to them ;)19:16
philsfdylanmcd: why doesn't that solve it for you?19:17
mshadlesomeone help please - why is nlockmgr not loading on my machine?!?!19:17
yao_ziyuandoes the normal user and root use the same environment variable set?19:17
thrillERboyhi guys19:17
yao_ziyuani can't use "sudo export" to check19:17
philsfyao_ziyuan: no19:17
thrillERboyso intel and amd processor needs differant versions of ubuntu?19:17
yao_ziyuanphilsf: how to see/modify root's environment variables?19:18
PicithrillERboy: No.19:18
HammerHead66 thrillERboy: it just depends on the CPU not the name brand19:18
PicithrillERboy: AMD64 is for the AMD 64 bit specification that most 64bit compatible cpus use.19:18
PowerNRJi don't have sound19:18
PowerNRJmy sound card is realtek19:18
philsfyao_ziyuan: it depends on how do you use the root account. sudo? su? su -? login?19:19
PowerNRJis it anyway a solution?19:19
yao_ziyuanphilsf: sudo19:19
thrillERboyoh okey.... I just installed 8.1 i386 on my friends amd using wubi19:19
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thrillERboyit took lil long than usual... so just came to clear things.....19:20
philsfyao_ziyuan: not sure, but I think with sudo you are using *your* account with root privs, so it's not really root19:20
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philsfyao_ziyuan: if that's right, you shouldn't need to do anything special, since you're using your own env19:20
dylanmcdphilsf: Well, I'm a newb, but from what I know, enabling root is against Ubuntu's best practices.19:20
thrillERboyalso os designed for x86 architechture should work in x64 processors quite good. Isn't it?19:20
philsfdylanmcd: ubuntu is also free software, so you do whatever you like19:21
oobscurehi all. to Nvidia users that use proprietary drivers: what works best for you - the drivers you install through ubuntu, or the ones you download from nvidia.com?19:21
dylanmcdphilsf: In addition, it would require me to have to separate mounted drive, which doesn't flow well19:21
philsfdylanmcd: if you need it, you need it. do you really need it? :)19:21
scunizioobscure: depends on your card and motherboard chipset19:22
HammerHead66thrillERboy: x86 is 32bit linux and X86_64 is 64bit linux19:22
scunizioobscure: what kind of card do you have?19:22
rayne_Anyone know the name of a decent music editing software? I need to cut the end off an MP319:22
philsfdylanmcd: iiuic, you need to edit remote config files, right? why not just edit them via ssh to your ordinary account with sudo via command line?19:22
scunizirayne_: audacity19:22
rayne_scunizi, Thanks19:22
thrillERboyyea... thanks HammerHead66. but, x86 linux should work fine in 64bit supported hardware? isn't it19:23
oobscureoh, sure. i have a geforce 9600 GT 512mb RAM19:23
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:23
HammerHead66thrillERboy: yes both will work19:23
thrillERboyokie thanks19:23
thrillERboythats what I wanted to know19:23
PowerNRJI have a problem with my sound card19:23
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »19:23
scunizioobscure: well... I would first try the 173 driver that's in System>Admin>Hardware Drivers.. if that acts horrible then the latest direct driver from nvidia would need to be installed..19:24
HammerHead66PowerNRJ: no sound right?19:24
scunizioobscure: I'm avoiding the 177 driver because it seems to have issues..19:24
PowerNRJI have no sound19:24
mshadleplease someone help me figure out why nlockmgr is not running on my machine?!19:24
dylanmcdphilsf: Yeah, that's what I'm going to do, but I would prefer a way to be able to keep everything in one editor19:24
hbx_need some help with this error: configure: error: "Couldn't find working OpenSSL"19:24
HammerHead66PowerNRJ: how about when you boot up is there sound then?19:24
qmrWhat is default cd ripper in ubuntu 8.10?19:25
philsfdylanmcd: oh, now I get it. sorry, out of ideas19:25
dylanmcdphilsf: It helps me streamline. I'm just switching my main workspace from Windows, so I'm trying to see all the stuff I wanted to do but couldn't on windows ;)19:25
dylanmcdphilsf: It's fine, thanks for you help and interest19:25
PowerNRJhmmm no I haven't sound by starting Ubuntu, I have well sound by starting Windows ;)19:25
scuniziqmr: default I think can be done with Rhythmbox but ripperx does a good job too.. it's in the repos.19:25
PowerNRJbut I have als no sound by playing video on YouTube or MP3-files19:25
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HammerHead66PowerNRJ: are you in linux now?19:26
philsfdylanmcd: you could have several tabs in one terminal window. it's similar to several tabs in one gedit, for example19:26
PowerNRJI have a realtek sound card19:26
dayoqmr: Brasero19:26
philsfdylanmcd: I do that19:26
dayoqmr: no. sorry, that's the burner19:26
HammerHead66PowerNRJ: on desktop go to text /system/prefs'/sounds19:26
PowerNRJand I think that's not installed19:26
philsfqmr: serpentine19:27
HammerHead66PowerNRJ: let me know when you get there19:27
PowerNRJby sound playback: HDA Intel ALC 662 Analog (ALSA)19:27
dylanmcdphilsf: Yeah, that's a good idea19:27
mercutio22To com dificuldade pra gerar uma lista de símbolos no LaTeX, alguém aqui tem experiência?19:27
PowerNRJSound capture: also ALSA19:27
JokerNoObcan tuxguitar and amarok work together?19:27
philsfqmr: sound-juicer, sorry19:27
PowerNRJand by "Default Mixer Tracks"19:28
PowerNRJalso ALSA19:28
HammerHead66PowerNRJ: are you there yet?19:28
mercutio22wrong channel19:28
dayo!welcome | johbar19:28
ubottujohbar: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.19:28
philsf!br | mercutio2219:28
ubottumercutio22: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.19:28
Picassotamuswhat is the ubuntu/linux version of remote desktop?19:28
PowerNRJOnly ALSA :)19:28
graywhi'm trying to configure HAL to automount all vfat partitions with shortname=mixed instead of shortname=lower19:28
oobscurethanks scunizi - I'm using 173.14.12 from Ubuntu now, and I have some issues, but it could be application's fault. i'll try 180.29 from nvidia.com19:28
scuniziPicassotamus: vinagre but it's called remote desktop viewer.. you can also use vnc19:28
HammerHead66make sure mute is not on, then run test on all of the test icons and see if you have any sound19:29
PowerNRJHammerHead66: audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback19:29
johbar"apt-get update && apt-get install postgresql" fails with "Err http://security.ubuntu.com hardy-security/main openssl 0.9.8g-4ubuntu3.1 (404-Error)"19:29
johbarany hints to fix that?19:29
cemcI've just isntalled a windows guest in virtualbox (on 8.10), and I can't set the resolution to more than 800x600 (guest additions are installed)19:29
Picassotamusscunizi: ty19:29
scunizioobscure: when you use the drivers direct from nvidia there is a special way to install them.. you have to uninstall (using synaptic) all nvidia references from your machine after disabling the 177/173 driver and restarting.. then when you install you have to stop the gui and do the install from a TTY19:30
JokerNoObhi guys, i have a question: can tuxguitar and amaroK work together?19:30
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HammerHead66PowerNRJ: please don't jump around with your head chopped off.....I have to know the things I ask or I can't help you19:30
macman_find . -name "*.doc" -exec cp {} /media/external/ \; this should copy all docs right ?19:31
scunizioobscure: you may also have to install build-essential .. dkms is an option and won't hurt to install as well.19:31
oobscurescunizi: gotcha - didn't remember about dkms19:31
iTzReeceTo enable userlist text symbols (disable dots): /set -or gui_tweaks 64 or /set -on gui_tweaks 6419:31
philsfjohbar: the latest version is .4 not .119:31
XPS_M1330does anyone know if it's possible with some PDF viewers to highlight text or add comments?19:32
* iTzReece test19:33
NEWzillaI have ubuntu server 8.10 installed.  I have not installed anything custom other than aptitude safe-upgrade on my server.  I am having problems getting apache to search ldap nested groups.19:33
florin_i have problem with my wireless conection19:33
NEWzillaI have been searching "Teh Google" and I have found where apache has it fixed in 2.2.3 i think.  But it appears it does not work on my server installation.19:33
scuniziXPS_M1330: if it's just a single page you can do that "sort-of" with Inkscape.. Otherwise the only other real option that's gui-fied is PDFEdit.. takes some getting use to but works with single or multipage docs.19:33
philsfNEWzilla: try #ubuntu-server19:33
florin_fdd:am pus link19:34
HammerHead66florin_: are you using mac wireless19:34
NEWzillaok thanks i will jump in that chan19:34
macman_cp "*.doc" /destination < -- this will move all docs from the current folder to a new one right ?19:34
florin_HammerHead66 no19:34
kristian2i got two files with md5sum. i from data dvd i burnt with brasero, .checksum.md5, and the second one i generated with this command: "find  .  -type f   2>/dev/null  -exec md5sum {} \; >list1.txt", for the files i burnt. now i use: "diff file1 file2" and terminal echos a long long list to compare. the list is huge, because there are a lot of files, do i have to check this manually or can i check this file faster? and how can i move up and d19:34
PowerNRJHammerHead66: I have test my sound but It don't work19:34
johbarphilsf, ok and i'm going to teach apt to fetch the newest version?19:34
florin_HammerHead66,fujitsu siemens amilo 272719:34
XPS_M1330thanks scunizi19:35
johbarapt-get update did not download something new19:35
scuniziXPS_M1330: np19:35
[Spooky]How do i install so ai can build from source?19:35
scuniziXPS_M1330: if you're running intrepid, it's in the repos..19:35
XPS_M1330scunizi: it's already installed, thanks.19:35
HammerHead66florin_: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/internet/C/wireless.html try here19:36
jenna^^sudo apt-get install build-essential bison19:36
HammerHead66florin_: np19:37
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WesGrantI upgraded to 8.10 which includes FreeTDS .82 which is broken for my needs.  Can I use Synaptic to revert back to .64?19:38
jenna^^[Spooky]: install build essential and optionally bison, check that you have source repos enabled, then sudo apt-get source package-name19:39
bart__FlightGear was download, have icon, but nothing else.19:42
sasnakI have many systems that I need to change the password on and most of them are telnet based (there are a few ssh)  is there a application (besides using expect) to manage passwords across all the systems?19:42
ZeroKewlhi my friend is haveing trouble with 8.10 every time she does an update it will not boot19:42
sasnakit would be nice to have a web front end to allow other end users to change theirs too.19:43
ZeroKewlis this a bug19:43
^Stoopid_i want to try the latest deb i can of xf86-video-intel on 8.10. got any recommendations, or am i stuck with 2.4.1, if i want a packaged version?19:43
ZeroKewlan are they a fix for it19:43
anonhi any advice for ecryptfs,should i cmd line install or tool wizard.19:44
HammerHead66anon: on desktop goto text upper left hand side /system/Admin/Synaptic Package Manager             run a search encryption19:45
Br4z3rHi all I change the "$" symbol in my shell how can I get it back ??19:45
glymphopen a new shell, Br4z3r19:46
* nanox is away: Estoy ocupado19:47
anonthanks,yeah i know how to install stuff,really need to know the best way for ecryptfs,read somewhere that its best to do the install from bash?19:47
Pici!away > nanox19:47
ubottunanox, please see my private message19:47
WesGrantIs there any way to use Synaptic to install a previous version of a package?19:47
HammerHead66anon:  O ok 1 min19:47
WesGrantForce Version doesn't have the version I need.19:48
djsiegel1Hi, how do I change which screen is my primary with dual displays?19:48
djsiegel1I want my panels to be on the other display.19:48
anonwesgrant,use bash to force reinstall of any package19:48
WesGrantyou suggest just uninstall it with synaptic and bruit install19:49
WesGrantIs there any way I can subscribe to a Hardy repository to get Hardy's version of the package?19:51
bart__Bye-Bye now from L.I., N.Y.19:51
HammerHead66anon:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal   have you looked at this?19:52
anonwesgrant,sudo apt-get reinstall <package>19:52
XPS_M1330what's bruit install?19:52
Br4z3rnormal user "$" root "#" sorry for the brilliant question :D glymph19:52
WesGrantI meant to install without the package manager...19:53
Shooreewhat could it be, if my add/remove panel doesn´t show anything on Xubuntu 8.10? Synaptic works, filters seem ok.19:53
jenna^^Br4z3r: haha try exit19:53
HammerHead66anon: did that help?19:54
anonfrom source?19:54
XPS_M1330sudo apt-get install yakuake19:54
WesGrantwoops .. that was thefrench version.19:54
HammerHead66anon: go down to the vary bottom where it says more information in red19:54
pcgeekhi what's the linux's equivalent of win32's net send19:55
jenna^^Br4z3r: unless  you have # for your normal account, then you probably were messing with $HOME/.bashrc19:55
HammerHead66anon: those are all the goodies you need19:56
kneekiAnyone care to recommend an IRC client that works well across all platforms?19:56
eseven73kneeki: irssi or xchat maybe19:56
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scunizikneeki: xchat on ubuntu.. xchat2 (same thing) for win.19:56
kneekithanks =)19:56
SuperSquirrelWhat filesystem is best for large Files?19:57
SuperSquirrelvirtual box files19:57
WesGrantanon, so you mean sudo aptitude reinstall libtds ... right?19:57
scuniziSuperSquirrel: ext3 works fine..19:57
WesGrantBut that won't let me select an earlier version...19:57
Br4z3rjenna^^, I just notice that difference now after 6 months working with linux :D it is my mistake19:57
SuperSquirrelok thanks19:57
pcgeekhow can I do a equivalent to windows [net send]19:58
Jason_COif an item in cron generates an error -- where would i find that error message?19:59
jenna^^Br4z3r: try whoami to see what user you are logged in as19:59
Br4z3rjenna^^, usefull ! :)20:00
Br4z3rjenna^^,  I am root XD20:01
julio_hey folks20:01
julio_do you know any alternative to XSane?20:01
jenna^^Br4z3r: so you are running a desktop session as root?20:01
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simplexioxinsane :)20:01
macman_question guys .. in window syou can do a dir /w/p and get a nice view of the files .. is ls -lart the best or just ls -l ?20:01
WesGrantMaybe package managers cant be told which version of a package to install??20:02
simplexiomacman_: cant remember what wp does .. but lart is nice long allfile reverse time .20:03
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bimberiWesGrant: apt-get install package=version20:03
simplexiomacman_: h help ( humanreadable sizes20:04
clusterDoes any one know how i can find out the model of my wireless network card20:04
PaperTigerWhat is the swap area for?20:04
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info20:04
PaperTigerbimberi, could you explain that?20:05
ladiegargarit says FATAL: Support for capture source type 'ath5k' was not built.   when i type "kismet" in terminal any advice?20:05
Dreamgliderdoes Ubuntu have a crash log ?20:05
Brinstarcan someone recommend a good app that opens .mht files?20:05
scuniziDreamglider: most logs are in /var/log20:05
Br4z3rjenna^^, no I'm in konsole shell , just didn't notice the difference between the sigh "#" for root and "$" for other users20:05
bimberiPaperTiger: not as well as the website, no20:05
clusterDoes any one know how i can find out my model number for my wireless network card20:06
PaperTigerFor some reason, I can't get on internet pages on the LiveCD20:06
bimbericluster: lspci or lshw20:06
Br4z3rjenna^^,  thanks for willing to help me with this "problem" :D20:06
thrillERboyhey guys... I'm installing ubuntu with wubi, but the the check installation loader shows, and the formatting swap space appears, nothing happens... I've waited for 5 mins each time......20:06
jenna^^oh, heh20:06
ladiegargaranyone know anything about kismet who can help me?20:06
HammerHead66cluster: under Package Manager run a search Sysinfo20:06
Dreamgliderscunizi: Ubuntu just crashed twice in two-three minutes where can i find a log about what's going on ?20:07
ArcSighter1ladiegargar: isn't supported by kismet20:07
thrillERboyis that becoz, there is not enough space in my HDD to perform these operations?20:07
clusterbimberi thanks20:07
ArcSighter1ladiegargar: or at least not out-of-box supported20:07
ladiegargarwhat isnt?20:07
ladiegargarI have ath9k but on the kismet site it says to put in ath5k20:08
HammerHead66cluster: make sure you have it to search all available software20:08
ArcSighter1ladiegargar: capture source type 'ath5k'20:08
bimberiDreamglider: possibly within /var/log or /var/crash20:08
ArcSighter1ladiegargar: ;)20:08
dimedohi there, i'm running gnome on ubuntu intrepid amd64 and most of the times i open a file selection dialog it is very, very small, so i constantly have to resize it so i can at least see the filenames completely. any idea why this happen? any idea how to fix?20:08
ladiegargarmy capture sources says "ath5k,wlan0,wifi20:08
ladiegargarno quote there20:08
Dreamgliderbimberi: /crash is empty20:09
jophishdimedo, are you using compiz?20:09
ArcSighter1ladiegargar: basically this is telling me that the driver wasn't included in your kismet distro out-of-box20:09
ArcSighter1ladiegargar: you need to rebuild it20:10
tharveyI'm trying to understand how the kernel-headers-*.deb's are built - where are the 'recipes' for building these deb's?20:10
ladiegargarso how do i do that20:10
ArcSighter1ladiegargar: or check http://www.kismetwireless.net/Forum/General/Messages/1214982831.441215 or http://www.chw.net/foro/gnu-linux-y-otros-sistemas-operativos-f18/222531-ayuda-sobre-ubuntu-kismet.html20:10
ArcSighter1ladiegargar: but I'd rebuild20:12
JayjaxHi, in synaptiic I get th‎is::  failed to fetch http://apt.boxee.tv/dists/intrepid/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  404 Not Found20:12
bimberiDreamglider: not surprising ... generally app crashes put stuff there.  System crashes are notoriously unlogged :|20:12
judgetDoes anyone know a command that will show the specific display driver in use for the desktop?20:12
ladiegargarIs rebuilding detailed in those posts your linked me?20:12
hbxhow do i start openssl?20:12
ArcSighter1ladiegargar: no I think it's not but basically you need to ./configure and --enable-*, check forums and doc20:12
Dreamgliderbimberi: the system didnt go down i had to hard shutdown, the screen went black and the harddisk went haywire20:12
ladiegargarwhats --enable-*20:12
JayjaxAnyone know why I get this error:  ailed to fetch http://apt.boxee.tv/dists/intrepid/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  404 Not Found20:12
Br4z3rJayjax, 404 cannot find the page20:12
Jayjaxinside synaptic20:12
ArcSighter1ladiegargar: enable additional components/feature not included by a default ./configure; make; sudo make install20:12
HammerHead66 Jayjax:   http://webmaster.iu.edu/tool_guide_info/errorcodes.shtml  here are all the errors you will have to deal with20:12
JayjaxI entered it the way they told me too in boxee20:12
Br4z3rJayjax, it may the server be down for a while20:13
ladiegargarI exited xchat accidentaly who was just helping me lol20:13
Jayjaxthe directions were simple i dont think i could of done nothing wrong20:13
Jayjaxit been down since i got it?20:13
Jayjaxlike 5 day20:13
Br4z3rJayjax, or just moved to another place20:13
wasutton3does anyone know of a way to run commands from irkick?20:14
meliksudo awk -F: '($2 == "") { print $1 }' /etc/shadow <<< can anyone tell me if this command is correct to check for empty password fields in /etc/shadow?20:14
JayjaxI dont think so20:14
ladiegargarhow do you guys do that thing where it has the name who your talking to infront?20:14
ladiegargarjust type it?20:14
dimedojophish, yes indeed20:15
dimedojophish, any idea how to fix the bug?20:15
ArcSighter1ladiegargar: tab_completion I think20:15
Br4z3rJayjax, well 404 mean that cannot find that source the reasons can be very different20:15
ArcSighter1ladiegargar: and about kismet all you can find is there: http://www.kismetwireless.net20:16
jophishdimedo, use the place windows option20:16
jophishI got small boxes and awkwardly placed windows when I disabled it20:17
chris__I can't get my Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g (rev 01) working in ubuntu 8.10. I have tried both wl and b43 drivers. The b43 drivers dont detect the card it seems, and the wl drivers just state wireless disabled and wont let me connect.20:17
chris__please help20:17
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ladiegargarI downloaded it orginally from there but i am now reinstalling it thought apt-get and it downloaded a bunch of other packages also so hopefully that works20:17
dimedojophish, it's enabled20:17
honeybee0615hello, i need help, I am trying to get my music on my sd card to work on my cell phone, i was told i need an encoder for the bizrate?  I downloaded lame, but cant and dont know how to get it to work as I am new to ubantu,,,,,,but I have gotten this far I guess....can anyone please help20:18
ArcSighter1ladiegargar: I would personally not use the distribution packages for most security tools, I'd rather build/compile/install them myself.20:18
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hadi57hi, how to sync ubuntu with my htc diamond?20:19
jophishdimedo, strange, try posting on the forums20:19
zorglu_!info git-core20:19
ubottugit-core (source: git-core): fast, scalable, distributed revision control system. In component main, is optional. Version 1: (intrepid), package size 3087 kB, installed size 6636 kB20:19
B419kidhello everyone.20:19
ladiegargarit now says i need something called libcap so im getting that but im not sure thats going to solve my problem20:20
mezyfor some reason, i cant access my windows partition20:20
Heimarklucky you20:20
eseven73thats a good thing20:20
PaperTigerI knew several people would say that, lol20:21
mezydoesn't sound like a good thing20:21
ladiegargarwhenever i download packages i always manually extract them is there a better way to do it?20:21
ArcSighter1ladiegargar: pv me20:21
B419kidI tried looking it up on the internet but couldn't find anything, is there a way to resize my ubuntu partion or do i have to reinstall?20:23
PhotoJimgnuparted will do it, B419kid20:23
PhotoJimB419kid: you can download an ISO disc image you can burn and boot from, and it will let you resize the partitions.20:23
RoAkSoAxB419kid, you could try this:20:24
ArcSighter1B419kid: of course and (g|qt)parted will do it, you need to have it unmounted of course20:24
JesprAlright. Installed Ubuntu server. On first boot i got error: Unable to boot - please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU: pae20:24
JesprI'm pretty sure I used x3220:24
JesprWhat did I do wrong :(20:25
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shf10105hi, is the xterm version supplied by ubuntu compiled with 256color support?20:25
o2oDoes anyone know if there is there an ath5k equivalent to the wlanconfig command?20:25
B419kidPhotoJim: thanks, um do you have or link or will google do it and/ is there a way also to merge partions beause i think i have some free space not used20:25
HammerHead66 Jespr: you didn't get 32bit linux you have the 64 bit linux20:26
PhotoJimB419kid: you can delete partitions and merge the space, depending on where it is on the disk.  ultimately yes, possible.  I don't have a URL but google will find it easily.20:27
Jesprisnt that 32 bit?20:27
HammerHead66 Jespr: I would go back and make sure you download from the Ubuntu site that way you know you are getting 32 bit linux20:27
B419kidPhotoJim: Thanks. I got it but if i don't have a disc is there a way to do it on an operating system (mac or linux) or must i use a seperate bootable thing20:28
JesprYeah... I did that the first time20:28
JesprBut I'll try again20:28
PhotoJimB419kid: you can do it on a running Linux system, it's just more dangerous.20:28
PhotoJimB419kid: and I imagine it's possible to install it on a bootable USB flash drive.20:28
B419kidPhotoJim: How much space? I don't have a very big usb at the moment20:28
daftykinshey all, does anyone recommend a system stress-testing app? i always install "cpuburn" and max load all physical cores by running as many instances, but is there anything better? i'm used to prime95 and so on under Windows but i'm not sure if i should place my trust in cpuburn as definitely doing the job20:29
PhotoJimB419kid: Honestly not sure...20:29
daftykinsit's true that it's providing me with four separate "100"s in "top" (as i have quad core) but i'm still open to alternative suggestions20:29
honeybee0615can anyone help me please?20:30
HeimarkI believe you need a 4GB flash drive to install Ubuntu on it20:30
daftykinsthis is me running them: http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/7534/cpuburn.png20:30
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daftykinshoneybee0615, do you know what your phone supports?20:31
B419kidPhotoJim: and dangerous? meaning lose of data possible?20:31
PhotoJimHeimark: what about gnuparted's bootable CD?  B419kid wants to resize his Ubuntu partitions.20:31
honeybee0615bizrate? you mean or what type of player?  I use to run windows and I would use windows media player,20:31
PhotoJimB419kid: possible.  not likely, but possible.  far less likely if you boot from the parted CD.20:31
honeybee0615I got as far as being able to see the songs on the phone then it would freeze and say that there is an initialization error to try again20:31
jenna^^1there is also a gnuparted usb version i believe20:32
B419kidPhotoJim: Can i install it on my disk as a seperate partion?20:32
daftykinsis it mp3 honeybee0615 ?20:32
honeybee0615then someone told me here yesterday that I need an encoder, I have been working on that since, downloaded lame, just dont know where its at or how to use it20:32
honeybee0615yes mp3 the specs say the phone can play20:32
PhotoJimB419kid: there's a channel on here about it.  #parted ... and theoretically you could install a Linux system on a spare partition and resize the other partitions, but that's getting complex.20:32
daftykinshoneybee0615, did you run "sudo apt-get install lame" or similar?20:33
daftykinsok one moment please20:33
B419kidPhotoJim: ill join the parted channel thanks20:35
honeybee0615Reading package lists... Done20:35
honeybee0615Building dependency tree20:35
honeybee0615Reading state information... Done20:35
honeybee0615lame is already the newest version.20:35
honeybee06150 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.20:35
FloodBot2honeybee0615: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:35
daftykinsopening a terminal and just typing "lame" will allow it to run honeybee0615 , as it's in the /usr/bin/ folder20:35
daftykinsso all you need to do is run the "help" feature and look about converting your song to a lower bitrate20:35
honeybee0615no I tried just lame, it wont run, where is the /usr/bin/ folder?20:35
PhotoJimB419kid: they could give you much more direction than I could I suspect.  one option is to borrow an external CD or DVD drive though.  they're pretty cheap.  handy for installing OSes on netbooks too. :)20:35
kristian2i have two md5sum files. how can i compare the two in cli?20:35
honeybee0615typing lame in terminal tells me commands to use such as help etc20:35
honeybee0615I really like unbuntu so far, but this is getting me agravatted20:35
daftykinsyep honeybee0615 so typing "lame --help" will help20:35
honeybee0615no it just gives me more commands of none that wont open file20:36
daftykinsso help tells me "-b bitrate" is the switch for changing bitrate, then the format is "lame input.wav output.mp3"20:36
B419kidPhotoJim: the parted channel is quiet, no one is responded20:36
hbxwhats the command to start openssl20:36
honeybee0615isnt it suppose to open software?20:36
MeXTuXDoes somebody know what is the difference between "root" and "rootnoverify" on menu.lst file ???? :|20:37
PhotoJimB419kid: I didn't know how busy it was.  but be patient, someone might eventually respond.20:37
daftykinsLAME is open software honeybee0615 yes20:37
B419kidPhotoJim: no i mean know one there is active: all afk/idle20:37
honeybee0615no I mean, when i command frostwire, it opens, shouldnt lame do that too?  or is lame just a terminal command to encode?20:37
julius_where do i find the nautilus shortcut in the gnome menu?20:38
ArcSighter1MeXTuX: rootnoverify doesn't attempt to mount the partition, used for booting windows system where you have to unhide/activate the partition first20:38
julius_honeybee0615, lame has no gui20:38
PhotoJimB419kid: be patient.  often people show up hours later and see your question, and respond.20:38
MeXTuXOk. Tnx :)20:38
daftykinslame's a CLI application honeybee0615 , most Windows apps are just GUI frontends to CLI apps (command line interface)20:38
honeybee0615oh so I just read the options it gives me in the terminal and then do a command?20:38
adaptrPhotoJim: with the traffic in this channel ? not much chance of that20:38
matt2909where is 9.04 beta?20:39
daftykinsyep honeybee061520:39
honeybee0615oh so i use lame through the terminal?20:39
eseven73those are log readers that do that20:39
julius_honeybee0615, how in the hell did you manage to install linux ;)20:39
PhotoJimadaptr: definitely true here.  but I pointed him to #parted.  quieter there.20:39
honeybee0615sorry, i feel dumb and I am a chemist too20:39
daftykinsthough i'm not sure if it takes an mp3 in as well as spits an mp3 out, you may have to convert the mp3 to WAV first20:39
hbxuse songbird20:39
daftykinsno don't worry, don't feel that way, right now i have no idea how to use that LAME app either :)20:39
honeybee0615um, so do I have to do each song seperatly or can i encode the entire say my_music folder?20:39
daftykinsbut i would first try "lame -b 128 track.mp3 newtrack.mp3"20:39
^Stoopid_what's the latest packaged version of xf86-video-intel available for 8.10? (doesn't have to be in the official repo. my version's crashing on me a few times a day, so i'm amenable to alternatives)20:40
ArcSighter1matt2909: #ubuntu+1 for jaunty20:40
honeybee0615and do you know if this will work? or if there is something else I can try for my sd card with my verizon dare cell phone?20:40
daftykinsi'd recommend just demo'ing a single track until you can get it working honeybee061520:40
B419kidI tried looking it up on the internet but couldn't find anything, is there a way to resize my ubuntu partion or do i have to reinstall?20:40
honeybee0615i have been, but do you think it is the encoding that it wont play on my phone since they are beening seen on the phone?20:40
daftykinsdefinitely honeybee061520:40
daftykinssounds like it's simply down to the more detailed makeup of the .mp320:41
honeybee0615because I have found a 128 bitrate song and transfered, and it still didnt work20:41
daftykinsoh right20:41
daftykinslet me google a sec20:41
synacktionanyone know of a way to separate 2 monitors when switching virtual desktops20:41
synacktionlike keep 1 the same all the time and just toggle the other one20:41
jenna^^1B419kid: did you install using cd?20:41
B419kidjenna^^1: install what?20:41
daftykinswish i knew synacktion , as i'd like the cubes to be independant20:42
honeybee0615i have tried converting to wav also20:42
crdlbsynacktion: only if you use separate X screens, which means you won't be able to move windows between them20:42
hbxjust use the super ubuntu iso20:42
hbxits easier20:42
synacktioncrdlb, yea that's what i've found out... :\20:42
B419kidjenna^^1: yes i used a cd with a 8.10 ubuntu iso on it.20:42
jenna^^1and you have the cd and a cd drive?20:42
B419kidwell i borrow from my friend but i can get it back20:43
B419kidjenna^^1: type "b419kid: <message here>" to send a message to me... the chat is going a little to fast i am unfortunatly a slow reader20:43
honeybee0615what is that command you gave me?  do I put in the song name in the first track, and just leave the newtrack as it states/20:44
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daftykinsthey'd be the name of the input file and the output file honeybee061520:45
jenna^^1B419kid: the install cd has gparted, so just boot into that and use gparted to resize20:45
daftykinsfor example, i'd first copy a track to my desktop20:45
daftykinsthen i'd make sure i'm on my desktop in the terminal, by typing "cd ~/Desktop"20:45
daftykinsthen i'd try "lame -b 128 track.mp3 newtrack.mp3" where "track" is the filename of the original and "newtrack" is the name of the file to create20:46
daftykinsbut since you said 128 does not work already, it is probably a waste of time20:46
honeybee0615so place the command as you said in terminal?20:46
honeybee0615it doesnt do anything20:46
honeybee0615says it can not find track20:46
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B419kidjenna^^1: resize my existing ubuntu partion so if i have free space i can add it or i shorten my mac partion20:46
HammerHead66hbx: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal20:46
datagcould please someone give me an advice how to get in contact with a package-maintainer (games). i've got an application which i would like to have a package for. but i'm uncertain if i should build a package on my own or better let a maintainer have a look on it20:46
daftykinsdid you change to desktop first honeybee0615 ?20:47
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Vkongenis it any way to speed up the ati open source driver20:47
rwwdaftykins: ask in #ubuntu-motu20:47
honeybee0615what do you mean?20:47
rwwdatag: ask in #ubuntu-motu20:47
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rwwdaftykins: misnick, ignore that :/20:47
daftykinsnp :)20:47
datagrww: thank you!20:47
daftykinsi'm used to everyone aiming stuff at me!20:47
_DELis there a command that i cn put nto terminal to find out what wireless driver i am using?20:47
hbxusing the terminal no shit its through the terminal20:47
kristian2i got two files containing md5sum's, how can i compare the two? i know i can use "diff file1 file2" and manually check through it, but how can i get linux to check and just give me a report, saying if all are ok, or 2 no match, and then the filenames that dont match? any thoughts? :-)20:48
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honeybee0615can not find track.mp320:48
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jenna^^1B419kid: that is doable from the ubuntu install cd, from http://gparted.sourceforge.net/liveusb.php20:50
LjLkristian2: uhm i'm not sure just what the difference between "diff" and what you said is20:50
daftykinshoneybee0615, your file is most likely not called track.mp3, i simply use that as a referral to the file name20:50
matt2909ArcSighter1: thanks heading there now20:50
daftykinsyou need to copy a track onto your desktop and rename it to that as a demo, or simply edit the command to refer to the real filename20:51
honeybee0615i do i find file name?20:51
B419kidjenna^^1: to resize and take space from other partions?20:51
ArcSighter1honeybee0615: excuse the lame question but your working dir is the one with the track or you're at home ~20:51
jenna^^1B419kid: yup, it soes all of that20:51
daftykinsi already advised to type "cd ~/Desktop" ArcSighter1 , to honeybee061520:52
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HeimarkB419kid: were you saying that you were doing this off a netbook? and had no disk drive?20:52
_DELis there a command i can enter into terminal to find out what wireless driver i m using?20:52
B419kidjenna^^1: do i need the ubuntu cd to do it, cause i borrowed it from a friend- is there a way to get gparted and boot it without cd?20:52
honeybee0615the cd destop doesnt work20:52
honeybee0615I am at home20:52
ianm_Power Manager Preferences lets you choose an action for Power Button press.  any thoughts on adding an option for double- or tripple-clicking the power button to do what Ctrl-Alt-Backspace does (which is now disabled by default)20:53
HammerHead66in linux terminal you have to use:                   cd Desktop20:53
honeybee0615says desktop is no file or directory20:53
encoreI need help..but...my inglish is not very good20:53
dave_Got 8.10 running on a dell netbook with an intel GMA 950 - realistically will it be able to run dual displays, with the external display at 1680x1050px?20:53
daftykinsjust type "cd Desktop" then if it says "~" in the bash prompt inside terminal20:53
ArcSighter1daftykins: sorry, I wasn't following, but giving the facts I think it was logical question (coming from him), no offense20:53
daftykinsno problem ArcSighter1 :)20:53
jenna^^1B419kid: no you don't HAVE to use the ubuntu cd to do it, you can just use the gparted live usb20:54
_DELlso to get to Destop:  pushd ~/Desktop20:54
HammerHead66honeybee0615:   in linux terminal you have to use:                   cd Desktop20:54
|f|In what package can I find the deb program?20:54
B419kidjenna^^1: will it fit on 256 mb cause i don't have any other place to put it20:54
rww!dontzap | ianm_: or you could just do this...20:54
ubottuianm_: or you could just do this...: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable »20:54
ubottuYou should avoid noisy away messages in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»20:55
honeybee0615but I put cd desktop in there like you said and that us what it told me, no file or directory20:55
rwwencore: what language do you speak well?20:55
_Whipperdave_: probaply not..20:55
ianm_rww: the thing is I often hit Ctrl-Alt-Backspace by accident (often being more than a few times in years) and I can't risk that sort of thing (I do live performance on this laptop)20:55
encoreI'm from brazil!.20:55
rww!br | encore20:55
ubottuencore: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.20:55
honeybee0615i even put my sudo before and it said command not found,20:55
ArcSighter1honeybee0615: cd ~/Desktop if your ubuntu-language-pack is en20:55
dave_Same graphics chip in a macbook I have can handle that fairly easily, is is just that the intel drivers suck for linux?20:56
HammerHead66honeybee0615:   if a word is a D you have to put a D if it is a d you put a d20:56
rwwencore: there's a spanish-language channel I can give you too, if portugese doesn't work for you.20:56
darrenHi its been a while since i have ben in here. Was wondering if any one could help, i would like to write a few commands in open office and when i click on it it will execute all the commands in the console. Is that possible and how do i do it20:56
_DELhoneybee0165, try 'pushd ~/Desktop' and it should put you there, popd will return to shell20:56
honeybee0615I used Capital D and still nothing20:56
ArcSighter1honeybee0615: I don't know how is that possible ufff20:56
encorethat's good!...goodbye20:56
_Whipperdave_: intel s**ks no matter what..20:56
honeybee0615ok wait20:57
_Whipperdave_: im just saying, that most likely itll run, but not very good..20:57
honeybee0615now it just went to another line, but added to the user name line it says desktop20:57
B419kidjenna^^1: hello20:57
honeybee0615is it there now?20:57
honeybee0615and why do you have to be on desktop?20:57
kristian2LjL : i've burned a data dvd with brasero, brasero's verification fails. so i make a md5sum file for ~/temp/ which contains the data written to disc, and then i copy .checksum.md5 file from disc to the same dir and use "diff file1 file2" and get a long list...20:57
_DELits at desktop now20:57
ArcSighter1honeybee0615: I'm giving up with you man20:57
enndyPlease Help me.... I have a HP Pavilion dv6000 and I have microphone problems. The audio works but the mic does't work.20:57
calcthe problem with the intel drivers are they are constantly in flux, intel seems to drive all the Xorg dev work for new features and uses its driver as the test bed for those changes20:58
cemcwhere is the option for removing stuff without putting it in the Trash in gnome ?20:58
LjLkristian2: you need to sort them first, or they'd likely be in a different order20:58
honeybee0615like I said I am ne20:58
LjLkristian2: use "sort" for that20:58
honeybee0615I put the cd ~/Desktop in to terminal and it said no file or directory20:58
rwwcemc: There's an option in the Preferences window for GNOME File Browser. I'm not using GNOME right now, so I don't remember what exactly it's called20:58
calcthe intel drivers will probably be significantly better by the end of the year now that KMS is finally in a standard kernel20:58
jenna^^1B419kid: gparted for usb should fit on a 256 flash drive20:58
dave_calc: KMS?20:59
calcdave_: kernel mode settings20:59
cemcrww: got it, thanks20:59
vixeyI have got mac os on one partition and nothing on the other, is it possible to install ubuntu on the other without burning a new CD?20:59
calcdave_: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=search&q=kernel+mode-setting20:59
ArcSighter1honeybee0615: because you've copied the track there lol20:59
daftykinswhat gets printed when you type "pwd" honeybee0615 ?20:59
B419kidjenna^^1: :0 :).... cool.... then i just download it and move it to my usb/ if so how do i boot from it>21:00
calcdave_: its been in development for about 2 years21:00
dave_I haven't used linux on a desktop for about 5 years, I'm way out of the loop :)21:00
jenna^^1B419kid: just follow the instructions at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/liveusb.php21:00
enndyPlease Help me.... I have a HP Pavilion dv6000 and I have microphone problems. The audio works but the mic does't work21:01
B419kidtks :)21:01
kristian2LjL : im going to try to explain it better, my english isn't too good. im doing "diff /media/cdrom0/.checksum.md5 list1.txt | less", where list1.txt came from "find  .  -type f   2>/dev/null  -exec md5sum {} \; >list1.txt" which i executed in the dir on my hdd where the burnt data came from. i use "| less" because i get a huge list, many files. but i dont get some kind of summary...21:01
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ArcSighter1honeybee0615: not get offended, but besides getting a linux manual, you should check http://lame.sourceforge.net/using.php21:01
calcdave_: yes linux has made a huge improvement on the desktop in the past 5 years :)21:01
LjLkristian2: yes, BEFORE the diff, you need to SORT the two lists21:01
B419kidjenna^^1: thanks a lot.21:02
jenna^^1B419kid: np21:02
honeybee0615pwd says /home/honeybee----/21:02
dave_Definitely - 8.10 was a breeze to install.  Everything works, its just that the video performance sucks a lot compared to the same chip on windows / os x21:02
honeybee0615and yes have been thinking to get linux manual trust me21:02
honeybee0615thank you for trying to help though21:02
daftykinsis this normal ubuntu honeybee0615 ?21:03
dave_Might be more down to the low power cpu, but flash doesn't work too great either21:03
daftykinsi see some problems with mp3 playback on the phone honeybee061521:03
daftykinsbut only strange ones, it seems you're meant to put music on by using some windows software?21:03
daftykinsas it's an LG phone21:03
kalidarhey guys im downloading enemy terratory for linux and its a .run file am i gona need stuff to install it or should i just stop downloading it rite now?21:04
kristian2LjL : so i do "sort list1.txt /media/cdrom0/.checksum.md5" and then "diff /media/cdrom0/.checksum.md5 list1.txt | less", and still i get a huge file with no summary.21:04
bruenigkalidar: should be fine, might have dependencies, it should tel you21:04
daftykins.run is a bash script usually lakidar21:04
LjLkristian2: sigh. no.21:04
kalidarok so i just run21:04
kalidarand hope for the best?21:04
bruenig.run is a .bin, not a bash script usually21:04
kalidardo i put it in my /bin folder then?21:04
kalidaror is it kinda like how a exe works for windows21:05
LjLkristian2: sort list1.txt >list1.txt.sorted  ;  sort /media/cdrom0/.checksum.md5 >list2.txt.sorted  ;  diff list1.txt.sorted list2.txt.sorted | less21:05
jenna^^1naw, just ./*run21:05
Mike94287For some reason I can't open GIMP, when I try to open it I see starting GIMP on my taskbar but then that goes away and GIMP doesn't open. I tried uninstalling then re-installing it and the problem is still happening.21:05
kalidaraww ok thanks jenna21:05
wallunitWhat is the name of the package for the c manpages?21:05
calcdave_: well yes netbook cpu is quite slow, but if you are comparing linux to windows on the same systen there might be graphics driver issues, i'm not certain21:05
kalidaroh does anyone know how to get .net framework working with wine? i need it to instal a windows program21:05
bruenigMike94287: openn a terminal and type 'gimp'21:06
calcdave_: comparing a linux netbook with gma950 to a windows laptop with gma950 the netbook will a LOT slower, its probably equal to a laptop cpu from ~ 10 years ago21:06
honeybee0615this is ubuntu 8.1021:06
rwwkalidar: ask in #winehq21:06
daftykinsyou should be able to type "cd Desktop" with capital "D" and no speech marks into terminal honeybee061521:06
kalidari tryed lol theirs nobudy their21:06
kalidarthanks tho21:06
honeybee0615what is the prob with playback on the phone?21:06
rwwkalidar: there are 204 people there :/21:06
kalidarnobudy answers ever21:07
bobbob1016Anyone know how I can get symlinks too work over sshfs, short of mounting all the dirs myself?21:07
kalidari tryed half the morning lol21:07
daftykinshttp://www.lgcommunity.com/Forums/tabid/55/aff/6/aft/1218/afv/topic/Default.aspx this one honeybee0615 , seemed totally unrelated though21:07
Soul_ReaverI have a problem with starting a server with the Last Man Standing Coop mod for Doom 3 that has to do with the gamex86.so and libstd.so.5 file if anyone can help that'd be much appreciated.21:07
HammerHead66bruenig: ty that was a good program21:07
dave_I may put windows on this machine just to try it out and compare properly, but ubuntu feels a lot more like home (OS X) than XP does21:07
achilleshello my sound system stuck sometimes, but I kill /usr/lib/gnome-applets/mixer_applet2 and a message appears to reload , when I reload everything returns well, can anybody help me please tracking the problem ?21:07
dave_compiz runs well enough to be useful21:07
o2oI installed madwifi-tools and tried "wlanconfig wlan0 destroy" but it says "wlanconfig: ioctl: Operation not supported" :(21:07
PhotoJimo2o: did you try sudo wlanconfig... ?21:08
kristian2LjL : still doesn't give me a summary of the md5sum check. and the files are not ordered/sorted. :-/ sorry, im a nab.21:08
_DELis there a command that i can type into terminal to find out what wireless driver i am using?21:08
Mike94287bruenig: GIMP opened correctly when I did that, however it still won't open when I try it from the applications menu. I also got this error in terminal: /usr/local/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/print: error while loading shared libraries: libgimpprint.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory21:08
Mike94287(gimp:10643): LibGimpBase-WARNING **: gimp: wire_read(): error21:08
o2oPhotoJim: I'm logged in as su21:08
achilles_DEL, lspci21:08
PhotoJimo2o: well, it was worth asking. :)21:08
Soul_ReaverWhen I start up LMS it gives me this error dlopen '/root/.doom3/lms4/gamex86.so' failed: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared no such file or directory.21:08
=== sysadmin is now known as suroegin
honeybee0615funny i actually know why that is happening!!!  of course that is itunes with windows21:09
LjLkristian2: then there is something different in the two lists21:09
LjLkristian2: if they had been the same, it would have said so21:09
honeybee0615i have to leave pc for about 20 min I will be back if you are here thank you for all your ideas and help21:10
Comrade-Sergeii keep getting ERROR: Unable to open rules file: ./snort.conf or ./snort.conf  why?21:10
bruenigMike94287: does it all work though?21:10
Mike94287bruenig: Yes, but one thing I did notice was that a working table window didn't open automatically.21:11
_DELachilles, lspci is telling me the hardware, I am needing the information to setup kismet.conf21:11
suroeginhi all21:12
bruenigMike94287: minor inconvenience, anyways, fixed21:12
suroeginthe best torrent client?21:12
bruenigsuroegin: rtorrent21:12
JesprHammerHead66: So I tried a second time with what I believe to be a 32bit installation cd. and Still I get that error21:13
JesprAndy other suggestions?21:13
kristian2LjL : yes, found something... list1.txt.sorted contains: "< 6530c6fd63f893c618715a8ea97b20a9  ./list1.txt" which the list2.txt.sorted from disc doesn't. how did that end up in the checksum file when i did: "find  .  -type f   2>/dev/null  -exec md5sum {} \; >list1.txt"21:13
_DELachilles, you know where i can get that?  source=sourcetype,interface,name21:13
|WolF1I was runing some regular update and after reboot my screen went to hell! i got some twisted picture... is it possible to run installed ubuntu in some safe grafic mode, so i could try to fix the grafic ore something???21:14
LjLkristian2: because you told it to find in "." (the current directory), and you also saved the file "list1.txt" in the same directory, so "find" found it.21:14
bruenig|WolF1: why not just strip the splash altogether21:14
|WolF1bruenig: i don't know what is that but please tell me how and i will do it :D21:15
bruenig|WolF1: I mean, just have no graphic, you will get all of the text rolling by but you will be able to see some progress and such if that is your purpose21:15
B419kidif gparted is going really slow, estimated 28 min remaining @ just started is that it or my internet?21:15
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bruenigB419kid: gparted doesn't use the internet of course21:16
kristian2LjL : yes but i have to use "." because i need the dirs. but i could write list1.txt to another dir, would that be like this:? "find  .  -type f   2>/dev/null  -exec md5sum {} \; >~/list1.txt"?21:16
B419kidbruenig: wow, that's not the point i meant the download speed21:16
B419kidbruenig: like file big or internet slow21:16
|WolF1bruenig: i don't think i get you very well. my purpose is to fix my ubuntu desktop to can work on it, now is some twisted line grafics ...21:16
LjLkristian2: err, or you could just manually delete that line from list1.txt...21:17
LjLkristian2: also, if you're willing to do everything again from scratch, then just use md5deep21:17
bruenig|WolF1: but the graphic problem is just the little boot graphic right?21:17
LjL!info md5deep | kristian221:17
ubottukristian2: md5deep (source: md5deep): enhanced message digest calculator. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.12-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 107 kB, installed size 280 kB21:17
kristian2LjL : will check it. :-)21:17
bluenzo^nixi removd my bottom panel, how do I add it back again?21:18
|WolF1bruenig: the problem starts since the login screen appears and further when i login too picture is twisted21:18
rwwbluenzo^nix: right-click another panel and click New Panel21:18
bruenig|WolF1: oh I see, your initial question was unclear. You must have problems with your X configuration21:18
bruenig|WolF1: not sure how ubuntu is dealing with that these days, you could edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf though21:18
_DELis there a room that i can go to to get help with kismet?21:18
bruenig_DEL: called channels, and #kismet21:19
docidanybody here used jack/jack rack/patchage to route system audio through jack rack? im trying to figgure out how to use wildcards in jack.plumbing it says 'regular expressions' but i cant seem to get it to work, Banshee spans a new connect to the audio server every time it changes track, so i gotta rewire in patchage after every track in order to keep sound goin....any ideas?21:19
_DELbruenig, sry, and tnx21:19
|WolF1bruenig:  i don't have a clue idea what happened, but after normal ubuntu update the picture went to hell21:19
bluenzo^nixrww thanks21:19
bruenig|WolF1: what updated21:20
JesprAlright. So I've been installing Ubuntu server 32 bit on my intel laptop, but on first boot I get the error: kernel not appropriate for your CPU21:20
JesprWhat is wrong?21:20
bluenzo^nixrww: how do I make the new panel show my current windows? like a task bar21:20
|WolF1bruenig: dunno it showed it has update from ubuntu21:20
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rwwbluenzo^nix: right-click it, click add to panel, then click the relevant applet. I think it's called "Window List" or something.21:21
bruenig|WolF1: what packages were updated21:21
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|WolF1bruenig: i don't know ... :(21:22
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dwaynefortmancan someon help me?21:22
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bruenig|WolF1: well, dpkg has logs probably, you should figure that out, see if anyone knows if there are logs21:22
docidif you dont ask your question than no, nobody can help you dwaynefortman21:22
dwaynefortmanDoes anyone know how to install windows back?21:22
|WolF1bruenig: how to find those logs?21:22
bruenigdwaynefortman: put your install cd in, reboot21:23
Comrade-Sergeii keep getting ERROR: Unable to open rules file: ./snort.conf or ./snort.conf  why?21:23
docidwindows back? backoffice?21:23
bruenig|WolF1: don't know21:23
pymikehey, is it possible to install packages for jaunty on intrepid? namely this one http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/gobby21:23
dwaynefortmanThe install cd will not work, it says that the system is not compatibale21:23
bluenzo^nixoh thanks rww21:23
dwaynefortmanThis only happned after i installed ubuntu21:23
bruenigdwaynefortman: how did you install it to begin with?21:23
jenna^^1less /var/log/dpkg.log21:23
dociddwaynefortman, you have an upgrade olny cd?21:23
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dwaynefortmanI over wrote everything by accident21:23
_DELdwanefortman, you need to reformat your drive to NTFS21:23
gharzguys, how do i install PEAR for php? i've read from their website that php 4.x+ has php application manager installed... does ubuntu ibex have? i want to install this... LAMP stack is already running on my machine21:24
bruenigdwaynefortman: oh what you have is a recovery cd that utilizes a backup partition that you deleted21:24
rwwpymike: It's probably possible, but it can break things, and isn't supported in this channel.21:24
dwaynefortmanWith gparted?21:24
bruenigdwaynefortman: you need a full recovery disk21:24
docidburn the blasphemer _DEL21:24
dwaynefortmanwhere will i get a full recovery disck21:24
bruenigdwaynefortman: i.e. go get another windows install cd21:24
pymikerww: okay, thanks. hmm. I'm screwed21:24
dwaynefortmanI have 3 of them21:24
dwaynefortmanthe will not work21:24
bruenigdwaynefortman: I mean a real one, not some OEM garbage21:24
dwaynefortmanI do21:25
dwaynefortmanI have every os21:25
bruenigI don't believe you21:25
jenna^^1sudo apt-get install php-pear21:25
dwaynefortmanthey wont work21:25
linxeh"every" os?21:25
dwaynefortmanevery windows and mac os21:25
dwaynefortmanincludin 3.121:25
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:25
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PhotoJimdwaynefortman: this is an Ubuntu support channel.  You'd have to speak to people who support Windows.21:25
|WolF1bruenig: http://paste.ubuntu.com/138541/ here is the log from today21:25
_DELdocid, ever since i deleted my window$ partition, i havent had as many probs with my computer21:25
rwwThere's also ##windows...21:26
TheFunkbombhello.  I'm wondering if anyone can help me split a folder up in terminal21:26
dwaynefortmanWhat do you mean?        Ubuntu support should know this, considering the fact that they put in the option USE ENTIRE disk.21:26
bruenig|WolF1: what version are you using? how are you on 2.6.2421:26
TheFunkbombI have a folder with nearly 70k images.  Nautilus freezes when I try to open it.  I'm trying to use terminal to split the folder into more manageable pieces21:26
dwaynefortmanIt over wrote the master boot sector21:26
|WolF1bruenig:  8.0421:26
LjLdwaynefortman: can you ask again your question in one line for me please? i'm getting a bit lost over the scattering21:27
_Whipperdwaynefortman: who are you talking to?21:27
docid_DEL, yeah, big surprise there...lol...i just read 'reformat as NTFS' and my heresy sense started buzzing21:27
PhotoJimdwaynefortman: yep, that would be the entire disk.  if you erase an existing installation including the rescue partition, you will have problems no matter what OS you installed.21:27
|WolF1bruenig:  is it possible to roll back todays updates?21:27
bruenig|WolF1: don't think so21:28
docid|WolF1, is todays update nasty? i still have my lil red arrow floatin at the bottom of the screen21:28
bruenigdocid: he is using 8.0421:28
docidlol, doh21:28
dwaynefortmanI installed Ubuntu 8.10 Over my windows partion.        Now I can not install windows because it over wrote the partion and the master boot sector.   NO windows D works because the boot sector was over written by GRub       How do i install Windows over Ubuntu?21:29
Comrade-Sergeii keep getting ERROR: Unable to open rules file: ./snort.conf or ./snort.conf  why?21:29
|WolF1bruenig:  how to load safe grafic mode ?21:29
B419kidif in my network configurations and there is no wired connection while ethernet is in what does that mean?21:29
jenna^^1TheFunkbomb: are the images already organized in some sort of fasion( date in name, or somthing similar)?21:29
LjLdwaynefortman: the Windows install disk doesn't care what is in the MBR or any partition. it should install fine.21:29
PhotoJimdwaynefortman: when I installed Ubuntu on my desktop, grub put an entry for my install partition in the boot list, as well as an entry for the Windows partition.  so if you haven't selected "use entire disk", you'd be ok.21:30
TheFunkbombjenna^^1, they're all labeled stuff like 000575860.png but there is no order to them21:30
dwaynefortmanIt says that the system is not compatiable21:30
|WolF1dwaynefortman:  grub gives you option to load windows21:30
dwaynefortmanAfter i installed Ubuntu21:30
bluenzo^nixu may need to format it21:30
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bluenzo^nixso its NTFS21:30
LjLdwaynefortman: then that's a problem with your Windows install disk. perhaps you have got a 64-bit Windows and a 32-bit system?21:30
dwaynefortmani did21:30
bluenzo^nixwindows is having that problem with me too...im not sure why21:30
dwaynefortmanI installed it fin befor21:30
LjLdwaynefortman: anyway, it's a question for ##windows, as it's definitely a problem with Windows21:30
bluenzo^nixwindows installs fine when its by itself on a whole new disk...but if its on a partition and another OS occupies another partition...it doesnt wanna install21:31
bluenzo^nixfor me tho lol21:31
dwaynefortmanYa but Windows does not the Linux as much as linux does21:31
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dwaynefortmanThis question cant be ansered by Windows user21:31
LjLdwaynefortman: have you tried at all?21:31
B419kidHow do I setup ethernet on ubuntu? nothing showing up in wired tabe21:31
dwaynefortmanI have on several foums but no luck yet21:32
PhotoJimdwaynefortman: you may need to get install CDs from your computer manufacturer.  either that, or find someone local that's experienced with dual booting, and see if they can help you.  very difficult to fix over IRC.21:32
pcfreak30hey, um i am having issues networking ubuntu and wincrap xp together for print and  file sharing21:32
LjLdwaynefortman: this is not a Linux problem. if your Windows refuses to install because there's another OS installed (although that never happened to me), that's to do with the Windows installer logic.21:32
pcfreak30ubuntu can see its own shares21:32
istvani'm having a problem. i am using an install cd to install ubuntu 8.10 (done it prob. 75-100 times before) but this time with a new graphics card. the 9800gx2 and also a new hard drive the 7200.11 - but while the install is running if i open firefox or the computer goes to sleep i get a message saying that the display manager has failed 6 times in 90 secs21:32
|WolF1bruenig: is it possible to put some safe grafic mode on installed ubuntu ?21:32
TheFunkbombI wish I could just use a command in terminal that says "Move 50mb from this folder to that folder"21:32
pcfreak30but no win shares21:32
istvanso my question is why does this happen? i can't get thru a full install without it failing on me!21:33
bruenig|WolF1: don't know, ask someone else. I really only answer GNU/Linux questions to be honest21:33
dwaynefortmanI dont want to dual boot..............  I installed it OVER windows                         Windows likes to be the Primary Partion,           but it isnt    its knowwhere to be found       Windows is compltly wiped from the system21:33
jenna^^1TheFunkbomb: any sort of similarity could be used to split them up, but if there truly is no similarity, you could script it in a language like python21:33
PhotoJimTheFunkbomb: if there were such a command, it would be deadly.  moving files arbitrarily can cause a lot of damage.21:33
Barriduspcfreak sudo apt-get smbfs21:33
pcfreak30when i go to work groups on windows it says it can access it with bad permissions or something21:33
pcfreak30done it21:33
LjLdwaynefortman: please, do ask in ##windows.21:33
|WolF1well any one can tell me how to run safe grafics mode on installed ubuntu 8.04?21:33
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents21:33
dwaynefortmanthanx anyways21:33
pcfreak30is there any special settig21:34
bruenigTheFunkbomb: by folder I assume you mean directory, by move you mean what exactly? You recognize that the whole directory-file setup is just an abstraction layer. What you really have is inodes and a disk21:34
bluenzo^nixrww: are you there?21:34
TheFunkbombjenna^^1, this is how it is.  One file is called 000575800.png.  The next one might be called 000576200.png21:34
pcfreak30cause i have smbsf21:34
rwwbluenzo^nix: hi21:34
bluenzo^nixrww: Is there a way to align-left or align-right my applet? Its centered21:34
pcfreak30but they still dont see each other21:34
rwwbluenzo^nix: there's a little handle at the left side of it. right-click it, click Move, and put it where you want it21:34
bluenzo^nixeh i dont see a handle just my xchat button lol21:35
pcfreak30bluenzo: if it is html u mean then "align='left'" or right in the applet/embed tag21:35
rwwbluenzo^nix: Depending on your theme, it might be difficult to see. Try right-clicking just to the left of the applet.21:35
j-b-rSo is there nothing I can do if I have an application compiled with libc5?21:35
bluenzo^nixnot html sorry21:35
Petengyhi to all21:35
TheFunkbombis there at least anyway to batch move files?  Like if I had 6 files.  A,B,D,H,O and V.  Is there any way I could say mv A-V to /home/name/Desktop/folder21:36
PetengyI just installed firefox 3.2 from synaptic, but no icons were installed, how to start it ???21:36
ron2010i need help with setting up gnome Art manager21:36
bluenzo^nixu said left click, right click worked21:36
ron2010can anybody help21:36
bluenzo^nixerm u said right click, let clicked worked21:36
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bluenzo^nixty i disabled theme lol21:36
linxehhow can I get my TNT2 m64 card to work with Ubuntu 8.10 ?21:37
BarridusPetengy, alt-f2 then enter firefox?21:37
zimnyxWhat text do you see on this website? (result depends on IP range)21:37
j-b-rlinxeh: You can't21:37
j-b-rlinxeh: Use hardy21:37
guntbertbiglinux: no advertising here please21:37
ron2010can anybody help with this?21:37
|WolF1How to check what display adapter i have ?21:37
B419kidwired network says device is unmanaged- how do i get my ethernet to work?21:37
j-b-rlinxeh: I had the same problem. They dropped support for the legacy set of drivers in 8.1021:37
rwwPetengy: firefox 3.2 isn't in Synaptic, partially because it doesn't exist.21:37
PetengyBarridus: you are totaly right. TnX a lot for helping21:37
bluenzo^nixCan someone tell me the name of the applet that has the boxes for each desktop?21:37
j-b-rSo is there anything I can do to run a program compiled with libc5?21:38
linxehj-b-r: that's crap :(21:38
docidTheFunkbomb, you could put your file names into a text file and the aw them to the mv commans in a while loop.....but theres most likely a much easier way21:38
BarridusPetengy, or go to system -> prefs -> main menu, then add a menu entry somewhere that runs the "firefox" command21:38
docidTheFunkbomb, aw=awk21:38
B419kidwired network says device is unmanaged- how do i get my ethernet to work?21:38
Petengyrww: I'm just using it now ....21:38
TheFunkbombdocid, yeah, that's greek to me lol21:38
j-b-rlinxeh: Well, after I downgraded to use it, I saw how bad the card really is21:38
Barridusthen you'll have an icon in the menu for firefox, and then can right click it and add to panel, desktop, etc21:38
PetengyBarridus: TnX again21:38
j-b-rI can't do crap with it21:38
Barridusyw :)21:38
docidTheFunkbomb, whoops, thought i was still in #bash21:38
j-b-rI wanted comppiz and such21:39
pcfreak30ok heres is the summary of my issue: have samba samba-doc and smbfs. ubuntu can see its self. wincrap can see it self. they cant see each other. when accessing on xp get work group access/permissions error. says contact the admin = me. ubuntu doent even show xp pc. btw this is a home network. on v. 8.1021:39
rwwbluenzo^nix: Workspace something or other, I think?21:39
bluenzo^nixrww: Can you tell me the name of the applet that shows boxes for each of my desktops?21:39
B419kidwired network says device is unmanaged- how do i get my ethernet to work?21:39
bluenzo^nixsorry didnt see your msg21:39
Barriduspcfreak - i do know that xp won't see ubuntu if the full samba package is not configured21:39
docidj-b-r, i dunt think that a TNT2 has the oomph to run compiz21:40
guntbertpcfreak30: my guess: XP firewall to blame21:40
bluenzo^nixrww: thanks21:40
Barriduspcfreak30 - but smbfs (samba file system21:40
rwwB419kid: unmanaged usually means that you put stuff in /etc/network/interfaces for the interface21:40
B419kidbluenzo^nix: its built into intrepid21:40
j-b-rdocid: It doesn't21:40
PhotoJimmy ISP has decided to mirror the Ubuntu repositories for its customers.  any quick answer for the best way to do so, # of platforms available and the size?21:40
j-b-rIt didn't work21:40
B419kidrww: how do i fix that?21:40
Barriduspcfreak30 - but smbfs (samba file system) should be all you need for ubuntu to see windows shares21:40
j-b-rSo I went through the hassle for next to nothing21:40
ron2010am i asking the wrong question or wrong way?21:40
j-b-rAt least hardy is LTS...21:40
rwwB419kid: If you want to control your ethernet with interfaces, ignore it. If you want to use NM, take out the lines in interfaces...21:41
AyBayBayAny Way To Create Custom Commands For The Bin Folder, Like Similar Ones21:41
Barriduspcfreak have you tried places -> connect to server -21:41
Barridusgoddamnit i keep hitting enter XD21:41
j-b-rron2010: what is your problem? I don't even see it anywhere, just "Can anybody help?"21:41
pcfreak30i am not even sure if it even knows its there (xp)21:41
pcfreak30and i am using SWAT mostly to configure ity (actually got it going thanks to ubuntu community docs/wiki)21:42
Barriduspcfreak have you tried places -> connect to server -> selecting windows share, then entering the IP of the windows machine, username, etc (you can skip 'domain' if you're not on one)21:42
B419kidrww: if it is controled how do i use it?21:42
guntbertAyBayBay: I don't understand your problem21:42
pcfreak30not domnain, but workgroup21:42
JayjaxHOW do you stop KDE progz from OPENING up full screen?21:43
rwwB419kid: "unmanaged" doesn't mean "broken", it means "NM is not in charge of managing this device"21:43
Barriduspcfreak30, yeah so you can ignore that domain part.  have you tried using that connect to server thing?21:43
strang3rhello, i am having some problems with network manager can anyone help?21:43
AyBayBayLike ls & The Other Commands. I Have A Custom Commands. But When I Chucked the .sh file in /bin/ it wouldnt run from Terminal21:43
el_ninohi! can someone recommend me an audio player for ubuntu? i have tried amarok but its to heavy for me.21:43
pcfreak30ddoing it now21:43
guntbert!ask | strang3r21:43
ubottustrang3r: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:43
lighttitanI <3 Linux :) I went back to windows for a day, tried to play a game made for windoze and after about 10 crashes I went back to Ubuntu, installed it on Cedega and no crashes after hours of playing.21:43
B419kidrww: well i dont know which program is controlling it so how do i undo21:43
Barridusworkgroups have no security so it doesn't matter what you pick21:44
rww!media | el_nino21:44
ubottuel_nino: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs21:44
JayjaxFor instance, korganizer and a kfeed reader open up FULL screen and you cant get out without shutting it down21:44
bluenzo^nixrww: I cant find the handle for the workspace switchbar :(21:44
rwwB419kid: take the lines you put in /etc/network/interfaces out of /etc/network/interfaces, I assume.21:44
JayjaxCan anyone help me21:44
rwwbluenzo^nix: it doesn't have one. Just right-click the applet itself.21:44
B419kidrww: where can i find that directory through interface?21:44
el_ninoubottu, anyone of them u can recommend? :)21:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:44
* rww sighs21:44
guntbertlighttitan: nice, but still off topic here :-))21:44
strang3rdesktop system needs to have network-manager installed on it but has no connectivity with out it, ideas?21:44
pcfreak30Failed to retrieve share list from server21:44
bluenzo^nixoh im stupid thanks rww21:45
BarridusJayjax, try #kubuntu21:45
pcfreak30rthats what i got from both sides21:45
linxehj-b-r: I just want to display X at 1280x1024 like I can on other distros :/21:45
JayjaxHow do you stop KDE programs from opening up FULL SCREEN (the only way to get out is exit)21:45
pcfreak30only diff is xp has no shares that i know of'21:45
lighttitanguntbert: how is it off topic really? It is Ubuntu related and this is #ubuntu21:45
rwwB419kid: "sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces" or "gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces", and remove the lines related to the interface you want NM to manage21:45
jenna^^1AyBayBay: well you could mv Command.sh command; then put #!/usr/bin/bash in beginning of file; chmod +x command; sudo cp command /bin21:45
rwwbluenzo^nix: I wasn't sighing at you ;)21:45
linxehj-b-r: trying to reuse an old, nearly silent machine (the TNT2 was passively cooled etc)21:45
Barriduspcfreak30, i should have asked this earlier but can a 2nd windows box access the shares on that machine?21:45
B419kidrww: my brother may have added it so how do i know which lines?21:45
JayjaxIt only does it for a select few programns and im not sure its even a kde problem by the way im running ubuntu21:46
guntbertlighttitan: this is the ubuntu *support* channel - chatter in #ubuntu-offtopic please :-)21:46
rwwB419kid: open it up and copy the whole file to pastebin. I'll figure it out for you.21:46
jumar_Jayjax, check out the manual pages of the software you mentioned, there must be something for windowed mode21:46
j-b-rlinxeh: Well, in order to get that I had to use 8.04.21:46
AyBayBayOo :L I Need to add that Lime to the top. Makes Sense.21:46
B419kidrww: thanks :)21:46
Jayjaxlike Korganizor21:46
jumar_yes, write in terminal man Korganizer21:46
lighttitanguntbert: ah, I always came here for help, but I didn't realize it was a "help only" channel. Thanks for letting me know about the other one.21:46
jenna^^1AyBayBay: plus make it executeable21:46
Jayjaxthey open up full screen21:46
|WolF1bruenig: i have question for u:) my etc/X11/xorg.conf is empty, and i have via Chrome9 HC IGP. what should i put in xorg.conf?21:46
Jayjaxi like akergator21:47
guntbertlighttitan: have fun :)21:47
jumar_there must be  a start coide for it Jayjax21:47
TheFunkbombI wish I could find a way....21:47
Jayjaxjumar_: what do you mean21:47
jumar_if you run that you can define, how big the windowed mode should be21:47
mechanic_hey need some help, my sound stopped working in intrepid... something i can download or type in the terminal to reconfigure everything?21:47
AyBayBayIm A Bit Of A Linux Begginner21:47
strang3rintrepid system connected to a lan needs to get network-manager installed on it, with out it there is no internet connectivity, is it possible to set up a manual connection (static) for the purposes of allowing apt-get to do the install??21:47
JayjaxIt fill the entire screen cant see my panels jumar21:48
jumar_Jayjax, i mean you open a terminal or a konsole window, and type man korganizer21:48
B419kidrww: how do i send u a private message in xchat?21:48
aciculastrang3r: yes in /etc/network/interfaces, man interfaces for more info21:48
aciculaor just do ifconfig eth0 <your ip>21:48
aciculaandd add a route21:48
strang3radd a route?21:48
rwwB419kid: You'd use /msg USERNAME message goes here21:48
jumar_it doesn't start the software, you can get infoo about it in terminal21:48
mechanic_need help with sound problems!21:49
acicularoute add default gw <your router ip> && cat <dns-server-ip> /etc/resolve/conf21:49
bluenzo^nixIs there a way to upgrade network drivers or something? Im losing 1mb/s in download speed, compared to windows21:49
Jayjaxjumar_: it worked but why do u have to do that21:49
aciculaer resolve.conf21:49
jenna^^1!alsa > strang3r21:49
ubottustrang3r, please see my private message21:49
AyBayBayIm Getting An Error21:49
AyBayBay/bin/wifiuse.sh: /usr/bin/bash: bad interpreter: No such file or directory21:49
jumar_i dont know, i just always check out the man pages first, before running the program to avoid things like fullscreen21:49
jenna^^1AyBayBay: whereis bash21:50
aciculaAyBayBay: bad script, bash sits in /bin21:50
jorge_de donde eres21:50
Jayjaxman pages?21:50
aciculaman man21:50
hateball!es | jorge_21:50
ubottujorge_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:50
Jayjaxwhats man21:50
jorge_yes haw are you21:50
linxehj-b-r: ah well, I might as well order a new atom mini PC then I guess :)21:50
jumar_Jayjax, manula pages gives you info about the backgroung of a program, you gotta use that if you got problems, and you dont even have to be online21:51
jorge_my name giorgio21:51
angasule_gah, what did you do to x-chat :/21:51
mechanic_...can anyone help me with a sound problem?21:51
AyBayBayWorks.. Thanks :D21:51
angasule_it won't work unless LANG=C, and the nicklist is gone21:51
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash21:51
B419kidiface lo inet loopback21:51
B419kidauto eth121:51
B419kidiface eth0 inet static21:51
B419kid        address
B419kid        netmask
j-b-rlinxeh: Hardy isn't so bad, really21:51
FloodBot2B419kid: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:51
B419kid        broadcast
jumar_man is manual pages21:51
B419kidrww: sorry21:52
rww!pastebin | B419kid21:52
ubottuB419kid: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)21:52
B419kidi know i know21:52
linxehj-b-r: oh sure, I've got plenty of boxes with hardy installed :)21:52
mechanic_FUK THIS PLACE, ill just reinstall ubuntu --thanks for the help!!21:52
bluenzo^nixIs there a way to upgrade network drivers or something? Im losing 1mb/s in download speed, compared to windows21:52
linxehj-b-r: I was after gutsy because its easier for the dev work I want to do21:52
hacker07Can Someone help me with crossover 7.1.021:52
docidanybody have Asus Marvell gbit lan controler just decide it wants to quit passing traffic, as of about a month ago, the interface shows up, but it wont pass traffic and will not recieve an address from dhcp, tryed from network manager and from terminal.....is this a known issue that anybody has experenced and possible fixed?21:53
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:53
B419kidrww: http://paste.ubuntu.com/138558/21:53
guntbertJayjax: you can get a manual for most programs by typing "man <nameOfprogram", you leave the reader with"q"21:53
aciculaB419kid: is there a question attached to that pastebin?21:53
hacker07can  someone help me21:53
rwwacicula: Yes, there is.21:53
Jayjaxjumar_" the terminal trick does not work for akregator but for some reason it was not spanning full screen like that yesterday21:53
JayjaxHas anyone installed netbeans 6.521:54
hacker07whats that21:54
odinsbaneDoes anybody know the lifetime of an lts ubuntu server version?21:54
jumar_Jayjax, open a terminal again, and type "man akregator" itt will give you information21:54
aciculaJayjax: yup i have, just drop it in a directory and start it up21:54
guntbert!welcome | hacker0721:54
ubottuhacker07: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.21:54
rwwB419kid: Well, you have two options. You can change "auto eth1" to "auto eth0", and Ubuntu will automatically bring up your ethernet interface without NetworkManager's help. Or, remove everything except the first two lines and NetworkManager will do it for you.21:54
B419kidacicula: i was getting help from rww... she was gona help me correct the problem with ethernet that file at the moment is preventing the system from controlling ethernet21:54
rww!lts | odinsbane21:54
ubottuodinsbane: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.21:54
jumar_select the option you need, and then you can type that into the command line so it will act as you want it to21:54
Jayjaxaciula: what do you mean?? you really got 6.5 to work are you sure you dont mean 6.021:55
acicularww: think he'll need to set dns too21:55
B419kidrww: which one will allow ubuntu to automatically detect ethernet?21:55
aciculaJayjax: no i mean 6.521:55
tq|Memphiswhere can i set my dns21:55
daftykins"/etc/resolv.conf" contains the DNS IPs21:55
daftykins@ tq|Memphis21:55
Ray187i have this private key generated on my windows partition using puttygen and i'm trying to use it in my ubuntu partition.  there's no passphrase but whenever i try to ssh in to my server, it asks for a passphrase.  how can i fix this?21:55
manu000000001hello everybody21:55
JayjaxI have been trying for weeks to get netbeans to work you have to CHMOD run this command do that all stuff i never done before21:55
tq|Memphisdaftykins , ty noted21:55
aciculaJayjax: heu, i just downloaded unpacked and started21:55
daftykinsno problemo21:55
manu000000001have been trying for weeks to get netbeans to work you have to CHMOD run this command do that all stuf21:56
JayjaxI dont understand how to install .sh files21:56
aciculaJayjax: paste your error on pastebin21:56
rwwB419kid: Does your network do DHCP? If so, I'd recommend just removing the stuff and letting NM handle it for you.21:56
Jayjaxaciula: Can you tell me how to do i get the program right now21:56
daftykinsJayjax, "chmod +x blah.ash && ./blah.sh"21:56
bluenzo^nixrww: Is there a way to upgrade network drivers or something? Im losing 1mb/s in download speed, compared to windows21:56
icerootJayjax: chmod +x shfile && ./shfile21:56
B419kidrww: no clue any way to figure out?21:56
rwwbluenzo^nix: no idea, mine worked fine so I never looked into it.21:56
solexious|netbkIf the minimum size of a window is smaller than my screen size it moves up or down every time I click it, any idea how to stop that?21:56
bluenzo^nixrww: k thx21:57
* daftykins high-fives iceroot 21:57
Ray187anyone know how to use a puttygen key on ubuntu?21:57
docidhrmmm, copypasta?21:57
Jayjaxiceroot i still dont understand.. dont you have to type in the directory21:57
jumar_Jayjax, also try in the terminal: akregator --help-all21:57
icerootJayjax: of course21:57
JayjaxSo what would it look like21:57
adaptrRay187: scp it into your ~/.ssh directory and append it to authorized_keys21:57
rwwB419kid: ask whoever set up your network?21:57
icerootJayjax: or you go into the dircetory21:57
kristian2LjL : im confused. :-P im going to start from scratch. i've burnt all directories/files in ~/temp to a dvd (data dvd) with brasero. i have disabled brasero verifying, but brasero makes a .checksum.md5 file on disc. now i need to compare the content of ~/temp and the dvd. what is the easiest way of doing this? :-)21:58
=== encore is now known as icebreacker
B419kidrww: lol :) any way to figure out or no?21:58
daftykinsJayjax, "chmod +x blah.sh" is allow the script to gain executable properties, then you run it by doing ./blah.sh , or /path/to/script/./blah.sh21:58
JayjaxSo I just put it in a folder called netbean open it up and i dont have to type directory21:58
LjLkristian2: the easiest is md5deep - it's probably not the shortest21:58
solexious|netbkIf the minimum size of a window is larger than my screen size it moves up or down every time I click it, any idea how to stop that?21:58
enndyI have audio problem.21:58
_DELwhen i use lsmod | grep ath , what am  looking for to find my driver?21:59
Jayjaxso like sudo ./netbean.sh will run it?21:59
=== Cueball|2 is now known as Cueball
rwwB419kid: Try commenting out the eth lines by putting # at the start of them, then restarting. If you're using dhcp, NM will figure it out. If not, we can go from there.21:59
UrsusssI'm looking for some help, if I don't annoy you.21:59
LjLJayjax: err, why can't you just get Netbeans from the repositories?21:59
jumar_what is it Ursusss?21:59
guntbert!ask | Ursusss21:59
ubottuUrsusss: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:59
=== Cueball is now known as Cueball|2
Dries1can anyone help me? i can't load ubuntu anymore because of something i tried to enable in compiz-settings-manager!!! now, i've loaded it from bootdisc.22:00
B419kidrww: can u specify which lines i am confused... sorry :/22:00
JayjaxLjl: because it is a older version and i can open new file I dont know why..  And also when I open new project it says cant find server.  Don't do that for windows22:00
rwwB419kid: The first two (the ones with lo in them) you need to keep. The rest (auto eth1 and below) you should add # to so it looks like http://paste.ubuntu.com/138562/22:01
rwwB419kid: ( putting # there is like deleting the lines, except it's easier to add them back if you need to later)22:01
JayjaxI use netbeans 6.5 in windows to edit javascript files all I do is go to open>new file wizard>other>javascript   and bam dont work on the one is repositories22:01
kristian2LjL : um ok, i've installed it and looked at manpage and tried finding a good guide on google, but i can't see how i can do my task. :-(22:01
kristian2LjL : i did this before asking again now.22:01
B419kidrww: put a "#" in front of each line?22:02
ron2010need help with setting up gnome-art eye candy for ubuntu22:02
rwwB419kid: yes, except the first two. like the pastebin link i just linked you to22:02
ron2010when i click on art manager nothing happends22:02
ron2010oops happens22:02
JayjaxIn the terminal can you type in  ............  sudo apt-get install netbeans6.5  instead of netbeans??22:03
LjLkristian2: md5deep -r -m checksumsfile.md5 ~/temp22:03
B419kidrww: how do i save?22:03
=== IVBela1 is now known as IVBela
LjLJayjax: no. intrepid only comes with 6.1. Jaunty, due to april 23, will come with 6.5 - or you may try requesting a backport22:04
LjL!backports > Jayjax    (Jayjax, see the private message from ubottu)22:04
UrsusssI had 4 partitions, and I used windows XP. On 2 partitions I had data. I wanted to create a new partition for xubuntu. But during partitioning a blue death of screen came, and my computer restarted. After than 2 partitions disappeared (on those I had my datas)...  Somebody suggested me to use gparted, and I can correct the problem. Could you specify how please? I have a Xubuntu live CD, and I use it now.22:04
Dries1@ron: try running it in the terminal to see what goes wrong22:04
B419kidrww: how do i save?22:04
eseven73speaking of all this md5 stuff can i cancel brasero making checksum image after i burn something? its annoying22:04
ron2010what's the command for thta driese122:04
rdzwill there be once a gtk version of firefox?22:04
rwwB419kid: if you're using nano, Ctrl-O, then enter, then Ctrl-X22:04
Jayjaxi got this error No manual entry for akregator22:04
JayjaxSee 'man 7 undocumented' for help when manual pages are not available.22:04
enndyI have audio problem22:05
B419kidrww: ok now should i test ethernet22:05
Dries1Ron: i;m not sure but if you rigth click on the prog and put a link on the desktop, u can see by right clicking in the desktop icon22:05
rwwB419kid: restart after changing the interfaces file22:05
rwwB419kid: then test it22:05
JayjaxLjl  What were those links you just gave me?22:05
Jayjaxwhat is backpots22:05
eseven73enndy: they'll need more info than "I have audio problem"22:05
LjLJayjax: information on how to request a backport.22:05
B419kidrww: ok brb... :)22:06
jenna^^1enndy: what sort of audio problem?22:06
LjLJayjax: yes, it ALSO explains what a backport is. read it.22:06
Jayjaxhow said they installed netbeans 6.522:06
jumar_Ursusss, check ot this wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TestDisk22:06
UrsusssOk, I check it, thanks!22:07
JayjaxAhh I hate typing into xchat everytime i do i hit some cmd or something and menue files will pop open messing up what im typing22:07
caini installed ubutu today and when i reboot it asks me for user name and password but i didnt have any22:07
JayjaxCan you find netbeans 6.5 in sysnaptic22:07
rwwcain: If you did either of the normal installation settings, you put one in during setup.22:07
jumar_cain, that is impossible that you dont have any22:07
_dark__is there any way to change resolv.conf permenantly? there are always two nameservers in there that are useless...22:07
^^Kilroyhi, i have a hdd out of a PVR/DVR type setup, the drive has come up with a Bad magic number in superblock. and says the backup superblocks are either missing or corrupt, any ideas to fix ?22:08
ron2010Dries1: when i right click on desktop nothing related to art-manager or gnome-art22:08
LjL_dark__: no because resolvconf (the package, not the file) and perhaps also network-manager rewrite it22:08
caini downloaded the ubunto iso file and installed from that22:08
irunongamesHelp: Update manager says i have a package22:08
irunongameswhat do i do?22:08
LjL_dark__: you can set nameservers somewhere else, though... i think /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf22:08
rwwcain: Then you put in a username and password during setup. If you forgot them, here's the lost-password link:22:08
rww!password | cain22:08
ubottucain: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords22:08
enndyjenna^^1... I have a HP pavilion dv600... before the only problem that I have was with the MICROPHONE... I search about my problem, and i found a few site... I type in the terminal a solution and right I night the audio is unable.  I can't listen the audio.22:09
B419kidrww: tks it worked22:09
=== sale_ is now known as sale
caini didnt put any in i never touched the keyboard during installation22:09
=== Mud|afk is now known as Mud|ZzZzZ
enndyjenna^^1... I have a HP pavilion dv600... before the only problem that I have was with the MICROPHONE... I search about my problem, and i found a few site... I type in the terminal a solution and now the audio is unable.  I can't listen the audio22:10
rwwcain: The install-from-Windows option asks you for a username and password before it restarts into setup. The normal install asks for one during setup.22:10
HammerHead66enndy: is it usb?22:10
ron2010driesl1: i went into system-> preference -> art manager and right click on art manager and added to desktop and click on the icon on my desktop22:10
eseven73!away > Mud|ZzZzZ22:10
ubottuMud|ZzZzZ, please see my private message22:10
jumar_cain, then probably you gotta repeat the installation22:10
Dries1I've got a compiz-settings-manager conflict, and now it won't get to the desktop to change it back. anyone got some idea's? i'm not real good with the terminal22:10
ron2010and after that i see a hour glass and it stops22:10
ron2010what is suppose to next?22:11
jenna^^1enndy: goto: #alsa22:11
jumar_Dries1, t5ry meatcity --replace in terminal22:11
enndyo.k. jenna thanks.22:11
cainyeah i used power iso to extract all the files to a folder and i installed right inside of windows22:11
Dries1ron: right click on the item to check the command-line22:11
jumar_sorry, try : metacity --replace22:11
Dries1ron: then insert it into the terminal22:11
=== jenna^^1 is now known as jenna^^
ron2010dries1: i don't see the command line22:12
Dries1thnx Jumar, i'll see what happens22:13
kristian2LjL : thanks for the command, it starts listing all dirs/files within ~/temp, but it gives no summary. i edited one of the files and did the command again, the only thing that was the difference was that that file was not listed, but it didnt say so when process was done. there are many files so i wont be able to know which ones are missing, if i dont already know, like now, when i have edited a file. any thougths?22:13
Ursusssjumar, thank you for the link to TestDisk. I have to leave now and reboot the computer. Many thanks, I hope it will help! Bye22:13
ianm_are the four buttons and scroll wheel on Wacom Bamboo Fun supported ?22:14
jumar_good luck22:14
^^Kilroyhi, i have a hdd out of a PVR/DVR type setup, the drive has come up with a Bad magic number in superblock. and says the backup superblocks are either missing or corrupt, any ideas to fix ?22:15
asd_gente blz22:17
oCean_asd_: use english please22:17
kristian2LjL : i think i might have figured it out, using the -x flag. command running now...22:18
fbcHello! I've google "intrpif flash install" and got 3 different ways. Could someone point me in the right direction?22:18
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.22:18
FloodBot2asd_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:19
jumar_fbc, add/remove software in your ubuntu menu, and macromedia flash22:19
kristian2LjL : thank you! now i can check with one command! :-)22:19
maxxleHello! Is there a version of Ubuntu for ARM-based boxes?22:19
asd_ help brazil please help22:20
o0Chris0o!install | maxxle22:20
ubottumaxxle: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate22:20
o0Chris0o!brazil | asd_22:20
ubottuasd_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.22:20
LjLasd_: flooding channels is not nice.22:21
maxxle08Chris80: thx!22:22
irunongamesI need help22:22
irunongamesi can't add or remove ANY programs22:22
asd_nao consigo localizar ubuntu brazil help22:22
irunongamesit just crashs22:22
=== tiagofalcao[AWAY is now known as tiagofalcao
jumar_how does it crash?22:22
o0Chris0omaxxle: np22:22
=== tiagofalcao is now known as tiagofalcao[AWAY
irunongamesone sec22:23
_Whipperasd_: what the *** is your prblm?22:23
irunongameswant the exact error?22:23
d_1inev1ta1ehey guys. i am trying to setup my wlan router to use a channel that no1 else around here is using. is there a tool for ubuntu that can list the channels that are in use around here?22:23
o0Chris0o!brazil | asd_22:23
ubottuasd_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.22:23
eseven73!away > tiagofalcao[AWAY22:23
ubottutiagofalcao[AWAY, please see my private message22:23
jenna^^irunongames: df -h22:23
TuGahello ppl22:23
o0Chris0o!hi | TuGa22:23
ubottuTuGa: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!22:23
irunongameswhat jenna?22:23
solexiousHelp :S I was just changing the settings in compizconfig and enabled the magnifer. The screen when to blue lines then sent me to thelogin screen. Now every time I login to gnome it does the blue scrambled screen and sends me to login...22:23
jenna^^irunongames: do you have free disk space?22:24
o0Chris0osolexious: please join #compiz-fusion22:24
irunongamesit says i have broken packages22:24
enndy<jenna^^1> I go to #alsa but nobody answer.22:24
o0Chris0oasd_: Please stop repeating yourself, what do you need? I posted the brazil channel for you twice already22:24
TuGai have ubuntu in dual boot mode, after a new install of win 2008 i need to build the boot loader of ubuntu to get back the dualboot screen, how can i do that using the ubuntu live cd?22:24
oCean_asd_: you have been told several times to join #ubuntu-pt for portugese channel. STOP flooding this channel!22:24
asd_help brazil22:24
strang3rnetwork-manager is not showing the wired connection any help?22:24
iceroot!grub | TuGa22:24
ubottuTuGa: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:24
irunongamesit says i need to check file permissions22:25
TuGaiceroot, ubottu tks !22:25
jumar_irunongames, did you try the fix broken packages option22:25
jumar_it's in synaptic, edit22:26
irunongameshow do i do that?22:26
jumar_start: gksudo synaptic in run dialoge, then type you superuser password, and then go to edit22:26
=== Ubuntunub is now known as b419kid
jumar_fix broken22:26
=== felix_da_catz is now known as felix-da-catz_zz
irunongamesi found how to do it22:26
irunongamesone sec22:26
d_1inev1ta1eis there a tool that lists all t he wifi networs in range along with the  channel that each netowrk uses?22:26
_Whipperfix intact22:27
danc3d_1inev1ta1e: iw_list22:27
oCean_d_1inev1ta1e: in terminal type "iwlist wlan0 scanning"  (where wlan0 is your correct interface)22:27
danc3err iwlist, yeah22:27
el_ninodo i have to do something special to make mp3 files work?22:27
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:28
narsili had resize the partion were f10 and ubuntu is and i cna't run f10 no more22:28
aciculaoh well, el_nino install ubuntu-restricted-extras for things like mp322:28
_Whipperel_nino: are they broken?22:28
d_1inev1ta1eoCean_:  i tried that it only show the channel of currently connected network, i would like to list all of them22:28
narsilsome help plsss22:28
pcfreak30el_nino: u have to install the corrrect librarys to be supported22:28
oCean_d_1inev1ta1e: iwlist does that. If there are no more results, then there are no more wireless networks (that you can see)22:29
d_1inev1ta1eoCean_:  there actually at least 20 networks in range according to network-manager thingy that comes with gnome22:30
irunongameshow do i fix broken packages?22:30
el_ninoi have installed audacious but it wont play the files22:30
el_ninoneither will banshee22:30
vixeydo you use MS-DOS FAT file system for ubuntu?22:30
MeXTuXI have installed the latest version of Netbeans directly from binaries. The problem is that I have to put /usr/local/netbeans-6.5/bin/netbeans in a shell to execute it. Is there a way to run Netbeans just by putting netbeans in a terminal???22:30
_Whipperel_nino: read the manuals22:30
oCean_d_1inev1ta1e: oh, add "sudo" before the command22:30
eseven73I keep getting installation step failed on the ubuntu server install22:30
felixsullaAnyone here use VIM? Where do I put a .vim file to make sure my profile uses it?22:30
jumar_irunongames, at the Edit there is fix broken packages22:31
d_1inev1ta1eoCean_: ah thx a lot :) that worked22:31
Ginbuntuhow do you add a path to the env var PATH permanently?22:31
danc3felipe_: you put a .vimrc in your home dir22:31
Guest12154Ginbuntu: see your ~/.profile22:31
enndyufff ubuntu is very good with everything except when you have to solve problem. :(22:31
pcfreak30install ubuntu-restricted-extras22:31
irunongamesJumar: how do i find it22:31
=== Guest12154 is now known as jrib
danc3err, felixsulla:  you put a .vimrc in your home dir22:31
jumar_irounongames, you got synaptic open?22:31
=== Cueball|2 is now known as Cueball
pcfreak30sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras22:32
felixsulladanc3: I'm trying to use python.vim, and my VIM doesnt seem to be using it :/22:32
_DELwhen i use lsmod | grep ath, what exactly am  looking for to find my driver? i have  wlan_scan_sta,ath_rate_sample,ath_pci for wlan, and ath_rate_sample,ath_pci for ath_hal22:32
acidarkcc tous le monde22:32
jribfelixsulla: ~/.vimrc you mean?22:32
irunongamesjumar_ package manager22:32
styolIf I have "Enable Automatic Login", is there a way to login as a different user at some point during start up?22:32
jumar_yes yes22:32
danc3felixsulla: "python.vim" doesn't make any sense, dunno22:32
el_ninopcfreak30, yes?22:32
jenna^^irunongames: sudo apt-get check22:33
felixsullaNo, python.vim is an addon to help you code Python, but my vim isnt using it and I'm not sure wher to put it ;/22:33
jribfelixsulla: erm, HOW are you trying to use it?22:33
jumar_in the menubar there is Edit, and there's an option Fix broken..22:33
acidarkqui parle francais sil vous paly22:33
felixsullajrib: On my windows box it just reads it, and then I have extra functions (like commentin gout multiple lines)22:33
danc3felixsulla: dunno, you'll have to read the documentation on this "addon"...22:33
Slart!fr | acidark22:33
ubottuacidark: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr22:33
irunongamesErrors were encountered while processing:22:34
felixsullaIts a script I guess.22:34
irunongames /var/cache/apt/archives/python-wxgtk2.8_2.8.9.1-0ubuntu4_i386.deb22:34
irunongamesE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)22:34
jribfelixsulla: I mean where did you try putting it...22:34
danc3felixsulla: or ask your question in a python channel.... it's got nothing to do with ubuntu22:34
felixsullajrib: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=79022:34
felixsullajrib: /usr/share/vim/vim71/indent/python.vim22:34
irunongameshe following packages have unmet dependencies:22:35
irunongames  gnumed-client: Depends: python-wxgtk2.8 but it is not installed22:35
irunongameswhat should i do?22:35
eseven73can i get ubuntu server from the alternative CD?22:35
jumar_then install that package22:35
curtishow can i idenfity my name?22:35
danc3felixsulla: you can't see right there on that webpage, where it tells you where to put the python.vim file?22:35
=== curtis is now known as Guest92386
jribfelixsulla: well you should probably use ~/.vim/indent/ for starters22:35
icerootGuest92386: whoami22:36
irunongamesjumar_ it won't work22:36
danc3felixsulla: it says right there to put it in the ~/.vim/syntax folder22:36
jribfelixsulla: but danc3 is right, that the particular python.vim you have belongs in ~/.vim/syntax/22:36
felixsullaI dont have a ~/.vim/syntax folder -- do I need to make it then?22:36
jribfelixsulla: yes22:36
danc3it's right there on the freakin script page under "install details"............. HOLY SHIT22:36
danc3what a concept!  read the instructions!22:37
felixsullajrib: ahh thank you :)22:37
=== Guest92386 is now known as curtis
jumar_irunongames type in terminal: sudo apt-get install python-wxgtk2.8_2.8.9.1-0ubuntu4_i386.deb22:37
* jrib brews some chamomile for danc322:37
danc3truly amazing, sometimes22:37
danc3how helpless people can be22:37
=== curtis is now known as Guest80087
felixsulladanc3: It's confusing if you come from a Windows environment, on Windows you just put it in the gvim folder and it flies.22:38
* _Whipper gives some sedatives to dan3 :)22:38
danc3felixsulla: perhaps, but IT"S RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF YOU ON THE SCRIPT PAGE!!!!  You didn't see that?22:38
Gnea!caps | danc322:38
ubottudanc3: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.22:38
[Spooky]You guys have any good tip in a tv-tuner software with auto scan?22:38
danc3felixsulla: this isn't windows22:38
felixsulladanc3: Please settle down -- I did see it, but I was unclear on why the folder wouldn't be there if its part of the reglar configuration.22:39
Gneadanc3: stop.22:39
_Whipperfelixsulla: dont get scared :)22:39
irunongamesjumar_ E: Couldn't find package python-wxgtk2.8_2.8.9.1-0ubuntu4_i386.deb22:39
danc3Gnea: hush22:39
felixsulladanc3: I realize this isn't windows, I'm trying to learn Ubuntu.22:39
Gneadanc3: pardon?22:39
jribirunongames: apt-cache policy python-wxgtk2.822:39
Gnea!guidelines > danc322:39
ubottudanc3, please see my private message22:39
danc3Gnea: I said "hush"22:39
phoenixzfelixsulla: don't worry, we all started as noobs, we all got shouted at ;)22:39
felixsulladanc3: And part of that is getting my gvim up and running on what is becoming my new fave OS :)22:39
jribdanc3: please calm down in here, try to keep it friendly22:39
b419kidAnyone free to help me with gparted please (!)22:39
jumar_irunongames, you gotta enable the multiverse and universe repositories, maybe then you'll find that package in synaptic, so you dont have to type anything into the terminal22:39
Gneadanc3: sorry, but your attitude is not welcome here.22:39
Gneadanc3: go chill out for awhile. :)22:40
phoenixzAnybody here know if there are repos available already to upgrade ubuntu 8.10 to 9.04?22:40
o0Chris0ohow can I change the color of my system font22:40
eseven73can i get ubuntu server from the alternative CD?22:40
jrib!jaunty | phoenixz22:40
ubottuphoenixz: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.22:40
puffMy laptop is supposed to have a built-in microphone (thinkpad t43p), how do I record sound with it?22:40
jribeseven73: no, use the server install cd22:41
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer22:41
eseven73i tried, but i get errors22:41
irunongameshwo do i find a broken file?22:41
dan-ubuntusudo aptitude check22:41
jribirunongames: you would have to define what it means for a file to be broken first22:41
jribeseven73: get errors when...?22:41
dan-ubuntuerr, apt-get22:41
jumar_irunogames, you gotta do that thru a package manager22:42
eseven73jrib it keeps throwing errors about packages, hang on im trying to duplicate the error one sec22:42
jumar_like dan-ubuntu said22:42
irunongamesYou might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these.22:42
irunongamesThe following packages have unmet dependencies:22:42
irunongames  gnumed-client: Depends: python-wxgtk2.8 but it is not installed22:42
jribeseven73: did you check the md5sum22:42
irunongamesE: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f.22:42
FloodBot2irunongames: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:42
irunongamesjumar_ how?22:42
cainis there a place where i can download ubuntu  and install without burning to disc22:42
eseven73jrib:  i ran disk check22:42
moparisthebesti can't find a jaunty livecd anywhere, can someone please point me to one?22:42
Slart!usb | cain22:42
ubottucain: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent22:42
jribeseven73: and that gave you errors right?22:42
jumar_dan said: sudo aptitude check in terminal22:42
jrib!jaunty | moparisthebest22:43
ubottumoparisthebest: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.22:43
Slartmoparisthebest: not sure where they keep the jaunty images.. ask in #ubuntu+122:43
eseven73jrib:  one sec22:43
mezyhello y'all22:43
jumar_irunogames, you can't start synaptic still?22:44
jumar_type gksudo synaptic in a run dialog.... There you can fix anything, and dont have to use the commandline22:44
jumar_you may fix broken packages, and also add new rpos22:44
jumar_okay, bump, anybody could help irunogames, im out22:45
Ghabit_Hello. Is it possible to install ubuntu without cd-rom?22:45
irunongamessudo apt-get check -f won't work :(22:45
mezyhey, what are some junk that comes with fresh ubuntu install?22:46
jrib!install | Ghabit_22:46
ubottuGhabit_: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate22:46
_Whipperjumar: i dont have the right medication :)22:46
SlartGhabit_: yes.. you can use a usb flash drive22:46
jribmezy: "junk" is subjective22:46
Ghabit_jrib: Thanks!22:46
lstarnesirunongames: try sudo apt-get -f install22:46
mezyjrib: oh, uh, things that wouldn't be used often22:47
jribmezy: same answer... it completely depends on how *you* use your computer22:47
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irunongamesnumed-client: Depends: python-wxgtk2.8 but it is not installed22:47
jribmezy: I'm not sure what you want, but if you just want to slim down ubuntu, you could always use the minimal install and install only what you want22:47
blue112Hello everyone.22:47
irunongamesis their some sort of syestem restore?22:48
janjudirunongames-> none22:48
_Whipperirunongames: yes. wseep, and clean install22:48
facedownGRUMPYk guys22:48
blue112My apt-get is broken because of the paquet "ttf-sazanami-gothic". I can't install, remove or upgrade now. What can I do ?22:48
facedownGRUMPYsome weird shit just happened while i went to the bathroom22:48
KebabBobI love how upgrading from 8.04 to 8.10 made ubuntu almost useless to me... middle button paste no longer works, the mouse buttons randomly stop working, requiring an x restart to function again and all sorts of small problems22:48
facedownGRUMPYfirst off, i have a thousand consoles open22:48
facedownGRUMPYsecondly, everything is zoomed in22:49
irunongamesi give up ><22:49
irunongamesit's not working22:49
facedownGRUMPYso my monitor is basically 500% zoomed in22:49
jribKebabBob: bugs.ubuntu.com (or ask for help with details)22:49
Gnea!patience | irunongames22:49
ubottuirunongames: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:49
lstarnesirunongames: what are you trying to install?22:49
imachineKebabBob, I wouldn't love things that don't work.22:49
imachinebut whatver.22:49
imachineglady ou're having fun.22:49
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facedownGRUMPYhow can i close a thousand or so consoles at once?22:49
irunongamesi am just trying to install some updates22:49
ChrizChey, I really need to kill this app I have running, but I can't open it otherwise my screen dies. is there anyway to kill it without rebooting? (I tried to run something in WINE. didn't quite work.)22:49
lstarnesirunongames: from where?22:50
janjudfacedownGRUMPY-> sudo telinit 1 and then telinit 222:50
jribfacedownGRUMPY: is that the same as wanting to close them all?22:50
imachineChrizC, run terminal, pkill wine22:50
blue112My apt-get is broken because of the paquet "ttf-sazanami-gothic". I can't install, remove or upgrade now. What can I do :/ ?22:50
irunongamesupdate manager22:50
imachineChrizC, ps aux |grep -i wine22:50
GneaKebabBob: never had a problem here, perhaps you didn't have everything upgraded up-to-date before making the leap?22:50
imachineChrizC, then kill -9 the pid22:50
lstarnesblue112: pastebin the errors that you recieve when trying to install a package22:50
irunongamestheirs a broken package22:50
ChrizCimachine: how do I find out hte pid?22:50
KebabBobGnea: Yup, I took care that everyting was22:50
blue112It's in french...22:50
imachineChrizC, it's the number22:50
imachinefirst in the list.22:50
irunongamessudo apt-get check -f is getting me no where22:50
GneaKebabBob: hrm... does gdm give you any greif?22:50
imachinefirst column.22:50
imachine(in ps)22:51
lstarnesblue112: many users here understand at least a little french22:51
KebabBobGnea: nah, that's about the only thing that seems to working22:51
jribjanjud: why did you say that?22:51
synackfinwhats a good raid controller card for linux?22:51
jenna^^blue112: sudo apt-get -f install22:51
GneaKebabBob: have you tried making a new user account and logging in with it?22:51
imachinesynackfin, anything that is hardware raid.22:51
imachinesynackfin, (and that's not linux only specific)22:51
KebabBobGnea: No, actually I haven't.. I can try that22:51
imachinesynackfin, I hear 3ware does decent cards.22:51
blue112jenna^^: Already done, it does nothing.22:51
imachinesynackfin, otherwise, you can try LSI22:51
janjudjrib-> he was complaining of having thousands of terminal and they are all zoomed in,  to get a total refresh,22:51
synackfinimachine: I got the HP E200 SmartArray and it's a piece of crap (20MB/sec when copying)22:52
KebabBobI may be a little over dramatizing this, but this is seriously affecting my productivity.. Especially that mouse click no longer works bug22:52
new_CHello, Can anyone help me with installing mac80211 ?22:52
viatori had 2 partions i deleted one with gparted and i want to resize the other to take up the free space but it wont let me resize it22:52
blue112lstarnes: http://paste.ubuntu-fr-secours.org/src-1225322:52
imachinesynackfin, IBM and friends used to have LSI scsi chips onboard.22:52
ChrizCimachine: it's still not dying. It's saying it's not a process22:52
jribjanjud: I don't see how your command is helpful really.  That does more than just close terminals doesn't it?22:52
imachineChrizC, dunno. maybe you're doing something wrong (probablu ;))22:52
viatorits the partion that ubuntus in22:52
imachinesynackfin, dunno.22:52
imachinesynackfin, scsi/sata/?22:52
ChrizCimachine: I followed your instructions22:52
janjudjrib-> not if you have thousands of them, may as well restart close to a reboot..22:52
Gneairunongames: can you pastebin the output of this command please:  sudo apt-get -f install22:52
blue112In english it says "files list file for package `ttf-sazanami-gothic' contains empty filename"22:52
viatorand im in it while using gparted22:52
imachineChrizC, which were quite vague :P22:52
grodiusHi, I'm trying to convert an .ogg to an .mp3 or .wav... can anyone help me?22:53
viatori cant use  the live cd because i have no cdrom22:53
imachineChrizC, ps auxw |grep -i wine <- the first column is pid22:53
imachinethen kill -9 pid22:53
synackfinimachine: it's a sata1.522:53
viatorso how the heck do i resize it??22:53
blue112This is the english one : http://paste.ubuntu-fr-secours.org/src-1225422:53
imachinesynackfin, dunno. sounds rubbish.22:53
oCean_imachine: please use the enterkey not that often...22:53
istvanok, this is really getting to me, installing 64 but ubuntu 8.10 is crashing on my computer while making the ext3 partition. any solutions?22:53
new_CHello, Can anyone help me with installing mac80211 ?22:53
mezyjrib: hmm... is there a way to backup my settings and other things that are important to me. and used the back up in a new ubuntu install, because i would like to try what you suggested about making a custom ubuntu, and have everything i want to come with it. btw i am using a usb22:53
Gnea!repeat | new_C22:53
ubottunew_C: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience22:53
imachinesynackfin, I haven't tried sata controllers. all the ones I had were pseudo-raid. so useless crap.22:54
imachineok, got a film to watch. lates!22:54
jribmezy: backup your /home and /etc I suppose22:54
PhotoJimistvan: possible that's a hardware issue...22:54
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.22:54
_Whippergrodius: you could do that, but the quality will be s*it..22:54
istvanPhotoJim: how do I find the issue?22:54
meoblast001how would i explain to someone an easy, no CLI way of moving files from 1 home directory to another?22:54
mezyjrib: cool, i guess this a possible, right? i'll google how to backup my home and etc22:55
blue112My apt-get is broken because of the paquet "ttf-sazanami-gothic". I can't install, remove or upgrade now. What can I do :/ ? There's what it says : http://paste.ubuntu-fr-secours.org/src-1225422:55
DoUgLiTaStd beem22:55
[Spooky]You guys have any good tip in a tv-tuner software with auto scan?22:55
Slartmeoblast001: open two nautilus windows.. drag and drop files?22:55
PhotoJimistvan: good question.  hook up an external drive by USB, perhaps, and see if it formats.  or if it's a desktop, you might be able to temporarily install a spare drive and see how it responds.22:55
viatorapt-get -f22:55
blue112[Spooky]: tvtime ?22:55
meoblast001Slart: ok.. wasntn sure if there were read permissions and such22:55
Gneairunongames: okay, you're doing it wrong. you need to type:  sudo apt-get -f install  -- not 'sudo apt-get check -f'22:55
irunongamesfixed it! :D22:56
Slartmeoblast001: there might be.. it would depend on what folders are involved22:56
irunongamescookies for all!22:56
blue112viator: It does nothing (just says "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 47 not upgraded.")22:56
* irunongames hands out cookies22:56
istvanthe problem installing is that i get a message that gdm has crashed 6 times in the last 90 seconds22:56
Gneaer heh22:56
meoblast001Slart: gnome should have a right click -> open as root option22:56
Gneairunongames: cheers :)22:56
viatordid you try removing that package22:56
viatoriif its causing dependency problems22:56
blue112viator: I did, it does the same thing.22:57
Slartmeoblast001: perhaps there is something you can install?22:57
irunongamesalso i have a problem22:57
irunongamesi can't see some flash objects22:57
irunongameslike hulu or ustream22:57
meoblast001Slart: not sure.... are feature requests for Gnome3 up?22:57
tekteenDoes anyone know if there is a way to update a status line in a terminal in bash? I want to get the current progress of a script wtihout it creating a new line each time22:57
jadohi, how can i connect with ssh to a computer which has an IP 'ip' and a name 'name'22:57
Slartmeoblast001: I have no idea, sorry22:57
rwwtekteen: try #bash22:57
viatoryou tried sudo apt-get -f install22:57
Slartjado: ssh xxx.yyy.zzz.www22:57
blue112viator: Yep, it does nothing.22:57
tekteenthanks rww22:58
Gnea!flash | irunongames22:58
ubottuirunongames: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash22:58
jadoSlart: just the ip ; no that's not it22:58
PhotoJimjado: yup, ssh ip.ip.ip.ip or ssh name ... or if your username locally is different from remote, ssh remoteloginname@xx.yy.zz.aa22:58
irunongamesgnea: does it also go for 9.04 beta?22:58
Slartjado: eh.. yes it is.. unless you've setup things in some other way22:58
Gneairunongames: are you on that or 8.10?22:58
PhotoJimjado, Slart: Slart is right, unless you don't have an ssh server running on the remote machine (or it's on a non-standard port).22:58
viatorthat is a font22:59
dries1Help! I clicked some lame option in Compiz-settings-manager and now ubuntu won't load the desktop. all i get are blue lines. I can get in the failsafe terminal though. can anyone help me?22:59
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jadoi do have a ssh server that i have just installed22:59
mogi22when i try to add a printer via cups admin web interface, cups hangs on make/manufacturer screen.  says waiting for server at bottom, then blank page after about 5 min22:59
blue112viator: I know, but it breaks my apt-get :/22:59
jadoactually, i'm trying ssh username@ip but that asks me a password : Password: and i can't find it22:59
viatorhow was it istalled by itself22:59
Gnea!compiz | dries1 (check the compiz irc channel for more specific help)22:59
ubottudries1 (check the compiz irc channel for more specific help): Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz-fusion22:59
jadowhen i try ssh username@localhost that asks me a password and entering mine workd22:59
janjudjado why not just clarify things, what is the exact ip address so we can advise you correctly?22:59
viatoror within another packager22:59
PhotoJimjado: telnet remotemachine 22 ... that will tell you if the ssh server is running.  it'll reply with some messages.  if it won't connect, your server isn't running.22:59
Slartjado: have you tried the user password for the username you've got?22:59
mogi22i didnt change anything but system does upgrade via apt automatically23:00
jadoSlart yes23:00
blue112viator: I think it was a dependancy of another package.23:00
echehello all23:00
irunongamesGnea: i'n on 9.0423:00
corq-FLis Jaunty alpha in code freeze?23:00
PhotoJimjado: if it asks you for a password, then it's working.  but you need to use the password.  and if you're trying to log in as root, some ssh configs disable root login and it won't work.23:00
Slart!jaunty | corq-FL23:00
ubottucorq-FL: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.23:00
Gneairunongames: then you should ask in #ubuntu+123:00
corq-FLheh thanks23:00
viatordo you have any third party repos?23:00
jadoPhotoJim: what i'm trying to say is that it's not working the same if i do ssh username@ip or ssh username@localhost23:01
viatoror have you installed any non ubuntu packages23:01
jadowith localhost the password works whereas with ip it does not23:01
blue112My apt-get is broken because of the paquet "ttf-sazanami-gothic". I can't install, remove or upgrade now. What can I do :/ ? There's what it says : http://paste.ubuntu-fr-secours.org/src-12254 I tried apt-get -f install and to remove it, it does nothing.23:01
jadojanjud: why would you need the ip address ?23:01
grzeshi, after update from 8.04 to 8.10 my gnome is crashing afeter couple min. with flashing windows and in the end i get a message that x window system was restarted 6 times and sth sth.. anyone know a solution?23:01
blue112viator: Yes, I have some of them.23:01
wolterhi, gnome globalmenu requires me to have libpanelapplet-dev, but there is no such package, is there?23:01
istvanplease can someone help me with my installing problem?23:01
viatorthats where dependency problems come from alot of time23:02
janjudjado you  are making it more difficult if you dont give full info, we have to ask you several more questions..so please provide clear info right away so no more asking back and forth23:02
PhotoJimjado: it should.  my ssh logins to local machines by IP or by name work identically.  /msg me if you want further help from me, I'm going home now.  will check in this evening.23:02
Slartistvan: just explain the problem, if someone knows they will probably answer you23:02
viatorthow is apt "broken"23:02
nikugrzes: try getting on a console and doing "mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak"23:02
viatorany way23:02
blue112viator: It doesn't look like a dependency problem.23:02
keithFor some reason, Ubuntu does not seem to detect wireless networks after installing the driver, however Kubuntu does it fine. Does anyone know why this would be?23:02
viatorhow is apt "broken"23:03
Barridusmy girlfriend's co-dependent.  neither synaptec or apt could fix23:03
viatorthose 43 apps my be for dist upgrade23:03
Iceman_Bgreetings, pretty people23:03
Iceman_Banyone know how to get sound in my flash plugin(youtube)? Amarok is working fine23:03
SlartIceman_B: are you running pulseaudio?23:04
viatordo sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and see what happens23:04
oCean_!who| viator23:04
ubottuviator: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:04
[Spooky]blue112: Cant install that...23:04
jadojanjud: this info is correct and complete ; i'm on a local network which ip is x and my username is y ; i have tried to connect to my own ssh server (on my own computer) with ssh y@x mais that asks me a password that i cannot find ; i have also tried with ssh y@localhost or ssh y@mycomputername and with these commands that asks me a password which is the password for the username x23:04
blue112I don't think it could install anything viator, but i'm trying.23:04
blue112[Spooky]: Why ?23:04
jadojanjud: ask me if you need something else23:05
Iceman_BSlart, no idea. when I rightclick the volume icon in the topright and hit properties, the device says "Sound Fusion CS46xx (Alsa Mixer)"23:05
[Spooky]blue112: Wrong one it didnt find my tv-card...23:05
rar__why is gs (printing) using up my cpu every day again by no reason?23:06
janjudjado try this instead  ssh -l username x23:06
SnoFoxAnyone happen to know anything about the "Window" that's mapped when you hit Ctrl (for locating the mouse)?23:06
Iceman_BSlart, Amarok is playing using the XINE engine and the oss device23:06
SlartIceman_B: there used to be a package you installed to get audio working.. libflash something.. not sure if that's still needed though23:06
janjudjado try this instead  ssh -l username x   or in your case  ssh -l y x23:06
janjudjado but if you can not find your own password for the user y, umm login as root and change the password for user y23:07
Iceman_BSlart, where can I find more info?23:07
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash23:07
[Spooky]blue112: Vlc finds but dont have search...23:07
jadojanjud: actually the problem is that it's not the password for y that is asked when i enter your command23:08
blue112[Spooky]: Try kaffeine, or xawtv.23:08
SlartIceman_B: not really sure... I haven't had any problems with flash in a  long time.. you are using 8.10 ?23:08
jadocan't i specify somewhere the name of the machine on which i want to connect (as there are many machines on this ip) ?23:08
janjudjado well its not clear what you are asking for then,23:08
blue112viator: Same thing with dist-upgrade23:08
blue112My apt-get is broken because of the paquet "ttf-sazanami-gothic". I can't install, remove or upgrade now. What can I do :/ ? There's what it says : http://paste.ubuntu-fr-secours.org/src-12254 I tried apt-get -f install and to remove it, it does nothing.23:08
Slartjado: an ip is one machine.. if that machine chooses to send the packages to somewhere else that's another thing23:09
Iceman_BSlart, yes23:09
janjudjado make sure the remote host has entries in either /etc/host or your nameresolver can resolv the remote hostname23:09
Iceman_BI upgraded from 8.04 a few weeks ago23:09
lavagolemkingI tried to upgrade Pidgin by compiling it from pidgin.im but I'm having some resulting problems. Is anyone available to give advice?23:09
SlartIceman_B: you could try downloading a 8.10 live cd and see if flash works there23:09
janjudjado thats why if you are only clear of your ip address, it gets much easier.. anyhow am off for now23:09
jadoSlart: janjud: my ip address on the internet is shared by the whole local network isn't it ?23:09
janjudjado see that, we have to make so many assumptions,  you were not clear to begin with.. you are wasting our time23:10
Slartjado: nope.. an ip-address goes to one machine/device23:10
janjudby not providing clear info23:10
blue112Can anyone help ? I can't install anything, it's bad :/23:10
mogi22what is a good channel for cups+ubuntu support/help?23:10
jadojanjud: ok. sorry i wasted your time ; bye23:10
Slartjado: that machine/device might choose to pass the connection along.. but the ip still ends up at one machine.. or rather one network card23:10
Slartmogi22: I think is as good as it gets23:11
jadoSlart: there may be a confusion ; i was talking about the internet ip, not about the local ip23:11
mogi22Slart, did u mean this is?23:11
Slartmogi22: yes. =) it's getting late here23:11
mogi22Slart, no prob23:11
Slartjado: an internet ip and an local ip is the same thing..23:11
ZeddeIs there a way to have set the bluetooth to defult off same with wireless ?23:11
jadoSlart: no it's not23:12
jadoif i go on whatismyip.com or something like that it will the same ip than the ip of the other persons of the network23:12
Slartjado: ok.. if you say so23:12
jadowhile if i enter ifconfig it will give me my local ip23:12
mogi22for some reason, this week my cups wont let me add new printers (hangs on make/manu screen)23:12
Slartjado: I'm not here to argue with you..23:12
blue112My apt-get is broken because of the paquet "ttf-sazanami-gothic". I can't install, remove or upgrade now. What can I do :/ ? There's what it says : http://paste.ubuntu-fr-secours.org/src-12254 I tried apt-get -f install and to remove it, it does nothing.23:12
=== Naaa is now known as Invisibelle
mogi22i've upped it to debug loglevel and no posts to logs23:13
jadoSlart: my internet ip (on www.whatismyip.com) is not the same as my local ip (on the network) with ifconfig -a ; and that's normal23:13
oCean_jado: yes, If you're behind router or proxy or something like that23:13
Iceman_BSlart, meh, I rather wait for 9.04 to be released and then install that from a live cd23:13
Iceman_Bnot much going on in this machine atm23:14
jadooCean_: yes i am ; since i'm a school network23:14
Slartjado: yes... that's a normal setup.. but a "local ip" and an "internet ip" is really the same thing when it comes down to networking23:14
jadoi'm in*23:14
Iceman_Bbut still, not having sound in flash annoys me, since I am working in Ubuntu right now23:14
gartralso how does one fix pulse after installing a second audio card23:14
Slartjado: it works the same when using ssh and so on23:14
jadoSlart: oh yes that's what you meant23:14
Iceman_Biĺl probaly boot back to XP soon23:14
jadoSlart: i thought you are saying there are *actually* the same (numbers)23:14
jadoso actually i have to enter ssh username@local_ip in order to connect to my computer ;23:15
harryvany official vmware images for 8.x?23:15
jadobut what if someone outside the network would like to connect to my computer, he couldn't use my local ip, could he ?23:15
Slartjado: you enter the ip number of the computer you want to connect to, it's that simple23:15
_DELwhen  i start to compile a new proggy, i use './configure', that goes well, but when 'make', i get the error 'make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.' am i doing something wrong?23:16
jadoSlart: yes, the local one :d23:16
Slartjado: does your computer have any other ip-numbers?23:16
jadoyes, the one you people see me on internet, the ip which is displayed on www.whatismyip.com23:16
jadoit's not the same ; it's masked by the router IP23:17
Slartjado: no no no.. you still don't get it.. the ip you see on whatismyip.com isn't for your computer23:17
jadoyes it's the router's23:17
oCean_jado: indeed!23:17
Slartjado: indeed.. the routers ip.. not your computers ip..23:17
oCean_jado: so your actually trying to ssh into whatever machine (router, proxy) that has that 'internet' ip23:18
thewrathhey all23:18
Slartjado: so if you type ssh <your internet ip>, what device/machine are you connecting to?23:18
blue112So, can anyone helps me with my apt problem ?23:18
Slartjado: your computer or your router?23:18
AyBayBayblue112: Error Messages ?23:18
jadoso, if you try and ping the address ip i got with ifconfig -a ; that will work and ping my pc ?23:18
micahg1anyone use rcp from a server to append files to a cisco router?23:19
micahg1sorry, append config changes23:19
blue112AyBayBay: My apt-get is broken because of the paquet "ttf-sazanami-gothic". I can't install, remove or upgrade now. What can I do :/ ? There's what it says : http://paste.ubuntu-fr-secours.org/src-12254 I tried apt-get -f install and to remove it, it does nothing.23:19
Iceman_Bbtw, where did Compiz Fusion go ?23:20
Slartjado: probably not.. but here we come to something else.. some time in history someone decided that certain ip-ranges were to be used to local networks only.. 192.168.X.X is one such range.. 172.something.. is another23:20
Iceman_Bdont forget 10.x.x.x23:20
Slartjado: 10.X.X.X is a third..23:20
enndyHello I'm new using ubuntu....  I have to upgrade the alsa to a new version... I download the files... but I don't how can I upgrade ??? could i only put a line and the system do everything automatic ?23:20
SlartIceman_B: got it =)23:20
Iceman_Baight =)23:20
Slartjado: you've probably got what you call a local ip in one of those ranges23:20
vitoris 8.04 based on debian 423:20
AyBayBayTry Using The Package Manager & See What Happens. Do You Get Any Errors From That. If Not Uninstall ttf... from there ?23:21
jadoSlart: no it's not, it has the same beginning than my internet ip23:21
blue112AyBayBay: Package manager uses apt... So I don't think it would work.23:21
zezinxrjHi guys i have one problem whith my 3g modem23:21
Slartjado: what is the ip?23:22
jadobut i have another question ; if on a local network 3 computers have the local ip and the router which routes them has the internet ip for instance ; how will someone ping one specific computer of the local network ?23:22
AyBayBayWell Thats The Point Of Testing It.  :L23:22
zezinxrjhe is not work ......23:22
Slartjado: they can't.. unless you do some special stuff23:22
zezinxrjhelp me23:23
Biskit_Lurkcan anyone tell me how to turn back on a wireless network card (internal)  - it was on eth1, but not not accessable23:23
blue112AyBayBay: It does the same thing, but with nice windows.23:23
jadothat's a shame ; so i cannot connect to ssh on a computer which is behind a local network ?23:24
Iceman_Bso um I'm running 8.10, how do I get Compiz Fusion(if it's still called that) rolling ?23:24
AyBayBayLol. Just Checking, Was Hoping Maybe a Terminal Error :/23:24
Slartjado: well. not without doing something called port forwarding23:24
justin_Can some1 help me23:24
jadoso i just have to forward the port 22 to the ip i want ?23:24
AyBayBayblue112: Was That Installed From A Third Party Repo ?23:24
blue112I don't know, it comes with another packet.23:25
Slartjado: port forwarding simple means that you setup the router so that everthing that comes in to a certain port gets sent to a certain other computer, on some port23:25
justin_I tried 1 million ways to add boxee to 3rd party source and i get an error23:25
jadoyes sure i know23:25
Slartjado: it doesn't have to be port 22.. you can use any port you want.. you will have to specify the port when you connect though23:25
Iceman_Bjado, you can forward port 22 to another machine that has SSH(server) running on port 22 as well, but personally I'd run the server on a different port and forward that23:26
jadoyes with -p , also23:26
AyBayBayblue112: Yeah It Was :L You May Have Installed One For A Different Ubuntu Type ?23:26
Iceman_Bsecurity and all23:26
jadoyes ok23:26
justin_THIS is WHAT  i GET Failed to fetch http://apt.boxee.tv/dists/intrepid/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  404 Not Founm]23:27
justin_I tried to add it 2 3rd party source million times23:27
=== JohnFrum is now known as Mr_Green
jadothanks for helping, all ; good night23:28
justin_and  I get error when I go in symnaptic23:28
justin_Please some1 hellp me23:28
Slartjado: good night23:28
solexious|netbkHow can I allow windows to go above the top of the screen?23:29
=== Mr_Green is now known as Mr_Pink
micahg1justin_: there is no 64 bit version23:29
geniijustin_: Since it's a repo which is not supported by Ubuntu, take it up with the people who provide that repo23:29
micahg1 justin_: it's a 32bit repo only23:29
Biskit_Lurkdoesn't seem to have too many helpful people here - either that or they don't want to answer questions23:29
blue112solexious|netbk: Take it in the middle with alt, and make it goes.23:29
ultratekhow do i use vinagre to connect to a mchine outside my network?23:29
ratdeimosneed some help 046d:08ae Logitech, Inc. Quickcam for Notebooks for amd64 install.  thanks.23:30
justin_Can I run 32 bit how do i get that why do it get 2 645bit23:30
shpookDoes anyone by chance know of a CAD program that supports *.TCW (TurboCad) files? Or at least be able to view them and view/print as PDF?23:30
micahg1 justin_: http://forum.boxee.tv/showthread.php?t=37423:30
scudco_wdoes anyone know how to permanently map CAPS Lock to Esc, everytime i unlock my computer i have to 'xmodmap ~/.Xinitrc' because it doesn't stick23:30
oCean_!attitude | Biskit_Lurk23:31
ubottuBiskit_Lurk: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines23:31
ratdeimoshello.  need some help with 046d:08ae Logitech, Inc. Quickcam for Notebooks install on amd6423:31
Biskit_LurkI've been on other channels where they at least let you know that23:31
micahg1scudco_w: change the filename to ~/.xinitrc23:31
munkhplease some help me23:32
cypher1how do i know whether i am using pulseaudio or not ?23:32
meoblast001what's that program that changes your background image every so often?23:32
micahg1munkh: what is your problem23:32
scudco_wmicahg1: err sorry, i meant 'xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap'23:32
Iceman_BBiskit_Lurk, this is one of the most helpful channels i've seen on the internet thus far.....so far Im wondering how to get Compiz running, but nobody seems to know23:32
Iceman_Bim not throwing a fit over it....23:33
solexious|netbkblue112, it getsa to the top then stops23:33
oCean_!cz | munkh23:33
ubottumunkh: České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.23:33
Biskit_Lurkno fit here - I'll leave quietly23:33
ultratekiceman, did you install compiz yet?23:33
scudco_wmicahg1: my .xinitrc just calls xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap23:33
munkhdo yodeki23:33
Iceman_Bultratek, how can I check from the commandline?23:33
blue112solexious|netbk: Are you taking it in the bottom (not from the top bar) and then move it with alt ? It works on gnome :/23:33
thewrathhey guys23:34
thewraththere was a reason i came in here and now i forget23:34
ultratekjust do: sudo apt-get install compiz23:34
Iceman_BI ticked the "extra fancy effects" in the appearance thing window23:34
solexious|netbkblue112, yup23:34
shpookTime to cut off thewrath, he's had too much to drink.23:34
Iceman_Bnot compiz-fusion or such, ultratek  ?23:34
blue112solexious|netbk: Then I don't understand. Check your settings :/23:35
Iceman_Bcompiz is already the newest version.23:35
Iceman_Bit says23:35
solexious|netbkblue112, what settings?23:35
micahg1scudco_w: did you create that file?23:35
blue112solexious|netbk: I don't really know, maybe there's some settings that's allow that :)23:35
o0Chris0ocompiz should be discussed in #compiz-fusion, so there sin't confusion going on in #ubuntu23:35
Iceman_Boh, right23:35
scudco_wmicahg1: yes, i did23:36
ledI am in  opensuse 11 and am having a issue with updating?23:36
lavagolemkingI'm having a bit of a nightmare with Pidgin. What part of it runs the applet?23:36
ultratekhow do i use vinagre to connect to a mchine outside my network?23:36
ledI know its not ubuntu but you guys are so awesome.23:36
aciculause the adres23:36
Doctor_Nickubuntu more like ubantu23:36
micahg1scudco_w: linux is case sensitive, so the file should be .xinitrc23:36
Doctor_Nickcuz thats what you're gonna get23:36
micahg1if that references another file, that's file23:37
Doctor_Nickif you dont ask an ubuntu specific question!!!!23:37
oCean_led: thx, but please stay on topic23:37
solexious|netbkHow can I allow windows to go above the top of the screen?23:37
meoblast001what's that program that changes your background image every so often?23:37
scudco_wmicahg1: yeah my .xinitrc is named correctly, i misspoke earlier23:39
Droopsta915Is there an online radio station for Linux?23:39
micahg1scudco_w: ok23:39
micahg1scudco_w: when do you have problems?23:39
lordlouis1meoblast001: try to use Desktop drapes (apt-get install drapes)23:39
meoblast001ahh drapes23:39
meoblast001lordlouis1: just found it in synaptic when you said that23:39
scudco_wmicahg1: whenever i unlock my computer caps lock goes back to being caps lock23:40
lordlouis1excelent :)23:40
micahg1scudco_w: as in screensaver?23:40
scudco_wno as in Ctrl+Alt+L23:40
Arthur_i just installed 8.10 dual boot with 8.04 on my laptop. i conect to the internet using my CDMA sprint card. after install i try to conect using the auto conect my modem is on Modem = /dev/ttyUSB1 acording to gnome-pp auto detect and i get wvdial to conect but when i use the auto conect feature it seems to be looking for ttyUSB0 there is no auto detect modem in network manager? and there is no way to manually edit it? so now how do i tell th23:41
micahg1what does Ctrl+Alt+L do in ubuntu?23:41
lordlouis1well, i have a question, is there an command-line application that allow to upload documents to googledocs?23:41
lordlouis1micahg1: that command locks the screen23:41
keffie_jayxcan anyone give me some help withUbuntu NEtbook Remix23:42
* micahg1 is leaving due to lack of knowledge23:42
lavagolemkingmichahg1: Ctrl+Alt+L locks your screen.23:42
keffie_jayxI am trying to get it to work without using gnome-panel23:42
keffie_jayxit seems gnome-panel is still actively using the desktop23:42
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.23:43
keffie_jayxso when I open an app it breaks the netbook-launcher app23:43
ashui have problem with my laptop detecting camera connected through firewire23:43
_DELsolexious|netbk, hold Alt, grab the window and move it, is that what you are talking about?23:43
scudco_wso anyone else know how to permanently map caps lock to Esc23:43
Guest33605Hey there23:43
ashui am not able to get the video...23:43
Guest33605why do my updates fail?23:43
Arthur_i just installed 8.10 dual boot with 8.04 on my laptop. i conect to the internet using my CDMA sprint card. after install i try to conect using the auto conect my modem is on Modem = /dev/ttyUSB1 acording to gnome-pp auto detect and i get wvdial to conect but when i use the auto conect feature it seems to be looking for ttyUSB0 there is no auto detect modem in network manager? and there is no way to manually edit it? so now how do i tell th23:44
ashui am using ubuntu and my pc is lenovo Y530..23:44
EvilAIMguest, maybe the reps are over used atm23:44
EvilAIMguest, try changing the location of your repo23:44
keffie_jayxI read in the iki abor the llok and feel section., that I need to configure gnome-panel to mimic the standar UNR setup but wht does that mean?23:44
TATANKAhi, i unblock services settings and deselected kdm and my login window doent work anymore, can somebody help me please?23:44
ashuanybody faced te same issue?23:44
Guest33605change the channel?23:45
keffie_jayxif anyone can give me a hand it would be awesome https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR23:45
Guest33605Okay, I used to get updates and they would run, now they dont23:45
Guest33605so what do I do23:45
munkhcome help me23:45
sstoveldhey guys, linux newb here, can anyone give me a hand with vsftpd?23:46
Guest33605no one?23:46
solexious|netbk_DEL, yes, that what i mean23:46
Guest33605I barely got on here....23:46
Ghabit_Advise me please, I doubt which of ubuntu to install 32 or 64 bit?23:46
Guest33605SO why are my updates failing?23:46
oCean_Guest33605: Do you want us to guess what is wrong? It might be helpful when you share some details. What are you trying to do, which way, and very important, what are the error messages you get23:46
solexious|netbk_DEL, but when the windows reaches the top of my screen it stops23:47
Ienorandwhat is the package for the volume control app called?23:47
oCean_!patience | Guest3360523:47
ubottuGuest33605: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines23:47
Arthur_anyone know about the network manager in 8.10 its looking for my cdma card on USB0 but my modem is on USB123:47
solexious|netbk_DEL, mouse keeps moving up but the window stays still23:47
lordlouis1Guest33605: have you tried apt-get upgrade?23:47
TATANKAplease help, i have been looking and find nothing on forums :( my newbie on ubuntu and really need help23:47
sstoveldim having a problem with vsftpd. when i try to start it up using 'sudo vsftpd' i ger this error: 500 OOPS: could not bind listening IPv4 socket23:47
Guest33605I dont know how to do any of that23:47
=== raul is now known as Aerial
lordlouis1Guest33605: in a terminal, type sudo apt-get upgrade23:48
solexious|netbk!ask TATANKA23:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask TATANKA23:48
Guest33605Okay, will do...sorry about my impatience23:48
lordlouis1Guest33605: got it?23:48
TATANKAhi, i unblock services settings and deselected kdm and my login window doent work anymore, can somebody help me please?23:48
munkhhow activing yahoo messenger23:48
bastisstoveld, dont run it as root23:48
munkhtady mate czech23:48
wubi_painCan anyone please help me to unhork a Wubi install with a corrupted boot.ini file?23:49
erUSULTATANKA: do this on terminal « sudo update-rc.d kdm defaults »23:49
oCean_sstoveld: it sounds like something is already running on ftp port (21) be it vsftpd, or an other running ftp server23:49
erUSULTATANKA: that would add kdm again to services23:49
Arthur_i just installed 8.10 dual boot with 8.04 on my laptop. i conect to the internet using my CDMA sprint card. after install, i try to connect using the auto connect my CDMA card is on Modem = /dev/ttyUSB1 acording to gnome-ppp auto detect and i get wvdial to connect, but when i use the auto connect feature it seems to be looking for ttyUSB0,,, there is no auto detect modem in network manager? and there is no way to manually edit it? so now ho23:49
solexious|netbkHow can I allow windows to go above the top of the screen? When they get there the window stops moving23:49
sstoveldbasti, when i dont start as root i get this: 500 OOPS: could not bind listening IPv4 socket23:49
TATANKAlet me try erUSUL, thanks23:49
Guest33605here is what I get23:49
Guest33605E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.23:49
Guest33605mick@ubuntu84:~$ dpkg --configure -a23:49
Guest33605dpkg: requested operation requires superuser privilege23:49
FloodBot2Guest33605: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:50
oCean_Guest33605: that means that you have to start your command with "sudo"23:50
erUSULGuest33605: sudo dpkg --configure -a23:50
sstoveldoCean_, is there a built in ftp client that runs automatically? this is pretty much a fresh install. im on 9.04 alpha 623:50
Arthur_is there a bug zilla channel?23:50
erUSULsstoveld: wget can do ftp and lftp is installed by default iirc23:50
oCean_sstoveld: not that I am aware of. But: all jaunty discussions/issues belong in #ubuntu+1 channel, since it is still beta release23:51
oCean_sstoveld: just a hint to check: run "sudo netstat -anp | grep 21" to see what program is listening on port 2123:51
Arthur_i just installed 8.10 dual boot with 8.04 on my laptop. i conect to the internet using my CDMA sprint card. after install i try to conect using the auto conect my modem is on Modem = /dev/ttyUSB1 acording to gnome-pp auto detect and i get wvdial to conect but when i use the auto conect feature it seems to be looking for ttyUSB0 there is no auto detect modem in network manager? and there is no way to manually edit it? so now how do i tell th23:53
Guest33605looks like that worked.  So sudo eh?  would be nice if the error said that.  It says everything else...thanks a bunch...looks like the updates are running now.23:54
sstoveldoCean_, lol, i get a big long list of stuff after that command. btw, its not really a jaunty issue i dont believe. i just need to do some basic work with vsftpd for a class assignment23:54
thewrathhow do i bcakup my private keys and move themt o another machine?23:54
TATANKAerUSUL: it says that the link already exist :S23:54
lordlouis1Guest33605: when the optput says something like "you need administrator privileges to..." that seems to need sudo23:55
lordlouis1to work23:55
vjacobwhat kind of processor type should be chosen when compiling a kernel on an intel atom cpu?23:55
erUSULTATANKA: then kdm should start when the system boots23:55
Guest33605good to know....guess you can tell I am not a linux genius...thanks for your patience23:55
TATANKAerUSUL: ok rebootin hope it works now :D23:55
kozhysomebody with a macbook 3.1 and .config file ?23:55
Droopsta915Is there other websites like Linux Outlaws?23:55
wubi_painCan anyone please help me to unhork a Wubi install with a corrupted boot.ini file?23:56
erUSULvjacob: is not there an option for atom? if not choose generic x8623:56
Guest33605quit: Leaving23:56
vjacoberusul: currently the kernel i'm compiling is set for pentium-m23:57
HuufartedCan someone else check wiki.compiz-fusion.org?  The page is blank for me.  Anybody else?23:57
TATANKAerUSUL: didnt work :( again i have the text login23:57
Gneawubi_pain: not until you post some details on the problem23:57
oCean_sstoveld: yeah, you'' have to browse through the output to find (somewhere in upper lines) some listening process, where in 3rd field it says <your_ip>:21. Or just look for "ftp"23:57
vjacoberusul: currently the kernel i'm compiling is set for pentium-m23:57
wubi_painGnea: That is the problem.  What more do you want to know?23:58
Gneawubi_pain: no, that's a symptom. the problem is with boot.ini and anything that's going wrong.23:58
kozhysomebody with a macbook 3.1 (santa rosa) and .config file ? my kernel dont work23:58
Gneawubi_pain: in order to get help here, you need to provide detail - not the other way around. :)23:58
wubi_painGnea: I can't tell you anthing more about boot.ini, because I can't find it.23:59
sstoveldoCean_, i dont seem to see anything relating to port 21 or ftp23:59
Gneawubi_pain: so, if I understand you correctly, you're saying you can't boot the system off of the hard drive at all?23:59

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