
josh-lbeta has been released for ubuntu... kubuntu?00:05
Riddelloh I was thinking we'd wait a week00:06
Riddellno need to hurry really00:06
josh-lfor me there is00:07
Riddellbut the power trip is to much to resist!  we can play with people's minds!00:08
josh-loh it is out00:10
Riddellwhat?!  who let it out without my authorisation!  it'll be the gallows when I find out!00:10
blizzzno cds any longer?00:10
claydohpatience grasshoppers ;)00:10
blizzzgetting old, gotta sleep ;)00:11
RiddellCDs?  this is the 20th century!  we don't want people downloading it in less than a day,  blu-ray only00:11
claydohcd? whats  that I use those newfangled usb drive thingies00:12
josh-lnoone seeding :(00:12
blizzzsmall iso for a small usb stick00:12
blizzzin this moment i discovered i put the pre beta daily on a red hat branded usb stick00:15
claydohsmall bug after updating from 8.1000:15
josh-lclaydoh, what00:15
claydohno dont-zap option in the display config00:15
claydohas I said, small :)00:15
RiddellI have that00:15
josh-lseeders needed00:16
claydohjosh-l:  go for it :)00:16
josh-lclaydoh, have to download it first... gonna take 2hours from http00:16
claydohjosh-l: takes me longer than that on my speed (for dvd image)00:18
josh-lyeah wish the cd was out00:18
josh-lit might be before i finish downloading dvd00:19
josh-l0 seeders for 64bit00:20
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cernuijos-l:for the beta iso?00:21
josh-lcernui, yeah00:22
Riddellhttp://www.kubuntu.org/news/9.04-beta  it's out!00:30
claydohRiddell: what package should i report the missing dontzap ?00:31
claydohRiddell: the upgrade does not install the package 'dontzap'00:31
claydohbut what sould pull it in?00:32
Riddellit's brought in by kdebase-workspace-bin00:33
Riddellif it's not installed that's mysterious, I guess file a bug on update-manager00:33
claydohthanks, will do00:33
cernuiWhat's the original content of the kubuntu bottle?00:34
Riddellvintage Irn Bru00:35
claydohRiddell: nice bottle00:37
claydohI put a kubuntu sticker (thanks, btw) on my mp3 plaer, someone asked me what brand "kubuntu" was00:38
LjLRiddell: i put that in the #ubuntu+1 topic, hope you don't mind.00:39
claydohso I have one less cd to pass out to folks :)00:40
RiddellLjL: super00:40
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Beta out! | Feature Freeze, UI Freeze and Beta Freeze in effect - Fix bugs! | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Congratulations to rgreening and a|wen - Kubuntu's newest MOTUs!!!
Riddellamd64 dvd the surprise lead torrent so far00:44
vorianamd64 ftw00:45
Riddellwe don't even link to the DVDs00:45
vorianah, missed the dvd part00:45
vorianRiddell: it seems there is a new addition in the 4.2.2 release? oxygen-icons00:58
vorianwill we be able to slip it in universe perhaps?01:00
nixternalit is nice having a mirror 5 miles from your house :)01:02
voriandude, how can you ever see yourself?01:03
nixternalhar har01:03
vorianwhich mirror is in chicago?01:04
nixternalthe server it is running on I helped build during a LUG meeting01:07
nixternali got a free Sun Fire X4200 out of the deal :)01:08
josh-lwhats your download rates from torrent right now?01:19
cernuiI'm more or less 3M full speed (+/- 350 kB/s)01:22
josh-lcernui, weird, mine is slow i usually get high speeds01:22
cernuiSorry, looked at the wrong file01:26
cernuiThe torrent file is not announced in the download page as I see01:26
cernuiI used the right torrent and I'm having also good speed, maybe you have some ports closed01:27
nixternalbuild kubuntu-docs now, will upload after testing...let the translations begin!02:01
GonI'm testing 9.04 beta un virtualbox...02:10
GonQuassel doesn't connect D:02:10
nixternalA R G H ! ! ! !02:45
nixternal/usr/share/kde* what a mess02:47
nixternalI am seeing some crazy strangeness with docs02:49
nixternalI open up the doc in konqueror and khelpcenter by navigating to it using absolute path, works great02:49
nixternalas soon as I use help:/kubuntu/foo it looks nasty02:49
nixternaljaunty+1, our docs will use 100% the same stuff kde docs does...maintaining our own xslt and crap is insane, and it is so old02:50
* a|wen_ supposes our docs is like mingling kde3 stuff into kde4...02:51
nixternalnah, our docs were originally created as part of the Ubuntu Documentation Project...and lets just say there are just some things not worth sharing02:53
josh-lwhat package installs koffice2... koffice? it's got some odd dependency issues, and wants to remove a lot of packages03:02
a|wen_josh-l: which ubuntu version?03:13
josh-la|wen_: jaunty03:15
=== heHATEme is now known as vorian
a|wen_josh-l: koffice-kde4 should be the one03:16
josh-lok thanks a|wen_03:17
vorianSput: just an idea - it would be nice if I could see snotes03:23
vorianI get a notice from a server, and there is no message in the window03:23
vorianI do get the message via notification though03:23
josh-leh still dont like konqueror as a web browser03:25
a|wen_josh-l: no problem here ... do you only have the official repos enabled, or does it try to install it from a ppa or something?03:26
josh-loh awesome... firefox tabs are fixed03:26
josh-la|wen_: what konqueror?03:26
vorianSput: never mind03:26
vorianSput: there is a weird thing that happens though, i'll take a screenshot for you03:27
a|wen_josh-l: forget about it ... thought it tried to remove konqueror when you installed koffice-kde403:27
josh-loh no03:27
* a|wen_ just got up, and is still not fully awake03:28
macoer....has anyone seen kontact loop on checking mails? it just checked the same account constantly for a few minutes. and auto-check is disabled on that account05:39
nixternalmaco: gmail?07:08
macothat one was for the server at work07:09
nixternalI have witnessed a similar issue with gmail07:09
nixternal2am already...jeesh07:10
maco3 here ;)07:10
nixternalanother bug bites the dust07:12
nixternalw00t, fixed about 5 bugs tonight...think that is it07:12
nixternalthough they won't truly be fixed until someone approves the uploads07:12
nixternalcome on archive admins, do your magic07:12
freinhardRiddell: updated scpk patch http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/138771/07:19
=== a|wen_ is now known as a|wen
alleeShouldn't Warning in Beta/Kubuntu/Feedback also mention the repaint problems with qt4.5 (only?) with intel gfx  cards?09:59
Riddellallee: I had repaint problems before qt 4.509:59
Riddellallee: but go for it09:59
a|wenallee: are you on intel with repaint problems?10:03
alleea|wen: yes, intel on Dell D630, 830 and E6500.   Only qt apps affected, well, otherway round firefox does not show the problem ;)10:05
a|wenallee: can i have you test changing to XAA? Add Option "AccelMethod" "XAA" to the Device section in xorg.conf10:06
freinhardsame here, i've been unsing UXA recently (no more garbage on the screen). but Xorg freezes quite often (at least twice a day...)10:06
alleea|wen: yes,  fwiw a screenshot: http://imagebin.ca/view/ygCvAo.html10:08
a|wenneat ... more garbage but smaller areas compared to the issues i had10:09
a|wenfreinhard: changing away from EXA fixed all repaint issues for me ... could look like qt4.5 and EXA stepping on each others feet10:14
freinharda|wen: that's a matter of fact.10:18
a|wenand can they agree who needs fixing?10:19
freinhardi guess intel devs are using gnome and qt devs are using nvidia, so nobody cares ;)10:19
alleea|wen: there are sometimes bigger too. I just wanted to show several  corrupted apps10:22
freinharda|wen: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=NzE3MQ10:22
* a|wen uses ati ... nobody cares about that one it seems10:23
freinhardgot no problems with my hd4670 except for missing monitor hotplugging10:24
a|wenfreinhard: i had serious corruptions with EXA ... and a too big virtual screen size (no problem in intrepid) made x.org cry10:26
alleea|wen: using XAA makes xserver crash with chipset GM45  (Dell Latitude E6500)10:32
a|wenallee: oh well, then that is not the solution for you ... you might want to look at UXA as freinhard suggests10:32
freinhardallee: as long as you don't use effects you might not get a X.org crash. using less effects increased the work-time/reboot ratio ;)10:36
alleea|wen: UXA turn screen to solid black.  vt 1 - vt 6 are solid black too or xserver lock up system :(   Trying harder ...10:37
* allee presses power button :(10:37
* a|wen is sorry for allee :(10:38
freinhardallee: use sysrq!10:39
freinhardallee: VT switching does not work for UXA!10:40
a|wenoh wonderful10:43
Riddellworks here10:45
alleefreeflying: did a remote login before starting UXA.  But UXA -> black screen even with running xfailsafe10:47
ryanakcaRiddell: Don't know what to do about it, sorry. You'll have to bug Ng about it,... hopefully I'll be back tonight with better wireless :)10:49
Riddellryanakca: he fixed it10:49
alleea|wen, freeflying: you have bug no for?    Suggestion for wiki beta 'Warning'   Qt 4.5 shows repaint bugs with some but not all Intel Gfx  Chips  (Bug # here)10:53
alleeAh, reminds be:  kwin turn of  composite after resume (with G965 and GM45 intel chipset)   But that not worth another 'Warning' IMHO10:55
EagleScreenwhat application should have more priority opening a .deb package in Kubuntu 9.04? currently in my desktop kpackagekit has more priority than gdebi-kde10:55
davmor2Riddell: I like the irn-brw Kubuntu bottle :D10:56
a|wenallee: i have no bug ... i'm hit by the ati one instead11:11
agateauRiddell: ScottK: I am push a fix for bug #349066 atm, but it's a bit ugly: it adds a script to /usr/env/ (a standard dir read by startkde)11:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349066 in ubuntu-release-notes "Release notes need to tell upgrade users how to add new network-manager widget" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34906611:25
freinhardseele: found your pdf for system-config-printer-kde. did you consider a way how to display conflicts in printers options? gnome's system-config-printer shows a icon next to that option causing the conflict with the message in the tooltip and a popup if you click on it.11:30
Riddellfreinhard: I never worked out why there would be conflicts11:39
freinhardRiddell: in case you have a printer that supports duplex printing, enable duplex, set 2-sided printing to anything but off, save, disable duplex => conflict11:41
freinhardRiddell: got that on a hp 2200 and without the patch it gives some ugly output on commandline ;)11:42
Riddellmm, right11:44
freinhardRiddell: btw, here's the reminder to rebuild the package after beta ;)11:51
Riddellfreinhard: it's top of my list today, unfortunately I've been battling european train websites11:52
seelefreinhard: i thought 2-sided printing is duplex.. why would there be two options to first enable 2-sided printing and then configure it?12:12
Riddellfreinhard: what shall I put as commit message for your patch?12:12
davmor2seele: isn't there a difference.  I one not that it prints pages 1 on the front then 2 and repeats for the amount of copies you have then print pages 3 and 4.  And the other prints 1234 then 1234 until all copies are done12:16
freinhardRiddell: something like "do not acces not existing gui items" for btnConflict and "fix wrong signal connection for changed checkboxes"12:17
davmor2seele: I think duplex is the latter so you don't need to sort through them in order to clip them together12:18
freinhardseele: yes duplex is 2-sided printing, i guess that's because the printer options are derived 1:1 from the printers PPD file12:19
seeledavmor2: multiple sides to a side is different from printing on both sides12:22
seelefreinhard: can we capture some of those redundant options and treat them a certain way instead of just diplaying what is in the ppd file?12:23
freinhardseele: well i'd disable the dropdown as long as the duplex checkbox is not checked. got to dig a bit deeper into the scpk code, no idea how to do that yet ;)12:25
seelefreinhard: couldnt it be done the other way around too? if 2 sided is set to no, that's the same as disabling the duplex option12:26
seelethe fact that there are two options which almost do the same is confusing12:26
seelereducing it to one would be optimarl12:26
Riddellfreinhard: committed and uploaded, thanks12:29
freinhardRiddell: yw!12:32
Riddellfreinhard: as you'll have noticed there's plenty other bits with s-c-p-k to be fixed up before release, feel free to have a go at them :)12:34
jtechidnaErr http://archive.ubuntu.com jaunty/main python2.6 2.6.1-1ubuntu512:37
jtechidna  403 Forbidden [IP: 80]12:37
jtechidnawtf? 403?12:37
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
ScottKJontheEchidna: You don't want that one.12:37
ScottKThat's to keep more systems from getting broken until they can get a fix uploaded.12:38
JontheEchidnaoh, well it sure breaks pbuilder12:38
ScottKMore importantly it breaks update-manager.12:39
ScottKIf you get the update that is.12:39
* JontheEchidna nods12:39
JontheEchidnaCould I get sponsorship for bug 326648?12:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 326648 in gtk-qt-engine "[Kubuntu 9.04] gtk-qt-engine not working" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32664812:40
RiddellJontheEchidna: onto it12:41
JontheEchidnaThere's also bug 346813, it seems that both gtk2-engines-qtcurve and kde-style-qtcurve are in main now...12:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 346813 in kde-style-qtcurve "New upstream bugfix release (QtCurve 0.62.5)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34681312:41
* JontheEchidna has used the QtCurves since he posted the packages on the bug for testing12:42
RiddellJontheEchidna: why is kde-style-qtcurve-kdeconfig being removed?12:44
JontheEchidnaOh, that12:44
JontheEchidnaQt can use KDE styles now, and the way we were separating it was a real hack12:45
RiddellKDE styles?  there's only ever been Qt styles12:45
JontheEchidnaif that's the case, then it probably shouldn't have been split the way it was in the first place12:46
JontheEchidnaOh, another reason was that it would have been nearly impossible to split out the kwin style if we didn't switch to cdbs/away from the hack12:49
RiddellJontheEchidna: so there's no /usr/lib/qt4/plugins/styles/qtcurve.so any more?12:50
JontheEchidnabug 319331 too unless you're already sick of sponsoring my uploads :D12:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 319331 in amarok "[jaunty] amarok always crashes on startup on PPC" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31933112:50
JontheEchidnaRiddell: Right12:50
Riddellseems like more then a bugfix release this12:50
Riddelluploaded anyhoo12:50
RiddellJontheEchidna: amarok uploaded12:55
JontheEchidnaThanks a lot, that's all that I needed sponsored (that I can remember :P)12:56
* JontheEchidna will try going for core-dev next cycle12:59
vorianRiddell: ping13:04
Riddellvorian: if you're quick13:04
vorianRiddell: my serer is down - i hope you have pulled tarballs :/13:04
vorianRiddell: if not, i'll figure something else out13:05
Riddellvorian: can get them from ktown13:05
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
Riddellbut the oxygen-icons thing is a mess13:05
vorianRiddell: i can get them, I don't have a place to stash them for everyone else to help with13:06
Riddellvorian: I'm out for an hour, will sort something out when I get back13:08
vorianRiddell: ok13:08
vorianRiddell: we already had some stuff started last night :)13:08
JontheEchidnaRiddell: just curious, the new oxygen tarball is a mess in what way?13:10
* vorian has not liked this week very much at all13:16
JontheEchidna~order tea, earl grey, hot for vorian13:17
* kubotu is replicating a hot cup of earl grey for captain vorian.13:17
Sput!order tea, Shogun13:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:22
Sput~order tea, Shogun13:22
* kubotu slides tea, shogun down the bar to Sput13:22
ScottKI am supposed to have an icon that tells me there are updates in Jaunty, right?13:26
JontheEchidnaYeah, update-notifier-kde13:26
ScottKHmmm.  60 updates. No icon.13:27
JontheEchidnapython-qt4-dbus could be busted and update-notifier-kde could be crashing13:27
ScottKThat's it.13:27
JontheEchidnareinstalling python-qt4-dbus seems to fix it, but that's a workaround13:28
ScottKIt's a|wen's Bug #348704 that describes the problem.13:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 348704 in python-qt4 "/var/lib/python-support/python2.6/dbus/mainloop/qt.so missing after upgrade" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34870413:39
ScottKUrgh.  And doko offline too.13:40
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ScottKOK.  I'm officially confused.13:56
ScottKRiddell: Unless you can figure out ^^^ I think we need to bring it up at the release team meeting today (which I'll be able to attend after all).13:56
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ScottKOK.  ^^^ is on the release team's radar14:16
agateauRiddell: branch for bug #349066 is here: bazaar.launchpad.net/~agateau/kubuntu-default-settings/add-network-applet14:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349066 in ubuntu-release-notes "Release notes need to tell upgrade users how to add new network-manager widget" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34906614:25
agateauRiddell: branch for bug #349066 is here: bazaar.launchpad.net/~agateau/kubuntu-default-settings/add-network-applet14:25
agateau(oups, double post)14:26
* agateau is sleepy14:26
ScottKagateau: I added a k-d-s task to the bug.14:31
* agateau needs to figure out what is a task for a bug :)14:32
ScottKIf you look at the bug now, you'll see it affects both ubuntu-release-notes and Ubuntu's kubuntu-default-settings.14:37
vitalI'm running jaunty beta and trying to upgrade it (apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade) it say that three python deb's are missing.. is that known already or should I file a bugreport?14:37
ScottKvital: Known.  There was a bad Python upload that broke a lot of stuff, so they blocked it until the fix gets out.14:38
ScottKIt's been publishes and so should be on a mirror near you soonish.14:39
vitalScottK, okay, thanks.14:39
JontheEchidnafwiw I'm just getting the fixed update14:39
JontheEchidnayour results may vary (tm)14:39
Quintasannixternal: ping15:22
RiddellScottK: that python-qt4-dbus upgrade bug is mysterious and important15:23
ScottKRiddell: At the release meeting mvo got tagged to look into it.15:24
ScottKAnyone else get double notifications from the NM widget?15:24
ScottKJontheEchidna: Did you get yours from the US mirror or straight from the source?15:26
nixternalQuintasan: pong15:26
JontheEchidnaScottK: archive.ubuntu.com, which I suppose is the US mirror15:27
Quintasannixternal: I'm sure all kubuntu-docs string have translation suggestions :P15:27
Quintasannixternal: strings*15:27
nixternalI have no idea what that means to be honest :)15:28
* Quintasan thinks he screwd something15:28
a|wenScottK: the python-qt4-dbus thing could be due to some pycentral foo ... i suspect you've read the debian-python mail-list about it; and as i understand it there've been some recent bug fixes to pycentral after lenny release15:33
Quintasangrrr, whats with15:33
ScottKa|wen: Could be.  I'm glad it got punted to someone with more in depth knowledge than me.15:35
ScottKJontheEchidna: No, that's the Canonical data center.15:36
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a|wenScottK: yeah ... is very strange, so let's hope they figure it out15:37
QuintasanJontheEchidna: Are there any other ways I can access diffs from kde websvn? I wanted to check how many files are changed to make Kopete notifications stack.15:40
JontheEchidnaother ways than what way?15:40
QuintasanWebSVN is broken right now. I usually get diffs from there :/15:41
* JontheEchidna is browsing websvn as we speak15:41
* JontheEchidna sees if he can get a diff15:42
JontheEchidnaor I could just email you the files15:43
JontheEchidnaand you could make your own diff?15:43
QuintasanHmm I guess I can try :)15:43
QuintasanJontheEchidna: you have my email address?15:44
JontheEchidnaI think you emailed me a patch once, so I should15:44
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: these will all go in kdelibs/plasma, with the exception of the _p.h files which go in kdelibs/plasma/private15:47
freinhardQuintasan: did you try the reviewboard?15:49
freinhardQuintasan: should be the easiest way to find out what changed...15:50
JontheEchidnait wouldn't be a kopete change, but rather a plasma change15:50
JontheEchidnanotifications/kio jobs are now groupable in general15:51
JontheEchidnaoh, I guess we were thinking about two different features :)15:59
QuintasanJontheEchidna: thanks for files16:00
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: might not have been what you were looking for16:00
Quintasanfreinhard: also thanks, this will be helpful :316:00
JontheEchidnafreinhard's link may be more helpful in the end16:00
Quintasanhmm that is what I was talking about :P16:01
QuintasanIt's too late now to get it included?16:01
JontheEchidnawe have freezes up the arse now16:02
=== JontheEchidna changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Beta in less than 24 hours! Please test http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all | Feature Freeze, UI Freeze and String Freeze in effect - Fix bugs! | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Congratulations to rgreening and a|wen - Kubuntu's newest MOTUs!!!
* a|wen suspects JontheEchidna hit the wrong button16:03
JontheEchidnaoh, maybe konversation-kde4's topic stuff is busted16:03
JontheEchidnawow, that sure messed things up16:03
freinhardbeta in less than 24 hours? hmm JontheEchidna share your timemachine with us! ;)16:03
=== JontheEchidna changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Beta out! | Feature Freeze, UI Freeze and String Freeze in effect - Fix bugs! | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo​ | Congratulations to rgreening and a|wen - Kubuntu's newest MOTUs!!!
JontheEchidnaThat's what I meant16:04
a|wenmuch better, he16:05
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=== jtisme is now known as jtholmes
=== jtholmes is now known as jtisme
QuintasanJontheEchidna: If the patch creates a file x.cfg, should I do quilt add x.cfg?16:17
JontheEchidnaquilt add, then place the file where it should be16:18
JontheEchidnathen it will be picked up in quilt refresh along with everything else16:18
Quintasanok, thanks16:18
a|wenhas anybody else noticed, that a crashing app doesn't bring up a crash/backtrace dialog?16:19
Riddella|wen: it ought to put it's stuff in /var/crash and bring up apport16:20
a|wenit puts the stuff in /var/crash but nothing pops up16:21
ScottKa|wen: Intrepid or Jaunty?16:21
josh-lsurprised, installed beta last night, and already 60+ upgrades?16:21
ScottKjosh-l: That's all the stuff that couldn't be accepted during the beta freeze.16:22
a|weni've had kontact and gwenview crash until now with no pop-ups so seem consistent16:22
josh-lscott_ev: should i have done a dist-upgrade instead of the simple upgrade i did?16:22
scott_evnot necessarily16:23
scott_evI've had good success with both16:24
rickspencer3Riddell: ScottK JontheEchidna etc...16:24
rickspencer3how do you all feel about the Beta so far?16:24
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josh-lscott_ev: I was going to do a dist-upgrade but aptitude showed some issues, so i just quit and did a regular upgrade and it started with out problems...16:25
ScottKI'm having some unfortunate window painting problems I didn't have with 4.2.0 on Intrepid (with Qt4.4) and my wireless is still flaky (so upgrading didn't fix my kernel problems).16:25
JontheEchidnarickspencer3: pretty good16:26
ScottKI'm still on my first boot since the upgrade, so I have hopes the the window painting stuff will pass.  I've seen such before.16:26
QuintasanIt becomes unresponsive after some hours, restarting X helps :316:27
ScottKFor good news, I had zero upgrade problems.  That's important.16:27
ScottKI did file some bugs and the important ones are being addressed.16:27
rickspencer3It looks like Intel+X is shaping up to be a bit of a problem child for Jaunty, are you guys seeing that in Ubuntu as well?16:27
* ScottK waves to agateau.16:27
rickspencer3I mean in Kubuntu :P16:27
ScottKIt should be the same.16:27
Riddellintel+X+Qt seems to be a paticular problem16:28
ScottKi865 at least starts now.16:28
* ScottK did not know that.16:28
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rickspencer3ScottK: yeah, but I was wondering what you're hearing from the Kubuntu user community16:28
* Quintasan is sometimes happy about having an ATi card16:28
rickspencer3the 8xx chipsets work for some people, not others16:28
a|wenrickspencer3: i've heard lots of complains about intel and repaint problems16:28
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=== jtholmes is now known as jtjr
* ScottK looks around at his 100% Intel (FOSS friendly, right) and despairs a bit.16:29
rickspencer3ScottK: exactly16:29
freinhardgot a i855, shows the same video garbage with EXA as my i91516:29
=== jtjr is now known as jtholmes
rickspencer3I chose a particular Dell machine because I wanted all FOSS drivers, and look what it got me :)16:30
rickspencer3actually, it's not that bad a of a situation on the newer Intel chips16:30
Riddellhttps://wiki.kubuntu.org/JauntyJackalope/Beta/Kubuntu/Feedback  not much feedback yet16:30
* JontheEchidna cowers behind his ancient proprietary nvidia16:30
* ScottK notices he's typing on a Dell laptop...16:30
rickspencer3other than that (and another X bug related to user switching) Ubuntu seems to be shaping up very nicely for Jaunty16:31
JontheEchidnamy card has had repainting problems since 4.0 in konsole, the add widgets dialog, etc, but overal enOK16:31
ScottKrickspencer3: My painting problems are on 945GM/GMS16:31
JontheEchidnawtf, my keyboard is dropping keys under high cpu load16:31
rickspencer3ScottK: is that the indirect direct rendering problem?16:31
a|wenrickspencer3: someone mentioned that the intel chipsets on Dell D630, 830 and E6500 was hit16:31
rickspencer3does uxa fix it?16:31
* ScottK has no idea.16:31
* ScottK should try it.16:32
* ScottK just upgraded yesterday 16:32
rickspencer3uxa is nifty, and faster, but if you have a multi-user machine, it doesn't seem to work so well16:32
rickspencer3switching users seems problematic16:32
a|wenrickspencer3: it does ... for those chipsets where it works16:32
a|wenrickspencer3: i heard that vt switching didn't work at all on UXA16:33
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rickspencer3yeah, uxa is close, but not quite ready for prime time, afict16:33
a|wenrickspencer3: got a screenshot earlier from one with the problem http://imagebin.ca/view/ygCvAo.html16:33
rickspencer3however, it's super easy to turn on (one line xorg.conf)16:33
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rickspencer3so if it work for you, you can do it16:33
rickspencer3that looks pretty bad16:34
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rickspencer3a|wen: does that happen when you move windows around?16:34
a|wenrickspencer3: if you have older ati chipsets there can be problems as well ... switching to XAA in that case might fix it16:34
josh-lwhy would a dist-upgrade have install issues, right now, but an upgrade be ok?16:35
a|wenrickspencer3: i'm running ati ... but they just appeared; no need to move anything around16:35
ScottKBecause upgrad just upgrades existing packages, but dist-upgrade will install new ones.16:35
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josh-lScottK: do I need to do the dist-upgrade on the beta right now? or is the upgrade enough?16:36
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ScottKIf you upgrade and it says no packages are held back, you're fine.16:36
a|wenrickspencer3: very weird ... you can have ~20-25% of the screen like that on some occasions; is close to unusable16:37
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josh-lScottK: said one package not to be upgraded... should I run the dist-upgrade when  upgrade finishes?16:37
josh-lok thanks ScottK16:37
rickspencer3a|wen: is there a bug # for that?16:38
josh-ldid anyone else get a strange looking boot splash screen after installing beta?16:38
a|wenrickspencer3: started looking for a bug-number for the ati one, but forgot about it again ... i'll see if i can find something16:39
a|wenrickspencer3: the ati one is bug 33866916:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 338669 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "painting artifacts after qt4.5 upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33866916:41
josh-lI still got the same shutdown issues I had before (running on a dell lalptop) shutdown just stops at "*system will now halt" screen, though reboot now works16:41
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rickspencer3a|wen: I asked bryce to take a look16:42
rickspencer3if you have any more info, feel free to attach it to the bug16:42
a|wenrickspencer3: thanks ... sadly not; only know that changing from EXA to XAA fixes everything for me as well16:43
josh-lbrb rebooting16:44
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ScottKrickspencer3: Good call.  The after 30 seconds review is uxa seems MUCH crisper here and no repaint issues.16:45
rickspencer3ScottK: great16:46
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rickspencer3however, in Ubuntu anyway, there are some stability issues, especially wrt user switching16:46
rickspencer3so we can't turn on uxa by default until Karmic :(16:48
rickspencer3are you guys getting lots of bug reports, in general?16:48
smarterScottK: testing uxa?16:48
ScottKsmarter: Yes.16:48
smarterany problem with desktop effects/firefox scrolling/anything? :)16:48
ScottKNot so far.16:48
ScottK00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:27a2] (rev 03)16:49
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=3&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 3 | Source imported16:49
ScottKrickspencer3: Assuming this proves to be stable, uxa resolves my X related grumbles about Jaunty.16:51
RiddellUXA working perfectly for me16:52
smarterScottK: what kind of problems did you have with exa/jaunty?16:53
ScottKSlow, window redraws missing, just all sorts of pain except not at all crashy.16:53
* ScottK wonders if we can add an 'enable uxa' GUI like we did for dontzap?16:54
smarterbad idea imho16:55
smarterif $user isn't experienced enough to find out how to enable it, he'd better not try it16:55
smarterwould be interesting if you tested some 3D games16:55
ScottKI'm just really impressed how much faster it is.16:56
* ScottK has no 3D games.16:56
smarterapt-get them :)16:56
* ScottK was actually supposed to do some $WORK today.16:56
smarteroh, that might conflict then :p16:57
ScottKBTW, I didn't get dontzap installed on upgrade.  I thought that was supposed to come with kubuntu-desktop?16:58
rickspencer3ScottK: I thought Alberto added it as a checkbox in some control panel somewhere in Kubuntu?16:59
rickspencer3so you don't need don't zap, as it's a Kubuntu setting16:59
smarterrickspencer3: iirc, the systemsettings checkbox uses dontzap internally16:59
smarterScottK: kdebase-workspace-bin recommends dontzap17:00
smarterthat's all17:00
Riddellthere's a bug filed on update-manager for that I believe17:00
ScottKOK.  Thanks.17:00
josh-lhey folks, i got issues, clean beta install... upgraded... still I get stuck on one of two screens when shutting down, or rebooting: "*system will now halt" or when rebooting "*styem will now restart"17:06
smarterjosh-l: looks kernel related, can't help more unfortunately17:06
ScottKjosh-l: How old is the laptop?17:07
smartertry googling a bit, there's a few commands you can try to add to grub to workaround that17:07
smarterstuff like noapic acpi=off17:07
josh-lScottK: not old, 200817:07
ScottKOK.  What smarter says then.17:08
josh-li dont really want to turn off my acpi though17:08
ScottKIt's almost certainly kernel related, so nothing we could help with here.17:08
josh-lhrmm ok17:09
josh-lwould it be a horrible idea to downgrade the kernel?17:09
smartershouldn't break anything in particular17:09
smarteryou could try with a more recent kernel too17:09
josh-lsmarter: is there anything in the repos more recent?17:10
smarterthe ubuntu kernel team provides .deb of 2.6.29 in a separate repo17:10
smarterlet me find that...17:10
josh-li mean to be honest i dont even reboot, or shutdown that often :)17:10
josh-li guess i could live with it for the time being17:10
smarterjosh-l: here it is http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.29/17:11
josh-lthanks smarter17:11
smartertrying an older kernel would be interesting too, to see if it's a regression17:11
josh-lcould I even use an older kernel if im using ext4?17:11
smarterhmm, that'd be more problematic17:14
josh-lis it necessarily all that bad to ctrl+alt+delete out of the "*system will now halt" or "system will now restart" screens? (for the time being until its fixed)17:14
smarteras nothing should be running at the time you see that message it should be ok I guess17:14
josh-lsmarter: i could reinstall with ext3, and then downgrade kernel if you think thats a good idea?17:15
smarterjosh-l: if you really have time to lose you could do that yes17:15
josh-lupgradings to 2.6.29 wont matter right?17:15
josh-lfor ext417:15
josh-lit will matter?17:15
smarterno it won't :)17:16
josh-loh ok :)17:16
smarterusing 2.6.29 with ext4 here, no particular problem17:16
josh-li'll try that before reinstalling using ext3 then17:16
LureRiddell: no bug 347587 with UXA?17:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347587 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "suspend/resume returns to KDM login screen on x200s with UXA" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34758717:16
josh-lsmarter: one last thing, do I need to add that to sources.lst (the 2.6.29 url you gave me)?17:17
RiddellLure: mm, now you come to mention it, I do get that17:17
smarterjosh-l: it's not a deb repository17:17
smarterjosh-l: you have to manually download and install the .debs17:18
josh-loh so no :) ok17:18
LureRiddell: please add your HW info to bug17:18
smarterjosh-l: think you'll be able to find what packages to install and what not to install? :)17:18
josh-lsmarter: uh yea :P17:18
LureRiddell: but otherwise UXA is great - nop redraw problems like bug 27972717:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 279727 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "Display Corruption w/ Intel 4700MHD" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27972717:19
LureRiddell: thanks - I am still trying to get upstream attention, as they consider it fixed17:25
* Riddell hugs nixternal for docs getting uploaded17:29
josh-lsmarter: fixed all problems with the kernel upgrade!!17:35
josh-lis there a repo I can add somehow that will have kernels that up to date?17:36
smarterdon't think so17:36
smarteryou usually don't want to upgrade to every beta kernel thought :)17:36
smarterjosh-l: fill a bug report with your laptop model and indicating that using 2.6.29 fixed the problem17:36
smarterthe fix may be backportable17:36
josh-lsmarter: right and I probably wont need to upgrade before full jaunty release anyways17:36
seeleyay beta time.. back to being useful17:37
josh-lsmarter: I havent filled out a bug report in years... literaly, where ?17:37
smarterjosh-l: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu17:37
Riddellooh, a|wen on behind motu17:40
josh-lsmarter: shall i add that i found the bug in the 2.6.28 linux-image package?17:42
Riddella|wen: where's the photo taken?17:43
smarterjosh-l: say you're using up to date jaunty, they'll know what kernel this is17:43
a|wenRiddell: at the Angkor Wat area in Cambodia ... was there last weekend17:43
smarterjosh-l: output of dpkg -l|grep linux-image might be useful to clarify things17:46
nixternalok, kplayer is severely broken on the FTBFS side...more than likely do to it not supporting KDE 4.2...rkward is also broken and is by far an annoying package...these are the only 2 packages left that install docs to /usr/share/doc/kde4 and they both are FTBFS17:46
josh-lokay ill add that smarter17:46
nixternalso if anyone wants a challenge, rkward and kplayer is it :)17:46
* a|wen already gave up on kplayer17:47
nixternalAn eerie image of a figure at a Scottish castle has got ghost experts spooked. The scary shot was unearthed during the biggest ever investigation into photographic evidence of ghosts.17:47
nixternalRiddell: you playing with the photographers at the Tantallon Castle?17:47
josh-lsmarter: is this alright? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/34977817:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 349778 in ubuntu "reboot and shutdown stuck" [Undecided,New]17:48
smarterjosh-l: looks good, thought the bug title could be a little more informative17:49
josh-lsmarter: can i change after?17:50
smarterjosh-l: yup, there's a button to edit17:50
smarterjosh-l: also, interesting, you're running the inspiron 1525 which should be fully supported on Ubuntu by Dell17:50
josh-lsmarter: exactly17:50
smarterthat should be enough to convince someone to look at it:)17:51
Riddellnixternal: aye, I take all the energy created by my frustration at qt4-x11 taking yonks to build and channel it at their cameras17:51
josh-lsmarter: give me a better title17:51
smartersomething like "[jaunty] Inspiron 1525 get stucks on "System will now halt", works with 2.6.29"17:52
josh-lyeah that is better17:52
josh-lsmarter: title fixed17:59
smarterlooks good.18:01
neversfeldeist it possible for me to change the kubuntu docs?18:40
Riddellneversfelde: it's in bzr, but somewhat frozen now18:41
Riddellask nixternal for details18:41
josh-lanyone know if stasks for the kde panel is available for kubuntu in any repos yet? or if it will be?18:44
neversfeldeRiddell: thanks, it is not so important and I will remeber, when they are open again18:44
nixternalneversfelde: what needs to be changed?18:51
nixternalya, they won't be open until karmic18:51
nixternalunless it is a major issue, then it can be changed18:51
neversfeldenixternal: in systemsettings is said, that kcontrol is still available18:52
nixternalargh, that was supposed to be removed...I had even tagged it18:52
neversfeldeand I translated it :)18:52
nixternalya, that wouldn't be considered major enough for a jaunty fix, but it is tagged18:52
nixternalhaha, translate it to say "IT AIN'T HERE HOMESKILLET" :)18:52
nixternalwait a second18:53
nixternalthere is nothing about KControl in the bzr repo18:54
nixternalnixternal@KaboWabo:~/opensource/ubuntu/docs/kubuntu-jaunty/docs$ grep -r KControl *18:54
nixternalsounds like you might be translating old stuff possibly18:55
neversfelde"KControl is still there" is in the german template for systemsettings18:56
neversfeldeLocated in system-settings/C/system-settings.xml:44(title)18:56
nixternalwth, it is in LP translation though....something isn't right18:57
nixternalit says they are waiting to be imported...how do they get imported?18:59
nixternalwho does the importing?18:59
ScottKnixternal: #launchpad.  It needs manual approval by LP people.18:59
nixternaldo all translations need this?18:59
ScottKAFAIK, yes.18:59
* ScottK knows enough about the LP translation system to consider it extremely broken and then quit caring for more detail.19:00
nixternalI do not ever remember doing that in the past19:00
nixternalya, I am feeling the same19:00
ScottKDunno, but #launchpad is the place.19:01
nixternalKDE translations are so much easier dude19:02
nixternalpeople grab the .pot files, use that translation app, and before you know it, boom, you have translations :)19:02
* nixternal wonders how many people read his blog post about translations19:03
* nixternal hopes not many ;p19:03
nixternalbut from the looks of it, a few have already started19:03
nixternalbut that is fin, because they are probably translating stuff that stayed in the documentation19:03
a|wenJontheEchidna: you our amarok man? ... i think we very much want to keep an eye on kde bug 184714 if a fix appears19:17
ubottuKDE bug 184714 in Playlist "Playlist turns invisible sometimes with Qt 4 5" [Major,New] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18471419:17
JontheEchidnanot particularly, but I am our bug man (tm)19:18
a|wenyou did last upload at least :)19:18
=== ScottK2 is now known as ScottK-desktop
tomsdaleHello - I just made you 3 screenshots of my jaunty kde artistic crash. http://www.avecstyle.ca/screenshots/1.jpg   ( also 2.jpg / 3.jpg)19:19
ScottK-desktopAmarok packaging is so much fun, I'm reasonably certain everyone else will be content to make sure JontheEchidna stays TIL until apachelogger's return.19:19
tomsdalewhat do you think is happening? I have compiz enabled and this time I could still turn the desktop cube.19:19
* JontheEchidna hides19:19
ScottK-desktopJontheEchidna: To late.19:20
ScottK-desktoptomsdale: Generally, I'd say don't use compiz with KDE4.19:21
ScottK-desktopNo specific thoughts though.19:21
tomsdaleI had the feeling too it doesn't integrate as well as under Gnome. But I guess there is no point in opening a bug report with just a screenshot...19:22
* a|wen can't see a point in using compiz with kde419:23
tomsdalefor some light eyecandy like window animations and the desktop cube? I guess the same reasons why someone would use it on Gnome.19:26
a|wentomsdale: in kde there is already kwin making eyecandy, window animations, flying stuff (all that i could ever wish for and more)19:36
tomsdalehm - maybe I missunderstood then. I'm just using the default "Enable Desktop Effects" in the system configuration. I didn't install compiz as an extra - just using what came with kde4 by default.19:40
a|wenthen you are most likely using kwin effects19:41
JontheEchidnaIt could be driver funkiness, ati and intel are known to be troublemakers this time around19:42
tomsdaleI think so too ... I just thought that was "compiz" because the effects are so similar. I heard about Intel making trouble but I have an NVidia NVS 160 with the latest nonfree-driver.19:43
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gabgomthe hp-toolbox dont work20:25
a|wengabgom: in jaunty?20:27
a|wengabgom: did you upgrade from intrepid?20:29
gabgomno from jaunty alfa20:29
gabgomCUPSEXT could not be loaded. Please check HPLIP installation.20:30
gabgom 20:30
gabgomthis is the error it gives20:31
gabgomstarting in console20:31
a|wengabgom: can you try to do a reinstall of python-qt4-dbus ?20:31
gabgomI have done it and I have got the same error20:35
gabgomThis was working before one update20:35
a|wenthen it isn't the known problem ...20:36
a|wengabgom: which version of python do you have?20:36
gabgomlooking it20:37
gabgom2.6 I think20:40
a|wengabgom: "apt-cache policy python" should give you the exact version20:41
gabgom2.6.1-Oubuntu7 020:43
josh-llots of updates for beta seem to be continuously added20:43
nixternalhp-toolbox is working here afaics20:43
a|wenokay, so not the accursed python version ... then it's a good question20:44
gabgomIf a setup from beta is It going to solve the problem ?20:45
gabgomI meant starting from zero.20:45
ScottKRiddell: I didn't find a bug on making sure dontzap is installed, so I added Bug #349886.20:52
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/349886/+text)20:52
gabgomor is it a bug ?20:54
ScottK-desktopIt's a bug and I can't start it either.20:55
josh-lokay issue20:58
josh-ldist-upgrade is wanting to remove a ton of stuff:20:58
josh-lhelp anyone?20:59
josh-lScottK: any ideas?21:02
a|wenjosh-l: just say no21:03
josh-la|wen: to everything in dist-upgrade?21:03
a|wenjosh-l: it's due to some package and/or archive inconsistency ... you'll see this again when running pre-release21:04
ScottKjosh-l: As a|wen says.21:04
josh-la|wen: so just dont dist-upgrade ever (during beta) ?21:04
a|wenjosh-l: if it tries to remove a lot of stuff, just say no ... it will probably work again in a day or two to dist-upgrade21:04
ScottKNo, not ever, you need to sometimes, just pay attention and don't let it do stuff like that.21:05
josh-lah ok will do21:05
ScottKjosh-l: Also I like apt-get better than aptitude in general because it's dependency resolver is less complete and in general it just gives up instead of trying to remove half your system.21:05
Quintasanoh, finally finished building21:06
josh-lScottK: good point, i'll just use aptitude when installing and removing specific stuff then21:06
josh-lhmm apt-get upgrade keeps back kdelibs5-data that sounds imiportant21:07
a|wenjosh-l: just some inconsistency ... wait a day or two, and it will work out fine21:07
josh-lokay patience is the name of the game :)21:08
* Quintasan is happy21:13
josh-lman I never like operating systems, i'm enjoying one again for the first time in years, even linux although running it for 6 or more years, i disliked it somewhat, just feeling no OS was really any good, but I've got really good feelings about Linux again... good for them/me21:13
* apachelogger always gets bad feelings when thinking about linux21:15
* a|wen hugs Quintasan21:15
apacheloggerthough I am messed-up alright :S21:15
apacheloggeruh uh uh21:15
apacheloggera|wen: are you going to re that mercurial mail?21:16
a|wenapachelogger: mercurial mail?21:17
apacheloggerthe mail about mercurial support in dolphin21:17
apachelogger@kubuntu-devel that is21:17
* a|wen thought mercurial was a VCS21:18
apacheloggerit is21:18
apacheloggerif I understand that dood correctly he means a KIO slave for mercurial21:18
apacheloggerlike svn://21:19
a|wenoh; now i understand it21:19
ScottKHg is written in python.  I find it quite ironic the the Debian packaging for Hg is maintained in the Python Applications Packaging Team svn.21:20
apacheloggerhm, if only the PAPT would be using git-svn ;-)21:21
a|wenmr. mercurial is answered21:30
* apachelogger is way too tired => bed21:37
josh-lwhats the easiest way to create a custom usplash?21:39
nixternalI think that would make more sense if it was sent to say the Ubuntu Docs mailing list of the Kubuntu Devel mailing list21:41
Quintasanoh wait, so what I was translating until now? :D21:43
smarterjosh-l: custom usplash aren't really easy to do :p21:45
smarterjosh-l: and usplash will be replaced by plymouth in next ubuntu release anyway21:45
josh-lsmarter: in jaunty final?21:45
nixternalQuintasan: not the new stuff...still waiting for it to be imported which has to be done manually, and seems there is only 1 person who does that21:45
smarterjosh-l: karmic21:45
nixternaland it seems that one person is gone for the day21:45
nixternalScottK: Rosetta is awesome!21:46
josh-lsmarter: i hope the boot splash gets a rework, i find it lacking in looks21:46
josh-ldid the usplash change in jaunty beta release or is that just something odd with my particular installation? its much smaller, and so is the progress bar21:47
josh-lsmarter: do you know?21:50
smarterit changed21:51
smarternot sure if that happened in beta21:51
josh-lsmarter: did it change to what I just described?21:51
smarterno idea, my setup is kind of broken so I don't have usplash21:52
smarterask Riddell :)21:52
ScottKnixternal: I can feel the love from here.21:59
nixternaljust a little22:00
NCommanderScottK, feel like sponsoring something?22:02
ScottKJust on my way out the door for the evening.22:34
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josh-lweird gimp toolbox isnt showing in the taskmanager23:39
Quintasanjosh-l: newest "feature" of GIMP23:55

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