
=== MisterN_ is now known as MisterN
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* wgrant spies some LAZR02:53
wgrantAh, not really.02:55
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macoon bugmail, what are the possible values after "X-Launchpad-Message-Rationale: Subscriber05:02
macoer for the rationale?05:02
macoSubscriber and what else?05:02
wgrantmaco: There's Assigne, IIRC05:04
macoSo "Reporter" currently not an option?05:05
wgrantAnd also remember that there are variants of Subscriber and Assignee.05:05
wgrantYou can tell if you've commented on the bug, though.05:05
macoim trying to figure out how to filter "people replying to bugs i reported, asking me a question" separate from "people replying to bugs they reported where i asked a question"05:06
wgrantThat would be nice, yes.05:06
wgrantI smell a bug.05:06
macoyeah.....wishlist time05:06
macowgrant: filed05:12
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thumpermaco: code review email has rationales of "Subscriber" for personally subscribed "Subscriber @team-name" for a team subscription, or "Reviewer"06:01
* thumper wonders off again06:01
wgrantWhat has died?06:38
Hobbseewgrant: some git just contacted the entirety of ubuntu members, promoting linkedin.  Thanks, launchpad!06:39
HobbseeI thought that launchpad was going to fix it, so you couldn't send mail to large teams?06:39
wgrantMembers can, AFAIK.06:39
* Hobbsee also moves more bugs away from packages that no longer exist, but people keep filing on anyway06:40
wgrantIt seems that non-members can only contact the owner, although that's not entirely obvious.06:41
Hobbseewoah.  launchpad front page changed.06:41
wgrantHobbsee: A release or two ago now.06:41
Hobbseeno, not that change.  A more recent change06:42
Hobbseeand how do i get stuff like the bottom of https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+filebug-advanced on https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-restricted-extras/+filebug-advanced?06:42
wgrantHobbsee: I don't think there's UI for that. But you can use launchpadlib.06:42
* Hobbsee hits the "spam 450 people" button, and grins.06:47
james_wHobbsee: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2009-January/027206.html07:03
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Hobbseejames_w: sweet, thanks!07:04
Hobbseeeven better, it appears i've got commit access...07:06
Hobbseejames_w: pushed, thanks for the help07:15
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kikoFE FI FO FUM09:51
* wgrant hides.09:52
=== cprov changed the topic of #launchpad to: PPAs offline 16.00 - 16.30 UTC 27th March | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
BUGabundowgrant: ping11:49
BUGabundoso ppa teams don't own BTSs?11:49
wgrantBUGabundo: What do you mean by BTS?11:50
ivangarciahi guys I need some help creating a branch/series11:57
BUGabundobug track system11:57
BUGabundoaka LP bugs11:57
ivangarciai have a program with my main code in the series trunk11:57
ivangarcianow I want to have a separate data folder in my project where only few people will be able to commit11:58
ivangarciahow can I do that?11:58
wgrantBUGabundo: Projects, distributions, packages and their series have bugs.11:58
wgrantBUGabundo: Nothing else.11:58
wgrantivangarcia: You can't, without having a separate branch owned by another team.11:59
wgrantivangarcia: Or do you mean you want to create another branch, rather than a subdirectory of the existing one?11:59
wgrantThat is easy.11:59
ivangarciawgrant, u say I cannot do it with subdirectories right?12:00
wgrantivangarcia: Correct.12:01
BUGabundowgrant: maybe I'm not getting this right!12:01
ivangarciawgrant, so I created a different branch at https://code.launchpad.net/~babiloo-maintainers-vi/babiloo/dictionaries-vi12:01
ivangarciabut when I do a bzr branch of https://code.launchpad.net/~babiloo-maintainers-vi/babiloo/dictionaries-vi12:01
ivangarciait loads me again the main code of the app12:01
ivangarciahow can? shoudn't be empty?12:01
wgrantivangarcia: How did you create the branch?12:02
ivangarciawgrant, look at here, https://code.launchpad.net/babiloo12:02
ivangarciai clicked on Register a branch button12:02
wgrantivangarcia: I can't branch from that URL.12:03
wgrantThere is no branch there - it is empty.12:03
ivangarciawgrant, open this from the browser https://code.launchpad.net/babiloo12:04
wgrantivangarcia: You need to create a new branch ('bzr init' in a new directory) and push to lp:~babiloo-maintainers-vi/babiloo/dictionaries-vi12:05
wgrantThere's nothing in that branch now.12:06
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wgrantBUGabundo: What is your understanding of how things work?12:06
ivangarciawgrant, let me try12:06
BUGabundook imagine this12:07
BUGabundoI have gwibber12:07
BUGabundogwibber is in archive12:07
BUGabundobut also on fta,  gwibber team, and gwibber daily12:08
BUGabundowhen I file a bug via apport12:08
BUGabundoit will refuse to use it, 'cause of version missmatch with archive12:08
ivangarciawgrant, it says this12:08
ivangarciabzr: ERROR: Target directory lp:~babiloo-maintainers-vi/babiloo/dictionaries-vi already exists, but does not have a valid .bzr directory. Supply --use-existing-dir to push there anyway.12:08
ivangarciashould i supply that?12:08
BUGabundoI just want it to file any way and indicate the version12:08
BUGabundoand if possible report it upstream (or manually to the upstream project/team)12:09
wgrantivangarcia: Yes. You didn't need to register the branch in the web UI - you can just push to a URL and it will create it.12:09
BUGabundowgrant: why can't apport just do that!12:09
ivangarciaoh, ok, but if I want to restrinct the owner of that new branch? not to me but to a team?12:09
wgrantBUGabundo: You are not permitted to file bugs against Ubuntu packages if the version you have installed is from a PPA, unless the maintainer of the package in Ubuntu has explicitly authorised you to do so.12:09
wgrantivangarcia: Just give lp:~teamname/project/branch rather than lp:~myusername/project/branch12:10
ivangarciaah ok, many thks wgrant12:11
BUGabundowgrant: ahhhhhhhhhhh so its an Option thing!!! got it12:11
wgrantBUGabundo: Huh?12:11
wgrantivangarcia: np12:11
BUGabundodidn't know that mantainers would have an option for it12:12
wgrantBUGabundo: There is no technical option. It is simply impolite and rejectable to do it unless they tell you you are allowed to.12:13
BUGabundoyes yes12:14
BUGabundonow I got it better12:14
SamBsort of like how you aren't permitted to walk naked in the streets most places12:14
SamBexcept that you aren't quite so likely to be arrested on launchpad12:15
bigjoolswgrant might try12:15
wgrantbigjools: Hm?12:15
bigjoolsto arrest someone :)12:15
wgrantThat might be a bit difficult.12:16
SamByou thought bigjools meant you might try to walk naked through the streets?12:16
* bigjools shudders12:16
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=== allenap changed the topic of #launchpad to: PPAs offline 16.00 - 16.30 UTC 27th March | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: allenap | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
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maxbAnything interesting happening to PPAs whilst they're down?13:05
bigjoolsdisk upgrade13:05
bigjoolsso not really :)13:06
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=== mrevell changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: allenap | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
mrevellPPAs are back online following a few minutes of planned maintenance.16:26
felipe__Guys how can I delete a blueprint I just submited...is listed in the wrong proyect16:43
=== allenap changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
allenapfelipe_: Can you give me the URL and I'll see what I can do.16:46
felipe__I can't link it to the NetworkManager Project16:48
allenapfelipe__: Have you tried https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/earcandy/+spec/sources.list-switcher/+retarget16:49
jelmerit seems like launchpad is having trouble scanning https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jelmer/git/trunk16:49
felipe__it says I should rename the blueprint, but I aslo want to delete it from earcandy16:50
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allenapfelipe__: Something weird is going on....!16:53
felipe__allenap, oh good, I feel less stupid :D16:55
felipe__So what should I do? rename the blueprint and link it to NetworkManager although I can't find the NetworkManager Projetc?16:56
allenapsinzui, flacoste: I'm trying to help felipe__ retarget a blueprint, but it's going a bit weird. In staging, whenever I retarget *any* blueprint, it ends up in the earcandy project. Any ideas?16:58
allenapfelipe__: https://edge.launchpad.net/network-manager16:59
* sinzui looks16:59
allenapjelmer: I don't know what's happening there. The code guys are all asleep or at PyCon :) rockstar, are you around to help jelmer?17:01
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
felipe__allenap, after the blueprint is submited what else should I do?17:02
allenapfelipe__: I'm getting you a workaround, sinzui's looking into the cause of the problem. Hang with us :)17:03
felipe__allenap, No prob, but the question was in general...after submiting and blueprint what else should I do? I don't program good enough to implement the blueprint myself17:06
sinzuiallenap: my firefox has gone belly up. I'll need to try a new session17:07
allenapfelipe__: In general I would try and talk to the maintainers/developers of the project in question and see if they're interested in your proposal. I don't know much at all about blueprints or about the way network-manager and Ubuntu use them, but you can propose a blueprint for consideration during a sprint. The upcoming UDS would be one such event. I suggest going on #ubuntu and asking about it there.17:10
allenapfelipe__: Is that what you were looking for?17:11
felipe__allenap, yes, thank you.17:11
sinzuifelipe_ I've finally got a working browser. Retarget means move to a different project. reading the scollback, I think you are saying you want to move sources.list-switcher from earcandy to netwrk-manager17:16
allenapsinzui: While I tried to see how it works, I added a blueprint in malone on staging. Retargeting it to, say, python-macports caused it to end up in earcandy, bizarrely.17:18
sinzuiallenap: so your saying if I try one of my specs, it too will migrate to eay candy?17:19
felipe__allenap, yea, thats what I was trying to do.17:19
allenapsinzui: Yep.17:19
allenapsinzui: I tried it twice, and they both ended up there!17:19
sinzuiwow! earcandy shows up when I search for launchpad17:20
* gmb boggles at the scrollback17:22
felipe__sinzui, lol17:22
felipe__the earcandy guys are probably very happy with the bug, tons of publicity ;)17:23
sinzuiyep. This is wack17:26
* sinzui ponders how to get his spec back17:26
sinzuiI see, so when you try to move the blueprint again, it is moved again to earcandy, which is an error because ear candy cannot have two blueprints of the same name17:28
* sinzui looks at Blueprint's bug reports17:28
sinzuiI believe bug 309048 is mutating. blueprints were targeted to launchpad. Now it is earcandy. I wonder is ear candy is a member of the launchpad-project now?17:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 309048 in blueprint "Cannot retarget to ubuntu" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30904817:33
allenapsinzui: I have to go now, so thanks for looking into this issue.17:33
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sinzuifelipe_ This looks like a very bad bug: bug 320889 is the real bug. There is some change in the data that causes a different project to get the blueprint. Given that a few launchpad developers have looked at this, you will not be able to retarget your spec until someone lands a fix17:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 320889 in blueprint "Can't retarget a blueprint" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32088917:39
sinzuifelipe_I will escalate this issue and get it fixed for the next Launchpad release next week17:40
gmbsinzui: That wins the 2.2.3 weirdest bug prize, I think.17:42
sinzuigmb: abentley first reported the issue in December 200817:42
gmbsinzui: Ah. s/\.2\.3/.5/ then...17:43
sinzuiearcandy has my spec and I want it back17:43
felipe__sinzui, Thank you very much.17:48
=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
cocooncrashWhy doesn't LP detect the merged revision of a merge request?17:58
cocooncrashIt detects that it's been merged, so it can't be difficult to get the revision number surely?17:58
beunococooncrash, it actually is kinda hard17:59
beunoit's on our radar, just hard to do17:59
cocooncrashbeuno: Thanks17:59
beunococooncrash, because it could of been merged very deep in the branch18:00
beunoso you you end up recursively going through it18:00
beunoyou try and be smart18:00
beunowe want to be smart, just haven't figured out how yet  :)18:01
abentleysinzui: The issue we discussed yesterday?18:01
sinzuiabentley: bug 30904818:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 309048 in blueprint "Cannot retarget to ubuntu (dup-of: 320889)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30904818:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 320889 in blueprint "Can't retarget a blueprint" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32088918:05
sinzuiThe target project changes, but the point is that the blueprint never goes to the right project18:06
abentleysinzui: I'm not sure why you're telling me this.18:06
sinzuiabentley: You reported the first instance of this bug, that is all that I meant.18:07
abentleysinzui: Ah, I'd forgotten.18:07
sinzuiIf I can fix this bug, I can get my spec back18:08
cocooncrashbeuno: Ah, I see18:19
=== fjlacoste is now known as flacoste
rippsThere's something weird going on with the gmpc-trunk ppa, it can't find certain packages within it.18:50
rippsAnd packages that rely on a dependency can't find the dependency in the ppa.18:50
=== beuno_ is now known as beuno
nixternalhow do I get someone to approve translation files waiting to be imported for Jaunty?19:00
nixternalie. kubuntu-docs19:00
beunonixternal, you ping danilos, jtv1 or henninge_19:00
beunonot sure if they're still here19:00
nixternalbeuno: thanks for pinging them for me :p19:01
nixternalI don't remember doing this in the past...has it always been this way?19:01
nixternalcould be the reason why "kubuntu documentation translation were horrible in the past"....never got imported so I always pulled the old stuff :D19:02
newz2000Is there an appropriate way for a team in launchpad to manage a short-term (1 month) project?19:09
kikonewz2000, you mean, like a launchpad release?19:10
newz2000I don't know, I've read about them but not used them19:10
newz2000but for example, I'll create a mini website, I have to gather information, track changes, all the usual project stuff, but then it will be done and never change again.19:11
newz2000does it make sense to make one launchpad project for all of a team's individual projects and each individual project would be a release?19:12
mrooneyDoes anyone else get 100% xorg cpu usage when visiting any launchpad bug/spec list such as https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu ?19:14
mrooneyit has happened to me for the past month or so in Jaunty with Firefox, I can't figure it out19:15
mrooneyI removed my ~/.mozilla and started fresh, same thing19:15
newz2000mrooney: try disabling some firefox extensions... start with flash, flashblock and firebug19:19
* newz2000 had the same problem but it was some errant extension at fault19:20
mrooneynewz2000: hm, as I said above I actually cleared out my whole .mozilla19:20
newz2000check your addons to see if there are any enabled, especially flash19:20
mrooneyI am not sure if you understand what removing .mozilla does :)19:20
newz2000well, some add ons are installed system wide19:21
mrooneyyes in rare cases I suppose, but anyway there is not a single extension enabled19:23
mrooneyI also disabled every plugin for good measure :)19:23
newz2000not rare... the first time you visit a flash site ubufox will offer to install three different flash plugins for you19:24
mrooneywell yes but then that would still be an ubuntu supplied thing and thus a valid bug19:24
mrooneyanyway thanks for your suggestions though, I think I will file a bug19:25
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
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cgreganLooking for some info on Launchpad interfaces with other bug trackers in the wiki. Any EDT zone LP folks available? rockstar, leonardr, abentley?20:22
rockstarcgregan, I'm usually not EDT, but what are you looking to do?20:22
cgreganrockstar: whoops...just a listing and whether or not they are two way comms.20:22
rockstarcgregan, from what I understand, yes, they are two way connections.  I don't know all the supported bug trackers20:22
* rockstar is not on the bugs team20:22
cgreganrockstar: Yeah...seemed late for the bugs guys though20:23
cgregangmb: ping?20:23
matsubaracgregan: You mean something like this: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers?20:24
cgreganmatsubara: Hmm...sort of. But more of an official list of what you can register20:24
cgreganmatsubara: there may be more supported than what is registered20:25
matsubaracgregan: there is a bug tracker type select box in the registry an external bug tracker page. AFAIK, those are ones LP can communicate with20:26
matsubaracgregan: some of them, like bugzilla and trac, can do two way communication if the remote tracker uses the LP plugin.20:27
cgreganmatsubara: yes..that is exactly the info I am looking for. Like a table: || Name || 2-Way comms || Plugin ||  etc.20:29
matsubaracgregan: this post from gmb might shed some light http://blog.launchpad.net/cool-new-stuff/announcing-the-launchpad-plugin-api-spec20:30
cgreganmatsubara: ah...ok. I see20:32
cgreganThanks matsubara!20:32
matsubaracgregan: I'm afraid I can't be of much help re: which of those remote trackers offer two way comm with LP, other than bugzilla and trac20:32
cgreganmatsubara: not a problem....I will go with the safe bet and tell my group it is only Bugzilla and Trac for now20:34
=== henninge_ is now known as henninge
henningenixternal: You will have to ask Arne Goetje about the kubuntu-docs template uploads.20:40
henningenixternal: He approves all Ubuntu-related imports.20:40
nixternalroger that, thanks!20:41
henningenixternal: As I can see, you just uploaded those today so Arne may still approve them in his normal work flow.20:41
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henningenixternal: Are you aware of the discussion on ubuntu-translators about Kubuntu-docs?21:14
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
rippsCan someone help me figure out why source packages can't find dependencies that are already in the PPA?21:26
kikoripps, sometimes it's a race condition between publication and building21:28
rippskiko: the dependencies have been there for days, and they were working as dependecies only a few hours ago. Then, suddenly, the packages stop recognizing them.21:30
kikoripps, that's pretty odd. what do the buildlog failures tell you?21:31
rippskiko: gmpc-dev: Depends: gmpc (= 0.18.0+git090324-0ubuntu2~rippsi) but it is not going to be installed21:31
rippsboth packages are there.21:31
kikoripps, sounds like there's a version problem.21:31
kikoripps, is it fetching the packages file from your PPA?21:32
rippskiko: the ppa is https://edge.launchpad.net/~gmpc-trunk/+archive/ppa21:33
nixternalhenninge: wasn't aware of that, thanks21:39
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jkakarI keep seeing 'too much recursion' errors in Firebug when using edge.  It started a few days ago and is happening every so often.23:17
jkakarI've seen it at least on bug and branch pages.23:17
jkakarNo Javascript-related behaviour breaks, as far as I can tell, and there's no line number in the Firebug message.23:17
jkakarSo, I'm not even entirely sure it isn't Firebug itself crapping out, but I figured out mention it in case others had seen similar.23:18

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