
thewrathwhat about sudo apt-get dist-upgrade00:00
thewrathi was told what you said wont get everything00:00
aciculaso do a dist-upgrade00:00
thewrathi was not sure00:00
qixcomneed to label the cd this time so I dont loose it in a 200 pile of blank dvd's again :D :P Been using an old hardy cd to install the last few times and its a pain having to run update-manager -d twice00:00
* bruce89 doesn't get why people can't grasp the concept of development releases00:00
thewrathacicula: whats the difference between teh two00:01
aciculathough you are already on jaunty so dunno why that differs00:01
thewrathwhat are people's download speeds00:01
CycomI was at 1MB, but that dropped pretty fast :)00:02
thewrathill be back00:02
o0Chris0owhen is the sourch going to be available for apt-get00:02
CycomI'm flirting with 1MB pretty often though.00:02
thewrathi am going to go to into windows00:02
bruce89excluding the IRC traffic00:02
Cycomthe torrent doesn't seem to have anyone on it yet, but I'm going to download and seed it.00:03
hggdhoh, I did not add my IRC in00:03
aciculadoesnt seem that crowded on the main server00:03
funkyHatWhy are there only DVD images on this page http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/jaunty/beta/ ?00:03
aciculaso much for the rush ;)00:03
Cycomit seems only the amd64 version is up now, yes?00:04
josh-lbeta has been released for ubuntu... kubuntu?00:05
qixcomCycom - x86 is up too00:05
Cycomqixcom: ah, seems to have just hit00:05
aciculawhy do people go for the images instead of just updating/upgrading ?00:05
josh-lacicula, because some of us are running 8.1000:05
Cycomacicula: I'm just torrenting them so I can seed.00:06
aciculajosh-l: so00:06
Cycomjosh-l: you can upgrade from 8.10...00:06
qixcombecause sometimes its best to do a fresh install00:06
Cycomjosh-l: that was acicula's point.00:06
funkyHatacicula: I've only tested in a VM so far, and currently my Jaunty VM is broken00:06
sstoveldhey guys, is there a problem with vsftpd and jaunty?00:06
josh-lyeah i like to do fresh installs whenever possible00:06
kneekiI just realized the beta download is 4.3Gb00:06
josh-lso is the kubuntu image out?00:06
funkyHatacicula: also I'm planning to test it's working proerly with the liveCD before I upgrade and possibly break my PC too ;)00:06
CycomI'm not seeing much activity on the torrents.  are there actual seeds out there?00:07
Cycomoops! the i386 one just perked up!00:07
Cycomand back down.00:07
HolyScottiecd or dvd?00:07
Cycomis there even a CD image?00:07
funkyHatCDs would be awesome, I don't have a DVD burner00:07
bruce89acicula: apparently, some people don't think updates are the same thing00:07
aciculaidunno, ran feisty and upgraded that untill the disk broke last december :/ apart from upgrading to early toalpha/beta i never ran into much trouble00:07
HolyScottieI see all the dvds, is there gonna be a cd release?00:07
josh-lanyone know? is the kubuntu beta image out?00:08
aciculabruce89: well admitedly there is some crud i suppose, but it's marginal in my experience00:08
bruce89not if you're careful00:08
funkyHatWhen I actually decide to upgrade I'll just be doing a dist-upgrade00:08
* bruce89 sets as many packages in aptitude as auto-installed00:08
funkyHatBut I'm not sure I'll upgrade to Jaunty at all, I don't like the sound of what's happened to update-manager (I'll have to see how it looks on the live cd)00:09
josh-lit is out00:10
aciculai need jaunty for better support for the Gm45 chipset and intel 5100 driver :/00:10
Cycomheh. and now the mirror drops to 200k/s or less.00:10
bruce89funkyHat: it can be disabled (thankfully)00:10
jblackhalljosh-l: just posted that :)00:10
funkyHatbruce89: can the icon be enabled as well? if not I'll live with it but I'd like it00:10
josh-ljblackhall, oh missed it00:10
bruce89funkyHat: disabling the braindead thing re-enables the icon00:10
Cycomhey, anyone take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/totem/+bug/343067?  I'm hoping for a "confirmed" here.  All you need is an ISO image of a backed up DVD.00:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 343067 in totem "Playing a DVD iso in totem causes the iso to be mounted in .gvfs and not played." [Low,Incomplete]00:10
funkyHatAlso I hear fglrx is broken00:10
funkyHatbruce89: cool :)00:10
bromic94i might just download it tomorrow at work00:11
josh-ljblackhall, wait where00:11
=== bromic94 is now known as thewrath
HolyScottiewell I'm DLing a CD version of kubuntu for my netbook.00:11
bruce89funkyHat: gconftool-2 -s -t bool /apps/update-notifier/auto_launch false00:11
jblackhalljosh-l: 19:0800:11
bruce89jblackhall: I make it 00:1200:12
funkyHatbruce89: cheers, I'll make a note of that :)00:12
Cycombruce89: does that return the actual icon, or...00:12
funkyHatAnyone know how the open source ati drivers are doing in Jaunty?00:12
bruce89Cycom: gets rid of auto-launching and re-enables the icon00:13
Cycombruce89: great. I missed my icon :)00:13
Cycombruce89: I understand the concept of trying to annoy the user as little as possible, but I would rather be annoyed and know when updates are there :)00:13
IenorandMay I, on the subject of upd-man advertise: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/18460/00:14
CycomHAHAHA! I'm UPLOADING the i386 image 2 to 3x the speed I'm DOWNLOADING it at!00:14
bruce89Cycom: I'm of the school of find auto-opening windows appearing being annoying00:14
Cycombruce89: ditto.00:14
Cycom"whoops, clicked something on a window that just popped open.  pity I couldn't read it first"00:14
bruce89even if they are in the background00:15
Do``crdlb: bsnider: thanks for your help, i think i'll continue tomorrow with a brute force check to see which folders removed from my home directory fixes the login. thanks once again00:15
bruce89also why the new notifications are useless too00:15
bsniderbruce89, what problem do you have with the notification system?00:15
funkyHatI really like notify-osd though, I've been using it in 8.10 for a couple of weeks00:15
bruce89no features00:15
bruce89no queuing00:16
bruce89no theming00:16
fosco__but they are nice :)00:16
bruce89essentially requires compositing00:16
thewrathi am getting really slow download speeds but i think that is becuase of our neetwork here00:16
thewrathnad how its set up00:16
bruce89can't be attached to widgets00:17
Cycomsomebody on the torrent is loving me about now.00:17
thewrathwhy do you say taht Cycom00:17
Cycomthey got 287kb/s from me for a minute or two :)00:17
CycomI haven't changed my limites or anything, I think the segment finished.00:18
bsniderbruce89, what sort of features do you want the system to have?00:18
mickstephenson16kb/s :( 2 days, 12 hours remaining00:18
bruce89bsnider: the ones the old one had; attaching to widgets, and actions00:18
bruce89bsnider: timeouts00:18
bsnideri like it the way it is00:18
bruce89and the fact that programs have to be patch to "work"00:19
Cycomthe amd64 torrent seems pretty dead.00:19
josh-lyeah totally00:19
bsniderbut i have a real graphics driver so i guess the compositing thing doesn't bother me00:19
Cycomis there not a seed for it?00:20
bruce89gnome-mount now has a window that appears when a drive is being unmounted because notify-osd doesn't do timeouts00:20
JediMasterwhere would be a good place to ask about setting up ubuntu for a complicated network (multi link ppp over tcp/ip)?00:20
josh-lCycom, oddly not00:21
Cycomjosh-l: that's problematic.00:22
Cycomwould it be possible for me to just dump my completed iso in the folder where the torrent is and seed that?00:22
Cycom(once it downloads from a proper mirror)00:22
HalowCycom: Yeah. I did that once or twice.00:22
Cycomok. I'll do that if the dvd image finishes in a timely fashion.  looking at about 4 hrs right now.00:23
josh-lim looking at 200:23
P3ngv1n-Fvck3ryes..finally.. downloading beta now :D00:26
Cycomis there anything new from yesterday on the update mirrors?00:26
thewrathhow big are the betas00:28
thewrathother sites that have them on torrents i see are like 500-=700MB00:28
Cycom4.3gb for x86 and x64, I think00:28
thewrathon the ubuntu its 4.3Gb00:28
thewrathwhats the different between teh two00:28
thewrathhttps://isohunt.com/torrents/?ihq=Ubuntu shows 9.04 betas being 500-700MB00:29
bruce89one's a DVD ISO, the other is a CD00:29
Cycomthewrath: likely fake.00:29
thewrathoh ok00:29
Cameronis the beta out ?00:29
Doctor_Nickis ther a torrent00:29
CameronI can see DVDs here http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/jaunty/beta/ but no CD ISOs00:30
thewrathbeta is out00:30
Cycomperhaps it's time to update the topic?00:30
thewrathCycom: most likely00:30
thewrathwow i started at 12.1kb00:31
jblackhalljosh-l: whoops, I thought that was the releases.ubuntu.com link.  my mistake00:31
jblackhallCameron: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/00:32
Cameronjblackhall: taa00:32
HolyScottieI am getting a 250kb dl00:32
thewrathi am at o B/s00:32
thewraththis is rediculous00:32
HolyScottieI need to get 3 iso's00:32
thewraththe servers will mostl likely go down00:32
HolyScottiefor the ps3, the netbook, and possibly my desktop00:33
thewrathjust bc of all the triffic00:33
thewrathwh y is it do big00:33
HolyScottiethen I will have th DL all 3 again because I am DLing fakes00:33
o0Chris0oHolyScottie: now that would be funny00:33
HolyScottieoh well00:34
HolyScottiebut I have a change of getting them sooner and quicker00:34
HolyScottieI'll just compare md5's before I comit to installing00:34
CycomI'm rather suprised that amd64 is seeing so little activity on the torrent.00:34
HolyScottiebut there are no release notes yet with known issues?00:35
thewrathi have amd64 aand i38600:35
thewraththe machinet hat will get this relaese of ubuntu on it will be the i38600:35
thewrathwhen will i be able to do my update to my alpha relase00:35
ubottujigdo is the jigsaw downloader for building cd isos. for more information see http://www.debian.org/CD/jigdo-cd/00:36
thewrathbruce89: i can do sud apt-get dist-upgrade?00:36
thewrathwhat all in the release00:36
bruce89thewrath: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade00:37
bazookatoothwhats going on w/ the beta release?00:37
thewrathwhats the safe upgrade?00:37
=== LjL changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope (beta) discussion channel | Jaunty is NOT RELEASED and NOT SUPPORTED, it will most certainly break your system in bad ways. Jaunty Beta CD Images Available at http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/ | Kubuntu: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/9.04-beta | Please read Beta release notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/beta | Join #ubuntu for Intrepid Ibex (8.10) and previous versions support
aschmitzthewrath: safe-upgrade doesn't remove packages in order to do the upgrade, even if it thinks it should.00:39
thewrathis that good everytime>00:39
aschmitzthewrath: It's safer with a beta/etc upgrade, but it's not necessarily best.00:39
* bruce89 just uses aptitude's UI, so I know what it is doing00:40
khearcan i use the usb-creator available from intrepid repositories to get the jaunty iso image on a usb stick?00:40
Cycomkhear: worked fine for me. your milage my vary00:40
HolyScottieso does this mean I had a heads up on the right version?00:41
bruce89!usb-creator intrepid-backports00:41
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:41
bruce89!info usb-creator intrepid-backports00:41
ubottuPackage usb-creator does not exist in intrepid-backports00:41
bruce89!info usb-creator intrepid-updates00:41
ubottu'intrepid-updates' is not a valid distribution ['dapper', 'gutsy', 'gutsy-backports', 'hardy', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid', 'intrepid-backports', 'jaunty', 'jaunty-backports', 'kde4-ppa', 'kubuntu-members-kde4', 'medibuntu', 'partner']00:41
khearCycom: thanks, i'll give it a try then00:41
thewrathi know there are freezes on stuff00:41
thewrathlike the resposititories00:41
thewrathteh restricted moduels in particular when willt eh freeze be lifted?00:41
bruce89after release00:42
thewraththe final whcih is what april 23?00:42
ubottuA schedule of Jaunty Jackalope (9.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule00:42
cousteauwhy isn't there any jaunty beta desktop CD yet?00:45
LjLcousteau: says who there isn't?00:45
bruce89bazookatooth: I didn't know you could speak 'Weegie00:46
o0Chris0oLjL: is the source available through apt-get?00:46
LjLo0Chris0o: what source?00:46
cousteauthere's a MID edition, Notebook-remix, and even a SD card version, but I can't find the desktop CD00:46
LjLcousteau: /topic00:46
CycomI think he means they are DVD images, not CD images00:46
cousteau"there" = http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/jaunty/beta/00:46
LjLCycom: no, there are CD images00:46
LjLcousteau: type /topic00:46
* cwillu burns an 8.10 livecd00:47
o0Chris0oLjL: whatever it uses to download/install through apt-get00:47
cousteauok, ok, I just saw it00:47
bazookatoothare all of the issues cleared up w/ ext4?00:47
LjLo0Chris0o: i'm not following you00:47
cwillubazookatooth, a while ago00:47
o0Chris0oLjL: if I do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade I still get nothing00:47
LjLo0Chris0o: apt-get dist-upgrade will *never* upgrade you to a new release.00:47
thewrathbruce89: how faster after the release is stuff released00:48
LjLbesides, Jaunty isn't out, so it'll never upgrade unless you explicitly specify it00:48
LjL!upgrade | o0Chris0o00:48
ubottuo0Chris0o: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading00:48
LjLand DON'T UPGRADE unless it's a test system.00:48
cwillubazookatooth, specifically, sane but incorrect programs have a workaround in place in the kernel to make them work properly, and insane and incorrect programs were always broken, and so remain broken00:48
CycomLjL: I'm looking at the mirror right now.  there are mid and netbook remix USB images, and the liveDVD images.  NOT cd images.00:48
thewrathwhere can i see the features in jaunty00:48
bruce89thewrath: not very00:48
LjLCycom: " ubuntu-9.04-beta-desktop-i386.iso " sounds like a desktop CD image to me.00:48
cwillubazookatooth, none of the major packages are in the 'insane and incorrect category'00:48
thewraththe reason i ask bruce89 is there is sometihng in there that i am waiting for for the computer i am on now when i boot into ubuntu00:49
fosco__thewrath, http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/beta00:50
bruce89thewrath: being?00:50
cousteau(http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/ and not http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/jaunty/beta/)00:50
CycomLjL: AHA! I was looking at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/jaunty/beta/00:50
thewrathit deals with a bug hold on let me get it for u00:50
o0Chris0oLjL: hmm its not listed on how to upgrade00:50
LjLthere's a REASON i said to look at the /topic00:50
LjLo0Chris0o: no, of course it's not. it's not out.00:50
ubottuUbuntu bug 305907 in linux-restricted-modules "Complete system freeze when trying to connect to WPA2 network" [Medium,Fix committed]00:50
CycomLjL: well for the past three hours people have been pointing to the cdimage mirrors.00:50
thewrathbruce89: that is the bug that one of the restricted modules helps me with00:50
o0Chris0oLjL: well I know this...I want the beta00:50
o0Chris0oI am asking how do I upgrade to it00:50
Cycomwhich brings us to the point: why DOES the cdimage mirror have only the dvds?00:50
cousteauo0Chris0o: sudo update-manager -d, I think00:51
dan457o0Chris0o, ok just het alt-f2 and type in update-manager -d00:51
cousteauor download, mount and install the alternate CD00:51
dan457-d makes it show devel versions....00:51
bruce89o0Chris0o: or indeed do-release-upgrade -d for a CLI version00:51
cousteauI mean, download, mount and run it00:52
cousteau(it includes an upgrade program)00:52
thewrathwhat do yoiu think of that bruce89 ?00:52
o0Chris0odidnt' work00:52
cwilluLjL, what do you suppose the odds are that somebody could note in the release notes the existence of the magic sysrq key combo for killing whatever is on the current vterm as a replacement for ctrl-alt-backspace?00:53
bruce89thewrath: not fixed until "Fix Released"00:53
thewrathbut he said unofficially its in there00:53
bruce89one way to find out00:54
thewrathwhat does Triaged mean00:54
thewrathwhat is that bruce89 ?00:54
LjLcwillu: almost the same as the chances that we won't use the new sysrq factoid enough times a day to know it by heart00:54
* cwillu parses00:54
bruce89thewrath: It's been looked at00:54
thewrathi mean fix committed?00:54
LjLcwillu: "very low"00:55
* cwillu parses that as "slim to nil"?00:55
LjLcwillu: yes, that works too00:55
bruce89thewrath: in revision control00:55
bruce89not yet packaged00:55
thewrathas well as triage\d00:55
thewrathwhere can i find where a ll the bug stsus are00:55
Cycomout of curiosity, how can you tell if you're still on alpha6 or on the beta?00:56
o0Chris0ook....I have alpha 6, how do I upgrade to beta? Do I have to download the iso?00:56
bruce89thewrath: at the top00:56
LjLo0Chris0o: you don't have to do anything. you're already running the beta.00:56
bruce89Cycom: you don't really00:57
thewrathwhat all the status mean00:57
o0Chris0oLjL: :D oh lol00:57
LjLCycom: just ensure you're up to date on synaptic or apt-get.00:57
bruce89may have to say it here too00:57
LjLo0Chris0o: you didn't *specify* you were already on Jaunty to begin with...00:57
CycomLjL: bruce89: but there's nothing like the debian-version file for ubuntu?00:57
bruce89It's just a load of people agreeing that a specific versions of packages are to be jointly called a beta00:57
o0Chris0oLjL: sorry for the confusion00:57
LjLCycom: lsb_release -a might or might not show it, i don't know00:57
CycomLjL: nope! just Release: 9.04 and Description: Ubuntu jaunty (development branch)00:58
RieshBefore i got daily several updates, but now already two days no updates. How come? ... bugs get more difficult to repair ?00:58
bruce89Cycom: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade00:58
bruce89Riesh: beta freeze00:58
Rieshbruce89: meaning?00:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about freeze00:59
Cycombruce89: 0 packages upgrade, newly installed, etc.00:59
cwilluRiesh, basically, we stop accepting updates except for the most critical, so that we can have a relatively known good cd for people to work with00:59
bruce89Riesh: no packages are allowed in unless they fix something that's needed for the beta00:59
danbeckwhere is bazookatooth01:00
Cycombruce89: so there's no major changes since yesterday?01:00
bruce89Cycom: meaning you have the latest updates01:00
bruce89Cycom: evidently not01:00
o0Chris0oLjL: for future reference whats the command I can input into the terminal to see what version I have?01:00
Cycombruce89: ok cool :)01:00
LjLo0Chris0o: lsb_release -a, but as Cycom just said, that doesn't really tell you whether you're on an alpha or a beta01:00
thewrathwhere can i find what all the bug status' mean./ i dont see it at the top bruce8901:01
RieshHmmm, OK thanks guy for this explenation01:01
maxbAt some point in the next ~24 hours or thereabouts, I'd expect a sudden burst of updates when the freeze is lifted :-)01:01
joerlend_I just visited cdimage.u-c to look for beta images, and I found only DVDs for i386 and 64bit.. Are CD images on their way, or have they been dropped?01:01
CycomI still can't get anyone to confirm my bug.01:01
Rieshs/guy/guys :-)01:01
bruce89thewrath: https://help.launchpad.net/Bugs/Statuses01:01
Cycomjoerlend_: check the mirror in the /topic rather than whichever one you're on.01:01
cwilluCycom, what bug?01:01
Xisdibikdtchen: by any chance did your fix for the sound get put into the beta?01:01
Cycomcwillu: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/totem/+bug/34306701:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 343067 in totem "Playing a DVD iso in totem causes the iso to be mounted in .gvfs and not played." [Low,Incomplete]01:01
dan457Xisdibik, no it did not.01:02
joerlend_Cycom: ah. Thanks :) It's weird, though, that cdimage.ubuntu.com has all other types of images but cd images? :)01:02
Xisdibikdan457: will it be in the final release? :p01:02
Cycomjoerlend_: that's what I said! LjL take note! :)01:02
LjLCycom: i don't make the website, i just make the TOPIC :P01:03
Cycomcwillu: I was a little bothered that all I could get was a "works fine here"01:03
r0bis the beta out yet?01:03
joerlend_r0b: yes.01:03
dan457Xisdibik, I'm sure it will be in one of the updates soon.  I just downloaded and installed his myself so i'm technicaly running a newer kernel than the beta.01:03
cwilluCycom, set the status back to new or confirmed if you need more information from the people who asked you for more information01:04
dan457My sound is clearer with his kernel update01:04
Xisdibikdan457: have you by any chance noticed any graphical bugs with the beta/alpha?01:05
Xisdibikmost prominant in Skype01:05
cwilluCycom, that said, investigate the synaptic for packages that might be related to the line "missing plugin:  ..."01:05
thewrathdan457: what kernal update01:05
dan457Xisdibik, I don't use skype here, but on one intel laptop some... on my other boxes, none.01:05
thewraththat one that ocmes iwht 9.04 beta01:05
Cycomcwillu: the person who needed more information suggested I assign it to upstream and then appears to have unsubscribed.01:05
cwilluCycom, doesn't change what you need to do01:06
HalowXisdibik: What kind of graphical bugs? I use Skype (sometimes).01:06
dan457thewrath, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~dtchen/01:06
Cycomcwillu: the missing plugin problem only appears with gstreamer, and appears unrelated, since totem-xine plays the dvd fine.01:06
XisdibikHalow: when i bring up a chat window from being minimized to panel,  some of the text is distoryed into lines (looks like someone had fun with the eraser+paint tool or something from gimp01:07
thewrathoh ok01:07
XisdibikHalow: reminimizing/maximizing doesnt fix it, but scrolling up past it, and back down does.01:07
thewrathdan457: my audio in 9.04 will work through headphoens only and not through the computer speakers01:07
cwilluCycom, so what?01:07
thewrathwould that fix it?01:07
cwilluCycom, xine is the workaround, and I'm telling you that it seems like the plugin issue might be related to the core of the problem01:07
cwilluCycom, do you have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed?01:07
dan457thewrath,  not sure if your bug was included in that fix.  would not hurt to try it.01:07
Cycomcwillu: and medibuntu.01:07
HalowXisdibik: Hm. That's not happened to me. I've only noticed the notification area icon acts funny.01:08
dan457thewrath, it fixed some stactic and poping for me here.  (ati/intel HD audio)01:08
XisdibikHalow: that happens if you use Black as the background color (even if u have an image overlayed on top),  try changing it to blue or some other color, should fix it01:08
HalowXisdibik: It tends to borrow from surrounding icons for me, no matter what panel color I use (which is usually transparent).01:09
XisdibikHalow: not the panel color, the background color of the desktop, i know what u mean abot borrowing icons from the side, happened to me all the time in Linux Mint01:09
josh-lis ext4 pretty solid?01:10
XisdibikHalow: and someone told me to try changing the background color, and it seemed to solve it, and havnt had the prob elsewhere01:10
dan457I wouldn't trust it to a mission critcal box yet01:10
HalowXisdibik: Ah. I see. I've tried it with the default theme, but even that acts funny. I've never seen that icon behave with the large array of backgrounds I've thrown at it.01:11
josh-ldan457, how about for a desktop box01:11
XisdibikHalow: id take the notification bug anyday over text in the chat boxes being distorted and unreadable sometimes ;D01:11
dan457josh-l, ya, it works ok enough for your desktop.01:11
XisdibikHalow: though i am running on a netbook, so maybe its just a driver bug?01:11
josh-lcool good to know i'll be using it when i reinstall jaunty then dan45701:12
HalowXisdibik: Could be! I blame Skype anyway. ;)01:12
dan457josh-l, make sure you reinstall grub if updating or you cannot boot ext401:12
dan457josh-l, clean install of course not an issue.01:13
josh-ldan457, I was just going to install ext4 from first install, is that not possible yet?01:13
Xisdibikdan457: ext4 is bootable now?01:13
dan457Xisdibik, yes, with the new grub.01:14
dan457Xisdibik, from alpha5 or beta disk.01:14
r0bthe update-manager -d doesnt show the beta upgrade option?01:14
Xisdibikim getting the beta iso as we speak D:01:14
josh-ldan457, so from a clean install it will boot right up (clean install from beta?)01:14
dan457Xisdibik, then you are fine.01:14
dan457josh-l, yes01:14
josh-lah cool01:14
cwilluXisdibik, yes, grub grew ext4 support01:15
dan457josh-l, I had ext4 booting fine a couple apha's ago01:15
Xisdibikdan457: you been seeing noticible speedup from having boot be ext4?01:16
dan457This box is still ext3, I have 1 ext4, and the rest boot XLS01:16
HalowBeen booting ext4 since I started playing with the alphas (a4).01:16
dan457Xisdibik, its a bit faster.  not huge for me though.01:16
cwilludan457, you boot off excel spreadsheets? :p01:16
Cycomis there a way to disable gvfs-acrhive backend?01:16
dan457oops.. lol01:17
r0bhow do i upgrade to the beta from the alpha, update-manager -d doesnt show the upgrade option to beta?01:17
cwillur0b, the beta is the same release as the alpha, if you update in update-manager, then you're running the beta01:17
Xisdibikcwillu: Spreadsheets are the new thing, get with the program  ;)01:17
maxbr0b: alpha -> beta is not a distribution upgrade, it's just some updates01:17
JanPeterso the only differences between the alpha6 and beta= cloud computing and mail servers?01:17
r0bok then i didnt get any updates, whats up with that01:18
JanPeterI haven't had anything on my update manager in days either..01:18
dan457XFS is what I ment to say earlier01:18
cwilluJanPeter, because we've been in freeze for the beta, only critical bug fixes are being allowed until after the beta is released (i.e., just now), so that the beta is in a known-good condition01:18
josh-lwhats your download rates from torrent right now?01:19
danbeckanyone in here with a mini9 having any luck with the beta?01:19
tuxxy__what has the beta been released01:19
JanPeterlooks like im keeping alpha 6 til april01:19
dan457About to be seeding... going to leave that up for a wile.01:19
josh-ldan457, ubuntu, or a variation01:20
cwilluJanPeter, reread what I just said to r0b01:20
JanPeteryeah i heard01:20
dan457josh-l, the main CD's.. 32 and 64 bit01:20
cwilluso, if you've updated, then you're running the beta01:20
JanPeteri meant beta i guess01:20
JanPeterbut not a huge difference01:20
r0bno updates http://pastebin.com/m93cc38b01:20
tuxxy__why do I have no updates01:20
r0bshouldnt there be updates from alpha to beta?01:20
JanPeterbecause technically the beta was reached a few days ago01:20
cwillur0b, you already got them, the last time you updated01:21
cwilluthings slow down the days before a release, they don't speed up01:21
josh-ldan457, dvds right01:21
* crdlb wonders why there are so many first-timers this cycle :P01:21
crdlbwas intrepid really that bad?01:21
dan457josh-l, no the CD's01:21
cwilluno, it was that good, and we're gaining market share :p01:22
josh-ldan457, i dont see them available01:22
dan457josh-l, then you are looking at the wrong site01:22
cwillujosh-l, don't go looking for images on cdimage.ubuntu, that's not where they are01:22
cwilluread the topic :)01:22
dan457josh-l, http://releases.ubuntu.com/jaunty/01:22
JanPeterbeen messing with ubuntu for years, just never stayed with it for more than a few months before checking out other distros01:22
Hobbseecrdlb: i presume it's because of the new notifications, or something.  or just general bling01:22
bruce89funny, as I find it all rather painful01:24
crdlbheh, 600KB up 150KB down :(01:24
dan457i386 down, amd64 to go......01:30
sagredoanyone get compiz working on 9.04?01:44
sagredodan, can you advise me as to how01:44
screamHow do I Alpha 6 -> Beta01:44
screamUpgrade that way?01:44
cwilluscream, have you updated recently?01:45
cwilluscream, if so, then you're on the beta01:45
dan457sagredo, just turned it on and it worked for me.  lol01:45
cwilluscream, your penance will be to stick around here for 10 minutes, and answer that same question once per minute :p01:45
sagredodan457: nice01:45
dan457running nvidio here though01:45
cwillune2k is a 10mbit card, isn't it?01:46
screamcwillu, my system is up to date then, I'm beta.01:46
screamI'll make an alias to answer the question.\01:46
dan457Yes scream01:46
JanPeterthey could mention something with the release notes about alpha -> beta01:47
JanPeteronly makes sense..01:47
dan457All my boxes are beta now.  just downloading the CD's for my case.....01:47
bruce89they just assume people understand01:48
dan457most of the time I install from usb.  faster, more reliable, and I can add the updates already....01:49
dan457bruce89, but with a growing user base, always plenty of new ppl. who don't know...01:49
bruce89dan457: it's been that way for 4.5 years now01:50
dan457This is the most stable pre-release i've seen in a wile.  I'm sure a lot more will be tempted to grab it than usual.01:50
* bruce89 just hopes people realise that auto-launching is crazy01:51
lifiwere there any updates since beta release?01:51
billybigriggerlol beta release was what? an hour ago?01:51
dan457lifi, no wait a day or 2 and you will see updates again01:51
* cwillu hopes that nobody listens to bruce89 01:51
* JanPeter listens carefully01:52
* bruce89 doesn't say anything,01:52
* cwillu doesn't either01:52
* cwillu listens to the crickets01:52
* dan457 is just sitting here watching ppl leach .....01:52
* cwillu whittles a jackalope out of his stick01:53
* cwillu wonders why jackalope isn't in jaunty's dictionary01:53
bruce89although I will say random windows appearing is not a good thing01:53
dan457lol, good point01:54
* cwillu pokes bruce89 with a jackalope01:54
cwillubruce89, ... in the background01:54
cwilluwith a nice pulsating taskbar entry requesting attention, with clear and easy to understand words explaining the situation01:54
crdlbcwillu: only through a non-standard interpretation of the EWMH :)01:54
cwillushush you :p01:55
crdlbthere is on requirement that no-focus-on-map actaully put the windowin the background01:55
cwillualthough there's no other sane way to handle it01:56
bruce89turning the window list into another notification area seems rather pointless also01:56
Cycomwhat controls how gvfs handles files, and which files it handles?01:56
CycomI'm trying to figure out why isos are automounted.01:56
cwilluis responsible for that01:56
JanPeteri cant do that for you dave01:56
cwillubut, boot off a live cd (or a live usb image), and verify your problem exists there as well01:57
Cycomcwillu: does this include mouting of isos though?01:57
crdlbnautilus actually does it afaik01:57
dtchenXisdibik: no, it's queued in the next linux upload01:57
jtismetoday is 3/26 does anyone know why the daily-live image has a date of 3/24 i think it should be 3/25 or was it not made last night01:57
bruce89GVFS's libarchive support to be technical01:58
JanPeternope earlier01:58
dan457there was no daily made after the freeze01:58
jtismedan457, oh, so what if anything is being made01:58
thewrathhow r the servers doing01:59
dan457jtisme, daily builds and updates should resume tomorrow.01:59
Cycomcrdlb: cwillu: bruce89: basically, if I open a dvd image in totem, it mounts it to .gvfs and doesn't play it.  It would play in 8.10.  If I open it with rythmbox (even though it's a DVD) it mounts it.  if I open it with vlc, it plays as a DVD. Archive Mounter mounts it, Archive Manager treats it like an archive and doesn't mount it.01:59
=== kalpik_ is now known as kalpik
CycomI just want to be able to play my isos like I could in 8.10 :)01:59
jtismedan457, where is that release sched at url01:59
crdlbCycom: oh, I misread01:59
bruce89Cycom: I see01:59
crdlbnautilus has nothing to do with that :)02:00
crdlbnor does hal02:00
Cycomcrdlb: ok, so that eliminates one program :)02:00
Cycomcrdlb: two even!02:00
Doctor_Nickiim downloading the ubuntu beta RIGHT NOW02:00
Doctor_NickIM SO excited!!!!02:00
crdlbI didn't know gstreamer was capable of playing a dvd image02:00
Cycomcrdlb: the actual mounting is done by gvfsd-archive as far as I can tell. moving it to gvfsd-archive.old means that it no longer mounts the iso.  It still doesn't play in totem.02:00
Cycomcrdlb: yup, as of 8.10.02:01
Cycomcrdlb: totem-gstreamer and totem-xine both work, though I prefer xine because it has better menu support.02:01
Cycomcrdlb: 9.04 seems to have broken that feature.02:01
bruce89well, GVFS would mount it, then totem would play the mounted data02:01
crdlbwell, xine means no gvfs, probably02:01
Cycombruce89: only it doesn't.02:01
bruce89not as such02:01
bruce89Cycom: where's the bug?02:02
Cycomcrdlb: only if you use totem-xine, and do a file open, it does indeed mount the iso.02:02
Cycombruce89: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/totem/+bug/34306702:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 343067 in totem "Playing a DVD iso in totem causes the iso to be mounted in .gvfs and not played." [Low,Confirmed]02:02
crdlbCycom: right, but xine cannot natively use GIO02:02
crdlbso ithas to happen via the FUSE mount in ~/.gvfs02:02
Cycomcrdlb: it didn't have to mount it with fuse or gvfs in 8.10.02:02
Cycomcrdlb: heck, totem-xine would play stuff from sftp network share mounted in .gvfs just fine.02:03
crdlbyeah, xine can probably play dvd image directly, that's not surpising02:03
crdlbindeed, because of the fuse mount02:03
crdlbbut it works far better to have native GIO02:03
crdlbanyway, file a bug I guess :)02:04
bruce89upstreaming would be useful02:04
crdlboh, you did :P02:04
bruce89although it's difficult to see which package is causing this02:04
dan457sorry jtisme was afk... is the what you were looking for:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule02:05
Cycomcrdlb: in 9.04 if you do totem-xine dvd://<path-to-image> it plays fine as well.  It's only with the file open dialog, or if I just do totem-xine <path-to-dvd> without the dvd://02:05
Cycombruce89: yeah. upstream it to where? I'm trying to figure out where this stuff is controlled.  I can't find anything useful in /etc.02:05
Cycomupstream it to gnome?02:06
bruce89mind, you'll need to know what package is causing it02:06
Cycombruce89: how can I find that out?02:08
bruce89not sure really02:08
Cycombruce89: the closest I've gotten is that gvfsd-archive is what mounts the iso.02:08
jtismedan457, thanks02:08
bruce89currently could be totem, gvfs or gio02:08
Cycombruce89: rythmbox does the same thing.02:09
bruce89ah, what occurs (error messages)02:09
Cycomit mounts it to the desktop and does nothing else.02:10
bruce89well, clearly it's totem's fault02:10
bruce89or not02:10
crdlbhaha, totem even mounts my jaunty beta iso that just finished :D02:10
Cycomcrdlb: see?! I'm NOT crazy!  I want to know what the guy who said "works fine here" and set the priority to low was running.02:11
bruce89perhaps bug readers can't cope with long and well written descriptions02:13
crdlbCycom: try gst-launch-0.10 playbin uri=file:///path/to/image02:14
Cycombruce89: in all seriousness, was I missing anything? was there anything I should've done that I missed so far?02:14
crdlbwith that gvfs-archive thingy in place02:14
bruce89Cycom: seems fine to me02:16
Cycombruce89: What seems fine to you?02:17
bruce89the bug descriptiom02:17
Cycomcrdlb: ERROR: Pipeline doesn't want to pause.  ERROR: from element /GstPlayBin:playbin0/GstGnomeVFSSrc:source: Resource not found.02:18
crdlbthat's my thought as well02:19
bruce89now we're getting somewhere02:19
crdlbwhy is ubuntu even installing that?02:19
bruce89some things still use it02:19
Cycombtw, the gvfsd-archive file is in /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfsd-archive02:19
Cycomexactly the same as 8.1002:19
crdlbCycom: uninstall gstreamer0.10-gnomevfs and try again02:20
Cycomcrdlb: that removes totem-gstreamer too, fyi02:21
crdlbhas totem not been ported yet? :/02:21
bruce89that's a bogus dependency02:21
Cycomcrdlb: same error, also ent:typefind:could not determine type of stream02:22
CycomI think that was there before and I just missed it.02:22
=== kalpik_ is now known as kalpik
Cycomyeah, could not determine type of stream is there with gstreamer0.10-gnomevfs installed too.02:23
Cycomcrdlb: if I change file:// to dvd:// it works though.02:24
crdlbyeah, but totem can't know to do that02:25
Cycomwhat, cast it as dvd?02:25
bruce89that's a xine thing02:25
Cycomit doesn't play well, but it plays.  If I do the dvd:// thing that is.02:27
Cycomdoing dvd:// in totem-xine works fine, playback is smooth and I have menus.02:27
crdlbgstreamer hasn't had dvdnav support since 0.8, afaik02:28
bruce89crdlb: a new DVD plugin has been written02:29
Cycomif I do open location with dvd:// preceeding it, it also works fine.02:29
crdlbbruce89: with nav?02:30
bruce89yup, gst-inspect-0.10 resindvd02:30
crdlbit took long enough ...02:31
CycomI'd say the heck with it if my multimedia buttons worked in vlc, but they don't.02:31
bruce89Totem needs to support deinterlacing in the gstreamer backend, GST can do it anyway02:31
Cycombruce89: totem-xine has deinterlacing, which is part of why I use it.02:32
Cycommenus work in totem-gstreamer for dvds in 8.10.02:32
* crdlb generally doesn't watch interlaced videos02:32
bruce89I know, but GStreamer can do deinterlacing02:33
crdlbcan it? last I saw those deinterlace plugins didn't really work well02:33
bruce89seems to have been fixed in trunk02:34
Cycomis there a way to get VLC to support the X keys for ff, rw, play, pause, etc.?02:34
bruce89or at least Totem uses playbin2 now02:35
CycomI find it a bit worriesome that I can't find much in the way of docs on how the whole gvfs deal works, and what controls what it mounts.02:36
bruce89it mounts stuff when it's needed02:36
Cycomhow does it determine when it's needed?02:37
Cycomwhat controls that?02:37
bruce89GTK+ in this case probably02:37
bruce89in the case from the filechooser02:38
crdlbthe only thing the filechooser does is give it the uri02:38
crdlbin this case02:38
clearscreenI just upgraded from intrepid to jaunty. had some problems with nvidia drivers not being installed for new kernel.. got that solved... I'm now typing this from pidgin that automatically popped up, but oddly my gnome bars are missing and I cant rightclick my desktop. Help! :P02:40
crdlbawesome, it works02:40
clearscreenseems like something is going wrong with gdm, although the borders around pidgin are properly decorated etc02:41
Cycomcrdlb: what works?02:41
cwilluclearscreen, not gdm if x shows up and you can log in02:41
bruce89clearscreen: killall gnome-panel02:41
cwilluclearscreen, ctrl-alt-f2 work?02:41
crdlbalso, my optical drive02:41
clearscreencwillu: yup02:41
histo!info sdlmame jaunty02:41
crdlbwhich I thought might be toast02:41
clearscreeni can switch tty02:41
ubottusdlmame (source: sdlmame): An emulator for many arcade games. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.129-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 9173 kB, installed size 33636 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 powerpc)02:41
Cycomcrdlb: :) yeah, but what about poor me stuck on 8.10 on my netbooks because they don't HAVE an optical drive and I can't play ISO images in totem in jaunty? Q_Q02:44
cwilluclearscreen, DISPLAY=:0 gnome-terminal from a tty, then switch back02:44
clearscreenbruce89: no process killed02:44
bruce89clearscreen: ah02:44
crdlbCycom: mencoder02:44
clearscreencwillu: failed to contact gconf daemon, exiting02:44
crdlboh, wait netbook processor :P02:44
Cycomcrdlb: but I WANT special features :)02:44
crdlbCycom: do it on your 16-core desktop then copy it over02:44
crdlbCycom: weak02:44
Cycomcrdlb: besides, it's a regression! It works in 8.10!02:44
crdlbI don't disagree02:44
bruce89no matter what, GStreamer's doing something stupid02:44
cwilluCycom, then file the bug :p02:44
* crdlb is now watching the first DVD he saw ... Office Space02:44
Cycomcwillu: I did. It got set to low priority by a guy who asked for more info, said "works fine here" and then seems to have unsubscribed himself.02:45
cwilluyou know you've got a slow network when lzop isn't maxing out the cpu keeping up on a 400mhz processor02:45
cwilluCycom, and have you done what I told you yet?02:45
cwilluCycom, setting it back to 'new' or 'confirmed'?02:45
Cycomcwillu: upstreamed it?02:45
Cycomcwillu: yes. but I also tried talking to some people in here to see if I could figure it out myself.02:45
Cycomcwillu: crdlb and bruce89 were kind enough to help me troubleshoot it so I could refine my report.02:47
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bruce89even though we probably just confused the situation02:47
Cycombruce89: still better than "works fine here"02:47
Cycomat least you confirmed the behavior!02:47
clearscreendon't want to be annoying, but how the hell is it that my gconf daemon isn't running, gconf2 is installed according to aptitude02:48
Cycomdtchen: did those jacksense fixes go into the latest kernel release?02:52
Cycomdtchen: or do I still need to download your custom kernel?02:52
dtchenno, i have not submitted them, because they are incomplete02:53
Cycomdtchen: K!02:53
dtchenthey appear to only enable the hp jack but not the internal speakers02:53
cwilluCycom, try mkdir ~/gst.old; mv ~/.gstreamer* ~/gst.old; sudo gst-inspect-0.1002:53
Cycomcwillu: you want the output from gst-inspect in pastebin?02:55
cwilluCycom, sure, and then try the iso again02:56
Cycomcwillu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/138678/02:57
Cycomopening the iso still mounts instead of playing.02:58
clearscreenNot making any sense :( http://pastebin.com/d16daa4d603:03
Cycomoooh. also worth noting: the files inside of the mounted iso all have ;1 after their filename. so for example in folder VIDEO_TS is VIDEO_TS.BUP;1, VIDEO_TS.VOB;1, etc. etc.03:05
aretghey guys, when i run pidgin, the regular pidgin icon doesn't appear in the notification area, only the new indicator icon03:05
cwillubug #29995603:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 299956 in gvfs "Iso's don't mount correctly through 'archive mounter' " [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29995603:09
histoTrying to upgrade a server with the do-release-upgrade command and its notworking as the release notes say it should be?03:10
histoErrr... not really a server just a command line system.03:10
clearscreenApparently this person had the same problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1065351&highlight=gconfd-203:10
m_tadeu__hi all03:13
m_tadeu__I have no sound on flash videos under firefox03:13
jauntyJOLwhats with the support message03:25
jauntyJOL"Jaunty is NOT RELEASED and NOT SUPPORTED, it will most certainly break your system in bad ways."03:25
HalowIt's still beta and in a testing phase.03:25
HalowAnd can/will mess you up.03:25
jauntyJOLya but still03:25
jauntyJOLno need to be that cynical... mine runs just fine03:25
Halow:) Not everyone's so lucky.03:26
jauntyJOLthe new pidgen seems nice03:26
jauntyJOLn i love the notify, the install was easy and i have only few suggestions03:27
jauntyJOLnot sure03:27
SandGorgondoes it play nice with nVidia? I have a go7400 laptop...03:28
jauntyJOLi have ati, sry. it seems nice with mine03:29
tuxxy__nvidia is great03:29
darthanubisso is pulse still borked for you guys after beta release?03:29
SandGorgonis skype working for anyone - need it for work?03:30
darthanubisskype works for me03:30
darthanubisbut pulse is broken03:30
tomsdaleSandGorgon: no problem on kubuntu for me.03:30
cwilluSandGorgon, if you need a machine for work, you definitely shouldn't be running jaunty yet03:30
darthanubisand I stopped using skype to rid myself of any 32bitlibs03:30
SandGorgoncwillu: itchy fingers....03:30
dtchendarthanubis: should be fine after the next linux upload.03:31
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions03:31
tomsdaledarthanubis: there is also a 64bit version.03:31
darthanubisdtchen, thanks03:31
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga03:31
SandGorgondamn... i'm getting no peers on kubuntu alternate ISO03:31
o0Chris0odtchen: thats great news, they are gonna use incorporate your patch I take it?03:31
dtcheno0Chris0o: already merged03:32
cwilluSandGorgon, okay, but you don't see how unwise that is?  "I need this program to work, or I can't do my job" == make sure you've got good backups and a second working machine before you should even think about upgrading03:32
o0Chris0odtchen: cool03:32
SandGorgoncwillu: usually i have all my work on VMs.. so as long as virtualbox works I am fine - skype is sorely needed for communication. and as I said again... cant resist getting da shiny !03:34
crdlbdon't say we didn't warn you03:34
cwilluSandGorgon, so run it in a virtual machine03:34
cwilluor hell, run _skype_ in a virtual machine03:34
crdlbrun a jaunty in a virtual machine in a virtual machine!03:35
cwillubut don't upgrade without a fallback position03:35
SandGorgoncwillu: same issues as running it native...03:35
crdlbSandGorgon: hardly03:35
cwilluSandGorgon, let me put it this way:  in your situation, I wouldn't upgrade until the first sru's hit after release, at the earliest03:36
CycomSandGorgon: don't do it.03:37
cwilluand even then, I'd be hesitant03:37
CycomSandGorgon: stick with 8.10. 9.04 isn't that much more shiny.03:37
CycomSandGorgon: certainly not enough to risk your ability to do your work.03:37
cwilluhell, dual boot it03:37
CycomSandGorgon: I had jaunty eat my home folder because I ran ext4.  it's still rough around the edges.03:39
darthanubisI do find jaunty more pleasant ot look at with the scalable fonts03:39
darthanubiswhat kernel is jaunty using now?03:39
SandGorgonCycom: oh... there's no way i'm gonna run ext4 - i am clear on that.03:39
SandGorgondarthanubis: do try the Droid fonts... u'll love them03:40
CycomSandGorgon: you'll just run all the other BETA QUALITY SOFTWARE on your VERY IMPORTANT SYSTEM, right?03:40
darthanubisSandGorgon, ttf-droid pacakge?03:41
SandGorgondarthanubis: yup03:41
ultrateki just upgraded to ubuntu 9.04 beta and what do i do to get the ati drivers working for my hd 4850 under recovery mode..which tells my soemthing once i try to install over the last setup that it is incompatiable or something?03:42
cwillu"""Upgrading a desktop system using an ATI video chipset with the fglrx binary-only driver may result in a warning that the driver needs to be replaced. There is a bug in the driver replacement logic, so if you see this prompt, please cancel the upgrade until this is fixed, which will happen immediately after the beta release. """03:43
cwillufrom the beta release notes03:43
ultratekwell guess iam stuck not booting ubuntu til april 23?03:44
cwillushould be able to revert to vesa, or maybe even just get the fglrx installed from the terminal by hand03:45
ultratekwhat is the cmd to get the default driver back?03:45
cwilluultratek, I think you can just boot off the recovery kernel and run xfix03:46
cwillufailing that, setting xorg to use vesa should work03:46
ultratekcwillu, ixfix did not work...how would i tell xorg to use vesa from shell prompt03:46
cwilluultratek, use the VESA driver by logging into a text console, running "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf", and adding the line Driver "vesa" to the Device section.03:47
cwilluand read the release notes next time :p03:48
ultratekk ty03:48
* cwillu suggests that the download link be hidden in the "known issues" section03:49
* dan457 agrees03:51
ultratekcwillu, adding vesa did not fix it03:57
o0Chris0oI'm having issues networking with 2 Windows xp machines I see them in the network, but unable to connect03:57
cwilluultratek, pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and /var/log/xorg.0.log files03:58
cwilluultratek, apt-get install pastebinit03:58
cwilluto do that03:58
ultratekwell i am on dual boot on windows now03:59
dan457I'm having issues with samba as well, but nothing I cannot work around for now...03:59
dan457mostly the samba client.. server seems ok.04:00
cwilluultratek, http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Jaunty_Installation_Guide might have useful information, I haven't tried it though04:01
ultratekcwillu, ty04:01
armegadonhi guys, is anyone getting weird fonts in jaunty beta?04:01
cwilluarmegadon, huge or tiny?04:02
armegadoncwillu, a tiny bit smaller but distorted04:02
cwilluk, don't know then04:02
cwillumight want to post a screenshot to help explain though04:03
ubottuWant to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add and link it from the channel.04:03
calcarmegadon: at some point jaunty defaulted back to 96 dpi04:04
calcdue to bugs that couldn't be fixed in time for release, aiui karmic will go back to native dpi04:04
armegadoncalc, do you know what the default was in intrepid?04:04
calcarmegadon: intrepid default was hardcoded 96dpi which is what jaunty is now04:05
billybigriggerwhat is native dpi?04:05
cwillubillybigrigger, the native resolution of your screen04:05
crdlbthe number of dots per inch in your actual monitor04:05
billybigriggerwell i meant what was default dpi04:05
billybigriggerset to04:05
crdlbthe idea is that fonts should be sized identically on all screens04:06
billybigriggeri know what dpi is04:06
billybigriggerwhat was the default value set to04:06
cwilluhe just said:  9604:06
billybigrigger96 is huge04:06
crdlbI don't think you do04:06
crdlb96 is the hardcoded default04:06
armegadoncalc, i didn't have any problems in intrepid, fonts were normal04:06
crdlbbut for the brief period where it wasn't hardcoded, it was determined by your monitor04:06
armegadoncwillu, calc, here is a screenshot http://i43.tinypic.com/316rqfs.png04:07
calcbillybigrigger: 96 isn't huge, most desktop monitors are roughly that dpi04:09
calcbillybigrigger: we aren't talking about font pt size, we are talking about dpi (dots per inch)04:09
billybigrigger96 looks like garbage on this laptop, i have laptop and my desktop both set to 80 iirc04:09
billybigriggeromg, i know what dpi is04:09
billybigriggercan you explain what dpi is to me one more time? i dont think i understand04:10
calcsetting it to anything other than 96 until the bugs are fixed is a bit dumb, when the bugs are fixed it should be set to what the screen actually is, then just change the size of the fonts04:10
calc72 pt is supposed to equal 1 inch04:10
crdlbI don't think you understand that you're not supposed to change the value04:10
billybigriggernope, i did not know there was a bug against it04:10
billybigriggeranyone have the bug # handy?04:10
calcarmegadon: not sure what font problem you are seeing in that screenshot?04:11
billybigriggermaybe i'll change back to 9604:11
calcbillybigrigger: lots of bugs, each application has to use dpi numbers properly04:11
armegadoncalc, i really don't know how to explain it, they're all just "off"04:11
billybigriggerarmegadon, screenshot looks ok to me, but maybe im missing something04:11
calcarmegadon: i'm not certain but it looks like font hinting might be off for you?04:11
armegadoncalc, i tried changing the different hinting options, there are 4, none of them worked :/04:12
calcarmegadon: hmm, not sure what the issue is, you could try filing a bug and see if the firefox guy can determine what is up04:12
billybigrigger96 dpi with fonts all set to 10pt look terrible04:14
billybigriggerat least for me04:14
calclooks fine on my system which has native 125dpi04:14
calci'm using the 96dpi setting though so i don't see bugs04:15
billybigriggerthats 96dpi 10pt 1440x90004:16
un2himi cannot share folders on ntfs partition using jaunty beta...help!04:24
dan457set it manualy in samba.conf maybe?04:26
un2himdan457: ok, i will try it04:26
* DanaG sets his 147DPI LCD to use.... 147 DPI.04:33
dan457I upgraded this box wile the auto dpi option was still on, so at leaste one of my monitors is set04:34
dan457The other one (old crt) is still default though04:34
DanaGWhy'd they turn it off?  It seems whe shall forever be stuck in the world of people thinking, "oh, to change font size, I should change DPI!"04:34
DanaGWrong, Wrong, WRONG.04:34
dan457I'm sure they will get it working again04:35
DanaGI haven't noticed any significant DPI-scaling bugs.04:35
DanaGOh yeah, many desktop LCDs are around 88 DPI04:35
dan457Nor I, but prob didn't effect my driver...04:35
* DanaG is using radeon.04:36
dan457nvidia here.  binary driver of course04:36
DanaGWeirdest LCD EDID I've ever seen: in a Toshiba, one that called itself 966x768.04:36
DanaGYes, 966.  Somebody at Toshiba must've been drunk when coding that one up.04:36
DanaGScrews up even the Windows drivers!04:36
dan457I bet.04:36
* DanaG is using radeon on his RV635.04:37
DanaGWorks nicely for the things it does do so far.04:37
dan457build in video is ati, but sucked so bad with 9 that I went out and bought the nvidia 980004:38
dan457Was ok with 8.10 though04:38
DanaG...unlike fglrx, that merely panics.04:38
dan457Well, not true.04:38
DanaGFor me, nvidia binary is sometimes unreliable.04:38
dan457Video playback sucked there.04:38
DanaGWith fglrx, ANY and ALL versions newer than 8.543 cause a kernel panic.04:38
dan457I may pull the video card later and put it in a different box once ATI binary is working better.04:39
dan457On the other hand... running 2 monitors is growing on me.04:39
calcbinary drivers are yuck :)04:40
dan457Now if they just fix the keyboard repeat issue resetting X when I run more than one screen......04:40
* DanaG is in Windows right now; wanna' reboot to Linux now.04:41
ultratekcwillu, well got it up and running04:43
ultratekcwillu, so i cannot use the proprietary drivers for now?04:44
ultratekcwillu, i pasetbinit my xorg.conf file but the log wouldnt read04:44
dan457Wait one the binaries for now04:45
DanaGARGH!  Damned firefox and fat32.04:52
DanaG /.mozilla-firefox/PROFILES/Dana/places.sqlite04:52
DanaG  File size is 6455296 bytes, cluster chain length is > 6455296 bytes.04:52
DanaG  Truncating file to 6455296 bytes.04:52
DanaGOh, file is longer than it says it is.... oh hey, LET'S TRUNCATE IT!04:52
DanaGHow stupid... and there's no way to tell it to leave the damned file the LONGER length.04:53
DanaGThat's FAT32+Firefox.04:53
DanaGUnfortunately, Firefox keeps its grubby little hands all over the profile files every second, and never leaves them alone... thus, a system crash has like 70% probability of corrupting history, preferences, or both.04:54
dan457So don't use fat32.... or ext4 too for that matter.04:55
DanaGAt least ext4 has a journal.04:55
DanaGSo, if I put data=journal mode, you get either old preferences or new preferences... not NO preferences at all!04:55
dan457might be slower, but ext3 with data journaling enabled (not just meta data)04:55
DanaGUnfortunately, if I want to have my Firefox profile on an SDHC card to save battery life or such, I essentially HAVE to use fat32.04:56
DanaGIf I use NTFS, my system won't boot with the card in.04:56
dan457What about ext or xfs?04:57
DanaGI also have to share the profile with Windows.04:57
DanaGAnd if I have more than one partition on a card, and happen to suspend to ram... then when I wake up the computer, it completely breaks the partition table!04:57
DanaGThere's ext2fsd.... but it causes the equivalent of a kernel oops upon resume from suspend.04:57
dan457but then same issue as fat3204:57
DanaGIf I suspend, then when I resume, Firefox hangs unkillably, and anything that tries to touch that volume dies.04:58
dan457well, don't share the profile.. lol04:58
DanaGFind me some way to not have to change preferences and bookmarks in two places, then.04:58
crdlbmy suggestion would be 'don't use windows'04:58
DanaG"Foxmarks" and such don't work -- they just hang.04:58
crdlbor at least don't try sharing a profile between them04:58
crdlbI'm actually kind of surpised that works at all04:59
DanaGOkay, then how do I synchronize preferences and bookmarks>04:59
dan457ummm, rsync script on startup/shudown to backup profile to disk....04:59
DanaGWorks fine, except for that damned fat32.04:59
cwilluDanaG, colinux with a smb share where you store your firefox profile?04:59
cwilluthen you can use ext3 or whatever05:00
DanaGsorry, meant to dig for xkcd.05:00
WatchBotDanaG: Please keep your links on topic and work safe.05:00
DanaGIt IS work-safe.  =þ05:01
cwilluLjL, why is WatchBot complaining about xkcd links?05:01
cwillu"""Warning: this comic occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors)."""05:01
bazhangits offtopic05:01
cwilluit's the mathematics, isn't it05:01
DanaGcolinux... sounds like overly complicating things to me.05:01
DanaGNow, if that danged "foxmarks" thing didn't just error out and become unclosable (as in, neither OK nor Cancel buttons work)... then I could perhaps go that route.05:02
* calc notes his work email lists occasionally quote xkcd, heh05:02
* cwillu tests a theory05:02
cwillubazhang, and I note now that this isn't #ubuntu-offtopic, which I thought it was :(05:04
DanaGBigger issue is that partition-table corruption.05:07
DanaG... and the fact that fsck.vfat INSISTS on truncating, ALWAYS.05:07
DanaGFrankly, I'd rather be given the option to choose to leave the extra, possibly-corrupt data on the end.05:08
DanaGhah, the only DPI issues I usually have... are with Firefox.05:10
DanaGIt seems to round UP, ALWAYS, to the nearest multiple of 96.05:10
keisangieach time i put a blank dvd (dual layer) in my drive, the system freeze after few secs ..05:15
keisangiit worked fine on intrepid and hardy too05:15
keisangiis that a known problem ?05:15
cwillukeisangi, I haven't heard of it if that's what you mean, but I wouldn't be surprised to see a bug on it05:16
cwilluonly dual-layers?05:16
keisangii don't know i tryed only with DL (dual layer)05:16
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keisangieven if i put it in the drive before the system boot up05:17
cwillutry a cd05:17
cwillualso, hard lock?  (i.e., does the capslock light still turn on and off?)05:18
keisangionce i login gnome, i see my desktop , but everything is frozen, even ctrl+alt+f1 to switch to terminal doesn't work05:18
keisangiand i can't kill X neither .. just seems completely frozen05:18
cwillutry it again, and see if capslock turns on and off, if it does, than the kernel isn't dead, which is good to know05:18
keisangihardlock i guess, no capslock led05:18
keisanginumlock, capslock led aren't responding05:19
cwilludo you still have an older kernel installed?05:19
cwillumight be worth trying one if you can05:20
keisangidon't think so, aren't they automaticaly removed these days?05:20
cwillueither file, file a bug on launchpad.net (just against the linux package) with as much detail as you can05:20
keisangils /boot confirms: i only have vmlinuz-2.6.28-11-generic05:21
cwillucould try downloading an 8.10 livecd and see if it works there05:21
keisangii try filling a bug in launchpad05:21
cwillumigth be worth trying it from the 9.04beta livecd as well05:21
keisangicwillu, i know it worked on intrepid and hardy05:21
cwillukeisangi, humour me :p05:22
keisangii burnt quite a few05:22
cwilluthat's nice, can you still check?  there's always a chance of a coincidental hardware failure05:22
keisanginot a chance05:22
cwilluyou checked the voltages on your power supply this morning did you? :p05:23
keisangihardware didn't change since last week, when it worked fine, only thing that changed is the upgrade to jaunty05:23
cwillu(seriously, the symptoms are identical to those experienced by a friend of mine, due to a faulty power supply)05:23
keisangii have nothing in this machine, just harddisk and dvd drive.. could be hardly the insufficient power fault05:24
keisangii use intel integrated gfx chip05:24
keisangiand onboard sound too05:25
cwillufaulty != insufficient05:25
DanaGIf I can, at some point, get perfectly working Direct3D in VirtualBox, and have working OpenGL and power management on my radeon, then I could get rid of my native Windows.05:25
screamCTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE when enabled actually restarts the X server?05:26
cwilluscream, even with it disabled, you can still hit alt-sysrq-k to kill the xserver (which will leave gdm to restart it, exactly like ctrl-alt-backspace)05:27
DanaGDoesn't work well with fglrx... leaves the card wedged in a bad state.05:28
DanaGSo, it's better to re-enable ctrl-alt-backspace.05:29
crdlbyou know what _does_ work with fglrx?05:29
crdlbcrashing and freezing05:29
DanaGOh heck, I just plain can't use fglrx at all.  Kernel panic.  Period.05:31
crdlbthat's a crash05:31
crdlbif you have something new to add, please do so, otherwise don't :)05:32
DanaGoh yeah, I've gone back to the upstream notification app.05:33
screamWhat is the keyboard shortcut for a screen grab?05:34
SandGorgonscream: in a laptop alt-printscreen or fn-printscreen05:34
teethdoodis the beta released yet? if yes, how do I know if I got it already?05:36
screamIf you have updated recently, then you have it.05:37
teethdoodok, I guess the "released beta" just means the CD image05:38
screamI believe so.05:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 349366 in ubuntu "system freeze upon insertion of blank DVD (dual layer)" [Undecided,New]05:39
clearscreenMy pidgin main window seems to be following all workspaces around (just in taskbar) even though it's set to "only on this taskbar"06:03
crdlbbug 34684006:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 346840 in pidgin "Buddy List taskbar icon shows on all virtual desktops" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34684006:04
clearscreenalright cool06:04
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NaynayMy gnome session keeps exiting for no reason. All my apps are switched off and I'm dumped out at the gdm login.06:20
NaynayIs this by design, or by way of testing bumping my X-session off because we're still in testing?06:21
crdlbNaynay: what kinds of things cause it?06:23
Naynayno idea whatsoever06:23
crdlbapparently the patch to xserver to enable timestamps in the logs has been causing lots of X crashes06:24
Naynayit's irritating.... i leave the computer running overnight to find that when I come back to the computer, I'm greeted with gdm06:24
NaynayAs long as this isn't by design, I'm happy06:24
crdlbbut this was discovered too late to put it in the beta, so hopefully they'll pull that patch soon06:24
NaynayI figured it would have been X crashing06:25
crdlblook in /var/log/gdm/:0.log*06:25
Naynayok, hang on06:26
crdlbif any of them have a backtrace starting with a "glibc detected" error, then it's probably that bug06:27
Naynayyeah, there's one here06:27
Naynayhang on, shall I post the whole backtrace to irc?06:27
crdlbI don't think we need it06:27
NaynayI see this a lot:-06:28
Naynayget fences failed: -106:28
Naynayparam: 6, val: 006:28
Naynayget fences failed: -106:28
Naynayparam: 6, val: 006:28
NaynayexaCopyDirty: Pending damage region empty!06:28
NaynayHere's what I see before the backtrace:-06:29
Naynay*** glibc detected *** /usr/X11R6/bin/X: free(): invalid next size (fast): 0x0bc06:29
Naynay8a858 ***06:29
crdlbthat certainly looks like it06:29
crdlbcould be a coincidence, but I doubt it. So wait and see if it still happens after the update06:30
Naynaywhen's the next update?06:30
crdlbyour guess is as good as mine06:30
Naynayno problem... as long as it gets fixed I guess06:30
crdlbaccording to the bug, the update was queued a few days ago to be added post-beta06:31
crdlband it's now post-beta :)06:31
nnutterIs the Jaunty beta really only available as a DVD image? (Alpha 6 was a CD image.)06:36
cwillunnutter, read the release notes06:37
h00knnutter: no, its CD.06:37
cwillunnutter, you're inventing your own url, and it's not the right one06:37
h00khello cwillu06:37
* cwillu pokes h00k with a stick06:37
cwillumust be beta time, eh? :)06:37
h00kcwillu: course06:37
h00kmaking the migration from Arch back06:37
crdlbcwillu: blame launchpad for teaching people to invent urls :D06:37
* h00k blames launchpad.06:38
crdlbit's impossible to navigate that labrynth if you don't just make up the urls06:38
nnutterI found the CD image, thx to QPrime.06:39
crdlbhmm, butchered that word06:39
nnuttercwillu: w/e you say06:39
cwillunnutter, you went to cdimage.ubuntu.com?06:39
* cwillu suggests http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/beta instead :p06:40
* h00k suggests the big link at www.ubuntu.com06:40
h00kwhich in turn points to cwillu's link06:40
crdlbNaynay: pending as of 2 minutes ago :D06:40
* cwillu points h00k at the irc motd06:41
nnutterwow, I wasn't able to follow that06:41
Naynaysweet, hang on06:41
crdlbNaynay: it'll be a while, but watch for xserver-xorg-core 2:1.6.0-0ubuntu506:42
Naynayuh, not quite yet at my mirror06:42
Naynaycheers big ears06:42
crdlbit still has to be built06:42
h00kcwillu: ah ha.06:42
nnutterOut of curiosity, what is the DVD image? Is that a snapshot of the official repository too or something?06:43
cwillunnutter, I believe it includes most (all?) of main and restricted06:44
nnutterok, ty06:44
cwillumight only be the pieces that correspond with a particular desktop (so the ubuntu dvd won't include kde, for instance)06:44
* cwillu prepares to reboot his machine for the first time this year06:51
cwilluactually, I guess I need to wait until after this file copy finishes06:51
h00kcwillu: good luck, soldier!06:51
cwilluthe joys of backing a machine up over a 10megabit connection06:52
cwilluslow enough that lzop isn't even saturating the processor :)06:53
cwillushould have used gzip06:53
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ethana2Jaunty won't let me install Empathy, says it's not for amd6407:04
ethana2..I require empathy so I can use google video chat so I don't have to use my mac for skype instead07:04
ethana2what should I do?07:05
crdlbethana2: what exactly is the error?07:05
ethana2Empathy Instant Messenger cannot be installed on your computer type (amd64). Either the application requires special hardware features or the vendor decided to not support your computer type.07:06
ethana2Canonical does not provide updates for Empathy Instant Messenger. Some updates may be provided by the Ubuntu community.07:06
crdlbthat's odd07:06
ethana2The error said basically the same thing, but that's empathy's current description in gnome-app-install07:06
wgrantethana2: Check your sources.list and apt-get update.07:06
crdlbit's open source, and I'm reasonably sure it's 64bit-clean, so I'd say there's something wrong with the repos07:07
ethana2Could not download all repository indexes07:08
ethana2ohhhhhh, blast.07:08
ethana2it can't get the stuff because it can't write to the device07:08
ethana2this is a 4 GB flash drive.07:08
ethana2why the heck does it always have this problem?07:08
crdlbyou filled it up?07:09
ethana2I think it has some swap file or something07:09
ethana2some rediculous default07:09
crdlbused ext4?07:09
ethana2I'd use ext2 if it'd let me, but it won't07:09
ethana2I originally had a 3 GB ext2 partition on my flash drive, usb-creator was oblivious07:10
crdlbyou're running jaunty on vfat? O_o07:10
ethana2I'm running Jaunty on whatever usb-creator gave me07:10
ethana2It is a FAT file system07:11
ethana2oh crap, now there's a race condition07:11
* ethana2 plays whack a mole with his running processes07:11
ethana2ah, it was the software sources dialog07:12
ethana2crdlb: what should I do?07:13
crdlbnot run linux on vfat :/07:13
ethana2How do I get usb-creator to use an ext2 file system?07:13
ethana2was the problem that it wasn't the only partition on my flash drive?07:13
rwwethana2: use unetbootin instead. usb-creator is a pain in the backside07:13
ethana2I had 1 G---07:13
ethana2I thought that was a network thing07:14
ethana2Can it be used for booting off flash drives?07:14
bluefoxxi'm having trouble booting my system now...07:14
rwwethana2: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/07:14
bluefoxxits stuck at ' [478.701164]  IPMI: BT reset (takes 5 secs)07:15
ethana2that looks hopeful.07:15
bluefoxxafter IPMI  BT: timeout in WR_CONSUME  [H2B] 1 retries left      and IPMI  BT:  timeout in XACTION  [H2B]  <4>failed 2 retries, sending error response07:16
ethana2so how do I get unetbootin to use ext2 instead of vfat?07:16
ethana2..and if it's better than usb-creator, why doesn't ubuntu ship it instead?07:16
bluefoxxthis is all after trying to boot, and it gets to '*Loading Manual drivers...'07:18
ethana2unetbootin uses FAT32.07:18
ethana2The only limitation of FAT32 that can't be emulated around is the 4 GB file limit07:19
melikthis is so weird..07:19
ethana2that is the size of this flash dirve07:19
melikfor the past 2-4 days07:19
melikubuntu has found no updates at all :/07:19
ethana2melik: that's normal.  beta freeze.07:20
melikohh thats why07:20
bluefoxxmeh, i'll just boot windows onto the box in question...07:25
corinthCan someone point me to the CD for the 9.04 beta? I can only find the DVD iso.07:31
crdlb/topic :)07:31
corinthSorry about that. I jsut got home from a six hour concert.07:32
corinthIt's past midnight for me, I'm quite tired. Thanks, crdlb. Lol...07:32
grodiushey has anyone run compiz on jaunty?07:35
grodiusdoes it work well?07:36
hmwno probs here... nvidia, no special drivers, everthing fine. Gnome stuff (scrolling) much faster07:36
grodiuswhat package should i look for when installing07:37
hmwshould be on by default07:37
corinthHow is the beta? For anyone using it.07:37
hmwif youre not running into driver problems, it is very cool already07:38
crdlbit works fine for most people, but that doesn't mean it will for you :)07:38
crdlbthe vast majority of problems in any development release are driver-related, and therefore hardware-specific07:38
hmwi still have a little sound glitch with skype07:38
grodiusim running jaunty and the 2.6.29 kernel07:39
grodiusdo you think that could make compiz run better potentially?07:39
hmwi wouldnt expect that07:40
crdlbthe kernel?07:40
wgrantWhy are you running 2.6.29?07:41
crdlbmaybe you change those latency settings that ubuntu has set wrongly :)07:41
crdlbbut otherwise, no07:41
joerlend_new drivers with better 3d and 2d hardware accelleration support?07:41
grodiussupposedly has better video support07:41
crdlbthat's not really included in the kernel07:41
wgrantjoerlend_: You're looking for X drivers in that case.07:41
crdlbDRM by itself isn't going to get you far07:42
wgrantNor is KMS.07:42
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cwilluwhat chipset is he running?07:42
crdlbprobably SIS :D07:42
* cwillu notes that sis isn't a video chipset :p07:42
hmwi have seen several people having serious troubles with fglrx in the last three days on this channel. Did something change regarding fglrx meanwhile? Are fglrx improvements to be expected at all for Jaunty?07:43
wgrantfglrx improvements are not predictable.07:43
crdlbcwillu: I don't know the various models; all I know is that they're all junk :)07:43
wgrantIt is a horrid proprietary mess which we have no control over.07:43
wgrantFortunately -ati works excellently for most of us.07:43
hmwthat makes the answer clearly: no.07:43
RAOFAnd isn't updated as frequently as the other proprietary mess, nvidia, so it's broken more often.07:44
crdlbfglrx works better for R300-R500 in jaunty :P07:44
cwilluhmw, they're expected, but only based on manufacturer promises and so forth07:44
hmwToo bad, that i cannot use ati on my workstation07:44
wgrantcrdlb: Doesn't it not support R300 any more?07:44
wgrantcrdlb: You mean -ati works better, then?07:44
crdlbI mean fglrx not even attempting is better than fglrx attempting and hardlocking07:44
crdlbtbh, they should have waited 6 more months07:45
mint3is the beta out07:45
h00kI really like how Jaunty handles the wallpaper on the multiple desktops07:45
crdlbI definitely don't want to see an xorg-driver-fglrx-legacy though07:45
wgrantmint3: The topic may help.07:45
crdlbh00k: hmm? how is it different?07:46
hmwwhat? i want to know this, too..07:46
h00kcrdlb, if you have two desktops (default) and are using the Extra visual effects07:46
h00kwhen you slide a desktop over, the wallpaper stays put07:46
hmwI was hoping for different wallpapers for each WS07:47
cwilluh00k, doesn't here07:47
h00kthe wallpaper doesn't move also, showing a seam, etc07:47
h00kcwillu, do you have the advanced desktop effects?07:47
cwilluh00k, very advanced07:47
h00k(I am not dualscreening)07:47
crdlbh00k: oh, yes, that does look nice07:47
h00kalso, my docky and gnome-panel doesn't move either07:48
joerlend_I have to reboot and see this for myself :)07:49
crdlbyes, by default compiz will not move 'type=dock | type=desktop | state=sticky'07:49
h00kI think its pretty sexy07:50
cwillusuppose I might have to restart compiz07:50
* cwillu hasn't rebooted yet07:50
h00kcwillu, that might do it07:50
* crdlb has the switch time set to 0 anyway07:50
cwillunividia didn't like that very much07:51
cwillubut the effect is quite nice07:51
cwillufar more sane than the previous approach07:51
crdlbit conveys the viewport metaphor better07:51
cwilluError: API mismatch: the NVIDIA kernel module has version 180.18,07:51
cwillubut this NVIDIA driver component has version 180.37.  Please make07:51
cwillusure that the kernel module and all NVIDIA driver components07:51
cwilluhave the same version.07:51
hmwi like the way it looks, when you use cube, 2 WS and a virtual machin in full screen mode with windows07:52
h00kcool, minus the virtual machine part;)07:56
hmwits just funny to have windows up while talking to someone and then suddenly switch to the back side of the desktop and having gnome there...07:57
LordKowoh wow there are going to be a lot of package updates coming through later this weekend or early next week08:02
grodiushey guys im running jaunty and im kind of a noob08:02
grodiusim trying to run compiz08:02
grodiusi have the settings manager and compiz seems to be installed08:02
grodiusdo i need to sudo it08:02
o0Chris0o!enter | grodius08:03
ubottugrodius: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:03
o0Chris0onp :D08:03
crdlbjust go to appearance > visual efects08:03
grodiusit says they cannot be enabled08:04
LordKow!spelling | crdlb ;)08:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about spelling08:04
h00kgrodius, you probably need your drivers for your graphics card (nvidia, ati)08:04
crdlbI hoped nobody would notice08:04
grodiush00k: i have a macbook, i think its an integrated chip... how might i tell08:05
crdlbgrodius: lspci | grep -i vga08:05
grodiusyea integrated intel gfx controller.08:05
grodiusis it possible for compiz to run on an integrated card?08:06
crdlbgrodius: glxinfo | egrep -i 'software|direct'08:06
crdlbit is08:06
grodiusdirect rendering: Yes; OpenGL renderer string: software Rasterizer08:07
crdlbok, it's broken08:07
crdlbpastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log08:07
cwillugrodius, what's the exact line from lspci?08:07
grodiusis it acceptable to paste it into the channel?08:08
crdlbmacbook == new enuff08:08
cwillugrodius, it's one line08:08
crdlbone line is fine08:08
grodius00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)08:08
cwilluk, one sec, let me check something08:08
cwillusame as mine08:08
cwillugrodius, in synaptic, check that you have libdrm-intel1 and libdrm2 installed08:09
crdlbme would like to see the X log :o08:09
cwilluthere's some issues with that chipset right now, performance isn't what it should be when accelmode=exa (worked great in previous releases)08:10
cwilluthere's also been issues with the appropriate libraries for intel not actually being installed08:10
grodiuscwillu: have them both installed08:10
cwilluaccelmode "uxa" has the proper performance (more than good enough for compiz), but uxa is a little unstable08:10
cwillugrodius, k, go to http://pastebin.com/f12c23d1d , and copy the contents of that into your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file08:12
cwilluthat's my xorg.conf08:12
cwilluand I'm running the same chipset08:12
crdlbthat's not the problem08:13
* cwillu pokes crdlb with a stick :p08:13
crdlbhe has *no* 3d acceleration08:13
cwillucrdlb, autodetection is borked on that card right now08:13
crdlblet's fix that first08:13
crdlboh, you think it's using vesa?08:14
cwillucrdlb, pretty sure it is, yes08:14
crdlbthat's not good08:14
cwillucrdlb, i.e., mine will if I delete the xorg.conf08:14
cwilluit's a known issue08:14
cwilluit's actually in the release notes08:14
crdlbhow hard is it to match pci ids? :/08:15
cwillucrdlb, it's subtle in this case :p08:15
crdlbthey even start with 8086, so they're easy to remember :D08:15
cwilluupstream released a dri that assumed that certain intel cards didn't have the abilities that they actually do have08:15
crdlbgood job upstream08:15
crdlbnext time ask the people in the cubicle next to you08:15
grodiuscwillu: thanks. edited. ill be back.08:15
cwillugrodius, let me know, yeah08:15
crdlbthat reminds me of when the 965 was blacklisted for compiz because it only supported textured video and EXA wasn't ready08:16
cwilluI think most of my instability was actually that xorg logging bug, but uxa is known to be not-entirely-stable for that chipset either08:16
cwilluheh, same style of borkage, yep08:16
crdlbbut the 965 _does_ have a hardware overlay08:16
crdlbso had intel actually asked the h/w people, that blacklist could have been avoided08:17
cwillufor a while, booting the -server kernel restored the performance :)08:17
LordKowmeh no wonder why it seems like the electricity is "running out". there are 12 ubuntu buildd's stealing it all right now08:17
LordKowand the build queue is still like 150+ long ... i have a feeling beta freeze is now over ;)08:17
cwilluLordKow, it was over the moment it was released :p08:17
LordKowgoodie, bring on the updates08:17
* cwillu isn't rebooting until the xorg logging issue is released :p08:18
* o0Chris0o just installed some updates in the last 10 minutes08:18
LordKowi see it.. its being built :)08:18
crdlbcwillu: it has built :D08:18
LordKownow how long before it's accepted and committed to the repos is another question08:18
crdlbat least for the arches we care about08:18
cwilluyou know, I kinda wish that the current viewport would get updated before the compiz animation started, or during it at least08:19
cwilluit's annoying how the taskbar entries aren't correct until a splitsecond _after_ the screen has moved08:19
crdlbI agree08:19
crdlbI should look into that08:19
cwillukinda ruins the perception of 'distinct panels'08:19
crdlbeven with my no-animation setup, it doesn't do it until I release ctrl and alt08:20
* LordKow crosses fingers. hopefully this vlc 1.0 git debian/rules is correct this time.08:20
crdlbcwillu: I miss the days when vesa would spew GLX errors08:21
crdlbnow vesa gives direct rendering O_o08:21
cwilluman, all I want is to wipe this (other) machine, but I can't until I can verify the data copied correctly, and the first checksum wasn't correct, and it only has a 10mb network card08:22
cwillucrdlb, really?  weird08:22
crdlbwell, see grodius's output08:22
cwilluhe pasted something?08:23
LordKowi think you just left grodius with an unusable Xorg :P08:23
cwilluoh, nvm, saw it :p08:23
cwilluas long as he's not running a -server kernel, it should be fine08:23
cwilluor a machine with two different sized dimms08:24
* cwillu shrugs :p08:24
crdlbI'd love a way to query the loaded driver (DDX), and whether X thinks it has 3d accel08:24
cwilluif it doesn't work, then exa should 'work', just slow08:24
LordKowhe used a hammer to make the memory stick fit.08:24
crdlbit'd cut down on the number of Xorg.0.log pastes needed08:25
cwilluLordKow, no, I mean, a 1gb dimm and a 2gb dimm08:25
cwillucauses grief08:25
LordKowyea, on a lot of systems.08:25
ikoniacrdlb: there must be a way of doing that with binary drivers08:25
crdlbI just want a generic method08:25
cwillucrdlb, glxinfo | grep renderer is what you want08:26
ikoniacrdlb: yes, that would be a solid implimentation08:26
cwilluit'll either be a match for their hardware, or it'll be software08:26
cwilluOpenGL renderer string: GeForce 7300 GT/AGP/SSE/3DNOW!08:26
cwilluOpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) 945GM...08:26
ikoniaquerying the module direct would be a good tool08:27
ikoniarather than having to have a software interface08:27
rwwOpenGL renderer string: Software Rasterizer08:27
rwwoh joy08:27
crdlbI used to use Version for that, in particular for checking nvidia driver versions08:27
* cwillu cheers! the checksums match!08:27
* cwillu wipes the drive with glee08:27
crdlbI think I'll give that a shot though :)08:28
* cwillu huggles grodius08:30
cwilluwhat have I done D:08:30
cwillucome back to me!08:31
o0Chris0ocwillu: you messed up his xorg!08:31
cwilluo0Chris0o, just hoping he didn't just insert it or something08:31
* cwillu curses08:31
cwilluI left out a section08:31
cwilluor rather, didn't remove the reference to it in the screen section08:32
o0Chris0oyou should of explained to him to use irssi in command if he couldn't start x08:32
o0Chris0ooh well, its a learning experience for all08:32
cwilluwell, deleting the xorg.conf completely gives him a usable config, and xfix should handle it too08:32
crdlbwell, it'll just switch to vesa again, won't it?08:32
cwilluit should08:32
crdlbbulletproofX partially ftw08:33
cwilluwho knows, he might just be extensively testing why it didn't work after I promised that it would :p08:33
crdlband partially I hate that thing and wish it would die a fiery death08:33
o0Chris0oI had major xorg problems with my old PC08:33
cwillugod I love it08:33
LordKowdoes he know about the option to completely delete xorg.conf and at least get a working Xorg? i guess it doesnt really matter now :p08:33
LordKowwell he is using development.... he better know08:33
crdlbif X fails to parse the log, he's fine08:34
cwilluyep, there's only a limited amount of sympathy I'm willing to grant :)08:34
crdlbsince vesa will kick in08:34
cwilluI just hate making silly mistakes08:34
o0Chris0ocwillu: no one sperfect08:34
cwilluyep, the missing section just falls back into vesa08:35
LordKowthere is always the small chance that his computer just blew up08:36
LordKowor her, not to be sexist08:36
crdlb'he' is generic :)08:36
o0Chris0oor he fixed it and didn't want to log back onto freenode and went to bed08:37
LordKowit is just degrading08:37
LordKow'it' that is08:37
cwilluLordKow, 've': p08:37
LordKowhe could be in awe with compiz?08:37
cwilluve is the convention for ai's :p08:37
LordKow"look at how it fades in and out... oh man the transparency!!!!!!!!!!"08:37
* rww used to use gender-neutral pronouns, until sie realized that it made hir messages look weird08:37
cwilluyou get used to it :p08:38
LordKowi still get awed by alt+tab every now and then08:38
o0Chris0oLordKow: thats been around ages, linux and M$08:38
LordKowdoesn't mean i still can't get awe'd by it08:39
o0Chris0oI like my rain drops and wiper oooooo ahhhhhhhhh08:39
LordKowyay my vlc-1.0 git snapshot debian package is a success. just need to figure out this symbol issue. apparently libstream_out_raop_plugin.so uses a symbol found in none of the libraries. well i'll find out which one08:40
cwilluquestion:  can evolution read outlookexpress email folderse?08:42
cwilluyou're back!08:43
cwillusorry, I missed a section in that pastebin08:43
* cwillu blinks08:43
LordKowabout time videolan drops esd support08:43
cwilluthink I hurt his feelings? :(08:44
lanoxx-where do i download the ubuntu beta cd image for 64bit08:44
lanoxx-i only found the dvd image08:44
cwillulanoxx-, release notes08:44
cwillurelease notes08:44
* cwillu pokes lanoxx- with a stick08:45
lanoxx-ah ok08:45
* cwillu huggles lanoxx- 08:45
grodiusI got HUGE problems, what did you do to me....08:46
cwillugrodius, ugh08:46
lanoxx-cwillu, found it, thats going to go straight into virtual box and then im going file some bug reports if i find any08:46
o0Chris0ocwillu: its ok promise, I was just testing your nerves :D08:47
* o0Chris0o runs and hides08:47
LordKowyay VLC Media Player 1.0.0-pre1 Goldeneye08:47
cwilluo0Chris0o, you know what your mistake was?08:48
o0Chris0ocwillu: yes08:48
cwilluo0Chris0o, your hostmask won't save you now :p08:48
XiXaQah! Finally my webcam is working! :)08:48
o0Chris0oXiXaQ: grats08:49
XiXaQI'm a musician, and I've been wanting to take some videos to upload to youtube, but I didn't want to install Windows just to do it. But now, in Jaunty, I can use cheese. Camorama still doesn't work at all though.08:50
cwilluI've always wanted to visit new york...08:51
o0Chris0ocwillu: just don't do it during winter time :D08:52
o0Chris0oits cold08:53
cwilluyou think you know cold08:53
o0Chris0owindy, snowey08:53
cwilluit was -30 here 3 weeks ago08:53
o0Chris0ocwillu: where do you live? alaska?08:53
cwilluwe get about as cold as them08:53
cwillucanada, yes08:53
o0Chris0oyeah its quite cold up there as well08:54
cwilluso yes, don't think you'll scare me off with 'oooo, it's so cold'  :p08:54
* cwillu starts sharpening the poking stick08:54
cwillubut still, I fear the worst :p08:55
o0Chris0ocwillu:its nice, especially the finger lakes area08:56
cwillure: grodius, not new york :p08:56
lanoxx-1.5MB/s dl i love the torrent option08:57
shriniHi, I downloaded 9.04 alpha 6 and installed09:05
shriniit is too slow even  have 2 GB RAM09:05
shrinihow to make it faster?09:05
hmwshrini: define "too slow" a little more detailed, please09:09
shriniwhen i switch windows, it takes time09:10
shrinii disables visualeffects09:10
shrinisome sluggish window transfers09:10
shrinithe boot speed is nice09:10
cwilluI don't think that's memory related, sounds more like a lack of acceleration09:10
hmwhm. i had certain "hangings" at the beginning, too... they disappeared after ssome updates09:11
shrinii increased RAM from 512 to 2GB09:11
shrinihow to get updates?09:11
hmwjust as usual: System/Administration/Update Manager09:11
shriniit showed only 2MB of updates for debconf09:12
shrininothing else09:12
hmwyou say, compiz is basically working?09:12
shrinicomiz is working09:13
hmwany other issues?09:13
shrinibut i set none t visual effects09:14
shrinislow means for example,09:14
shrinithere are 5 tabs in my pidgin chat window09:14
shriniit take 3 seconds to switch between tabs too09:15
hmwis your hard drive constantly active? (swap)09:15
hmwanyone else in this channel thinks, can help? If not, my way of diagnosing will be somewhat unoptimal09:18
hmwshrini: let me prepare a test script, bb in a few minutes09:19
frybyehmw - the idea that ram might be too small is ok I guess..09:19
frybyei.e. swap very busy...09:19
shrini             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached09:20
shriniMem:          2013        753       1259          0         38        31309:20
shrini-/+ buffers/cache:        401       161109:20
shriniSwap:         1906          0       190609:20
hmwi dont think 2GB is too little ram but somehow your system seems not to use it09:21
shriniswap is zero used09:21
interawi4everjust got 9.04 beta09:21
interawi4everstarting in vmware, lots of file managers try to start and startup is slow09:21
interawi4everis this a known issue?09:21
crdlbyay X09:21
hmwshrini: check your background processes. open a terminal, start "top" and watch for 30 seconds. What is using most CPU time?09:21
interawi4everthe bottom panel has a lot of "..." items trying to start09:22
shrinihmw: ok09:22
shrini 2872 root      20   0  124m  32m 9040 S 58.2  1.6   6:53.37 Xorg09:23
shrini 3425 shrini    20   0 49668  31m  13m S  1.6  1.6   0:17.37 gnome-panel09:23
shrini 3802 shrini    20   0  115m  50m  21m S  1.3  2.5   1:20.74 pidgin09:23
shrini 4887 shrini    20   0 41016  21m 9416 S  1.3  1.1   0:02.12 gnome-terminal09:23
hmwinterawi4ever: no idea, but i wouldnt expect ubuntu being run in a vm could cause unwanted autostarts. sounds very odd09:23
shrini 3424 shrini    20   0 33596  23m 8576 S  0.7  1.2   0:10.48 metacity09:23
shrini 5517 shrini    20   0  2448 1200  912 R  0.3  0.1   0:00.24 top09:23
shrini  09:23
hmwthis looks not so bad09:23
hmwdo you know, if your cpu isnt too hot?09:23
shrinihmw: laptop is cool only. not so heat09:24
BUGabundoguud morning09:24
hmwok, let me put that diagnose script together... bb09:24
shrinihmw : thanks09:25
=== defcon is now known as Guest83775
BUGabundowill some one please confirm or deny: Update-manager apt-listchanges appears in background?09:26
BUGabundomaco ^^^^^^09:26
mvoBUGabundo: the gtk frontend for apt-listchanges?09:26
macoBUGabundo: i dont use gui for updates so *shrug*09:27
BUGabundomvo: yes09:27
BUGabundothanks maco09:27
macohowever, i can confirm that running apt-listchanges from the command line does squat diddly09:27
BUGabundomvo: if you confirm it, ill file it09:28
BUGabundoI keep waiting for it, and then I notice its in background09:28
mvoBUGabundo: thats quite possible, there is nothing in apt-listchanges that prevents that at least09:28
BUGabundomaybe related to recente changes on bug 33328409:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 333284 in compiz "With focus_on_map = FALSE, window still opens in front" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33328409:28
mvoBUGabundo: do you see the taks bar think pulsing ?09:28
BUGabundoit doesn't seem to pulse09:29
mvoBUGabundo: i.e. is it trying to get your attention? or not even that?09:29
mvoBUGabundo: ok, thanks. if you file the bug, please include that info09:29
mvoBUGabundo: and you use compiz, right?09:29
BUGabundoyes sir09:29
BUGabundoyes too09:29
BUGabundowill add that too09:29
macomvo: wanna run "apt-listchanges --apt <some package>" and tell me if it hangs for you too?09:30
interawi4everhere is a screenshot of the issue09:30
BUGabundointerawi4ever: what's that???09:30
BUGabundoso many windows09:30
mvomaco: does it hang for you in general or just with this commandline? it expects package information to be send via stdin when run with --apt IIRC09:30
interawi4everjust started up ubuntu 9.04 beta in vmware09:30
interawi4everand thats what i get09:31
interawi4everalso does the beta have a wallpaper?09:31
macomvo: just in command line,but the manpage says that should work..09:31
macoer...oh wait09:31
cwilluinterawi4ever, open a terminal and killall nautilus09:31
* maco re-RTFMs09:31
cwilluinterawi4ever, and see if they just start opening up again, or if you get a proper desktop09:31
interawi4everwill try it now again09:32
hmwshrini: enter the following into the terminal: cd ~ && wget http://harald.ist.org/home/sysrep/sysrep && chmod 0700 sysrep && sudo ./sysrep -up ALL09:32
shrinihmw: thanks09:32
hmwit should install pastebinit and then upload some config files and stats to a pastebin09:32
interawi4everi also noticed that it seems vmmouse driver is not enabled09:32
hmwtell us the URL it shows at the end09:32
macomvo: hm you might be rigt. in that case: why doesnt t give a syntax error when i put text after "--apt"?09:33
shrinishrini@shrini-laptop:~$ sudo ./sysrep -up ALL09:34
shriniSystem Report v0.3.3a09:34
shriniError(2): file /home/shrini/.sysrep/section.SUMMARY does not exist.09:34
interawi4evercwillu, it stopped, but now i cannot open any folder09:34
maco:( i dont like this. i thought i could use it to do the equiv of "zless /usr/share/..../package/.../Changelog.Debian.gz" or whatever it is09:34
shrinihmw: it shows the above error09:34
hmwshrini: dang. sorry, this is the first time it try to use it09:35
interawi4everopening "folder name" and nothing appears09:35
hmwenter "mkdir .sysrep" and then run "sudo ./sysrep -up ALL" again09:35
shrinihmw:  ok. how to use it?09:35
mvomaco: I don't know :)09:35
BUGabundomvo https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt-listchanges/+bug/34945109:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 349451 in apt-listchanges "apt-listchanges is shown in the background" [Undecided,New]09:35
shrinihmw:  it created the directory09:35
hmwshrini: did it install pastebinit?09:36
shrinihmw: no09:36
interawi4everrunning nautilus from the terminal again gives me glibc detected, nautilus: fouble free or corruption09:37
shrinihmw: it shows the error and exits09:37
hmwshrini: forget about my script, i need to work on it, still alpha09:37
shrinihmw; it looks like a nice script09:37
hmwi want you to pastebin some things, shrini.   ...09:37
shrinihmw: tell, i can do09:38
shrinihmw: how to?09:38
hmwpastebinit is very cool. sudo apt-get pastebinit   ... then for example cat /etc/resolv.conf | pastebinit   and it uploads the output directly to the pastebin09:38
cwilluinterawi4ever, downloaded via torrent?09:39
shrinihmw: wow. installing it09:39
cwilluhmw, pastebinit /etc/resolv.conf eliminates the pointless cat pipe in that case :p09:39
interawi4everno DDL09:39
interawi4everguess i will restart and check  the cd09:39
cwilluinterawi4ever, verify that the image is right, yep09:40
hmwcwillu: this applies only if you want to upload a file, but what if you want to get the output of lspci?09:40
cwillujust md5sum the image and compare it against the checksum on the site09:40
cwilluhmw, then use that example :p09:40
shrinihmw: installed it09:40
hmwcwillu: hah. got a better idea. just like my script should have done....09:41
shrinihmw: bit it looks for a file in .sysrep folder09:41
shrinihmw: the folder is empty09:41
hmwshrini: pastebinit does not look for that folder09:41
shrinihmw: hmmm09:41
shrinihmw: i created an empty file as sudo touch .sysrep/section.SUMMARY09:42
shrinihmw: now ran the script09:42
shrinihmw: now the error is09:42
shrinishrini@shrini-laptop:~$ sudo ./sysrep -up ALL09:42
shriniSystem Report v0.3.3a09:42
shriniSending summary file to the pastebin...09:42
shriniYou are trying to send an empty document, exiting.09:42
shriniSystem Information has been uploaded to: URL:09:42
hmwshrini: i have no idea, whats going wrong, the script is not very well tested09:42
hmwi want to see: lspci, df -h,09:43
shrinihmw: fine09:43
interawi4evercwillu, according to ubuntu verify cd, no errors were found09:43
cwilludunno then09:43
shrinihmw: tell me the commands to run, i will run and pastebinit the output collectively09:44
hmwlspci > summary && df -h >> summary && ifconfig >> summary && pastebinit summary09:45
hmwshrini: is there anything else not working?09:46
ruthgardthe torrent download doesn't work :(09:46
ruthgardconnection reset :(09:46
ruthgardis there a mirror?09:47
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P09:47
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Intrepid, and help keeping the servers' load low!09:47
shrinihmw: not tested all09:47
shrinihmw: the user experience is great, but slowness os the only problem i face09:47
aapzakalpha6 was running great, but I did have very little upgrades this morning ... beta not that different from alpha6?09:50
hmwdo you have an older ubuntu active on that notebook? does it work fine?09:50
crdlbaapzak: the beta is nothing09:50
crdlbit's just a snapshot of the repos09:50
aapzakI wouldn't call it nothing, it's pretty good :) but not many changes since A6, ok09:51
crdlband they freeze them for a few days before to try to make sure nothing dumb sneaks in09:51
hmwdo you have an older ubuntu active on that notebook? does it work fine? shrini09:51
hmwif it is something different than a normal driver problem, the drive could be defective09:52
hmwgah... why do i always forget to add the name...09:52
crdlbaapzak: now that the beta is release, you'll see a million updates09:52
ruthgardI would expect all type of updates09:53
crdlbjust stuff that couldn't be put in during the beta freeze09:53
aapzakI believe artwork is not frozen yet09:53
ruthgardbugfixes, features and so forth09:53
aapzakgnome 2.26 is allready inthere09:53
ruthgarddoes anyone have the beta torrent file?09:53
crdlbwell, we're well into feature freeze :)09:53
ruthgardIt dont seem to want to be downloaded09:53
aapzaknot me, upgraded 8.10 to 9.0409:54
ruthgarddid anyone try to update 8.10 kubuntu to 9.04 yet?09:54
aapzaknope, I did Ubuntu09:54
ruthgardupdate-manager is not included in kubuntu I noticed, Do I need to install it or can you do the same with the kde update manager?09:55
aapzakmany changes in Kubuntu? You're probably getting kde4.2?09:55
ruthgardI have tweaked my 8.10 to include 4.209:55
ruthgardI was so excited about the plasmoids and all the other niceties that I could not wait for 9.04 :D09:56
aapzakI used to be a kde fanboy but 4.x is not good enough for me yet :(09:56
shrinihmw: I had 8.04, worked peacefully even with 512 GB RAM09:56
ruthgardI like it but its not as stable as gnome yet :)09:56
shrinihmw: wanted to upgrade, installed 9.04,felt slow, increased RAM to 2 GB. but still slow09:57
aapzakI use terminals a lot and konsole is just poorly configured, irritates me a lot09:57
ruthgardkonsole just got better :)09:57
aapzaksmaller fonts?09:57
ruthgardI love what they did with the "bookmark" feature09:57
aapzakless space between lines?09:57
ruthgardwhen you ssh to a server and bookmark it remembers the location in the filesystem, the username and ip-address in the bookmark09:58
hmwshrini: ps -Aux | pastebinit09:58
aapzakI hate the space between the lines. Compare konsole to gnome-terminal, same font, you'll see konsole needs 25% more room on your precious desktop space09:58
ruthgardIt has a pretty big font09:58
shrinihmw: sure09:58
hmwshrini: -aux09:58
ruthgardbut I dont mind as I am getting old :D09:58
* crdlb hopes this X works better09:58
ruthgardI have a BIG screen hehe09:58
aapzakruthgard: its the space between the lines I have a problem with09:58
ruthgardI am not sure about that09:59
aapzakI am :)09:59
shrinihmw: there is no - for ps09:59
ruthgardI dont know how it used to look I just switched to KDE :)09:59
shrinihmw here is ps aux output http://pastebin.com/f4cce8fd909:59
ruthgardlook like*09:59
hmwshrini: ps -aux | pastebinit09:59
aapzakgnome looks less complicated09:59
aapzakeasy on the eye09:59
hmwinterestinf, shrini, i checked before telling you...!?10:00
ruthgardI think I will try gnome for a bit when 9.04 goes live10:00
ruthgardI like to change my desktop around abit every now and then10:00
shrinihmw: fine10:00
RizRhi, upgrade to jaunty but booting with kernel 2.6.28-11 doesnt load x server. get a blank black screen with no keyboard working.10:01
RizRusing previous kernel from intrepid however boots it fine with jaunty user env.10:01
fargiolasdoes anybody know why the ubuntu netbook remix image iso is compiled for i386? is there any netbook that doesn't mount an atom (lpia) processor?10:02
aapzakruthgard: you'll be getting kde 4.2.1 , which you're already running ATM10:02
hmwshrini: didnt find anything, but i might have to little knowledge. You could try to place the system monitor panel applet, activate everything (additional to cpu: ram, swap, disk, net) and watch. Maybe you get lucky and see something, that helps10:05
ubuntu_hey there, im trying to test the mapi function for evolution but i cant figure how to do it, its not in the drop down box in evolution, do i need to install something extra?10:05
ruthgardyes but also other stuff like better network-manager and so on10:05
shrinihmw: fine10:05
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shrinihmw: any issue with ATI card?10:06
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hmwshrini: possible10:06
fargiolasalternative question, is there a way to get a jaunty livecd iso with lpia support to make a bootable persistent usb drive?10:06
hmwshrini: but three seconds to switch tabs in pidgin? hmm... i am sceptical.10:07
shrinihmw: yes.feel very slow10:07
fargiolasalternative question 2, is there a way to turn the jaunty-mid-lpia img into a persistent live usb?10:07
hmwshrini: you said, the hard drive was over-active? that would explain slow speed. Question remains: why is the hard drive in permanent use??10:08
shrinihmw: no. hard drive is fine10:10
shrinihmw: the GUI is slow10:10
hmwshrini: youre running in vesa mode, perhaps?? how bad is scrolling in general?10:11
hmwshrini: nah no vesa -- compiz works10:11
baastrupis the mapi plugin in evolution 2.26 ubuntu package???10:12
hmwshrini: i am out of ideas :(10:12
shrinihmw: scrolling is slowonly. but managable10:12
crdlbPSA: don't apply the python updates10:12
hmwshrini: you could try to remove fglrx and use the open source driver. but i am guessing here10:13
shrinihmw: how to remove it? there is no package as fglrx10:15
hmwshrini: maybe something went wrong with the upgrade. You could try to boot the live cd and check, if speed is better10:15
shrinihmw: I did not upgraded. downloaded the iso. removed all partitions. installed as a fresh one10:15
hmwok... misunderstanding.10:16
shrinihmw: its ok10:17
hmwshrini: sounds very much like a driver issue to me now. Did you already check the logs?10:17
shrinihmw: how to check the driver logs?10:17
hmwshrini: that was a second, not quite related question. I meant the stuff in /var/log10:18
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hmwshrini: Xorg.0.log might contain a clue as well as messages or syslog10:19
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colorhi all10:19
colorthis is really early for me to get up but i guess that is what soda is for later on10:19
shrinihmw: xorg log is here http://pastebin.com/f2b71ab7510:20
hmwokay... i guess, i need to install some coffee first...10:21
coloris moving installs from wubi to native part of 9.04?10:21
apwdoes anyone know what the indicator-applet does, why it has a envelope associated with pidgeon, and what that envelope is trying to tell me10:23
crdlbapw: it's supposed to tell you when there are new messages10:23
colorapw: in 9.04 cna i move an install from wubi to native?10:24
apwcrdlb, what sort of messages, IM's ?10:24
apwso if it never goes away thats wrong10:24
apwis it something i have enabled?10:25
crdlbI'm not sure what its persistent appearance is supposed to be10:25
apwhaving managed to get my update-notifier back, i am now looking to get rid of this pointless thing, given i get nice OSD thigies with the messages in anyhow10:25
hmwshrini: is moving windows around also very slow?10:25
shrinihmw: yes, takes 3 seconds to get focus10:26
hmwand moving itself slow too?10:26
hmwshrini: like 1 fps or such?10:26
shrinihmw:yes. I see trails10:27
shrinihmw: on moving windows10:27
colordoes jaunty have widgets?10:28
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tehwrathdo you get them from screeenlets.org10:30
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hmwshrini: according to the log, your X believes, it works fine. You got the open source "Radeon" driver. I have no idea, if using fglrx would help.10:31
hmwshrini: i have seen several people here in the last days with ATI problems :(10:31
shrinihmw: oh. how they fix it/10:31
thewrathhmw or shrini ?10:32
hmwshrini: i didnt follow...10:32
hmwshrini: i mean10:32
shrinihmw: its ok10:32
hmwshrini: i didnt follow, how or if they solved their problems10:32
shrinihmw: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/beta#Known%20issues  3rd point tellssomething10:32
thewrathshrini: i assume you have an intel graphics card?10:33
shrinilspci | grep VGA => VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV250 [Mobility FireGL 9000] (rev 02)10:34
thewrathoh ok10:36
thewrathoh ok since u aaid 3 bullet10:36
thewrathwhich is abotu the intel chips i was nto srue10:36
cwilluanyone familiar with how to move the notifications to another corner?  notification-properties seems to be broken10:37
crdlbcwillu: because it's for notification-daemon10:37
shrinithewrath: any issues with ATI cards?10:37
Ngwe should probably put in the topic that the current python update is broken and should not be applied10:38
cwillucrdlb, on my main desktop, the far right corner is quite far to the right :p10:38
cwillulike, out of my view10:38
rconanNg: how broken?10:39
Ngrconan: pygtk things won't work (e.g. update-manager)10:39
rconanthat's pretty broken10:39
ikoniaNg: are you sure ?10:39
Ngrconan: it's blocked on the main archive, but may be on mirrors. a superceding upload is in progress10:39
Ngikonia: see #ubuntu-devel10:39
ikoniaNg: ahh it's held back thats why I don't see it10:40
rconanI got 403s trying to download it :p10:40
crdlbdon't use mirrors :D10:41
Ngrconan: that would be because I chmod -r'd it :)10:41
rconanNg: makes sense10:41
rconanNg: but how would someone download it to fix it?10:42
rconan(not me)10:42
rconanoh... superceding upload in progress...10:42
rconandidn't see that10:42
crdlbit doesn't cripple the system, just update-manager10:42
crdlbit's not like that bad glibc update ;)10:42
hmwshrini: sorry, i couldnt help...10:42
Ngsure, it's not the worst update ever :)10:43
=== ikonia changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope (beta) discussion channel | Jaunty is NOT RELEASED and NOT SUPPORTED, it will most certainly break your system in bad ways. Jaunty Beta CD Images Available at http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/ | Kubuntu: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/9.04-beta | Please read Beta release notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/beta | Join #ubuntu for Intrepid Ibex (8.10) and previous versions support. *** WARNING
ikoniaughhh topic limit10:43
hmweveryone else: has anybody been improving his jaunty with fglrx instead of radeon?10:43
mvoI still think its worth blocking it10:43
Ngand recovery will be easy enough with apt when the fixed version is published10:43
crdlbshouldn't it go at the beginning anyway?10:43
mvohmw: the auto transition for fglrx->ati for intrepid->jaunty is currently not working correctly10:44
hmwic, thx10:44
=== ikonia changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: *** WARNING PYTHON IS CURRENTLY BROKE *** Welcome to the Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope (beta) discussion channel | Jaunty is NOT RELEASED and NOT SUPPORTED. It will most certainly break your system. Jaunty Beta CD's are at http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/ | Kubuntu: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/9.04-beta | Please read Beta release notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/beta. | Join #ubuntu for non 9.04 support
bazhangs/broke /broken10:45
* crdlb donates some money to python10:45
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ikoniaoh bum10:45
=== ikonia changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: *** WARNING PYTHON IS CURRENTLY BROKEN *** Welcome to the Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope (beta) discussion channel | Jaunty is NOT RELEASED and NOT SUPPORTED. It will most certainly break your system. Jaunty Beta CD's are at http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/ | Kubuntu: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/9.04-beta | Please read Beta release notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/beta. | Join #ubuntu for non 9.04 support
crdlbsilly python, you should have used UTF-8 :D10:47
thewrathikonia: what deals wtih pyhton10:47
thewrathwhen you do updates doesnt it come  with it10:48
ikoniabut its held back10:48
thewrathwhat in ubuntu uses python10:48
thewrathoh ok10:48
rconanupdate-manager for one10:48
ikonia(reading the devel thread now)10:48
ikoniaNg: thanks !10:48
thewrathif i have an alpha and update to beta the command i run is the following: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get safe-upgrade?10:49
thewraththank you rconan10:49
Ngikonia: np :)10:49
rconanthewrath: "dist-upgrade" is probably better10:49
thewrathwhy is that10:49
thewrathi have been told that command as well  but like 5 others to upgrader10:50
cwilluthewrath, your normal upgrade procedure will do it just fine10:50
thewrathif i had all the updates right bfore the beta came out10:50
thewrathdo u know how much i would have to download?10:50
cwilluupdate manager, aptitude, apt-get, choose your poison :p10:50
cwilluthewrath, you probably have the beta then10:50
thewrathfor putting it that way10:50
thewrathhow can i tell10:50
crdlbit doesn't _matter_10:50
cwilluthewrath, does your choice of poison show any updates?10:50
cwilluif not, then you're up to date10:51
crdlbthe beta is just an entrypoint for new testers10:51
thewrathi have not done it yet10:51
thewrathright i understand10:51
rconanI have a lot of updates since the beta came.. I would guess that all except python are worth having10:51
thewrathi have 2 machines iwth jaunty10:51
thewrathchecking hte one10:51
thewrathso do not get python10:51
thewrathand what baout the talk i heard on the brainstorm site to move installs from wubi to native10:51
rconanif you're using a normal repo url you don't need to do anything10:51
crdlbdon't get anything containing python or libpython10:52
thewrathso when i update crdlb use the update manager and deselect python10:52
thewrathi am using reg respo10:52
rconanif your mirrors are archive.ubuntu.com or similar you can't download it due to 40310:52
thewrathoh ok10:52
thewrathbaseero has been kept back10:54
thewrathupdate-manager and udpate-manager-core can be updated through sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:54
thewrathshould i do those?10:54
crdlbyes, those should be fine10:55
shrinihmw: no issue. Do i haveto file a bug?10:56
hmwshrini: i dont know.10:56
hmwi just filed my first bug ever yesterday *g*10:57
bromic94hey all10:57
bromic94i got it running10:57
bromic94on the machine one that is running ubuntu10:57
bromic94and its updated10:58
amortvigilhello my kubuntu freezes alot randomly im not sure what causes it ive been googeling for days and have asked it here for days , there are a lot bugreports and there are a lot of google hit but im not shure what fixes it10:58
bromic94possibly graphics card10:59
uniscriptany reason why I get 403 forbidden when trying to upgrade python2.6?10:59
cwilluuniscript, the usual, it's an update you really really don't want :p11:00
cwilluthe replacement is coming11:00
uniscriptclearly :)11:00
bazhangsee the topic11:00
amortvigilhey cwillu:) i have reduced the ammount of craches by disabeling effects :) but it still crashes alot!11:00
uniscriptbazhang: I realise the topic hence my job to get there first so that when it is ready all our packages are ready11:01
mnemouniscript: not that part of the topic11:02
mnemouniscript: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python2.6/+bug/34946711:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 349467 in python2.6 "update-manager fails to install todays updates due to "undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8"" [Critical,Fix released]11:02
amortvigilcwillu: now im on irc ive 1 browser open and i had a constand cpu peak of 100% :S11:02
uniscriptaha, thanks11:02
amortvigilnow its over again11:02
mnemoamortvigil: there is a pulseaudio bug right now that causes CPU spikes when you start audio.. maybe that was what you saw?11:03
amortvigilmnemo: since when is this update applied?11:04
mnemoamortvigil: the bad package hit the repos this morning and the fixed package is being uploaded right now11:05
Alastair_i was just hoping that something is wrong in my TV, but it seems everyone is having problems with python :p11:06
amortvigilmnemo: i updated yesterday and there are no new updates11:06
bromic94who ever was helping me with update to beta look at this http://paste.ubuntu.com/138871/11:06
uniscriptis there a way to turn off various pidgin announcements like when people join and leave?11:06
bromic94that is after i did sudo apt-get upgrade11:06
cwillubromic94, sudo aptitude full-upgrade11:07
cwilludoes a better job of handling those situations11:07
hmwuniscript: yes. look into the settings dialog. you might also want to take a closer look to the plugins.11:08
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fat_rathow 9.04 is working on eee?11:08
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thewrath1sorry about that11:08
amortvigilmnemo: no its the kpackage... when i scann for updates ik got a full cpu spike11:09
cwillufat_rat, the eeepc I'm in charge of is out of the province at the moment, I won't be able to test it on 9.04 for another month or so :p11:09
uniscripthmw: thanks yes that fixed it.11:09
uniscriptforgot about the plugins11:09
mnemoamortvigil: ok different bug then, i use gnome11:09
thewrath1that link i specified needs looked at bc i am not sure if i can update all of those11:09
BUGabundoFYI alert bug 34946211:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349462 in python2.6 "ImportError: /var/lib/python-support/python2.6/gtk-2.0/glib/_glib.so: undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8 (dup-of: 349467)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34946211:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349467 in python2.6 "update-manager fails to install todays updates due to "undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8"" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34946711:10
fat_ratcwillu: then i have to do it myself ;] ;P11:10
BUGabundoits going to hit some ppl today11:10
hmwuniscript: i turned off the notifications in the plugon11:10
cwillufat_rat, afaik, it's in better shape than it was in gutsy11:10
amortvigilis it normal that if you have enough ram youre swap isnt used?11:10
cwilluamortvigil, generally yes11:10
hmwamortvigil: very much so11:10
hmwi never saw my swap being used until today... hmm...11:11
cwilluamortvigil, except in particular circumstances, it's preferable to keep things in memory :p11:11
rconanhmm... anyone else had Xorg taking 100% CPU?11:11
thewrath1http://paste.ubuntu.com/138871/ <--- I went through the update manager and updated everything but python11:11
cwilluheavy file traffic might cause swap out of apps in order to free up memory for cache, that sort of thing11:11
thewrath1is that corret cwillu ?11:11
amortvigilrconan: lol im talking about it all the time11:11
rconanamortvigil: must have missed it11:12
rconanis it bugged?11:12
amortvigilrconan: it can be pulse audio11:12
amortvigilit can be nvidia11:12
amortvigilit can be xorg11:12
vbgunzI believe a package may be bad, just not sure what package it is. I can no longer import pyscopg2 into a python session. I get an ImportError -> ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/psycopg2/_psycopg.so: undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS4_Decode11:12
vbgunzanyone know if this is a known issue?11:12
amortvigilit can be unknown too rconan11:12
thewrath1python is broken11:12
rconanon my system it's always the Xorg process11:12
mnemovbgunz: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python2.6/+bug/34946711:13
ubottuUbuntu bug 349467 in python2.6 "update-manager fails to install todays updates due to "undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8"" [Critical,Fix released]11:13
cwillusome day I'll fix the human genome, such that people read topics and release notes before asking questions that are answered in those topics and release notes :p11:13
* cwillu glares at vbgunz :p11:13
vbgunzmnemo: wow, you are _amazing_. good looking out :)11:13
hmwlol.... i want to see that update, cwillu11:13
hmwi fear, you gotta rewrite the whole thingy11:13
rconanvbgunz: :p it's in the topic11:13
cwilluhmw, well, really I'm just in it for all the people who'll sign up for the alpha's before reading my release notes11:14
vbgunzI just ran //topic. my bad. its right there11:14
cwilluyes, yes it is :p11:14
rconanamortvigil: for me it is always firefox being slow which I notice... how about you?11:14
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rconanin fact... it always seems to be when I'm looking at launchpad11:15
amortvigilrconan: evey program wich uses network makes cpu spikes11:15
* irunongames is away: Gone away for now11:15
maxagazwhich version of mysql is installed with 9.04-server and is it stable already ?11:15
uniscriptfirefox has a special mode when it is talking to launchpad to make it render more slowly, or perhaps it's just that launchpad is a slow site. hmm11:15
cwillu!info mysql11:16
rconanI'm unable to even scroll in launchpad, even after it has loaded the whole thing11:16
ubottuPackage mysql does not exist in jaunty11:16
cwillu!info mysql-server11:16
ubottumysql-server (source: mysql-dfsg-5.0): MySQL database server (metapackage depending on the latest version). In component main, is optional. Version 5.1.30really5.0.75-0ubuntu8 (jaunty), package size 55 kB, installed size 96 kB11:16
frybyelaunchpad could apparently use a medium size server FARM and a small size hydro electric station to power it I suspect...11:16
cwillu!info mysql-server-5.111:17
ubottumysql-server-5.1 (source: mysql-dfsg-5.1): MySQL database server binaries. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.1.31-1ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 10213 kB, installed size 23480 kB11:17
cwillumaxagaz, take your pick11:17
frybye- especially on the day after a beta-release...11:17
rconanbut it's already downloaded! my computer should be able to handle scrolling down a loaded page11:17
cwillurconan, what video chipset?11:18
cwillunvidia-settings -a InitialPixmapPlacement=2 -a GlyphCache=111:18
cwilluand minimize and reopen11:18
hmwdtchen is asleep, i guess?11:18
cwilluBUGabundo, quit your showing off :p11:19
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BUGabundoI was so quiet!11:19
cwilluBUGabundo, I saw you in -mozillateam :p11:19
BUGabundoI just replied to asac11:19
BUGabundoit was not my intention to break Ubuntu beta11:20
thewrathBUGabundo: what you broke Jaunty Beta?11:21
BUGabundobug 34946211:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349462 in python2.6 "ImportError: /var/lib/python-support/python2.6/gtk-2.0/glib/_glib.so: undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8 (dup-of: 349467)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34946211:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349467 in python2.6 "Many python programs fail with: "undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8"" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34946711:23
BUGabundothewrath: cwillu is picking on me, cause I reported it11:23
thewrathso you are hte one i have to thankful to11:23
thewrathbeing honest11:23
thewrathso i didnt get the python updates11:23
* Ienorand is launchpad-stalking devs.11:23
thewrath*so i deselected the python updates11:23
IntuitiveNippleBUGabundo: I've been digging on bug #277903 and think I've found a BIOS bug. I wonder if you might be able to do a test on it at some point?11:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 277903 in usb-creator "Missing Operating System [message at boot]" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27790311:23
thewrathbbl restart11:23
BUGabundoIntuitiveNipple: for me most of those bugs are FS related11:23
BUGabundoformating the usbdisk on linux will solve most cases11:23
rconancwillu: that didn't really help11:23
rconanstill dodgy11:23
* BUGabundo checks bug11:23
cwillurconan, k, it's something else then11:23
cwilluwhich I might see in an hour or so once I can reboot into the new xorg11:24
rconanI had it yesterday too11:24
IntuitiveNippleBUGabundo: there's a BIOS bug too, that is at the root of it11:24
vbgunzsorry. I dont download anything from launchpad. it says critical fixed released. But you cannot download the fix? have to wait?11:24
BUGabundoIntuitiveNipple: nice find11:24
rconanvbgunz: fix is in the process of being uploaded to repos11:24
BUGabundoby the way IntuitiveNipple netspeed applet seems to be working again11:24
IntuitiveNippleBUGabundo: Was that a result of gtk fixes?11:25
BUGabundodon't know11:25
IntuitiveNippleBUGabundo: So far the new gtk/gdk looks to be a right mess11:25
BUGabundojust began working today11:25
BUGabundoafter I changed the device to monitor11:25
TychoQuadI'm trying to update to jaunty, but I'm getting "W:Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/universe/source/Sources.bz2  Hash Sum mismatch" is there a way i can re-get the hashes?11:25
vbgunzbug 27790311:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 277903 in usb-creator "Missing Operating System [message at boot]" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27790311:25
BUGabundoTychoQuad: python is broken today! devs have 403 some files!!!11:26
rconanthat's not TychoQuad's problem though11:26
TychoQuadoh, so no updating until python is fixed?11:27
BUGabundoIntuitiveNipple: humm recently all usb-creator disks I've done Work OK!11:27
rconanTychoQuad: have you tried doing sudo apt-get update again?11:27
BUGabundoTychoQuad: no update python until fix, great idea11:27
TychoQuadI've tried it like 6 times11:27
rconanwhat mirror?11:27
BUGabundochanged mirror to main?11:27
TychoQuadchanging mirror11:27
TychoQuadcurrently set to main, trying another one11:28
BUGabundorconan: maybe main stressed out?11:28
BUGabundoTychoQuad: DON'T11:28
BUGabundoyou may get python by mistake!11:28
BUGabundosome mirrors may already have rsynced it!11:28
mnemothe fixed python package is being compiled, you can watch status here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+builds11:28
rconanBUGabundo: he'll be fine with *.archive.ubuntu.com"11:28
rconanI can confirm that gb works11:28
rconanTychoQuad: ^11:28
BUGabundorconan: pt.arc... points to a pt local server11:28
BUGabundoit may have the files from a previous rsync11:29
rconanwell... I can confirm that gb.arch works11:29
IenorandIntuitiveNipple: I followed your debug instructions on bug 284377 and I guess that you suspicion about the IOCTL handler was indeed correct... Anything else that can be done towards resolving this issue?11:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 284377 in linux "No NET with 2.6.27: No buffer space available" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28437711:29
rconancwillu: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.0/+bug/3813111:30
ubottuUbuntu bug 38131 in firefox-3.0 "Firefox causes massive Xorg CPU usage" [Medium,Confirmed]11:30
rconanmy god it's been around since dapper!11:30
BUGabundorconan: cwillu isn't that a flash/jave related bug?11:30
rconanI have flashblock installed so I doubt it11:31
rconanand noscript for that matter11:31
cwillurconan, are you using nv or nvidia?11:31
rconan(although launchpad which is the problem page is allowed in noscript11:31
rconanthe only unusual thing is I have randr disabled because I use xinerama11:32
vbgunzI have a question that has been nagging at me for a while. I have an AMD 64 system and use the binary nvidia driver. I am always asked if I want to install 32bit compatibility *but* I say no. Should I be saying yes here?11:32
cwillurconan, that bug is overrun with "me too"'s that are probably unrelated bugs11:32
rconanvbgunz: where are you asked this?11:32
vbgunzrconan: during install of the binary driver11:33
rconanvbgunz: are you using nvidia drivers from the repo?11:33
rconanif not... why not?11:33
vbgunzrconan: I am using the run package from nvidia11:33
cwilluvbgunz, don't do that11:33
rconanvbgunz: use the repo ones11:33
BUGabundovbgunz: one more vote on Don't do that!11:33
vbgunzI have a long spoon11:34
wgrantAdd another one to that.11:34
TychoQuadvbgunz, another don't do that11:34
vbgunznot sure. last time I tried the repos I went through horror and needed envy I believe to get it right. I been using the run package since the very beginning of Jaunty11:35
cwilluvbgunz, the nvidia run file is known to break things11:35
cwillueven envy is preferable, as at least it's putting things in standard places and not ripping out files that it doesn't recognize like the upstream installer does11:36
IntuitiveNippleIenorand: Thanks for that report. It looks like it does confirm the suspicion11:36
rconandoes no-one else have a problem when searching for a bug on launchpad with firefox becoming unusably slow then?11:39
rconandownload is slow but that's to be expected11:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 38131 in firefox-3.0 "Firefox causes massive Xorg CPU usage" [Medium,Confirmed]11:39
rconanTychoQuad: that's the one I pasted11:40
TychoQuadshould have looked harder, lol11:40
rconanI just thought it would have been fixed sooner considering launchpad is afftected11:40
cwilluand which is overrun by people posting unrelated bugs (java, flash, javascript, slow scrolling due to unaccelerated video, etc)11:40
amortvigilwhat is exactly the differense between 180 and 174 driver of nvidia?11:40
cwilluamortvigil, win and fail11:40
rconanproblem is I'm not sure if my video is accelerated...11:41
cwilluuse 180 unless it isn't supported for your card11:41
amortvigilcwillu: 173 works for mee11:41
cwilluamortvigil, do your window decorations ever get distorted?11:41
rconanI had to do some strange stuff to Xorg to get Xinerama to work11:41
amortvigilcwillu: i have an nvidia geforce 740011:41
cwillurconan, glxinfo|grep render11:41
rconandirect rendering: Yes11:41
rconanis the bit you were after11:41
cwilluI was after the bit that comes up with the exact line I gave you :p11:41
rconanOpenGL renderer string: GeForce 8800 GTX/PCI/SSE2 GL_NV_depth_buffer_float, GL_NV_conditional_render, GL_NV_depth_clamp,  GL_NV_vertex_program3, GL_NVX_conditional_render, GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap,11:42
cwilluthansk :)11:42
cwilluokay, you've got acceleration working11:42
rconanthought so11:42
cwillu(direct rendering isn't bullet proof anymore)11:42
cwilluor a bullet proof guide, rather11:42
rconanI know that I can't use compositing11:42
rconanbecause randr isn't running11:43
cwillurandr is unrelated11:43
cwilluand I've got a large dual monitor set up with nvidia and compiz11:43
rconanI can't run the desktop effects11:43
rconancwillu: using twinview?11:43
cwilluare you using twinview or xinerama11:43
cwilluyou should be using twinview11:43
rconanor vanilla xinerama?11:43
amortvigilcwillu: ive got this : OpenGL renderer string: GeForce Go 7300/PCI/SSE211:43
amortvigil    GL_NVX_conditional_render, GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap, GL_SGIS_texture_lod,11:43
rconancwillu: can't use twinview with two cards11:43
cwillurconan, nvidia, you can11:43
rconansince when?11:44
cwillusince ever, afaik11:44
cwillutheir man page talks about it extensively11:44
rconanlast time I tried I ended up with two screens, each of which spanned two monitors11:44
BUGabundoany one here mods at the forums?11:44
vbgunzso how would I completely uninstall the nvidia run file?11:44
BUGabundowe are going to have a crysis! ehe11:44
cwilluvbgunz, can you reinstall fresh?11:44
rconanvbgunz: could be difficult11:44
rconanBUGabundo: where?11:44
vbgunzcwillu: would really prefer not too11:44
vbgunznot until the ultimate backup system came about which would probably be in less (hopefully) than 10 years11:45
rconanvbgunz: it's the only guaranteed way to get rid of the nvidia install since it sometimes deletes random files11:45
cwilluvbgunz, basically, you're in an very unsupported situation.  You can try to use the .run file to uninstall, and then reboot and reinstall via the hardware drivers dialog11:45
* rconan is gonna try starting again with his monitor configuration11:46
BUGabundorconan: users getting python11:46
BUGabundoall over the forum11:46
amortvigilcwillu: can it be the problem that i mannually had to nvidia-xconfig?? so that maybe not all modules are laoded in xorg.conf?11:46
cwillurconan, I can't guarentee it, but I was under the impression that it worked11:46
vbgunzwell I have no problems. everything seems fine. I thought I ask and give the package from the repos another shot11:46
darthanubisFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/python2.6/libpython2.6_2.6.1-1ubuntu5_amd64.deb11:46
darthanubis  403 Forbidden [IP: 80]11:46
cwilludarthanubis, read the topic11:46
BUGabundodarthanubis: know prob11:47
BUGabundopything is broken11:47
BUGabundofix is now availble11:47
ubottuUbuntu bug 349467 in python2.6 "Many python programs fail with: "undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8"" [Critical,Fix released]11:47
Alastair_yeah, the new package just got built11:47
BUGabundostill not in archive11:49
vbgunzI have this reboot icon in my tray. in no way does it tell me *why* I need to reboot. what is a good way to find out why I need to reboot?11:49
BUGabundoplease hold a few mins11:49
Alastair_well, give it a few minutes xD11:49
macovbgunz: its always because you had an update that requires a reboot11:56
leonbrusselsI have 2 questions regarding Jaunty: If I do update-manager -d, will I get all of the new features (especially improved boot time)? And, will fglrx work?11:56
Ienorandvbgunz: Hmm, that would probably go down as a feature request... Found this: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/10021/11:56
peppotleonbrussels, fglrx is by definition broken. get another video card.11:57
rconancwillu: right... now I have the default xorg.conf and a single screen. How would you say I go about getting this to work?11:57
leonbrusselspeppot: Works fine here on Intrepid. Laptop card...11:57
macovbgunz: its always because you had an update that requires a reboot11:57
macovbgunz: example: the kernel was updated. a new kernel can only be loaded by rebooting11:57
rconancwillu: I just thought of another problem though... the two monitors on the second GPU are far the left and far right ones11:58
rconanwont twinview just not work onthem?11:58
peppotleonbrussels, compositing is impossible, 2d performance is catastrophic (visible redraws when tabbing between basic windows)...11:58
vbgunzmaco: yeah. I thought this would be a no-brainer. cool to see I am not alone11:58
peppotleonbrussels, laptop here too11:58
vbgunzrconan: I have a xorg that uses twinview. I can upload it for you too look at but wouldn't recommend you just copy and paste it *because* I have custom timings that may negatively affect you11:59
Q-FUNKHowdy!  what packages in this morning's update could have contributed to making both totem and rhythmbox get a buffer overflow at startup?12:00
vbgunzrconan: http://dpaste.com/19932/12:00
leonbrusselspeppot: All I can say is that it works for me in Intrepid. Can you suggest any alternatives that work better (and maybe even on Jaunty?)12:00
vbgunzit might work for you out of the box. I have 2 17 inch CRT monitors12:00
wgrantQ-FUNK: Potentially the python2.6 disaster.12:00
wgrantQ-FUNK: You could downgrade python2.6(-minimal) and see if that fixes it.12:00
peppotleonbrussels, no, all alternatives for me in jaunty have been painfully slow. can't recommend upgrading from intrepid, but then again I don't know if it's fglrx or jaunty that's holding back performance12:01
Q-FUNKwhere would I find older releases?12:01
peppotleonbrussels, but you seem to have good performance in 8.10, perhaps I should switch back to that12:01
wgrant-ati works fine on all of my cards here.12:01
rconanvbgunz: do you get compositing with that config?12:01
vbgunzrconan: yes12:01
wgrantQ-FUNK: /var/cache/apt/archives, perhaps. Otherwise -0ubuntu4 on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python2.612:01
* BUGabundo should ear badges for all the work at Forums12:01
leonbrusselswgrant: It works fine too, but compiz performance is much slower12:01
rconanthat isn't twinview... that uses the xserver's xinerama extension12:01
rconanoh no... xinerama "0"12:02
* rconan is confused12:02
vbgunzrconan: heh, I set it up quite a while back. it works for my needs just fine.12:02
cwillurconan, it's not twinview (my mistake), but I don't see any reason in the docs why composite shouldn't be available12:03
leonbrusselsif I do update-manager -d, will I get startup time improvements12:03
wgrantleonbrussels: Most probably.12:03
leonbrusselswgrant: Cool12:03
Q-FUNK2.6.1-1ubuntu5 found in pbuilder cache. let's try it12:03
leonbrusselsthx, I guess I'll upgrade then12:03
wgrantQ-FUNK: That's the broken one.12:03
rconanbecause xinerama and randr don't play nice...12:04
rconanand composite seems to require randr12:04
vbgunzrconan: the nvidia utlitiy tells me it is twinview12:04
cwillucomposite extension is unrelated to xrandr12:04
BluesKajWill jaunty run my fav kde3 apps like konversation and amarok 1.4 ?12:04
TychoQuadleonbrussels, let me know if you get to the package downloading stage12:04
Q-FUNKwgrant: is it?  I though that ubuntu9 was the most recent?12:04
TychoQuadi haven't been able to get that far12:04
aciculaBluesKaj: i think so12:04
rconanvbgunz: it is... I read wrong12:04
aciculaBluesKaj: it still comes with kde3?12:04
Q-FUNKööööö sorry, I meant 2.6.1-0ubuntu912:05
wgrantQ-FUNK: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python2.6 says otherwise.12:05
wgrantThat's old.12:05
aciculais jaunty going to be an lts release btw?12:05
wgrantOld enough, but possibly too old.12:05
wgrantacicula: No.12:05
Q-FUNKyup, but it's what I have on hand12:05
wgrantacicula: 10.04 will be.12:05
vbgunzif you have 2 CRTs you can try. I have 2 17 inch monitors and its been flawless for me for a long time now. I have a 5 button mouse setup in there too. you might want to check that out12:05
aciculawgrant: ah12:05
Q-FUNKwgrant: confirmed. downgrading all python2.6 goodies fixes it12:06
wgrantQ-FUNK: OK, excellent.12:06
wgrantIt wasn't entirely clear that those problems were related to the Python issue, but both did crop up around the same time.12:06
BluesKajacicula , I'm on KDE4.2 atm and I run those apps very well . I don't care for amarok2 much , and quassel is ok , but i don't like it's layout much. Hence the question about preserving my old favs :)12:06
rconancwillu: can I see your config?12:06
aciculaBluesKaj: well if you want your old apps you probably need to install part of kde3 at least and those applications, but they generally are setup such that they can coexist12:07
aciculaBluesKaj: unless support for kde3 was removed with jaunty?12:08
vbgunzthe only thing I dont like about quassel is its handling of logs. it deletes a chats log entirely *if* if you delete the buffer which sucks :/12:08
BluesKajacicula , kde 3 apps run alongside kde4 on intrepid12:08
vbgunzbut I love the top window in quassels default layout. thats cool12:08
vbgunzdamn I am hitting about 40KB average just updating12:09
BluesKajso Intrepid still supports kde3 . I hope jaunty does12:09
macokde doesnt even support kde3 anymore, do they?12:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 349467 in python2.6 "Many python programs fail with: "undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8"" [Critical,Fix released]12:10
aciculamaco: you can install the kde3 system and libraries along side12:10
BUGabundovbgunz: on my laptop with NV 8400 dual monitor I get 130FPS on compiz benchmark12:10
macoacicula: probably, but none will be shipped standard12:10
vbgunzBUGabundo: I dont think I use compiz unless KDE4 kwin uses it12:10
macoyeah konversation's still available12:10
vbgunzI am on Kubuntu12:10
BluesKajkde 3 is mature , it doesn't need much support12:10
BUGabundo$ glxgears12:11
BUGabundo2797 frames in 5.0 seconds = 558.744 FPS12:11
BUGabundo539 frames in 5.0 seconds = 107.711 FPS12:11
vbgunz20526 frames in 5.0 seconds = 4104.466 FPS12:11
vbgunz18480 frames in 5.0 seconds = 3694.223 FPS12:11
BUGabundovbgunz: maximize it on the largest screen12:11
vbgunznever thought about it12:11
BUGabundowait 10 secsr12:12
BUGabundoreport back12:12
wgrantBUGabundo: None of the fixes are on the main mirror yet.12:12
vbgunz5388 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1077.600 FPS12:12
vbgunz2393 frames in 5.0 seconds = 478.578 FPS12:12
BUGabundovbgunz: way better card then mine12:12
vbgunzit drops after the first, why?12:12
BUGabundowgrant: no? some one mentioned it was build and availble! duh12:12
Piciglxgears is not a benchmark12:12
wgrantBUGabundo: They're not published yet.12:13
BUGabundoPici: any other tool to have a quick look?12:13
rconanwhat they said12:13
wgrantPici: I yearn for the days when it required you to pass -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark12:13
aciculaBUGabundo: phoronix.org12:13
Piciwgrant: ditto12:13
BUGabundoI like richards.py12:13
aciculamind you their testsuit is extensive12:13
aciculavery extensive, dont download every test, heh12:13
vbgunzBUGabundo: I just tried glxgears -fullscreen on 2048x1120 and hit 405FPS average12:14
BUGabundo$ python richards.py12:14
BUGabundoRichards benchmark (Python) starting... [<function entry_point at 0x7fced45a3c80>]finished.12:14
BUGabundoTotal time for 10 iterations: 4.01 secs12:14
BUGabundoAverage time per iteration: 401.17 ms12:14
BUGabundovbgunz: what card do own?12:15
vbgunza 7950 GX212:15
vbgunzits a dual 512 GDDR3 card from nvidia12:16
BUGabundonice bit12:16
BUGabundoso a desktop one12:16
BUGabundomine is a one year old on laptop12:16
vbgunzI can tell you one thing though. I believe the sli is rotten on Windows. Left 4 Dead I can play maxed out *but* the only thing I have to put on medium is shaders. that setting alone though makes a big difference. I just dont think sli works on that game12:17
vbgunzwhether I play it with a single GPU or in sli, I actually get the same exact performance no matter what :/12:17
BluesKajvbgunz run , glxinfo | grep direct , to see what it's really named12:17
vbgunzdirect rendering: Yes12:18
vbgunz    GL_EXT_direct_state_access, GL_EXT_draw_range_elements, GL_EXT_fog_coord,12:18
BluesKajthen lspci | grep VGA12:18
BUGabundodirect rendering: Yes    GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test, GL_EXT_direct_state_access,12:18
vbgunzthats all I got12:18
BUGabundo01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GeForce 8400M G (rev a1)12:18
BluesKajsry , lspci | grep VGA12:18
vbgunz04:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G71 [GeForce 7900 GX2] (rev a1)12:18
vbgunzthats wierd. its labeled on the card as a 7900 GTX duo *but* my nvidia utility shows it as a 7950 GX212:19
BluesKajboth decent cards , BUGabundo , vbgunz12:19
BUGabundovbgunz: ROFL! you got dunked!12:20
vbgunzI heard Sli was broken on those cards and after enabling it in Windows for L4D I sort of believe it12:20
vbgunzBUGabundo: you wanna hear something real cool? that card was given to me. for less than 550 I built a really nice box with that :)12:21
vbgunzI think I now know why it may have been given to me ;)12:22
BluesKajvbgunz, the nvidia drivers fit a lot of versions of the 7000 series12:22
vbgunzI only game and so I believe only really take advantage of the card in Windows. on GNU/Linux which I use for everything else, with compositing enabled. well, it more than fits the bill12:23
vbgunzam really considering a 295 GTX I believe.12:23
vbgunzI think it would have to fall off a truck though for me to get it now :)12:24
BUGabundovbgunz: calm a bit down!12:25
BUGabundoyou are getting a bit OT, and some one  may not like it12:25
vbgunzBUGabundo: heh, it can stay on the truck, but the price will have to fall off so to say ;)12:26
rconancwillu: sorry if you already saw this message earlier... any chance I could see your xorg.conf?12:27
darthanubispulse still broken12:27
darthanubisthere is scratching before you paly anything12:27
BUGabundowith dtchen kernel image?12:27
BUGabundoor todays kernel?12:27
darthanubisyou have to wait after the glitch to restart the app with sound12:27
darthanubisBUGabundo, todays kernel12:28
darthanubishe said todays kernel would fix the issue12:28
Lachkaterisn't there a alternate jaunty beta cd avaible for download?12:28
BUGabundoLachkater: yes12:29
BUGabundothere's an alternate cd12:29
BUGabundo !daily12:29
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/12:29
BUGabundoyou have both daily and daily-live12:29
BUGabundodaily is the alternate12:29
BUGabundoDVD as both!12:29
Lachkatercool thank you :>12:29
=== Eruaran|alphates is now known as Eruaran
SandGorgon has anybody used Reconstructor to make a custom livecd-installer ? Is it recommended vs some other method..12:41
BUGabundoSandGorgon: I haven't!12:41
BUGabundobeen looking for an easy way to do it12:41
BUGabundousually I just extract it all from the image, mount loop, and chroot12:42
SandGorgonBUGabundo: hmm... allright. is your method documented somewhere, so I can follow a step-by-step ?12:42
=== berniv6_ is now known as berniv6
BUGabundoSandGorgon: It is! some page on wiki.12:45
bsniderpython's broken? who broke it?12:45
* BUGabundo looks 12:46
SandGorgonBUGabundo: great... what do i search for in Google?12:46
aciculait ate something to big12:46
BUGabundobsnider: please see bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python2.6/+bug/34946712:46
ubottuUbuntu bug 349467 in python2.6 "Many python programs fail with: "undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8"" [Critical,Fix released]12:46
BUGabundobsnider: 20min or so for it to be in archive12:46
bsnideri guess it isn't broken if a fix has been released12:46
BUGabundoSandGorgon: good question! I can't find it myself on google! I have the page saved offline! let me see if I can dig the URL from there12:47
aciculaSandGorgon: linuxfromscratch pages probably have something on it12:47
BUGabundoI know it was pain in the ass to follow12:47
BUGabundotoo many steps12:47
BUGabundothat's why I wished there was One Click does it all app12:47
aciculaheu, the installers for that12:48
aciculaand you can automate the installer too i think, ubuntu wiki12:48
SandGorgonBUGabundo: ugh... could you pastebin it maybe ?12:48
organohey, can anyone tell me why do programs like firefox, GIMP and emesene look ugly and not intergrated with my theme? I'm on kubuntu 9.04 beta12:49
BUGabundoSandGorgon: its HTML lol. but I can upload it if all else fails12:50
BUGabundoSandGorgon: wiki name LiveCDCustomization12:51
BUGabundomofux: hi12:51
mofuxi'm just trying to upgrade from kubuntu 8.04 to jaunty beta12:52
mofuxbut it's missing packages at the upgrade12:52
mofuxor better said... it cannot fetch them12:52
ketilwaaHi there. How do I change the settings for the crash manager. I checked to not be notified by some crashing apps, but need the response anyhow12:52
Picimofux: you cannot upgrade from 8.04 to 9.04 in one shot.  You need to upgrade to 8.10 first.12:52
BUGabundoSandGorgon: did you get it?12:52
mofuxoh sorry, i'm on 8.1012:52
BUGabundomofux: python bug most probably12:53
BUGabundoplease see bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python2.6/+bug/34946712:53
mofuxhow to fix it?12:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 349467 in python2.6 "Many python programs fail with: "undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8"" [Critical,Fix released]12:53
BUGabundowait half an hour12:53
SandGorgonBUGabundo: got the link u sent. great thanks... let me digest it !12:53
mofuxBUGabundo: ok, will do12:53
BUGabundomofux: how are you upgrading ?12:53
BUGabundoupdate-manager-kde -d ?12:53
BUGabundowelcome on board!12:53
BUGabundowe will be waiting for you12:53
* BUGabundo thinks python should be hitting 8.0412:54
BUGabundomofux: humm can you please pastebin you sources.list?12:54
BUGabundoor at least the error ?12:54
aVirulencehi all, all my Python packages seem to be broken after the latest apt-get upgrade.. is this a known issue?12:55
BUGabundoSandGorgon: I think this I it https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization12:55
BUGabundoaVirulence:  please see bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python2.6/+bug/34946712:55
ketilwaaaVirulence: see topic12:55
ubottuUbuntu bug 349467 in python2.6 "Many python programs fail with: "undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8"" [Critical,Fix released]12:55
mofuxargh, pastebin says my log is spam and won't let me post :(12:55
mofuxFailed to fetch http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/python2.6/python2.6-minimal_2.6.1-1ubuntu5_i386.deb 404 Not Found [IP: 80]12:55
mofuxFailed to fetch http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/python2.6/python2.6_2.6.1-1ubuntu5_i386.deb 404 Not Found [IP: 80]12:55
mofuxFailed to fetch http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/python2.6/libpython2.6_2.6.1-1ubuntu5_i386.deb 404 Not Found [IP: 80]12:55
mofux^sorry for spamming the channel12:55
* BUGabundo ohhh I missed /topic12:55
Picimofux: Don't do that.12:55
BUGabundo !pastebin12:56
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)12:56
BUGabundoPici: does 8.04 also get it by the python bug?12:56
=== bromic94 is now known as thewrath
Picimofux, BUGabundo, ma: The python upgrade has been blocked due to the aformentioned issues, just wait for it to be resolved and the urls will work again.12:56
thewrathwhy when i try to download the beta is it slow as hekc12:56
sirderigothis is the channel for the person trying jaunty jackalope?12:57
BUGabundothewrath: everyone is hammering the server??12:57
BUGabundosirderigo: yes12:57
mofuxPici: cool, better to have an failed upgrade then a failed system :)12:57
thewrathoh ok12:57
Picimofux: Exactly.12:57
thewraththought everyone got it last night12:57
BUGabundothewrath: if you had follow my tip yesterday it would be faster12:57
mofuxPici: do you have a clue how long it might take?12:57
BluesKajmofux ,I repeat,  you can't skip a release , you have to upgrade 8.10 first , then upgrade to Jaunty12:57
* ma thinks it's perhaps a day too early for beta testing...12:58
BluesKajto 8.1012:58
mofuxBluesKaj: i'm on 8.10...12:58
mofuxi did write it wrong above12:58
maBluesKaj: the Beta testing websites suggest that upgrading from 8.04 is also possible, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades - this could deserve sorting out then...12:58
Picimofux: The fix has been released, it just needs to build and then propogate to the mirrors. So... sometime today.12:58
mofuxok, thakns alot guys12:59
BluesKajmofux, earlier you said you were on 8.0412:59
antoranzguys! I'm getting three packages as "Forbidden" when I try to update12:59
cwilluantoranz, read the topic12:59
antoranzcan any of you work on that?12:59
mofuxBluesKaj: yep, sorry for that... i'm always messing those numbers12:59
maantoranz: they're on it12:59
Piciantoranz: Its like that on purpose.12:59
Piciantoranz: So that people don't break their systems with a broken python package.12:59
* BUGabundo wonders how many bugs have been filed on python and mirrors about this in 2h12:59
mofuxhehe :)13:00
BUGabundo(12:57:28 PM) infinity: New python2.6 binaries are being pushed to mirrors, FWIW.13:00
=== bromic94 is now known as thewrath
thewrathBUGabundo: when do you think speeds will be back to normal13:00
aVirulencefor what it's worth?13:00
antoranzand what was the problem?13:00
ketilwaaAnyone: How do I change the settings for the crash manager. I checked to not be notified by some crashing apps, but need the response anyhow13:00
antoranzthey figured out something after having made the beta announcement?13:01
thewrathpython is broken13:01
BUGabundothewrath: in 5 weeks ROFL13:01
BluesKajok np, mofux  have you read this tutorial to upgrade from 8.10 ? , http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/beta13:01
thewrathcome on13:01
sirderigothe beta is really good, but yes python is death :(13:01
mofuxBluesKaj: thanks for your help.. i think i know what went wrong now... yes i've read it13:01
sirderigoand performous, amarok, and banshee donesnt work13:01
thewrathgoing to boot into ubuntu and update since i am not get the beta .iso atm13:02
antoranzoh... now you hit me with amarok. I have started to hate it13:02
aurel42Howdy, it seems since upgrading to jaunty, something is wrong<tm> with ssh-agent. After a while of working with it, ssh-add suddenly claims it cannot access the authentication agent, even though ssh-agent is still running.13:02
aurel42Is this a known issue?13:02
antoranzhalf of the songs in my meizu don't even show up in my collection13:03
BUGabundoaurel42: see topic13:03
aurel42BUGabundo: which part? the "not supported" part?13:03
sirderigoantoranz, it read all my music but doesnt work13:03
BUGabundono python breakage13:03
aurel42BUGabundo: I wasn't aware that ssh-agent has to do with Python.13:04
antoranzwell.... it does work in my box... a little unreliably, but works13:04
sirderigoyesss there is a lot of updates!13:04
sirderigoi am actually using exaile13:04
antoranzbut it's like it's connected to my likes neurons wirelessly, cause all the songs that I really LIKE, they won't show up13:04
mtholdensshey, i got the jaunty beta 64 bit on a mac, and can't get desktop effects to work13:05
thunderstruckits too damn early for this13:05
sirderigoAndphe, wellcome my friend13:05
aurel42BUGabundo: also, I've upgraded to jaunty a couple of days ago, the problem has been present ever since and the python breakage seems to be a new issue.13:05
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
BUGabundoaurel42: ok13:06
BUGabundothen that's another thing!13:06
sirderigognomefreak, i too like AC/DC :D13:06
aurel42ssh-agent isn't a Python script, either. It's an ELF binary.13:06
sirderigoin a intel dual core, 1.73 ghz, 2 GB ram, jaunty hang up sometimes13:06
cetanhotaMorning, has anyone tried to put 9.04 in a Vmware session?13:07
sirderigocetanhota, i am installing vmware server right now13:07
BUGabundoguys, lunch for me! hold the fort until I came back!13:07
sirderigoBUGabundo, we will resist, no one enemy will get in13:08
sirderigoi think i like vmware.13:08
cetanhotaI am having issues install the VMware tools, and all that happens is the file browser opens over and over. does not stop till I cancel the install.13:08
antoranzthe hell with the fort. I'll take a nap... or better yet, read some more news13:09
mnemohere we go, python fix available in apt-get13:09
sirderigomnemo, thats very good, i am actually upgrading13:10
BUGabundo(01:09:56 PM) mnemo: python fix available through main apt-get (not sure about mirrors)13:10
sirderigo and later i will try to install pyragua13:10
BUGabundoguys hammer the server.... go get your FIX!13:10
sirderigoBUGabundo, the ubuntu central server?13:10
mofuxyippie :)13:10
sirderigoBUGabundo, bye :)13:10
ketilwaaWould anyone  like to help with somethin not python related? How do I change the settings for the crash manager? I checked to not be notified by some crashing apps, but need the response anyhow. If nobody knows I'll shut up for now.13:11
sirderigoi will search a little, give me a second13:12
billybigrigger_BUGabundo, python python-central13:13
billybigrigger_  python-cupshelpers python-minimal python2.6 python2.6-minimal13:13
billybigrigger_BUGabundo, those are the fixed packages? along with libpython2.613:13
rconanubuntu really needs to use diffs on the package lists...13:14
rconandownloading them at 60kb/s takes some time13:14
billybigrigger_60k/sec, lucky you13:15
billybigrigger_30-40 here13:15
* rconan is used to 1.6MB/s but is visiting parents at the moment13:15
billybigrigger_roger, i get 2.5MB/s here on a good day, but the main buntu server is just getting pile drived since yesterday13:16
sirderigosirderigo, have 51.4 kbps rightnow13:16
sirderigonow i have 32 kbps13:16
sirderigoand now 1513:16
rconanI would imagine so13:16
cetanhotaI will patch my VMware Guest to all current levels then try to install the vmware tools. will let you know what happens.13:16
sirderigocetanhota, dont go broken your system ;)13:16
cetanhotaIts no big deal if I do, its a vm, i can just start over. This is why I love VM!13:17
cetanhotaI will take a snapshot of the VM once its patched, so if I muck it up, simple to start over.13:17
sirderigocetanhota, oops, i am using jaunty like first and only one system13:17
sirderigowell actually i think i hace a debian sid installed13:18
rconanI'm using it on both of mine13:18
rconanneeded the new Xorg to fix a bug I was having13:18
cetanhotaMy host is a mac, I have several guests install right now.13:18
sirderigorconan, i now can use twinview whitout non-sleep week!13:18
mtholdenssgetting no where here, geeze where are the mac users that were on last night13:20
sirderigoi have a stupid question, what version of vmware i need to download?13:20
sirderigoi already have server but i want desktop13:20
BluesKajlooks like the jaunty beta servewrs are getting hammered13:22
mtholdensstry torrents13:22
cetanhotasirderigo, let me look. I know the mac version, not sure of the pc version13:23
sirderigocetanhota, :13:23
BluesKajI'm getting 60kb/sec13:24
cetanhotasirderigo, what os is going to be your host?13:24
sirderigocetanhota, i cant say, i think whatever yo can download, in this moment i am thinking in freebes13:25
sirderigobut i will force mac too, and i think 2 or 3 ubuntu for probes and13:25
cetanhotasirderigo: check this link. https://www.vmware.com/tryvmware/?p=workstation-w they have a 30 day trial.13:26
thewrathhey all13:26
thewrathhow do i see if any of my stuff is muted for sound13:27
cetanhotaserderigo, you could also look at virtualbox, its a sun product and its free. www.virtualbox.org13:27
thewrathbc i get sound through computer speakers but through headphones i do13:27
sirderigocetanhota, i use virtualbox, but i want to try VMWARE13:28
cetanhotasirderigo, that vm link should help. they have a 30 day trial, it a full version.13:29
thewrathvmware yuck13:29
thewrathvirtual box rocks13:29
sirderigoi heard vmware was better13:29
cetanhotaI like the free aspect of virtual box, but I do find that the performance is way better with vm.13:30
sirderigowhy vmware server is free (as in free beer) and vmware (other) no13:30
cetanhotaI used virtualbox for awhile, but once I could get vmware I made the purchase.13:30
unixdawgso did we go beta ?13:33
cwilluunixdawg, no, we cancelled the whole thing13:34
cwilluwe're all switching to windows 7 instead, with a nice brown theme13:34
Viking_kongya, ubuntu is dead13:34
Viking_kongas well as fedora13:34
unixdawgok windows 7 coool13:34
sirderigowhat the baby are you thelling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!13:35
* cwillu suggests that reading the topic would be a good way of determining whether beta was out, presuming that ubuntu.com was too far out of your way :p13:35
* sirderigo changed hell for baby13:35
Mithrandirhm, isn't libvirt supposed to start dnsmasq on the virtual bridge interface?  Or was that the previous version and they've NIH-ed it?13:41
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
XenoPhoenixFrom #ubuntu: Hi guys, currently on jaunty, what's the best tips for power saving on ubuntu? I currently get 2.5 hours of battery life on my laptop, where as with windows 7 I currently get 5+13:45
maxbYou might want to play with powertop13:46
cwilluXenoPhoenix, powertop, open drivers, laptop-mode-tools, and a willingness to experiment13:46
maxbI hear the display driver may make a huge difference13:46
aciculawireless too13:46
XenoPhoenixI'm a little wary of powertop, last time I went with I ended up with X not restarting after a zap and an inability to come out from a suspend13:46
XenoPhoenixyeah bartman in ubuntu mentioned display drivers13:47
XenoPhoenixit's an intel X3100 in a hp 2710p here13:47
cwilluXenoPhoenix, powertop is just a display tool with some builting tweaks that you can safely ignore13:47
cwillu(diagnostic tool rather, not a display)13:47
XenoPhoenixcurrently on the default intel driver which i was lead to understand is quite good13:47
=== bromic94 is now known as thewrath
XenoPhoenixah I was told to apply the tweaks last time13:47
XenoPhoenixi guess that was a bad move? :p13:47
cwilluwell, alot of them are simply inappropriate depending on various details of your use and hardware13:48
XenoPhoenixah fair enough :)13:48
billybigrigger_anyone else having problems upgrading the fixed python packages?13:49
cwilluyou should have <10 wakeups per second generally to help with the battery life (as displayed by powertop), beyond that gets into avoiding having the drive spin up (laptop-mode-tools is useful there, although I don't know for sure that simply installing it is enough to enable it)13:49
XenoPhoenixok I'll have a play with them to see, just apting powertop now13:49
XenoPhoenixthough I was interested about how to proceed with the display driver13:50
billybigrigger_forbidden ip error when trying to upgrade the new python fix13:51
billybigrigger_anyone else getting this? or just me?13:51
XenoPhoenixsame here billybigrigger13:51
cwilluthe fixed package isn't up yet afaik13:51
bazhangdid you see the topic?13:51
XenoPhoenixah ;)\13:51
cwilluyou're trying to download the broken version, which has been forbidden for your protection :p13:51
billybigrigger_well someone said the fixed pkg's where on the servers13:52
cwillubazhang, I've got this python error :p13:52
mnemomaybe it didnt sync to mirrors yet? i've gotten the fixed version from apt-get earlier today for sure13:52
billybigrigger_im hitting the main server13:52
XenoPhoenixmine appears to be fine now (UK mirror)13:52
billybigrigger_XenoPhoenix, did you apt-get --fix-missing?13:53
billybigrigger_or just apt-get upgrade13:53
XenoPhoenixthis was from synaptic13:54
thewrathanyone know where dchens link is to the kernal upgrade that you can get that fixes some things bc of the freeze13:55
TrymonHello, does anybody has a qualcomm gobi / HP un2400 Card and tryed to activate it with jaunty? Google and ubuntu forums couldn't help me.13:55
XenoPhoenixthink we may have found our problem here, powertop reports ~255 wakeups per second :/13:58
XenoPhoenix62.6% (226.5)       <interrupt> : i915@pci:0000:00:02.0  <-- that's the main culprit14:00
* maxb makes note to check his own i915-based netbook14:01
kneekiAnyone have a link to Kubuntu 9.10 Beta torrent?14:03
aciculafor me it's the wireless, accounting for 50% of the wakeups heh14:04
gotgnuis the 64 bit firefox the defualt in Jaunty ?14:04
aciculagotgnu: depends if you installed the 32 or 64 bit version14:04
aciculaof jaunty that is14:04
XenoPhoenixso what steps should I take to reduce thoose wakeups?14:05
gotgnuI installed the 6414:06
gnomefreakits 64 than most likely i dont have a 64 PC laying around14:06
XenoPhoenixkneeki, 32 or 64?14:07
kneekiXenoPhoenix: I'd like to try 64 bit14:07
Laruft_hi, i'm finding running konversation or amarok causes lock up14:07
XenoPhoenixooh you wanted 9.10?14:07
XenoPhoenixnot 9.0414:07
kneekiXenoPhoenix: Yeah, 9.10  Beta14:08
XenoPhoenixah sorry only have 9.04 to hand14:08
kneekiI can find the direct download link to the iso, but not a torrent. Torrents are ubar fast14:08
gnomefreakkneeki: ther eis no 9.1014:08
gnomefreaklatest beta is 9.0414:09
kneekilol yeah14:09
kneekiI was mixing ver numbers -_-14:09
kneekignomefreak: smack me next time I do that ;)14:09
kneekiXenoPhoenix: Can I get the 9.04 link?14:09
gnomefreakkneeki: its in the topic14:10
XenoPhoenixI was going to say I didn't thin there was a 9.10 :P14:10
gnomefreakkneeki: type /t to read it14:10
gnomefreakkneeki: i would hold off on it14:10
XenoPhoenixsee PM for the link14:10
kneekignomefreak: Oh?14:10
gnomefreakseeing as python is broken i would wait14:11
gnomefreakkneeki: python is a major thing in Ubuntu as well as most dists14:11
kneekiHmm, I just wanted to get a feel for the interface. I've used Gnome my entire Ubuntu experience, and I don't think I like it14:12
maxbIt's fixed again already, unless your mirror is lagging14:12
maxbAlso, didn't the breakage happen *after* beta, anyway?14:12
rconanXenoPhoenix: poke...14:12
XenoPhoenixkeep your pokes to yourself rconan ;)14:13
gnomefreakmaxb: yes but upgrading may not give him the updated one since it browk after beta release14:13
kneekiGnome feels like it's really flimsy, or going to break or something. Also, not every window seems to have theme support, so while using apt or updates, it feels really weird14:13
XenoPhoenixkneeki, apt / updates will be using the root theme rather than the user one14:13
maxbgnomefreak: As it broke after beta, why are you advising him to hold off downloading a beta iso?14:13
kneekiXenoPhoenix: Why not keep the same theme throughout?14:14
gnomefreakmaxb: he is looking for the beta disk14:14
XenoPhoenixyour can symbolically link them so they appear the same though this isn't always advisable as it will be less obvious if you running a gui app as root14:14
maxbgnomefreak: Indeed. And I completely fail to understand what the python breakage has to do with downloading a beta disk14:14
gnomefreakmaxb: it doesnt however the updates after he installs it will have borked python14:15
unixdawgok updated14:15
gnomefreakafaik it hasnt been widely fixed yet but i will know more when i get finished with hg14:15
maxbgnomefreak: No they won't. The borked python was disabled in the archive14:15
kneekignomefreak: So, even if I update the OS after install, it would be broken?14:16
gnomefreakmaxb: oh it was held back?14:16
gnomefreakkneeki: hold on a sec14:16
gnomefreakkneeki: you can try it but be known that there may/will be problems as it is beta14:16
kneekiWell of course14:17
BUGabundomirrors are still upgrading!14:17
billybigrigger_flashplugin-nonfree still buggy for most people? like having to fully close firefox and restart it to get rid of the white box that should be a flash video?14:18
billybigrigger_on amd6414:18
gnomefreakyay its working finallu14:18
rconanwoo... one of the xinerama bugs is fixed!14:19
rconankeyboard repeat one if anyone is interested14:19
kneekiDoes Kubuntu keep the same theme throughout the experience, unlike Ubuntu?14:20
kneeki^ ... seems kinda vague14:20
XenoPhoenixfinally rconan, you played with GEM yet?14:20
billybigrigger_no one has problems with my above mentioned flash bug?14:21
rconanXenoPhoenix: no14:21
rconanwhat is it?14:21
rconanor rather what does it offer me?14:21
daniel_OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) 965GM GEM 20090114 x86/MMX/SSE214:22
daniel_how do i active gem?14:22
XenoPhoenixrconan: the new display thingy lol, I'v not used it but like I said before, it should remove the need for xinerama14:27
rconanXenoPhoenix: nvidia support? don't be silly...14:28
XenoPhoenixi know intel has support14:29
XenoPhoenixnot sure about ati or nvidia14:29
rconanXenoPhoenix: nvidia definitely don't14:29
rconanI'd be surporised ifATI do14:29
XenoPhoenixas would I, if nvidia are not14:34
=== daniel_ is now known as sirderigo
mofuxupgraded to the latest kubuntu now14:38
mofuxmy graphics are very slow (using intel onboard)14:38
mofuxthey've been much faster before14:38
mofuxi'm using kwin with compositing here14:39
HalowUh oh. Tried to update just now and got a 403 forbidden message on three packages.14:39
cwilluHalow, read the topic14:39
rconanHalow: python was broken14:39
rconanHalow: if you apt-get update now it should be right14:39
AmaranthI do so much enjoy watching people talk about graphics, funny things get said14:39
BUGabundoHalow: you can change you mirror to MAIN and get the files14:40
BUGabundobut remember to change back after to a mirror closer to you14:41
HalowOK. Thanks cwillu and rconan. Uh... BUGabundo I think I'm on main. Let me double check.14:41
rconancwillu: oh... you're around again... did you get my message before?14:41
cwillurconan, yep, sorry, I'll be around a bit more in a bit, I've got a machine I need to finish up14:42
unixdawgI have to say I am impressed with howmuch jaunty feels like MS with all the updates14:43
BUGabundounixdawg: behave! :\14:43
unixdawgaww come on it was a joke14:44
XenoPhoenixthat's sacrilege right there :P14:44
hggdhif you cannot laugh at yourself, you are sicker than MS14:45
rconanXenoPhoenix: we wont talk about the lengths you used to go to to use windows over linux :p14:45
tomsdalewhat do you guys recommend over the other: apt-get upgrade or aptitude safe-upgrade14:45
rconanapt-get dist-upgrade :p14:46
XenoPhoenixrconan: shush shush that's all in the past14:46
hggdhla vie en rose?14:46
XenoPhoenixi may or may not have had my xlaunch script start a RDP session :P14:46
tomsdaleufff - main server behaves like the canadian one in general today :-)14:49
hggdhwell, a lot of people are upgrading/updating/downloading today...14:50
BluesKajtomsdale, the main server is being hammered today due to the jaunty beta release14:51
XenoPhoenixoh that would explain the mass of packages this morning14:51
XenoPhoenixI really ought to pay more attention14:52
tomsdaleI know - it was also more directed towards the general performance of the canadian one which is pretty useless.14:52
tomsdalejoin /xubuntu14:55
BluesKajtomsdale , I'm in Canada as well, and i found even on normal days the .ca servers are slow as molasses in january , so i chose the main server in adept as my default14:55
rconanhmm... Xorg.0.log has (**) Extension "Composite" is enabled14:56
rconanbut xdpyinfo -queryExtensions doesn't show Composite14:56
rconanseems somewhat contradictory to me14:58
billybigrigger_BluesKaj, im in calgary here, and ca. servers are slow for me aswell, any idea where the ca. mirror is located?14:58
tomsdaleI had to wait once for 20 minutes for an apt-get update14:59
billybigrigger_after install i usually edit apt sources.list and remove the ca.14:59
billybigrigger_from every line15:00
billybigrigger_canadian mirror is junk, ubuntu should look into getting one on the west coast15:00
tomsdaleI find it's a trap for newbies. As soon as you set the timezone it defaults to the canadian. If an update takes 20 minutes people think something is broken.15:00
BluesKajbillybigrigger, I think it's at the U of Sherbrooke , Quebec. ,... not a bigtime school , prolly has a small server farm15:00
billybigrigger_tomsdale, BluesKaj where are you guys?15:00
PhotoJimYeah, the Canadian mirror is really terrible.  I set all my Ubuntu machines (4) to use the US mirror and while it's occasionally slow, it's usually much faster.15:00
billybigrigger_tomsdale, argreed, definately a turn-off for a new user15:01
tomsdalebillybigrigger: you can change that all at once in th UI to connect to the Main server btw.15:01
BluesKajI'm about 40mi west of Sudbury ON15:01
tomsdaleI'm from Riviere-du-loup Quebec.15:01
PhotoJimRegina, SK.15:01
PhotoJimWolf River :)15:01
billybigrigger_you guys are fairly close to server and its still slow :P15:01
BluesKajalmost enough for a forward line :)15:01
* billybigrigger_ is suprised there's no vancouver mirror15:02
BluesKajor Toronto15:02
billybigrigger_to would be ok aswell15:02
tomsdaleI think they might have a technical problem on their end because its ALWAYS slow.15:02
billybigrigger_maybe we should let them know :P15:02
tomsdalegood idea ^^ how do we do that15:03
BluesKajtomsdale, they could be throttling , ..it used to be much faster a couple of yrs ago15:03
PhotoJimI'm in #ubuntu-ca... we should probably talk about Canadian mirror issues there since it's a bit off-topic for jaunty specifically15:04
maxbI think there's something weird going on with archive.ubuntu.com - it seems to be flipping back and forth between old and new versions of the Release file.15:05
maxbIf you've got a decent local mirror, you're likely better off using the mirror than main15:05
tomsdaleahh - didn't know that existed. Thx PhotoJim15:05
PhotoJimtomsdale: I just discovered it the other day :)15:06
LjLcwillu, watchbot complains about xkcd links in this channel because they're categorized as humor/jokes, and this isn't #ubuntu-offtopic ;)15:06
cwilluLjL, I know, I had my channels mixed up15:07
* cwillu pokes himself with a stick in penance15:07
LjLcwillu: again? :P15:08
cwilluLjL, it happens alot15:08
LjLcwillu: that's worrying - you're either mad or we *really* aren't doing a good job on this channel :P15:08
cwilluLjL, if you wanna complain, there's a 'pick a new crappy language for cwillu to be written in' debate going on in -offtopic :p15:08
mofuxjaunty really messed up my intel graphics :( opengl renders above windows now and overall performance is very very bad compared to interepid15:09
mofuxis there a workarround for this?15:09
ufahow can i enable the new notification system um Jaunty?15:09
ufait seems that is not running15:10
Halowufa: It should be enabled by default. You just have to use something that'll trigger it, like Rhythmbox or pidgin.15:10
ufayeah, but pidgin does not notify15:10
mnemomofux: there is one perf bug that can be fixed by this patch ( http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/intel-gfx/2009-January/001186.html ), but im not sure that the big perf bug that intel+EXA has right now... try this patch and see if its better, maybe?15:10
ufamaybe a bug?15:10
mnemomofux:  on some intel chipsets UXA mode is also stable enough and it has MUCH better perf... but other chipsets have crashes in UXA so ubuntu can do all in with UXA yet15:11
mofuxhow do i enable UXA?15:12
mnemomofux: in you xorg.conf, under section "Device"... add the line:15:12
mnemoOption          "AccelMethod" "UXA"15:12
mofuxok, i'll try15:12
mnemobut be prepared to crash badly15:12
mnemowhat chipset do you have?15:13
mofuxmnemo: it feels very much like this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/34292315:13
ubottuUbuntu bug 342923 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "Kubuntu Jaunty Intel 945 GM - Poor sluggish graphics performance on HP/Compaq nc6400 laptop" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:13
mofuxor this one: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/30301115:13
ubottuUbuntu bug 303011 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i945] 2.5.1 driver poor performance" [Unknown,In progress]15:13
mnemomofux: yeah at least I know I have horrible EXA perf on intel G45 as well...15:14
mofuxi'm having a G33 (when i can believe driconf output)15:15
mofuxanother issue i have is that CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE doesn't restart X anymore :?15:16
mofuxit does nothing15:16
mnemothe ctrl-alt-del thing is by design15:16
mnemobut there is a util to change that setting15:16
mnemosudo apt-get install dontzap15:16
mnemorun the dontzap tool if you want to enable ctrl-alt-backspace again15:17
mofuxare you talking about ctrl-alt-del or ctrl-alt-backspace(as me) ?15:17
mofux^ ;)15:17
mnemoah yeah, i mean backspace... sry, old win32 brain damage :) :)15:17
mofuxbrb... testing UXA now15:18
mofuxmnemo: setting UXA did run ubuntu in low graphics mode15:26
mofuxdamn, even using xrender is way faster then opengl acceleration15:26
mnemomofux: probably the X server crashed on startup.... if you find debug info in the end of xorg log and/or dmesg please report a bug on it15:27
rconanok guys /var/log/Xorg.0.log contains (**) Extension "Composite" is enabled but xdpyinfo -queryExtensions doesn't show Composite, any reasons why?15:27
rconanweird... "Composite extension not supported by xdpyinfo15:28
rconanfirst line of xdpyinfo -ext Composite15:28
BUGabundodo you guys think I should apply to Ubuntu Member? could I get your support?15:29
rconanwhat is "Ubuntu Member"?15:30
gran`will upgrading to 9.1 lose my current setup? themes etc likely not to work?15:30
* billybigrigger_ gives 1 vote for BUGabundo 15:31
billybigrigger_gran`, if you have your /home on a separate partition you'll be fine15:31
BUGabundorconan: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership15:31
mofuxmnemo: is there a way to background to interpid?15:31
rconanjust found that15:31
mofuxargh background = backgrade15:31
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.15:32
billybigrigger_gran`, but...if you installed / onto 1 partition without a separate /home partition, you will loose everything...IF you reinstall...you can always upgrade via apt and keep everything15:32
gran`i have it on seperate partitions15:33
gran`was just wondering if themes would be compatable15:33
billybigrigger_well you can either download the beta images and re-install and be fine, or upgrade via apt15:33
gran`emerald etc15:33
lifianyone got a working dual-head conf with fglrx?15:34
billybigrigger_just don't format your /home when re-installing15:34
stoojOf course, it's recommended you back up beforehand gran`15:35
mofuxhmm, i think i will just reinstall intrepid from scratch15:36
gran`stooj new computer, nothing worth saving :D15:37
rysiek|plguys, is it normal that kde4 on intrepid and on jaunty, on an intel GMA965 is *slow*15:38
mofuxrysiek|pl: for me it's fast on interepid but slow in jaunty15:39
rysiek|plmofux: and I get a lot atefacts/image corruptions15:40
rysiek|plmofux: esp. in konqueror15:40
rysiek|plit's actually 2-3 times slower than kde315:40
mofuxthis problem i don't have15:40
mofuxbut i have a GMA33 though15:40
rysiek|plmofux: ah15:40
SandGorgonrysiek|pl: what does top or htop tell you about CPU/Memory consumption15:41
rysiek|plmofux: 20-50% all the time15:44
mofuxSandGorgon: ^15:44
rysiek|plfunny thing, after turning kwin desktop effects OFF, I still get artefacts15:47
rysiek|plthere is something seriously wrong with kde4 on intel15:47
hmwhow much faster would my jaunty boot with ext4, if faster at all?15:48
hmwhow much boot speed do i loose due to the celeron processor in use?15:51
hmwhow do i make you answer these questions? *g*15:53
rysiek|plhmw: test it15:54
hmwhuh? you mean by getting another cpu??15:55
rysiek|plhmw: I mean ext415:55
hmwhah. i see. I just wanted to hear, what could be expected15:55
stoojhmw, have you seen bootchart?15:55
hmwi just made one15:55
hmwdidnt tell me too much15:55
stoojWell, you could reinstall and reformat to ext3, then compare the two?15:57
hmwreadahead, udevadm, ntfs3g and some grep/find near virtualbox are the only bigger parts15:58
hmwguess i could squeeze out 2 more seconds, but not today - i am too tired alread for serious thinking15:59
hmwnothing is better than those old ibm-microswitch-keyboards... if only my notebook had such a kbd :) people pay up to EUR200 for those!16:01
gorgonzolahello people! i want to upgrade to jaunty beta, but the release notes mention that i can't if i'm using fglrx drivers, but a fix will be released...16:08
gorgonzolashould i a) wait for the fix, or b) remove fglrx before updating?16:08
hmwguess a is a safe choice. You could wipe your drive and try a clean install, but fglrx seems to cause troubles often.16:09
BUGabundogorgonzola: try b16:10
BUGabundoor even better16:10
BUGabundotry a livecd/usb16:10
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hmwyeah, livecd sounds good16:11
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BUGabundogorgonzola: and if you go for it, try -ati driver version. bryce says it quite guud16:12
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maxbmy "any" interface has disappeared from wireshark16:15
PubnumOk, I need some help with junty16:16
PubnumI'm encountering some weird bugs16:16
Pubnumdefinitely OS related...16:16
gorgonzolaBUGabundo: Ok, i'll get ready to submit the xorg beast to my will. I just wanted to know if the fix mentioned would be available soon/is available now...16:16
BUGabundoonly ati knows that16:17
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BUGabundoPubnum: its BETA16:17
BUGabundo !beta16:17
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Jaunty. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.16:17
PubnumNo, like un operational....16:17
gorgonzolaBUGabundo: before preparing my armies for the bloodbath that i anticipate getting X to change the driver without losing kwin functionality xD16:17
PiciPubnum: Explain your issues and perhaps someone can help16:17
BUGabundogorgonzola: more important: BACKUPs BACKUPs BACKUPs BACKUPs16:17
PubnumRight, I have the 64 bit junty and I loaded it into a vm16:17
maxbWhere are the release notes? I can't seem to find them16:17
Pubnumupon opening the gui starting up my task bar is getting filled with applications I know not what of16:18
Picimaxb: Check the topic16:18
maxbubottu: release notes?16:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about release notes?16:18
Pubnumand they are all the same...16:18
gorgonzolaBUGAbundo: yeah... i know the drill... but i'd love to not have to piss my day away fighting the xorgzilla16:19
cetan_hotaPubnum, are you trying to install the VMware tools?16:19
maxboh, are they no longer going to be on wiki.ubuntu.com?16:19
Pubnumno i ahvent installed them yet16:19
BUGabundomaxb: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/beta16:19
cetan_hotaPubnum, is the item your file browser?16:20
maxbIt might be worth linking wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseNotes to there, for those of use used to constructing the URLs by pattern :-)16:20
BUGabundoPubnum: you are the second today having that issue16:20
cetan_hotaYup, me being the 1st.16:20
PubnumBUGabundo: Great, thank you16:21
Picimaxb: It *is* a wiki16:21
BUGabundoheeh cetan_hota. I have bad memory16:21
maxbyeah... I'm just not quite sure about the etiquette for semi-official pagenames16:21
BUGabundomaxb: release notes will be done for release!16:21
cetan_hotaPubnum, I have been trying to work it out, have not made much progress.16:21
BUGabundomaxb: I was told that until then the release notes pages would not exist16:22
BUGabundocetan_hota: Pubnum can you guys file a bug16:22
BUGabundoand attach a screenshot ?16:22
cetan_hotawill do.. I want to do a fresh install one more time and see what I can make happen.16:22
Pubnumyeah I can do that16:23
cetan_hotaSo far I think it has something todo with mounting the linux.iso that holds the vmware tools. I will update in a bit.16:23
Pubnumcetan_hota: I didn't do anything with vmware tools yet...16:23
BUGabundocetan_hota: Pubnum can any of you also try virtualbox»?16:23
cetan_hotaDoing Vbox now.16:24
cetan_hotaIts has a issue with the vboxvideo drivers.16:24
Pubnumcetan_hota: thanks, cause I dont have it :X16:24
cetan_hotaPubnum, I wonder if your VM is trying to install the tools automaticly.16:24
BUGabundoPubnum: virtualbox.org ?16:24
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Torchanyone got an md5sum of kubuntu-9.04-beta-desktop-amd64.iso ?16:25
PubnumBUGabundo: lets see if I can get that screenie, any console command screenshots you would like with it?16:26
BUGabundoTorch: isn't it in the page?16:27
TorchBUGabundo: maybe, i can't find it, however16:27
BUGabundoTorch: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/jaunty/MD5SUMS16:28
TorchBUGabundo: thanks. where was that link?16:28
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BUGabundoPubnum: photo cam? lol16:28
BUGabundoTorch: pull on level up!16:28
TorchBUGabundo: rats, i'm blind ;-)16:28
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BUGabundocdimage on the other hand is slowwwww16:29
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tux_can't seem to move the menu-bar from the top of a default beta install to the bottom of the screen16:29
tux_anyone else find this?16:29
charlie-tcatux_: that is now a feature16:30
tux_what, that you can't move it?16:30
rconantux_: you have you use alt + DnD16:30
charlie-tcaNot by dragging.16:30
tux_thanks rconan16:31
BUGabundotux_: alt+drag and drop16:31
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PubnumBUGabundo: here it is16:34
aljosai'm using jaunty on imac7,1 and current graphics/display drivers are pretty bad (i can't even watch a movie in fullscreen). anybody knows if there will be any progress before release?16:34
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BUGabundo404 Not Found error16:34
BUGabundoits like cetan_hota16:35
BUGabundodigitaloktay: hi16:35
cetan_hotaPubnum, thats the same exact thing.16:35
digitaloktayi have a alpha 5 cd of jaunty, can i upgrade to the beta ?16:35
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BUGabundodigitaloktay: yes you can upgrade16:35
BUGabundojust start update-manager16:35
digitaloktayBUGabundo, and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?16:36
Pubnumcetan_hota: are you running 64bit?16:36
BUGabundobut please if your mirror has updated python16:36
BUGabundowe had a critical bug today16:36
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=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: *** WARNING PYTHON IS FIXED BUT STILL MIRRORING *** Welcome to the Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope (beta) discussion channel | Jaunty is NOT RELEASED and NOT SUPPORTED. It will most certainly break your system. Jaunty Beta CD's are at http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/ | Kubuntu: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/9.04-beta | Please read Beta release notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/beta. | Join #ubuntu for non 9.04 support
BUGabundodigitaloktay: better use update-manager16:36
cetan_hotaPubnum, no not using 64bit16:36
PubnumWell, thats not the problem then16:36
Pubnumwhat version of vmware?16:37
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cetan_hotaVMware Fusion.16:37
PubnumGNU based...word16:37
Pubnumit has to be the distro then16:37
cetan_hotaYup, it has something todo with mounting the linux.iso16:37
cetan_hotaThats the 1st thing VMware does with you tell it to install the tools.16:38
Pubnumlooks like I'm going back to 816:38
cetan_hotadid you notice this when you rebooted after the install was complete?16:38
digitaloktayBUGabundo, ok thank you16:38
PubnumI just stopped it...16:38
PubnumIt said Starting File Manager and that was it...16:38
BUGabundodigitaloktay: you are welcome16:38
Pubnumcetan_hota: it definitely was the linux.iso...thats weird16:39
cetan_hotaYes.. I am going to see if I can do the install by just moving the linux.iso to my VM machine.16:40
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maxbDoes anyone know anything about the "any" cooked network capture interface, and if the fact it seems to have vanished in Jaunty is a tcpdump or kernel bug?16:42
muibenow i went and upgraded into Jaunty beta thanks to my damn curiosity and I must say that it was one of the most foolish things to do as I found out it was nowhere near something that I could call 'Alpha' - i'm sorry guys for saying this but I'm forced to reinstall the whole system..16:43
muibeJockey doesn't even work here in Jaunty Beta!!!16:43
geniiDoesn't the /topic have a lot of warnings in it about exactly such dangers of unreleased softwre, etc etc?16:44
muibethis means a massive amount of fixing - but on the other I like the way this looks - and it boots awesomely16:44
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BUGabundomuibe: we got it by a python bug today16:44
BUGabundoprob the reason for your probs16:44
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BUGabundomuibe: run apt-get to fix it (if your mirror as the new version)16:44
BUGabundoand check again if everything works as expected16:45
cetan_hotaPubnum: I just tried to mount the iso as my cdrom, same error, file browser opening over and over. I am going to see if I can find the linux.iso out on VMWares site, download that to my vm and see what happens.16:45
muibeBUGabundo: thanks for advice :)16:45
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vbgunzI think the repos are swamped. 2 minutes+ and I still have just updated :|16:45
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vbgunzI see the python2.6 update16:46
vbgunzlinux kernel images too?16:48
XenoPhoenixvbgunz, yeah there are kernal updates too16:48
BUGabundovbgunz: yes that's the new one with dtchen audio fix16:48
Pubnumcetan_hota: I get the problem regardless of what ISO I open...16:48
XenoPhoenixvbgunz: which mirror are you on?16:48
vbgunzI have audio now? what exactly did it fix? the only real problem I had with audio is *only* the first user to log into a KDE session would have audio. otherwise, no other user would have it16:48
vbgunzXenoPhoenix: I have no idea, us.archive.ubuntu.com?16:48
cetan_hotaPubnum, same anytime I try to mount any iso it gives same error. I want to try to mount the ISO now inside the vm on its filesystem16:48
XenoPhoenixhmm ok, just a thought you could change your mirror to get faster updates for the meanwhile, UK mirror is still lightning fast at the moment16:48
XenoPhoenixscratch they literally just slowed down massively :P16:49
trinidadfloreswith the upcoming release of 9.04 does anyone know if they will be releasing it on cd16:49
bazhangtrinidadflores, yes of course16:49
BUGabundotrinidadflores: why wouldn't it be?16:50
trinidadfloresnormally how long after the new version has been released does that normally happen>16:50
XenoPhoenixtrinidadflores, on release day that's the normal medium16:50
XenoPhoenixoh you mean on physical CDs?16:51
XenoPhoenixI presume as soon as the final image is finalised it will go to pressing that day then however long that takes?16:51
XenoPhoenixi would have still thought the same day16:52
fosco__it depends on where are you from16:52
fosco__few days16:52
fosco__iso CDs will be ready for download in the release day16:53
vbgunzdoes ubuntu support lightscribe?16:54
vbgunzfound somehting16:54
trinidadfloresfor me that would take a bout 3 days to finish the 64bit version16:55
vbgunzforget it. lightscribe seems to risky on AMD6416:56
sammywhat server does everyone use for updates? the default server, or the main server for the united states seem deathly slow, but I've tried two other servers now and they seem to lag behind enough that, if I update my package lists from the main servers and then switch to, say duke, or easynews, the updated packages aren't there yet16:57
billybigrigger_sammy, beta was just released yesterday16:57
billybigrigger_sammy, servers are loaded16:57
fosco__de. servers are working quite well here16:57
billybigrigger_sammy, also some servers are days and even weeks behind the main server16:58
o0Chris0oI just did some updates today and I get this "http://rafb.net/p/ZdVBtp42.html" what can I do to fix this?16:58
digitaloktayhas jaunty beta the new bootsplash and new gmd picture16:58
fosco__digitaloktay, yes16:58
billybigrigger_digitaloktay, yes16:58
digitaloktayoo good ;)16:58
billybigrigger_o0Chris0o, python is broken16:58
sammybillybigrigger_: ooooh I didn't know beta was released today. thats why I'm getting 15k from the main servers.16:59
sammybillybigrigger_: and I didn't know syncs from the main server could lag so far behind!16:59
o0Chris0obillybigrigger_: ok17:00
sammyI'll stick with the main server and let it run its course. thanks for the info, billybigrigger_17:00
billybigrigger_o0Chris0o, what server are you using?17:00
cetan_hotaPubnum, still working with it. will let you know what success i have17:00
o0Chris0obillybigrigger_: how do I tell17:00
billybigrigger_o0Chris0o, your using us.archive.ubuntu.com17:01
muibeBUGabundo: what did you mean with the fixing as you mentioned about apt-get and python bug.. sudo apt-get what?17:01
BUGabundomuibe: LOL17:01
billybigrigger_o0Chris0o, you can either fire up a txt editor and remove all the "us." from us.archive.ubuntu.com and sudo apt-get update that way17:01
o0Chris0obillybigrigger_: yes I see it now, the USA server17:01
BUGabundowell if you by any chance got the bad python17:01
billybigrigger_o0Chris0o, or just wait till your mirror gets sync'd17:01
BUGabundoyou can only fix it with apt-get upgrade17:01
muibeBUGabundo: well, i did get a very bad one obviously :D17:02
muibeBUGabundo: well, these swedish mirrors don't offer an upgrade yet17:02
BUGabundochange to main17:02
BUGabundobut its kinda slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwish17:02
billybigrigger_o0Chris0o, that error your getting was because, if i understood BUGabundo correctly, there was a bug in python and the maintainers purposely disabled updates until the bug was fixed, which it is now...your mirror is just behind a bit, if you NEED to update, i suggest you remove all us. from /etc/apt/sources.list and then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade17:03
o0Chris0obillybigrigger_: ahh ok I see, thanks :)17:03
sammymaybe I'll just wait to update for a day or so :) I usually do nightly updates on my jaunty but now that we're into beta...17:03
BUGabundobillybigrigger that's not the proper way to edit sources.list17:04
BUGabundofor not as experienced users17:04
BUGabundonew users should use Software-Sources17:04
BUGabundoand change the mirror there17:04
o0Chris0obillybigrigger_: easier way to do it is go to Update Manager >> Settings >>> Ubuntu Software, and click on Main Archive :D17:04
billybigrigger_o0Chris0o, there ya go :P17:04
billybigrigger_some like gui, some like cli17:04
BUGabundoediting /etc/sources.list by hand can lead to broken source tree17:04
* BUGabundo loves cli17:05
billybigrigger_BUGabundo, yes if done incorrectly, the method i showed him would not have led to a broken source tree17:05
muibeBUGabundo: ..unless emacs and regular expressions aren't familiar stuff ;)17:05
billybigrigger_simply removing us. from all the source lines wouldn't have borked his sources.list17:05
cetan_hotaPubnum, if you can get the linux.iso to your Ubuntu VM, it will install just fine. Looks like the issue is with 9.04 mounting a iso thats on the host system.17:06
BUGabundobillybigriggeru never know what the other side is going to do17:06
BUGabundoTrust No One (TM)17:06
Pubnumcetan_hota: I assumed as much, do you know of an ETA for the fix?17:06
billybigrigger_good point BUGabundo17:06
cetan_hotaNo clue, I am just a user like yourself. I will file a bug report, but I am not a developer so I dont know when it will get fixed.17:07
billybigrigger_anyone know if the font OpenLogos is packaged somewhere?17:09
BUGabundocetan_hota: Pubnum can you guys go to #ubuntu-server ?17:09
BUGabundomaybe they can provide better help17:09
cetan_hotasure happy too, I am going to file a bug report on the issue.17:09
ultratekcwillu, you there?17:10
sammyhere's a question, the list of mirrors @ https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors lists how far behind their packages are mirrored. is that how far they are scheduled to be behind? that can't be a live representation of the current status...17:11
sammyusing that, I can certainly choose an "up to date" mirror and relieve a bit of strain on the main servers without being a day or week behind.17:11
billybigrigger_anyone here that is fully updated, and is running 9.04 amd64 with xchat 2.8.6-2.1ubuntu4 want to try and reproduce an xchat bug for me?17:12
ultratekicannot get my ubuntu to boot becuase of the display being messed up...17:12
sammysorry, not amd64.17:12
maxbbillybigrigger: ok17:12
billybigrigger_k, press ctrl-i17:12
billybigrigger_about 5-8 times17:13
billybigrigger_does it do some wierd window switching?17:13
billybigrigger_maxb, oh and do you have compiz enabled? this might be a compiz bug too17:13
ultratekwell i am in windows now17:13
maxbYup, it creashed17:14
billybigrigger_compiz enabled?17:14
* maxb waits for apport to do its work17:14
billybigrigger_need to find out what ctrl-i does now :P17:14
billybigrigger_maxb, already got a bug filled for it if you want to subscribe17:15
ultratekanyone know how to get my xorg.conf to work properly i pastebinit it earlier today...17:15
BUGabundoultratek: why do you need a costum xorg.conf?17:16
ultratekbug, it seems to not load the default vesa17:16
ubottuError: This bug is private17:17
ultratekbug i did an upgrade from ubuntu8.10 with ati drivers version 9.2 for hd485017:17
billybigrigger_bah, why is it private???17:17
BUGabundobillybigrigger 'cause apport sent it17:17
BUGabundocheck the logs, and if it is ok, remove the private flag17:18
BUGabundodo you really want to share personal information with EVERYONE?17:18
maxbbillybigrigger_: It's private because a crashdump *could* in theory contain private date - imagine if a program crashed just after you were entering a password17:18
billybigrigger_true true17:18
ultratekanyone experience similar display problems when loading jaunty for first time17:22
maxbbillybigrigger: Is the title of your bug "xchat crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance()" too?17:22
mamrdoes anyone know, if the radeon hd 4550 works with the in jaunty included fglrx driver?17:24
mamri think it's got a rv710 chipset17:25
BUGabundomamr: check the bug for it17:25
mamrwhich bug?17:25
BUGabundoits documented there the list of supported devices17:25
* BUGabundo checks log17:25
BUGabundomamr: bug 31302717:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 313027 in fglrx-installer "MASTER: fglrx does not support xserver 1.6" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31302717:26
mamrthanks, i'll check it17:26
billybigrigger_maxb, no thats not the title, i put that in the bug description though17:27
maxbhmm, that's what mine was set to automatically17:27
muibeBUGabundo: is the up-to-date python package 2.6.1-1ubuntu5.1?17:28
mamrBUGabundo:  can't find a list pf supported devices there17:29
mamrpf = of17:29
sparrmount: unknown filesystem type 'vfat'17:29
BUGabundomuibe: yes17:30
sparrhow can i fix that?17:30
BUGabundosparr: pastebin $ sudo fdisk -l17:30
BUGabundoand let us know17:30
sparrBUGabundo: let's say I am trying to mount a loop device17:32
BUGabundosparr: please pastebin $ sudo fdisk -l . only then we can see what you have17:32
sparrI am not mounting a disk17:32
sparrI have lots of disks, they all mount fine17:33
jtheuerHi, funny, I got a "you installed lilo for the first time" message during the upgrade ... I hope that, still, grub is the default bootloader and I can safely ignore the message?17:33
BUGabundosparr: then what?17:34
sparrBUGabundo: a file that is a vfat image17:34
BUGabundoloop mount it then17:35
sparrmount: unknown filesystem type 'vfat'17:35
sparri get that with "-t vfat" and "-t auto" and no -t17:35
BUGabundo$ sudo mount -o loop /path/to/image.vfat /mnt/image ?17:35
sparrnever mind, gotta go, hoped there would be an easy fix17:36
BUGabundosparr: never did that17:37
BUGabundoso I can't help muc17:37
BUGabundotry #ubuntu17:37
charlie-tcajtheuer: that is known. You should have GRUB installed and used, but lilo may also have installed and can be safely removed after the installation is done17:38
jtheuercharlie-tca: thanks17:38
eseven73hi are there any good links for the beta? the one i downloaded last night had errors and so i really dont want to use that mirror anymore17:42
rconaneseven73: rsync it with a good one off COUNTRYCODE.archive.ubuntu.com17:43
BUGabundoeseven73: you can use torrents or rsync17:43
rconanBUGabundo has a link for rsyncing17:43
BUGabundoto fix and complete you image17:43
eseven73it was a torrent17:44
rconanBUGabundo: almost ahead of you :p17:44
BUGabundoeseven73: humm your torrent client must be boarked17:44
eseven73i need a good working link17:44
BUGabundomost do md5 match so I can't be bad17:44
BUGabundotorrents DO work17:44
eseven73no its transmission, its not borked lol17:45
rconaneseven73: get a torrent off torrent.ubuntu.com and set the download location the same17:45
rconanif that says it's finished you must have burned badly17:45
eseven73ok ty17:46
BUGabundoeseven73: why do u say it's a bad image?17:46
holyscottHave any major bugs been found in any of the new betas since last night?17:46
BUGabundodid you check the md5?17:46
rconanholyscott: one came and went17:46
BUGabundoholyscott: only one that was POST beta. python17:46
holyscottwhat was that?17:46
BUGabundobut is now fixed17:46
eseven73BUGabundo:  yep it said one bad file, please reboot!17:46
BUGabundoand propagating to mirror17:46
eseven73when i did a disk check off the live cd17:46
BUGabundoeseven73: that's not what I asked17:46
rconaneseven73: you probably burned too fast?17:46
BUGabundoI said if I checked the iso md5?17:47
rconantry again, use a good disk and burn as slow as you can17:47
holyscottI came to kubuntu, from linux mint, now will I be seing updates alot more quickly?17:47
BUGabundoonly then you can be sure the image is good or bad17:47
rconaneseven73: having checked the md5 of the image like BUGabundo said17:47
BUGabundopost burn errors is another thing17:47
BUGabundoif you can, use an USB stick17:47
eseven73well k3b does an error checksum, im not sure if it uses md5 or what......17:48
* BUGabundo has gained a learning buddy ( rconan )17:48
BUGabundoeseven73: its not17:48
rconanBUGabundo: ??17:48
eseven73k3b's error checking is junk then?17:48
BUGabundoeseven73: $ md5sum /path/to/image.iso17:48
BUGabundok3b doesn't know the correct md517:48
rconaneseven73: it only works if you then go and check the output from it against a known good one17:48
BUGabundorconan: just playing with you17:48
rconanquick... do all the things we're not allowed to do while watchbot is gone17:50
BUGabundoeseven73: http://releases.ubuntu.com/jaunty/MD5SUMS17:50
eseven73 md5sum ubuntu-9.04-beta-desktop-i386.iso17:50
eseven7303b63dada5e5fce0119a52d822e406a1  ubuntu-9.04-beta-desktop-i386.iso17:50
Ienorandhas cdimage.ubuntu.com collapsed from beta-hunger?17:50
BUGabundoehehe not quick enough rconan17:51
rconanIenorand: I would imagine it's slow at least17:51
rconanIenorand: certainly up though17:52
eseven73ok i did md5sum on that file what now?17:52
eseven73it gave me a number17:52
rconancheck that against this one17:52
* rconan goes and finds17:52
eseven73ok it looks the same as the md5sums website that BUGabundo listed17:53
eseven73prolly a bad burn then :(17:53
rconanthat one?17:53
rconanmust be a bad burn17:53
eseven73no the one BUGabundo listed17:53
BUGabundoits the same17:54
rconando it again, check the disk for scratches, burn it slow, cross fingers17:54
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eseven73actually k3b does do a md5 checksum and gives you the resulting number, must of missed that some how :/17:57
calcyea most programs now have an option to check that the burn on the disk matches the iso you have on yor hd17:59
calcer your17:59
bsniderwhat's the numbering ont he fixed python packages?18:01
yofelbsnider: 2.6.1-1ubuntu5.1 afaik18:02
excitatoryjust a quick question.. will amarok 1.4.10 still be available in jaunty?  (this version of this player is a far cry from anything else available and I just cannot live without it)18:03
balachmarHi, I'm trying jaunty in a VM, how can I get the screen resolution higher, it doesn't seem to use the stuf in xorg18:08
cetan_hotawhat VM?18:08
balachmarcetan_hota VirtualBox18:08
cetan_hotaBalachmar, ok I am not done with my install of that one yet. Still finishing my VMware install. Sorry18:09
tdnHow do I make a bootable USB thumb drive with the new 9.04 Beta Ubuntu ISO? I have just downloaded the desktop i386 version iso. What to do?18:16
yofeltdn: if you have intrepid the easy way would be to use 'usb-creator'18:18
tdnyofel, I dont. I have 8.04 installed.18:18
tomsdaletdn: I think you could try creating a bootable usb disk from a 8.10 live CD.18:19
yofeltdn: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick18:20
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate18:21
digitaloktaycan i use jaunty with the hp netbook with Via C7 cpu18:22
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines18:22
mib_2yxof1digitaloktay: what os did it come with?18:23
digitaloktaymib_2yxof1, vista18:23
mib_2yxof1digitaloktay: weird i didnt think vista supported via proccessors.18:23
mib_2yxof1but if vista ran then definetely ubuntu should run on it18:24
tdnyofel, thanks.18:24
mib_2yxof1btw r u sure that it is a via c7?18:24
tdntomsdale, don't have a cd drive.18:24
yofeltdn: I just looked into the hardy repos, it looks like usb-creator is there now18:24
TheInfinityvia c7 and vista? wow.  :o18:24
hanasakianyone getting really bad download speeds from the US?18:25
hanasakideb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ intrepid-updates main restricted18:25
digitaloktaymib_2yxof1, http://www.hood.de/artikel/827754/hewlett-packard-2133-mini-note-pc.htm look at "Betriebssystem"18:26
tdnyofel, apt-cache search usb-creator gives nothing.18:27
digitaloktayTheInfinity, http://www.hood.de/artikel/827754/hewlett-packard-2133-mini-note-pc.htm18:27
popeyanyone here with two batteries on a laptop on jaunty?18:28
popeybug 349795 could do with someone confirming :)18:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349795 in notify-osd "notify-osd and gnome-power-manager disagree about battery life" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34979518:28
mib_2yxof1digitaloktay: hmm thats a first time i saw that18:28
LordKowpopey, which one do you think is right?18:28
mib_2yxof1well yeah so ubuntu should tun on it.18:28
popeyI'll tell you in 20 mins :)18:28
LordKowlol okay18:28
mib_2yxof1best to try with a live usb18:28
yofeltdn: it's in hardy-backports/universe18:28
popeyor I wont18:28
LordKowyea i wont be here and probably neither will you when the batt goes out ;)18:29
digitaloktayoo good, i think about buy this netbook18:29
digitaloktaymib_2yxof1, *18:29
tdnyofel, ok. Would really rather stick to the official mirrors.18:29
TheInfinitydigitaloktay: you know that via cpu are "really" slow? :p18:29
digitaloktayTheInfinity, slower than atom?18:30
popeyatom > via > arm > geode :)18:32
digitaloktaygeode? a AMD :D18:32
clydeAnyone who works with Python 2.5 in Ubuntu 9.04?18:32
mib_2yxof1hey i thought arm was faster than atom??18:33
mib_2yxof1also if that via netbook runs vista then ubuntu should fly18:33
mib_2yxof1but why not save ur self the hassle get a nice dell mini 9 with ubuntu preloaded18:33
hilclyde: see topic18:33
digitaloktayVista Business18:34
* genii checks to make sure he's not in a Windows channel18:35
clydesorry ..... i have't notice that..18:35
marcrosoftAnyone else experiencing weird effect when switching virtual desktops in gnome with desktop effects set to normal?18:37
DanaGVia C7 does suck; too bad HP didn't use a Via Nano in the 2133.18:39
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DanaGAre there even Xorg drivers for the VIA video chip?18:39
DanaGAnd too bad they DOWNGRADED the screen resolution in the Atom-based 2140.18:40
muibewhat about deskbar-applet? it seems to crash as soon as I launch it18:44
muibeany ideas/workarounds?18:44
bsniderso amd finally released a usable graphics driver18:44
matrixblue_is the fglrx driver done for xorg1.6 yet?18:45
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howieson28hello kannn mir jemand sagen wie ein update auf jaunty geht mit alt + f2 geht es bei mir nicht?18:47
IntuitiveNipplecan anyone give me the torrrent link for desktop live-CD i386 ?18:47
howieson28how can i update my intrepid?18:48
hilhowieson28: sudo update-manager -d18:49
jemarkhowieson28: Alt+F2 and then type update-manager -d18:49
charlie-tcahowieson28: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades18:49
howieson28current dist not found in meta-release file18:50
charlie-tcaIntuitiveNipple: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/jaunty/beta/xubuntu-9.04-beta-desktop-i386.iso.torrent18:51
IntuitiveNipplecharlie-tca: thanks.... cdimage was being *very* slow to respond so I used releases. instead18:52
charlie-tcaYeah, *slow* is right18:52
hansinI'm asking here only because I am runny Jaunty and in case there were changes since Intrepid: I want to connect to a CiscoVPN at work.  Can anyone point me into the right direct at to the best way to do it?  I am finding stuff on 'vpnclient' but also a plugin for NetworkManager.  Just a pointer in the right direction as to current best-practice and I can figure the rest.  Thanks.18:52
IntuitiveNippleI've got to build  a custom ISO image with a test kernel in, so need the beta :)18:53
hansins/running (it is my nose that is runny)18:53
charlie-tcaIntuitiveNipple: good luck18:53
howieson28current dist not found in meta-release file why this by updating to jaunty18:53
IntuitiveNipplecharlie-tca: The kernel's built - just need the newer ISO image now. Didn't realise my local i386 image was a week old18:54
Unggnuhi all18:54
UnggnuDoes anyone uses here an ath5k supported wlan card?18:54
UnggnuDoes it work fine?18:54
IntuitiveNippleUnggnu: there are problems with ath5k currently. Are you using the version in the linux kernel package, or the one from linux-backport-modules ?18:56
muibeUnggnu: it works all fine in my case at least18:56
UnggnuIntuitiveNipple: the from the kernel package18:56
muibei guess i've backports modules18:56
IntuitiveNippleUnggnu: not promising anything but l-b-m is worth a try18:56
UnggnuIntuitiveNipple: my system crashes and it loses a lot of packages18:56
UnggnuIntuitiveNipple: 2.6.29 works fine so far18:57
UnggnuWhy it is in backport if Jaunty even isn't released?18:57
UnggnuI know18:57
rconanUnggnu: because it's backported from mainline upstream I think18:57
UnggnuIt is just normally things are inserted there could mess up the stable kernel18:57
IntuitiveNippleThat is drivers from upstream projects that aren't in the mainline that the current kernel tracks18:58
Unggnurconan: it is not, that Ubuntu doesn't take other thing form upstream too like the r600 code18:58
IntuitiveNipplel-b-m has later versions than are in the tracked kernel version, in other words18:58
UnggnuOk, I'll try it19:00
bicyclistanyone with a sony vaio got the brightness keys working ?19:05
bicyclistI can dim my nvidia card but the fn keys f5 and f6 do not work anymore. They did in intrepid19:05
hansinDoes the 2.6.29 kernel as packaged by Ubuntu allow you to try some of the kenel modesetting stuff?19:05
Picihansin: 2.6.29 hasn't been packaged by Ubuntu19:06
bicyclistOr how can i bind a command to f5 or f619:06
hansinI don't see it in the repos, but I thought I read somewhere that the kernel team made a .deb for it.  My semantics may be off but I thought I read that somewhere.19:07
UnggnuThe ath5k from the backports couldn't connect to/show channel 12/1319:07
Unggnubut reception looks better maybe if it doesn't crash ...19:08
UnggnuNo package loss so far. It should really integrated in the released kernel but of course without the channel problem. Otherwise people with Atheros wlan cards will have fun with Jaunty19:09
cetanhotaIs the person still here who was having a problem with 9.04 and Virtualbox?19:10
cetanhotaThis thread has the fix for 9.04 as a virtualbox guest. http://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1551219:11
UnggnuThanks for help IntuitiveNipple19:12
gran`hi im trying to use my laptop speakers as sound for my xbox, worked on intrepid and hardy but im not sure what settings to change on jaunty?19:16
CarutsuI'm having artifacts in my windows also all the video releated task are very, very slow, I have an Intel 945 video card (IIRC) and I didn't have this issues with Kubuntu 8.10 using KDE4.2.1 (from PPA)19:19
Carutsuis it a known problem?19:19
XenoPhoenixCarutsu, your not the only one experiencing that one I believe, though I don't know anything fixing it, you'll have to wait for someone else for that19:20
CarutsuXenoPhoenix: oh, well, thanks19:20
CarutsuI really hope it gets fixed soon... is so frustrating19:20
XenoPhoenixit might be fixable at this stage, I just don't know anything about how to do it, I'm a gnome-ite :P19:21
DoYouKnowdoes ubuntu 9.04 beta work with wubi?19:21
CarutsuXenoPhoenix: thanks =D19:21
DoYouKnowthe amd64 version19:21
yofelCarutsu: bug 303011 might interest you19:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 303011 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i945] 2.5.1 driver poor performance" [Unknown,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30301119:22
XenoPhoenixCarutsu, Thank the person who helps you fix it :P19:22
Carutsuyofel: I'll have a look19:22
the_dark_warrioThere is a translation bug in Pidgin. How can I report?19:22
CarutsuXenoPhoenix: hehe, good point19:23
BUGabundoDoYouKnow: yes it has wubi19:24
BUGabundothe_dark_warrio: on launchpad19:24
BUGabundo !launchpad19:24
ubottuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/19:24
DoYouKnowBUGabundo: thanks19:25
the_dark_warrioI suggested a new translation for the error. Is that enough?19:28
BUGabundonot as fast19:28
BUGabundoyou can either send it upstream (to pidgin) or talk to the tranlastion team19:28
BUGabundobut a bug always helps19:28
the_dark_warrioI see, I will find how to report a bug so19:29
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots19:29
gran`hi im trying to use my laptop speakers as sound for my xbox, worked on intrepid and hardy but im not sure what settings to change on jaunty?19:30
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
M25hey, if I install the Jaunty beta, when release time comes in a month will I have to do any version updating/clean installing or will it just smoothly roll over to Final?19:32
yofelM25: if you install all updates then you will automatically have the final when the time comes ;)19:34
M25sweet, thanks19:34
danbeckNo netbook remix torent?  http://releases.ubuntu.com/jaunty/19:35
meliki finally found what was wrong with my kinit: name_to_dev_t error was all about19:35
danbeckIs there not a netbook torrent available?19:35
BUGabundom25 of course19:35
melikbasically i had to edit /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume19:35
howieson28many packages are not found is this normal by update?19:36
BUGabundodanbeck: is there an iso?19:36
BUGabundoif so there should be torrent19:36
BUGabundoask on #ubuntu-mirrors19:36
howieson28all python packages?19:36
meliktakes my jaunty 11 seconds to boot to GDM :D19:37
howieson28what can i do?19:37
howieson28with the python problem 404?19:37
BUGabundomelik: I don't believe19:37
BUGabundoinstall bootchart19:37
danbeckBUGabundo:  No, those are USB images for lpia and netbook devices.19:37
BUGabundoand post us the image19:37
melikwhat BUGabundo ?19:37
BUGabundo !bootchart19:38
ubottubootchart charts your machine at boot time, to install >> sudo apt-get install bootchart << the graphic is in /var/log/bootchart after the next reboot19:38
BUGabundodanbeck: yes that is correct! isn't that what you want?19:38
BUGabundoyou can install the destkop skin on any other flavour!19:38
yofelhowieson28: I got them here after trying serveral times, I think the servers are overloaded today ^^19:39
danbeckYes, I mean there are not acutal isos, just usb images.  I was responding to your question about whether or not an ISO exists.19:39
howieson28can i take a other server?19:39
danbeckI found the lpia and netbook remix page, but it's just direct downloads at 40KB/s.  7 hours for an image. =(19:39
danbeckI'll check in mirrors.19:39
howieson28can i also update from a cd?19:40
BUGabundodanbeck: when I said isos, I meant images19:40
danbeckBUGabundo:  sure.  So, to answer, yes, there are images, but no torrents. =)19:40
danbeckat least, I can not find one.19:40
BUGabundolet me check19:40
gran`hi im trying to use my laptop speakers as sound for my xbox, worked on intrepid and hardy but im not sure what settings to change on jaunty?19:41
melikok hang on BUGabundo19:41
melikill restart19:41
howieson28can i update intrepid from a alternate cd?19:41
BUGabundodanbeck: yes.. no image there19:41
BUGabundomelik: WAIT19:41
BUGabundoyou need one more package19:41
meliktell me name19:41
yofelhowieson28: you can try another server, might help. cd: never tried19:41
BUGabundobootchart something19:41
BUGabundopybootchart or something19:42
BUGabundolet me check19:42
BUGabundoits new19:42
BUGabundomelik: bootchart-java19:42
BUGabundoor that19:42
BUGabundosome ppl perfer one to the other19:42
BUGabundoinstall and reboot19:42
howieson28and how sorry for my bad english?19:42
BUGabundohowieson28: yes it should be possible19:43
BUGabundobut it won't have all the packages you have installed19:43
howieson28with cd?19:43
howieson28and can i change the server because its overload19:43
howieson28a update this time takes 12 hours by me19:43
BUGabundohowieson28: of course you can19:44
BUGabundouse the auto find to choose the better server for you19:44
howieson28and how my synaptic cant take this19:45
BUGabundogot to software sources and add it19:46
BUGabundobut usually inserting the cd, it should start!19:46
howieson28where can i change the server19:47
BUGabundoSoftware Sources19:47
DasKreechIs cdimages down?19:48
danbeckfeels like it is.. lol19:50
danbeckit's slow as hell.  Was getting 400kb/s last night.  40 now19:50
BUGabundomelik: DAMN19:51
BUGabundo20 sec to gdm??19:51
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
zniavrehello i can't find screenshot tools in synaptic19:51
BUGabundoI want that too19:51
melikand its only a single core processor and 1 gig ram19:52
BUGabundomelik: http://fileland.bugabundo.net/fotos/Linux/bootchart19:52
BUGabundo85 secs for me19:52
BUGabundomelik: ping19:54
melikBUGabundo, how many daemons do you run?19:55
DasKreechcdimages is a walking zombie19:55
BUGabundomelik: too many ?!19:56
danbeckget off mah server so I can get my Mini9 working19:56
BUGabundoDasKreech: yes it is19:56
melikyeah i can see that :P19:56
BUGabundodanbeck: ahahahaha19:56
=== jtholmes is now known as jtisme
melikBUGabundo, does this log to GDM19:57
melikor to a completely working GDM enviornment19:57
BUGabundoonly gmd19:57
BUGabundoit usued to be possible to go longer19:57
melikhang on im going to re-run it.. i could have swore it seemed like. 13 seconds19:57
BUGabundocheck my older ones19:57
BUGabundomelik: you can try to profile the boot19:58
BUGabundoand scrap a few extra secs19:58
melikprofile the boot?19:58
melikas in configure it?19:58
meliklke the startup daemons19:59
zorglu_!info git-core20:02
ubottugit-core (source: git-core): fast, scalable, distributed revision control system. In component main, is optional. Version 1: (jaunty), package size 4220 kB, installed size 8784 kB20:03
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
BUGabundozorglu_: using packages.ubuntu.com would be better lol20:03
zorglu_ok :)20:03
melikyep its 1820:07
BUGabundomelik: on grup press 'e'20:07
BUGabundothen 'e'  to edit the kernel line20:07
BUGabundoand append 'profile'20:07
BUGabundo'enter' and then 'b' to boot20:07
BUGabundothis is a ONE time thing20:08
* blueyed is getting a lot of scrollkeeper errors during upgrades. Does "sudo dpkg-reconfigure scrollkeeper" work for you without any?20:08
blueyedall like "Entity '$APPNAME' not defined"..?!20:09
eseven73im only getting like 34kb/s when trying to install stuff, is the servers down or something?20:09
billybigrigger_BUGabundo, profiling should shave a few seconds on boot? is that the point of it?20:09
BUGabundohumm it optimizes the files that you boot20:09
blueyedeseven73: they appear to be slow, yes. Add your local mirror to it.20:09
billybigrigger_eseven73, servers are bogged down from beta release be patient20:09
BUGabundodinner back latter20:09
billybigrigger_didnt know i could boot faster than 18s :P hehe gonna go try it now20:10
=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
tdnWhere do I report Xubuntu 9.04 Beta bugs?20:11
tdnJust on launchpad like normal Ubuntu bugs?20:11
BUGabundotdn: on launchpad as usual20:12
QPrimegreetings, has anyone had locale issues with the alpha6 --> beta updates?  specifically incorrect language selection on boot.20:12
BUGabundomention the package version running $apt-cache policy PACKAGENAME20:12
HalowWow. This makes me a little sad. Bug 33294520:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332945 in update-notifier "[Jaunty] Update Notifier icon would provide useful status information" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33294520:12
pace_t_zuluanyone running jaunty desktop on vmware fusion?20:12
akornNeed help...last night i installed the beta for 9.04, on my 16 gig USB drive...i partitioned the drive and everything, and yes it loads perfectly and runs wonderfully off the USB drive...however, when i reboot my computer, i get an error 21 from grub, which doesn't load up, BUT if i keep the USB drive plugged in, grub loads up (off the USB drive) and it also lists off all my other OS's and everything. What I'm wondering is HOW do i fix20:12
akorn this? (and what's the pastebin url for anybody who wants to see what my grub menu.lst looks like?)20:12
akorni know where the pastbin is nvm20:13
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sammyshould updating ever spontaneously kill my X session?20:22
dtchenremoving test kernels now that -11.38 is available.20:23
sammyI'm guessing no but maybe updating certain things, it should be expected? and I shouldn't be doing anything with my computer while updating?20:23
dtchensammy: it shouldn't, no. please file a bug if you have additional details or can reproduce it20:27
aditirexdoes anyway has a working ati 3650HD ?20:27
aditirexIt doesn't work for me ...20:27
sammydtchen: unfortunately it was during the last round of updates. I could try reverting to the older versions of all of the packages, and running apt-get upgrade again20:27
sammyI should just know better than to do anything while updating. which I usually don't, in fact, since I've been running jaunty I shut down everything while updating. this last round though, the servers were so overloaded, it took 3 hours for the packages to finish downloading. if it happens again, I'll look into it20:28
sammyI just didn't know if certain packages getting upgraded might cause that behavior, at which case users should be notified. danke.20:29
aditirexI need some help with ati 3650hd on jaunty ... anyone ?20:30
sammyooh. I found some information in /var/log/gdm/, I'll file a bug.20:33
bsnideraditirex, amd released a new catalyst driver for it today20:37
geniiaditirex: I have that card but under 8.04 atm20:38
the99zChriscan anyone help me? i restored my xorg file (didn't help original problem) but now i can't set my screen resolution low enough to play games...(hardy20:39
yofelthe99zChris: this is the support channel for ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope (9.04) - for hardy heron you should ask in #ubuntu20:40
the99zChrisk thanks20:41
aditirexbsnider : so the driver that is in repositories now it's broken ?20:42
bsnideraditirex, yes it is, if it isn't the 9.3 driver20:44
aditirexin repos it's 8.620:45
bsniderthat driver xdoesn't work with the new x server20:45
BUGabundomuibe: ping20:45
muibeBUGabundo: ?20:46
BUGabundohow did it go?20:46
muibepython upgrade was very succesful with the expection that python-hevy application deskbar-applet still doesn't work.. but i'm thinking if it has something to do with the gnome-panel configuration20:48
muibei move away the configuration files and kill the panel and try to launch the deskbar again20:49
bsnideraditirex, the 8.6 driver is the correct one. it's an unreleased beta that's compatible wtih x-server 1.620:49
aditirexwell ... it doesn't work for me20:50
rconanuhm... most recent amarok update seems to have removed the menu entry...20:50
rconananyone else confirm this?20:50
bsnideraditirex, it doesn't work at all?20:51
aditirexnoup , I get a blank screen20:51
melikman now i cant wait for karmic koala :/20:55
bsniderwhat'd you call me?20:56
meliki hope we get some nice themes20:56
melikim honestly sick of orange/brown20:57
lupine_85you can has blue?20:57
lupine_85ubuntu inspired me to wear brown shirts, actually20:57
meliki HATE the color brown20:58
bsnideryou can change the theme20:58
lupine_85i have an all-brown outfit20:58
melikbsnider, i know that20:58
melikand i have lol20:58
lupine_85even sox20:58
meliki want some nice professional default theme20:58
melikthats not brown20:59
lupine_85sabdfl perogative?20:59
bsnidertryfedora's theme20:59
Cycomwhat was wrong with python?21:06
BUGabundo1Cycom: not much by now21:07
CycomBUGabundo1: thus the "was" :)21:07
BUGabundo1unless your mirror is hangging old21:07
uniscript https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python2.6/+bug/349467 was what *was* wrong21:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 349467 in python2.6 "Many python programs fail with: "undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8"" [Critical,Fix released]21:08
Cycomooh, yeah. anything that breaks update-manager = bad.21:08
PolitikerNEUHello, I got the following two problems with ubuntu 9.04 64bit gnome live-cd: 1) It only has 800x600 Resolution (minor problem) and 2) It doesn't start the partitioning tool so I can not install ubuntu (major problem) (The tool says 100% - but then the dialog disappears and I am still at step 3. I can click on "forward", but nothing happens any more)21:10
CycomPolitikerNEU: when did you download the disc?21:10
bsniderPolitikerNEU, what graphics hardware?21:11
PolitikerNEUA few hours ago21:11
CycomPolitikerNEU: so it's the beta, yes?21:11
PolitikerNEUNvidia Geforce 7, I think - yes, it is the beta21:11
rippstracker-indexer is using between 80-98% cpu usage, It's been doing it for 2 hours, it starting overheat my cpu.21:12
bsniderdon't worry about the graphics problem. the binary blob isn't on the livecd21:12
PolitikerNEUyeah - as I said: that is a minor problem21:12
Cycomripps: heh. clearly your CPU doesn't have sufficient cooling!21:12
Cycombrb. reboot.21:12
rom1vflashplugin-nonfree doesn't work in jaunty 64bits21:17
Cycomrom1v: does too.21:17
Cycomrom1v: have you tried installing ia32-libs and nspluginwrapper first?21:19
PolitikerNEUis there a way to install ubuntu from within another linux distribution (but unlike wubi, do a "real" installation)?21:19
rippsI can't even kill tracker-indexer. After I kill it, it just comes pack a minute later, I starts low at 5% cpu, but after about 10 minutes it starts spiking to 100% again.21:20
rom1vCycom, no, but that's strange to install ia32libs, while I think flash has been released in 64bits21:20
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
Cycomrom1v: at this time, flash under ubuntu 64 bit still uses the 32bit plugin wrapper.21:22
Cycomrom1v: it's not the big of a deal.  it still works fine.  do you really need your flash videos to access more than 4gb of memory?21:23
pace_t_zuluanyone know about 'open-vm-toolbox' package on jaunty?21:25
pace_t_zuluanyone know about 'open-vm-toolbox' package on jaunty?21:30
rconananyone else had hundreds of file browser windows starting up at logon time?21:32
rconanit's still happening!21:32
RizRhow to configure/disable notifications in jaunty?21:34
RizRthose new funky notifications i mean :-)21:34
rconanmanaged to stop it by killing nautilus21:35
rconannow nautilus is coredumping21:35
eseven73after updating, my keyboard is in Arabic! wth?!21:35
pace_t_zuluanyone know about 'open-vm-toolbox' package on jaunty?21:35
rconanwhich package has nautilus debugging symbols?21:36
bsnideroh, your keyboard shouldn't be in arabic21:36
rconanah... nautilus-dbg obviously21:36
eseven73bsnider: it was fine till i did some updates just now :(21:36
eseven73and selecting lanugage isnt in the log on screen isnt helping21:37
bsnideryou might want to look at keyboard properties. but how did the keys get repainted?21:38
eseven73first time ive ever seen something like this21:38
eseven73how do i reconfigure my keyboard to use English again?21:41
billisniceIf anyone can send in a request to ubuntu folks. I would like the sound to be fixed for the dell mini 9 --UNR USB image. I think you can add a line but many folks will not know how and the interface is one of the best i have seen for a mini puter21:41
rconanright... I caught it...21:41
rconannautilus coredumps at startup if there is a CD in my drive21:41
danbeckbillisnice:  What is hte fix?21:42
aditirexhow can I revert to intrepid ?21:43
billisnicei can not remember off the top of my head21:43
bsniderbillisnice, what's a dell mini 9?21:43
danbeckDell's netbook line.21:43
danbeck9" 10" and some other sizes.21:43
billisniceadd one line to a text file21:44
billisnicethis link step 6 http://www.ubuntumini.com/2008/10/installing-ubuntu-on-dell-inspiron-mini.html21:47
billisnicestep 421:47
billisniceat the terminal sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base21:48
billisnicethen add options snd-hda-intel model=dell to the end of the file21:48
billisnicebut, it should be in the file so not to add because dell mini is a cult puter21:49
bsniderit is? which cult?21:49
billisnicecult--a following of folks21:49
billisniceno quite21:49
billisniceplease send to upload to final 9.04 release21:50
=== trin is now known as trinidadflores
billisnicewhomever has the juice to get it in the final release21:50
imme-emosolMy Jaunty does not start anymore , drops me to busybox.22:00
imme-emosolCan anyone help me with that?22:00
BUGabundo1imme-emosol: what did you do before?22:00
imme-emosolI updated.22:01
imme-emosolIt cannot find the drive anymore. :S22:01
imme-emosolbeh , wrong key-combo...22:03
ultratekhow come i have to dpkg -i atidriverfilename.run every time i reboot my machine to get back into ubuntu22:03
ultrateki mean *.deb22:03
ultratekbased off http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Jaunty_Installation_Guide#The_open_source_drivers22:04
imme-emosolwhat modules should be loaded to be able to see my hard-drive device ?22:06
imme-emosola.k.a. with busybox there is no hard-drive - like thing in /dev/22:07
bruce89Cycom: any news?22:08
ultratekbruce, do you know anything about ati and xorg?22:11
rom1vin preferences, qt 4 config :22:21
rom1vI chose GTK+22:21
rom1vbut it has no effect on digikam for example22:21
rom1vis it normal?22:21
bruce89KDE programs for some reason use a different theming thing22:22
* aurel42 upgrade another box to jaunty. Let's see whether the same stuff is broken or whether it's different stuff this time.22:23
rom1vbut some people seem to make it work : http://nwarrenfl.open-web.fr/2009/03/25/programmes-kde-4-dans-gnome/22:23
aurel42Anyone here using ssh-agent for extended amounts of time without the ssh-agent process dying? ("<defunct>")22:25
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bruce89rom1v: kwriteconfig --file kdeglobals --group General --key widgetStyle gtk22:26
rom1vyes, it works, but fonts are still big22:26
rom1vcompared to gnome fonts22:27
rom1vand the dialog box should set this value22:27
bruce89I'm afraid I don't know, perhaps #kubuntu+1 or #kubuntu may know22:28
rom1vhow to revert this command?22:35
rom1vkwriteconfig --file kdeglobals --group General --key widgetStyle gtk22:35
crdlbrom1v: apparently widgetstyle is just the theme name22:40
crdlbso just replace gtk with whatever you want22:40
rom1vthe previous selected...?22:40
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
nellmathewhey guys, when using the minimal iso of jaunty - the latest release gets installed right? (beta, not one of the alphas).. right?22:43
bruce89nellmathew: assuming its a beta CD22:44
uniscriptand assuming the mirror you pull from is beta22:44
uniscriptbut of course a simple update will bring your alpha up to beta22:45
uniscriptso it doesn't really matter that much22:45
nellmathewah alright then, no worries.. seems pretty responsive compared to previous versions so far..22:45
uniscriptfor me gnome still takes forever to start22:46
uniscriptboot times are becoming snappier but gnome is now becoming painful22:47
jdahlI have not been able to configure a wireless network in KDE 4.2, which works perfectly under gnome... how are you supposed to setup wireless on Kubuntu 9.04?22:48
nellmathewyeah definitely noticed the boot difference. i made 2 partitions; 1 with ext3 jaunty and 1 with ext4 jaunty.. figured i'd help with dev a bit by posting up bug reports - i'm switching over to linux for everything.. traded in my iphone for a g1 after i learned android is *nix based lol.22:49
nellmathewopen-source is gonna put me out of work one day (programmer) but w/e22:50
ppehi, ich habe jaunty beta installiert und da ist ja diese separate-benachrichtigungsfeld für mit dem mail-symbol. hab das gerade deinstalliert und pidgin zeigt sich mich nach dem neustart nicht mehr in der benachrichtigungsleiste an. was kann ich da tun?22:52
PhotoJimppe: nicht sprechen sie Deutsch :(22:53
rww!de | ppe22:54
ubottuppe: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.22:54
ppeok, sorry..22:54
vistakillerjaunty is great until now22:55
PhotoJimppe: no problem!22:55
vistakillereverything works fine22:55
vistakillerthe only problem i have is that compiz crash very often22:55
ppeI've got a problem with the new notifying applett, which is in the standard-installation. I've deinstalled it and now I don't have any pidgin icon in the panel.22:55
ppeI hope you understand me. :-)22:56
Veinorman, I really hope that notify-osd fixes this dual monitor bug soon22:56
PhotoJimppe: yes.  unfortunately, I don't know the answer.  but hopefully someone else here does.22:56
Veinorwhoa, what's this in the topic about python22:56
ppeok, it was in the pidgin-options.22:56
yofelVeinor: bug 349467 got fixed ;)22:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349467 in python2.6 "Many python programs fail with: "undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8"" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34946722:58
Veinorthat's a pretty big bug22:59
* lupine_85 is impressed by jaunty, will update desktop too23:01
RoeyI need to move /boot to /23:02
lupine_851345 upgraded, 145 newly installed, 26 to remove and 2 not upgraded.23:05
lupine_85Need to get 1315MB of archives.23:05
hggdhgood. I hope you have a nice connection speed...23:06
nellmathewhmm, in a clean install anyone notice nm-applet isn't visible in gnome? (i'm connected though)23:07
crdlbnellmathew: is there a notification area?23:08
J_Litewskiwho has a Dell Inspiron 1000?23:08
nellmathewcrdlb, yeah notification area's there..23:09
J_Litewskii need the xorg.conf settings23:09
nellmathewcrdlb, didn't notice the icon changed lol23:09
cobra99Hi all. I installed 9.04 beta on a fresh system. Once installed i got a bunch of crash reports. A sudo dpkg --configure -a said that it had problems with hpijs package. is this a known bug?23:28
cobra99forums suggest its python borked, but it also states that version 2.6.1-1ubuntu5.1 is the "good" version, but thats what i have currently installed, checked with synaptic. anyone can give me some pointers on how to analyse this?23:45
J_Litewskiwhy would xorg.conf be 0 bytes?23:53
bruce89J_Litewski: because it's not used any more23:53
J_Litewskiit's run by the kernel now?23:53
QPrime_Litewski: its used (if it exists) but is generally not needed23:53
_VIM_2is sounds not working in Xubuntu 9.04?23:53
J_Litewski_VIM_2: my sound works just fine23:54
_VIM_2nice to know they work for someone at least23:54
J_Litewski_VIM_2: I'm also using intergrated sound on my laptop23:57
_VIM_2well i had it working in Ubuntu 8.10 so i know it's not my sound card23:58
elvirolohi everyone23:59
elviroloit seems that the latest updates broke my kde4 environment23:59

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