[13:39] kwwii, [13:45] Cimi_: hey [13:45] feedback? [14:15] Cimi_: my laptop b0rked on me yesterday...won't start now [14:15] Cimi_: I'll build it again on this computer in a bit [15:39] Cimi_: erm, murrine doesn't build [15:39] ooops, I take that back [15:39] :p [15:40] I spent the morning in open office, no wonder I can no longer think logicaly [15:43] Cimi_: perfect [15:44] Cimi_: need to make the fill a bit less colorful now I guess :) [15:44] the box is kinda clunky now that I see it again [15:44] but it will solve all the bugs being reported [15:49] <_MMA_> kwwii: Just a Murrine update right? Nothing new to add to gtkrcs? [15:53] _MMA_: right, just an update to the engine [15:53] _MMA_: build it locally, it's simple [15:55] <_MMA_> Not that big a deal for now. [16:05] right [16:10] Cimi_: did you add something to murrine which styles the panel differently? [16:10] I'm seeing some wierd behavior with some applets [16:12] kwwii, explain [16:14] kwwii, in murrine_draw.c, function murrine_draw_focus, there are the double values of the alpha level, twek with them [16:14] anyway don't test murrine with human theme [16:14] the focus should look ok with other themes, now human [16:15] Cimi_: it seems like there is a lower 3D-ish edge to some applet bg's even when the panel bg is set to a solid color by the theme [16:15] if you want to change the focus color, just edit the gtkrcoption [16:15] Cimi_: this effects Dust Sand and others [16:15] I would like to see a screenshot [16:18] reboot [16:24] erm, sorry...family problems, gotta run [16:26] ok ;) [16:41] about cloud computing: http://www.ende-der-vernunft.org/files/joern/20090324-geekandpokeg.jpg [17:21] Cimi: ok, re [17:22] Cimi: http://sinecera.de/panel-funkiness.png shows the problem [17:22] but now that i look at it, I think this is not just a murrine problem [17:22] it also happens with clearlooks [17:59] kwwii, what about the focus? things to improve, ideas for the treeview [18:47] Cimi: let me play around with some ideas and see what comes out of it [18:48] making pizza for the family atm [19:05] kwwii, wonna some tricks from your italian friend? :) [21:30] Does anyone know if there's a SVG file available for the new Jaunty wallpaper? [21:31] kwwii, and you should fix the wallpaper! [21:35] Or does anyone know where I can download a hi-res version of the PNG? [23:03] its very difficult to see the difference between the active and inactive windows in the taskbar with ubuntu-human theme [23:11] kwwii, please mockups! [23:13] <_MMA_> Cimi: He ain't gonna do it now. :) It's like midnight. :) [23:38] Cimi: _MMA_ is right, it is too late tonight, and the biggest problem I have had is a decent way to test ideas...do you know how to test the treeview best? [23:38] ie, I am not sure exactly what you mean :p [23:38] but honestly, tonight I am done...I think I am getting a cold [23:38] <_MMA_> kwwii: Apply theme and use treeview in Nautilus? [23:38] <_MMA_> (in the sice pane) [23:39] <_MMA_> *side [23:39] personally, I think that all the highlights should look the same [23:39] some should be more saturated or opaque than others [23:39] but the general look should be the same [23:40] I like the idea of a rounded box with a mainly transparent fill [23:40] but I also liked the fill with the line for the buttons [23:42] anyway, time for sleep [23:42] I will be online tomorrow [23:42] and working [23:42] get back to you asap [23:43] <_MMA_> night