
bodhi_zazen'lo everyone :)00:00
* Hobbsee is here & watching00:01
bodhi_zazenI am hoping this session can be more interactive then the last ;)00:01
bodhi_zazenOtherwise I was going to discuss a little on encryption00:01
HymnToLifesounds like fun00:02
bodhi_zazenHere is the pastebin from 2 weeks ago00:02
bodhi_zazenwe covered some of the basics and I demoed apparmor in a shared ssh session00:02
Snovabodhi_zazen: I tried to log in just now, got errors regarding screen profiles.00:02
bodhi_zazenwhich I can do again if you wish00:02
bodhi_zazenyes Snova , the shared screen session is kaput at the moment, but I can fix it if you wish00:03
bodhi_zazenI think ;)00:03
bodhi_zazenI updated the system for ecryptfs, and it borked the shared screen session00:04
bodhi_zazenOK, try to join the shared session Snova ;)00:08
bodhi_zazensorry this was not working00:08
DasEibodhi_zazen: do you have the link of the last session ( I missed ?)00:09
bodhi_zazenLet me ask if anyone has any questions then ?00:09
bodhi_zazenDasEi: I do not know off the top of my head where the logs are00:10
bodhi_zazenI can find them00:10
bodhi_zazencprofitt: do you know ?00:10
SnovaStill broken.00:10
bodhi_zazentoo bad00:10
cprofittknow what?00:11
bodhi_zazenI can try one more thing ..00:11
bodhi_zazencprofitt: where logs of these sessions are posted ?00:11
cprofittthe logs should be on the wiki page00:11
cprofittI did not get any for your last session though bodhi_zazen00:12
bodhi_zazenoic, lol00:12
HymnToLifebodhi_zazen: I have a question00:12
bodhi_zazenplease HymnToLife :)00:12
HymnToLifeshould I use DSA or RSA for my SSH keys? *evil grin*00:12
bodhi_zazento be honest I am not sure it matters00:13
bodhi_zazenThat is like asking DROP or REJECT with iptables00:13
bodhi_zazenIf you use RSA (I think) use 1024 bits (whick is now default)00:14
bodhi_zazendo you have a preference ?00:14
bodhi_zazentry again Snova ;)00:15
bodhi_zazenLets talk a bit about encryption then ;)00:15
bodhi_zazendo people know encryption options on Ubuntu ?00:16
Snovabodhi_zazen: Looks like the same thing again.00:16
bodhi_zazenkk Snova :(00:16
HymnToLifebodhi_zazen: I prefer RSA00:16
bodhi_zazenyes, in general I do too00:16
HymnToLifeDSA has been developed by the NSA, and they have had shady practices00:16
bodhi_zazenit seems 70% prefer RSA00:16
HymnToLifealso, since SSH-2 uses DSA only for host keys encryption00:17
bodhi_zazenEncryption options on Ubuntu are LUKS and ecryptfs00:17
HymnToLifeusing is also for user keys is kind of putting all your eggs in the same basket00:17
HymnToLifeusing it*00:18
bodhi_zazenOne can use truecrypt and other tools such as encryptfs and gpg00:18
bodhi_zazenTo install an encrypted system, meaning / and swap are encrypted , use the Alternate CD00:18
bodhi_zazenBy default this will give you a /boot partition, and LVM + LUKS00:19
bodhi_zazenPost install or during the install, if you wish, you can use ecryptfs to encrypt your /home/user directory, swap, or a private (or other) directories00:19
bodhi_zazenI posted a how to on ecryptfs here : http://bodhizazen.net/Tutorials/Ecryptfs/00:20
bodhi_zazenIt still needs a bit of work, but the basic information is there00:20
bodhi_zazenencryption is used basically to protect your personal data if your laptop or hard drive is stolden00:21
bodhi_zazenIMO things like password protecting yoru BIOS and GRUB is a minor deterrent if someone has physical access00:21
bodhi_zazenSome people like those tools, and yes it may stop a casual intruder, but they are easily defeated00:22
HymnToLifealso, if it comes down to it, some encryption tools can make encryption plausibly deniable00:22
bodhi_zazenThe disadvantage of encryption is there is a, IMO, minor performance hit00:22
bodhi_zazen+1 HymnToLife00:23
HymnToLifemeaning that the police, government, etc. cannot *prove* you have encrypted stuff00:23
bodhi_zazenhe he he ...00:23
bodhi_zazenEncryption can be defeated by a $ hammer applied to the solar plexus >:)00:23
bodhi_zazen* $1000:23
bodhi_zazenSometime you need to apply the hammer a few times for it to work00:24
bodhi_zazenThe other disadvantage of encryption would be if you lost your password or wanted to re-install preserving /home for example00:24
bodhi_zazenIt can be done, but none of the installers will preserve /home automatically , even if it is on a separate partition and so you would need to take casre to configure the encryption manually post install00:25
bodhi_zazenFrankly, IMO, it is easier to back up you data, re-install with the defaults, and then restore your data00:26
bodhi_zazen /end rant on encryption00:26
DasEialso a more complicared access in case of harddrive-trouble can be added to the disadvantages00:26
Hobbseeactually, if you set a partition as /home, the installer won't try to auto-format it00:27
Hobbseeor at least, not on recent ubuntu releases.00:27
bodhi_zazenOh, one more thing, you can use keys with some encryption tools to automate decryption00:27
bodhi_zazenNo it will not Hobbsee , but I will not set up LUKS or encryptfs either00:27
Hobbseethat's true00:27
bodhi_zazenso post install you may not be able to decrypt it00:27
Hobbseethat may not still be true for jaunty, btw.00:28
bodhi_zazenYou need to take care with encryptfs if you encrypted /home/user_name because the information was stored on the root partition00:28
maxbIsn't all the "setup" for ecryptfs contained within the homedir anyway?00:28
bodhi_zazenmaxb: It depends on how you setup encryptfs00:29
SnovaIs encryption only to protect if somebody gets physical access to the HD?00:29
bodhi_zazenIf you used encryptfs-setup-private you will be OK00:29
maxbbodhi_zazen: Are you talking about ecryptfs? If so, spell it's name right to avoid confusing us!00:29
maxboops. I fail at apostrophe usage00:29
bodhi_zazenIf you encrypted your home directory during installation, no , the key is on the root partition and linked back to $HOME00:29
HymnToLifeSnova: in the case of ecryptfs, yes00:30
bodhi_zazenso you will loose the config info if you install over the top of root00:30
HymnToLifehowever, there are other kinds of encryption00:30
bodhi_zazensorry, yes ecryptfs00:30
HymnToLifeSnova: for example, you can encrypts files using GnuPG to send them by email00:30
HymnToLife(or to store them for later use)00:31
maxbAh, right, I'm only using ecryptfs in private-subdir setup, because I disagree that encrypting the entire homedir makes sense00:31
bodhi_zazenIf your data is sensitive enough to encrypt -00:31
SnovaI am fairly familiar with encryption in general, just wondering if there is any point to an encrypted *hard drive* (should have mentioned that previously) beyond physical access.00:31
bodhi_zazen1. Know that if the data is decrypted, ie you mounted your Private directory or LUKS partition, or truecrypt00:31
bodhi_zazenthe data is available to the root user00:32
HymnToLifeSnova: that the only one I can think of right now, but it's a pretty big one00:32
bodhi_zazenor any other users allowed by your permissions00:32
HymnToLifeespecially nowadays when laptops are getting smaller and smaller, thus easier to lose/steal00:32
bodhi_zazenand 2. you should take care to encrypt your back ups as well :p00:32
bodhi_zazenSnova: Only the paranoid would encrypt the entire installation00:33
Snovabodhi_zazen: Any amount of it, really.00:33
bodhi_zazenThis would be to prevent someone for say installing a rootkit from a live CD00:33
HymnToLifebodhi_zazen: there are many good reasons to be paranoid nowadays00:33
bodhi_zazenThe two potential vulnerabilities with encryption are :00:34
DasEiand even then you'll need extra partitions or containers to avoid online-access00:34
bodhi_zazen1. Someone , in theory, could recover the key from RAM00:34
bodhi_zazen2. Your /boot partition is not encrypted so someone could replace your kernel00:34
bodhi_zazen+1 HymnToLife re paranoia00:34
bodhi_zazenSnova: for others , encrypting your private directory in /home , or a data partition, or removable device may be sufficient00:35
bodhi_zazenI guess my point is to raise awareness of the vulnerabilities of physical access and encryption as the best solution, IMO00:36
HymnToLifeencryption is based on math, math never cheats ;)00:37
bodhi_zazenWell, you could wipe the drive or smash it very fast as they are breaking down your door ;)00:37
bodhi_zazenmelt it00:37
bodhi_zazenquestions on encryption ?00:37
bodhi_zazenhint - this is your chance to ask questions00:38
bodhi_zazenIt sounds as if we have a few people here now who use encryption00:38
HymnToLifeno, I don't!00:39
HymnToLifeyou can't prove anything!00:39
bodhi_zazenGuilty by association00:39
bodhi_zazenOff with his head00:39
DasEiI just wonder how f.e. us-gpg needs a backdoor for nsa-related stuff, it is on ubuntu ?00:40
bodhi_zazenWe could talk a bit about iptables, root kits, antivirus00:40
bodhi_zazenI know antivirus is boring to some, but it is a FAQ on the forums00:41
bodhi_zazenDid anybody take a look at AppArmor ?00:41
DasEitoo less, let's talk00:42
HymnToLifeDasEi: if I understand your question, it's because the NSA doesn't like it when people use encryption they can't break :p00:42
bodhi_zazentoo less ?00:42
HymnToLifewell, they won't admit it, of course, but there's strong suspicion that the NSA-approve"d cryptosystems are the ones they can break00:43
DasEiI recognized appamor f.e. restricts file access of an apache, but are not familiar with it00:43
HymnToLife(hence why I don't use DSA for my SSH keys)00:44
DasEiHymnToLife: pm ? don't stop bod..00:44
bodhi_zazenno, this is an open discussion00:44
HymnToLifewell, you asked the question here, so I answer here :p00:44
bodhi_zazenOr at least I hope so00:44
bodhi_zazenDasEi: Apparmor can be used , and is most often used to "confine" network aware applications00:45
HymnToLifeor really any application00:45
DasEik, what I saw when mentioning harddrive encryption where different solutions ( I'm german), and from the same app, there are different releases, some of them are not legal in us00:45
bodhi_zazenIt has not been as popular as it *should* be , IMO00:45
bodhi_zazenI posed a how to here : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=100890600:46
HymnToLifebut the network-related ones are the one it makes most sense confining00:46
HymnToLifesince they basically process untrusted data all the time00:46
bodhi_zazenand I am starting to post some example profiles here : http://bodhizazen.net/aa-profiles/00:46
bodhi_zazenLooking for contributions in face00:46
bodhi_zazenApparmor vs SElinux is another issue sometimes debated00:47
bodhi_zazenApparmor is easier to learn, but IMO takes more time to maintain00:47
bodhi_zazenFor example , you need to revise your profile when firefox is updated from 3.0.6 to 3.0.700:48
bodhi_zazenYou have to keep an eye on apparmor, and there are no GUI tools in Ubuntu, although SUSE has some00:48
bodhi_zazenAny questions / comments please jump in >:)00:50
bodhi_zazenShifting gears a little ...00:50
bodhi_zazenIMO the biggest problem with antivirus is the sheer numbers of false postitives00:50
bodhi_zazenIf you use antivirus and you do not want to simply delete detected files, you will have to do a fair amount of detective work00:50
bodhi_zazenExample : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=110616000:51
bodhi_zazenSnova: can you try to connect again please ?00:51
SnovaOk. :)00:51
bodhi_zazennvr mind, it is still borked00:52
Snovabodhi_zazen: Yep. :)00:52
bodhi_zazenI had to update for ecryptfs , but it broke screen00:52
HymnToLifewell, you can always experiment with AA by yourself in a virtual machine (so you don't get locked off your real system)00:53
HymnToLifethe basic concepts are really not hard to grasp00:53
HymnToLifeNovell advertises it as requiring only 1-2 days of training, I don't think they're very far from the truth00:54
bodhi_zazenI agree with that00:54
bodhi_zazenI would say I am still learning, but it took me about 4 hours to become comfortable with it00:54
bodhi_zazenThe advantage of apparmor, it has the potential to stop zero day exploits00:55
bodhi_zazenWe have 5 minutes left in this session ;)00:55
bodhi_zazenI will run a session on this channel, same time, every 1-2 weeks depending in interest00:56
bodhi_zazenFrom last week there was the suggestion we discuss permissions00:56
bodhi_zazenNow I know most of you know basic permissions, but we can review sticky bits and if you wish acl00:56
DasEiI#ve got a question to the initialization of apparmor00:58
HymnToLifebasic SSH configuration might be a good topic too00:58
HymnToLifeI'm thinking about Issues like that: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=110705700:59
DasEiwhat does this 'connecting to repository mean ? isn't this a local mechanism ?00:59
HymnToLifefor those who want a bit more control than basic usernames/passwords00:59
HymnToLifeDasEi: it means downloading a few pre-made profiles for common applications, IIRC00:59
bodhi_zazenDasEi: and HymnToLife we could have sessions on apparmor or ssh in more depth01:00
bodhi_zazenI happen to like ssh ;)01:00
DasEiHymnToLife: and it does for every app Iagain ?01:01
bodhi_zazenDasEi: AppArmor was developed my Novell01:01
HymnToLifebut now they fired all the aa devs :p01:01
bodhi_zazenAnd I think the idea was to have a central repository for profiles01:01
DasEideeper sessions.. gotta get coffeine.. great01:01
HymnToLifeI heard some of them were working for Microsoft now01:01
bodhi_zazenfor things such as say apache or what not01:01
bodhi_zazenI do not think it has been developed, but it still comes up when you generate a profile01:02
bodhi_zazenaa was then added to Ubuntu and we will need to see how much it is used / developed01:02
bodhi_zazenOtherwise we will be back to SELinux :p01:03
HymnToLifeMandriva uses AA too01:03
DasEisry when bein annoying; apparmor follows an given app in the inital , then asks additional quests and then creates the profile, which can be altered manually again, so no need for external request..01:03
HymnToLifeI think that's all01:03
bodhi_zazenno DasEi01:03
bodhi_zazenMost profiles need to be personalized anyways01:03
bodhi_zazenPCLinuxOS ?01:03
bodhi_zazenI have not tried that lately, but I though they were Mandriva based.01:04
HymnToLifeI think so too, but I don't go in the RPM world often01:04
bodhi_zazenOK, I will stay for a while if there are additional questions, otherwise 2 weeks01:05
bodhi_zazenAny interest in having weekly sessions ?01:05
DasEik, reading shall heal me for now, many thanks, bodhi_zazen and all the others01:05
bodhi_zazentopics : add them here : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/Education/Proposals01:05
bodhi_zazenput my name by the topic and I will try to announce and cover them as we go01:06
DasEibodhi_zazen: nothing bad, nice would be to follow up missed ons at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/01:06
bodhi_zazenIn the long run the Beginners Team is hoping to do continued and more focused in depth sessions, perhaps using something such as Moodle01:07
bodhi_zazenyes DasEi I thought ubuntu-classroom was going to post sessions, I will look into that01:07
bodhi_zazenI do not have a way right now to log sessions01:07
bodhi_zazenas I am @ work and accessing over mibbit01:07
DasEibodhi_zazen:they do, but last isn't there by now01:08
bodhi_zazenWe shall look into it then DasEi01:08
bodhi_zazenbut yes the intention is to post logs01:08
bodhi_zazenand grow these sessions01:08
bodhi_zazenI am hoping to spread the word and get some discussion and education going.01:09
DasEidate -u was the greatest tip on UTC, writes this bold, lol01:09
bodhi_zazenThank you everyone for coming01:09
DasEithank you for rowing01:10
bodhi_zazenI shall spam channels with future meetings, but this time works out for most people, although not all01:10
bodhi_zazenI hope these sessions help educate people ;)01:10
bodhi_zazenwe should learn from each other, some people know very much01:11
bodhi_zazenwe are planning to do sessions on wiki and development (packageing)01:11
_Purple_is the Q and A still going on?08:14
sanzillais this is a newbie channel ?10:49
pleia2sanzilla: we use this channel for hosting classes (see the /topic for our resources), you want to use #ubuntu for tech questions10:49
sanzillais other than ubunthu isn't welcome ?10:50
_Purple_sanzilla, looking for a channel for newbies?10:55
_Purple_try #ubuntuforums-beginners10:56
sanzillaI mean a channel for general linux10:56
sanzillaI loving the xfe windows manager and not KDE10:56
sanzillaso I can't install ubunthu10:56
pleia2sanzilla: xubuntu is based on xfce10:58
sanzillaI will give up a try10:59
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