
=== slangasek changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: feature freeze | Ubuntu 9.04 Beta released! | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-intrepid | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
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tkamppeterCansomeone approve my uploads (ghostscript, hplip, system-config-printer, hal-cups-utils)? Seems that the beta freeze did not get deactivated.00:36
slangasektkamppeter: the freeze is still in effect; when it's over, all the packages will be released from the queue.00:52
tkamppeterslangasek, why is the beta freeze still active with the beta already being released and announced.00:54
JanCtkamppeter: are all the images built already?00:56
slangasekbecause it gives us a grace period after the announcement when the jigdo files remain valid, and when we can respin a new image for something we overlooked if we absolutely have to00:56
slangasekJanC: and released00:56
tkamppeterOK. Thanks.00:56
directhexi think i had some sponsorships pending that the freeze got in the way of01:01
wgrantslangasek: I've often wondered why you can't declare a set of Soyuz publishings to stick around for a while. It would seem not too hard to implement, and would make downloading images much nicer.01:11
DaemonFCWho would be the person to talk to about maybe getting Ubuntu to use Smolt eventually?01:40
directhexfedora's hardware database?01:41
DaemonFCyes, and it's not just for Fedora01:41
DaemonFCother distributions contribute01:41
DaemonFCSuse does01:42
DaemonFCI was wondering who I could make a suggestion to about a monthly Smolt checkin like other distributions do01:42
DaemonFCwith user consent of course01:42
directhexa package might be a starting point01:44
DaemonFCcurrently, Ubuntu doesn't seem to be participating in that or kerneloops, though kerneloops probably makes less sense in Ubuntu01:44
DaemonFC(as more Ubuntu kernels will be tainted)01:44
slangasekUbuntu is participating in kerneloops.01:44
slangaseksure, http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/beta#Kerneloops :)01:45
DaemonFCoh, it's just not there by default01:45
slangasekthere were some integration issues that prevented us from shipping it by default for 9.0401:45
DaemonFCI'm running a vanilla kernel, so I would suppose they'd be interested upstream if my kernel oopsed01:46
directhexas long as it doesn't bother upstream over every little oom01:47
DaemonFCI noticed that Ubuntu tends to stay behind one kernel and cherry pick01:48
directhexDaemonFC, kernel version is picked fairly early in the release process01:49
DaemonFCI've been running 2.6.29 since rc501:50
twbUbuntu has a branch of a package (midori) I maintain for Debian.  How do I find out who maintains this branch?02:08
dtchentwb: as a universe source package, MOTU do collectively. See #ubuntu-motu02:09
twbdtchen: well, nominally that's the case, but in the past I got the impression of other packages that there were one or two people who actually did the work.02:09
twbI'll take it to -motu, thanks.02:09
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DaemonFCsandeen: Just because I'm curious03:10
DaemonFCI'm going to download and install the Ubuntu kernel03:10
DaemonFCand compare bootup performance03:10
DaemonFCerrr, wrong channel03:10
* calc thinks a spiffy resource monitor like in win7 would be nice on gnome03:55
calcwhoa win7 has no way to turn off, just hibernate and sleep from the look of it04:16
macocalc: not like vista where it has that little arrow thing to choose other options?04:16
maco...i hope they at least encrypt pagefile.sys then04:16
calcit has options just none that equate to new boot the next time you turn on the system04:17
calcunless the main shut down button means off instead of hibernate04:18
calcit has sleep, hibernate, restart, logoff, etc04:18
calcit has "shut down" with an arrow beside it that you can select specific options04:19
calcah i think that whatever it says on the main button is what it does, so it just doesn't show it in the menu04:23
Amaranthright, they got rid of the stupid button that did random things04:24
* calc deletes win7 its slightly improved over vista but not worth the time04:25
* calc will stick with xp for OOo testing04:26
AmaranthI'd say if you have to use windows it is at least the best choice04:26
AmaranthOr will be once they release it04:26
calcit still uses a lot more ram than xp04:27
calcand ubuntu :)04:27
dholbachgood morning05:48
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slangasekpitti: the changed conflicts in gnome-themes-ubuntu look wrong to me; eliminating the conflict based on the presumed contents of package versions that don't exist yet?05:55
slangasekdholbach: morning05:55
dholbachhiya slangasek!05:56
pittiGood morning06:30
Hobbseemorning pitti06:30
pittislangasek: it's from one of the authors of community-themes, the themes we ship in ubuntu-themes now will be removed from there06:30
pittislangasek: it's a little brittle, I know; if it concerns you, I'll revert this06:30
* pitti hugs Hobbsee06:31
slangasekpitti: doesn't concern me enough to worry about a revert, just caught my attention while looking through the queue06:31
pittislangasek: congratulations for the beta release!06:31
* pitti didn't see it on the list yet, just spotted the topic06:32
slangasekon ubuntu-announce?06:32
slangasekthanks - looks like a pretty happy beta06:34
StevenKslangasek: I note UNR was not mentioned in the announcement, did I miss it?06:35
* slangasek ponders the seahorse upload in the queue, which appears to break feature freeze and UI freeze06:35
slangasekStevenK: it was linked from the announcement; I didn't include explicit highlights for it06:35
StevenKIt's in /releases/jaunty/beta which is what I care about. :-)06:36
Mithrandircongrats on the beta.06:37
Hobbseesiretart: ping?06:37
pwnguini wonder why ubuntu-devel ML is considered an appropriate venue to broadcast to all Ubuntu Members06:50
Hobbseepwnguin: it's not - it's just a member of the ubuntumembers team.06:51
Hobbseepwnguin: it got sent to all ubuntu members too06:51
Mithrandirthe linkedin spam?06:53
pwnguinwell that and hobbsee's lwn announcement06:53
HobbseeMithrandir: yeah06:53
Hobbseepwnguin: it was copied from jono's blog, but yes06:54
infinityslangasek: Any qualms about me completely disabling antimony's cdimage cron for a bit (seems like less hassle than trying to surgically remove all the buildlive bits) while I upgrade the livefs buildds?06:54
slangasekinfinity: disabled06:55
infinityslangasek: I was just going to save it and crontab -r, but that works too. :)06:56
slangasekthis way we at least know if there's anything going on with some of the alternate builds06:57
Mithrandirinfinity: you know the master copy is saved in /home/cdimage/etc/crontab?06:58
infinityMithrandir: Yeah, but I'm all about preserving current state.06:58
Mithrandirnext time you'll be telling me you have backups too06:59
infinityMithrandir: Having backups would involve "learning from my mistakes", which is something I'm less good at. :)06:59
infinityMithrandir: My general theory is that I make sure anything REALLY important lives on remote systems that someone else can worry about backing up.07:01
infinityMithrandir: And if I lose any of my local stuff, it sucks, but I move on.07:01
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superm1slangasek, i just uploaded a mesa upload that fixes bug 341898.  hopefully it won't be too late to re-roll disks with that?08:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 341898 in mesa "Mythtv frontend does not display any fonts" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34189808:10
slangaseksuperm1: hmm, archive is already coming unblocked, and the livefs buildds are also currently down for maintenance :/08:11
slangasekso there'd be more of a delta wrt the rest of the beta than just mesa, by the time we could reroll08:11
superm1slangasek, oh :(08:11
dholbachplease don't use ubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com in the Maintainer field, THANKS!08:13
superm1slangasek, okay well at least having it as a web update for those people post-install will be beneficial then.  i'll make sure our release notes are updated for that08:14
siretart`Hobbsee: pong08:16
siretart`morning, folks08:16
pittihey siretart`08:21
* siretart` hugs pitti :-)08:21
* pitti hugs siretart` back, wie gehts?08:25
dholbachdoes anyone know why I'd have to run "LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype" to make video stuff in skype work?08:40
james_wbecause skype is closed source?08:42
james_wit can't be patched to decode the video stream now that the kernel no longer does it08:42
siretart`pitti: thanks, fine! (a bit tired, and we just had a blackout in the room students are writing their examination. A really fun friday morning here...)08:43
siretart`"vordimplom", of course...08:43
dholbachjames_w: alright, thanks :)08:48
mvopitti: in bug #347019 the attached log seems to be corrupted, do you have any idea if that is a apport upload problem?08:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347019 in python-defaults "package python 2.6.1-0ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34701908:48
mvo(I have seen some of those corrupted logs)08:49
dholbachjames_w: I wasn't saying that anybody of us is not doing their job properly - just wondered why I suddenly had to do it :)08:49
james_wdholbach: I couldn't resist the chance to troll now could I?08:49
dholbachjames_w: hope you enjoyed it ;-)08:49
james_ware you using the latest version? I was under the impression that newer versions were fixed08:50
pittimvo: indeed, that's weird; never saw it08:51
pittidholbach: ekiga! :-)08:52
pitti(while we are on the subject of trolling)08:52
mvopitti: I think I saw it when I submited a bugreport with links or w3m (can't remember which one)08:58
pittimvo: I submitted bug reports through w3m before08:59
pittibut no package install failures08:59
dholbachseb128: do you know of any strange bugs atm where metacity takes up a lot of CPU?09:07
seb128dholbach: no but I'm using compiz nowadays09:09
seb128didn't read any launchpad bug about that though09:10
dholbachah ok09:10
dholbachseb128: seems my brother has the problem right now09:11
seb128dholbach: is he using the composite manager there?09:13
seb128dholbach: does it get it every time, ie does it come back if the restart it?09:16
dholbachseb128: no compositing manager09:16
dholbachseb128: he says he gets it since a few days09:16
seb128that's weird that package didn't change in a while09:17
seb128ie 1.5 month now09:17
seb128I would recommend opening a GNOME bug09:18
seb128be careful if you want to attach gdb to it don't do it from the running session09:18
dholbachseb128: I'm sure it's something else, what could be sources for that sort of mayhem?09:18
seb128that would freeze ie and let you no way to switch the focus or open anything on screen09:18
seb128dholbach: random guess X ....09:19
seb128brb session restart09:20
DreadKnightcrap... totem crashing09:32
DreadKnightSegmentation fault (core dumped)09:32
DreadKnightactually here's a better error log http://paste2.org/p/17227409:35
DreadKnightmiro not starting; error log http://paste2.org/p/17227809:40
mvoTheMuso: I uploaded a small fix for ubuntustdio-control, if you want it in bzr, please let me know, I will merge it then09:48
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mdzcjwatson: where does /testing/jaunty/beta come from?  it differs from the email announcement in at least one important way (bug reporting instructions are wrong)09:52
tjaaltonnxvl: looks like the change in aterm was wrong (remove the alternatives link to /usr/bin/aterm)09:53
Mithrandirme, unicode(1) is broken in hardy.09:54
Mithrandiranybody know why our python is compiled without support for wide unicode characters?09:57
loolbryce: Around?10:07
loolbryce: Pigment/Elisa upstream contacted me about a serious mesa issue with drivers using DRI10:07
loolbryce: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/34912710:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 349127 in mesa "Elisa displays video with greenish/purplish colors" [High,New]10:07
loolbryce: It affects more than just elisa though; he says it's a recent regression, and would like it to be fixed for jaunty; he thought he had bisected a patch, but was incorrect10:08
loolbryce: Should I milestone this for final?10:08
loolbryce: I will leave it to you to decide and review a candidate patch if he finds one10:08
seb128python2.6 is broken10:09
seb128$ python -c "import gtk"10:10
seb128ImportError: /var/lib/python-support/python2.6/gtk-2.0/glib/_glib.so: undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF810:10
seb128note to self, don't upgrade just after beta next time ;-)10:10
seb128that's going to be fun for users since update-manager can't start now10:11
seb128they will never get upgrades again10:11
infinityseb128: Is that broken in Beta, or a post-beta build?10:11
crdlbtoo bad update-notifier won't be able to notify them :P10:11
seb128infinity: post beta build10:11
infinityseb128: Ahh, could be worse then.  Quick, phone doko and yell at him. :P10:11
seb128infinity: I got a python2.6 update this morning I guess that's due to it10:12
* infinity hopes this doesn't end up in some manual bootstrap annoyance...10:12
james_wdoko is at pycon with limited connectivity10:13
infinityjames_w: Convenient!10:13
seb128he should really learn to test upgrades10:13
james_wthough enough connectivity to upload10:13
seb128or wait to be around before doing such changes10:13
directhexif update-manager is broken, i wouldn't wait for doko10:13
james_w---enable-unicode=ucs4 \10:13
james_w^ that's my guess10:14
seb128yeah, I would guess so too10:14
crdlbdo you think? :)10:14
james_wI can't see that it was intentional10:14
seb128but really he should be testing upgrades10:14
seb128james_w: can you test if that fix the issue?10:14
seb128I can sponsor the change10:15
james_wI don't have the issue yet :-)10:15
seb128upgrade python2.6 to current jaunty10:15
james_wdoing so now10:15
infinityjames_w: Neither of the two ./configure changes seem to reconcile with the changelog.10:15
infinityjames_w: Though, maybe without-cxx was required for the debug build...10:16
infinityjames_w: (or, removing it, rather)10:16
tkamppeterpitti, hi10:16
mvochangelog? why bother10:19
directhexchangelogs are for people too lazy to read the source. evidently!10:19
seb128testing? why bother? ;-)10:19
seb128bug #34946710:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349467 in pygtk "update-manager fails to install todays updates due to "undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34946710:19
james_wis it worth denying access to the broken package?10:21
james_wis that something for IS?10:22
mvoit will look really bad if we release beta and the first update breaks all of our python gtk apps :/10:22
seb128elmo, mdz, cjwatson: ^10:22
seb128mvo: the annoying part is that with the new update-manager design user will just never notice and never get any update10:23
mdzseb128: aren't you sitting a few meters away from elmo?10:23
seb128or rather they will not notice update-manager crashing10:23
mvoright :(10:23
seb128mdz: he's not there to be seen, dunno if he always work from the office10:23
pittimeh, python is broken10:24
seb128pitti: ^ read backlog10:24
pittisorry, just rebooted10:24
mvourgh, lets just revert the entire upload10:24
mdzseb128: on the phone with Ng right now10:24
seb128mdz: thanks10:24
mdzhe's responding10:25
macopitti: the backlog is "uh oh the update-manager is crashing like mad so itll never open"10:26
mdzseb128: on the plus side, update manager will only pop up after two weeks now by default, right? :-P10:26
seb128mdz: right, which means not many users should get the broken update ;-)10:27
mdzseb128,james_w: can you confirm unambiguously to Ng that the package to clobber is python2.6_2.6.2-1ubuntu5?10:27
james_wI would say libpython2.6 as well10:27
seb128let me downgrade to be sure10:27
james_wwithout taking the time to investigate which binary actually triggers it10:27
pittiis that really python itself, or python-gtk?10:28
* mvo builds a update that reverts the previous diff10:28
pittipython -c 'import gtk'  -> crashes10:28
seb128pitti: it's python itself, read backlog ;-)10:28
pittiimporting other stuff works10:28
mnemopitti: at least "aptitude changelog pygtk" shows no recent changes10:28
mvohm, maybe its enough to rebuild pygtk?10:28
seb128pitti: doko dropped --enable-unicode=ucs4 from the configure option in the update10:29
pittiseb128: did we ascertain that reverting python will fix the problem?10:29
pittioh, ok10:29
pittithanks, I'll shut up now10:29
* Ng detects some remaining ambiguity10:29
james_wmvo: that may be true, but I'd rather we knew what the extent of the problem was first10:29
cjwatsonmdz: newz2000 copies it from JauntyJackalope/TechnicalOverview10:29
mvojames_w: agreed, good point10:30
NgI've blocked python2.6_2.6.1-1ubuntu5_amd64.deb and python2.6_2.6.1-1ubuntu5_i386.deb - is that not sufficient?10:30
mdzcjwatson: gar, I missed that one10:31
james_wNg: libpython2.6 of those versions as well please10:31
mdzNg: confirmed what james_w says10:31
cjwatsonmdz: are you correcting it or shall I?10:31
mdzcjwatson: I have corrected the wiki page, but do not know how to update the website - do you?10:31
cjwatsonmdz: "wait for newz to get up", I think10:31
mdzcjwatson: I used to have the necessary super powers10:32
cjwatsonmdz: I don't think it can be that urgent, directions to bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs have been around for years10:32
seb128Ng, mdz: python2.6 and python2.6-minimal10:32
seb128downgrading those fix the issue10:32
mdzcjwatson: no, it's not urgent10:32
mdzNg: python2.6-minimal as well please10:32
cjwatsonI used to have website editing ability as well, but they took it away at some point10:32
Ngmdz: done10:32
seb128Ng: thanks!10:32
james_wthanks Ng10:33
mdzcan someone prepare a python2.6 upload which reverts the patch, so we can test it?10:35
seb128mdz: I think mvo is on it10:35
mdzmvo: confirm?10:35
mvomdz: uploaded already10:35
* seb128 hugs mvo10:35
james_woh, thanks mvo10:36
mdzmvo: bless you.  reverting the patch fixed it for you?10:36
seb128james_w: reading backlog even if a pygtk rebuild was enough that's a compatibility breakage10:36
mnemoah, apport is written in python too right so that's why apport fails to report this PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8 bug... man that's a really nasty bug, it both breaks update manager so you cant get a fixed version and it also breaks apport so you cant report the bug :)10:36
infinitymvo: I'll push the build ASAP as soon as it's actually accepted.10:36
mdzis there a bug report open about this yet?10:37
mvomdz: I just upload -0ubuntu4 again with a higher version number (and the changelog from doko). that is the version we shipped in beta and there were no issues10:37
seb128mdz: bug # 34946710:37
mnemomdz: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python2.6/+bug/34946710:37
seb128mdz: bug #34946710:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 349467 in pygtk "update-manager fails to install todays updates due to "undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8"" [Undecided,New]10:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349467 in pygtk "update-manager fails to install todays updates due to "undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34946710:37
mvobug number is what seb128 said (he is just too fast :)10:37
james_winfinity: is it in the archive admin queue?10:37
infinityjames_w: Shouldn't be, we're not frozen.10:37
* mdz adjusts the importance somewhat ;-)10:37
mdzcjwatson: can you confirm that mvo's upload is on its way?10:38
* infinity checks the queues anyway.10:38
cjwatsonmdz: it's in the incoming queue, yes10:39
infinityYeah, it's just waiting on the :40 cron run.10:39
cjwatsonthe publisher's still running, so I don't think there's any point in me byhanding it10:40
infinityNah, there's not.  It needs to build anyway.10:40
infinity(And building doesn't rely on the source being published)10:41
infinityThere we go.  Pending.10:41
* infinity fiddles build records.10:41
mdzmvo: is there any workaround for people who are affected?10:41
mnemoupgrade using apt-get maybe?10:42
mvoyeah, apt-get or aptitude or synaptic10:42
mdzshould work once the update is available10:42
mvoor downgrade10:42
mvoif its still in their /var/apt/cache/archives10:42
mvoI don't know anything else10:42
mdzhas anyone been in touch with doko?10:42
seb128james_w said that he's at a conference10:43
mdzoh, he's gone to PyCon, hasn't he10:43
mdzmvo: how will the dist-upgrader react to the 403?  will it roll back?10:44
tkamppeterpiiti, in bug 348427 the OP tried to add an Apport log to the bug and Launchpad told that it is too long.10:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 348427 in cups "pdf printing leads to blocks in text" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34842710:45
mvomdz: it will error out and people will not be able to upgrade. but it will just roll back to the previous system state (so no harm done)10:45
mdzmvo: thanks10:45
mvomdz: I'm testing this to be 100% sure now, but I'm 99% confident10:45
loolpython2.6 forbidden download?10:46
mvolool: yes, break pygtk10:46
mdzlool: bug 34946710:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349467 in python2.6 "update-manager fails to install todays updates due to "undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8"" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34946710:47
pittitkamppeter: 'add' -> 'attach'?10:47
infinitymdz, mvo, cjwatson: It's building on the primary arches at least.10:47
=== lool changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Python 2.6 issue #349467 | Archive: feature freeze | Ubuntu 9.04 Beta released! | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-intrepid | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
tkamppeterpitti, I only saw10:48
tkamppeterI followed the suggestion in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingPrintingProblems and attached the bug report below, but Launchpad things this is too long.10:48
ograKeybuk, cjwatson, i want to report the "useradd doesnt cope with date set to 01011970" bug, do you guys remember what package we exactly identified to be at fault ?10:48
tkamppeterI do not know what he actually did.10:48
cjwatsonogra: shadow, IIRC10:49
* ogra was hit by that bug on the NSLU2 install as well yesterday10:49
pittitkamppeter: perhaps he tried to paste the entire log into a comment10:50
* ogra filed Bug #34950411:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349504 in shadow "if system date is set to 01-01-1970 users are enforced to update their password" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34950411:00
cjwatsonmvo: I realised last night that we forgot to do anything about bug 290234 despite it being in the 8.10 release notes11:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 290234 in ubuntu-release-notes "Intrepid: Netboot locks up at 2% installing the selected edubuntu desktop" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29023411:04
cjwatsonmvo: I'm testing a tiny apt patch for it now11:04
infinityogra: Heh.  I noticed that when netbooting my arm buildds over and over again until I got ntpdate happy. :)11:04
assasusonichi everyone11:04
assasusonicwhere can i get the beta build in order to have a test run?11:04
ograinfinity, yeah, i have a bunch of arm devices without NIC ... there i have to set the hwclock manually11:04
cjwatsonassasusonic: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/beta11:05
mvocjwatson: oh, right. thanks for taking care of this11:05
infinityogra: Ick.11:05
cjwatsonassasusonic: where did you manage to find an announcement of the beta that *didn't* include download URLs? :-)11:05
macoso uh, i just got about 15 emals saying the pidgin debdiff i sent for uploading error'd on translations...but i didn't change the translations. what gives?11:05
tjaaltonlool: about bug 349127; sounds weird, since for me it's the opposite, nvidia is broken because of vdpau, and they say the colors should be fixed in the app configs11:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349127 in mesa "Elisa displays video with greenish/purplish colors" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34912711:06
cjwatsonmaco: is it just telling you that you didn't update po-revision-date?11:06
tjaaltonlool: so maybe the elisa guys are optimizing for the wrong driver ;)11:06
mnemotjaalton: I can repro the greenish video on intel G4511:06
tjaaltonmnemo: what player?11:07
macocjwatson: yes. can i ignore that?11:07
cjwatsonmaco: yes, you can - that's a known lp bug for which a fix is in progress11:07
macocjwatson: ok, thanks11:07
mnemotjaalton: I was using the video.py sample from the pigment-python library11:07
mnemotjaalton: pigment is the toolkit that elisa uses11:07
assasusoniccjwatson: on distrowatch11:07
cjwatsonmaco: bug 33109411:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 331094 in rosetta "Accept PO files with unchanged revision dates" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33109411:08
tjaaltonmnemo: ok11:08
macocjwatson: thanks11:08
assasusonicwell i keep getting error 50311:08
cjwatsonassasusonic: I just checked, distrowatch has the download URLs quite prominently11:08
assasusoniccjwatson: error 503 all the time11:09
cjwatsonthough for some reason they are linking to obscure mirrors11:09
BUGabundopitti: ping11:09
cjwatsonassasusonic: use the links in the URL I gave (there are several alternatives) or use the bittorrent downloads11:09
BUGabundocan't do much for bug 347874 now! bug 349462 is messing things11:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347874 in apport "double click on .crash doesnt work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34787411:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349462 in python2.6 "ImportError: /var/lib/python-support/python2.6/gtk-2.0/glib/_glib.so: undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8 (dup-of: 349467)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34946211:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349467 in python2.6 "update-manager fails to install todays updates due to "undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8"" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34946711:10
cjwatsonassasusonic: their primary links are to mirrors we don't operate11:10
infinitymvo: A bit late now, but disabling the test suite on that build might not have made me terribly sad.11:10
infinitymvo: You know, future reference for the next time you need a lightning revert on python. :)11:10
assasusoniccjwatson: good idea, didn't think about torrents11:10
mvoinfinity: yeah, sorry for that - I think it would have been a good idea11:10
mvoI was not aware that it takes *that* long11:11
infinitymvo: Halfway through the suite on the fast buildds now anyway, so no point "fixing" that.11:11
mnemoinfinity: if there is a test suite, how come this crippled version got through in the first place?11:12
cjwatsonbecause the test suite doesn't catch this one, of course :)11:12
cjwatsonit only tests python itself rather than its interaction with pygtk ...11:12
infinitymnemo: Two reasons... 1) The suite disables/ignores tests based on configure options... And more importantly, 2) I'm pretty sure the package ignores suite failures. :P11:12
mdzmnemo: the crippling issue is that this version broke compatibility with extension modules11:12
wgrantIs it actually crippled, or did it just break ABI due to the Unicode format change?11:13
mdzmnemo: the modules built with python itself (and tested by the test suite) naturally aren't affected11:13
mdzwgrant: the latter11:13
wgrantmdz: Right.11:13
wgrantSo the test suite couldn't catch it.11:13
infinitywgrant: ABI break, as well as breaking anything relying on certain unicode functions... But the suite wouldn't catch the former, and probably doesn't test the latter when said functions are intentionally disabled.11:13
geserwhat about packages which got build with the "broken" python? need they a check if they still work with the fixed python?11:13
mdzgeser: good point, we should check if there are any such packages11:14
wgrantinfinity: Mm, indeed.11:14
mdzinfinity: can you check if any extension modules were built with -1ubuntu5?11:14
infinitymdz: I'll look into it.  That might require cprov DB magic.11:15
mnemoI guess/hope somebody will write a sanity test that runs on each upload that makes sure this bug can't happen again11:15
infinitymdz: cprov and I are on it.11:17
mdzinfinity: thanks11:18
mvo_mdz: just confirmed that update-mnager on release upgrade will show a error (403) but rolls back just fine11:23
pittiBUGabundo: I know, just wait until the fixed python is in11:23
mdzmvo_: thank you11:23
mdzseb128: have you notified pedro about the python2.6 issue?11:28
seb128mdz: he didn't start his day yet11:29
seb128mdz: I will do when he's online11:29
mdzI guess he will want to know about it when he starts looking at bugs :-)11:29
seb128good point, I will do when he's there11:29
BUGabundoreally bad timing ... since its beta! ppl will be lockout of updates if they get it!11:29
BUGabundohope not to many new users testing beta! or they will learn the hard way how to use CLI and APT eheh11:30
seb128BUGabundo: the binaries have been blocker for download11:30
BUGabundoI got them11:31
BUGabundoand so may have users who upgraded before the 40311:31
BUGabundoor if some mirrors have rsynced them11:31
seb128BUGabundo: right, some have11:31
seb128nothing we can do about that now11:31
BUGabundonp, we are aware on +111:31
BUGabundoand letting users go their way, just fine11:31
seb128they can easily use synaptic to upgrade though11:32
BUGabundoseb128: New Users is the key word11:32
BUGabundosynaptic is a bit advanced for them11:32
Laneyseb128: I will review and sponsor libpst shortly11:32
BUGabundobut then again UM and Update-notifier now don't work11:32
seb128BUGabundo: right, but as said not a lot else we can do for those who have the new version11:32
BUGabundoso probably they will update in a week11:33
seb128Laney: thanks!11:33
infinitymdz, cjwatson: What do we want to do about binaries that were built with the bad python?  Blind rebuilds?11:33
james_wBUGabundo: we can publish instructions about fixing up the problem once it is fixed11:33
james_winfinity: anything Architecture: any might as well be rebuilt11:34
mdzjames_w: I updated the description of the bug with preemptive instructions for when the update is available11:34
mdzinfinity: james_w++11:34
james_wah, thanks mdz11:34
BUGabundojames_w: unfortunately new users DON'T subscribe to announce ML11:34
* james_w realises he isn't subscribed11:34
mdzI think an email to ubuntu-devel-announce is probably in order11:34
BUGabundomdz: unfortunately new users DON'T subscribe to announce ML11:35
james_wBUGabundo: I didn't say where11:35
mdzBUGabundo: you said that already.  if you want to post somewhere else, please feel free.11:35
BUGabundoeheh even james isn't11:35
macomdz: agreed11:35
james_wand we can spread the information around11:35
infinityjames_w: Okay, looks like our only arch:any fallout is python-hildon on lpia.11:35
macomaybe devel-discuss as well?11:35
BUGabundois any forum moderator around?11:35
macowith a pointer to please subscribe to -announce11:35
BUGabundomost new users go there!11:35
mdzmaco: agreed11:35
macoBUGabundo: me!11:35
BUGabundomaco can you push the info there?11:35
dholbachBUGabundo: microblog it! :)11:35
mnemothe most important thing is to create a regression test at the gates so that this cannot happen again... a bug that breaks both update-manager and apport at the same time is worth taking some time to prevent11:36
BUGabundodholbach: was jyust going to do it11:36
macodholbach: james did and 3 of us have redented it11:36
mdzmnemo: yes, though that can wait until next week11:36
macoanybody still using twitter?11:36
macothe twitter ubuntu users should be told too...11:36
BUGabundojust got done on identica jaiku, qaiku, twitter11:38
BUGabundoidentica got it 4x11:38
mdzdholbach: james_w could you hit the mailing lists?11:38
mdzer, one of you ;-)11:38
BUGabundowe need users, annount, devel-discuss11:38
BUGabundoI don't have permitions for announce11:38
james_wmdz: sure thing, I was going to wait for the fixed binaries to be available at least on the primary mirror, what do you think?11:38
macohttp://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=352 <-- hows that?11:39
dholbachjames_w: sounds like a good idea11:39
BUGabundomaco: please state its BETA11:39
BUGabundoit will grab more attention11:40
james_wmaybe this would be a good time to re-visit bug 240445 :-)11:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 240445 in update-manager "Please provide an informative error message when an update is restricted due to having severe regressions" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24044511:40
macoits in the jaunty forum11:40
BUGabundoand mention the bug report11:40
BUGabundoand copy the instructions11:40
macook the dent version is all ive seen so far, so lemme scroll up and find what youre talking about11:40
wgrantmaco: Can we point other threads to that for instructions when it's fixed?11:40
macowgrant: i'm going to lock it but any mod can update it while its locked11:41
mdzjames_w: ok by me11:41
wgrantmaco: Great.11:41
BUGabundook even twitter has now been hit twice11:42
BUGabundothat just leaves MLs11:42
macook i cant find the long version of the instructions11:42
infinityjames_w: While you're feeling helpful, want to do a rebuild-only upload of python-hildon?  I've already ensured the buildds won't build anything against the broken python.11:42
BUGabundomaco bugs 27790311:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 277903 in usb-creator "Missing Operating System [message at boot]" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27790311:42
macowhat am i supposed to say for the -v on that thread?11:42
BUGabundobug!! worng bug11:43
dholbachbug 34946711:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349467 in python2.6 "Many python programs fail with: "undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8"" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34946711:43
james_winfinity: sure thing11:43
BUGabundomaco:  users are already asking for more info on the forum11:44
macoi see that11:44
macoi just locked it and replied to the one asking about un-upgrading with a dpkg --force-downgrade explanation11:44
BUGabundothread closes11:45
BUGabundo"The problem is corrected in version 2.6.1-1ubuntu5.1. Note that since Update Manager is one of the affected programs, users affected by this bug will need to upgrade using apt-get in a terminal: $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"11:45
BUGabundofrom the bug report would suffice!11:45
looltjaalton: erf :)11:46
looltjaalton: let's just forget about nvidia, but it affects the opensource dri drivers; at least mplayer gl output and elisa11:46
tjaaltonlool: yeah, hopefully 7.4 fixes it11:46
cjwatsonmm, I don't think we need to advertise --force-downgrade here, it could get pretty complicated11:46
looltjaalton: I'm counting on them to identify the issue though; they say the upstream tree works11:46
looltjaalton: are we moving to 7.4??11:46
tjaaltonlool: hope so11:46
tjaaltonit's a bugfix release11:46
loolCrap, I told Intel we wouldn't11:47
cjwatsonsurely not a new upstream release of X for Jaunty now, after beta?11:47
tjaaltona bugfix release of mesa11:48
tjaaltonwe have the first devel release of that series11:48
macoBUGabundo: i didnt know the bug #11:48
macoBUGabundo: there were like 4 bugs linked11:48
wgrantmaco: You could point out that python2.6 and python2.6-minimal are the relevant packages.11:48
tjaaltoneven numbered ones are bugfix releases11:48
macocjwatson: ok, ill remove that11:48
BUGabundomaco all top new posts of the forum are related to python breakge11:48
loolbryce: Around the 17th of February you told we would go with 7.3?!?11:49
tjaaltonlool: that was loong ago :)11:49
tjaaltonno 7.4 in sight11:49
loolYeah, but I committed to it for Intel developing their psb driver11:49
tjaaltonhow does it concern psb?11:49
loolThey have a mesa backend for it11:49
cjwatson17th of February> i.e. before feature freeze, which now is distinctly not11:50
mdzpython2.6 is built for amd64, i386 still building11:50
tjaaltonok, so another release of a devel series of mesa?11:50
macoalright alright, the thread now says what buga posted along with "your mirror might not have it yet. here's how to check" and apt-cache policy stuff11:50
mnemothe most important thing is to create a regression test at the gates so that this cannot happen again... a bug that breaks both update-manager and apport at the same time is worth taking some time to prevent11:50
mnemoops sry11:50
tjaaltonI won't waste time merging it if there's no hope to get it in11:51
mnemodidnt mean to retype that :o11:51
cjwatsonthe only facilities we have for testing are things which are done in the package build11:51
cjwatsonin general a package build can do pretty extensive things, but python can't easily go off and install pygtk11:52
macoBUGabundo: people dont read the danged stickies *grumble*11:52
looltjaalton: I personally don't want to judge the quality of 7.3 versus 7.4; I don't have the slightest idea of the size of the diff between one and the other, it's just that I'm a bad position that I confirmed we would use 7.3 devel release -- which actually surprized Intel folks11:52
cjwatsonso the test would have to be quite carefully targeted11:52
mdztjaalton,lool: this is probably worth discussing on ubuntu-devel@, surely not something we would take a quick IRC decision on11:53
loolAnyway it's looking unlikely that we get psb *in* jaunty so probably no weight in release matters11:53
looltjaalton: If you think there's value for mesa 7.4, can you bring it up on @-devel?11:53
tjaaltonmdz, lool: ok, I'll see what the diff looks like and post something11:53
tjaaltonbut upstream is very strict to only include bugfixes11:54
tjaaltonfor instance they declined to bump the max texture size for i96511:54
tjaaltoner, include the commit to bump it11:54
mdztjaalton: even bugfix releases can have massive regressions :-)11:56
tjaaltonmdz: yes, but in this case I doubt it could go worse ;) (there are a number of bugfixes for intel)11:58
mdzpitti: where can I get a copy of your mutt config which colors the index according to bug status etc.?11:58
pittimdz: http://piware.de/tmp/muttrc12:01
mdzpitti: thanks!12:02
pittimdz: you're welcome12:02
pittimdz: the original idea is from bryce, but I don't see his config on his people.u.c.12:03
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jpdsmdz: Prehaps: http://bryceharrington.org/files/lp-mutt-colors ?12:08
infinitymdz: Publishing i386, amd64, lpia, and hppa right now.12:09
mdzinfinity: thanks12:10
geserhttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2008-December/027019.html has an example how to do the colouring in mutt based on the LP header instead of scanning the whole body12:15
mdzgeser: that's handy12:17
mdzand more accurate12:17
mdzgeser: there is a typo on the second line (mismatched single/double quote)12:19
mdzit doesn't match duplicates though12:20
mdzthat doesn't seem to be in the headers12:20
MirvNg: (ping blog.ubuntu-fi.org fixing?)12:21
mnemoinfinity: how long until I should be seeing the python fix in apt-get ?12:29
infinitymnemo: 20ish minutes, maybe?12:29
infinitymnemo: I'll poke #-devel when it's pushing to mirrors.12:29
BUGabundonice to know12:32
Mirv(well, I was on wrong channel but anyway, message delivered)12:34
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slytherinConsidering that grub-installer is supposed to offer grub2 as an option, shouldn't grub2 be in main?12:43
liwmvo_, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/147758 looks like a temporary problem in some packages in gutsy beta, since fixed, and could be closed -- do you agree?12:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 147758 in update-manager "upgrade from feisty to gutsy beta errors" [Low,Confirmed]12:49
mvo_liw: agreed12:53
seb128liw: can you get those computer-janitor translation issues fixed to jaunty12:56
liwseb128, aye, I'll do that next12:56
BUGabundodo 8.04 users upgrading also get it by the python bug?12:56
infinityNew python2.6 binaries are being pushed to mirrors, FWIW.12:57
james_wthanks infinity12:58
seb128infinity: when will the index be updated?12:58
infinityseb128: As in Packages.gz?12:58
seb128infinity: ie when can I apt-get update and get those?12:59
seb128infinity: yes12:59
infinityseb128: It's updated too.12:59
infinityseb128: Just a question of when the mirror pulse is done.12:59
seb128infinity: apt-get update doesn't agree12:59
seb128oh ok12:59
infinityseb128: Yeah, cause you're not using cocoplum. :)12:59
infinityseb128: Give it a few minutes at least. :P12:59
liwhm, launchpad doesn't show the bug to me anymore13:00
apwpitti, in the unlikely event you go to review my suspend-apport fixes branch, could you just hold off.  i may have just figured out how to trigger the apparent false-positive13:00
cjwatsonslytherin: grub-pc is in main, and that's the package grub-installer actually installs. grub2 is a transitional package.13:02
pittiapw: oh, I didn't get a merge request, so I wasn't going to13:02
cjwatsonslytherin: see e.g. 'apt-cache show grub2'13:02
pittiapw: I'm currently working on apport, though, I'll probably do another upload today13:02
apwok thanks ... i have something which is triggering falsies, if you would could you check in with me before you close the upload13:02
* liw seems to have entangled himself in too much launchpad complexity (long url, complicated search) and goes back to simple search13:03
pittiapw: check what?13:03
apwjust let me have a chance to sneak a change in if its ready :)13:03
pittiapw: sure, no problem13:04
apwthe bug has been causing a lot of false reports, or so it was thought, if its found to be really false13:04
apwit would help to get them squashed, a simple 1 line fix13:04
apwthough i may have just figured out how it really can be triggered.  if so its real13:04
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BUGabundoapw: btw after suspend/resume cycle I got a kernel oops window asking me to report it!13:05
BUGabundois that normal?13:05
apwafter a good one?  what was the oops?  too slow?13:06
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Mithrandirpitti: hmm, vaguely offtopic here, but I'll risk it.  What's really the purpose of the indicator applet?  Its description is roughly "display stuff", which doesn't say why it's useful and why I want it on my panel.13:07
BUGabundoapw: no idea!13:08
BUGabundothe window wasn't very clear13:08
BUGabundoonly showed two lines of text at time13:08
BUGabundomaking it hard to read13:08
slytherincjwatson: right, my mistake. sorry for bothering.13:09
directhexMithrandir, you don't like stuff?13:09
* apw watches to see if Mithrandir gets an answer ... as i have an envelope in there and it won't go away13:09
pittiMithrandir: it tells you about incoming pidgin messages, or mails from evo (doesn't work for my setup, though)13:09
BUGabundoapw: I did send it, so you should have a log of it some where!13:09
mnemopython fix available through main apt-get (not sure about mirrors)13:09
BUGabundolunch now... back latter13:09
pittiMithrandir: it's not doing a lot yet, though13:10
seb128pitti: it indicates emails count from evolution for INBOX only and when evolution is not focussed when you do receive those13:10
seb128ie, click send&receive, switch workspace13:11
pittiah, ok13:11
pittiI don't keep evo open13:11
pittiI had expected it to listen to e-d-s13:11
seb128e-d-s doesn't do emails right now13:11
Mithrandirpitti: I removed it from the panel, but I still seem to get notifications just fine?13:12
seb128Mithrandir: it's orthogonal to notifications13:12
pittiMithrandir: yeah, notifications and messaging indicator are orthogonal13:12
apwpitti, if it shows an envelope forever is that something i should file as a bug13:13
pittiapw: please do13:13
pittiapw: it seems to be erratic for me13:13
pittisometimes I have the envelope with just "pidgin" in it13:14
pittisometimes (like just now), I don't13:14
MithrandirI have the envelope with just pidgin, since I don't use evo.13:14
seb128you should get the icon when pidgin is running13:14
Mithrandirand it looks like it's highlighted all the time, which is odd.13:14
apwyeah i think it has an odd box round it or something13:15
pittiwell, I shouldn't really get both the pidgin and MI icon in my tray13:15
seb128Mithrandir: the idea is that unread messages will be listed in the applet13:15
seb128with the timestamp of when you received those13:15
Mithrandirpitti: sorry for being dense, what do you mean by notifications and messaging indicator are orthogonal?  It should basically duplicate what the pidgin icon in the tray is doing already?13:15
mdzI've got the python update, and can confirm that it doesn't break the world (I never installed the broken version)13:15
apwseb128, so its interaction with pidgeon must be broken as i have none13:15
mnemoi had the broken python and the update fixed by system... totem, apport and update-manager now works again13:16
Mithrandirseb128: should it then always have an icon visible when I don't have any "unread" messages in pidgin?13:16
seb128mdz: how did you do that! is there a proxy in the office or something? I still don't get it there13:16
seb128Mithrandir: yes, an email icon13:16
pittiMithrandir: notifications are the bubbles that pop up if something happens; MI collects instant messages/emails which you got while you were away/not seeing evo/pidgin window13:16
seb128when you have something unread you get an another icon13:16
mdzseb128: I got it from archive.ubuntu.com13:16
mnemoseb128: do you have a mirror configured in software sources?13:16
mnemo(i got if from apt-get)13:17
seb128Mithrandir: in new installs pidgin has no notification area icon13:17
mdzseb128: I am at home13:17
seb128Mithrandir: the indicator is the way to open the buddy list13:17
Mithrandirseb128: ok, that makes more sense then, except the icon is about three times as wide as any other icon.13:17
seb128mnemo: no13:17
Mithrandirand it has a border around it.13:17
seb128Mithrandir: that's a bug ;-)13:17
Mithrandir(and is drawn in a different style than all my other icons.)13:17
slytherinMithrandir: in short, you could say it does not match other icons from the theme. :-D13:24
liwso is there a package I can download to fix the Python "PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8" problem while waiting for my mirror to get updated?13:26
ScottKliw: Presumably you get get the .deb off of LP.13:27
Mithrandirliw: it's updated on archive.u.c now, so just use that?13:27
liwMithrandir, duh, of course13:27
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mdzslangasek: release meeting in a few?13:57
slangasekmdz: yes13:57
pittihey slangasek13:58
asacogra: you saw that font regression for which we added the "no-bitmaps" thing14:03
asacogra: do you remember which site?14:03
apwpitti was there a bug for the 'tags arn't very sensible on suspend/hibernate/resume apport bugs' do you know14:04
pittiapw: I haven't seen one14:05
pittiI don't think so14:05
apwok tha14:05
apwthanks, will make one14:05
pittithanks; please sub me to it14:05
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kwwiicjwatson: funky question, but it's only happened to me once and I can't exactly test the experience. Assuming you are the person to ask:  when you boot and there is a file system failure does it go back to a console and show the text or is it displayed on the usplash bg?14:20
cjwatsonkwwii: pitti implemented this - but IIRC it's displayed as text in usplash14:21
cjwatsonoh, if it actually fails, that drops you to a shell prompt14:21
cjwatsonas in a non-correctable failure which requires manual action14:21
cjwatsonthis is in /lib/init/usplash-fsck-functions.sh14:22
kwwiicjwatson: right, exactly...that is what I thought. thanks!14:22
sladenkwwii: you can replicate this quite easily by selecting 'ext4' doing install ;)14:24
sconklinpitti: during an upgrade from intrepid to jaunty, when apport was updated It falsely detected a kernel crash and wanted to submit a report. Is there upgrade logic to avoid resubmitting old reports?14:25
kwwiisladen: lol, right...anything for documentation!14:25
pittisconklin: hm, where did the kernel crash came from then?14:26
pittisconklin: we don't currently have such a logic, no14:26
pittisconklin: I guess we could teach update-manager to remove all .crash files on upgrades, but I'm not sure whether that would have some unintended consequences14:27
sconklinpitti: I'm trying to figure out. Sadly it was very early this morning and I just said 'no' before I thought to investigate.14:27
sconklinpitti: then it was certainly an old crash file left over from testing I was doing weeks ago. I'd hate for us to get resubmissions of things from upgrades.14:28
sconklinPlus, it might be confusing to some to get a "your kernel has crashed" pop-up during an upgrade14:28
pittiyeah, I wonder how that happened14:29
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pittiif you saw the report before, it shouldn't have been showed a second time14:29
pittisconklin: it could happen by something that touch /var/crash/*, but that sounds unlikely for any .postinst script14:29
sconklinpitti: what if the crash happened while the previous config was set to not submit, and the new one has that enabled by default?14:30
pittisconklin: oh, of course; that would do it14:30
pittisconklin: /etc/default/apport only controls the signal and python crashes14:30
pittiif something else writes .crash files, such as apw's suspend testing script, those wouldn't have been reported in intrepid14:31
pittibut then they were never displayed before14:31
sconklinI have a .crash file from the linsmith package in /var/crash14:31
sconklinBut the dialog that popped up said kernel crash14:32
apwpitti, nope it doesn't14:32
pittimvo_: how easy would it be to rm /var/crash/* on upgrades? I'm a little hesitant to do it in apport's postinst based on version comparison, since that would break backports14:32
mvo_pitti: trivial14:32
mvo_pitti: on release upgrades I assume?14:32
pittimvo_: yes14:32
mvo_pitti: it just needs to check for the ones that happen during the upgrade I guess14:33
sconklinpitti: I vote for removing it. If we end up trying to debug reports against a system that's been upgraded since the crash, we could waste a lot of time14:33
pittimvo_: I'm not really sure how else to do that without killing legitimate ones14:33
mvo_pitti: so rm right when the upgrade starts (before the first package is installed)14:33
pittimvo_: is there a time when we know that we'll start the upgrade, but didn't install any packages yet?14:33
pittimvo_: i. e. coudl they be removed at that time, so that we wouldn't loose package failures during upgrade, but get rid of old .crash reports/14:34
pittisconklin: agreed14:34
pittimvo_: exactly14:34
mvo_pitti: ok, I will add this14:34
pittimvo_: want a bug report for this?14:35
mvo_pitti: no, I just add it now14:35
BUGabundopitti: can't reproduce bug 347874 anymoe14:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347874 in apport "double click on .crash doesnt work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34787414:35
pittimvo_: many thanks! *hug*14:36
pittisconklin: ^ seems that's done then14:36
pittiBUGabundo: so much the better :)14:36
BUGabundoboth from cli and double click it works14:36
sconklinnice, thanks!14:36
BUGabundoshall I or you close the bug?14:37
pittiBUGabundo: please do; thanks for checking again14:37
BUGabundoI could reproduce it repetedly during almost one week14:37
directhexhm, "could not install adduser" on an upgrade from intrepid14:42
directhexditto libkeyutils114:43
directhexlots of things infact14:43
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ScottKdirecthex: Does it start with Python something not being installable?14:52
marctwwAnyone here have experience with what looks like a redraw-bug with nvidia-177.82 driver in Ubuntu 8.10?14:55
directhexScottK, i don't think so. i don't have the bad version available in apt-cache policy14:55
slangasekdtchen: is bug #330814 the same as bug #343254?14:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 330814 in linux "snd_pcm_avail_update() returning absurd values causes PulseAudio to abort" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33081414:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 343254 in linux "pulseaudio: alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_avail_update() returned a value that is exceptionally large" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34325414:56
marctwwany ideas?14:56
directhex"apt-get -f install" seems to have rescued dpkg from the brink of "aborting!"14:56
directhexmarctww, i know 180 drivers have a redraw bug. didn't think 177 did15:02
marctwwyea :(15:04
marctwwApparently it does15:04
marctwwdirecthex: it does man15:08
directhexterminals not updating properly?15:09
sbeattieseb128: can you look at the debdiff in bug 270374 (see comment 32) and see if its worth uploading or comment?15:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 270374 in tsclient "Workflow report: tsclient - on inputing a computer name then hitting enter, list stays on screen and steals input" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27037415:09
marctwwdirecthex: Not just terminals, everything.15:09
marctwwThen after a while, window decorations fly out the window.15:10
marctwwI restart X and world domination returns.15:10
seb128sbeattie: is there any hurry?15:10
cjwatsonliw: FYI, Matthew Garrett got a patch into the kernel upstream to default to relatime unless you explicitly say strictatime15:12
cjwatsonliw: so that may be less relevant in computer-janitor in future15:12
sbeattieseb128: only that I'd like to be able to stop tracking it (it's tagged as a regression) and have it fixed for jaunty; it has a debdiff that people claim works for them (which is a one-liner patch), so hopefully doesn't require significatn review.15:13
seb128sbeattie: it's on the sponsoring list and I will have a look but not right now15:15
seb128thanks for pointing it15:15
hyperairis anyone noticing that vim is not symlinked to vim.tiny in the livecd?15:15
sbeattieseb128: that's fine.15:15
directhexyay, World of Goo no longer causes X to segfault. there's one Jaunty feature for the changelog15:22
pittiseb128: handling current i386 retracer failure (hash sum mismatch); I'll fix it properly this time15:22
seb128pitti: ok15:23
bluefoxicy^^^ I don't know about that, but for the longest time I thought the icon for Update-Manager was supposed to be a representation of someone giving me the finger15:23
bluefoxicylike, for 2 whole releases15:23
directhexbluefoxicy, http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=27614415:25
ubottuDebian bug 276144 in mozilla-thunderbird "mozilla-thunderbird: Breaks formatting of cowsay-based signature" [Minor,Closed]15:26
bluefoxicydirecthex:  haha15:27
directhexooh, i have a new bug to file15:28
directhexwhich package contains those new gtk themes?15:28
asacheh cowsay fun.15:29
directhexasac, it was your bug!15:30
cjwatsonhyperair: that was an intentional change; vim-tiny is much more like vi than vim. Just use vi15:30
directhexasac, back in 2004, when i were a lad15:30
cjwatson  * [f7bfa57] Don't install vim alternatives for vim-tiny.  vim-tiny is built15:31
cjwatson    to act like vi, so the vim alternative just causes more confusion than15:31
cjwatsonfrom vim 2:7.2.049-115:31
cjwatson    it's worth (by default).15:31
hyperaircjwatson: i see.15:32
asacdirecthex: yeah. 2004 feels like yesterday ;)15:32
asacto me15:32
directhexin 2004 i was just starting out, fresh-faced, on loonicks!15:32
directhexpartly due to enhanced framerates in UT2004 compared to Windows15:32
directhexanyway, bug filin' time15:33
* hyperair pokes dholbach -- bug #34967815:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349678 in nautilus-share "Please sync nautilus-share (0.7.2-4) from Debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34967815:35
dholbachhyperair: I'm a bit busy right now - I hope somebody of the other sponsors will pick it up in a bit or I do it later on15:35
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hyperairdholbach: oh okay15:37
mterryDoes http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-karmic/interest/ work for anyone?  Still says I'm not registered, but I registered quite a while ago15:40
Keybuk-Wextra is insane15:43
Keybuk"put braces around empty if statement" WHY?! WHY?! WHY SHOULD I DO THAT?!15:44
calcslangasek: do you have time to look at bug 299161?15:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 299161 in memtest86+ "RFE : Please upgrade to Memtest86+ 2.11 (Jaunty)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29916115:44
cjwatsonah, that one I agree with15:44
cjwatsonif (foo); { } is an easy typo to make15:44
cjwatsonbut anyway, -Wno-empty-body15:45
seb128slangasek, pitti: opinion on the python-gnome2-desktop gnomeprint and gtksourceview1 binary splits15:52
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seb128gnomeprint has 1 rdepends in the archive15:53
seb128gtksourceview 5 rdepends15:53
seb128I mean the python binding for those15:53
Keybukcjwatson: but I don't do that15:54
KeybukI do15:54
Keybukif (foo)15:54
Keybuk    ;15:54
Keybukit shouldn't warn about *that*15:54
seb128that would win us some space and allow to move libgtksource libgnomeprint libgnomeprintui out of the CD15:54
pittiseb128: getting rid of gnomeprint is a win by its own, too15:56
cjwatsonKeybuk: yeah, I very much doubt the optimiser can spot that. I think I've probably attuned my coding style to -Wextra a little. :-)15:57
cjwatsonoptimiser? I mean whatever produces the warnings15:57
cjwatsonit'll be working off the AST15:57
Keybuk-Wall -Wextra -Wno-empty-body -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-unused-parameter15:58
seb128pitti: right, slangasek was just a bit concerned that the change might break thing which depends on the unsplitted versions out of the archive15:58
Keybukseems the most sensible combination so far15:58
pittiapw: I'm about to do an apport upload; shall I merge anything?15:59
pittiapw: if not, don't worry, I can always upload another one (apport uploads are cheap)15:59
apwi am still testing ... will there be a chance for another upload later15:59
apwfair enough then15:59
pittiapw: I just want this update in ASAP, to get the retracer in top shape for the expected beta crash reporting flood15:59
pittiapw: sure, no hurry15:59
apwyeah don't wait if its something cool going in15:59
Keybukcjwatson: I think I'd be less hateful about -Wempty-body if I didn't *also* use -DFORTIFY_SOURCE=216:00
pittiseb128: okay, I think apport-retrace properly catches Packages.gz hash sum mismatches now16:01
seb128pitti: excellent16:01
cjwatsonKeybuk: mm, that one I'm not going to attempt to justify :-)16:02
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directhexoh hells yes. jaunty usplash seems to understand how not to look like distilled ass when faced with a high-res widescreen framebuffer16:03
directhex*there's* a reason to upgrade16:03
Keybukthough shouldn't if (foo); { } warn you about the anonymous block?16:03
pittikwwii: ^ speaking about that, I noticed the same on my wife's 1920x1200 monitor; looks really good now16:03
cjwatsonKeybuk: anonymous blocks are sometimes useful as a container for more-local-than-function-scope variable declarations16:04
cjwatsonat least in pre-C99 code16:04
Keybukcjwatson: but the syntax for anonymous blocks is ({ ... }) :p16:04
kwwiipitti: hehe, yeah..I added configs up to 1920 (the size of my new monitor)16:04
Keybuktests/test_node.c:573: error: ‘node’ may be used uninitialized in this function16:04
cjwatsonKeybuk: err, sorry, I misunderstood what you meant. { } in the example above is not an anonymous block, then16:05
cjwatsonit's just a block16:05
Keybukcjwatson: but you can't just have a block suspended in mid-air in C16:05
directhexwho to thank for that...16:05
cjwatsonsure you can16:05
Keybukcjwatson: you really can't <g>16:05
directhexusplash (0.5.30) jaunty; urgency=low16:05
directhex -- Martin Pitt < martin.pitt@ubuntu.com>   Wed, 04 Mar 2009 21:41:36 +010016:05
KeybukC != C++16:05
directhexcake for pitti!16:05
cjwatsonKeybuk: cite16:05
cjwatsonI can't find my K&R but I am quite certain it's valid16:07
Keybukcjwatson: you may be right according to C99, sorry16:09
cjwatsonI am right according to C8916:09
Keybukthen why do people use do { ... } while (0) when they're trying to be "standards compliant" ?16:09
cjwatsonpeople don't use that for standards compliance16:09
apwKeybuk, thats about making it behave like a statement16:10
cjwatsonthey use it so that macro expansion won't screw up16:10
cjwatsonif (foo) BAR;16:10
Keybukapw: according to C99 a block *is* a statement16:10
cjwatsonKeybuk: this is a FAQ16:10
Keybukcjwatson: I don't follow?16:10
cjwatsonKeybuk: it doesn't quite work the same in all contexts16:10
cjwatsonlet me dig up the reference for you16:10
apwKeybuk, yes, _but_ it has no ; at the end16:10
apwso a {}; is two statements16:10
apwa do{}while(0); is one16:11
apwand thats the reason16:11
Keybukbut an empty statement is allowed in C too ;)16:11
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cjwatsonwhy is the C FAQ site so slow just when I need it?16:12
Keybukcjwatson: I was thinking the same thing ;)16:12
cjwatsonoh yes of course16:13
cjwatsonif (foo) BAR; else other(stuff);16:13
cjwatsonmisparse if BAR is just a block16:13
Keybukthat does make sense16:13
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apwcjwatson, :)16:14
Keybukcjwatson: neat, thanks16:14
* Keybuk goes back to figuring out how to persuade gcc that the variable *really* cannot be used uninitialized and that it's silly optimiser is WRONG16:15
apwKeybuk, assign something to it at init and be happy16:15
Keybukapw: yeah, but I keep having to do that all the time16:16
Keybukand it annoys me16:16
Keybuksomething about the optimiser doesn't like my "count mallocs and run that many times" loop16:16
apwthe optimiser only looks to see if there is a route thorugh the code from the init to a use which has no init16:16
apwi doesn't work out if there is a possible route16:17
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Keybukbut there isn't a route to one which has no init16:17
apwKeybuk, got an example16:17
apwpastebin it?16:17
apwif nothing else i can say, yep its stupid sorry16:18
cjwatsonKeybuk: (C FAQ 10.4, BTW)16:23
cjwatsonnow I've managed to get at it16:24
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apwKeybuk, its stupid, so you have written some 'before and after' clauses for the thing16:27
slangasekseb128: does gnomeprint still have any reverse-deps, or was that fixed with the gnome-games upload?16:27
sladenapw: can't you just hit with an __attribute__ ?16:28
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slangasekseb128: I think whatever I said before when we talked about this is probably still valid; I think that was "gnomeprint: yes, gtksourceview1: no"}16:28
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seb128slangasek: what I said before, 1 rdpends for gnomeprint16:29
Keybukapw: which is stupid? gcc or my macros? :p16:29
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apwthe compiler, i think what i am seeing is some code to put things before and after the block which will follow in the source16:29
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Keybukapw: exactly16:30
apwand it will happly analyse that as "if i take the first branch every loop then its not defined, bad"16:30
apweven though its patently false16:30
Keybukbut it isn't used in the first branch16:31
Keybukthe weird thing is that the simplest "int" expression of this I can do doesn't exhibit the bug16:31
apwright but you use it _after_ the loop16:32
apwso it can decide the output lloop only took the third way and the ineer only the first16:32
apwand that means you use unitialised data.  its wrong16:32
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Keybukright, it doesn't seem to observe that the inner if will always have all three expansions16:33
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Keybukbut it's the outer loop it really seems to have an issue with16:36
Keybukbecause the warning is still there if you take the inner loop out16:36
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KeybukTEST_ALLOC_FAIL {16:36
Keybuk  node = x;16:36
Keybuk  // do something with node;16:36
Keybukfails ;)16:36
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slangasekcalc: is the comment in the bug description about needing gcc-4.1 still applicable?16:39
slangasekcalc: because that would be a deal-breaker; gcc-4.1 is universe-only, and we're not going to re-promote it to get a newer memtest86+ in the archive16:39
calcslangasek: it was worked around by iirc colin with -O1 which made it work16:40
calcslangasek: yea colin fixed it with O1 in 2.01-1ubuntu216:40
slangasekcalc: ok, and that fix is verified to also solve the problem for 2.11?16:41
calcslangasek: yes, i tested it and it works16:41
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calcslangasek: when miscompiled it shows up as lots of errors in the tests, i read through the bug report to check on that part16:41
slangasekcalc: did you also test a known-broken version to be sure the problem manifests on your hardware? :)16:42
calcslangasek: this is essentially just a merge from debian with the only part still being applied being no stack protector16:42
calcslangasek: didn't test with -Os, no16:42
mathiazstgraber: what's the state of openvz in jaunty?16:42
calcslangasek: i can recompile it in broken form to see if it fails in the same manner as the old version16:43
slangasekcalc: might be a thing to try just to be sure; but not a blocker for the FFe16:43
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calci'll see what it does here in a minute16:44
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calcok, brb, going to test via my laptop16:48
MacSlowpitti, hi there16:48
MacSlowpitti, what's the latest time today to hand over a new release-tarball of notify-osd?16:48
calcslangasek: yep immediate failure with Os16:48
slangasekcalc: ok, cool16:49
calcit works but it causes athe tests to fail16:49
calcso eg the ui shows up but as soon as the tests run continous red failure messages scroll by16:49
* slangasek nods16:49
calcslangasek: what is the next step before i upload the package?16:49
slangasekcalc: uh... sign it? :)16:50
slangasekcalc: I acked the bug16:50
calcslangasek: oh ok :)16:50
calcslangasek: thanks16:50
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IntuitiveNippleIf I need to provide a custom-kernel for testing and the user is only able to use live-CDs, is it enough for me to replace the kernel images and supporting files in an ISO image, or will I also need to rebuild the casper squashfs?17:05
jordislangasek: I don't know how useful this would be or if it's way too late in the game for jaunty, but today I uploaded nano 2.0.9-2 which changes a default option by popular demand both in Debian and Ubuntu, and would fix issues Ubuntu people have been having with line wrapping in config files.17:08
jordislangasek: http://packages.qa.debian.org/n/nano/news/20090327T123206Z.html17:08
calcslangasek: done17:09
stgrabermathiaz: I have someone looking into it here (Michael Jeanson) though we're mostly working on scripts for LTS releases rather than spending too much time on the kernel work for non-LTS releases17:15
cjwatsonIntuitiveNipple: replacing the kernel image will be fine if the module ABI is compatible with the existing one, but otherwise you'll need to rebuild the squashfs to cope with the kernel modules in there17:15
stgrabermathiaz: upstream OpenVZ is willing to help for LTS releases, for others we could easily provide vanilla kernels patched with OpenVZ and some drivers from Ubuntu's kernel but patching on top of a regular Ubuntu kernel is almost impossible17:15
cjwatson   * As we're modifying the manpages, we need to temporarily build-dep17:15
cjwatson     on groff.17:15
cjwatsonjordi: blink. why?17:15
stgrabermathiaz: due to a number of issues with apparmor and other big patches like that17:16
cjwatsondo you ship postscript versions of the manual pages or something?17:16
IntuitiveNipplecjwatson: Thanks alot... that will help enormously then17:16
cjwatsonjordi: it's a shame there's no --wrap option, if nowrap is to be made the default17:17
pittiMacSlow: I can still upload it17:22
jordicjwatson: .html versions are generated at build time17:22
pittiMacSlow: is it released already?17:22
cjwatsonjordi: ah17:23
jordicjwatson: you can use unset nowrap, or meta-L to toggle it while inside nano17:25
jordicjwatson: gotta go, I just wanted to point this in case you want to consider it before it's even more late i nthe game17:25
kirklandevand: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/349440  .... really?17:29
ubottuUbuntu bug 349440 in kvm "SDL window disappears overnight" [Undecided,New]17:29
kirklandevand: that sucks, haven't seen that one17:29
kirklandevand: any messages in the terminal where you launched kvm?17:29
IntuitiveNipplekirkland: that's an interesting one. I *think* I may have experienced that a while back now but thought nothing of it since there were some nvidia issues at the time.17:32
pittigood weekend everyone17:32
kirklandIntuitiveNipple: interesting ... i wonder if its something power-management related17:32
IntuitiveNipplescreen-saver maybe?17:32
kirklandlike the guest turning off the monitor17:32
kirklandand qemu's monitor emulator says, "okay, sure, i'll power off the monitor...take that!"17:33
IntuitiveNippleI wonder if there's anything in the .xsession log17:33
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cjwatsonapw: FYI I put bug 290153 on the jaunty bug list since it was in the 8.10 release notes17:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 290153 in linux "Fails to find boot device in Intel D945Gnt" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29015317:47
fabbioneNafallo: ping?17:47
apwcjwatson, nnng thanks17:48
Nafallofabbione: pong17:49
cjwatsonpgraner: do you know if the issue "Cannot reactivate Intel 3945/4965 wireless if booting with killswitch enabled" from http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/810 has been fixed in jaunty?17:49
fabbioneNafallo: just got your invitation.. are you going to sponsor me to London for a party? ;)17:49
Nafallofabbione: lol. no. I only selected my Ubuntu group and invited everyone in case someone would be in London during those days :-)17:50
fabbioneNafallo: yeah i did guess that much :)17:50
fabbioneNafallo: have fun there17:50
Nafallofabbione: I bet we will have :-)17:50
cjwatsonasac: did we get round to re-enabling ath5k in network-manager? I'm assuming that the driver that was in backports for intrepid is in jaunty proper (though haven't checked)17:51
asaccjwatson: we didnt disable ath5k17:52
OsamaKHello. Where can I find the recent Ubuntu Documentation source code.17:52
cjwatsonasac: oh, ok, so no further work needs to be done there?17:52
asaccjwatson: not on network manager side17:53
asaci think ath5k is still much better in backport modules17:53
asacsame for iwagn17:53
asaci will check with rtg if there is anything we can do17:53
cjwatsonOsamaK: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-doc/ubuntu-doc/ubuntu-jaunty17:53
cjwatsonasac: if there's anything to be done for jaunty, please make sure there's a bug filed and targeted for jaunty17:53
cjwatsonasac: (just going through 8.10 release notes)17:53
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asaccjwatson: right ;)17:54
asaccjwatson: you need to check with rtg what went into mainline from backport modules17:54
cjwatsonpgraner: similarly, "Wireless doesn't work after suspend with ath_pci driver", but there's no bug for that in the 8.10 release notes. Do you know if that's been fixed?17:54
cjwatsonsurely it would all have been backported from something older than what we have in jaunty now?17:55
pgranercjwatson: rtg would be the best one to ask, I do think the killswitch was fixed.17:55
OsamaKcjwatson, great. thanks.17:55
pgranercjwatson: we don't have madwifi in Jaunty (its all moved upstream now) something tells me its fixed. rtg would know for sure, he's out today but will be back on Mon.17:56
OsamaKcjwatson, is there anyway to get the old po files? about-ubuntu (and others) is bit changed, and I want to add the newly-added thing without retranslate the whole strings.18:00
cjwatsonOsamaK: I haven't looked and I'm not a documentation guy myself, but I'm sure they could be extracted from bzr18:01
cjwatsonOsamaK: try #ubuntu-doc?18:02
kirklandslangasek: do you a git commit hash for http://launchpadlibrarian.net/24416880/mdadm-316670.patch ?18:05
slangasekkirkland: no, I pulled it from the debdiff18:06
slangasekgit, icky :)18:06
kirklandslangasek: hehe18:14
kirklandslangasek: i'll find it18:14
kirklandslangasek: i'm building sbeattie a new deb, with just your pruned patch for his verification18:14
kirklandslangasek: apw has confirmed that the other raid-degraded bug is in fact a kernel race condition18:14
apwkirkland, yep.  i think i have the actual bug nailed now.  just building you some test kernels so you can confirm my testing18:15
kirklandapw: cheers18:17
IntuitiveNipplekirkland: that patch is 43aaf43118:20
kirklandIntuitiveNipple: awesome... you must be a git fiend?18:20
IntuitiveNippleI have my moments :)18:21
cjwatsonbryce: is there a bug report for "Hangs with desktop effects on Intel 830MG and 845G video cards" in http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/810, and has it been fixed?18:23
apwgit blame perhaps18:24
IntuitiveNippleno, I just did: git log -S'if (!avail)' -- Incremental.c18:26
apwaother good options18:30
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brycecjwatson: 25938518:41
brycecjwatson: upstream does not really work on 8xx card support any longer so I would not expect it to be solved yet18:42
cjwatsonbryce: yeah, I'd gathered, but as a matter of form we should continue to track issues from the 8.10 release notes. I know you're aware of this but I'll target that bug to jaunty so that other people are too18:43
cjwatson(I'm doing this for all bugs from the 8.10 notes)18:43
evandkirkland: no messages18:45
kirklandevand: okay18:45
kirklandevand: it is a kvm crash of some sort18:45
brycecjwatson: fwiw, it is very likely that support for i830 and i845 will be dropped upstream.  I'm concerned this bug will have to be carried along indefinitely.18:45
kirklandevand: was the guest doing anything overnight?18:45
evandjust sitting there, minding its own business18:45
evandit was a livecd18:45
cjwatsonbryce: acknowledged18:46
cjwatsonbryce: if you decide there's no alternative, you have the option of marking the bug wontfix (with appropriate measures taken elsewhere to notify users etc.); I'm not retargeting bugs that are invalid/wontfix/fixreleased18:47
cjwatsonbryce: but with all the usual caveats18:47
* bryce nods18:48
brycewell, i830/i845 are such old cards it's hard to justify putting canonical resources into it aside from working around the problem as mvo has done, however I would love to see some community form around providing support for these old -intel chips.18:49
brycecjwatson: I'll bring this up with rick and see what he thinks.18:49
cjwatsonbryce: "not Canonical" is more ct-rev than wontfix, really18:50
cjwatsonanyway, dinner ...18:50
kirklandevand: i'll start up 10 KVMs and leave them run overnight tonight18:52
kirklandcjwatson: if you remember, i added some prerm magic to ecryptfs-utils to keep it from being removed if it was in use....18:57
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kirklandcjwatson: just for the record, it's equally unwise to remove mdadm on a raid-using system, and reboot18:57
evandkirkland: heh, ok19:00
kirklandevand: would you mind doing something similar over night tonight?19:00
evandkirkland: perhaps try the desktop CD, just to see if that's triggering it19:00
kirklandevand: crank up some number19:00
kirklandevand: and see how many survive the night?19:00
evandkirkland: sure, though I don't know how much time I'll have to report back to you.  I leave for Dubai in the morning.19:00
evandI'll be bringing my laptop though19:00
evandso I'm sure I'll find some time to update the bug report19:01
kirklandevand: sweet, vacation?19:01
kirklandevand: nice19:01
slangasekpitti: while we're discussing gnome-python-desktop, do you think we can drop bugbuddy.py from the package (letting us kick bug-buddy out to universe)?19:04
brycecjwatson: actually it looks like you do  not need to carry 259385 forward.  (Indeed I think the 810 release notes are listing it unnecessarily)19:04
brycecjwatson: compiz has a blacklist for these two chipsets already as a workaround:19:04
bryceT="$T 8086:3577 8086:2562 " # Intel 830MG, 845G (LP: #259385)19:04
bryceso the problem that the release notes describe will not actually occur in practice19:05
brycethe compiz fix on that bug solves the issue.  (If it didn't, then the compiz task should be reopened.)19:05
bryceslangasek: do you know if seb128 re-enabled the 96 dpi forcing in Gnome?  (refbug #349140)19:12
slangasekbryce: asac did19:12
bryceslangasek: oh.  was there a bug report on that?  (for duping purposes)19:14
bryceslangasek: or mailing list post or irc log or something to reference...19:14
slangasekbryce: libgnome changelog should show19:16
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cjwatsonbryce: ok, please do appropriate things to the bug so that we don't need to worry about it then19:19
cjwatsonbryce: thanks for looking into it19:19
cjwatsonhttp://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/bug-fixing/jaunty-fixes-report.html says 3230; http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/bug-fixing/intrepid-fixes-report.html says 345919:19
cjwatsonso 229 to go until we surpass intrepid; I wonder if we can beat it by a noticeable amount19:20
brycecjwatson: is adding ct-rev sufficient for taking it off your list?19:20
cjwatsonbryce: marking it wontfix for jaunty will reopen a non-targeted task19:21
cjwatsonsomething will need to be done with the actual status of the jaunty task in order to get it off the release team's list19:21
brycecjwatson: ok cool, will do19:22
jordicjwatson: back19:25
jordicjwatson: is there any tag I can add to the bug to get it considered for this release?19:25
jordiah, nominate19:26
brycecjwatson: wow, I didn't know about those reports, kewl.  Looks like I've fixed exactly twice as many bugs in jaunty as I did in intrepid.  :-)19:31
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liwcjwatson, re mjg59 & relatime: ack, I saw his blog entry, and I've marked it on my list for things to consider for karmic19:57
dtchenslangasek: they are caused by the same bug that has been fixed in the latest linux upload20:08
dtchen(the linux tasks, that is)20:09
dtcheni opted not to mark dupes because of different debug spew to syslog20:09
slangasekdtchen: ok - could you close out the bug with that explanation then, if you haven't already?  (no longer have the bug numbers in front of me at the moment :)20:11
dtchenye,s i'm planning to close all the bugs referenced in the e-mail to kernel-team20:12
kirklandcjwatson: still around ?  adduser question for ye20:22
sistpotyasac: got some time to look at FFe bug #340435? looks like that's your domain ;)20:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 340435 in adblock-plus "FFe request for adblock-plus 1.0.1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34043520:25
ahasenackhi, I'm trying to build a source package (debuild -S). The package is for jaunty, and I'm on intrepid. I thought it should work, but it fails when trying to include a file from debian/rules that doesn't exist. Should it be possible? Here is the log: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/139178/20:30
ahasenack /usr/share/python/python.mk doesn't exist on intrepid (or I don't know which package installs it)20:30
ahasenackthe reason I want the source package is so I can upload this to ppa and get a binary for jaunty20:31
sistpotyahasenack: I guess #ubuntu-motu might be a better place to ask ;)20:32
ahasenacksistpoty: ok20:32
the99zChriscan anyone help me? i restored my xorg file (didn't help original problem) but now i can't set my screen resolution low enough to play games...(hardy20:39
sistpotythe99zChris: then you're screwed (just kidding :P)... please try #ubuntu20:40
the99zChrisk thanks20:42
nixternalArneGoetje: I uploaded the kubuntu-docs package yesterday and the translations need to be approved as they are waiting to be imported...thanks :)20:42
kirklandkvm is apportin'21:07
* kirkland braces for the new infusion of bugs21:07
cjwatsonkirkland: not really - is it quick?21:16
kirklandcjwatson: nah, check my last upload of adduser21:16
kirklandcjwatson: it's functional, and it causes no harm21:17
kirklandcjwatson: you might have a stylistic preference of solving it another way21:17
cjwatsonnot on lp yet21:17
kirklandcjwatson: goal is to remove /var/lib/ecryptfs/$user, if doing deluser --remove-home21:17
cjwatsonunless you mean 3.110ubuntu221:17
kirklandcjwatson: no21:17
kirklandcjwatson: ubuntu421:17
kirklandcjwatson: there's a debdiff attached to the bug it fixes ....21:18
* kirkland finds it21:18
cjwatsonok, I'll look at it later when it lands21:18
kirklandcjwatson: faird enough21:18
cjwatsonbug 347970?21:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347970 in adduser "deluser --remove-home leaves /var/lib/ecryptfs/<username> behind" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34797021:18
kirklandcjwatson: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/24314131/out.diff21:18
kirklandcjwatson: that's the one21:18
cjwatsonI have a stylistic preference for no whitespace damage in patches ;-)21:19
cjwatson+if ( $File::Find::name !~ /^\/var\/lib\/ecryptfs\/$user/ ) {21:19
cjwatsonyou should quote variables when substituting them into variables unless you mean metacharacters to be interpreted - \Q$user\E21:20
kirklandcjwatson: strike 2, okay.21:20
cjwatsonand I'd recommend m[^/var/lib/ecryptfs/\Q$user] to reduce leaning toothpick syndrome21:20
kirklandcjwatson: alrighty then ...  fail21:21
kirklandcjwatson: i'll get this cleaned up21:21
kirklandcjwatson: any arguments with my method?21:21
cjwatsonI'm just looking at the context21:21
kirklandcjwatson: okay, you can put this off for later, if you wish21:21
kirklandcjwatson: i considered several different approaches21:22
kirklandcjwatson: this one was the fewest lines of code to be changed21:22
cjwatsonI find it quite confusing as-is21:22
cjwatsonI think I would prefer a separate ecryptfs_match21:22
cjwatsonI realise it's a style thing to some extent21:23
kirklandcjwatson: that's fair, that's the feedback i was looking for21:23
cjwatsonmostly just because the remainder is pretty short21:24
kirklandcjwatson: it's a fair bit of duplicated code doing it that way21:24
cjwatsonnot really, it's about half a dozen lines?21:24
kirklandcjwatson: i was looking for a previous debdiff, don't see it immediately21:24
cjwatsonoh, a bit more, sorry, misread21:24
cjwatsonwell, there's another possibility21:24
kirklandcjwatson: there's also the question of whether this behavior is even appropriate ...  there's also a delete-all-files option21:25
kirklandcjwatson: pitti could have perhaps used that21:26
cjwatsonhave a variable declared in a scope outside home_match, and have the home_match function check that variable to determine what to do21:26
cjwatsonas I said, delete-all-files is really, really slow21:26
cjwatsonI'm sort of inclined to say that the ecryptfs bit is like your home directory21:27
kirklandcjwatson: okay, fair enough.  i ack'd the bug, and felt the same way21:27
cjwatsonTBH, though, I think if it were me I would favour the duplicate code over making it less clear21:27
cjwatsonbut I wouldn't veto the other approach, it's just a preference21:28
kirklandcjwatson: gracious for your review, i'll rework it now21:28
Laneydoes apport somehow remember previous reported crashes?21:37
Laneyand not trigger for the same crash again?21:37
Laney(after reporting)21:37
nixternalArneGoetje: just caught your thread on the translators list. I am the maintainer for the kubuntu-docs package and will do the imports when complete. Been doing it since Dapper, so yes, we would like to have the kubuntu-docs translatable in Rosetta for Jaunty..thanks!21:42
Laney-- because I cancelled a report after uploading to LP so that I could resubmit with debugging symbols installed21:43
Laneybut now apport won't trigger again and nothing is written in /var/crash21:43
Laneygot it21:54
cody-somervilleDoes anyone know the udeb with the modules for squashfs?21:56
kirklandcjwatson: okay, i have a cleaner one now22:14
slangasekinfinity: since you've saturated the build queues, could you bump jack-audio-connection-kit to the front? :)22:18
infinityslangasek: Done.22:20
robbiewslangasek: hey...is there an internal server that I can grab the UNR beta image from...instead of waiting the hour to download from cdimages?22:24
slangasekrobbiew: mm, there's a mirror of cdimage somewhere that internal QA testers can use for speedier access, but I don't remember where to get it22:25
robbiewah fooey22:25
robbiewno worries...just being impatient22:25
slangasekyou could bittorrent!22:26
slangasekthen it will still take you an hour, but you'll spend the first 10 minutes feeling like you're doing something22:26
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diegoebryce: around?22:58
diegoemay i bug you about the patch in lp #34911323:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349113 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "blurry-dancing fonts on 855GM with intel 2.6.x" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34911323:00
brycediegoe: if you wish23:00
diegoejust wanted to attract your attention to it, i was just enjoying the bisect experience23:01
diegoeI wonder if you would like additional confirmation or if you have any thought about it, I wouldn't swear the problem is in every 855GM, but I guess mine's not that much different23:02
bryceheh 85523:02
bryceI think anholt has a dislike for the 8xx cards :-/23:03
nxvlbryce: i'm preparing the debdiff for that package, will upload any minute23:03
diegoenxvl: work!23:03
brycediegoe: you've confirmed that with those two patches reverted, that your issue is resolved?23:03
diegoeyes, but let's wait for nxvl debdiff and I will re-confirm with a package built from his new sources23:04
brycefrom anholt's comments it doesn't appear his change is intended to actually fix a bug, just remove code he feels is no longer needed... which due to the existence of the bug may be incorrect23:04
diegoeit's curious because in his comment he says this was there since beginning of time23:05
diegoealthough this font problem never popped23:05
brycemaybe I've misunderstood - you're saying those patches are *needed* for fixing it?23:05
brycesorry, your comments on the bug report confused me23:06
diegoelet's say patch, since the second one is just a forgot line of the first one23:06
diegoesorry :-)23:06
bryceok, I'll wait until I see the debdiff :-)23:06
diegoewithout the patch, the intel driver exhibit this funny fonts problem23:06
diegoewith the patch applied, it doesn't23:06
brycediegoe: it's possible that some other change elsewhere in the code triggered the problem23:07
brycesometimes there can be two bugs that cancel each other out, and fixing one reveals the other23:07
brycenxvl: feel free to assign the bug to me once you have a debdiff to sponsor, and I'll make sure to shepherd it in23:08
diegoemmm, well git bisect took me there and i retested going to a clean master, checking out to the commit *before* the suspected fix23:08
diegoethe commit before this one shows the funny fonts, from this commit and on the fonts are no problem23:08
nxvlbryce: ok23:09
Hobbseecjwatson: I haven't found the killswitch bug for iwl3945 to be fixed (which you asked pgraner), fwiw23:13
pgranerHobbsee: you have a bug number?23:14
Hobbseepgraner: i thought cjwatson gave you one....23:14
Hobbseei don't have one here23:14
pgranerHobbsee: nope he just mentioned the issue, he gave me a bug number for a different issue23:15
Hobbseepgraner: oh.  I've not gone looking for one so far, i just answered off the symptoms.  I'll go looking for one in a bit, unless you beat me to it23:15
nxvldiegoe: the code your patch is removing is not present in the ubuntu package23:16
pgranerHobbsee: we've squashed several kill switch issues, I was hoping that was one. I would check the next kernel coming out it will have one more killswitch fix I just don't remember if it was for that one, ping apw he might know as he was working on a few.23:16
diegoenxvl: that's bad23:16
diegoenxvl: all of it or just parts?23:17
slangasekcjwatson: what's left to do on bug #44194 for wpasupplicant? the daemon is already in /sbin and so are the libs it uses?23:17
nxvldiegoe: i don't find anything of it23:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 44194 in openssl "wpasupplicant doesn't start when the network start" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4419423:17
nxvldiegoe: and when generating a quilt patch for it to be packages i get a patch including that code in the package23:17
nxvldiegoe: instead of removing it23:17
diegoei see here that such code is in since 200723:18
Hobbseepgraner: ahhh, OK.  it may be fixed for other people.  I'll take a look and report mine, as once I hit the kill switch, i can't reativate hte wifi, at all, until i get back to the bios / boot windows, iirc.23:18
nxvldiegoe: not in the debian package23:19
nxvlwell, i'm gone23:19
nxvlfeel free to prepare a debdiff23:19
diegoeok thx23:20
diegoebryce: looks like 2.6 branch already removed such code since 704177b5dd0ab7a5f5bef937eac53d725bc509b523:22
diegoewhich leaves me clueless...23:23
diegoei have seen the problem since 2.5 (which fedora included), and now in ubuntu's 2.6.x; but not in git master, git bisecting master took me to the commit we were talking about, but turns out 2.6 doesn't have that code already23:24
diegoei will bisect in the 2.6 branch and let you know23:25
* diegoe thought the problem was already cornered, sigh23:25
pgranerHobbsee: thanks23:27
Hobbseepgraner: oh, and thanks collectively to the kernel for making my hibernate work again :)23:28
pgranerHobbsee: no worries23:29
brycediegoe: you could also doublecheck differences in how the code is configure'd23:34
diegoebryce: ?23:35
* diegoe is unable to build the 2.6 branch :-/23:37
diegoeah there's a fix in the .deb23:39
* diegoe gives up23:41
brycewell, at least forward the bug upstream for some additional advice23:42
bryceactually nevermind, if the bug isn't reproducible in the git tree, they won't care23:43
diegoei can't build the 2.6 branch23:43
cody-somervillepgraner, Do you know if there is a udeb with the squashfs kernel modules?23:44
brycediegoe: why not?23:44
brycediegoe: that's hardly helpful23:44
brycediegoe: "Doctor, my arm hurts?"  "Why?"  "Because there's a pain in it"23:44
brycediegoe: builds fine for me23:45
diegoefrom git 2.6 branch or from the .deb?23:46
brycefrom the deb23:46
diegoei was gonna try bisect in 2.6 branch on git23:46
cody-somervilleWhats the cause of the FTBFS diegoe?23:47
diegoei guess i have something too recent for the commit i'm trying to build, which is circa 2.6.123:51
brycelibdrm got updated to 2.4.5 in order to allow 2.6.3 to build23:52
bryceso perhaps downgrading to a pre-2.4.5 libdrm*-dev would enable it to build23:52

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