
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
=== Gunblade__ is now known as GunbladeIV
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
=== a|wen_ is now known as a|wen
=== MaWaLe1 is now known as MaWaLe
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
robbiewhi :)13:59
* lool waves13:59
loolslangasek: morning!13:59
mdzgood morning14:00
ScottK\o <--- Here after all ($WORK meeting cancelled).14:00
* sbeattie waves14:00
slangasekpgraner, davidm, Riddell, Hobbsee: ping14:01
pgranerslangasek: here14:02
slangasekhi :)14:02
ScottKslangasek: 56 minutes ago Riddell said he'd be out for an hour on #kubuntu-devel.14:02
MootBotMeeting started at 09:02. The chair is slangasek.14:02
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]14:02
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2009-03-2714:02
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2009-03-2714:02
slangasekScottK: ok14:02
slangasek[TOPIC] Outstanding actions14:03
MootBotNew Topic:  Outstanding actions14:03
slangasekjust a few straggler items here14:04
slangaseklool: 303232 - will you have a chance to open the per-lib tasks, or should I go ahead and do it?14:04
loolslangasek: I did, sent you the list14:05
slangasekand do you guys need help with the actual lib changes?14:05
loolslangasek: I'm disappointed your not procmail-ing to your dreams!14:05
lool https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=arm-vfp14:05
slangasek[LINK] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=arm-vfp14:05
MootBotLINK received:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=arm-vfp14:05
loolslangasek: Well in theory no, in practice help is welcome14:05
slangasekah, separate bugs - these aren't targeted to jaunty yet?14:06
looloh no, will milestone them now, sorry14:07
slangasekI was assuming the gcc-4.3 task on bug #303232 should be closed once those lib tasks are open14:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 303232 in gcc-4.3 "armel gcc default optimisations" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30323214:07
loolslangasek: I think I'll unmilestone it and make it a bug to discuss gcc opts for karmic14:07
* slangasek nods14:07
loolAh the gcc one is unmilestoned14:08
loolCan't untrack it for jaunty14:08
slangaseklool: 'wontfix' the jaunty task14:08
slangasekpgraner: you said apw and pitti were working on the kernel suspend/resume tagging - is there a bug number for tracking that?14:08
pittiapw just said he'll file one with what needs to be changed14:09
pgranerslangasek: I should have it in a few minutes, I'll send it over to you14:09
pittishould by done by next week14:09
slangaseklast item on the list is mine; we got the CDs back down to size for beta through a combination of langpack rebasing and more heroic efforts by seb128, but we're not really any closer to having a good way to track where our CD space went in the first place14:10
seb128slangasek: I would bet on GNOME translated documentations14:11
seb128ie extra localized screenshots14:11
cjwatsonwould it help to get cd-size-analysis fixed not to need packages still in cdimage's mirror?14:11
lool(vfp bugs milestoned and targetted to jaunty)14:11
slangasekcjwatson: yes; I'm going to spend some quality time with the build logs early next week to see if I can extract all the information I need for this14:11
slangaseklool: thanks14:11
slangasekso that's it for carry-overs14:12
slangasek[TOPIC] Future issues expected to impact the release14:13
apwslangasek, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport/+bug/34962114:13
MootBotNew Topic:  Future issues expected to impact the release14:13
ubottuUbuntu bug 349621 in apport "real kerneloops and suspend/hibernate/resume bugs are hard to separate" [Undecided,New]14:13
slangasekapw: great, thanks14:13
ScottKI just milestoned a new bug, Bug #348704, since (that I know of) it breaks update-notifier-kde for upgraders.14:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 348704 in python-qt4 "/var/lib/python-support/python2.6/dbus/mainloop/qt.so missing after upgrade" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34870414:13
slangasekOMG, who put bug #1 back on the jaunty list14:13
ubottuhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 (Timeout)14:13
ScottKIt's got me flumoxed, so I'd appreciate it if someone like doko or maybe mvo_ could have a look.14:14
slangasekmvo_: do you have time to look at that?14:15
* slangasek targets the bug as well14:16
pittinothing new for that topic from desktop, for the record (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus is up to date)14:16
slangasekScottK: you also brought up clamav as an issue.  Do we need to talk about that further here?14:16
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus14:16
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus14:16
ScottKIt's an issue.14:16
ScottKI'm afraid we may have to choose between releasing with an oboslete clamav or with some broken rdepends.14:17
ScottKGiven what it does, not releasing with the current one is not good.14:17
cjwatsonhow obsolete is obsolete?14:17
pittiScottK: how often does clamav break ABI?14:18
pittiScottK: IOW, if we'd need to do another update for jaunty-updates, would we need to go through that rdepends rebuild dance again, or was it more like an one-time change?14:18
ScottKcjwatson: one major version (0.94.2 versus 0.95) behind.  I can (but haven't) quantified how many virus types we'll miss14:18
ScottKpitti: Every major version they break it.14:18
ScottKThey did sort of promise this is the last time and they've never done that before.14:19
ScottKAll the libclamav rdepends do need changes to work with 0.95.  All the clamd users are fine.14:19
ScottKI should know by the middle of next week better where we are.14:20
slangasekon the flip side of pitti's question, we have tracked clamav in -backports in the past rather than in -updates, so if the reverse-deps couldn't catch up it's not as though we don't have a way to make 0.95 available to jaunty users?14:20
ScottKThat's true.14:21
ScottKWe have also pushed -backports to -security when the time came to keep the maintenance burden manageable (only in Universe).14:21
mvo_slangasek: I can have a look at the python-qt4 issue14:21
mvo_(I guess I'm as busy as everyone else)14:22
ScottKI have a plan for the tech board on my TODO to write up about that ....14:22
slangasekScottK: I'm happy to let you make the decision regarding which way we go on the obsolete vs. rdeps question; let us know next week what we can do to help?14:22
cjwatsonpython-qt4> doko is away for a few days unfortunately14:22
* slangasek nods14:22
slangasekmvo_: ok, subscribed you14:22
ScottKslangasek: OK.  Thanks.14:22
slangasekScottK: any other things to discuss while you have the floor?14:23
ScottKKDE 4.2.2 was tagged yesterday.14:24
ScottKIt'll get released ~tuesday next week.14:24
slangaseksounds good14:24
ScottKThey've been very good about bugfix only in the third digit updates, so we're operating on the assumption this goes in.14:24
ScottKThat's it.14:24
* slangasek nods14:24
cjwatsonI have a concern I'd like to raise, from while I was thinking about release notes14:24
slangasekcjwatson: go ahead14:24
cjwatsonI went and looked at http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/810 last night and noticed that there are at least some things there that we never properly targeted to jaunty and haven't fixed14:25
cjwatsonI think we should make a systematic effort to ensure that everything fixable there gets fixed14:25
mdzcjwatson: good call14:25
slangasek(after cjwatson, I'll do around the rest of the teams in a circle to make sure everyone has a chance to comment)14:25
cjwatsonbug 290234 was the one I particularly noticed, though I've pushed up a branch fixing that one for mvo's review14:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 290234 in apt "Intrepid: Netboot locks up at 2% installing the selected edubuntu desktop" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29023414:25
slangaseks/do around/go around/14:25
mdzcjwatson: can we put that onto a checklist somewhere so that release noted items for release x get targeted for x+1 as SOP?14:25
cjwatsonmdz: good idea, I'll put it on NewReleaseCycleProcess14:26
slangasek[ACTION] cjwatson to document release-targeting of previous release release-notes items for NewReleaseCycleProcess14:26
MootBotACTION received:  cjwatson to document release-targeting of previous release release-notes items for NewReleaseCycleProcess14:26
slangasekcjwatson: since you're already partway through, can you also take care of finishing the release notes review in this case and targeting anything else that's outstanding?14:27
cjwatson(I've done the NewReleaseCycleProcess change)14:27
slangasek[ACTION] cjwatson to complete review of 8.10 release notes to identify jaunty targets14:27
MootBotACTION received:  cjwatson to complete review of 8.10 release notes to identify jaunty targets14:27
cjwatsonis there any other similar list of major issues that we might have forgotten about?14:28
slangaseknot that I'm aware of14:28
slangasekI have been sucking in the technical overview errata after each milestone14:29
sbeattiebugs tagged regression-release, perhaps.14:29
sbeattie(though alas the current set needs more triage, as I've been focusing on the regression-potential tagged bugs)14:30
slangaseksbeattie: can you triage them and let us know about any that need targeting yet, or should we get more hands on triaging?14:31
sbeattieI'll talk with the rest of the QA team about getting more triage love for them.14:31
sbeattiefeel free to action me on tha.t14:32
slangasek[ACTION] sbeattie to follow up with QA team about getting attention on the regression-release bugs14:32
MootBotACTION received:  sbeattie to follow up with QA team about getting attention on the regression-release bugs14:32
sistpoty|workmaybe some announcement regarding regression-{potential,release} might refresh memory of some devs? (/me included *g*)14:32
sbeattiesistpoty|work: okay; heno did one recently, I thought, but we can do it again.14:33
sistpoty|worksbeattie: :)14:33
slangasek[TOPIC] QA team14:33
MootBotNew Topic:  QA team14:33
* heno nods - let's do that14:33
slangaseksbeattie, fader, heno: anything else we need to discuss from your corner?14:33
fader_I just want to mention that we got a large number of 'failed' results in the most recent hardware tests, but it's because there's a checkbox test breaking14:34
sbeattiealso as a reminder, I have been assigning regression-potential bugs to teams; please look at the team-assigned reports at http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/team-assigned/14:34
slangasekfader_: noted, thanks14:34
fader_There's a bug on it and it should be resolved pretty quickly but I didn't want anyone to panic when looking at the report :)14:34
pittifader_: do you guys have some hardware with intel 8x5 chips, with x == {4,5,6}?14:34
fader_pitti: Is this about the X issues that Bryce is working on?14:35
pittifader_: right, -intel driver not working on some/all i845/i85514:35
slangasekbug #30487114:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 304871 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i845G] Fatal server error: Couldn't bind memory for BO front buffer (Jaunty)" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30487114:35
slangasekScottK's feedback was that the problem was resolved for him with the beta14:35
ScottKpitti: From last week's meeting I did test with i865 and it WFM.14:35
fader_pitti: I'm looking through the hardware list to find the machines that have those chipsets, as we don't currently have a good automated way to find that out14:36
pittifader_: many thanks14:36
fader_I'll coordinate with him to get him that list and any other details he needs14:36
fader_np :)14:36
henoWe expect a spike in bug reports after Beta and would appreciate it everyone gave and hand in triaging new bugs14:37
henowe will focus mainly on that next week14:38
rickspencer3heno: any particular areas that would most helpful to look at?14:38
henobdmurray is preparing a list of 'bugs filed since beta'14:38
henorickspencer3: first of all bugs for packages each person cares about14:38
henothe installer usually gets a fresh influx too14:39
heno(that's it from QA)14:39
slangasek[TOPIC] Mobile team14:40
MootBotNew Topic:  Mobile team14:40
slangasek(pitti already said 'nothing new for desktop' :)14:40
slangaseklool: anything you need to raise?14:40
lool(may I dump my usual status?)14:40
loollist of specs and bugs on our radar <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Roadmap>; current high-level status per topic:14:41
lool- UNR good shape except for intel graphics regression on eeepcs (349314, 344443)14:41
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Roadmap14:41
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Roadmap14:41
cjwatsonlool: I'm aware that there are quite a few things where the mobile team is waiting for foundations to fix stuff, and I'd like to make sure nothing is slipping through the cracks. Is MobileTeam/Roadmap the thing we should be monitoring?14:41
loolpgraner: Mind if I milestone that linux bug for jaunty?14:41
cjwatsonlool: alternatively, if you routinely target the relevant bugs to jaunty, that's fine too14:41
loolcjwatson: It's a good mean to put things on our radar14:41
loolcjwatson: So happy if you put something there which we should keep an eye on14:41
cjwatsonlool: no, I meant the other way round14:42
cjwatsonlool: things that are already on your radar that should be on ours14:42
loolcjwatson: Then no, it's where we track what we have to do14:42
loolcjwatson: I guess we should use bugs and subscribe to them ourselves when we're blocked by foundation stuff14:42
pgranerlool: yea milestone it14:42
cjwatsonin that case, if you could target relevant bugs to jaunty, that's the best way to make sure we don't forget14:42
loolIt's a good question, we often wonder how to track e.g. a kernel issue which affects the team which we'd like to keep an eye on but we can't do anything about ourselves14:43
cjwatsonlool: for example, should bug 347350 be RC for jaunty?14:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347350 in oem-config "oem-config-firstboot does not fit in 1024x600" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34735014:43
loolcjwatson: Well I was personally reluctant to push for too high standards in screen resolution, but that's my personal position; it would be high on our list of things we'd like to see fixed on jaunty though14:43
lool(general focus on playing nicer with small screens basically)14:44
cjwatsonI'll target it and leave a comment to that effect14:44
loolpgraner: thanks, done14:44
loolcjwatson: I'm happy to comment on any bugs where you need guidance on priority/importance, or raise them in my team14:44
lool- MID image is okay-ish; needed extra care for beta14:44
lool- armel netbook images: pretty bad beta outcome with versatile and iop32x broken14:45
lool, so only ixp4xx to release; imx51 netboot will be added with next d-i upload14:45
lool- armel's "iMX51 Babbage": first image released in beta required extra hacks; working on merging everything in archive; lots of hardware support issues with the kernel which need FSL patches (wired network, USB, wifi); need testplan14:45
lool- VFP libs, NEON: in progress; list of bugs covered earlier14:45
lool- other milestoned bugs: generally coming back to focusing on them after the bab14:45
loolbage/beta push14:45
lool- Poulsbo drivers: late, no progress yet on finding out why the intrepid drivers don't work for us but work for Intel; looking harder and harder to get in jaunty; Intel claimed they targetted mesa 7.3, so a mesa update at this point could i14:45
looln theory impact these drivers, but given that's 7.3 => dev and 7.4 => stable it's not supposed to14:45
lool(sorry vim is unhappy today)14:45
lool- touchscreen support: ogra didn't have time to work on this due to babbage, and we lack support for a bunch of them14:45
slangaseklool: what kind of 'not work' did you get with poulsbo?14:46
loolhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/138987/ is the same dump, but readable14:46
MootBotLINK received:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/138987/ is the same dump, but readable14:46
loolslangasek: StevenK says the GL support doesn't work at all; Intel says it does14:46
loolLike glxgears not even working14:47
loolI'm a bit worried that we're at that point for the drivers14:47
slangasekjust asking because mythbuntu was having issues with mesa, superm1 uploaded a fix to revert a couple of patches post-beta14:47
slangasekbut it doesn't sound like it's related14:47
loolNo, I'm mentionning the state of intrepid14:48
slangasekoh, ok14:48
loolBecause the packaging was supposed to be copied from the intrepid one when complete14:48
loolSo the chain of actions which would give us jaunty drivers is a bit scary: a) fix 3D b) agree on way forward for jaunty packaging (stevenk/bryce) c) push to jaunty and test14:49
loolHowever on the mesa side, it's not looking happy with DRI ATM14:49
loolThis is not really related to mobile, but elisa upstream contacted me about a regression in mesa which is fixed in 7.4RC214:50
loolbug #34912714:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349127 in mesa "Elisa displays video with greenish/purplish colors" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34912714:50
loolAnd they say it affects other; I poked bryce to check whether that was worth tracking for jaunty; I personally think it is if we have a reviewable patch14:50
* slangasek targets it to jaunty pre-emptively14:51
loolare there questions from anyone with the mobile status?  anything I forgot to cover?14:51
slangasekI think that covers it for me, thanks14:51
slangasek[TOPIC] kernel team14:52
MootBotNew Topic:  kernel team14:52
pgranerslangasek: We have a Broadcomm STA driver update landing soonish that fixes lots of reported issues.14:52
pgranerslangasek: LP 334994 there is a race in the kernel somewhere which is tricky to trigger on real hardware which leads to the kernel not clearing down some sysfs state.14:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 334994 in linux "Degraded RAID boot fails: kobject_add_internal failed for dev-sda1 with -EEXIST, don't try to register things with the same name in the same directory" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33499414:52
slangasekthe Broadcom should already be in, I think14:52
pgranerslangasek: apw is on the RAID one14:53
* slangasek nods14:53
pgranerother than those its the usual ARM goodness14:53
pgranerThats it for kernel team14:54
loolpgraner: In general, babbage status is pretty bad kernel side14:54
slangasekbug #343254, hmm, didn't I see that discussed in the linux changelog?14:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 343254 in linux "pulseaudio: alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_avail_update() returned a value that is exceptionally large" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34325414:54
loolI know kernel team is waiting for FSL patches, but I jsut want to raise it that we really care a lot if you can get them in14:54
pgranerlool: hense my comment about ARM14:54
loolpgraner: Yup, echo-ing your concerns with my specific issues :)14:54
pgranerlool: Freescale is the issue unfortunately14:55
loolAck; I think with the beta image we have a better basis to demo our problems14:55
loolThe other non-FSL thing would be the versatile image which was broken just before beta14:56
loolI don't know whether it's worth fighting apparmor there; I don't think it ever worked for us there; happy if you fix it but I don't mind disabling it on verstaile14:56
pgranerslangasek: don't know about that one, dtchen has been working it14:56
slangasekpgraner: yep; pinged him14:57
loolHmm indeed, I'm having pulseaudio issues myself14:57
pgranerlool: we just got it AA working for the imx51 we'll look at it on versatile.14:57
loolpgraner: Yes, I think it was turned on in versatile because it was believed the fix would also allow it to work under versatile14:58
pgranerlool: bug number?14:58
slangasekversatile/apparmor is already targeted; bug #34883514:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 348835 in linux "versatile: OOPS in apparmor" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34883514:58
pgranerlool: ack, we'll get on it14:58
slangasekare there any other actionable issues wrt ARM, or that we need to get on the bug list?14:59
loolThe FSL dependent ones are not milestoned, the rest is properly milestoned14:59
pgranerslangasek: we are working to the bug list and working with Freescale so it will go up to kernel freeze15:00
* slangasek nods15:01
slangasekcjwatson: was there anything else we needed to discuss for foundations, or are we covered?15:01
slangasek[TOPIC] Foundations team15:01
MootBotNew Topic:  Foundations team15:01
cjwatsonI think I covered it15:02
slangasekok, thanks15:02
slangasek[TOPIC] Server team15:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Server team15:02
dendrobates- a couple of release critical bugs in eucalyptus.15:02
dendrobates-bug 34762215:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347622 in eucalyptus "in SYSTEM mode, VM ips are not automatically discovered by CC or NC on switched networks" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34762215:03
dendrobates-bug 34762915:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347629 in eucalyptus "in SYSTEM mode, CLC tries to discover elastic IPs from CC even though elastic IP support is not enabled in SYSTEM mode" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34762915:03
dendrobates-we are also watching bug 334994 which the kernel team is working on.15:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 334994 in linux "Degraded RAID boot fails: kobject_add_internal failed for dev-sda1 with -EEXIST, don't try to register things with the same name in the same directory" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33499415:03
* slangasek nods15:04
dendrobates-it affects vm's, however, we are not how valid a usecase. apart from testing, software raid has in vm's15:04
dendrobates-That's all that new.15:05
slangasekok, thanks15:05
slangasekI think that's it, then15:05
slangasekanything else from anyone?  speak now or hold your peace until the same time next week15:05
slangasek(or until #ubuntu-devel)15:05
MootBotMeeting finished at 10:06.15:06
slangasekthanks, folks15:06
pittithanks everyone15:07
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_
al-maisanhello MTecknology, how are things?15:52
al-maisanI am pinging you re. my membership to "Official Ubuntu Members"15:52
MTecknologyyup, I'm here15:52
al-maisanI received an email suggesting to meet here15:53
MTecknologyJust an FYI, the group membership is for official Ubuntu members only15:53
MTecknologyare you a member?15:53
al-maisanyes, I am muharem@ubuntu.com but my linkedin accont is tied to a different email15:54
MTecknologycan you give me a link to your profile?15:54
al-maisanMTecknology: https://edge.launchpad.net/~al-maisan15:54
MTecknologyI don't see you having an @ubuntu.com email addy15:55
al-maisanjust a sec15:56
MTecknologyal-maisan: actually, give me a minute - I'm discussing something with someone right now15:56
MTecknologyI've been basing it off of membership to ~ubuntumembers. You're the second canonical employee not an ubuntu member - I'm not 100% sure what I should be doing with this :P15:57
al-maisantake it easy15:57
ScottKMTecknology: Do you have any idea how many copies of your mail some people got?15:58
al-maisanI assumed I am a member15:58
MTecknologyYou're approved, but I'll need to think over that whole thing again. You should apply for membership :)15:58
MTecknologyit'll make it easier for me :)15:58
MTecknologyScottK: 2 should be the max, and that should only have been to a few15:59
al-maisanMTecknology: will do.15:59
MTecknologyal-maisan: I assume you know where to apply at?15:59
* al-maisan just saw this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership15:59
MTecknologyyup - thansk for chatting with me15:59
ScottKMTecknology: Three for me.16:00
al-maisanMTecknology: thank you.16:00
MTecknologyScottK: what route did they all take? :S16:00
ScottKMTecknology: One for Kubuntu members, one for Ubuntu members, and one for Ubuntu core-dev.16:02
MTecknologyScottK: .... Oh sh**. I forgot that other teams are members of the team16:03
MTecknologyI'm going to file a bug about that happening. I'm sorry about that.16:03
ScottKMTecknology: Well that's fine, but I also believe you're abusing Launchpad.  I think it's grossly offtopic to use the contact a user feature to promote a social network.16:04
ScottKI've got it on my TODO to mail you, but since I saw you here ....16:05
MTecknologyScottK: I was trying to figure out a better way to hit the "target market", but Icouldn't figure one out. A few people enjoyed that I did it that way actually.16:06
ScottKMTecknology: I think your post to planet did that fine.16:07
MTecknologyScottK: I am sorry - forgive me? :)16:07
ScottKMTecknology: If I've got a really cool Ubunt t-shirt I want to sell to ubuntu members, is it appropriate for me to reach my target market this way?16:08
ScottKMTecknology: I suppose, but just understand that some people are very sensitive about unwanted intrusions in their inbox.16:08
MTecknologyScottK: ya. I'll think about it a little longer next time16:09
* ScottK nods16:10
MTecknologyScottK: on the other side of the fence though - it's up to 88 members now16:11
ScottKMTecknology: So spamming is justified based on it works?16:11
MTecknologyScottK: for some people that make a living off it :P - but no, that was just a side comment16:12
MTecknologyI'll run away now16:12
ScottKon the other side of the fence comes across as justification to me.16:12
=== fader_ is now known as fader|lunch
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=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak

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