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davmor2lool: I've been thinking about what sabdfl was saying about the installer not being obvious.  Is there not a way to make it's icon larger than the others, so it's more obvious?11:53
looldavmor2: Not that I know of, this would need a new feature; you should bring it up with UNR folks11:54
loolnjpatel: ^11:54
loolStevenK: ^11:54
loolbfiller isn't around yet (too early on east coast)11:54
njpatellool: davmor2: yes, that would be a new feature11:55
njpatel(and not an easy one atm)11:56
davmor2njpatel: Just thinking out aloud 11:56
gywstany ubuntu netbook docs for n00bs?11:56
njpateldavmor2: sure, and it's appreciated :) 11:57
davmor2njpatel: out of interest why do you have xournal and gedit in unr.  xournal I'm guessing is a touch screen app which doesn't work with a touch pad so kinda make it useless on netbooks11:58
loolnjpatel: What about the Quit... entry?  I know it isn't there in UNR 1, but it would seem like a nice place to hook install   O:-)11:59
davmor2only spoted post beta11:59
loolerr s/UNR 1/UNR +111:59
loolgywst: What topic?  check help.ubuntu.com perhaps?12:00
davmor2lool: have the whole of the top bar as install :)12:00
njpatellool: do you mean above the quit.. button?12:00
njpatellool:  can the live-cd have a different gconf set-up than the normal install?12:01
njpatel(i may have a crafty plan)12:01
persianjpatel, It certainly can.  The fact that "Install" appears in Favorites at all is part of the live CD hacks.12:04
loolnjpatel: yes12:04
loolThe only thing I fear is UI freeze12:04
davmor2lool: If it makes it more obvious on how to install I'm sure it will get granted all be it kickin' and screamin'12:06
loolnjpatel: Any idea why update-manager isn't maximized?  wrong window type?14:38
loolnjpatel: Cause after alt-F10 it looks decent14:38
looleven on a tiny screen14:38
njpatellool: it's probably in maximus's exception list14:39
loolnjpatel: Ok; it's not along totem and cheese in the gconf overrides though14:39
njpatellool: maximus has an in-built exception list 14:39
njpatellool: which probably needs to be transferred to gconf14:39
njpatelit worked for oem, but I think we get bitten by it in normal installs14:40
loolnjpatel: If you can quickly confirm that this exception isn't needed anymore, or if there's another reason to blacklist it that I should now about, I'm happy to hear14:40
loolnormal installs?14:40
njpatelnormal installs != intrepid/jaunty installs14:40
njpateloem images14:40
njpatellool: does update-manager look/work okay when maximised?14:40
njpatellool: I think I should make a default_exceptions gconf key which has those apps in the maximus schema, and then users at least have the option to remove those apps that they want maximised14:43
njpatelthe current way sucks for users14:44
loolnjpatel: sorry was in meeting15:06
njpatelnp 15:07
loolnjpatel: update-manager looks ok when maximized here, perhaps it's best if you confirm yourself though15:07
loolnjpatel: nothing urgent however15:07
loolnjpatel: it's just that your eye is trained to what could go wrong  ;-)15:07
njpatelwill do :)15:07
loolnjpatel: I think gconf keys are nice for customizations like OEM versus Ubuntu, but we should avoid a plethora of keys for end users15:08
loolBut in this case it sounds good to have one15:08
njpatellool: i agree, but I think it works for this issue15:08
njpatelcool, I'll add it to my todo list15:09
loolnjpatel: thanks a lot15:11
njpatelnp, and btw, thanks for the triaging help on the UNR bugs, it's appreciated 15:16
loolOh I'm not really triaging, just giving a hand on issues I can solve quickly / easily15:17
njpateleither way, it helps me out :)15:18
loolnjpatel: apw's kernel fixes the eeepc slowness for me15:34
loolplars: ^15:34
plarslool: cool15:36
njpatellool: awesome, I was going to try it out later on today too15:36
plarslool: I thought I just saw a post in that bug from someone else saying it didn't work though15:36
plarslool: I may have misread it though... just caught a quick glance from email while I was working on something else15:37
loolplars: That other person mentions improvement but has to disable a specific feature which I don't about15:51
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