fta | no | 00:00 |
FreeAtMind | ok | 00:01 |
fta | extract the dongle, and replug it | 00:01 |
FreeAtMind | i go test that now | 00:01 |
FreeAtMind | i back soon | 00:01 |
FreeAtMind | tanks for the tips | 00:02 |
FreeAtMind | cya | 00:02 |
fta | 11904 firefox-3.1 1836 338 775 676 47 (Unknown) | 00:03 |
fta | 23216 firefox-3.2 308 25 94 162 27 (Unknown) | 00:03 |
fta | 33342 firefox-3.5 74 2 0 72 0 (Unknown) | 00:03 |
fta | 37312 firefox-3.6 41 6 0 35 0 (Unknown) | 00:03 |
fta | so i guess my ppa has a lot more users than -daily | 00:03 |
fta | but that's still nice for -daily though, 74, probably a lot more as we have no idea who is using popcon | 00:04 |
fta | asac, ^^ | 00:05 |
FreeAtMind | back | 00:10 |
FreeAtMind | fta is working | 00:10 |
fta | great | 00:10 |
fta | excellent | 00:10 |
FreeAtMind | they connect smootly | 00:10 |
FreeAtMind | i activate the option to connet on startup | 00:10 |
FreeAtMind | an they connect ok | 00:10 |
FreeAtMind | even afther a reboot | 00:11 |
FreeAtMind | later on i back to give you feedback | 00:12 |
fta | ok | 00:12 |
FreeAtMind | in another day | 00:12 |
FreeAtMind | cya a thanks | 00:12 |
fta | cu | 00:12 |
asac | so it works at lesat | 00:21 |
asac | fta: can you drop a comment that the new rules works for you? | 00:21 |
asac | https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/346835/comments/11 | 00:22 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 346835 in network-manager "MASTER - modems not detected - udev prober broken (Was: Huawei e169 doesn't connect + Globetrotter 3G+ card not recognized anymore)" [Critical,In progress] | 00:22 |
asac | thats the rules i posted | 00:22 |
fta | asac, it works only with n-m from the ppa, not with n-m from jaunty | 00:37 |
fta | oops http://paste.ubuntu.com/138633/ | 00:49 |
fta | well, i'll have a closer look tomorrow | 00:50 |
fta | do we need a fresher nspr? | 00:50 |
fta | asac, http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/956071116564 | 00:55 |
asac | fta: yes. the ppa thing has huawei fixes | 01:14 |
asac | anyway. off. tomorrow i will u pload new NM | 01:14 |
fta | i meant, the prober in jaunty doesn't support --vid, while in the ppa, it does, so you conf + jaunty will not work, it's visible if you debug udev | 01:16 |
fta | youR | 01:16 |
fta | <fta> Mar 26 22:20:26 voyager udevd-event[27664]: IMPORT 'nm-modem-probe --vid 0x12d1 --pid 0x1003 --usb-interface 01 --driver option --delay 3000 --export /dev/.tmp-char-188:1' /lib/udev/rules.d/77-nm-probe-modem-capabilities.rules:11 | 01:17 |
fta | <fta> Mar 26 22:20:26 voyager udevd-event[27664]: 'nm-modem-probe --vid 0x12d1 --pid 0x1003 --usb-interface 01 --driver option --delay 3000 --export /dev/.tmp-char-188:1' | 01:17 |
fta | <fta> Mar 26 22:20:26 voyager udevd-event[27664]: '/lib/udev/nm-modem-probe' (stderr) '/lib/udev/nm-modem-probe: unrecognized option '--vid'' | 01:17 |
fta | <fta> Mar 26 22:20:26 voyager udevd-event[27664]: '/lib/udev/nm-modem-probe' returned with status 1 | 01:17 |
[reed] | asac / fta: getting 3.0.8 ready for tomorrow? | 02:38 |
alphageek | ? | 07:55 |
alphageek | there is a add-on named footiefox which doesn't work with firefox in ubuntu but when i tried to use it with windows it works. | 07:56 |
BUGabundo | guud morning | 09:24 |
asac | [reed]: tomorrow? | 09:39 |
asac | so today? | 09:39 |
[reed] | asac: today | 09:39 |
[reed] | yes | 09:39 |
[reed] | 4pm PDT | 09:39 |
asac | pfff | 09:39 |
[reed] | maybe earlier | 09:39 |
asac | you are really odd. we have a no-security update on friday policy | 09:39 |
asac | i thought you even had that too | 09:39 |
[reed] | we have a no release policy on Friday in general | 09:40 |
[reed] | but for security releases, anything goes | 09:40 |
[reed] | our objective is to get the fix to our users ASAP | 09:40 |
asac | yes. and then you leave them with a regression over weekend | 09:40 |
[reed] | holding off because it's Friday is silly | 09:40 |
[reed] | if they're using Firefox, they will get updated | 09:41 |
[reed] | over the weekend | 09:41 |
BUGabundo | fta: did the daily gwibber broke? | 09:41 |
BUGabundo | http://paste.ubuntu.com/138835/ | 09:41 |
asac | [reed]: last i heard was that you released on monday ... personally i dont think its really wise to do stuff in a hurry. but well | 09:42 |
asac | i will be ready then | 09:42 |
[reed] | you'll be late ;) | 09:43 |
[reed] | but ok | 09:43 |
BUGabundo | fta https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/gwibber/+bug/349462 | 09:43 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 349462 in gwibber "ImportError: /var/lib/python-support/python2.6/gtk-2.0/glib/_glib.so: undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8" [Undecided,New] | 09:43 |
asac | [reed]: why would i be late ;)? | 09:43 |
asac | i will now bump up this stuff | 09:43 |
fta | BUGabundo, donno.. yet | 09:44 |
fta | Installed: 1.0.1~bzr274-0ubuntu1~daily1 | 09:44 |
fta | Candidate: 1.0.1~bzr276-0ubuntu1~daily1 | 09:44 |
[reed] | asac: you said you're going to release on Monday still? | 09:44 |
[reed] | with us releasing today | 09:44 |
BUGabundo | 276 here | 09:44 |
asac | [reed]: no. i said that mozilla wanted to release on monday a day a ago ;) | 09:44 |
fta | looks like a problem in python-gobject more than in gwibber. | 09:45 |
[reed] | asac: yeah, that changed late today | 09:45 |
[reed] | release team met and decided to push it up | 09:45 |
asac | yeah. i can see that ;) | 09:46 |
asac | nevermind | 09:46 |
asac | thanks for the info ;) | 09:46 |
[reed] | :) | 09:47 |
BUGabundo | bbl | 09:47 |
BUGabundo | going out getting supplies | 09:47 |
[reed] | asac: urgency=low for a security update? | 10:06 |
[reed] | I guess I don't understand how you all decide that | 10:06 |
asac | [reed]: its not used ;) | 10:07 |
asac | [reed]: its about something completely different - which is not used in ubuntu | 10:07 |
[reed] | ah, k | 10:07 |
[reed] | ok | 10:07 |
asac | in debian you upload stuff with urgency=low -> means 10 days in unstable | 10:07 |
asac | with medium -> 5 days (without RC bug) in unstable | 10:07 |
asac | high -> 2 days (without RC bug) | 10:07 |
[reed] | ah | 10:07 |
[reed] | interesting | 10:07 |
asac | critical -> 1 day without RC bu | 10:07 |
asac | so its just for the "unstable/sid" uploads in debian | 10:07 |
[reed] | k | 10:08 |
asac | we usually set urgency to critical in debian for security updates even if its for stable | 10:08 |
asac | but in ubuntu we just dont use it :) | 10:08 |
asac | (well at least i think) | 10:08 |
asac | its definitly technically irrelevant | 10:08 |
[reed] | did you mean USN-745-1 | 10:09 |
[reed] | instead of USB ? | 10:09 |
asac | sigh | 10:13 |
asac | but good catch ;) | 10:15 |
* asac uploaded NM | 10:24 | |
asac | to ubuntu/jaunty | 10:25 |
asac | hmm ... looks really unlikely we can come up with builds today | 10:26 |
asac | the builders are completely busted | 10:26 |
asac | https://edge.launchpad.net/builders/ | 10:26 |
asac | ia64 241 builds waiting in queue | 10:26 |
asac | amd64 34 builds waiting in queue | 10:26 |
asac | lets hope | 10:26 |
[reed] | shouldn't you be able to prioritize? | 10:27 |
asac | yeah | 10:32 |
asac | we will do that | 10:32 |
asac | BUGabundo: heh. you were the first to report the python bustage ;)? | 11:14 |
BUGabundo | yep | 11:14 |
BUGabundo | im always there | 11:14 |
BUGabundo | eheh | 11:14 |
BUGabundo | just 2nd bug of the day | 11:14 |
BUGabundo | and I had to leave office | 11:14 |
BUGabundo | LOL | 11:14 |
BUGabundo | how nice for all those new beta users!! EHEHEEH | 11:14 |
asac | BUGabundo: tell them to wait a bit with filing bugs ;) | 11:33 |
BUGabundo | ehehe | 11:34 |
BUGabundo | I wish I could | 11:34 |
BUGabundo | we will see 403 bugs too | 11:34 |
asac | 403? | 11:34 |
asac | HTTP status? | 11:34 |
BUGabundo | files have been striped of read permittions | 11:39 |
BUGabundo | asac: fta that guy from yesterday with 3g dongle e220 says it fixed for him | 12:19 |
asac | yes | 12:19 |
asac | hmm | 12:20 |
BUGabundo | bug found | 12:20 |
BUGabundo | he reports he is now getting the ISP on the wizard | 12:20 |
asac | so whats the bug then? | 12:23 |
BUGabundo | he went to lunch | 12:23 |
BUGabundo | says will report latter | 12:23 |
BUGabundo | but seems that the wizard will not provides phone companies as it used to | 12:24 |
* asac lunch | 12:24 | |
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak | ||
gnomefreak | mozilla 485217 | 13:22 |
ubottu | Mozilla bug 485217 in XSLT "Exploitable crash in [@txMozillaXSLTProcessor::TransformToDoc ]" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=485217 | 13:22 |
thunderstruck | oh fuck this | 13:42 |
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak | ||
BUGabundo | gnomefreak: language please!!!! | 14:18 |
asac | yeah. otherwise we will raise a two minute ban ;) | 14:19 |
gnomefreak | :) | 14:19 |
asac | voluntarily ;) | 14:19 |
gnomefreak | i think i got hg to work :) | 14:19 |
gnomefreak | so happy but i want it to build a tarball not a binary | 14:19 |
asac | gnomefreak: what are you dpoig? | 14:20 |
asac | doesnt moz-devscripts work? | 14:20 |
asac | usually vcs systems have a "export" operation or something to export tarballs | 14:20 |
gnomefreak | failing the build. no it wont work ive tried hacking that already | 14:20 |
asac | nowadays | 14:20 |
asac | but i am not sure you really want that | 14:20 |
asac | gnomefreak: which package? | 14:20 |
gnomefreak | sunbird 1.x | 14:21 |
gnomefreak | make failed i forgot a build option | 14:21 |
asac | gnomefreak: where is sunbird 1 in hg? url? | 14:21 |
gnomefreak | asac: its in comcental give me a minute | 14:22 |
gnomefreak | asac: http://mxr.mozilla.org/comm-central/source/calendar/ is that what you are looking for? | 14:22 |
gnomefreak | reading on mxr atm | 14:23 |
asac | gnomefreak: seems you need the same tarball that tbird uses ;) | 14:24 |
asac | thats not a standalone tree there | 14:24 |
asac | yeah its the same tarball ;) | 14:24 |
gnomefreak | asac: i know comm-central IMHO is worthless they should have kept it on ftp.... | 14:25 |
gnomefreak | asac: rename everything in tarball? | 14:25 |
asac | gnomefreak: heh | 14:25 |
asac | you cannot compare apples with cars ;) | 14:25 |
asac | ftp is something different | 14:25 |
asac | releases get pused to ftp | 14:25 |
asac | development happens in tree ;) | 14:25 |
asac | gnomefreak: why rename everything in tarball? i dont understand that | 14:25 |
asac | gnomefreak: you probably just need to rename the tarball itself | 14:26 |
gnomefreak | oh | 14:26 |
asac | nothing inside i would think | 14:26 |
asac | gnomefreak: just copy the moz client files from thunderbird 3.0 branch | 14:26 |
asac | and rename the project to sunbird or something | 14:26 |
asac | should be straight forward | 14:26 |
gnomefreak | ok that sounds almost too easy | 14:26 |
asac | gnomefreak: tarball wise its eas | 14:27 |
asac | gnomefreak: have you talked to sunbird folks | 14:27 |
gnomefreak | ok updates than that. i might look at dist_clean patch today maybe tomorrow | 14:27 |
asac | or why do you think that the comm-central tree actually works? | 14:27 |
gnomefreak | asac: they dont relelase nightly tarballs | 14:27 |
gnomefreak | asac: thats where they sent me to build it | 14:28 |
gnomefreak | i know not very helpful | 14:28 |
asac | everything queues up behind the firefox/xulrunner builds ;) | 14:30 |
gnomefreak | its gonna be a while ill be back soon | 14:35 |
BUGabundo | asac: please user !CHANNEL on identica | 14:42 |
asac | BUGabundo: hmm | 14:42 |
asac | BUGabundo: feel free to redent ;) | 14:42 |
asac | next time | 14:42 |
BUGabundo | to broadcast to a #group | 14:42 |
BUGabundo | you must be part of the group to send to it | 14:42 |
BUGabundo | I always redent your dents! lol | 14:43 |
BUGabundo | asac: you are already getting helpers to improve startpage | 14:56 |
BUGabundo | eheh | 14:56 |
asac | BUGabundo: yes i know. i am part of !ubuntu ;) | 15:08 |
asac | thanks | 15:09 |
gnomefreak | asac: shouldnt the start page have ubuntu version on it other than the page name? | 15:10 |
gnomefreak | 9.04 is only in URL bar | 15:10 |
asac | gnomefreak: its not my decision ;) | 15:19 |
asac | i only forwarded the news i got through other channels | 15:19 |
gnomefreak | oh | 15:19 |
asac | gnomefreak: but if you give me comments i will forward them back for sure ;) | 15:23 |
gnomefreak | thats kind of simple. should be known what you are running :) | 15:24 |
gnomefreak | this is taking too long :( | 15:24 |
BUGabundo | do you guys think I should apply to Ubuntu Member? could I get your support? | 15:29 |
gnomefreak | wouldnt do that in +1 | 15:30 |
BUGabundo | yeah | 15:30 |
gnomefreak | BUGabundo: make a wiki and edit it with stuff you do/did | 15:30 |
BUGabundo | but there is were I'm more active | 15:31 |
gnomefreak | i have to update mine sooner or later | 15:31 |
gnomefreak | BUGabundo: its offtopic for there | 15:31 |
gnomefreak | ok lunch while this fails to build :) | 15:32 |
BUGabundo | eheh | 15:33 |
gnomefreak | asac: im gonna have to change everything in /debian example debian/control and im sure renaming everything from thunderbird to sunbird | 15:33 |
gnomefreak | i will work on that after lunch | 15:33 |
gnomefreak | oh no i dont | 15:34 |
gnomefreak | forgot the branch is already for sunbird :) | 15:34 |
gnomefreak | btw Python is not fixed | 15:35 |
gnomefreak | nevermind that for a min i think i know the problem | 15:35 |
asac | gnomefreak: hmm. i meant you should start with our sunbird branch | 15:36 |
asac | and add the mozclient files there | 15:36 |
asac | do we have a branch for sunbird 1.x? | 15:36 |
gnomefreak | not yet | 15:36 |
gnomefreak | asac: once i get it working ill push to one | 15:36 |
gnomefreak | it is python i think | 15:38 |
gnomefreak | asac: can you look at bug 117132 i have a weird feeling about that. did firefox introduce something new about themes in 3.0 reason we cant use firefox-themes package right? | 16:24 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 117132 in firefox-3.0 "Firefox ignores gnome theme's specific menu bar text color" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117132 | 16:24 |
BUGabundo | asac: why do you guys still support mozilla packages for dapper ??? | 16:56 |
asac | BUGabundo: because we support dapper? | 16:57 |
asac | dapper is still supported for a few month for desktop | 16:57 |
asac | and another 2 and a half years for servers | 16:57 |
asac | i dream every day about those going away | 16:58 |
asac | ;) | 16:58 |
asac | gutsy will be EOL before dapper fwif ;) | 16:58 |
asac | fwiw | 16:58 |
BUGabundo | eheh | 17:00 |
BUGabundo | I forgot about server | 17:00 |
BUGabundo | but desktop ??? | 17:00 |
BUGabundo | really? | 17:00 |
asac | yeah. its 6.06 | 17:00 |
BUGabundo | didn't it end around 8.04.1 ? | 17:00 |
asac | 3 years support for LTS | 17:00 |
BUGabundo | bah | 17:00 |
asac | no | 17:00 |
BUGabundo | ok | 17:00 |
BUGabundo | never mind | 17:00 |
BUGabundo | I'm tired | 17:00 |
asac | no problem | 17:01 |
BUGabundo | too much writing on my wiki page to apply to ubuntu member | 17:01 |
asac | its really long and for usres that follow head its even longer ;) | 17:01 |
BUGabundo | ehehe | 17:02 |
* BUGabundo is already waiting for koala toolchains | 17:02 | |
BUGabundo | \o/ wiki page done! please check, comment and/or write a Testimonial https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BUGabundo | 17:13 |
=== fabrice_sp_ is now known as fabrice_sp | ||
BUGabundo | bbl | 18:00 |
BUGabundo | asac: I may put my hands on a few more 3G dongles | 18:00 |
BUGabundo | will test and also see if hibernate/suspend/resume works | 18:00 |
BUGabundo | bye | 18:00 |
fta | back | 20:04 |
BUGabundo | hey fta | 20:06 |
fta | ok, this time, this is it, i will unsubscribe from that guy, he dents too much | 20:08 |
BUGabundo | me ? | 20:08 |
fta | no | 20:08 |
BUGabundo | ohh | 20:08 |
BUGabundo | some one is worse then me? | 20:08 |
fta | far worse | 20:09 |
BUGabundo | ok | 20:09 |
BUGabundo | dinner | 20:09 |
BUGabundo | bbl | 20:09 |
fta | ~30 dents a day | 20:10 |
fta | avg since he subscribed | 20:10 |
fta | [reed], mozilla bug 385263 broke my build. http://launchpadlibrarian.net/24419503/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-i386.xulrunner-1.9.2_1.9.2~a1~hg20090327r26633%2Bnobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz | 20:22 |
ubottu | Mozilla bug 385263 in GFX: Thebes "[pango] we call FT_Open_Face twice per font" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=385263 | 20:22 |
fta | well, maybe not this commit as it seems old | 20:24 |
fta | ohoh, pango 0.1.22 -> 0.1.24 | 20:26 |
newz2000 | Hi, just updated firefox and it won't stop telling me that the browser has been updated and needs restarted... | 20:35 |
newz2000 | bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubufox/+bug/270303 | 20:35 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 270303 in ubufox "MASTER - firefox (intrepid): "your browser has been updated and needs to be restarted"" [High,In progress] | 20:35 |
newz2000 | anything I can do to help add more details to the problem? | 20:35 |
BUGabundo | yeah fta I'm not that bad | 20:46 |
fta | BUGabundo, seems you're at ~26 avg per day, bad too | 20:49 |
BUGabundo | am I? | 20:49 |
BUGabundo | really? | 20:49 |
BUGabundo | you did the math on it? eheh | 20:49 |
* BUGabundo checks identica stats | 20:49 | |
fta | 7044 since 4 Jul 2008 | 20:49 |
BUGabundo | yeah I noticed | 20:50 |
BUGabundo | doing it just now | 20:50 |
blogdudel | 3G Bug huawei e160 fixed it works !!!! | 20:50 |
BUGabundo | I read it too | 20:51 |
BUGabundo | blogdudel: are you fta spammer ? eheh | 20:51 |
fta | no | 20:52 |
blogdudel | what ? spammer no what do you mean ? | 20:52 |
BUGabundo | never mind | 20:52 |
BUGabundo | ;) | 20:52 |
blogdudel | in german "hä was is los " ok | 20:53 |
fta | [reed], mozilla Bug 485597 | 21:00 |
ubottu | Mozilla bug 485597 in GFX: Thebes "pango API change broke trunk" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=485597 | 21:00 |
[reed] | fta: k, poke me later? kinda about to start a release, and it's going to get really hectic :( | 21:01 |
[reed] | fta: request blocking 1.9.1 and such | 21:01 |
fta | [reed], bz reacted to it in #dev.. | 21:02 |
fta | [reed], not sure he'll take it or what | 21:02 |
fta | [reed], is 3.1b3 also impacted by the bug causing all the fuss in the 3.0 branch? I notice we still have b3+build2 in jaunty/universe :( | 21:08 |
[reed] | yes | 21:09 |
fta | :P | 21:09 |
fta | [reed], what about those who took b3 from you? are you rushing to bake a b4 too, or a b3++ or nothing at all? | 21:10 |
[reed] | fta: nothing at all | 21:52 |
[reed] | afaik | 21:52 |
[reed] | Firefox 3.0.8 is out | 21:52 |
fta | :( | 21:52 |
gnomefreak | asac: you around a scrolling question | 22:31 |
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak | ||
asac | [reed]: no advisories pubilshed though ;) ... http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/ | 22:51 |
[reed] | asac: dveditz is working on it | 22:51 |
asac | [reed]: ah. any ETA? (security team is waiting ;)) | 22:52 |
[reed] | asac: the drafts are on s-g@ | 22:52 |
[reed] | except for a typo | 22:52 |
[reed] | if you need to see them | 22:52 |
[reed] | I think dveditz is pushing them now | 22:53 |
asac | great | 22:53 |
fta | asac, do you alsa have that: http://paste.ubuntu.com/139224/ ? | 22:54 |
fta | i have tons of those, basically, all /usr/share/gnome/help/ | 22:55 |
asac | wait a sec | 23:00 |
asac | i have a bunch of dapper/gutsy/intrepid chroot apps confusing my desktop experience :) | 23:00 |
asac | fta: in .xsession-errors? | 23:02 |
asac | oh during upgrade | 23:02 |
asac | well i can try reinstall that package | 23:02 |
fta | it's not the 1st time i see that | 23:03 |
asac | fta: hmm. no ... i dont have that issue | 23:05 |
asac | fta: maybe you have some custom applets? | 23:05 |
fta | nope | 23:05 |
asac | i mean some other packages that have applets :) | 23:05 |
asac | more than just the applets you get installed by default | 23:05 |
BUGabundo1 | fta asac quick question | 23:06 |
BUGabundo1 | what is the current status of bug 187313 ? | 23:06 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 187313 in firefox "[MASTER] right click (with button release) might activate random popup-menu-item" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187313 | 23:06 |
BUGabundo1 | is it fixed on any ppa? | 23:06 |
BUGabundo1 | I was just asked by a friend on HackLaViva | 23:06 |
fta | ///usr/share/gnome/help/about-ubuntu/C/about-ubuntu.xml:7: I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/usr/share/gnome/help/libs/gnome-menus-C.ent" | 23:08 |
fta | fta@ix:~ $ l /usr/share/gnome/help/libs/gnome-menus-C.ent | 23:08 |
fta | ls: cannot access /usr/share/gnome/help/libs/gnome-menus-C.ent: No such file or directory | 23:08 |
fta | fta@ix:~ $ l /usr/share/ubuntu-docs/libs/gnome-menus-C.ent | 23:08 |
fta | -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 23177 2009-03-27 11:51 /usr/share/ubuntu-docs/libs/gnome-menus-C.ent | 23:08 |
BUGabundo1 | !pastebin | 23:08 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 23:08 |
BUGabundo1 | LOL | 23:08 |
fta | so there's something weird with ghelp or ubuntu-docs | 23:09 |
[reed] | asac -- http://www.mozilla.org/security/known-vulnerabilities/firefox30.html | 23:09 |
fta | BUGabundo1, no idea, i lost track of this bug a long time ago | 23:09 |
BUGabundo1 | fta: not even if it is fixed in ppa? | 23:12 |
fta | BUGabundo1, i said "no idea" :) | 23:14 |
BUGabundo1 | ok ok | 23:15 |
BUGabundo1 | asac: what is the current status of bug 187313 ? | 23:16 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 187313 in firefox "[MASTER] right click (with button release) might activate random popup-menu-item" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187313 | 23:16 |
BUGabundo1 | is it fixed on any ppa? | 23:16 |
fta | asac, ok, found it, in my case, /usr/share/gnome/help/libs is an empty dir, not a link to ../../ubuntu-docs/libs | 23:20 |
jdstrand | [reed]: fyi http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/ has MFSA 2009-12 listed twice | 23:24 |
jdstrand | [reed]: though the links work right | 23:24 |
[reed] | jdstrand: I'll fix that right up | 23:25 |
[reed] | committed... should go live in the next 30 min. or so | 23:27 |
jdstrand | cool | 23:27 |
[reed] | jdstrand: see the second paragraph on http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2009/mfsa2009-12.html -- we didn't have much as far as who the ubuntu guy was, so we could only put a first name | 23:37 |
jdstrand | [reed]: heh, yeah. he didn't put too much in LP :) | 23:39 |
jdstrand | I could set his location for him though :P | 23:39 |
[reed] | we'll be happy to update the security adv if he wants to give his last name | 23:40 |
* jdstrand nods | 23:41 |
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