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thedarkoneanyone here01:15
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woskii've a dilemma01:41
woskii can get my ir and lcd working (showing codes in irw), but how do it get them recognized by myth?01:42
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Shadow__Xwoski, you need to have a lirc config file for myth02:21
woskihow/where do i do that?02:26
woskii mean, what is the file in particular02:29
Shadow__Xtell mythtv what to do with the codes02:29
woskicause Im sure i can find the mappings for my specific remote somewhere02:29
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woskiis it lircrc?02:30
foxbuntuwoski, mythbuntu-lircrc-generator will get you started02:31
Shadow__Xhttp://www.mythtv.org/wiki/MCE_Remote by example lircrc as well02:31
woskiim afraid to change anything as it took forever to get the ir/lcd working!  lol02:31
foxbuntuis it an MCE remote?02:31
woskiits a rebadged imon pad02:32
foxbuntuwell even still02:32
woskiprobably awfully similar to mce02:33
foxbuntuif the lircd.conf is in place to support the remote codes, (which can be tested with irw), mythbuntu-lircrc-generator will create the associated lircrc file to make the remote work with mythtv02:33
woskiyeah, i'd read that somewhere about using mythbuntu-lircrc-generator.  but the only guide that i've found that supports my ir/lcd hardware removes mcc.  if i try to reinstall it, it breaks my ir. so it looks like i'll have to make it manually or find the file somewhere on the net that maps to my remote02:35
foxbuntuwoski, no02:35
foxbuntuwoski, mythbuntu-lircrc-generator is seperate from mcc02:35
foxbuntumcc utilizes it, but it is indeed seperate02:36
woskioh ok, yes.  you're right... i misread02:36
foxbuntuwoski, read where?02:36
foxbuntuwhat are you reading?02:36
woskiwhat you said earlier02:37
woskiok, its not installed.  now I'm afraid that if I install it, it'll depend on the other file that seems to break my IR.02:38
woskiim paranoid because it takes so long to get back to working :)02:39
Shadow__Xdo a backup then02:39
woskiis there a good/quick suggestd way to backup/recover?02:41
Shadow__Xyou could rsync everything to a hd02:44
Shadow__Xand if it goes bad boot live cd and rsync back02:44
Shadow__Xunless someone else has a better idea02:44
woskican i run do an apt-get install test to see what it'll install as dependencies?02:45
Shadow__Xuh i am not familiar with that02:47
Shadow__Xso i can not say02:47
woskihmmm, looks like with -u flag02:47
woskiahh... looks like it'll install lirc which will bust my manually installed one02:50
Shadow__X dont know you ahve to work with foxb untu on that one02:56
woskithanks for your help shadow.  i may have found a file that i can just slip in manually03:09
Shadow__Xyup i think more thanks need to goto foxbuntu though but yeah aslong as you get it working03:11
Shadow__Xthats the ultimate goal03:11
Stemming78FRESH installation of 9.06...  Unable to get Mythtv Backend Setup...  ERROR:  Unable to login to database...   HELP!!!05:21
Stemming789.04 - alpha 605:24
Stemming78anyone online?05:32
Shadow__Xits recommended to use a stable build05:33
Stemming78Thanks shadow....  I was on 8.10...  Now trying to get this 9.04 up and running - nothing!  any suggestions?05:34
Shadow__Xi would use 8.10 i dont see why you would upgrade to an aplha build05:34
tritiumShadow__X: there is a beta out as of today, as well.05:35
Stemming78Fresh install - new build05:35
Shadow__Xyeah but they are for fixing bugs and all that05:36
Shadow__Xnot supposed to be 100 stable builds05:36
Shadow__XStemming78, the mysql pass for myth should be in /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt but you can also look at loogs05:37
ZinnMythTV logs are stored in /var/log/mythtv/   You can use mythbuntu-log-grabber from the Applications menu to automatically post the most relevant logs to our pastebin.05:37
tritiumShadow__X: and alphas are even less stable05:37
ZinnIf you are having problems connecting to your mysql database, you can perform the following to reconfigure it: 1. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.0 (pay attention to the root password you set, you will need it for the next step) 2. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database 3. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-common05:37
Shadow__Xtritium, right i am just saying stability and reliability wise05:38
Stemming782009-03-26 10:24:30.595 Writing settings file /home/mythtv/.mythtv/mysql.txt05:38
Stemming782009-03-26 10:24:30.731 Closing DB connection named 'DBManager0'05:38
Stemming782009-03-26 10:24:30.885 Unable to connect to database!05:38
Stemming782009-03-26 10:24:31.091 Driver error was [1/1045]:05:38
Stemming78Some more log05:39
Stemming78QMYSQL3: Unable to connect05:39
Stemming78Database error was:05:39
Stemming78Access denied for user 'mythtv'@'localhost' (using password: YES)05:39
Stemming78Just wierd!!!!05:39
Shadow__Xmake sure that password is right05:39
Shadow__Xthats in /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt05:39
Shadow__Xmake sure thats right05:39
tritiumShadow__X: the beta would be better for you in both cases05:40
Stemming78Zinn:  Thanks....   Did not have the first set (did 2 and 3)....05:41
tritiumShadow__X: wrong nick, sorry.  Yes, your advice to use 8.10 is sound.05:41
tritiumStemming78: I meant to point out to you that the beta is out today.05:42
tritiumShadow__X: :)05:42
tritiumBut again, Shadow__X has the right advice to stick with 8.10 for now.05:42
Shadow__Xyeah easier for everyone involved05:42
Shadow__Xtritium, does 9.04 even have trunk or something05:43
Shadow__Xwhats so alluring about it05:43
Stemming78tritium:  so BETA 6.1 is better than the v6.0 that I installed05:43
Stemming78Updates should take care of this I would presume05:43
tritiumStemming78: 6.1?  6.0?  What version numbers are those?05:44
Stemming78On Mythbuntu 9.04 Beta 6.0....   6.1 was released today05:44
Stemming78... Alpha 6.005:44
tritiumStemming78: no, the beta was released today.  Alpha 6 was released sometime back.  There is no 6.0 or 6.105:45
Stemming78tritium:  link?05:47
tritiumStemming78: for what?  The beta?05:47
Stemming78This is what I see on the site:  Mythbuntu 9.04 Alpha 6.1 Is Here!05:47
tritiumStemming78: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/mythbuntu/releases/9.04/beta/05:47
Shadow__XNO 8.10 ONLY05:48
Stemming78going to try that one... Otherwise, back to v8.10.... (Shadow)05:49
Stemming78Thanks guys!!!05:49
Bert_2Hi, does anyone know how likely it is that someone will ever make a linux driver for the Nvidia TV tuner cards ?09:45
hadsDidn't know they made any09:46
Bert_2hads: NVTV TV tuner: http://www.nvidia.com/object/nvtv_winxp_mc_1.20.45.html09:48
Stemming78Cannot run MYTHTV BACKEND:  No UPnD found....  *Fresh Installation.  Using the IP address as host.  Been running ainto road blocks17:11
Stemming78No log files for backend (/var/log/mysql/)17:12
ZinnMythTV logs are stored in /var/log/mythtv/   You can use mythbuntu-log-grabber from the Applications menu to automatically post the most relevant logs to our pastebin.17:13
superm1ah i see17:18
superm1!database | Stemming7817:18
ZinnSorry I don't know about database17:18
superm1!mysql | Stemming7817:19
ZinnStemming78: If you are having problems connecting to your mysql database, you can perform the following to reconfigure it: 1. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.0 (pay attention to the root password you set, you will need it for the next step) 2. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database 3. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-common17:19
Shadow__XStemming78, what version are you running and what did you do since last time17:19
Stemming78on 8.10 now17:20
Stemming78Fresh installation last night....17:20
superm1Stemming78, follow those steps to fix your database17:20
Stemming78Same problem as I had with the 9..04 Alpha 6.017:20
Stemming78I have done them....   Wondering if this has ANYTHING to do with my router settings?17:21
Stemming78Swapped routers from my last installation.. Old copy of Mythbuntu worked on it however.17:22
Stemming78Have it Satic set on IP address of
Stemming78I am at a loss here guys17:22
Shadow__Xin mythbackend setup us ip address no hostnames17:25
superm1if you are still getting those errors that we see in /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log, the issue is still your database17:25
Stemming78Got it working....  Followed the steps from ZIM only this time I entered in the IP address rather than localhost17:26
Stemming78THANK YOU!!!!17:27
Stemming78you guys are great!17:27
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byt3m3i guess no one here can help with mythtv on OSX?20:04
superm1byt3m3, not really the right place for help w/ it at least.20:06
superm1#mythtv-users is a better bet20:06
stegeli am working with a mythbuntu install of xubuntu and a siig soundwave 5.1 soundcard but I have no sound at all, aplay -l detects the card as "ICE172422:10
kingartusmaby one of you can me Help...22:27
kingartusin Mythbuntu, i cnfigur my TV card... and it works... bu the Sound is not Syncron to the Video22:28
kingartusi use the Sound out from my TV card (hauppauge) into the line in from my PC22:28
kingartussound is always befor the Video 2-3 seconds22:29
hadsYou will be listening to sound live when you shouldn't be.22:34
hadsI don't really know how framegrabber cards work so probably won't be much help.22:35
hadsYou need to listen to the sound from the recording, not from the capture card directly.22:35
kingartusbut how?22:37
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