
=== Martyn_ is now known as Martyn
garrenwhere can I get a rootfs and kernel build for my beagleboard?11:19
loolwe don't support beagleboard officially ATM, but ogra has put some hand built kernel and rootfs on his pages: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/arm/beagle/kernel/11:24
loolyou can use the EVM's rootfs http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/arm/OMAP35x_EVM/11:25
garrenlool: great thanks.. is there a list or something to see what packages are supported at the moment for Ubuntu-arm?11:42
persiagarren, In terms of packages, support is mostly like anything else in Ubuntu.  What ends up on the official images is "supported", and the rest is "mostly supported".12:01
persiakernels are a little funny, because there's only so many flavours, and some stuff doesn't work.12:02
persiaBeyond that, if you find a package that doesn't work, please report a bug: no promise anyone will help you fix it, but it ought be fixed.12:02
garrencool persia thanks...12:08
=== Nicke_ is now known as Nicke
strkforgive the dumb question, but shouldn't source.list contain something to specify we're an ARM system ?16:29
strkas all it mentions is 'deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports jaunty main universe'16:30
strkah, I see the repository contains different binaries for different archs, ok16:31
loolstrk: No, dpkg knows about your architecture17:13
loolstrk: dpkg --print-architecture17:13
loolstrk: not sure what problem you're facing with this?  :)17:13
strknone, was just wondering, now I'm happy and informated :)17:18
=== Tscheesy_ is now known as Tscheesy

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