
cjwatsoncody-somerville: no idea00:02
cjwatsoncody-somerville: this is among the problems you will have to solve00:02
cjwatsonevand: wonder if it's due to udevadm trigger00:03
cjwatsonevand: perhaps we should stub out update-dev in ubiquity so that it only ever settles, never triggers00:04
cjwatsoncody-somerville: I imagine you will need to persuade the kernel team to provide a squashfs-modules udeb, since one exists in Debian00:05
NCommanderso d-i on SPARC is miserably broken03:34
TheMusoNCommander: by what do you mean miserably?05:46
NCommanderTheMuso, well, it might user error, I discovered QEMU can only emulate a 32 bit SPARC, and we only support 64 bit05:47
=== ago is now known as xivulon
CIA-28ubiquity: cjwatson * r3139 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/components/usersetup.py): Offer "Yes" and "No" choices for user-setup/password-weak (LP: #349173).11:12
=== Nicke_ is now known as Nicke
puetzkis there a reason the jaunty beta installer only let me select the drive MBR (and not partitions boot records) to install grub onto? AFAIK on a mactel (hybrid GPT/dos partition table) I *have* to put it in the partition boot record (though I might be wrong, I suppose)19:03
puetzkI just skipped having the installer do grub and did it manually with grub-install and update-grub, but since the directions <http://help.ubuntu.com/community/MactelSupportTeam/AppleIntelInstallation#Mac OSX, XP, and Ubuntu> specifically say to pick sdaX I figured I had better do so.19:06
=== foka_ is now known as fok
=== fok is now known as foka

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